Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, September 27, 1899, Image 1

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    j.- j . . i i- :
Editor and Proprietor.
NO. 42.
To two of the ladies from the Hoot
i hove Sellars consigned his charge, and
speaking a few words in a low tone to
Hannah, he re-entered the library, while
the Depress returned to the kitchen and
loined her daughter.
"It deems incredible, Sellara," observed
Or. Norcum, "that Robert Campbell
ihonld have committed this murder."
"Many things seem Incredible at first
fiance," said the detective.
"The probability is," remarked Her
nan, "that my nncle informed him that
ip desired his daughter to become my
-ife; that he utterly refused to sanction
lis suit, and that In a fit of rage, Robert
Campbell plunged the blade of the sheath
rnife to his heart. He doubtless thought
ao one else knew of his presence In th
Souse. Perhaps he was appalled at th
Sloody deed he had committed. I doubt
ant. but that we heard my uncle's cries
ad hastened down, in another moment h
would have fled, and this murder might
ng have remained a mystery."
"Perhaps," assented the detective, "and
ien some innocent party might have been
inspected. Why, even yourself, Herman
Graven 1 It is fortunate that your uncla't
:rles aroused you."
Herman's pale face became paler yet
ind he glanced uneasily at the detective
is he ran the fingers of one hand througt
.lis black hair.
"Fortunate, indeed !" he exclaimed, "Mj
oor nncle has been like a father to me
ind I have always tried to merit his affec
tion. You know, gentlemen, my mothei
was his sister."
"By the way," observed Sellars, "1
would like to go through the house, lot
know, of course, that the question wiC
irise as to whether the premises wer
jearcnea. it is best, .on your ao
ount. Craven, that the fact should
Je established that a thorough search
was made. You know, Campbell
Jnims that he brought a bag of gold
roin here. He can undoubtedly establish
:he fact that he procured it at the express
"He may have done so," said Herman,
with a troubled look that he could not
tvoid, "but assuredly he did not enter thif
aonse with it in his possession."
- "How. then, did he obtain that note and
induce your uncle to cancel It? Had h
paid it at the bank during the day you
must have known of It"
"Oh. he did not pay It at the bank. He
must I cannot understand that."
"Perhaps he brought the coin, secured
four nncle's indorsement on the note and
lad possession of It before he struck the
jlow. He may have planned to secure the
tote and retain his money also. He may
lave secreted the coin here In the house,
again, he may have had a con federate
ind tossed the bag out of the window tc
"Yon forget." said the doctor, "that h
was bending over the body of my expir
ing friend with the bloody weapon in hie
band when Herman entered the room.
He could not have had time."
"Scarcely," said Herman. "I cannol
think he had the gold," he continued, "and
aow be obtained that canceled note I can
Dot surmise. You can examine my un
cle's desk."
Here Herman pulled open every drawer,
raised the lid, opened the folding doors,
ind it was thoroughly examined. So alsc
was the entire library, chamber and batb
room, bat no bag of gold was revealed.
"We will go through the other rooms,"
said the detective.
They were taken one by one the double
jnrlora, pantry, storeroom, kitchen, ser
rauts' rooms at the rear of the house,
passage under the stairway, etc, but nc
zag of coin.
"I believe there Is- no basement to this
souse?" said Sellars.
"None," was Herman's response.
"Well, we will ascend the stairs."
"Oh. he could not have ascended them,"
Herman said., "after having committed
the murder."
"This search is In your interest." said
the detective. "Have you ascended the
stairs since you acconfpanied Miss De
Itosette below?"
"I have not," replied Herman. "As I
n formed you, I had retired and wai
-used from sleep by my nncle's cries. I
ihonld know his voice I can swear those
rries were not those of another. I sprang
'rom my bed, was joined in the hall by
ny cousin, and together we descended the
it airs."
By this time the two men were in the
lall above.
Sobs and female voices were emanating
.'nun the room of the banker s daughter.
wliR-h was a front chamber on the east
tide of the house, and a door opened into
t near the head of the stairs.
"This is my room," said Herman, "di
rectly back of my cousin's. The door yet
standing open as I left it."
The two men entered the room. It waf
inely appointed, for a gentleman's a part -nent.
True the furniture that It contain
d would to-day be considered somewhat
-iimbersoine and considerably out of date.
I'he room was fully twelve feet square.
The high-post bedstead occupied a posi
:ion in the northeast corner of the room,
ts head being against the east wall of the
louse, while one side pressed against tht
artition that divided the room from thai
r the banker's daughter.
Sea, undoubtedly someone had occupies
he bed that night. The clothing wat
ast aside just as is naturally would hav
een hod its occupant leaped suddenly out
t led. One of the large pillows indicated
rhere the bead of the aroused Hernial,
ad lain.
Flanging over the back of a chair, neai
he head of the bed, was Herman's drcs
birt, with a solitary diamond stud glis
ening on its white bosom.
"Why. yon see," he said. "1 yet havt
ny night shirt on,"
Sellars bad noted that his hands anr
ileeves bore no stains of blood. Those o
Robert Campbell did.
A large bureau stood between the twi
ast windows, a trunk to the south of tb
bureau ai J a door led to the closet, in thi
aorthwest corner of the room.
A t5rnsseis carpet covered the floor
shile here and there rested Oriental rugs
ne lying across the brickwork that ex
tended out from the fireplace.
Sellars took in everything at a glance
then closed and locked the door.
"We must not be interrupted." he said
Herman Craven looked annoyed, and bit
his lips in evident perturbation'.
"You wish to search my room?" he ask
ed. "The whole house," said Sellars, "no
four room alone. I wish to place all mem
bers of this household beyond the pale of
suspicion and in doing so the coil around
Robert Campbell tighten," -
"II Me," Mid Henna.
We will commence here," observed
Sellars, and he seised the quilts and bed
ling and dragged them from the bed. re
moved the pillows, overturned the mat
tress, and felt It through and through;
moved the bedstead oat and examined tht
walls next turned to the bureau, and
withdrew every drawer, which he ru ro
tund over.
Herman In the meantime had ralaeo
the lid of his trunk. "In any way I can
i wisn to assist you, he said.
Surely there was no evidence of alarm
In his voice or manner.
"Yon can remove the contents of youi
rank," said Sellars, "I will observe."
Hertuan did so, and down to the last ar-
Next the closet underwent inspection.
The rag, before the fireplace, was re
moved. A single glance at the even sut
face of the brickwork told the experienced
detective that there had been no hasty
tampering with the brickwork.
Tbe other rugs were overturned, the
Casing of the windows and door examined
no bag of coin, no blood-stained gar
nent. waa revealed.
"Now you see." said Sellars, "I am able
to testify that I have thoroughly Inspect
ed your room, and that not a single evi
dence of guilt on the part of its occupant
could I discover. Robert Campbell will
Soubtless undertake to shift his crime to
your shoulders. You now see how impor
tant ta 70U that I Instituted this search
before leaving the house."
"The dastard I" exclaimed Herman. "I
think he could make no one believe that
I would murder my dear old uncle. Why,
where would have been the motive?"
"The bath room," observed Sellars.
"At the end of the hall, on this floor."
"We will take that next,"
"No coin here, and everything as clean
as a pin," Sellars said five uinutes after
having entered it.
"Where next?" asked Herman.
"These rooms, on the west side of the
"There are but three, and none of them
occupied at this time. This rear room
next the bath room on the east side, is
occupied by Millie, my cousin's maid. She
is below with her mother, and will hardly
return to It to-night. Hattie has always
kept her near her on this floor."
"We will look at it," said the detective.
as he turned the knob of the door.
The room was tidy, but tbe bed tun.
"Millie had also retired when the mur
der was committed?" said Sellars.
"Evidently!" observed Herman, "and
the commotion below brought her down.
Strange, too, for I have often heard my
cousin remark that it was almost impos
sible to arouse her."
The west rooms were next visited.
"There are no other apartments on this
floor, save this room of Miss DeRo
lette's," said Herman, as they passed out
the door of the last one. the one opposite
that of the banker's daughter.
"I will not disturb her," said Sellars
"It is unnecessary. Now for the rooiu.
above." "The third-floor rooms are not oven fur
lished," said Herman, "and not one or
;hein has been occupied. You know, my
ancle built this house but four years ago
There are no lights above."
"Oh, well, we will pass up and take n
walk through them," observed Sellars
"Bring your lamp."
They did so, but there was nothing bu
ttle bare walla to be seen.
"This narrow flight of stairs, I suppose
leads to the loft," Sellars said, as the;
passed to tbe end of the hall.
"Yes," replied his companion, "to th
ittlc one large, low room. It contain
nothing, I understand, save old fninil.
relies, trunks and various kinds of pluu
ler; though I have never been in it. Han
nah has the key. In rainy weather sh
hangs her washing there to dry. Now '
hink of it, my cousin asked her ior tnt
tey at the breakfast table yesterday
.norning. She statin that she found sonu
Id letters that interested her, and thai
ihe wished to search for more. I doubt
lot she has It now. It will be necessary
o arouse her to obtain tbe key, if joe
wish to visit It."
Sellars glanced at his companion.
He stood, the lamp in one band, looking
n the direction of the stairs they had as
-ended, as if contemplating returning foi
be key.
"It is useless," said Sellars. "I wili
nercly step up and try tbe door to maki
rare it is locked," and he scanned th
iteps closely as he made the remark.
"The servants take excellent care ol
he house," be said; "there is no dirt here,
ven on the stairs."
, "Hannah Is a foe to dirt In any form.'
vplied Herman,
Sellars deliberately walked up the stair
ray and tried the door. "Yes, it is lock
d," he said. "Let us descend."
Five minutes later the two men re-en
ered the library. The parlors were light
id, and there were at least a dozen ol
Wilmington's leading citizens present, in
.luding the old bank attorney.
"Ah, Sellars," he exclaimed, "a terribli
blow this community has sustained. I
im glad to see you here; but is it possibii
bat young Campbell can have committed
Ilia crime? I can scarce believe a son ol
ny old friend, Duncan Campbell, a innr
"Sheriff Cobb has him In cnstoJy," wa
Jie reply, "and circumstances would indi
ate that he has tbe right man."
"but remember that but for yon he would
ve hung the wrong man on on occa
"I think." Sellars said, calmly, "that I
may promise yon that be shall not hang
tbe wrong man this time: neither will the
wrong man, in my opinion, stand on the
gallows trap and in the very shadow of
The detective's keen eyes were nxea on
Herman Craven as he uttered the words.
He alone saw a perceptible start, and a
deeper pallor overspread the young mac's
countenance. The finger of his hands
dosed convulsively, but in n Instant he
was himself again. w ,
t h.va Mn ennfidenco that Mr. cel
lars will bring thin crime homo to the
guilty wretch who perpetrated JC "
said. "I have lirtla doubt, nor do I think
he has, that the mtvdarer of M dear an
cle now occupies a Cell lit Wilmington
"Dr. Norcum baa stated the facta to
me aa far as he was able." the attorney
said, "and It certainly looks very dark
tor Robert Campbell, but this bag of
coin? I cannot understand that Here
is Angel, the-express agent who delivered
It to him. It to certain that he left tha
xpress oflrce with V
"He undoubtedly did. gentlemen." saM
Angel, "after having receipted for It."
"There is no evidence," observed Set
lara. "that he brought it here. He may
have done so, and after driving the blade
of the sheath knife home have cast it out
the window In the darkness, to where be
expected to recover it when he made hit
exit from the house. Again, he may have
had an accomplice, who bore the gold
away. There la nothing further that I
can do here to-night. The inquest may
develop many facta. It Is aet for 10 o'clock
to-morrow. Good-night, gentlemen."
"I will accompany yon to the door," said
"Remain with these gentlemen," the de
tective said. "Yon will have arrange
ments to make tor your uncle's fnneral.
Good-sri ght," and he stepped from tbe li
brary and closed the door.
A dark form stood sobbing at the rear
end of the hall.
-Hannah r
"Follow me from the door."
Arrived there, the detective asked this
question: "Who drove the blade of that
heath knife to your master's heart?"
"I don't know that. Mars Lang," sob
bed the negress; "but I does know who
rung de door bell, an' da was in de bouse."
"Is the back door unlocked T asked Sel
lars, "and can yon enfir the house front
the rear?"
"Yea, Mars Lang."
"Tirj follow me."
The detective and the negress crossed
the threshold, and Sellars. not very softly,
dosed the door.
(To be continued.)
A New York brewers union has do
nated to the Denmark strikers.
London bill-posters struck for $3.25
per week.53 hours to constitute a week's
When first known to the Romans silk
was so dear that it was sold weight
for weight with gold.
In New York 8500 carpenters and
Joiners threaten to strike for $4 a day
and eight hours work, on September
The Amalgamated Association of
tramwaymen, hackney carriage em
ployes and horsemen In general has
7000 members.
Twelve years ago one sailor out of
every 106, on an average, lost his life
by accident. Now the proportion has
been reduced to one in 258.
Toronto claims to be the Lelpslc of
Canada. Nearly $20,000,000 Is aid to be
invested in that city and neighborhood
in paper-making, printing and book
binding trades.
Nuremberg, Germany, has an elec
trical and optical works, which employ
over 4000 men, besides a large scientific
staff, and which in 1S97 executed orders
aggregating 15.000.000.
At Munich there is a hospital which
Is entirely supported by the sale of old
steel pens and nibs collected from all
parts of Germany. They are made
Into watch springs, knives and razors.
One woolen mill at Knoxvtlle. Tenn.,
has a paid-up capital of 1650.000, works
800 hands and sells Its excellent all
wool casslmeres In Chicago and the
Eastern markets. The big woolen mill
at Draunfels, Texas, places its cloths
mostly In Boston.
A little more than 50 years ago a few
workingmen of Rochdale, Eng., joined
together to purchase a sack of flour
and a chest of tea. -TtMrt -ww-thebe
ginning- of a movement (co-operative)
which now Includes 1000 societies, with
a total membership of 1,000,000.
Illinois ranks first In corn, wheat
oats, meat packing, lumber trafflc.malt
and distilled liquors and miles of rail
way: second in rye, coal, agricultural
Implements and hogs; third in popula
tion, manufactures. Iron, steel and cat
tle. First settlement French, Kas
kaskea, 1682. Admitted to the Union,
District Attorney Steele, of Kings
County, during the recent trolley strik
declared his intention of proceeding
against the Brooklyn Rapid Transit
Company for alleged violations of the
lo-hour labor law If a complainant
should appear, and make out a reason
able case. Such a complainant has ap.
pea red.
The decision of the Illinois Steel
Company to return to the employment
of American labor, after experimenting
five years with cheap European labor.
Is a strong argument In the cla'ms of
trade unions that cheap labor Is dear
and that well paid labor Is the best in
the long run. Chicago Inter-Ocean.
The Municipal gas works of Man
chester. Eng.. made a net profit of
$370,260 last year. Tast month tbe Gas
Committee handled over $256,000 of that
sum to the relief of rates. During the
year the number of gao consumers In
ceased by 695, and the Increased con
sumption of coal In the manufacture
of gas was 20.000 tons.
The general state of employment In
the United Kingdom during tbe month
of July CDntlnued steady and good, the
percentage of unemployed being lower
than at any period sinoe 1890. There
has been a marked upward movement
of wages during the month, particular
ly among coal miners and iron and
steel workers.
Local hardware dealers were a few
days ago notified of another advance of
15 cents a keg In the price of nails, and,
according to A. V. Romadka, of Ro
madka. Bros, trunk factory, nails and
ether Iron and brass goods required In
the trunk manufacturing business
have advanced from 125 to 300 per
cent. Milwaukee Sentinel.
Track and Turf.
The Queen, 2.10, has a bad leg be
hind and may not race agin soon.
Joe Patchen. 2.01Vi. Is now owned by
ex-Senator John McCarty, of New
In three races Idollta has won $17,000
for his owner, and $2300 for Palo Alto
That first winning heat of her life
In 2.0916 by VaJpa is a most unique
world's record.
Tommy Brltton, Cresceus, Blngen
and other great stallions will meet al
Louisville and Lexington.
Palm Leaf, by Onward o, has won
$1455 down the Grand Circuit without
obtaining a record or winning a heat.
Henry Y. Haws, of Johnstown, is said
to have cleared $20,000 on Joe Patchen.
2.01 "4, during the five weeks he owned
the great pacer.
Up to the conclusion of the New York
meeting Royal Baron, b. s.. by- Baron
Wilkes, had won $10,450. heading the
list of the money winners. Charlie
Herr. by Charles Derby, Is next with
Edward Winter, proprietor of the
Penn Valley Stud. Morrisville, Pa., was
offered $10,000 for the young stallion
Ed. Winter, by Jay Bird. He refused
the offer and also an offer of $5000 for
the filly Emma Winter.
Maxlne. 2.094, by William C. P., a
son of William L., -formerly known as
Bessie Stewart, after her Bethlehem
engagement, will be prepared to beat
the pacing road wagon record at Bel
mont course, 2.18, held by Claus
Glasgow numbers among its pop
ulation a man who is making a man
uscript copy of the Bible. He expects
to finish It in two vears.
In the African elephant both sexes
have Ivory tusks, while In the Asiatic
they are generally restricted to the
! America has 4,000,000 -working women.
Women. Boys and Horses Ar Cafrrled
Thros-a-h tbs Air tOsharaiedPath
of the Disturbance Mis; tit Be Traced
by Fcattersd Clothins and Pa pan.
John B, Mnslck. of Kirksvllle, Mo
thus describes, In the Century, certain
madcap pranks of a tornado which
passed through that city on April 27:
Many strange freaks were played by
tbe tornado. In a tree-top was found
a woman's hair, supposed to bave-been
blown from her bead as she was car
ried through Its branches, yet no per
son was found near It. A human scalp
was found three miles from the; city
limits, under a bridge. Notes, letters,
and papers were blown from the city
Into Iowa, and found ninety miles
away. One promissory note of four
hundred dollars was found in a field
near GrlnncIL Iowa, nearly one hun
dred miles away, while clothing and
papers were scattered along the entire
'listance. Si
One woman was decapitated by a tin
.oof. and her child was killed near her.
Some persons who were outside ' the
rotating curreut were killed or lnJUted
by flying timbers, which, like bolts
from the catapult of Jove, (lew with
deadly force for a great distance, while
others in the very center of the storm
escaped with little or no Injury. V
Perhaps the most remarkable expert
nces were those of Miss Moo rehouse,
Mrs. Webster, and ber son. Tbe three
were caught np In the storm, and ware
carried beyond the Catholic Church,
nearly one-fourth of a mile, and let
down on the common so gently that
none were killed. Mrs. Webster had
some slight cuts about the head, bee
on had one arm fractured, bat Mist
Moo rehouse was uninjured. I
"I was conscious all the time I was
dying through tbe air," said Miss
Moo rehouse, "and it seemed a long
time. I seemed to be lifted up and
whirled round and round, going to a
great height, at one time far above tbe
:hurch steeples, and seemed to be car
ried a long distance. I prayed to the
Lord to save me. for I believed he could
save me, even on the wings of tbe tor
nado; and be did wonderfully perserTt
my life. As I was going through th
air, being whirled about at the sport
of the storm, I saw a horse soaring and
rotating about with me. It was
white horse and had a harness on. By
Ihe way It kicked and straggled as it
was hurled about I know It was alive.
I prayed" Ood that the horse might not
xme In contact with me, and it did
lot. I was mercifully landed opon
sarth unharmed, saved by a mlracJo.
Tonng Webster says be saw the horse
a the air white ha was bein; -"s
ilnng tig tha. M0Z3. 4,
was directly over me, and X was very
much afraid I would come in contact
with its flying heels." The horse. It Is
said, was caught np and carried one
mile through the air, and, according to
the accounts of reputable witnesses, at
times was over two hundred feet high,
passing over a church steeple.- Many
s bo were not In the storm say that they
law horses flying in the wind. Beyond
being well plastered with mud, the
white horse was uninjured by his
serial flight
Cars Ivor a Ezsrcla Traasaadoas Fore
In Their Conflicts.
Not everyone In Chicago has beet
iltten by a dog. a cat or other animal
whose weapons of offense and defense
are their teeth, and consequently has
not lived In dread of hydrophobia or
lockjaw or blood poisoning. Still fewer
among our cttlsens have any compre
hension of the great power required to
Inflict the wounds that all have heard
of, even though they have not experi
enced them. The teeth, even of the
largest carnlvora, are merely the
"spear-heads;'' but the foroe which
"works" these Instruments is prodigi
ous. It seems as If for the moment the
mlmal threw all its bodily energy Into
the combination of muscular action
which we call a "bite." In moat cases
he mere shock of impact, aa the ani
mal hurls itself on Its enemy Is en
tirely demoralizing or inflicts physical
Injury. A muscled mastiff will hurl a
man to the ground in tbe effort to
fasten bis teeth In his throat or shoul
der. Then, the driving and crushing
force of the jaw muscles Is astonish
ing. The snapping power of an alliga
tor's Jaws is more or less Intelligible.
They are long and furnished with a
row of pointed teeth from end to end.
But the jaws of a lion, leopard, tiger,
tter. ferret or baboon are short and
the long and pointed teeth are few.
Vet each of their species has a biting
power which In proportion to Its Bit
's almost Incredible.
. Sir Samuel Baker, who had a Ion
and varied acquaintance with the bltea
of the carnlvora, noticed that the tiger
usually seized an Indian native by the
shoulder and with one Jaw on one side
and the other on the other bit clean
through the chest and back. "The
ratal wound was the bite, which,
through back and chest, penetrated the
lungs." Europeans are killed by the
tiger's bite as well as lacerated by tha
claws. A Mr. Lawes, son of a mis
sionary of that name, was killed after
being shaken for a few moments by a
tigress, which then left him. He died
next day. In nearly all cases the bite
penetrates to the lungs. This kind of
a wound Is characteristic of the at
tacks of many of the felldae. Scarcely
any bird recovers from a cat's bite fot
the same reason. The canine teeth are
almost Instantly driven through the
lung, under the wing. The cheetah,
which has a very small mouth, always
bites through the black buck's throat.
The leopard, when seizing smaller ani
mals, such aa dogs, crashes the head;
when attacking men it alms at biting
hrough the lungs. Chicago Chronicle
I xastesi up,
Judge Coffey, of San Francisco, la
'described by tbe Newts Letter of that
' city as having a strong disapproval of
'garrulity. A lawyer, he declares, should
cultivate conciseness.
An attorney, learned In th law. but
afflicted with the disease of long wlutl
edness In a peculiarly malignant f-wm
was neatly cut short tbe other day bj
the tart and astute probate J mice.
After pleading In a very plain rut
with wearisome proflxlty, tbe worthj
attorney suddenly asked. In a rhetori
cal vein, but with no Idea of com-luiliu
bis argument:
"Need I say more?"
Judge Coffey had be?n Impntlcnf.j
waiting for an opening, and pi-i-relvlng
his opportunity, answered quickly, but
with the blandest courtesy:
"No, brother, you need say nothln,
Before the lawyer realized tbe re
mark of the court, and while he was
about to resume bio oration, standing
with open month and outstretched
hand, 'Judge Coffey decided against
him, dismissed the proceeding, and
called the next case on the docket.
Aluminum gives highly colored com
pounds with several other metals, even
when the second metal Is clearly white
The cyclone Is an Immense tornado,
without the spiral, or rather with one
o enormous that the diameter of It 1
thoussnds of miles.
Tbe sun has three motions first. 01.
Its axis; second, a motion about tbe
center of gravity of tbe whole solat
system (which center Is always within
m tha sun's volume); third, a motlor
toward the planet Hercules.
According to Dr. L. O. Howard of tht:
Department of Agriculture a little ker
osene, say one ounce to every fifteen
aquare feet, spread over the surface of
ponds' and marshes where luosquitos
breed will destroy the pests by form
ing a slight coating over tbe water.
This prevents the larvae from reaching
the air. but the kerosene Is also effec
tlve as an insecticide.
Maj. Gen. Schaw has suggested, be
fore tbe Institution of Mining Kugl
neers In London, the substitution ol
water for gunpowder In blasting cart
ridges used in coal mines. Ills plan Is
to Oil the cartridge with pure water.
Insert It In tbe drill hole, and then turn
tbe water Into high-pressure steam by
means of an electric current of low ten
sion. A cartridge maue to resist a
pressure of 150 pounds per square Inch
could be caused to burst, according to
Gen. Sciaw's calculations, within
about one mlnnte after tbe tnrntnc 03
f the current r -
Among recent Inventions Is a device
by which the alr-brakts of a railroad
train can be applied from' the track.
aa th train passes, without the lnter-
. - j. - - - 1
syster to connected with a lever con
trolling a Tent In the train pipe, and
attached to the track of the pony
wheels close to the track at tbe for
ward end of tbe locomotive. On pass
ing over an obstruction, placed on the
track for the purpose, the lever Is tilt
ed and the vent opened, thus letting
the air In to the brakes. The engineer
can reset the lever from his place In
tbe cab.
Prof. N. S. Shaler Is an authority on
matters of the air. lie has studied air
movements and atmospheric currents
for years. He divides all these severe
disturbances into three classes whirl
winds, tornadoes and cyclones -all
somewhat alike in that they have a
more or less spiral and ascendant
movement. Tbe cause of this Is com
monthe existence of heated air near
tbe earth, its rise and expansion
through tbe cooler air and tbe suction
ensuing. This heated stratum near the
ground Is explained by tbe slower pas
sage of the radiated heat of tbe earth,
as compared to the direct rays of the
sun. The latter pass rapidly tbrougn
the air to the earth; the former, going
more slowly, meet the bitter, and tbe
blanket of hot air Is formed. This,
gaining In temperature by tbe combi
nation, rises; It strikes a layer of cool
er air and is shut In; It grows thicker
and thicker and literally bores its way
Into the cooler stratum. The cool air
fills the vacuum thus created, and the
comes terror and destruction.
Protecting tbe "Little Ones."
Speaking of animals, the rabid theo
rist who argues that all good acts arc
prompted by selfishness, would vcrj
likely unravel a few stitches in his the
ory If be should lean over the rail In
front of a cage of monkeys, and watch
them perform for half an hour. A few
days ago a little group was thus occu
pied ha Wonderland. There were all
sizes of monkeys In the cage, and nat
urally there was a "littlest one." About
that time there was a good deal of con
tention over a piece of string, and la
the fracas one of the monkey children
hit the baby. Instantly an old mon
key shot out from one corner of th
cage and punished tbe offender.
"She must be tbe mother of the little
one. Isn't sheT"
"No," said the keeper, "she's co rela
tlon only that's a way they have o'
doln' the older ones protect tbe little
ones when they get Jumped on."
Had Beeta Bbafcltaar Long Kaona-h.
At a recent duel the parties discharg
ed their plstola without effect, where
upon one of the seconds Interposed and
proposed that the combatants should
shake hands. To this the other second
objected aa unnecessary. "Their
hands," said be, "have been shaking
for half an hour."
Lara-oat Bicycle Factory.
At Schwetnfurt, Bavaria, Is one'ol
the largest ef tbe world's manufacto
ries for bicycle ball bearings. The two
factories thera, belong! ug to one Arm,
turn oat annually 2,000,000 gross Ql
these little steel balls, and employ QUO
men, working a day of ten hours' dura
tion. Foreign (settlers In Chtaaw
A nuknff tha 1 1 AAfl fnmlnm uMlui t
in China at the end of MOT England
had 4.929, the United States 1.JXH. Ja-1
pan LlOe, Germany 000. Franca 088.
ttraasr Kxperteacca la f'onaala mt th
Kca farrot
The gentle and Well-meaning poet
who extols tbe pretty timidity of the
feathered songsters of the air should
save accompanied Irving Phillip on his
recent trip to the region where the kea
parrot la lord of tbe air and almost of
the earth. He has studied this remark
able bird at close range and the conclu
sion forced upon him Is that he Is the
moat fearless, destructive, highly Intel
ligent, extraordinarily gifted bird un
ler the ana.
The stories that were told to me. h
ays. had an to do with tbe killing of
tbe sheep, that being the feature of the
bird's destrnctlveness that Interested
the New Zealandera most. The farm
ers dreaded the bird aa they dreaded
the evil one. Their flocks would be
peacefully roaming tbe grazing
rrannds, when swooping through tbe
air would come a dark mass of flying
reatbers carrying a small head that
terminated In a bill as sharp as a steel
tnarllnaplke. Each bird singled out a
victim and lighted on Its back. Once
those claws had twined themselves In
to the wool of the sheep thelattermlght
be given up for dead mutton. Firmly
standing aatrlde tbe luckless sheep, the
kea would go to work with Its Iron bill,
driving down Into tbe kidneys of the
inlmaL when, having pecked Its way
Into the spine of the sheep, tbe bird of
tvil releases his bold, flies slowly sway
surfeited with his fenet.
The kea does not sit around expect
ing those who are curious concerning
his habits to look for blm. He has a
ii-vour'.ng curiosity of his own that will
not allow blm to wait to be studied.
He comes right np and studies the stu
Jent When I lay down they would
have pecked the! ng Into my .mat
May andeatgn. XS?v Sd-4ad 1 not at
ast sprung to my feetanovSlien-!h-eS"
I began my studies, having erected
my abode, which I had brought along
luch a region to sleep with nothing to
thle' l me from the keas. Tbe auda
cious blrda would have pecked the mule
ind me to death as we slept Just to see
n hat we were made of.
The next most Interesting thing I dis
covered about tbe kea la that be seems
to bare tbe power of conversing. If
It was not a conversation that was be
ing carried on between a flock of these
birds that lighted near me. and If I
was not the subject of that conversa
tion, then I am myself unable to speak
od hear. Tbe keas talked together
while they gradually approached me
and crawled around, bopping on to ev
ery part of my outfit, prying Into my
kettles, my boots, my bottles. Tbey
would take things In their beaks and
throw them playfully over their heads,
:ry to bore their way Into the Ulterior
of my camp tins, and, finding the metal
harder than tbey expected, would turn
It over and over, looking for a weaker
That night I slept to the music of a
Jin that threatened to distract me.
The keas were on the roof of the corru
gated bouse. They seemed to be play
ing tag all night, for tbe scratching
on the Iron showed that tbey were con
stantly In danger of being crowded off
the roof and saved themselves only by
clawing at the metal. I bad bad
enough of the keas by tbe morning and
got ready to pack up and leave. But
tbey bud not had enough of me. 1 was
evidently tbe best show that had ever
come their way.
Pecallarltlea of Colored Children
Colored children are much more sun
iltlve to beat than white children,
which probably means that their power
jf discrimination Is much better, and
oot that they suffer more from heat
Colored girls have larger circumference
of head at all ages than white girls.
White children not only have a greater
standing height than colored children,
but their sitting height Is stlU greater;
yet colored children have a greater
weight than white' children, that Is,
white children, relatively to their
height, are longer bodied than colored
hlldrcn. The percentage of long-headed
ness (dollcocephaly) among colored
boys si more than double that of white
boys. This may be due to racial Influ
ence. Journal of American Medlcaf
Calf Choked ts. De tb ota a Kit tea
A remarkable atory comes from Som
erset. Ind. Scott Davis, the leading
merchant of the village, had a fine
Jersey calf, which he placed in a stall
In his barn, and was bringing it np by
hand, the little animal being supplied
with tbe best of milk for Its suste
nance. A cat had a litter of kittens In
the manger. One night the calf en
deavored to swallow one of the kittens
and was fonnd dead In tbe stall next
morning, with tbe kitten fast hi Its
throat. Indianapolis News.
Ask any man of forty If he can re
member that he ever. In all his life,
did as he pleased for Just one day.
Did anyone ever spend one whole day
entirely as he wanted)
Some families seem to be made up
entirely of children; yon never hear of
the father and mother.
' On. between kta is a good dea.
"?"" to
I wom
me Insertions on tbe, back of a I
Iron, it o aid iiSVPrTtmL. J
Rw, Dr. talmage
feuhja t: Tl Dlvnrea Question Domestic
llawr.li m Subject of National In
porta'ie Uniformity ot llvorre Law
In tlie Various Stales Suscetel.
CoprriRht, Ionia KUipmch. lDSfl.l
Wakhixotos, d. C Dr. Talmaga In this
dlorouroe dkruftses a question ot national
importance, which is confessedly as dlffl
;nlt as It Is urgent. The text is Matthew
xix., 6, "What tbereforn Ood liath Joined
tOEHiucr let not man pat asunder."
Tbnt there are hundreds nnd thousands
of infelicitous homes In America no one
Will doubt. If there were only one skeleton
In the closet, that might be locked up and
sbomtoned. bat in many a home there Is a
skeleton in tbe hallway and a skeleton In
all the apartments. " Unhappily married"
are two words descriptive of many a home
stead. It needs no orthodox minister to
Erove to a badly mated pair that there Is a
ell. They are there now. Hometlmes a
Brand and gracious woman will be than In
carcerated, and' her lite will be a cruci
fixion, as was the ease with Mrs. Slitour
ney, the great poetess and tbe great soul.
Boaietlmes a eousecrated man will be united
to a fury, as was John Wesley, or united to
a vixen, as was John Milton. Sometimes
and generally both part lea are to blame,
and Thomas Cnrlyln is an intolerable
crumbier, and Ms wife tins a pungent re
tort always teady, nnd Fronde, the histo
rian, pledged to tell the plain troth, has to
pull aside the curtain from the lifelong
sijUHbble at Oralgenputtock and 5 Cheyne
Some say that for tbe alleviation ot all
tbe?e domestic disorders of which we hear
easy dl voice is a Rood prescription. Ood
sometimes authorizes divorce as certaluly
as He authorizes marriage. I have jast as
much regard for one lawfully divorced as.
I have for one lawfully married. But you
know and I know that wholesale divorce
Is one ot our national scourges. I am not
surprised at tbls when I think of the influ
ences which have been abroad militating
against tbe marriage relation. For man)
years the platforms ot the country rang
with talk about a free love millennium.
There were meetings of this kind held in
the Academy of Music, Brooklyn; Cooper
Institute, New York; Tremont Temple,
Boston, and all over the land. Same of the
women who were most prominent in that
movement have since been distinguished
for great promiscuslty ot affection. Pjpu
lr themes for such occasions were the tyr
iP.r,g ot man, the oppression of the mar
rhge relation, women's rights ami the
affinities. Prominent speakers were
women with short curls mid short
dress and very long tongue, ever
lastingly at war with Ood because tbey
were created women, while on the pint
form sat meek men with soft nccent and
cowed dcniennor, apologetic for masculin
ity and holding tbe parasols while the
termagant orators went on preaching the
gospel of free love. That campaign of
abont twenty vears set more devi s into the
marriage relation than will be exorcised in
tbe next fifty. Men and women went borne
from such meetings so permanently con
fused as to who were their wives and bus
bands that ttey never got oat of the per
plexity, and the criminal and the civil
courts tried to disentangle the Iliad ol
woes, and the one got alimony, and that
one got a limited divorce, and this mothei
kept the children on condition that tu?
father could sometimes come and look at
then -nd these went into poorhouses,
anaur-went into an Insane asylum, nnd
those went tV art jct! M"1110 ami
all went to aZ-l T - ' ,,t " e mightiest wsr
ever made-against the marriage institution
was tbat ire- love campaign, sometimes
aud-ir one name and sometimes under an
ther. - l - - -
Another influence tbat has warred upon
the mrfili(J8 rsistlGS - bSS -been-'polygamy
in Utah. That Is a stereotyped caricature
of the marriage relation and has poisoned
tbe whole land. You might as well tblnk
that you can have an arm in a state of. mor
tification and yet the whole body not be
sickened as to have any Territories 01
States polygiimized ami yet the body of the
nation not feel tbe putrefaction. Ilenr it,
good men and women or America, that so
long ago as 1862 a law was passed by Con
gress forbidding polgamy in the Territories
and In all tbe places where tbey bad juris
diction. Thirty-seven years bave passed
along and nine administrations, yut not
until the passage of the Edmunds law in
1382 was any active policy of polygamic
suppression adopted. Armed with all th
power of government and having an army
at their disposal, the first brick bad not till
then been'knocked from that fortress of lib
ertinism. Every new President in his inang
nral tickled that monster with the straw
condemnation, and every Congress stultified
Its elf in proposing some plan that would
not work. Polygamy stood in Utah, and
In other of the Territories more intrenched,
more brazen, more puissant, more brag
gart and more internal than at any time
In its history. Jnmes Buchanan, a much
abused man of his day, did more for the
extirpation of this villainy than all the
subsequent administrations dared to do np
to 1882. Mr. Buchanan sent out an army
and, although It was halted in its work, still
be accomplished more tban tbe subsequent
administrations, whii-h did nothing bat
talk, talk, talk. Even at this late day and
with the Edmunds act In force tbe evil has
not been wholly extirpated. Polygamy in
Utah, though outlawed, is still practiced
In secret. It has warred against the mar
riage relation throughout the land. It Is
Impossible to have such an awful sewer of
Iniquity sending up Its miasma, which Is
wafted by the winds north, south, east and
west, without the whole land being nff ected
by it.
"Now," say some, "we admit all these
evils, and the only way to clear them ont
or to correct them is by easy divorce."
Well, before we yield to that cry let us find
ont how easy It Is now. I have looked
over the laws of all the States, and I find
thnt, while In some States it Is easier than
In ethers, in every State it is easy. Tbe
State of Illinois, through its Legislature,
recites a long list of proper causes foi
divorce and then closes up by giving
to the courts the right to make a de
cree of divorce in any case where they
deem It expedient. After that you are
not surprised at the announcement
that in one year there were 833 di
vorces. If you want to know how easy
It Is, you have only to look over the records
of the States In Massachusetts, 09 di
vorces In one year; in Maine, 478 in
one year, In Connecticut, 401 divorces
In one year; In tbe city ot San
Francisco, 333 divorces in one year; In
New England in one year, 2113 divorces,
and in twenty years in New England, 20,
000. Is that not eusy enough? If the same
ratio continues the ratio ot multiplied di
vorce and multiplied causes of divorce,
we are not far from the time when out
courts will have to set apart whole days
for application, and all you will bave to
prove against a man will he thnt he left his
slippers in the middle of the floor; and all
you will have to prove against a woman
will be thnt ber husband's overcoat was
buttonless. Cause of divorce doubled in a
few years doubled in France, doubletl in
England nnd doubled In the United Htntw.
To show how very easy it is, I have to tell
you that, in Western lleserve, Ohio, the
propon ion of divorces to rinrr:nes cele
brated was in one year 1 to 11; In Rhode
Island, I to 3; in V. rriiout, 1 to 14. I3 not
tbat asv enough?
I wnnt yon 10 notice tbrt frequency ot
divorce always goes aloug with the disso
luteness of society. Home for 500 years
had not one case of divorce. Those were
ber days ot glory and virtue. Then the
reign of vice began, nnd divorce became
epidemic. If you want to know bow rap
idly the empire went down, ask Gibbon.
Do you know how tbe reign of terror was
Introduced in Fra- ce? By 20,000 cases of
divorce in one vear In Paris.
What we want Is that tbe Congress 01
the United States move for tbe changing
of tbe national constitution so tbat a law
can be passed which sbnll be uniform all
over tbe country and what shall be right
In one State shall be right in all tbe State!
and what Is wrong In one Stnte wili be
wrong In all tbe States. How Is it now?
If a party in the marriage relation gets
dissatisfied. It Is only necessary to move to
another State to achieve liberation from
tbe domestic tie. i"i i efT-ore
easily that the first one party knows of It
is by seeing It in the newspaper that Rev.
Dr. Somebody a few days or weeks after
ward introduced into a new marriage rela
tion a member of tbe household who went
sfl on a pleasure excursion to Newport or
a business excursion to Chicago. Married
it the bride's house; no cards. There are
jtates of the Union which practically put
1 premium upon the disintegration of the
marriage relation, while there are other
States, like the atnte ct New York, which
lias the pre-eminent Idiocy of making mar
riage lawful at twelve and fourteen years .
if age.
The Congress of the United States needs
to move fcr a cbangs of the national eon
ititutlon and then to appoint a committee
not randa np of single gentlemen, hut of
nen of families, and their families In Wash
ingtonwho shall prepare a good, honest,
righteous, comprehensive uniform law that
will control everything from Sandy Hook
to tbe Oolden Onte. Tbat will put an end
:o brokerages In marriages. That will send
livoroe lawyers Into a decent business.
fbat will set people agitated tor many
yesrson the question of how they shall get
iwav rrom eacn oilier to planning now tnev
inn adjust themselves to the more or less
infavorahle elrcuinstaneas.
More dl moult divorce will put an estop-
pal to a great extent upon marriage as a
llnancial speculation. There are men who
?o into the relation just as they go Into
Wall street to purchase shares. The fe
male to be invited into tbe partnership ot
wedlock is utterly unattractive and In dis
position a suppressed Vesuvius. Everybody
mows It, but this masculine candidate for
natrimonlal orders, through the commer
cial agency or through the county records,
finds out how much estate is to lie In
herited, and he calculates It. Ha thinks
jut how long It will be Deiore the old man
will die nnd whether he oan stand the re
fractory temper until be does die, and then
he enters tbe relation, for he says, "If I
:annot stand it. then through the divorce
aw I will back out." That process Is go
ng on all the time, and men enter Into the
relation without any moral principle, with
out any affection, and it is as much a mat-
:er of stock speculation as anything that
was transacted yesterday in Union Pacific,
Wabash and Delawaro and Lacknwanna.
Now, suppose a man understood, as h
inght to understand, that if lie goes Into
;liat relation there is no possibility of his
etting cut or no probability. He would
je more slow to put his neck in the yoke.
He should say to himself, "Bather than a
Caribbean whirlwind with a whole float ol
'hipping in its arms, give me a zephyr oil
lnlds of sun shine and gardens ot peace."
Rigorous divorce law will also hln lot
women from the fatal mistake of marrying
men to reform them. If a young man, by
twenty-Ova yenrs of age or thirty years ot
ige, have the habit of strong drink fixed
in him, he is as cortatnly bound for a
lrunkard's grave as that a train starting
ut from the Oraml Central depot nt 8
j'clock to-morrow morning is bound for
Albany. The ttain may not reach Albnny,
for It may be thrown from the track. The
young man may not reach a drunkard's
rrave, for something may throw him oil
:he iron track of evil hnblt. But the proba
bility is that the train that starts to-morrow
morning at 8 o'clock for Albany will
got tbere, and tbe probability is that the
young man who has tbe habit of strong
irink fixed on him before twenty-live
or thirty years of age will arrive
at a drunkard's grave. She knows
ho drinks, although he tries to hide It
by chewing cloves. Everybody knows
be drinks. Parents warn; neighbors
and friends warn. She will marry him,
she will reform him. If she is unsuccess
ful In tbe experiment, why, then, the di
vorce law will emancipate her, because
habitual drunkenness Is a cause for di
vorce In Indiana, Kentucky, Florida, Con
necticut and nearly all the States. So the
poor thing goes to the altar of sacrifice. If
you will jg&as. me the poverty struek
streets in 8!'Ujgiw- J will showja the
homes of tKr llMAJBarTle'd meaHo
reform them, ittonecase out of ten thou
sand it may be a suocsgsfal eiperlruci
-SS'i&l suWlhe successful experiment. Bat
bave a rigorous divorce law, and that
woman will say, "If I am afnanoed tc that
man. It is for life, and if now. In the ardor
ot his young love and I tbe prize to he
won, be will not give up his cups, when he
hns won the prize surely he will not give
up his caps." And se that womnn will say
to the man: "No, sir; yon are already mar
ried to the club, and you are married to
tbnt evil habit, and so you are married
twice, and you are a bigamist. Go!"
Let me say to all .young people, before
you give your heart and band In holy al
liance, use all caution. Inquire outside as
to babits, explore tbe disposition, scrutin
ize tbe taste, question the ancestry and
find out the ambitions. Do not take the
heroes and heroines of cheap novels for a
model. Do not put your 'lifetime happi
ness in the keeping of a man who has a
reputation of being a little loose In morals
or in the keeping of a woman who dresses
Immodestly. Remember that, while good
looks are a kindly gift of Ood, wrinkles or
accident may despoil them. Remember
tbnt Byron was no more celebrated for his
beauty than tor his depravity. Remember
:hat Absalom's hair was not more splendid
than his hablls were despicable. Hear ttl
Hear Itl The only foundation for happy
marriage tbat ever has been or ever will
be Is good character. Ask the counsel of
father and mother in tbls most Important
step of your life. They are good advisers.
Tliey are the best friends you ever had.
They made more sacrifices for you than
iny one else ever did.
And let me say to those of you who are
n happy married union, avoid first quar
rels; have no unexplained correspondence
with former admirers; cultivate no sus
picions; in a moment of bad temper do not
rush out and tell the neighbors; d j not let
my of those gndnhonts of society unload
In your bouse their bnggage of gab and
tittle tattle; do not make it an Invariable
rule to stand on your rights; learn how to
apologize; do not be so proud or so stub
born or so devilish thnt yon will not make
ap. Remember that the worst domestic
misfortunes and most scandalous divorce
;oses started from little lnfellcltes. The
whole piled up train of ten rail cars tele
icoped and smashed at the foot of an em
bankment 100 feet down came to that na
:ntro lie by getting two or three inches
DfT the track. Some of the grentest domes
tic misfortunes and the widest resounding
ilvorce cases have started from little mis
inderstandlngs that were allowed to go on
ind go on nnttl borne nnd respnctahlltty
and religion and iminortnl soul went down
!n the crash.
Follow citizens as well as fellow Chris
tians, let us bave a divine rage against
anything that wars on the marriage state.
Blessed institution! Instead of two arms
t , flgut the hattie of life, four; Instead ol
two eyes to scrutinize the path of life, four;
Instead of two shoulders to lift the burden
of life, four; twice tbe energy, twice the
lourage, twice the holy ambition, twice
:be probability of worldly success, twice
the prospects of heaven, into thnt matri
monial bower Ood fetches two souls. Out
side the bower, room for all contentions,
and all bickerings, and all controversies,
bnt Inside that bower tbere Is room for
only one guest the angel of love. Let
thnt angol stand at the florni doorway of
this Edenlc bower with drawn sword to
hew down the worst foe of that bower
easy divorce. And for every pnradlse lost
may there be a paradise regained. And
alter we quit our home here may wo have
a brighter home In heaven; at the windows
of which, this moment, are familiar faces
watching for our nrrival nnd wondering
why so long we tarry.
It appears that Miss Enid Tandc".
is not the only woman sculptor mem
ber of the National Sculpture Society.
In addition to Miss Yandell the so
ciety includes Mrs. H. II. Kitson, of
Boston, and Miss Bessie Potter, who,
like Miss Yandell, now lives In New
The first Irish woman to be elected
a municipal councilor is Mrs. Maurice
Dockreil. who was third In the polls
in the Blackrock district of County
Dublin at the last elections, with nine
vacancies to be filled.
Mme. Melba caught cold at a boat
ing party on the Thames not long ago,
and had to give up singing at Mrs.
Ogden Goelet's party, where -she was
to have been paid $2000.
Mrs. Tower, me wne 01 tne Ameri
can Ambassador, has the reputation ot
being one of the best gowned women
at tbe Russian court.
5 ..-
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