Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, May 31, 1899, Image 2

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The McKinley adminis'ration baa
Bucceeded in getting the business of
the country on its feet, and if Repub
lics Affairs are continued the times
-will gradually grow better for all de
partments of business and industry.
The democratic brethren are in a
-dilirnma. They don't know just what
to start for a campaign issue Last
year it was Quay and the machiue,
but as that has proven a failure
among them they are looking around
in the pasture field of politics to find
something to make a fuss about.
TriESpanish war soldiers are not
only up to date soldiers, but they
are up to date paraders, which
they abundantly proved on Mem
orial Day, when they extended
thei' parade to the east end. They
marched with the Meadinemof reg
ulars and the lijrht-fxrtedness of
young' A mericans
Peabt has strain turned his face to
ward the north polo. The learned
world in general is on the alert all
the timo with an honest irquiry for
tho state of this globe at the North
Polo. Every ffoi t so far to reach
the pole has been a failure. If suf
ficient money could be raised to push
a line of aabins northward till the
pole is reach d, the problem can be
solved. Build one cabin in advance
of the other a half mile apart Pro
vision tbs c.birs end the work is ac
. complisbrd. I; would require no
less tban 1200 cabins. Who are the
people to invent the millions to carry
pucii an enterprise through in the in-
Merest of science and human knowl
edge. Democratic leaders are sitting on
the feoco wondering whit their next
campaign ieuo s'-iall be. There,
sajs one, is the 16 to I issue. It
wa'nt worn thread-bare Ly any
meaud, for the country needs as much
solid redemption money as ever, aad
the dubt is growing instead of dim
inishing, growing faster than they
are digging gold oat of tho earth
with whic! to piy i, therefore silver
cannot be dispersal with asredemp
t.ioo money. Ah! says sno'her dem
ocrat the lfi to 1 issue is a dead issa,
tber isn't a thing in it to move the
people with, but t'.ere are the trusts,
make the trusts the issui It 6eems
fi3 if the flood gates of chafers were
opened to launch trusts. Tho little
sta'o of Naw Jersey the past w inter
is.j ied charters fur the organization
of ti.ree billion trus's. But sys a
knowing dem crat there isn't a thing
in ibat to ban? an Ksn ou for I ha
reason that there are m many demo
crats in that wat rd stock gams as
there me Republicans, and that des
troys it as a party issue. Here says
a free Iraler i the tariff for an issue.
Nc! do! Bars another, don't you see
there is nothing in that the low
tariff under Clt vehind a'most ruined
the country. Tho proactive tariffof
th?! jlc-K'nlt-y administration has
put the business srain on its fret.
Yet! the most perplexing- thing lor
the democrats is to find an issue.
Hunting Gold-
The gold diggers are still at work
on the old Nipple place in Perry
Valley, Greenwood township. They
operate at night and are in search
of a copper kettle full of money and
valuables placed somewhere by an
old Baker anccster. This man cf
reputed wealth lived in a house a
story and a half high. The kettle
sought is said to have leeu cover
d with a flat stone, and buried for
safe keeping somewhere near his
dwelling house. Mrs.
Mary Forney has been awarded
S0 damages for breach of prom
ise in a suit against Enos ITepford,
of Kockville, Dauphin county.
Mis. Forney was Ilepford's house
keeper and claimed that he had
promised to marry her live years
ago, but refused to keep his prom
ise. She accordingly sued him for
$10 001) damages, but the jury evi
dently thought that too high a
price for ler wounded heart and
fixed the amount at the above nam
ed fisrures.
Where Trusts Hurt-
Philadelphia North American.
Among the many trusts that have
bee i formed in the past few months,
very few have any other purpose
tha the sale of stock. Most of
them will have little or no influence
over the enterprises they are ad
vertised to c ontrol. There is f r
more reason to fear the conse
quences of the speculative mania
they have stimulated than any in
crease in the prices of products or
the restriction of production. The
very lambs that are bleating in Wall
Street over the loss of their wool in
other forms of gambling, regard a
majority of the trusts sis transpir
eut schemes to entrap rural victims.
While great Sums in the aggregate
will le lost from the avidity of the
people to invest in the shares of the
trusts that are so vigorously de
nounced, the worst effect will be in
promoting the spirit of rash specu
lation. To experienced men this eager
ness of small savers to make a for
tune in a day is all so hopeless and
pitiful that, immoral as the enter
prise undoubtedly is, there is a
sentiment of sympathy for them.
It calls for a peculiar talent, tre
mendous nerve, great foresight and
a large experie ce for persons to
make and keep a fortune in specu
lation. The ordinary small saver
has no more reason to believe he
can estimate the purposes of the
shrewd men who manipulate stock
enterprises and get on the winning
side than any other lamb has to
thiuk that he can escape the shear
er. The exasperating thing is that
all good advice is thrown away Jon
persons who once make up their
minus to become rich by wits they
do not possess.
Exterminating JCanada Thistle
A Canadian farmer writes: ' I have
by repeated trials in various fields
proved it to be an absolute and cer
tain success. It is- The field in which
the thistles have become obnoxious
is plowed deep in the fall of the year.
It is thtn let stand (keeping all stock
from it) nptil the following June or
July, when the thistles are in full
bloom or about to bloom, but must
not be let ripen. Then plow all this
tles and weeds deep nnder with a
chain. I thick it would be well then
to roll down with a land-roller,
though I Md not take the pains my
self. In course of a month or bo the
land may be harrowt d, and then
plowed np again and sowed with
winter wheat, the great body of this
tlesard weeds having served the
purpose of a valuable fertilizer.
The principle involved ia this ef
fective method of destroying the this
tle is thip, that when it is thus plow
ed under it Las taken the whole
strength and vitality from the root
to the top, and when cut oft deepun
der the ground will not sprout again.
I believe any other obnoxious weed
I may be destroyed by the same meth
! od.
Nrver Trrflr "W illi n Sklanr Womaa
If Iter I'nce Sliinrit.
Do Ton know wbo tho most exas
perating wnninn in tiie vrorlilT The wo
man yon enn't f-nnb. She is two kinds
tbi! meet nnd lr.wly cort, that when
yon unite lirrtnrns the other cheek un
til yon"rc positively too tired todeal her
another blow,' r.ml the one whosm self
iiiiMu tiince ia invnlnerahle as Achilles
heel. I im t one ot the lnt kind early in
the winter. On general principles I
wonld avoid this woman, brennse she's
ckhiny and her faro shines. Something
is all wrtP3 about n skinny woman ; one
way .r anothi-r be's d;iii:;eronf".
When a skinny woman's face chines,
it means she's above nsinjr powder nud
insure to make n parade, as a virtnp. of
the very wrong that is to account for
the liH-li of ilesh on her bones. I ronldn't
help the woman calling on mo, and I
retnrm.-d her first call rather than rnn
the risk of v.-lr:t Fhe might do to me if
I violated this fundamental principle of
right social action ns prescribed by ev
ery etiquette book in the land. When
the colled n second time, she addressed
me as "my good woman. " I can for
give almost anything bnt being called a
good woman. Only a menial or medi
ocrity past 40 is properly tinned a good
wcinnn. I resolved to snob this crea
tnre, and I wanted her to know I was
snnbliing her. I wonld never retnrn her
visit never. And how do yon snppose
sho takes it 1 Every time she pees me
she apologizes to me for not having re
tnrned my visit blots my intended
neglect of her out of mind and patron
izes me with the asnmption that it is
she who is neglecting me. Mark the
wisdom I have nttcred.
Never trifle with a skinny woman if
her face shines. Washington Star.
The Kluil of IntelliKrnt Salesladies
Tkrr Have In cv York.
Mr. B. Worm Ilave yon a cheap
edition of "The Iliad?"
iMiss Jenkins (first saleslady, chitt
ing gum) Who by?
Mr. Worm Eomer.
Miss Jenkins We got a cheap edi
tion'nf "The Idiot" by a man named
Homer, Miss SmithersT
Mr. Worm Xot "The Idiot" "The
Iliad" )!- e-ad.
Miss Jenkins "Tho Illy Add."
Qncer name that. Don't think I ever
heard of the book. Sounds Rooeian.
'Eont Room';-, is it? '
Mr. Worm Xo. I thick not: Greek
Miss Jenkins Oh! It's a Greek story,
Lizzie. I tliink I've heard of it. T lis
abont thew.-ir they had between Greece
and Japan. I h'litve.
Miss Smithers (second saleslady)
The name if the book yon want is "The
Idi:t. " Von want it in paper cover?
Mr. Worm No: I'm sure it's "Tho
Miss Smithcrs Will, I think yon've
got it wroug. It niiuLt be '-The Kail
yard." I've heard f something like
that. Who do yon say the book's by?
Homer? - Don't know his fnll name, do
yon ?
Mr. Wf.rm No; that is, that's all
there is of the name.
Miss Huiithers Oh, I see ncrnie de
ploom. I never heurd of him. Mnst be
some new man ain't got his rr-pntntiun
made. Wo don't keep none bnt the real
jKip'lar books. Miss Jenkins, s'pose yon
look throngli that pile in the corner.
Mi.-s Jenkins (after three miuntes'
search) No: we ain't got a copy of
'The Lizard." New York Son.
Kj om Whit Ii Sre Bin.
The other day a man spoke in my
presence abont a certain real or fancied
pecnliarity of some animals which, he
said, caused the eye to dilate when the
animal was snbject to sndden fright,
tims transforming the pnpil of the eye
into n magnifying glass of high power.
"Why." ba said, "if a wildcat fright
ens a horse, his eyes enlarge so that the
wildcat looks to him as big ns a tiger."
I have qnit saying I don't believe
a thing jnst becanse I never heard of
it beiore. lint. now. what do yon
think of this? I can imagine a man cf
the stone ag telling tbi.- suit of tale to
his offspring, the while tln-ir prehistoric
little eyes grew wid with wonder and
amaze, and then when they ran out of
the cave to llay I sec liini looking over
at the old lady and smiling. Forest
and .Stream.
An Kditur'ii Reformation.
For over a year The Ledger has been
stealing from its exchanges withont c
qnalm of conscience. Notice is hereby
given that onr bettor natnre has assert
ed itself, and everything will be credit
ed hereafter. Tell yon why. Saw an
item in a western exchange stating that
a woman was composed of 4S0 lunsclcs,
320 bones and 2.j0 pins. Copied it as
original. Woman read it. Called us a
liar. Had concealed on her person 660
pins. Hereafter items will be credited,
and the blame of false statements will
fall where it belongs. Boscoe (Pa.)
How to Proaoiace Alttamy.
Tbe common nsage of pronouncing
the name of onr city as though it were
spelled Allbany has so long prevailed
that it will probably surprise many
readers to be told that the first syllable
of the name is properly short and
shonid be pronounced like the Al in Al
fred and Albert. Edwin Forrest, who
was an accurate ortboepist, called this
city Al bany, not AU-bany or Awl
bany. Albany Argus.
A bucket 743 miles deep and 748
miles from side to side wonld bold
every drop of the ocean. The bncket
could rest qnite firmly on the British
isles. To fill the bncket one wonld need
to work 10.000 steam pumps, each
snckipg np 1,000 tens of sr-a.
K Victims" to stomach. Irrer aad kidaey
troubles as wall as women, aad all Teal tbe
rasalts ia loss of. appeal, poiaora in tha
blaod, backbone, Darvoasnas, boadsrhn
aad tired, listless, raa-deva feeing. Bat
thara's do need to feel like that. Listen to
J. Wt Oardaer, Idivilla, Iod. Ha sys
'Kltetric Bitters are just tha thin for a
man wbea ba is all rnn dawn, and don't
care whether ho lirrs er dies. It dll
mora to give me new strength and good
appetite thon anything I could tike. I
can aow eat anything a.d have a new lease
on life." Only 66 coats at V. P. Craw
fords Drag Store. - Every bottlo gnaran-teed.
Vfcai 70
Corn in ear.......... .... ..... 40
Onf 80
Hie..... 15
Olo erscd $2to?2 6l
Batter 16
Eggs,. 12
Ilamh 12
Shonlder. 12
Lard ....'.. . .-....
Sides. 7
Timothr seed.... .......... ....1.40
Fataeed 60
Bran 70
Chop 83c to 90o
Middlings 90
Ground On Salt...... ........ "6
AmericsnSa-t.... COc
It is certainly gratifying te the public to
know of one concern in the land who are
not afraid to be generous to the aeedr and
suffering. The rroprletora of Dr. King's
New Discovery lor Consumption, Coughs
and Colds, have given away over ten rail,
lion trial bottles of this great medicine ;
aad have the sotislahtian ot knowing it bos
absolutely cured thouaanda of hopeless
cases. Aetbmn, Brodchllia, Uoarseaeas
and all diseases of t ie Throat, Chest and
Lungs are sneely cured by it. Call on M.
V. Crawford, Dru2g,st, acd get a free trial
bottle. Regular sise 60c. snd $1. Every
bottle.guaranteed, or price refunded.
Granted. May 20, to Addison
Gorman and Miss Annie Heck, both
of SIifflintowD.
Mexico has an area cf 751,000 square
miles er nearly one-fonrtb that of the
United States.
4 Iio 7.1 j ii Ijinirnujir, 1'Uat Are Spo
Lru In the I1rHIU lailea.
P.rhaps to many people it will be a
(i.veat snrprisa to learn that a very con
niderable percentage of the native born
inhabitants of the British isles cannot
6peak English.
Natnrally, the vast majority do nse
it as the language of their birth, but in
Wales there are as many as 508,03(1
persons wbo speak only WeLdi, the
mother tongne of tbe principality.
Again, in the highlands of Scotland
Gaelic is thecolloqnial language of 4:1,
738 persons, wbo are able to speak
nothing else. In Ireland 82,131 sons of
Erin can speak only Erse, the native
Irish tongne.
That Erse is being displaced by the
tongne of the sister isle is nii'de evident
by the fact that tho Rev. Joseph Bos
worth, writing in 184S, gave Irish ns
the commonly spoken tongne of nearly
3.000,000 inhabitants. At that time
Welsh was spoken by 1,000 ,000 per
sons. Strangely enough, while in Wales
fewer people speak both English and
Welsh than Welsh alone, in Scotland
almost five times as many people nse
lxith languages ns those who speak
Gaelic only, and in Ireland the propor
tion is still greater, being 20 speaking
both to one who is jible to speak Irish
?Ianx is s;okt-n in tbe Isle of Man.
The popnlation of the island is 55,598.
The people are of Celtic extraction, with
an intermixture of Norwegian. Tbe is
land was under the rnle of Norway
from 870 to 12C.3 A. D. Both Manx and
English are n?ed in the promulgation
of any new law in the island.
The Channel islands have a popnla
tion of abont 93,000, and the language
spoken is French, Thus six languages
are used in the British isles.
A rtnae tty Wlileb Klnlinz Piqued
Hi Headers C'wr!oi-.
"When I first , began to read Kip
ling," said a New Orleans admirer,
"my curiosity was immensely piqued
by the scraps of verse with which he
usually headed his early stories. They
were all credited to poems I had never
heard of in my life and were just snch
salient, striking fragments as would
naturally' whet one's appetite for tbe
remainder. For over a year I tried hard
to locate those mysterious poems and
enlisted half a dozen book dealers in
tbe search. At last one of- them wrote
me that I was wasting time and that
the alleged quotations were merely Mr.
Kipling's little joke.
"In other words, he manufactured
'em to order and stuck them at the top
of his tales for tbe cake of the odor of
erndition they lent to tho production. I
was mad for awhile, bnt when I cooled
off I had a good big langb. Of course
yon know Scott used to do the same
thing, and so, for that matter, did Edgar
Allan Poe. Poe was really the worst
qnotation fakir of the lot.
"He wonld write wise sounding de
tached sentences nnd credit them to
imaginary German philosophers with
long, outlandish and impressive names.
However, I don't know why the thing
should be punishable. Tbe bnsiness
of a writer of fiction is to create an il
lusion, and as long ns be does it I for
one am not particular what means he
employs to contribute to the end."
New Orleans Times-Democrat.
Medical Stndeutn Primer.
What place is this? This is the Path
ological society. How does one know it
is the Pathological society ? Yon know
by the specimens nnd the smells.
What does that gentleman say? He
says he has made a post mortem. All
the gentlemen make post mortema.
They wonld rather make a post mortem
than go to a party.
What is that on a plate? That is a
tumor. It is a very large tumor. It
weighs 112 pounds. Was the tnmor re
moved from the patit ut T No ; the pa
tient was removed from the tnmor.
Did they save the patient t No, but they
saved the tnmor.
What is this in tbe bottle? It is a
tapeworm. It is a long tapeworm ; it is
three-quarters of a mile long. Is that
much for a tapeworm? It is indeed
ninch for a tapeworm, bnt not mncb
for the Pathological society. Indiana
Medical Journal.
Sot HI Stj-le.
Teacher One shonid le thonghtfnl
in dispensing favors. For example,
suppose yonr father, Jcbnny. was in a
crowded street car and two ladies, one
old and tbe other yonng, got in, which
of them would be give his seat tot
Johnny Guess you don't know dad
He wonldn : give it to either. Boston
t The buaiegt and mightiest litto thing
i that over was made is Dr Kiog'a New Life
1 FiU. Ev-eiypill is augar coated globale
; of health, that ebangs weakness into
strength, lisllt sness into energy, brain-fag
' 1nt mutil power. They're wondertal in
bri'diog np the health. Only 25e. per box.
Soli by H. P. Crawford.
Despatches indicate the greatest
wheat crop failure since 1SS1. .
. Miss Martha Forsythe of Lewis
town, was in Mifllintown last week,
attending the commencement exer
cises. - .
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
Clara J. Thompson is entertain
ing Mrsj O. P. Grove from Denver,
Col. They were school mates at
Bethlehem Moravian Semkary.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Com
pany, have contracted for t e con
struction of a fourth track from
Kittanning Point on the mountain
to Cresson.
Mr. and Mrs. Ilarry Kanftmah
of llarrisburg, are visiting Mr.
KaufTuiau's parents in Patterson,
and will take a trip to Chicago, St.
Louis and the west.
Dr. King's New Discovery.
Mrs. Bousamand son Roy of Mid
dletown, spent some time visiting
her daughter, Mrs. Stewart of
Locust Grove, and witnessed the
commencement exercises where her
grandson Roy Stewart was gradu
ated. '
Mr. David R. Rhodes and neph
ew Herbert Shaffer of Iliiminels
town paid Geo. Hower, llsq., of
Mitliintown a visit, and took in the
horse sale last Friday. Mr. Rhodes
and Mrs. Hower are brother and
Dr. King's New Discovery.
I.ast Saturday an eagle that
measured six feet from tip to tip of
wfiigs attacked John Fritz of Cumu
township, Berks county while he
was traveling afoot ou the public
road. Fritz stabbed the eagle to
death with his pocket knife.
The fire alarm brought out the
hose company promptly on Thurs
day night when the T)ysinger sta
ble burned. The company unlim
bered at the plug at the corner of
fith street to be ready in' case an
eiuergeufcy shonid arise to oiher
property from the burning stable.
Dr. King's New L ifePills.
The aqueduct across the river at
the Junction at Duncan's island is
being torn down. With that ob
struction moved the 3111 erstown
dam leeoiiies an obstruction of the
river. With the dam out of the
river sliad could be caught all along
the river an far as to Huntingdon.
Lewistown (lazette. Wheat is
coming out iu head ami the straw
is very short. The prospects bid
fair for a short crop of straw and
the hay crop bids fair to be a lijfht
one, as the grass is very short. The
clover is coming out in blosson
and not over six or eight inches
Dr. King's New Life Pills.
Monday afternoon -was a good
day for storms The telegraph re
ports destruction of houses and
barns bv liKhtnins: and wind in
York State, at Tonawanda, whe:e
two men were killed: A tree was
blown ou one; the other was
blown out of a wagon against a
fence and killel. Women by the
score took hysteria. Two women
were killed, many persons were in
jured. Annie Sullivan was throwu
across a telephone wire that was
blown from a pole. She was killed
instantly by the electric shock
Mrs. Mary Fitzgerald was fright
ened to death. The destruction to
property is great.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
Wonderful are the cures by Hood'g
Sarsuparilia nnd yet it is only becanse
as the one true blood purilier, it makes
pure, rich, healtuy, life-giving blood.
Hood's Pills for the liver and
bowels, act easily . yet promptly. S5o
Notice is hereby iven that let tern of
Administration in the estate of Abra
ham llrubaker. late of Heale township.
Juniata county Pa .deceased, have been
granted to the undersigned, residing in
said township All iersons having
claims against the said estate will pres
ent tne same lor pnymeut to
Kmohv V. Wookwakii,
Walnut, Pa.
J. N- Kei.i.eh, Attorney.
Xotiee is hereby given that letters of
Administration in the estate of Mar
garet II urrell, late of Lack township,
Juniata county, Pa., deceased, have
been granted to the undersigned, resid
ingtn said township. All jiersons hav
ing claims against the said estate will
present the same for payment to
McCulloch Mills, Pa.
Atkinsox & Pknxki.i., Attorneys.
WONDERFUL arc the cures by
Hood's ai-ap;iril!a, and yet they
are simple and natural. Hi iijiI'l OuIM
parilla makes PURE BLOOD.
Shkkkfi.kr. Oil the 27th inst.,
at his home in Licking ('reek Val
ley, of dropsic 1 trouble, Charles
Schrcfller, aged 84 years, 8mos.
and 10 days.
rnii.AnixpniA Makkkth,
May :$0, 1899.
Wheat 77c; Oats 32c; Corn 34c;
Pennsylvania tobacco fillers 8 to
12c and 17c; fine wrappers 40 to
GOctS; butter 13 to 22c; eggs 15c;
Live chickens 8 to 12c a lb; spring
cLickens 23 to 30ets a piece; green
peas $1.42c a bushel; straw-berries
8cts a qt.; sour cherries 8 to lOcts
a pound; huckleberries 10 to 12cts
a quart ; old potatoes 50 to GOcts a
pound; new Southern potatoes $2.
!J0 to $3.50 a barrel; Hay $10.50
to $13.00; beef cattle at 3 to 5Jc;
hogs 2 to 34c; sheep 2.50 to f 5.85;
spring lambs $4.50 to $6.50; veal
calves $7 to $7.50.
jjj aaaaaaaaaMaaaaBaBMMMaaaajaaaaasaaeaS- v
AVJoiaf trending
. i. .. female) wakneB," itbouf
. The tnmbl. with thousauos i oi won,
many physician, suppose it is. The real
BWdder. Doctors often fail to effect a
. u. ,wi Women as well
pveuwr.y. :-- ...
elves if tneir Kiuucy
. s I I? 1
r jae nave icn -
Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy is a perfect nerve
medicine. It restore, the liver to a healthy conaiuon u "'"';"
constipation. It is a certain cure for all diseases peculiar to females.
Sample Bottle Free
Favorite Remedy is such a certain cure that the Dr. David Kkxtoi
ravoniejieiDcu fnarA nrenaid. a free sample bottle to
Corporation, Konaoui, r.
every sufferer who sends his or her
paper. The fact that our liberal oiter appc iu r-v
All druggist, sell Favorite Remedy at $i.oo a bottle.
i Arrivals of Summer Dress Goods which were bought before and are now
We bought tbe goods at right prices to produca quick baying.
Beautiful Scotch Lawns, dainty and choice patterns, which don't fade at
Dainty fina Orjanlies in Fanoy Figures, fancy stripes and plain colors,
jest the thing for a eool dress or waists at 8io, 10c, 12io and 15c.
Piqneas and Welt Goods in Piain aad Fancy Figures, &o. Nice and
dressy for a skirt or Shirt Waists at 10c and 15o.
White Goods and embroideries, Linen and Cotton Goods for cool sum
mer Garments, worth i more thin we are asking, bnt wa boacht this below
' present market prices and we give you
Onr suits and waists, skirts and wrappers, ready to dress are all perfect
in styles and are Bold at very low prices.
Lace curtains at 45o and 50o a pair, and the finest Nottingham and
Irish Paint Curtains for less money than import prices.
- Striped Carpets for V2o and 2lo; fine Icgraia Carpot at 25c, and finest
selections of Ingraio, Tapestry, Brussel aad Velvet and fine Axminstcr car
pet at Wholesale Prices.
Felt Shades with Spring Rollers at 10u. Fjlt Shades with Spring Rol
lers and Fringes 2 shades for 25s, oil shades plain 25s; oil shades with Fringe
on them for 29o; a few rjils of matting at 12e.
Great selection of Shoes for Summer Wear, none bettor and none cheaper
anywhere, witbo-jt exception.
Lancaster and Amos Keaj Ginghams at 5its a yard.
1865, ESTABLISHED. 1899.
Special Invitation To The Iublir
To attend the Attractive Sale of Clothing that goes on daily
It will
Who nave money to invest to
It is truly marvelous to See
of Suits and Overcoats at the Wonderfully Low Prices.
His prices leave all Competitors in the rear, so don't f il
to give him a call if in need of Clothing
- - Kidneys, Liv.r and
tubc8. J. they don't
men n ascertain for them-
V7 as men . .
i y sinjply fiu . botue or K-r
. - ith nrine and let it siu" -
day nd night. If then, is .
sediment at the bottom, tmnf
-v- tr.M-eva. If there is
, "? :-- ftn if there is a
desire iu u
'pain in the small of the bk-f the unna
steins linen-look out! The Kidn.y.
. T Tin vi n tccn-
Lames can m. .
Favorite Remedy with P1 as"
surance of relief. It will cure tbem
Liver and Bladder disorders just as certainly
as it cures men.
Mrs. G. W. Davenport, of West Troy,
N Y says: " I was troubled with my Kid
neys, and suffered intense pain in my back and
loins. The wife of Dr. Robinson, pastor of the
First Avenue Methodist Church, recommended
Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy.
I got some, and have used it ever since, with
the result that I am greatly benefited. All pain
. t am like another person.
' - ,. ,u:,
tbe benefit of oar bargains, w
examine the Stock of Greeds for
Hollobaugh & Son,
Spring Clothing and (-)
(-) Gents FurnishingjGoods
Now ready for Inspection. They have no Competition in
lino Their o-oods are Cheaper than the rhaaw r. 01
ter than the Best and Later than the Latest Styles carried S
others. If you want the Latest Style Suit, either in men?
bov's or children's, tney nave
Do you want the best
and Most Fashionable Shoe on the market? They have a foil
line of the Celebrated Douglass Shoes.
Will you have a Hat
of the very latest black, in either Stiff, Crush or Straw, her
xl 1 . Jaa vTs-ti will 4 nA if -
(:) Ask any Man (:)
who wears the latest style Shirt, Collar or Tie, where he K0t
them, he will answer at HOLLOBAUGII & SON. We Lave
finer line of Shirts, Neckwear and Collars than we ever carried
before. We have lately put in an entire new line of Collars, the
best and latest the market can afford to replace the Curtis
Collar which we are now sellincr at 10 cents. We handle
child's Collar to be used with Vestee Suits We sell the best
shoe in the market, the Dougla?, and have it in all the most
fashionable lasts, every pair guaranteed to give satisfaction.
We are agents for the Sweet Orr Overalls and have sizes from
the largest to the smallest.
Fine Trunks, Valises, Hand Bags,
Suit Cases etc., also Umbrellas, Combs', Cuff Buttons, lines
Supporters, Cuff IIolders; and everything that goes to make
up a firet class Gents Furnishing Line. Call and see our Stock.
116 Main St., Patterson, Pa
nnd House-Furnishing
; Things are never dull berej'cevcr stupid. Tbe full life of the store tV
I ws& has a cheerful welcome for all comers, and shoppers are quick to decide
in favor of tbe ureat Values to be round in our new
A Specially Selected Stock of
Manges, Cock, Parlor and Shop
Horse lJlaokets and Lan Robes.
LAMPS, large and small.
Come in and look aronnd. V.Vii
make yon feci at home.
We bave tbe largest Stuck a:i.I
Store in the county.
Get a jrcod par" y 'ubscribinn for the
SrntiheIp aid HtrriLicia.
'77" irf Dr. fluinrslirt v' f .rr
Specific for the enre t.f Grip nn.l
Colds, and tho iirtvnfii.ii'i.f P.-nm,.
nia. All dru-rgitts, 2oc.
Subscribe for Hi. Si
EErrtBLlCAS. a rancr l!mt ,..i.i,..rD
choice reading mattir, full of inform
uon ma: noes i be render "ooH, r.id
in addition to that ail Irvafiitw.. t nut
are worth nubliehiiif find -.
it? ccluiiii e. if
No. 1 Cures Fever.
No. 2 Worms.
No. 3 Infants Diseases.
No. 4 " Diarrhea
No. 7 Coughs.
No. 8 Cures Neuralaia.
No. 9 " Headache
No. lO " DvsnerwHn
No. 11 Delayed Periods.
No. 12 " T iv,
No. 1 3 Cures Croup.
No. 14 Skin Di
No. 18 " Rheumatism.
No. 16 " Malaria.
NO. 19 " rt.m.h
No. 20 Cures Whooping Cough
No. 21 " aC4v,,,
No. 24
No. 26
' General Debility.
' Sea-Sickness.
' K irlnou
No. 27
J - locascs.
No. 28 Cures Nervous Debility.
No. 3Q " tlrin-m, r-,.-.
j Aiocaco
No. 32 Heart Disease.
No. 34 " sore Thr,
No. 77 " rnw r'
' ' KJl lJ.
Da. Hcill'nMTii' TTU . .
or Diseases Mailed Fbee.
Neat, Stylish,
-SJ.4I.L. AT-
Money reared at Lowest Bates.
March 5, 1S9.S.
T1IK :
Juniata Valley
National Bank.
Capital .... i(,O(0.
T. V. irtWIX, Cannier.
Louis E. Atkinw.n. W. C. J'omeroy
John llertzler. J. L. Barton.
H. J. Shelleuherger. V. X. Sterrett
T. Van Irwin.
Interest allowed ou time deposits a
the rate of three per cent, per annum.
January 11,
The Sales of Hood's Sarsapari
are the largest in the world beeM
the cures by Hood's Sarsaparill
wonderful, perfect, permanent.
Hood's piltsare the best flsfBf
cathartic and liver medicine oc