MIFFLINT0WN. PA. OXISDAT APRIL 12, 1899. EPITOR ASD PBOPBIETOR. A vry late earing, gnckleu-s Arnica Salve. Dr. King's New Life Pills. A I nut trut nas un iguiu. nil was frozen on Monday The grou 001 mii'K- not attend Croker'8 ten Brysn A.ilr dinner. K ,boe faitorr that employes 50 men i. looming up ,:tinr lid Friday revived the -rowing ' Srt.r tiy.s trial ou Mou H.v in ' Thiladelphia. Carlisle jc"ile are talking about the , of a let sugar iaviory. Ir. Ki"f:'s eW I isi'Overy. mi farms are over for this vaar: cattle ami sheep sold high. " Mr Menno Ksh, of Pleasant View, ". . vatunliiv in town on business. The knit'-iir,' factory will be in on time, and near the railroad. Buffalo T.illV wild west show -will exhibit in Tyrone on the 17th of May. m,.m1 for the Oak Extract Plant has been broken at Newport. Ueports from the growing wheat on the mi-Idle wot lands, are not favor able. Kii li p'W and 'Her learing ore has hen found "ear Salisbury, North Caro lina. y Allen KaufTman visited his sister, Kis.o Ik-y KaiuI'ma!!. in Harrisburg last week. E. lructt Crawford graduated from the Philadelphia Dental College on the Tth inst. , T. W. Auker has placed a sigu on' his marhle and granite works on Washing ton street. Under the oiimig census, Pennsyl--vma will have 1!) of the 3X) census iiperviors. Sutwribe for the Jimata SESTI--ei. AM) llKi'rm.iCAN, the best paper iu the county. .. Mr. Samuel Kothrock M as ' in Ge'tvslmnr during the early part of this week. Snow -hnwtd nUfly on top of the Ttw-arora mountain last Sunday niorn ina April nth. .Minneapolis has thirtv women doc tor!", ten of which belong to the homeo pathic school. I'ev. Jerome (iuss, of Duncaiuion, is risitin? his parents in Milford town ship last week. Bm-kleu's Arnica Salve. Haiti's ana jn-tridges are not all dead, a few in this neighborhood sur- viveu me imr. limud street, Philadelphia, is the longest asphalted street in the world, beinir 11 miles long. There is a lul in the fighting in the Philippines, it may le the calm that pn-eeds the storm. The pinch of the times has caused Jnhn Stouffer, of Walker township, to make an assignment. Jlisv I)imin, of Dimmsville, is visit me ntr ci.usin, Miss iMalI Sietjer, in Ferniaiiauh township. iss Margaret Laird spent a couple of days last week w ith Mrs. Jesse Elder iu Fermanagh township. The latest on the subject of the rail road inal wharf at this place is, ninety feel are to be added to it. Choice w hite Ohio and Penu syiv;inia seed oats, for sale at Manlietk - Xelson's mill. The Vives M.-Alister, of McAlister- "ie, se;it eduesdav last w ith their eoiHn, Mrs. Howard Wartin ine luster rosy lias not yet bloomed, out it i.' riot lite flower that fixes the dale for Kaster, it is the ruoon ;r. j, i- Ackley and family took iiir departure on Mondav for their new home ii, learfleld county. "k i.hNT. lo a small famdy, a ifor!al,le house Call at this office ror information if you want to rent, r Hesw Fisher, danghter of Dr. J- l-'her. of MeAIisterville.is attend i.utherville Seminary, Maryland. rr cimrcii extension purposes the J-iitheiati Sunday M'hool will give a musi;-ae on Sunday evening, April 10. ne new knitting factory and the "hoe factory are to 1 located in the vicituvof the Manlxx-k & Nelson mill I'innldo has issued a proclamation hat the Spm h language shall be the IHI iunmi.,,,0 ;,, .t, ii.!i:..: r,. land , .nu x iiiiijiiiiit; i nr- ne members of the Methodist irch held a soHai at the residence of "nam llarley of last week. , on Thursday evening Contr tractor James Hominy h built "Hiveni,t stable for Prothonotary f " , on the rear end of his home lot in the Fst I',,,,. Janiw Anderson, of this town, and r-naj. Crawford, of Oriental, have re- each I,, the recipient of an in crease of lm,iim There was a leak in stocks last week, -to, gambling. Tht water leaked t and many of them reached their value, nothing. The l.wt shawl that was advertised in ', hKSTixKr. am, Rkpi:i!i.icas last , Was f"u"'1 '.v Hiram Smith, and h '"in relumed to its ow ner. -Knock l,,wn in pri, for sale bills wi'i .a"","' wu"e hillf ""ee bl, KNTI - - kuc in the Ji-viATA NKt.AM.UEPlKI.KAX. f tQc 4 r I ,efL?.1 . tne home of her -... rr oi no fath J' nr. Willi,,., !.. : I0ru townsh 'I', n the 10th inst. 1 KM IV I II Tre letters ur lltlC'iltiut ... : 4V U!M: Z at ,he "- f huin" Saturday evening a-:i o . Mis v. "f" "", were xor "rv MillPT m. t Tne menda or the Indiana man who! thawed a stick of dynamite In bis cook stove are hunting hla remains that were blown away with the roef of the house. The Army beef investigation 'goes on at Washington, and the longer it con tinues the longer grow the list of testi mony show ing chemically treated beef. In Rio., Illinois, James Mansfield and his wife ran for school director, she on the democratic ticket, he on the republican ticket. She beat her bus- band by 64 votes. William B McCahan returned home from Philadelphia, where his danghter Miss Lulu is having her eyes treated. '1 be operation was a success and the patient it is hoped will soon have her sight fully restored. Bucknell University management at Lewisburg, have broken ground for the college dormitory annex. The improve ment will cost fifty thousand dollars, will be four stones high, forty feet wide and one hundred and forty feet long, ine aemocratic Dretnren announce ment for primary election nomination so far, are . K. McLaughlin, for County Treasurer ; H. Cloyd Hominsr, James Adams, for County Commission er; E. B. Gilson, for County Chairman Judge Lyons has almost entirely' re covered from the eftects of the fail down the telephone exchange stairway. A gate has been placed at the bead of the stairway to prevent other citizens from meeting with the same kind of an ac cident. . Dr. King's New Discovery. Presidential candidate makers have been trying to induce Dewev to become a candidate for the Presidency, but so far have made no progress with him in that direction. He has fame and a liv ing assured. What would the presi dency be to him- ' '"The onion suow came on the 7th inst. last naay, but unfortunately ,owiug to the lateness of the season few onions were benefitted by the snow, because of the lateness of the season, the little onions were still in the good gardner's seed bag iu the house. The running of trains were delayed by a wreck of a portion of two freight trains, a short distance east of Thomp soutown, on Tuesday morning. By some unexplained mistake one freight train was allowed to run into the rear end of another freight train. Uric Parker Martin, who graduated from the Western University of Penib sylvan ia Department of Pharmacy, at their commencement exercises on the 6th of March, in Carnegie Hall. Alle gheny. Pa., has the thanks of this office for an invitation to be present. At the Musi-al College, Freeburg, Snyder couiitj-. Pa., none but the best methods are used, so that tolay it is reeojniized as one or tne foremost scboois of music in the country. 33 will pay for a term of six weeKs, instruction ana board. Spring Term will begin May 8. For catalogues address, Hknky B. Mover, Director, St- Ixns, April G A special to the Post-Dispatch from Mason City, 111., savs: .Nearly an tne wneat inrougn Central Illinois from Danville to Ha vana. considered the best portion of the State, is dead- There was a large acreage sown last tall, rarmers are discouraged. Jones "Dear me ! You say you of ten lav down the law to your wife. How do you go about it ? Bones "Why, all you need is linn neis. I usually go into my study, lock the door and do it over the transom all you need is firmness in the door. Puck. Fob Sale. The TJ- anl of DI rectors r f I be Fai mers Mercautil As eocioHpn in PrJtersor, limited, i fiVrs for talp, or rent, their Store in Pat tersop. Terms eafiv Forpariiculars inciuire of W. N. Sterictr. on the prf-miees. By ordf r of Bonrrl, Ausr. 17, 8t. Lewis Deoam, Sec. Officials have discovered a remarkable pension fraud and convicted a woman in it. For 30 years, three different colored women, have each drawn pension as the widow of Wni. Butler, a Maryland negro who was never married and who died when two of the women were small children. Carter Harrison was elected mayor of Chicago. The street car railroads want ed to have their franchise right of way extended fifty vears. without pay to the city, and that more than anything else elected Harrison. He was against giving them a fifty year right of way without compensation to the city. The Filipino war has not yet come to an end; the men who predicted its close in ten days after its beginning missed it to a further degree than the average weather prophet does, when he predicts the weather. But who are they that can predict the weather or the progress of events to a certainty. The interment of the remains of Col onel John M. Bowman took place at THnutrurn Cambria county, on the Srd day of April. He died at Everett TtoHft.rH muntv. where he edited the Everett Republican. He had been iri-ntiflpri with newspaper work ever since a boy. He was aged 73 years. He was editor of the Tribune in this nw-n when Mr. McCrum owned the paper. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Give them the little finger and they'll take the whole band, holds good in common school matters as well as in other things. On the common school question, the adoption of the system was first left to the people of the respec tive counties and townships, now the people have nothing to say in the mat ter We see in this enlightened age. a compulsory education school law adopt ed. We see the school term extended without the consent of the people of the respective districts. What next? Every right almost of the citizen is trespassed upon by the common school law or to day. " - The man who was advertised to envelope himself in a sheet of fire and slide down a wire from the bridge to the island ou Friday evening was pre vented from doing so by foul weather. On Saturday evening he could have done so, but be bad shaken the dust of the place from his feet, and left for parts unknown to his landlady who mourns for a week's board bill, and for parts unknown to Daniel Pannebaker, whose wire he suspended between the blue i..ni.. tlow and the blue Heavens David VanSwerinren. who went to North Dakota with the Tuscarora Val ley colony Is home,' having been m that far off country of new homes one week, in which state he located a claim for 160 acres of land and saw a snow- six Inches deep, and felt the Dins- of Dakota weather at 120 below zero, too cold for the tenderfooted Pennsyl vanians to work out of doors. ' The new colony when he left were well and look ing forward with bright anticipation to the location of new homes. Shankey Democrat Which, the $10 or the f 1 dinners, are yeb goin ter. Hungry Democrat Say, here's me tim, lets go to a beanery an' git t'real t'ing a square meal. Exit arm iu arm singing. . There's Croker he's a gold bug broker. There's Bryan with a silver hug lining. They've a ten dollar dinner, They've a one dollar dinner, With the tiger at call. Ho Croker, Ho Bryan, Ho Tiger, one and all, no one dollar No ten dollar dinner for us at call. Ibere is a great deal of srood in Chicago but there is a great deal of bad mere J writer on one or tne news papers of that city. says, that amonir mner uaa tnings mere are no less than i,iviu aisoraeriy nouses Ibere are 1.000 stale beer ioints. There are l.iO opium joints. There are more than 700 policy shops. There are in the neignuortiood or 50 panel and badeer joints. 1 here are more than 800 wide- open gambling houses and there are alleged to be 1,000 criminals plying mcir vocation oi men ana violence, all under protection. Houses and stores are robbed. Citizens are knocked down and robbed at night and even in broad dayiignt. Men are murdered, sneak thieves and pickpockets reap a harvest Ex-Sheriff Walls was in Harrisburg last week and looked in upon the law makers. On the question of the raising of money for the completion of the Capi tol building, his views were, "Every one is pleased with the plan of the building. If the &tate is pressed for business let the Capitol remaiu unfinish ed for this and next year, aud the next if need be, it will not spoil, and men will be as anxious to go to Harrisburg and make laws, unfinished as it is, as if it were in the most completely rate, When times improve finish the build ing." The Sheriff did not but how nicely he could have enlarged upon the matter, and urged that the common schools be dispensed with for a period of three years, and State appropriation taken to square up the public indebted ness- Three years without school would not hurt the children. School matters at the best are only mental training, text book learning, and text book learning does not add a single quality to the makiug of a good man or a good honest woman. DIED. Hakkis On the Cth inst., John Harris, of consumption, aged 57 years, in Alitllintown. Interment by I nder- taker Snyder, at Academiu Earxkst On the 6th inst , i'.uluh E Earnest, aged 4 years 5 months, of diphtheria, at the home of her grand motner Airs. David Showers, whither she had gone on a visit from her home iu Milford township. Interment by Undertaker Snyder, - in Spruce Hill cemetery. Wise. On the oth inst , in the Pres byterian cemetery, at Mifllintown, Mary A. Wise, aged 4 years and 20 days, of catarrhal fever. She was a daughter of Banks Wise. Wii.kmax. On the 2nd inst , in Turbett township, Thompson Wileman, aged oo years, or ruptureof blood vessel A wife and three children mourn his loss- Interment m Spruce Hill ceme tery. TO THE KCnOOL DIRECTORS of jrnitT cotriiTi. Gextlemex: In pursuance of the forty-third section of the act of May 8, 18.34, you are hereby notified to meet iu convention, at the Court House, in Miffliiitown, on the first Tuesday iu May, A. D. 1899, at 2 p. m., being the 2nd dav of the month, and select r:e roc. by a majority of the whole num ber of directors present, one person of literary ana scienuiic acquirement, and of skill and experience in the art of teaching, as County Superintendent, for the three succeeding years; ana cer tify the result to the State Superinten dent, at llarrisburc. as required oy ine thirty-ninth and fortieth sections of said act. Dexxy M. Marshai.i,. County Sueriutendet)t of Juniata Co. March 24th, lHifJ. URSISlrM COLLEGE. The catalogue of Fraiuus College, Collegeville, Penn., for lS5)S-9!, i neat publication of 1)6 pages, regis ters 189 students for the jear The teaching staff numbers twenty- one. The School of Theology of the College is located in Philadel phia, at 3252 Chestnut St. A PRESIDENT'S RECEPTION President Loubet, of France would seem to be blessed with a keen sense of humor, if an anec dote be true which is being told abont him. When he returned from Versailles he went to the ministry of foreign affairs, and thorp, in a biff hall, one end of which was lxmnded by a glazed partition, he received theoflicial compliments ot an consuiuiea bodies." As is always the case in these stories though this particu lar one seems likely enough to be founded on fact there was some mi- a servant probably, on the other side of the glass partition He had a perfect view of the long solemn, ceremonious proecession of functionaries ol all sons, ages anu sizes defiliDg before the plump little oresideut. saying the correct thing, and moving off again; for the hall was brilliantly lit np and the corridor was in darkness. When the presentations were over, the president remained behind with the secretary for a few mo ments, aud this is what happened. The (yro men looked at one another, and burst out laughing ! An Ezpemire Dnok fgg Docks' eggj are not usually ex pensiye, but Levi Slater, of Butler. wiU have to pay over $1,950 for ouc Incidentally there ws a suit for slander attachment. Inst winter Slater accused a boy who iivea with Mrs. Olive Millr with stealing a duck egg- Slater was not overly polite in bis accusation; consequent It Mrs. Miller had bim rr sled A Just ce of th Peac fioed S'a-er $25 and coats. Then Mr. MU!er sued for plander and the jury recently awarded her $1,950 Bucklen's Arnica Salve. TOB.WAI, The war in the Philimnne IB- lands goes on, and while no gener al engagement has taken place, every day there is more or less fir ing along the picket lines, and every day adds to the list of wound ed, and occasionally a soldier is killed. The Filipinos seem dis- j posed to scatter when oar men ad- nrf.l " r j " . . r manders to divide companies into' sqnads of a dozen soldiers and in : that way follow . np the Filipinos wherever they go, hnnt them in their hiding places. There was; considerable of a battle on Monday when the town Santa Crniz on lake Lagnna De Bay was captured, six American soldiers were wounded, many of the enemy were killed and wound. The American gun boats took a part in the fight. A con-1 siderable battle took place at 3 o'clock in the morning on Tuesday, I 5 Americans were killed and 14 . wonnuea. DEWEY DAY. authority of the ciccurrnt By resolution of the legfstatnre of Penn sylvania, approved March 21, 1899, which recocnizea Monday, Msy 1. : 1899, as tbe fi t- tntr rs- e f :be; ct.Ty of tbg.. V-rt-seia sq-i:.-ir.i i cttmma-.d-.d a A't'-air-ii t.J---r!?e D . wcy, in which' iho - Syacb-U- fl-u-t whs snr.W v, 3rin!ji r.sror.r, I t the fciealest wccbiavsuen'B in nav.;i warfare tne. vtoi-JJ b::s ever Kr.owr, scd to euabla tea people of tbo cr.rn in"nwtai-h of PbODrtv-.v'.cia t-j tas? part w;tb tot cms. Da ct c-tmr sutes in the proper observarce of 6aid d -y. I, William A Stone, governor of the comm ;nwcaltb of Ptnnsj-'vao'a, do l.treby raise Monday, Mav 1, 1899, as Dowey Day and dei;.;r-ae thf sane es a lrgil boliday aad rec ommend to the people of the State 1:3 prrpcr ofcservit ce. By Its Record of remarkable cures Mood's Sartapariiia has become the one true blood purifier prominently la the public eye. Get only Hood's. Hood's Pills arc the best fandlr --lUtcrtic aud lvcr medicine. 25c. SCHOOL DIRECTORS FAY AX ACT Providing for the payment of school directors for attending the triennial convention for the elec tion of county superintendent, and for the punishment of candidates who pay directors' expenses. Section 1. Be it enacted, &c, That hereafter school directors of this Commonwealth who shall at tend the triennial convention of! directors for the purpose of elect ing a county superintendent, as ! provided by act of May eighth,' one thousand eight hundred and ; fifty-four, shr.ll receive one dollar each, aud, in addition, the sum of. three cents for every mile nccess- j arj- to be traveled in going to andi returning from the place where the election shall be held, the amount to le paid by the school treasurers of the respective dis-: tricts ou the proper vouchers, and j the account to be audited as other expenses. Section 2. And be it further enacted, that it shall be deemed a misdemeanor for any candidate for the office of county superintendent to pay or cause to be paid, directly or indirectly, any part of the ex penses of any director who shall attend the triennial convention, and on conviction thereof such candidate shall be fined a sum not less than fifty nor more than three hundred dollars, at the discretion of the court. Approved The- ISth dav of March, A. D.1S99.. WYixiam'A. Stone. Dr. King's -New Discovery. Blood artd Corves Biv.ory cio- Jy related. Kt.ep t!ie blood rich, pure and healthy, with Hood's Surs&pariJla and you will luive no nervousness. Hood's Pills arc best after-dinner pills,aid digestion, preventconstipatiov Negroe's Skin Taming White KkwarkX.'J., April 9. Dinah Thompson, an old colored woman at the almshouse, was as black as ebony when she entered that insti tution fifteen : years ago. To-day her skin is perfectly white, except for a few small pitches of brown. She is eighty-five -years old. The doctors say it is a case of "Addi son's disease," which destroyes the color in pigment of the skin. Her general health is excellent. THAT" TO R OHDIftO BEAD ACHE Wi-nld quiehlr leve yen, If jon ngrd Dr Kin' Mew Life Pitta. Tbonmils or iiffVrir hjvn proved their matching marit tor Sick anil Nrrou Redach The? makn pure b-nod'and strong nerv-and boiid up jour hva'th. Kaiy to tak. Try thra Only 25c. Monev back r not cured Sold by St. P. Crawford, DVnggirt. Great Cures proved by thousands ot testimonials kIiuw thut" Mood's Bar eaparilla possesses power to purify, vitalize and enrich tlie blood. Kood'8 Pills ire the dnlypmste t tiken with Uood'a Sarsanarilte. 'TrToTOrip' "77" for Grip is no better, than Dr. Humphreys' other specific's described in his Manual, which is sent free, . on request; Humphreys' Medicine Company, X. Y.- Dr. King's New Life Pillr. The one sy'reure for J The Idncys, iver an:J Blood Dr. King's New Discovery. WERVOUS Troubles are dna to impoverished blood. Hood's Sar saparilla is tlw One True Blood Purinerand NERVE TONIC. Dr: King's New Life Pills. Garfield ie Cure i i:ousiffc.t.vi.-.: .'.fia.-:.' Jftwarfto members of a faaQy. WaOder Medicine, it to fast aa certain natlsm. Scrofula and Eczema, This ia Dr. Dmrld Wthy condition, ao thar can sift all imparities front Healthy blood practically means a completely hsalUiy H.r. to .litter tJniTZ If. T. : " My husband was troubled with his kidneys, fearfully with shooting pains through his back. Ha Drid JTeanedy VtvnaUm Xemtdjr, and is now wen and strong. Although aeventy years of age, be to aa hearty aa a man many years younger. I . was so troubled with Dyspepsia that it was painful for ma to walk. M y food did ma no good, as;' my stomach could not digest it Somebody recommended Favorite eine4tome,andafter kinr two botti I was completely cored. an4, am feeling splendid now.. We botk attribute oat good health to Fmrorita Remedy." It is prescribed with unfailing success fee Narva Troubles, and for the Liver and Blood it ia a if irlflr. It has. cared many that were beyond the aid of other medicine. Ask your druggist for it, substttat. it will cost you $1.00 for a S&mplo BottSo Frco If you want to try Favorite Remedy before buyiag, send year fall race address to the Da. Davio Kennedy Comokation, Rondont, N. V., and mention this paper. They will send you a free trial bottle, all charges prepaid. This genuine offer is made to prove to everybody what a wonderful medieiae it ia. Great Mill End Bargain Sale C AT C Schott's Stores. Commencing April 6th and con tinues until April 30th, 0 0 0 MILL Fine bleached Muslin and five Csmbrios, worth lOe, at 6c. Shaker Flsoaels, worth 9o, at So. Overll D. uiois, worth 14e, at 9o. 10 oaoce Overall Deaims, worth 17c, at 12lo. Coyeat Cloth, worth 15o., at 9o. Peronle, worth l2io, at 8o. White . oJh, wirth Idc, at 6f. TaMe Llaeu, wnrtb 38o. at 25o. CaiicoeH, not lees than 10 yards in one piece or 3 to. A full balo of very nice unbleached Muslin, was dslajed in the mill, is now wonb 6o., a yard, 10 yards for 45o. 10 yards of Bill fine bleached 4x4 Muslin for 0e. is new worth 8 Jo. a ard. Lancaster and Aoins Keag Gingham for 5o. a yard. Snghtij rtsioed Gir(bm. a few yards left at 3lo. Indigo Bine, or blaok or faooy Ciliooes at 5o. a yard. - Ladies rkirtg in patterns ft r 25e. - Boys abirt wsists for 15 aud 25o. - Men's and Bnys fine white uniaundered shirt for 39o NEW BR 88 GOOD8. Coverts, Serges, Cheviot, Whip Cords, Broadcloth, Vicuna Clotb, Mo hairs sad Brillintioe, represcotiag uaay sbsdei to suite all tastes and ideas of gnnd dressings snd seld at (.mailer margin., tban any large store in New York or Phi adclphis can afford to sell. IwEW DRE88 8KIUT8 and Cnt Suits, Spring Jackets, Silk and Cloth Capes, Silk Wa tts, Preale Waists, and White Pique Waists in i;ret varieties and our prices are the lowest. GREAT COLOKINGS AND VABIOUS STYLES OF WALL PAPER WITH PRICES TO SUITE EVERY TASTE. GRAND CARPET EXHIBITION. Our grand Spring Exhibition of Carpets :n Axaiinister, Velvets, Brussels and Ingrains. Home made Carpets and Fancy Striped Carpets for 124c, 20e, and 25c. None in tbe country to beat our prices. Mill End of Lenoleums and Oil Cloth at half prices. Window Shades and Lace Curtains, the greatest assortment and lowest prices. SIIOES by the thousands at Manufacturers prices. a Schott's Stores. 103 TO 109 BRIDGE STREET. 1865, ESTABLISHED. 1899. Spreial invitation To The tublit To attend tbe Attractive Sale Tom THE IMMENSE STOCK OF D. W. HARLEY ft will be IU 1HK ADVANTAGE OF ALL BUYERb W bo oave money to invest to examine the Stock ot Goods for MEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN It is truly marvelous to See THE BEAUTIFUL STYLE i f Su'fs and Overcoats at the Wonderfully Low Prices. His prices leave all Competitors in the rear, so don't t il ta eive iiim a call if in need of Clothing. W. HARLEY MIFFLlNTOvVN!v JPA . JEmerfr fraaaaattr WkO It is considered by our to be a KM y to ear Dyspepsia. Onstipatiea. bacaase k Erst aU tk Kidaay fa a the and insist npoa getting It Dea't taka regular full-eised bottle. 0 END 0 of Clothing that goes on daily f SX&t Haasea. EEollobaugh & Son, - ' HAVE THEIR ENTIRE LINE OF Spring Clothing and (-) (-) Gents Furnishing Goods Now ready for Inspection. They have no Competition la their line. Their goods are Cheaper than the Cheapest, Bet ter than the Best and Later than the Latest Styles carried br others. If you want the Latest Style Suit, either in men's boy's or children's, they have it. Do you want the best and Most Fashionable Shoe on line ot tne Celebrated Douglass Will you have a Hat of the very latest black, in either is the only place you will find it. (:) Ask any Man (:) who wears tbe latest style Shirt, Collar or Tie, where he got them, he will answer at HOLLOBAUGH & SON. We have a finer line of Shirts, Neckwear and Collars than we ever carried before. We have lately put in an entire new line of Collars, tk best and latest the market can afford to replace the Curti Collar which we are now selling at 10 cents. We handle child's Collar to be used with Vestee Suits We sell the beet shoe in the market, the Dougla, and have it in all the most fashionable lasts, every pair guaranteed to give satisfaction. We are agents for the Sweet Orr Overalls and have sizes from the largest to the smallest. Fine Trunks, Valises, Hand Bags, Suit Cases etc., also Umbrellas, Cpmhs, Cuff Buttons, Ilqae Supporters, Cuff Holders, and everything that goes to make up a firpt class Gents Furnishing Line, Call and see our Stocky HOLLOBAUGH & SON, 116 Main St., Patterson, Pa. McCLINTIO'S HARDWARE and House-Furnishing STORE THIS STORE SETS THE PACE. O 0O0 Ol THAT'S WHY YOU LIKE IT. Things are never dull bere; never stupid. Tbe full life of tbe store al ways Has a cheerful welcome for all comers, and shoppers are quick to decide in favor of tbe Great Values to be found in our new Neat, Stylish, Inviting ST0HE. K. H. M'CLIWTIC, Get a food parer by rabscribmg .r tbe SBBrrati asa KirriiC4. SEVENTT-SEVEN,-("77.) "77" is Dr, Humphreys famoup Specific for the cure of Grip and Colds, and tbe preveiition'pf Pueumo nia. AH dregpietf, 25c. Subscribe for the Sektinel and RkpuStjcak, a pftper that ccntaiDF choice reading matter, full of inform tion that does tbe reader Rood, and in addition to that all local new thai are worth publishing find places in itp colamtis. tf. HUMPHREYS' No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 1 Cures Fever. Worms. Infants' Diseases. Diarrhea. Coughs. 8 Cures Neuralgia. 9 " Headache. 10 " Dyspepsia. 11 M Delayed Periods. 12 ' Leucorrhea. 13 Cures Croup. 14 " Skin Diseases. IB " Rheumatism. 16 " Malaria. 19 " Catarrh. 20 Cures Whooping Cough 21 " Asthma. No. 24 No. 26 General Debility. Sea-Sickness. No. 27 " Kidney Diseases. No. 28 Cures Nervous Debility. No. 30 " Urinary Diseases No. 32 " Heart Disease. No. 34 " Sore Throat. No. 77 " Colds and Grip. Ds. Hvarraam' Homzopatbic Hanval or DisKAssa Mahbd Faaa. Small bottle of pteamnt nelleta. fit th vest pocket. SoM by droefft1". or sent prep raeelnt of Drioe. 35 eenta. exrviDt No. 3 are made $1 00 ise only. IluraphreyV Medi eiae Compaur, 111 William SU, New York. HUMPHREYS WITCH HAZEL OIL THE PILE OINTMENT." fen ThereU BttnJorfnwiiH t relief fet ImimirtUle the cure certala. ta Am: IKchlMar RlMdlu ot the aeeCaaa. niOB, SO CTS. TRIAL SIZE. 2S Ott. the market ? They have a full Shoes. Stiff, Crush or Straw, her A Specially Suleoted 3 toek Raoees, Cook, Parlor and Sbop Stores. Horse Ulankets and Lap Rebea. LAMi'S, large and small. Come in and look around. We'll make 50U feel at borne. We bave tbe largest Stock and Store to tbe county. OUIt jSTlIME GUARANTEES, QUALITY. MIFFLINTOWN' HAVE TOU MOSEY TO DEPOSIT ? are: you a borrower ? CALL AT- TBE FIRST viFFLwrowiv, r. THREE PER CENT INTEEEBT PAID ON TIME CERTIFICATE Money Loaned at Lowest Mis. March 5, 1898. -THE- Juniata Valley National Bank. Capital .... 60,000. LOUIS E. ATKINSON, President. T. V. IRWIN, Cashier. DIRECTORS. Louis E. Atkinson. W. C. Pomeroy. John Hertzler. J. L. Barton. H. J. Shelleuberger. W. N. Sterrett T. Van Irwin. Interest allowed 011 time deposits at the rate of three per cent, per annum. January 11, 1809. Thai Salaa of TTnrwl'e fttN.n.n 1? are the largest in the World because the cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla ar wonderful, perfect, permanent. Hood's Pills are the beat tutily cathartic and Iirer medicine. 95a. 1 . uuoier MOWCT. 1 abovel '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers