Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, July 12, 1899, Image 2

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    aa SSBT faff'
Chestnut trees are reported
have bloomed profusely.
Sfaoi 1ms reduced her army to
108,000 men. One year ago she bad
more than that n amber of soldiers in
State Superintendent N. C. 8chaef-
fer has been elected principal of tbe
Keystone Normal School at Kutz
town, Berka county.
York oorsTT has harvested one
hundred thousand acres of wheat,
which will not average orer ten bosh-
els to an acre; so York county people
Democratic politicians of Jeffer
sn county. Pa., in county conven
tion have declared for Bryan for
President, but the democratic gold
bugs have not spoken.
The Republican State Conven
tion will .meet at Harrisburg on
Thursday, August 24, to nominate
candidates for Judge of the Supreme
Court, Judge of the Superior Court,
State Treasurer.
The Methodist ministers of Al.
ioona, hare arranged for the holding
of a aeries of meetings next October,
to snatch as it were as many persons
as they can from the circle of Satan's
kingdom in Altoona. Old Satan is
running rampant in the Mountain
What say yout 'A man takes hog
fat, the refuse of ham, shoulder and
flitch; he takes the lye of wood-ashes
and with a certain amount of water,
he boils the fat, tbe lye, the water,
the result is ip. Now what is
soap. Is it the result of evolution? or
is it a special creation.
For the sting of a wasp, bee or
hornpt rtr nthw iiuwl there in no
" -
handier or more effective cure than
mud, plain mud. Tut a handful
on the punctured parts. In ten '
minutes after fresh application of
mud. Renew the mud every ten
or fifteen minutes and your suffer
ing will soon be over.
The Barber shop inspector is a
new officer whose duties are to in
spect barber shops as to the way
the shaving brushes and cups and
razors are kept. It has dawned upon
the minds of many people in large
lo .TD8 that certain diseases or their
modified types are given - to many
people by the barber's general brush
and general razor, hence tbe law for a
barber shop inspector.
The day after tbe 4th like the day
after the ball was quiet. These who
had industriously pursued the even
tenor of their way, content that their
way was the bast way to - celebrate
tbe ssv, - bed mixed with their
work grateful thoughts of tbe sacri
fices of the fore-fathers for the equal
ity of all men before tbe law which
the 4th of July stands for. The
noisy patriots were quiet. They had
expended of their means in fire
works, and they had expended of
their physical energy in shouting the
glories of the glorious 4th and their
quiet was a reaction that was enforc
ed npon them. So then tbe 4th was
rather a satisfactory day for all, ex.
oept those who bad been engaged in
debauchery. And the day as a
whole shows plainly that tbo people
nava an abiding faith that all men
are created equal before the law.
A rcan who spent two weeks at the
Virginia warm springs to sweat tbe
tobacco, the boose and the rheuma
tism grease oat of his body says it is
all right, it is a nice place to go to,
but a man with a lean purse cannot
go through such a process of getting
rid of tbe tobacco habit and the boose
habit and the rheumatism grease or
the stuff in his blood that makes
rheumatism. He can however get
id cf all those things in a cheaper
way at borne by a complete daily
sweating by putting on his old
clothes, enough of them to insure a
sweating npon tbe least exercise.
T'jen exercise till every pore sweats.
Tw -reeks of that kind of treatment
and care in diet will cure malaria,
tbe tobacco and booze babit and in
most cases cure rheumatism. Care
mast be taken in changing clothes.
But this remedy is so near at hand.
like tbe river of Jordan of old few
cas believe in it.
Joseph Hollinger wss hung in the
Harrisburg jail yard on the 28th
day of last June.
"The crime for which Joseph Holl
inger was executed, was committed
August 26, 1898. On the afternoon
of that day he became involved in i
quarrel with his wife, which culmin
ated in tbe cutting of ber throat with
a small pocket-knife. At tbe time
Mrs. Hollinger was not living with
her husband because of frequent
troubles between them. Prior to
tbat they had been separated
for several times for tbe same
reason. The murder was committed'
while the woman was picking grapes
at tne homestead, to which she
bad returned for that purpose. She
wa sooompanied to the place by' an
other woman. When Hollinger saw
them, he warned his wife away. She
paid no attention to his remarks, and
T-Vile she stood on a bench gathering
grapes he seized her about the waist
.and threw her to tbe ground, struck
ber on tbe head and faoe and while
holding her down with bis kpee drew
a knife from his pocket and cut ber
threat, almost severing ber head
tram the body.
Fearing bodily harm at the bands
-of bis neighbors, He sought refuge in
tbe hands of a Justice of the Peace,
'.j whom he confessed his crime. The
same evening he was removed to the
.Dauphin county jail, in which he
made a full confession of the murder
to District Attorney 'Detwiller. All
efforts in the courts and with the
jloard of Pardons to save him from
'be gallows en tbe ground of insani
ty failed, '
IAA A PA 1X41 nCVaUlOa.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Com.
pray baa selected tbe following dates
for its popular ten-day excursions to
Niagara Falls from Philadelphia,
Baltimore and Washington: July 27,
August 10 and M.September 7 and
21 and October 6 and 19. An ex.
perienced tourist agent and chaper
on will accompany each excursion.
Excursion tickets good for return
passsge on any regular train, exclu
sive of limited express trains within
ten dsvs, will be sold at' 110 from
Philadelphia, Baltimore, Waahiag
ton, and all points on tbe Delaware
Division; 11.25 from Atlantic City;
$9.60 from Lancaster; $8 60 from
Altoona and Harrisburg; $6.90 from
Sunbury and Wilkesbaiw, $5.75
from Williamsport; and at proportion
rates from other points. A stop-ov-ea
will be allowed at BuflMo, Roch
ester, Canandaigna, and Wstkins
within the limit returning.
A special train of Pullman parlor
cars and day coaches will be rnn
with each excursion. An extra charge
will be made for parlorcar seat.
Tickets for a side-trip to tbe thou,
sand Islands (Alexandaia Bay) will
be sold from Rochester in connec
tion with excursions of July 27, Aug
ust 10 and 24, September 7 and 21,
good to return to Rochester or to
Canaada:gua via Syracuse within five
days at tbe rate of $5 50.
Tickets for a side trip to Toronto
will be sold at Niagara Falls for $1--00
on July 29; August 12 and 2C.
and September 13. In connection
with excursion of September 7, tick
ets will be sold to Toronto Fair.
For time t f connecting trains and
further information apply to nearest
ticket agant, or address Oeo. W.
Boyd, Assistant General Passenger
Agent, Broad Street Station, Phila
delphia, tf.
Thursdays. July 20 and August 3
and 17, are the dates of the Pennsyl
vania Railroad annual low-rate ex
cursions for 1899 to Atlantic City,
uidiituu v - -
Cape May, Ocean City, Sea Isle City,
Avalon, Anglesea. Wild wood. Holly
Beach, N. J , Bethobotb, Del, or
Ocean Cirv. MA.
Tickets good to return within fif
teen days, including date of excur
sion. .
A special train of Pullman Parlor
cars and day coaches will leave Pitts
burg on above mentioned dates at 8.
55 a. it , aiming at Altoona 12.15 p
m , where slop for dinner will be
made, reaching Philadelphia 6.25 t
m , and arriving Atlantic City, via
the Delaware Kiver Bridge route, the
only all rail line, at 8.40 r. m Pass
engers may also spend the night in
Philadelphia and proceed to the
shore by any regular train from
Market street Wharf or Broad Street
Station on the following day.
A stop-over of ten days will also
be allowed in Philadelphia on tbe go
ing trip, if passengers will deposit
their ticket with the Ticket Agent
at Broad Street S'atior, Philadelphia,
immediately on arrival.
Tickets will he sold from the sta
tions at the rates named below:
Rate. T. Leaves
Altoona ... 8 00 12 35 p. x.
Tyione 7 65 12-56 -
Hnntintrdon 7 10 1.26 "
Mount Unioo . . 6 75 fl.44 u
Lewistown Junct 6 00 2 20 "
Mifflin 5 65 f2.37 "
Newport 5 00 13.09
Duncannon 4 60 f3 27 "
Philadelphia. Ar - 6 25 "
Atlantic City, Ar 8 40 "
Tickets will also be good on reg
ular trains leaving Pittsburg at 4 50
and 8.30 p. x , carrying sleeping
Bleeping cars to Philadelphia and
7.0o p. m.. earning r jllman sleeping
cars through to Atlantic City.
For detailed information in regard
to rates and time of trains apply to
Ticket Agents or Mr. Thomas E.
Watt, District Passenger Agent,
Pittsburg. 20.
far. J. K. Lilly, a raaiaent citiiea af
Hannibal, Ho, lately a4 a weaaeriai ae
lireraaes lrm a frightful death. la tellinf
of it ha asjss "I was takaa with Typhoid
Ferer, that ran iota Paeumonia. My
lane became harassed. I ao waak 1
oenldn't area sit up la bed. Hotniof
help me. I aspects te mob die 01
ConaoaiBtioa, when I beard of Dr. Kiss's
Haw Dtacevary. was ooura ga" I1
relief. I centiBued to use tt. aad bow m
well aad strong-, I eaa't sa too mach in ts
praieo." Tale awralioa sjeaMiae w ian
aoroat aad qaieksat cor in the world for
all Throat aad Lung Troabla. Red u tar
aisas 60c aad $1. Trial bottle (res at M.
r. Crawford's drna atore; every lolia
A Bimm of Cea way.
"A curious innovation, "says the Bos
ton Transcript, "at the coming Omaha
eaposition will be a bureau of courtesy.
Not ouly is the idea novel, but it is sur
prising to learn tbat nearly all the peo
ple of tbe city will be enrolled in tbe
committee. Every member will wear a
badge, and visitors will be at liberty to
address any one who wears the badge
sad ask for information Just as much as
bs likes. The member, on tbe other
baud, will be pledged to treat tbe visitor
courteously and answer bis questions,
or put hiss in the way of getting them
OaSM la IMSJaoaat Ceaatilea.
The prices at which coke is quoted In
different countries are given as $1.44 in
the United States, 3.18 in Great Brit
ain, S3. 34 in France, $3.86 in Oermany,
$3.48 in Belgium, and in Spain $5.08.
These figures are baaed on the quantity
of coke uaed in the manufacture of a
Son of besramer pig iron.
At a Ueorgia camp meeting a gooa
twnthnr mntinuallv reDeated in tbe
mnm of a Inn? Dra ver :
"Lord, send the mourners up higher I
Hand 'em ud bizber right away I
A Btorm was brewing outstAs. and as
tbe hurricane swept down on them the
brother qnalified his closing petition
"But not through the roof, Loral
Don't send 'em through tbe roof I Tbat
would be too high!" Atlanta Consti
tution. .
A Dtleeaaaa.
Hungry Biggins Here is an ad. in
the paper tbat says "save your old
Weary Watkins That sounds all
right, but I bet tbe feller tbat gira tbat
advice bad no barb wire fence in front
of bim and a hie; dog behind him. In
dianapolis Jonrns! .
- (PA.) MAN. r
Thrr Float Arwema la a rareteas Sort
mt raahtta, VHk aa Oeeaelaaal
Ojaocr S-rvak. Set aVIaaj to Bala
Areaai Like) a Joaatev Taa.
"I rend about the floating inlands off
the month of tbe Mississippi the ether
day," said tbe veracious man from
Hnnesdale, Ps. "That reminded me
that my own little old county can boot
a few iiOacdxof the fort What county t
Wayne, young man. ' YonH And It on
the maps dne north of Pike county.
Yon city chaps have an idea tbat all of
northern Pennsylvania U Tike county
in extension, but yon wer.- never so
much mistaken about anything in your
lives. Pike connty is all very well in
it way. but its way runs to fl! liars
and rattlesnakes. Now, . Wayne bus
none cf the latter, but of the former
well, talk about Pike connty Boning!
Yonnft fellow, -Pike county isn't a
markrr to Wayne wben it eoines to
downright, houcvt, tl-an cut piscatorial
ipnri. Pike mny lie about it better, bnt
when yon come to ift the fact roin
tbe Action Mure an Investigating com
mission you'll And that Wayne catches
tbe biggest trout and tbe flgbtingest
bas.4 every time, and don't yon forget it
"Bnt I Htnrtrd to tell yon about tbe
floating islands in the old county.
Way lm k in tbe twenties the Delaware
and Hudson Canal company gouged a
rbanntl in tbe face of tbe earth from
Rondont to Bonrsdale and called it a
canal. For reservoirs and feeders to this
cannl the Irvcl of ponds and lakes along
tbe route was raised by moans of dams
from 12 to 20 feet While the dams
were in process of building the timber
abont tbe ponds was felled up to the
artificial water line, and in many cases
renlly valuable lumber was left to decay
wbere it Ml. These dead trunks formed,
when the water rose to its newer level,
tbe bnixf thsae floating islands, which
may be found in so many of the lakes
of Wnyne connty. Intertwining branch
es nnd twigs of tbe trwa themselves and
large quantities of nnderbrush served
to bind the lo-rs toi-thrr in something
like a solid mass, thereby forming rafts
of more or less buoyancy and size. Ii
tbe course of time wntrr weeds of VB'
rions kinds attached themselves to tbe
rnft, and t ventnally became a part of
it. Oradnnlly a light, tbin mold ac
cumnhiteri on the island, and in this
mold birds planted sovds ami grain
which, spronting. growing and finally
dying and rotting, did their pnrt in the
mnkiti of the whole. All of the birger
islands bear from one to a eenre of trees.
ninnv of which bave attained a consid
erable growth.
"Yon mixht suppose thnt to walk
upon or to fish from one of these islands
would be a son r re of some danger, bnt
aside from nn cccnHicnal wetting of the
feet no iic-cidents from this cause have
ever occurred. sof::ras I have been able
to lenrn. The sensation produced by
walkini on a floating island is very
similar to thnt which you and I bsve
both experienced when, as buys, we ran
on thin, young ice, x thicker old and
rotten iep. Yon remember how the ice
rsed to bend under your weight as yem
rnn across it. sometimes sinking nearly
a foot and then with the next step ris
injj to meet yon. possibly throwing you
and perhaps giving yon a dncking'
Well, it's the s.ime way with the float
ing islands, bnt with tbe element of
danger eliminated. It has tbe same fas
cination, i f -v - -
"Strange as it may seni. very few of
these flouting islands bnve tavome per
manent Iv anchored to the bottom of tbe
lakes. They are as noimidic cud as nn
settled in their babits as tbe Arab.
Thev lack what we country people call
stick-to-itiveuess. They nr the con
trariest cusses that ever bapiwned.
Sometimes a mere breath of wind will
send one of them scooting from one end
of the lake to tbe other and again yon
ectilf'ui't bndge that same isluud with
a 100 ton. componnd freight locomotive
and a political pull. Owe thoroughly
domesticated, however, they make ex
cellent weather vanes, for they iuvaria
blv seek the lee shore of tbe lake.
"I recall a pecnliar thing that hap
pened years ago tn the island in Wbito
Oak iMind, near Aldenville. some oiijht
or nine inib-s to tbo north and wept
Ilouesdale. By the way. this ptirtk-Ts!.-ir
island is the largest of tbe lot : so large.
in fact, that the center rises fnlly tea
feet alicve tbe water line. The farmer
owning this island proposed erecting a
summer bouse on the elevation, tnit
was obliged to give it up owing to bis
inability to lay a proper foundation
without driving piles, and to do tbat
would result in nailing the. island to
tbe liottom.
"Well, as I was going to say, this is
land one day eloped with a southwest
zephyr, which promptly deserted as
soon as it bad got its consort into tbe
middle of the lake. There it floated in
sultry summer sun, with no means of
motion in itself and milking time ap
proaching. Presently tbe edge of a lit
tie breeze from tbe northwest struck
tbe wanderer on the port quarter and
things began to look a little brighter.
Unfortunately for tbe island, however,
at about the same moment that the first
cust landed a wind of - equal intensity
came nn from tbe southeast and its
edge caught tbe island on the starboard
bow. In less than a minute these two
contrary winds bad tbat island spi
ning around like a top. Yon may be
lieve this or not, as yon like. I can
show yon the island any time tbat
you'll come up to the old county.
Cbicairo Inter Ocean. ...
The proportion of deaf mutes to the
BODulation is one to every 3,043. In
1851 there was one deaf mute to every
1.738 of the population. Physicians
rkim that this decrease is mainly trace'
ah1 tn sraater knowledge and care in
the treatment of scarlatina in children.
A Svracuse woman was in Boston
some time ago, and she bad occasion to
got a ebeck cashed, being without ready
nmATF nhA nma no xnena who wm
ily available, bat she went to a bank
- . .
and presented ber check. Of course she
was told she would bave to be identi
fied. Tbe cashier of tbe bank suggested
that she might have one of ber cards.
8be took out ber card case, bnt tbe card
abe produced proved to be that of one of j
her friends. This caused ber a great;
deal of sob fusion, but tbe aooomroodat- j
Ing rajahjar suggested that snemtgnt
. w Mantitv bv tha iniriala on her
cardcase. Bnt these, alas, proved So lay
tboasof her motber. Her contusion oon-
tinned to increase until she thought of
the initials on ber handkerchief. Tba
martssd article was produced to ne put
la evidence, bnt wben it was examined
It was found to bear tbe imtaaja of an
other friead. ghe was thwarted la every
direction, bat tbe casbiay was "easy."
Boston cashiers are appaaatstly not as
strict as those in this par of tbe coun
try, for tbis particular oa said Ae
"guessed" that is was all frigs, and bs
cashed tbe check. Conductor tf flim
flam and tatwaaard nisi jissam Ii
rooted to aMfem few a gtwd noJW nf
Aixaox ZnootaauK. On tbo
28th ult at Tjrooe, as ine b.
ths bride's parents, Matthew .1 Al
1ibo and Miss Blanch Zimmerman
The groom is s son of Wm- M. Alh
son, Esq , editor of tbe Jumato Her
aid of Mifflintown, deceased. The
bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
t a )7:Mnan nf Tvrone. Al-
tor a trip to Washington, D. G, the
bride and groom spent sews! days
at the borne or Mrs. t,uen m. am
in this town and then returned to Ty
rone where the young couple wiu ne
?n hnnaa keening. The groom is
capable and industrious in his bust-
new. tbat or a joo punier,
bride is s cheerful. joong woman
elt nnalifiad io make a help mate.
such as tbe good book contemplates
the last and best gift to man snouia
be. We present our congratulations
nrl wiah thm anccess in office ' and
house. . v- -v-
Buckleo's Arnica Salve.
Aant tnr a MnT of Dr. Humph-1
rev's Manual of all diseases and doe
tor vonrself at Home. Bent rree on
request. Humphrey a Medicine Co.,
New York city. . . .
tolca-ic BBVarrram
Are graad, but Skla Emptiest rob life of
u- Bnrklea'a Arnica Halve, cures wem;
alao um. Banning am uw. ,
Boile, Felon, Corns, wsns, vvi, Braanxs
Burns, Scald, Chapped Bands, Chilblains.
Beet File care oa eann. urivaa out rana
Ar.hea. Oa v Zft CIS a DOX. vara
smaraateed. Bold by ST. T. Crawford,
The County Superintendent wil)
hold his annual examination for
Teachers' Provisional Certificates
at tbe following places.
Township. Place.
July 12.
July 13.
July 14.
July 15.
Lack. Cross Keys,
Tuscarora, McCoysville,
Beale, Johnstown,
Spruce Hill, Spruce Hill,
Turbett, 1
Port Royal,! Port Royal, July 17
Susquehanna, Prosperity, July 19
Greenwood, Centre, July 20
Monroe, Richfield, July 21
Favette, McAlisterville, July 22
Delaware, I
Thoinpson'n, )
I East Salem, July 25.
Walker, 1
Fernutnagb, I
Milford, Mifflintown, J'ly 26.
Mifflintown, I
Patterson, I
Special Ex' n, Mifflintown, Aug. 25.
Tbe examinations win begin eacn
day promptly at 8 a. it.
School Directors and friends
education are cordially invited
be present.
Odes C. Uortxeh,
County Sup't
Tbo aosean who Is lovoiy ib face, font
aad temper will aiwaya have (rieads, hat
one who would bo Attractive mast keep her
health. If she is weak, sickly aad all ma
down, she will he Barren t aad irritable.
If aha has eoaaMaanoa ar Btaaay woanta.
her impose Mood will eaaee pimples,
blotches, skm eruptions and s wretched
eompiexloa. Electric Bitters is the host
mediciao ia tbo worM to regulate sfoaaaeB,
liver sad kidaays and to purify the Mood.
It gives strong nerrrs, brigatoyos, smooth,
velvety - skin, rich complexiea. It wil
make a good.lookiag, charming womaa of
a raa.dawa iavaUd. uaiy ov ei ai a. r.
Crawford's drag store.
Wheat 9 60
Corn tn ear.......... .... ..... 40
rata 20 to 30
Bve 15
Clo ereeod $2 to$2.50
Butter 12
Egaa 12
Ham IS
8bouldor. 12
Lard. ........ . ........... Fl
Sides. 7
Timuthv seed $1.40
Paxsoed 0
Bran 70
Chop .'...86c to 90c
Middlings 90
GrooBd 1 In n Bait . 7k
AmertcaaBalt.... ............. 60c
Philidelphu Markets,
July 8J889
meat lie; Corn 38c; Oats 29c;
eggs 14c; sugar 4 to 5c; geese feath
ers 39c; duck feathers 18 to 25cts;
Tallow at 2 to iota, potatoes 65 to
70cts for five-etghth of s bushel bask
eh'Pennsylvania tobacco fillers 8 to
12cts, average Iota 14 to lHots, fine
wradpers 40 to 60cts; timothy hay
$1.10 a hundred pounds; mixed hay
11.05 a hundred pounds; applea at
75cta to 1.25 a bushel; whortle ber
ries 6 to 9o qt: black-berries 5 to 6c;
Coffee Rio 6 to 9c, 8antos 6 to 10o;
Java 20 to 30c; buttsr 16 to 24c; beef
cattle 13.60 to 5cts; bogs $3.40 to
$4.15; sheep $2 to $5; lambs $3.50 to
$5.50; Teal calves $7.00.
For tbe summer of 1899 the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company has
arranged to run two personally con
ducted tours to Canada and North
ern New York.
The first tour leaving July 22, in
dudes Niagara Falls, Toronto, Thou
sond Islands, Rapids of the St Law
rence, Quebec, Lake St John, The
Sagoenay, Montreal, Au Sable Chasm,
j vnampiaine ana weorfje, oar-
. u i8uuuf ui hi uuuvviit
I TT i A A-
: occupying A i aaya. nousa irip rate
The second tour, leaving Aug. 12,
covers the same territory with the
exception ofiLake St John and the
Saguenay, and occupies " 14 days
Bound-trip rate 1W.
Each tour will be in charge of one
of tbe Company s tourist
agents, as-
I "wted by an experienced lady as chap
eron, wboss especial charge will be
lUDeaconea isxues.
Tha rate covers railway and boat
; fare for the entire round trip, parlor
i car seats, meals en route, hotel en
tertainment, traaVafsr eharsss, and
carnage aire.
For detailed Cinerary, tickets, or
any additional infonaation, address
Tourist AfiSbt, PencsrlTania Bail.
road ObmpaMffk 1196 Broadway, New
York; 860 fOoii rtraat, Brofldy.;
789 Broad sitaet, Newark,
fWW. BotiL laaiataaf
Pasaetjrer liebt. Broad? ferwe O
tion, Philadajlphia. -.
V . . i. u-. that letters of
Notice m neyT of Abm
A4n,taWT,i:7 lateTr Beale township,
bam Brubaker, leV""V have been
Juniata coum, a--i in
3SSJ Stfcii Jd estate will pr
Walnut, IHu
J. N. Kki.i.kh, Attorney.
Notlce'ls hereby jen that letters of
. .1. in th estate of Mar-
r . . it latonf irK townsnip.
gwei nim..r rWmeA. have
been granted to tbe undersigned, resid-
ing In saia lowunniM. t ,
Bninat the said estate, win
present the same for pay"0, ...
Sylvester t . Pk ic k.
MeCuiloch Mills, Pa.
Atkinson & Pennem, Attorneys.
r k R-tate of John B. Woodward,
ISrfe of Tuscarora Twp.,
th. inB?rHbmed having leen ap
pointed an Auditor by the Orphans
h r i.,niata emmtv to make ais-
uh.tk. nt th halanfw remaining in
tbe bands of W. P. Bell administrator
.i .... r i.ihn R. Woodward.
Ul UK OTti j I .III
Ute of Tuscarora Twp., deceased, will
sit for the purpose of bis aPPntinent
at his office, in tbe Borough of Mifflin
town, between the hours of 9 o'clock A.
M.. and 4 o'clock P. M., on Thursday,
August 3rd, 1899, at which time and
place. All persons having claims
against the said estate shall present the
same or be forever debarred from
participating in said fund.
July 8, 1899.
Tha following scale of pjicee for ssnonsc
mcBts I-as been mntnailjr agreed upon by
the undersigned, aad ao deviation from
the same will b Btade.
Congress. S20; Senator, tlO; Legiala
ture, S7; Associato Judge Pr thonotary
sad Treasurer, each, $5; Distrxt Attorney,
Coantr Commissioner, BeprseeaUtivo Dot-
ecateand Chairman of Cou ity Committee,
each. $3; Auditor, 91.
Editor Jummta Herald.
Editor Skntiski. ani Kki'Uih.ican
Mr. Editor: Please announce that I
am a candidate for nomination for
Treasurer of Juniata county, subject to
Republican rules and usages.
John K. Eiikknzkm.kk.
Cocolamus, Pa., Jan. 31, 1?!H.
I respectfully announce myself as a
candidate for the nomination for tbe
office of County Treasurer, subject to
the rules and usages of the Republican
party of Juniata. A. H. Kurtz,
I rsMnM-tfullv unnauiim myself as a
candidate for the office of Couiity Treas
urer, subject to the rules ana usages or
the republican party or jontata county
Milford township, March 13, 1899.
I hereby announce myself as m can
didate for tbe office of Couuty Commis
sioner, subject to the true principles of
the Republican party, and will, if nom-
inatea ana eiectea pieage myneir to put
forth every lawful or reasonable effort
to meet tbe urgent needs of the people.
in tne aaNMirameni or tnetr taxeau.
.. . . . M. R. Beamhobk.
I respcctrully announce that I am a
candidate for the nomination for the
office of County Commissioner of Juni
ata county, subject to Republican rules
and usages. w i i-hon u m s.
ThoBipeontown, Pa., March 11th, 1899.
l hereby announce myseir as a can
didate for re-election for the office of
County Commissioner. A board of all
new men labor under a great disadvant
age. I have had tbe experience or one
term and with that I ara satisfied I can
better serve the public interest than
when first elected. The present board
have done well. They kept up repairs
and pata a telling sum or the county
Mifflintown, May 9, 1899.
I respectfully announce tbat 1 am a
candidate for the office of County Com
miseiouer, subject to the rules and us
ages of the Republican party.
Walnut, Juniata Co.. Pa.
May 27, 1890.
I respectfully announce myself as a
candidate for thenomiuation of County
Commissioner subject to the rules of
tbe Republican party.
Van Dyke, Juniata county. Pa.
Mr. Editor : Please announce that
I am a candidate for the office of Pro-
thonotary of Juniata County, subject to
the rules and regulations of the Repub
lican party of Juniata.
SllLliS K.. JHJUKiN.
Academia. Pa. Afarch 1.5 1899.
district attorney.
f twnhv ennnnniw mi1 self aa a eandi-
date for the office of District Attorney,
subject to the rules and usages of the
Republican party.
April 1st, 1899.
I hereby announce myself as a candi
date for the office of County Auditor.
At a former primary election for a nom
ination I was honored by the receipt of
every vote' polled in thedistrict in which
I live. W. . KRISTER,
Dimmsville, Juniata Co., Pa.
Please announce David K. Ulrich of
Monroe township as s candidate for
County Auditor, subject to tbe rules and
usages of the Republican party.
July 8, 1899.
Afr. Editors Please announce the
name of Eli Farleman, Mexico, Walk
er township, for Delegate to State Con
vention, subject to itepubucan rules
and usages. Delaware.
I respectfully announce that I am a
candidate for the office of Protnonotary
of Juniata county, subject to the rules
and nsages or the Republican party.
H. C. MoCi.em.an,
Mifflintown, Pa., April 24, 1899.
I hereby announce myseir as a can
didate for the office of County Chair
man of the Republican County Com
Wtm, L. Hoopks.
Subscribe for tbe Juniata Hekti
HEf.AKDRKPDBi.rcAN, tbe best paper
In tbe county.
Dr. King's New Discovery.
ffONOERFUL are the cons by
V of Hood's eiarsaparilla, and yet tbsj
sre sbnple and natural. Hood's SafTaV
tfV. . V(fVT Orf2 I
of I pmi ''tJJsaMalkWHay.
7Tc crie sure cure for J
. : aUfruvTOvrHi pa.
dsacsef wms a. "'-7 im -
Bridge street.
rrw-ColleetlBg sad Ooavoyaayam, "
lysttaaded te.
Attomey-at-Ia-W' .
sscllectionsandail legal busi
ness promptly attended to.
NMXUwfoss, as. wawm Maawoaa
K. D. M. CKAWrUBS ow .
hlfafoeiaedaiavrtBerrtilpfor the Praetlre
.rwlrlM and their eoBattstml Btancar-.
Offlee at old stand, corner of Third aaa iov
sngoatroota,sllmtowB,Ps. Oaov ".
mi Tw- ha at their ofBea at au
natss. unless etherwise profe-ionslly ea
April let, 18U6.
a.frrirAL DEHTIiT
.r tha Philadelnhia Dental
n.ii na. at old established lo
eation, Bridge Street, opposite
n fifllintoan. Pa.
IfOUViCV. www
Crown sad linage wore.,
Psisless Extraction.
All work guaranteed.
flnhMlule in Effect May -si,
in Effect
Way Passenger, leaves Philadelphia
at 4 30 a. ni; Hamsourg o ' "
nnncannon 8 35 a. m: New Port 9 0?
a m- Millerstown 9 lo a, m: Durwonl
o'ni m: ThnmDsontown 9 26 a. m;
r.n rt-k a aa a. m: 'mscaroni v .
. a OA
m; Mexico 9 40 a. m; Port Royal 9 44 a.
m- Mifflin a.in a. m: Den holm 9 5 a.
m: Lewistown 10 IS a. m; McVeytown
in qs m- Watnn Hamilton 11 00 a.
m; Mount Union 11 08 a. m; HunUng
don 11 32 p. m; Tyrone 12 20 p. m; Al
toona l wi p. m: i iiiNiurn " r-
Mail kavai fmiaaeiniua ai .
TT.rridairs- at 11 48 a. m: Mifflin 1 11
p. m; Iewistown 1 30 p. ro; Hunting-
uon Z Z p. Hi; i vninc i i- p.
tii St AH n m: PittHburtT 8 40 P. m.
AHiwn Aivvtmmoaaiioii ievcn nai-
. , -. u.
risburg at h 00 p. m; Duncannon o 4
n. m: Xewnort 6 02 P. m; jHiliemown
6 11 p. m; Thompsontown si p. m
Tuaramn fi :i0 o. m: Mexico P- m
Port Royal R p. m: 3iimin o t p. iu
Deiiholm 6 49 d. m: Lewistown t 07 p.
m; Wcveyiown i aw p. iu; rnoium
Hamilton 7 5U n.m tiuniinguon o w
n. m: Tyrone 02 n. m; Altoona 9 S3
p. m.
Pacific Kxpres leaves Philadelphia
at 11 'JO n. m: Harnsburil at 00 a. m
Marysville S 14 a. m. Duncannon a va
a. m. Newport 3 52 a m. Port Royal
4 25 a. m. Mifflin 4.30 a. m. Lewistown 1
4 52 a in. Newton Hamilton 5 33 a. m.
Huntingdon 6 03 a. m. Petersburg 6 19
a. m. Tvrone 6 52 a. m. Altoona 7 40 a.
m. Pittsburg 12 10 a. m.
Oyster Express leaves Philadelphia!
at 4 35 p, m. Harrisburg at 10 20 p. m.
Newport 11 Oft p. ni. Mifflin 11 40 p. m.
Lewitttown 11 68 p. m.; Huntingdon 12
55 a. in. Tyrone 1 32 a. m. Altoona 2 00
a. m. Pittsburg 5 SO a. m.
Fast Line leaves Philadelphia at 12
25 p. ni. Harrisburg 3 45 p. m. Duncan
non 4 10 p. m. Newport 4 30 p. ru. Mif
flin 5 02 p. m. Lewistown 5 22 p. m.
Mount Union 6 03 p. m. Huntingdon
6. 22 p. m. Tyrone 6 59 p. m. Altoona
7 35 p. m. Pittsburg 11 30 p. m.
Altoona Accommodation leaves Al
toona at 4 40 a. m. Tyrone 5 01 a. m.
Petersburg 5 25 a. m. Huntingdon 5 37
a. in. Newton Hamilton 6 01 a. m. Mc
Veytown 6 17 a. m. Lewistown 6 38 a.
m. Mifflin 6 58 a. m. Port Royal 7 02 a.
m. Thompsontown 7 17 a. m. Millers
town 7 26 a. m. Newport 7 35 a. m.
Duncannon 8 00 a. m. Harrisburg 8 32
a. m.
Sea Shore leaves Pittsburg at 2 50 a.
m. Altoona 7 15 a. m. Tyrone 7 48 a. m.
Huntingdon 8 30 a. m. McVeytown 9 15
a. ni. Lewistown 9 35 a. m. Mifflin 955
a. ni. Port Royal 9 59 a. m. Thompson
town 10 14 a. m. Milleratowu 10 22 a.
m. Newport 1132 a. ni. Duncauimu 10
54 a. ni. Marysville 11 07 a. m. Harris
burg 11 25 a. m. Philadelphia 3 00 p. m.
Main Line Express leaves Pittsburg
at 8 00 a. m. Altoona 11 40 a. m. Tyrone
12 03 p. m. Huntingdon 12 35 p. m.
Lewixtowii 1 33 p. m. Mifflin 1 50 p m.
Harrisburg 3 10 p. m. Baltimore 0 00 p.
ra. Washington 7 15 p. ni. Philadelphia
6 23 p. m.
ail leaves Altoona at 2 05 p. m. Ty
rone 2.15 j). m. Huntingdon 3 17 p. n.
Newton Hamilton 3 47 p. m. McVey
town 4 20 p. m. lewistown 4 33 p. m.
Mifflin 4 55 p. ni. Port Royal 5 00 p. m.
Mexico 5 20 p. m. Thompsontown 5 18
rra. Millerstown 5 28 p. m. Newport
39 p. m. Duiicamion t) 08 p. in. Har
risburg 6 45 p. m.
Mail ExpreMi leaves Pittxburgat 12 45
p. m. Altoona 5 50 p. in. Tyrone 8 20
p. m. Huntingdon 7 00 p. m. McVey
town 7 44 p. m. Lewistown 8 06 p. m.
Mifflin 8 26 p. m. Port Royal 8 31 p. m.
lllerstown 8 5 p. m. Newport 9 05 p.
m. Duncaunon 9 29 p. m. Harrisbunr
10 00 p m.
Philadelphia Express leave Pitts
burg at 4 SO p. m. Altoona 9 05 o. m.
Tyrone 9 S3 p. m. Huntingdon 10 12 pf
m. Mount Union 10 32 p. m. Lewis
town 11 16 p. m. Jfifflin 11 87 p.m. Har
risburg 1 00 a. aa. Philadelphia 4 30.
At lewistown Junction. For Kun-
bury 7 50 a. m. and 3 40 d. m. week
For Jfilroy 7 55, 11 45 a. m. and 3 00
p. m week-days.
At Tyrone. For Clearfield and t'ur-
weiisville 8 20 a. m. 3 20 and 7 20 p. m.
r-or Itenefonte and Lock Haven 8 1
a. m. 12 30 and 7 lo p. m- week-days.
For further information annlv to
Ticket Agents, or Thomas K. Watt.
Passenger Agent, Western Division,
Corner Fifth Avenue and Smithfield
Street, Pittsburg.
General Man'g'r. General Paas'r. Agt.
wn isr tux woaui.
"--T ""--nrii lem imul, aeeaS
smlaetlaa two bea of asjretr brna. Was
afSHtod hr heal UTtiCT tU Si EB VMuS
yon nur. bt tim.kb8 nrmmjuxT. sy
Ceeawmra Ac.
aaveaa eeaSlac a etetdi ea Seeotetlna aa
aaireeettaia ear oetaloa few whether aa
jaTeMhMefihehlTaalelile. Comataalav
M trim, nllirf -
Fateete takea TtrriaairVaaai a
The only full line
Sumiiier clbthingin
the county:
Crash Suits
to 4.00.
3.50 to 5.00.
Alpaca Coats.--Children's Crash
Bicycle Suits. rantaloons, &c
Crash and Straw Hats.
Go where you can get what you
want and at reasonable prices.
Curtis' Co!lnrs.-AII StjJes-lOctfc
and House-Furnishing
, dnll here -MTer
Thing, are 'ZZZri ahoDrers are quick to
U.ai aa akajrTtni WeiOOUO 1U wuooav.-. . bs
to fsTor of the tfrest Val.es to bs found in our new
.Neat. Stylish,
toy Loaned at Lovest B&tei
March 5, 1898.
Juniata Valley
National Bank.
o -
GMtal .... $60,000.
T.V.IRWIN, Cashier.
Louis E. Atkinson. W. C. Pomeror.
John Hertler. J. L. Bartoa.
H. J. ShellenljerRer. W. N. Sterreti.
T. Van Irwin.
Interest allowed on time deposrta at
tbe rate of tbree per cent per annua.
January 11, 18M.
Tha Sa)Set Hood's
tbe vnrld
. .
stupid. The foil life of the .tote aV
A Spooiallj &'lajtei S tja-lc of
Ranges, Cook, Parlor sad Skel
Hsrse Hotet and Lap Rotws.
LAMPS, largeaod small.
Cone ia sndlook around. WH
make yen feel at home.
We have the largest Stock v
Store tn the eoooty.
Get a rood paper hj satacnhisf
8ssrissa abb RarcaijoaB.
isr Ike
-7ris Dr. Humphrey' famous
Specific for tbe cure of Grip en
Colds, and the prevention! PDeumo
nia. All druggists, 25c.
Subscribe for tbe SorrffU.
RErtrmJcAM, a paper tbat contsiM
choice reading matter, full if inform
tion tbat does tbe reader f?ooi, and
in addition t that all local nevstbtt
are worth publishing find places
its columiis. "
No. 1 Cure Fever.
Ma 2 " Worms.
No. 3 " Infants' Diseases.
No. A, " Dierrhea.
No. 7 Coughs.
No. 8 Cwres Neuralgia.
Nov 9 - Headache.
No. IO " Dyspepsia.
Nov II - Delayed Periods.
No. T2 Leucorrhea.
No. 13 Cures Croup.
No. 14 " -Skin Disease
No.- 13 " Rheumatism.
No. 16 " Malaria.
No. 10 " Catarrh.
No. 20 Cures Whooping Couflb
No. 21 " Asthma.
No. 24 "
No. 20
No. 27 "
No. 28 Cur.
No. 30 '
No. 32 "
No. 34
General Zw
Kidney Disease
Nervous Debrlit.
Urinary Diseas
Heart Disease.
Sore Throat.
' Colds and Crip-
No. 77
Da. HratraBBis' HoMBorATBin U
or DnsASBs Hui.ed Fs?b.
Small hotttoe of pfaaaant velleU. J Je J
Pocket. Sold brdrasviele.i)r cent BteeeMjr
reeetBt of prtoe, ceate, except Sot. '4.
are made ti ns ,M ntilr. Hmmph'T'
ahjs Compaur. Ill WllUam St.. Sew orfc
"the wtE onmUHT.9
ntaaVssoTa. T'liktT1"'