SENTINEL & REPUBLICAN MIFFLTNTOWN. PA. VEINl,,-VYt AUG. 16, 1899. iKRMS. gpBsf RiFTioNfl.OOpryear If pakl iodva"; fl-W if not paid in ad- Transient advertMnK and looal notice 8 .-eiits a line. pednrtions w'" "iade to tlioHe de siring to advertise hy the year, half or quarter year. RKPi' 'HLICAX COMMITTER M KITTING. The members f the Republican ,"vinty committee will meet at the Keystone Hotel in Patterson, on Saturday, Septenilier 2, 1809 at 2 .nVloek i'. m. A full attendance is de-iirel as business of importance will le transacted. "V. L,. Hoops, Chairman. S ft Hi! I.OCJtLS. Mis Mary Horning is visiting relatives in Harrisbiirji. Dr. King's New Life Pills. Mrs. "Will, w ife of Mr. Jaj-ob Will, deceased, is ill. liucklen's Arnica Salve. tj Miss .Maude Kreidor is visiting relatives in Drift arnoil. Dr. King'sJCew Life Pills. Contact, of warm air and cold air is the cause of tornadoes. township, is in poor health. V Andrew Hunks, made a two days visit to Minneapolis, recently. IJiicklen s Arnica. Salve. . A Miss Katherine Doty is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C Doty. it:.... t: ,.r i.,n nr' .UIW I 1.11 I 't I Ml 1 (HUM V, l,lU.,yl is a guest of Miss Hess Pennell. . Mrs. in Kllis or Harrisburg was a recent visitor to relatives in town. , Kx-SlierilY Iapp will -make Utp plication to Court for detective li cense. Rev. W. II. Fahs and family have returned home from their va cation. Kditor and financier, li F. Mey ers, of Harrisburg, was in town on Monday Bucklen's A ruica Salve. oe'-JflM1 13 rtoim at the PSV Knn,y, cigar store in I ort Royal vas robbed of jaeveral thousand cigars on Sunday night. A movement is afloat in Selins grove to organize a military com pany for service in the State Nat ional guard Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The Altoona Board of Health are after dogs and cats )ecanse the logs and eats carry small-pox through the town. It was the storm blowing from the ocean to land that raised the sea high enough to flood Ponce and drown a thousand people. Dr. King's New Discovery. Rev. G. M. Payne, pastor of the A. M. E. Zion church at Lewis towu, Pa., w ill hold a camp-meet-nig at MillerstowH, lieginniug Aug ust, 19. fe h Henderson Forsha's house at AVaterford, was strnek by light ning on Friday. The lightning came down a flue and shattered the plastering all the way. Jacob Davis, Roy Showers ami Charles Xoble walked from tie re ligious meeting held at Tusearora on Sunday to this place, having missed the up-coming train on the railroad. T. ..i . uvii.iu.1 t-ouiuy pcopie are in a Clin C It . ""r "i lenient over a charge made by one of the county papers: That school directors have been taking bribes for the appointment oi teachers. V Dr. King's New Life Pills. Juniata county people now liv ing in Blair county, held their fifth annnual re-uuiou in Lake mount Park, Altoona on Saturday, August 12. The re union was at tended by nlioiit twohundred mem bers of the association and their families graph Gallery, Cfigar Manufac tory, Kintcrtmrden. Fnroitoro Want. Rooms, &e., and two-story brjQclingJ wun DARcmeut. Address, . , J. E. Hoixobacoh, MifflintowD.iJuniata Co , Pa. DMTOR YOURSELF AT HONE. Send for a copy of Dr. Humph rey's Manual of all diseases and doc lor yourself at home. Sent free on request. Humphrey's Medicine Co., New York city. " Mrs. B. L. Shnman, who with her husband lived in this town some years ago, journeyed from Rugby, North Dakota, to attend the funeral of her mother in lin- caster, stopped ofT letwecn trains at this place, on her wav back to North Dakota last Mondav. Lumberman Emerv McCnhau came to town the other day, and in a talk that followed on veteran service against rebellion said: "I was the youngest llier from this county in the army." "Hold ou!'; remarked furniture man V. F nnvilcr. "von'll h:ivp lo o-ii-e vour arc IMllllg uim.ujj iu ae ,efore von can . rove tJ,.,t for I was one of the youngest soldiers in the army." 44U right!'' con tinued ?.IcCahau. "I was Imu-ii on the l(!th day of Novemiier IS VSP "Hello!" ejaculated Snyder, "That 's my birthday and birth year." Both were born on the tame day and same year, but neither conld Mrs. Harry Kanrtinau, is visit- tell the hour of the dav when thev l.rotll.- f crs Patterson. The corn crop is 25 per cent, short of a full crop, so says the latest report. Miss Sarah Irwin of Newport, spent Sunday with her aunts the Misses Irwin. ing the family of Ed. Bartley on Cherry street. Mine host Arlogast of the Ja cobs House liought a driviug horse some days since. Dr. King's New Discovery. came into this world. Elmer Kepner's home in Tur- bet t township was the scene of a picasaut event last Saturday even ing. A company of neigh bors as sembled to celebrate the auniver- and Tl.o.l V. it-Aar of Tvrnnp KnpiilTi1.. J , , , .7 1 ,r I Mrs. Kepuer. inc. company was day recently with his sister Mrs. ,arc (.ongeuiaU Mr Kepuer Harry M-Clellan. j pres5ntea jjrg. Kepuer with agold A conference of trusts is to bewatcli. An orchestra accompan- held in Chicago, lieginniug on the ied the party and the strains of the 1. "it h of September. y J music was waited across hill and MissWilla McNitt, spent, two valley and was heard on the mouu davs of last week with Dr. Inker's tun side in the teuts of the cainp- fa.mlviu Lewistowu. DWK PC.' ,Thf U"ie ''cn ; swiftly bv and just when the clock Editor Lesher of the Selinsgrove struck 12 on Sunday morning, the Times, is a candidate for the of- t.OII,p:uly left with the cheeriest lice of County Commissioner. i p0od morning greeting lor all, and Dr. King's New Discovery. j especially for Mr. and Mrs. Kep- Miss Carrie Derr of Philadel- phia, is spemlicg two weeks with i Iast Sunday was a grand sum- friends and relatives in town. mer day. The rain of the previous r i ir., w... '!i -;fo evening had cleared the atmos Mr. and Mr3. Win. Xeigler, wile " and daughter Hattie are spending the summer near Arch Rock Rev. turn out of the people in great numbers at the Evangelical camp- Ira Brubaker of Phoenix-1 meeting at Tuscarora Station. The ville. snent a few davs of vacation with his parents in Milford Twp. Dr. King's New Discovery. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wells of Harrisburg, are visiting Mrs. Wells' parents Mr. and Mrs. Cal houn in Patterson. This Thursday Miss Willa Mc Nitt, will start for Cleveland, O., where she will spend fi weeks with Mrs. J. D. Suloutt'. The Elixalieth Rannals priert.v in Port Royal, was purchased last week by W. L. Hooi, Esq., agent, for the sum of .-,0i:5.' The letters uncalled for in the Mitllintown iost olliccoii Saturday evening Ang.12, were for Miss M. T. Wallace and Lewis Long. Ir. King's New Discovery. Matthias Stump, K. Stump, William M. Boggs and John . Burn.-, all of Iick Twp., were in town on business ou Friday of last uumlier of people there was uoi counted. Thousands were there. There were not seats enough for the twentieth part of the multitude that stood around and about, and walked around and around the s ma re of twenty uie white tents with board floors and ample cover- ! inf IrAAtl 'tilt illA llll'lVtlMlt T'lll lf niin. The services were interest ing throughout and the order was good. Barring the presence here and thereon the outskirts of the camp of a tough' or two from no one knows where, every feature of the camp was iu first rate order. John E. McCrum died in the teut of his son in-law Win. F. Burch field at 7 o'clock p. m., on Tuesday evening at the Evangeli cal Camp-meet ing at Tuscarora j station. He had arrived tlieie about t r. M.,' from his home in Milford township. He was in good health. He was sitting ou a chair. A shuttle id' his feet caused The Kansas corn crop this year is large. The Jrongth has shortened the corn crop. The Indian school band of Carlisle will attend the Port Ryul fair. Liquid air is suiJ t j be 400 de grees colder than the human body. The days are shortening rapidly. Only four months to the shortest day. Miss Nellie Doyle of Baltimore, Md., is visiting her home in Patter son. The Post of tbis place will partici pite in the Philadelphia encampment in September. W. E. NankevilJ's great play "Hu man Hearts," at Lewis town, Satur day eveniDg, August 19. W. L Kepner has bought the homestead farm of his fathor in Mil ford township for $4,000. A trust says, the oyster is a some, thing that swallows me and leaves the shell for the other fellows. Thirty democrats want to be com missioner of Blair county to take the place of Mr. Funk, late deceased. kjb account oi an assignment to a through train John A Kauffuian has moved from Patterson to Harrisburg. The Philadelphia Times is runniDg an Astrological department. "What do the stars say? is answered every day. Three county bridges were washed away and four barns were destroyed by one etorm m York county last week. Contractor James Horning has built. a large stable on the rear end of Dr. Wm. Banks' home property in town. Mr. Robert Porker has been quite ill the past week. His many frisnda hope to soe him soon in his accus tomed place of business. Cbamberaburg Repository, Aug ust 9: The hail storm cleared a field of clover for Col Dixon, St. Thomas, as if a mower had gone ov er it. Tkeovintrs of Luckle berry land on the mountain not far from AltooDa, have pued a number of Altoona peo pie for trespass acd picking hackle I erries. - - Wm H. Woods of Biain, Perry county, has returned from the Klon dyke. He was away thre9 years, j xne largest goia nugget be has is worth $15. Ins revenues of the people for a-1 ptriod of five hundred years would cot suffice to pay the bonds and stocks of the chartered wild cat trusts and corporations. A few days ago a Huntingdon man killed two rabbits, and was caught under the new game law and naed 920 and sent to jail twenty days, because ho did not pay fine. The democrats count on baying up tbe Q'iay republicans "with soft soap and pat you on the back tactics." Tbe eyes of all are turned on those who contemplate a sell oat in that way. Parts of Dauphin, Chester, Beiks, Lancaster and Northumberland counties, were visited by drtadful storms of wind and lightning last week. A number of barns' were des troyed by lightning. Beaver Herald, Aug. 10. TLe Gilbert brothers caught 32 eels in Jtfiddlecreek in a few hours time on lat Friday afternoon. The boys up. turned stonrs in tbe creek and caught the cela by gigging them with EiauII forks. Tbs town and port of Poneo on the ibland of Porio Rico, was destroy ed by a hurricane. The storm last ed 7 hours. One thousand peo ple were killed BDd drowned. The storm was wide-spread and other places sofTered as severely as Ponce, , - REDUCED KATES , , -. VIA PCNttSTLVAIOA RAILED An FOB MOUNT oritna tarker's expositiok. On account of the Furint-rs' Expos ition to be held at Mt. GretnaV P-, Augnstl4ti 19, the Pennsylvania Railroad Compsny will sell rormd trip tickets to -f't. Gretna and re turn, at rate of one fare for the round trip, from principal stations between IJasfc Liberty and Bryn Mawr; on the Northern Central Rail, way north of and including Luther ville, and on the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad Division east of and ireluding Waterford. Tickets will be sold August 12 to 10, good to re turn until August 21, inclusive. For information in rpgard to train service and specific rales application should be made to tioket, agents 16 SHERIFF'S SALES. Sheriff Stoncr will sell in the Court House at Mifflintown on Friday, Sep tember lt, 1899: The undivided half of a 400 acre tract of mountain land in Milford township as the property of W. T. and J. K. Graham. A mountain tract cf 407 acres in Milford township as the property of W. T. and J. K Graham. A mountain tract of 403 acres in 'Milford township an the property of W. T. and J. K. Graham. A mountain Iract of 398 acres in Milford township as tho property of W. T. and J. K. Graham. The undivided three-fourths of a lot of gronnd with dwelling house and stable and ont-buildiDPS in Port Royal as tho property of V. T. and J. K. Graham. The rndivided three fourths of a lot of ground with dwelling house and stable and out buildings iu Port Royal or the properly of W. T. end J. K. Graham. A lot of ground with one story stone dwelling house and out-build ings in Mexico as the propertv of William E. Heck and E l ward Smith. A lot of ground with dwelling- house, 6hoe maker shop, stable and out-buildincs in Bunkertiwn as the property of J. n. Iliine. A lot of ground with house and out-bui'.dings in Port Royal as the r roperly cf Anna li. Stebt-r and Isaac N. Sieter. A lot cf ground with dwelling houe and out buildings in Port Roy al as the property of Anna B. Sieber and Isaac N. Sit'oer. A lot cf ground with thrpo dwell ing houso3 and out buildings iu Fori Rjjal as the property of Auuu B. and I:ac X. Sitber. A vacant iot of ground in Port Royal aa th property of Anna B. Sieber and Issue N. Sieber. A lot of ground, orje third of an acre more tr Itss in Port KjybI as tbe probity of Anca B. Sieber and IbUbC S ibcr. ' -o - 23 XTJaDirtiuc? a The trouble with thousands of women is not "female weakness," altbongk Many physicians suppose it is. The real trouble Has in the Kidneys, Liver and Bladder. Doctors often fail to effect a give the right remedy. Women as well Mlves if their Kidneys are diseased. cure, simply because they don t as men can ascertain for them Simply fill a bottlf or glass turn, bier with urine and let it stand day and a night. If there is a sediment at tbe bottom, something is wrong with the Kidneys. If there is a desire to urinate often if there is pain in tbe small of the back if the urine stains linen look out ! Tbe Kidneys are diseased. Ladies can take Dr. David Ken nedy'a Favorite Remedy with perfect as surance of relief. It will cure them of Kidney, Liver and Bladder disorders just as certainly as it cures men. Mrs. G. Y. Davkpot. of West Troy, N. Y., says: -"I was troubled with my Kid neys, and suffered intense pain in my back and loins. The wife of Dr. Robinson, pastor of the First Avenue Methodist Church, recommended Dr. David Kennedy' a Favorite Remedy. I got some, and have used it ever since, with the result that I am greatly benefited. All paina have left me, and I am like another person." ' Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy is a perfect blood and nerve medicine. It restores the liver to a healthy condition and cures tbe worst cases of constipation. It is a certain cure for all diseases peculiar to females. Sample Bofflo Froo Favorite Remedy is such a certain cure that the Dr. David Kenneri Corporation, Rondout, N. Y., will forward, prepaid, a free sample bottle to every sufferer who sends his or her full postoffice address and mentions this paper. The fact that our liberal offer appears in this paper is a guarantee of its genuineness. All druggists sell Favorite Remedy at ,i.oo a bottle. to r m 1 vv 'C Wyip ARE TIIEYT. . On last iriuay nicKt.hetwoon the hours of land 2 A. Jr., two men attempted to break into the house of Mrs. Kurtz KaulTman iu Fermanagh township. The noise of breaking open a window in the lower story awakened the family, who scared the miscreants - away.' They rau out into the road and jumped into a buggy, hitched close to the house and drove rapidly away. It is very evident these men belong in this vicinity, and ef forts should lie made to apprehend them. WILL. ATTEND ENCAMP ill E9IT. Lt. David H. Wilson Post Xo. 134, (i. A. will leave MiOlin station for Philadelphia Encamp ment, Sept. 4 at S.55 a. m. Rates one fare for the round tripj 4.63, will go into free quarters in Camp Sextou, Fairmouiit Park. Each Comrade will provide himself with a blanket or comfortable and tow els, all else will be provided. Cots will be in the teuts, so you will not have to lie on the ground. Cheap meals can be secured on the grounds, or you can take your "grub" with you. All comrades desiriug to avail themselves of the free quarters w ill please notiiiy the Adjutant before Sept, 1st. By command of O. MClei.lan, V. H. KoptJEUs, Coimuauder. Adjutant. Mid-Summer Bargain Days at Shott's Stores. A Host of Dnrgniiis in Dry Goods, Shoes siikI Cnrpets. Unbleached muslins at Sots a 5 a id. Belter unbleaclied ncuslin at 4cts a yard. Kxtra quality uubleacLcd muslin, 20 yards for $1 00. Best bleached Hill muslin, 15 yds for $1.00. lOo niusliB, cut prices, at 0c a yard. Union crash toweliDg, 7vds for 25cts. All Linen crash toweling 5vda for 25cts. Good calicoes for 34c a yard. Best Lancaster Ginghams at 5ctr: north to day 7 lots. Table Oil Clolh, 2yds for 25cts. Flora Oil Cloth and Linoliums for 20o, 25o to 35c; worth 50os. Carpet i,t 12Jo, 18c, 20c and 25c. Now is jour time to buy carpet. They are goioe higher. DmsKsgs 13 urussel aud Velvet for-(5ats-an?LflX0. Stair Oil Cloth in Cut Prices at 4o a yard. Mers Cheviot every day BbirtiDgs, 7yd8 for 48cts ' - . Fine Scotch lawns at 4e.' ' -All our fine summer dress goods at extra low reduced priocs. ix x. Red liord fioe Tabic Linen at 25ct?; worth 40cts. . - White Summer Blankets, at 50ot3 a pair. ' " 'v " . " SHOW NEWS: is the most important ews of this Sale. 4,000 pair of fine thoes included in- m our oneriDgs. lNnt a plunger spaam or excitement, but a merchant's plan, calmly formed and thoroughly executed. The purpose is to make sale or shoes for cheapness and megniiudee, which is without precedent. These shoes are oil new, thoir equals are selling at 35 per cent higher through. uui ine 011 t;e i raue. ; Ncv'Stoc!c. of Spring Clothing, GENTS FURNISHING GOODS HATS, FITRNITUBB GLASSWARE, QUEENSWARE, AT - Meyers' Big Stores. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Men's and Boy's New Spring Snits. Th se Men's suits are strictly all wool and wo have them in all sizeu, aLd we have them in single and double breasted at $4 fi2. Now intn fall into line and secure one of these Fine Imported Diosh Suits, in allbhadtsand colors, and made perfect to equal merchant tailor prices. Worth $18, for only $12. These Frock aud fiiek Suits we have them in 11 sizes and styles, and wo guarantee to give u per- ' feet fit at $6.50. You can take your pick and fit from 372 line dress suits, which are made in Sacks and Cutaways, we Lave them in all shades. Suits worth $12 we sell now at $8.75. We start the Boy department from $1 87 to $8.50. The assortment includes hundreds of doable and single breaated suits. Many of these suits being all 1 .1 -it ; .1,0 T.ATKST SPRING PATTERNS in brown, plaids, checks and plain colors, trimmed, and run in age from 10 to select from. - These are all well niade and 19. Immense assortment to Our Children's Department. The largest display of Bjys pants in Juniata Cjunty, and tbry are all made of strong material. The sizes run from 3 to 16. and soli from 18c. to 50c. 300 Children ' Suits, sizes from 3 to 16, at 90o. 2G5 spUnded Vested Suits, at $1.25, would be cheap at the regular price of $2. 567 Children's Suits, in Double Breasted and other styles. Your choice at $2 38. 375 Children's Suite, this is a grand line strictly, all wool, Double Breasted at $3 88, which should be 5. A grand new line of Sprirg Hats and Caps and Gent Fnr nifhing Gccdp, of the greatest values ever offered, A car load of Trunks and Satchels at low prices. FUKN ITURE. Themost maivelous showing of up to date Furniture ever attempt ed. Everything new in design, no old stock. Nothing but the very best makes by the best manufacturers with t.ueh forsightednsss that we offer "Beautiful Furniture" at jui-t cLe half the regular value. "We just received and unpacked tLe grandest design of new and upon-date Furniture. Our three floors are packed to the utuj5"t ex tent for ycur inspection- A grand selection of Parlor Suits, Uphols tered Rocteie, Conches, Lounges, Sofas, Exttr.s;on Tables, Hall Hacks, Side Beards, Bed Room uis in numerous styles, -Office, Dining Boom and Kitchen Chairs, Spring Mattresses, Cots, CribB and Cradle. In fact everythir.g kept ia a first tints Furniture store. Ferd Meyers, 115 and 117, Bridge Street. Tuscarora Valley Railroad. SCHEDULE IS EFFECT MONDAY, JUNE. 1898. 20, RAILROAD TIME TABLE. IEHBY COUNTY- RAILROAD. pEHKY COUNTY KAI Tbe following schedule went lDto effect Nov. 16, 1896, and the trains will be ran M follows: Arrive . to p. m L. ,t. m a. in Leave - f STATIONS. DAILY, EXCEPT SCMDAY, pair. Men's Calf Skin Sboes at $1.47; worth $2.50. Wen's Wil.ow Calt and Vioi Leather at 1 47. You save over $1 on 1 ... ... ...... week. j one ot his lanuiy to iook ai mm. m,. vw or.,1 . hil.lrMi A HiR ll.v was leaned lM-k in the 'V I 1 ' l.u aiuu j j who have l;een visitiuc Jir. James Sinnns? family, have gone to New port to visit the family of Mr. Rob ert Nixon. Sr. :. Dr. King's New Discovery. Kev. Mr. Campbell of Port Roy al, preached in the Presbyterian church morning and eveuing, last Sunday. Next Sunday he will preach moruiug aud evening. Dr. King's New LifePills. Tribune, Aug. 14. During the last thirty days officer Vaughn has put to death by shoot ing alxuit thirty dogs. He has an trther one to shoot this morning at 1 :'( Fourth avenue. Early last Sunday morning Sol omon (Juinter oi Reading, discov ered his wife and E. H. Kitzmiller in the back yard iu a- compromis ing position. Quinter had ' been watching his wile and her lover, and when he thus caught them, he drew a pistol and shot lioth dead. The awful tragedy shocked . the whole community. Quinter Bur rendered himself and went to jail chair. Hegavethree heavy breaths. The family ran to hiui. He was deiul. llndertaker Snyder drove to the camp at midnight, brought his remaius, prepared them for funeral service, lutermeut will take place ou Ihursday afternoon in the Mitllintown cemetery. Mr. McCrnui was )8 years of age;' a highly respected member of one of the oldest families in Juniata Co. He was a memler of the Presby terian church. His wife was Miss H. J. Robison, who with four chil dren survive him. NOTICE AU who Jeeiro wituesairg Nacke ville's great production of "Human Hearts" at Lewistowu, Saturday, August 19tb, cau procure seals iu advance either Parquet te or Balcony at W. fcL Bolimau's mu icaluro, Mifflin. Stocks and bonds of all kinds arc plcntier Ibuu in camp- meeting tune, lloio ana mere a valuable one raav be found like a Mind hog findiog an acotn iu ruom titiiO, but the most of them ire fikt-3, issued to catch whomsoever they can. A battle between 4000 American troops and G000 Filippinos lroops took place at a place named Fernan do, at 5 o'clock on the morning of the 9th of August. The insurgents were driven five miles. E-'glit Americans were killed. Fcrnaudo whore tho bal tie took placo ia not far from Manila. ' FOR BENT. K Hollobausrh'a Buildir-ar on Bridge St, fifflintown P, - snitible for: Restaurant and Billiard Hall, Photo- "HUMAN HEARTS" OPENS OPERA HOUSE. When "Human Hearts," lost sea son bade our people good night the management was offered any time aud terms wanted to come again in 1899. "At that time tho real owner and manager, W. E Nai ktvillo of PiitUrseD, wasiu litigt tion with sev eril parasites who claimed an inter est and could not make auy definite plRUa so far ahead, but last May the suit was ended, and iu addition to securing all rights and title to this gold mine of success Mauuger Nan keville was a arded five thousand dollars damages against the would be claimants. As New York city has been each season the opening point of the season to arrange dates for four other cities clamoring -for the play early, -Manager Nankeville has arranged to open one week earlier than Ubual, therefore Lewistowu, on August 19th, next Saturday, ia to have the honor of launching one of the great New York successes on its a oa bop's career, as tbe company will open the season here on that even ing. Lewistown Gazette. NIAGARA FALLS EXCURSION LOW BATE VACATION TUllU VIA 1ES3VL VANIA RAIMioAD. Tho PcccylvrtRin Jiiiln'.id C m paty tins SelecU d tl following dates icr us popu.Kr ten day excursions to iN'Dgara llis from Philadelphia, Baltimore u: d Wkbliiugtoi : July 27, Augu;tl0ad 'M, Sei-ttiubtr 7 and 21 ana Ucfobcr 5 atid 19. An ex perierccd tourivt agrt i;d cViiper on wiil ccccmpr.r.y eccb iscuisivn Excursion tickets good fur reiurn passage on ocy regular train, exclu sive of ii:ti'.ed xpnsa trcinf, within ten daye, will be so!d at 10 from PhiiaJclphin, Baltimore. Washing tou und 11!! pui'tts on tho Delaware Division; 11.25 from Atlantic City; $9 GO from Laucaslir; $8 50 from AUuona and Harrisburg; 6.90 from Suobury aud Wilkt bbarrt; $3 75 from WilliHUK-port; and at propoitiou rates from olLir points. A ntop-e,v- er will bo allowed at L'ulllo, lUicii- ettor, Canandaitfii, and Wutkir.s within the limit ret uri'icg. A special train of Pullman parlor cars aud dav cicliis will bi: rnu with eache xemrtiou. An extr i charge will be mado for parlorcar seu!n. lieketa fi;r a tide-trip tf tho thou. s.srjd Islands (Alixnii!ri:i Dav) will be sold from Rocijenler in connec tion with excundous of July 27, Aug ust 10 and 24, Stptemter 7 aud 21, good to return to Rochester or to Canundaigua via Syracuse within five davs at the rate of $5 50. Tickets for a side trip to Toronto will be sold at Niagara Falls for $1.- 00 on July 29; August 12 and 26. and September 13. Iu connection with excursion of September 7, tick- eta will be 6old to Toronto Fair. For time 1 f connecting trains and further information apply to nearest ticket agent, or address Geo. W. Boyd, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Broad 8treet Station, Phila delphia, tf. Men's Black Dress foot wear: Tans and Blacks, Kyle's French Patent Leather all $4 Pbccs at $2.68. -cadiea Black and Tan fine kid Leather bhocs, 800 pair, Engliah styles me a at $1 47, a savmg ot JJl.UU a pair. 500 PAIR BOYS AND CHILDREN'S SHOES, at equally reduced priocs at Extra low values SCHOTT'S STORES, 103JTO 1O0 BRIDGE STREET. 1865, Special ESTABLISHED. 1899. Invitation To Tim Publit Blair's Mills.... Waterloo Leonard's Grove Roes Form Perulaci East Waieiford. Heckman H"rey Grove. F il IJiliara. Werb'e. Pk;.sact View Seven Pities.. Spruce Hi'l . . Graham's Stewart Freedom Turbett OldPtrt . Port Royal. . . " i '. i-- i ri on? 89 Xnl VnS ' 341 9,1 45 9 14 4 4i 9 15 4 51 9 19 2o!l 45 1! ??! 4 o; ' :a. .Lv.!7 ... . 7 Sill 51 .... 7 37l 57 ,...7 45 05 ,...;7 52.2 12 05 2 25 1712 37 22 2 42 3012 50 39 2 59 ..'8 ..18 ..Ar. 44 52 55 03(3 0613 04 12 15 23 2G 29 32 38 45 3 18 2 IS 2 IS 208 2 66 2 03 200 I 41 t 88 181 1 28 1 25 1 20 1 18 1 16 260 Trains Nos. and 2 connect at fart Royal with yiy Passenger and Seashore Express pp Y- V., srd Nos. 3 end 4 witb Mill east WESTWARD. STATIONS. DAILY, EXCEPT 8DNDAY. lo attend the Attractive bale of Clothing that goes on daily from THE IMMENSE STOCK OF D. W. HARLET. It will be TO THE ADVANTAGE OF ALL BUYERS Who have money to invest to examine the Stock of Goods for MEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN It is truly marvelous to See THE BEAUTIFUL STYLES of Suits and Overcoats at the Wonderfully Low Prices. His prices leave all Competitors in the rear, so don't f lil to give him a call if in need of" Clothing D. W. HARLET MIFPLINTOWN PA. Port lioyal Old Port Turbett Freedom Stewart Gralmrn's Spruca Hill Seven Pints Pleasant View. . . . Warble Fort Bighain Koney Grove Heckman East Waterford Perulack Hoss Farm. . . r Leonard's Grove... Waterloo Blair 'b Mills Ar. 0.0 No.2 M. No.4 P. M. A. 10 20 5 05 1.3;i0 275 12 2.8110 33 5 18 3.7110 3fi:5 21 4.4 10 39 5 24 5.010 42 5 27 6.3jl0 50,5 35 7.2110 53 5 38 9.0,11 01 5 46 10.011 06 5 51 12.011 15.6 00 14.0111 23 6 08 15 l!ll 28!6 13 17.511 40 0 25 20.5;il 53!fi 38 22.0!2 00 6 45 24.0'12 08;6 53 25.5112 14 6 59 27.0jl2 2()!7 05 9 ft Julpnur" "Corman Siding 7 41 Mnr.'ebcllo Park 7 41 Weaver 7 40 Kocldr 7 86 - HoflD;a- 7 33 Koyr 7 31 Mal.-aimv 7 "8 5 Id 10 -sy B'oorcfl-M 7 23 6 IK 9 lit Tr.-ssle i 7 09 o 21 9 64 'NeUiion 7 04 5 21 9 57 Dum's 7 01 a 27 10 05 Elliotsbur 6 68 5 32 10 17 Sfrnhcisl's 6 61 6 84 10 17 'Groeo Puk 6 48 6 87 10 SO 'Montonr June 6 88 02 10 35 Landisburg 6 28 p. m a. m Arrive Leave a. m p m Train leaves Bloomflold at 6.63 a. m., and arrives at Landisbnrg at 8.28 a. m. Train leaves Landisbnrg at 6.08 p. m., and arrives at BloomHold at 6.40 p. m. All stations marked () are ttag stations, at wbict trains will come to a full stop on signal. Ckas. H. Shilkt, S. H. Brox, President. Snpt. jVJEVVPORT AND SHERMAN'S VAU 1 1 ley Railroad Company. Time table of passenger trains, in eflVv.t on MQqday, May 18th, 1896. STATIONS. Weit. ward. Trains Nos. 2 and 8 connect at Blair's Hills witb Concord, Doyletbnrg Drj Rnu, Norsville, NeeHton, Sbade Gap, Shade Valley and Ooshorn Station Stajo Lines. J. a MOORHEAD, Svptnnttndtni. S. MOORHEAD, Prtsident. Newport .....T.i. Buffalo Bridge.... Jnniata Furnace .. Wahneta ?ylvan WatT Pins , Bloomlield Junct'n. VallerEoad Eliiottsbnr? Greoo Park Loysville Kort Robeson Center Cboa's Run Andersonbnrg . . . . . B'am Mount Pleasant New Germant'n ... 6 0S 10 36 08 10 88 6 12'id .42 6 15 10 45 6 25 10 62 6 22 11 01 6 81 11 09 6 89 11 09 6 6111 21 6 54 11 24 7 06J1 86 7 11 11 41 7 1511 45 7 21 11 61 7 27:11 87 7 85,12 05 7 41112 11 7 45,12 15 Eastward. 8 80 8 27 8 2 8 20 8 16; 8 II 8 08 8 00 7 46 ? 10 84 7 26 7 1 7 1 7 1ft 7 03 6 68 6 60 8 67 868 860 84 8 41 8 88 8 83 8 16 8 10 804 266 2 49 2 46 2 40 2 88 2 24 2 20 J. GRING, President and Manager K. MiiLKa, General Aj(2.'. ARQUHAR fab?. Friction QO r"v fCDj n !.yu hi: tktt 7C"5" A V.-taaiable TiocU m Kii v : a-Fiseanen kdi iree to any od.i.v and :imr patirnu can at o t tliin uidltciue free or eltnrtM Vaft n raJvlia been praiiared bytlie IU v. r t ; -r Komi;, of h'ort Wavns lot., Pi itre .-;,:. ; i i raVimred uufiKrhlBdirectluu by Ui MOifClC MED. CO.,, t:. Tutil br Urussuta at 61 per Buttle, t ; : . CwircSiTO.SI.7S. Bottle for :- HOOD'S SawaparlllahMOW and ovw again proved by its cans. voen an auxr prepaxauoos raiien, tna: -ia. kcii vrsjji !jisr.:i'5 -1.1.1. liivciiul... i.iraiiiif im I liimplc. ntin lr 1'oiIit lm rvir r,. y. ; i Aim Mm!n I 1; Jh IV- L B, FAP.QUKAR CO,, Ltd., York, Pa. MWMIliaNSIEt 4k. wonderful tt-jprurtMceut In VrJnion IVoc!c:i a-any other tn th luurtft. lrir-rinti '!u'fh l-cI ( ;utiurf all tl f- ftiit-' t st:i.i t-ti t v.:iiu tug: crcnt aavias lu i:wrr m:il wnr. (.' totfu and prxe irt. Al ff..'ins t iiitvaions lm 1'lamera, stf-iw