Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, August 30, 1899, Image 1

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Editor and Proprietor.
NO. 38.
enArTER xxx.
"Mrs. Manners," continues Le Mesurier,
"when you were looking over the vestry
books of Cloverfield parish last week 70a
came upon the entry of a marriage be
tween John Le Mesurier and Adela
Coombcs. which took place fifteen yean
igo In that very church, and which I beg
ped you to keep a secret for my sake.
That entry referred to the union of this
lady and myself."
"She is your wife!" exclaims Delia,
"I was," says the Sister, sadly.
"You are you ever mast be, at least in
my opinion," replies Mr. Le Mesurier.
"Fifteen years ago, then, I was staying
at Southampton reading for holy orders,
when I met Adela Coombes, who was a
teacher at a school. She had had th
misfortune to have a very unhappy home,
and "
Here the Sister, who had been strtig
fliti? between a desire to atone for the
past by a humble confession and the nat
ural feeling of shame which forbids het
making it in the presence of a stranger,
takes the words oat of Mr. Le Mesurier' 1
"John John! let me tell the story.
There is no disgrace too great for such a
woman as I have been. Madam," she
continues, turning toward Delia, "I told
yuu l.ut just now that the blight of my
life had been effected by an unpardona
ble deceit. The deceit Involved an unpar
donable imprudence. As a young girl I
bud. it must be confessed, a most unhappy
home, and to escape Its discomforts, I
eloped from it, at the age of sixteen, with
the mate of a merchant vessel a man I
had only seen some half a dozen times.
I was married, and lived with him at
Southampton for a while until he went to
ca Benin, when his ship was wrecked
and all hands reported lost. I did not
grieve for him he had been too little to
me; and when I met Mr. Ie Mesurier and
learned that he loved me, I was too elated
to care for anything else. I was support
ing myself then as a teacher In a school;
I had entered there under my maiden
name, and I never undeceived John In the
matter, but kept the fact of my first mar
riage a secret from him. After we had
been acquainted a few months be pro
posed to me that we should be married
privately. He was bis own master, but
he did not wish his family to hear the
news all at once. So we were married at
-the little village of Cloverfield, and for
awhile we were happy Quite quite hap-
-py." "
- "I was, heaven knows!" Interpolates Le
Mesurier, in a voice of deep feeling.
"Then came my awful temptation and
falL The news reached me in a round
about way that my first husband had
been saved from the wreck, and waa do
ing his best to trace me. I suffered the
tortures of hell, but I never tdd John.
I knew that as soon as he heard it, we
should be forced to separate."
"My poor Adela!"
"But I betrayed the truth, spite of my
self. John was interested in mesmerism
at that time. He studied the science
deeply, and I was the patient on whom
he made his chief experiments. I did not
know the extent of the power he held over
me, and he thought his wife could liavt
no secrets worthy of the name from him.
So one day when I was under the Influ
ence, he commanded me to apeak what
was in my mind. I obeyed hint and be
learned everything! Then there came a
horrible awakening and all was over be
tween ns."
"Yon went back to your first husband?"
says Delia, who is intensely interested in
the story of her poor friend's life.
"No!" with a shudder; "thank heaven,
that was never required of me. But he
found me out, or rather his friends did,
and I nursed him he had been fearfully
Injured and crippled in the course of the
hardships he had. undergone until hr
went to his rest."
"Is he dead?" exclaims Le Mesurier, In
an excited manner.
Adela glances at him reproachfully.
"Yes; years and years ago. And when
that duty was over, I entered upon my
resent career, and found the peace I
sever knew before."
"He Is dead, and you never let me
know," says Le Mesurier; "and while I
have been spending my life in vain regrets
for what I thought to be an irremediable
grief. How could yon be so cruel f
"What would have been the use of dis
turbing your mind afresh, when I hoped it
had turned to better things for comfort?
I was not your wife I never had been
I never could be, after the shameful de
ception I had practiced upon yon, and the
In in which I had knowingly permitted
yon to live."
"I do not attempt to say yon were
right, Adela; but your fault, however
great, arose from love for me. But I, too,
had injured you, though innocently, and
it was not fair to debar me the option of
remedying the wrong I did you."
"We were so very, very happy togeth
er!" she says, through her tears.
"And so yon will be again. Mr. Lb
Mesurier, I heartily congratulate yon on
your good fortune. And you so fully de
serve it. If It had not been for your gen
erous friendship for me, and sympathy
In xlj trials, you would not have been
he-e to-day to bnd your long-lost treasure
again. Adela. if you love him still, make
him happy! His life has been a wasted
one for want of you."
"Oh, John, can you forgive me? Is It
possible you can love me still?" says
She is answered by the stealing of an
arm about her waist. Delia rises hastily
and walks to the window. She is rejoic
ing with the most unselfish joy over the
new-born happiness of her friend, and
she will not be witness to the sacred kisa
that heralds it.
At this juncture a knock sounds upon
the door, and Adela lias hardly had time
to disengage herself from Le Mesurier's
encircling arm, when the doctor, who has
been called in to attend old Strother, ea
ters the room.
"I beg your psirdon, Sinter, but if yon
re at leisure I should like to speak to yon
for a moment."
"You can speak to mc with the greatest
confidence here, doctor. This lady and
gentleman are my friends and interested
lnthe fate of your poor patient."
"He has not recovered. I regret to say
that he is dead!"
.Pead! The. wordfala with.chjljinf et-
Tect upon ali present. Death is an awfu.
thing even when it is presented to us in
the person of an imbecile and worn-out
"I should Ilka to Identify the body,"
aan Ifo I Mfjroiitr.
They follow the doctor silently and rev
erently to the chamber where poor old
Strother waa conveyed; and there, on a
bed, they find the body of the Chilton
clerk, dressed as they discovered him.
with his arms fondly extended over the
precious package that caused his death.
La Mesurier shoulders the mysteriou
parcel and carries it into the next room.
Meanwhile, Mr. and Mrs. Bond having
finished their business In London return
home, only to find that Delia haa disap
peared, and that Mr. Le Mesurier has fol
lowed suit Mrs. Hephzibah immediately
cents, .an elopjuenU .
As Mr. and Mrs. Bond are sitting over
their coffee and their simple desert to
gether, Ellen enters with the Intelligence
that two strange gentlemen are in the
drawing room, waiting to speak to hei
"Oh, they fing me some bad news of
Delia r cries M:-s. Bond, as she stumbles
to her feet and rushes precipitately to the
drawing room, where, to her utter amaze
ment, she is confronted by Angus Moray
and the Baron Gustave Saxe. It is ditli
cult to say which of the three is most
"Do you bring me tidings of your moth
er?" exclaims Mrs. Hephzibah.
"My mother!" echoes Angus Moray.
"Why, merciful heavens! It is Mrs. nor
ton! Madame," he continues rapidly,
"where is my mother? Is she not with
you? Do you know of her address? 1
have been trying in vain to find both you
and her since coming to England."
"Who told yon I lived here?" demands
Mrs. Hephzibah. in her turn.
"Wo did not know it. This is a com
plete surprise to both the baron and my
self. But, madame, in mercy, tell me, is
my dear mother here?"
"She is not here, Mr. Moray."
"Ton cannot give me her address?"
"I cannot."
Both the men look grave. Angus once
more breaks the silence.
"My good friend here, who has been as
a brother in all my troubles, left Bruges
with me for the express purpose of search
ing for my poor mother." .
"Ton are not married,' then, to Made
moiselle de BloUr
"No; nor never shall be, until my moth
er's pure tame Is righted," replies the
young man proudly. "And now yon can
not tell me one word of her! What awful
mystery has she wrapped about herself?
Where. In heaven's name, can she be hid
den?" "If you had asked me that question yes
terday, Angus Moray, I could have an
swered you under this roof!"
"Here, In this very house! Baron, this
la indeed joyful Intelligence. But you
can surely tell me, then, where she has
"I cannot I wish I could."
At this moment voices loud and chen
fnl voices make themselves distinctly
heard upon the step of the open hall door.
"Home at last! Won't you come in? O
yes I yon must No; I won't give up my
precious burden for anything. You may
take the two others, if you choose, but I
hall keep this one. I couldn't sleep with
out it Indeed I couldn't; I should dream
It was gone again, and wake np to believe
my dream waa true. I'll kill you if yon
try to touch it" continues the merry voice
with a burst of Innocent, gleeful laughter.
"Have your own way, then, you willful
creature I"
"It la my mother's voice," cries Angus.
"Yes! and with Mr. Le Mesurier," re
plies Mrs. Bond, grimly.
At this moment Mr. Bond, who has re
mained In hiding In the dining room dur
ing the strangers' visit appears in the ball
and confronts Delia.
"Are yon homer' she exclaims, with
surprise. "OI what will Mrs. Hephzibah
think of my running away in this fash
ion? Where to she?"
"I am here." replied Mrs. Bond, froni
the precincts of the drawing room, "and
ready to receive you, ueiw.
"Ol my dear friend," she says, coming
forward with a huge parcel In her arms;
"how can I excuse myself to you 7 but
Mr. Le Mesurier will help to tell my
story. A most wonderful thing has hap
pened. I have found "
But here the mother, having crossed tht
threshold, first perceives there are strang
ers in the drawing room; next regards
them for a moment, curiously; and then,
with a loud cry In which there is no sound
hut that of unalloyed happiness, drops her
parcel on the ground, and, rushing to the
outstretched arms of her son, throws her
self Into them and weeps unrestraintedly.
"OI my boy! my boy! My precious, pre
cious boy! My hope, my treasure, my
child! Do I hold you in my arms again?
O, my Angus! my darling! where have
you come from? How did you know your
mother was here? Is it my tears that
have drawn you to me? I have never lain
down in my bed, Angus, without weeping
the bitterest tears for you, and a thousand
times I have resolved to break my oath
sooner than endure the bell I nave suf
fered apart from you. But It waa for
your sake, darling, for your dear sake!
And now you are come we are together
once more, and I have the most wonder
ful news to tell yon. I "
"I guess It dearest mother!" he says,
sadly. "Do not give yourself the pals ei
(piling It"
"But !t Is not pain it Is great treat
Joy. My dear friend, Mr. Le Mesurier
"Hush, hush! The baron Is here."
"Baron Saxe," cries Delia, becoming
Instantly covered with blushes, as she
raises herself to look at mm.
"Yes, madam," says the baron, now
compelled to speak, though huskily, and
o one will rejoice more In your happiness
than I shall r v
"But yon do not know It yet I I nave
found the certificate I"
"What?" exclaim the whole company
Then she repeal the whole story the
reader already knows It
"We discovered the old maa In a dying
state." she jaacluoea, wegt the
parcel and found It contained my certifi
cate, and Mr. Le Mesurier has It In that
book, and I I am the happiest woman on
the face of the earth," says Delia, as she
bursts Into a flood of tears, and hides her
face once more on the arms of her son.
"And 70a are not married to him,
theaT demands Mrs. Hephzibah.
"Married! Married to whom?" ,
"To the parson there."
"Good gracious! my dear friend! What
ever made such an idea enter your head?
He Is a married man already."
Then Mr. Le Mesurier relates how he
became reunited to his wife.
"Well, every one seems to be m Inek to
day," says Mrs. Bond; "myself as much
as any," she adds, with a squeeze of the
little lawyer's hand.
"Am I to be the only unlucky one left
oat madam?" says the baron In a low
voice, as he takes a seat on the other aide
of Dells.
"I hope not baron, I trust your future
win be as bright as that of any of us."
"It Is In your power to make It so, De
lia." "What! have yon not yet forgotten the
old folly?" she says with a happy smile.
Angus gets hold of his mother's hand.
and places It in that of his friend.
"Will it make you happy If I leave i
thejre. my precious. boy?" .
"Very happy, dearest mother."
"Then It shall be just as Gustave
"Gustave will never give it np again.'
the baron answers, as he raises her hand
to his Hps.
"O, mg merciful Father!" sighs Delia
reverently, as she aits between her future
husband and her son, "I thank Thee, Who
hast accepted an atonement for my He.'
(The end.)
That Waa What the Conductor Told the
Besralar Passenger.
"Well, well; look here; how's this?"
said the regular passenger to the surly
cable car conductor. "I'm sure I saw
yon give that pretty girl a squeeze a
you helped her out of the car
"It might be, sir," Interrupted the
surly conductor, with a face beaming
with smiles," you see she's my w-
"Why, you dog, you and you ac
knowledge It do you?" went on the
regular passenger. "You're the man
that wouldn't 'have a woman tfn your
car If you could help It; hated the whole
lot of 'em, did you? Thought they were
only put Into the world to make trou
ble" "But you see, air." the conductor
was still beaming.
"Always gave you pennies; they could
n't get la or out of the car alone; never
knew where they were going; if they
did get off alone they got off wrong
and tumbled; crowded Into seats that
were full; you never knew It to fall.
That's what you said, and here I find
"Yes, sir, you're right sir step live
ly, madam but you see "
"Squeezing a pretty girl, and a very
pretty girl at that "
"My wife, sir transfer, madam i-
"Aad your wife into- the bargain's
And you hated the whole of 'em. Said
It pretty near ruined a man to have
'em on the car; didn't know what
would happen if you bad one belonging
to you. And now you're married! Bless
met Dear, dear! Never saw you smile
at one of 'em unless It was a very lit
tle one. You were sweet on the babies:
yea, I must say you were that"
"Yea, sir, you're right sir. Perhapr
It was that that did It You see, this
Is a family line, sir. Lots of nice babies
on this line, sir. It made a man think
he might like to have a little home of
his own, sir. Then you see their
"Yes, I see, I see; the pretty girl.
Well, well, I declare! And you look
like another man. Any babies of your
"No, sir; but Just over the honey
moon, yet sir "
"Well, well; You don't say! Well,
you Just ring that bell, young man, and
let me off, and there's a dollar as a nest
egg for the first baby. Well, well, I
do declare! What's this world cominy
to, anyway?" New York Times.
Transmitting Sound by Tabes.
An Interesting series of experiments
In transmitting sound through tubing
Is reported from Germany. The pip
ing conveying compressed air Into the
workings of a coal mine was employ
ed. The greatest length to which a
sound could be conveyed In a straight
pipe without branches was found tc
be 1,500 to 1,700 feet. For distances
up to 2,000 feet the best kind of pipe
was that with a diameter of about
twenty Inches; beyond that distance
larger pipes were more effective. Id
distances up te 100 feet a diameter o'
.tight inches is needed.
Mexico's Copyright Law.
The new copyright law of Mexico
makes no distinction between the
rights of native and foreign authors.
All that Is necessary is that the work
be published In Mexico. It will cost a
foreign author $50 to copyright his book
In that republic. A copyright holds fo
en years.
Cheap Tea.
Tea Is very cheap In China. In one
province of the empire tea la sold at
Vfa cents a pound.
Russia Is going to abolish the diffi
culties of navigation of the month of
the Volga by cutting a canal directly
from the river to the Caspian sea.
A lady at Green Haven, N. Y.. se
cured a separation from her husband
on the ground of extreme cruelty.
Among other brutal acts he was In the
habit of sleeping; with a hammer under
his pillow, and with this he frequently
threatened, during the night to pound
ier into insensibility.
The highest active volcano In the
world is that of the smoking moun
tain, Popocatepetl, in Mexico. It is
17.784 feet above the sea. Its crater is
three miles In circumference, and It is
1000 feet deeD.
Radiation takes place more rapidly
from the surface of plants than from
the air about them, so that on very
still nights the plants are sometimes
several degrees colder than the sur
rounding air.
Twenty-five years ago the United
States supplied 15 per cent of the
world's coal consumption; now they
supply 30 per cent
Farm hands in Yucatan wear lin
en garments of spotless white. When
they become even slightly soiled they
hasten to change them. Work is plen
tiful there, farm laborers are well
paid, and they can afford to be tidy.
Jacob H. rchlir. Who Ha Hi-ram gtsOO,
OOO to Harvard.
The charities of Jacob H. Bchlff. of
New York,who haa given 4 00,000 tc
Harvard, are very large. Hit firs'
large gift waa made about twent)
years ago. when be gave $25,000 for s
building for the Hebrew Free Schook
Association. He established a -nurses
settlement on the East Side, a sen-
sectarian charity. The Initiatory cost
130.000, and It costs $7,800 to maintain
It A handsome stone fountain In Rut
gers Square, bearing the simple Inscrip
tion, "Presented to the City of New
York 1885," was for a time an anony
mous girt from Mr.- Bchlff. which cost
S10.000. In 1882-83. when the Russia r
Hebrews were flocking to New York
City, he gave $10,000 to erect temporary
shelters for them. Two years ago b
presented to the Young Men's Hebrew
Association a $30,000 house. He prom
Ised them a larger, handsomer build
Ing aa soon as the membership shouk
grow large enough to support such
home. He has Just redeemed his prom
is by giving the association a plot of
ground at Ninety-second street an
Lexington avenue, and Instructing hit
architects to erect a building thereon,
the ground and bouse to cost $100,000.
He originated the plan which led ti
the birth of the Montefiore home. Ht
gave a few years ago $25,000 for
country sanitarium In connection with
the home at Bedford Station, on Har
lem Hall road. He has also given $5,
000 as the nucleus of a fund In mem
ory of the late Michael Hetlbron, $10,
000 to the Hebrew Loan Society, and a
large sum to Barnard College. The of
fer of his gifts to Harvard for the Sem
itic Department was made June 27.
The next day President Eliot said In
effect the university would accept the
conditions imposed. These were thai
about seventy other persons who have
contributed to the fund for a Semitic
ball and museum release their contri
butions for that purpose to a fund foi
the purchase of material for the muse
um. In addition, Mr. Schlff founds a
number of Semitic scholarships In th
nnlveralty, his total 1 proposed '' gtf ti
footing up, as stated, to $400,000. Th
time when the gifts become available
Is uncertain until the corporation bat
acted upon them. Chicago Times-Herald.
Holmes' comet which was discov
ered In 1802, and which aroused great
Interest because of an unexplained
outburst of light that It exhibited while
retreating Into space, was rediscov
ered coming sunward once more, by
Mr. Perrlne, of the Lick Observatory,
on June 11. Its period of revolution Is
bout seven years.
The new satellite of Saturn, recently
discovered by Prof. W. C Pickering,
with the aid of photography, has been
named Phoebe. Owing to Its small
size, probably not exceeding 200 miles
In diameter, and Its great distance from
the planet about 7,787,000 miles,
Phoebe bears no resemblance to such a
satellite as our moon. Seen from Sat
urn, it would appear only as a star, and
1 faint star at that, probably Just no
ticeable to the naked eye.
Wide currency having been given to
the statement that liquid air promises
to do the work of coal at next to no
cost because an experimenter claims
to have produced "ten gallons of liquid
air by the use of three gallons In an
engine," President Henry Morton, ol
the Stevens Institute, has pointed out
the' fallacy of the claim. He show
that it really takes twelve times as
much power to make a gallon of liquid
tlr as that gallon could develop In an
ideally perfect engine.
The waves of the Indian Ocean In a
strong west wind are three hundred to
four hundred feet long and sixty feel
high and have a speed of thirty-three
miles an hour. Such a wave weighs
(04 tons to the foot If a ship six hun
Ired feet long lies In the trough of the
lea a wave sixty feet high hurti
igainst It 218,400 tons, more than nine
seen times its own weight. This
weight does not fall upon the ship at
lea, because Its buoyancy enables It to
rise, but if It drifts upon the lee shore
the power of a succession of 218,400
ton blows will tear to pieces any ship
man has the cunning or the power to
Mr. Darwin once wrote a book, which
nany readers pronounce as Interesting
s a novel, on earthworms and tht
wonderful way In which they plow up
turn over and Invigorate the soli. Id
recent address. Dr. L. O. Howard, of
Washington, showed thst many species
of insects are also Important agents
in soil making. "They are found be
neath the ground," he says, "In Incred
ible numbers, and they penetrate to a
surprising depth. The minute Insects
of the family Pudorldae which ara
wingless have been found swarmini
literally by the million at a depth 01
six to eight feet In a stiff clay aubaofl.
Among the means of protecting, fruit
trees against frost, practiced In Cali
fornia, is the productlen of tog by (
generator In the form of a wagon, la
vented by George F. Dltxler. TIm
wagon carries a sheet-Iron tank, tki
VHru part stf wUoa la Ded with wet
straw, or slutlar material, kept molw
by the automatic Injection of watei
from a cask, while near the bottom li
a grate upon which tar la burned. 1
blast operated by a revolving fan
serving to maintain the combustion
All the heat la compelled to pa si
through the wet straw before reachlnf
the air. and In consequence the wagoi
Is burled In a dense fog. and as It pa?
es between the rows of low trees 1'
envelops them In a mist so thick tha
the driver Is frequently compelled tl
lead the horses.
Odd Ceremony In the Land of Flowar
and t snihlae,
A woman who lived many years u
Japan has an article In a late numbet
of the London Graphic on Japanese so
cial customs. Of courtship and mar
riage among the "little brown people"
she says that both are very curious
ceremonies and that they still savoi
somewhat of barbarism. These rare
monies are described In an Interesting
manner In her communication. "When
a young man," she informs ns. "has
fixed his affections upon a maiden ot
suitable standing he declares his love
by fastening a branch of a certain
shrub to the house of the damsel's
parents. If the branch he neglected
the suit Is rejected; If It be accepted
so Is the suitor. At the time of the
marriage the bridegroom sends pres
ents to his bride as costly as his means
will allow, which she Immediately of
fers to her parents In acknowledgment
of their kindness In Infancy and of the
pains bestowed upon her education.
The wedding takes place In the even
ing. The bride Is dressed In a Kma
white silk kimono and white veil anil
she and bar future husband sit fnclng
each other on the floor. Two tuWes
are placed close by; on the one is a
kettle with two spouts, a bottle of Kike
and caps; on the other tnble n minia
ture flr tree signifying the strength
of the bridegroom; a plum tree, signi
fying the beauty of the bride, and,
lastly, a stork standing on a tortoise.
representing long life and happiness,
desired by them both. At the marrluge
feast each guest In turn drinks three
cups of the sake and the two-spoutet'
kettle, also containing sake, is put te
the mouths of the bride and bridegr o:t
alternately by two attendants, signify
ing that they are to share together
Joys and sorrows. The bride keeps
her veil all bcr life and after death It
Is burled with her as her shroud. The
chief duty of a Japanese woman nil
her life Is obedience whilst uniunr
ried. to her parents; when married, t.
her nusband 'and -h!a -parents; whet
widowed, to her son." -
H a Text In "RoMisoa Crusoe."
A humorous Incident happened In
Cleveland several years ago. A certain
paator, widely known and greatly be
toved. was not aa careful as be might
have been In the preparation of his
sermon. He was hampered but little
by bla manuscripts, and bad a way of
wandering far from the written screed.
However, he had the good sense to sub
mit his texts, and usually bis manu
script sermons, to his highly Intelli
gent wife. He usually did this Satur
lay night but on one occasion the lady
lappened to be away from home all
:he evening. - So on Snnday morning
the asked him for the chosen text
He gave It very glbly.
"Book, chapter and verse?" she
The pastor hung his head.
"The fact is, my dear, 1 was In such
1 hurry that I couldn't quite turn to It
out I've built up a most Interesting
sermon around It"
"And you couldn't find It?"
"No, my dear."
"Well. It Isn't very much to be won
lered at" salf his helpmeet dryly.
'Thnt text of yours is from 'Robinson
Crusoe.' "
"NoP' gasped Ine shocked pastor.
What will I dot"
"Give me the P'ble," said the wife.
And it wasn't but a few moments be
fore she had picked out a text that
Stted the sermon almost as well as the
Crusoe quotation.
Amertoan Finder's rHsocesa.
Miss Louise Homer, the new Ameri
can soprano, who has proved such an
acquisition to the Covent Garden com
pany, baa already scored successes as
Lola In "Cavalleria," as Amneris it
"Alda" and other parts. She Is a charm
ing singer, with a clear, full voice, and
Is slight and pretty In person. Miss
Homer Is a native of Pittsburg, Pa.,
and since her marrlsge has lived In
Boston, where her husband Is well
known ss a musician and composer.
Three years sgo they went to Paris
that she might pursue her vocal stud
ies under Mmes. Jullanl and Koenlg.
She also studied dramatic diction uy
der Panl Lherie. Her debut was made
at Vichy In 1808, and, after singing at
Alx-les-Balns, she was engaged for
the chief contralto parts at Angers, an
Important operatic center, where she
created quite a furore as the Queen In
"Hamlet," as Leonora In "La Favor
It a," and aa Amneris. Among her other
favorite roles are Dallla, Ortrud and
Herodlas. Next winter Miss Homei
Is engaged for the Theatre de la Mon
nale In Brussels for several princlpa'
Sacred Name Freely Used.
Two youngsters, respectively 8 and 7,
went to Sunday school recently and
heard their new teacher relate the
(light Into Egypt for the first time. The
story made a profound Impression on
their Infant minds, and the next day
the pair were "playing" it in the nur
sery, with an overturned chair for the
8. "Come along, Mary!" cried the
8-year-old to bis small sister. "Hurry
up; the asa Is all ready." "I can't yet;
Jesus Isn't ready. Tell Joseph to wait
till I find Jesus' hat" Then mamma
sailed In and suggested the children
should amuse themselves by playing
something leas realistic and more aec
uku. The average man spends a lot of tlnu
searching for what be hopes he won't
The good may die young, but the bao
aearls always oosttvo their uaafutesaa
Every Haae a doctor collects a fee he
t Ma ma4tta satna.
Areas Keeaeat Utorwt - Lad hr
Clifford Howard. In the Ladles'
Soma Journal, writes that the first
camp meeting In America waa held on
the banks of the Muddy river. In Ken
tucky. In August 1700, and waa con
Sucted by the McGee brothers, two elo
quent evangelists. "It lasted for little
nore than a week," be states, "and the
aovetty of It and the success which at
tended It were so marked that there
rose aa Immediate demand for a con
tinuance of this form of worship. Ac
cordingly, the meeting waa speedily
followed by a large number of camp
meetings throughout the West So
great was the Interest they excitod that
in some Instances a single meeting waa
attended by 2,000 or 8.000 persons, re
sulting In the complete desertion of
the neighboring towns and settlements
for the time being. This first camp
meeting marked the beginning of a re
vival of religion which assumed such
proportions and wrought such wide
spread good that it has passed Into his
tory aa the 'Great Revival.' It was
the reaction following the period of
doubt and unbelief, and swept through
the country In a glorious wave of tri
umph. The earlier -camp meetings
were not held under the auspices of
iny particular denomination. People
f all churches, and all phases of belief
tttended them and took an interest in
their management Baptist Presby
terian, Methodist and other ministers
conducted the services. Denomina
tional differences were cast aside. All
;hurchea were merged into one In the
tide of revivalism. But after the first
excitement roused by the 'Great Re
vival' died away, this particular form
if worship became a Methodist Insti
tution. Other denominations gradu
illy abandoned it and left It to the
! Methodists, who have maintained It to
this day, and continue to lind in it a
source of good and a no less worthy
ncans of salvation than on the oeia
ilon of its establishment 100 years
this Insect Has a Fondness for the
Throats of Ilia Victims,
He tfl the latest importation, and has
tome all the way from Africa to strike
terror to his victims. The neck is the
chosen spot and those who have felt
the Insect's claws called him the
strangling bug from the sensation they
experienced. In appearance he resem
bles the electric light bug, so common
In the West but he is much larger
nd quite ferocious. The bug Is quite
three Inches In length and over an Inch
The bugs come from Africa In the
bold of a sailing vessel unloading in
Philadelphia. Now thousands of these
terrors are swarming along the shores
jf New Jersey, and where they strike
every claw draws blood to the skin,
ind leaves It congested, In what ap
pears to be red bruises an Inch long.
Phis strangling bug is a much more
langerous Insect than the kissing bug
ind la much more to be feared.
Hot Water Wells.
The wells In parts of Arizona have
ecently become producers of hot
sater, and apprehension Is felt by
nany of the residents of the -regions
iffected that they are about to become
artlcipantfl in a grand volcanic drama.
!n some of the wells the temperature
rater of the well rose twenty degrees
n a single night It a few the phe
lomenon disappeared soon after its
ippearance. In a majority of the
maps, however, the wells fairly steam
!roi their newly acquired heat The
lneV known of this curious state of
iffars wss a report that the wells st
Maricopa, on the Southern Pacific rail
mad, thirty miles south of Phoenix, had
luddenly become hot says the Omaha
It was four days thereafter that the
phenomenon first was noticed a dozen
miles west of that city. A test at one
well showed a temperature of nearly
ne hundred degrees. No difference is
noted In wells In the immediate vlcln
Ity of Phoenix.
The line of subterranean heat wave
follows the general direction of the
Sierra Estrella mountains, a volcanic
;haln lying immedint-ly south of the
Gila River. Thence it appears to con
tinue on In the direction of the Harqua
Bala mountains, near which are a num
ber of large and modern volcanic cones
ind hills of drifted volcanic ash. Fur
iter to the east the lava flows are fto
ecologically modern as to have over-a-helroed
In a number of places the
-lift dwellings of the ancients.
Many Bella Used by Farmer.
The farmers really use more bells
than any other class- of people or any
trade or Industry. A single foundry
In New Jersey casts annually 28.000
bells for the farmers and about 4,000
tor schools, churches, engine-houses,
etc It Is estimated by a foundryman
that at least 50,000 are sold every year
In the country to tillers of the soil anr
Coal la Sooth Africa.
- Coal mining Is making great strides
In South Africa. Last year the output
ha the Witwatersrand district amount
ed to 1,536,000 tons. There Is consider
able coal development going on in other
eaatern districts of Cape Colony and in
NataL Philadelphia Record.
The tjueem's DoaM.
The Queen's double Is an elder!
woman who acts as pew-opener at 1
church In North London, and so exac.
Is the resemblance that It makes a!
new members of the congregation ex
claim. Strangely she Is the exact ag
of the Queen, and became a widow It
the same year that the Prince Conaor
died. -
A story aa a married man lent reaii.
Interesting unless his wtte caucht hlr
at K.
Ret). Dr. tannage
Subject: Advice For the Taeatloa Take
the ftlbte Alone Plauan Seekers Ad
monished Mot to Leave Kella-loa Be
hind Temptation ot Watering Places.
CopjTiRht. IxMda'KJopsch. 1899.1
Wasiiihotos. D. C At this season ol
the year, when all who can get a vacation
ara taking it, tins discourse ot Dr. Titl
mage Is suggestive and appropriate. The
tett Is John v., 2, 3: "A pool, which is
causa in me nenrew tongao isetnesda,
bav.ng five porches. In these lav a ereat
multitude of impotent folk, of blind, halt.
I withered, waiting tor the moving of the
Outside the city of Jerusalem there was
a sanative wntnnng place, the popular re
sort for Invalids. To this dav there Is a
dry basin of rock which shows that there
may nave Deen a pool there 360 feet long,
130 leet wltle and seventy-Ova teet deep,
This pool was surrounded by Ave plaszas,
or porches, or hathlng bouses, where the
patients tarried nntil the time when they
were to step into the water. Ho far as re
Invlgoratlon was concerned It must have
been a Saratoga and a Ixmg Branc h on a
small scale, a Leamington and a Brighton
combined medical and therapeutic. Tra
dition says that at a certain season of the
year there was an officer of the govern
ment who would go down to that water and
pour In it some healing quality, and after
that the people would come and get the
meaioation, one 1 prerer tne plain state
ment of Scripture that at a certain season
an angol came down and stirred np or
tronmea tne water, ana tnen tne people
came ana got tne neaung. mat angel oi
God that stirred np the Jodaean watering
Elace had his counterpart In the angel of
eating who In our day steps into the min
eral waters o( congress, or utaron, or Hul
pbur Springs, or Into the salt sea at Cune
Hay and Naliant, where multitudes who
are worn out with commercial and profes
sional anxieties, as well as those who are
afflicted with rhenmatlo, neuralgic and
splenetic diseases, go and are cured by the
thousands. These blessed Bethesdas ara
scattered all np and down onr country.
We are at a season of the year when rail,
trains are laden with passengers and bag-i
gage on their way to the mountains and the
lakes and the seashore. Multitudes of our,
oitlEens are away for a restorative ab
sence. The city heats are pursuing the,
people with torch and fear ot sunstroke.
The long, silent balls of sumptuous hotels
are all abuzs with excited arrivals. The
antlers of Adirondack deer rattle ander
the shot of city sportsmen. The trout make
fatal snap at the hook of adroit sport imou,
who toss their spotted brilliance luto the
gamo bosket. The baton of the orchestral
leader taps the music stand on the hotel
green, and American life has put on festal
array, and the rambling of the ten-pin
alley, and the crack of the ivory balls on
the green baized billiard tables, and the
lotting of the barroom goblets, and the ex',
plosive uncorking of the champagne bot
tles, and the whirl nnd the rustle of the
ballroom dance, and the clattering hoofs,
of the race course and other signs of social
dissipation attest that the season for the
great American watering place Is In lull
play. Musicl Flute and drum and cornoty
a-plston and slapping cymbls wake the
echoes of the mountains. Qlad am I that
fagged ont American life for the most part
has an opportunity to rest and that nerves
racked and destroyed will And a Bothesda.
I believe in watering places. They
recope-ate for active service many who
wejw we BhDwtth trouble or overwork.
-5 ' IS -TiiTTfBb. -"tives. Let not
-SrSnluver the ioavirTSnlfnjfrMo
patient the physician, or the church its
pastor, a season of inoconpation. Lather
used to sport with bis children; Edmund
Burke used to caress his favorite horse;
Thomas Chalmers, In the dark hoar of the
church's disruption, played kit for re
creation so I was told by bis own daugh
ter and the busy Christ said to the busy
apostles, "Come ye apart awhile Into the
desert and rest yourselves." And i have
observed that they who do not know how to
rest do not know bow to work. But I have
to declare this truth to-day that some of
our fashionable wntering places are the
temporal nnd eternal destruction of "a
multitude that no man can number," and
amid the roogratulations of this season
nd tbo prospect of the departure of many
of you for the country I mast utter a warn
ing, plain, earnest and unmistakable.
The tlrst temptation that Is apt to hover
In this direction Is to leave your ploty ut
home. You will send the dog and eat and
canary bird to be well cured for somewhere
else; bnt the temptntlon will be to leave
your religion in the room with the Idlnds
down and the door bolted, and then you
will come back in the autumn to And that
it is starved and sudoont-d, lying stretched
on the rug stark dead. There Is no sur
plus of piety at the wntering places. I
never knew any one to grow very rapidly
n grace at the Cutskill Monn nin House,
r Sharon Springs, or the Falls of Mont
noroncy. It is generally the case that the
Sabbath Is more of a carousal than any'
jther day, and there are Sunday walks and
Sunday rides and Sunday excursions.
Elders and deacons and ministers ot relig
ion who are entirely consistent at home,
sometimes when the Sabbath dawns on
them at Niagara Falls or the White Moun
tains, takes day to themselves. If they go
to the church, it Is apt to be a sacred pa-'
rade, and the discourse, Instead of being a
plain talk about the soul. Is apt to be
what is called a orack sermon that Is,
some discourse picked out of the effusions
of the year as the one most adapted to ex
cite admiration, and In those churches,
from the way the ladies hold their fans,
you know thnt they are not to much Im
pressed with the heat as with the pic
turesqueness of half disclosed fentures.
Pour puny souls stand In the organ loft
and squall a tune that nobody knows, and
worshipers with 2000 worth of diamonds
on the right hand drop a cent into the
poor box, and then the benediction Is pro
nounced, and the farce Is ended. The
toughest thing I ever tried to do was to be
good at a watering place. The air is be
witched with the "world, the flesh nnd the
devil." There are Christians who In three
or four weeks In such a place have had
such terrible rents made In their Chris
tian robe that they bad to keep darning it
antll Christmas to get it mended.
The healtn of a great many people
makes an annual visit to some mineral
spring an absolute necessity, but take your
Ulhle along with yon and tHke an hour for
secrot prayer everv day, though you be
snrrounded by guffaw and saturnalia.
Keep holy the Sabbath, though they deride
you as a bigoted Puritan. Stand oil from
gambling hells and those other institu
tions which propose to Imitate on this s de
the water the iniquities ot lladen Baden.
Let your moral anil your Immortal health
keep pace with your physical recuperation
and remember that all the sulphur and
abalyboate springs cannot do you to much
good as the healing, perenulal flood that
breaks forth from ton "Hock of Ages."
This may be your last summer. It so, iimke
it a Ht vestibule of heaven.
Another tompta'lon hovering around
nearly all our wntering places Is t'.io b. r-ic
racing business. We nil admire the Iior e,
but we do not think thnt Its beauty or speed
ought to be cultured at the exp nse of hu
man degradation The horse race Is not
Of such Importance as the huinrin rac-.
The Bible Intimates that a man is betier
than n sheep, and I supio-e he Is h-lter
than a horse, though, like Job's s'nlHrm,
his neck be clothed with thunder. Horse
races In olden times were under the ban o!
Christian people, and In our day the snme
Institution has come op under llctltiouc
names. And It is called a "summer meet
ing," almost suggestive of positive rellgloiu
exercises. And It Is called an "agricul
tural fair," suggestive of everything thnt
Is Improving in the art of farming. Cul
ander these deceptive titles are tne same
;heatlng,.and the same betting, and the
tame drunkenness, and the same vaga
bondage, and the same abomination that
were to be found under the old horse rais
ing system.
Long ago the English government got
through looking to the tori forthe dragoon
and the light cavalry horse. They found
....... - j depreciates thejBt,ock, and
It Is worse yet for men. Thomas Hushes,
the membor of parliament and the authot
known all the world over, hearing that
new turf enterprise was being started le
this country, wrote a letter In which he
ld, "Heaven help you. then, for of all tht
Bankers ot our old civilization there It
nothing In this country approaching In un
blushing meanness, in rascality holding ft
head high, to this belauded Institution oi
the British turf." Another fnmons sports
man writes, "How many fine domains hav(
been shared among these hosts of rapa
3lons sharks dnrlng the lost 200 years, and.
unless the system be altered, how mnn)
more are doomed to fall Into the sam
gulf?" With the bullfights of Spain anc
the bear baitings of the pit may the Lore
God annihilate the Infamous and accursed
horse racing of England and America!
Another temptation hovering around the
watering place Is the formation of hasty
Sna lifelong alliances. The wntering
BTflces are responsible for more of the
domestic Infelicities ot this eonntry thnn
near y all other things combined. Society
Is so urtlllel.il there that no sure judgment
of character eon be formed. They who
form companionships amid such, circum
stances go into a lottery where there are
twenty blanks to one prize. In the severe
tug of life you want more than glitter and
splash. Life is not a ballroom, where the
music decides the step nnd bow and prance
and graceful swing of long train can make
np for strong common sense. Yon might as
well go among the gnyly painted yachts ol
summer regatta to Hod war vessels as
to go among the light spray of the snmmor
watering place to find cbnracter that
can stand the tost of the great strug
gle ot human lite. In the battle of life
vou want a stronger wenpon thnn a lace
tan or a croquet mallet. The load of life
Is so heavy that in order to draw it you
want a team stronger than that made np
of a masculine grasshopper and a feralnlno
butterfly. If there is any nun in the com
munity who excites my contempt and who
flight to excite tho contempt of evory man
ind woman It is the t,oft handed, soft
'leaded dude, who, perfumed until the air
is actually sick, spends his summer in
Uriklng killing attitudes and waving senti
mental ndieux and talking infinitesimal
nothings and finding his heaven in the set
it a lavender kid glove. Boots as tight as
in inquisition. Two hours of consummate
ikill exhibited in the tie of a flashing era
fat. His conversation made up of "Ahsl"
ind "Ohs!" and "He besl"
There Is only one eonDterpnrt to snch a
man as that, and that is the frothy young
woman at the watering place; her conver
i.ition made up of French moonshine; what
ilio has In her head only equaled by what
the had on hnr hack; useless ever since she
.vas horn and to be useless until she is dead
in less she becomes an Intelligent Chris
Ian. Wo may admire music and fair faces
ind graceful step, but amid the heartle-s-less
and the Inflation and the fantastic
influences ot our modern wntering plnces
jeware how you make lifelong covenants.
Another temptation that hovers over the
vatering place Is that of baneful II tor a
ure. Almost every one starting off for
lie summer takes ome roading matter.
There Is more pestiferous trash real among
he Intelligent clnsses in July and August
ban In all the other lea months of the
'ear. Men and women who at home would
tot be satisfied with a book that was not
eally sensible I find sitting on hotel piazza
r under the trees reading books the index
f which would make them blush if they
:uew that you knew what the book was.
'Oh;" they say, "you must have Intel
ectual recreatlonl" Yes. There Is no need
hat you take along to a watering place
'Hamilton's Metaphysics" orsome pondcr
ius discourse on the etornnl decrees or
'Faraday's Philosophy." There are many
lasy books that are good. You might as
veil say, "I propose now to give a llt
le rest to my digestive organs, and In
tend ot eating heavy meat and vegetables
will for a little while take lighter food, a
'Tfttestryoh .VfVjvV i,lfwgralns of rats
mne." SMutjtiTJi-iSa t' Aug Kit le M
ad as literary poison in December. Mark
bat. Do not let the frogs of a corrupt
irlntlng press jump into your Saratoga
rupk or White Mountain -valise. Are there
tot good books that are easy" to read
looks of entertaining travel, books of con
;enial history, books of pure fun, books of
oetry, ringing with merry canto: books ot
Ine engravings, books that will rest the
nind as well as purify the heart and ele
ate the wholo life? There will not be an
lour between this and your death when
ou can afford to read a book lacking in
nornl principle.
Another temptation hovering all around
mr waerlng places is Intoxicating bovor
iges. I am told that it is becoming more
md more fashlounble for women to drink.
'. care not how well a woman may dress, if
he has taken enough ot the wine to flush
ier cheek and put a glussiness on ber eye
th Is drank. She may he handed into a
?2500 carriage and have diamonds enough
:o astound the Tlffanys' 9ho Is drunk,
ilio mnv be a graduate of the best young
adies' seminary nnd the daughter of some
nan In danger of being nominated for the
jresidency she Is drunk. You may have
I larger vocabulary than I have, and you
nay say In regard to hor that 9he Is "con
vivial," or she is 'Jiacrry," or she Is "fes
:i'e," or she Is "exhilarated," hut you
sannot with all your garlands of verbiage
over up the plain tact that it is an old
lashloned case ot drunk.
Whether you tarry at home which will
)o quite as safo and perhaps quite as com
'ortable or go Into the country, arm your-
lelf against tempt tion. The grace of God
s the only safo shelter, wheth r in town
r eonntry. There are watering places
iccessible to all of us. You cannot open
I book of the Bible without finding out
lome such watering place. Fountains
pen for sin nnd uncleanness. Wells of
nl atlon. Streams from Lebanon. A
lood struck out of the rock by Moses,
fountains in the wilderness discovered
y Hagnr. Water to drink and water
:o bathe In. Tho river of Ood,
shlch is full of wntor. Water of
which it a mnn drink be shall never thirst.
Wells of wnter in the valley of Baca. Liv
ing fountains ot water. A pure river ol
water as clear as crystal from under the
hroneotuod. These ore wntering rdaees
accessible to all of us. We do not have s
laborious packing up before we start only
:he throwing nwny of our transgressions.
So exponslve hotel bills to pay. It Is
'Witnout money nna witnout price." No
ong and dusty travel before we get there.
It is only one step awny.
in California In live minutes I walked
iround nnd saw ten fountnlns all bubbling
ip, ana they were nil dilierent, anil In live
ninutes I can go through this Bible par-
erre nna nna you miy Drignt, sparkling
ountnlns bubbling up into eternal life
healing and therapeutic. A chemist will go
:o one ot tbeso summer wnterlUL' places
ind take the water, and analyze it, nnd tell
you It contains so much of Iron, nnd so much
ot soda, and so much ot Unto, and so much
of magnesia. I como to this gospel well,
this living fonntnln, and nnalyze the water,
and I find that Its Ingredients are peace, par
ion, forgiveness.hope.conr.fort, life, heaven.
ho, evory one that thlrsteth, come ye"
to this watering placet Crowd around
this Bethesda. Oh, you sick, yon lame,
you troubled, yon dying, crowd around
this Bethesda! Step in it, oh, step in itl
The angel of the covenant to-day stirs the
water. Why do you not step in it? Some
ot you are too weak to take a step In thnt
direction. Then we take you up In Un
arms of praverand pluntte yuu clear undei
the wave, hoping that the cure mav be as
sudden and ns radical as 'with Captain
Naaman, who, blotched and carhnneled.
stepped Intothe Jordan, and after the sev
enth dive came up, his skin roseate com
Xdexioned ns the lleh of a little ehlld.
Portland, Oregon, claims to have
the fastest stern wheel steamboat in
the world. The Hassalo, recently
completed for the Columbia river trade
has made spurts of 26 2-3 miles an
In 1850 It was estimated that the
consumption of Dure alcohol In France
equaled 1 liters per head of the popu
lation. In 1896 it had increased to
4.19 liters, apart from the use of wines
beers and cider.
The coarsest human hair Is the
red, and blonde hair is the finest. The
thickness of human hair varies from
the 250th to the 600th part of an Inch.
Irish railways have been moving
towards consolidation.
. f !
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