Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, April 26, 1899, Image 3
V -v . St, SENTINEL REPUBLICAN MIFFUNTOWtf. PA. VED-VBiDAY AWIIL 26, 1890. B.F.SCHWEIER, EDITOR AN'O PROPRIETOR. SHORT LOCI L. Bucklers Arnica Salve. Ligislature adjxiroed on tbe 20th. Pennsylvania bus only one United g tutrs Senator. Dr. King's New Life Pills. FiiuitbI director Ruble bns moved to South Dakota. A fly it is said has 8000 yen, ev eryooe immovable. 'A Tribute of a Friend,'' goes over till next issue. f Kansas will bave only one quarts f its average wheat crop. ) William Bailor of Honey Grove bas bteu awarded a pension. Tbe fighting in the Puillipine is lands gots on in tbe usual way. Pr. Kiuff's w Life Pills. Genius is a softer word than work, but All tbe same it means work. lr. King's New Life Pills. Biicklen's Arnica. Salve. Choice white Ohio and Penn sylvania wed oats, for sale at Maubeck & Nelson's mill. Dr. Kings New Discovery. Misw Tracy Moyer of Altoona'is Tisitin her grandmother on Main street. Tbe day is not far distant when you cau send your picture by tele graph. Prvfeswr John Hamilton has been appointed Secretary of Agri culture. Jack Nankivel ami S. L. Todd caught 172 trout in LicAiug creek, last Saturday. Dr. King's New Discovery. For cnmterfeit money making Lancaster city beats tbeui all. Read in ano'Lt-r column. Mrs K. II. M ;Ciintic and daruh- ter M ss Isabel hive returned ftom a v eit to Lcwietown. Pr. Wm. Hanks bas moved into bis lare aud handsome new bouse sdJ office on Mai a street. Dr. King's New Discovery. Mrs. Jackson wife of William Jack , leseased of AJtoona, visited friends in town last week. Viilmm M Fasick, manager of tele graph offi'o at Tyrone spent several days iii this place last week. Dr. Kind's New Discovery. TVro wer seventy nine ballots taken y tha Legislature for United Sia'cs Senator aud no Senator. The Lurnaaity nar shoutera of a ya.tr ago are goicg about now with tbe corners of their mouths down. Dr. King's New Discovery. S(nire Selam Thomas generally kunwu by the name Pop died tin expnteilly on Tuesday night in Patterson. Frederick Mickey and Miss Flora Fasick were married in the Luth eran church by Rer. Mr. Fans on Tuesday evening. , y James Junk and Pilgrim Clark have returned from Dakota. They report the weather cool there. Mr. Jnnk located land in Montana. The Democracy pay we are all har mony, wlich , in quite a figure of spa. ch in the face of the $10 dinner an l.Ue $1 dinner of tbe high priests of t;i party. Lrtttis remaining uncalled for in Mifibntown, Pa., I. O , at the close of busiutPs Sat. Evening, April 22, 39: Mr. Acnie M. Miller. Miss Jun iata Barer, Miss Blanche Thompson. Lewistown Gxzette: There will bo six seres planted ia tomatoes and loin- in seed csrn on the farm of A F. fi'bboney, lcaased, now rented by bis son A F. Gibboney this year, at Belleville. William Murray has returned from New York, having traded his rnn nicjj horse fcr a trotting horse in stead of having traded it for a lot of blooded dogs as had inadvertently bf n ttated. Under the influence of tbe latest pein destroyer, you are not shocked, E'4 rendered ck, not made uncon scious Tou remain wide awake and niay have a leg or an arm taken off and not feel tbe operation. Biicklen's Arnica Salve. "It never rains but it pours and n tbo Jpxposure of tbe Lancaster eun.rfe.it gang comes tbe announce ment that gold counterfeit Tcoin $5 P'cces have been plentifully circulat ed m California. Government of ficers are after tbe gang. The Mendicant I am a Democrat, sir The approached to met -Well.'what's that The .Mendicant Well, not with stinding the dollar limit of my party I m willing to eat a ten cent meal if yon pill supply the meal Eucaine is the newly discovered pain destroying drug when one is undergoing an operation. People with lmrnired heart action it is said at safely use it It does not shock ne or irake one sick or unconscious. i can look upen an rperation on "ur own bodv and not feel it. The Huntingdon Globe of last Mc mentions that John C. Taylor of Shade Gan bought 18 steers last ""Toner at East. Liberty stock yards. He fed them till the middle of April. 7 Pnids." The average gain me animals in weight was 362 poun.ig. -S'lbbcribe for tbe Jpntata Benti l and Republican, the best paper n the county. Captain Hankie is seriously ill The fields of crowing vu spotted. ttlc Au honest man is the nobleit Dr. Hollman h KA within the past weekT V"e Ul The fine weather on Hnnl.., The i latest democratic annoMce ment is baker Albert Hackenberger for Protbouotary. . f RVb'n8on rode on his bicvcle Cut,"110 ,hi" town in half day last week. m ?ank8 editor Bonsall's printing office building aud lot for l,60O. s J. H. Simons has JJL ed from his illness as to again be" i" iwuu to Dusiness. Squire Pod Thom ia . ;JA- icied in p;tter-.n .f.::"r"u:u months of s joarn in Lebanon. Rev. Mr. Peckin of the Ar"cT Ck', Preached a sermon for the Odd Fellows in hischnpni.nn s day. The most thorouerhlv gang of counterfeiters were captur ed at Lancsister, Lancaster countv last week. Most of the oats around nn .Ti,n; ata county iarms was plowed last week. Some oats was sowed ' Th season is a late one. The government amVnlf partment is experimenting with the erowu.g of the date in Arizona. The date palm U from Arabia Amnncr others killed in taot day s battle on tbe fighting line be yond Manila was Col. John M Stefs enberg of the First Nebraska reo-i- ment Shooting carp ensrajred the altn. tion of sportsmen in a good many places last week. They say it is not as monotonous as fishing for them with a line. The acrual re union of thTTm't Brethren churches of CnmWlanrl Valley. Maryland and tbe Virginias will be held on the 20th of Julv at Mount Alto Park. The Philadelphia Einosition gro unds comprise a tract of 56 acres on the bank of the Scbnylkill. The main buildirg covers 8 acres . of ground. Open September, October and November. It was Georce Cremer of Tfuntintr. don, who discovered that the $100 silver certificate made by tb Lan. caster counterfeit gang was bojrus. Cremer holds a position in the sub treasury department at Philadelphia. A writer on Porto Rico savs: "Perhaps no more serious evil has existed in Porto Rico than the dis regard of marriage.- More than half of tbe coilTJies are livinrr in concubinage. More than hnlf thA ' children are born out of wedlockA'T E. Draitt Crawford is home from the City of Brotherly Love, visiting his parents and friends renerally. He graduated from tbe Philadelphia College of Dent'strv at the recent commencement and will locate in Philadelphia for the practice of his profession. Lf ss than the usual number of April forest tires bave been reported this year. What's the "cause. Is it tbe dread of the enforcement of tbe law against parties who set woods on nre oa is it because the leaves andm flamable material in tbe timber is not as dry this spring as it usually is. Bncklen's Arnica Salve. f Herman L Eirnest is recovering from an accident thai overtook bim while going through the freight shed at Marysvi'le on the top of a car in tbe train oa which be was brakeman. His head struck the top of tbe shed, 1 1 V-- 31-1. J i , anu ne was anoc(eouat to iue rooi oi tbe car. The wonder is he escaped death. The Maryland State government announces: "Iu Western Maryland it is safe to say that the peach crop is a total failure, from a commercial stand point. We have foucd no live buds whatever in Washington county, and practically none in Frederick. In deed, in some instances the wood is opparently injured, so that tbo grow ers are cutting tbeir trees back in order to give them a better chance for new growth. Dr. King's New Life Pills. "As I understand it," said the heathen, "you propose to civilize met" "Exactly so." "You mean to eet me out of habits of idienets and teach me to worki That is tne iaea. "And then lead 'me to simply my methods and invent things to make my work lighter? "Yes." "And next I will become ambitious to get rich, so that I won't have to work at all." "Naturallv." "Well, wbat'e the usa of taking Buch a roundabout way of getting just where 1 startear i aon i bave to work now." Washington Star. Dewey's warfare on the sea has never been surpassed, but his first land movement proved a failure to all directly concerned. On Satur day, April 15:h he sent Lieutenant Gilmore and 13 marines to rescue some 400 Spaniards that were sur rounded by Filipinos, ine Ameri cano were from the warship York town. The whole company rowed their boat up a river into the coun try of the enemy and up to this writ ing Thursday, April 20, word from them has not been received. An exchange savB that a small church was sadly in need of general repairs and a Jmeeting was - oeing held in itwith aview to raisiog funds for that purpose. Tbe minister hav ing said that $500 wonld be requir ed, a very wealthy and equally stm gy member of the congregation arose and said he would give one dollar Just as he sat down, however, a lump of plaster fell from tbe ceiling and hit him on the bead, where-ipon he hastily arose and said - he had made a mistake he would give fifty dollars. This waa too much for the enthusiastic preacher, who forget ting everything, called out fervently, "Ob; Lord, hit him again!" Jf a man is down on hi i..aL-o.i minks he is tired of fermT caasehe cannot lay up anyThin year by year, just let him remem her that there are thousands of ."t he who are work ing m the cities at day or week la- twandiTh0 P evy cent they make, so that if they g4t out of work for a day they Jost go in u debt for their fivwl j i? s w be thankful that htT". bS cover him I,;. . w vi ma own ana a roof to wn-i mm ann nis tumiir v he can raise onono-i. h. uuiy ana that ..v Uj aml ureaine wiiole- uewey Earl Bright nil, the eleven y-, T , .l KUllt oi li. u. Bright- ; , .',' IU1S Piace, vt t3 r.nlantlv 1 if 1 1 I fm f, Brightbill, the mother, was in the luestiay aiteruoou. , Bedford Inquirer. . . -mm- COURT PROCEEDINGS. vuuui-umcueuai iu n'i'iii't m on Monday, April 14, 1899, with Judges i.jons, Mejrett and Swartz upon tbe bench. The constables made their returns. The grand jury was called, sworn and charged. Charles McCotivich was selected to wait upon the Grand Jury. J. M. Cox and Joseph Landis were appointed tip-staves to wait upon the court. In the judgment, J. A .'McMullin Sarah Moore, tbe court rendered an opin-' j ion openiug tbe judgment at the in stance oi ine qeicuuaut and the defen dant was allowed to make her defense. The case ordered to the head of the trial list for September court. In the estate of Geo. E. Towsey late of Port Royal borough, deceased, Mar tha Towsey, the widow asked for ap praisers to appraise property to her uii. der the widow's exemption law. The appraisers were appointed. Viewers were appointed to determine whether a county bridge should he built or not across Tuscarora creek at or near Sprm Hill school house. lewers were appointed to view and lay out a road in Tusearora township, beginning at or neur Jacob Palm's and ending near Irwin Mdiahrey's. W. E. Guthrie was appoioted guard- ian of Edith McBurney minor child of Kev- McBurney, 1,1 heetateof llobert Willoughby, real estate reported as sold to Ilenrv Shearer for ?lol.00, which sale wascon firrned by the court.' ... Iu the estate of Ijydia Stroup, dee'd, order granted to Beuueville Stroup, ad ministrator to sell decedent's real estate. W. H. Kuukle was appointed super visor for Tusearora township, vice John 1). Fitzgerald, who was elected at the February election and who refused to tbe matter of the application of Peter Ubil to have a guardian appoint ed over Elizalieth Cassette the court set tne loth day of June as the-dnv on I w hich tbe matter wouid be heard and determined. -In Fi Fa No. 2 April Term t99, IJ. S. Meiser ct al vs. William Carl, sher iff's interpleader. Answer of Mary A. Carl, claimant of goods levied upon til ul In sume m:itl r iiptitimi to unpn iiirionioiit nroriontMl in wn rvmrt ml the court granted a rule on plaintitls to show cause, &c, anu stayed the execu tion pending the disposal of the rule William Swails who has been coufm- ed in the county jail since the Decem ber term of court for not .fulfilling the sentence of the court for desertion was discharged from court under the insol vent law. The first case called for trial was that of tha Com. vs Cloyd Bender. Charge breaking aud entering, aud larceny. Prosecutor H. L. Leach. The prosecu tor was the proprietor of a ool room in this town and on the 20th of March his place of business was broken into and 4.zuin motels was taKeji therefrom. These nickleswere iu a slot machine, which was taken from the building and carried to the vicinity of the old ware bouses south of town where the ma chine was broken open and the nickles abstracted- The evidence produced by tbe commonwealth showed that Cloyd ' Bender spent $2.95 in nickles at Lewis town junction on the day following the robbery and that he spent fifty-five cents iu nickles that day in this place and Patterson aud also that he asked Wise Ithynard on Saturday evening previous to the robbery to assist bim (Bender) in taking the slot machine with the nickles. Tbe defendant denied that he had anything to do with the taking of the slot machine and explained that his possession of the nickles was honest. That he got nickles from Mr. B rower in Patterson, from bis grand-mother and from 8. A. Ellis' store. The jury after being in the jury room rendered a ver dict of guilty as Indicted. Sentenced by the court to two years in the peni tentiary. Com vs. Balph Palmer. Charge, Fornication and bastardy. Prosecutrix, Annie B. Laughlin. Continued. Com. vs. John Davis. Charge break ing and entering the store room of M. E. Schlegel at East Salem and stealing therefrom store goods, &c. Defendant who is a colored man plead guilty and was sentenced to two years in the Western Penitentary: Com. vs. James A. McMullin Charge, Forgery and embracery. Pros ecutor John S- Wilson " A true bill Continued on account of illness of Mrs. McMullin a material witness. Coin. vs. Charles C. Cleck. Charge, Assault - and battery. Blasphemy. Threatening to kill, breaking Jand en tering and larceny. Prosecutrix, Sarah M. Cleck. Settled. Com. vs. Cbas. 8- Sieber. Charge, ""."f, wxm ner little family : ruury ierm. i7. AsMumpeit, i Plea, when one of her children asked for j "Ifou Assumpsit." Settled, a piece of bread. She went to thej Mar-V Leonard aud Margaret Leonard kitchen to get it, leaving the chil-! V8' miiel Leonard; No 160 seplem. area in the room. Unobserved by ber tenu 1897- Summons in Assump her, Dewey had followed to the sit p,ea "Xo" Assumpsit " Contin kitchen and was sitting near the ujd table. She spread the picco of John Rader vs. Fmanuei Reader, tie bread and placetl it on the table. ! feudant, aud Smith Kelly, garnisheti The little tot whom it was prepar-! No- 9i February term, 1899. Foreign ed, in reaching up to take the ' attachment iu Assumpsit. Plea, "Non bread from the table accidentally Assumpsit." Withdrawn by the parties, brushed a sharp butcher knife- Rebecca Meiser, Daniel Meiser aud R. from the table which fell point S. Weiser, Executors of Joseph Meiser. downward and struck Dewey in deceased, vs. Annie E. Hopple, H E the ihead, penetrating the brain Hopple and A. L Koppe.ihafter; No" ana Killing the child instantlv. ' 53. i)mmir ! V" T"""" "na Prosecutrix, , .uu.e tv tKy. Case contlm W v-uui. v. ii isrown Berrier. Charge flAAOrHrifv i i .... ' t tt tT luI"t emia. Prosecutor, - . xvume. case settled. wm. vs. Wm. A. Doughten. Charge, FomicaUon and bastardy Prosecutrix, xil- . A true bin. ; W- H. Iliuebaua-h vs. Ilihnm v. Hart; No 23, April term, 1898. As- Bumpsit. flea, "Non Assumpsit " Het- uea. 1 Tl . . . . - ""ua " Juu w.Hibbs vs. Frank -Wilhert and Daniel WUbert. trn. n vvn. ' " - " " 1894. A Plea, "NU Debit." Set- Mary A- Todd vs. The Quaker City Muual Fire InsuranceCo.; No. 33. Feb- luay lerna Assumpsit, Plea, ion Assumpsit." Settled Mary A. Todd vs The Quaker City Mutual Fire Insurance, v. at., vz. . Debit " Is before court this Wednesday. i waiuf 1Ui7U. t l1 11 ! REDUCED RATES TO HABUIBBUna VIA PEX2J8YLVAMA BAm EOAP, ACCOUNT UNVE1UXO HAKT (jS RANFT MONUMENT. Oa account of the unveilinar of the Hurtranft Monument at HarrisVurT. in., mny i, ino i-ennsyivania Kail road Company l:a arranged to sell excursion tickets from sll stations on its lin in the state of Pennsylvania, . to Harrisburg and return, at rate of single fare for tbe round trip, mini I mam rate twenty-five ce:i ts. Ticket will be sold on Miy 10. 11. and 12. aDI' lle coo1 to return until May 13, inclusive, but will not be valid for passage on tbe Pennsylvania Lim ited. 2:.. TOECAIC ERfPTIOIII Are rraa-I, but Skin Eruptions rob lifo ot .joy. tsc.rklfn'a Arnica Salve, can-s them; ' 1 . 1 I J T I n r. ... nisu wm, nuiioing sna rercriiOieH. Ulcers, Bal', relont. Uorns. Warts. Cms, Brainoi-. Uuroa, Scalds, Cbapped UDda, Chilblains. Hest I He care on earth. Dnv out Pains and Ache. Oiily V5 cts a box. Cure guarantee. 1. Sold by SI. P. Crawford, uruggisr. LADIES. Jirs. icices, 1'attersou, t'a., is ! selling millinery cheaper than ever. I J-he most stylish made hat at the price of one ordinary straw. Those. jaunty sailors-3Sc in plain or mix ed straws.. Ribbons, silks, flow ers iu abundance. 1 BKMARK'S IRO.1 NERVE. Was tbe result of his splendid hoalth Indomitable will and tremendous energy are cot found where Stomach, Liver. Kid neys and Bowels are oat of ord-r. If you want tnrse qualities and the snccttss they brinp, use Dr King's New Lif' Pil'a. They develop every p.wer of brain and body. Only 25c at St. P. CrawH.rd's drug store. AMRRIED: Mitciiem Brant. On the I.'Uh inst., in Milford township bv Bev. S. E. Koontz, William W. . Mitchell and Sarah C. Brant, both oi .uillortl township. Carx Frontz. On the 2 1st inst., by Jacob Forrey, J. P., Charles F. Carl of Dimmsville and Jennie M. Frontz of PhoiuYs Val ley. Favi.kk Keplkb. On the 9th i "ISt., at MifilintOWn by lieV. W II. Falis, John II. Favler and Lvd ia M. Kepler both of Monroe twp. DIED. Kauffmas. On the 23rd inst., Annie E. Knuffraao of Inng trouble, daughter of Lincola and Annie Kauffmnn of Walker towaship, aged s:x years and 10 months. Ride.n Oa the 3d inst., Mrs. Biden from the t ffscis of ranilyM?, aged about 62 years at tbe home of her husband James Bideu iu P.ilf r son. Mr and Mrs. Bidcn are tie couple vhose house r.ear Jack's creek, Mifflin county, was s.vept awav bv ! (ue flood of June 1st 1889 Bftt on Mm mnf nf M, r!,,tin,T They houfie till it Qarna tear enough to shore ino miles north of this place where they were rttcued by people in a fk'ff on the Stambaugh fiiru. Dr. King's New Discovery. Fob Sale. Tbe B -srd r-f rectors of the Fanners Mercantile As. (.ociiition in Patterson, limittd, offers for i ale, cr rtnf, their Store in Pat. terson. Teims easv For particulars irquTO of W. N. Sterrett, on tbe premises. By order of Bmrd, Aug. 17, 8t. Lewis Degan, Sec. At the Musical College, Freeburg, Snyder county, Pa., none but the best methods are used, so that to-day it is recognized as one of the foremost schools of music in the country. $33 -will pay for a term of six weeks, instruction and board. Spring Term will begin May 8. For catalogues address, Hknry B. Moyer Director. WrrilMOVUM GfcAIN vA S M I FFLINTOWN, APRIL 26, 1899. fcet $ 67 Corn iu ear ......... , .... ..... "h.., .... .... ......... , JJ0 Re a2 Clo"re-i $2 to $2 50 Butter...... 16 .'..'.". 10 Ham u Shoulder , j Lard......... , 8 Sides , 7 Timothy seed..... 1.40 Fired an Bran...... ...... ...... ......... 7o " Chop ;85c"to 90c Middlings ...... 9o Gronnd lu S!t...... ...."... 76 American Sa t 60c , Philadelphia arhets, April 24, 1899. ' w neat c: Corn 42c oats 35c; butter 37c; eggs 13c;"chickens 17 to -toe a io; cattle 3J to 5Jc; sheep 2. 60 to $4.90; hogs at 2J to 4.15. Any information that tells bow . disease can be overcome is the most welcome news a paper can print. Although this is aa advertisement, it contains facts of more vital importance than anything else in this newspaper. It tells of a medicine known for over thirty years as JJr. David Kennedy's Favorite Memedy. It is a medicine that purifies tne mood, and restores the Kidneys, , Bladder and Urinary Organs to vigor . and strength. Its principal ingredient not alcohol. It does not ruin men's and women's lives by causing intoxication fostering the appetite for strong drink. Favorite Remedy cools and purifies the blood. It is not like the many "bitters," "com pounds " and " tonics," now so widely sold, which heat and inflame the blood, doing more injury than good. Fa vorite Remedy cures troubles of women just as certainly as it cures troubles of men. It restores the Liver to a healthy condition, and cares the worst cases' of Constipation. It cures Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, all Kidney, Bladder and Urinary Diseases, Gravel, Diabetes and Bright's Disease. "My complaint was Stone in the Bladder. Physicians said my case was hopeless, but J)r. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy cured me." D. H. Hoao, Lebanon Springs, N. Y. Sold in all drug stores for $r.oo a bottle. Une teaspoonf ul is a dose, and you will experi ence relief long before first bottle is taken. 5u?r!Ji!a Rnttl FPsi T Every vviiiv B VV troubled With anv of the ailments mentioned atinvn is offered a chance to try Favorite without anv cost whatever. Semi office address to the Dr. David Kennroy Corpor ation, Rondont, N. Y., and a free sample will be Sent VOU. Please sav vnn saur tlin silviriun,.i, in this paper, so we may know your request Great Mill End Bargain Sale C AT C Schott's Stores. Commencing April 6th and con tinues until April 30th, 0 0 0 MILL Fine bleached .Muslin aoJ fiao Cambrics worth IOe, at Go. Sbakcr Flannels, worlh 9e, at So. OvenU Denims, worth 14c, at 9s. 10 ounce Overall Deciuis, worth 17c, at 124o. Coveat Cloth, worth 15a., at 9f Percalei", worth llilo, at 8a. White goods, worth 10c, at 6.--.. Table Llneo, worth 38o. at '25o. Calicoes, not lefs than 10 yards in one piece for 3io. A full bale of very nice unbleached Muslin, was delayed in the mill, is now wonh 6c, a yard, 10 yards for 45a. 10 yards of Hill fins bieacbed 4i4 Muslin for 60c. is now worth 8Je. a jard. LancasUr and Amos Keag Gingham fcr 5c. a yard. Slightly stained GiDghtm. a few yards left at 3io. Indigo Blue, or black or facey Cilicoes at 5j. a yard. Ladies skirls in patterns for 25c. Boys shirtwaists for 15 end 25o. Men's and Boys fins white unlanndered abirt for 89o NEW DRESS GOODS. Coverts, Serges, Cheviots, Whip Cords, Broadcloth, Vienna Cloth, Mo hairs ami BnllLntine, representing many shade to suite all tastes aud ideas of dressings and sold at (-mailer margins than any large store in New York or Phi'adelpbia can afford to sell. NEW DRESS SKIRTS and Coat Suits, Spring Jackets, Silk and Cloth Capes, Silk Waists, Percale Waists, and White Piqne Waists in great varieties, and our prices are '.be lowest. GRLIAT COLORINGS AND VARIOUS STYLES OF WALL PAPER WITH PRICES TO SUITE EVERY TASTE. GRAND CARPET EXHIBITION. Our grand Spring Exhibition of Carpets in Azminister, Velvets, Brussels and Ingrains. Home made Carpets and Fancy Striped Carpets for 124c, 20o, and 25c. None in "tbe country to beat our prices. Mill End of Lenoleums and Oil Cloth at half price. Window Shades and Lace Curtains, the greatest assortment and lowest prices. SHOES by the thousands at Manufacturers prices. Schott's Stores. 103 TO 109 BRIDGE STREET. 1865, ESTABLISHED, 1899. Special Invitation To attend the Attractive Sale of from THE IMMENSE ST0GK OF D. W. HARLEY. It will be TO THE ADVANTAGE OF ALL BDYERb Who have money to invest to examine the Stock of Goods for MEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN It is truly marvelous to See THE BEAUTIFUL STYLE of Suits and Overcoats at the Wonderfully Low Prices. His prices leave all Competitors in the rear, so don't hil to give him a call if in need of Clothing. D. W. )H A R L E T MIFFLINTOWN TJl. sickness and and Perso Remedy is genuine. 0 END 0 To The Pvblu Clothing that goes on daily r 1 HollGbaiigii Soiij HAVE THEIR ENTIRE LINE OF Spring Clothing and (-) .(-) Gents Furnishing Goods Now ready for Inspection. They bave no Competition ifr their line. Their goods are Cheaper than the Cheapest, Bst ter than the Best and Later than the Latest Styles carried by others. If you want the Latest boy's or children's, they hare it. Do you want the best and Most Fashionable Shoe on the market ? They have a full line of the Celebrated Douglass Shoes. Will you of the very latest black, in either Stiff, Crush or Straw, here is the only place you will find it. (:) Ask any Man (:) who wears the latest style Shirt. thorn ho will nnsicAr u t HOI.mRAITGH & SON. We have finer line of Shirts, Neckwear and Collars than we ever carried before. We have lately put in an entire new line of Collars, the best and latest the market can afford to replace the Curti Collar which we are now selling- child's Collar to be used with shoe in the market, the Douglap, and have it in all the moat fashionable lasts, every pair guaranteed to give satisfaction. We are agents for the Sweet Orr Overalls and have sizes from the largest to the smallest. Fine Trunks, Valises, Hand Bags, rco. ot oin rimKfoilaa Supporters, Cuff Holders, and everything that goes to make up a nrst class ueots v urmsmng HOLLOBAUGH & SON, 110 Main St., Patterson, Pa. McOLINTIO'S HARDWARE and House-Furnishing ST OR E THIS STORE SETS THE PACE. () oOo OI THAT'S WHY YOU LIKE IT. Things are never dull here: never stupid. Tbe full life of tbe etore al- i wajs bas a cheerful welcome for all comers, and shoppers are quick to decius in favor of tbe vireat Values to be found Neat, Stylish, Inviting S T 0 RE . K. H. M'CLIWTIC, Get a food paper ry rnbtcribisit tor tbe Sfstihfl aid KxrriiiCAs. "SEVTYEVlX-TTO "77" is Dr, Humphreys' famous Specific for tbe enre of Grip and Colds, and the prevent ioD'of Pneumo nia. All druggists, 2oc. Subscribe for the Sentinel akd REpninTr'AV a riAiv-r tbnt contains j choice reading matter, full of inform tion that does the reader good, and in addition to that all local news that are worth publishing find p'aces in ! it? columns. tf. HUMPHREYS' No. 1 Cures Fever. . No. 2 " Worms. No. 3 " Infants' Diseases. No. 4 " Diarrhea. No. 7 " Coughs. No. 8 Cures Neuralgia. No. 9 " Headache. No. IO ' Dyspepsia. No. 11 " Delayed Periods. No. 12 " Leucorrhea. No. 13 Cures Croup. No. 14 " Skin Diseases. No. IB " Rheumatism. No. 16 " Malaria. No. 19 " Catarrh. No. SO Cures Whooping Cough No. 21 -" Asthma. No. 24 " General Debility. No. 26 " Sea-Sickness. No. 27 " Kidney Diseases. No. 28 Cures Nervous Debility. No. 30 " Urinary Diseases No. 32 " Heart Disease. No. 34 Sore Throat. No. 77 " Colds and Grip. Dr. HtrMFBBErs Homeopathic Manc. or Diseases Maii.kd Free. Small bottles of pleasant pellet", fit tha vSst pocket. Sold by drnmrlsU. or sent prepaid upon receipt of prloe, SS oents, except o. SS, ana 81 are made $1 00 size only, tlumphrays' Medi cine Company. Ul William SU, New York. HUMPHREYS' WITCH HAZEL OIL "THE PILE OINTMENT." For Pfn External or Internal, Blind or BleedtnKt Furau In Ano ; Itcblng or iitc-taln; ot tbe Kectum. j 1H iww m immeniiTB inn cura ceruuu. . niOB,MOTI. TRIAL SIZE. 25 OT1. ' SM JT Vrmttlma, tt M fM-yt mm nctipt of M, Style fciuit, either in men's have a Hat Collar or Tie, where he got at 10 cents. We nanaie Vestee Suits We sell the lies Pnmhfl ( 'nfT Buttons. Hose line. ian uueum in our new A Spscially Selected Stoek of Ranges, Ccok, Parlor and Shop Stoves. Horse Blankets and Lap Rebai. .AMI'S ,nJ --a awaaw mtuM aFaaaasaa Come in and look around. We'll make yen feel at borne. We bave tbe largest Stock and Store in the county. OTTR JSTJV1VIE GUARANTIEES QUALITY- mifflintown; HAVE TOU MONEY TO DEPOSIT ? ARE VOU A BORROWER 1 -C1LI. AT- TH8 FIBST WIl-FLINKIWJi, ta. THREE PER CENT INTEREST PAID OK TIME CERTIFICATED, Money Loaned at Lowest Bates. March 5, 1898. ... 1 JJi! THE Juniata Valley National Bank. O Capital .... $00,000. LOUIS E. ATKINSON, President. T. V. IRWIN, Cashier. O DIRECTORS. Louis E. Atkinson. W. C. Fomsroy, John Hertzler. J. L. Barton. II. J. ShelleulrKer. V. Hterrctt. T. Van Irwin. Interest allowed on time deposit at the rate of three per cent, per annum. January 11, 1899. The Sales of Hood's Sarsapariila are the largest in the world because r.ba cures by Hood's Ssrjaparilla am wonaonui, perfect, permaoeow UnnA'm. PRta mrm that IkaasV ftcmlrv- 1 . r. I ! : ) & ox. iii ant waa rathMtteaadllf t medteiae. 860.