Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, September 06, 1899, Image 1

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Editor and Proprietor.
.If ;
NO. 39.
The Ciiiio Fear bank was one of the
old nnil soli'l institutions of the South for
many vcurs prior to the late civil war
in fai t, it's stability was not only pro
Tfrlii.il in the olil town of Wilmington,
but tlirnii:li"iit tlio entire South.
Its pr. -i.li'iit. Alvin DeRosette, was a
Dim niiiitril "lit to tin' youth of the rising
rent-ration as one whose career was to be
TIii- t:titk president was petting well on
in years, in 1ST7; nor was he destined to
gee tlie termination of that year, aa the
re.-nler will snon learn.
(in the lr.rh of August, and in vigorous
health, aside from a rheumatic affliction
of leu-' standing he had in the manner of
former oeeasions celebrated his birthday
this time his tilth by having- gathered
round the festive board at Oak Iiall a
lar.'e nmiilier of his personal friends.
To them it nns a pleasure to drink to
the toast that hail on at least twenty pre
vious iire:sinns of like nature been pro
posed hy Jerry 1 fatbits, the old attorney
of the li:i iik. who always occupied an hon
ored position at the right of the master
of Oak Hall. But the toast? Yes, the
toast. Ah. one of those birthday dinners
would have N-en incomplete without Un
cle Jerry ami his toast.
The oM attorney was ncarlng his three
mure and ton he had been oqe of the orig
iii.il ininrporntors of "The . Cape Fear
Hank," and all that pertained to It was
dear to his heart particularly so was
its prosiilont. whom he had helped to
flirt a quarter of a century before, and
nuder whose management the institution
had flourished.
That the bank might flourish until the
tnd of time was the nrdent desire of Un
cle Jerry.
That Alvin DeRosette and himself
mil-lit live to see the cash capital of the
corn-era a mimd million dollars was Ills
earnest wish so in his toast he always
coupled Alvin and the bank together.
lie felt that he should have included
hiii own name, as he was virtually a part
of the hank, but he was fully aware that
Alvin would round up his toast in. a satis
factory manner, so his words on these
oceasions were these: "The Cape Fear
hank ami its president; may they lire long
and prosier."
"And may the bank's worthy attorney
live Ions to guide them clear of breakers,"
iere the words added by Uncle Alvin.
Now this was the toast, drank as usual.
at midday on the 15th of Ancust. 1857.
At 3 o'clock on the 22d, only seven days
'later, all that remained mortal o( Alvin
DeftoSecTe was consigned to the grave;
and now it will be necessary to revert to
the isth day of August, the third day
following that of Alvin DeRosette's 67th
bi r:ln lay.
The weather was intensely warm, and
the hanker was seated in an armchair
near an open window in his private office
it the l.auk. lie held in one hand a fold
ed doiiiiiieiit. It was his will, and had
been drawn six months before this time,
lie had tieen repernsing it.
"Strange," he said suddenly, '"both the
witnesses to this document dead; sailed
for Kurope on the (Josmorc and Went
down within sight of the British coast.
Only thirty saved, if I remember, of over
two hundred souls, and poor Loyd and
Elliot wore not of the thirty.
"I should have other signatures now as
witnesses. Oh, well, I will have Dobhs
hnns in a friend to-morrow, and have
thorn sign but for that matter, there was
no particular necessity of the document,
anyway. Where there is an only child,
and the mother dead, there can be no
question as to w ho would inherit; but then
it is hotter so.
"I wished also to leave no question as
to what my intentions were regarding
Herman ('raven. I had no desire to leave
him a fortune. True, he is my nephew;
hut I have left him fully enough to dissi
pate and enough, if he has the disposi
tion, to form the nucleus of a fortune.
"Strange, sister Mattie would marrj
Stephen ('raven when the whole family
told her how unworthy he was, and plead
ed with Iter to renounce him. Well, she
would i,.it listen; she became the wife ol
a blackleg and a gambler, and in three
short y. ars died of a broken heart, leav
i big behind n child who has grown up an
exact counterpart of his father. Now,
f the f.ither had died when Herman was
an infant. ..r even a lad. and I had had
the l.oy to train, I might have instilled
some principle into his mind; but coming
to mi . w ith the information that his fath
er was dead, at twenty-two years of age,
his character formed, and it a treacherous
one if I ;,, a judge. I have felt that I was
taiiding over a mine ever since I placed
jrnn at i he cashier's desk. And yet he has
been there a year now, and all has gone
well, hi:f he is scheming scheming, sure!
"Well. I .-an watch him while 1 live. The
(lenth ..f Toombs made it necessary that
I name a new cashier; I named my
nephew, ami have regretted it ever since,
r.very dollar of his salary goes, and I am
told tint he is hand-in-glove with a gnm-
tiling set. I have done my duty by him
in my -ii;,,f course, if be inspires more
coiiinieiiee i,y ,js enjuet, I may add a
co.lt.-il in ,). ftllr,
- -"ijast in .lm testament! Signed ami
witnessed! T to bad Jerry is so advanced
"rs. I shall probably outlive. him
I w ill see Clark when he comes home next
week. Time enough for that; there is no
risk; the court would arrange it in case
of necessity."
I'ncle Alvin arose from his chair anc
passed out into the counting room of 'the
bank. The huge iron safe was standing
with wide open doors directly behind the
cashier. The bank president drew out
one of the drawers and withdrew there
from a bundle of papers, -around whirl
was a ruhlH-r band. He raised the ban 1.
slipped under it his will, and restored tli
package to the safe: then turning to tin
cashier, said: "Well. Herman. ! can civ.
you a few minutes now. You stated t!i:i
there was something yon wished to tta.
to me. Come in my den. Mr. Talbot cai
represeht yon for a few minutes."
"Certainly," said Talbot, who was oa
of the bank tellers.
Mr. DeRosette retraced his steps, and
had resumed his seat when his nephew,
with a flushed face and seemingly very
nervous, approached him.
Herman Craven at this time had passed
his twenty-third year. He was of rather
slight build, dark .complexion, black hair
and mustache, and restless, piercing eyes.
But for the prominence of his white teeth
he might have been considered attractive
"Well, slrr exclaimed the banker, look
ing; np. I ,
The nervousness of the cashier lncreas
fdi but masterla hi tmetjo as best be
could, he said: "Uncle Alvin, I have for
some time wished to say to you whit I
now shall, but have lacked the opportu-
-"J- me nouse 1 never have one."
"How so, sirf
"Oh, I did not like t v rr.
tie's presence, for your consent to seek
ler hand."
"Her hand? nat tie's handT" exclalm-
u me Danker, excitedly.
Yes, Uncle, t iove my cousin as I do
ny fe, and would make her my bride;
low yon know why I wished to sec you
i J your consent."
"Ask my consent to wed mv Aanohtnw-v
exclaimed the old man, springing to his
iei. Are yon crazy? Yout Yon wd
my daughter? Was it to hear this state
ment from your lips that I took you into
my employ? For this that I mv .
home and position? Kest assured, young
man, that as dearly as I love my daughter,
I would gladly lay her form in the grave
"re I would see her wedded to a son of
siepuen craven:
"That that is all. sir "
The words came faintly from the white
1 lips of the young man. His hands were
, tightly clenched, and his features worked
t convulsively.
. "All? My God. it is enough V exclaim.
I ;d the banker. "Never let me hear words
on this subject from your lips again, or I
will draw a new will and disinherit you
altogether. In my present one you are
left a legney enough to squander, or to
make a name and a position with, when
1 am gone. Take your choice. Have you
ever dared breathe of your love to my
i "Uncle Alvin, I know not why you are
so bitter against me," said the young man
as calmly as he could, though there was
a raging fire burning within his bosom.
"You should know that without your con
sent I would not seek to win my cousin's
love. You speak of me as Stephen Cra
ven's son, but am I not also the son of
your own sister?"
"Unfortunately, yes and that should
preclude your ever being my daughter's
husband. Place .my objections on that
ground, if you will. First cousins should
uever marry. You may go."
Biting his lips, the young man turned
away, but ere he reached the door the
banker recalled him.
"Herman," he said, "I do not wish to
he unjust to you, but I cannot conceive
how you came by the audacity you must
be imbued with to dare ask my daughter's
hand. Yes, yes, I can. Yon inherited It
frem Stephen Craven. My prejudice
agafnstLOUEf atherr xh-wreked -my si
tor's life and brought her to an untimely
grave, shall not does not rest on your
head, else yon would not be in the position
yon are in to-day. I have tried to do my
dnty by my sister's son."
"You have been very kind to me, sir. I
regret that I dared raise my eyes so high
as "
"Nothing more about that," broke In the
ld man. "I trust that your Illusion has
been dispelled. As I have stated, I have
remembered you in my will to some ex
lent. It rests with you. by your conduct
and life, to merit a larger remembrance.
I may live for ten years to come. Show
an inclination, from your ample salary, to
save something for yourself. Cast off a
certain wild set. with whom, I am told,
you spend many of your evenings. Aban
don altogether whisky and gambling, and
have no fear, I will do my full duty by
you. Po yours by me, young man, and
better than you have been doing it."
"Uncle, I have been slandered. Did you
over see me under the influence of liq
uor?" "No," was the answer, "or you would
not to-day be the cashier of this bank; but
yon have not been slandered. Now yon
have been warned. You are an inmate of
my own house; in a manner a companion
of my daughter and myself when there.
My roof shnll not shelter a gambler, or a
Irickster. You are young. I have placed
yon where you haveTrery opportunity of
proving yourself a man; but under no con
ditions could you wed my daughter. That
is all."
"And under no conditions would she
become your wife should I be called
away," thought the banker'ns the young
man left his presence. "She has a just
appreciation of you, if I mistake not, and
liesides, I think her heart is in the keep
ing of another."
"What is it, Duke?"
"Mars Alvin," replied a coal black ne
gro, who had opened the door between the
reception room of the bank and the bank
er's private office. "Young Mars Itoliert
Campbell would like to see you."
"Ah!" ejaculated the banker, and an
amused "smile stole over his features.
"Admit Lim, Duke."
The negro, who was fully as aged as the
nnnker, and who had belonged to his fath
er before him. was a trusted servant who
swept the bank, dusted the furniture and
ncte-d as usher, withdrew, and In a mo
ment more a young man who certainly
Itore not the slightest resemblance to Her
man Craven, entered the office.
Robert Campbell was of near Herman'
age tall, well formed and of athletic
mold, fair complexion, sandy hair and
mustache, and deep blue eyes. There was
an unmistakable air about him that pro
claimed him a descendant of an ancestry
of noble men and women. Why should
there not have been, when it had-been the
Itoast of his grandfather, who had been
among the early settlers of eastern North
Carolina, that he belonged to the Clan
Campbell of Scotland.
The grandfather,had lain many year
beneath Carolina's soil, and two years
previous to this occasion of the youug
man's entering the bank his father had
been laid beside him, leaving his son an
honored name, the care f a widowed
mother and young sister, and little else.
The Campbells had formerly been one
o' the wealthiest turpentine distilling
firms in the South, but the failure of two
State banks in succession in 1852, togeth
er with the loss. of one of their largest
plants by fire, crippled them so badly that
they were forced to suspend. True, the
firm paid dollar for dollar until their last
debt was wiped Out, but in doing so it left
them with no capital with which to re
build or carry on their business.
Dnnean Camnbell never rallied from
this sad reverse, bnt died two years later,
and without materially improving ine
financial condition of Campbell & Son.
After his father's death young Robert
had made a loan of ten thousand dollars
of Banker DeRosette. who had all confi-1
dence in his Integrity and ability to re-j
trieve the Campbell fortunes. I
The banker bad accepted for this loan I
a note signed by Robert Campbell alone, (
and payable Sty yeara tram nam
note beariaf Interest at 8 per cent.
The first year'a Interest had been met
on the 18th day of August, 1858, and this
day the second payment was due. But
it was not the prospective payment of the
interest that caused the amused smile on
the banker'a lips.
Robert Campbell bad for two years or
more been a frequent caller at his resi
dence, and the banker had noted that a
growing Intimacy had been advancing be
tween the young man and his daughter.
So when Duke had mentioned his name,
and just after Herman Craven had made
his avowal. Uncle Alvin thought not of
the interest money, but of the probability
of another demand soon being made for
his daughter's hand.
"Well. Robert, I am glad to see you,"
he exclaimed, as the youna; man came for
ward with extended band. "How is the
mother and Jennie?"
"Well, Mr. DeRosette. well, thank you.
I need hardly ask concerning Miss Uattle.
I saw her so recently. You know the eight
hundred dollars Interest money is due to
"I had not thought of It."
"Well, it Is, and I cannot pay it until
late to-night."
"Oh, no haste, Robert, no haste. Take
your time."
"Ah, sir, you have been very kind ti.
me; but I wish to pay this money to-night;
and more, it is at my option, you know, to
take' up my note at any time I am able.
I am able now. The two vast years have
been very favorable to distillers. Aii my
improvements are paid for. and I shall
receive by the ten o'clock express to-night
twelve thousand five hundred dollars. I
wish to take up the note, and to have a
bank account once more established in
the Campbell name."
"I congratulate yon, Robert; but why
will not to-morrow do?"
"Because, sir, I leave for Baltimore on
the four o'clock train to-morrow morning.
I must dispose of this money before go
"Humph! You might call at the house.
I never retire before eleven. That will be
the plan. I will take the note home with
me, and I can bank the money in the
"And there Is another thing, sir," said
the young man, blushing, "that I have
only waited until this time to to consult
you about. I wish to, to
Here the sound of Attorney Dobbs'
voice was heard in the outer room as he
approached the door.
"Tell me to-night, Robert, my boy," said
the banker. "Dobbs may be here for an
"I think I know your secret, young
man," thought Mr. DeRosette, as Robert
hastily passed from the office.
(To be continued.)
Rich Man Who Believed in Poinar Rood
with Ha Money.
The late Colonel Lee, of Brook line,
Mass., was a rich man wbo thought
that the rich should give away money.
Instead of consuming their Income on
luxuries and an ostentatious establish
ment. The man wbo accumulated and
did not distribute was. In his judgment,
not only selfish and foolish, but danger
ous to society. - The saying of the Mas
ter, "Freely ye have received, freely
give," so ruled Colonel Lee's life that
for forty years be was never tired of
giving money to those religious, politi
cal, educational, charitable and com
memorative objects which his judg
ment approved. He did more; he gave
time, service, himself, at the command
of duty, even jumping social barriers to
respond to Its call. A writer in the Bos
jon Transcript tells this story:
Colonel Lee was one day driving
through Brookllne, when his progress
was obstructed by laliorers digging In
the street. Glancing nt the men. while
the. obstruction was being removed,
the old gentleman noticed one poor fel
low with a handkerchief tied nliout his
'mud and evidently In great pain.
-Questioning the mnn. Colonel Lee
learned that a pick had almost perfor
ated his hand, and beside bleeding pro
fusely and suffering Intense pain he
was in great danger from a poisonous
development. The sight was too much
for Colonel Lee.
Asking the laborer to get Into his car
riage, a victoria drawn by a pair of
handsome horses, he took blm to a phy
sician, saw to It that the wound was
dressed, and learning of the sufferer's
poverty provided for blm generously
nntll he could resume work. Later be
placed him In a position to provide more
abundantly for his family and to rest
secure In the-knowledge of his perma
nent comfort.
The Facts In the Cave.
The "new rcjiorter," wbo Is never so
much the subject as the object of amus
ing stories, apiK-nred in Chicago jour
nalism the other day, and was sent to
investigate a quarrel. This, says the
News, is what he wrote:
"A mnn killed a dog belonging to an
other man. The son of the man whose
dog was killed proceled to whip the
man who killed the dog of the man he
was the son of. The man who was the
son of the man whose dog was killed
was arrested on complaint of the man
who was assaulted by the son of the
man whose dog the man who was as
saulted had killed."
Useful Hints.
To rid your beds of bugs; clean them
thoroughly with turpentine, then fill
crevices with Persian .insect-powder.
Ciean and put in fresh powder every
An ingenious woman solved the prob
lem of how to light the dark end of
a hall by cutting; a window through into
the next room. A deep sill is made on
both sides and the framework finished
to match the woodwork of the side
against which it was placed. Grow
ing plants, and on the room side a
vine climbing over the small leaded
panes, made the break In the wall
space artistic and effective.
To Destroy Ants. Quicklime scat
tered about .the haunts' of ants with
boiling water poured over It, will drive
them away. A sponge soaked in oil
of tar will expel them from cupboards..
Oil Lamps Never add oil- to, nor
fill up a lighted lamp. There Is al
ways fear of the vapor becoming Ig
nited. To cut bot bread and cakes smoothly
the knife must be heated.
To Clean Saucepans. When onions
or fish have been cooked in a sauce
pan, it should be cleaned with hot soda
water and fine ashes, then well" rinsed
In clear water, this will remove all
disagreeable odor and taste.
An English mechanic has discover
ed that salt restores apparently drown
ed animals.
ATTHKW ELDER, editor et
tbe Inner Circle, bad gone out
for half aa boar to" synchronise
his wmteh, and his assistant, J. Graham
Ohampnlea, reign sd temporarily In bla
teed. On every occasion when Bidet
was absent, whether he bad gone out
to get his hair cnt (at a restaurant, op
pestte), er was away em a twe-months'
holiday, or badtakea a week off be
cause be felt farfrom well, J. Graham
Champnles reigned In bis stead, en
lowed with pessary power. He was
mbltlous, as4 intelligent, and bard
working, and trustworthy; Matthew
Elder, brilliant and lazy, had long since
recognized that.- Elder thought et
things to do Champnles did them.
A clerk had just laid on Champnles'
leak tbe form which a visitor had filled
NAME. Miss Cynthia Page.
TO SEE. The Editor.
BUSINESS. Tiivate. .
DATE. 8.5.99.
"WeU. I'll see her," said Champnles
lie had seen the name Cynthia rage In
good magazines, appended to curious
and Interesting stories.
He was not Ill-pleased, when the
clerk showed her In, to find that she
bad youth and beauty on pale and mys
tical lines. Her long, raised lasbes,
ami the lingering glance of her gray
eyes, seemed to say: "Yon do Interest
me." J. Graham Champnles fonnd him
self hoping that Matthew Elder, aftec
synchronizing bis watch, would find It.
necessary to go- and see a man about "a
dog or, at any rate, would delay bis
return. In the meanwhile be was anx
ious to know what be could do for Miss
"I am speaking te the editor?" satd
Miss Tage, a little doubtfully. .
"The actual editor, Mr. Elder, Is not
in at present, but I hare full powers to
Oct for him."
"I see." She was still In doubt.
"Pray be assured of It I can make
contracts with you, accept stories from
yoil, sign checks for yon, so If you have
anything to propose"
"Oh, It's not that! In fact, I came tn
consequence of a proposition which be
bad already made to me."
"Well. I shall be very glad to carry
on anything that be has begun. As a
rule be mentions these things to me,
but this time I am In the dark."
She smiled mysteriously. "Bnt yon
can't be sure that you would wish to
carry on what he has begun."
"As Mr. Elder Is the supreme author
ity here, I should have no choice. But,
even If I bad, wbat you suggest is ex
tremely unlikely."
"Why unlikely? No two men can have
minds exactly alike. It's such a funny
arrangement you have here."
"It works well enough In practice.
We both know the character of our pa
per, and what our public wants. I say
It Is unlikely that I should be unwilling
to carry on whatever Mr. Elder has
begun, for this reason and also because
I know and admire your work."
"Oh, do you think It's any good?'
"Of course I do."
"Speaking frankly?"
"Speaking frankly. It's full enough
of faults; some of It seems to have run
away with you and got all over the
place. But It's horribly Interesting all
the same. Yon see. It's original."
. "Oh, yes!" she assented. "I am orig
inal. If I were not. I shouldn't be here."
"That sounds cryptic," be said. "Pos
sibly, I shall understand It when I
know the nature of Mr. Elder's pro
posal. He wants some stories from
"No. no."
"Then wbat is it?"
"Do you know that I'm afraid I can't
tell yon."
"Very well, then; there's nothing
more to be said. Mr. Elder Is ont at
present. You'd better call again. I
suppose you think It would make some
difference whether Mr. Elder went on
with his business, or I did?"
J "I'm sure It would the greatest dif
"You think I shouldn't do a well?"
"Not as well. You'd do better Infin
itely better. Oh, I must go," she blush
ed,, rose, good-byed, and faded out of
the office.
Ten minutes later Matthew Elder,
mWdle-aged. bald and cheerful, saun
tered Into the room with bis bands In
lis pockets.
"Well Bill! Everything all right?"1
Mr. Elder had not found In tbe as
iprtment of - names provided fot
Champnles by tbe accident of his birth
md the guesswork of bis christening
anything which took bis fancy.
"No," said Champnles shortly, still
Irritated by his Interview with Cynthia
Page. "Quart Into a tin pot Plngger
np with ads, and Rowse has Just sen
np thai he'll want another balf-page
We shall have to leave over everything
that'll wait nd some things that
"Ah! yon don't keep a tight enougt
hand on Rowse." .
"Step in and tackle blm gourssU
Do you boliovo in Expansion ? .
Here, tbJs woman called to see yon
wouldn't tell me her business."
Matthew Elder took this paper sl!
and sank down tn a chair.
"Bill, this Is rather bad. I ought U
have, been In. What with my unfortu
nate enthusiasms, and. my wretched
memory, I shall get myself Into trouble.
Listen. I met this girl two or three
times a year ago; never gave her an
other thought tin I came on a-story by
her that was perfectly magnificent O,
horribly good! probably tbe best story
that bas been written In this century.
I dashed off a letter to her at once, and
to worked np myself about it that I
said, to show my sincerity, that If she
liked I'd marry her, and she could call
at the office this morning with ber an
swer. She'd have refused me, of course,
as they all do. and perhaps I'm bettei
single; but. none the less. It would bare
be on more civil not to have forgottei
the appointment." .
"Really," said Champnles, "yon must
be a little mad."
"Undoubtedly," answered Elder
cheeryi!y. "It's the price one pays
for being so excessively Intelligent"
Champnles stared - blankly at the
desk, trying to recall the exact wordi
of bis conversation with Cynthia Page. -
"Look here. Bill," said Elder, "write
and say you want to see her about a
story; Jthen when she comes do the ex
plaining for me. Say I was called away
by telegram. Fay It was from motives
of delicacy. Say anything."
The following Is from a subsequent
Issue of the Tea Ccp; a Journal ' con
ducted by ladles for Indies: '
"One of the most brilliant of onr lady
writers. ; Miss Cynthia I'age. is, it It
whispered, shortly to be led to the hy
meneal" altar. Tbe fortunate partner of
ber. future Joys and sorrows Is J. Gra
ham Champnles. a young Journalist of
great promise. Onr heartiest felicita
tions. ' Speaking of weddings, hare you
seen the really beautiful designs In
pearlettes Indistinguishable from real
pearls now being shown In tbe wln-idws-'of.-
?" Black and White.
TKtn of Stowaways.
The steamship Lackawanna brought,
into ITitbje!phIa"reccntly a" boy; who
Is probably tbe most famous stowaway
on the Atlantic. Tbe fact that the cap
tain of the Lackawanna bad Involun
tarily carried him thrice across tbe sea
Is a fair -test of his ability to secrete -himself,
as on eacb occasion tbe esse
has been thorough searched before
leaving XI verpooL Edward Murphy ie -Mily
15 years old; He balls' from Birk
enhead, England, and bas never bad a
home other than the gutters of the
world's largest city can afford. He be
gan the stowaway business some years
ago, when less than 10, and bas made
a great success of It' He has visited
most of the shipping ports of the At
lantic, and many South American and
African. countries besides. During the
past year he has traveled from Liver
pool, to New York, to Santos, to Re- -s-irto.
to- Argentine Republic, to the
Barbadoes, to Southampton, to Liver
pool, to .Philadelphia. He is known to
very skipper who sails from London,
tnd as tt rule Is a favorite with officers
ind men. Captain Wytte, of the Lack
awanna, thinks so much of blm that
be has offered to adopt him, but Mur
phy cannot give up his rpvlng life. If '
tie can escape from the Lackawanna
on board which ship. In accordance
with tbe law which requires every sea
captain to pay a fine for foreigners
brought to America without money, be
Is - closely confined he will probably
bent - his .way across America and
'shIp"-Tn-some Taclflc collier, as be
has always expressed a desire to go to
tbe Klondike.
Corrected In Rhyme.
Thackeray was niui.li pestered by tbe
autograph-hunter, says Hodder In his
"Recollections." He disliked above all
things to write in an autograph album,
and often refused those wbo asked him
to do so, and sometimes rather brusque- '
ty. - .
On one occasion tbe owner of an
ilbum. a young lady, was fortunate.
Thackeray took her -book to bis room
n order to' look It over. Written on
i page be found these lines:
klont Blanc la the monarch of mountains; '
They crowned him long ago;
3nt who they got to put it on
Nobody seems to know.
-Albert Smith.
Under these lines Mr. Thackeray
wrote: ... - .
A Humble Suggestion.
. know that Albert wrote In hurry; -
To criticise I scarce presume;
tut yet methlnks that Llndley Murray,
Instead of "who," had written whom.
-W. M. Thackeray.
' . ' Bh Always Bas It,
Willie Say, pa, is every word in the
dictionary? -
ra No, I guess net, my son. Brery
little while a new one' conies Into use.
Willie What's tbe last word, then,
Pa I don't know. Go ask your mothv -er.
Chicago News. '.'".
A GUant o Map.
A map 187 feet high and S2S'feei
long., showing the railway system of
tbe United States will form a remark
able feature, at tbe Paris 1900 Exhi
bition. - .
A lady writer says a klsa on the fere--ud
denotes reverence for the Intel
,ect. Perhaps It does, but the average
jlrl doesn't care for that style of Intel
lectual reverence.
where Ignorance Isn't bUsa It la folly
Rco. Br Calmagc
Sahjet: ltdim amd Blblaa Titan la No
War BatVMi Retla-loa and Bmlaeii
KlahteoiuaMB Is a Ra-Hrorceinaat
a.ut Not Hindrance in Lira's Affair.
Coprrlsht. Loute Kloparh. ISMJ
Washivoto, D. 0. In this discourse Dr.
Talma ire argues that relleloa may be taken
into all the affairs ot life and instead of
being a hindrance, rs many think, is a re
enforcement. The tett Is Romans xll., 11:
"Not slothful In business, fervent In spirit,
serving the Lord."
Industry, devoutness and Christian ser
vice all commended In that short text.
Wbatl Is It possible that they shall be con
joined? Oh, yesl There is no wax
between religion and business, between
ledgers and Bibles, between churches and
counting houses. On the contrary, re-'
llgion accelerates business, sharpens men's
wits, sweetens acerbity of disposition,
fillips the blood ot phlegmatlos and throws
mora velocity Into tbe wheals of hard
work. It gives better balancing to tbe
judgment, more strength to the will, mora
mueole to industry and throws into enthu
siasm a more consecrated Orn. You cannot
In all the circle of the world show me a
man whose honest business has been de
spoiled by religion.
Tbe lndu-'trial elasses are divided Into
three groups producers, manufacturers,
traders. Producers, anch as farmers and
miners. Manufacturers, such as those who
turn corn Into food and wool and flax Into
apparel. Traders, such as make profit out
of the transfer and exchange of all that
which is produced and manufactured. A
business man may belong to any one or all
of these elasses, and not one is indepen
dent of any other.
When the prince Imperial of France fell
on the Zulu battlefield because the strap
fastening the stirrup to the saddle broke
as be elung to it, his comrades all escap
ing, but he falling under the lanees of the
savagas, a great many people blamed the
empress for allowing ber son to go forth
Into that battl-fleld, and others blame I
the English Government for accepting
the sacrifice, and others blamed the Zulus
for their barbarism. The one most to
blame waa the harness maker who
fashioned that strap of the stirrup out
of shoddy and Imperfect material, as it
was found to have been afterward. If the
strap bad held, the prince Imperial would
probably have been alive to-day. But the
strap broke. No prince Independent ot a
harness maker! High, low, wise, ignorant,
yon In one occupation, I In another, ail
bound together. So that there must be
one continuous line of .sympathy with each
other's work, .But whatever your vocation.
If you have a multiplicity of engagements,
if Into your life -there come losses and an
noyances and perturbations as well as per
centages and dividends, if you are pursued
Irom Monday morning until Saturday night
and from January to January by Inexor
able obligation and duty, then you are a
business man, or you are a business wom
an, and my subject is appropriate to your
We are under the impression that the
moll and tug of business lite are a prison
Into -whlell a man Is thrust :or that it Is an
unequal strife where unarmed a man goee
forth to contend. I shall show you this
Burning that buslaess life was Intefrdfidof
Ood for grand and glorious education
discipline, and if I shall be helped to
wbat I want to say I shall rub s jme of the
wrinkles of eare out of-your brow and aa- '
otean aama el too bnriani frnm ian sasaiJ
i am aot - taiuag ov-asr- aostraetioa.
Though never having oeea la basUteae life,
I know all about basinets men.
In my first parish at Belleville, N. J., ten
miles from New York, a lanre portion of
my audience was made up ot New York
merchants. Then I went to Syracuse,
plaee of immense commercial activity, and
then I went to Philadelphia and lived long
among tne merenants ot tnat city, tnan
whom there are no better men on earth,
and for twenty-five years. I stood In my
Brooklyn pulpit. Sabbath by Sabbath
preaching to audiences the majority ol
whom were business men and business
women. It is not an abstraction of which
I apeak," but a reality with which I am well
In the first place,! remark that business,
life was Intended as a school of energy.
Ood gives us a certain amount ot raw ma
terial out of which we are to bew our
character. Our faculties are to be reset,
rounded and sharpened np. Our young
folks having graduated from school or col
Inge need a higher education, that which
the rasping and collision of everyday life
alone can effect. Energy la wrought out
only in the lire. After a man has been In
business activity ted, twenty, thirty years,
his energy is not to be measured by weights
or plummets or ladders. Tnere Is no height
It cannot scale, and there is no depth It
cannot fathom, and there is no obstacle It
cannot thrash.
Now, my brother, why did God put you
In that school of energy? Was It merely
that yon might be a yardstick to measure
cloth or a steelyard to weigh flour? Was
It merely that you might be better qualified
to chaffer and higgle? No. Ood placed
you In that school of energy that you might
be developed for Christian work. If the un
developed talents in the Christian churches
of to-day were brought out and thoroughly
harnessed, I believe the whole earth would
be converted to Ood tn a twelvemonth.
There are sc many deep streams that are
turning no mill wheels and that are har
nessed to no factory bands.
Now, Ood demands the best lamb out oi
every flock. He demands tbe rlcheet sheaf
of every harvest. He demands tbe best
men ot every generation. A cause In which
Newton and Locke and Mansfield toiled
yodPand I ean afford to toll In. Oh, for
fewer idlers In the eause of Christ and tor
more Christian workers, men who shall
take-the same energy that from Monday
morning to Saturday night they put forth
for the achievement of a livelihood or the
gathering of a fortune and on Sabbath
days put it forth to the advantage of
CLrlst's kingdom and the bringing of men
tp tbe Lord.
Dr. Duff visited a man who bad Inheri
ted a great fortune. The man said to him:
"I had to be very busy for many years of my
life getting my livelihood. After a while
this fortune came to me and there has
been no necessity that I toll since. There
eame a time when I said to myself, 'Shall
I now retire from business, 'or shall I go on
and serve the Lord In my worldly occupa
tion?'" He said: 'I resolved on tbe
latter, and I have been more industrious-
In commercial circles than I ever
was before, and since that hour I have
never kept a 'farthing tor myself.' 1
have thought it to be a great shame it
I couldn't toll as hard for the Lord as
I had tolled for myself, and all the pro
ducts of my factories and my commercial
establishments to the last farthing have
gone for the building ot Christian institu
tions and supporting the church of Ood."
Would that the same energy put forth for
the world eould be put forth for Ood.
Would that a thousand men la these great
cities who have aebieved a fortune eould
ee it their duty now to do all basinets for
Christ and the alleviation ot tbe world's
so Bering!
Again, I remark that business life is a
school of patience. In your everyday life
how many things to annoy and to disquiet?
Bargains will rub. Commercial men will
sometimes fall to meet their engagements.
Cash book and money drawer will some
times quarrel. Goods ordered for a spool tl
emergency will come too late or be dam
aged in tbe transportation. People intend
ing DO barm will go shopping without any
intention of purchase, overturning great
stocks of goods and Insisting that you
break tbe dosen. More bad debts on the
ledger. More counterfeit bills In the
drawer. More debts to pay for other peo
ple. More meanness on the part of part
ners In business. Annoyance after annoy
ance, vexation after vexation and loss af
ter loss.
How many man do you suppose Jiere
are In eemmerclal life who eould say
truthfully, "In all the sales I have ever .
made I have never overstated tbe value
of goods, in all the sales I have ever
made I have never covered np an imper
fection in the fabric, of all the thousands
of dollars I have ever made I have not
taken one dishonest farthing?" There are
men, however, who ean say ft, hunareds
who ean say It, thousands who ean say It.
They axe more honest than when they sold
their fl.-st tierce of rice or their first firkin
of butter, because their honesty and
Integrity have been tested, triad and
come out triumphant. Bat they re
member a. time when they epuld have
robbed a partner, or have absconded with
tbe funds ot a bank, or sprung a snap
Judgment, or made a false assignment, or
borrowed inimitably without any efforts
at payment, or got a man Into a sharp
corner and fleeced him. But they never
took one step on that pathway ot hell fire.
They ean say their prayers without hear
ing the chink ot dishonest dollars. Can
wad their Bible without thinking of
he time when with a lie on their soul in
he custom bouse they kissed the book,
.'hey can think of death and the judgment
hat eomes after It without any flinching
hat day when all charlatans and choats
md jockeys and frauds shall be doubly
What a school ot Integrity business life
It If you have ever been tempted to let
tour Integrity cringe before present ad
vantages. If you have ever wakened up in
ome embarrassment and said: "Now I will
tap a little aside from the right path, and
io one will know it, and I will come all
Ight again. It Is only once." That only
nee bos ruined tens ot thousands ot men
or this life and blasted their souls for eter
lty. A merchant In Liverpool got a 5 Bank
if England nolo, and, holding It toward
he light, he saw some Interlineations in
rhat aeemed red Ink. ' lie Anally de
ciphered the letters and found out that the
rrltlng had been made by a slave In Al
ters saying In substance, "Whoever gets
his bank note will please to Inform my
rother, John Dean, living near Carlisle,
bat I am a slave of the bey of Algiers."
Tbe merchant sent word, employed Gov
irnment officers and found who this man
vas spoken ot In this bank note. After
iwhlle the man was rescued, wbo for
ileven years had been A slave of the bey of
Llglers. He was Immediately emancipated,
rat was so worn out by hardship and ex
Kisure he soon after d.ed. . Oh, it some of
he bank bills that come through your
lands could tell all the scenes through
vblch they have passed it would be a
ragedy eclipsing any drama of Shakes
teare, mightier than King' Lear or Mao
eth! Plato and Aristotle were so opposed to
nercbandise that they declared oommerce
0 be tbe curse of the nations, and they ad
rifted that cities be built at least ten miljs
rora the sea coast. But you and I know
bat there are no more industrious or high
ninded men than those who move in the
vorld of traffic. Some ot them carry bur-'
lens heavier than hods ot brick, and are
ti posed to sharper things than tbe east
rind, and climb mountains higher than
he Alps or Htmnlayas, and it tbey are
'althful Christ will at Inst say to them:
'Well done, good and faithful servant;
:hou hast been faithful over a tan thin:;,
1 will make thee ruler ovr many things.
Snter thou Into the joy of I hy Lord."
We talk about the martyrs ot the Pied
nont valley, and the martyrs among the
Scotch Mghlands, and the martyrs at Ox
!ord. There are just as certainly martyrs
f Wail street and State street, martyrs of
Pulton street and Broadway, martyrs of
Itiantlc street and Chestnut street, going
:brough hotter Ores or having their necks
inder sharper axes. Then it behooves us
:6 banish all fretfulnnss from onr lives, if
:bis subject be true. We look back to the
:tme when we were at school, and we re
nember tbe rod, and we remember the
hard tasks, and we complained grievously;
aot now we see It was for tbe best. Bul
;i,:' - "' - ii jand the tasks'
hotter the Are the better the refining,
rhere are men before the throne ot Ood
this-day In trtamnh who oi earth were
aheated oat 01 everytntng nut ueir coma.
They were sued, they were imprisoned for
debt, they were throttled by . constables
with a whole pack of writs, they were sold
out by tbe sheriffs, they had to comprom
ise with their creditors, tbey had to make
assignments. Their dying hours were an
noyed by the sharp ringing of the dooi
bell by some impetuous creditor who
thought it was outrageous and impudent
that a man should dare to die before be
paid the last half dollar.
I had a friend who had many misfor
tunes. Everything went against him. He
bad good business capacity and was of tbe
best of morals, but be was one of those
men such as you have sometimes seen, for
whom everything seems to go wrong. His
life became to htm a plague. When I
beard he waa dead, I said, "Good, got rid
ot the sheriffs!" Wbo am those lustrous
louls before the throne? When the ques
tion is asked, "Who are they?" the angels
itandlng on tbe sea ot glass respond,
-"These are they who came out of great
business trouble and had had their robes
washed and made white In the blood of the
A man arose in Fulton street prayer meet
ing and said: "I wish publicly to acknowl
edge tbe goodness ot Ood. I was in busl
aess trouble. I had money to pay, and I
had no means to pay it, and I was In utter
despair of all human help, and I laid this
matter before tbe Lord, and this morning I
went down among some old business friends
t had not seen in many years just to make
a call, and one said to me. 'Why, I am ao
glad to see youl Walk in. Wu have some
money on our books due you a good while,
but we didn't know where you were, and
therefore not having your address we could
not send It. We are very glad you have
cornel'" And the man standing In Fulton
street prayer meeting said, "The amount
tbey paid me was six times wbat I owed."
You say It only happened so? You are un
believing. Ood answered that man'r
Ob, you want business grace! Com
mercial ethics, business honor, lawi of
trade are all very good In their place, but
there are times when you want something
more than this world will give you. You
want Ood. For the lack of Him some
that you have known have consented to
forge, and to maltreat their friends, and
to curse their enemies, and their names
have been bulletined among scoundrels,
and they have been ground to powder,
while other men you have known have gone
through tbe very same stress of cir
cumstances triumphant. There are men
here to-day who fought the battle and
gained the victory. People come out of
tbat man's store and tbey say, "Well. If
there ever was a Christian trader, tbat Is
one." Integrity kept the books and waited
on the customers. Light from the eternal
would flashed through tbe show windows.
Love to God and love to man presided In
that storehouse. Some day people going
through tbe street notice tbat the shutters
of tbe window are not down. The bur -of
tbat store door has not been removed.
People say, "What Is tbe matter?"
You go np a little closer and you see
written on the card of that window,
"Closed on account of the death of one
of tbe firm." That day all through the
circles of business there is talk about how
a good man bas gone. Boards ot trade
pass resolutions ot sympathy, and churches
of Christ pray, "Help. Lord, for the god
ly man ceusuth." Ha has made hi Inst
bargain, he bas suffered his last loss, ha
has ached wltb bis last fatigue. His chil
dren will get tbe result of his Industry, or,
If through misfortune there bn no dollars
left, they will have an estate of prayer and
Christian example, whl.-h will be everlast
ing. Heavenly rewards for earthly dis
cipline. There "tho wlcke l cujm fro u
troubling and the weary are at rest."
On each train of the new Siberian
railroad there will be a stationary bi
cycle to afford exercise to the passen
gers and a barber who will shave them
free of cost. .
The first silkworms raised In the
West have been produced by Mark
Chiesa, an Italian, at Des Moines,
Iowa, from eggs imported from Italy.
From ten silk-moths "be got 8,000 eggs,
and of these 4.000 hatched. It la his
Intention to produce silk on a large
The Hawaiian Islands a century
ago had a native population of some
400.000, which has diminished to less
than 30,000 at the present time.
Three hens belonging to Dr. Shaw,
of Russellville. Ky., are high flyers.
They recently ascended 200 feet in the
air In pursuit of a hawk. When the
noon whistles blow they Quit scratch
ing gravel and hasten borne to dinner.
There are 1500 persons upon the Ger
man Emperor's list of employes.
The finest Shops In a Chinese city are
those devoted to the sale of coffins.
The rearing of silk worms gives em
ployment to 600,000 people In Italy.
A permanent exhibition of Spanish '
products Is being- established at Haiti.
Two thousand miners are said to
have left the coal fields of West Vir
ginia for the West.
In the Havana Custom House are
employed 211 Cubans, 84 Spaniards and
32 American.
Chicago wood workers struck for a
nine-hour day, with a minimum salary
of 12 per day.
At Klce Lake, Wis., 200 employes of
the Rice Lake Lumber Company sitruck
for a ten hour day.
The wages of Swansea tin plate
workers have been Increased from 25
cents to 11.25 per week.
There is a district in Liverpool in
habited by 60.000 people where intoxi
cating liquor cannot be bought.
Some New York lithographic press
men struck to enforce the 53 hours'
work week and $25 a week for each
The loading shoe manufacturers of
St- Roc.ie. Canada, declined to grant
the Increased wages asked by the lust
ers. The wages of surface men by the
Omaha road at Duluth have been ad
vanced from $1.40 and $1.50 to 11.75 a
At the railway stations In Russia
books are kept wherein passengers may
enter any complaint they may wish
to make.
The German shipbuilding industry
la making; strides corresponding with
the freneral commercial progress of the
For municipal laborers in New York
city the eight hour principle is being
vigorously insisted upon by Mayor Van
The effects of Canadian competition
In the wood oulp and cellulolse export' '
trade of Norwav has made itself felt
severely during the past year.
At Roubaix, one of the Socialist
strongholds of France, the 11,000 public
school children recive free food and
clothing, at the expense of the town.
Three years ago the steal car Indus
try was In ltn infancv: two and a hali
years ago it employed about 1000 hands;
to-day 10.000 men and boys are earning
their living at: it.
The blowers in the Wilson & Mc
Culloch fruit Jar factories at Marion,
Converse and Fairmount, Ind., are,
it appears, to be replaced by blowing
machines. The company insists that
the machines are a success.
The strike at ' Harrlsburs. 111., has
been settled by the company agreeing
to pay 33 cents per ton, the rate fixed
by the State Unnrd of Arbitratii.n.
This is 3 cents higher thnn the rate
paid before the strike.
At Stockton. Cal.. a tacit agreement
Is said to have been arrived at bv the
street railway employes to refuse to
pay for bonds In a -surety company, and
if the company posts a formal order
for them to do so they will strike.
Farm Notes.
The fall is an excellent time lor buy
tag pure bred stock, as breeders art '
disputed to seiVj..iwer prices inj)r
ai, - ' . stables
Farmers who are lnta"-sted in Improve
ment in tnat airecti- inoura lane ad
vantage of the fall . son in- buying.
When the pasture is scant turn the
sheep on it if the weeds are thick. In "
order, to keen the weeds down and de
stroy them. Weeds may be mowed,
when thev have made considerable
growth, but all weeds that grow de-' '
prive the land of fertility. Sheep,
graze close to the ground and find ev-. ,s
eiy plant that pushes above the sur- '
face. It will not perhaps answer to
compel a flock of sheep to subsist on
scant herbage, and some grain or hay
may be therefore allowed in addition
to the food procured' on the pasture or
stubble field, but the weeds will be de
stroyed completely if sheep are given
an opportunity to work on them.
There are fewer sheep in this country
at present than in some previous years,
but the value of all the sheep In the
United States is greater than before.
The total number of sheep in this
country is about 36.000,000, and It is es
timated that the increase in value of
each sheep Is about $1. The value of
the wool Is less than formerly, but the
Improvement of sheep by the use of
the large mutton breeds has resulted
in superior mutton and higher prices.
One of the most prosperous industries
now is the production of early lambs
for market, as they reach a marketable
age a month earlier by reason of more
rapid growth, due to the advantages
of better breeding.
In this section the Concord grape still
holds its place as superior to all oth
ers, and It is just as hnndv In this cli
mate as any other variety. It was
supposed to be more liable to rot than
some kinds, but with good cultivation,
careful pruning and Judicious spraying
the Concord has given as good results
as any. It Is well known to consumers '
and is always in demand.
Cut off all limbs of cherrv and plum
trees that are affected with black knot
and be sure and burn them. If the dis
ease has made considerable progress
It means cutting away a large portion
of the tree, but It Is better to do so
than to allow any opportunity for a
renewal of the disease. , as. the tree will
soon die if not attended to. After cut
ting off the diseased '.portions' spray
each tree thoroughly. '
If there Is a poor place on the farm
flo not neglect it as worthless, but en
deavor to improve It. It is possible
that such a piece of land may require
drainage, or should be limed, and some
times a green crop plowed under may
make an improvement. The poorest of
soils can be improved.
The land that produced potatoes this
year may be infected with disease, and
It- will be proper to plant potatoes on
some other location next year. It will
be in order. this fall to lime the potath
plot, which will greatly aid' in destroy
ing the spores of fungi and thus assist -.
in lessening the liability of scab or
some other disease in the future. All
potatoes taken from the land should
be carefully examined before storing
them for the winter, as any that are -
unsound will affect the whole. ...
Wide tires are made light and strong
and they serve admirably tor. pack the
roads and prevent ruts. They are used
mostly on low-down wagons, but can ''
be made serviceable with high Wheels. .
Low-down wagons Increase the draught
and when-.-the,-roads are very muddy'-'
especially when affected bv frosts In. .
winter, the low wheels cannot alwayt
be used. If good roads are made, how
ever, the low-down wagons will d
more to keen "the surface of the Toads. .
hard and smooth' than the road , roller,
but If narrow wheels are used by snnrH
farmers the roads will be cut up. Low- -down
wagons. However, are very handy
for use on the farm..
The drummer In Servian regiments
never carries the drum. ' It is- placed
on a two-Wheeled cart, which is drawn '
by a big dog lust in adyance of the
A San Francisco man who died not, .
long ago vlth pleurisy- was found to
have had three-quarters of an Inch of ,J
or needle in his heart; 'which bad beep
there long enoughr to rust.'.
An' India elephant .can" carTy from- i '
800" to-. 1000 pounds, march eight to,
ten hours- a day,- and do' with -five or -six
hours' sleep. He? needs 600 pounds
Of green feed daily, besides grain.
... -1