Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, June 14, 1899, Image 1
n c crHwriro ' THE CONSTITUTION THE UNION AM) THE EHFORCEUENT OF THE LAWS Editor and Proprietor. VOL. LIII. MIFFMNTOVX, JUNIATA COUNTY, PENX., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14, 1899. NO. 27. angeromia .a v ectret. ii n CHATTER IX. On the following morning Mr. Hephzi bah Horton i seated in her own rooms at breakfast, in company with the solicitor, Mr. Bond. Before the meal is concluded, a serrant brings a twisted piece of paper to present to Mrs. Horton. "l'lense. ma'am, a messenger has bror.i'ht this for yon." "1'iar friend," it reads, 'If you can tome to me. pray do so. It is all over. He died last nipht. and I am left alone, nd m. re in need of help from your strong heart and head than ever. Yours affec-lionat.-Iy. DELIA MORAY." "Make haste and finish your breakfast." lays Mrs. Morton to her solicitor, explain ing the note. "You must come with me! Who knows what use your legal knowl edge may he to the poor girl in this ex tremity''" When they reach the Morays lodgings Mr. Tiiuson. with the elongated face whii-h she considers suitable to the occa wuii. preeedes them upstairs with an inti mation of their arrival, and Delia, very pale and very grave, comes out to meet tier friend upon the landing. "It is so good of you to come to me," ihe s: s. as Mrs. Hephzibah embraces her. "l'i;t 1 felt sure you would. I sent i telegram to tell Mr. William Moray J this morning, and he has already arrived here; and and we don't get on very well together," she coucludes, with a look that lays more than her words. "Well: I'm all the more glad that I was t!e to come, my dear, then, and to bring ' my friend Mr. Bond, whoa let me intro duce to you. Mr. Bond is my legal ad- i yiser you have heard me mention his ' aine before, I think; and I have told him til your history, so you needn't mind nhat you say before him." 'Tray come in from this cold landing," ya I Mia, simply, as. having bowed to the solicitor, she leads the way to the sitting room. The blinds are down, but there Is a j 'Oil fire in the grate, and it does not look more dismal than usual. The child is seated on the hearthrug playing with some books and toys, and William Moray, from his chair at the ta ble, is watching him greedily as though he considers him to be already his own. He does not look particularly gratified when his sister-in-law re-enters the room, foiiS-J tee&8WMSe"who have-been k!rvi enough to call and see me," is all tii Delia says in explanation, and then ehairs are offered and accepted, and the party alt down together and feel uncom fortable, and don't know how to begin the loiiversation. "This is a very melancholy occurrence, lir," suys William Moray to Mr. Bond. "Very melancholy!" is the rejoinder. "W iio is to manage the business of the funeral V" "I take that responsibility upon my own shoulders," says William Moray. "I am triad to hear it," nods the lawyer; "not but what it's only your duty. This girl has kept your brother alive quite long tnuiigh. in my opinion. It would be rath tr hard if she had to bury him as well." "My family, madam, is above leaving the funeral obsequies of any of its mem ber to be performed either inefficiently or ti,rnuc;!i the charity of strangers," ha ini'vers, grandly. "lla your brother left a will?" "U, xii: lie had nothing to leave," re plies 1'elia, innocently. "My late brother lias left a will which was duly signed and witnessed in my presence," puts In Moray. "Glad to hear it," says the lawyer. "A nilll" cried India. "I never saw itl Do you know where it is, Mr. Moray 7" "It is in my possession." As he spenks, he hands Mr. Bond the pP'r which James Moray signed the Larht before, and the solicitor reads it in silen. e. When he has concluded he looks at Mrs. Morton as much as to say: "The Knie is up." I'eiia catches the look and rightly in terj.rets it. "What is in that paper?" she demands, pantinc with excitement. "Tell me. J Mve a ripht to know!" "Now, my dear lady " commence the solicitor. "He calm, Delia Moray," interpose Mrs. Hephribah, "and depend on it we will see all your legal rights secured to Fou." Willis m Moray smiles furtively and lays nothing. "How ran I be calm, when I feel some further calamity is banging over me? Oh! tell me what it contains, for mercy's lake!" implores the mother. "Well, ladies," explains the lawyer, "the Sist of the matter is that this paper, sign ed by the deceased, and witnessed by his brother and one Teresa Timson, deputes the sole guardianship of his son, William Ancus Moray, to his brother, William Moray, and that without any reference to or interference on the part of Delia Mo ray, his wife. Which means, ladies, that that it!. -man standing there has the pow. r ,!ecide where and how the boy shall le l..Hrded and educated hencefor ar.l. ami that his mother has no power rhatecr to gainsay or prevent him." "Infamous! exclaimed Mrs. Hvpbzi bah, energetically. "But, if the law can ri-ht her, it shall!" "The law- is futile to interfere," re ipnois Mr. Itond. "This is the law." "Hah:" cries Mrs. Hephzibah, right in his fare, to prevent the tears that bav sprung to her eyes rolling down net cheeks. lut Iiclia'g scared gaze is fixed upon him. "What did you say?" she inquires soft !y; "I don't think I quite understand it My boy left to his uncle? To be educated, and fed. :,d kept by bis uncle? Not to I've will, ,,.. ,)o you mean? Could he dc Is t!,;,t the law?" "Ii is the h,w, unfortunately, my deal Uadum." replies Mr. Bond. "He shnll not he shall not! I defy nmi' Is it for this 1 have borne insult d violence and abuse, in bitter silence? ' for this that my husband's last act a to attempt my life? Oh! you cannot -cannot have the heart to take my boy from me?" 8he cries, turning to her broth -m-law. i. If nOU couIJ Persuade your friend " J William Moray to Mrs. Horton. Won't sneak to me!" aba answers ab ruptly. "I think the whole transaction infamous, and worthy of your brother and yourself from beginning to end. And if the poor girl had oarer been such a fool M to marry him ha couldn't have made her suffer like this to gratify his own petty revenge!" Tee woman on the floor seems to have been listening to Mrs. Hephzibah'. words, for as the last sentence leaves her lips she raises her head, and a look of fierce de termination succeeds the despair in het face. ..What it she gropes for In ber bosom? ioes she mean to murder the man whe threatens to rob her of her child; and is It a concealed knife for which she seeks? It might be, judging from the look upon her face. But whatever it is, as she gets hold of it she rises to her feet suddenly, and stands noon the beartbrng with het back to the fire. "Ms. Bondj" she exclaims, "is that tht truth? Were my boy illegitimate, oould they take him from mci" "A strange question, my dear madam; but certainly not certainly not." "Not by will or otherwise?" "Not by any means whatever. It 1 only over his lefitimate child that a man has any power." Something neld In the bauds behind her back drops into the blazing fire, and is shriveled Into nothing. As Delia gives a rapid glance around, and sees it has entirely disappeared, a beautiful courage the courage of despair gleams from her eyes like that which mast have inspired the martyrs of old nhen they placed their naked feet upon the burning ploughshares. She catches up the child upon the hearthrug, and holding him tightly to her breast, advances to the table. "Then I defy William Moray, or any other man, to take my boy from me," she says. "He Is mine, and I am his. We belong to one another only. I was never married to his father!" At this announcement every one in the room is visibly startled. "Are you in earnest, mndum ?' demands the solicitor, incredulously. "Delia Moray! for heaven's sake, think what you are sacrificing," whispers Mrs. Horton. But the animal Instinct is roused in the woman's breast, and she shakes off her best friend with tierce impatience. . i ... j.wier answers : "I tell yon 'tis the truth I" "It is not," says William Moray; "it is i trumped-up lie to serve your own pur pose. I had the assurance from my broth er's lips that you were his wife!" "Where are the proofs, then? Bring them forward!" "You must have a copy of the marriage eertificate aurely?" says the lawyer. Mrs. Hephzibah Horton remembers and says nothing. "I have no certificate," replies Delia, "That is of little consequence," says William Moray, angrily. "A copy is eas ily procurable from the registrar's books of the church where tbey were married. I am not going to be fooled in thia way." "But if we were never married in any church what then?" says Delia defiant ly. "But I say you were I You were mar ried at Chilton, in Berwick. Now I are fou convinced that it is useless to try and Jeeeive me?" She laughs scornfully. "Go to Chilton, then, and get the cer tificate. There is no church there. It was burned to the ground the very time I itayed there in the place with your broth er." Mr. Moray starts. He has heard some thing of the occurrence before, and re members it is true. He begins to fear she may outwit him. "This is child's play!" he exclaims pas sionately. "There must be a copy of the certificate somewhere among my lute brother's papers. I shall go and search tor it." He leaves the room as he spenks, and Mrs. Horton approaches Delia. The mother's face Is very paie, and her lips are tightly compressed together, and a her friend grasps her hand she shrinks away from her. "Don't touch me, or speak to me! Kc nember what I am!" "I do remember it, Delia Moray, and I idmire your courage. But you cannot de teive me!" . The girl's eyes turn toward her with n look of infinite gratitude. "Don't mention it now! For the next few minutes I must act, or fail." William Moray re-enters the apartment. "Have you been successful, sir?" asks Mr. Bond. "No," is the reply. "But I will prove the truth, of the marriage yet, if trouble or expense will do it." "Meanwhile," interposes Mrs. Horton blandly, "you will have no objection. 1 suppose, to this lady returning home with IDC ?" So Delia passes from the home where she has been so miserable, with a blight upon her fair fame, and a brand forever on her outcast child, believing that the joy she has so rashly purchased must out weigh the sufferings that aocomiiaiiy it. And this is Delia Moray's lie! CHAPTER X. There are some places in this world of ehange-a very few-which look as if they had stood still since the day on which they attained maturity. No modern archi tecture has displaced the quaint Msh.m, ta which their first house. wre built: uu novations have been permitted to supetw .de the ancient customs. Such a place is Bruges; city Wowdof devotees, refugees, and impecunious Eng- "ft"- like sacrilege to reverend archways ring with 1C aVtlie ancient stones clatter beneath run But Gabrielle de Blo .. rrJnt tall girl of seventeen though sn K'tu ng Vro her daily mole ewo. 'I e convent school, ha. no wrnple. o. he matter. She is pretty. P-y-g creature, with dark hair "!d her back in tangled carta, and Wh full of mirth and mischief. coarM archway that win conduct her to the sun ny, open Place, she caught eight of a well known figure advancins though to meet ber, and all her love of fun rushes to the surface. She darts like swallow behind the opened gateway, and waits in silent am-, bush the approach of the newcomer. In her hand ahe holds a branch of blossom ing lime which she pulled carelessly frotr tree on her way from school. The per son ahe waits for advances unsuspecting ly, believing her still to be some quarter ol mile abend of him. He is a young man-4 9f one or two and twenty; slight, tall and graceful in appearance, with delicate fea tures, blue eyes, and fair, reddish hair. He does not hear the half-suppressed giggle with which bis proximity to the gateway is saluted, but he does feel a long branch of blossoming lime tickle his neck aa he passes through it, and in an other moment he has detected the hidden culprit. The warm flush that beautifiet his features as he does so, is sufficient tc denote the interest he feels in her, while the burst of glad laughter with which she greets him proves that he la no unwelcome companion. "Gabrielle," he says in French, re proachfully, "why did you not wait at th conveut until I called for you?" "Because, Angus," she answers in the same language, "the fact of your calling for me so constantly has been observed, and papa, would not like me to be talked about," Both speak fluently, but there is just sufficient difference in their accent tc show that Angus has acquired the lan guage by education, and Gabrielle uses it as her native tongue. "What nonsense! when we have known each other from little children. One would think you were about to become a nun yourself." "And who says I am not?" she returns, defiantly. "You look very like a nun in that cos tnnie, I must say. Much more like a will Arab of the desert!. "Now, Angus, that is very nnkind ol von, as well as impolite, when you know my poor papa cannot afford to dress me any better." "Oh, Gabrielle! as if you did not look beautiful to me in any guise. Only when you talk of becoming a nun. It Is too ab surd." "Wby should it be absurd? Both my aunts are religieuses, and I have no moth er to take charge of me, should my pool papa die!" "There is no chance of your father dy ing: but if there were, you should hav some one better than a mother to look after you a husband." "You must not speak to me ia that fash ion, Angus. Papa would not approve of it!" "I must speak, Gabrielle. The time hat come for speaking. I only wait your per mission to broach the subject to youi father. But though I know that, accord ing to the custom of your country, 1 should do that first, I am too English in feeling to pluck up courage for it, until I am sure that his consent will be backed by your own. Tell me, Gabrielle, if youi father says yes,' will you have me for a husband f 'Can you doubt it, Angus?" ax th K aocujr. If I went to your father and told bfm I lesired to make yon my wife he might give me his consent do you think h would give me his consent, Gabrielle?" "I do not know. I am not sure," re plies the girl, blushing violently; "but papa loves you, Angus. He has often told me how much he should like to have had a son Just like yourself." The young man is about to make some reply to her words, when the attention ol both la diverted toward the driver of a fiacre, who is waving his arms and halloo ing in their direction. "What can the man want?" exclaim Angus, aa he turns and sees him. . (To be contlnned.i Not a Bit Worried. Her FthT Well, if yon are deter mined to marry my daughter I shall offer no objections; but, before yot take this Irrevocable step. I think It 1 only right to let you know that I have decided to leave all my money to edu cational and charitable Institutions. GUb Suitor Oh, that's all right I'v got proof that you bet on a bicycle road race once. It'll be easy enough to show that you're of unsound mind. Aa Applied to Love Making. "What is the matter with young Han klnson and Mabel Garlinghorn? 1 thought they were growing fond ol each other. "They were until they found out tbeit mothers were forming plans to bring them together oftener, and then thej quit. They said they didn't want anj board of strategy business in theirs." A Hlijthted Future. "No," he said, bitterly, "I can nevei hope to be President" "Why? You were born in the United States, weren't you?" "Yes, but I can't go to war because my parents won't give their consent and before the supply of soldiers rum out I'U be too old." Bomethina; to Live For. Jimmy Do you say prayers at night: Billy I do now. I don't want any. thing to happen to me during the baX season, you see. New Jork Journal. A Little Mistake. "Walter, this serviette Is dirty." "Beg pardon, sir; It's got folded tin wrong way, sir." New York World. A poor widow with seven children advertised in a New York paper for tx temporary loan of $50. She must have been a very deserving old lady, for she announced her willingness to permit the money lender to "keep the children as security." The business connections of a fam ily in Kirwin, Kan., are rather sugges tive. One son is a doctor, another is an undertaker, a third makes tomb stones, and the wife of the latter is a druggist A large hailstone cracked as It struck the sidewalk in Louisville, Ky., during a hail-storm, and out stepped a two-inch lizard. No wonder the peo ple of that State are afraid of water, even when solidified, "Themistocles Phrearios"is scratched on an antique potsherd just dug up in the Areopagus at Athens. This is be lieved to have been one of the votes cast some 2,400 years ago to ostra cize the victor of Salamis. The average gas jet consumes five feet of gas per hour. A new system of advertising is in vogue in San Francisco. A poultry dealer has an intelligent rooster, which parades up and down the street be fore the market with his owner's busi ness card displayed in his bill, and commands attention by frequent crow ing. A light of one-candle power can be plainly seen at a distance of one mile and one of three-candle power at two milea. THE TONGA ISLANDS. HOW THEY CAME INTO ENGLISH POSSESSION. Caaa of Natloaal Sharp Praetlea aa "GetUaa; Ihcra First Oersaan Was A host to Eala the Oroapt ba Was Outwitted by the Natt-ve Klaa The details of the taking of tht Tonga groups it islands under the Brit Ish flag have only recently been madi public ia this country, but there ia rein ef humor running through the af fair that gives It a more than usual amount of Interest The Tonga grouj forms a portion of the Friendly lei ands, and Is located a little north ef th tropic of Capricorn, between It and tin FIJI archipelago, and southwest of Sa moa, While the Tongas are of no great commercial value, they form a hered Itary monarchy, governed by a kln and a legislative assembly, composed of thirty-one nobles nnd thirty-one rep rescntatlves elected by the people- Tbli lltle kingdom embraces three groupi of Islands the Tonga, Haapal anc Vavan covering an area of 374 squart miles, with a population of 17.500, tb capital being located at Tonga tabu The Islands have several of the best harbors In the South Pacific. For years Germany has been schem ing to get possession of Tonga. Lasl winter the German vice consul at Sa moa. Mr. Grune, arrived at Tonga and presented claims amounting to $100, 000, as being due from the Tongans t German traders, nnd demanded theii Immediate payment, but as some ol these claims were more than twentj j vara old the king repudiated them When Mr. Grune found he could no eonre the money for his claims he de parted with the officlnl notlflcatloa thai within a few months a German wai vessel would arrive at Vou-Vou and u force Immediate payment or, In Cast f further refusal, seize the Islands. The consul had no soner departed than the king communicated with th British authorities at Sydney and the ;rulser Tauranga was at onee dis patched for Tonga, arriving early l December. The officer In command bad i conference with the king, and aftei Kime three hours of debate the saver e'gnty of the entire group was trans ferred to Great Britain, the Tongai government remaining a dependency ol the British crown. The captain of thi Tauranga turned over to the king (12a, 000, and the next day the British flag was raised with all necessary formali ties and great rejoicings on the part ol the people. Great Britain guarantee!' peace and order to the islands, aecorei flexlty of land tenures and additional rights to foreign settlers on the group -Chicago N Observations at the Blue H1U Observ atory showed that for several days be fore the great cold wave of February last the high cirrus clouda, which at tain an elevation of about nine mllaa, moved with unusual velocity. On one lay these clouds were flytag at the rate f 1C0 miles per hour. It Is thought :hat measures cZ cloud motions will play an important part In weather pre lictlons hereafter. Dr. D. G. Brlnton calls attention to :be rapid extinction of the Polynesian Tlbes Inhabiting the Pacific archlpela roes. A hundred years ago the Hawal an Islands were said to contain 400.00C latlve Inhabitants; to-day they have Karcely 30,000. The same rapid dlmln ltlon has occurred throughout Poly nesia, and Is attributed mainly te lep rosy, tuberculosis and evil . ways ol Jvlng. The best way to prevent fog Is the Knsuniptlon of smoke and the removal f dust Hot bodies repel dust by molecular bombardment; cold bodies attract it For this reason furniture In a room with an open fire Is less dusty than when the heating Is done by a fur nace. A discharge of electricity also ALspels dust A thunderstorm clean the air, not only by the fall of heavy drops of rain, but by the electrical dis turbance. The particles of dust arc thrown down, and the germs falling Into milk and other foods produce fer mentation. It Is for this reason thai a-hen there Is thunda. 2a the air. It If )ad keeping weather. . According to the newspapers of Sar, Francisco, that city Is sinking Into tb tea. Surveys made by the city author! Jes are said to have shown that the iverage rate of subsidence Is two Inch 's a year. The engineers explain the phenomenon by the condition of the rround on which the city Is built sand nixed with decayed vegetable matte! xtendlng to a depth of at least sixty Vet and believe that the compression ir escape of soil, this tinder the heavy oad of buildings which have been jlaced on It Is sufficient to account foi he subsidence. Whether the spongy loll settles by compression or escapee nto the sea remains to be determined The director of the geological survey if India says there is abundunt evl lence that the tenacity with which epl lemlcs of the plague cling to particulai localities, such as Bombay, Is Influ enced by the geological formation ol Oie underlying soil and rock. Areai vbere trap and crystalline rocks exist teem to be especially adapted to the ipread of the disease. The agency ol ats In disseminating the plague Is also egarded as proved. After the granariee tt Bombay have been emptied. In the train export season, the plague lmnie liately spreads, because then the rata are compelled to scatter through the town In search oC tood. Becent descriptions of the great lake of liquid asphaltum, or bitumen. In the Island of Trinidad, show that notwith standing the enormous quantity of the substance removed every year, the sup ply is undiminished. The lake covers about 100 acres, aod Is higher In the middle than at the edges. Near the center tite black pitch Is seml-llquld, but toward the sides a crust Intersect ed with fls8urea, covers the surface, and on this crust a man can walk, al though when he stands for a time the crust gradually sinks around him, forming a kind of basin some yards across. Between 80,000 and CO 000 tons of asphaltum Is removed from the lake annually. LAW AS INTERPRETED. A theosophlcal corporation la held. In New England Theosophlcal corporation vs. Boston (Mass.), 42 L. II. A. 281. to be neither a scientific, benevolent, nor charitable Institution, within the mean ing of a statute respecting taxation. A municipal corporation enforcing a valid ordinance for vaccination Is held. In Wyatt vs. Rome (Ga.) 42 L. B. A. 180, to be exercising a governmental function and therefore not liable lor any damages caused by impure vaccine matter. An Injunction against adding names o a political committee, or striking names therefrom, is refused in Kearns vs. Howley (Pa.), 42 L. B, A. 235. on the ground that the committee has no prop erty rights. The fact that the Ijw rec ognizes political parties and commit tees chosen at primary elections is not deemed sufficient to give the court any control over the acts of the committee. A curfew ordinance passed without express legislative authority, prohibit ing all pecsons under the age of 21 years from being on the streets or alleys of a city after 9 o'clock at night unless accompanied by parent or guar dian, or In search of a physician, ia held. In ex parte McCarver (Texas), 41 h. B, A. 687. to be void for unreason ableness and aa an Invasion of the per awaal liberty f citizens. Good faith In the valuation put upon property for which stock of a corpora tion la Issued Is all that Is demanded In Kelly vs. Fourth of July Mining Com pany (Mont), 42 L. It A. C23. under a law which provides that stock may h; Issued for property to the amount ol the value thereof. And this good faith la heldeto be such belief as a prudent and sensible business man woull bold to the ordinary conduct of lils br.s'n'.-s. ;The attempt of an executive commit tee to forestall the actlou of a party convention which It calls Is held. In Hutchinson vs. Brown (Calu 42 L. It A. 232, to be Ineffectual, and the viola tion of their pledges or the sacrifice of party Interests by members of the con vention In making a nomination ot adopting a r'an of fusion 's he d Insuffi cient ground for refusing to tile a cer tificate of nomination. A boulevard 150 Teet wide, of which sixty feet Is graded, while the re mainder is occupied by grass plats and sidewalks, and. which la nnder the con Vrql of park and boulevard commission ers, who, constitute a city agency. Is held, la Burrtdgo vs. Detroit (Mich.). 42 L. It A. 684, to be a street for the de fective condition of a sidewalk ou which the municipality Is liable as If the boulevard waa under the dlrecf control ef the Common Council. POLITENE8S Of Woaaoa to Wosaea aa to Feate la trcet Cars. If anything riles a woman. It Is to have some younger woman get up and offer her a seat In a street car. This misplaced civility Infers that the elder woman Is to be considered on account ef her age, when. In fact, there Is little difference In years between the two. I witnessed a droll bit of comedy the other day in a Brookline electric that makes me smile every time I think of It The car was full, with fceveral pas sengers standing, when In bounced a stout well-preserved person, with white hair beautifully pompadoured. She was dressed In deep mourning, but a bunch of violet In the front of the coat gave a touch of "mitigation" to her grief, which was quite borne out by the merriment larking In her mouth end eyes. The lady grasped a strap and looked out of the window. Then suddenly a youag person sitting a?ar. observing, perhaps, that m man In the car Intended to offer his seat, rose and leaning forward touched the other on the arm, saying: "Won't yon have my seat?"' "Are yea going to get out?" asked the standee. "No, ma'an," replied this tactless creature, "but you are older than I. and " But the sentence was never finished. If a glance could slay, that young person would have fallen on the floor dead. "Thank you. When I am too old to stand up, I shall not enter a public con veyance." That waa all. The Junior woman slunk back Into the seat and some of the passengers tittered. Cincinnati Edquirer. Straw Hortesrioee. In Japan moBt of the horses are shod with straw. Even the clumsiest of cart horses wear straw shoes' which. In their cases, are tied round the ankle with straw rope, and are ninde of the ordinary rice straw, braided so as to form a sole for the foot about half an Inch thick. These soles cost about on sent a pair. Parle Barber Regulations. Parisian barbers are legaly com pelled to wash their hands after attend ing a customer and before waiting ou another. They must also use only nickel-plated comba. TJee -or Waste, The gases from blast furnaces, whlcl have hitherto been wasted, are uo-.v belng used for driving gas engines. In Germany, where the experiment has been tried, it is claimed that this neg lected product Is exceedingly econom ical and satisfactory, as It costs but little to secure the gas. Strange Blood Pola alna A schoolgirl of Elisabeth, N. J., died from blood poisoning, resulting from blows on her arm playfully inflicted by a schoolmate on her birthday. A woman whose hair Is the color ol pulled taffy can't go Into a drug sto-e without starting a story that she uses hair dye. . . . Difficult ohinese language. tVaek of Alphabet aad Maaaker of Our aetara IWaeJaajalahiaiaT sTaataraa, The eldest spoken language new ex istent upon the earth Is the Chinese. It baa aa enormous list of words the estimate of the a umber of characters ranges from 23.000 to 200.000. The lan guage has no alphabet Each ebaractet represents a complete Idea, and corre sponds, practically, to the English word. It la written la colursna from top to bottom of the page, and from right to left A Chinese book ends where an English boo! begins. Writing Is done with a line caaiel's-halr brush and India Ink. The lack of aa alphabet and the ne.ro ber of characters make the labor it learning to read Chinese burdensome. Each character must be learned by It self. When the student has mastered 5,000 characters the succeeding thou sands must be learned In the same way. Those which he has mastered furnish no assistance to learning the others save as practice may have given blm t certain qnlekaess In perceiving the pe collar form which distinguishes eact character from Its fellows. The grammar of the language Is at simple as to be almost, non-existent The same word serves indifferently at a noun, verb, adverb or adjective Moods, tenses, persons, gender and number are lacking; there are neithei conjugations, nor declensions, nor aux iliary verbs. The few Chinese whe have attempted to master the English tongue regard Its grammatical con struction as clumsy and full of pitfalls The Chinese characters give no clew to the pronunciation, and no amount ot book study will enable a foreigner tc peak the language. That ability must be acquired from the lips or a llvlnf teacher, assisted by months of drill, i quick ear, and great flexibility of the vocal organs. Even the most faithful effort falls to enable many foreigucre to speak Chinese correctly. Tha Animated Stamp. Reforms are wrought In many am, curious ways, but seldom In a strungei manner than that In which, says tlif Kansas City Star, a certain drunkard was sobered. This man had wandered at midnight into a low saloon. lie gave his order, and then leaned against the bar for support A man standing near by took from one pocket an addressed envelope, ami from another a stamp, which he moist ened with his tongue. Instead of ad hering to the envelope, as the man In tended, he stamp slipped from bis tin gers and fluttered to the floor. The tippler saw It fall, and staggered forward to pick It np.. Just as be was shout to grasp It the stamp darted In a zigzag course toward the side wall, like a scared thing. Filled with aston ishment the drinker drew back and In tently watched the bit of paper, which, upon - reaching the -wall,' began -1". ascend. As It ascended, the tippler's face grew more Intent his body more rigid. He saw nothing but the mysterious moving thing. His mind was soggj from years of ceaseless drinking. He thought that the animated stamp was a warning. At the top of the wainscoting the stamp stopped, squatted aa If for a mo ment's rest before ascending higher, and then made a dart toward the tip pler's haggard face. The trembling sot saw It stop, saw It hesitate, and leap. He was unquestionably doomed if he continued longer to drink to excess; the stamp bad been given life to warn him. So it seemed te him. With a pitiful yell of fear and determination he rushed from the saloon. From that aventf ul night until he died, in prosper us circumstances, recently, the man never swallowed a drop of liquor. The moistened stamp bad fallen upon cockroach's back, and stuck there. Oldest Bank Note Extant. Among the many producta of clvlllza Hon which were familiar to the Chinese many centuries before they came Into sse in Europe may be reckoned bank notes. There Is at this moiuent In the oesesslon of "The Old Lady In Thread aeedle Street" a specimen supposed to le one of the oldest extant dating from Sie fourteenth century of our era. It now proved, however, that paper money was issued in China as early as OT A, D. These securities closely re tembled the famous. French assigns ts n being based upon the estates of the tlngdom. The Bank of Stockholm :lalms to have been the first western nstltutlon to adopt a paper currency, jut the Bank of England must have fol lowed very close with Its 20 notes, which were Issued In 1600. Londor Chronicle. The Rabber Tree. The rubber tree 1s usually tapped fom times during the first year of its ma turity, and the Intervals of rest are gradually diminished untif It can be tapped monthly. The rubber tree Is the milch cow of the vegetable king dom; Its yield continues to Increase with frequent and skillful milking un til It reaches its maximum. Properly cared for, a tree will yield steadily up te Its fortieth year; In some Instances, as long as fifty or sixty years. The yield of gum, as well as the market price, is variable; but a healths- tree should yield a revenue of $15 to $-0 oer annum. Absolutely False. Citizen Is there any truth in the Mornlnft Screecher's statement that lince you assumed the reins of govern ment the city's treasury has been ir regularly plundered by polltclans? The boss Well, I should say not Why. the thing has been done as regu lar as clock work. Philadelphia Rec ord. - gaperatitloes Fisherman. English herring fishermen are, man Of them, remarkably superstitious. Fot Instance, on some fishing boats whis tllng Is forbidden and neither milk not burnt bread Is allowed on board. Fur thermore, not even the name of that unlucky animal, the hare, may be men tioned, and a common method of pun Ishlng an enemy Is to throw a dead hare Into his boat Some of the fishnr men believe In luck attending an odd numbered crew, but the good fortune may be neutralized should one of Um number have fed hair. mm or i de ! Preached by Rev. Dr. Talmage. (abject: "Moral ExpeHaloe" Oar Duty tt the Heathens In the Philippine Ielnndl Saneetlons na to Whet We 8hoat Ia Far Their Religions Welfare. Copyright. Lonis Klopach. 18WJ Washikotok. D. C In this discount Dr. Talmage steers elear of the political entanglements of oar time and recom mends that wb.'ch will meet the approva of all woo hope tor the perpetuity of oui republic and t he wel fare of ot her lands; text Genesis xxvlit., 14, "Thou shait spretc abroad to the west and to tho cast." Since the amerloano-Hlspanlo war Is con cluded and the United State Embassador Is on the way to Madrid and the Spnnixli Embassador 1s on the wav to Washington the people of our country are divided Into expansionists and anti-ex panslouiHts. From a different standpoint than that usually taken I discuss this all-absorbing theme. I leave the politienl aspect of this subject to statesmen and warriors and pray Al mighty God that tliev may be enabled rightly to settle the question whether the islands In controversy shall be Anally an nexed or held under protectorate or re signed to themselves, while 1 call attention to the fact that a campaign of moral and religious expansion ought to be immedia tely opened on widest and grandest scale. At the close of this war God has put into the hands ot this country the key to the world's redemption. Heretofore the re ligions movement In pagan lands had to precede the edueational. After In China acd India and the Islands of the sea tbe missionaries have labored over fltty or seventy-five years the printing press and the secular sohool came in. Now to better advantage than ever before religious and secular enlightenment may go side by side, and so tbe work be accomplished in short time and more thoroughly. Starting with the fact that In Cuba and Porto Rico and tbe Philippine Islands at least three-fonrtng of the people onn neither read nor write, what an opportunity for sohool and print ing press! Within five years every man In those Islands may be taught to read not only the Bible, but the Declaration of In dependence and the Constitution of the United States and the biography of George Washington and ot Abraham Lincoln. It seems to me that the Government ot the United States ought by vote of Con gress afford common schools and printing reuses to those benlghXM.i regions. Our atlonal Legislature by ono vote appro priated 50,000,000 to give bread and med icine to Cuba. Whv not by a similar gener osity give 1 50,000,000 for fee ling and heal ing the minds and sonk of those ignorant and besotted archipelagoes. In the name of God I nominate a school for every neigh borhood of Cuba, Porto Ilioo and the Phil ippines. As soon as the gavel falls at 12 o'clock of next December 4 on tbe table ot Senate and House of Representatives and the roll bos been called undlbs prelimin aries observed let some member of our Na tional Legislnturo, with mind and sonl and voice stroug enough to be heard not only through those halls, but turougl Christen dom, propose a menoore for the mental and moral disenthrallment of the Islands In sontroversv. What has mndn A ne-ioan eivilizntion the highest civilizaiiou the wuiid bus ever seen? Next to the Bible and tbe church, schools, common schools, schools reaching from the Atlantic- to tbe Pacific and from British America to Gulf ot Mexico. Five years under such educational advantage, and this whole subject that keeps our pub lic men agitated, some of them to frothing at tbe mouth, will settle itsel'. Give those Islands readers, spellers, arithmetics, his tories, blackboards, maps. KeoKranbies. globes. 1 tbe State LIlatOMt jeitlj nonirK. to. emancipate their serf- next meeting, some of them assembling in early autumn, take parts .of .those Islands nnder their especial educational patron age, wnat Is needed Is State and National action in this matter of schools. Then let tbe editorial associations of the United States, as many of snch organiza tions as there are States, resolve at tbe next convocation to establish in every re--giou of tbosu islands a printing press, sup ported by people of this country until It ean become self-supporting. Each of these State Editorial Associations sending out to those islands at least one editor and two reporters and enough typesetters, down will go the ignorance and superstition of those islands as certainly as the Spanish fleet under Cervera sank under the pound ing of our American battleships, and into their every port will go Intelligence and love of free Institutions as certainly as into the harbor of Manila went Admiral Dewey on that famous night when be r.-as not ex pected. . Hoe's printing pressl Nothing can stand before its bombardment. Ed itors ot American newspapers and pub lishers of American books! Take the or dination for such a magnlncent setvice. Eloquence on yonder Capitol hill cannot meet the exigency. Epigrams of political platforms or in State Legislatures will not hasten the desired consummation one week or one hour or one moment. When Cubans and Porto Itlcau and Fili pinos see the morning and evening news- Capers thrown into tbe doorways and awked along the streets of Havana hii-I Santiago and Manila, those who cannot read by the foroe ot curiosity will learn tc read, so that they may know what infor mation ia being scattered, and that wbioh maybe missionary effort at the start and carried on by Amerioans ser t forth to do the work will soon be done by educated na tives. Porto Bicans editors! Porto Rlean reporters! Porto Blcan typesetters! Porto Rloan publishers! It was a great mercy to take these islands from under the heels of despotism, but it will be a mightier mercy to emancipate them from ignorance and degradation. The expansion of the knowl edge and Intellectual quail flcition ot all those Islandy regions is the desire of all In telligent Americans. Awake, all you schools and colleges and universities and printing presses, to your opportunity! till further, here is a wide open door for Christianity. First of all, we have tbe at tention of those people. The heathen nations are for the most part soporiliu. The American missionaries heretofore had great difficulty in getting heathendom to listen. Tbey excited some comment by their attire, so different was the parting of tbe hair nnd the Bhape of tbe hat and the out of the coat and the formation ot tbe shoe of the evangellzers, bnt tbe questions constantly arose in regard to the mission ary: "Who Is he?" "What is he here forT" And then the Interrogator would relax Into the previous stupid indifference. Bat that condition of things hps passed. Tbe guns ot onr American navy have awakened those populations. They do not ask who we are. Tbey have found out. Tbey are now listening to what American civiliza tion and our Christian religion have to say on any subject. Now is the time, while their ears and eyes are wide open, to tell tbem of tbe rescuing and salvahle nnd in spiriting power of the Gospel ot Jesus Christ, the Saviour ot the world. Tbe steam printing press which secular educa tion plants there may be used and will be used to print religions newspapers and tracts and sermons and mighty discussions of questions temporal and eternal. The comfortable homes of those popula tions, when Christianized, standing side by side with the degraded huts of those who remain pagans will be revolutionary for good. The Porto Rican nnd tbe Filipino Will come out from this uncleaned and low roofed and uninviting kennel and say to his neighbor of beautiful household, "Wby cannot I have things as you have theui?" And when he Onds that it Is the Bible, with Its teachings on family life and personal purity and exalted principle, and the church of God that proposes the rectifica tion of all evil and the implantation of all good, be will cry out, "Give me the Bible, and the church, and the earthly allevia tions, and the eternal hope which have wrought for von such transfiguration." Now. church of God, now, all Christian philanthropists, is your opportunity. Nothing fike it has occurred since Christ came. Perhaps there may be nothing like It till His second coming. Here Is a deln Iteness of aim that Is most helpful and in spiring. Tha millions of dollars given for the redemption of tbe world and the thou sands ot glorious missionaries who have gone forth among barbaric nations were given and enlisted under a great and Im measurable Idea. But when tbey come to sdd to th" t and Immeaanrableldea the idea of uefinitesowt we wiil infinitely ' augment the work. More than three hun dred million of heathen in India, more than three hundred million of people In China and more millions of heathens than ean be guessed outside of those countries some times stagger and confound and defeat our faith. But here in those islands of present controversy we can farm out the work among tbe churches and In Ave years, under tbe blessing of God, not only fit the peo ple for tbe right of suffrage, but pre pare them for usefulness and heaven. The difference between the general Idea ot the world's evangeliza tion and some particularized field of evangelization is tbe difference between the improvement of agriculture a mong all nations and the improvement ot seventy five acres put under one's especial care and industry. By all means It the gen eral work go on. But here is the specillo field for religions concentration and de velopment. This is not chimerical or Im practical. I read this morning that the American Missionary Association ot the Congregatlon.il Church has nlruady begun the work at San Juan, Utuado and Albon Ito, and all denominations of Christians in ix months will be In those Islaudy fields, and we all need with our prayers and contributions to cheer them on to take for God and righteousness those regions which our American navy has captured from Spanish perfidy. It bos been estimated that this Americo- 3panisb warcost us 300,000,000. It would not cost half of that to proclaim and carry on and consummate a holy war that will rescue those archipelagoes from sataaic domination, whs will volunteer? I beat tbe drum of a recruiting station. Who will enlist under tbe one sparred, blood striped banner ot Immanuei? Cuba and Porto Rico and the Philippines are stepping itones for our Americau Christianity to jross over nnd take the round world for God. We need a new evangelical alliance rganized for this one purpose. Ia all de nominations there are those with large snough hearts and who have been thor )ughly enough converted to join In woh an advanced movement -men who, putting a.-i'ie ail ttie minor dinVrt-Mices of iptnlon, "believe In God tbe Father llmlghty. Maker ot heaven and earth, tad In Jesus Christ His only begotten ion," and who would march shoulder to ihoulder in such a Gospel campaign. The result would be that those islands, after mcb a scene of gospelizatiun, would assort :hemselvns Into denominations to suit .heraselves, and some would lie sprinkled n holy baptism and others would be Im mersed In those warm rivers and some voniil worship in religious assemblage lilnnt as tbe Quaker meeting bouse, and thnrs wonld hve ns many jubilant ejacul ations us a backwoods camp meeting, and lome ot tbosH who preached would be (owned nnd snrpllced for the work, and Hbers would stand in citizen's apparel or n their shirtsleeves preaching that Gospel which is to sate the world. Murk yon well that statesmanship, how iver grand it is, and wise men of the world, lowever noble, cannot do this work. Mere tecular education does not moralize. Some t the most thoroughly educated men in ill the world have been the worst men. julcken a man's Intellect, while at the same :ime you do not make his morals good, and fou only augment his power for vll. Geo graphy and mathematics and metaphysics ind philosophy will never qualify a people :o govern themselves. A corrupt printing -ress is worse than no printing press at til, but let loose an open Bible npon those slunds and let tho apocalyptic augul once ly over them, and you will prepare them :o become either colonies of the United Hates G vernment, or, as I hope will be :he case, independent republics. God did not exhaust Himself when He milt this nation. The islands will yet have :beir Thomos Jeffersons, qualified to write 'or them declarations of independence; and Jeorge Wasbtngtons, capable ot achieving :belr liberties; and Abraham Li i coins. loms. and Longfello ws ' affd Bryants, cat- ihle of putting their hills and their rivers, ind their landscapes into poems; and the Bancrofts and Prescotts, to make their his :ories; and their Irvings, to write their iketch Books; and their Charles O'Conors ind Kufus Cboates. to plead In their court rooms; and their Daniel Websters and John I. Crlttendens, to move their Senates. The day cometb hear it all ye who have ao hope for those islands of be-dwarfed ind diseased illiterates the day comet h when those regions will have a Christian jlvilizatton equal to that wbich this coun try now enjoys, while I hope by that time this country will be as superior to what it now Is as to-day Washington and New fork are better than Manila and Santiago. Do you see in this process of gospellzed intelligence those archipelagoes will as nation be protected from the two woes propheclsed in regard to this country tbe sne woe prophecised by the expansionists ind tbe other woe propheclsed by tbe inti-expansionlsts? It Is said by those who would have us take alt we can lay oar bands on as a nation that, unless we enter the door now open for the enlargement of our national domain, we will decline the mission which God in His providence has assigned us. But surely no woe will some upon us or upon tbem If we Christianize them as we now have tha opportunity of doing. The political tech nicalities are nothing as compared with the importance of this movement. I im plore all political expansionists to aug ment ns in this work of moral nnd relig ions expansion, for unless those Islands are moralized and elevated In intelligence and habits we do not want tbem, and their annexation would be political damnation. On the other hand, I implore all anti expansionists to take a hand in tbe gos pelization ot Cuba, Porto Rico and the Philippine Islands. The only way to pre pare tbem to take care ot themselves is to give them the Ten Commandments that were puDllsnea on Jiount rsinai anu let them hear the groan of sacrifice that was breathed out ou the heights of Golgotha. What they most want is the Gospel, the Dura Gospel, the omnipotent Gospel, tbe Gospel that helps heal the wounds of tbe body and irradiates the darkness ot tbe mind and achieves the ransom of the soul. But on this platform the so called ex pansionists and so called antl-expanslonlsts will yet stand side by side. Thcugu I am not a prophet or tbe son of a prophet, within five years, if this religio-educational work is properly attended to, there will be a Cuban republic, a Porto Rican republlo and a Philippine republic, one of them on a large scale, bnt they will all have their schools and printing presses and evangeli cal churches, their Presidents, their Senates and House ot Representatives, their Mayors and their constabularies, and as good or der will be observed In their cities as now reigns on Pennsylvania avenue, Washing ton, or Broadway, New York. Christ bos started for the conquest ot the nations, and nothing on earth or in bell can stop it. Tbe continents are rapidly rolling into His dominion, and why not these Isl ands, wbioh for the most part are only fragments broken off from continents, the interval lands-having been sunk by earth quakes, allowing the ocean to take mas tery over them. Each mother continent has around It a whole family of little conti nents. If the continents are being sn rapidly evangelized, why not the islands? It America, wby not Cuba and the Baha mas? If Asia, why not the Philippines and the Moluccas? If Europe, why not the Azores and the Orkneys? If Africa, why not Madagascar and St. Helena. The same power that broke them off the main land can lift them Into evangelization. Age is not to be feared. The older a good and healthy person grows the greater becomes his capacity to enjoy the deeper, sweeter and more noble kinds of happiness, which the world affords. Lowering .1st line to bring it down to a point in front is one of the new features of the latest modes. Kind words, like fragrant flowers, are admired by all.' Happiness is not attained by making it the chief object of life. The path to it often leads through trials and tears. The internal machinery of Elmer Broadbelt, of Kosciusko County, Ind., is oddly arranged. The X raya have revealed that his heart is on the right .ill. .ml h;. 1 i ..r. tUa. I.H' l - . v. 111. 11..-. u . 1111. . . I There are fewer suicides In Ire land than in any other European coun try. . . , - . -1 i 1' y,r-r" 1 V 1 " 1 ' - - WT-,Tr,i . - i V ,V. kASi l n i in MPW TltSiT , in. 1 -'