Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, August 09, 1899, Image 2

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,.U. F. SCHWEIEtt,
BErVBLICAff coputt
John F. Ehrenzeller.
Stiles K. Boden.
M. R. Beashore,
J. W. Hostetler.
George L. Hower.
W. N. Keister,
David K. Ulrich.
Ykixow FeveR has appeared in the
Ntional Sol hers Home, near namp
too. Ya . m which Micro are nine
thousand veterans.
There is a revo'.t iu the Democrat
icparty in Kentucky. The protest
ing Democrats have been nolum
meetings in the several counties.
EntebpblsIno busiuess men have
gotten np a tray in which are placed
a number of small cups lor c unman
inn purposes. The trjy contains in
dividual cups and no two persons
drink out of one and the same cup.
Judge Weiss of the Dauphin Coun
ty Court, bns rendered an opinion
upholding Governor Stone in the ve
to of the late Legislature's proposed
amendments of the state constitution
No appropriation was made by the
Legislature to carry the proposed
nnseouments into fleet
The Spaniards are taking revenge
on their armv and tavy commacdTS
for being defeated by the Americans,
Cervera is being court-martialed for
having hi? fleet blown to p:eces and
sunk by Scblev and Toral is being
court-martialed for the surrender of
Santiago do Cuba. Hard fate.
The American briny around Manilla
is quietly holding its own and not
making an effort to extend its lines.
It will not begin operations until
next November. By that time the
Bwamps made impassable by the rainy
season will have been dried. Next
winter the enemy will be vigorously
pushed and whipped.
The volcano of Mauna Lia iu IU
waii, is in a state of eruption. The
mountain is 13,805 feet above the
level of the sea. That is thirteen
tim-s higher than the Taecarara
mountain is higher than the Tusca
rora Valley Railroad in Juniata coun
ty. Itisbeli.ved that volcanic oat
bursts are purely local, that is the
outburst is confined to the section of;
coun'ry in which it takes place, and
that it is caused by chemical combi
nations. THETenth Penn'a Keg. of Volun
teers for the Spanish war landed at
ed at o a. August.
The people were wild in their joy
ous welcome. A grand reception
awaits them when they arrive at
Pittsburg, the city in the Keystone
State that they will first touch ou
their return to their native State.
A number of the brave volunteers
sleep their last sleep at Manilla,
and their gallant Colonel Hawkins
died on lioard of ship, after they
hatl started on their homeward trip.
IK rixg the long occupancy of
the Philippine Islands by the Span
iards they never were able to con
ciliate the natives. The two would
aot mix, the Spaniards would not
bo Filipiuos, and the Filipineos
would not be Spaniards. It will
p; ve to be a great misfortune if
the Filipinos will uot American
ize. Spanish despotism was more
.severe than the tribal larbarisni of
the natives. If the natives have
mind enough to comprehend Amer
ican methods, there mav be less
irouoie man many Americans ana
Europeans anticipate It would
be a great misfortune if the Filip
in os should prove to be as firmly
wedded to his ways as the Ameri
can Indian.
The PiiiludelpLia Times bag pa
trijtically started the movement of
paving a fitting tribute to the mem
ory of Colonel Alexander Hawkins of
the 10th Pennsylvania Volunteer reg
iment. The Colonel wne one of the
bravdst of the bruvo on the battle
line for humanity and free govern,
ment in tbe benighted land of the
1 hillipine Inlanders. A generation
Lence the name of Colonel A. Hawk
ins and the 10th Pennsylvania will
lc glorified as on the advance line
that carried American civilization to
ilie o(h r side of the world. The
i'uiiadelphia Times wheu it proposes
d iiiomorial to the memory of Colonel
M.wking, voices the patriotic senti
; nt of the nation and the thought
ful view of the thinkers of the nation,
wtjo F-.ee in the occupation of the
riiiilipine islands tbe advance guard
of American civilizttiou for Asit.
Send contributions to the Philadel
jibia Times
The following opinion has been
rendered by Judge McClure of the
Snyder-Union districts: If the
branches of trees growing ou one's
land Lang over the line upon an
other, the adjoining owner may cut
off the limbs perpendicular with
his line, provided the branches had
nut been allowed toextend over fora
period of twenty-one jearsor more,
without objection, when no right
would be g-iined to cut them otf.
Fruit ou a tree is part of the real
ty auu l? uot the subject of larceny
If tbe fruit had fallen to the ground
the neighbor could pick it up and
use it. The risrbt of the adjoining
land owner to lop off branches of
overhanging trees, before twenty
en o years of permissive acquies
cence has elapsed, does not carry
'vith it the right to the fruit hang
ing oa the tree. The froit is not
tbe product of his soO or labor. j
rki SkMtia mt tfce Mwlni Dm
pini Wm that Oaw mt m. Dm-
mt Hle Omrnm mt Oavtlawa.
"la the little town of Hound Rock, In
Williamson county, Tex., not more
than 30 miles distant from Austin, re
Mse the remains of one of the most
ilcsK'rate highwaymen that ever oper
ated In our section," sall Mr. 1. S.
Crocker of tbc Iik Star Stat to A re
porter. "It was In the npiing of 1873 that
S.i m llass met Ills fate In tkis sleepy
little town, anil when lie died with bis
boots on tbc southwest was rid of a
criminal who was easily tbe peer of
Jesse James, t!iotu;u he iialn"t quite as
Ions a run as that noted outlaw. Bass
was a product of Michigan at least,
his sister, a gentle girl, came down
from some town In that state to see
that bis body wns Icceutly interred.
p.ns bad collected about him a com
pany of as hardened thieves as ever
engineered a hold up. Tbe gang bad
robbed a nuuilter of trains In Missouri
and Arkansas and concluded they
would make oue more good haul In
Texas before riding n cross the border
Into Mexico, where they proposed to
stay In retirement for a season.
I lass had pin lined the looting of the
only bank at Hound Hock as an easier J
job and doulitlt-ss a tatter paying one
than tackling a train, which feat had
been performed too often to tie thor
oughly safe, liy dinning his pro
gramme to raiding a village bank there
ml'lit be more lucre and less risk.
"So on that lovely morning In May
when he and his fellow tlilereb rode
Into the unsuspicious town they
chuckled to think what an easy Job It
would be to transfer the bank's cash to
their pockets. So thoroughly certain
were they of getting off with the
plunder that they were In no haste
nlHiut the matter. One wanted to get a
shave, another went Into a restaurant
and so they scattered singly over the
place, but there was an understanding
as to the t!me of attack, and a rendez
vous was fixed upon.
Meanwhile, unknown to the bandits.
a squad of mounted Texas rangers had
" "- ' - . -
been pressing bnrd tion the trail of
the bail men. and within an hour after :
the liass outfit entered ltountl icock
Sergeant Iick Ware, with eight or ten
rangers, also reached the scene. He
wasn't aware of the presence of the
robbers, nor did tiiey dream that the
olllcers of the law were In that vicinity.
... . . . ... .
any citizen of the towh
Neither did
have the remotest Idea of the Identity
of certain rough looking men. strangers
In the place. Hut they might be cow
boys from some distant west Texas
cattle ranch, for the presence of such '
was too common to occasion notice,
The climax came quite by accident.
One of tbe ruffians who had sauntered
Into a store to make a few purchases.
In reaching for his purse to make pay
ment, disclosed a big Colt's revolver.
The Texas law against carrying guns
was strict, and it so hapcncd that the
nan who saw the weapon was none
... .
other than the town marshal, as brave
a teiiow as ever iiveu. tie nai
to the desperado and said quite cour-
- My friend, I'll have to relieve you
of tliat six shooter.'
" 'I'll give 1t to you. then." said the
roblier with an oatb. and in a second
had drawn his weapon and fired upon
port. , -
Tpon tills the robber rushed out of
the store, anil Immediately bis com
rades came running to the spot, but no
faster than did the rangers with their
Winchesters, ready for action.' In a
second It seemed as If both sides had
the situation revealed, and the roblMrs
turned to run to where their horses
stood tied, a block from where the
murder of the marshal occurred. IV
fore he had run SO yards Ll k Ware
had sent a bullet Into the head of
llarnes. Bass' lieuteoaut. which laid
the highwayman low.
"Bass, mortally wounded, managed
to get mon his horse, which he urged
to Itrenkueck speed. The animal ran
for about three miles till hi'
reached j
the opcu prairie and stoppeil to graze
As he did so his rider, unnlile to sit
longer hi the saddle from loss of lilnixl.
fell to the ground.
"When they found him a few hours
later, he was dying. He recognised
Sergeant Ware as the man who had
killed him and said he wauted Ware to
have his horse. lie regretted their
procrnsttnatiou In robbing the bank,
tor ir cue, im. ou.y ku u iuC rnu-
gers were so near they could have fin- J
for if they bad ouly known the ran
gem wvre so uear mey couiu uuve nu- :
Isbed the job and escaped." Washing- I
ton Post.
ton Post.
Waterloo; Ike Milk.
The milkmen of Naples have a way
of carrying concealed In their waist
coats bladders full of water.
From these bladders India rubber
tubing stretches down their arms, and
by simply pressing their sides while
they are drawing the milk they are
able to squirt water from the bladder
Into the jug or basin simultaneously
with the milk. So it is quite a com
mon plan for a woman who is getting
her Jug tilled with milk to bold the
milkman's wrist while he mjlks bis
cow or goat. Until the stranger has
tbe reason explained to him he thinks
It very odd to see women crouching
iown by the milkman, keeping a tight
bold on to each of his wrists. San
Francisco Call.
Saaar People.
Clirlsth'uity wants nothing so much
iu the world ii. satmv -i!e. The old
are hungrier for love ill.: n bread, and
the oil of .!; is very elii iio. ami if you
can !;'!; tla" ihm.i u with a garment
of ;ra: " ill ! ii'iter for them than
blau.rls. I ., nr.. I . ..,.u.. olid.
Panvan'a M.nrp Answer.
John Huuynn wrote "The Pilgrim's
Progress" In Bedford jail, where ha
was confined for his religion. A Quak
er came to tbe prison and thus ad
dressed him:
"Friend Bunyan, tbe Lord bath sent
me to seek for thee, and I have been
through several counties In aeascb of
thee and now I am glad X have found
Bunyan replied. "Friend, thou dost
not speak troth In saying the Lord
sect thee to seek for me, for the Lord
well knows that I have been in this
jail for some years, and If be bad sent
thee he would have sent thee here di
rectly." Caaaaaom Saataa Haw.
Of bright witty, learned and eat
ninnla wo can find whole battalions
, in every community, but when you go
In search of people possessed of good.
hard common sense they are not so
easy to find. Punxsutawney Spirit.
Keepa 17a Wejra-ted.
The greatest nuisance 1 any con
tuunlty Is the person who makes a spe
cialty of finding germs In the food
Wellington Post.
I groiPATwyi--"'
i kmtlM erse la arfcoa UqoM BjM
Shoo s Hie that was bonded by 9T-
But a grieved look cum to tba roejr lips
- Ami a rkmd o'er the luatroua tfm.
Aa earth darkens when bideth tb mm (W away
Aad obaonrad to the blue ol the aklea.
I aurfled la the dear little, penarre face.
But aba rave me ao answering; emile.
Ami 1 wondered when dowa e'er my cbeek raa
That had ailed my cad eyea erstwhile.
Ami I tboucfat how (trance that the baby ayt
I Should behold what the world could sot tee.
for tba wiae bad replied to the amue a my upa.
Wall the child bean reaponded to me.
Boa VanB. Speece Id Scrantoa Bepublicaa.
It Is Itatlmir mud Soancwfcat
Coaaplleattrel Operation.
An eminent dentist Is authority for
the following Interesting explanation:
It would take too long to describe
the formation of the teeth, but It may
Interest you to kuow that the enamel
la derived In the first place from tbe
epithelium, or scarf skin, and Is In fact
modified skin, while the dentine, -of
which the bulk of tlfc teeth Is com
posed. Is derived from the mucous lay
er below the epithelium.
Lime salts arc slowly deposited, and
tbe tooth pulp or nerve Is tbe last re
mains of what was once a pulpy mass
of tbe shape of the future tooth, and
even the tooth pulp In the old people'
sometimes gets quite obliterated by
calcerous deposits. The 32 permanent
teeth are preceded by 20 temporary de
clduous or milk-teeth.
These are fully erupted at about 2 or
2V4 years old, and at about 0 years of
age a wonderful process of absorption
sets In by which the roots of the tem
porary teeth are removed to make
room for the advancing permanent,
ones. The crowns of the former, hav
ing no support, become loose and fall
One would naturally suppose that
the advancing permanent tooth was a
powerful factor In tbe absorption of
Its temporary predecessor, but we have
many facts to prove that it has no In
fluence whatever. Indeed, the Interest
ing phenomena of the eruption and
succession of the teeth arc very little
I may remark In passing that a child
of C, who has not yet lost any tem-
v. " . J -J
porary teeth, has In Its Jaws, either
erupted or nonerupted, no fewer than
52 teeth more or less formed,
BaOT Tar 7- Dren la Parle.
Walk along tbe streets of Paris, and
I J UU It 11, W .luijn. viuitriH .
yould make them ridiculous.
Is a man a oet? Then bis hair Is in
stantly long, his clothes are shabby and
fantastic, his hat, with Its flat brlm
paintcr? Then his clothes proclaim
recalls the rasnion 01 isuu. is a man a
that he Inhabits Montciartre and that
be wanders np and down under the
skinny trees of the Boulevard Ilocbe
chouart. Is a man a journalist? Then
he Is what Is called epatant and dines
for a reduced price at the Cafe Anglais.
Is a man a deputy? Then the Imag
ination refrains from a formula; he bas
ix uiuujeuuui, niiu ut7 IB m ui .1
lteyonil thls the eye of doglnau
a brougham, and he is decorated, but
sm can
not penetrate.
Tet, whoever be be, he dresseju-be
part; he separates hliuseJ-'fTu the
bourgeoisie by a trik. of costume and
gesture, and though no man ever pos
sessed ' -'..ant a genius as the
.j man assumes bis love of
otantly marks him out, and,
- nil Is sd) wisely accustomed to
, I This iff tics that Bv man who would be
mobbed i la London marches up and
down l'aris unobserved. London
Standard. "
Skatlner mm Water,
According to Professor J. Joly of
Trinity college, Dublin, a skater really
glides about on a narrow film of water
continually forming under the skate
and resuming the solid form when re
lieved of pressure. He shows that the
pressure under the sharp edge of the
skate, along the short ortion of the
steel curve which is at any moment In
contact. Is great enough to liquefy a
thin line of ice, and this gives the
bnlp Ita "Htto " Wlin tliw la vnrr
cq) tne pressure Is sometimes inade
quate to reduce the melting point suf
ficiently, and then, as all skaters know,
it is dllHcuIt to make the skates bite.
For very cold ice Professor Joly rec
ommends "hollow ground" skates, be
cause the effective pressure Increases
with the thinness of the edge.
Kot Exactly Growing:.
Is your town growing?" asked the
p,ttsburg man of a fellow traveler OO
tt. ..
"Well, no; I can't say It's growing,"
was the reply, "not growing to speak
of. but it Is Improving In Its taste
right along."
"You mean the people are assuming
higher standard?"
"I do sir. Yes. sir. We now get
bananas every day from Cincinnati,
and five out of six groceries keep shred
ded codfish and I.imburger cheese. We
don't look for any building boom or In
flux of strangers, but well hold our
own and gradually work up to electric
door bells and oysters on the half
shelL" Philadelphia tress.
Irreelatlble Attraction.
"What are you stopping for, John? If
we don't hurry we'U miss our train!"
"You can go on If you want to, Maria,
I'm going to see how they get that
balky borse stared." Chicago Tribune.
Resolving too often not to worry
makes the resolution serve to remind
you that you have something to worry
about. Atchison Globe.
In some small villages the cltlsens
never air anything, but their griev
ances. Galveston News.
Her Borrowed PlnmaaT.
A Syracuse woman was in Boston
some time ago, and t-he had occasion to
get a check cached, being without ready
money. She had no friend who was
easily available, bnt she went to a bank
and presented her check. Of course she
was told she would have to be identi
fied. The cat bier of tbe bank suggested
that she might have dEe of her cards.
She took out ber cardcaee, but the card
abe produced proved to be that of one of
her friends.' This caused her a great
deal of confasion, bnt the accommodat
ing cashier suggested that she might
prove ber identity by tbe initials on her
cardcase. Bnt these, alas, proved to be
those of her mother. Her confusion con
tinned to increase until she thought of
the initials on ber handkerchief. The
marked article was produced to be put
in evidence, bnt wben it was examined
It was fonnd to bear tbe initials of an
other friend. She was thwarted iu every
direction, but the cashier was "easy."
Boston cashiers are apparently not as
strict as those in this part of the conn
try, for this particular one said he
"guessed" that it was all right, uud he
cashed tbe check. Conductors of flim
flam and three card nioute games are di
rected to Boston for a good field of oper-
4 Stiac Syracuse Post.
" A mrioaa irinovaUon. says tbe Botv
too Transcript, "at the coming Omaha
xpoaition wiU to a bureau of ooortesy.
Kot only is the idea, novel, bnt it is sur
prising to learn that nearly all the peo
ple of tbe city will be enrolled in the
committee. Every member will wear a
badge, and visitors will to at liberty to
address any one who wears the badge
and ask far information just as moon as
he likes. Tbe member, on tbe other
hand, will be pledged to treat tbe visitor
courteously and answer his question,
or put him in the way of getting them
Coke) la IMOenal Ceaalilna
The prices at which coke is quoted in
different countries are given as f.1.44 in
the United States, $3.18 in Great Brit
ain, $3.84 in France, $3.86 in Germany,
$3.48 in Belgium, and in Spain $5.08.
These figures are based on the quantity
of coke used in the manufacture of a
ton of bessemer pig iron.
That Throblaig Headache
Would qnlrklj leave job, if job used
Dr. King's New Lil e Pil's. Thousands or
anfforera have proved tbair matchlen merit
for Sick and Nervous Headaches. They
make pare blood and strong nerves and
bui'd up vonr health. Easr to take. Try
them. Only 25c, Money back if not
cured. Sold by H. P. Crawford, Droggist.
Rabbet the Grave
A startling incident, ol which Mr. Jo' n
Oliver, of Philadelphia, was tbe subject, is
narrated by aim so follows: "I was in a
most droadfu condition, ily akin wss al.
moat yellow, eyaa annkao, tongue coated,
pain con Una lly in back aad aides, ao
sppe'ite STJdnally growing weaker day
by day. Three physicians bad given me
np. Fortnaataly, a friend advised trying
Kleciric Bitten.' sod to my great joy and
surprise, the first bottle a decided improve
meat.- I continued their nse for three
weeka, aod am new a well man. I know
they saved my life, and robbed the grave
of another victim." No one should fail to
try them Only 60o, goaraateed, at H . P.
Crawford's Drag Store.
A Frlghtral Blander
Will often cause a horrible Burn, Scald,
Cut or Bruise. Bucklen'a Arnica Salve,
the best in tbe world, will kill the pain and
promptly heal it. Cures Old Sores, tever
Sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, all
Skin Eruptions. Best Pile cure on earth.
Only 25c, a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold
by H. 1'. Crawford, Druggist.
Onoccount of tbe Thirty third
Annual Encampment of the Grand
Army of the Republic, to be held at
fbilsdelpbia on oeptf mber 4, 5, 6, 7,
8, and 9, the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company will sell excursion tickets
from points on its line to Philadel
phia, at rate of single fare for the
round trip, except that the fare from
New York and Baltimore will be $3;
from Newark, N. J., $2.85; from Eliz
abeth, N. J., $2.75, and proportion
ate rates from intermediate points.
tickets will be sold on September
2, 3, 4, and 5, good to return until
September 12, inclc&i.ve; -bat ty de
poMtiDp ticket with joint agent at
Philadelphia on September 5, 6, 7, 8,
or 9, and the payment of fifty cents,
return limit may be extended to Sep
tember 30, inclusive.
sidb TRIPS.
Tickets fur side trips to Washing
ton. Old Point Comfort, Gettysburg,
Antietam, and Virginia battlefields
wi!I also be sold at greatly reduced
rates 23.
A Tttaasaad Teagaes
Could not express the rapture of Annie
E. Springer, of 1125 Howard stree Phila
delphia, Pa., wben she found that Dr.
King's yew Discover)' for Consumption
bad completely cured her of a backing
cough that for many yera bad made lile a
burden. AU other remedies and doctors
could give ber no help, but she says of this
Koyal Core "it soon removed the pain in
my chest ant I can now sleep soundly,
something I can scarcely lemetnber doing
before. I feel like sounding its praises
throughout the Universe." So will evnry
one who tries Dr. King's New Discovery
for any trouble of tbe Throat, Chest o
Lnngs. Price 60c and SI. Trial bottles
free at tf . P. Crawford's Drug Store; every
bottle guaranteed.
Thursdav, August 17, is the date
of the last Pennsylvania Railroad
low-rate fifteen day excursion to At
lan'io City, Cape May, Ocean City,
Sea Isle Citv, Avalon, Anslesea,
Wild wood, Holly Beach, N. J., Re-
bobctb, DeL, or Ocean City, Old.
A special train of Pullman parlor
cars and day coaches will leave Pitts
burg on that date at 8 55 a. m , ar
rivirg at Attoona 12.15 p. m., where
stop for dinner will be made, reach
ing Philadelphia 6.25 p. m., and ar
rivmgr Atlantic City, via the Dela
ware Kiver rfridge route, the only all
rail line, at 840 p. m. Passengers
may also spend the night in Phila
delphia, and proceed to the shore by
any regular train from Market street
Wharf or Broad Street Station on the
following day.
A stop-over of ten days will also bo
allowed at Philadelphia on tbe going
trip, if passengers will deposit their
tickets with the ticket agent at Broad
Street Station, Philadelphia, immed
iately on arrival.
Tickets will be sold from the sta
tions at the rates named below:
Rate. T. Leaves.
Altoona 8 00 12.35 r. u
Tyione 7 65 12.56 "
Huntingdon 7 10 1.26 "
Uount Union .. 6 75 fl.44 "
LewistownJunct 6 00 2 20 "
Mifllin.. 5 65 f2.37 "
Newport 5 00 f3.09
Dancannon 4 60 f3.27 "
Philadelphia. Ar. 6.25 "
Atlantic City, Ar .8 40 "
Tickets will also be good on regu
lar trains leaving Pittsburg at 4.60
aid 8 30 p. m., carrying sleeping
cars to Philadelphia, and 7 05 p. m
carrying ruuman sleeping cats
through to Atlantic Citv.
For detailed information in regard
to rates and time of trains apply to
ticket agents or Mr. Thomas jE. Watt,
District Passenger Agent, Pittsburg.
lurruNTowN grain mabkkis
Wbrat aew Jo. aid M
Cars in ear.. .... ..... 40
Oat aew 20
Bte a... 15
Ck7ersced $2 to$2.50
Butter 11
Eggs.... ' .14
Sbootder.. ........
. Lara a
TiaaOUiT sees..
fax seed...
aiaft -) ae ' v
OBT. m tVam
Chop 000 -
Groaad Ala Salt.
Americas Sell....
Tbe Pennsylvania Railroad Com
nsnv has selected tbe following dates
for its popular ten-day excursions to
MISgraw--JlSllH iruiu M. mil.."!...-,
Baltimore and Washington.- July 27,
August 10 and 24, September 7 and
21 and October 6 and 19. An ex
perienced tourist agent and chaper
on will accompany each excursion.
Excursion tickets good for return
passage on any regular train, exclu
sive of limited express trains, within
ten days, will be sold at $10 from
Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washing
ton and all points on the Delaware
Division; 11.25 from Atlantic City;
$9.60 from Lancaster; $8 50 from
Altoona and Harrisburg; $6.90 from
Sunbnry and Wilkesbarre; $5.75
from Williamsporl; and at proportion
rates from other points. A stop-over
will be allowed at Bnffalo, Roch
ester, Canandaigna, and Watkios
within the limit returning.
A special (rain of Pullman parlor
cars and day coaches will be ran
with each excursion. An extra charge
will be made for parlor car seats.
Tickets for a side-trip to tbe thou,
sand Islands (Alexandria Bay) will
be sold from Rochester in connec
tion with excursions of July 27, Aug
ust 10 and 24, September 7 and 21,
good to return to Rochester or to
Canandaigua via Syracuse within five
days at the rate of $5 50.
Tickets for a side trip to Toronto
will be sold at Niagara Falls for $1
00 on July 29; August 12 and 26,
and September 13. In connection
with excursion of September 7, tick
ets will be sold to Toronto Fair.
For time t f connecting trains and
further information apply to nearest
ticket agent, or address Geo. W.
Boyd, Assistant -General Passenger
Agent, Broad Street Station, Phila
delphia, tf.
Send for a copy of Dr. Humph
rey's Manual of all diseases and doe
tor yourself at home. Sent free on
request. Hnmpbrev's Medicine Co.,
New York city.
t he people of Mimintown can
provide a library for the children
of the public schools if they so de
sire, and all it will cost will be the
nominal expense of attending a
lecture and subscribing for a relig
ious paper. The Principal of our
schools will gladly give informa
tion on the subject, and will un
dertake the task of securing a li
brary, if supported by the citizens.
By all means let our boys and girls
have a school library. D.
For the annual Meet of tbe Ltsgae
of American Wheelmen at Boston, '
August 14 and 19, tbe Pennsylvania
Railroad Company will sell excu-eion
ticket, from all points on its line, lo
Boston at rate of single fare for tbe
n und trip. Ticket will b- soi l on
August 12 to 14, gtiod to return
Aneupf 14 to 20 when properly exe
cuted before agent ol initial line trom
J3oitoD, not later tnnn August l'J,
and tbe payment of fifty cants, tick
ets may be extended to leave Bjst' -n
not later tLan August 31
Bicvcles cirrid free whn not ac
companied ly b' r b-Rsfaie. Spec
ial arrange a.e u. a for chil'a traveling
aa a body. a9.
Visitinc- Niagara Fallf, Toronto,
Thousand Islands, Quebec, Montreal,
Au Sable Chasm, Lake Chainplam
and Lake George, Saratoga and the
Highlands of the Hudson. Leave
Philadelphia by special train August
12. The tour will be in charge of
one of the company s experienced
tourist agents, and a chaperon, hav
ing especial charge of unescorted
ladies, will also accompany the party.
The rate of $100 from New York,
Brooklyn, Newark, Trentop, Phila
delphia, Harrisburg, Baltimore and
Washington co ver3 railway and boat
fare for tbe entire round trip, parlor
car seats, meals en route, hotel enter
tainment, transfer charges and car
riage hire.
For detailed itintrarj: tickets, or
any additional information, address
Tourist Agent, Pennsylvania Rail
road Company, 1196 Broadway, New
York; Tieket Agent, 860 Fulton 8t ,
Brooklyn; 789 Broad Street, Newark,
N. J.; or G o. W. Boyd, Assistant
General Passenger Agent. Broad
Street Station, Philadelphia. a9
Wisey. On the 3rd inst., at
Richfield, Mrs. Elizabeth Winey,
aged 78 years.
Notice is hereby given that letters of
Admmtstration In the estate or Abra
ham Bru baker, late of Beale township,
Juniata county Pa., deceased, have been
granted to tbe undersigned, residing in
said township- All persons bavins
claims against the said estate will pres
ent tne same lor payment to
Emory W. Woodward,
Walnut, Pa.
J. N. heller. Attorney.
Notice is hereby given that letters of
Administration in tne estate of Mar
garet Hurrell. late of Lack township.
Juniata county, Pa., deceased, have
neen grantea 10 ioe unaersignea, resid
ing m saia townsmp. au persons bar
ing claims against the said estate will
present tne same for payment to
Sylvestkr F. Price,
McCulloch Mills, Pa.
Atkinsoit & Peumsll, Attorneys.
MirrLonrowH. fa.
-j t. of real
. TTji- llahaaa. BSO.. SOUtB
dance aiowa
HrldM street. ,
- mm nnavaraaetac ptoap
QauanviMg '
ly attended to.
Is7Collections and all legal
nnss promptly attended to.
Da.n.HxaawroaD, bb. naawra "'""
have formed a partnership for the Jg
or Medicine and their collateral ra"
Office at old stand, corner of Third mndOr.
ante streets, Mifflintown, Pa. One or bo
o them will be fonnd at their olDce at all
timet, unless otherwise professionally en
gaged. April lt, 1896.
Graduate of the Philadelphia Dental
nffiAM at old established lo-
oation, Bridge Street, opposite
Honse, Jlftfflintown, Pa.
Crown and Bridge work;
painless Extraction.
All work guaranteed.
lVIIVEVI woooww
Schedule in Effect May 21,
Wav Passenger, leaves Philadelphia
at 4 30 a. m; Harrisburg 8 00 a. in;
Duncannon 8 85 a. m; New Port 9fti
a m; MUlerwtown 15 a. m; Durword
9 21 a. m; Thompsontown 9 26 a. m;
Van Dvke 9 83 a. m; Tuscarora 9 30 a.
m; Mexico 9 40 a. m; Port Koyal 9 44 a.
m; Mifflin 9 50 a. m; Denholm 9 55 a.
m; Lewistown 10 13 a. m; McVeytown
10 38 a. m; Newton Hamilton 11 00 a.
m; Mount Union 11 08 a. m; Hunting
don 11 32 p. m; Tyrone 12 20 p. m; Al
toona 1 00 p. m: Pittsburg 5 50 p. m.
Mail leaves Philadelphia at 7 00 a. m;
Harrisburg at 11 48 a. m; Mifflin 1 11
S. ni: Lewistown 1 80 p. m; Huntmg
on 2 29 p. m: Tyrone 3. 12 p. m; Al
toona 3 45 p. m; Pittsburg 8 40 p. m.
Altoona Accommodation leaves Har
risburg at 5 00 p. m; Duncannon 5 84
p. m; Newport 6 02 p. m; Milleretown
6 11 p. m; Thompsontown 6 21 p. m;
Tuscarora 6 30 p. m: Mexico 6 S3 p. m;
Port Roval 6 88 p. m; Mifflin 6 43 p. m;
Denholm 6 49 p. m; Lewistown 7 07 p.
m; McVevtown 7 30 p. m; Newton
Hamilton'7 50 p. m; Huntingdon 8 20
p. m; Tyrone 9 02 p. m; Altoona 9 35
p. m.
Pacific Express leaves Philadelphia
at 11 20 p. ni: llarrisburg at 8 00 a. m.
MarvKville3 14 a. m. Duncannon 3 29
a. m. Newport 3 52 a m. Port Royal
4 25 a. m. Mifflin 4.30 a. m. Iewlxtown
452 a m. Newton Hamilton 5 33 a. m.
Huntingdon 6 03 a. m. Petersburg 6 19
a. m. Tvrone 6 52 a. m. Altoona 7 40 a.
m. Pittsburg 12 10 a. m.
Ovster Express leaves Philadelphia
at 435 p, m. Harrisburg at 10 20 p. m.
Newport 11 06 p. m. Mifflin 11 40 p. m.
Twistown 11 58 n. m.: Huntingdon 12
65 a. m. Tvrone 1 32 a. m. Altoona 2 00
a. m. Pittsbursr 5 80 a. m.
Fast Line leaves Philadelphia at 12
25 p. m. Harrisburg 3 45 p. m. Duncan
non 4 10 p. m. Newport 4 30 p. m. Mif
flin 5 tti n. m. Ijewistown 5 22 p. m.
Mount Union 6 03 p. m. Huntingdon
6. 22 n. m. Tvrone 6 59 p. m. Altoona
7 35 p. m. Pittsburg 11 30 p. m
Altoona Accommodation leaves Al
toona at 4 40 a. in. Tvrone 5 01 a. m.
Petersburg 5 25 a. m. Huntingdon 5 37
a. m. Newton Hamilton 6 01 a. m. Mc
Vevtown 6 17 a. m. Ijewistown 6 W a
m. Mifflin 6 58 a. m. Port ltoyal 7 02 s,
m. Thompsontown 7 17 a. m. Millers-
town 7 26 a. m. Newport 7 35 a. m.
Duncannon 8 00 a. ni. Harrisburg 8 32
a. m.
Sea Shore leaves Pittslmnr at 2 50 a.
m. Altoona 7 15 a. m. Tyrone 7 48 a. in
Huntingdon 8 30 a. ni. McVeytown 9 15
a. m. liewistown 9 35 a. ni. Mifllin 955
a nu port iovai 9 59 a. m. Thompson-
town 10 14 a. ni. Mtiierxtowu 10 12 a.
ni. rtewpnrt 1 13 a. 111. imncannnii iu
54 a. ni. Marvwville 11 07 a. m. Harrw-
bunr 11 25 a. ni. Philadelphia 8 00 n. m.
Main Line Express leaves Pittsburg
at 8 00 a. m. Altoona 11 40 a. 111. Tyrone
12 03 p. 111. Huntingdon 12 35 p. m.
Ijewistown 1 83 p. m. Mifflin 1 50 p. m.
HarrisburK 3 10 p. ni. Baltimore 6 00 p.
m. Washington 7 15 p. m. Philadelphia
6 23 p. m.
Mail leaves Altoona at 2 05 p- 111. Ty
rone 2 35 p. ni Huntingdon 3 17 p. 111.
Newton Hamilton 3 47 p. ni. McVey
town 4 20 p. ni. Iewintowii 4 33 p. m.
Mifllin 4 55 p. m. Port Hoyal 0 00 p. m.
Mexico 5 20 p- m. Thompsontown 5 18
p. m. Millerstown 5 28 p. 111. Newport
5 39 p. ni. Duticaniioii 6 08 p. in. Har
risburg 6 45 p. 111.
Mail Express leaves Pittsburg at 12 45
p. m. Altoona 5 50 p. m. Tyrone 0 20
p. m. Huntingdon 7 00 p. 111. HeVey
town 7 44 !. ni. Ijewistown 8 0B p. nj.
Mifflin 8 2(i p. ni. Port Koyal 8 31 p. m.
Millerstown 8 57 p. ru. Newport 9 05 p.
m. Duucauuou 9 29 p. ni. Harrisburg
10 00 p m.
Philadelphia Express leaves Pitts
burg at 4 30 p. iu. Altoona 9 05 p. m.
Tyrone 9 33 p. ni. Huntingdon 10 12 p.
m. Mount Union 10 32 ' p. nu Lewis
town 11 lGp. 111. .Mifflin 11 37 p.m. Har
risburg 1 00 a. ru. Philadelphia 4 30.
At 1ewlstown Junction. For 8uu
bury 7 50 a. ni. and 3 40 p. ni. week
For Afilroy 7 55, 11 45 a. m. and 3 00
p. 111 week-days.
At Tvrone. r or t ieariieia ana tur-
wensville 8 20 a. m. 3 20 aud 7 20 p. m.
For Bellefonte aud Ixx-k Haven 8 10
a. ni. lz so and 1 10 p. ru- weea-aays.
For further information apply to
cket-Agetits, or Thomas K. Watt,
......... A A.... UW.P1I I tl.-Ii....
Corner Fifth Avenue aud Hinithtield
Street, Pittsburg.
General Mau'g'r. General Pass r. Agu
i i. a t.s
JS' lll -,M t i.
If- I
'- w.t ni:a is THraosin. wura.ua . M
b.pmoii.l.MHntOuliir.tl.miprtw. tlfT CtnUZi
4 Trsoc Marks
AnroBa MBdlns akctcii an4 dcacriptias but
qnlokly awwrtaln onr opinion fraa whether u
Invention ta probably natenubl. Coromonlca,
tlona atrlctl j cocfldcntlal. Handbook on Patents
amt free. Olden aa-ency for remrlnc pstenla.
Patents taken t&rovsh Mann m Co. recelre
notice, without chante. In the
Sciettliflc flcarlcax
benaaomely Illturnte4 weekly. Tnreat sb
caution of any MtentlSe Joorna'. TeruaYWlk
UK i !9r inonas. M. BOM oy an newadamlam.
ri t Pn aiitw. McMt
roach OOos. CB F Waakinitoo. TX t
. . Mmftm, Lmmm.H I jr.-..i..
The only full line
of Summer clothing
in the county:
Crash Suits 2.00
to 4.00.
Skeleton -O. & V.
3.50 to 5.00.
Alpaca Coats.
Bicycle Suits. Pantaloons, &c.
Crash and Straw Hats
Go where vou can set what vou
want and at reasonable prices.
Curtis' Collar8.AII Styles-lOcts.
and House-Furnishing
Things are never dull here; never stupid. The full life of the store U
wa6 bas a cheerful welcome for all comers, and shoppers are quick to decide
in favor of the Great Values to be found iu oar new
A Specially Selected Stock of
Ranges, Cook, Parlor and Shop
Horse Blankets and Lap Robes.
LAMPS, large and small.
Come in andlook around. We'll
make you feol at home.
We have tbe largest Stock and
Store in the county.
hate ion mm to deposit ?
Money Loaned at Lowest Bates.
March 5, 1898.
Juniata Valley
National Bank.
Capital . . . fiO,000.
' T. V. IRWIN, Cashier.
Louis E. Atkinson. W. C. Pomeroy.
John Hertzler. J. L. Barton.
H. J. 8hellenberger. W. N. Sterrett
T. Van Irwin.
Interest allowed on time deposits mt
the rate of three per cent, per annum.
January 11, 1899.
Th Sal of Hood's ButrnvmiBb
are the largest in the world MoataM
the cures by Hood'a SanamiiLr. ar
wonderful, perfect, rjermaaS.
Hood1 Pills are the beat Mr
cathartic and Bwar mMAm ffa
Children's Crash
Neat, Stylish,
"77" is Dr. Hunipbrfye' fsmoua
Specific for the core cf Grip and
Colds, and tbe prevention of Potumo
nia. All druggists, 25c.
S2tl TCln Yva frtw IT, a UptiMntrvr a:
illErcBUCAN, a paper tbat contains
cooice reaaing matter, lull ol intorm
tion that does the reader Rood, and
in addition to tbat all local news tbat
are worth publishing find places in
its columns. tf.
1 Cures Fever.
2 " Worms.
3 " Infants' Disease.
4 " Diarrhea.
7 " Coughs.
8 Cures Neuralgia.
9 " Headache.
10 " Dyspepsia.
11 " Delayed Periods.
12 " Ueucorrhea.
1 3 Cures Croup.
14 " Skin Diseases.
15 " Rheumatism.
16 " Malaria.
IO " Catarrh.
No. 20 Cures Whooping Couflh
No. 21 " Asthma.
No. 24 " General Debility.
No. 26 Sea-Sickness.
No. 27 " Kidney Disease.
No. 28 Cures Nervous Debllit
No. 30 " Urinary Disease
No. 32 . " Heart Disease.
No. 34 " Sore Throat. ,
No. 77 " Colds and Crip.
Da. Hcmpbbets' HojreOPATHIC 3IaJC
or Diseases Mailed punt.
Small bottles of pleasant pelleta. t lbs
pocket. Sold by drutsltU. or sent prepaid ojpm
reoeipt of price. SR cents, en-ept Nos. as. "ZT
are made $100 aire only. Humphrey' mmw
elae Company, m William St., New York.
i.t..l Blind or 1
relief la ImmediaS) tbe ciu crtaJn-
tAD cure ww - -
nioi, AO OTS.
FeUUMiaw Ml US