OUR LITTLE ONES. They are such tiny feet; They hare gone such a little way to Met " The years which are required to' break Their steps to evenness and make Them go -More aare and alow. They are such little handa; Be kind. Things are so new, and life but stands atep beyond the doorway. All around New day has f und Such tempting things to shine upon, and The hands are kard, fwa kaew. They are such new, young Urea; Barely their newness shrives . Them itSil of many sins. They aee so mnch That being immortal they would touch. That if they reach We most not chide, but teach. They are such fond, clear eyea That widen to surprise At every turn; they are so often held To suns or showers showers noon la pelted By looking in our face; Love asks, for such, much grace. They are sceh fair, frail gifta; . . Uncertain as the rifts Of light that Ue along the sky They may not be here by-and-by Give them not lore, but more above And harder patience with the lore. Washington Star. LIFE FOE LIFE. AN afternoon of mid -September, bright aa a dream, warm as a reality, glowed over the north Irish coast. Young Constantine was watching a game between three wild and beautiful beings. The three were 14-year-old Ruby Merrltt, her new pony, and the Atlantic Mlas Merrltt's Lon don groom, on a powerful bay mare, from the edge of the wet aand surveyed the horizon line with a bored and rigid eye. The scene changed. Ruby and the pony made a madcap dash far forward, mA amMoiilT the nonv threw the girl. Stunned and snatched along In the lr resistible retreat of the Atlantic roller, I her senseless body was borne out to i sea. Mad with terror, the groom, no swim mer, lashed at the mare, and. crying (or help, tore like the wind up the bank and round tbe rabbit warren In the di rection of Port Balry. Constantine ran swam. i Aided by two fishermen, whom the erlea of the groom bad brought to the spot in time to see Constantine stagger sp the sands with his burden, the young man conveyed the girl to Sea view house. He lingered long enough to learn that the doctor, who was staying In the house, had said Mis Ruby would do; then he lounged bom. Early In the afternoon of the follow ing day the Sea view boos party, la dle and men, were grouped on the mall leveled bit of green In front of the bouse, waiting for the carriages to come round. A man's figure was seen approaching along the brow of the hllL I "My dear," said Mrs. Merrltt to her husband, 'if s the young fisherman who rescued Ruby. He baa put on hla Sun day clothes," she added. Mr. Merrltt, aa tha young man came an, felt In his waistcoat pocket. I Constantine lifted his bat to the la- j dies. "I should be very glad," he said, ad dressing Mr. Merrltt, "to know how Miss Merrltt Is." j "Certainly, certainly," said Mr. Mer-i rKt, with an affable air. "Miss Merrltt) la progressing most favorably. The) doctor's orders are that Miss Merrltt la to keep quiet and see no one but her one, but that la a precautionary meas ure. I'm sure hum sure your con ductmoat creditable to you. I'm sure I hum hadn't time to to speak to yon yesterday, and myself and Mrs. . Merrltt would like " ' He handed Constantine a SB gold piece. i The young man looked at It curiously. Then his eye darted over the pursy figure and pasty face of Mr. Merrltt. "I wonder now," said Constantine, "what your forefathers were doing while mine were feasting kings and j marrying kings' daughters In this 1st- . and?" j Mr. Merrltt started back and almost ! shotted. Constantino glanced toward two fisher lads who were standing a good way off with a big crab In a basket. The gold coin was spun in the air and waa caught by Andy Neil. ! "There, boys!" said Constantine. Tou'U drink the health of the English gentleman." ! He smiled again, saluted the ladles, turned, and, with a slow, sauntering : step, walked away. i "Who la heT' exclaimed Mr. Merrltt. ! A little man, the parson of the near- j est church, stepped forward. j "That Is Malcolm Constantine," be ! aid. "It's quite true he la the last of a very old family. But they were to tally ruined in his great-grandfather's time, and the young man haan't a penny." "Impudent beggar P said Mr. Merrltt, fuming. j "Supposing he bad been a fisherman, 1 my dear." said Mrs. Merrltt meekly; ! "I thought you would have made It : 936." No one perceived at a window above . their heads a handsome iitue listening face with brown hair falling round It. ' Ruby had witnessed the whole scene j heard every word. Four days later came Sunday. Con stantine was sitting alone by his peat fire, which the creeping chill In the air made necessary, when there came a knock. The old woman who looked after the house for him was out. Con- . tantlne went to the door, and there jtood Ruhr Merrltt. "I didn't believe I'd see you," she Id. Impetuously, "and I'm going back school to-morrow. But they've all Wren over to church at Coleralne, and KI am. You saved my Ufa. I want sank yon." sasjusia nl I ii frowned. "I wish yea wouldn't mention that. Miss Ruby. Xou're none the worse for It; that's all; that signifies," he said. "That clergyman, Mr. Saunders, waa talking of you yesterday. He said: The young man has first-rate abilities, but he'd rather starve and mope his life away In this corner, where the com mon people hold him in honor as a Constantine, than try and make his way among a crowd. It's a thousand pities.' I said: 'Why don't yon tell him soT He answered: 'Oh, my dear Miss Ruby' it's no affair of mine.' And ( thought and thought all night In the morning I- was decided. - It Is an affair of mine. JVhy? Because I owe .you. my life, and because ! like yon so much so ranch yon dost know! And whan I hear .things when they say things It huHis me.- There, now you're raxed.' "No," said OonstanrJnsi "No, Miss Buby. "Ita opJj that when a man has lived alone some wnue irs rather curi ous to have any one come and talk a If they cared " . - - "Oh. I care a lot. Malcolm Constan tine," cried Ruby. "Look! Why don'l yon try business? No matter bow low you begin, the top's always there." "Buying and selling?" "Why not. If If s honest? Ill teU yon I love noble blood, though I haven't half a drop," said outspoken Ruby "But, after all, did your, ancestors do anything better than help make tbt world? That's what business Is. And now I must go, or else I shall get In a simply awful scrap. Will yon think It over?" "Yes, I win." said Constantine. "And, however It Is, God bless you, Mlsi Ruby Twelve years passed. Malcolm Con stantine, junior partner In the great Pittsburg Iron works, came over t take a hard-earned holiday, bay land In Antrim, and see London. A dowager countess, who had crossed In the same boat with him, undertook to make his stay In town agreeable to the rich bachelor of 30. She had seven portionless daughters, only one of whom was married. On a fine May afternoon Constantine found himself seated between two of these young ladles and their mother at a little tea table In a Bond street pastry cook's. They bad been seeing plcturea Constantine felt restless. Something In the coloring of an obscure portrait hi bad seen had brought strongly to hi mind the handsome, spirited, red-cheeked, warm-hearted school girl, Ruby Merrltt. He half feared to see Ruby the woman; she might spoil his treasured Image of Ruby the girl. The voice of the countess, speaking sharply, startled him out of hia reverie. "Really," she was saying, "one doesn't expect such awkwardness In a place like this." Constantine looked round. One of the waitresses passing with a full tea pot bad been run against by another. Some drops were spurted on the silk skirt of the countess. The young woman bad stood still to make her apology. Constantine sprang np. "Ruby, Ruby!" he exclaimed, in a voice which made every creature pres ent turn round and stare. It was a little awkward for all par ties at the moment, and the ever-practical Ruby Informed him . afterward that he really should have waited to speak to her till she was off duty. "My story's quite simple," she said, as he walked by her side. "A few years ago poor uncle took to speculating largely. He lost everything. My little fortune went. too. I did not think I was fit to be a governess. And I did not feel inclined to live on friends. I was very lucky to get my present situa tionit's an excellent one. Don't look tragic, please. Yon know I'm not noble. There's my 'bus. Aunty and I have a nice little lodging out toward Ham mersmith. Come and see us? Yes, of course you can." September again. Malcolm and Ruby Constantine stood together on the turfy headland In front of the house of Sea view, where they were spending their honeymoon. Ruby pointed to a spot upon tht shore. "There's where you saved my life." . Constantine pointed further. "See that little bouse? There's where you created mine." London Evening News. "In Parti bus Infldeliam." The phrase "in partlbus infldellum" Is no longer applied by tne Cathode Church to Bishops of extinct sees, De cause in most cases the people of such sees, though not Roman Catholics, pro fess some other form of Christianity, and the Pope wants to avoid hurting their feelings. Such prelates will here after be called "eplscopi tltulares," "titular Bishops." Grown People's Question. "What's your name?" asked one little 6-year-old miss of another. "My good ness!" exclaimed the other, "you're aa bad as grown-up folks. They always asks my name and a lot of other silly questions, until I'm actually ashamed of them." "I suffered Itae tortares of the damned with protruding piles brought on by constipa tion with which I was afflicted for twenty years. I ran across your CASCARETS In the town of Newell, la., and never found anything to equal them. To-day I am entirely tree from piles and feel like a new man." C H. Kbits, 1411 Jones St., Sioux City, la CANDY f TP CAT MAHTIC . thaoi mamh ssannti Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. Do Good, Never Sicken. Weaken, or Grtoe. Wo. So. JOc. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... SUrlta( rmJ br, CMcs, srtrsal. Urn fwa. lit MTfl stlf Sold and guaranteed by altdrtuj - I U'DAU gists toI'l'BF. Tobacco Habit. REAL THYSELF or Know Thyself Manual. A tupaxn pamphlet by a Humanitarian and emi nent medical author. This la a unique Vane Heenm of Medical Science for SIE2I ONLY, whether married, unmarried, or about to marry; young, middle-aged or old. Price 90 cents by mall, sealed ; sent free forsu daTS. Ad dress The Peabody Medical Institute, No. 4 Bulflnch St., Boston. Mass. Chief Consulting Physician, Ciduate of Harvard Medical College, class 18SV. te Surgeon 5th Maas. Reg. Vol., the most eral- W-TSe-fwio ALWAYS CURES Where Other Fall. Consn I ration In penon or by letter, from 9 toft, bund) 10 to t Tbe fame the Prahody Medical Institute baa at tained has subjected It to a test which only a, merit wriuui iuhiiuwu vhiiu uuurru, rKMMAn JOUruaai i ne reftooay Jieutcai institute Has ton. but no eaLiais. Boston Hgralrt. Spalding's KV Trade-Mark T ( Means J fr ttfij 7 "Standard w of Quality" vwV on Athletic Goods Insistupon Spalding's Catalogue Tie. A. a. sU-AUUMU ttKOS, Me Tot. Chicago. Denver. BATHS : AN1DB0SIS SANITARIUM Skowbesaa. He., will matt yon tbe true guide ta bealtb and lucrative, humane practice. This Font Ing and Bathing baa many imitations. The powe IsTn dissolving and disinfecting. Send two stamp? lor mailing book. ANTED Caat Of bad health that K-I-P-A-S-a will not btnent. Send eta to HI pane Chemist POLES firTZ-- mi " r aaa mam Yet, satin saaapiesana awe MANY a dutiful daughter pays ta pain for her mother ignorance or perhaps neglect; The mother suffered and she thinks her daughter -must suffer also. Thi is true only to a limited extent. No -v excessive pain is healthy. Every mother should inform ber- trjouionrir Many a young girl's beauty is wasted by unnecessary Pm time of menstruation, and many indulgent mothers with mistaken kindness permit their daughters to grow careless about physical health. Miss Carrie M. Lams, Big Bearer. Mich., writes: "Dear Mrs. Pinkham A year ago I suffered from profuse and - irregular menstruation and leucorrhosa. My appetite was variable, stomach sour and bowels were not regular, and was subject to pains like colic duringmenstruation. I wrote you and began to take Lydia S. Pmkham's Vegetable Compound and used two packages of Sanative Wash. You can't imagine my relief. My- courscs are natural and general health improved." Mrs. Nannie Adkins, La Due, Mo., writes: Dear Mrs. Pinkham I feel it my duty to tell you of the good your Vegetable Compound has done my daughter. She suffered untold agony at time of menstruation be fore taking your medicine ; V.Ma l.ja. PAmriAMvifl Yia relieved the pain, given her a better color, and she feels stronger, and has improved every way. I am very grateful to you for the benefit she has received. It is a great medicine for young girls." RAM'S HORN BLASTS. Warning Notes Calling; tbe Wicked to Kepentance. LAW can only con demn; Love can save. Hunger Is not a critic. Love suffers long, and says nothing. The praying: heart makes the ; willing hand. Moses gives ' precept, but Christ gives prac- ' tice. It is the black life that makes death took dark. Talebearers furnish the fuel for the Sre of strife. Faith In God does not mean credulity toward men. Light thoughts are often heavy enough to drag men down. The first two words in the Lord's i prayer contain all the rest ; If you are in Christ, you are as He is, : "the same to-dax and forever." Beawtr Is Blows! Dee. -a s.1 1 .lu .Lm . Vm IvICSn DIUWl IIIC.U. VIL." - - beauty without it. Cascareta, Candy Cathar- tic clean your Diooa auu awn tw . , . J stirring up the lazy liver and driving- all im- . r xl I 1.. II . . ,a A m banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, auu mat mit-riiy vuivw f-- Cascarets, beauty for ten cents. All drug giate, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c,2Sc.50c There are people so weak that all the good or evil they do is done by ac cident. F1U permanently cared. No flu or nervom nrss alter flrst day's use of Dr. Klines Great Nerve Keito er. ! trial bottle and treatise free I)K. R. H. Klin. Ltd. S31 ArchSu I'nlU. I'a T.ow tnloratoa a. nrlvate inlurv sooner than a public Inconvenience. We-To-Baa far aTtrty Cents, Guaranteed tobaeeo habit core, snakes weak Ben strong, blood pure. sOfteX AU druggists The only way to couvlnce a fool is .o let him have his own way. Mrs. Winalow-a sootning syrup lor cin.ur: teething, softens the gums, reducing; Inflamma tion, allays pain, cures wind colic, 2oc a bottle. it unulil be a tltv if those who seek trouble should not find it. Baal Tobarre Spit aai Samke fear Ufa Away. To quit tobaoco easily and forever, be mar netlc. full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To-n .t--nM,,.wnru-Av- that makes weak men niM:. hid '" . --- strong. AU druggists, GOe or St. Cure guaran teed. BooKtea ana saiupia m. Sterling Bemedy Co., Chicago or New Tore, It is a rare man who knows the fuil extent of his ability. To ( are a Cold la Ob Day. Take Laxative Bronto Quinine Tablets. AU Druggists refund money If It falls to eure. SSe. Brave actions are the substances of life, noble words its inspiration. Snueata Tsar Bawela Wltst aTaeeareta. Cnndy Cathartic, eure constipation forever. loc,25c. U C G. C.Iail. druggist refund money Strong thoughts are Iron nails driven In the mind that nothing can draw out. To (Tar Cms tip tie Fnrevaiw Tike Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 10r or Be. i If O C. C 'ail to cure, a ruse is 14 re tuna money A poor man with a sunny spirit will get more out of life than a wealthy grumbler. Dr. Seth Arnold's Conga Killer the best ever nited In my family. Thomas M. Butlbo, Cor. lutii and iocuat sta PhilaPa Nov. &!. UK. To live is not merely to breathe; It Is to act. PIso's Care for OonsnmpBon has saved me many a doctor's biU. 8. F. HAsnr, Hopkins flace. Baltimore. Md- Dee. . lass. . There is no condition of life that ex cludes a wise man from discharging his duty. V Hsa'sThlit We offer One Hundred Dollar Reward fa 7," 7, ? of Catarrh that cannot bs eared bi Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CBSitBT Co- P. opa, Toledo. O. We. the nndersisaed. have known F.J. Che. ney lor the la 1 16 year., and believe J m pe . fectlv Lonorble in ail business transaction and financially able to carry oat soy obUga tlon m de by their firm. VVbst A TRuax,Wholeale DronJsta. Toledo. un o. WAI.D11.0 Kikrast Mabvth, Wholesale Druggists. Toledo. Ohio, i "5i''" c"tarr Cars la taken internally, tct Ing directly npon the blood and mncous sur faces of the system. Prior, 7c. per bottle. Sold .jrall Drnatf sts, , Testimonlairfrie? - Ball's Family Pills ara to bass, Negligence la the rust of the soul that corrodes through all her beat resolu tions. Knclose Ten Cants sad get by mall trial bottles Hoxsle's Crnun Jure and Hoxsie's Disks for ( roup, foogh-. Sold, Bronchitis. A. P. H. Hossta, Buffalo, N V. 1 It is safer to attack a man's vlcea 'iian his foibles, or even his opinions. Car Sasmatssd by DB J. . M ATatst,lolT astCH ST., PHIL., FA. Eass at earea-. nn sperauoa or delay tross bendneas. Ceiissatall m Jree. Kndoneneaa of physlsiasri. ladles an I prominent dttsens. Hand lor clrMlar. osies boors A. M. to 1 F. M. One touch of nature makes the whole I Seil IOT ner own sue ana apsuauy for the take of her daughter. Write to Mrs. Pinkharn. at Lynn. Mass.. for her adrioe about all -matters concerning the 01s of the feminine nro-ana. r CHILDREN'S COLUMN. A DEPARTMENT FOR LITTLE BOYS AND GIRLS. Something that Will Interest the Ju venile Members of Bvery Household Quaint Actions and Brigkt Sayings r Many Cute and Cunning Children. Miss Dorothy Dot, in her little red chair, Pnt her thimble on with a matronly air. And said: "From this piece of cloth, I guess, I'll make my baby brother a lovely dress.. She pulled her needle in and out. And over aud under and round about. And through and through, till the suow lawn Was bunched and crumpled and gathered and drawn. She sewed and sewed to the end of her thread; Then, holding her work to view, she said: 'This isn't a baby dress, after all; It's a bonnet for my littlest doll!" St, Nicholas. Beet Lesaone. "Oh, there's that Ruth Knolls and her brother again. Do you know. Miss Merton, she's Just awfully dull In school, and we girls laugh at her so much. She haan't a particle of bril liancy." " . Viva chattered this speech out as she walked along the street beside Miss Merton. "She has something far better than brilliancy." said Miss Merton. "Whatr said Viva, her cheeks flush ing uncomfortably, for she felt that she had made a mistake, and she was very anxious to stand well in Miss Mar ton's opinion. "She has a courteous manner. That is a grace that is very great, but far too rare. I know Ruth quite well, and her kindness and courtesy are unfailing in company at home. She is going to grow Into a lovely womanhood." "I am sorry I spoke so," said Viva. "I really don't know anything about her except that she stumbles so dread fully in her lessons." I "No donbt she is very sorry about it, and I am sure she works faithfully. It ; Is a fine gift to be quick and bright in 1 understanding things. But you know, my dear, that it Is far more Important to be kind-hearted and gentle. When ! y ou girls go out in the world no one ! rill ever ask or know whether you got good grades In algebra and Latin. If 1 you have done your best, it is wrought into you whether your best is very good or only mediocre. But be sure of this, every one who meets you will know without putting you through an examination whether you are a gentle- : woman or not. It Isn't practical to quote Greek or discuss psychology or read Shakespeare with every one you : meet, but you can always speak kindly ; and listen courteously, and quietly j look out for the opportunity to do the little deeds of kindness that make our lives so much more worth living." Union Signal. Pretty Indian Girl's Faee. This little girl is to have a unique dis tinction. Her name Is Irene Sylvester; she is an Indian, and is mnch prettier than her photograph makes her out. She Is a pupil in the Indian school at rBBMB STIVBSTKB. Versailles, N. T. Her father was a Penobscot and her mother a Tuscarora. A reproduction of her face will appear in the facade decorations of the new $25,000 main school building at Ver sailles. ettltn for HtsHs and People. There never was a boy who, at some period of hia career, did not aspire to walk on stilts. This ambition general ly dies a natural death after sufficient gratification, but even this rule haa its exceptions. It is quite common in many of our Southern States to aee houaea whose foundations are nothing but stilts. These later raise the buildings far enough 'from the ground to allow pigs, cats, dogs and other small or medlnm-slxed animals to take refuge there. The sataaaa of a certain district In Franca near tha river Loire, also have such foundations, aa a necessity. It 1a a very desolate, barren district, whan tha great plains of marsh grass and furno ara est by enormoaa dutches. and watsr VOm that J nt wacsr are the . etilncra In the Whole Meae. excessive moisture exuding from the pores or we earm " mussarr that the houses be raised rery high from the ground to prevent malaria and otner marsn revet. i .Kn end s-oats browse over the higher plains, and when herd ing these or going about Other duties the Inhabitants of the country Invari ably mount stilts to avoid becoming soaked In the wet grass and the sAreanis. So proficient are the natives In the use of their artificial legs that tkey aa maintain a very high rate of tpeed and can travel many' miles In a day. They take a third pole with them .s-afnst when resting. Women do as mnch outdoor work there as men. In addition to this ther retain tneu feminine employments, and travelers say that one of the most curious sights In all this curious country Is a house wife standing in the open plain on two stilt, and, while she leans against a third, knitting industriously. Ta 8 peak Well Breathe Well. It is as Important to speak distinctly and forcefully as It Is to walk erect or to keep one's garments in good order. Many persona who would resent being accused of slovenliness or careless de portment pay no attention to their voices. Yet this form of negligence is as disagreeable as the others in many respects. Proper speaking depends upon deep breathing. Breathe deeply and have plenty of air in your lungs when you speak. Enunciate distinctly and do not hurry in your speaking, and unsr fium the breath out while talk ing. By an unconscious process the lungs will supply enough air to give the desired kind and volume of sound. When you breathe and make a sound at tbe same time a harsh tone will be the result, giving you a gruff voice. A little practice and experimental talking after taking a deep breath will con vince yon that musical, pleasing voice tones may be easily produced, and they are worth while. The Output of Pullman. In the glare of many a furnace and through the deafening roar of hammers and presses, I was frequently enlight ened by the voice of my mentor, who stated that there were 1.100 machines of all kinds in the place, and 5,000 men working in conjunction with them, their field of operation extending over 4,600 acres of floor space. Tbe day's work of the entire week, ten passenger cars, three Pullmans, average, when It grew more Imposing. In addition to the sixty -two miles of track in the walls of the company, the train of fifty new cars leaving every evening, and the fact that 100,000,000 feet of lumber (annu ally used) brought In car loads, which would make a lumber train fifty miles long, helped to superinduce the proper amount of awe. "The Town of Pull man" AInslee's. Cashlons for Hands and Feet. The palms of the hands and She soles of the feet are composed of cushions of fat in order that no injury may be done to the muscles underneath by sudden Jolts or violent blows. A Man with Two Hearts. A colored person called William King, of New Bedford, Mass, has en Joyed the uninterrupted possession of two hearts for a century, as he is one hundred years old, and is still so hale and literally hearty as to be able to bend bars of Iron across his arm. Ac cording to the New York Herald, which records this remarkable freak of na ture. Dr. Monroe B. Long, of the Muh lenberg Hospital staff, a physician of high repute, after visiting King, said: "King has one heart on the right and one on tbe left side of the chest, whose separate hearts in unison could plain ly be determined. By a certain mus cular contraction King let one heart drop to the left iliac region, where I clearly heard the beating; then, let tbe other heart drop to the right Iliac re gion, where Its beating was also plain ly heard, both beating in the lower part of the abdomen in unison. Next, King threw over the interior of the abdd men m waU of bene from the neck down, giving -every evidence of having two sternum, or breastbones, one of which la movable' at hla win and seems to lie behind the regular breast- RAISED FOH BRACELETS. !. Us. .w H.br.d , k" A" The -tlve. of Jhe New Islands In the rac.u-teeth for bracelets. j ; - of the pigs Jremo;hnee to- grow as ,. lower tusks a chance w a snlraTand the tip often lie be root or the tooth. j ; tte tooth dear around times tM a'"-- tte. and makes colL br1dei The natives of the New prise the boars according to the l the tooth. A - jewel bracelet is a very t. wbl I. "on. - T?"' these teeth ana man, - - whUe; zzsr Throoi as money of value. -J .. h,B teeth bracelet teeth is not : kiM f JJ, oem to have reacneu ZX the killing s "Sing-Sing" feast, which rreBponu to "hog-killing time" in various local! ties in America. ro. Squirrels, wooucuui ,.,, to dents occasionally have accidents to one of their teeth, which allow, he tooth facing It to grow unobstructed toW length. Squirrels deprived of their food, which requires gong. surve todeath, but the grass-eating woodchuck manages to exist for a con slderable time. One woodchuck record ed Ld a tooth nearly six inch .long which curved down and back fconiW I upper Jaw to behind his ear. He as terribly emaciated, and would prob ably have soon starved to death. Queer effects could be produced in white mice and the like by a systematized training j rholr teeth. ana ueiuiwa RECENT INVENTIONS. Floors can be easily scrublwd by a Western man's device, consisting of a tank to be suspended from the wall anri filial with water, a piece of flexl- ' bie hose connecting it with the end of 1 a hollow brush handle to discharge ! water to the bristles when the valve Is opened. To prevent flatirons from burning the cloth when not in motion a newly patented support is formed of a slotted bar clamped to the top of the Iron, with a sliding bar to be adjusted at the rear I to form with the handle two legs on which the iion can be tilted to raise the ! hot portion from the table, i An Improved drinking fountain j which does away with the use of cups ;and which will not spread disease : germs. Is formed of a funnel-shaped cup attached to the spigot, the latter j turning upward and filling the cup : when the valve Is opened. The user ! drinks from the center of the cup ln j stead of the edge. I Bicycle chains can be easily cleaned j by a New York man's device, conslst I ing of a vertical chamber, to be filed I with a cleaning fluid, with wheels sus ' pended at the top and bottom, over WITH a better understanding of the transient nature of the many physicaj Ills which vanish before proper efforts gentle efforts pleasant efforts rightly directed. There Is comfort In the knowledge that so many forms of Illness are not due to any actual disease, but simply to a constipated condition of the system, which the pleasant family laxative. Syrup of Figs, promptly removes. That Is why It is the only remedy with millions f families, and is everywhere esteemed so highly by all who value good health. Its beneficial effects are due bi the fact that it la the only remedy which promise Internal oleanllness without debilitating the organs on whlck It acta. It is. therefore, all-Important, In order to get its beneficial effects, to note when you purchase that yon have the gennine article, which Is manufactured by the California Fl Syrup Co. only. THE HIGHEST OBJECT Of the art of advertising Is to oorrectly Inform the public of the merits of any article, and truthful statements always prove most effective in time. The valuable reputation acquired by the California FUr Syrup Co. by reason of the excellence of the pleasant laxative remedy. Syrup of Figs, which it manufactures, confirms the state ment, which the company freely makes, that the best of remedies only should be used when needed by the human system. The more one takes of salts and pills the more constipated the system becomes, while on the other hand one enjoys both the method and the results when Syrup of FiRs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the kidneys, liver and bowels, cleanses the system effec tually, dispels colds, headaches and fevers and overcomes habitual consti pation permanently; also biliousness and the many Ills resulting therefrom. The great trouble with all other purgatives and aperients Is not that they fall to act when a single dose Is taken, but that they act too violently and invariably tend to produce a habit of body requiring constantly augmented doses. Children enjoy the pleasant taste and gentle action of Syrup of Figs, the ladlea find it delightful and beneficial whenever a laxative remedy is needed, and business men pronounce it invaluable, as It may be taken without interfering with business and does not gripe nor rauseate. THE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FIGS Is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the California Fig Syrup Co. only, and therefore we wish to Im press on all the importance of purchasing the true an1 original remedy. When, baying note the name. California Fig Syrup Co, printed on the front of every paeirags. CALlFORr FIG SYRUP CO, ' San Francisco. CaX The inlurlea vr rln nn - , . mvmi sui ter are seldom weighed in the same balance. There Is more real hapntsanss derived from assisting others than ean be ob tained from the possasssssm as? (be lar gest fortune. The absolute equality of the laws of nature Is illustrated between the rich and poor by five senses. It never changes. THE SCHOOLS Of Greater New York. Host on anrl ; many other places use Carter's Ink 1 ; a a. cAtiuMvoiy ana won t use any other. That speaks well for CARTER'S INK and gives you food for thought- R'EIIMATISV SS,V ODICI RFI IFF ftUill PMIt narante. SL DB braVl Z! Jli'' i two days a. DR. READ, isai Ssnth Street. PsUIa. r- tt.16 3 fit im" day is over. And weary with honest toiL Hon tlirotigh the fiiUi of clover That spring, from the fertile soil, rj.j. the stunlv tanner Wth grimy hands, and though Wim grtmy nan, Soiled too, indeea,tsnBsu" - - - - BttTcare,he,Itrow. That make, my home so bright" A WORD OF WARNING. There are many while soaps, each represented to be " Jutt ZlL th. ' ivory ';" they ARE NOT. but like all counterfeit,, lack the pecUli.r ,j rbplte7of'hrE;Dul". As. for " Ivory" Soap and .nsl.t upon m It 3 3 which the chain is passed, a crank be ing attached to the top wheel to re volve the chain in the liquid. A Pennsylvania woman has designed a now game board. In which a spiral runaway Is formed on the surface of the board, with an opening at the edge of the board into which a marble is driven to pass around the runaway and drop into one of a number of holes In the center, having different values. Tooth brushes are prevented from getting dirty by a new holder, formed of a rectangular box having a hinged door at one end with a slot for the handle, the box being Just large enough to inclose the bristles, thus serving its purpose without taking up much room. In a newly designed toeclip attachment for bicycles a shaft is suspended under the pedal, with the curved portion of the clip fastened to the front end to swing toward the outer. end of the pedal when at rest, the rider placing his foot on the pedal and pressing a plate to turn the clip over his toe. What a great disappointment It la ' when a homely woman removes a veil : from her face. i ! Men may be bribed, but you can't In duce women to take "hush monejr." COM LADIES H GENTLEL1EN aWsSaasMsasMmeUbe a vft rir x x HgHMXai MRS. WINSLOWS SOOTHING SYRUP TwtsiMft Osmta n ffT ' ' If Ifllljsinnnnjjj Fair fee Lay Prm FUb CIjI !ww York. K. T. WSAa iMwif SAP0.L10 n w a In the housewife's hand awaiting Is a cake of Ivory Soap, t And we hear her say : " Hit dirt awiy, Tk this that rives us fcoce." ft So he takes the shining treasure, And laughing with delight, & & 6 & & & & Z jT floa. . . I The Centennial Corli Kneine. ' One of the most remarkable niechst ; isms sbout the town of Pullman Is the I great Corliss engine of horie ! power, which once ran the Centennial ! Exposition at Philadelphia. It Is a simple condensing engine with the Cor Ilss valve gear and cut-off adapted to a vertical engine. It was built In Provl ; dencse, R. I., by the lata George n. Cor j Ilss, In 1870, and required sevrn montii ' in building. General -. S. Giant start. ' ed tbe engine at Philadelphia, the late : Dom Pedro, Emperor of Brazil, being also present and deeply Interested Id ' the engine. After watching the revo lutions of the great fly-wheel fof , ' few moments, Dom Pedro quietly re marked: "This beats our South Ameri can revolutions." AJnsIte's Magazine i Caaae of a Demand for Beans. i "Please, sir," said one of the small twins as they entered the grocery, "we want a cent's worth of beans." "Whit do you want them for?" asked tbe po i cer. " 'Cause our mamma's gone oat ; and she told me not to swallow aij beans while she was gone, and we can't find any In the house," was ttn reply. FOR 14 CEHTS We wish to asm this J'"g Sew customers nmi w j.( s Fka. Karlr Rips t ! 1 - KsrliMt Hrd B','1' k-Kcl balasv's Bt louses, r" t:liforni r it T..m S I Ksrly IJiuner Oniony . jwl Brilliant r'lowr 8r; I rartii i.eo, r.r U M " i AbovalSpksa worth l.l.T,rl snail iod froe. lcil S sraat 'Plans and Td ' f. , I npon receipt of this "Ktire't I know when yoa ones try eewHroaw oatthvra. t cd m. lb. willnwr art sl"J . Onion I . I'olal.fS at S Ja'alosaionfif. "'V ( SSUSS HUES ".. " ' sSS - -knni RSrjsiowSiSt rra InclTlI war. 15 adjuUlcatui cUiuii. sin a Foul Dargain. If Sho li X3 Karry 5 m n ; t r srorld kin. us ri 1 nil 11 a -'mfirjrm js'.isn