Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, June 14, 1899, Image 2
! : SENTINEL &REPUBLICAN MIFFLINTOWN. PA. "77EDXESDAY " JUNE 14, 1899. B. P. SCHWEIEB, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR All the ministers of the French Cabinet resigned on Monday. Bbitish officers are coming for ward with advice as to the best method of governing the Filipinos. Americans govern from a stand point different from that of the Englishman. The democratic convention of But ler connty, .-t during ono rf tb hot dajs list week and denounced Gov fmor Stone for having the coat of arm of Pennsylvania painted on the State carriage. Excuse the errin? bivt.liren. Blame tb resolution of on 'nmnatiou on the heat. Twkxty-five hundred people as Hnectatois at the btiruin Of ill living human being at the stake in fJeorgiaJ and nine thousand specta tors al a fist fight for money in New York, has led some one to ex press the belief that the civiliza tion in the United States is only skin deep. In a fist light at the arena of the Coney Island Athlet e Club, N, Y., last Friday night James J. Jef feries knocked the worH renowned fist fighter Robert Fitzimmoiis put in the eleventh round. There were 900" spectators in the arena. The tight took place between the hours of 10 and 11 o'clock. Tin: new woman in York State, has made the discovery that blow ing a horn or leatiug a drum drops caterpillars from trees. The I rass band may be of some use in the fu ture in clearing orchards of cater pillars. Put the band in the orch ard to blow and drum down the caterpillars. hm1 for the new woman. Thi: negroes of Houston. Texas, have a uv prophet named Smith, who is preaching the end of the' world. If the negroes of (he South would devote more attention to their ow n ltetterment in this world, and leave the question ot the end of the world to their Creator, how uiiuh better for all concerned. If they don't die lefore the end of the wo: Id comes, they'll be here when that event takes place Last Friday the directors of the Pennsylvania Itailroud Company elected A. J. Cassett, President of the Compauv to succeed the late deceased Frank Thomson. Mr. Cassett is one of the most capable men in the Company. He was I Kirn in Pittsburg, Pa., "in -1S39. His fathc: gave him a good education and rounded it with the profession of a civil engineer Soon after graduation he became identified with the engineering department of the Pennsylvania Kail road Com pany. He is now President of the giant corporation, and will majce a Jirstjratc Presidsiii. is-zzi "irr who know him. ORPHANS' COURT. The regular Orphans and Argu ment Court convened at 9 o'clock, a. m.; on Tuesday, June 13, 1899. Judges Lyons, Sterrett and Swart z occupied the lcnehandon ducted the court All accounts as ail vert esed by the Prothonotary were confirmed, there leiug no exceptions to the same. The mi-omits of Administrators and Executors as advertised by the Register, were eonfirnied by the -eoiirt. In the estate of Jacob II. AViney, deceased, order to sell decedent's real estate granted. In the estate of Lewis V. Leon--ard, late of Fayette Twp , deceas ed, return to order to sell real es tate filed and confirmed, Heal es tate rcpor.ed as sold to Milo Leonard, the Administrator forthc price or sum of $44S.10, subject to a dower mortgage ot $25 1.90. In the estate of Lydia Stroup, lite of Susquehanna Twp, deceas ed, real estate returned as sold to Beuuaville Stroup, the Adminis trator for the price or sum of $140. 00 whieli was confirmed by the court In the matter of the partition And valuatiou of the real estate of Augelina G. McAlister, late of FayeLte Twp., deceased, order on heirs made to accept or refuse the decedent's real estate at the value jitiou. In the estate of Elizalieth Kau- nals, late of the liorough of Port Royal, deceased, order to sell de cedent's real estate granted. John J. Patterson, Jr., was ap pointed master in the divorce pro ceedings letweeu Flora E. Goshorn and Frank. J. Goshorn. ! In the assigned estate of John Stouffer of Walker township, Ar thur B. Shuman, the Assignee was granted an order to sell assigned real estate. In the estate of William H. Bar clay, late of Tnscarora township, deceased, A. C. Harris, the Ad ministrator was granted an order to sell decedent's real estate. In the estate of Benjamin Kerch Tier, late ot Walker township, de ceased, George B. Cramer, clerk of the Orphans' ourt acknowledge! his deed in open court of decedent's real estate to Seth Kerch ner, who ' was executor of said estate, and who purchased the real estate. At the instance of the overseers of the poor of Walker township, a rule was granted on Wm. Knisely to show cause why he shou d not contribute to the support and maintenance of his indigent, insane son Thomas Knisely. Rule made returnable at September term. In the estate of Peter Swartz, late of Monroe township, deceased, order granted to sell decedent's real estate. In No. 80, Dec. T., 189S, R. S. Afoiaor fit al vs. lluani Carl, ae- fendant granted permiasion to With- draw original petition. An issue or- dered, framed and placed npon and ill be good to return until Jo trial list for September term. j rj 81, iBclubWe, except that on de In the matter of the inquest in poail of ticket with the Joint Agent partition in the estate of Martha ' at Bichmoad before July 28, and the Book, deceased, retnrn of the writ paymeni of fifty eenta, the return of inquest with appraisement made bout may be extended to leave R.cb andnotica was ordered to be given' mood not later than August 15, to heirs to accept or refuse said.18-9- . real estate at the valuation. t ?tap over at Washington on return T,timnv was taken before the "P tedJ. not to xceed final court to determine whether or not Elizabeth Cassette, an aged widow of Beale township, was or was not mentally able to care for her prop erty. Seven witnesses were exam ined and from their testimony the court determined she was incapa ble of properly careing for her es tate and Peter ITbil was appointed guardian to manage herestate. In the estate of George Towsey, the decedent's real estate was tak en by the widow under the widow's exemption law, the property hav ing been appraised at the sum or $.100.00. Clara M Wilson was divorced f 1 1 1 1 T.. . 1 f WileAn iniiu iter uuniMuuipauio u. uiwn. : B. F. Burchfield, Esq., was ap-1 :.1 o.. ....lit. J !. ratal of ,.v -r;i i c ? .1. jonu Jiicnaci, laitr ui r rruiauou township, deceased. Wilberforce Schweyer, Ksq., vas appointed as Auditor in the estate of John B. Woodward, lateofTus carora township, deceased. Theodore H. Meminger was ap pointed guardian of the minor chil dren of Ellen Meminger, late of Spruce Hill township, deceased. In the estate of Nicholas Okesou, deceased, B. F. Bnrchfield was ap pointed an Auditor. James M. Bryuer was granted a soldier's peddlers' license. Joseph IVaugherty, Assignee of James Hockenberry of Tnscarora township, was granted power to r,i-eonvey to the said Assignor such real estate as now remained in his hauds. The debts of thesaid James Hockenberty having been paid. Viewers were appointed to va cate the old lierin bank road lead ing from the ware houses south of town to the old fair grounds. In the case of Mary and Margar et Leonard vs. Samuel Leonard, rule was p ranted on Plaintiffs to show cause why they should not pav all costs accrued on said case up to the date of tilling their amended statement, and made re I n rnable on t he 1 Ot h of J u ly . George Morgan was granted a divorce from his wife Mollie B. Morgan. Flora Huffman was granted a di vorce from Milton Huffman. The notes of testimony and re port of the Master were filed in the divorce proceedings between Ella A. Underwood and Charles E. Un derwood Court adjourned until Saturday, June 17th at 1 o'clock, P. M. B.UNG. Oi the 7th icst, Jonas Presto, Jr, was hang at We6t Chester for the murder of his wifo to whom he had been married abjut two months He confessed ibe murdar and con fessed that La had played insane to help him secure an acquittal. He had not lost his" P pe lito-to "lit. - btH heartily ate a plate af ice cream be fore he started for the. scaffold. On the Ecaff ld he a?ked to make a few rt marks and said pood bye; "I want to go homo to see Jeeus. It was my fault. God forgive me. Oh, Jesus have more ! Oh, God help me! The came day Rdph W. Wire-back was hung ot Lancaster for the murder of David tJ. Lsndis. "Wireback killed Banker Landis on April 7. 1898. He had rented a Louse from Mr. Landis with trie un- deist.aitdin? that lie would vacate by Apiil 1. When the tnno arrived Wirtbuck refused to injve and barri caded hi ui self in tl.e btiilliog. When cons'ablts forced an -n-irance Wirebuck rctreu'ed to the garret- He then asked the flicer to end for Mr. Landis. Upon the banker's arrival at the loot of tbc garret steps ha was shut by Wire back and instantly killed." He loo slept well the n'gbt pre ceding the execution, and ate a hearty breakfast, and boasted of his nerve. His spiritual adviser remained with him to the last. The murderer professed deep religious convictions and in bidding good-bye to the pris on officials he siid he hoped to meet them all in Heaven. REPUBLIC AX COMMITTEE MEETING. The Republican County Commit tee met in the Jacobs House on Sat nrdiv afternoon in pursuance to a call of its Chairman. Fourteen oat of the tisditcen elec tion districts were represented by nineteen committeemen. Nearly all I he candidates announced f cr office w fire nresent at the meeting and were invited to express their opin ions as to a suitable date upon which tc hold onr Primary Election. They were unanimouslv in favor of holding the Primary on Sturday, July 2.1, 1899, and the Committee following their suggestions fixed that day as the date for Holding tne rrimary Election. It is at a time midway between the wheat and oats hai vests and a large vote is likely to be gotton out at that time. The meeting was a harmonious one and the indications now point to for the ticket this fall- The meetiug adjourned after adopt- in r a resolution thanking the lnair man and his Secretaiv for the able manner in which they had performed hi r An lirn dnrini? the last cam paign. REDUCED RATES TO BtcnOKD. VA . VIA PENNSYLVANIA railroad, account international convention baptist toumo people's union. On account of the International Convention of the Baptist Young Peonlv's Union of Acorics, to be held at Richmond. a., July 13 to 16, the Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany has arranged to Bell excursion tickets from ncints on its line, to i;..km,i (snf nnvle fart for the round trip (tickets via Baltimore and steamboat fifty cents more than fifty cents more than eiogle fare). Tickets will 0 kW oiy u tv wr limit of ticket. For specific ratea and conditions apply to Ticket Agents. j21. THE PE!I1I'A CHAVTiCQCA. . The Eighth Annual Assembly of the Penn'a Chaulauqu will open J a ly 4th at Mt. Gretna and close Ang ut 10th. The session promises to be one of unusual interest and excel lence Twenty fonr departments of insriuc'ion have been provided, all under persons of wide reputation and successful experience We men tion only a few. Dr. 8. C. Sqhmucker, of the Weet Chester Normal school will have chnrere of the natnral sciences; Prof. " a rt m l -. i c " ""?n;" meraiun-, aV. mcu.ur,ui i Uu- delpbia. ravcoloirv; Miss PttF, of Washington, D. C, history; Miss C)l!intr, of OJ City, school of cook ing; Miss Lippiccott, of Washington, D. C, school of kindergarten. Over oue buodrod entertainments, concerts and lectures will be given. Among the platform attractions un dor contract are Herr Cohea of Loo -don, Eng.; the famous south Afri cans, from the Dirk Continent; Col. Geo. W. Bain, of Kentucky; Prof. Dinsmore, of Syracuse, N. Y.; Ed ward P. Elliott, the impersonator; Augusta Ohrstrom-Renard, soprano from the Royal opera, Stockholm, Sweden, and .Wiss Rabeeci MacKen zie, p;pil of Madame Ohrstrom-Rsn-ard; Leon H. Vincent acd many others. In addition to being a great edu cational, litoraro, musical and social center, Mt. Gretna is a beautiful pltce, located in the mountains by Lake Conewago. A in-ire delightful ful, healthful and profitable place to spend a summer cannot be found. Eisi'y accessible by rail, being on the Cornwall & Lebanon R R , which connects with the Penn'a R. R at Conewago and the Keiding at Lebanon; Las all conveniences; first class accommodations; and rates are reasonable. Write for catalogue and for information t Rev. Geo. Fultoc, cor. sec'y, Lebanon, Pa. Tribute or Respect. Whereas: God ia his all wise Providence has again seen fit to visit Tuscarora Grunge and take from it one of our brothers Jacob Naogle. Therefore, be it resolved that Tusca rora Grange has lost a faithful and honored member and one whom we oil loved and respected R-solveo': That we bow in hrm Me snbraifsion to the will of Almighty God fcn wiug that our loss is onr deceased frieuds eternal gain. Resolved: That while we miss him in cur meetings h"re on earth, we will strive to so live tbat we shall meet again in the great Gr.mge on high. Resolved: That we tendur our sincere sympathy to the fancily aDd oomurjil 1 thexn-U) the tender care of him who ia a husband to the widow and a father to the fatherless. Resolved: That these resolutions be published m two county papetB, and a copy bo sent to the family of the deceased. Mary B. Keesieb, Emua D. Noss, J. T. Wore, Committee. A Thousand Tongaci Could not exDTfis the raptum ol Annie E. Spriieer, of 1 125 Howard alreo', Phila delphia, P., whom sho found that ur. Kitig'a 3ew Discovery lor uonnuropuoo. had completely cured tier or a Hacking congh tbat for inny years bad mvlo lite a urrtea All olncr lemtnira ana ujc ot. could five her do help, but ahe aa a of iut RoalCurc "it soon reuiovea ioe pain in . . i ii.. my cueat ana i can now an-cp e-iuuui, something I can scarcely temerautr noing before. I feel like sounding its praiaea throughout the Universe. " So will evnry one who tries Dr. King'a New Discovery tor any trouble ot tbe Throat, thst o Lnngt. Price 50c and $1. Trial bottles free at M. P. Crawford's Drug Storrr every bottle guaranteed. REDUCED RITES TO ItETTYSBUBG via pennkvevania bail ROAD, ACCOUNT DEOICATION OF THE GENERAL REYNOLDS MONUMENT On account of the dedication of the monument to Geueral Reynolds t Gettysburg-, Jnly 1, the Pennsyl vania Railroad Company has arrang ed to sell excursion tickets from points on its line in Pentsylvanis, Delaware. Maryland, and tee Jia'rict of Columbia, to Gettysburg,, at rule of single fare for the round trip. Tickets will be sold on .rune dU and July 1, good to return until Ju ly 5, inclnsive 21. THE FIRST AHStlVEBSART. It is iust a vear since the Chi- ... D. C. T ,1 CaSTO. JJlllwaUKee OL. iam rusm inaugurated its celebrated Pioneer Limited passenger train service-du-tween Chicago, Milwaukee, St. P-.inl and Minneapolis, lhis ser vice marked a new era in the rail way world in the line of passenger accommodations. At a cost ot a anarter of a million dollars- that nroeressive company lurnisneu tne traveling public, in its Pioneer i Limited train, comtorts ana racm- i ties the best ever produced. This train has been described many times in newspapers and maga zines, but should be se:-n end ex amined to be appreciated. In beauty of finish, richness and ele gance ol furnishing nothing equal to it has ever b en attempted by any other road. The car builders were nearly a year in completing the Pioneer'Limited trains (there are two) one leaving Chicago for the West and the other leaving the Twin Cities for the East every evening in the year) and they st.ind to-dav a monument to the builder's art. Noiegular passen p-er tiain service in America is as well known as the Pioneer Limited. From the standpoint of passenger traffic the past twelve months have been the most successful in the his torv of the St. Paul road, made so very largely by the Pioneer Limi ted. The patronage of this semw w a striking illustration ot the fact I that the public appreciate a gooa wung. Rbke1 era A startling Incident," o! whleb Mr. John Oliver, of Philadelphia, was tbe nbjeet, U narrated by bins a follows: "I waa ia a moat dreadrn condition. My Ah was aU aot yellow, eyes snakes, tengne eoated, paia eontina lly ia back ss4 sides, no appetite gradually growing weaker day by day. Three physicians bad give me np. Fortunately, a friend advised- trying Klectric Bitters.' and to my groat Joy sad surprise, the first bottle a decided improve meet. I continued their ase for three weeks, aad am bow a well man. 1 know tboy saved say life, and robbsd tbe grave of another victim." No one ahon Id fail to try tbem. Only 60o, guaranteed, at at. P. Crawfori'a Drag Store. DOCTOR TODRSELF AT HOME. Send for a copy of Dr. Humph rey b Manual or all diseases and. doc tor yourself at home. Sent free on request. Humphrey's Medicine Co., New York city. REDUCED RATES TO ST. LODIS VIA PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD ACCOUNT MEETING ORANGE LODGE, B P. O. ELKS On accuuut of the meeting of the Grand Lodge, B. P. O. Elks, at St iioiiis. aio , June m to 2d, I8rf'j, tbe Pet nuyl vama KailroaJ &mpany will sell roucd-triD tickets from nointn on its line, to St. fjotiia and return, at greatly reduced rales. Tickets wilt be sId June 18 and 19, good to re turn until J.ine 25. For specific rates and conditions apply to Ticket Agents. RUMMER 'otrTIRGS. PEBSONALLY -CONDUCTED TOCBS VIA PEKN6VLVANIA BArLBOAD The Ptmnsylvania Bailroad Com i j a ""UW1"8 beeu granted to the undersigned, resid eonall v c inducted tours for the sum- Ir s j . u;. n u mer of la'J'J: I To the North, including Niagara 1 Falls, Toronto, Thousand Island-.,!. the Kfc. Lawrence. Mnntraal. O.iaIkx. Robtrvftl (L.:ko St. Jobr). tbe Sa. ncnay, Au buole Unasm, Laben Champlaio and George, Saratoga, and a d-yiiht ride tbrough the Ilightands of the Hndson, Jnly 22 to August 7. Rate, $125; August 12 to 25, visiting same points cs first tour ex3pt Roberval and the Signenay. Rate $100 for tbe round trip, from New York, Pniladelphia, Baltimore, Washington, and Harrisburg. Pro portionate rates from otbtr points. For itineraries and further in forniilion npplv lo tickt t ngents, or Assistant hu v gq js w vw v General Passenger Ageut Phlladel- phia- 2t Tbat ThroblBr Deadaebe Would qolcklr loave yon, if yon nsed Dr. King's New Lit e Fit s. Thousands of sufferers have proved their ma'cbtess merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches. Thny make pure blood and strong nerves and build np your health. Easy lo take. Try tbem. Only 2oc, Honey back if not enred. Sold by M. P. Crawford, Druggist. e DIED. Evams Oa tbe 5th inst , at Thotnpsontovvn, Misi Myrtle Evans, aged 23 years and II mODthp. In terment in St. Paul's Lutheran cpm etery in Beale township, by under taker Srtyder. Stkaykk. On the 7th in-it., in Patterson, Mr. Samuel Strayer, ag ed 70 years and 20 days. Mr. Samuel Strayer was,born at McAlisterville, Juniata Coimty, Pa.,was raised In the village, edu cated there in the public schools, and in his young manhood days be came a clerk in a store in his na tive town. He was attentive to bus iness and was a' capable salesman. As the years rolled by his exper ience and economy enabled him to engage in the mercantile business, and he became a store proprietor. After a number of years thus en gaged he sold his store and with his brother Jacob was engaged in the manufacture and sale of grain drills at Akron, Ohio. That busi ness not proving as congenial to him as he at first thought it might, he came back to Juniata county and bought a clothing store in Pat terson. He conducted theclothing business successfully and only quit it when his health began to fail bim. He was fond of a good horse and always had one in his stable. He enjoyed a trip in a buggy or carriage and in that way took rec reation He as not a club or so ciety man, but those who knew him found him genial and most ob liging, lie-was a man of strong likes and dislikes as every success ful man. of the world is. He was fond of lauded property and bought himself a vain-able farm east of town. He liked to own houses and bought a number in the bor ough of Patterson. He was a suc cessful man as the world understands- success and leaves a snug estate for bis family. He died of consumption. The disease had hold, of him a number of years, but did not seriously manifest itself till last fall when it prostrate 1 hila and gradually reduced his vitality,, till on the evening of the 7th day of June he passed away into the great beyond. Rev. Mr. Raven was his- chosen ministerial comfort- ana conducted tne tuneral set vices. The funeral took place- oa Saturday. Interment m the- Pres byterian cemetery. Mr; Strayer as married to Miss Hettv Bicken- bansrh of this county. Mr. Stray er and two sons and two. daaghten snmve him. mrrLiNTOww grain mark us MIFFLINTO WN JUNE 14, 1899. "r-.'-st 70 Cm io Pftr . . . . 40 'V.M. ... 80 Rvp 15 Clo .re91 . $2 to 12 SO Butter . 12 Eg 10 Htm 12 Suonlder 12 Tisni i ii ....... S Sides. .......... ..... .... 7 Timothv sed.... tl.40 . F-.e 60 Bran 70 Chop 85c to 90 Middlings 90 Groosd la n Salt...... ..... ... " 5 AutericanSalt.... ............. SOe Phiiadelphu Markets, June 10, 1899. Wheat 75c; Corn 38c; Oats 32c; Beef cattle 4 to 5Jc; sheep 2 to 5c; spring lambs 6 to Sets; fall lambs 5 to 6cts; hogs 5c; veal calves 5 to . -. i Snef A-- !! I S1A ' w 40 50ctfl , t-JTS, .50 to S3.00 a bar-J vc; mucn cows iu via, vuy fiu j . ch4ciw?tm70,ft. immm mmm IT If PwnBlA. I hens lOcto a lb; spring chickens at 20 to 28cto; eggs 14c; butter 13 to 23c; sugars 5 to 5f cts. , - A rrlcsatriBil Blaaaer will -n .naa Knrrlhld BcrB. 8M . t i.. i..ki.a Arnica 5aN 1 .w. ii ! the world, will kill the pain ana 1 k..l it Cnru Old 8ores. ever a mmm Rnila. Falona. CorDS. ail lb. oiimt j . . Skin Brnntions. Best Pile cure on carta Only 25c, a box. Core guaranteed bv U. I'. Crawford, DrnggUt. Sold PUBLIC SALE. June 15, 1899, at 1 o'clock p.m., Emory W. Woodward, adminisra tor of Abram Bruliaker, deceased, will sell at late residence of deced ent in Beal township, household .. ' A A 1 V1aaV furniture, carpenter iuui, 'smith tools, pump-maKing iw and other articles. LEGJL . ADM I NISTR ATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that letters of Administration in tbe estate or Aora- ; h-m Rruhake, iate of Beale towiwhip. j Juniata county Pa., deceased, have leen sranted to the undersigned. residinK in said township All persons having claims affalnat the said estate will pres- eut the name for payment to Emory W. Wimmwakd, AdminiHtrator, Walnut, Pa. J. N. Keller, Attorney. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that letters of Administration in the estate of Mar- I . . am I . T . . .....!.! : garei nurreii, laie oi jjui-k iuwmmu, Juniata county, ra.. deceased, nave iUg claims against the said estate will preseut the same for payment to Sy0 tert.ek ?.?.,ci . muhucq iwii.s, i a. I Atkinson & Pknnkll, Attorneys. WONDERFUL are the cures by Hood's &arsaparilla, and yet they are simple and natural. Hood's SantV pariUa makes PURE BLOOD poLiTicAi. ahhovrce. MEMTS. The following scale of pjice f- r annonnc mcnts I ss been mutnally agreed upon by I the nndersiered, and no deviation fiom the same will be made. j Corsres. S20, Senator, 910; L.-gisl- tore, $; Associate Jnlee Pr-tbnnotary j and Trcaanror. each, $": Di'tr ct Attorney, Connty Cntnatiiwioner, Bnirseentttive Del. rgateand Chiirraan of Conity Coramittbe, ! each. $3; Auditor, f 1. i A. C. ALLISON. Editor Juwiata Herald. B. F. 8CHWEIEK, Editor SEsnxEr. ait d Ketvbi.icax. KOR TREASFRER. Mr. Eittar; Please announce that I am a candidate for nomination for Treasurer of Juniata county, subject to Republican rules and usagen. John F. Ehkkxzkt.i.er. Cocolamus, Pa., Jan. 3T, WOO. I resneetfullv announce mvseir an a candidate for the nomination for the Lewtatowii 11 58 p. m.; Huntingdon rs office of County Treasurer, subject to 55 a. m. Tyrone 1 82 a. m. Altoona 2 00' the rules and usages of the Republican ; Pittsburg 5 no a. m. Karty of Juniata. A. IL Kuktz, t Fast Line leaves Philadelphia at 12' :ur'tzr Vaney, Delaware twp Mar. ff, 99. . 35 p. m. HarrisburR 3 4?-p. m. Duncan- I non 4 10 p. m. Newport 4 30 p.- m. Mif I respectfully announce mysellTas a ( fl,-n 5 02 p. m. lewistown 5 22 p. m. candidate for the office of County Treas- Mount Union 6 OS n. ni. Iluntinirdoii urer. suhiect lo me riiie himi uwsw r tneKepublTcan party of Juniata eounty. WruiAK IT. McCahakt. . . Miirortf township, March 13, 1S99: For commiskioxer. I hereby a-nnounce myself as a can didate for the office of County Commis sioner, Rubiecf to the true principles of the Republican party, and will, if nom inated and elected pledse myseir to-put forth every lawful or reasonable effort to meet the urgent needs of the people, in the disburFinent of their taxes. M- It- Beashore. I respectfully announce that T am a candidate for the nomination for the office of County Commissioner of Juni ata couuty; subject to Republican rules and usages. Wii.sox Gkoss, Thompsoiitown, Pa., March 11th, 1899. 1 hereby announce myself as a can didate for re-election for the office of County Commissioner. A board' of all new men labor under a great disadvant age. I have had the experience of one term and'wirn that I am satisfied' I can betterserve the public interest than when first elected. The present' board have done well. They kept up- repairs and paid a telling sum of the- county debt. Jehemiah IjornKxsLAOER. Mifflintown, May 9, 1899. 1' respectfollv announce that' I' am-a' candidate for the office of County Com- mifcsioner, subject to the rules and' us-l ages of the Republican party.- J. V . MOSTETI.EK; Walnut, Juniata Co.. Pa. May 27; 1699. FOB PRWHOXOTAKY: Mr. EPitok : Please announce that T am a candidate for the office of Pro--l tnonotary of Juniata County, subject-to-the rules-and regulations of the Repub lican party of Juniata. Academia, Pa. Afarchl5 1899. DISTRICT ATTOBNEY. r hereby announce myself as a cainff- date lor the office of District Attorney, subject to the rules and' usages or tbe Republican party. April 1st, 1899. FOR OOrXTY AUDITOR; r hereby announce myself'asndi- dstte for the offlcc of County- Auditor. At a former primary election for-a nom ination I was honored by the receipt of every vote polled in thedistnerra which I live. W. IN. IVErSTBR, Dimmsville, Juniata-COi., Pa. DEI.KOATK TO STATE CON VfTNTtOX. Mr. Editor i.- Please amtounee the name of Eli Farleman, Mexico, Walk er townshipi for Delegate tt State Con vention, subject to Republican rules and usages. dmware. W)R PROTHONOTARY. I respectfully announce that I am candidate for the office ef Prothonotary of Juniata county, subject to the rules and usages of the Republican party. H. C; MeO.,EL,LAJf, Mifflintown, Pa., April 24, 1899, FOR OOCN1-T CHAIRMAN. I hereby announce myself as a art didbteforthe oiltee of County Clialr msin of the Republican County Cxm atfttee. Wiu, L. Hockt-KK. Subscribe for the Juniata Senti nel and Republican, the best paper in the county. Dr. King's New Discovery. puDAviD Favorite The one i:f-c f itr for at if smnL ATTORNEYS-AT -LAW. MltTLIKTOWW, r A. Hi .. P! of re done of Looia B. Atkins, -h;-- Bridge street. QT-CoUeetiag aad Ooavoyaadag rroaP" j atteoded to. Attorney-at-Law. ga-Collectionaandall legal boai 11 mHanAeA to. ness prompwj 0FF1CB IN COUBT HOUSB. TXH. D. M. CKAWTOBD fc SON, Ave formed, partsership for th of Medicine and tbrir '''V.JSd Or-' Office at old stand.eorner of W W . uiMi-tAvn. V. Oneor norn ange sireeia, """'"-- - . . .n ... i. r-A .f ihir oluce at an Oi mem win w , , timca, nnless otherwise profeaaioD.lly on- April 1st, 1896. IJP.DERR, " PRACTICAL DESTIST. G -adnate of the Philadelphia Dental Tot ge. Office at old established lo cation, Bridge Street, opposite Court House, tfifBioiowo, Pa. Grown and Bridge work; Painless Ei traction. All work guaranteed. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD Schedule in Effect May 21, in Effect 1899. WESTWARD. Way Paosenper, Teaves Pliiladetphia at t 30 a. m: Harrisbnnr 8 "0 m; Duncan non 8 85 a. mr New Port 9(15 a. m; Mtllerstown 9 15 a. m: Purwoni 9 21 a. m; Thompsontown 9 2fi a. m; Van Dvke 9 33 n. mr Tuscarora 9 30 a. m; Mexico 9 40 a. mr Port Royal 9 44 a. m; Mifflin 9 50 a. m; Denhohn 9 55 a. m; Lewistown 10 13 a. m; McVeytown 10 38 a. m; Newton Hamilton II 00 a. m- Mnnnt IT.. inn 11 OS a. mr I f tlllt HIIT- rion 11 32 r. m: Tvrone 12 20 p. m; AH toona 1 00 p. m: Pittsburg 5 50 p. m. Mail leaves Philadelphia at 7 00 a. m; Harrisburp at 11 48 a. m; Mifflin I II p. m: Lewistown 1 30 p. m; Hunting don 2 29 p. m: Tvrone 3. 12 p. nr; Ar toona 3 45 p. m; PittsburK 8 40 p. in. Altoona Accommodation leaves Har risburjr at 5 00 p. m; Iluncaiition 5 34 p. m; Newport 6 02 p. m; Millerstown 6 11 p. m; Thompsoiitown 6 2f p. m; Tuscarora 6 30 p. m: Mexico 6 33 p. mr Port Royal 6 38 p. m: Mifflin 6T43 p. nr; Den holm 0 49 p. m; Lewistown 707 p. m; McVeytown 7 30 p. m; Newton Hamilton ? 50 . m; Huntitiedon 8 20" p. m; Tyrone 9 02 p. m; Altnona 9 35 p. m. Pacific Express leaves Philadelphia at 11 20 p. m: Harrisbunr at 3 00 a. in. Marysville 3 14 a. m. Duneannon B' 29 a m. Newiwrt 3 52 a m. Port Royar 4 25 a. m. Miftiin 4.30 a. m: Ijewisrown 4 52 a m. Newton Hamilton 533' a. m. j HuntinRdon 6 03 a. m. Petersburg 19 a. m. Tvrone 6 52 a. m. Altoona" T W a. m. Pittsburg 12 10 a. m. Oyster Express leaves Philadelphia- at 4 35 p, m. Harrlsbursr at 1 an p. nr 1 Newport 11 06 p. m. Mifflin 11 40 p; m. 0. IHS p. III. Tyrone a - yv-.- KHm.n 7 So p.m. Pittsburg 11 30 p. ni. . EASTWARD. Altoona Accommodation leaves Al roona at 4 40 a. m. Tyrone o"01 a. m. Petersburg 5 2o a. m. Huntingdon 5"37" a. m. Kewton Hamilton 6 01 a.- m. Mc Vevtown 6 17 a. m. Jjewtstown ( 38 a. nt.'Mifflin 6 58 a. m. Port Royal 7 02 a. m. Thompsoiitown 7 17 a. m. Millers town 7 !M a. m. Kewrt 73.Y a: m. Duncan non 8 00 a. m. Harrisburg 8 32' a. m. Sea Khore leaves Pittsburg al'2 50 . m. Altoona 7 15 a. m. Tyrone-7"48 a. m. Huntingdon 8 80 a. m. McVeytown 9 15 a. ra. Ijewistown 9 35 a. m. Mifflin 9 55 a. m. Port Royal 9 59 a. ni. Thoni)won tewn 10 14 a. m. Millerstown 10 ! a. n. Xewjvirt 1132 a. ni. Duneaimoir 10 54' a. in. Marysville 11 07 a. m.- Harris bwir II 125 a.m. Pliiladelpliia-3 m p.m. Srain IJne Express leaves- Pittsburg at 8 00 a. m. Altoona 11 40 u. in. Tyrone HP OS p. m. Huntingdon 12 35 p. m. Iiewistown 1 33 p. ni. Milltm 1 50 p. m. Harrisburg S 10 p. m. Ralrimore X p. mi Washington 7 15 p. m. Philadelpliid 6- 'JS p. m. Mail leaves Altoona at 2 05 p. nu Ty Mirte 235 p. m. Huntingdon 3 17 m. Newton Ilamilioti 3 47 p. m. McVey t'Wii 4 20 p. m. Lewistown 4 33 jk lii. Mrfflin 4 55 p. in. Port Royal 5 00 p. mi We-xtoo 5 20 p. ni. Thompsoiitowii 5" 19 pm. Millerstown 5 2H p. ni. Newport 5 39p m. Duncannou 0 OS p. ro. Har-. niiurg K 45 p. ni. Mail Express leaves Pittsburgat 12- 451 p. m. Altoona 5 50 p. m. Tvrone B 2i p. m. Huntingdon 7 l p in. c-Vey-sown 7 44 p. in. I e Wigtown 8 Oft p. rrj Mifflin 8 2 p. m. Por lioyal 8 31 p. nij. Millerstown 8 57 p. .na. Newport 9 05 fn. m. Duiicaunoti 9 29-p.m. Itarrishurir. 10 00 p ni. Philadelphia Eixpress leaves l'itht. bnrg at 4 30 p. m. .AltiMinu ft 05 p. ni. Tyrone 9 33 i. liw.Muiitingdoii 10 12 p. m. Mount Union- 1032 p.m. Ix?is- town 11 IB p. m. ifFtlliii 11 37 p. m. Har-. risburg 1 00 a. m. Philadelphia 4 30 At Iewistow-iu Junction. For Sun. bury 7 50 a. m, and 3 40 p. m. week days. For Jfilmy 7r5U, 11 45 a. m. aisi!3 08 p. m weck-tlitihs. At Tyrone For Clearfield aad- "nr. wensville 8 :Ma. m. 3 20 and 7 D'p. nu week-days. For ItelltiOrtite and Ijock Hen 8. 10 a. m. 12 ot(nd 7 15 p. m. wek-darn. For fuicher information nnnlv in ticket Assents, or Thoma K Watt Bunn tua. aa... ii- . ... - . Comer tfth Avenue amis SmitiitieM Bireei,. mtsiurg. J. B. 1AUTCH INSON. i R. worm Ueufetal Man'g'r. Ciene.1 Pass'r. Agt OR EASE BERT 131 Mr, VTOBLT. . rons.xgPYnyi.EBs opQ,Li,r.iw 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE 1 Titanr Mmb Aarone sendtns; a sketch and dsserlntlnn aleklT uOTtaln onr onlnir.n Tt7L!Mr '- W"t xrancr for rin atrial nottc. rauou imam thrown Mun. i . He, wlthoat chants. In the Scitntinc flaiiciiit A banasomelT ilhutrated nu, -- ""op oi ny BCtntlfle lonrasL WsAtaa, tic. Hollbbaugh & Son, HAVE THEIR ENTIRE LINE OF Spring Clothing and (-) (-) Gents Furnishing Goods Now ready for Inspection. They have no Competition ia their line. Their goods are Cheaper than the Cheapest, Bet ter than the Best and Later than the Latest Styles carried by others. If you want the Latest Style Suit, either in msa boy's or children's, they have it. Do you want the best and Most Fashionable Shoe on the market? They have a Full line of the Celebrated Douglass Shoes. Will you have a Hat of the very latest black, in either Stiff, Crush or Straw, hen is the only place you will find it. (:) Ask any Man (:) orlin wears the latest style Shirt, Collar or Tie, where he 'them, he will answer at HOLLOBAUGII &S0N. We have finer line of Shirts, INeckwear ana oouars in;n we ever carried before. We have lately put in an entire new line of Collars, the best and latest the market can afford to replace the Curtw Collar which we are now selling at 10 cents. We handle child's Collar to be used with Vestee Suits We sell the best shoe in the market, the Dougla?, and have it in all the moat fashionable lasts, every pair guaranteed to give satisfaction. We are agents for the Sweet Urr Uveraiis ana nave fixes from the largest to the smallest. Fine Trunks, Valises, Hand Bags, Suit Cases etc., also Umbrellas, Combs. Cuff Buttons, J!oj Supporters. Cuff Holders, and everything that goes to mak up a first class Gents Furnishing Line. Call and see onr $U,ck. HOLLOBAUGH & SON, 110 Main St., Patterson, McOLINTIC'S HARDWARE and House-Furnishing STORE THIS STORE SETS THE PACE. O- THAT S WHY YOU LUCE IT. Things are never trail herej'oever stupid. Tbe full life of tbe utore sr way haa a shecrfol welcome for all coolers, and stoppers aro quick to Jeoid in. favor of the Great Vahes to be foond in our new - . ----- - - ' T Inviting STORE K. H. MXL1WTIC, Get a poort jar I y ubllcrlhl STIKKL aid Rin-mon. I ho y.KIa-TY-Sliiiar--TT.") 'ii. i wr. mui)i.i:r v s Ixihoiih t Specific for- Hih uava et Oi ip and Goldsx and-(be prevenHui(df PL-eumo niai All dr-uccittsi.2ijp Sjubncriltf) fcr ti .Sksvinm. asi R ei-hbuum, a i.-iuer !-Lat -iutaniB choice rending math p. full of in form tion tbnt ditea tlio osimW u'hkI, m.d in addiiinn to that, nil hnk nWMi.at are wortb jmMihhiag fiinl i.Imi-. m in itf" col U 11! I S. if. HUMPHRE t Ciires Fever. No.. 2 . Worms. No. a In rants' Diseases. Wo.. -4. Diarrhea. Mo.. T Coughs. No.. 8 Ciarcs Neuralnin No.. O Headache. j No. to Dyspepsia. j No.. 1 1 - Delayed Period. ! No. " Leucorrhea. Nv t3 Cures Croup. Nv tA Skin Diseases Nok t8 " RheumatisnaK No. t6 " Malaria. No. 19 Catarrh. No. SO Cures Whooping Cough No, 21 Asthma. No. 24 General Debility. No. 26 Sea-Sickness. No. 27 " Kidney Diseases. No. 28 Cures Nervous Debility. No. 30 Urinary Diseases No. 32 Heart Disease. j o. 34 sope Throat. Wo- " Colds and Grip. b. HuMPHaers' Homeopathic JUimali OF DlSEAJSKa Mjuliu Fbm. 8 mall bottlos Off tllMmitt lv.11.4. 4 a. . pocket. SoJdtwdi:awiir, nl " ? LcJS,A',. Humphrey,' Modi !t,iMPHREYS WITCH HAZEL OIL r.PitosSL!?1 OINTMENT."' trial stt-e. as OTS V -oOu O A Specially S-ileatcd Stock of Kaoges, Cook, Parlor and Sfaoi btoves. Horse HlaDkctdad Lap Robs LAMPS, Urpcaod small. Cooio in and look' around. We'll' make ycu fen I at bnoje. We have tbe largest Stuck ii4 Store in the county. 17 R : X A M Fi UHARANVEBS UHAUTY. MIFFLINTO W.f HiYEIOU KGKEYTO DEPOSIT? AKL' VIM) A i:0UU0iV,C'.;? THE BASE, MIKFLIMIOWN, I-A.. THREE PUR CEKT PAID ON TIMKrKRTiril'ATb. MoDoy LciiEcd at Lowest Sates. i March .5sB8b. ' f" ; 'L'i.11- Juniata Valley National Bank. ii 1 pm .... iVIS K. ATKINSON, TruoeDi. T. V. IIUV1N. (Vliier. DIRE(Tt)lS. Louis E. Atkii.Bot.. W. C. Pomof John Hertsler. J- H. J. Bhelleuherger. W. N. T. Vau Irwin. Interest allowed ou timedep', the rate of three per cent. pr snDO January U, Ti.. Af Tlwt'i iai - I are the lanrest in the wor" ' rriA AHMAD Kar I lAiU 18SN. a si wonderful, perfect, permnsw- Hood's Pitts w the to caUortio and liver i4jla p W. i us, wBhsi tw mr i