Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, August 30, 1899, Image 2

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WEDNESDAY AUG. 30, 1899.
John F. Ehrenzeller.
Stiles K. Boden.
M. R. Beashore,
J. W. Hostetler.
George L. Hower.
W. N. Keister,
David K. Ulrk-h.
The Georgia cotton
poorest in . 2 J years
There was a break in New York
traction stock last week.
The PhilliDDine war is cos-ting
at the rate of $1,000 a soldier.
Is fifty years more the public
lands will all have been taken, and
that will st ip the moving to the west
A process of making celluloid
olnlhinrr haa bean discovered, a suit
of which ran be made and Bold for
ten cents.
There are pointers that indi
cate that if the gold bnga capture
the democratic National Lonven
tinn. the silver buss will start a
silver party.
Society ireneriillv in Kassi 1 is iu
st ite of excitement over f ho proph
esy made anions lho people of that
country that the world is to come to
an end about tbe first of the year.
Sugar growers in Cuba want to
be annexed to the United States,
because by annexation they can
send their sugar into the United
States without paying a tariff on it.
The 10th Pennsylvania arrived
at Pittsburg from thePhillipine Is
lands on Monday. All Pittsburg
turned out to say welcome home
brave volunteers.
CoNOREs-iJlA.: Thomas Ii. Reed
La3 resigned his seat in Congress,
thus proving the exception to the
saying, that few oflice holders die
and none resign. The public ser
vice in Washington would be bet
ter had he remained.
"The Baldwin L' om .live Woils
have just shipped toelclric locomo
tives built fir the Imptriul OuVi-rn-ment
of Japan. Thisi ure the first
electric locomotives ever shipped
from this countiy. Ti e macliiues
weigh 10,050 pound euch when iu op
eration.' Habvest hands in the Datoiss acd
in Minnesota beve been high UisAsyp guarantced-,-
It Was aw'n.1jnii
""tSVio ua-vfiftmmg en
gineers a d.iy; feeders J 4 a day;
good workmen $"2 2; common Lands
$2.00- Several thousand hands were
shipped from Chicago.
W. W. KuKtz of Philadelphia Las
purchased the intercbt of the Tyrone
Miuii g acd Manufacturing O.mpany
in the 01 e rights of tha Drv Hollow
property, containing over 3000 acres
of IhliI, situated in Huntingdon and
Centre Counties, and he becomes the
sole owner of the ore rights in this
It does seem just thething todo,
if it is protobie that a United
States Senator can be elected by an
extra session of the Legislature, to
call an extra session and settle the
question. The question of the
election of a United States Sena
tor would then be removed from
next year's campaign.
The two much married man iu
America might go to a country
where the laws are more suitable
to his tagtes. By going to Turkey
he could marry as many women as
will have him provided that he
takes care of them. The Sultau
Las 400 wives, and takes care of
every oneof them
Is a speech made at Ocean Grove
N. J camp mesiirg last Friday,
President McKinley stated what; has
been accepted as the policy of the
administration toward tbe Fnillipine
islauds. Peace first and then with
char'.ty to all, establish a government
of law and order, protecting lifo and
property and occupation fir tha well
beinff of the neo:le who wi'l partici
pate in it under the Stars and
The beef trade has fallen into
the hands of a trust.' The largest
number of cattle slaughtered in
the west are of five or six large
concerns. On the 1st of January
1899 there were 1,000,000 less
steers in the United States than on
the 1st of January LSOS and that
fact mav have to do with the stiff
prices of beef cattle as well as the
work of the trusts. Chicago cat-
tie men say the present prices of
western beef cattle have been high-
r nnl v fiv times within the rr.usl
oo vRars. The mices were higher
in 182 and in 1S83 and in l.SS t
...i.-.. -.inil in ISO I. The
au& ju . " -.. -
newspapers are trying to find out
i,uihr thn trust that, slaughter
cattle in the west, aud the ranch
i.i w,in attio
i...:... -i,i,oP g,lmnrP in
prices are t'vt iuu iu muuiu
Wpstflm newspapers say.
cattle this vesir have been held
W z
ot an advance iu tae price. . i
M-eek 1500 pound steers sold in the
Chicago market at MMQ a huu-
dred. but the same weight cattle
in the same market in 185)4 sold for
$8.00 a hundred pounds ami in
18S9 the same weight cuttle sold at
$7 ..'55 a hundred pounds in Chica
go. ;corw.
From Bradstreet's of August 26,
1899: "Kansas and Nebraska have
produced Buch extraordinary crops
if corn this year that the people
tbe west are able to overlook tbe im
..w.. ..f runt dial Diner hucliuus
tbe countrrare not similarly blasst-d,"
88T8 the Kansas City Star. . "The
latest official crop reports indicate
that these two states will have 650,
000 000 bushels of corn this year,
compared -with onlv 292,000 000
bushels Droduced last year, an in-
crease of 358,000,000 bushels. But
the ftEnrrefrate crop of the enure
country, as at present estimated, is
onlv 214.000.000 busuele larger tnan
last year, so that outside of Havana
and Nebraska tbe country's corn crop
this year is 141,000,000 bushels less
than it whs in 1838. Almost all of
tbe states in the east and south have
lets corn this year than ast. lbe
deficiency in thoaa section 9 amounts
to over 100.000.000 bushels, ana as
the east and soutv-, even in their best
years, find it necessary to buy great
quantities of grain in the west, it is
evident that this 100,000 000 bushel
shortage this Tear wid result in un
usually large purchases from the
states which produce a surplus above
home needs. Not only are the east
and the south short, but even such
imnortant states as Ohio, Icdiaca
and Iovra have less corn this year
than las'. It is also-worth while to
bear in mind that the surplu3 of old
corn, carried over from preceding
crops, is much less now than it was a
year ago Another important fact to
remember ii that Eurcpa is certain
to take more corn this year than it
hss imported in the last twelve
months. The foreign demand for
corn is growing every year, though
the quantity which Europe takes is
dependent largely od prices. Whm
corn is as Ijw bs al present n foreign
demand for about 200,000,000 bush
els a j ear may be counted on with
reosoiiab'.e certsinly. In view of all
the facts and conditions hero enum
erated, farmers and merchants will
do well not to get their ideas about
prices too low. Big crops necessari
ly mutt cause low prices, but there is
no good reas-on for expecting tbe
value of corn this yeer to drop as low
as it has in two or three former jtais
of extraordinary crops. New corn
for Decembtr delivery is selling now
aronnd 24 cents hero and 20 cents in
Coicago. Ic 1896, when the great
est crop en record was produced,
corn sold as low as 17 cents a bushel
in Kansas City and ur.dtr 20 cents ii
Chicago. No such low prices are to
bo auticipated this year, for the rea
sens that have been stated, even
though it is true that Kansas and
Nebraska have raised eDough corn to
keep the railroads busy for two years
hauling it to market."
A Thousand Tongues
Could not express the rapture ol Anino
E. Sprreger, of 1125 Howard stree'. l'biia
delphia, Pa., when she found that Dr.
King'a New Discovery fcr Consumption
had completely cured her of a hacking
cough that for many years bad made tile a
burden. All other remedies and doctors
could give her no help, but sho says of this
Royal Cure "it soon removed the pain in
my chesl and I can now sleep soundly,
something I can scarcely remember doing
before. I feel like sounding its praises
throughout the Universe." So will every
one who tries Dr. King's New Discovery
tor any trouble of tbe Throat, Cbest c
Lungs. Price 50c and $1. Trial bottles
free at M. P. Crawford's Drug Ston; every
t - . ,
boad, account se8qoi-centex-nial.
On account of the Seeqni Centen
nial to bo ctltbratcd at lorif, la,1
September 3 to 6, 1899, the Penn
sylvania Railroad Company will sell
special excursion tickets from Al
tocca, Bryn Mawr, Fiederich, Balti
more, Lock HaveD, Wiikosbarre and
intermediate stations, including sta
tions on branch lines, to York, at r tte
of single fare for tho round trip
(minimum rate twenty-five cents).
Ticke's wiilbe sold September 2,
3, 4, 5, and 6, good to return until
September 7, inclusive.
' . -
That Tliroblng- Headacbe
Would quickly leave yoo, it you used
Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands of
sufferers have proved their niatchlcts merit
for Sicfe and Nervous Headaches. They
make pure blood and strong nerves aud
build up your health. Easy to take. Try
them. Onlv 25c, Money back if not
cured. Sold by M. P. Crawford, Druggist.
The National Exoort Exposition,
which opens at Philadelphia on Sep
tember i4 and continues until Nov
ember 30, will be the most intercst
iag and important event occurring in
Philadelphia since the Centennial
Exhibition of 1876. In addition to
its v&luuble commercial exhibits it
will oresent many features of popu
lar interest and amusement. The
United States Murine Band, Sousa's
Band, the Bacda Rasss, Inncs'Band,
Damrosch s Orcbestra, ana otner cei
ehrated bands will furnish music al
tf-rnatelv. and a Midway Pluisance
pmini if not superior to the famous
World's Fair Midway at Chicago,
and comprising a Chinese village.
a Chinese Theatre, acrobats and cus
toms: an Oriental Villsee, London
GhoBt Show, Hagenbeck's Wild Ani
mal Show. Bsrney Castle, and many
other nninue presentations.
I urm,h abundant and diversified
amusement. Arrangements have si
so been made for Mandolin, Guitar,
and Banjo Concerts, and for a grand
nhorus from the Uerman singing so
For this occasion tbe Pennsylvania
Uuilrond Comoauv will sell excur
i - - .
Uion tickets from all points on
line to Philadelphia and return,
rate of fare and a third for tbe round
I t.Hn n'.us nrice of admission. These
tickets will be sold during the Coo
I tinnnnce of tjo ExoositlOU ami will
, - .,
be pood for return passage until no
vember 30.
For ppocine rates
and additional
. n0(treBt t.cket
- .g
ageut" m t "
Robbed tbe Grave
..-mim incident, ot whicb Mr. Jo
I Oliver, of Philadelphia, was the subject,
n.jrated by him a follows: "I was in
n-ont drnadfu. condition.' My Jkin was i
a st yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated
r .in continu II in back and aides, n
appe-ite crjdually growing weaker day
by day. Three physicians bad given me
up. Fortunately, a friend advised trying
K'ec'rio Bitters.' and to my great joy and
snrnrise. tbe first bottle a decided improve
mmt. I continued their ' use for three
weeks, and am nw a well man. I know
. . ,ir and roi lho gnre
ol I . annther victim." No one should fail to
- try tbem Only 50o, guaranteed, at M. P
ui i - -B .
The Republican State Convention
convened at Harrisburg on the 23: d
iuflt., sccording to programme, and
transacted its business of norninatmcr
State ticket, and transacting such
other minor affairs as properly be
longed to its functions. : "
Tbe nominees ere, for supreme
court juJge, J. Hay Brown, of Lan
caster; superior court judge, Josiah
R. Adams, or rt'.iaaeipeia; siaie
treasurer, Lieutenant-Colonel James
E. Baiaett, of the Tenth Pecnsylva
nia regiment. . i " ' ' '
It was a short convention. It wps i
all ovc within a period of. three
hours. Senator Penrose was prtsi j
dent of the convention. The nomi
nees for Supreme court were J. Hty
Browns of Lencister city; Robert
Wocdrow Archba'd, of Lackawanna;
Haarv W. Palmer,' of Luzarne. The
vote "stood: Erown, 208; Arehbeld,
25; Palmer, 9. For superior judge
there were befoie tbe convention Jo
siah R. Adam?, of Philadelphia and
Dimncr Beeler, of .Lycoming, J. ne
vote fclocd for Ad.uns 191, for Bcele-r
47 There was only one candidate
before the convention for State Treas
urer, Colonel James E. Barnett, and
he was nominated by acclamation.
Everything passed off as smoothly as
a pleasure boat sailing on a moua
tain lakelet at high noon on a sum
mer day, till tho resolutions came to
be read.
When the resolutions endorsing
the action of Governor Stone, in his
appointment of Quay to the United
Stat as Senate wero read a terrific
squall struck the placed political
waters of the convention. The wave
of excitmcnt ran mountain high, and
all aboard the Quay schooner were
perplexed. They felt as if a Jonah
had gotten aboard and raised a
storm, and they could not tell where
it wou!d land tbem. The Jonah of
the occasion was State Senator Fiinn.
Fortunately the whale was present,
into, which Fiian and 48 other dele
gates dumped themselves in the volo
on the resolutions. Flinn and his
fellow 48 delegates are in the bell.T of
that vote. The vote stood 192 for
the resolutions, 49 against the reso
lutions. "When Flinn and the other
!lnwed Jonahs cet out of !
whale's belly will they go and preach
tho destruction of Ninevah.
Jacob Hay Brown for Supreme
court, was born in York, Pa., in 1849.
LHs fit her was a Lutheran preacher.
Tteyonrg ran studied lawatGettys
bur"-, was admitted to practioe there,
but afterwards located m Lancaster.
Josiah 11- Adams, for superior
court, was born in France in 1848.
His parents were io France in the
service of the American and foreign
christian union. After education at
Princeton, the young man located at
Philadelphia fn the practice of law.
Jainf s E. B-irnttt for Sta'e Treas
urer, was born in Indiana county,
Pa., in 1856 He is a gradrtfr of
Washington and .jUffsison Codege,
and Coltyria law school. He was a
nienjfegr ot the Natiotal Guards of
"innsylvinii 13 years, was deputy
t tha Commonwealth of
iWheylvania under Governor Hast
ings. He wi with the 10th Penn
sylvania regiment in the war in the
Philippine Islands.
Rules for the governing of tho par
ty in the State were passed, ana a
platform adopted.
F.xtunds confirratulationa for the
cnAAPf.fi of the "sound money and cur-
of lS'Jo, ' ana tue
protection to American industries
Prnisnn President flicniuiev. xio
cites the activities in business circles
that have come since tho inaugura
tion of his administration, and advo
catts his re nomination in 1900.
ti.a Krmp.inlas of the party aa ae
clared in tbe National plattorm oi
tbe St. Louis convention are robinrm
od, and an expression is agaast the
free coinage ol silver at tne iauu w
16 to 1. .
Thn Dinelev tariff iaw is endorsea,
McKinley is praised for his successful
termination ol tue opanisu mi
his government of Cuba and Porto
Rico, and he is promised support for
tho war in tbe Philippines.
The record of tbe fonnsyivania
soldiers during the rebellion, and in
lho Spanish war aud Philippine war
ia praised, and a hearty welcome is
expressed for their return from the
Philippine war.
It shull be the purpose of tbe parly
to find new markets abroad for our
surplus products.
The canal scheme- to uniio iuu ai-
lantic and Pacific oceans is niguiy
Ths building up of a merchant
marine, as laid uowu iu u uui umum
Concress. is ursred
The approval ot the rights oi laoor
to organize, as well as capuai, ia tp
i . ... ' t
The business lute auminisirauuu ui
Governor Stone, in not spending
more tban the State receives is com
mended. "If additional revenue s are
rcauired. we favor the taxation of in
eorporated and organized trusts so
that the public burdens may oe more
fully and equally disinouieu.
The Republican party is commend
ed for tho selection oi us represenia
tives in Congress, and the party owes
a debt of gratitude to Senator Aiatn
ew Stanlov Qaay for tho manner in
wLich he has battled lor republican
ninramncv. and tuo aciiou oi uu
t-rror Stone is approved in appoiut
ing him to fill the vacancy caused Dy
the failure of the last legislature to
Senator Boies Penrose is com
mnndpd for the faithful manner he
has given to public business entrust
ed to him. for his secarement of ap
oronriation of slack water navigation
in western Pennsylvania, and for the
deepeL.og of the ctannel in the JJel
aware river.
An economical administration of
State affairs is favored, also the
nromnt payment cf school warrants.
It is a source of gratification that our
State baa not loBt a dollar by negli
gence, default or dishonesty of its
accounting officers. The business
like administration of the retiring
state treasurer is commended.
The rebellion is referred to and
the 400,000 Pennsylvania troops who
helped to put it down are mentioned
and welcome thrice extended to them
to attend the National Export Expo
j sition to be held in Philadelphia.
I la envied bv all poor dyspeptics wfcosc
Stomach and Liver ore out of order. AH
sucb snouia Know ui ur. n-inge
Life Pills, the wonderful-Stomach ana
Liver Remedy, gives a splendid appetlta,
sound digestion and a regular bodily habit
that insures perfect health and great energy.
Only 26c. at M. P. Crawford's drug store.
',' ; : . Philadelphia MabeeTs,
August 26th, 1899.
.Wheat 72c; corn 87c; oats 28cts;
butter 20 to 25c; eggs 16c; cheese
10c; 6ngars 4J to 5jc; live chickens
lie: old roosters 7c: spring chicber.s
10 to 12a a lb: smoked ham 11 to 12
cents; smoked shoulders 7c; break
fast, bacon 7 to 10c; hand nicked ap
d'.cb SI to $1.25 a barrel; windfall
apples per bsrrel 50 to 90cU;; water
melons 5 to 6cts a piece; peaches
60c to Si. 2o a baske'; Bartlet pears
per barrel $2.50 to $2.75; grapes 10
pound basket 25 to 30ctf-j potatoes
50 touUcts a busnei; soutuern swett
not a toes 50o to S1.2o a barrel; on
ions 50 to 60cts a bushel.
Cnrlosttlrs In the Uounm ot m Clock
aiakluB Villnec.
In thn town of SoliiauilK'lK 111 the
Mac Forest district of Wurttemberjr,
Ciirmanv. where one of tlie chief in
dustries U clock inakinfT. there ha
rwoutlv lice-n established nil Interest
ing museum of timei!cce3. The col
lection dlxplaya the prntliml develop
ment iu the making 'of cluck for many
centuries. .
Anions the ouiiosltrs' are many of
great historical value. There Is on
nhtriu clock const rue ted iu the year
1IS0 for the use of traveler!'. I:i f-r
It resembles a lantern and the Interior
Is dusixued to hold a lighted candle.
The caudle, is slowly pushed forward
bv a s:riur. which also controls the
mechanism of the clock. A little pair
of shears clip the wick of' tbe caudle
automatically every minute to regulate
lis liIit. The lantern Is Inclosed with
movable slides, so that the sleeper 13
not at first disturbed by the presence
pf light.
The alarm Is set by lusertinz a peg
In tho second dial plate. When the
required hour arrives, . the alarm Is
sounded and at the name time the
movable slides fsIL floodins the room
with l:sht. .
Among the curiosities Is a Japanese
saw clock. The clock Itself produces
the motive power by descending a
saw formed strip of metal, the teeth of
which operate the wheel of the clock
work. In another Japane.se clock tho
hand Is attached to n weight, which
sinks ouce in 21 hours. The time Is In
dicated by n hand ou the perpoudleular
scale. Chicago Tiaiea-IIeiald.
Ceornrlu Widow' lleripe
Rrlnfrtoi; I'p Her So an.
Disrltiff a visit to tlso army camp in
Savannah ficneral .lo.'j)U Wliwler was
eiitci tii!il ly rt tiarty of northern' men
at the Ie Soto. 'When, !:i the gooil hu
mor of nt't'-r dinner cigars, uc. of the
men ssrid lsusl7inrly:
4,Ilov lit it. Knir:il. thnt the slwpy
farms of the potuli prodtiee such whirl
wind fighters In such si!t:i!I pnckaijes?"
"Well, p'litlemen." said the little geu
eral, puthiii; nt a l.irj;u man's citrtir, "I
believe I'll have to give you the answer
an old Vrarker woujan ir-ee gave me
when I asked her a similar question.
Not ninny yenrs npo I had occasion to
make a saddle Journey through the
pine barrens of (iorsi:l. where most
everylody Is a 'cracker and mlslity
shlftlcsx. one day. however, 1 rode
Into a little community that showed
such cIots of thrift ns to le quite out
of keeping with the general character
of t!:e barrens, I do assure you. gen
tlcmeu. I rode up to n cabin where a
gaunt eld woman stood in the doorway,
and asked her who owned these little
farms that were so well kept.
"'That farm on the left Ixdongs to
my son JalK-z,' said she. 'and the next
one to my loy Zalim, and the next to
my lad Jnson, and the next Is my boy
Potiphnr's place, and'
'Hold ou. sister, said I. 'IIow did
you manage to raise such a fine lot of
bovs way otT here in the woods?'
"'Waal, stranger.' she answered, I
am a wtuuy woman, nun an i nan io
raise em on was pi-aycr and hickory.
but I raised 'em powerful frequent."
Philadelphia Post.
Encrac Field Arlttsmrtlc.
The tii-st hook which Eugene Field
had printed was The Tribune IVIiu
er." published In Icuver In 1882. It
was composed of short lessons In dif
ferent lines of study. As there are
said to be uot more than seven or eight
copies of the book now In existence
readers may he glad to see two speci
men iara.'a:hs from the lesson In
mental arithmetic:"
'It! you !;:ive Five Cucumbers and
eat Three, what wi'l you nave leit?
Two. No: vou are wrong. You will
have more than that. You will have
Colic enouch to double you up in .1
Bow Knot for Six Hours. You may
go to the foot of the Class.
'If a Horse weighing l.ooo pernios
can Haul four tons r Pig Iron, how
manv seasons will a Front (late paint
ed P.luo carrv n young Woman on One
Side and n young Mau on the Other?"
Ilalloona It n Storm.
Mr. Carl E. Myers, the aeronaut, in
discussing the question of aerial navi
gation points out one great advantage
of the ballon over the aeroplane. The
latter cannot stop or hover hi the nir
and If caught in a storm may Ih-oiuo
The balloon, on the other hand, while
It cannot go against the wind, is safe,
even in a tempest, provided no effort Is
made to drive it iu opposition to the
air currents. Even In a high wind the
balloon seems to the aeronaut to be be
Dellarfcta of KaowleAare.
"I suppose you get a great deal of
pleasure out of scientific pursuits,
said the young woman.
"I do," was the grave rejoinder.
When a man is a scientist he can go
about the country as much as he
pleases shaking hands with people
and reading papers before societies
without being accused of having ambi
tions to be a presidential candidate."
Washington Star.
A Dost la tbe Beat.
A Russian remedy for Insomnia is to
have a dog sleep tn the room, and pref
erably in the same bed. It may be
through a sense of companionship, or
one of security, or It may act sugges
tively; at any rate It Is said at times
to prove of value when other means
fall. Public Health Journal. . ,
Smart Willi.
"I hate to see a man part his hair In
the middle; It Is so effeminate."
"Oh, I don't know." retorted Willie
Walnut. " a manly man always takes
i woman's part." Kansas City Star.
the interesting feature
IV is a "b ,.rm. TlarrenH.
iliarly caliea t -
These "Barrens" P "TT
Creek valley on uie mm
rrt Dnn.va 1IV OU LUC J
3 toS end of .the
county. w;h
I his land is so uesoiaic -
-sufv that very lew peopic
uiici"v . -... . aninm.
oi.iA to live nere aiau. "i""e"
and wells arc VUJ
r -i ;.. th more ierwie vi--
fmiuently to haul water for miles.
i.Hrv is it in 8tuun:eruiai unci
ins through Here me muu
.loon tn:ir iuu cu ".""'v
alou". The climate also is differ
f fi, thp. surrounding country
CUU i w T...,
tn the months ot may anu
vou would scarcely find a green
V..i i,oni. aa fmsts are common
i.. r hprli as frosts are common
till late iu the spring. However,
this vast area being almost useless
for farming much lumber is ob
tained and some valuable ore mines
havebeeu discovered.
The writer has experienced a
day of traveling through this re
gion, which he will never forget.
Walking through in summer you
will suppose it the mo3t solitary
and forgotton region to be found.
During dry weather the sand iu
the road becomes several inches
deep and on both sides of the . road
are tall slender pine trees over
shadowing the thick underbrush,
which makes it almost impossible j
for one to pass through. For miles
you will find no signs of any habi
tation. Finally echoing iu the far
distance is heard the mournful clap
of the lumberman's ax, and upon
approaching the place of the camp
a lew shanties, each about fif
teen feet long and seven feet high,
is all the settlement seen. How
ever the hugh piles of lumber show
the industrious labor of these hardy
lumbermen. Much of the paper
wood used iii our large paper fac
tories is obtained 'here.
Having passed through this re
gion it would appear as tho the
time was spent in some solitary
place of exile away from the hab
itations of man with only the roar
ing pines and the chirp of a few
birds to lireak the wonderful si
lence, which reigns supreme
throughout this region.
Sketches my the Way.
'.Vii st
C in to er .........
Clo rNOnd ....
Hem ..
SliOUtdcr. .......
Lai (I......
Tliuuthy skvcI
F a: sued
' Ground lu 8 alt..
' Americao S a't , ...
AUG. yo, isoo
, new f 2c, old 65
new 20
$2 to2.50
. 60
to DOc
...... 60c
Notice is hereby given that Samuel
Lapp has filed his application in the
urt or tjuaner pessions oi juiuuia
ouutv. under the Act of Assembly of
this Commonwealth, Tor a license as a
detective with principal ottice in Juni
ata county, and the said application
will be presented to me tjoun, ou aion-
dav, September 4th, 1899.
tUerk's Ottice, -
Mitllmtowu, Pa. W . H. xkiukkj.
Clerk's U- S.
Aug. 15, 1899. 3t-
Notice is hereby giveu that the fol
lowing account has been filed iu the
ProthoiHvtary's Otllce of Juniata coun
ty, and the sarue will be presented for
continuation and allowance to the
Court of Common Pleas of said county,
on Tuesday the 19th day of bepteuiber,
A. D., 1S99, when aud where all per
sons interested may attend if they
think proper:
The hrst ana linal account ol u. "t .
C'ravbill and H. S. (Jraybill, assignees
in trust for the Itenefit of the creditors
of C. S CSray bill of Monroe township.
W. II. Zkikkks,
Prothonotary's Otlice, Prothonotary
Mittlhitown, Pa.
Aug 19, 1899.
Whereas, the Hon. JEREMIAH
LYONS, President Judge of the Court
of Common Pleas, for the Forty-First
Judicial District, com posed of the coun
ties of Juniata and Perrv, andtherloii
orables WM. SWARTZ and W. N.
STERRETT, Associate Judges of the
said court of Common Pleas of Juniata
county, by precept duly issued and to
me directed for holding a Court or Oyer
and Terminer and Oeneral Jail Deliv
erv. and General Quarter Sessions of
the peace at nimintown, on tne
Ittuo IlTriTVTfJ TH I,'. JTH 114 V Ofc
Coroner, Justices of the Peace and Con
stables of the County of Juniata, that
they be then and there in their proper
persons, at 10 o'clock In tne rorenoou ot
said day, with their records, inquisi
tions, examinations ana oyer remem
be ranees, to do those things that, to
do those things that to their oilices re
spectfully appertain, aud those that are
bound by recognizance to prosecute
against the prisoners that are or may
be in tbe Jail of said county, be thcu
and there to prosecute against tbem as
shall be just.
Bv an Act of Assembly liassea tne
6th day of May, 1854, it made duty of
Justices of the Peace of - the several
counties of this Commonwealth, to re
turn to the Clerk of the Court of Quar
ter Sessions of the respective counties,
all the recognizances entered into be
fore them by any person or persons
charged with the Commission of any
crime, except such cases as may be
ended before a Justice of the Peace, un
der existing laws, at least ten days tie-
fore the commencement of tne session
of the Court to which they are made
returnable respectively, and in all cases
where recognizances are entered into
less than ten days before the com
meucement of the session to which they
are made returnable, the ui'l Justices
are to return the name in the same
manner as if said Act bad not been
Dated at Mifflin town, the 29th day of
arch in tne year or our iru one
thousand eight hundred and ninety-
, 8. CiAyroN Btoner, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office.
Miffliutown.Pa. August 1899.
m v. Piinu.
dence of Louis . 7nt2.1892
Bridfe street. .
rr-Collectlng and Conveyancing yvr-
It attended to.
arColleetionB and all legal
ness promptiy attended to,
;..0.-.c.wrn.D,M.pa.w wr0n
. ;n k. fAnnd at their office at an
O'-UlBUl r ln.Hv an.
, DDIPBS uiuw.wv 1-
April 1st, 1895.
nnirrirlL DEHTIST.
Graduate of the Philadelphia Dental
.iii.. nflfina it old established Io-
Vi.:.i. sitroAt onnosite Court
cauou, iutuo w.- , -rr
House, .Wifnintown, Pa.
Crown and Bridgo work;
Painless Extraction.
All work guaranteed. .
ssi,wiiil. in Effect May 21,
in Effect
wv PaKseneer. leaves Philadelphia
i . m. MnrriHbunr 8 00 a. m
HI ou - . - ' ; i o ns
Duncannon 8 35 a. m; New Port 9 0o
'.. fiiiotnwn9 15a. m; Durword
n'oi m- Tiuimiwoiitown 9 20 a. m
Va"n Dvke 9 : a. m; Tuscarora 9 30 a.
m: Mekii-o 9 40 a. m; Port twyai w
m. Mifflii. asn . m: Denholm V oo
m! I.ewistown 10 13 a. m; McVeytown
10 38 a. m; ewiou nsiuuuiu
r....... TTni.m 11 OR a. m: 1
j.'.. ii r m-TVrone 12 20 P. ni; Al
i oft n m: Pittsburg 5 50 p. m.
Mail leaves Philadelphia at 7 00 a. ni
ij.,i.,,rir t 11 48 a. m: Miuliii 1 U
m- luistnviii 1 30 P. ni: HuutiiiK-
i-o r, nt- Tvmne 3 12 P. in; At
,rjKn mr Pittslmn; 8 40 p. m.
Ait.w.o A.wiimMlatioii leaves tlar-
risburir at 5 00 p. m; Duncannon 5 34
r, m-X(.u-iMrt 6 02 P. m; Milleretown
fi ll n. m: Thompsontown 6 21 p. m
Tuscarora 6 30 p. m: Mexico 6 83 p. in
Port Roval 6 3S p. m: Mifllin 6 43 p. ni
lw-nhntin r. 49 i. m: Ijewistown t 0 p.
m- MnVevtnwu 7 30 p. in; Newton
Hm!ltnii7 50 n. m: Huutiiigdoii 8
r. ni: Tvrone 9 02 p. in; Altoona 9 3-3
i .
n. m.
Pacific Kx press leaves Philadelphia
ut 11 -o n m: I I.irri.'iiurir at 3 00 a. iu
MarvsvilleS 14 a. m. luucaniion 3 29
a. iii. Newport 3 52 a ni. Port Royal
4 25 a. in. Mifflin 4.::0 a. m. I.ewistown
j.vnii 'Vpu ton llaiuilton 54 a. ni
HiTntitiffdon f 03 a. m. Petersbur; 6 19
5-2 a. m. Altoona 7 40 a.
ni lii tslmnr 12 10 a. HI.
Oyster Express leaves Philadelphia
at 4 35 p, m. Harrisburs at 10 20 p. m
Newport 11 Ot! p. m. Mitlliu 11 40 p. m
Lpu istown 11 58 n. m.: JiuntmKUon I
I .v nt. Tvrone 1 H2 a. m. Alttiuiia "2 00
l'lllj.iinr.", 111.
1 Ka!st IJne leaves Pliiladelphia at 1
t "5 m llarrisburtr 3 45 p. in. Duncan
J 1ft n m. Newport 4 SO P. m. Mif-
lfli a ft-? n. m. Ijewistown a 22 p. m
Mount Union 6 03 p. ni. Huiitingdoi
6. 22 p. m.
Tvrone 6 59 p. m. Altoona
so p.
ru. Pittaburp 11 SO p- m-
Altoona Aci-ommodation leaves Al
sw.ttn -it 4 4U ft. 111. ivrouc '- -
. . rn - r l I n
TVi.rl.iirfs n 25 a. ni. HHIllUllMlOIi O o
n ii toil Hamilton 01 a. ni. Mc-
Vevtown 17 a. ni. Iiewisttwii 6 38
... 'MiiUin 8 .s a. m. Port Koyal 7 02
m! Thonipsoiitown 7 17 a. ni. Millers
town 7 a. m. Newport 7 3o a. in.
Duneaiiiioii S00 a.m. Jiarnsuurg o a-
a. m.
Sea Shore leaves Pitlsluinr at 2 oO a.
. ri'........ T tu ..
ni. Altoona i ! a. iu- i.vhmks
HuntiiiKdon 8 30 a. ni. Jlo eyiown io
a. ni. liev. tMown w .-w k. m. -
a. m. Port :toyal-9o9a. m. Thompson-
town 10 14 a. in. .Millerstown io a.
ni "eviH)rt 1 :!2 a. m. Duni-annoii 10
.54 a in. Marvsville II 07 a. in. Harris
buri? 11 25 a. m. Philadelphia 3 IK) p. m.
Main lsne r.xpress leaves nuruuig
at S (H a. m. Altoona 11 40 a. m. iyrne
12 0; p. in. Iluntmjidoii iz o-i p.-m.
I.ewiMown 1 "S p. m. Villlin 1 50 p. ni.
Harrisburg 3 10 p. in. lialtimore 00 p.
m. asnmgroii i i p. m- i inuutn.u.a
6 23 p. in.
Mail leaves Aiioona ui - w y- tu .-
rone 230 p. m iiuiiiiubuoh on i- m.
Newtou Hamilton 3 47 p. ni. McVey
town 4 20 p. ni. lwiatown 4 83 p. m.
Midliu 4 55 p. m. Port Koyal a 00 p. m.
Mexico 5 2U I. ni. inoiupsomowu o ia
in. Millerstown a as l- ni. iew
8!l u. iu. Diiiicamion O oa p. m
nsburg r 4-j p. m-
Hail Kxpress leaves riusimrgai iz
ni. Altoona 5 50 p. m. Tyrone 0 20
p.m. HuntingUon on p. m. wcey-
town 7 44 p. ni. jiewisiowii o im p. m.
Midlin 8 20 p. in. Port I loyal 8 31 p. m.
Millerstown 8 57 p. m. Kewjxrt 9 05 p.
iu. Jluncaunon usi r. m. iiarnsourg
10 00 p m.
Philadelphia Kxpress leaves Pitta-
burg at 4 30 p. iu. Altoona 9 Oo p. m-
Tyrone 9 33 p. m. Huntingdon 10 12 p.
ni. Mount union i"az p.m. jewiB
town 11 16 p. m. AfirBin 11 37 p.m. Har
risburg 100a m Philadelphia 4 SO.
At Ijewwtown Junction. for tnin-
bury 7 50 a. m. and 3 40 p. m. week
days. For Ailroy 7 55, 11 4o a. m. anu 3 00
. in week-days.
At Tvrone. For Clearfield and Cur-
wensville 8 20 a. m. 3 20 and 7 20 p. m.
For P.ellefoiite and Iock Haven 8 10
a. m. 12 30 ana 7 lo p. m. weeK-aayB.
For further information apply to
Ticket Agents, or Thomas K Watt.
Pumuniirar A irinit W DctArn Ill'luin
Corner Fifth Avenue and Snuthneld
Street, Pittsburg.
lieneral Man'g'r. General Pass r Agt.
aim mr woass is rue woaxa. Warmus w
laplasmu ( Bm QnUlij at knot (rlex. Ihu. OuMa.
Trade Marks
Copyrights Ac
An Ton n mrl!nj a akfltch and dwu Iptlon mav
quickly ascertain onr opinion free whether aa
Invention Is probably patentable. Cnmmuntea.
Uons strictly oonBdentiaL Handbook on Patents
sent free. Oldest agency for securing mimii.
Patents taken tbroneh Munn A Co. receive
mr nt wANricv, w ii om counts, in tne
Scientific JIr.tr.can.
A handsomelr tTtwitratMl weekly.
. Lamstel
. Terms. SS
1 newadeales
ru lauou ui mnj Bcvsauac
n of any scientlflc tonmal. Terms. $3
fnnrisflatkt.lL HrO K.n
.iij n .... . sj iirr
& Son.
The only up to-date Clothier jD
the County.
their Fall and Winter line of Clotti
ng and it is now
; You will find they are not on
v -ahead in time, but they are al
so ahead in Qaulity.
They simply ask an inspection to
prove their assertion are true.
Patterson, . Penna.
and House-Furnishing
O -oOo O
Things are never dull here; never stupid. The full life of tbe flora il
wavb has a cheerful welcooie for all coiners, aud shoppers arc quick to decida
in favor of the Great Values to be found in our new
A Spfctally Selectfld Stock of
i.auges, Couk, Parlor and Shop
Horse liiaokets and Lap llobes.
LAM PS, large sad sui!l.
Come io andlook aruad. We'll
make you feel at horn?.
We have the largest Stock aud
Store in the county.
Money Loaned at Lowsst Bates.
March 5, 1S98.
Juniata Valley
National Bank.
Capital . .
T. V
IRWIN, Cashier.
Louis K Atkiusou. W. C. Pomeroy.
John Hertzler. J. L. Barton.'
H. J. Shelieuberger. W. N. Bterrett
T. Van Irwin.
Interest allowed on time deposit at
the rate of three per cent, per Annum.
January 11, 1899.
The Safes of Hood's SarmxmKi'
are the largest in the world buuti
a uy noi banamatflUa n
snmtarfnl x 1 .
i .i, pennmm.
"antisnanvnrmeam. S60.
ready tor lnspec-
fteat, Stylish,
77" ia Dr, Bumj.Lreys' friiiou
Specific for the enro of Grip n&
Colds, nnl tbe irevention of Pijtumo
nia. All druggists, 25c.
Subscribe for the fc'iNTixix asi
EeruBLiCAN, a paper tbat contain
cboice reading matter, full of inform
tion tbat does tbe reader giod, and
in addition to that all local nwsthat
are worth publishing find places in
it? columns. tf-
No. 1 Cures Fever.
No. 2 " Worms.
No. 3 " Infants Disease.
No. 4 " Diarrhea.
No. 7 " Coughs.
No. 8 Cures Neuralgia.
No. 9 " Headache.
No. IO " Dyspepsia.
No. 1 1 " Delayed PeriodaV
No. 12 " Leucorrhea.
No? 13 Cures Croup.
No. 14 " Skin Diseases.
No. 13 " Rheumatism.
No. 16 " Malaria.
No. 10 " Catarrh.
No. 20 Cures Whooping Coufll
No. 21 " Asthma.
No. 24 " General Debility-
No. 26 " Sea-Sickness.
No. 27 "
No. 28 Cures
No. 30 "
No. 32
No. 34
No. 77
Kidney Diseo
Nervous Debility'
Urinary Disease
Heart Disease.
Sore Throat.
Colds and Grip-
Da. HrMPHBETs' Homeopathic
op Diseases Mailed Fbee.
Small bottles of pleasant pellets, lit tM
pocket. Sold by dniririts. or ent preiug
receiptor price. 28 cents, execj t, ? i
are made jl 00 size only. ,.H,'mJ2rl
otaa oSlwjy. 1" William St New ura.
THE JPllt uin i
Por Piles
nstuaini TTITflT 'ri""
not o-i
a ltDnvli
r7m w