Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, July 19, 1899, Image 4

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When iove come te my fuln
He walks with dainty tread.
The lilies blaze before him.
The moss-rose lifts Its head; '
The trim-kept lawn grow greenetv
The borders Mash with prids .
The bods burst into blossom
When Love walks by my side.
When Love Irnves my sad garden
The roses' j .uls fall, "
The jasmine's scented cluster
Fade, dying on the wall;
The lawns grow dock and thistle,
The paths are rank with weeds.
And all the dainty borders
Are strewn with fallen seeds.
Sweet LoTe, stay in my garden.
Best In Its rosy shades.
Bask in its scented sunshine.
Dream In its leafy glades;
Sing to the strings of pleasure, -
Through all life's penllnne;
Make every season summer.
Let every month be June.
-Pall Mall Gazette.
2 Pate's Caorice. S
srvOHN VAN STTVEB pushed the
.J swinging door of tbe postofflce,
went in and dropped bis letter In
the box marked "Pacific coast."
"The little woman will be glad to get
It, and if a big duffer like me can't earn
his dinner somehow, why he don't de
serve to have any," he mused.
The letter he bad just dispatched was
addressed to Mrs. John Van Styver, 204
Front Bay street. Ban Francisco, CaL
It contained, besides an extensive col
lection of terms of endearment, which
proved that Van Styver's collegiate ed
ucation had been good, and that be pos
sessed a considerable amount of enthu
siasm aad warmth of feeling, a check
for every available cent he had in the
werkl, seat t a violet-eyed young wom
an and a baby girl, living at the ether
extremity of the contlneat.
Of recent years all things bad con
spired against John Van Styrer.
First a savins bank failure, then U
protracted litigation over a mine, which
John persisted was rightfully theirs,
and could be worked at a profit, bad
swrtHewed up their remaining small
capital, and new required more funds
If tbe light was to be kept 19.
So when an offer canoe froza a pub
llshlng bouse In 'ew Tofk to Van Sty
ver to Illustrate a new aad aremising
periodica, be teJetiakrAeel Ms accept- j
ance, pacaea jus watixa sum uwk ui
night train east.
That was one year age.
Of course, St would -hare keen aibsur.
to bring tbe two away tram their cot
tage home to .go trying a cllmare aathal
of New Xork, where 4be child would
have sickened, -possibly died.
Van Styver bad not made a Try pre
fsnnd art study, but there was a dash
and spirit about his etchings and pen
pictures, and bis campnre scenes on tbe
prairies and .American Indians "were
strong and orlglaal.and full -ot Hie "that
bis reputation bad reached tbe big
cities, resulting to tbe offer wrbtsh
brought him asst.
After a six months' struggle lha mag
azine collapsed, want down in tsflnre.
as did the salaries -or these ocaawatad
with It.
Determined and naturally buoyant,
he threw himself heart and soul tn-the
worn, got a position 01 anvcuu auxnii oa 1
a big daily, dashed off an occasional j
reminiscence of OaHfbmla days, ob-1
tamed occasional work from art dealers
and bad obtained" an order to fresco the
ball room and hallways of a mlUton
airo's palatial residence, just complet
ed, when persistent and aacghig fate
failed him in the shape ot ajprjotracted
and desperate attack of typhoid lever.
Van Styver thought be had his foot
m the stirrups and would mount and
rise to success when obtaining thoxoa
tract to decorate the ball room panels
and arched gallery of the white marble
house on Fifth avenue. He. had com
pleted bis prelimrnary worJc, had re
eeivod his first payment, had eagerly
dispatched It home, when stricken
Two months of constant fever In a
hospital, however skillful the jniiaing,
leaves him a pretty sad wreck of his
former self. Add to, theAhabbfaaas in
evitable to gacmesUs wem unremitting-
It summer and winter, the broken and
rutched shoes, and weather-beaten Bat.
and the disguise is quite complete be-
tween a man In easy circumstances -and
a poor devfl on whom the wjerfil looks,
askance and shows neither mercy nor'
Going to ascertain, Van jstyverlound
bis plnce taken on the newspaper and
the mural decorations cf the -white mar-
Die house aU completed.
A dogged determination seised bold
ef Nm-te recuperate quickly and get
an Inning ln the game, and his anger at
the kicks and cuffs of fate gave him a
revivified pugnacity of Infinite vahw to
him ttMt tbt-n-
him Juet then.
A windfall ln the way ef some Illus
trating to be dene hurriedly gave him
the check be inserted in the letter be
dropped in the pestoffice box before go
ing to see if tbere was nothing to be
had ln the way of extra work at tbe
office of the Uerald.
There was nothing that day, and he
went slowly back to tbe shabby dark 1
hall room in a shabby and poor beard
ing house.
A letter tiaa Tteen oreugnt try tne pea,
man daring bis absence, and wax
thrust under the door. Tearing it open,
Van Styver read en agitated entreaty
that ho come back as fRst as steam
coukl take him. Their rosebud and Joy
lay HI 111 unto death, and her one cry
was for him.
The manager at one of tbe depart
ments of an enormous trunk line, abroad
having ramifications all over tbe Un
law, sat in his office in a dissatisfied
l.rown siuily. rainier Duvldon liaa
great responsibilities resting -on him,
which his b! sahiry could not cover.
a the wide desk before which ha sol
lay a confusion of sketches, showing in
moss or less elaborate form and rhack
oeyed -style the route of tbe main line,
from east to west, to be used as adver
tising cards by the road.
"Here, Pick, chuck these thing In
the Bre, win you? They are not wartb
tbe pasteboard toej are drawn as. Nt
one of 'em wiri do;" sgtd DaTldwon,
tuning to a yqvng olerk who was
eheckhig up some books eeress the
"it seems d d queer that thsye'a not
a slogle artist In this tow wbe can
catch myldea. Why. I explained what
I wanted "fully to at least fifty of them,
and not one seems to have caught the
faintetrt glimmer of what I want. If I
could draw I'd do the thing myself."
"And yet, hang H all," said Davidson,
rising and walking ap aad down bis of
fice, his bands In his pockets, "the road
uniet have the cards out tn a month's
time far the spring trade. Ram are
these prarrle lands out m Texas. If
got to be shown ts a dever and
way. what are the setsw the read
Jetm Yarn Styrsr. gnsnu, psorl? dad,
with bloodshot ayes sad tumbled hair,
a look of haggard wretchedness on hit
won face, his band trambUaf from
weakness and anxiety, was not a pre
possessing figure. Nor con Id Davidson
distinguish between the ravages of ty
phoid fever on bis once splendid phy
sique or those which loaf habits of In
ebriety would have produced.
"What do 70a want, my manf he
asked, scanning the wan appearance of
the figure before blm with growing dis
favor. "To work my passage from New York
to Ban Francisco oa your road," saM
Van Styrer.
"Ever been connected with a rail
road T" asked Davidson.
"This road doesn't take tramps. It
has ail the men It needs, and only em
ploys honest, sober fellows," said Da-
vldsoa, turning and taking up a letter '
to end the interview.
John staggered a little and sat down
on a stool.
'Besides," continued Davidson, mov
ed somewhat by the man's deep and ,yer I" ll. tt T !
intense disappointment, "I'm not tbe OTru- WBO was General, and
one to see about It. I have nothing to , 'henever they played at kings It was
do with that department But I may ! Uways Cyrus who was King, and they
as well tell you at once you need not ap-' n, uhjecta.
ply. We are turning off, not taking on One day, when he was playing King
bands " 1 le led the other boys out on what we
John sat still and drew a long breetl mould call an apple-stealing expedl
between bis set teeth. The vision of a ! . only, Instead of apples, they were
wan little face tossing on a pillow, of omegranates. They went Into the
dark curls falling around two sweet, irounds belonging to a poor man, pick
brown eyes, of a little voice calling In-. 1 a great many pom pgr a nates and ran
cessantly for one who could not come, 1 iway before the owner could catch
while the shadow of death was stealing ihem. But the next morning the man
steadily In, brought the dew out on his vent to their schoolmaster and told
rni-ohoaf lim bow much fruit he had lost, beg-
Hello! This one looks aH right, sir.
This one's good," said Dick, pausing
before consigning one of the condemn
ed sketches to the flames. "Why, it's
"Let's see," said Davidson, interest
arllv Inanlna- over to look at It Dick
spread It out on the desk before him
with one other his youthful experience
thought good. I
"Bosh!" was Davidson's contemptu-
oos criticism. "Why, it's old as the
bnisL I want a design which win show
tbe line stretching from the dawning
east to the setting sun hi the west,
without aH tLis rubbish, with the light
so arranged as to produce a novel and
striking effect, a chariot driven by Pro
gress, uevetopmeat ana weaitn, ana ,
The drawing was the best of those,
submitted. Davidson turned it from
aide to aide to see if anything could be
Aiu with it .
Daring the pause which ensued John
Van Styrer.' taxing a blank sheet from
bt nortec and a pencil, dashed off a de
sign, webd aad bold and beautiful.
A vast, fair country, ever a continent,
the stars sad nsooa gUoamertng la tat
-west, and a resplendent burnt f the
rising son la the dawning east; a
chariot driven by three ftgurea, a era as
-w&ose mad mah was the embedtsnen
of his ewai wild desire to reach that
land -w&ere the waves of the great Pa
ciflc laved the seashore, stood out hi
splendid lines, and a great rush f pros
perity was plctnred aa following the
.straight Hne af the great road as car as
it ran fnezn ana ocean kcxak to tha
Slipping the drawing over OaaMssm'j
shoulder, John fbmoa It sfleniHy heron
him on the desk.
"Phew!" exolatmed Jkhflt, wffh a -vte-Jent
start, hanking on m astonMhsnenl
at Van Sty vex.
BavidBon said nothing, but
hard at the splendid dratwini
before him. Qarttng un. beheld oat bit
hand to John. I
T don't know your name, but you are
a great artist." he said with energy.
"And what's more, you are the only
one wbo could come near .interpreting
my idea, and you have executed it iai
finer than I had thought it out tqyaoT.
I'll bezgtad to give you a jaaa to Vca
Francisco, and I'll buy your -Sketch for
IBOtt" I
A mint earne befaxs Jofaa's jysa, -ana
without aa word be waning the hatni
hard which extended liim attiheek ana
went out. "Be hopeful. Leave oa
train in hour's .time, bringing meney,'"
he telegrajJbed.
Rushing to bis forlorn room, John be
gan to gather his few belongings ana
his loved phatnirraphs to catch tbi
train. A telegraph messenger Jueched
at his door. With trembling tenor hi
j tore open the-envelope.
1 "Our darlhur better. Onrna at
' nA Af mhu, M Vu
j New Orleans Times- emociai.
BTS JI BstM Not Car Abnt tna Ftab
, h Catena.
Th fia-horman who tells von he doel
QOt care anont uje naj, catches U
1 not to beUe ayB tne rnteran
, tne fl,( Dr. Henry Vaa Dyke,
1 of New Tork ln tne Century he writes:
. k- iawrrnn wbo tolls
that he doe cans Bbont
. hft catchea He ttat h9 aDgies
1 . . r . .
only for the pleasure of betSg out ef
doors, and that he Is Just as well eon-
tented when he takes nothing aa when
! he makes a good catch. He may thhtk
so, but It 1s not true. He Is net telling
a deliberate falsehood. He Is m&7 as
' suming an unconscious poee and to
' dulging ln a dell cats bit of aebT-lIattery.
j Even If It were true, it would net be at
all to his credit.
Watch blm on that lucky day when
he comes home with a full basket of
trout on his shoulder, or a quartet
silver salmon eowovod alfli green
branches In the bottom ef the caaae.
His face Is broader than it was when
he went out, and tbere ts a snarsae c
triumph In his eyea. Tt tasaugbt. It Is
naught," he says, in modest deirtodsv
tlcm of his triumph. But yea shall mem
that be lingers fondly about hbe ptaca
where the fish are disprayed upon the
grass, and does not fall te laek easeful-
lv at tbe scales when they are w
and has an attentive ear for the
ments of adntfrhrg vct stars. Tea
shall find, moreover, that he Is not un
willing to narrate the story ef the cap.
ture how the big tab rose short, fees
different tttnes, to fwar different flies,
and finally toe a ssssJI brack dose,
and played an over me pooi. ana r
down a terribly stiff rapid to the nasi
wkJ brfow, and snltsd for twenty arin-
. . ..a,
artes. and had to oa Barren up win
JtonU. and made such a long flght thai
wbenhe came la at last the hoia of th
hook was almost wera through, and 11
fell out of his mouth as be touched th
Ebcra. Usten to this tale aa it is told,
wTtn endless variations, by every man
wbo has brought home a nan. ana yon
will perceive that the fisherman aoei
care for his luck, after alL
J pane? Tea Roll. r.
The Japanese newspapers are Mtolc
tog ovar tbe invention by a aavtlvi
genius ef a machine for reTiiBg tea.
The great cost of the production ef tea
lies la the labor. Each Individual leaf
must be plucked from the phut and
bandied with tbe fingers several ttamea
before it can be sent fe
tha WUI Interest the J-
vaoril ICuiktn of nVrery Beneekold
Qmalnt Acttoae aavd Bright Bayiaugs
Of Mauay Cat mm Causala CkUdresb
Tbere was once a little T-aby boy
torn In Persia who was called Cyrus.
Ua grandfather, wbo was a king,
bought that when tbe boy grew up
te would want to be a king himself.
d he bad tbe poor little baby carried
art Into tbe forest and left tbere to be
sUen by tbe wild beasts.
But a kind-hearted woman was look
US' after ber staeep that day and sbe
Sound tbe little baby, which she took
tome wren ner.
As Cyrus grew Into boyhood h.
teemed In some way different from tbe
tther boys around him; and so, when
;lng Mm to una out wnicn 01 tne wj
iad stolen It and to punish them se-
One bv one the boys were called be
fore the master, but each of them said
le knew nothing about the pomegran-
l tee. At last Cyrus appearea ana was
isked whether he knew anything of
the robbery.
"I did It," he said at once. "Let me be
punished. I was the leader. I can break
nto an orchard and steal a pomegrah-
ite. but I cannot tell a lie. It was all
ny fault, and I am ready to bear tbe
ranlsbment which I deserve for being
1 thief. As for the others, you must
lot ask me to name them. I was their
King, and am responsible for tliem."
! wish that girl had been a boy!
I hoped a boy would move next door.
"or Bi"" lwys Prtm """I neat;
I know she'll be a bore!
Ihe will not want to wade or run.
SBiTBTxa is sA-rrsrnD.
She'll a ever, sever catch a ball,
Sor climb a tree, nor fiy a kite
Girls are no fan at all!
la, Pat ae sorry he's s noyt
Twe girls could have such splendid times
It sewjsg 4U clothes, playing tea.
Or reading tales and rhymes.
Vt ceurse hn kit me with his ball.
And make a dreadful lot of noise,
tad play at soldiers all day long
There la no fan in bays!
Teeth's Companion.
War Bli Wu Popular.
A oueer old man once made a tea
sarty for aH the little girls in our town;
tad, when they were all gathered in his '
irant yard, m white dresses and care- !
iuHy tied sashes, he offered a doll for
me most popnlar little girl in the crowd. '
But half the children did not know
mem it was the best liked little girt. All
ma children voted, and Mary Bla in got .
Ihe doll. Mary was not the prettiest nor ,
Ihe cleverest of the children, but she got
fcc doll.
"Now," said the queer old man, "I
! rQl give another doll te the one that
I irst tolls m why you all like Mary
Nobody answered at first But pre.
ently Fanny WBson said, "It's because
Mary always finds out what the rest of
as want to play, and then says, 'Let s
play that!"
The old gentleman said that was the
est reason he had ner heard, and he
going to try for the rest of his life
to find out what other people wanted to
-1 J Mw 'T Mf.M .1, -.!
lay, and then say, "Let's play thatl"
A Toad Storr.
One day my father, slater and I were
ut In the garden watching a little
toad. My father took a little stick and
very, very gently scratched one side
f the toad and then the other. The
toad seemed to like it, for be would roll
from side to side and blink. I was so
Interested that when they went ln I
xmk the stick and did as my father had
lone. I thought. If be rolls from side
to side aa I touch him, what would he
So If I ran the stick down bis back?
I did so, and what do you think hap-
oened? His skin, which was thin and
iXryjt parted ln a neat little seam,
There WM bright, new coat below,
TneB my quiet little toad showed how
wge ne waa rje gently and carefully
1tuned: off his outer skin. He took it
oflr th- body and legs first, and then.
blinking It over bis eyes, till wneri
had it gone? He bsd rolled It Into a
ball and swallowed It. Adapted from
Our Dumb Animal.
Hia Nw Cloth.
This little Detroit girl's papa Is a
man who does not like to drees up in
Qne clothes, because he never has time
to go to parties or balls but not long
.go his friend was to bare a grand
n. n...V. 1(Hn mil ha anid nfi would
"' 7
50. So he bought him a new dress suit
nd went to church early, so , be would
not have to be seen by all the people
t o'iDg In tn his swallow-tailed coat,
and. after the wedd.ng was over, he
and hi. wife and hi. Uttle girl wera
among ,ue lu . s.
But there was
a large crowa sun in iruui m me
t-lutrt-h when they got to the door, and
It was just there that the
Uttle one
bored him until he blushed like a girl
hv .1 vlmr ln her sweet, clear voice SO
oud tliat eTPr7 one turned to look and
then laughed: -
"Papa, how do you feel In your new
dethear Detroit Free Press.
A Terrible Case.
First Little Mamma How's your
dollv this naoraiaK?
f l
f4 IM MjgantoWjreiz
low had two sawausi uww w
during the nigh-no pulse this morning
atd only a few stitches will save ber.
I fear. Scribnera ..
Tfcear Were Mot Klsiva,
Nellie (aged 5 nr family awfully
exclusive. Is yours?
Bessie (aged 4) No, indeed! We
haven't anything to be ashamed of.
What Willie Loaged For.
"IH be glad when I get big enough to
rash my own face," said little Willie, as
his mother finished the operation. "Why
so. dear?" she asked. " 'Cause then I
won't wash it," replied the precocious
Oa the Safe Sid.
Tommy, you greedy boy," said a
mother to her small 4-year-old son,
"you've eaten every cooky there was on
the plate, and I told you to take but
one." "Yes, I know you did, mamma,"
replied the little fellow, "but there were
three on tbe plate, and I didn't know
which one you meant, so I just had to
eat 'em all to be sure I'd get the right
Annoyance Attendant Upon the Making-
of Portrait of Royalty.
Court etiquette Is a trying thing to
plain people. An amusing story Is told
In the recently published memoirs, "W.
Q. Wills, Dramatist and Painter," of
the time when Mr. Wills was called
upon to atend at court. lie was a thor
ough bohemlan, and when bis pastels
attracted so much attention that the
Queen's secretary wrote requesting
him to attend at Osborne to do por
traits of her grandchildren the Invita
tion filled him with deep dismay.
In Ignorance of tbe etiquette which
construes a royal invitation into a com
mand, he thought to get out of it by
writing a polite note, stating that a
prior engagement would prevent his at
tending. The next day a telegram came
from Osborne to the following effect:
"The Queen commands Sir. Wills to
attend at Osborne Immediately."
Tbe artist was far too loyal a sub
ject to dispute ber Majesty's direct
commands, so be ruefully packed up
bis belongings and started for the royal
palace. As might well be supposed,
bis life at Osborne was uncongenial.
When be was doing a portrait of a roy
al baby on all fours, and good-humor-edly
said, "Look up, little one," the
lady-ln-waiting reproved his familiar
ity, and told him he must address the
infant as princess or your royal high
ness. The pastel portraits which be made
still hang at Osborne, and of course
royal patronage gave a great stimulus
to sitters, and his reputation was made.
Set Bock.
That a brilliant array of facts calcu
iatlngly displayed may be made to pale
before one of little or no light handled
haphazard Is amusingly shown by the
following from the New York Tribune:
. When a young man, a well-known
civil engineer surveyed the route of a
proposed railroad. An old farmer with
whom be stopped for a time admitted
one day, when be saw him figuring in
the field, that matbematls always
seemed a wonderful thing to him.
Being young and enthusiastic, the
engineer began to enlarge upon - its
wonders, tolling him how we could
measure the distances to different
planets, and even weigh them; bow we
could fortell accurately the coming of
a comet or ah eclipse years In advance
of Its actual occurrence, determine the
velocity of the fiercest projectile, ascer
tain the heights of mountains without
scaling them, and many other things
meant to astonish him.
"Yea, yes, them things does seem
kinder cur'us," the old farmer replied,
"but what alius bothered me was to
understan' why ye have ter carry one
for ev'ry ten. But If ye don't," he con
cluded, with conviction, "the plaguy
thing won't come out right."
The Oldest Family In the World.
About a dozen of the 400 barons In
the British House of Lords date back
to 1400, the earliest being 1264. The
oldest family in the British Isles Is the
Mar family of Scotland, 1093. The
Campbells of Argyle, to whom belongs
tne present unne or Argyu, Degan in
1 lion T. lamnil rintoa fmm lloa Rla.
marck from 1270, the Orosvenor fam
ily, the Dukes of Westminster, 1060;
the Austrian house of rjapsburg goes
back to 952, and the House of Bourbon
to 804. The descendants of Mahomed,
born 570, are all registered carefully
and authoritatively kept In Mecca by
the chief of the family. Little or no
doubt exists of the absolute authenti
city of the long line of Mahomed's de
scendants. In Oblna there are many old
families, also among the Jews.
When It comes to pedigrees there Is
one gentleman to whom the world
must take off Its hat as a great and
only none-such. This Is the Mikado of
Japan. His place has been filled by
members of his family for more than
m1 . .... ,
2,500 years. The present Mikado Is the
one hundred and twenty-second of the
line. Tbe first one was contemporary
with Nebuchadnezsar, 060 years before
is due not only to the originality and
simplicity of the combination, but also
to the care and skill with which it is
manufactured by scientific processes
known to tbe California Fio Stbup
Co. only, and we wish to impress upon
ail tne importance of purchasing the
true and original remedy. As the
genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured
by the California Fio Stbcp Co.
only, a knowledge of that fact will
assist one in avoiding the worthless
imitations manufactured by other par
ties. The high standing of the Caxi
ioavsiA Fis Uraup Co. with the medi
cal profession, and the satisfaction
which the genuine Syrup of Figs has
given to millions of families, makes
the name of the Company a guaranty
o' t je excellence of its remedy. It is
far in advance of all other laxatives,
as it acts on the kidneys, liver and
borpeis without irritating or weaken
ing them, and it does not gripe ner
nauseate. In order to get its beneficial
t ffects, please remember the name of
&3 Company
. Mmm. oiraaaM so. felstl
"I was a great sufferer from female
weakness and hod no strength. It was
toponriWo for me to attend to my
Lulehold duties. I had tried every
SSng and many doctors, but found no
""iy sister advised ma to try Lydia
K. Ptokham's Vegetable Compound,
which I did; before using J n
bottle I felt better. I kept on with it
and to my great surprise I am cured.
All who suffer from female complaints
Sould give Ha trial. " Mb. Eoca
wma, 1209 8. Dmsio 81., Gbajtd
Bapids, Mich.
I-rom Grateful Woman.
When I wrote to you I was very
sick, had not been well for two years.
The doctors did not seem to help me,
and one said I could not live three
months. I had womb trouble, falling,
ulcers, kidney and bladder trouble.
There seemed to be such a drawing
and burning pain in my bowels that I
could not rest anywhere. After using
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound and Sanative Wash and follow
ing your advice, I feel well again and
stronger than ever. My bowels feel aa if
they had been made over new. With
many thanks for your help, I remain,
L. G., 74 Asa St., Nawaaa, N. J."
Tea oa the Te rraoe.
r tha whole, tbe terrace of the
Bouse of Commons Is tbe finest In Eng
land. Tbe view Rom it is most tmpos
i Kaar on the left Is Westminster
bridge, and tbe spectator may watch
the traffic of the onage, ana near us
roll or rumble, while be Is ln the quiet
ude of the terrace. Between the broad
arches he may perceive tne graceful
outlines of Waterloo bridge. At night
the long rows of lighted lamps in all
directions are reflected on tbe river.
This Is the spot where the tea parties
well known ln London society are held.
To have "tea on the terrace," as the
phrase goes, Is the natural ambition of
every one. It Is of the utmost convtnl-
M tn ika member to be able to show
this attention to his friends, and espe-
ninllv to bis constituents ana tneir ram
nto,. rin a summer's afternoon tbe
collection of these tea parties amounts
tn. o ,-oopntian B-Iven by tbe Commons
IVT a. " " "
to London and the constituencies. The
mixture of tea tables Is typical or tne
in..ai Mm meter. Here will be a table
with some of the most fashionable per
sons; near It will be one where a lr
memher Is entertaining bis ismuy
next will be one where a philosophic
member Is receiving learned ladles.
The whole scene is one of diversified
animation and vivacity seldom equaled
Important Dciuoa ia Regard to Raputatieas
Built Up by Advertising.
In the TTnitrd Statea Circuit Court in San
Francisco. CaL. a decision has been given
that is of great interest to manufacturers of
nrnnrietarv article and to fmblishers. The
case in question was the suit of the CaU fornix
Fig Syrup Co. to obtain a permanent Injunc
tion, which was granted, enjoining a large
ammua manufacturing concern and others
from using the name "Syrup of Figs," or "Fig
Syrup," and ordering the defendants to pay
coats and damaoes. The decision prove t that
.1.. MM.., win th valuable retmta
ti n of an article of merit, built np by probity
of word 1 a well as by extensive aarertistng,
an that the owner ma rean the full benefit.
The overwhelming evidence presented, as to
the merits of the company's laxative, could not
be Bain said bv the defendants, and the injai.c-
tion was the result.
They Are Very Like Thoae Played by
American loans reopi.
There are two theories ln reaard to
thaee children's games that are found
to be Identical in different lands. One
is that the games are borrowed by the
vouncer neoole from the older: the oth
er, that the games are of independent
Invention. Borne light is shea on tnis
Question by passages from "A Corner
of Cathav."
A game called "the water-demon
seeking a den" is played by five per
sons, precisely like pu&s-ln-taie-cor-
ner." This is a native game, not an
Imported one: and no one known
whether Chinese and European chil
dren Invented tt Independently, or
whether tbe knowledge of It waa Inher
ited by both from ancient, common an
The same may be said of "the eat a
rrmllp " which la made with a sizing.
and passed from one pair ot hands to
another. Dreciselv as among chuaren in
America and EuroDe: but the Oblnese
call It "sawing wood," In reference to
the final act ln the performance.
A game Involving much muscular
exercise ia called "the lame chicken.'
It is played by Jumping on one foot
hrtween shoes that have been placed
across a road at Intervals of about ten
Inches. When the end of the line of
shoes Is reached the last shoe ln the
line to kicked away by tbe "lame" foot;
and then it is picked up and carried
back over the route to the other end of
th line, wben a second shoe may be
likewise kicked away and picked up
before returning.
Onlv one foot mar touch the ground.
and It must touch It only once ln each
interspace. No shoe may be toucnea
Axeent the ones which end the line, and
the shoes kicked away must be picked
nn without nutting the "lame" foot
upon the ground. When tbe chicken
violates any of these rules he must at
mm n-ive rilace to another performer.
The shorter the line, the more diffi
cult it Is to collect shoes, because each
shoe taken Involves turning around
'without using the lame leg. The win
ner ln the game Is be who has at the
end of It the greatest number of shoes,
ST. , p.pJla BflaasiaTj Vaws
An English rural clergyman says that
In his pariah It waa quite the faahion
tnr Hia man vrhen sivlnv hha ring In
the marriage ceremony, to aay to tbe
mm n- "With mi bodv I thee wash
np, and with aH my hurdle goods I thee
and thou." He said the women were
setter up In this part of tbe service than
Mia men. One dav. however, a bride
ararWir1 him bv nromlsing. ln wftiat she
lupposed to be tbe language of the
prayer-book, to take ber busDand "to
'ave and to 'old from this day fornft
for betterer horse, for richerer power,
In slggerneas health, to love cherries
and to bay." What meaning this extra
ordinary vow conveyed to the woman's
own mind, the Incumbent said, baffled
Um to conjecture.
Tie Zjaa-cee Saa-Dlal.
The largest sun-dial ln tbe world is
fiayou Haroo, a large promontory, ex
tending 8,000 feet above the Aegaaa
Sea. Aa the bus swings round the
shadow of this mountain it touches,
one by one, a circle of Islanda. which
act aa boor marka. .
w Ttte IfflnoU
I" wa- MM(mirtlv
by an old man witn a now . J7h
been found among tbe
effects of a deceased relative. .
"What's tbe nature 01
asked Mr. Starrs. .
"I don't know, sir," repu -
fellow. . i
"Have you any Idea woo w. ...
asked Mr. Storrs. , r
"No. sir," answered we ....
rn Vn know anything about
die note at allT' asked Mr. Storrs.
"Nothing at all, air," answer
old man. .
"WeU," remarked Mr. Btorrs
fully, "the only thing ic"---
ln the premises is to bu u
Central Railroad."
V The Boaapartea,
ti , vitne Narjoleon. the POSSl'Dle
Napoleon V, Uvea ln a very quiet estab
lishment ln tbe Avenue Louise, In Brus
sels, and cannot, at an Pu
tatlon, be worth more than 5.000 a
year. His brother, Louis apo,
i-ii nf a Russian regiment, pos-
sesees about the same amount The
ex-Empress Eugenie, wbo is repurea us
be one of the wealthiest women In Eu
teiL has stated ber Intention of leav
ing a fortune of 2.000,000 to the ona
who Is accepted by tne onan
it. lander. The entire wealth
of the Bonaparte family is estimated
to be not more than ti.uuu.wu, mom
which Is owned by the ex-Empress Eu
genie. The actual claimants to me isu-
perlal throne are not worm
kohraui thom. On the - other
hand, the bouse of Orleans Is reputed
to be worth at least 15,0UU,uuu.
A Remarkable Cloud-Band.
a olncrnluF ntmosDheric phenomenon.
...ntiT noticed bv Mr. De C. Ward
along the weatern.coast of South Amer
ica, is a bank or band or cloua extena
1.. tnr 4rmn miles, from Ecuador to
the center of Chill, and following the
trend of the coast range of hills. Tbe
cloud-band Is between ten and twenty
miles broad, floats at an elevation of
between 2,000 and 3,000 feet, and has
vertical thickness of not less tnan
1 nnn fot Mr. Ward ascribes tnis
curious phenomenon to the prevalence
of cool southerly ana soutnweaieriy
tnria Mnwina- obllauelv alongshore.
and having their moisture condensed
by tbe coast hlU range Just sufflciesay
to produce clouds without rain.
Ancient Records.
The authentic records of the Chinese
race began about 4, wo years ago.
though the traditional history extends
back much further. As a matter of
fact, however, the reliable record of
China does not go back further than
2205 B. C, and It Is believed by chron
iloglcal authorities that the Chinese
tnnals do not antedate those of Egypt,
rhe earliest dynasty of China, that of
Finn, date from 208 B. O. to 220 A TV
ud the long list of preceding dynasties
is believed to nave urue better founda
tion than ln the Imaginations of the
Chinese historians. St. Louis Globe-
North. Pole and Boatb Pola.
t va iKtttn shown that, while Nan-
sen's observations prove that the North
Polar region Is a great ocean cavity.
nearly two miles deep, tne soutn roiar
region, on the contrary, to apparently a
vast solid mass of land, surrounded by
belt of water about two miles in
depth. The area of the soutn roiar
intinant is estimated to be about
4.000,000 square miles. 1,000.000 more
than that of the United statea, exclud
ing Alaska.
Tbe Zadrnga.
In Servla there still survives a won
derful old Institution known as the
Zadruga. It is the living together or a
whole tribe, numbering sometimes as
many as 100 persons, all under the ab
solute authority or one cniei. ie
keeps all the money, makes all pur
chases and decides the minutest de
tails of family life.
A steam whistle Is no more ezaspet
atlng than a canary bubbling over
with song.
get up with a
Is there a
bad taste in
vour mouth?
Then you have a poor
appetite and a weak diges
tion. You are frequently
dizzy, always feel dull and
drowsy. You have cold
hands and feet. You get
but Uttle benefit from your
food. You have no ambition
to work and the sharp pains
of neuralgia dart through
your body.
What is the cause of aU
this trouble?
Constipated bowels.
will give you prompt relief
snd certain cur.
If you have neglected your
case a long time, you had
better take
also. It will remove all
impurities that have been
accumulating in your blood
and will greatly strengthen
your nerves.
Vdre SsVa aeaaraan.
There suf ba aaaaMtalBf abas
vour ea-. Ma do not quits aades.
atand. Wnia tha doctor rrerly : te
htm bow Ton are anfferiiur. Tan
will promptly racclva tha beat
St. J. O. Ajar. LowaU.
L -J-'aE
4 1
Mr. Eben E. Rexford, probably the best known
writer on the culture and care of flowers, gives the
following recipe for an insecticide that he has found
to be more satisfactory than hellebore or Paris-green:
Shave a quarter of a pound of Ivory Soap In water sufficient to cover it
and dissolve upon the stove, then add five gallons of warm water. Spray this
solution upon the plants with a florist's syringe, or if they are small dip them
bodily into tt. ' In either case be sure to reach every part. Let them stand half
an hour and then rinse with clear water. Every aphis that the solution comes
in -nna- urith usill he nrnmntlv killed.
Born Bounds WarmtaB Kotrn
a tha TJaredcasned.
HBIST washed
tbe feet of Judas.
Infidelity is a
pillow of nettles.
To build socie
ty without Ood is
making . bricks
without straw.
The saloon bird
may be known
by Its nest aad
Our fortune
may fluctuate.
but Hia goodness never does.
If you would have friend you must
nave faith ln them.
nrinklnn- to drown one's misery is
putting out a fire with oil.
There are no churches dying rrom
the exhaustion of liberality.
Get vour heart right and it win be
eaay to tnanage your tongue.
When Christians take Christ serious
ly, the world will begin to believe.
ft ta not so necessary to be back to
Christ, aa It la to look up to Him.
rinA noA tha willl 11 ir heart to
greater advantage than Che wise bead.
Tho onlv thinr we can alve Ood la
elf; everything beside 1 already Hia.
Pride and Fashion are the taskmas
ters who make bread-winning slavery.
Tbe Bible la no more confined to the
theologian than the stars are to the as
The faults of a good man are more
dangerous than tbe vices of a thor
oughly bad one.
When you sacrifice desire for duty,
you place yourself where Ood can give
you all your desires.
Not all Infidels are immoral, but ev
ery Immoral man stands right with
them as to religion.
Christ said. "Let your light shine.''
but He did not say, blow your trumpet
on the street corner.
It waa tha love of Christ made Him
the light of tbe world, aad the same oil
may burn tn our lamps.
The Bible ia tbe Album of Heaven
which we carry wHb ua on the joor
Bsvy through a strange land.
The prosperous mam wbo la too bony
to think of God, ia aa ungodly aa the
criminal who ta too vicious to do so.
TMaa, man vha ralarai mi naS nlwiait
difflcultlea of faith, takes the absurdi
ties or. so-called science at a swallow.
Will Soon StrUte Terra Flwmm.
The Inexperienced He says be can
hardly restrain himself from falling
down and worshiping her.
The Rejected Tell him not to get
nervous; she'll throw him down soon
enough. Puck.
Clean blood means a clean skin. Ho
beauty without H. Cases re to, Candy Cathar-
Hm t.l4 -J k
w mm J w " w nut, a.ci, , u J
stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im-
punues irom tne Doay. Degin to-aay to
banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads,
and that sickly bilious complexion by taking
Cases rets, beauty for ten cents. All drug
gists, satisfaction guaranteed, lOc,2Sc0Oo.
Those who believe too much generally
end by believing nothing.
Ta Cara Coaatlpatlaai Ve
iTttk, PuMMt, riajuiv Cathartic.
1C.C.C. (all to cure, dracslata rotund l
Man is the laziest of all created
things; there is no animal so lazy as
to beg for a living.
Cure Guaranteed -fey DR. J.
1015 ARCH ST., phIU.,
no operation or delay from bu
PA. Base at once;
business. Consulta
tion free. Endorsements of physicians, 'adies
and prominent citizens. Send lor circular. Office
hours 9 A. M. to 1 P. M.
Tou may depend upon it that he is
a good man whose intimate friends
are good.
Mrs. WlnsloWs Soothina Srnm for
teething, softens the gums, reducing ini
UBSi mum m a,in, u.aw wiuu on,, mtm. m
If you wish to be held in esteem,
you must associate only with those
who are estimable.
Fits permanently cured. No fits or nervous,
neas after first day's use of Or. Kline's Great
Nerve Restorer, 2 trial bottl; and treatise free.
DR. R. H. Kline, Ltd. Rtl Arch St., Phila. Pa.
We give gifts that we may receive
them tn return; and we give praise In
the same way.
Tea mawaW With CssoaMts.
Candy Catharsis, eere eooatipatioa forersr.
atn,sBO. U CLC.O.faiUdrnttatsrefniv1 tnorny.
Toung fools are comparatively harm
less; it is the old fools that make most
ot the trouble ln this world.
T-T-Baa taw Fifty Coasts,
enaranteed tobooee kablt ears, makes weak
ssanauroas. bipod pura. Me,tl. Aliaragglsta
The man who can't flatter is either
a saint or a devil.
'The Best is, Aye. the Cheapest." Avoid Imitations
and Substitutes for
sr ftar aaucna a oaawia CO Cincinnati
Moat V; laable American Coin.
In the estimation of coin collectors
the most valuable of all the American
coins to-day is the perfect silver dollar
of 1804. The highest auction price U
$1,000, and there Is a record of JUOO
having been paid for one at a prirate
There are more men who have lived
too long for their reputations than
there are who have died too soon.
Abuse that a man don't merit and
gets is worth a grea.1 deal more to hire
than praise that he does merit and
don't get.
Do Your Feet Ache and Burn?
Shake Into your shoes Allen's Foot
Ease, a powder for the feet. It makes
Tight or new Shoes feel Easy. Curet
Corns, Bunions, Swollen, Hot, Callous,
Aching and Sweating Fe-t. Sold by
all Druggists, Grocers and Shoe Stores,
25c. Sample sent FREE. Address Al
len S. Olmstead. Le Roy, N. Y.
There is no better evidence of a good
heart and a Strong head than to ac
knowledge defeat when fairly beaten.
sat Tskocc Spit and fiaioks Twr lilt lata.
To flult tobacco easily and t orerer, be mil
aetie, full of life, nerve snd tigor, take Ko-To-
Bo,thewondcr-worser, lonm"" cmca
strong. All drogcists, 50c ortl. Cure ruins
teed.' Booklet and simple free. Address
Sterling Uemodj Co., Chicago or New York
Truth, like the sun. sometimes goes
under a cloud, but always comes out
again, and shines all the brighter.
For Whooping CoDfrh, Plso'a Cure to toe
eaaaral remedy. M.P. Dikter, K TtiroopAtC
Brooklyn. N. V, Kov. 14. lcSM.
Don't blow out the lamp of reason
for the gas light of wit.
" K. A. Road, Totodo, Ohio, aara " Halja 0a,
tairh dun eared my wife of catarrh aiteei
years ago and she has had no return oX it. Ut
a Sure euro. Hold by DrumUm, I-a.
The right human bond is that which
unites soul with soul;and only they art
truly akin who consciously live in the
same world, who think, believe, and
love alike, who hope for the same
things, aspire to the same ends.
" ksss been mains OA SCAB ITS aad as
a mild and effective laxative thry are slmjJ
derfnl. My daughter and 1 were bothered alts
sick stomach aad oar breath was tcit bsd. ATWt
taking a Jew doses of Cases rets we I.are Improns
wonderfully. They are a great help lu the rtmlir
WlLHELMlNA Njlfltl.
113J Blttenhonsa 6t..CmciDnstl.01lfr
- Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Tsite Good. Bt
Good. Never Bickon. Weaken. or Gripe, luc. JOc.Sx
Stsillas Saway Canaaar. !, lnlt.il, " "
MTfl Dlr Sold and jraarsnteed br all droit-
I U-DAb (lsta to B t. Tobacco llabll
Every kind of hard-bearing; Is now coriblt:
only deaf-mutes are incurable. New an t simple
method. Noises cease immediatily. Stale ymr
caae. we invest' (rate and and advise ire
90 WASHINGTON ST., Chicago, ID
Telephone Connections.
Slaughterers and Packers Beef
and Pork, Lamb and Veal.
Msotteh- Sleek Tarda. Wtk ok. Market.
Patfciat Baaas aad kctrlrsratsr. Ui-tM N. 2d SL.PsiU
Pfcils. Marktt, Idk aad Market Sti.
Makes flesh snd blood. Used in sicknest
all run down conditions to furnish strength
and energy. It brings good health quickly.
It is a life saver. Write us for particulars.
SIS Cbasctllor Street, Philadelskia.
nas been naed by millions of mothers W
their children while rmhins: fir over fw
Venra. It aootbea the child, soften Uf
soma, allays all pain, cures wlivi ivllass
la the beat rdntady for diarrlin-u.
Tta,an,.flw rrSa q Rnftls.
If afflicted with
jThompson's Eye Water
sore eyes, use
the nriurvjrh,w"rl . 'i i;r.NT
lifeofDEWEY' sft'f.
tTfit rut. sissrr c itxca, ut-iZZ
WAItTED Vase of bad health that .
Ill nn, SU,M f.. Hllll'rl"m"; '
m til not benefit.
1, Hew Vork, for
10 samples un.l .Miu-stlin.onWj ,
Unlet Relief Female Pills wlflJi