Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, August 23, 1899, Image 1

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Spring Clothing
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ig StOEP'
Bat after he is gone Delia comes to the
mm-lusion that she bat been very selfish.
Why should she let this man, on whom
ilit- b:u not the slightest claim, ran about
tfter her business, while the ait Idle In
tho hotel?
There is a cawing- of rook to b heard
Ironi the Close, near at band: and, lured
ly the sound, and the reports she has
'jt'iir.l of the beauty of the grand old ca
thedral, Delia tnrna her feet after awhile
in that il rti-tlon, and, passing under the
arch of Si. Crispin, finds herself in on of
thuKe solemn, peaceful inclosares that
surround moat of the ancient ecclesias
tical edifices In England. It seems as
though In a moment she has passed ont
of the working world Into city of the
dead; and she sits down on a flat tomb
stone, almost awe-struck by the thought
and the feeling it brings with it. Mot
everyone, though, is of the same opinion
ou entering the Cathedral Close. Two
dirty nrchins are playing ring-taw on a
stone slab cloje to her, while a third Is
making the welkin ring with his melan
choly howls.
"What are y? cryin' tor, BUI 7" demands
one of his companions at last. Impatient
ly. "Mother's 'it mel"
"Why forr j
" 'Cause I atoned an old beggar on Mar
tyrs' Worthy Road." mr
"What beggA-ri
"An oldfaief with a pack, t tried tc
hustle "is pack, and growled at me, so
l 'it 'im with a stone; and then one of
them wimmin in a black gound and a
white cap come out of Frushwood Farm
sod blackguarded me, and I tried to 'it
'er; and she tuk 'old of me and led me
'ome to mother and got 'er to wallop me.
And ain't ahe done it neitherP continues
the boy, and laments anew.
Delia ia listening to the recital with all
her ears.
"What's the good of 'ittlng a beggar for
nothin'r" demand' one of the young phi
losophers engaging In ring-taw.
" 'Twarn't for doth In'. I wanted a bit
of the leather off 'Is pack to cover my ball.
So I Just give a (tmb at it, and the old fel
ler .come arter nut: so I threw stones at
Mt or learner, n:
- .
'lm. Hut I
adds, with att
thrusts ,ine to
InM Brunei:
i1 lb&
ng 1 Br
Sl.e uithera iMrim imu the nitt.nit r..
where in a few moments ahe is joined ht
t lady in the garb of a Sister of Mercy
ft lady in every sense of the word, from
the calm yet respectful manner in which
he receives her visitor to the courtesy
with which she enters the room and de
mands the stranger's business.
"I hope I am not taking a great liberty,'
ays Delia, "but I have been told thai
you have a poor old man under your roof
one whom you saw being stoned by
tocn rough little urchin and as I have
some to Winchester solely In search of
inch a person, I considered myself enti
tled to make inquiries of you."
"Tour end Justifies the means," returns
the sister, gravely, bowing her head. "It
la true taat we have offered shelter to
uch a poor old creature as you describe,
but I must know more before I can Iden
tify him with the person of whom yon ar
In search."
"The man 2 mean ia a Scotchman very
ld and decrepit not quite right, more
ver, in his mind. lie has white hair and
i freckled skin wears a velveteen suit,
and had a large parcel on his back con
taining books of great value."
"It has not been our province to exam
ine the contents of his luggage, madam,
but as far as the remainder of your de
icriptlon goes, I think I may say it tallies
with the stranger st present under our
roof. But pardon me for asking if this
poor creature's condition ia of any mo
ment to youT"
Delia blushes.
v "I will be frank with you. Bis personal
safety is of no more moment to me than
rf.any other old man; but the contents ol
th parcel he has carried away with
him "
"I see! Then I need have no hesitation
!b telling you that he is in ft very critics:
condition. He had a fit outside our house,
s-hich was the reason I bad him carried
a, and the doctor, who is with him now
thinks very badly of him."
"O! how I wish Mr. Le Mesurier were
ere!" cries Delia, impulsively.-
The sister starts and looks at her earn
etly. The action causes Delia to regard
lier in return. She is a very pretty worn
anil Urfisfactiou, as YJin. notwithstanding her unbecoming
0ri areas, ana cannot nw awn wc
tv" J ve-end-thlrty years. But there are
mn- traces of past -pain or sorrow upon ner
-y im fl , I lor lucatt which BO comron arising worn u
iawfewraax aneja jemima, arpwv ana
religious Ufe'nVs had the power to efface.
"Would you like to see the old man? lit
a unconscious, but it may be a satisfac
tion to you," says the sister after a pause.
"No, thank you. I would rather wait.
But it would be ft comfort to me to ex
plain the reason of my presence to you."
And whereupon Delia discloses as much
f her past history as is necessary to ac
count for her present interest in old
Strother, and the sister listens, as It is hei
mission to do, with all a woman's sympa
thy. "There is no doubt that, under the cir
sumatances, we shall be justified ir
earching the contents of this parcel," sh
replies; "and bow sincerely I hope it ma;
prove to contain what you are looking
for! Ton must have suffered greatly
Heaven send you the reward of your pa
Jence and affection."
Delia's eyes fill with tears.
At this moment the servant thrusts hei
lead into the opened doorway.
"If you please, sister, there's a strangi
gentleman wants to see yer."
"Perhaps it is my friend," suggestei
Delia; and at the sound of her voice Mr.
Le Mesurier steps forward, saying:
"According to yonr directions, Mrs
Manners, I "
But as he has got so far a low cry from
the Sister of Mercy arrests his sentence
and He turns hastily to confront her star
fled face. At that sight all composure de
erta him. Delia, watching bis counte
nance, sees it change with the rapidity o!
lightning, as a doxen conflicting feeling,
pass over it in quick succession; then h
Jarts forward, as though to clasp the
itranger in his arms, but checks himsell
luddenly, to exclaim in a low voice of be
wildered surprise:
"Adela, Is it you 7"
"Yes, yes, it is I," cries the woman
-But this meeting, as you must snppos.
was completely unpremeditated. Now lei
me go without further questioning."
She attempts to leave the room, but he
bars her exit.
"I cannot let you go without aa expla
nation. For fourteen years we have beer
separated, and my existence has been s
living grave without you. I have tried tc
overcome my love for you without suc
cess, and now that we hare met again, il
the past can never be renewed, at least lei
me have the privilege of counting yot
among my friends."
"It cannot be. You ask what la Impos
sible. I am not worthy."
"Have our miserable, separated lives,
then, had no power to wash out unworthi
nesst You know how mine has been
spent. I see now how you have employed
yours. I have forgiven. Let ua both
strive to forget" , ,
"No forgetflness can weak out crime,
the answers.
"Mr Le Mesurier, hsd I not bettei
leave the room'" asks Delia, to whom thi.
scene, though inexplicable, is bccoming
very painful.
"No, do not leave us. Adela, this ldy
has been one of my best friends. To hei
( have been able to confide a little of tlu
trouble which I have borue silently t.n
to many years, and she has sympnt.n-l
with and pitied me. She will tell uu
how. in consequence of our sad sop-ira
Hon. my conduct has been luisunderstooo
and maligned, and my life compelled to
. ...lii.rv and loveless. She, loo, has
known sorrow for herself. Shall she fl.i.t
the room, or ahall she stay and hear what
I have to say to your
"Let her stay. I can trust her as I
would yourself."
(To be continued.)
Their 81m t-ape Invllcatione of
One's Character.
Small, short, square teeth, when
sound, are Indicative of great bodUy
vigor and strength. They ftre rarely
found In the mouth of an Intellectual
man. says writer In Ue Boston Uei-
Delia trembles all everat the oht., -"Come
here, boy!" she says tothe blub
bering urchin; "I want to speak to you,'
The child appears very shy of cominf
whhln the range jof her hand. Perham
he anticipates'another euff; but the sight
of a shilling has a wonderful effect 1c
clearing up his doubts and allaying hit
fears. -
"Be that for me 7" he asks, cautiously.
"It shall be yours if you will answer me
a few questions."
At this wonderful announcement all
three lads stay their occupations and
gather round her.
"What was this old beggar like and
where did you see him?"
"Ue were ft little un, all crumped up
like, with white 'air and a big pack on 'ii
back: and I see'd Mm on the Martyrs'
Worthy Road alf an hour agone."
"If I give you this shilling will you tak
me to him?" says Delia eagerly.
"We'll all take you to 'im, mum," cry
the boys simultaneously, as, forgetful ol
tears and whippings and ring-taw, the
prepare to form themselves into a guarc"
of honor for the lady who has shillingi
with which to reward their services.
Delia tears a leaf from her pocketbooi
and writes on it: "Follow me to Brush
wood Farm, on the Martyrs' Worthj
Road;" then rising, she leaves it at thi
George Inn ioor for Mr. Le Mesurier, anf
prepares tc follow her young guidei
wherever tuey may lead her.
She has found the old clerk again. 8h
feels sure and certain that she has found
The Martyrs' Worthy Road appears tc
be a long way off to Delia, dragged there
hurriedly as she Is by her Impetuous lit
tle outriders.
"This is the shortest cut, mum."
"I don't care which way I so so thai
you take me there as quickly aa possi
ble," says Delia In her turn.
On the road she makes the whippet
boy repeat, again and again, his descrip
tion of the old beggar.
"And who was the woman who toot
you to her mother 7" she asks presently.
"She's a beast, that's what she is," re
plies the urchin determinedly.
"I know 'er," says one of the others;
"she's staying with Farmer Coombes al
Martyrs' Worthy. She's what they calli
a 'sister.'"
"I'd like to sister' 'er," interpolates th
lujured boy.
"But what became of the old man wheo
the 'sister" took you home?" says Delia.
"Oh, she took 'im Into the farm'ous
fust, and she'a there with him now."
"Only show me the house, and you ahall
have your shilling and be off. What name
did you say?"
"Farmer Coombes of the Brush wood
Coombes Coombes! Where has sh
heard that name before? She has scarce
ly time to ask herself the question .before
she is there.
V is a large, spacious bouse, much add
ed to and improved by modern skill, th
house of a gentleman farmer rather thai
the every day, business-like residence ski
had expected to see. But here, bavin
arrived at her Journey's end, and thi
little lads being quite certain that th
"woman with the cap" took the "old beg
gar" in there, she dismisses them with 8
shilling apiece, in the possession of which
they run shouting back to the eweet-stufl
shop. At another time Delia might have
felt timid of intruding upon the privacy
of strangers, but now she feels no repug
nance, no fear .only the intensest deslr
to learn if her surmises are correct. Sb
walks straight up to the hall door of th
rush wood Farm, and rings the bell. II
is answered by a country maid.
"I beg your pardon," commences Delia,
k her sweet, low voice, which even ex
Mtement is powerless to render coarse Ol
Aminion, "but is there an old beggar man
anywhere on your premises en ojd
Scotchman, with a pack upon hla backr"
The girls stares at her.
"I think you'd better see the slatsr,
he replies. . - - -
aid. aiauy very vain women have no
ticeably long, narrow, fragile teeth.
You need not look for much force from
their possessors. The huntsman looks
carefully at his dog's teeth and selects
his canine companion only after such
an examination. The horseman In
variably looks first at the mouth and
teeth In passing Judgment on a horse.
The condition of the .mouth Is Just as
significant In human being. Long, pro
jecting teeth denote a grasping dispo
sition, especially when great breadth
la seen at the upper part of the nose
next the cheek. Usually long and nar
row aide teeth, commonly called eye
teeth, are the accompaniment of a clog
like tenacity. People with these teeth
sometimes curiously resemble dogs
when they are angry and show their
teeth Just aa an enraged dog will
they snarl literally. They will ofen
hare long, narrow hands, slender, ten
acious lingers and narrow feet With
a strong nnderjaw, projecting very
slightly, and these long teeth, the sub
ject will fight to the death before yield
Ing; with a decedlnj chin, the Imita
tions are ambition, self-conceit and
failure to really accomplish great
things. Very resolute, determined
women usually hare strongly set teeth,
but from a habit of compressing the
Hps do not display them often.
Almost all the men remarkable for
energy and strength of will have tills
same cast of mouth and Jaw notably.
Napoleon, Luther, Caesar and Freder
ick the Great It Is said that nearly all
redheaded people hare rather short up
per Hps, rising in the center, display
ing the front teeth, and that they are
singularly susceptible to flattery and ex
hibit a great desire for approl:rIon.
Men of great resolution bare fre
quently rather large teeth, with a de
velopment of the Jawbone In the cen
ter amounting to a projection and pro
ducing a noticeable fullness there. This
characteristic Is increased in the sub
jects who combine It with straight and
rather long eyebrows. Arching eye
brows are always a sign of a more easi
ly moved nature.
Small, pointed teeth denote many un
pleasant characteristics. When accom
panied by nearsighted, round eyes, a
pug or snub nose and noticeably small
and sometimes very pretty ears, their
owner will be found to possess many
catlike attributes.
The Newport News Shipbuilding and
Dry-Dock Company employs 4000 men.
Great Brltlan buys more than 20.000
horses In the United States every year.
Liquid fuel is fast taking the place
of coal on vessels plying in the far
East. '
This country consumed 93.000.00S
pounds of tea In 187, valued at 112.-
tin ! consumes aa. aav average no
less than 7.000,000 tons of liquid fuel a
The Brill Car. Works, of Philadel
phia, is exceedingly busy on foreign
and domestic orders. " -
London's Omnibus Company employs
5000 men. The annual receipt are about
Four of the largest boiler shops in
Chicago have granted the terms of the
striking bollermakers.
One of the Buffalo papers runs its
entire plant by electricity furnished
from Niagara Falls.
The season s lumber drive in Maine,
by the Kennebec Log Company, is re
ported aa 10.000.000 feet.
An Immense steel rail order bas been
awarded to the Carnegie Steel Company
for Prussian railroads.
It is estimated that the consumption
of beer In the entire world amounts to
fl.080,000.000 per annum.
In Berlin the pawnshops is a royal
and philanthropic Institution. Any
profit that is made Is spent on chari
ty. The Phoenix Iron Works Company,
Hartford, Conn., has granted an In
crease of 25 cents a day to 60 moul
ders. The value of all precious stones found
In the United States In 1898 was $160.
20. as compared with 1136.675 in 1897.
A machine for making barrels Is
said to be in successful operation in
the cooper ahops of the Pabst brewery
In Milwaukee.
A soap factory at Acapulco, Mexi
co, has an output of 100.000 pounds a
month, and finds It difficult to supply
the demand.
Japanese workmen are obliged to
wear on their caps and backs an In
scription stating their business and
their employer's name.
It Is estimated that at the beginning
of the new century England will have tons of coal still unused
and available.
There Is a shortage of skilled work
men of practically all mechanical and
mining trades reported from the cop
per district of Michigan.
It bas been estimated that English
people use an average of eight matches
each person per day, and annually
over 1.700,000,000,000 are burned.
It is stated that the employes of the
Boston Elevated Railway Company
are paid higher wages than any other
street railway line In the world.
A New Orleans man is said to have
Invented a sugar-cane planter. In the
form of a watron. that with three men
and four mules will do the work here
tofore done by nine men and nine
Electricity has been applied to the
manufacture of glass. A pot of glass
can be melted in 15 minutes that by
the old process would require 30 hours.
It is now estimated that the loss
occasioned by the recent flood in Texaa
amounts to 118.000,000, one-third of
which sum represents the cotton destroyed.
Farm Notes.
The manure from sheep Is worth more
than that derived from anv other ani
mal, next that from the hog, and then
that from the horse, manure from cat
tle being less valuable than that from
other animals, but In quantity produced
cattle come first, then horses, next
hogs, with sheep last. The value of
manure does not depend altogether on
the animal producing It, however, as
the Character of the food consumed
largely Influences the manure, and the
manure from an animal varies In qual
ity and quantity daily.
Manure that is allowed to remain in
the yards does not give as good results
as that taken from the stalls, and this
fact has been shown by using both
kinds of manure on growing crops. It
Is not expected that farmers should
keep their manure in the stalls, but
It Is now in order to prepare for the
storage of manure in winter to pre
vent leaching by rains. All foods should
be line and also the bedding, which will
permit of better absorption of liquids
and greater facility of storage under
thai tar
Am art nana Far Beaaasje to the M
ory of stage Oretlaav
neat tribute was pali to the mem
try of Hugo Grottos, the eminent
Bateh seaolar aad rather at inter na-
tieaal law, y the
American flelega
tion at the peace
confereaee at The
Hague; Holland,
when oar ambas
sador to Germany,
Andrew D. White,
as head of the del
egation, eulogised
the famous Hoi-
HtToo eRoTiua lander and placed
a beautiful wreath of surer oak ana
laurel leaves upon his tomb.
It was meet that America should
thus honor the memory of Grot I us, and
Don onr national holiday: for the eMs-
ttngulshed Hollander was toe pioneer
In systematislng International law,
thereby minimising the causes of dis
putes among nations, which have re
sulted in the past in so many horrible
wars. i.'
Grotlus, who was bora at Delft la
1583. and who died la 145, was the
greatest scholar of his age. Not only
was he erudite, but he (was beside a
philosopher, a historian,! a theologian,
a statesman and a Jurist He was the
tutbor of many works which have
been translated Into nearly every Eu
ropean language and nto Oriental
tongues as well. He was the first who
Investigated the principles of Interna
tional law and attempted to reduce
them to a system, and It is for this
effort to bring better prtoolplee than
those of his age lato ta4 intercourse of
nations, specially lass the laws of
was, that ha n chteay remembered and
spates to-aay. ;
As a oUtsfoal write and student
protiaa had bo peer ra1 his time. His
knowledge of Boripivre- was Intimate.
Hla treatise on the "Troth of Christian
IteUgW Is reckoned the beat "apol
ogy for Christianity In modern times,
and almost m his own flay, was trans
lated Into Bnglleh, French, German,
Flemish, Persian, Arabic and Greek.
Blades Are Made to ,f"aather," ilie
Same aa an. Oar.
.JJie flteamahlp propeller now la use
s the best thing available for the pur
pose, but It is not regarded as a perfect
piece of mechanism, because its efii-rk-ncy
is somewhat hampered by rea
sou of what is known as a "side
thrust.' A propeller designed to over
come this has been made and patented
by Edward F. Gorinah and Pcnfleld F.
Yost of Philadelphia! The power Is
Im parsed to the propeller by means of
a hollow shaft,, through the center of
which Is a stationary shaft holding a
ram arrangement burled In the center
of the propeller hub "The blade spin
Ales' are Journaued within therimb and
are fitted with pins, which fit In a cam
groove and act as Tanks,iy)d. as the
plU5-BaOT- through this groove they
rcATUKRlae vhopellkb b lad as.
ire given a quarter turn back and
forth, thus Imparting the feathering
motion. Two of the propeller blados
tre always hi direct action, presenting
their width fully to the water, while
is the third Is returned against the
stream It presents Its edge, offering no
resistance to the water.
It Is designed to mount these prefer
ably along the side of the boat, and
their one great advantage is the facil
ity offered for mounting several along
Che side of the vessel. A boat thus fit
ted will, by tho positive action of the
blades, be prevented from rolling to
tny great degree.
This Improvement is especially ap
plicable to war vessels, since by the
use of a number of these propellers
tlong the sides of the vessel the latter
may be maneuvered to much greater
advantage than when only screw pro
pellers are used at the stern.
Can the Heart Really " Break T "
It appears that It is possible for the
heart to break, says a writer In A
swers. People who die of broken
hearts, so called, do not actually suc
cumb from disruption of the structural
arrangements. In this regard the name
Is a misnomer. It is generally applied
to people who die owing to Intense
mental suffering, from blighted affec
tions, or the loss of f rlaads. Thaekeray
has said that no man ever dies of a
"broken heart" In his love affairs, and
It is certain that In this respect the
term has no actual meaning. The heart,
however, may physically break, either
Trom sudden shock or orerstrsln.
A captain of a vessel hsd set out to
marry a lady; on reaching hla destina
tion and being abruptly Informed that
she was already married, he fell to the
ground and expired. The heart was
discovered to be literally rent lata two
Again, an Instance is on reoord of n
oy, very strong and health, who, in
attempting to raise a efceai of corn, fell
dead in the effort In this laataaos the
post-mortesn cnsKdoBed a large real In
the heart. The sudden propulsion ol
blood trpoai the left ventrkia, the hardest-worked
portion of the heart, wnere
the rupture generally takes place,
forces ths tissues asunder.
An Bspaaattoa.
n. v U ia t)iat nail's
ua " j r -
- - , ... mmm a aat at. while
vkuw mvw m , -
Women's are so dlffloattT
ghe Oh, that's easily explained. A
man has as business with a wonjan's
socket, bat a woman baa with a niaa's.
-Chicago News.
the cheepeett bat
Aa Artaebmeat for a Connn Wasjna
Heldtna- a Barrel.
Recently civil engineers have given
senalderable attention to the applica
tion of oils to the roadbeds of electric
ud wagon roads. The Idea of using oil
on roadbeds originated with the steam
railroad corporations. - The purpose
was to prevent dust snd foreign matter
rising from the roadbed and getting
late the bearings and gearing of the
rolling stock. But several other bene
ficial results were obtained. After s
roadbed Is sprinkled with a surfacing
sf oil the loose matter Is not only so
weighted sad caked that it cannot rise
snd envelop wagons er carriages be
hind in a cloud of dust, but the bed
Itself Is strengthened. The oils form
with the earthy matter to a depth of
three to five Indies, according to the
treatment, and such parts of the bsl
last as are penetrated by the oils as
Bume a crusty condition, which is Im
pregnable to rain. and la a great meas
ure Is impregnable to frost. This state
of the roadbed Is highly serviceable.
Vnder ordinary conditions the earth
as It naturally exists in a carriage
road Is porous enough to receive and
ertaln oil to a depth of several Inches.
As oil and water do not combine, the
moisture Is driven off and the earth be
comes compact to such an extent that
any future deluge of water simply
flows off over It In order to build up
an oil-saturated surfacing of this type
certain operations are followed. Some
have gone to considerable expense in
the direction of sprinkling devices foi
this work, while others use a simple
oil sprinkling pipe leading from a cask
or oil barrel, which Is conveyed ovei
the road on a wagon. This' barrel Is
provided with tlie necessary control
ling devices, which are connected with
a lever regulated by the driver. A form
of sprinkling apparatus Is Joined to the
bottom of the tank, as in the illustra
tion, and this sprays the oil over the
roadbed. Several trips are made, until
the ballast is saturated near the top.
after which the crust ?orms, which will
last for years before another treatment
Is needed. Cheap grades of crude pe
troleum are used.
The drawing shows the plan usuallj
adopted for distributing oil over dirt
roads. It consists in placing a barrel
of crude oil, on blocks, upon a common
wagon, which la drawn over the sec
tions of the rood which are to receive
the oiL The barrel Is placed bung
down, -SBfl-.the plpeA Is screwed In.
This pipe can project downward
through the wagon bottom or drop to
the ground over the rear. The connect
ing pipe Is Joined with (he distributer.
Ii. The latter Is simply a perforated
pipe. If a road surface eighteen feet
wide la to be covered, eae barrel of
crude oil will do for about eighty feet
in length.
be Li- Him Wear a Nigbtoap.
To the Earl f Essex was granted the
privilege of wearing a nightcap In the
royal presence of Queen Mary, say?
the New Tork Telegram. The fact Is
mentioned In Miss Strickland's "Lives
of the Queens of England" as being
one of the odd rewarda bestowed by
Mary upon her friends after her acces
sion. The Earl was a valetudinarian and
bad a greet fear of uncovering his head.
Considering, therefore, thattbe cold
he dreaded respected no person, be pe
titioned Queen Mary for leave to wear
bis nightcap In her royal presence. The
Queen not only gave him leave to wear
one, but two nightcaps If he pleased.
Ills patent for this prilrlege is unique
In royal annals: "Know ye that we do
grant to our well-belored and trued y
cousin and councillor, Henry, Earl of
Sussex, license and pardon to wear his
cap. coif or nightcap, or any two of
them at his pleasure, as well in our
presence as in the presence of any oth
er person within this realm, or In any
other place In our dominions whatso
ever during his life; and theee our let
ters shall be sufficient warrant in hi
The Queen's seal, with the garte.
above it, was affixed to. this singular
grant. Three persons in Great Britain
alone enjoy the privilege of remaining
covered In the royal presence, namely:
Lord Forester, Lord Klneale. and the
master of Trinity College, Cambridge.
Prasslao Mil lion ires.
At th head of the list of the blar mil
lionalres of Prussia stands il. Ilotbs
.v.iil with 10.740.000. and an Income
of about 2356,000. In one year bis for
tune increased Dy more tnaa xoou.uuu.
After him comes M. Krupp with 0,
400,000 and an Income of 2430.000.
After them come two landed proprle
inn nrlth ti 2(10 000 and B 200.000 ra.
spectlvely, and a third with 3,000,000
Durham uoserver.
Fet f trawbarrr Plant. K art jr.
All ths fruit front strawberries next
year muet have the buds formed the
previous season. Henoe, the earlier the
plantation Is made the batter chance It
will have to prod-gee a good crop.
August planting is sometimes advised
so that the plants can be rooted during
the rains that usually come In Septem
Codfish Roe.
The roe of one codfleh contains more
latent living creatures than the whole
human population of the globe.
LikeTJnto It.
"I hear that B1H Plumbers hss chang
ed his name."
"Tea; since he began to get so Wg and
heavy th folks call him Plosnber'
A (Mrlkliw Reaentblace
' "If fth wiQ siand a little closer to
Soar wife's portrait, my dear sir. I
link yoa will appreciate Us striking
effect mueh more forcibly."
"That's certainly my wife."01eva
land Plain Xreaiei, -
Rw. Dr. Znmm
Subject: The Flag of Trnea tntaraat ol
Capital and I-abor Are Identical, and
Wltea They Cea to Antaa-oalsa JSacn
Other Strife Will C
(Copyright. Louis Klopach. 1SW.
WisniNOTOs, D. C. In this discourse Dr.
Taltnage suggests bow the everlasting war
between capital and labor may be brought
to a happv end. The text Is I Corinthians
xll., 21, "The eye cannot say unto tlie
haml, I havo no need of thee."
Fifty thousand workmen In Chloat-i
seasing work In one day; Brooklyn stunned
by tbe attempt to halt its railroad cars;
Cleveland in the throes of a labor agita
tion, and restlessness among toller all
over the land have caused an epldem'.o of
strikes, and, somewhat to better things, I
apply the Pauline thought of my text.
Xoa have seen an elaborate piece of ma
chinery, with a thousand wheels and a
thousand bands and a thousand pulleys all
controlled by one great wnterwhnel, the
machinery so adjusted that when yon Jnr
one part of it you jar all parts of it. Well,
human society Is a great piece of mechan
ism controlled by one great and ever re
volving foree the wheel of Clod g provi
dence. You barm one part of the maohin
ery of society, and yoa harm all parts. All
profession? Interdnpendent. All trades In
terdependent. All classes of people Inter
dependent. Capital and labor Intorde-
Eendont. No such thing as independence,
lives cannot kick Lazarus without hurt
ing bis own foot. Tbey wbo threw Sliad
raoh into the furnace got their own bodies
scorched. Or, to oome back to tbe llgnre
of the text, what a strange thing it would
be if tbe eye should say: I oversee tbe en
tire physical mechanism. I desplsq the
other members of tbe body; if there Is any
thing I am disgusted with. It is with those
miserable, low lived hands. Or, what if
the hand should say: I am the boss work
man of the whole physical economy; I have
no respect for tbe other members of tbe
body. It there is auytliing I dospipe. It is
tbe eye seated under the dome of tbe fore
head irotng nothing but look.
I come In, and I ware the flag of truce
between these two contestants, and I say,
"Tbe eye cannot say to tbe hand, I have
no need of thee.' "
That brings me to the first sii question,
and that is, that labor and capital are to
be brought to a better understanding by a
complete canvass of the whole subject.
They will be brought to peace when they
find that they are lden leal in their inter
ests. When one goes down, they botb go
down. When one rises, they both rl-e.
There will be an equilibrium arter awhtie.
There never bas been an exception to tbe
rule. Thai nilci, JSaOr.d -for one class of
society eventually will be good for "aii
classes of society, and that which is bad
lor one class of society will eventually and
in lime be bad for all. Eve. y speech that
labor makes against capital postpones the
day of permanent adjustment. Every
speech that capital malces against labor
postpones the day of permanent adjust
ment. When capital maligns labor, it is
tbe eye enrsing the hand. When labor
maligns capital, It Is hand curbing the eye.
As far as I have observed, the vast major
ity of capitalists are successful laborers.
If tbe capitalists would draw their
glove, you would see tbe broken finger'
nail, the scar of an old blUtor,ytne
stiffened Anger joint. The great Ju -lisbers
of tbe country for tlie aw5t part
were bookbinders, or typesetter;, on small
pay. The great carrlagaaufncturers
for the most part eiurf.papered wagon
bodies in wheel wrinlia gbop-t. While, on
the other band, laali our iarga manufac
turing establlshaients you will find men on
wages who oboe employed a hundred or
.lve hundred hands. The distance between
capltftland labor Is not a great gulf over
which Is swung it Niagara suspension
bridge; it is only a step, and the capitalists
are crossing over to become laborers, and
the laborers are crossing over to become
onpltallsts. Would Ood they might shake
hands while they cross. On the other
hand, laborers are the highest style of capi
talists. Where are their Investments? In
banks? No! In the rnilromls? Nol Their
nerve, their mus.-le, their bone, their me
shnnlcal skill, their physical health are
maRnillcont capital! lie who has two eyes,
two ears, two feet, two bands, ten fingers,
has machinery that puts Into nothingness
sarpet and screw and cotton factory, and
ill the other implements on the planet.
Tbe capitalists were laborers, the laborers
wero capitalists. The sooner we under
stand that the net tor.
Again, there Is to come relief to the la
boring classes of this country through co
operative nssociatbtns. I mn not at this
moment speaking of trades cnlons, but of
that plan by which laborers put their sur
plus together and become their own cap
italists. Instead of being dependent upon
the beck of this capitalist or that capital
ist, they mn usee their own nfTalrs. In
England and Wales there are 813 co-operative
associations. They have 310,000 member!-;
they have a capital of 18,000,000, or
what corresponds to our dollars and they
io a business annually of $63,000,000.
Thomas ISrussi-y, one of the foremost men
In the British Tarllamcnt, on the subject
jays: "Co-operation is tbe one and the only
relief (or the laboring populations. This
Is the path," he savs, "by which they are
:o come up from the hand to the mouth
ityle of living, to reap the rewards and tbe
Honors of our advanced civilization." Lord
Derby and John Stuart Mill, wbo gave half
their lives to the study of tbe labor ques
tion, believed in co-operative institutions.
"But," says some one, "haven't these in
stitutions sometimes been a failure?" Yes.
Every great movement has been a failure
at some time. Application of the steam
power a failure, electro telegraphy a fail
ure, railroading a failure, but now thi
chief successes of the world.
"But," snys some one, "why talk of sur
plus being put by laborers Into co-operative
associations when the vast multitude
of toilers of this country are struggling for
their dnily bread and have no surplus?" I
roply, put into my band the money spent
by the laboring classes of America for ruin
and tobacco, and I will establish co-operative
associations In all parts of this land,
some cf them mightier than any flnancinl
Institutions of the country. We spend In
this country over rlOO.OOO.OOO everv year
for tobacco. We spend over 1,500,000.000
directly or Indirectly for rum. The labor
ing elnsses spend theirshare of this money.
Now, suppoe tbe laboring man who has
been expending his money in those dircc
tlons should just add up bow much he has
expended during these past few years, and
then suppose that that money was put Into
a co-operative association, and then sup
pose he should have all his friends in to:l,
who had made the same kind r.f expendi
ture, do the same thing, and that should
be added np and put Into a co-operative
association. And then take all that money
expended for overdress and overstyle and
overliving on tbe part of toiling people in
order that they may appear as well as per
sons who have more income gather that
a I np and vou could have co-operative as
sociations all over this land.
I am not saying anything now abont
trades nnions. Yon want to know what I
think of trades nnions. I think tbey are
most beneficial in some directions, and
tbey have a specific object, and In this day,
when there are vast monopolies a thou
sand monopolies concentrating the wealth
Of the people Into the possession of a few
men unless the laboring men of this coun
try and all countries hand together tbey
will go under. There Is a lawful use of a
trade nnlon. It it means sympathy In time
of sickness, if it means finding work foi
people when they are out of work, if it
means the improvement of the financial,
the moral or the religious condition of the
laboring classes, that Is all right. Do not
artists band together in an art nnlon? Do
not singers band together In Handel and
Hadyn societies? Do not newspaper men
band together In press elnbs? Do not
ministers of religion band together in con
ferences and associations? There is not in
all tho land a city where clergymen do not
come together, many of them once a week,
to talk over affairs. For these reasons you
Should not blame labor guilds. When they
are doing their legitimate work, they are
most admirable but when they oome
around with drum and fire and nag frrv
their scaffoldings, from tbelr faotori-X
then they are nihilistic, then tbey are com
munistic, then they are barbaric, then they,
are a curse. If a man wants to stop work'
let him stop work, but be cannot stop me
from work. ohoppea
lliaui hinilal lnmhi Ia. kn.ll... . I Ugar
zirzr,:.:"."-"!! Let
whatever name they put tbelr means to
gether. Suppose they take tbe money that
they waste In rum and tobacco and use it
for the elevation of their families, for tbe
education of their children, for tbelr moral,
intellectual and religious improvement;
what a different state of things we would
have in this country and they would have
In Great Britain!
Do yon not realize the faet that men
work better without stimulant? You say,
"Will you deny the laborlug men this help
which they get from Btrong drink, borne j
aown as tuey are witn many anxieties and
exhausting work?" I wonld deny them
nothing that Is good for them. I would
deny tbem strong drink, Il I had tbe power,
because It is damaging to them. My father
said: "I became a temperance man In
early life because I fonnd tbat in ths
harvest Held, while I was naturally weaker
than the other men, I could bold out longer
than any of them. They took stimulnnt
and I took none."
Everybody knows they cannot endure
f treat fatigue men who indulge in stlmu
ants. All our young men understand
that. When they are preparing for t'te re
gatta, or the ball club, or the athletic
wrestling, they abstain from strong drink.
Now, suppose nil this money tbat is
wasted were gathered together and put In
to co-operative institutions. Ob, we
would have a very different state of things
from what we have now.
I remark again, tbe laboring classes of
this country are to find great relief when
they learn, all of the: learn, forecast and
providence. Tost numbers of them pnt
down tbelr Income and tbey put down
their expenses, and if the Income meets
the expenses tbat Is all tbat Is necessary,
t know laboring men who are In a perfeet
fidget until they have spent their la-t dol
lar. They fly around everywhere until
they get It spent. A case came under my
observation where a! (young man was
receiving S700 a year and earned it
by very bard work. Tbe marrl igo day
came. The bride had received 503 a an
inheritance from her grandfather. She
pnt the (500 in wedding equipment. Then
the twain hired two rooms on the third
story. Then this man, who had most ar
duous employment, just ns much as he
oould possibly endure, got evening em
ployment so he could earn a few dollars
more and by this extra evening employ
ment almost extinguished his eyesight.
Why did he take this extra evening em
ployment? Was it to lay by something for
arainyday? Not Was It to get a lire in
surance so that If he should die his w fo
would not be a pauper? Nol It was for
the one purpo-e of getting bis wife a 1M
sealskin sacque. t am just giving yon
o o ou
.'. ."Spring Suits
anient fl;e them in .11
Prepare wt $4 62. Now meB f
as in theorted Dress Sails, in
new potai nd Sack suits we
quarters, ee to give you a per ?
ng un!i, from 372 fine dr
ing a litth haye them .n ,
Marbled We start the Bpj '
slices broa includes hnpho
fhen brown PATTERNS ,
er. Too hi all well made a
trco",U rtment ,
In the ice boa
Pile on a pret
to serve bres
Raspberry Tlfnt
serve, with thi i
-ty, and they are
-LSrom 3 to 16, and se.l
the from 3 to 16, at 90a,
the tbe cheap at the regilsj;
n1lAi afw as -a 1 .1
oreastea ana coeri
as it reac
?7 this is a
nan-pint Jais - - JVf
nice for makit should t 96,1
varian creams ,
the winter. and GeD Ft
Raspberry t , a .
ounces of gelat W
squeeze tne iul
red currants int
dered sugar. P"1
raspberries, into '
tin over and wi
eu pour Into a !
centre with whl '
Black raspberr
For tne crear
half of a cut'fus
it is a solid fr
ing all the h-
of lemon j;ure ever attempt-
cayenne' thin bat the
jh farsightedness tbat
cuif tbe regular value.
'3est -design of new and
are nankorl in the utmost aY-A
fact i know. The sister of this woman, election of Parlor Suite, Vpacfj?
hough she is a very poor girl wasSoag Extension Tables, Hall Bat.'
be eclipsed--!""! so she went to .- . , ii. . o".
snd night andro.1 n1 toiie s in numerous styles, Uflice, Dining ty
almost into tDe gravwvjiiujw mattresses, uots, iCTDB ana vjreaiev.. (i
rbroad ail though the" nrel cia68 r nrniuire store,
people on that street -
iTk'd a r-n rr n5-(!.
work In the sea ItI CTtW9 Kfl
laid. thOP. anLVasVVX W Jn. Tt,l, pla
mW-Hey Bailroad.
to tbe rhllr-
First, one faCT MONDAT, JUKE. 20,
phla, and
obnreh a i . . .
that way. . "
of prosperity
bow many
verge of th' 1
touch of wUNS.
an, mv iru
ee or
) many
ight as
- nt ratp-
The following schedule wer. Mark
Nov. l6,.lW6.aafl.tac .S .c"rr2J'i
rasas ,
8 17
IS 22
8 30i
8 39
8 44
8 52
8 55
1 57
2 05
2 12
3 26
3 29
3 32
3 38
3 45
honest! He time,
tnd especially t
Is worse than
right to live it
torts and all b
Ing his faml1 . .
jvoryt'iing br, . . . . ,
artous until
tone and f
Cam no
1'ihor It. ;
Home .
fery w'el,
jne of Its
jften ca'
jo closet, .... . . .
That he,
There wr
society or a refc . .
jityof New York
porting it. He d
ries that he mlgl
sitles. He bas 1 . .
bis reward in I
forget tbe day "
lad. came to his i. .
Ing, and at tbe c'
was departing, hi
door, accompnnii
down off the st
Witt, is 40 for
thing about It."
nlflcent to save, I
a good or bad obnnect at Port Royal
I know there ad Seashore Express
much to say cd f with slsil east
life tnsnranoet
vast majority
country have 1
tutions, and I
the vast majofARD.
ture for the '
suit of sucl
day for thr
and tbe Cn
man can bu
lour by the
a barrel of sAT.
pound; whe,
and hats am
dltlonal am'
to get it all bu.
I know a gent
over 1000 hands
him some years
trouble In the la
getting on with
"I bave no tr. .
not yon had
said. "I nevi "
plan do you p
you. All my.
now matters
eU them tn
last year I m J 10.0
made less. So yo-t-o
m...k a .li t l.at n
kuow what yoa tbintl 23 6 08
11 286 13
p. m
,4 80
4 36
4 89
3 11
4 46
4 44
4 61
4 64
4 56
4 5!)
9 14
9 15
9 19
9 22
9 24
9 2T
t-esve Arrive a. m p. ni
Ouncannon 7 84 j 2 M V
'King's Mill 7 ao 9
ouipuur apnngs 7 te
"Gorman Siding 7 4
Montebello Park 7 41
Weaver 7 40
Hoddy 7 8
Hoffman 7 88
Rorcr 7 31
'Mahanov 7 'JH
6 10 10 13 BloomnYld 7 28
6 16 9 49 Tresler 7 09
6 21 9 64 'Nellson 7 04
6 24 9 67 Onm's 7 01
5 27 10 06 Elliotsburg 6 M
6S2'0(7 Bernheisl'e 6 SI
6 84 10 17 "Green Ptrk 6 48
6 87 10 30 Montour June 6 88
6 02 10 36 Landi&burg 6 28
p. m a. m Arrive Leave a. at
Train leaves Bloomtield at a aa
and arrives at Landiahnr a oa
Train leaves Landisburg at 6.08 p. m.. a
arrives at Bloomfleld at 6.40 p.m.
All stations marked () are flag itstiot
at which trains will come to a full stoo c
signal. r
3 18
2 68
2 03
I 86
1 If
1 f
Cass. n. Smut,
8. H.
iey naiiroaa uotnpany. Time taMa
-2 No.2 No. 4
A. If. I P. M.
0.0 10 20 5 05
1.310 275 12
2.8 10 33 5 18
3.7 10 36,5 21
4.4 10 39,5 24
5.0 10 42 5 27
6 3 10 50 5 35
10 5315 38
11 01 15 46
11 06 5 51
111 15 6 00
11 40 6 25
11 53 6 38
percentage ont
and what wages I 0-1
know I put all my e.
put all my fortune I
thing. What do yod 00!6 45
to have nnd you oue " M
time we come out ofl" Woio Oil
are unanimous. The'2 14 6 59
exception. When we n on U rvi-
per tocotbor. wneu w
together, and my mei
Now, let all employer.-'
employes. Take thei
dence. Let them kn. ni.jr'a
siani. mere is an "'Orx
common sense in the v
anf. t, ,rn..l In It
The unquestir.'
tween Kngland aJ)t
yet been efTectua
number of u rise t tiendeni.
One inch of r
square mile is eq
500,000 gallons.
An snlnmnh
Bnffalo Bridge.;;.'
Jnniats Furnace ..
WaW Pine-
Bloomtield Junct'n.
alley Road
Green Park
Loysville .:
Fort Robeson
China's Rnn
Andersonburg ....
Mount Pleasant ...
New Germant'a ...
. TVet- 1 Baal-.
i r a
r n : a a
6 05 10 85
08 10 88
6 1210 42
6 16 10 46
6 26 10 62
6 22 U 01
6 81 11 09
6 3911 09
6 61
6 64
7 06
7 11
7 16
11 21
II 24
11 86
11 41
11 46
8 801
8 271
8 28
8 20
8 16
8 081
8 00
7 46
7 W
8 67
8 46
3 41
3 88
7 2111 61
7 27
7 85
7 41
7 46!
12 06
12 11
12 16
t 34 l go
7 oances
7 1
7 I
7 10
7 03
6 68
2 4.
2 40
3 80
- GRING, President and Manage,
C. K. If hub, General Agent.
fanaWe Friction Feed fl At
Ajax Center Crsnk EngiV
Rapid, accurate, atronr n.l tfm.u ...
lll or wherla. Ktr, i
Bailer ha .""ntly
bb4. Alao ntWrade
nenm. Bay' pr -
. to
New Tork. 700 no
days, doing almt
and several daj,
Automobile exan alao ohtu
planned for thtJearBg,,?,,,
Even radishes They found
In Berlin. They aibestock, and
dye to make their".
A Cuban radish ?
Manacas weighed
heecii Ok cncrscLo-f
nil4i1 . -e nr the
oaCrcs ot human hnir varies from
the 250th to the 600th part of an inch.
Irish railways have been moving
towards consolidation.
1 T-.
i :
A -i
-.J- a
i !
I . I . fj a '"'" ' " '" ""'"u- '" """""" "r'" ""1"'ia''Kg'K
I- i