SENTINEL & HE PUBLICAN MIFFLTNTOWN. PA. MTPKrPDAT, n JiE 2818W. iKRMS. Scbscriptiox f 1.00 per year if paid la advance 1.60 if not paid In ad vance. Transient advertising and' local noth'es 8 cents a line. Deductions will be made to those de siring to advertise by the year, half or quarter year. S lORT LOCJtLS. The Lay crop ia light The Filipinos war poes on. General Miles ia to ea to lUnil. i ue rounn oi jmv next Tuesday Lewistown will celebrate the 4th of July. Ttie stores in town will be closed en the 4th of July. Ten thousand more aoldiera are to be sent to Manilla The price of wheat and corn has an upward tendency. ty The cheiry crop in Jn.iiata county is to large to handle. It is a Christian virtue to be with out envy and jealousy. Wheat seeius te bn wfll filled, but wait for the threshers' return. Mrs. Flora Eddy of near York ia the guest of Mrs. Ellen Allison. The Newport furnace ia to be -pnt in blast abont the middle of Jaly. Miss Mabel Book of ITarrisbarg is the guest of Mrs. W. H. Manbeck.. A dry summer is predicted from this out, and a cold winter coming. There win mire hail in the vicini ty of Van Wert than at Mifflintowa. There was not much hail in thia county west of the river on Saturday. It is said old peach orchard ground makf-B first rate corn ground for one crop. The Juniata Valley news pa tiara tak a vacition durin? 4th of July week. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Shaver spent Saturday and Sunday in Mount Union. " ; - rs. Ezra Doty spent several days of last week with her parents in Lew istown. Herman Ernest and wife of Har risbnrer are visiting hi father John Earnest. Mr. Stewart Maueor and wife of Some Hill, were in Mifllintown part of Monday. General Miles in asrain vindicated bv embalmed beef being discovered in Pittsburg. Mr. and Mm Lewis Sandoe of Washington, D. C , are viaitfng Mr. Anthony Sandoe. Rev. Mr. Landis a missionary from Brazil, preached in tbe Presbyterian clmrchjMi grinds v. t . S. Robert McMeen, Esq.. and John J. Patterson . Esq., went to Phila delphia on Monday. McKinley stock for the next re publican nomination runs high in tbe Presidential market. Governor Stone and Congressman Wahon were on a fishing excursion last week several days. Wheat cutting in now going on. A number of farmers are almost through cutting wheat. A party of voune folks with Mrs. Srensnn as chaperon picnicked at Macedonia on Satnrday. Tho familv of Mr. E. S. Parker -of Washington have come to Juniata to pass the summer vacation. Mi'eq Minnie Straver left Friday niffht, to visit ber sister Mrs. C. P. Stone in Wasbin?ton, D. C. There is a lull in the business of northern cities that will be continued till the middle of September. V Mrs. Will Dryer, and JWiss Nellie Smith of Lewistown rode to Mifflin on Thursday on their wheels. The longest day has passed and the earth begins to swing back into the track that leads to winter. If one desires to believe more in the faith cure than pills why shonld he not be allowed te exercise his be lief. Edgar Bnrchfield and Miss Belle Rothrock drove to Mifflin Co , Friday, and spent several days with relatives there.. Mrs. Lawrence Warner andthree children of Harrisbure are visiting at the home of James Horning on 8ixth street. ; The hail at Carbondale, Pa., on Saturday, was ns large an hen eggs Barns were struck by lightning and burned. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kelly of Barnsborongh, are visiting Mrs Kelly's parents Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Pannabakrr. Mrs. G. W. Wilson. Mrs. Alex. Melov. Mrs. E E. McAfeen and Mrs. W. H. McNitt, spent Wednesday last in Lewistown. Mrs. John Larner and children, and Miss Belle Parker of Washing ton, came Thursday to spend the summer at Bellard Farm. Last Friday Misses Gertrude and Lottie Sobotfc returned from New F.ngland Conservatory where Miss Gertrnde graduated in elocution. Mrs. Clyde H. Bixler, little daugh- father Julias Derr, left Friday night 1- 1 - 1 1 - L T unlla o join ner Dusoana at Ajcu"t Col. Tbe lightning at Bloomsburg, Pa., on Saturday, destroyed tbe tele- Phone lines and scared people m me telephone offices so that they ran out into tbe streets in the hail and rain. Wandering Willie. "What's this trust they're talking about." Second Tramp. "Dnnno. Gusss they're jawing about tbe money tbey loaned to each other and niver paia lHCk." A telenhonM i;n C . , r wV ns imjur run through Snyder county to connect with the telephone line in Juniata county at Richfield. Misses Gertiude and Louisa Jack nin nf lh rumn. a ... . . an, uu negisier, attended the exension of the State awciauonio Washington, t iasi weet. fUlinamui... a j . 1 --B---, oujuor county people were alarmed one evening recently whan hail three inches in diameter fell. Crona h. j . ' "wwf mm wiii Karaen plants were out by the hail. In Lycoming county the hail storm Was dentrnofiwo n t..i ...... M UHUVUOI three inches of hail feU, catting crops to pieces. The hail broke aU shut terlers window glasses on the wind ward side. A Lewisborg man had a son-in-law who kept late hours at a club. The rather-in -law one night went to the club, called out his son-in-law and gave him a mmniiii v...i..- i took him home. "u ClothlllaT MAPAriAnf -.r - D n ACau aUOTIMll handsome young New Foundland fup iu m oaa speii last Saturday and sprang upon John Trego, who "WMiuojon a cnair in front of Meyers' bnaineaa ) Tk. J u:t Iregos face. Cut Canada thUtla n ih.i : .i not bloom and seed. The road su pervisors can do it and have property holders pay for the work, if property holders on whose land the Canada thistle grows neglect the cutting of a-? urn, woeti. - J Dt UBUIOU James Fntz, lost a foot in the attemnt to board a freight tram f Pn4 Tn. al, last Satnrday. The boy was Drought to bis home in Patterson where surgical attention was render ed by Dr. Crawford. Pennla in nnlnn 1.-. p.v.u w huo till' uu Lit 1U should take snake-bite medicine with tuna, nowever there are few peo ple bitten bv anl-M vo. a- ;n this part of the world. The rattle- BuaKe is one of tbe most poisonous snakes in the world. Media, Pa. lawyers had a lengthy discussion one day hut week on the question "of the type-writer in court." The contention in court was that the noise of the machine annoyed the complainant so mnch that he could not conduct his cases properly. The Chicago beef embalmers have been enlarged upon by Philadelphia milk men who have been putting the embalming stuff in milk. If it had not been for General Milfg, who would know of the embalming stuff used with such dangerous effects? The Juniata rtoople who were in vectors in the Wilkesbarre traction railroad enterprise, having sold their interests in that concern were in Philadelphia the beginning of this week getting the cash. They receiv. ed about eight dollars on every dol lar invested. The canning of fish is a large in dustry st Rivers Inlet and Skeena, British Columbia. -The canneries employ many Indians. At this time twenty-nve Hundred Indians nave gone on a strike. The Indians want lOcte a-fiah The cannera aav thev . cannot pay more than Sets a fish. In Jacksonville, Florida, the town council has issued an order forbid ding tbe wearing of Mother Hnbbard dresses on tbe street. Persons who fail to heed tbe notices that the town copncil have posted in the town are to be sent to tbe police station on the charge of "disorderly conduct." Tbe largest, hail fell at this place on the evening of the 24th of June. On the evening al the 23rd of June tbe hail storm at Selinsgrove prevailed. At that place tbe hail fell thicker than here. There the width of the hail belt was about two miles. Ev erything in the vegetable line was destroyed. The farmer now bas his inning, harvesting bis crops, and the mer chant has his dull days Six months after this when the farmer is in tbe enjoyment of bis labors, when be has little te do excepting te attend to his live stack in bis stables and between times toast himself behind the stove, then tbe store keeaer ond other busi ness men are the busiest wrestling with their affairs. Dr. Wra. Banks waa summoned by telephone one day last week to Van Wert te eive surgical attention to Hon. Latimer Wilson, who bad a ley broken between the ankle and knee joint. He was having a stump taken out of one of his fields on bis farm bv horse machinery. The lever that ahorse pulled slipped. The horse fell on Mr. Wilson's leg with the re snlt mentioned. Th medicine doctors are after tbe Christian Science or faith doctors in it turti nf t ha nountrv. When a rhriatiitn KmarAA TtRtient aies WD - . .. i a? 1L. doctors say the patient died for want of medical" attention, but when one who has been dosed wih medicine from the first hour of their illness i;ii the lunt hour dies the doctors say the disease took tbe life of tne pa tient, and thereby hangs a taie. T.awAft-irml Sill 11 Sftmnel A. Her rold's suit against the township of Perry, to recover damages ior iu death of bis son, Adam, who was al most insiantly tolled wnn wu ;a erraun? a defective uuwa w . m 1 1 hMna bridge on a steam inresoer. Sbadle. last August, was aeciaeu last Saturday. The case went on trial. Tuesday the sixth, and contin ued until Saturday, when tbe jury returned a verdict awarding Mr. Herrold $492.33. It was a long i nr i hiinnrea wiiDrawn being Bubpoened, the majority of whom were called npon to testify, re sulting in a cost to the township of more than a thousand aeuara. TURPENTINE DESTROYS MOTH. Turpentine is the enemy of Buffa and other in sects that injure and destroy carpets. ... . . i l: lth nnm watr MIX me luruuu" r-- : il. .Mnnrtinii nf three table spoon c.i.. in ti,rai miarta of water, and then, after the carpet has been well swept, go over eacn wnn""' linnAal in tu0 solti wiring nAsrlT drr. iiaoffe M.'U bum sa, -r tbe water as often as it becomes dir ty. Tbe carpet wiU be meaiy vunu- ed as well at disinfected. All moths ean be kept away and the eggs des troyed by this means. Bncklen's Arnica Salve. . I The political boiler will soon lie gin to bubble. '''The Conit Offices will be closed on the 4th of Jnly. Miss Annie Will is visiting friends in Middletown, Pa. Tnscarora Valley farmers began cutting wheat on the 23rd of June. Dr. King's New Life Pills. Samuel St oner is home on a short vacation from legal laltore in Al to ma. The thermometer on Friday and Saturday circulated among the nineties. ' Tbe celebrated Concord grape is a cross between the Isabella and the wild grape. Dr. King's New Life Pills. Misses Maggie and Annie East onof Reading, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Hess. Ho! for the unveiling of Rey nolds' monument at Gettysburg on the 1st of July. David Sulonff cut a field of wheat on the west side of Patterson on the 23rd of June. The storm of Saturday evening knocked down nearly all the wheat and made the wheat cutting diffi cult. Dr. King's New Discovery. Dr. Lucian Ilauks and J. H Neely, Esq., went to Atlantic City on Saturday "for a dip in old ocean." Wantkh. Laborers and ship pers. Good wages. Apply to Hell wood Manufacturing Co.," Bell wood, Pa. The Directors of the Mint esti- mate the production of gold in the United States within the nast vear at ffi."i, 782,677. 1 . F. Castle of DiminHville. Jnn- lata county, has purchased the county, has purchased the store business of John R. Adams in Bloomficld, Perry Co. Dr. King's New Discovery The Misses Annie and Isaliella Schweyer have returned from Lew- isburg where Miss Isalella has been & student in the University. Mr. Sidney Lewis and wife of Philadelphia are visiting the fami ly of Mr. James McCanley. Mrs Lewis is a daughter of Mr. McCan lev. The Dreyfus case in Fram-e is now declared by many people to have leen a conspiracy to get Drey fus out of the French army because he is a Jew The Bloom field Times remarks: 'If the electric lights don't do bet- ter, parties will have to keep np the coal oil lights to know when . the electric light is on." Dr. King's New Discovery, county npt uortner was one oi the judge of the inter-society de-, bate of Bloomsburg Normal School : last Satnrday evening Miss E. , Blanche Fry of Mexico took first prize. : Railroad travel was stopped hour opposite Selinsgrove, Pa., Saturday bv the accumulation nn , Qf three feet of hail on the track, j The hail had to be shoveled off the , track. ine territory captured irom ine riupinos woiiiu scanvi.v ii i 1 more than a pasture paten tor tne live stock of a large land-holding ranchman in the United States. Send r0,000 troops and close the war. An aDDaratiis in London has been inv nted that takes pictures ot the insme oi one s stomacu. The apparatus is attached to a stomach pump, ine pnorograpns of the stomachs pre enlarged toany size desired Dr. King's New L ifePills. Mr. Jacob fctka is assisted oy nis son Burke in plastering ex-sheriff Ijondon's house. Contractor Jos eph Brindle and son and Geo-ge Brindle with a nnmherof handsare doing the carpenter work. Mr. Wm. Hawk and brother Henry are doing the mason work. If the Cleveland administration bad had tbe Spanish war to deal with what would the state of the finance of the country now be. President Cleveland as a man had many mimlier one qualities, bnt for matters of government finance he was an inefficient ruler. " Bncklen's Arnica Salve. Miss Anna Smith of Altoona lost her handsome bat in a singular way while on a visit to Hazleton, Pa. A spark from a locomotive dropped on the hat and set it afire in less time than yon can read of it. The hat was consumed by the fire and Miss Smith came near being part of the conflagration. Dr. King's New Discovery. Formaldehyde bas been found in Philadelphia milk. The stuff is said to be one of the ingredients put in tbe meat .sent to Santiago last summer. It was put in the milk to keep it from getting sour. It is said to be a poisonous ingred ient. Chemists say it so "acts upon the particles of milk that they can not be digested in the stomach. A man in Lycoming county in Cascade township, put a six months old dog iu his chicken yard to keep foxes away. The foxes came and coaxed the pup with them. The pup has been seen a number of times running with the foxes. The owner of the dog is madder at the pup than the foxes. - The pup was r.ised to a better life than stealing chickens and running wild in the woods. It was an unlucky game of base wall that n-aa Til - vv? at Newcastle. 1 kMX. i l"" ' ' -' X J r I Delaware, last Saturday. Tte bat slipped ont of the hands of the bat ter, nit a colored man on the Head and cracked bis sknll, rebounded and hit another man of the club on his head cutting a gash three Inches long. The pitcher of the team was hit in the bieast by a ball and ser iously hnrt. Dr. King's New Life Pills. Altoona Tribune, June 24.-- Judge Lyons has filed a decree, set ting aside the Orphans' Conrt sale of the S. H. Lemon real estate at the Summit on the Cambria coun ty boundary line . on the ground that there were no bidders or by standers present at tbe sale, except the trnstee, who was the only bid der. Miss Minnie Sizer. daughter of Mr. William Sizer living in Fay ette township, north of Oakland, was the victim of a Itolt of light ning last Saturday afternoon. Miss Sizer was standing in the open door-way when a bolt of lightning came down a pear tree in the yard not far from the door. The tree was split and fell to the ground. Tbe lightning struck Miss Sizer on the side of the head above the ears and killed her The ocenrrenee was a great shock to the fa nily, and g eat sympathy is expressed for them in their affliction. Dr. King's New Discovery. John Musser of Fayette township,- stopped his team of two horses with a third horse tied to right side of team on Bridge street, on Tuesday, and went into a store. While be was away something started tbe team. The animals ran up Itridge street. Charles Adams stepped into the street from the corner of the Jacobs House and tint angled the horses to the left isiue oi uie street so far tnar when tney passed the fountain the wag on struck the fountain Itasin, but at such an angle that the wagon reboiindel toward the street side. Tne P f the fountain was knock- i " 'y me jar, but no serious damage was done. The recoil of tha dkllf iot r.4 flia U'anvMi vtfli 4t a i ,kv the time tw t th. posts and trees and horses tied at the side of the pavement, the run aways had the scare knocked out of them and stopped, which as satis factory to Mr.Mnsserandthe many spectators that had come from all directions to see what was to be seen. There lieing no damage Mr. Musser resumed his journey home ward as if nothing had taken place, which cannot always be done after a rnn away. Bncklen's Arnica Salve. Senator Hertzler bas engiiged in the cultivation of the bee. The other day there was a swarm unex pectedly. When the swarm took place the Senator's brother mer chant John G. nertzler had his family horse tied to thefencealong the alley atthe rear of the lot. The swarm of bees located on the head and back of that gentle animal. It was more than . the animal could patiently endure, and its nibbing .and stamping excited the bees and they ltegan to sting the animal, Douglass McLain succeeded in cut- ting the halter strap, and then tame the task of getting free of tbe itees which was a job th-t requir the liee was not equal to the sting of a Mauser bullet, bnt the com bined nu in and sting of that swarm seemed to be as r sky a thins; to face as a Filipinos entrenchment. The Senator and bis brother tl U1rehaiit w Mnai tn the ; sion and siH-ceedel in brushing off tnc tew aud getting the beast in thestnble. A doctor was called for the horse and at last reports he was still on tha sod and the Hertz ier orotners nad also gotten over . the:lee stings and were again in good health. The Bloomfield Advdcate of the 21gt relates as follows: John P. Steele. Esq., of Duncannon. last elnesday in crossing Love nioun tain, with a horse and buggy, had an experience he will not soon for get. His horse suddenly stopped , j . ... . ,. ...r . looking for the cause of the trouble, .Mr. ateele liscoverela large black snake lying across tbe road. He i struck it with his whip, when the snake started after him; he seized I a stone, but so rapidly did the ser pent louow mm, tnat ne nau no 1 : i. l .. i time iu lunm uwiufticij. io nizing that he must disable the snake or probably he would be killed in his despair he seized club and then endued a fierce lmt tie, Mr. Steele endeavoring to dis able tbe snake and the latter ad vancing warily and trying to en twine alsnit him. A well-directed stroke finally stunned the varmint and liefore it could recover he sue ceeded in killing" it. The snake was fully eight feet long, and as thick as a man's arm. Mr. Steele cut open tue reptile and discover ed that it had lately swallowed large squirrel. Those familiar with the habits of snakes say, that if the snake had not ' een practically dor mant after its meal of squirrel Mr Steele would have hardly escaped its possibly fatal coils THI ONLY True Blood Purifier prominently in the pnblie eye to day is Hood's Sarsaparilla. Therefore get Hood's and ONLY HOOD'S. MARRIED: Howkk (iwK'E. Ou the 2th inst., by Justice of the Peace J Frank Patterson, David C. Hower of Johnstown, Juniata t o., and Blanche J. Oroce of McAlister ville, Juniata Co. MJRRUGE LWES1ES OkJSTH D. Granted, June 20. Benjamin Treeo of Fayette township, Jun i ata county and Carrie Hartley of Snvder Co., Pa. Granted, June 21. Samuel Fortney and Emma Clark, both of -w . -was. OT a. X Klair R mhis, nnnxinguou v., xro. upon application of T. H. Caruih ere, justice or tne feace Any taforaiatioa that tells hew sickness amd missis earn be overcome is the meat weloome news a paper caa print Although this ia aa advertisement, it aoatains facts of more vital importance than anything else in this newspaper. It tells of a medicine known forever thirty years as Dr. Dmrid Kenmtdy Fmrorite Memmmjr. It ia a medicine that purifies the Bleed, aad rea totes the Kidneys, Bladder aad Urinary Organ to vigor and strength. Its principal ingredient ia not alcohol. It does not rain men's and women's lives by ceasing intexicatioa fostering th appetite fee strong drink. Fmrorite Memedy cools and purines the blood. It is not like the many " bitters,' pounds aad "tonics." now so widely sold, which heat and inflame the bleed, doing more injury than good. Pa verif e Remedy cures troubles of women just as certainly aa it cures troubles of men. It restores the Liver to a healthy condition, and cures the went cases of Constipation. It cures Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, all Kidney, Bladder and Urinary Diseases, Gravel, Diabetes and Blight's Disease. " My complaint was Stone in the Bladder. Physicians said my case was hopeless, but Dr. Kennedy e Fmrorite Remedy cured me." D. H. Hoag, Lebanon Springs, N. Y. bold in all drug stores for Bi.oo a bottle. One teaspoonf ul is a dose, and you will experi ence relief long before first bottle is sc:t c:.i.e rrcciEdreoa with any of the ailments mentioned above is offered a chance to trv Fmrorite Rem, without any cost whatever. Send your uuwb wionss 10 ine ui. f avid Kennedy vonroa ation, Rondout, N. Y., and a free sample will be sent vou. Please sav vou saw the advertisement ia this paper, so we may know your request Schott's GRKiT OPENING OF SUMMER GOODS OUItIN- TUTS MONTH. Arrival of Summer Dress Goods which were boneht before and are now delivered. We bought tbe goods at right prices Beantifnl Scotch Lawns, daintv 4ete. Dainty fine Organdies in Fancy jnst the thing for a eool drees or waists Piqneas and Welt Goods in Plain dressy for a skirt or Shirt Waists at lOo Wbite Goods snd ess broideries. mer GarstcnU, worth i bore than we are asking, bnt we bought this below present market prices and we give you tbe benefit of our bargains. - Our reits aad waists, skirts snd in styles snd are sold at very low prices. Laee curtains at 45c and 50s a nair. and the finest Nottingham and Irish Paint Curtains for less money than 8triped Carpets for 121c and 21c: selections of Irerainr. Tapestry. Brnssel pet at Wholesale Priees. Felt Sbsdes with Spring Rollers lers snd Fringes 2 sbsdes for 25e, oil .1 m tin ,, . ... on loen ior a lew roils 01 mailing Great selection of Sboes for Summer anywhere, without exception. Lancaster and Amos Kesg Ginghams at 5ots a yard. 103 TO 109 BRIDGE STREET. 1866, ESTABLISHED. 1890. Special Invitation To attend the Attractive Sale from THE IMMENSE STOCK OF D. W. HAHLEY. It will be TO THE ADVANTAGE OF ALL BUYERS Who have money to invest to MEN,, BOYS AND CHILDREN It is truly marvelous to See THE BEAUTIFUI STYLES of Suits and Overcoats at the Wonderfully Low Prices. His prices leave all Competitors in the rear, so don't ful to give him a call if in need of Clothing. D. W. HARLEY MIFFLINTOWN J?A. Ji taken. full post- is genuine. Stores. to produce quick buying. and ehoiee natterna h;h An't t.A. . Figures, f anev strioes and nlam mlm. at 8ie, lOo, 12io and 15e. aed Fsnov Figures. &e. Niae aad and 15o. Linen and Cotton Goods for enol .nm. wraoDers. read to dress sre all nerfoai - import priees. fine Icerain Carnet at 25e. and finest snd Velvet and fine A Ym.ff.atA sssw at 10c. Felt Shades with Sarins- Rol sbsdes plain 25c: oil sbsdes with Fringe . a SI iZfe. Wear, none better and none oheaner To Hie Publir of Clothing that goes on daily examine the Stock of Goods for New Stock ot GENT8 FURNISHING GOODS, fHATS, F(JRNIT0BJK LASSVyARE, QFJEENSWARE,AT Meyers' Big Stores, 0 () () () () () 0 0 0 Men's and Boy's New Spring Suite, These Men's suits are strictly all wool and we have tbem in all sizes and we bave tbem in single and double breasted at $i C2. Now men fall into line and secure one of these Fine Imported Dress Soita, in all shades and colors, and made perfect to equal merchant tailor prices. Worth f 18, for only $12 These Frock and Sack 8uits we have tbem in 11 sizes and styles, and we guarantee to give you a pet feet fit at $6.50. Ton can take your pick and fit from 372 fine drew suits, which are made in Sacks and Cutaways, we bave them in eJi shades. Suits worth $12 we sell now at f 8.75. We start tbe Bov'e department from $1 87 to $8.50. The assortment includes hundreds of double snd sinsrle breasted suits. Many of these suits being all wool and they are all in the LATEST SPBINO PATTEBNS in brown, plaids, checks and plain colors. These are all well made trimmed, and run in age from 10 to lit. immense assortment to select from. Our Children's Department. The largest display of Boys' pants in Juniata County, and they are all made of strong ma'crial. The sizes run from 3 to 16. and sell from 18c to 50c. 300 Children's Suits, sizes from 3 to 16, at 90c. 265 splended Vested Suits, at $1.25, would be cheap at tbe regular price of $2. 567 Children's Suits, is Double Breasted aud other styles. Tour choice at $2 38. 375 Children's Suits, this is a grand line strictly, all wool, Double Breasted at $3 88, whiob should be $5. A grand new line of Spring Hats and Caps and Gent For ni shing Goods, of the greatest values ever offered, A car load of Trunks and Satchels at low prices. FURJSIITUKE. Tbemost maivelous showing of up to date Furniture ever attempt ed. Everything new in design, no old stock Nothing but the very bestmskes by tbe best manufacturers with f-uch fnrsightedneas that we offer "Beautiful Furniture" at just one half tbe regular value. We just received and unpacked the grandest design of new and upon-date Fnrnitnre. Our tbree floors are packed to the utmost ex tent for your inspection. A grand selection of Parlor Suits, Uphols tered Bockeis. Conches, Lounges, Sofas, Extension Tables, Hall Racks, Side Boards, Bed Room Suits in numerous styles. Office, Dining Room and Kitchen Chairs, Spring Mattresses, Cots, Cribs and Cradles. In fact everything kept in a first class Furniture store. Ferd Meyers, Tusoarora Valley Railroad. SCHZMTUE IN EFFECT MONDAT, JUNE. 20, 1898. EASTWARD. STATIONS. No.l No.3 DAILY, EXCEPT 8UMDAV. A. II. P. M. Blair's Mills Lv. 7 25 1 45 Waterloo. 7 31 1 51 Leonard's Grove 7 37 1 57 Ross Farm 7 45 2 05 Perulack 7 52 i 12 East Waterford 8 05 2 25 Heckman. 8 17 2 37 Honcv Grove 8 22 2 42 Fort Bigbam 8 30 2 50 Wsrble 8 39 2 59 Pleasant View 8 44 3 04 Seven Pines 8 52 3 12 Spruce Hill 8 55 3 15 Graham's 9 03 3 23 Stewart 9 06 3 26 Freedom 9 09 3 29 Turbett 9 12 3 32 Old Port 9 18 3 38 Port Royal Ar. 3 25 3 45 Trains No. 1 snd 2 connect at Fort Roy si with Way Passe niter snd Seat bore Express on F. B. K., ard Noa. 8 aid 4 with Mail east WESTWARD. STATIONS. g No.2 No.4 DAILY, EXCEPT StJKDAT. g A. X. P. M. Port Koyal 0.010 20 5 05 Old Port 1.3 10 27i5 12 Turbett 2.8 10 335 18 Freedom 3.7jl0 3615 21 Stewart 4-4 10 39 5 24 Graham's. 5.0 lo 42 5 27 Spruce Hill 1 6.3 10 50 5 35 Seven Pines 7.210 53 15 38 Pleasant View 9.0 11 01 5 46 Warble 10.0 11 0fij5 51 Fort Bipbam 12.0 11 15,6 00 Honey Grove 14.011 23'6 08 Heckman 15.1 11 286 13 East Waterford 17.511 40,6 25 Perulack 20.5 11 53 6 38 Boss Farm. 22.012 00 6 45 Leonard's Grove... 24.012 08,6 53 Waterloo 25.512 14 6 59 Blair's Mills..-. ..Ar. 27.012 20,7 05 Trains Noa. 2 snd 8 connect at Blair's Hills with Concord, Doytetborg Dry Rnn, Nossville, N eel; ton, bhado Gap, bbade valley and uoaSora station Stage Linen. J. a MOORHEAD, Smjtert nim imt. T. S. MOORHEAD, PruUtnt. mm K.rin. 'it WW - "' i fill free to any aJ t -i- ' mUmIi .l.n r.1 .1. i ineaHciM free f clutru. TMji rrmedrha hm juiwM tfy th ht---ur Koenls. off Fert wyn, Ind. fringe t.'v -i .uow pceffjid amlr aia dinetton br the KOCNIO MED. CO.. Chicago, It? trr Pi usail Mat vmr Bottte. efr-l (rceaiaakl.TSk aBottlenftjr m art again proved by its ODXSg. wtfJi other preparations failed, Oa t u (to One Tree BLOOC Prrr Spring Clothing 115 and 117, Bridge Street. RAILROAD TIME TABLE. JERRY COPNTT RAILROAD. The following schedule went Into effect Not. 16, 1896, sad the trains will be ran as follows: p. m 4 80 4 86 4 89 8 41 415 4 41 4 51 4 4 4 ftfi 4 69 a. m 900 0V6 9C9 9 11 9 14 9 15 9 19 9 22 9 21 9 2T Lesre Arrive a. tn p. M Dnncsnnon 7 64 - 2 2a 2 2 'Sulphur Spring 7 46 Cornun Sidia? 7 44 2ft 8 18 2 IS 2 1 208 2 06 sot 200 141 1 86 181 1 28 1 26 120 1 18 1 IS 260 Montebello Psrk 7 41 Weaver 7 40 R.!d? 7 Sfl Hofl'ran 7 aa Hoyer 7 Mhaiiiv 7 ' 6 10 10 43 6 16 3 49 Bloonili. Id 7 23 Tressler 7 09 Nellaon 7 04 Dum'e 7 01 Klllotsburn 0 68 Bernbei8l'i 6 61 Groen Prk 6 48 'Montonr Jnnc A 88 Lftndisbnrg 6 28 Arrive Leave a. m 6 21 6 24 9 64 9 67 6 27 10 06 6 82 10 07 6 84 10 17 6 87 10 30 6 02 10 86 p. m i s. tn p at. t rain leavea Bloomneld at 6.6S a. m.t , and arrives at Landisbnrg at 6.28 s. tn. ' Train leaves Landisbnrg at 6.08 p. m., and arrives st Bloomfield at 6.40 p. m. , All stations marked () are flat: stations, j at wbtcb trains will come to a full stop on i signal. Cuas. II. Sbilet, S. H. Baesi, President. Snpt. NEWPORT AND SU EH HAN'S VAL t Uy Bailroad Conpyw Time table' ? of paasencer trains, to effect on Monday. ' May 18tb, 1896. STATION. West ward. Eaat wnri. 8 1 r m a u A Newport Baff'alo Bridre r 4 00 ji 6 06 10 85 6 08 10 88 6 1210 42 6 15 10 45 8 80 827 8 23 Jnnists Pnrnsce ... Wabnets 07 8 68 860 8 4ft 8 20 Pylvao 6 2510 52i 8 16 8 11 wst-r Ping BloomHeld Juncfn. 6 22 11 01 8 41 8 88 8 88 SIS 8 10; 804 2 56 2 49 2 46 2 4 288 234 23w 6 81 11 09 6 8911 09 8 08 8 00 7 46! 40 i 34 726 Valley Road Elliot tabor 6 61 11 21 Green Park ....... 6 64 11 24 Loyaville ......... Fort Robeson 7 05 11 86 7 111141 Center ........... 7 1511 45 7 21 11 61 7 27;ll 67 7 1$! 7 15 Cisna's Ran Andersonbarg Blata 7 10 7 86 12 06 708 Mount Plesssnt ... New Germant'n ... 7 41 12 11 6 68 6 60 7 46.12 16 D. GRING, President and Msnsger c C. K-. Miuica, General Agent. FARQUHAR Variable Friction fwi SAty R3ILL and Ajax Center Crank Engine liiil'M, ecru rat, trong ami utmplo, Trh lorrsh r.ip:iciiy. f .nKf3 or t-tlfs or vihrh. IsfrvrisT nI wfr. ? lffrBi:ifanr lltlr hnn rvtr fx m;iH uliurml lmplni ni , sTnrnlly. Hny Pr--9 a wrltty. Fr1 for ('Atnlosme and aricja tn A. I. FARQUHAR CO., Ul, York, Pi. HEnCIl ft DROSGOLO'S SAivr'iuo Et: A worde-fn! tepreesient tn Fi teflon Feeds aoif tas-ttsrh. Back motion otCarrtsce : Hmnn fast 35arvotherlattieinarkPt. Frlrtleel'lafrli Feed, Ci.ucin all the gaarlax to ataad atlll wbM tau-ft. !ni:; crml aatvlM la pawtt aal wrir. l.t tom ami prtom Srrv. JLImo riprlata Harrow. (Vltivston), i'mrm WaMaw, aaTr, b Mtrttirm thtt paver. HiisL '.i & 171MUBM, WfraYerk, i'-, GltlES a : - 7 t h : 1 S ft il