SENTINEL &REPUBLICAN MIFFLTNTOWN. PA. - WEDNESDAY JUNE 21, 1899. B. F. SCHWEIER, EDITOR iND PROPRIETOR. The Bryaa democratic State Cm -vention required two days and 28 bal lots to nominate a ticket. The silver hxtga will cow gt a jadge on the Su prtin? Court Bench. The Bryan GuSV democratic State Convention la3t week nominted Win. T. Creasy, of Columbia county, for State Trensurer; D. L. MetrZtt, of Fdyette county, for Supreme Court Jaclge and diaries J. Roilly, of Ly coming county for Superior Court Jalge. Since they have solved the problem 'H'jt to brtnk up a cyclone," in Ok liiiiaui i, nearly all the western towus ' will buy cannon and be on the alert t j discharge t be pieces at every ap proHching etorui. Is is the coccus sion that brents the central devastat ing part if thi storm. Town people can easily have a cannon ready dur ing the cyclone aiontbs. Women took a part in a strike in Cl Vdlaud, Ohio, lxst week, against 8tre!t car Hues, on account of a re duction of wages and on account of the employment of non union men. The women were the sisterg, wives and d-iuzhters and sweet hearts of the s'nking men. The women threw bricks, eggs and whatever they could get at the c irs. A number rf th strikers men and women were ar rested and will reach the f it that is at the end of every road of thst kind. It was iieroe battle that the democrats passed through at their primary election on Saturday. There has beeu disturbance and discontent lie fore among them. Their former battles were confined to spots or hx-alities. IJut on Sat urday there was an all round fight. "This reform nioveiiieut among the democrats," said a distinguished member of that party, "is not spasmodic." "I have seen it grow from a small bantling to its present state of manhood. Our- reform movement is like the preaching of the gospel, yon can preach it 40 3'ears, all the time, and still there will le some old sinners left to con vert.'' "The converts are becom ing more numerous every year." The demrcrili'! poll bng3 did'nt have a gliosf. of a cbanc i'i the dem ocratic State Convent .1 at lUrris bu'g The silver bur shouted Bry an hmiI rua'e it a point lo route ev -ry gold bnr that pi owed himself. Th tyranny of the white coin senti meet was ttver more fully displayed than in the dein .cra'ic State Conven tion tha. nominated S'eph-w Leslie Mestrf z :t f r S iprem C urt Ju ge and Clnrle3 J Itei ly for Superior Court Judje an 1 Wiliiani T. Creasy for Sute Treasurer. The convention ttt two cays. The cer'ainty of securing a Supreme Jude cusI a'l the candidates to prol-ng 'the c.tntc-al Boss .Inns Gaffy interfered and had Mesirezt nominated. If the boss bad not in terfered tho convention would still be in sesiop. Bit y an the silver-tongned orator of the west is iu trouble over the announcement of Mr. Ilavemeyer, loss o? the sugar trust. Josh Bill ings used to say, "You can eatch more flies with molasses than with vinegar," and so it seems with the democracy. The sugar lioss has come forward with his sugar pot, and between the sugar liowl and the silver lining there is to lie a race. Ilavemeyer is not pleased because Cougres did nothing for -sugar, and Bryan is not pleased be cause Congress did nothing for sil ver Ilavemeyer says, "the tariff is the mother of trusts." Good says the free-trader, but then there comes the echo, England beats all nations with trusts, and England is low tariff. Siam a country near to China coin money is used. The coin has leeu extensively counterfeited. It has been discovered that a large monkey in that country ma'.es the ii'ist counterfeit detector and that Las led to the introduction of the monkey or ae as cashier iu all of the financial institutions of Siam. The ape or l.irge monkey holds his place as cashier without a rival. "He has a peculiar method of test ing coin. Kvery piece is handed t's him and he picks each bit of ;cy, one at a time, and imiued .utely puts it inhis mouth, tasting it with grave deliberation. If the coin's good he declares the fact plainly. He takes it from his mouth and carefully places it inits proer reccptical besidehim. Ev eryone is satisfied with his judg meat of the coin. I'.ut if the coin is bad, the cashier makes known his verdict in an equally unmistak en manner. He throws it violent ly from his moii tli to the Moor, shaking his head in disgust." T'lK heaviest sugar dealers in i:he I'nited Slates are the Ilave rr?eyers. Mr. Henry O. Ilavemey er, clcctriticd the demoi-acy the 'ier d.ty by announcing that "the -.other of all trusts is the customs1 .uriff bill." The deniwracy picked the declaration and have been : .1- Ming it ever since, that it may " )iie a popular thing for them t.; ase ad an issue for the nextPres iloatial campaign They are nearly :raiitij for an issue. But Ha'cuuypr's announcement is on iv an oilier declaration of a lowtarifl' or lV'-? trade. nd low tariff or free trade are 'ead issues for some time. T!: country has not forgotten the wreck of the business of the C!r. eland low tariff and the reviv al if business under a higher tariff under McKinley. But Havemey er's statement will not bear the test gi investigation. The coal oil trust i? one of the largest in America and it is not protected. It has no customs' ta- iff to hold it up. In shout in" over Haveiueyer's statement the democracy forgot to find out as to the correctness of his statement. But the coal oil trust is not the on ly one that disproves Mr. Have meyer's statement. There are oth er trusts i t the United States that are not protect ed by "custom's tariff." However the cap-stone evidence against the Ilavemeyer statement is that trusts flourish more highly in England than any where else and in England the pro tective tariff is at alow percentage. GOISOTO A BETTER WORLD. Here is the si me e ld story of a murderer, hLo wss not fit to live in this world, ar.d wbo had to be lu g to prevent him from trespassing on the rilis of olhrt, expressing a hope to meet in a better world. This is tl'e wav the feli-graph stated it: FprintfiaM, Mo , Juno 15- Ctt roll M Rice, wife ronrd'-nr was hump ed at Alton to-r'ay. Just btfore the black cap was ad just"! and while hit- legs were being pinioned l lie cond-mned nun broke away from the sheriff nod iitteiupUd to scape. He was captured and quickly hanged. Before dying he addressed tLe 50K) p-ople presen, saying that he hoped to meet them in a btdttr world. . . - 1 M DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION. The Democratic Return 'Judge Con vention met in the Court House at 2 o'clock P. M., on Monday. The meeting was called " to order by the Chairman G. R. M. Wisehaupt. D. B. Mc Williams was elected chair- mau of the meeting and thanked the.Tjaek ie return Judges for the honor conferred upon him John Kohler and Harry E. Hayes were nominated for Secretaries. Mr Haye immediately withdrew his name stating he did not wish to act as a Sec- " . "ary. At this moment Dr. I. N. Grubb ad - dresxed the Chair and called attention to the fiict that the Convention was proceeding irregularly in that the ere" dent 'mis of the return Judges had not beeu called for and it was impossible for anyone to know who had a right to vote iu the Convention. The chair very promptly notified the Dr. that if they were proceeding wrong, they were simply following precedents; that other similar conventions bad been organized in the same way and ended by ruling the Dr's motion out of order. Robert Neely then' put in nomination John Kohler and Henry R Beale for Secretaries. Upon the motion being put to the Convention to elect, a very faint aye was heard and a vigorous "no!' ' on the part of Dr. Grubb. The motion again being put several of the return judges voted aye and the Secretaries were declared elected. The following is a list of the return Judges: Miinintowu Ruben Reynolds. Turbett John A. Kohler. Milford Nevin Aughey. Fayette ). P. Knouse. Fermanagh Wilson Wen tie. Monroe Francis Lauver. Walker James Youngman. Patterson Harry E. Hayes. Thompson town I. N. Grubb. Delaware J. B. Meridetb. Beale Roliert Neely. Spmee Hill Thorns Hockenberry." " Lack Frank Vaughn. Tuscarora William Smith. Greenwood John Rboades. Susquehanna H. K. Beale. Port Royal David B. Mc Williams. R. E. Parker and Geo. B. Cramer were appointed tellers to compute the vote as returned by the return judges. The chair appointed R. M. Neely, John Rhodes and Nevin Aughey a committtee on resolutions. At this point Dr. I. N. Grubb asked permission to read resolutions before the convention. Permission was eiven liim nut ha 1-Mal niu.lntiiuiu Ati.lnrolti rv .. . . '' me j'eniocraiic .auonai piuiiorm; con demning theV Republican party gener ally; endorsing the platform as adopted by the late State Convention and the State ticket, and also endorsing the County ticket this day nominated. Mr. Beale of Susquehanna also read and offered resolutions endorsing the platform adopted by the Democratic State Convention; endorsing the State ticket and commending Col. James Gulley for his efforts as National Com mitteeman in behalf of the Democratic party and expressing confidence in State Chairman Rilling and County Chairman Wisehaupt and closed with resolutions extending the thanks of the Convention to the Chairman, Secre taries and tellers of theConvention, and expressing satisfaction with the county ticket and recommending it to the voters of Juniata. Dr. Grubb then offered and read a resolution endorsing the course of Rep resentative A. J Fisher in the Legisla ture during the last session. These resolutions were then referred to the Committee. The Committee after retiring for a short time to deliberate over the resolu tions, returned and presented the reso lutions as offered by return judge Reale. The resolutions offered by Dr. Grubb were not presented to the convention by the committee. When the chair read the Beale reso lutions Dr. Grubb moved that they le laid upon the table. The motion was not seconded. ilr. Neely then moved that the reso lulions as read by the chair be adopted, but before the motion was seconded Dr. Grubb had the floor. lie said be did not care what had become of his first resolution, but that he had offered one, endorsing Dr. A- J. Fisher, and that it had not lieen reported by the com mittee on resolutions, and that he cou sidered a slight to Dr. Fisher. The cbair then said it bad probably leen over-looked by the committee. But the chairman of the committee on resolutions couvinced the convention that it had not been over looked, by blurting out in answer to a question of Dr Grubb, as to what they had done with the resolutions, by saying, "We did'ut adopt it " The Dr. not to be defeated, read the resolution and moved the report of the committee on resolutions be amended by inserting the Fisher resolution The motion was adopted and then upon mo tion the Beale resolutions with the Fish. er amendment were adopted by the convention. I The vote as cast is as follows: Connty Treasurer. ' ' S H" K r p t S 3. a s; p a L rz i I Q : r B. S- : : 3 : : T T . . . 43 22 - 0 - 6 0 11 1 ' I '7 11 ' 4 21 27 11 24 14 25 25 30 29 1 0 30 48 5 9 13 ,13 - 40 49 14-87-4 20 25 10 8 29 5 8 2 82 -24 35 0 4 II 14 2 13 7 6 1 0 5 222 2 41 25 14 33 40 5 52 26 11 5 375 389 120 357 Districts. Bale Black Ijog Delaware..... Fayette Fermanagh. . . Greenwood jack ........ .. MitlVmtown . . Milford Monroe......... Patterson Port Roval Spruce Hill l Susquehanna .. i nompsoniown. Turbett Tuscarora Walker Total. Prothonotary. S Districts a o 7T e a 2. A x Keale Black Iog.. Delaware... 4 4 50 14 0 0 0 6 2 2 7 3 4 12 5 17 21 36 2 22 2 12 36 1 0 7 42 . 15 2 16 15 39 16 0 39 12 21 42 2 12 22 10 8 11 14 18 24 2 13 12 29 4 49 15 9 29 8 3 9 9 9 7 2 2 0 7 3 0 1 0 6 23 0 14 7 25 16 10 14 18 75 29 3 4 83 9 0 197 149 491 302 103 County Commissioner. 3 e S 2 3 " n t - IT h 2 S "5 I Favette I Fermanagh. Mifflintown Milford Monroe Patterson. por rtOVal Spruce Hill, Siwque'an'a tThonip'twn Turlett nrnra... i alker Total. J Districts. Reale 14 10 48 63 Rlack Log 3 4 9 9 Delaware 12 8 26 9 Favette 40 44 .56 19 Fermanagh .... ' 56 45 24 20 Greenwood 10 31 41 45 Lack 17 20 .53 73 iMifllintown 77 77 42 34 Milford 67- 46 16 19 ! Monroe 44 29 .38 29 i Patterson 63 29 79 38 Port Roval 46 27 41 13 SprueeHill - 24 17 11 26 Susquehanna.... 4 11 10 3 Thompsoutown.. 19 1 33 10 Turbett 38 47 30 25 Tuscarora 70 63 65 89 Walker 87 69 48 20 Total 641 584 670 541 District Attorney. n Districts. 3. , Reale. Black Liog Delaware Fayette Fermanagh . . . . . Green w-ood Lack Mifflintown .... Milford Monroe Patterson Port Royal Spruce Hill Siittouehanna. .. 69 13 27 77 74 62 66 94 70 70 97 as 38 15 31 68 137 85 1156 County Auditor. Thompson town . (Tlirlett Tuscarora Walker Total Districts. 3 Reale 65 13 27 81 71 62 68 113 72 69 106 &5 39 15 30 69 136 91 68 13 24 79 69 64 58 115 71 62 102 62 38 14 29 71 108 89 Rlack Log Delaware Fayette Fermanagh Greenwood 1JUCK. Mifflintown ..... Milford Monroe Patterson Port Royal , SprueeHill Susquehanna. . . Thompson town . Turbett Tuscarora Walker Total.. 1192 1136 County Chairman. a c f ' -3 Districts. cr B c Reale Black I.og Delaware Fayette Fermanagh Green wood. ... Lack . Mifflintown .... Milford.... .... Monroe Patterson . ... tort Roval -niee Hill Susquehanna .. Thorn psontown. Turbett. Tuscarora Walker 10 13 10 58 34 10 45 64 35 51 47 15 24 8 27 25 44 41 59 0 16 24 37 55 36 53 39 20 59 48 17 7 4 43 91 55 Total.. : .561 663 The chair announced the names the candidates nominated as follows: For Treasurer, Wm. M. McCahren. For Prothonotary, 8- Blair Hetrick of For Commissioner, H. Cloyd Horn ing, Robert Long. District Attorney, Charles B. Craw- fold. For Auditor, E. A. Carman, Wm. A Lauthera. For Chairman, G. B. M. Wiaehaupt. HcCabren's majority Over McLaugh lin is 14 votes; over Kirk 82 votes; over Etka 269 votoe.. . ' - Hetrick's majority over Musser is 189 votes; over ISonsall 294 votes; over Hackenherger 844 votes; over Hibbs 388 votes. Long's majority cvr Horning is 81 votes; over Adams 80 votes; over Clark 120 votes. V Homing's majority over Adams Is 57 votes; over Clark 97 votes. Wisehaupt's majority over .Gilson is 102 votes The following is a list of the County Committee: Beale B. F. Crozier, M. L. Doyle. ' Black Ijog James K. Buchanan and Frank Lauver. Susquehanna J. L- Weiser, B. Frank Beale. Delaware J. B. Merideth, Victor Harris Mifflintown James Homing, Ruben Reynolds. Lack A. J. Gallagher, Robert A. ffoodside. Greenwood Jeremiah Fisher, George Ijesher. Thompsoutown J, C. Tennis, W. H. Port Royal I. N. Dimm, Rush Bailor- Patterson J. C North. Geo. B. Cra mer. Monroe Samuel Watts, Francis Lauver. Fermanagh W. O. Humphrey, John Ballentine Spruce Hill T- N. Hockenberry, Mon roe Ard Milford W. L. Partner, John Jenk ins. Walker Daniel Wolf, James Young- man. Turltett W. E. McVeen, Elmer Kep n er. Tuscarora Harvey Patterson, W. H. Smith. Favette Darwin Hopple, Lewis Tjeneh. The convention adjourned subject to the call of the county chairman. A review of the operations or the po litical forces that led up to the victory of the veteran Field Marshal is reserved for another occasion. Sumce it to say at this time the mutterings are deep and of an intense nature. One of the overcome chieftains was heard to mut ter: -'Field Marshal! Field Marshal beware of the day in November when the down-trodden shall meet thee in battle array, for the field of the dead rushes red to my sight and the elans of the boss are scattered in night." Remarkable Rescue. Mrs. Mchw-I Cnrtiip, PlainSeM. III.. mke th ttitement. fiat iho caught coll which fettled oa h.r lai-rsi sh w cd for month br her fm!l ihys'cisi tint rrjw lom . UJ to d her h was a h pl- v.ct ra f cnsu-Dpiion nd that no naedlciie could co-e hw. H r d ug- gist unggeiitfd D-. Kii'g' N w Dim e y for Co sumpt'oL; sue h.injcni Dttu ana to her deliebt found herself enrfitted Iron. B st dose. She cotit nued its me and after Uking six bottles, fonnd hersale s tood ani well; now d us he. own hons-f wort, ar.d is as we I as flu ever wwrree tr"a' bottlm of this Grat Discover at U. P. Crawford's drug stjr-. Oa!y 60c. and $1, every bMtli gaaraataed. DOCTOR YOURSELF AT nniMR. Send for a copy of Dr. Humph rey's Manual of all diseases and doc tor vourself at home. Sen free on requpsr. Humphrey's Medicine Co., New York city. BISM ARK'S IROX HERTE. Was the resnia of his splendid hoalth. Indomitable will aod tremendous enerjrv are pot found where Stomach, Liver. Kid neys and Bowels are ont of ord-r. If yon want these qualified and the success they brinit, oie Dr King's New Lif Pills. They develop every pawer ol braia and body. Only 25c at M. P. Crawford's drug store. REDUCED RATEa TO OmlSBUBO VIA PEXNKVIaVAKIA BAn ROAD, ACCOUNT DEDICATIOS OF THE GENERAL REYNOLDS MONTMKXT. On account of the dedication of the monument to General Reynolds at Gctt.vsbnre-. July 1, tho Pennsyl vania Railroad Company has arrang ed to sell excursion tickets from points on its line in Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, and the District of Columbia, to Gettysburg, at rate of sin crle fare for the round trip. Tickets will be sold on June 30 and July 1, good to return until Ju ly 5, inclusive. j21. YOl.CAW.IC ER17PTIOH! Are graad, but Skin Ernptions rob life of joy. ' Bocklrn's Arnica Salve, cures them; also O'.d, Running and Fever Sores. Ulcers, Boi's, Felons, Corns, Warts, Cuts, Bruise, Burns, Scalds, Chapped Hnde, Chilblains. Rest Pile care on earth. Driv out Pains and Acuus. Only 75 cts box. Cure euaranteed. Sold 5? M. P. Crawford, Druggist. REDUCED RATES TO RICHMOND, VA . VIA PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, ACCOUNT INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION BAPTIST YOUNG people's UNION. Oa nrcoant cf tho Iatu national Convention cf the Baptist Young People's Union of AoLerui.., to be held at Richmond, a., July 13 to 16, the Penw-lvari'i Rni'road Com pany ba9 arranged to Ft-ll excursion tickets frora toints n its line, to Ricbmo- d, at rate of single fare for the round trip (tickets via Baltimore and steamboat fifty cents more then fifty cccts more than single f r ) Tickets will b- sold July 11 to 13, and will ba good to return until Ju ly 31, inclusive, except that cn de posit of ticket with the Joint Agent at Richmond before July 28, and the paymeni of fifty cents, the return limit may be extended to leave Rich mond not later than Angu&t 15, 1809. Stop over at Washington on return trip for ten days, not to ncted final limit of ticket. For specific rates and conditions apply to Ticket Agents. j21. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. GREAT SALES prove the great merit of Hood's Sarsaparilla. Hood's Sarsaparilla sells because it accomplishes GREAT CURES. People Believe what they read about Hood's Sursupnrilla. They know it U an honest medicine, and that it cures. Get Hood's and only Hood's. Hood's Pills cure all liver ilia, re lieve constioation assist digestion- 2uc Story of a Slave. To be bound hand and foot for years br the cba ns of diaeaee is the worst form of slavery. George D. Williams, of Man cheater. Mich., tells bow such slave was made free. He vara: "My wife has beea so helpless for Ire yesra that she could not torn over in bed alone. Alter Using two Dottles or Kioetrin Bitters, sue is won. der fully improved and able to do her own weri." This anprerae remedy for fmale diseases quickly cares nerroaaness , aleep- lesabesa, melancholy, headache backache, fainting and diszy spalls. This miracle working: medietas is a red send to wei ' sickly, in down people. Every bottle 1 gmaranteed. Only 60 cent. S ld by II i P. Crawford, druggist. inmrRSED COBBT. - i .i n-oa onven- . An adjonrneu ' ; ., ed in the Court House on ftotnrday XeJnoon, Jnne 17, WW, " transacted only the following bus iness. . TX,, In the estate of Margaret Hur rell, late of Lack township, ileceas- -.i .v. n1n.nifitrator WaS n.l III CXI an order to sell decedent's real es tate. .. , Peter Ubil as guardian oi beth Cassette, who was declared at the conrt on the 13th as incompe tent to manage her estate, filed ms bond which was approved by the Court, , . Coiirradjournea unin Monday of Septemtier. LEGJL. j l DMINISTKATOR'S XOTIC. v....w su v.oimi.v o-iveii that letters of Administratiou in the estate of Aiira ham Rrubaker, late of Beale tow nship, i. io HwuhI .have Iteen JUliinwoiumj aw(w" ' ... , granted to the undersigned, residing in said townsnip. ah iiereu.m ....... s claims against the said estate will pres ent the same for pavnient to EMORV W. W(K)lrtVAKI), Administrator, Walnut, Pa. J. N. Kkllkk, Attorney. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that letters of Administration in the estate of, Mar garet Hurrell, late of Iack township, Juniata county, Pa., deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, resid ing in said township. All persons hay ing claims against the said estate will present the same for payment to Syi.vestkr F. Prick, McC'ulloch Mills, Pa. Atkinson & Pknnki.i., Attorneys. fVONDERFUL are the cure. by W Hood's ajursaparilla, and yet the ue simple and natural. Hood's San varilla icakss PURE BLOOD. POLITICAL. AFJ1VO VHCE- MEIVT.o. The fcllowinc sca'e of p. ice for annnnnc irents ' ss been rrjutn'ly screed noon by the undersigred, and no devntion fiom Ihe same will b made. Cot press. $20; Senator, $10; L'-Kisli-tnre. $7; Associate Jnlge Pr thonotary and Treanrer. each, $5: Dir ct Attorney, County C-mmixinner. Ri rent.tive Del. egareand Ch irmn of Con .ty Committee, each. $3; Au-litor, $1. A. C. ALLISON. Editor Juntata Herald. B. F. SCHWEIER, I.ditor SkntixkIj and Rkitih.icax. FOU TKEASCRKK. Afr. Editor: Please announce that I am a candidate for nominal ion for Treasurer of Juniata county, subject to Republican rules and usages. John- F Cocolamus, Pa., Jan. 31, 199. I. respectfullv announce myself as a candidate for the nomination for the oflice of County Treasurer, subject to the rules and usages of the Republican party of Jtiniatn. A. H. KfRTZ. Kurtz' Valley, Delaware twp Mar. 9, 99. I respectfullv announce myself as a candidate for the office of Count v Treas urer, subject to the rules and nsaees of the Republican party of Juniata county. . - WlM.IAM R. MrCAHAV, Milford township, March 13, 1899. Fok commissioner. I hereby announce mvself as a can didate for the office of Countv Commis sioner, subiect to the true principles of the Republican pnrtv. and will. If nom inated and elected pledare myself to put forth every lawful or reasonable effort to meet the urgent needs of the people. In the dfshursment of their taxes. M R- Reashore. I respectfully announce that I am a candidate for the nomination for the office of (ountv Commissioner of Juni ata county, subject to Republican rules and usasres. Wti.sox Gross. Thompsoutown. Pa , March 11th, 1899. T hereby announce myself as a can didate for re-election for the office of Countv Commissioner. A board of all new men laliorundera firreat disadvant age. I have had the experience of one term and with that I am satisfied lean better serve the public- interest than when first eleHed The present board have done well. They kept up repairs and paid a telling sum of the county debt. Jeremiah Ixciexsi.aoer. Mifflintown, May 9. 1899. 1 respectfullv announce that 1 am a candidate for the office of Comity Com missioner, subject to the rules and us ages of the Republican, party. J. W. HOSTKTt.KR. Walnut, Juniata Co.. Pa. May 27, 1899. FOR PROTHONOTARY. Mr. Editor: Please announce that I am a candidate for the office of Pro thonotary of Juniata County, subject to the rules' and regulations of the Repub lican party of Juniata. BTILEH K. BODEN. Academia. Pa. March 15 1899. DISTRICT ATTORNEY. I hereby announce myself as a candi date for the office of District Attorney, subject to the rules and usages of the Republican party. U. It. MOWEK. April 1st, 1899. FOR COfNTY AUDITOR. I herebv announce myself as a candi date for the office of County Auditor. At a former primary election for a nom ination I was honored bv the receipt or every vote polled in thedlstrict in which I live. W. IN. KEISTER, Dimmsville, Juniata Co., Pa. PEr.KOATE TO STATE CONVENTION. Jlfr. Editor: Please announce the name of Eli Farleman, Mexico, Walk er township, for Delegate to State Con vention. subiect to Republican rules and usages. Delaware. FOR PROTHONOTARY. I respectfully announce that T am a candidate for the office of Prothonotary of Juniata countv. subject to the rules and usages of the Republican party. H. C. MrCl.F.l.l.AN. ' Mifflintown, Pa., April 24, 1899. FOR COUNTY CHAIRMAN. I herebv announce myself as a can didate for the office of tunty Chair man of the Republican County Com mittee. Wii.i. L. Hoopes. Subscribe for the Juniata Kknti and Republican, the best paper tn the connty. Dr. King's New Dinwn ery. The one yg. euro for J The t!dneuilvCi' nd Blood v h. at. r-"""- Ann sow ATTORNEYS-AT -LAW, KlFrUNTOWW. FA . dence of Loni. K- AtkiBi00efig,'i892 Bridfe street. - 0yConectIng.4CoToy.aeiR ptom.t fTILBERFORCG SCBWBTEB. Attorney-at-Law. rSTCollectionsandall legal busi ness promptly attended to. OFFICE IN COURT HOUSE. ... .CEAWTOBD, ! AWI -.CAW01 pvtt. D. V. CRAWFORD & SON, Reformed, partnership for the P" of Medicine and their nJ Jfr Office at old stand, comer of Thw " ot tnem win do - , - ,. time., nnlesi otherwise professionally en- ...awl April lt. 1895. H P. DERR. nBiKTICII, DENTIST. Graduate oT the Philadelphia Dental . a lKAidI 1a. 'o ce. Office at oia esiaono"" cation, Bridge Street, opposite Court House. .Mifflin'owo, Pa. jJJ- Crown and Bridge work; Painless Extraction. All work guaranteed. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD Schedule in Effect May 21, 18JH. WESTWARD. Way Passenger, leaves Philadelphia at 4 30 a. m; Harrisburg 8 00 a. m: Duncannon 8 3.5 a. m; New Port 9 05 a. m; Millerstown 9 15 a. m: Durword 9 21 a. m; Thompsoutown 9 31a. m; Van Dvke 9 33 a. m; Tuscarora 9 36 a. m; Mexico 9 40 a. m; Port Royal 9 44 a. m; Mifflin 9 50 a. m; Denholm 9 55 a. m; Lewistown 10 13 a. m: McVeytown 10 38 a. m: Newton Hamilton 11 00 a. m; Mount Union 11 00 a. m; Hunting don 11 32 p. m; Tvrone 12 20 v. m; Al toona 1 00 p. m: Pittsburg 5 50 p. m. Mail leaves Philadelphia at 7 00 a. m: Harrisburg at 11 48 a. m; Mifflin 1 11 n. m: Twistovn 1 30 P. m: Hunting don 2 29 p. m; Tyrone a 12 v. m: Al toona 3 45 p. m; Pittsburg 8 40 p. m. Altoona Accommodation leaves Har risbure at 5 00 p. m; Duncannon 5 34 p. m; Newport 6 02 p. m: Millerstown 6 11 p. m: Thonipsontown 6 21 p. m; Tuscarora 30 n. m: Mexico 6 33 p. m: Port Royal 0 38 p. ni: Mifflin 6 43 p. m; Denholm 6 49 p. m: Lewistown 7 07 p. m; McVeytown 7 SO p. m; Newton Hamilton'? 50 n. m; Huntinedon 8 20 p. m; Tyrone 9 02 p. m; Altoona 9 35 p. m. Pacific F.xpress leaves Philadelphia at 11 20 p. m: Harrisburg at 3 00 a. m. Marysville 3 14 a. m. Duncannon 3 29 a m. Newport 3 52 a m. Port Royal 4 25 a. m. Mifflin 4.30 a. ra. lewistown 4 52 a m. Newton Hamilton 5 33 a.- m. Huntingdon 6 03 a. m. Petersburg 6 19 a. m. Tvrone 6 52 a. m. Altoona 7 40 a. ra. Pittsburg 12 10 a. m. Oyster Express leaves Philadelphia at 4 35 p. m. Harrisbure at 10 20 p. m. Newport 11 06 p. m. Mifflin 11 40 p. m. Lewistown 11 58 p. m.; Huntingdon 12 55 a. m. Tyrone 1 32 a. m. Altoona 2 00 a. m. Pittsburg 5 HO a.m. Fast Line leaves Philadelphia at 12 25 p. m. Harrisburg 3 45 p. m. Duncan non 4 10 p. m. Newport 4 30 p. m. Mif flin 5 02 p. m. Lewistown 5 22 p. m. Mount Union 6 03 p. m. Huntingdon 6. 22 p. m. Tvrone 6 59 p. m. Altoona 7 8-5 p. m. Pittsburg 11 30 p. m. EASTWARD,, Altoona Accommodation leaves Al toona at 4 40 a. m. Tyrone 5 01 a. m. Petersburg 5 2-5 a. m. Huntingdon 5 37 a. m. Newton Hamilton 6 01 a. m. Me-Vevtov.-n 6 17 a. n. Lewistown 6 38 a. m. Mifflin 6 58 a. ni. Port Royal 7 02 a. m. Thompsontown 7 17 a. m. Millers town 7 26 a. m. Newport 7 35 a. m. Duncannon 8 00 a. in. Harrisburg 8 32 a. m. Sea Shore leaves Pittsburg at 2 50 a. m. Altoona 7 15 a. m. Tyrone 7 48 a. m. Huntingdon 8 30 a. m. McVevtown 9 15 a. m. Lewistown 9 35 a. m. Mifflin 9 55 a. m. J'ort Royal w a. m. I nom pson town 10 14 a. m. Millerstown 10 22 a. m. Newport 11 32 n. m. Duncannon 10 54 a. m. Marvsville 11 07 a. m. Harris burg 11 25 a. "in. Philadelphia 3 00 p. m. Main lane Express leaves Pittsburg at 8 00 a. m. Altoona 11 40 a. in. Tyrone 12 03 p. in. Huntingdon 12 3-5 p. m. Lewistown 1 33 p. m. Mifflin 1 50 p ra. Harrisburg 3 10 p. m. Baltimore 6 00 p. m. Washington 7 15 p. m. Philadelphia 6 23 p m. Mail leaves Alloona at 2 05 p. ni. Ty rone 235 p. m. Huntingdon 3 17 p m. Newton Hamilton 3 47 p. m. McVey town 4 o p. m. jjewistown 4 ;-3 p m. Mifflin 4 55 p. ni. Port Royal 5 00 p. m. Mexico 5 20 p. in- Thompsontown 5 18 p. m. Millerstown 5 23 p. m. Newix.rt 5 39 p m. Duiicannon 6 08 p. ni. Har- rishun; ; 4 p. m. Mail Kxpress leaves nttsburgat 12 45; p.m. Altoona 50 p m. 1 vrone 20 p. m. Huntingdon 7 00 p iu. WcVey- 1 lown 44 p in. iewistown ok p. m. Mifflin 8 26 p. m. Port Royal 8 31 p. m. Millerstown 8 57 p. m. Newport 9 05 p. m. Duucaunoii 9 29 p.m. Harrishunr 10 00 p m. Vhilmfelnhifi Ikivm Pitai btinr at 4 30 n. in. A I toon n 05 n. m. Tyrone 9 33 p. m. Huntingdon 111 12 p. m. Mount Union 10 32 p. m. lewis town 11 16 p. in. Afillliu 1 1 37 p. in. Hnr- nisourg i vni h in. fnuaaeipiiia 4 3U. jjeirisum n junction. jor riun burv 7 50 a. m. and 3 4(1 i. m. week days. For iVilroy 7 55, II 45 a. m. and 3 00 p. m week-days. At Tvrone. For 'IcarlieM -hkI IW. wensville 8 20 a. m. 3 "0 7 -i m week-Iays. For Rellcfotite and Ixx-k Haven 8 10 a. m. 12 do and . Io p. in. week-days. For further information anolv to Ticket Agents, or Thomas E. VValt. Passenger Agent, estern Division, Corner Fifth Avenue aud Hinithtield Street, Pittsburg. J. B. HUTCHINSON, J. R. WKD, General Man's'r. General Pass'r. Agt. r rr K t -tm Jt?TCaar. n -jn.i ''ti.;.-.irt i;,.. . flM.lRJftTW In x -r .'f . v f" IM-1 1 n-au i. t. 'V t (. FOT; .-1 p :v !;;- i . :- . .!.i:xi im, "TV'.t.r.r. typ H. SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE x4T A Tradc Mams rt COPTRIGHTS Ar. Anyone wndtnc a akalcta and Omenptloo n 4ikl7 ast-ertaln our opinion fre whf-tber an Invention la probably patentAhle. Connnanlm ttona rtrtctl, confldentitO. Handbook on Patenu ant f rae. Oldaat aaaacy for aennnc patenta. CTri. ILi! .10 Mu?n f Ca- recelT i Sdtntiflc Jltntrlcax A handtHMiely Ulnatratad anMkly. Lamat ebv ' alatkm ot any yientaae foroWl. Traa7tSa """"n in 1 u . wl . - Hollobaugh & Son V HAVE THEIR Spring Clothing and (-) (-) Gents Furnishing Goods Now ready for Inspection. They have no Competition ia their line. Their goods are Cheaper than the Cheapest, Bit. ter than the Best and Later than the JLatest btyles carried by others. If you want the Latest Style Suit, either in men'a boy's or children's, they nave it. Do you want the best and Most Fashionable Shoe on the market? They have a full line of the Celebrated Douglass Shoes. , Will you have a Hat of the very latest black, in either Stiff, Crush or Straw, here is the only place you will find it. : (:) Ask any Man (:) i , lotaf ef-vln Shirt.. Cnllar or Tie. wh-rf. ha WnO WtSitrs me lavw o-j , , t-ijr them, he will answer at HOLLOBAUGH & SON. We have, finer line of Shirts, Neckwear and Collars than we over carried before. We have lately put in an entire now line of Collars. Kof anrl latest the market can afford to replace the Curtia 'Collar which we are now selling at 10 cents. We handle 'child's Collar to be used with Vestee Suits We sell the best I shoe in the market, the Douglas and have it in all the most 'fashionable lasts, every pair guaranteed to give satisfaction. I We are agents for the Sweet Orr Overalls and have sizes from the largest to the smallest. Fine Trunks, Valises, Hand Bags, ' Suit Cases etc. also Umbrellas, Comb-?, Cuff Buttons, Hosa 'Supporters, Cuff HoIders; and everything that goes to mak ' ud a first class Gents Furnishing Line. Call and see our Stock. HOLLOBAUGH & SON, 116 Main St., Patterson, Pa McCLINTIC'S HARDWARE and House'Furiiishing j THrS STORE SETS THE I'ACE. I O 0O0 O Ithatswhy you like it. Things ro never dull here; "never stupid. Tho full life of the store 1- wtjs has a cheerful wclcmio for all comers, and tjboppera are quick to dcoid ; in favor of the Great ValacB to bo found in our new Neati Stylish, Inviting' STORE. s K. H, M'CIINTIC, tint a good ytj-vr I y Mjl.w.ribiLp lor tho ! " "SEVliN T Y-SKVEV-1("77.") "77" is Dr. Euuil:rty8 fnaiyua Rpecido for ILe cure of Grip and Colds, and the ireveuliou'uf Putuiuo ma. Ail uruiKti?, a5c Kulincrilie for the Sknti.nei. anu I.ei i;bi.icas, a i np r I hat contains choice reading matter, foil t.f i.,r..r.i. tion that din-s the remit r o.l, ai.d in addiiu.ri to that all J . ul are worth i-oLliahiii find i!..,-, iu Up columns. HUMPHREYS' No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 1 Cures Fever. 2 " Worms. 3 " Infants' Diseases. " Diarrhea. 7 " Coughs. 8 Cures Neuralgia. " Headache. 10 " Dyspepsia. 11 " Delayed Periods. 12 " Lei No. 1 3 Cures Croup. No. 14 Skin Diseases. No. IS " Rheumatism. No. 16 Malaria. No. 10 Catarrh. No. SO Cures Whooping Cough 1 Asthma. No. 2 4 General Debility. No. 26 Sea-Sickness. No. 27 Kidney Diseases. No. 28 Cures Nervous Debility. No. 30 Urinary Diseases No. 32 Heart Disease. No. G4 Sore Throat. No. 77 Colds and Grip. Da. HcMPHBErs' Homeopathic Maitoai. OT DlBEASM JUlLID Fee. PoSSt m'S i I,ent PHe. lit the Tea HUMPHREYS' WITCH HAZEL OIL Tut Ba.. r Trtl- wtm ENTIRE LINK OF TORE A Specially Selected S took of Hangcs, Cook, Parlor aod Sboi Stoves. Horse Blankets aud Lap Robea. LAMPS, large and email. Come in aod look arjand. We'll mike you feel at home. We have the largcxt Stock and Store iu tie cotiDty. OUR ISYaiK GUARANTEES QIAIJTV. MIFFLINTOWN nnm kckey to bepgsit ? ARE YOU A BOllK-JHEK I A'l - THE FIRST Bi'Ii'Tl.ijv" n'.vr;. i a THREE PEK CENT INTiriiKKl' 1'All) VS time i"KKTIKH'ATF. Money I-csced at tost Bates. March 5. 1SV8. -TIIlv- Juniata Vallev National Bank. -O- Capital .... H0,000. LOUIS E. ATKINSON, President T. V. IRWIN, Cashier. O DIEECTOKS. Louis E. Atklosoo. W. C. Pomeror John Hertzler. J. L. Barton. H. J. Shellenberger. W. N. Sterwtt T. Van Irwin. Interest allowed on time deposit d the rate of three per cent, per annum January 11, 18W. Thm Sales of Hood's Saraapari) are the largest in the world becanl the cures by Hood's Saraaparill wonderful, perfect, permanent. Hood's Pilltlarrthe beat