Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, June 21, 1899, Image 1

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Editor and Proprietor.
VOL Mil.
NO. 28.
I! '
I n
"Some one has been taken ID," says
Gabrielle, with the quick instinct of her
She prove to be right Aa the yodng
couple near the vehicle a portly, pompous
lonking Englishman turuir to question
tlu-iii, disclosing the body of a portly,
pompous-looking Englishwoman lying iq
a stute of unconsciousness upon the car
riage seat. The driver, knowing Angui
by sight and being unable to comprehend
a word of the stranger's language, had
wisely summoned him to his aid.
"I)o you know If I can get a doctor in
this place?" demands the Englishman,
curtly, and without removing his hat.
"This lady, my wife, has been taken very
ill, and I must get medical adrice at once
for ber.
"There are several doctors here, mon
sieur," commences Angus, politely.
"Well, well, well! I don't want several
doctors: I want one. One will do if he's
north his salt and can understand Eng
lish. Can you give me a name and ad
dress 7f"
"Shall we send them to your father?"
demands Angus iu French of Gabrielle.
"lie is the only doctor in Bruges whs
can speak English."
"Yea, yes," replies the girl eagerly.
"Papa will do all he can for the poor
"Are you going to keep me standing
here all day?" says the stranger, rudely.
lie is dark-haired, coarse and rather
common-looking, yet there Is something
in his appearance that strikes Angus witb
interest. The interest seems returned,
fur, as the Englishman looks at the young
man again, it is with considerable earnest
ness. "I'r. de Blois, Numero 10 Rue St. Ae
gust in, is a very skillful practitioner,
tuoiinlenr, and will do all for the lady that
is possible."
The stranger gives the direction to tbt
driver, and, nodding carelessly in ac
knowledgment of the services rendered,
is about to enter the vehicle, when a
thought suddenly strikes him and he
turns round, witb his foot upon the car
riage step.
"What is your name?" he says,' ab
ruptly. "Angus Moray, monsieur.
The Englishman descends to earth
"Angus Moray! Who is your father?"
"My father, James Moray, has been
dead 'for a long time,'but my mother lives
"Oh, your mother lives here, does she 7"
"Certainly. We have been residents in
Bruges for many years past."
"Exactly. I understand all about it
Now look you here, Mr. Angus Moray, 1
hupM-n to have known your father, and I
should like to speak with you again. I
caut stay now, with my wife in this con
dition, as you may suppose; but I am
topping at the Hotel Belgique, and if you
like to come and see me there to-morrow
afternoon, you can if not, leave it alpue.
;od-day to you!" and entering the ve
hicle, the portly Englishman closes the
d.n.r and drives off, leaving the two youug
people standing in the middle of the Place
staring after bim.
"What a curious sdventure!" says An
gus at lost. "I wonder what the man can
possibly want to see me for?"
"It is unaccountable," acquiesces Ga
brielle. "And he has forgotten to leave
his name, tool Tiens! but that is droll:
For whom will you ask?"
"There will be no difficulty in finding
him, Gabrielle. There cannot be twe
such Englishmen staying at the Hotel
"Suppose he should turn out to be a
millionaire, and wish to make you hit
heir!" suggests the girt. "You would for
get all that you have just said to me, then,
"Never, my darling! But suppose yoea
papu saves the lady's life, and, In grati
tude for his services, the millionaire be
stows all his fortune upon him. One evenl
Is quite as likely to occur as the other.
What would Mademoiselle Gabrielle di
Blois have to say to her railway surveyor
then, eh?"
"The lady is not ill enough for that,"
replies Gabrielle, evasively. "She bai
only fainted from the heat and fatigue:
and how the visitors here can go through
the exertions they do, standing about
churches and picture galleries all day, in
the height of summer, always pussies mel
See, Angus, there Is another English
woman in that fiacre. Ah, how droll she
Is! What a comical figure! Will she
strike the poor driver in the face witb
thut huge umbrella?"
They seem destined to encounter sur
prises to-duy, for as they look toward the
person Gabrielle has mentioned, thej
plainly see the umbrella flourished in theii
direction with the evident design of at
tracting their notice.
"Another millionaire! Now we shaC
have one apiece!" exclaims Gnbrielle,
laughing, as the vehicle halts and thej
walk up to it; but this time it is iu very
tolerable French that the stranger aski
if they can help her to find the addresi
for which she is bound.
"I have just come over by the Ostenc
boat to visit an old friend in Bruges, and
though I bave been corresponding with
her for years past, I have never been re- j
quired to put the number of the street in .
which she resides upon my letters; ahd
this iiliot on the coach box doesn't appeal J
to kuow the lady's name nor anything t
about her!"
"Pardon, madame!" says Angus, as j
with all the eourtesv of his adopted land,
he stands bareheaded before her. "Ier;
haps he is a stranger to Bruges. Wit
you favor me with the name of the lady
you desire to fiud?"
"It's not a private house. It's a lodg
ing house in the Hue Allemande, kept by
a Mademoiselle Steivenart."
"Ah, madame, I am fortunate! I can
direct you without further trouble. Ma
aeinoiseiie Meivenart keeps tne nouse ai
Numero 22."
"Thank you very much. I'm sure I'm
Infinitely obliged. This Tool would have
driven me about the town all day," replies
the stranger; and in another minute she
has also driven out of sight
"What a funny looking lady!" exclaim
Gabrielle as she disappears. "She wears
a bonnet of the mode of tea year back,
ad. cloak: Ukt s man's coat. w4 baa
ectret.. -
suet a loud voice. Ton would make
rwica as nice a woman as she is, Angus,
If we dressed you up in my clothes."
But Angus is thoughtfully ruminating
over some old memory, stirred by the
stranger's appearance and address.
"It is strange she should be bound for
Numero 22!" he says presently. "I won
der who she can be going to see there.
The boarders are all foreigners except
my mother."
"Aa4 this lady la so much what my
papa would call a 'regular John Bull.'
But may she not be going to see your
mammk, Angus? Madame Moray told
me last week she expected a friend from
"Yon are right Gabrielle! You have
hit it!" exclaims Angus. "Everything as
sures me yon must be right: and this lady
can be no other than my mother's old
friend, Mrs. Hephzibah Horton."
"Tiens! What a name!" cries Miss Ga
brielle. CHAPTER XII. '
Mrs. Hephzibah Horton (for it is indeed
she) is jolted rapidly over the uneven pav
ing stones until she finds the vehicle stop
ped before a wide porte-cochere, carved
in old black oak, with fiendish and cheru
bic faces, all sporting in inextricable con
fusion about the figure of the martyr St
Sebastian, with his gridiron ready in hit
Mrs. Hephzibah is not given, as a rule,
to embraces and tears, but she is surpris
ed to find how emotional a meeting witb
Delia Moray has the power to make her
There is a moisture about her eyes that
she cannot understand as she returns the
younger woman's kisses, and her hands
tremble so that she gives the driver a
whole franc over his proper fare a cir
cumstance which affords her a subject
tat regret during the remainder of her
stay in Bruges.
"And now that we are alone, let ma
have a good look at you," she says, when,
all such preliminary ceremonies as remov
ing her traveling attire and taking some
refreshment being happily concluded, she
finds herself seated in her friend's private
Delia Moray stands before her, laugh
ing. She was twenty-five when they part
ed; she is thirty-nine now, but the four
teen years' interval of rest and quiet have
passed over her lightly. Not a white hair
shines among ber smooth, dark tresses
not a wrinkle yet appears upon her fore
bead. Her cheeks are plumper and her
compkyxion brighter than they were wont
to be, and happiness is sparkling in her
eyes and dimpling her mouth with smiles.
"My dear, you look ten years younger
thsn you used to. I'm much afraid you
Man' aaw fhn aa m A flf mo T it tho .IV
of the place that has done it or have you
got a Belgian itacnci to man you wauu
ful forever?" You have certainly got hold
of some secret that half your sex would
give their eyes to find."
"It is the rest and the content dear
Mrs. Horton. Ob! you cannot think
what a peaceful life I lead here. I seem
te have a care, no trouble. I make the
IIIt. mnnow f 1-antltrA for mv OWT1 WADtl
easily, and I have friends all over Bruges.
and my boy is so gooa ana generous to
"I am glad to hear that very glad in
deed. He ought to be a good son to you,
Delia Moray, for you gave up everything
for him."
"Oh, he la, and so clever besides, and
getting on so well In his profession! He
studied, you know, aa a civil engineer
and surveyor, and Monsieur 1'Abbe Ber
lin took a great Interest In him; and now,
tVu. aaalatance of some of his rela-
. t i tmm .fnMjt A n (tii a an eveel-
liona, lie una
lent appointment-me permanent, cuarge
of a new line of railway Just opened be-Tt-ii(?nsi
Anil no mo of the smaller
m ecu '
towns in Belgium; and Angus is to receive
three thousand francs a year as salary
.i i. no hnndred and twenty pounds
of our English money with an annua.'
increase of ten pounds, mat is not a Dau
income for a boy of twenty-one, who has
.Li i . W t men wlta tA denend
naa noimug uu -- -------on
for a living Is it, Mrs. Horton? And
it might be ail for me it i cnose io accepi
It from him. Dear Angus r
ti.. nihM'i eves are dancing with
pride and pleasure, and Mrs. Hephzibah
cannot but catch some spark of her lauda
ble excitement ...
"It is capital It Is first rate; ana i con
gratulate you, Delia Moray, on the pos
: : .h a aon. I didn't think he'd
turn out so well I didn't Indeed. And
m you call him 'Angus' now insteaa oi
Willy. " -
..j tin done so for years; I
think it best. It Is his second name, yo
mnA the other is fraught with nn-
Dleasant recollections to me. I cannot
V - I . . . U . nnn X' 1 1 I Til
bear the inougni oi "" "" "
Moray even to this day. He who want
... .n. hnaelv to deDrive me of
eu bu i-i - -
my child to take my only solace from
me. It was a long time before I could
forget the aversion and fear with which
he inspired me, and even now I metirues
feel a dread lest nis maut.tr uoum
jut again, and urge him to revenge him
lelf upon my darling boy."
"Delia Moray, I see that you haven t
riven up your old habit of talking noa
? tlnr n Mirth could this msn
hurt you or your boy, who is already ol
lee? It is evident mm juu
siser during the years we have been
parted "
"O I know It Is but a foolish fancy,
but then Angus is so precious to nm
And if anything were to come etw
.... or turn away hi. Jove from me. I
think that I should die.
MrV Hephzibah was not destined to be
Introduced to Mr. Angus Mojr1.!
evening. The hour for the table d bote
arrive, and passes, and he doc. not ap-
!e with a bright Pleed look to
rSnTU! Where have yo-
lenced by my absence, sorely T
"fhave, though! My Wend Mrs. Hor
ton arrived thi. afternoon,
been so disappointed at not beiug able to
Introduce you to ber.
Angus gives a aiart of recollection and
"I bad forgotten ber! Isn't she a
curious looking old woman in a black
cloak, and a bonnet over her eyes?"
"My dear! wherever did you see her?"
"In a fiacre driving across the P la eel
She didn't remember the number of the
house, and I gave it to ber. But I didn't
know, of course, that it was 'Mrs. Hor
ton only after she had driven away,
Gabrielle said "
He throws his arms round her waist at
he speaks, and leads her to the further
eud of the room.
"There is nothing wrong, dear Angus, is
there T
"On the contrary, everything Is right!
Mother, you know that for a long time
past I have cared for Gabrielle de Blois."
"And yon have proposed to her, and she
has accepted you! Oh! I am so glad!"
cries Delia, with the truly feminine habit
of leaping at a conclusion.
"Well, you are correct so far. Ga
brielle has confessed she likes me well
enough to take me for a husband, if her
father approves of the marriage. But
there is the old doctor's consent to be ob
tained." "Why didn't you speak to him at once?
He Is so fond of you, he will put no diffi
culties in the way, I am sure."
"I don't think be will, and that is why
I have been waiting about his house till
an hour ago, hoping he might return.
But he was called off to visit a patient
at Blankenbnrg this afternoon, and has
not yet come home."
"Dear girl! I will try to do my duty
by her, and love her dearly for my boy's
sake. O! this is a very, very happy pros
pect It is almost too good to be true."
She rises as she speaks, and they pass
lovingly together up the stairs. As she
dismisses him at her own door, Angus
says to her:
"By the way, I bad such an adventure
this afternoon aa l was walking in tne
Place with Gabrielle. Some English
woman had been taken ill, and the bus
hand appealed to me for the address of a
doctor. I gave him that of Dr. de Blois,
and then he asked me to go and see him
to-morrow at the Hotel Belgique."
"What! the Englishman?"
"Yes; wasn't It funny ? I can't tmagin
why he should wish to see me again."
"To thank you for your politeness, most
likely or to see if he can return it Whal
was his name?"
"I forgot to ask."
"How will you find him. then?"
"Oh, I cannot mistake him. Fie is so
big and fat and red In the face."
Delia laughs softly at the description.
"Well, go to bed now, my darling, and
sleep it all up again. Happy dreams to
you, my Angus. Good night"
She accepts his loving farewell with a
smile. She little thinks it Is the last good
night that ahe will have for many a long
(To be continued.)
Notice Before Bombardment.
The Father That youiyj man who
osed to call on yoH and stay so late to
In the navy norr, I understand?
The Daughter Yea, papa; and think
of It! Hla boat haa been disabled? The
last time I aw bim he was being tow
ed In.
"Well, dont let me aee htm around
here all hours of the night, or yon will
see him being toed out" Yonkers
Past Fins Rose TJp Bef re Bim.
Husband I dreamed tast night that 1
was single and was courting you again.
Wife Did you propose In the drecun ?
Husband Yea; I proposed before I
knew what I was doing, and when I
saw what I bad done It scared me so
that I woke up In a fearful sweat
New Yerk World.
The Ears of Fame.
Uncle Dan Weil, who Is this Billy
Scrubbing that I hear you apeak so
much about? lie seems to be some
thing of a hero among you boys.
Little Johnny Wot! Don't you know J
W'y, he's de only feller In de Ter-th
Ward dat kin wiggle his ears like a
boss. New York World.
A Thona;htlrsa Remark.
"It's remarkable," commented Mr.
Meekton's wife, "how many men are
anxious to leave home and engage In
"Yes," he answered, absently. "Some
people never seem to know when they
have enough of anything." Washing
ton Star.
Like the Industrious Gai Meter.
Kate They"Te got Just the thing now
that we've been wanting. It Is an au
tomatic cyclometer.
Belle You don't mean It?
Kate Yes. It goes right on scoring
miles while you rest. Boston Tran
script His Little Scheme.
Soaker I say, old chap, why In thun
der did you bring me Into this Ice cream
parlor to drink soda water?
Bound The lady at the next taMe
knows me by sight and corresponds
with my wife's mother. New York
Evening Journal.
Uses of the Arctic Region.
"Tell what you know about the Arc
tic region," commanded a St Louis
teacher of a pupil in one of the lower
"It's north of Canada," responded the
little miss; "and It's used prlneip'ly for
explorations. "St Louis Democrat
Useful Hints.
In washing knives never allow the
handles to get wet or lay in the wa
ter, as they will split, the blades will
become loose, and the bone or Ivory
discolored. The blades should simply
be wiped with a damp cloth and then
To Clean Parquet Floors. Shred two
ounces beeswax into a small break
fast cupful of linseed oil and gradual
ly dissolve It in turpentine till it has
become as thick aa cream. Apply to
the floor on a piece of flannel and pol
ish well with soft dusters.
Plated goods that are to be put aside
after use should be rubbed with spir
its of ammonia and water, and then
rinsed In clean water; this will keep
them bright and prevent any 111 ef
fects should any salt have been left
jn the surface.
Thomas Chadwick, of Bala, has pur
chased from Bert Thompson, of Rox
borough, the pacer Judge Evans, 2.28.
Budd Doble will act as starting
judge during the meeting of the Pacific
Coast Trotting Horse' Breeders' Association.
Mahogany la to Plentiful that It Is
- Use Ordinary Lssiber-HwaUls
Will Be Very Profitable When the
Country la Quieted. '
TJnde Sam'a new possessions, Cuba
and the Philippines, are destined to cnt
considerable figure Iu the lumber trade
as soon as American methods of push
and enterprise are adopted. Cuba pos
sesses some of the best mahogany and
Spanish cedar In the world, and the
Philippine Islands are covered with
mahogany, ebony, camphor wood and
other valuable hardwood forests. J. O.
Hlnkle, a member of the First Regi
ment of Washington Volunteers, a
practical furniture - maker, recently
wrote to Charles 11. Sllgb, of Spokane,
from Manila as follows:
"There are half a dozen hard wood
here that take a high polish. They are
somewhat lighter than mahogany In
appearance. I know the name of only
one, camphor wood; I think the others
do not grow In other places. The na
tive names would not enlighten you in
regard to them. Ebony Is also abun
dant. It is of mahogany I wish to
speak, and on this point I beg Informa
tion. It Is tlje bull pine, or water elm,
of this country, so to apeak. The mean
est hovel, as well as the plainest par
tition work. Is of mahogany. Notwith
standing Its abundance, lumber Is high
here. The native works almost or
song, but when It comes to whips.
Ing 1,000 feet of boards you can under
stand why many people cant stalks'
much of this song.
"There Is one sawmill In tbe Inland
The logs are cut up In the mountains
spd hewed out square, then nosed as
that they will plow through reeds,
grass, etc., down the Pasig Hirer.
There are great yards full of them, and
with American machinery and enter
prise this Industry could be made of
great profit. A word as to the quality
of the lumber. We are at present quar
tered In an old palace, once the resi
dence of the archbishop of the church.
I bave been to!d by some of the oldest
natives that It has been here fifty
eight years. In the main floor upstairs
all the ltoards are two feet wide and
over, none less. They are laid with
screws that ' hare heads countersunk
and covered. There Is not a single sea
son check or knot In the floor tbat 1
have fonnd. There are old places In
the altar work of the various churches
that have been built as far back a)
1743 that only changes to tbe darker
color with this weight of years. I am
posted on tbe different qualities of
lumber, bat my Judgment leads me U
think this la tbe best" . s
James A. Fftsheary. of Company JV
same regiment writes a. Ballard friend
as follows: "They tell na that this la
the greatest timber country In the
world. There are four kinds of timber
mahogany, ebony, camphor wood and
red wood. There are some fine timber
claims that run right down to the edgs
of the river. Of all the timber that If
nsed here there Is only one sawmill on
tbe Island. That Is run by a Chinaman,
and he only aaws the logs into cants,
and the cants are sold, and the man
that buys them has to whlpeaw them
and make his lumber. Theee cants sell
for $100 (Mexican) a thousand. Ma
hogany logs grow nearly as large as
the fir In the States. As mahogany Is
the principal wood, you can see for
yourself how much money a man could
make If he owned a sawmill here. Be
fore this trouble with the Insurgents
got so bad my captain told me that
there were ten officers of different reg
iments forming a syndicate and were
going to send to the States for barking
to start a sawmill. They say tbat
there will be a boom In this country as
soon as the trouble Is over. If so, this
will be a good place to make money.
A man can start a small business and
hire native labor for SO cents a day,
Mexican money; that Is 23 cents In oar
money." Seattle Post-Intelligencer.
In northeastern Labrador A. P. Low
aas found a fresh-water lake, eight
hundred feet above sea 'level and one
hundred miles from salt water, wfejch
is inhabited by seals. He thinks the
ancestors of these seals were Imprison
ed In a bay when the general surface
of Labrador rose after the glacial
epoch. Being thus cut off from the
sea. tbe water gradually became fresh,
while Its Inhabitants accustomed them
selves to their new conditions of life.
Dr. Witt, the discoverer hist summer
of a new asteroid, which Immediately
became famojjs becanaa it vu fonnd
to approach tike earth at times nearer
than any other heavenly body except
the moon, has chosen for his celestial
foundling the name Eros. Recent ex
amination of star photographs at the
Harvard Observatory shows tbat the
new asteroid was photographed, with
out being recognized among the stars,
as early as 1863. It also appears on
plates made In 1894 and 1806.
The latest Information about the
tribe of pigmies discovered by Mr.
Stanley, Inhabiting a forest-covered re
gion in Central Africa, cornea from an
English traveler. Albert B. Lloyd. He
traversed tbe forest ahd saw many of
the little men and women who Inhabit
It He met none exceeding four feet In
height They are timid, and "cannot
look a stranger in the fact, their eyes
constantly shifting, aa In the case of
monkeys.' They are perfectly Formed
and fairly Intelligent They never leave
the forest and bave no settled habita
tions. Their shelters at night are huts
two or three feet In height Their arms
are bows and snows and spears.
Dr. T. J. J. Sea suggests, In tbe Aatro
nomhrcbe Nacbrlchten. the somewhat
startling conclusion that tbe son Is still
getting better. Tbe process, however.
Is too slaw to bave any bats adeBtUL
Interest for the present inhabitants of
the earth. Another result of Professor
See's researches, which, la contrary to
the generally received opinion, is tbat
Jupiter and Saturn, Instead of being
cooling bodies, may also be Increasing
In temperature, and that eventually
they may become self-luminous like
the stars. But If Japlter were self-luminous,
and Its Intensity of radiation
were, as great per nnit of surface as
that of the sun. It wenld give at night
two or three hundred times as much
light on the earth aa the full moon
Many writers upon natural history,
following the observations of a French
naturalist Monsieur Fabre, have dwelt
with admiration upon the skill and In
telligence or instinct of certain
wasps, which aro represented as hav
ing the habit of stinging caterpillars
at their nerve centers with such uner
ring precision that the caterpillar Is
merely paralyzed; whereupon the wasp
lays an egg within the body of the
caterpillar, and the young insect on
emerging ffom the egg, finds living
food sufficient for Its use until it Is
ready to take flight The careful re
searches of Dr.. and Mrs, Peckham of
Milwaukee Indicate tbat the statement
Is so much exaggerated as to be virtu
ally, untrue. Having seen tbe entire
process several times, from beginning
to end. they find that the wasp docs
not sting invariably at such points as
indicate a knowledge of the nerve cen
ters, and that the caterpillar Is merely
killed, and not paralyzed, by tbe sting.
Thus one of the "marvels of nature"
is proved to be non-existent
It Jm tke tarstsl "Ever Bnilt for
Paapmajar Service.
Railroads, East and West, are not
competitive In their equipments In any
sense; but the monster locomotive of
the Boston and Albany Railroad, which
recently took the palm from old "DUO"
of the Empire State express, must re
llnqalsh Its place to a Western rival.
The Chicago, Burlington and Qulucy
Railroad has recently put Into service
the two largest passenger engines ever
constructed. They will be used on tbe
Denver express and the fast mall
trains. These new giants, numbered
1501 and 16U2, weigh just ouc ton more
than the Massachusetts wonder. One
hundred and twenty-seven tons each,
2,000 pounds more than their Eastern
Eastern railroads were In a nine
flays' wonderment over the Boston and
Albany's experiment .When locomo
tive No. 221 thundered out of Boston
a few weeks ago at a 70-mile sweep
for Springfield, the world's record in
locomotives was exceeded. Without
any spirit of competition and wholly
within tbe scope of Its needs, the Bur
tlagtan system has bad to outdo the
Sew;. England Hue.
Campared with the Boston and Al
bany's No. 221, the Burlington's No.
1501 shows more marked characteris
tics than are to be guessed from the
total weight difference of one ton. The
Albany's engine weighs 12C tana, and
the Burlington's 127 tons; the drivers
of the one are six feet twe Inches, and
of the other seven feet and quarter of
an Inch; No. 221 hauls a train weigh
ing 310 tons and No. 1591 pulls one
weighing 371 tons; the compound cyl
inders of tbe one are 22x34 inches and
of tbe ether 23x20 Inches; No. 221 car
ries eight tons of coal and 4,500 gallons
of water; No. 1501 takes twelve tons
of coal and 5,000 gallons of water; both
engines have tbe same steam pressure
of 220 pounds to the square inch.
This new mastodon of the Burling
ton's Is the Atlantic type, Vauclain
compound engine, with two cylinders
high and low pressure on each side.
Its giant drivers, two on a side, are
about midway between the back ef tbe
cab and the frosyof tbe pilot Just be
hind them Is a trail-truck, with two
wheels five feet In diameter. Bade of
these are the regulation trucks sup
porting the tender. Each ef the four
drive-wheels weighs 3.200 pounds, and
makes about 240 revolutions, to the
On Its first trip with the Denver
flyer No, 1691 pulled a solid vestibule
train of two mail cars, one composite
library and emoklng car, two sleeping
cars, a dining car and two reclining
chair cars a load sixty-one tons In ex
cess of that drawn by the Eastern en
gine. The Burlington's record of ninety
miles an hour with old 500 and tbe fast
mall may be made to read 100 miles.
Without Doabt.
A bright girl In one of the New Tork
public schools applied to her teacher
(or leave to be absent half a day, on tbe
plea that ber mother had received a
telegram which stated that company
was on the way.
"It's my father's half-sister and ber
three boys," said tbe pupil, anxiously,
"and mother doesn't see bow she can
do without me, those boys always act
The teacher referred her to tbe print
ed list of reasons which Justify ab
sence, and asked If ber case came un
der any of them.
"I think It might come under this
head. Miss Potter." said the girl, point
ing as she spoke to the words. "Domes
tic affliction." Youth's Companion.
The Cenntry Where Nobody Hnrrlea.
Traveler Why Is your clock always
two hours late?
Station Agent Bo that the trains will
leave at tbe times set down on the time
tablet Fllegende Blaetter. -
When the small merchant listens fe
the first time to the advertlsJsr man's
proposition, he seems to regard It
vaguely. He doesn't stop to think that
he la merely a medium between the
sales counters and public audience ef
thousands of readers. After a while
be may become Interested enough to
say. "I believe In Judicious advertis
ing.'' Then the advertising man knows
that bis vis-a-vis never advertised In
bis life, knows nothing about It and
he realizes tbat be Is np against an
Iceberg. He has perhaps felt when be
entered tbat particular store that the
atmosphere was frozen hard. He bad
already sized np the merchant sitting
at his desk, and from the cnt of bis
JJb, thought there was nothing In him.
His Impressions had not been favor
able the first dash out of the box and
first impressions are most always good
ones. He wonders if be ean ever thaw
this merchant out and somehow wish
es he hadn't walked a dosen blocks
ont of his way to sec this man, but bad
Instead gone to the lunch be missed.
Then he begins to get hot under the
collar, but be won't show It, and be
goes for the merchant red-handed,
knowing he is offering a good thing.
"You put these price tags on your
goods to attract attention, don't you?"
he asks of the merchant "Of course,
where should I put them. In the back
yard?" be answered. The advertising
man thinks this reply a little rough;
still it wasn't much rougher than the
question, for couldn't he see that the
cards were there for no other purpose?
"Right where they are," he says, "that
Is the proper thing to do. There are
merchants who get price cards on the
brain and don't stop to think that no
body sees them nnless they happen to
come into the store. They forget that
the shopper at her home, the banker
at his desk, or the worklngman at his
fireside, smoking his pipe. Is reading
one of the dally papers and not worry
ing about price cards. They are a good
advertisement, after you have attracted
yonr buyer Into your store, but they
are not gilt-edged magnets to get peo
ple to come In. Croat ,:n8l the way
to make money Is to get people to come
Into yonr place. Isn't It?"
"Yes," says the merchant, "but ray
neighbor So-and-so on the corner, and
So-and-so next door, take whole pages
In the papers. They attract tbe peo
ple to this street, and when they get
here, they see my bargains, and I get
the trade without spending money In
he newspapers."
Now here was a merchant who dear
ly kept bis eye on the main chance. By
bis awn words, be was getting bis
trade at the expense of his neighbor.
But was be getting It?
He had started In business about the
same time as either of bis neighbors
and en the same scale. There was no
evidence that during his ten years'
career, be had added one Inch of floor
or counter space. His work was be
ginning to sprinkle his hair with gray
threads, and he looked like a man who
eked est an annual profit about equal
to a 'first-class head-salesman's salary
fn either of his netghlxr's stores.
Clearly, he bad not accumulated a for
tune. One of his neighbor's stores now
occupied fonr floors and workmen wore
tearing down walls alongside to take
In a favorable corner to still further
provide for a growing business. The
other neighbor was rated Al In the
commercial agencies and employed
fifty clerks and salesmen. They had
been persistent advertisers he hadn't.
Somehow the advertising man was
disgusted because this merchant
wouldn't get sociable, and because be
talked In that strain. He knew be had
a good proposition to offer, and he
knew be could help that merchant build
up a fine trade, but he felt discour
aged at sowing the advertising seed
on such barren ground. While he
would bave liked to take tbat mer
chant's contract for 25,000 lines, know
ing that his newspaper would be of
great benefit to him, he felt t lint Ills
paper coul get along without it If the
merchant could.
They talked and talked that Is, the
advertising man did sad then he said
he would have to go, that he would
drop In to see him. Of course that was
sarcasm. If be were to go past that
store every day for a year, he wouldn't
drop In to see htm, and Very likely that
merchant wouldn't miss him. But
some day the merchant wenld begin to
see tbat the neighbors' pages of adver
tising didn't attract trade anywhere
but where It belonged; and that still
more buildings were being demolished
to make more room for bis neighbors'
Increasing trade. Then he would be
gin to hump himself, and the words of
the advertising man would come back
to bim. Then he would thaw out and
strive to get into the bandwagon hard
and fast along side bis prosperous
neighbors, and the advertising man
vonld be vindicated.
Don't you think bo?
Silence Is not always golden and the
merchant who thinks so, and doesn't
herald his goods in printers Ink Is
dense. He can't be a hermit and com
pete with bis neighbors. No matter
v.-liut bis line of goods, be can sell more
of them if he advertises. San Diego
Queer Mourning Colors.
Coffins In Russia are never covered
with black. If the deceased Is a child,
pink Is nsed; if a woman, crimson,
though for a widow they use brown.
Common sense Is easier than non
nae. It Is common sense to believe
wbaf yon know; it is nonsense to be
llev A lot of unreasonable stuff that
jther people tell yon.
Tbe poet probably sings of the silvery
noon because It comes In halves and
Soma pec-pie eem to know eyerr
hing except the fact tbat they dou't
enow tar swell titer don't know.
Preached by Rev. Dr. Tannage.
tnbjeets Chelce ef Beliefs Retlcioua Tol
, nam Advocated All Evangelical
Churches Are Good and Are Becking
the Same Praiseworthy End.
Copyright. Lotlla Klopach. ISM. J
Washihotos, D. C. In this sermon Dr.
falmage discusses a toplo which will In
rest domestic circles everywhere. Tbe
xt Is Genesis xili., 8; "Let there be no
trite, I pray tbee, between me and thee
tnd between my herdmen and thy herdmen.
is not the whole land before thee?"
Uncle and nephew, Abram and Lot, both
Jlous, both millionaires, and witb suoo
arge flocks of bleating aheep and lowing
sattle that their heidmen got into a light,
jerhaps about the best pasture or about
:he best water privilege or because tbe cow
it one got hooked by tbe horns of the
ithers. Not their poverty of opportunity,
)Dt their wealth, was the cause of con
:roTersv between these two men. To
Ibram, the glorious old Mesopotnmian
iheik, suoh controversy seemed absurd. It
aas like two shjlps quarreling tor sea room
!n the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. There
was a voHt reach of country, cornltelds,
rlneyards, harvests and plenty ot room In
Illimitable acreage. "Now," says Abram,
"let as agree to differ. Here are the moun
tain districts, swept by tbe tonic sea breeze
ind with wide reaching prospect, and there
Is tbe plain of the Jordan, with tropical
luxuriance. You may have either." Lot,
who was not as rich as Abram, and might
have been expected to take the second
obolce, made the first selection and with a
modesty that mast have made Abram smile
said to him:
"Ton may bave the rocks and the fine
prospeot; I will take the valley of the
Jordan, with all its luxuriance of corn
fields and the river to water tbe flocks and
tbe genlnl climate and tbe wealth im
measurable." So tbe controversy was
forever settled and great-souled Abram
carried out the snggestion ot tbe text:
"Let there be no strife, I prny thee, be
tween me and thee, and between my herd
men and thy herdmen. Is not the whole
land before tbee?"
Well, in this the last deonde of the nine
teenth century and in this beautiful land,
which was called America, after Amerieu!
Vespucius, but should have been culled
Columbia, after Its discoverer, Columbus,
we have a wealth of religious privilege and
opportunity tbat is positively bewildering.
Churches of all sorts of creel. and of all
kinds of government and all forms ol
worship and all styles of architecture
what opulence of ecclesiastical oppor
tunity! Now, while In desolate region
there may be only one church, in the
opulent districts ot this country there I
such a profusion that there ought to be no
difficulty in making a selection. No fight
about vestments, or between liturgical oi
aonliturgical adherents, or as to baptismal
modes, or a handful ot water as compared
with a riverful. If Abrnm prefers to dwell
on tbe heights, where ho can get only
sprinkling from the clouds, let him consent
that Lot have all the Jordan In which to
Immacse himself. "Let there be no strife,
I pray tbee, between mo and thee and be
tween my herdsmen and thy herdsmen. If
not the whole land before thee?"
Especially Is it unfortunate when fami
lies allow angry discussion at tbe break
fast or dining or tea table as to wbioh if
the beet church or denomination, one at
one end of the table saying he eould nevei
endure the rigid doctrines ot Presbyter!
anism, one at the other end responding
that she never eould stand the forms ol
Episcopacy, and one at one side of the
tame saying ne am not understand now
anybody could bear tbe noise in the Metho
dist cnurcn, ana anotner aeoianng ail tne
Baptlnts blest s. There are. hundreds, ol
families hopelessly split on ecclestastlciSm,
ana in tne miaaie ot every discussion on
such subjects there Is a kindling of indig
nation, and It needs some old father Abram
to come and put bis foot on the loaded fuse
before the explosion takes place and say:
"Lot there be no strife, I pray then, be
tween me and thee and between my herd
men and thy herdmen. Is not the whole
land before tbee?"
I undertake a subject never undertaker
by any other pulpit, for it is an exceed
ingly delicate subject, and if not rightly
bandied might givesnrious offense, but
approach it without the slightest trepida
tion, for I am sure I have the divine direc
tion in the matters I propose to present.
It is a tremendous question, asked all ovei
Christendom, often asked with tears and
sobs and heart breaks and Involving the
peace ot families, the eternal happiness of
many souls. In matters of church attend
ance should tbe wife go with tbe husband
or tbe husband go with the wife?
First, remember that all the evangeliooJ
shurohes have enough truth in them tc
save tbe soul and prepare us for bapplnert
on earth and In heaven. I will go with you
Into any well selected theological library,
and I will show you sermons from minis
ters In all denominations that set forth man
as a sinner and Christ as a deliverer from
sin and sorrow. That is the whole Gospel.
Got that into your soul and you are fitted
for the here and the hereafter. There are
differences, we admit, and some denomi
nations we like better than others. Bui
suppose three or four of us make solemn
agreement to meet each other a week from
now in Chicago on Important business, and
one goes by the New Tork Central Ilutl
road, anotner by the Erie Railroad, anothei
by the Pennsylvania Railroad, another by
the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. One
goes this way because the mountains are
grander; another takes this because the
sars are more luxurious; another that be
cause the speed Is greater; another takes
the other because he has' long been accus
tomed to tbat route, and all the employes
are familiar. So far as our engagement tc
meet is concerned it makes no difference 11
we only get there. Now, any one of the
Innumerable evangelical denominations; if
you practice Its teaoblng although some
of their trains rub on a broad gauge and
some on a narrow gunge will bring you
out at the city of the New Jerusalem.
It being evident that you will be safe in
any of the evangelical denominations, 1
proceed to remark, first. Hone of the mar
ried couple be a Christian and tbe other
not, the one a Christian Is bound to go any
where to a ehurch where the unoonverted
companion Is willing to go. If be or she
will go to no other. You ot the connubial
partnership are a Christian. You are safe
for the skies. Then it is your first duty to
secure tbe eternal safety of your lifetime
assoelate. Is not the everlasting welfare
of your wife Impenitent, or your husband
Impenitent, of more importance than youi
shurch relationship? Is not the condition
of your companion for the next quadrillioi
of years a mightier consideration to yoc
than tbe gratification of your ecclesiastica
taste for forty or fifty years? A man or i
woman that would stop bait a minute tc
weigh preferences as to whether he oi
she bad better go with the unconverted
sompanlon to this or that church or de
nomination, has no religion at all, anc
never has bad, and I fear never will have
Yon are loaded np with what yon suppos
to be religion, but von are like Cnptalr
Frobteber, who brought back from bis Toy
age of discovery a shipload of what b
supposed valuable minerals, yet. Instead o:
being silver and gold, were nothing but
common stones of ths field, to be hurled
out as finally useless.
Mighty God! In all Iby realm Is there
ne mnn or woman professing religion, yet
so stolid, so unfitted, so far gone ante
death that there would be any hesitancy in
surrendering all preferences before such an
opportunity ot salvation and heavenly re
union? If you, a Christian wife, are an at
tendant noon any church, and your uncon
verted husband does not go there because
he does not like Its preacher, or its music,
or Its architecture, or its uncomfortable
crowding, and goes not to any bouse ol
worshlD. but would so If von would acoom.
Mtny him somewhere else, enaoge yout
thurch relations. Take your hymnbook
lome witb yon to-day. Say goodby.to your
xiends in the neighboring pews, and go
vlth bim to any one of a hundred churches
ill his soul Is saved and he Joins yon in the
naroh to heaven. More important than
:hat ring on the third finger of your left
land it is that yonr heavenly Father eom
II and the angel ot mercy, concerning yonr
lusband at his conversion, as la the para
"t-ui a. ring ononis nana.--
No letter of more Importance ever came
:o the reat eity of Corinth, situated on
jrbnt was called the "Bridge of the Sea,"
ind glistening with sculpture and gated
with a style of brass tbe magnificence ot
which the following ages have not been
ible to successfully Imitate and over
ihadowed by the Aoro-Corintbus, a fortress
( rook 9000 foot high I say no letter ever
nme to that great city of more Importance
:ban that letter in which Paul puts the two
itartling questions: "What knowest thou,
3 wife, whether thou Shalt save thy hus-
)anar ur now knowest thou, u man, !
whether thou shalt save thy wife?" The 1
learast sacrifice on tbe part ot the one Is
sheap if it rescue the other. Better go to I
:he smallest, weakest, most insignificant
shurch on earth and be copartners in
Hernal bliss than pass your earthly mem
sership in most gorgeously attractive
;hurch while your companion stays out
ride of evangelical privilege. Better
lave tbe drowning saved by a scow or a
iloop than let him or her go down while
foa sail by la the gilded cabins of a Ma
estio or Campania.
Second remark: If both of the married
oup:e9 be Christians, but one is so naiur
illy constructed that it is imposxililn tc
tnjoy the services of a particular denomi
nation, and the other is not so soi-tarian
r punctilious, iot the one less particular
to with tbe other who is very particular.
Vs for myself, I feel as much at borne in
ne denomination of evangelical Chriti'in
is another, and I think I must have beeo
xrn very near the Hue. I like the solemn
roll of the Episcopal liturgy, and I like the
ipontanelty of the Methodists and I like
:he importance given to the ordinance ol
baptism by the Baptists and I like the free
lom'of the Congregationalism and I like
:he government and the sublime doctrine
jf the Presbyterians and I like many of tbe
thers just as much as any I have men
tioned and I could happily live and preach
ind die and be buried from any of them.
But others are born with a liking so ttoiit,
so unbending, so inexorable for soma de
nomination tbat it is a positive necessity
:hey have tbe advantage of that one. What
:hey were intended to be in ecclesiasticlsm
was written in the sides ol their cradle, il
;he father and mother had eyes keen
snough to see it. They would not stop
trying until they had put in their bauds as
l plaything a Westminster Catechism oi
the Thirty-nine Articles. The whole cur
rent of their temperament and thought
ind character runs into one sect of relig
ionists as naturally as the J:tines ltiveriutc
the Chesapeake. It would lie a torture tc
such persons to be anywhere outside ol
:hat one church.
Now, let the wife or husband who is not
io constructed sacrillce the milder prefer
ence for tbe one more Indexible and rigor
jus. Let tbe grapevine follow the mgos
ties and sinuosities ot the cat or hickory.
Vbrara, the richer in flocks of Christian
trace, should say to Lot, who Is built on a
imaller scale: "Let there be no strife, 1
pray thee, between me and thenaud be
iween my herdmen and thy herdmen. Is
lot the whole land before thee?" As you
:an be edified and happy anywhere, go
with your companion to the church tc .
which be or she must go or he miseiahle.
Remard the third: it both the married
couplo are very strong in theirsocUrinn
Ism, let them attend the different churches
preferred. It is not uecessnry that you
attend the same church. Religion Is be
tween your conscience and your iioil
Like Abram and Lot, agree to dif
fer. When on Hahbath morning you
some out of your home together and one
goes one way and the other tbe
itber, heartily wish each other a good
sermon and a time of prolltable devotion,
ind when you meet again nt the noonday
repast let it be evident, each to each, and
to your children, and to the hired help,
that you have both been on tbe Mount oi
Transflguratiou, althougt you went up by
iifferent paths, and tbat you have both
Deen fed by tbe bread of life, though
kneaded by different bands tn different
:rays and baked tn different ovens. "But
low about the cDlldren?" I am often
ssked by score ot parents. Let them also
make their own choice. They will grow
ap with reverence for both the denomina
tions represented by father and mother il
you, by holy lives, commend those de
nominations. If tbe father live? the bet
ter life, they will have the more favorable
opinion of his denomination. If tbe
mother lives the better life, ttoy will have
tbe more favorable opinion of her denom
ination. And some day both the patents
will, for at least one servlco, go to the
same church. The noighbors will say, "1
wonder what is going on to-day, for I saw
sur neighbor and bis wife, who always go
to different churches, going arm in arm to
the same sanctuary."
Well, I will tell you what has brought
them together, arm In arm, to the same
iltar. Something very important has hap
pened. Their son is to-day uniting witb
the church. lie is standing in the aisle,
:aking the vows ot a Christian. Ho had
Men somewhat wayward, and gave fathet
ind mother a good deal of anxiety, but
:heir prayers have been answered In his
sonverslon, and as he stands In the aisle
and the minister of religion says, "Do you
consecrate yourself to the God who made
ind redeemed you and do you promise to
terve Him all your days?" and with manly
roice be answers, "I do," there is an April
mower in tne pew wnere lather and
notber sit and a rainbow of joy which
trobes both their souls, tbat makes all dif
ferences of creed infinitesimal. And the
laughter who had been very worldly and
fny and thoughtless, puts her life on the
Itar or consecrntlon. and as the sunlight
if that Kahbath streams through the
jburch window and falls upon hi brow
tnd cheek, she looks like their other daugh-
er, whose face was illumined with the
brightness ot another world on the day
when the Lord took her into His heavenly
Keeping years ago.
I should not wonder. It, niter all. these
parents pass the evening of their life In
the same church, all dl (Terences of church
preference overcome by the joy of being
n the house of God where their children
4rere prepared for usefulness an i heaven.
Bat I can give you a recipe for ruining
irour children. Angrily contend in the
louseuold that your church is right and
he church of your companion is wrong.
Bring sneer and caricature to emphasize
tour opinions, and your children will
nano up their minds mat rellglou is a sham,
ind thoy will have none ot it. In the
lortheost storm of domestic controversy
:he rose of Sharon and the lily of tho valley
Kil not grow. Fight about apostolic
luccesston, fight -about election nud tree
tgency, ngnt about baptism, light about
the bishopric, fight about gown and sur
plice, and the religious prospects ot your
children will be left dead on the Held. You
will be as unfortunate as Charles. Duke of
Burgundy, who in battle lost a diamond
the value of a kingdom, for in your light
rou will lose the jewel ot salvation for your
entire nousenold. This is nothing against
the advocacy of your own religious theo
ries. Use all forcible argument, bring nil
telling Illustration, array all demonstrative
facts, but let there be no acerbity, nosting
ing retort, no mean Insinuation, no super-
rillousness, as though all others were
wrong and you infallibly right.
Coffins In Russia are never covered
with black. If the deceased Is a child.
pinn is used: if a woman, crimson.
though for a widow they use brown.
There are 1143 women clergymen
in the United States.
In Boston are two large advertising
agencies, the members of both firms
being women and all their employes
The tt'fWUl-RnWVPm nf Atlanta Cla
200 In number, have formed a trust!
and have raisprl thp nrifa f ui -t n .
stove-wood from fifteen cents to $1 per
aay. i,very member of the organiza
tion Is a blind man or a cripple.
In tlia Mplnn if T.anhfltiol In Ilia
-n m ... in-
Sahara, unusual rain storms prevailed
recently. Trees were uprooted and
houses demolished. The natives were
greatly terrified at the unaccustomed
A writer In the Celestial Empire
declare, that iha A ,uA
. TCirin r.latt-i(-t In Chin. Ki
J 600 criminals every year, and yet
i ibuiiuasc wuuiiucb tx scourge oi me
It la a tinnlt. t , -
, run by air, but the companies are
TiftAn IrMtfr 1 .
wvu aicrb sui"S uy water.
i '4
a. I
1 :f
i I '