BENTINEL & REPUBLICAN MIFFLINTOWN. PA. WEDNESDAY APRIL 5, 1699, B. P. SCHWEIER, EDITOR AND PKOPaUETOK. SHORT LOCALS. Burklen's Arnica Salve. Pr. Kind's Nw Life Pills. Mrs. T. J. Middagh has been ill for seTersl days. John Nixon, of Newport, ia risit iog JoLn Hayes. W. F. Slagle leaves Monday for Bloonisburg, Pa. Rev. Mr. Daren pott moved to Robersdale on the 1st. Grant Thomas, of Phillipsburg, visited Geo, McDonald. 'Libt week's weather discounted the coming wheat crop. ;Lcriilurg men t.-a talking about starting a starch factory. Gertrude and Lottie Schott spent iuursaay in ijewisiown, W. S. Arbogast and family, were in llarrisburg lnursday. Walter Henderson, of Lilly, Pa., pent a lew anya at iiome. Dr. King's New Discovery. Gertrude Schott entertained few friends Saturday evening. - Parker McMeen was at home from Philadelphia fur Easier vacation. ,Suire .niiiiiirer, of Spruce Hill, Bpetit Saturday in town, on business. The m-amery at Newton Hamilton recently destroyed by lire, is to be re built. The KLT8tone Hotel in Patterson . , - a .1 i . . - is Deiug put turougu a state oi re pairs. Janics liower left Monday for Huntingdon, where he will attend school. Mrs. Sterrett, of Spruce Hill, was in town on 31oiiday callirg on friend;". Jarces Mathers, of Altoona, visit ea nit ucc:e, u. tu Atkinson, over Sunday. l.ivcrvinan .iouu isergv soiu a couple of Pert'heron horses on Tuesday. Diur hm county fed and housed over six thousAud t. ampa during the year 1898 Mr. Jaiuei T. Alter, of Blooiufield, has K-en veiling at the home of Hon. Janie North SSuWribe for the Juniata Senti iii. and Kki'cbi.ican, the bent paper In ths county. Charles Howe, of Washington, D. U., is vit-iting nis parents and rela tive in town. John S. Graybill, Jr , is visiting his si.-ter Mib. Dowd Crawford, on Cheiry street. JSaniuel I. Stoner, of Altoona, is pending some timo with his parents in Fermanagh. Professor Donally, of Everett, pent Kaster Sunday with his par ents in this place. Mrs. Irvin Dimm and daughter HeleD, of Lewistawn, visited at Capt. McClellan s lust week. llmkien's Arnica Salve. Miss Davis, of McAusterville, spent part of last week as the guest of Mus IJorie Kiuffman. Thomas Diilman, of Dickinson College, Carlisle, is spending his va cation with his parents. Mrs. John Thrush, of "Washing ton, D. ('., is home visiting her mother Mrs. Allison. The 1st of April passed quietly and with, most people financial mat ters were not distressing. t'huice white Ohio and Penn sylvania seed oats, for sale at Maiibrt-k & Nelson's mill. Wnliaia Stanjbaugb, of Altoona, accompauied by a fnecd, visited his mother in Fermanagh township. Fon Hunt. To a small family, a oomfortable house Call at this office for information if you want to rent. Newspapers from abroad report the post Wfc(-Vn wenr.livr oa twine destructive to the growing wheat The sowing of oils will be late t.isjcar. Young men can tardly believe it that oats sowing time used to be in March. Dr. King's Sew Discovery. C. D. Graham claims he won three !g at Moytr'-s fchootiug match on the Strays farm a mile east of this Plxce on the 31t of March. Knock down in pike for sale bills !.. for a iuuiii;r one half sheet bill, ith notice of hale in The Juniata 8VriNKI. AXl. ItKITlll-K AX. The bribery committee of the Legis lature, ha aKked to have their time to make a rt jKrt, extended to the 7th of April. The time was granted. -Mi. Wilberforce Sthweyer and chil dren, with her rister Mim Pidjre Pattoii, ye gone to Washington, D. C, to "it relative and friends there. Tbe Easter bonnet rime into view tat Sunday, but the bonnets and hats that come into sight later on in the "n will appear just as attractive. Dr. King's New Discovery. The sunrise meeting of the Pres- tVV XP- S- C- E- w well st aled a,,d each one present was Rented with a beautiful carnation. La1J??7' Mr St"J Z , M V McAli8tervill., came to in , uel StJr who has been J ,a"WI. David and Samuel ryer are brothers. !';, ,JUie "'lellau lost a pair of k Uha Ko,d thin attached, mewhere on the sidewalk, between ber home , the east end, and her busi nws P'oU Main street. mn.'' f freiBht traiM. run- 11 ki?,rf. ' nd trPrtation of 1 ,n,,, ""ruber of hours. Israel Yeakley ana brother Xi, of -Hum county, spent .tu.u.y na CMinday with the family 1M m town. Mrs. Luck Is a -ier oi ine Yeakley brothers. TnHf. n ... i . ""hi "uur. or unout. d died of pneumonia, on the 29th dav of v"- ooay was cremated in the Luncamer crematorium on last Fridav InH Ik. n-1 . - " uct piacea in an urn A number of people who used to " wuimiown, but who now live u,.Mrref!i, iney miss the pure wat er of this t .wn. Some of tbem have ui io mem in kegs and barrels. Lest week the irregulars In the Legistature voted for Dalzell for ociiHror, this week iney are voting for Stewart Stewart is a republican only when vm iuc tlfJla,VJl. nere uncancel for in the ricrvou poet uniee tor the doaa of , ending April It, 1899: m. Jicuiay. JWrs. Ralph IT 1". v,ncni TortoriM, veiienno. "iwisaDeueMchweier, returned -uucweu university last week to continue th rVkiio Her sister, Miss Annie E., accom- pouicu aw ana remained till Mon day, when she returned home. David L. Martin, of Oakland, Mary uu, wmppea ms wife. An old law was looked up against wife beating, w uuuer mat law his bark was made bare, and he wait tied to a poet and given JO lashes across his bare back John Kirk, w ho moved to Lancaster to mi an official appointment, was in town all last week looking to his prop, erty interests here. This is his native place and it Would not be a wonder to see him return for permanent residence. Buekleu's Arnica Salve. ora on the farms has been kept back by the late spring, which is some thing that everyone realizes here, but which is information to ieople who live in other iart.t of the United States w here conditions of weather are differ ent. -Fob Sale. The Board of Di rectors of the Farmers Mercantile As. sociation in Patterson, limited, offers xor Faie, or rent, their Store iu Pat terson. Tei ins eas For particulars it qu:re oi v. ?f. Sterrett, on the premises. By order of Board, Aug. 17, 8t. Lewis Deoak, Sec. Fifteen freight cars, loaded with corn and coke w ere wrecked at Homing's crossing near Dcnholm, one morning last week. A tramp riding in a coke car was buried quite a while uuder the coke, and to the surprwe of every one present, he was rescued unhurt. The next! gathering of the uerman Baptists is to be held at Koanoke, Virginia commencing JW.iy 23,1899. The distance from Har risburg to Roanoke is 308 miles. A train leaving Harrisburtr at 5 o'clock in the morning reaches Roancke at 4:15 o'clock afternoon. At the Musical College. Freebunr. Snyder couuty, Pa., none but the best methods are used, so that to-dav it is recognized as one of the foremost schools or music iu the country. $33 will pay ior a term or six weeks, instruction and board. Spring Term will beet n Mav 8. For catalogues address, Hexky It. Moyek, Director.' A. singularly, painful and face dis figuring accident overtook farmer Harry Ryder, living two miles west of Pboe- nixville, Pa., last Friday. He was trimming trees in his orchard. He bung the saw he was using on a cross limb and descended the ladder. As be was going down he glanced upward and the saw fell at that moment and hit Ids nose, cutting it oft his face. Owing to the bad weather during the mouth of February, I have concluded to continue the reduction in cabinet photos, until April 1st, in order that all may have a chance. Remember you buy your ticket for $1.50 which entitles you to 1 dozen first class cabinet photo's of yourself, or family group at the same price, and you can take your sitting anytime during the year. Resp't. Joseph Hkss Clovd Spicher, a young mau aged 21 years, was found in au un conscious state in his room at liar- risburg, last Friday morning hav ing lieen overcome by gas which was not properly turned off. He died on Saturday, llis remains were brought to the home of his father Mr. David Spicher at East Salem on Suzday. Interment on Tuesday. Miss Bonner, a inonologist, im personator and ventriloquist will give an entertainment in the Pres byterian church on Thursday evening, April 6, 1899. People who hare attended her entertain ments speak highly of them. Ad mission 20 cents for adults, child ren 10 cents. The entertainment is under the auspices of the Y. P. S. C K. The potatoe crop in the Uuited States last year, was not large. The cold weather froze many that were stond away and thn result is the price is high tbw ppriog for g d potatoes. They are being shipped into the country from Canada, bat there is a duty or tariff of 25cts a bushel on Canada potatoes and that keeps np tbo trice. Michigan had a large crop, which are being shipped east at 87 to 90cts a bushel On tbe 28lh of .March a steamer arrived in New York City from San tiago', having the bodies of about iuu American soldiers that bad been rais ed from their graves in Cuba and Porto Rico. Twenty four of the bodi.s were those of Pennsylvania A imii. No. 33 some by this place on Wednesday morning west carried 60 of the bodies. There are 1900 dead American soldiers in Cuba and Porto Rico that are to be brought hon to tl United States. A wreck on tne railroad at Newton Hamilton involving a locomotive and twenty some cars took place last Fii day. The coupling of a freight train broke and left a number of cars. A locomotive was put to work to above tiiA fnnuknn cars- Bv some onac countable way the cars that were be in shoved were run across on u. other track in ihe way of a eoming fniirhf train. Before tne locomotive of the approaching train struck the cars, engineer and fireman leaped off and ran into a field. Tne wrec u ; molt r.lwi can better be imagineu than described from a long distance a Drousr thin' for ma. have an ambition to get along with the most capable people, bat if bv the force of circumstances or bv hi'a own incapacity he is not capable of doing much, how well for him if he can see attaira in their right light miu uppmiani ana laoor on honest lyauu contentedly, it iB a thou sand times better to make an honest living in a small wav than he a beg garor a pauper. Last ytar Dauph in f. .4 1 . tin nun Dousea over six inoasand incapable, doless tramps, meu wno are lazy enough not to do ior themselves because they cannot do some easy or prominent work. Huntingdon Journal, March 30. An elusive character of thia town, who has been given the appellation of "Jack the Hugger," and has recently annoyed members of the gentler sex, tackled the wrong girl Saturday night in the vicin ity of Tenth and Mifflin streets. He was promptly collared by the fair Amazon, who at once proceeded to ad minister to him the punishment he so wen merited, meanwhile calling for help. It was with great difficult? th.t he finally broke away and fled, leavlnr behind a handful of dark hair as a trophy of tbe maiden's victory. It is claimed his lace was badly scratched and that numerous punctures bad been made iu various portions of his anatomy oy a nat pin, which the irate lady used with telling effect. young TO THE SCHOOL DIRECTORS v juniiTA COUUTY, vt EATLEilEX: In iHiraiintwo r Ih. loriy-mira section or the act of May 8. 1854, you are hereby notified to mwt ! i - ... US convention, at the Court House, in Mimintown, on the first Tuesday in , ... ... ..., .. j. iu., uciug me day of the month, and select ir A. it. 1899, at 2 p. m., being the van. bv a majority of th mv iwr oi directors present, one person of merarv and wMmin mm ixnuni. and of skill and experience in the art oi icacmng, as uounty superintendent, for the three succeeding vears: nni r. tify the result to the State Superinten dent, at Harrisburg, as required bv the inirty-iunth and fortieth wr-timm f said act. Uesxv M. Maksh.vli.. County Siifierinteudent of Juniata lo. -March 24th, 1S!K. MARRIED: Clll llll StIMEI.IXO. In LewiMtown iMan-n -ju. josi. DV Itev. ,eo Jnxenha Abraham P. Chubb, of Piles Valley. lmupnui countv. and Marv M. Htim- ling, of lhmmsville, Juniata count. Martin Saylor. March 28 th ult.. by Rev Francis E Purci! at Concord, fa., tiarvey 1. Martin and Annie M Sayior, boto of Tnscarora township Powley Stones. Ou the 30th ult., by R-v. . E. Koonlz, at Patter son, Juniata county, Pa., Charles D rowlt-y or Milford towcsbio and Ju.ia Ann Stoner of Lost Creek, Jun iata couuty. Pa. Kapffmax Miller Oa tbe 28tb ult , by Riv. John H. Mcriimer, at Mim ntown, Ar bur W. Kauffman and Emma M. Miller, b th of Walk er township. DIED. Eheeszellee. On the 2Gth of Aarch at hi-r home near Browu's Mills, Mib. Mollie 6., wife of Giorge Ehrenzeller, sgtrd 29 years and 25 day. Cabwell Ou the 2Sih of March at tbe home of her parents near Mo Alisteivtlle, Miss lfosa Viola Carwell, aged 4 moi.tba and 23 days. Dr. King's New Discovery. YVISTER-IKJLTRED TREES, Kansas Experiment Station. Man hattan, Kan. The recent cold weather has greatly injured the fruit trees in many sections of the State. Heports indicate that in but few por tions of the .State the temperature fell as low- as iu this section, so it is prob able that in the greater part of the State tne iruit industrv has not received such a blow as it has here. Where trees are more injured, tbe real damage done to the orchards will depend greatly uion the treatment given them from this time. Trees that are killed rhould be removed at once from the orchard. If they can be ued for firewood, well and good: if not. tbev should be piled and lint-tip, tu destmv sn v iiiMec'in nr dis ease that mav infest them. Trees that are partly top-killed are weakened and deadened throughout, and should be heavily cut back, the extent depending upou the degree of injury. In many cases it will be necessary to cut back to the main branches or even to the trunk. but where the injury is lei's severe the utting mar be confined to tbe smaller branches of the tree. Though the tranches of an injured tree may not be killed, it is advantageous to cut tnem back, because the wood that is browned and deadened can never perform its life functions again. It becomes as heart-wood, and must be enclosed by a laver of new wood. The quicker we can eet this deposit of new wood the tetter. and the more oi u ine oeuer. Bv cutting off the branches of the tree it is reduced iu surface, and tbe new- wood is more rapildy deposited ou the . . :. rot... . l. , I parrs mai remain- luvcuei ium .... - ; I i . .u pent 111 blossoming is biko mra 10 iu tnwhv the severe pruning, it is ne- marv to prevent the vitality of the tree from dissipating itself in any way, and to huslwnd and apply tt so as to restore the treffquickly to us normal process of growth. I'TOieSSOr JNlliey, ylinri linnnuji savs upon mis suojeci: mc iujci treatment for frbaeu-back trees must be determined for each particular case ; but it should be borne m mma mai the Injured portion is no longer of use to the plant, whereas it may be a posi tive detriment by accelerating the evap oration of moisture, ine oesi ireai ment for plants seriously injured upoh tbe extremities is to cui inem w heavily." TW treated Iu this way win rapiuiy regain their vigor unless the injury is very serious. They will also quickly resume their normal naoit oi growm and shape. Cutting back tne last year s growth In the winter is especially bene ficial to the peach, whether it has been injured by cold or not, as Its branches tend to grow long and slender, and iu bearing fruit near the extremities they break and split and are mined. A difference In opinion exists as to the best time for cutting back injured trees; some growers prefer to have the work done before the leaves open; others choose a later time; but the safest way is to do it early. Rebbe4 tfce CI rave A tarllinc incident, ol whtcb Hr. John Oliver, of Philadelphia, was the sabject, is rrstrd bv him as follows: 'I was in a BMt eraadra condition. My jkin was al. aott yellow, eye innken, tongas coated, pain eontina llr in back sad sides, ao appetite gMdaaly growing weaker day bv day. Three i-hyaiciana bad giraa m np Fertnnataly, a friend advised trying KJectric Bitters.' and to my ureal joy sad surprise, tbe Oral botila a decided improve meat. I continued their use for three weeks, sod am new a well man. I knew they aaved my life, and rubbed the grave of another victim.' No one should lail to try tbem Only 50o, guaranteed, at M. P. Craw for J ' Drug Store. Dr. King's New Life Pills. ftCBOOl. TERM. When the minimum school term bill was on final nasaam In thm 8nhi Aiarcb 28th, Senator Hertzler voiced the sense of the larger percentage of his constituents by voting aeainst the bill. Erevious to the' taking of the vote, be made speech against its passage as fol lows : MR. Ml'llT't l-K Mr lraaitini am opposed to the passage of this bill for tbe reason that the law today en- auies any scnooi aw met in the Com monwealth to have seven months Mhnnl if IHnr a HmIm ...1 , l.A ditions are such that they are able to nave it. Personally, I am in favor of seven mouths and more than that, for 1 am certainly in favor or education, but I desire to say that the district which I represent ia not able to nave seven months in many of their school districts, i nave round upon examin ation of the latest school report of the Superintendent of Public Instruction. with reference to the number of months various counties have school in their districts, and for the information of the members of the Senate I will present those figures to you. Iu looking; up this matter I find that in the county of Adams, whiph has wivntr-tnn whonl districts, at least seventy-live per cen tum of those have six months of school; in the county of Armstrong the same condition exists; iu Bedford county possibly eighty-five per centum of the scnooi districts nave nut six montns; in Berks county over fifty per centum; in iwair county it is exactly liny per centum; in Cambria county they have about fifty-live per centum; in Centre county they have seventy-live per cen tum; In Clarion county about seventy five per centum; iu Clearfield county they have over fifty per centum; in Columbia county they have oyer fifty Cer centum; in Dauphin county they ave exactly fifty per centum; in Fay ette county they'have fifty per centum; in Franklin county they nave about seventy per ceutum; iu Fulton couuty they have one hundred per ceutum; iu Greene couuty they have twenty out of twenty-three districts; in Huntingdon countj' thev have seventy-live per cen tum; in Indiana county they have thirty-four out of thirty-nine; in Jeffer son twenty-three out of thirty-three; in Juniata twelve out of seventeen; in Lycoming county they have thirty-five out of fifty-four; in Mifllin county they have fifty per centum, in Monroe county they nave fourteen out of the twenty districts; m Montour county they have fifty per centum; in North umberland county thev have fourteen out of the thirty-four; m Perry couuty they have twenty-two out of thirty; in Potter county they over fifty per cent um; in Schuylkill county they have almost fifty per centum; in Snyder county thev have sixteen out of the eighteen districts; In Somerset couuty thev have thirtv-six districts out of fortv-one: in Sullivan county they have sewn out of twelve districts; in I nlon county thev have eight out of fifteen districts; in Venango county they have thirteen out of thirty-three districts, and there are other counties equally as high in the numlier of districts that have but six months. I find that these districts are rural districts and I don't think it will be right to impose uiton them a larger numlier of mouths when they are not able to bear the additional burden. don t know what conditions exist in other districts, but in the county in which I live, although the mill rate does not apiiear to be large, yet the valuation is large. In my district we lost heavily iu the flood of one thousand eight hundred and eighty-nine and all our bridges in the Juniata river were swept away well as many of the bridges spanning the streams throughout the county .and the commissioners were compelled to double the valuation of property in or der to raise fuuds for the rebuilding of thee bridges. It baa come to my knowledge that many farmers, because or additional burdens imposed upon tbem by way of taxation, have come to tbe commissioners and tendered tbem their properties if they would give them the amount that their properties were assessed for the purpose of taxation Uur counties are not able to have longer terms of school and I appeal to tbe memliers of the Senate not to impose this additional burden upon tnem be cause or their inability to bear any further burdens iu this direction. I have always, as a member of this Senate, leu willing to respond to the requests of the Senators from the cities and more wealthy districts and voted for or againKt bills which were shown to be injurious to their constituents and not for their best interests to have them passed, and I now appeal to those who are able to have seven, eight and nine mouths of a school term in the year not to impose this requirement upon those districts which are not able to pay this additional expense. A Frightful Blander W ill often ciine hnrriMe Burn, Scald, Cat or Uniise. Bucklcn'a Arnica Salve, the beat in the world, will kill the pmn and promptly be il it. Cure. Old Sre, - ever Sorts. Ulrera, Boils, frelona, Corni, all Skin Eruption. Bent 1'ile euro on earth Onlr 2"c, a box. Cure euarantved Sold br M. 1 . Crawford, Drugirist IfOST. 4 A blnck blauket shawl on April P M , 8 mi t where between the al ley bel w Mr. Wo dinmi's and Rob- isou's & Wagner's shops. Please leave at this office white a reward wilt be given." SHIMIVIBIC; LUMBERMAN. A cang of shark lumber dealers located near New York city Las ben engaged in fleecing Blair county tan- mill men and lumber iner.'tieut.s. Their plan of operatiou is to send an order for lumber to n country mer chant. Tbe order ia neatly type written on lithographed office sta tionery, and closss with the promise to pay within thiity days after re ceipt of the merchandise. The country merchant, without making any inquiries as to tho financial standing of his customers, ships the lumber, and finds out when too late that be has been victimized by swind lers. Two lumberman iu this sec tion recently lost over $300 through this d ceptiun, Tbo moral is, 'He suie of your man ai d p t, before you ship 3 our goods." Altoona Tribune. Ill THE BEGMTIING An exchange classifies them thus: In the beginning Uod created the heavens and the earth; then he made the editor, the liberal adver tiser and the prompt paying sub scribers; and it was good. The next day a blizzard set in and he created the man that didn't believe in advertising and another that didn't take the home paper; then he rested. Then the devil got in to the moulding room and he created the man who takes the paper for years and fails to pay for it. After completing that sorry job and having a few lumps of mad left be made the excuse for a man who settles his subscription by instructing the postmaster to I mark the paper 'refused.' " Dr. King's ifew Life Pills. THE a - - - . i , - Mtutim MumBUmgPu JUarwfto Xmmjt fraqmeatly earee mi neabers of a family. While k is considered by taaay te be a KMaey Bladder Medietas, it ia just as certain to car Dyspepsia, P itineti . 1 inausm, crofula and Easema. This wntuuoa, so iney can sort all imparities from Healthy bleed practically raeaas a eoenpletaly beeltfcr Here Is a letter front. Mrs. Capt. Paraa tUcr,ef N. T. : fy husband was troubled with bis kidneys, fearfully with shooting paint through Us back. He Mwna .nmay emroritm Fesafo aad u w well and stroar. Althena-fc . - soreaty years of age, he is as hearty as " aaaay years younger. I wi troubled with Dyspepsia that it painful for me to walk. ' My food did me no good, as my stomach could not digest it. Somebody recommended Favorite Remedy to me, and after taking two bottles of it I was completely cured, and am feeling splendid now. We both attribute our good health to Favorite Remedy." It ia prescribed with unfailing success for Nerve Troubles, and for the Liver and Blood tt at a specific. It has cured many that were beyond the aid of otber "T:: t! . zslst to iu m coat you si.oo tor Campio If yoa want to try Favorite Remedy before buying, send year full pest. rrr- "7 win sena This genuine offer is made to prove to Great Mill End Bargain Sale C AT C Schott's Stores. Commencing April 6th and con tinues until April 30th, 0 0 0 MILL Fine bleaebed Muslin and fine Cambric-, worth lOe, at 60. Shaker Flannels, worth 9c, at 5e. Overall Denims, worth 14e, at 9e. 10 ounes Overall De&ims, worth 17o, at Pile. Coveat Clou, worth 15e., at 9c. Percales, worth I2io, at 80. White goods, worth lOe, at 6c. Table Linen, worth 38c at 25c. Caliooei, aot lets than 10 yards in one piece for 3le. A full bale of very nice unbleached Muslin, was delayed in the mill, is now worth 6e.t a yard, 10 yards for 45o. 10 yards of Hill fine bleached 4x4 Muslin for 60a. is new worth 8e. a yard. Lancaster and Amos Keag Gingham for 5e. a yard. -- Slightly stained Gingham, a few yards left at Sic : ' Indigo Blue, or blaek or fancy Calicoes at 5o. a yard. Ladies skirts in patterns for 25o. Boys shirt waists for 15 aad 25s. Men's and Boys fine white uulsundered shirts for 39o NEW DRESS GOODS. Cevsrts, Serres, Cheviots, W hip Cords, Broadcloth, Vicuna Cloth, Mo hairs and Brilliantine, representing maay shades to suite all tastes and ideas of good dressier and seld at smaller margins than any large store in New York or Phi.adelphia ean afford to sell. NEW DRESS SKIRTS and Coat Suits, Spring Jackets, Silk aad Cloth Capes, Silk Waists, Percale Waists, and White Pique Waists in great varieties, and our prices are the lowest. (JREAT COLORLNGH AND VARIOUS STYLES OF WALL PAPER WITH PRICES TO SUITE EVERY TASTE. GRAND CARPET EXHIBITION. Our grand Spring Exhibition of Carpets -in Axminister, Velvets, Brussels and Ingrains. Home made Carpets and Fancy Striped Carpets for 12te, 20c. and 25e. None in tbe country to beat oar prices. Mill End of Lenoieums and Oil Cloth at half prices. Window Shades and Lace Curtain?, the greatest assortment and lowest prices. SHOES by the thousands at Manufacturers prices. Schott's Stores. 103 TO 109 BRIDGE STREET. 1866. ESTABLISHED. 1899. Special Invitation To attend the Attractive Sale of from THE IMMENSE ST0GK OF D. W. HARLiEY. It will TO THE ADVANTAGE Who nave money to invest to " MEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN It is truly marvelous to See THE BEAUTIFUL STYLES of Suts and Overcoats at the His prices leave all Competitors in the rear, so don't f jil so give mm a can 11 in neea oi T). W. HA RLE? MTFFI.TN TO WTST PA.. is because h irst awta the rinse is ia yL Hsdseri, sRM I A&4sMaBMQ6 1 -t j took Or. "d iMirt P totting ft. Doa t take a regular fuU-sised bottle. Bottro Froo uhnidt (.oaroaATiON. Kondout, N. Y.. and you a free trial bottle, all charges prepaid. everybody what a wonderful msdicwe ttisv 0 END 0 To The Publu Clothing that goes on daily be OF ALL BUYERS examine the Stock of Goods for i Wonderfully Low Prices. uiouung. . - ollobaugli & Son, HAVE THEIR ENTIRE LINE OF Spring Clothing and (-) (-) Gents Furnishing Goods Now ready for Inspection. They have no Competition ia their line. Their goods are Cheaper than the Cheapest, Bet ter than the Beet and Later than the Latest KrvW irri h others. If you want the Latest Rtvle Suit. boy's or children's, they have it. Do you want the best and Most Fashionable Shoe on the market f They have a full line of the Celebrated Douglass Shoes. Will you of the very latest black, in either Stiff, Crush or Straw, here is the only place you will find it. . (:) Ask any Man (:) who wears tbe latest stvle Shirt. Collar nr T! u ..a them, he will answer at HOLLOBAITfiH SON mr- i.- - finer line of Shirts, Neckwear and Collars than we ever carried before. We have lately put in an entire new line of Collars, the best and latest the market can afford to replace the Curtia Collar which we are now selling at 10 cents. We handle a child s Collar to be used with Vestee Suits We sell the best shoe in the market, the Douglas, and have it in all the most fashionable lasts, every pair guaranteed to give satisfaction. We are agents for the Sweet Orr Overalls and'have sizes from the largest to the smallest. Fine Trunks, Valises, Hand Bags, Suit Cases etc., also Umbrellas, Combs. Cuff Buttons, Hon bupporters, Cuff Holders, and every thing that goes to make up a first class Gepts Furnishing Line. Call and see our Stuck. HOLLOBAUGH & SON, 116 Mam St., Patterson, Pa McOLINTIC'S HARDWARE and House-Furnishing STORE THIS STORE SETS THE PACE. O oOo OT THAT'S WHY Things sre sever dull here; never stupid. Tbe fall life of the i-tore sl wsjf. hss s cheerful welcome for all comers, sod shoppers are quick to decide in uvor oi tne ureit sines to ot louna Neat, Stylish, Inviting STORE K. H. M'CUNTIC, Get a food paper l-y tnbacritriiie: ior the SnrrntM. aan Karcawcan. I "SEVEKT V-KTC VFW'1 77.'" "77" is Dr. UumpLreys' fiimouej Specific for the enre of Grip and. Colds, and tbe prevention'of Pneumo nia. All druggists, 25c. j Subscribe for tbe REpimUCAH. a. Darter Skstisex, and; tbnt containri choice reading matter, full of inform ; tion that does tbe reader good, and in ad Jit ion la tbnt all local news than sre wortb publishing Cud places in! itn columns. If. HUMPHREYS' No. 1 Cures Fever. No. 2 " Worms. No. S " Infants' Diseases. No. 4 " Diarrhea. No. 7 " Cough's. No. 8 Cures Neuralgia.. No. 9 " Headache. No. lO " Dyspepsia. No. 11 " Delayed Periods. No. 12 " Leucorrhea. No. 13 Cures Croup. No. 14 " Skin Diseases. No. 18 " Rheumatism. No. 16 " Malaria. No. 19 " Catarrh. No. 20 Cures Whooping Cough No. 21 " Asthma. No. 24 " General Debility. No. 26 " Sea-Sickness. No. 27 " Kidney Diseases. No. 28 Cures Nervous Debility. No. 30 " Urinary Diseases No. 32 " Heart Disease. No. 34 " Sore Throat. No. 77 " Colds and Grin. Da. Hi'MPBttEis' Homzopathic aLurtax. or Diseasbs Mailed Fsee. Small bottles of Dleasant itellelii. fit th vest! Fwni pom oy arnsaiMs, or arat Drepaia a poo receipt of price. 25 cento, eieept Nos. S. and Si are made $100 size only. Humphrey, Medi dne Compauy. lit William St., ew York. ... . . . .. i HUMPHREYS' WITCH HAZEL OIL "THE PILE OINTMENT." fFBie-Menial or tatenia!. BUaderl riMnlala Abo: luiilmnr Blonilns of the The relief Is Imnedtetu the cure ccrtala. raioa, M ots. trial size, as cts, Sr41 jf Byimttu.or it t ,i-ri'l mlft of , i, m a iismuta at., Rweaat have a Hat YOU LIKE IT. in our new A Specially Seleoted S lock Ranges, Ccok, Parlor and Shop Stores. Horse Ulankets and Lap Robes. LAMPS, large and small. Como in and look around. We'll make jou feel at borne. We have tbo largest Stock and Store in tbe county. OUR jSMK GUARANTEES QUALITY- MIFFLINTOWN2 HAVEIOU MOK EY TO DEPOSIT ? ARE YOU A BORROWER CALL AT THC F1BST VIKFLWi'OWW, PA. THREE PER CENT INTEREST PAID ON TIME CERTIFICATE Money Loaned at Lowest Bates. arch S, 169N. THE Juniata Valley National Bank. Capital LOUIS E. T. V. . . . . ATKINSON, Preeldeutw IRWIN, Cashier. DIKECTORS. Louis E. Atkinsou. Jobu llertzlcr. H. J. SliellenhrKer. T. Van W. C. 1'omeroy. J. L. Barton. W. N. Sterrett. Imin. Interest allowpd on time dejwalU at the rate of three per cent, per auouna. January 11, 18W. Th SarM of Hood's Sirsapsrilla are the largest in tbe werld heesase he -nrs by Hood's Sarsaperill ars wonderful, perffret. perwanapt. Hood's Prtti are tbe bsst fmrfij .atharttc and Brer medicine. JAr.