Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, July 26, 1899, Image 3

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aVTEPN1 )VY' JULY 26, 1899.
gaBscBiiTHx fl.OO per year if paid
la advance; '1.5 if not paid in ad-
Traiifietit :nivi'rtwing ami local
will I made to those de-
Ia.lverliseby the year, half or
quarter yea r
Biu kleu's Arnica Salve.
lU'lU't'""te is to have a pottery
Pr. King's New Life Pills. s .
There are more melons in Flori
da than can 1? marketed.
Dr. King's New Life Pills.
The therinoineler last Satnruay
stood at SIS degrees alwve zero at
i;ucklen's Arnica Salve.
There are sixty-seven prisoners
in the Westmoreland county jail,
nine of whom are women.
Ir. King's New Discovery.
Admiral Seliley said: "The
ae:it lon e in our battles is the
irl lH-hind the man lehiml the
Dr. King's New Discovery.
James MrCauley has returned
from 1'rie where he was in attend
ance upon the "Tinted States Conrt
u a juror.
Klihu I. Hoot of New York has
lxeu appointed Secretary of War
for the place made vacant by See
rotary Alger.
Dr. King's New Life Pills.
Kev. Mr. Campbell will pi each
in the Presbyterian church in this
town on Sunday morniug, Aug. 13
and Sunday morning, Aug. 20.
Last Thursday an Italian in Tall
ulah. Louisiana, shot Dr. Hodges.
Five Italians implicated in the
slutoiiiig were taken by a mob and
I'.acklen's Arnica Salve.
Ceoige A. Taylor of Peru Lack,
had two aluable cows killed by a
l!t f lightning last Saturday.
The rattle were under a tree.
The lightning struck the tree.
Hr. King's New Discovery.
Miss Matilda Phelps of Balti
more has brought h suit for five
thoii:-and dollars damage against
the mayor and citv council of Iial
tiinorc for enforced vaccination for
i:. Leslie Allison of the First
National Hank of Tyrone has ac
eepted a position in the Fourth
Street National Hank of Philadel
phia and will enter upon the duties
of the new position on the 1st of
The corset is the cause of some
ot t lie ills that are so coannoii
among women of these days. The
average woman with the corset is
like the average loy at freight
train jumniug. It matters nothow
manv are ruined, they keep on at
tight lacing.
Dr. King's New Discovery.
On the 15th inst., Frank Rider
of Newport was kiiled at Trim
mers rock. He was riling on a
freight, got oil" at Trimmer's rock
and stepped in the way of a fast
Tasst ii''er train. He was instant
ly killed, lie had been married
scarce! v more than two weeks to
Man Kby in Iiloomlield, Perry Co.
He had been working in a brick
yard at New Cumiierland and was
on his way home to spend Sunday
Dr. King's New Discovery.
.I.-M. Lusk, a bicyclist of Will-
iamsport, saved his life by hanging
to ;i bridge at arm's length while a
passenger train whizzed over his
iie.id. He was walking across a
railroad bridge at Montgomery
with his bicycle on his shoulder,
when the news express thundered
intothe structure. In his excite
ment the wheel dropped through
the l.ridue. and. instantly taking
the cue, Lusk did likewise- and,
catching hold of an iron rod huu
there until the train passed, when
he i-iiuilied on to the bridire. Lat-
i- scctired his
bicycle, which
William Carter of McAlislerville
was mi seriously injured on the
railroad at Marysvillc, Perry coun
ty. I hat after removal to Harris-
bur- hospital, lie dWd in a few
hours, lb- w;n struck by a pas
scnger train and knocked sense
less on an adjoining track on which
a freight train was running. The
freight train crushed his left leg al
most the entire length of the limb
After being taken to the hospital
and they learned of his abiding
place thev sent the sad informa
tion to his relatives at McAlister-
iiieand they had the remains
brought to this station and thence
to McAlistervilleon Friday after
noon. I'udertaker Shellenlierger
'"tine and took charge of the body
ot the unfortunate young man and
gac funeral attendance at McAl
lir. King's New L il'ePills.
V'uite a crowd collected at cat
ei ertieo. I'eek's restaurant on Sat
nr-iay evening for the purpose of
Ret liriug the prize of four quarts of
ice ( ream that he ottered to the boy
win, returned the balloon that he
intended to send no. Heck has
frfnt up manv balloons and as
rule the aii-ships go quite a dis
tauce before coiuimr down, and it
was Iielieved it would require
jt'KNi long run to win the prize on
Saturday evening. The balloon
sailed of nicely in the direction of
the island, but after reaching
certain height it changed its
course, came back and began to
come down. Lower and lower it
came. Nearly all the boys in town
were there all looking np and eag
er to cateh it. Wilse Warner had
a long pole and when it came with
in reach he hooked the balloon.
Neimond Keller had a shorter nol
and knocked the balloon off the
Warner boy's pole, then gathering
np the collapsed air sailor he start
ed with the prize for the goal, but
Wilse was more fleet-footed. He
over-took Neimond, tripped him,
grasped the balloon and ran to the
saloon and secured the prize. This
is not Wilse's first experience with
a balloon. ,A balloon fell on him
at Port Royal Fair and hurt him
last yean - .
Bncklen'B Arnica Salve.
O.ita harvest is looming up.
Camp meeting crocrs arc rrettir,!?
into line. A
Rev. Mr Fahs and family ate iA-
tug a vacation.
Jtfiea May Rickenbausrh 5s viit
relatives in Altoona.
Exohmge papers report the ad
vent of counterfeit silver dollars.
'Visa Harriot Nixon, of Newport
visired her cousin, the Misses Haye
Dr. Tom. Patterson, of Ohic!i
visiting his mother, .Mrs. Ball Patter
To drive roaches scatter pareincs
of green cucumbers in the haunts of
the roach.
JameB Mathers, of Altoona, spfenr
tnrday and Sunday with his rela
tives in town.
Mrs Robert Wadsworth. of Phila
delphia, visited her brother, William
Locg, last week. .
MIfs Betty Mayer attended the
funeral of General McCoy in Lewis
town on Saturday.
Rich men in large towes and cities
are selling their horseseand buying
horseless carriages.
Mn Margaret Laird spent a few
days cf last week with Mrs. Elder in
Fermanagh township '!
Miss Carrie Stambaugh, of Phila
delphia, is visiting her parents in
Fermanagh township.
Mrs. Lemuel Seiber and daughter
Miss .wary, of Gettysburg, are visit
irg at t he Kothrock home.
Thirty six of Port Royal's yonog
people drove to AUedoma Thursday
night for a moon light picnic. '
A parly of youog people with Miss
Sil.:a Haver fa cbaperoc, spent
Thursday afternoon at Macedonia.
Rev A N. Rwon and wifj and
Mrs. Raven and Master A P. Rivor,
are on a vacation to Duluth and Can
The kiasing bug haa been found
out to hfi an old offender and there
again it is nothirg new under the
Mrs. Charles Bright and children,
of Washington, D. C", nre visiting
Alton Adam's family, in Walker town
The ticket nominated by the Re
publicans on Saturdav will prove it
self a winning t'eket at the November
Senator Hummell of Snvder coun
ty has been appointed by Governor
Stone, one of the commissioners to
the Paris Exposition.
Troops have been called to put
down street car strikers in Cleve-
ladd. Ohio. Th? strikers would not
allow the cars to run.
Professor Killian formerly of he
Port Royal Academy, has been elect
ed teacher for the Middlebur, Sny
der county high schooL
The Arch Rock C. E. S. held
lawn social on J. E. Elder s lawn on
Saturdav eveniner. A large crowd
was present. Proceeds, 5 la.
A ninetvfive dollar railroad excur
sion from Pittsburg to San Francis
co and return, when the 10th Penn
sylvania Volunteer regiment returns
from the Philhpine war.
Miss Bertha Cramer returned lost
week to her home in this place, after
havinc spent several weeks in Altoona
and HolJidaysburfr, and is now visit
ing friends in Harrisburg.
Cricket time in this latitude is set
for the 18th of July and the crickets
came in on time on that date, iivery
department of nature works witW
trreat precision, even among the
crickete. ,
T H fitoner of Fermanagh town-
shin lost a pocket book on Satumay
The oocket boo containing lour aoi
lars and a half A reward will be
thankfullv eriven upon return cf (he
book and contents to (he owner.
Wanted. Agents for Mifflintown
and vicinity to sell our teas, coflees
snices and bakinc oowders to con
sumers. Liberal commission paid
Address Grand Union Tea Co. 35 .
3rd street, Harrisburg, Pa. it
James Barton caught a chicken
hawk at the water works on Sunday
He was watchman at the water works
in the mountain when the hawk came
down to. the ground seemingly e
hausted. He caught the bird. One
of its wiogs was broken by gun shot.
A number of boys were arrested in
a hay mow in Berwick for playing
cards for a prize of two dollars and
fiftv cents. While that was gom
on the father of one of the boys was
in a club room playing pool and the
mother was at a card party in
friend's uarlor. playing for a fifty
cent prize. When she was told of
f h Arrest of the bovs and her son
among them, Bhe cried and said
"what a terrible place this town is to
raise boys anyhow.
The committee appointed by the
return judge convention of two years
ago, to revise the rules governing
thA Renublican cartv of Juniata,
submitted a set of 32 rules to-the Re
nublican convention on Monday.
ThaM nilea will lie over until next
vpar when the voters of the party will
determine whether ther will adopt
tbem or not These rales are pub
lished in full in another column ot
this issue, and Bbould be read by all
Republicans, so that they can intelli
gently vote upon their adoption or
non adootion next year.
The Leonard's Grove harvest borne
will be held Saturday, August 26,
1899.) ,; , . :,.,- v .: L , .
If a man is thirsting for military
glory be may get it by enlisting for
tne JTiupinos war. ....
To keep hair crimped a number of
days before you put it into pins
dampen the hair with lemon juice.
Everyone is eager to hear from the
colony that moved from this county
to North Dakota, -.The almost end
less days they have there now will be
succeeded by the almost endless night
Bix months after this.
Senator Gerard C- Brown of York
Co., Pa was gored to death by ' o
bull in the barn-yard of his farm
about eight miles from York last
Thursday evening. All tVt U known
about his death is that he was found
dead, the enraged bull near by and
numerous contusions on face, head
and body, showing that he had been
gored to death by the animal.
Mr. H. M. Groninger of Patter
son, W. H. Groninger of Xurbett
township, have gone on a trip to
wards the sotting sun. They ex
pect to visit the Juniata colony in
North Dakota and in the homeward
swing will visit Missouri. We wish
them a cafe and pleasant trip. W hen
they return reliable information rcl
ative to North -Dakota may be ob
tained. ,
Tuesday night a buggy was stolen
from the barn of Isaiah C. Grubb in
Greenwood townohip. The track
was followed to Newport, then over
the ore-bank hill to Duncannon,
where the lad was captured while
having his horse shod. He was tak
en hick to Newport and taken be
fore Justice Meuiinger, who commit
ted to jail for court. The prisoner
gave bis name as Clovd Mosber, and
bis home in Harrisburg. He spent
part of a day in Mifflintown, it is
said, before coming to Pcny county,
where ho siole the buggy. Bloom-
field T.mes, July 21.
Holiobaugh's Building on Bridge
St., JUifflintown, Pa., suit-duo for
Rjstanrant and Billiard Hall, Photo
graph Gallery, Cigar Manufac-
tury, Kuitergarden, Furniture Ware
Rioinr;, &c , and two-story building
with basercent. Address,
MifflintowD, Juniata Co , Pa.
A correspondent from Marsh
Ruu tells the Newport News, that
Mrs. Samuel Lehiuau sent her son
Koy to the cellar. Roy gave a
shout. He had found a copper
head snake coiled inside the door.
A man was called in and he killed
the snake. Mrs. C. L. Fry
killed a snake in her garden.
Near Gerniantown Miss Alice
Tressler killed a large house snake
in her dining room. Since then
they take a light and examine the
ImhIs for snakes every night betore
retiring. Mrs. Jacob Smith,
who resides along the mountain
back of David Stambangh's killed
a large rattlesnake in her liedroom
last week.
A girl of 11 years turned over a
gallon of boiling liquid on her leg
and foot. When the stocking was
removed the skin came with it, and
the pain was intense. I tore a strip
off an old sheet, and having put
nearly a pound of soda on the limb,
wrapped the sheet about it in such
manner as to exclude the air,
bound it firmly, saturated it well
with coal oil, and in fifteen minutes
6he sat with her foot in a chair and
joined in the other children's play.
In two days she was in school and
in two weeks the nnio was wen.
It never pained her after it was
dressed. A barefooted boy steped
on fire, and was almost in spasms
with the pain. I bound on soda
and coal oil, and in less than twen
tv minutes he was asleep and had
no more pain. 1 know it is the
best remedy for burns." '
The 2th annual Tuscaroia Val-
lev Harvest Home will be held on
Pannabakers Island ou featiiruay,
August 18J19. The following of
fleers havelcen choseu lor the en
suing year:
Presideut R. F. Schweier
Vice Presidents
James Kiddr4"Jou.nt Unia ; JjJ?
Lewistown Junct 6 00
G. W. Rough:
Secretary IJavid 15. Milliken.
Advisory Committee J. P. Hef
llefinger, Joseph Gray, James S
Patterson. S. A. Kinzer, A. C.
Shearer, R. S. Reed, Hugh Li. V
Meen, George S. Moblcr, Jonathan
Kautiman. J. S. McCulloch, Josh
ua Beale, 11. 51. Gray.
A cornet band will render music
at the harvest home together with
vm-h1 and string music. Several
addresses will be delivered duriug
the dav. As they have always
proved an occasion of real enjoy
ment socially aud intellectually the
coming harvest home will prove no
exception in that respect as the
management will leave iiothingun
done to make the same entertain
ing and enjoyable Ihe grjunds
will be open to all whodesire to ex
hibit farm machinery or livestock.
A. S. Ralleusberger'will have au
exhibit of farm implements at the
harvest home. All civil and dis
posed persons are cordially iuvited
to attend.
Ou the moruiug of the harvest
home the Tuscarora Valley rail
road will ruu a special train to
Heckman station, leaving Port Roy
al at 8 o'clock. The special on re
turning will leave Heckman at 5
p. M., making connection a'- Port
Royal with Altoona Accommoda
tion west on P. R. R. A special
train will leave Blair's Mill's at 10
A. m. for Heckman station and re
turning either on the regular train
at 6.13 P. M. or the special at '7.20
p. m. ; Fare for the round trip 50
cents from Port Royal or Blair's
Mills, aud corresponding low rates
from intermediate points.
D B. Millikes, Secretary.
BloomM Times. Jnly 14 A
young woman of Carro'l township,
by the name of Florence Morrow,
has been arrested on complaint of
Ellen B. Koehenderfer.of same town
ship, who alleges that Miss Morrow
hue wade terrible threats that she
would do the plaintiff bodily injury
the first time she got a chance at bcr.
Among other things she is said to
have threatened to strip and beat her
hated rival and also to knock her
teeth down her throat, and do other
unpleasant things to the plaintiff
General Thomas F. McCoy of Lew
istawn, died about 9 o'clock on the
morning of the 19th inst., after sev
eral months of old age illness in his
81st year. He was born in Mifflin
county, February 17, 1819, was the
editor of a paper in his youthful
days at McVeytown; was in the Mex
ican war, and was considered as one
of the bravest volunteers and came
home as brevet captain for gallant
and meritorious conduct. After the
war he returned to Mifflin county
and was vlected Prothonotary two
t-rms. He became a lawyer in 1857;
he becanio a soldier against rebellion,
and frequently commanded brigade s,
and at the close of the war was brev
eted briiradicr general. He was a
member of the Presbyterian church
and a ruling elder almost a half ceu
tury. His wife, two sons and two
daughters suiv-va him. His eldest
son Frank Ross is a West roioi
graduato and a lieutenant with the
Tenth Tj. 8. Cavalry it Cub i.
Comes from Or. D. B. Cargile, of Wash
it. 1 T. Ho writes: "Four Bottles of
Electric Bitters has cnted Mrs. Brewer ot
fcrofula, which bad e used her great suffer
irg for years. Terrible- sores would brejk
out on her head and race, and the brst
doctors could civa no help; but her cure is
complete and her ber health is excellent."
This shnws what thousands have proved,
that Klectric Bitters is the best blood
puriner known. It's the supreme remedy
lor eczema, tetter, talt rheum, ulcers, boils
an J running sores. It stim lates liver,
kidneys and bowels, expels poisons, helps
d igestion builds up the strength. Only 50c
Sold by M. P. Crawford, Druggist, Guar
On account of the Young People's
Christ'an Laiou, U- P. Uhurcb, to
be held at Pittsburg, Pa , August 2
fo 7, the Pennsvlvacia Railroad Com
pany wiil sell excursion tic!efs from
points on its line, to Pi'sburg, at
rate of single fare for the round trip;
minimum rat, twenty-live cents.
Tickets will be sold on Ausust
and 2, and wi.'l be good to return un
til August 9, inclusive, except that
by depositing ticket with the joint
9gcc.t at Pitf6bnrg before August 6,
aad tLe payment of fifty CLis, th
return limit mav be txtended to
leave PiMsburg not iater than Au
ust 31, 1899
For epecific rates and conditions
apply fo Ticket Agents. al.
T hui sdayf, August S and 17,
are the dates ot tne remaining
Pennsylvania Railroad low-rate
fifteen day excursions to Atlantic
City, Cape May, Ocean City, Sea
Isle City, Avalon, Anglesea, na
wood, Holly Beach, N. J., Reho
both, Del., or Ocean City, Md.
A special train ot I'ulliuan par
lor cars and day coaches will leave
Pittsburgon above-montioned dates
at 8.55 A. M., arriving at Altoona
12.15 P. M., where stop tor dinner
will be made reaching Philadel
phia 6.25 P. M., and arriving At
lantic City, via the Delaware Riv
er Bridge route, the only all-rail
line, at 8.10 P. M. Passengers
may also spend the night in l'niia
delphia, and proceed to the shore
by any regular train from Market
Street "V barf or Broad Street Sta
tion on the following day.
A stop-over of ten days will also
be allowed at Philadelphia on the
trip, if passengers will deposit their
tickets with the Ticket Agent at
Broad Street Statiou, Philadelphia,
immediately on arrival.
Tickets will be sold from the sta
tious at the rates named lielow:
Altoona 8 00
Tyione 7 65
Huntingdon.... 7 10
T. Leaves.
12.35 v. u.
12 56 '
12 37.
13 OS '
f3.27 '
6 25
8 40
M;fflij 5 63
Niwpcit 5 CO
Duncannon .... 4 60
Philadelphia. Ar
AUanticCity, Ar
Tickets will also lie sold ou reg
ular trains leaving Pittsburg at
4.50 and 8.30 P. 31., carrying
sleeping ears to Philadelphia, and
7.05 P. M., earr ing Pullman sleep
ing ears through to Atlantic City.
For detailed information in re
gard to rates and time of trains a?
rlv to ticket agent or Mr. 1 nomas
K. Watt, District passenger Agent,
Wh-at 68
Co n in ear ....
..... 40
.. 0 to 30
..... 15
, .
. S2 to:!. 50
Bu ti-r....,
. ... 12
,85c to 90c
, 90
Ham........... .
Shoulder. .... ... .
Lard...... .
Timothy seed.... .
F at aecd
Ground ln Bait
American S al t . . . .
Philadelphia Markets,
Julv22, 1899
Wheat 70'ctB; earn 37cts; oats 29c;
two pounds spring cbickens 12c
smaller soring cbickecs lOcts a piec
old chickens 8 to llcis; eggs 14c;
bnlter 13 to 25ct: wotatoes 35 to
40cts for five-eigt'a busbel basket ; To
buceo 10 11-12 16 18 20-45cts; brown
oorn 5 to 6V Is: Rio coffee 6 to 9cts:
black berries 6 to Sets a qt; whortle
berries 7 to 9cta a qt; maekeral $28
' a barrel; sasars 44 53cb; beef cattle
- ... A . a.. . A 4 IfA
$3.40 to $5.60; sheep $2 to $4.70.
How to Prolong Life
No man or woman can hope to live
Organs are diseased. Disorders of that kind should never be neglected. Don t
delay in finding out your condition, j You can tell as well as a physician. Put
some urine in a glass or bottle, and let it stand a day and night. A sediment al
the bottom is a sure sign that yon have Kidney
disease. Othar certain signs are pains in the small
of the back a desire to make water often,
at night a scalding sensation in passing it and if
urine stains linen there is no donbt that the disease
la present
There is a cure for Kidney and
Diseases. -It is Dr. David Kennedy's
Remedy. It has been for thirty years,
is today, the greatest and best medicine
known for these troubles.
. Mr. William W. Adams,
cor. Jefferson Avenue and
Clifton Street, Roches
ter, N. Y., says:
" Three years ago
I was taken with Kidney
disease very badly ; at times
I was completely prostrat
ed ; in fact, was so bad that
a day was set for the doc
tors to perform an operation
upon me. Upon that day I com
menced the use of Dr. David Kennedy's
Favorite Remedy, and it was not long before I was entirely cured, and I have had
no return of the trouble since. My weight has increased, and I never was so
well as I am now. Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy saved my life."
Favorite Remedy acts directly upon the Kidneys, Liver and Blood. In cases
of Nervousness, Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Ulcers, Old Sores, Blood Poisoning,
Bright's Disease and Female Troubles it has made cures after all other treat
ments failed. It is sold for $i.oo a bottle at drug stores. A teaspoonful is a dose.
P.mnl. prtJi . P-aa I Send your full postoffice address to the Dr. David
OampiC DOIIlC rice I Kennedy Corporation. Rondout, N. Y., and
mention this paper, and a sample bottle of Favorite Remedy will be sent free. Every
sufferer can depend upon the genuineness of this offer, and should send at once.
Mid-Summer Bargain Days
at Shott's Stores.
A Host of Dargains in Dry Goods,
Shoes and Carpets.
Uc bleached muslins at 3ets a yard. -
Hotter nnblcacbed mnslin at 4cta a yard.
Extra quality unbleached muslin, 20 yards for (1 00.
Best bleached Hill mushn, 15 yds for $1.00.
lOo muslin, cat prioe, at 6o a yard.
Union crash toweling, 7yds for 25ets.
All Linen crash toweling 5jds for 25cts.
Good calicoes for 34o a yard.
Best Lancaster Ginghams at 5ots; worth to day 7 iota.
Table Oil Clotb, 2jd for 25cts.
Flora Od Cloth and Linolinms for 20o, 25o to 35c; worth 50cts.
Carpet i ct 12e, 18c, 20o and 25c.
Now is your time to buy carpet. Tbey are going higher.
Fins Rugs ii Brnssel and Velvet for 75ots and $1.00.
Stair Oil Clotb in Cat Prices at 4o yard.
Men's Cheviot every day shirtingB, 7yds for 48cts
Floe Scotch lawns at 4o.
All onr fine summer dress eoods at extra low reduced rriocs.
; Red Bord fine Table Linen at 25oU;
VVbittj t'Umtter BlaoKets, at Wats a pair.
is the most important News of this Sale. 4,000 pair of fine eboes included in
in onr offerings. Not a plunger spasm or exoitement, but a merchant's
plan, calmly formed and thoroughly executed. The purpose is to make a
sale of shoes for cheapness and magnitude, which is without precedent
These shoes are all new, their equals are selling at 35 per cent higher through.
ont tne snoe Trade.
Men's Calf Skin Shoes at $1.47; worth $2.50.
JVen'a Willow Calf and Vici Leather at $ 1 47.
Men's Black Dress foot wear:
Tans and Blacks, Uyle's French Patent Leather all $4 shoes at $2 68.
Ladies Black and Tan fine kid Leather Shoes, 800 pair. English styles
makes at $1 47, a saving of 1.00,a pair.
at equally reduced prices at Extra low values
1865, ESTABLISHED. 1899.
Special Invitation
To attend the Attractive Sale of
It will be
Who have money to invest to examine the Stock of Goods for
It is truly marvelous to See
of Suits and Overcoats at the Wonderfully Low Prices.
His prices leave all Competitors in the rear, so don't f iil
to give him a call if in need of Clothing.
long if the Kidneys, Bladder, or Urinary.
worth 40cts. ' LA U
Yon save over $ 1 on
To Hie Publn
Clothing that goes on daily
r i 1
. n D5T in
New Stock of. Spring Clothing,
Meyers' Big Stores.
0 0 0 0 0
Men's and Boy's New Spring Suits.
These Men's suits are strictly all wool and we have them in all sizes,
and we have them in single and double breasted at $4 62. Now men
fall into line and secure one of these Fine Imported Dress 8ait, in
all shades and colors, and made perfect to equal merchant tailor
prices. Worth $18, for only $12. These Frock and Sack Suits we
have tbem in 11 sizes and styles, and we guarantee to give you a per-f-et
fit at $6.50. You can take your pick and fit from 372 fine dress
Buits, which are mode in Sacks and Cutaways, we have them in all
shades. Suits worth $12 we sell now at $8 75. We start the Boy
departmentjrom $1 87 to $8.50. The assortment includes hundred
of double and single breasted suite. Many of these suits being all
i ni w : .11 in the LATEST SPRING PATTERNS in
hrnwn. nlaida. checks and tlain colors. These are all well made and
trimmed, and run in age from 10
select from.
Our Children's Department.
The largest display of Bays' pants in Juniata County, aDl tbi-y are
all made of strong material. The sizes run from 3 to 16, and sell
from 18c. to 50c. 300 Children's Suits, sizes from 3 to 16, at 90o.
265 splended Vested Suits, at $1.25, would be cheap at the regular
price cf $2. 567 Children's Suits, in Double Breasted and other
styles. Tour choice at $2 38. 375 Children's Suits, this is a grand
line strictly, all wool, Double Breasted at $3 88, whioh should be 5.
A grand new line of Spring Hats and Caps and Gents Fur
niching Goods, of the greatest values ever offered, A car load
of Trunks and Satchels at low prices.
Themost marvelous showing cf up to date Fnrniture ever attempt?
ed. Everything new in design, no old stock Nothing but the very
best makes by the best manufacturers with such farsightedness that
we offer "Beautiful Furniture" at juet one Lalf the regular value.
We just received and unpacked the grandest design of new and
upon-date Furniture. Our three floors are packed to the utmost ex
tent for your inspection. A grand selection cf Parlor Suits, ypnb
tered Rcckeis, Conches, Lonngs, Sofas, Extension Tables, Hall Racks,
Side Boards, Bed Room Suits in numerous stylee, Office, Dining Room
and Kitchen Chairs, Spring Mattresses, Cots, Cribs and Cradles. In
fact everything kept in a first class Fnrniture store.
Ferd Meyers,
Tuscarora Valley Railroad.
No.l No.3
A. II. P. M.
Blair s Mills Iv. 7 25 1 45
Waterloo. 7 31 1 51
Leonard's Grove 7 37 1 57
Ross Farm 7 45 2 05
Perulaek 7 52 2 12
East Waterford t8 05 2 25
Heckman 8 17 2 37
Horcv Grove 8 22 2 42
Fort Bieham 8 30 2 50
Warble 8 39 2 59
Pleasant View 8 44 3 04
Seven Pines 8 52 3 12
Spruce Hill 8 55 3 15
Grahams 9 03 3 23
Stewart.. 9 06 3 26
Freedom 9 09 3 29
Turbett 9 12 3 32
Old Pert 9 18 3 38
Port Royal Ar.9 25 3 45
Trains Nos. 1 and 2 connect at Port Royal
with Way Passenger and Seashore Express
en P. R. R., acd Nos. 8 ai d 4 witb Mail east
No.2 No. 4 1
A. M. P. M.
Port Koyal 0.0 10 20 5 05
Old Port 1.310 27 5 12
Turbett 2 810 33 5 18
Freedom 3.7 10 3fi;5 21
Stewart 4.410 39 5 24
Graham's 5.0 10 425 27
Spruce Hill 6.3 10 505 35
Seven Pines 7.2 10 53,5 38
Pleasant View 9.011 015 46
Warble 10.011 06,5 51
FortBipham. 12.011 15,6 00
Honey Grove 14.011 23,6 08
Heckman 15.111 28 6 13
East Waterford.... 17.511 40 6 25
Perulaek 20.5 11 53i6 38
Boss Farm. 22.012 00 6 45
Leonard's Grove... 24.012 08,6 53
Waterloo 25.512 14,6 59
Blair's Mills..... Ar. 27.012 20 7 05
Trains Noa. 2 and 8 connect at Blair's
Mills with Concord, Doyletbnrg Dry Bnn,
Nossville. Neelyton, Shade Gap, Shade
Valley and Qoahorn Station Stage Lines.
V.imhla HMSx mm HiMt.-
Dineium sent free to any flirt
and poor patients can alco obu.
this modiriiM fro of charce.
Thim wmiidThaa been Dnoaiwd fcrtne RevTAi'
?-uir Koenix. ot Fort Wayne. Ind. alnea 1KB. a:
urow im-pand aader oia direction br tne
KOENIC MED. CO- Chicago, 111.
gold br Dnnnrfats at aiper Bottle. 6fcrS
Lara-eStM.Sl.7ak Battles IbraW-
l aat. Smanrillm Im own mad
L J over again proved by its ore,
wtet aL other preparations failed, Civ
t W tfcs Owe Troe CLOOD Pwr- .
0 0 0 0
to 19. Immense assortment
115 and 117,
Bridge Street.
Tbe following schedule went Into effect
Not. 16, 1896, and the trains will be ran aa
led to Ik m
4 86 9 06
Lra. ...-Arrive a. at to. s
UuDcaDbdn ? 4 flftu
King's Mill 7 49
Sulphur Spring 7 46
Corman Siding 7 44
Uontebello Park 7 41
i S9
8 41
4 45
4 46
4 61
4 51
4 66
4 69
9 09
9 11
9 14
9 15
9 19
9 lf'2
9 24
9 2T
2 20
8 18
2 IS
2 18
1 88
1 28
1 26
1 20
1 18
1 16
7 40
Koyer .
Groen Put
Montonr Jano
7 86
7 83
7 31
7 28
7 04
7 01
6 68
6 61
6 48
6 38
6 10 10 43
6 16 9 49
5 21 9 54
6 24 9 67
6 27 10 05
6 82 10 07
6 84 10 17
6 87 10 80
6 02 10 36
p. m a. m
6 28
Leave a.
m p m
Train leaves Bloorafleld at 6.63 a. m.,
and arrives at Landisbnrg at 6.28 a. na.
Train leaves Landisburg at 6.08 p. m., and
arrives at Bloomtteld at 6.40 p. to.
All atationa marked () are flag stations,
at wbict trains will come to a full stop on
Cbas. n. Shilit, S. B.
ley Railroad Company. Time table
of passenger trains, in effect on Monday,
Hay 18tb, 1896.
STATION? , West- East
ward, ward.
r 1 T
raj an am r m
Newp rt 6 05 10 85 8 80
Buffalo Bridge 6 08 10 88 8 27 8 67
Jnniata Furnace ... 6 12 10 42 8 23 8 U
Wihneta 6 16,10 45 8 20 8 60
Sylvan 6 25 10 62 8 16 8 46
Wat-r Ping 6 221101 8 11 8 41
Blooratield Jnnct'n. 6 81 11 09 8 08 8 88
Valley Road 6 89:11 00 8 00 8 82
Elliottsbnrir 6 61 11 21 7 45 8 15
Green Park 6 64 11 24 7 10 8 10
Loysville 7 05 11 85 I 34 8 04
Fort Robeson 7 11 11 41 7 26 2 6
Center 7 15 1145 7 If. 24
Cisna'a Bnn 7 211161 7 15 2 4
Andersonbnrg 7 27 11 67 7 10 2 40
B'ain 7 85 12 05 7 08 2 8
Mount Pleasant ... 74112 11 668 224
New Germant'n ... 7 4612 16 6 60 2 20
D. GRING, President and Manager
C. K.. IIilub, General Agent.
Variable Friction Feed
Ajax Center Crank Engine
It&pM, ccurate, Btrong anil lmpl. with lair-
nil li or whia. Kronu
andufe. fl Faranfaat
Holier has ever rx-l4B4i-l.
Also Rtandartt
acncultuiml Implramtt
fnrliy. Bay I'tmwi
la specialty, firnd lb
GMaJoiM and prioaa t .
JL I.FiS5SmcaLtt,Yerk,P-w
A worwlrrfyl Hmpvi mw r. Vrta-
v Hoyotlp in i-jii't.. ;r4-
ii't:: av Mivina i jt r
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