Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, September 06, 1899, Image 3

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    . f
Subscription $1.00 per year If paid
in advance ; f 1.50 if not paid in ad
vance. Trannieut advertising; and local
notice 8 cents a line.
Deductions will be made to those de
airlnR to advertise by the year, half or
onarter year.
Is there a diamond field in Penn
sylvania! lonK isianu is garnering a largeJ
potato crop. S
.Mr. ana mts. vieorge nson are
ininiidur.,.uM. -
One thousand Indians- attend
n liool at t arnsie. .
Seven train inmners were lode
ed in jail on Monday afternoon.
Mr. Henry Bergerand wifestart
d to Philadelphia on Saturday.
The time to cut corn fodder is
when 1 he corn ana todaef is myi
ture. " ' r
m. Murray has purchased a
trotting horse. Now clear the
Miss Maine Musselman of Phila
delphia, is visiting her relatives
in Juniata.
leeu opened in Cuba, Porto RuTT
i r....:i.. jr
,y i
31 r. ana Mrs. ..eo. Williams are
spending some time with friends
tends in
r re vis-
'hailcs Kepner of Chester
ltiui; among nis relatives nere in
iliere was a string of passenger
trains running all day Sunday to
The burning of the Motzer barn
in Walker township threw a great
lilit on the sky
Mr. Reynolds of Indiana is
iug his sister Mrs. J. A. Elder in
f - A 1
rrriiianugn iiwnsnip. A
Miss Maud Hess of MnrieifciVin I
visiting her nncle and aunt Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Hess.
For snake bite Apply bruised
tliorottghwert leaves and stems and
drink a gill of the juice. A
'lothing merchant Daniel ar-1
ley is on a business trip to low
and other western states.
Mrs. Thomas McClellan injured
a hand severely, having a needle
run into it and break off.
Rev. A N. Raven filled his pul
pit last Sunday, after a fonr weeksJ
vacation in the north-west. I
air. ana jurs. ueorge iiormng
-of t'crnianagu township are spend
ing the week in Philadelphia.
" Supervisor Krick has pnt an ex
tm work train on the i ail road be,
I by
-tweeu Newport and f Jranville
the republican county com
tec met in town on Saturday to ar
range for the coming campaign.
The sugar trust finds the Sand
wich islands a profitable place for
tli e cultivation of the sugar cane. s
The telephone will le extended I
from this town to Academia by
way of aluut by next Saturday
Horses in Oregon and 'Washing
ton states arc selling for fly a head
which is higher than in many year
. . .
.Hiss Iserry and 31iss .Lizzie
Haves, have accepted positions in
the Middletown, Connecticut hos
Mrs. Margaret Dock and sister
Mi.ss lies Fisher of McAlisterville,
have returned from a visit to York
Many Juniata conntv people are
otl to Philadelphia this week at
tending the .$:rd National eucainp-
Ofticer Lapp ran the Jacobs
House several days last week while
nunc host Arljogast was out of town
on business.
Mis.-? Lottie Jlaekenlerger, Tins
returned to Philadelphia after
five weeks' visit with her parents
in tins town
Miss Lizzie Kearns of Mi
county, spent several days last
week visiting their aunt Mrs. Jo
seph Roth rock.
Miss Maud Stone of Washington,
1. C, after visiting Miss Fannie
Espenschade has gone toTuscarora
Valley to visit friends.
The Mitllintowu Post 134 left on
M lay for the great encampment
in Philadelphia. They are quar
tered at Camp Sexton.
West Chester is making exten
sive preparations for celebrating
its centennial as a borough three
days October 11, 12and 13, 1S99.
Dr. Von Crimiu of New York
was operating on a child in the
Post Graduate Hospital. The
child bit him and now the doctor
is suffering from blood poisoning.
Admiral Sampson according to a
"biographer was not much At play
while at school. He gave the most
of his time to his studies and is
still around the top of the ladder.
If the American civilization is
worth the snap of a finger aliove
the state of civilization in the Phil
. lipiniue islauds thit alone makes
, it incumbent on t' e Americans to
hold what they received by the
Spanish war.
Port Royal Fair next week, Sep-
tember, 13. 14 and 15. Indians ted States Court m rmiaaeipnia,
from Cai lisle will give entertain- last week, and she will be tried in
ments the like of which you have ! November. JIiseLaunmerischarg
never seen and heard. They will 1 with using the mails for mail
also indulge iu playing white men's cious purposes by writing anony
music on brass horns. The Indian vaom letters, attacking the char
brass liund from Carlisle Indian acter of, several people of Duncan
school is a famons band. non.
go mth. The Indian hen has
gone, and in two weeks from now
most of the black birds will have
gone . .
Dr. King's New Discovery.
The cloverseed cron wm no hn.
few years ago that a surplus yet
exists, but this year will about iex-
iidost uie surplus for the seed is
not plentiful.
Dr. King's .New Discovery.
There have been morenennlehir.
ten by snakes the past vear than
In many years. The summer is
over and the seroenta will
hunt their winter qu irters.
Dr. King's New Discovery.
It is no time now to talk altmit
the Phillipine war. When you
were shouting: "Remember the
LMainel" yon did not realize what a
long arm war has when it eets
yCamm, with hi Xrth a',w
fc - , rr
wjunuiuu mt5 new X ork, XkrOOK-
iyn, Indiana, Massachusetts and
Texas, steamed up the Delaware to
rimadelphia in honor of the en
campment of the G. A. R.
Dr. King's New Life Pills.
1 he Filipinos hold a number of
Soanish prisoners and want sever
al million dollars to release them.
eir excuse for the demand for
booty is that Spanish monks and
priests while among them stole
that amount. .
Dr. King's New Life Pills.
The North Dakota colony write
large crops of wheat, flax and
oats. They are threshing and
uiarKciing ineir crops now
lonsr winter of seven months
be on
them in another month.
With plenty of fnel and provisions
they can stand it.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve,
"The oyster season hits just open
ed with a larger order than ever"
says a Philadelphia oyster man.
As many oysters have been order
ed, if strung together in sinsrle file
IWould make a girdle of oyster shells
arouna tne state or Pennsylvania
and a foot path across.
Ttnfl? Ion's A rnw"i ft-ili-o
lr 3 . .
Kiaccuoma water never gets
muddy. The probability is tltej
water that Hows out of the top of
the mountain, comes from the
great lakes north lor on their bor
ders are the same geological rocks,
that characterize this part of Penn
sylvania, the Silurian and Devon
The democrats have started in to
talk and write. It is a simple story
the same old story of last fall's
campaign except they are not de
nouncing Quay this time. Instead
of Quay as the object to abuse as
they did last year, they drop Quay
aud take the republican party and
say ltad things about it.
Dr. King's New Life Pills.
S A. Mowerv sunt a ! inch well
for water on John J. Patterson's '
chicken farm north of town. The
well is 134 leet deep. The water
stands about 70 feet in the well.
A vein of 12 feet of iron ore was
gone through at the aepth ot
feet from the surface of the ground.
Another vein of ore was encounter
ed at the depth of too feet from
the surface.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
Lightning last Friday evening
struck the barn on the John Motz
er farm in Walker township and
dest royed t he 1 mild ing aud contents.
e lwlt was a heavy one and made
quite a hole in the stone gable-end
where it struck
A calf in the
barn was killel. Some farming!
implements were burned with the
building. The building wsis insur
ed, but not the crops. W. N.
Rowe lives on the farm.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
Once upon a time when settle
ments were far apart; when the
woods was full of hungry prowling
bears, wolves, panthers and so forth
it then, sometimes was justifiable
to shoot without being certain as to
whether the object was liear or
wolf. But iu these days when the
Soils does not contain a single
dangerous animal it is a crime for
a man to shoot at an object with
out knowing what it is. Many,
en are shot every year these times
and the men who do the shooting!
excuse themselves bf saying, I did 1
not know what it was, I thought it
summer birds are berinnimr t
was some kind of game. en the officer lor their own guide
Dr King's New Discovery. Who the officer mistook Moist for
. i -i. it 1-ium 1 is not known, but both men recog-
First it was thought 1M ...e , their
would put down the ins "rgente m . drew theBame
the Phihppne islauds but that,.. ' ., . .
niimocr OI American irwjB wmu
not do it. Now, it is lielieved 0
000 troops can put the insurgents
down. Time will tell. The Filli
pinos do not stand np well for a
nitched battle. They shoot and
rnn one day aud the next day they
do the same. They seem to be ac
tuated by thespiritof the conflict.'
"That he who fights and runs away
May live to fight another day."
To people who are not soldiers it
seems the thing to do, to put
enough troops to follow them
when they run, follow them wher
ever they go.
Dr. King's New Discovery.
Bloom field Democrat Aug., 30
Recently a thunderbolt struck a
large hollow tree standing in a lot
adjoining S. F. and M. Douglass'
dwelling house in Perry Valley.
Five shoats, weighing probably 150
pounds, three of which had taken
shelter inside and the remaining
two outside the tree, were killed.
Two hogs enclosed in the same pas
ture escaped. A true
bill arainst Sallie Laurimer. of
Duucannon, was found in ine uni-
Dr. King's New LifePills.
Demosthenes wrote and re-wrote
his famous orations nine times be
fore he was satisfied with them
is followed in persevere nee by the
West Virginia man. who has. wed
ded the same woman three times,
and declares that he would rather
quarrel with her every day than
live without her.
Twenty thousand people were
present at the funeral of Colonel
A. S. Hawkins commander of the
10th Pennsylvania Volunteers at
Manila. Colonel Hawkins died on
ship ltoard whileenronte home with
the regiment from Mauila. Inter
ment at Washington, Pa., on Fri
day, September 1st, 1899.
Phila lei phia flags and decora
tions of every description have
been fluttering all week for the
veterans. The . public building
from Win. Penn's big hat down to
pavement was flagged and festoon
ed, and at night it is radient in
electric light. President McKin
ley reviewed the big parade as it
passed around City Hall.
Dr. King's New Discovery.
Fortunately, the corn crop is not
as large in other states as in Kan
sas. If the corn crop averaged as
in Kansas a large percentage would
have to be used tor fuel or cribled
for years to come. A statistical
westerner has figured out that 22,
500 trains of 40 cars each would be
required to haul the entire crop.
He got his result on 400 bushels to
a carload.
Peach grower Johnson of Port
Royal was in town with peaches
grown in one of his large orchards.
A few trees about the center of the
orchard bear peaches. He does
not pretend to give a reason why
the peaches were not lrozen on
those few trees. Someone suggests
that there might have been sub
terranean heat at that part of the
orchard last winter when the ther
mometer went to 20 degrees lielow
Jail warden Itaird inaugurated
the prison labor system Thursday
and has a ball and chain gang, con
sisting of six prisoners, five blacks
and one white man, at work clean
ing the grass from the public street
gutter aud pavement in front of
the jail. His son was on guard to
apprehend any prisoners who might
attempt to escape. This gang
which is entitled to the distinction
of having inaugurated the ball and
chain labor system in Blair county,
was selected from a number of ho
bo tourists who were sent up for
thirty days by Mayor ttiles of Al
bania. Hoi lidaysburg Reporter,
Aug., :o.
Samuel Fetters a miller by trade
in Chester county iu Chester Val-J
ley sent the pension office at Wash- J
ington, word to nave his name
strieken from the pension roll be
cause he is in good health and can
make his own living. - The pension
office thought him crazy and sent
an emnlovee to. learn definitelv
' ai,oiit him Fetters was foninl ahlc
to take care of himself and his
n.u,ie was stricken from the pension
rou. He is considered a curiosity
among the old soldiers, excepting
in the ranks of the Pennsylvania
militia who 25,000 strong went to
Maryland in 1S02, none of whom
have asked for a pension.
Alfred Nickle of Delaware town
ship, lost a leg iu a threshing ma
chine last rriuay. JNickie was
feeding the machine. Suddenly
the cylinder liecame partly clog
ged by an accumlation of stuff from
! the feed board. Nickle sprang up-
n the feed-board to remove
obstruction. The overhead iu the
barn was low and Nickle's head
struck it, aud that caused him to
lose his lialance and step with one
foot in the cylinder. The foot and
leg half way to the knee was ground
otl before the machine was stopped
The leg was amputated below the
knee and Mr. Nickle is doing as
well as can be expect ed for a man
of his age. He is years old
David Moist of Ohio came and
went with the veterans to Phila
delphia on Monday His brother
A. J. Moist was iu the company.
A. J., was under Sherman and
when iu a reminisi-ent mood has
most interesting data to talk from.
His experience in the army com
prehends every phase. His most
thrilling incident was a duel with
a Confederate army officer in Sel-
jna, Alabama. Moist had mistak-
'confederate his pistol. The pieces
were discharged at the same time.
The confederate fell from his horse
and Moist fell to the ground with
a pistol shot in the groin. The
confederate lead has not all been
gotten out of Moist's body.
The oyster is here onoe more.
Ho! the Fair and the Indian band.
Back talk is appreciated over the
The town schools will be opened
next Monday.
A great deal of phosphate is used
in the fall sowing oi wheat.
The Republicans will carry tfce
election next November by a large
The Tyrone shoe factory has a con
tract to furnish the government with
30,000 pairs of shoes.
The number of pensioners on the
rolls for Pennsylvania last June was
104,681, and the total amount paid
them during the year was $12,470,'
A good many people attended
court on Monday. In olden times
almost everyone visited the county
seat one day daring court week. In
Snyder county it is so now. - The at
tendance upon court there is not
limited to people who have business
at court -
Stock dealer Momma earred a lot
of oowa, hogs and sheep east, on
Mrs. Thomas Ramser of near Wat-
erford, died at her home on Monday
morning aged about 65 years. -
Colonel Stewart, who boom years
ago kept a jewelry a tore in Patteraoa,
d'ed in New Tork last week aged
About 65 yean. . ; v
Small-pox thrives best in . winter.
It is expected that the coming win
ter an epidemic of a mall-pox will oe
on. Vaccinate-
Unclaimed letters at the Post Of.
fie. Patterson, Pa: Annie CL Clair,
Miss Verna Foglemaa, H. Hook,
Light Cyele Co., Paola SabbotelL
Frank Nishton.
Jf ffarson Middah was driving one
of his horses on the Huntingdon track
last week during x air time. The an
imal stumbled and Middah lost - his
balance and was thrown over the
beast's head and hurt.
One hundred and twenty foot
Cleveland women want to march in
the Dewey triumphal parade in New
xork. Woman parades are not new
in the country. They have been a
feature in political and - Sunday
school parades in the highland val
leys of Pennsylvania during maoy
past years.
The laundry is about ready for
work. It will employ several per
sona. The ocean is made up of drop,
and towns are made-up of individ
uals. Every industrious man and
woman in a community is a great
good, and many small industrial
plants would soon make a large town.
What industry will be the next?
There are almost a million men
employed in railroad service in the
United States. There are a million
people employed in the electrical con
trivances of the day. A generation
ago the electric service as known now
was not dreamed of. If those two
million people were put on the farms
as producers so much stuff would be
raised that the produce of the farms
would sink below the present low
The business revival in centers of
population has made a great demand
for men, and that is in contrast with
the business wrecks that came with
the Cleveland administration and
democratic rule. The Cleveland pol
icy shut up the factories and threw
men out of employment by the hun
dred thousand. Soup houses bad to
be established in all large towns to
keep the men and those dependent
on them for a living from starving.
Behold the difference since the Mc-
Kinley administration has come into
power. Cleveland did not want to
ruin the country, but he did not
know what to do for the business
prosperity of the country.
With Jrawal rTlirM8li Sleeat
lag-Car Service between
bet vreea Pittshara;
aad Allaatlc
The Pennsylvania Railroad ' Com
pany announces that the through
aieepicg car-service between fitta
burg and Atlantic City on train No.
6, leaving Pittsburg at 7.05 "P. M
and return id j on train leaving At
lantic City at 8.40 P. M., will be dis
The sleeping car will leave Pitts
Durg on lis last trip eaat-bouad on
Sunday, September 10 and return
in, will leave Atlantic City on i
last trip west-oound, aiondxy, p
teraber il.
Send for a copy of Dr. Humph
rey's Manual of all diseases and doe
tor yourseit at home, sent free on
request. Humphrey's Medicine Co..
New xork city.
The shooting in Iowa, Minnes
ota ami fsoutn lJakota this year
promises to he very good as the
raiufall in all these states was
abundant. The best localities for
chicken and duck shooting are on
and tributary to the lines of the
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
Railway. A copy of a recent pub
Iication issued by the passenger de
partnient of that road can be had
on application to John R. Pott
District Passenger Agent, 486 Wil
Ham St., Williainsport, Pa., and
enclosing three cents in stamps for
postage. 2t.
The Sheriff did not sell all the
properties advertised for sale Fri
day. The properties sold, were:
The undivided three-fourths of
a lot ot ground with house and
stable thereon as the property of
W. T. and J. K. Graham, in Port
Royal, to Lucretia J. McCulloch
for $176.00.
The undivided three-fourths of
a lot ol ground with bouse and
stable thereon, in Port Royal as
the property of W. T. and J. K.
Graham to J C. Kelly for 700.00.
House and lot in Mexico as the
property of William E. Hack and
Edward Smith to M. P. Hack for
A lot, house, shoemaker shop,
stable and other outbuildings, at
Bunkertown, as the property of
J. H. Ilime for $310.00 to V. H.
A lot, house, outbuildings, in
Port Royal, as the property of
Anna B. and Isaac X. Sieber to W.
C. Pomeroy for $160.00.
A lot, house, outbuildings, in
Port Royal, as the property of An
na B. and Isaac N. Sieler to D. C.
Rannels for $64.00.
A vacant lot in Port Royal as the
property of Anna B. and Isaac N.
Sieber, to J. H. Xeely for $120.00.
One-third of an acre of ground
in Port Royal, as - the property ' of
Anna B. and Isaac N. Sieber - to
George Crozier for $20.00.
Maize Strawber. On the
29th ult., by Rev. I. A. Moser,
John Maize and Myrtle Strawser.
Shottzberger Hopple On
the 22nd ult., by Rev. John Landis
tat East Salem, David Shottzberger
j and Ada Hopple.
Ms? tea
Ar. Dmrid Tea a 'a Jferarite
of a faaafly. . Wafla It la ceaaiaaced v aaaav
Bladder afedidaa, is la teat aa cartata
aaauam, Serofala and Koema. This is
naalUiy etmdiUoo. ao they ca.o aift aU imporitiea (raa the
ateauay Mood practically maaa a eaatplsteiy healthy
Here Is a latter Cram Mrs. Cast. Psna JUca. at
H. T. : "My husband was troubled with his kldaeya.
fearraQy with abeetUg fains throngs ha back. He
sow well and atrouc Altaoaarh
seventy years of age, he ia as hearty aa
ly years yooager. . I was ao
troubled with Dyspepeia
painful for at to walk. -
My food did ma so good, v
my stomach could
sot digest it. Somebody
recommended favorto
Xemedjr to ma, and after
taking two bottles of it
I was completely cored,
and am feeling splendid '
We both attribute
car good health to Tmrowtto Xaaoe."
It Is proscribed with unfailing- success for Me
Troubles, aad tor the Liver and Blood
it baa eared many that were barest
medietas... Ash your druggist for it,
substitute. It will cost you tt-oo for a
:- . Oampfo Bcitlo Frco
XI yes want to try Favorite Remedy before bayiac. sead year faS m
oAWe address to the Da. David KknnbdT CoaroaanoM. Readout. N. Y- aad
mentUn tkiifafitr. They will sead you a free trial bottle, all charges prepaid.
This sjeauiae offer is saade to prove to everybody what a wonderful aaedieiae it ah
Mid-Summer Bargain Days
at Shott's Stores.
A Host of Bargains in Dry Goods,
Shoes and Carpets.
Unbleached muslins at 3cts a jard.
Better unbUaobed muslin at 4ota a yard.
Kxtra quality nnbleaobed muslin, 20 yards for $1 00.
Best bleached Hill aanslis, IS yds for $1.00.
lOo muslin, eat prices, at 6c a yard.
Union crash toweling, 7yds for 25ots.
All Linen crash toweling 5yds for 25cts.
Good calicoes for 3io a yard.
Best Lancaster Ginghams at 5ou; worth to day 7 lots.
Table Oil Clotb, 2yds for 25ets.
- Flora Oil Cloth and Linolinma for 20c, 25e to 35c; worth 50oU.
Carpet at 12Jo, 18o, 20o and 25c.
Mow is yosr time to buy carpet They are going higher.'
Fins Rug is Brussel sad Velvet for 76ots and $1.00.
: Stair Oil Cloth m Cat rnoea at 4e
. Men's Cheviot every day shirtings,
iFlak Scoteh lawns at ie. . '
. AH oar fine susimer dress goods at extra low reduced prices.
Red Bord fioe Table Lisas at 25oU; worth 40ota.
White Summer Blankets, at 50cU a pair.
is the most important News of this Sale. 4,000 pair of fine shoes inoladed in
in oar offerings. Net a plunger spasm or excitement, bat a merchant's
plan, caimiy formed and thoroughly
sale of shoes for cheapness and' msenitadee, which ia without preoedent
These shoes are all new, their equals
oat tbe oboe Trade.
Men s Calf Skin Shoes at $1.47; worth $2.50.
.Wen's W il.'ow Calf and Vioi Leather at $1 47.
Men's Black Dress foot-wear:
- Tans and Blacks, Hjle's French
Ladies Black and Tan fine kid
makes at f 1.47, a saving of $1.00 s pair.
at equally reduced prices st Extra low values
1865, ESTABLISHED. 1899.
Special Invitation To The Publit
To attend the Attractive Sale of Clothing that goes on daily
; It will be
Who have money to invest to examine the Stock of Goods for
It ia truly marvelous to See
of Suits and Overcoats at the Wonderfully Low Prices.
His prices leave all Competitors in the rear, so don't fail
to give him a cell if in need of Clothing,
Jtaa ireqaaatly
to k m KUmtf aa4
to Dyapeseia,
beeaoM II list sts the Kidneys fa a
His a sparine.
the aid el other.
aad isaiat upon rottinrH. Dsaft
rorular full-sisad battla.
'iff- 3
a yard.
7ys for 48ota : ,
exeonted. the purpose is to make a
are selling at 35 per cent higher through.
Yon save over $1 on m
Patent Leather all $4 shoes at $2 68.
Leather Shoes, 800 pair, English styles
that it was r r y X
- V
& Son.
The only up to-date Clothier in
the Comity.
HOI VoRAIinH & SON have in
their Fall and Winter line of Cloth
ing and it is now
You will find they are not on
ly ahead in time, but they are al
so ahead in Qaulity.
Thev simDlv ask
prove their assertion are true.
Patterson, Penna.
and House-Furnishing
O oOo -O
Thioga are never dull here; never stupid. The full life of tbe e tore at
waa has a cheerful wcloome for all comers, and shoppers are quick to 'decide
in favor of the Great Values to be found in oar new . .
A Spscially Selected Stock of
Ranges, Cook, Parlor and Shop
Horse Blankets and Lap Robes.
LAMPS, largeaod small.
Come in andlook around. We'll
make jou feel at borne.
We have tbe largcat Stock and
Stcre in tbe county.
oi rii istjvle
Money Leaned at lowest Bates.
March 5, 1898.
Juniata. Valley
National Bank.
Capital . . . . 60,000.
T. V. IRWIN, Cashier.
Lonln K. Atkinson. W. C. Pomeroy.
John Hertzler. . J. L. Barton.
H. J. SheHeuberger. W. N. Bterrett.
T. Van Irwin.
Interest allowed on time deposits a!
the rate of three per cent, per annum.
January 11, 189S.
The Sales of Hood's
are the largest in tbe world
the cures by Ilood's Sataapariaa ar
wonderful, pavtect, paxBaaaBBsaV '
Hood's PiHs are the heat
ntlMaadfirwniedkaaa. S&s.
ready for inspec
an inspection to
' lVUt)
77" ia Dr, Humphreys' famous
Specific for the enre of Grip aad!
Golds, and tbe prevention of Pneumo
uia. All druggists, 25c.
Subscribe for tbe Skxtikix into
EeitbUcas, a paper that contains
choice reading mailt r, full of inform
lion that does the reader ol, and
in addition to that all local news that
are worth pnblifhing fiol plncen in
it? columns. tf.
1 Cures Fever.
Infants' Diseas
8 Cures Neuralgia,
d " Headache.
10 " Dyspepsia.
11 " Delayed Period
12 " Leucorrhea.
13 Cures Croup.
14 " Skin Diseases.
18 " Rheumatism.
16 " Malaria.
19 " Catarrh.
20 Cures Whooping Cough
No. 21
No. 24
General Debility.
No. 26 " Sea-Sickness.
No. 27 " Kidney Disease.
No. 28 Cures Nervous Debility.
No. 30 " Urinary Disease)
No. 32 " Heart Disease.
No. 34 " Sore Throat. .
No. 77 " Colds and Grip.
Do. Hckphbetb' Homeopathic MaHvafc
or DimuaEs Mailid Fbxx.
Small bottle of plMant pellets, flt the vest
pocket. Sold by drnfnrita, or ent prepaid apoa
receipt of price. S centa, except Noa. ;M, and St
are made SI 00 ice only. Humphreys' ManxV
oine Company, 111 William St., New York. .
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PMatela Aao: ltchtaa nr KWdlnc c4 ttim HacMM.
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