Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, March 29, 1899, Image 2

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"WEDNESDAY, MAR. 29, 1890
Subscription $ 1.00 pet year if paid
1 1 advance ; $1.50 if not paid in ad
vance. Transient advertising and local
notices 8 ceuts a line.
Deductions will be made to those de
siring to advertise by the year, half or
quarter year.
Tnn republican primary election
ill Lancaster county and in Botler
county and in Montonr county,
were all won by the Quay people.
The great principle at stake in the
primary elections thia spring among
the republicans is majority rule, it
is the principle upou which all
American institutions are based,
and as Henator Quay stands as the
representative of majority rule it
is not to be wondered that lie wins
in every county. The insurgents
got down on the wrong side of the
fence to light when they took up the
the battle for minority or bolters
rule. It isn't American doctrine to
espouse minority rule. Majorities
sometimes are not right, but that
does not effect the principle. The
wrongs of majorities may be cor
rected. Senator Quay's strong
hold with the people, has ever
been that he lias never faltered in
his adherence to first primary prin
ciples of republicanism and the gen
eral principle of majority rule.
Delegates were elected to attend
the Republican State Convention,
in the following counties on Satur
day : Lancaster eight, Butler two,
and Montour one. In all eleven
delegates were chosen, and they
were elected to represent the Re
publican organization, now nick
named the Quayites. Iu Lancas
ter and ISutler counties the issue
was squarely between the Quay
and anti-Quay people and the
Quayites won out by an overwhelm
ing majority. Up to the present
time the people representing the
Republican organization have elect
ed nineteen delegates to the State
Convention and the anti-Quayites
or disorganizes have elected none.
It doesn't look as if the Republi
can party has abandoned the prin
ciple, that the majority shall rule.
Soliloquies inside of a grave yard
and outside of a grave yard have
lw" "-i'" in.
Tlmir 1iqia tuion
1Ui . I'lu'On
iiie m rect , is u
proven by a smart Aleck of one of
our town Journals. lie was solilo
quising on Bridge street. He had
struck a semi theatrical attitude,
staring ever and anon at the' Odd
Fellows' Hall, then down at the
river bridge, and then up t J the
Lutheran parsonage, shifting from
leg to leg at every turn of his body,
and stare of his eyes. He had a
1mx of pills, and a paper of Dovers
powders, sedative, surdorific, being
made of ipecacuanha, opium, and
sulphate of potash, and a paper of
-quinine in each hand. The one
was from the big medicine man on
Bridge street and the other was
from t lie big medicine man on Main
street. He soliloquized, "There is
that long winded smart Aleck of
the Quay machine." "He thinks
he's smart." "Jeuhallikens v.iiat
a tail our cat's got." "If he'll
Jiave trouble to show how us apples
swim.'' "I'll have no trouble to
show 1hc pill lx.xes how ns apples
swim."' There is no coarse grain
5n if ud nib. when von rub this
wav on I '.ridge street, it is high
4-ocknlorum, and when you rub it
this way. on Main street, it is
cockalorum high, even the green
marines understand that," that
smart Aleck can't hold a tandlc to
inc. I understand he means that
one of the pill Imixcs wants to set
up a sort of a pill imx republican
candidate for the I'rothouotaryship
.so as to give me the high jinks
fifth rib punch, if 1 get the nomin
at ion for I'rot honotarv. Rut
what will the other pill lox do!
Oli lxrd, that puts me between
jite or ii ami iu: h-t-i mv: i....
-There they are with their medi
i t . - 1 1 1. . I .... t.lnn im
ciuc bags, but neither one for me,
smd neither one for the other
That smart Aleck knows the game
I played them and by it got a nice
twclvchiindri-ddollaroflice "1 m
Kiiisirt Aleck von bet." "I out
Xorth and Heck." "I out
legged lKth of the pill boxes
"While one pill box had I. D
ISJaisser in tow making pilgrimage
aftervpilgriruage to Washington
and having him foot the bills for
lioard and influence, and while the
oilier nill 1kx had W"m. Hanks in
.tow making pilgrimages to Wash
iugton, and throughout the county
for influence, I quietly folded my
tent went to Washington, pitched
mv tent there and scooped in the
post office." "Ha! ha!" "Xow
T want to scoon in the office of
Protbonotarv." "That's what I'm
after and now that smart Aleck I
ssivh one of the pill boxes is going
to try and sneak a pill box repub
lican for nomination among the re
publicans and if I get the nomina
tion for Prothonotary, all of the
partakers of pills of that box will
vote for the pill box republican."
"Qnoth the Raven, never more."
"Xever more, comes up the echo
from the republican party."
"They don't want to take pills at
the primary." "Oh Lord, this
thing makes me sick, but I'm glad
that other smart Aleck let the cat
out of the bag." "I see; I see if
this hasn't scared the pill boxes
I'm not slated for the ticket." ,"If
I wasn't such a chump I'd thank
that smart Aleck for cutting the
string and letting the cat out .of
the bag." Exit smart Aleck with
his Bridge street soliloquy, pill
boxes, quinine, sedatives, sudori
fies, opium, potash and ipecac.
There is woe among the demo
crats from county politics to nation
al politics. Without stopping to
look at county matters among the
nnterrified, one glance at the situ
ation in democratic politics pre
sents a scene that is laughable.
The fight among them in national
politics is over a dinner that they
want to give. They expect to send
out three thousand invitations.
The dinner is called a Jeflersonian
dinner and is to be partaken of on
the 19th of April. The tronble is
who shall run the dinner, and the
price of the plate or ticket. The
gold bugs wanted to run the dinner
with Mr. Croker, of Xew York, as
master of ceremonies. Croker want
ed to make it a ten dollar a plate
dinner. The silver bugs said no,
and Mr. Bryan their chief apostle
said no gold bug affair in mine and
one dollar a plate dinner is good
enough and rich enough for the
silver wing of the democracy, and
there it is all in a nut shell. The
old trouble among the erring breth
ren to be fought over, gold bug
against silver bug, and a lot of
shining democratic pillars not in
vited. In the first preparatory round
for the dinner the silver bugs won,
just as they won in the last nation
al campaign in the Chicago conven
tion, when Bryan brushed the gold
bugs aside and carried off the nom-!
ination for the presidency. In '
this case of the dinner Bryan has!sPaniard- from here he finally:
again won. lie shelved Croker
trWi i,;. i ,in i i. , '
with his ten dollar plate, and the .
dinner is to be a one dollar plate
It will take a great deal !
blip Tt.cs ot
iontc-rtir,r or iooks now" as it the
Bryarr-rnre-tiotianrpTate Jeflerson
ian dinner is the herald of the com-1
ingoI lueoiusmeranu gold Diig;
issue that disrupted the democratic
party in the late national campaign,
Part of the political programme of
ti.A .n r i i
the dollar men is to force a dccla-'
. 1V , , .
ration of the old Chicago Bryan
platform upou the ten dollar din-
ner men. , .
: ' !
A wkitkk on the Filipino, says, j
He never bewails a misfortune 1
and has no fear of death. When
anything happens he merely says
it is tate, and calmly goes abont
his business as if nothing had hap- i
pencd." Can he be Americanized,
seasoning to make he JciTferjM'JJie&u tuhters and cannibals. They
"n ." -Vpalatable affair, for j an . . ho anv mercy , -'
The Americans are as new to him.from tWs js not a m
as he is new to the Americans. mfint'a cessation in th. mnmntiV.
By far tho largest batt e yet fought
on losa in tn rerir vi Man i 1m whs
foughtJtiKt Saturday, March 25th.
Tte insnrgent srmy numbered 12,-
00C men The American army nam.
be red 10,000 men. The Americans
-per.ed the hght by an advance upon
the insurgents at six o'clock in tbe
morning. The enemy could not
withstand tbe ooblaugbt of the
Americans. Tbe line of battle was
two miles long. Tte Tenth Peon
sylvncia Regiment volunteers was in
tiio fight, on tbe left of the Hue. Tbe
Oregon rt-giinent sustained the
heaviest loes, losing 40 men. Some
of tbe trench b of thn tnfiuT were
four feet deep. Tbe Americana
stormed over thfin with a yr II, drop
ping ia the grafrs occasionally aad
from tLtro firsts by volleys, that tbe
t'hilipicoa could not. stand Tbe
PccDBylvaniacs raptured a number
of prisoncri?, one bier naked chrcf.
They were greatly surprised that
tbey were not killed ns tbey had
been informed tbey would be if cap
tured. Ihe ipsnrcrent army was
driven close to Nalabon. The Amer
icau loss on Saturday was despatch
td as numbering killed and wounded
lb'J- Forty five were killed. The
loss of the enemy is over three hun
drid. Amot:g the Americans killed
is Colonel Egbeit, of tbe regulars, ha
was 6hot in tbe abdomen and died
almost iostantlv. Four privates in
tho Teuth Pennsylvania were wound
ed Colonel Egbert was a Pencsyl
vanian by birth, and paosed through
tbe war against rebellion and served
in Cuba at Santiago. Tbe enemv
retrea'ed. but on Motday made an
o her B;srt and in the battle that
followed six Ameiicans wtre killed
and forty wounded The Pennsyl
vania regiraect captured forty prison
ere. Five Pennsv Ivanians were wound'
cd, among tbem a William H. Stouffer,
but it is not known that be belongs
to the Juniata Stonffrr family.
By Its Record of remarkable cure
Hood's Sarsaparilla has become the
one true blood purifier prominently in
th public eye. uet only Hood j.
HOOd'S Pills are the best fsnuTr
-athartic and liver medicine. 55c.
Talking about possible damage tn
the fruit crop tee ;lis a little story.
' A few years aeo, daring a severe
"spell' in April, a peaih growt-r
came to tows and said : :
"I saw iciclea on my peach trees
ibis morning. Ill cell oat the
chances of the wbo'e business fur
A citizen took him np cn hat pro
position, planked down the mosey
nd received a deei to that rear's
It waa certainly bad business on
the peach grower's part, but be was
"gsme" and wouldn't back ou.
That yar the nan to whom l e
sold out realized (700 on his $25 in.
vestment. But he and the. peach
grower were never Keen to shake
bands afterwards The? didn't gtt
alcDg well together. Atlanta Constitution.
A flick of swans and wild geese
on their way north, stopped a day
in the rivrr ot MifHiotowo, on the
23rd irtt. Pbi! Paonebiker and
David Hafil-r, toch succeeded iu
shooting a swan. The fowls were
greatly admirf-d bv all who saw them,
they weighed 16 pounds each, were
cream white in color, black bill and
black feet, and had a stretch of seven !
feet of wing, and wht-n erect stood 6
feet higb. Ornithologist B. II. War
rec, iu his boot, on birds of Penn
sjlvania, describes the Whistling
Swan. '"Neck longer than body.
Length about 4$ feet; bill has yel
lowish spots in front of eyes, rest of
bill, a!so legs and he black; eyes
brown. Pl:iuisgof adult pnra white,
with the head, neck and belly in
some individuals tinged with rusty.
The young are said to be alight lead
color, with head and neck tinged
wish yel'owi6b brown, snd tbe color
of legs, bill and and feet is drsribed
as beirg much palt-r." "Hjbitate;
whole of North America, breeding
far north."
Sax Fbancisco, March 2.". A
letter from Captain McQuesten.
surgeon of the Twenty-eighth reg-1
ulars, now at Manila, tells of the
release of A. IV Peters, a photo- ;
grapher, who was captured audi
tortured by the Filipinos. J
Peters was made prisoner while
taking pictures outside the lines. ;
He was thrust into a filthy jail,
where he was visited by a native:
captain, who tested his sword on '
his body and threatened to kill;
him. The rebel chief then called !
in a number of naked savages, all
armed, who executed a war dance ;
and made psus. es at Peters, one of j
whom wounded him in the arm.!
1 TtiA lifkvt morninnr tiA waa iaX-Ati li I
Malolos, where "he found eight!
Americans, two Englishmen and a ;
J1 iiinsigu iue
luiervruuuu ui Aiueniau ouiciais.
The mxBgcs who attacketl Pet.
era," continues Capt??n McQues-
ten, "were o-tii'e tribe known
- v;a to Anv iir.f-io white
Vho mav fall into their hands."
Anthony Hope's new romance.
which he has just finished, is call-
ed "The Countess Emilia," and;
uas oeeu purenasea ov ihe Ladies'
I Home Journal, in which periodical i
-,, . , , . m
ilt: Wl11 immediately begin. The
!story is about beautiful Countess.:
She has ciuarreled with her bus-
Iband, and they have decided to
live in seclusion in sepanite wings!
of the castle. This they do until ;
Captain Dieppe, who becomes a
tently open a door thrRh whk.h 1
are revealed to him the apartments
of the exiled Countess, with the
beautiful occupant standing in a
iooorway. ine captain tans m
: I.a- -n-al Mt imi n v a a v n h -v. I
adventures which ensue in the.
castle, its gardens and neighboring
places of rendezvous.
'There exists in JapaD, among
soino of tbe classes, a certain custom
of hiring a mid-woman, nakorfa, or
professional matchmaker, in order to
make an engagement between a
couple," writes Onoto Watauna in
tbe April Lad i r a' Homi Journal.
It often bapper.s that family wj,l
desire an alliance wi-h ain.tlur
family with wbom ihty rre not iuti-
ma'.fly (.cqnaintf'. Thin are the
services of th profeesionsL maich
maker invalualle. To be successful
in such a profession one mutt uev-r
ae known ss such to the family slie
desires to court. Very often nakodas
and midwomen follow tbia profession
for years ard ret are not known as
such sa e to those who bava employ.
ed them. Most of the matchmakers
are very honest, and it is their duty
to discover all the good and bad
points of the couple and point them
out to the parents; tbey give good
advice and do everything possible to
promote the happiness of the pair.
They travel back and forth to tbe
homes of the young people, who are
entirely ignorant, of their aaot.ve.
carrying compliments and seats
and tryinff in a delicate manner to
work on their sentiment.
Leitkk Reynold. On the 23rd
inst.. at Mifflintown, by Rev. W. H
Fans, Oliver O. Ieiter, of Fermanagh
township, ana Anna a. lteynolas.
Foole Zrlleks. On tbe 23rd inst
at Mahantongo, by F J. Nichols, J. P.,
Edward Fogle and Lizzie Zellers, both
ot unentai.
Kirk Stitt. On the 22nd inst., at
East Waterford, by H. F. Smith, J. P.
Albert Kirk, of East Waterford, an
Emmarine Stitt, of Lack township.
Dr. King's New Life Pills.
Sf?jAviD favorite
The one $v:rc aire for
Tbe tjJn?vt?,lir and Blood
Tbe following scale of slices for aaaomie
u-ata r.aa bea aataulr agreed apon oy
iba under igred, sad au deviation ftoa
ids samo wiu do mane.
Coigress. S20, Senator, $10: ' lgiaf
,7' "'i Associate Judas pr ttxaotary
and Trea-orer. each, 86; Diatr.ct Attorner,
rgateand Chairman ot Coaity Commute,
' ,
eacD.an; Aoaiior, I. -
Editor Junuda Htruld. ..
Editor Sentinel, and Republican.
Mr. Editor: Pleaae announce that I
ant a candidate for nomination . for
Treasurer of Juniata county, subject to
Republican rules and usages.
John F. Ehrexzem.kr.
. Cocolamus, Pa., Jan. 81, 1193.
I respectfully announce myself as a
office of County Treasurer, subject to :
the rules and usages of the Republican
irty of Juniata. A. H. Kurtz,
Kurtz' Valley, Delaware twp Mar. 9, tW.
T refliieotfullv unnnunra mirwlf nn
candidate for the office of County Tress-
urer, subject to the rules and usages of
William B. McCaiian.
h Milford township, March 13, 1899:
For commissioner
' I hereby announce myself as a can
didate for the office of County Commi
the UepubhcaVp rVyi fi
inated and elected pledge myself to nut
forth every lawful or reasonable eifort
iormeverj- lawiui or reasouanie eilort
, M K oeabjiokk.
resieciiuii.v announce mar i am a
candidate for the nomination for the
office of County Commissioner of Juui -
ata county, subject to Republican rules
and usages. Wilson Gross,
Tbompsontown, Pa., March 11th, 1899. i Coroner, Justices of the Peaee and Cou
for prothonotary. stables of the County of Juniata, that
Jfit. Editor: Please annouuee that ' the.v then nd there in their proper
I am a candidate for the office of Pro- I peros. t 10 o'clock in the forenoon of
. . . ...... . . 1 . . n l . .1 ...1,1. (Ii.lr Mnnnlu inramci
inouoiary or Juuiata Lunry, subject to
the rules and regulations of the Rcpub -
. ... . .
lican party of Juniata.
Academia, Pa. March IU lt9.
Buckleu's Arnica Salve.
To keep well pofile.l with regnrd
to Public Sales lo lie he'd by your
mary friends, and fill ., to where you
may s ecure jubf. what you may be in
una oi, cut onr. tee rollowmg and
d of, cut ont. tte
psste it in your hat fcr reference.
tsale by
W 'P Siirl Pnirsr.ii Ufa, Mi sii
H. H. KI.'bs, Exr., Whlker town -
mill.', illlUlU uon
J. H. Moy-r, Fcrm8na;h township,
Apiil 1st..
John I. Porter, Mil ford township,
April 4th.
Not cne of the nbovo trcnlioned
snk-s is an appraisement but a bona
fide absolute Bale not one article on
wbich there is a reserve, much of the
live stock, whether i.f horses, cattle,
tliecn or liegs, ia of the vfiy best,
while of the other property anything
that aDy one msy b in nt-ed of can
be found, and of the liest. Sales
rsin or shine.' and a "free pitch in"
for verjbody. Come and see ub
friends and neighbors. Sie sa-
hills- f r full particulars. Bespect
fullr, in behalf of my patrons.
"The Du'ch Auctioneer."
illFFLlNTOWN. MAR 29. 1899. .
n di-Mt. ...
"ra m ear .
I.r., .... ..
R e
Jlo-'-r-iS-d ,
. a Wi
.. 80
2 to $2 50
Lard .
Sulea. .... ...... .
Timutby nerd.....
F a ared
" Brai
Middling..... ...
Ground u - Salt
.... !4
85c lo 90o
Philadelphia Markets,
March 28, 1889.
Penn. eloversted 93.52, western
seed 4.16;wheat 77c; oats 35c; corn
40c; butter 21 to 27c; eggs 13c; su
gars 4 to 51 cts; cheese 11 to 12c;
live chickens, roosters 9c; hens 10c;
turkeys 9c. to 13c.; geese tte;
ducks 11 to 12c; smoked beef 11
to 10c; pork tarns 12 to 12c;
shoulders 5 to (c; breakfast bacon
or Hitch Gc; Lard t!c.; apples $2.75
to 5.00 a barrel; potatoes 55 to
90c. a bnshel; onions SOc. a bushel;
hay 98.50 to $11.50; beef cattle
31to5c; hogs 3c to 4c; sheep
$2.75 to $5.00; veal calves 96 to 7.
PERFE CT end permanent are the
cures by Hood's Sursaparilia, be
cause it makes pure, rich, lic-nlthy,
ajeand health-giving BLOOD.
Saa Fraaclsco aad Retura.
One fare foi the round trip,
National Baptists' Anniversaries,
May 26-30; 1899, tickets on sale
May 14, 15, 16 and 17, good to re
turn until July 15th. For full
particulars call ou or address John
R. Pott, District Passenger Agent,
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
R'y, 486 William St., Williams-
port, Pa., or 300 Chestnut St.,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Blood and !crves arc very close
ly related. Keep the blood rich, pure
and healthy, with Hood SarapariJH
and yon will have no nervousness.
H cod's Pills are best after-dinner
pills,aid digestion, preventconstlpatiop
Another great difeorerj- has been made,
and id toe, by s lady la tbu coaatrv.
Diaaaa fastraed its clatchaa spun her and
tar aevea yaara aba withatood its severest
teats, but her vital orfana were aodar
mined and daatb aea toad immioent. For
(hiee moDlha aha congbad inceasaotly, aod
eonia noi sieep. ods onauy discoTarrd a
way io racovarT, oy parcsaaiDg or ua a
ttotlle of Or. King's New Discovery lor
Consusjptioa, ana waa ao mach relieved no
t akin I Drat iot, that abe slept all Bight;
aod with two bottle?, baa been absolutely
urea, ner name ta Mr. Lather Lata.
Tana writes W. C. Bamniek A Co, ef
Shelby, N. C. Trial bottles free at U F
Crawtord'a D ag Stare. Hegalar aiae 60a
ana si. Erero bottle cnaranioed.
Great Cures proved by thousands
ot testimonials snow that Hood s Sar
saparilla possesses power to parity,
-1 r f t . i . .
Ticaiiza iaa cuncu we oiooa.
Hood's Pills are the only pOto ic
oe tanen witn rtoaq' s,raprtua.
' -
MakcK Thursday 30tb, at 9 o'clock .
a. m., W. F. Slagle will seU at public
notion at hix nlace of bunilie in tbe
borough of Patterson, new light road;
; rajroiiB, one-borne wagon, spring ;
waeons. butreieH, new and second nana,
.nrTna-tonthliariows. plows, two and
! one-horse cultivators, planters, grain!
. dris get, of uew baniess, light and
. vmi.-v foliar MUKie BI1U COCCK Hlla,
bridles, halters, whir, robes, etc.
all kinds of household goods, wnicn
will be sold first, new sewing machine.
Bale positive Come early. See large
haud bills. We are moving out of the
county. Our house and business stand
adjoining, at private sale.
i BGJ L.
XJa. .- .
Notice is hereby friven that letters of
administration in the estate of William
H. Deppen, late of Walker township.
Vu":' a.-TZZ? JaL
j SSTorTiri.
I P196" the M n 'Et5j
UAy 1
log claims aainBt cne kaiu estate n m
raeiu io
1 Dvpiipv
I Administrator.
' -v. tut., ....i A vL-in a, 1naioII at
Mifllintown, Pa. Jan. 25, 99-t.
nm ,-,-,,
; -Whereas, the Hon. JEREIAH
' LYONS, President Judge of the Court
i of Common Pleas, for the Forty-First
: Judicial District, composed of thecoun
r a - a a L T I
S?feS; .KSVof &
said court of Common Pleas of Juniata
,.. hv nmvn. anlv isaued and to
! - dVradffa Sodylr
i and Terminer and Ueneral Jail inv-
, and Ceneral Quarter Sessions of
the Peace at antnintown, on the
Notice is hereby oivex. to the
i "
; tiou- examinations and Oyer reniem
. V n .u. ,a W.. , K.x-a fhinM thai f i
Iterances, to do those things thai to
do those things that to their offices re
spectfully appertain, and those that are
bound by recognizance to prosecute
against the prisoners that are or may
be in the Jail of said county, be then
and there to prosecute against them as
shall be just.
Bv an Act of Assembly passed the
6th day of Slav, 1854, it made duty of
Justices or tbe reacts or the several
counties cf this Commonwealth, to re
turn to tbe Clerk of the Court of Quar
ter Sessions of the respective counties,
! aii the recognizances entered into be-
fore them by any person or persons
' charced with the Commissiou of any
trim"'1l,t 1MC'f
i ended liefore a Justice of the Peace, un-
tier existing laws, at least ten days be
fore the commencement of the session
of the Court to wbich they are made
returnable respectively, and in all cases
where recognizances are entered into
less than ten davs before the com
mencement of the session to which they
are made returnable, the said Justices
are to return the same in the same
manner as if said Act had not lieen
Dated at Mifflintown, thl!9th day of
March in the year or our Lord one
thousand eight hundred and ninety
S. Clavtox Stoxer, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office.
Mifflintown Pa. March 10 1899.
Special Tea-day Excaralea via
Pcaasylvanla Railroad.
- Tie Pennsylvania Railroad Com
rr- aaa 1 1 pn tjyaaaaaow-
tiir3PPH3orsioris from Pitts
burg and. points iu Western Penn
sylvenia to Washington March 30,
April 27, and My 11 Round trip
tickets will be sold at rates quoted
below, good goir-g ou special train
indicated, or on train No. 4, leaving
Pittsbnrg at 8.30 p. m , and carrying
through sleeping cars to Washing
ton. Special train of through par
lor cais an -I coaches will be run on
tbe following schedule :
Train leaves. Rate.
Alie ns 1140a m. $7 35
Beiiwood f 11.52 " 7 35
Relief onte 9 53 " 7-25
Curec6vi'l -. . . ... 915
Clei field 9 31
Pbilipsburg 10.12
10 23 "
.12 03 p.m.
. 8 15 a,ni.
. 9 25 "
112 54 p.m.
. 1.33"
Uuntinudoti ...
Cumberland. . . .
Bee ford
Mount Union. . .
Lvwistown Julc
Mifliin ....
Ntwport. . .
. ..f 150"
....f 2 24 -....f
WhSbington . Arrive 7.15 " ....
Passer gers will use regular train
through to Wellington
I stops only ou notice to egent.
Tickets will be good returning on
any ri-gjlar train, except the Penn-
ylvHnia Liuiittd, until April o, Jlay
6, and May 20, respectively, and to
stop off at Baltimore within limit.
Holders of special excursion tick-'
els to Washington can purchase, at
tie P nnsyl.'ania Railroad Ticket
Offices in Washington, excursion
lick)i a to Richmond at rate of $4 00
and to Old Point Comfort (all rail)
at $6.00; at the offices of tbe Nor
folk and Waehiiigion Steambuat
Cumpai.y, excursion tickets (uot in
cludu g mttils and btatcronms . ou
hteamers) to Old Point Comfort or
Norfolk, Va., at $3 50, uud to Vir
ginia Beach at $4.50; Wasbingtoit to
Mt Vernon ard return, via electric
railway, 50 cents.
Should tbe Lumber oi passeugeia
not be sufficient to warrant the ruu-
ting of a special train, the company
resetves the right to carry partici
pants in this excursion on regular
Tickets on sale in Pittebnrcr. tt
Uuiou Ticket Office,360 Fifth Avt-nue,
aad Uukn Station, and at all stations
mentioned above For full informa
tion apply to agents or Toomas E.
Watt, Pa senger Agent Western Dis
trict. Fifth At. dud and Smitlfield
Street, Pittsburg.
All doctra told Kenick Haaiiltan, of
wast jeBerson, ()., attar snoarlna 18
mot tba Irom Racial Fistula, be oa!d dia
aolaia a costly operation waa perloraaed;
bat ke oared himself with 8t boxn f
Bncklen's Arnica Salve, tbe aureal rila
euae on Earth, and the beat Salve- in the
World. (25c. a box. Sold by U. P.
Crawlord, Uraf fiat.
'tT" Fr Crip aind CelSa-
"77" wUl "break up" a cold
that "hangs on." Will "knock
ont" the Grip and check a linger
ing cough all druggisto, 25 cts.
People Believe what they read
about Hood's Sarsaparilla. They know
it id an honest medicine, and that it
cures. Get Hood's and only Hood's.
Hood's Pills care all Over ID, re
lieve constipation assist digestion. J5
dsoeeoTLoaKB. AtWmsiwJ, "l89,
Bridfe snreec
ly attended to.
Effl-Collectionsandall leg-1 bo-
neta promptly attenped to.
... nntrnH nnTTSK.
OFF1C1S let wu
s.xaAwra., aa. aaa-iiSIwJSS
.w. Mctice
have formed a martneraoip 'm,hi
of Medicine and thair eoll.tre Jrc:
ot wain win oo .. Mm
times, unless otherwise ptofeaalon.lly aa-
April 1st, 1895.
DBirrwil. saEMTIST.
- -adnata of the Philadelphia Dental
-!aT, . Otiee at old established lo-
eation, Bridge Street, opposite Coort
House, JVfiffliDtowD, Fa.
Crown and Bridge work;
Painless Extraction.
All work guaranteed.
Schedule in ElTect November 20,
Wav Passenger, leaves Philadelphia
at 4 SO a. m; Harrtaburg 8 00 a. m;
Duucannou 8 35 a. m; New Port 9 05
a. m; Milleretowu 9 15 a. m; Durword
9 21 a. m; Tbompsontown 9 26 a. m;
Van Dyke 9 33 a. m; Tuscarora 9S8.
m; Mexico 9 40 a. m; Port Royal 9 44 a.
m; Mitllin 9 50 a. m; Denholm 9 o5 a.
m; Lewistowu 10 13 a. m; McVeytown
10 38 a. m; Newton Hamilton 11 00 a.
m; Mount Union 11 06 a. m; Hunting
don 11 32 p. m; Tyrone 12 20 p. m; Al
toona 1 00 p. m: Pittsburg 5 50 p. m.
Mail leaves Philadelphia at 7 00 a. m;
Harrisburg at 11 4S a. m; Mifflin 1 11
S. m; LwiKtown 1 80 p. m; Huutiug
on 2 2 p. m; Tyrone 3. 12 p. nx; Al
toona 8 45 p. m; Pittaburg 8 40 p. m.
Altoona Accommodation leaves Har
risburg at 5 00 p. m; Duncannon 5 34
p. m; Newport 6 02 p. m; Millerstown
tt 11 p. m; Thomptiontown 6 21 p. m;
Tuwaiora 6 30 p. m: Mexico 6 S3 p. m;
Port ltoval 6 38 p. m; Mifflin 6 43 p: m;
Denholm 6 49 p. m; Lewistown 7 07 p.
m; McVeytown 7 30 p. m; Newton
Hamilton 7 50 p. m; Huntingdon 8 20
p. m; Tyrone 9 02 p. m; Altoona 9 So
p. m.
Pacific Express leaves Philadelphia
at 11 20 p. m; Harrisburg at S 00 a. m.
Marysville 3 14 a. in. Duncannon 3 29
a m. Newport 3 52 a in. Port Royal
4 25 a. m. Miniin 4.30 a. m. Lewistown
4 52 a m. Newton Hamilton 5 35 a. ni.
Huntingdon C 03 a. m. Petersburg 6 19
a. m. Tvrone 6 52 a. m. Altoona 7 40 a.
m. Pittsburg 12 10 a. m.
Oyster Express leaves Philadelphia
at 4 35 p, iu. Harrisburg at 10 20 p. m.
Newport 11 06 p. m. Milfliu 11 40 p. m.
Lewistown 11 58 p. m.; Huntiugdou 12
55 a. ni. Tyrone 1 32 a. in. Altoona 2 00
a. m. Pittsburg 5 30 a. ni.
Fast Line leaves Philadelphia at 12
25 p. m. Harrisburg 3 50 p. m. Duncan
non 4 15 p. m. Newport 4 35 p. m. Mif
flin 5 07 p. m. lewistown 5 27 p. m.
Mount Union 6 08 p. m. Huntingdon
6. 27 p. m. Tyroue 7 04 p. ni. Altoona
7 40 p. m. Pittsburg 11 80 p. m.
A.ltiMin.1 tnraninuMfatimi leaves Al
toona atoOO a. m. Tyrone 5 24 a. m.
Petersburg 5 45 a. nil HUlllinguou o i
a. in. Js'ewton Hamilton 6 21 a. ni. Mc
Veytown 6 S7 a. in. Lewistown 6 58 a.
m. 'Mifflin 7 18 a. m. Port Royal 7 22 a.
ni. Thoiunaontown 7 37 a. m. Millers
town 7 46 a. ni. Newport 7 55 a. m.
Duiicaniion 8 20 a. in. Harrisburg 8 50
a. in.
Sea Shore leaves Pittsburg at 2 50 a.
m. Altoona 7 15 a. m. Tyrone 7 48 a. m.
Huntingdon 8 30 a. m. McVeytown 9 15
a. m. licwistown 9 35 a. m. Mifflin 9 55
a. m. Port Royal "V 59 a. m. Thompsou
town 10 14 a. "m. Millerstown 10 22 a.
m. Newport 11 32 a. m. Duncannon 10
54 a. in. Marysville 11 07 a. m. Harris
burg 11 2o a.m. Philadelphia 3 00 p. m.
Main Line Express leaves Pittsburg
at 8 CO a. ni. Altoona 11 40 a. m. Tyrone
12 03 p. m. Huntingdon 12 35 p. ni.
Lewistown 1 33 p. in. Mitfliu 1 50 p. ni.
Harrisburg 3 10 . in. Baltimore 6 00 p.
ni. Washington 715 p. in. Philadelphia
6 23 p. m.
Mail leaves Altoona at 2 05 p. ni. Ty
rone 235 p. m. Huntingdon 3 17 p. m.
Newton Hamilton S 47 p. m. McVey
town 4 20 p. m. lewistown 4 33 p. m.
Mifli in 4 55 p. in. Port Royal 5 00 p. m.
Mexico 5 20 p. in. Thonipsontown 5 18
p m. .UillerMowu 5 28 p. ni. Newport
5 39 p. ni. DuiK-annoii 6 08 p. m. Har
risburg 6 45 p. ni.
Mail Express leaves Pittsburg at 12 45
p. ni. Altoona 5 50 p. in. Tyrone 6 20
p.m. Huntingdon 7 00 p. ni. c'ey
town 7 44 p. in. Iewistown 8 00 p. in.
Mifflin 8 20 p. m. Poll Royal 8 31 p. m,
Millerstown 8 57 p. m. Newport 9 05 p.
m. Duiicauuon 9 20 p. ni. Harrisburg
10 00 p m.
Philadelphia Express leaves Pitts
burr at 4 30 p. m. Altoona 9 05 n. m.
Tyrone 9 83 p. m. Huntingdon 10 12 p.
ni- Mount Union 10 32 p. m. Lewis-
town 11 16 p. ru. Afiftlin 11 37 n. m Har
risburg 1 00 a. m Philadelphia 4 30. -
ai jjcwistown junction. f or Sun
bury 7 30 a. m and 305 p. ni. week
days. For Jfilroy G40, 10 20 a. ni. and 3 0
p. ni week-days.
At Tyrone. For Clearfield and Cur
wensville 8 20 a. m. 3 20 and 7 20 p. m.
For Bellefonte and Lock Haven 8 10
a. m. 12 30 aud 7 15 p. m. week-days.
For further information apply to
Ticket Agents, or Thomas E. Watt.
Corner Fifth Avenue and Smith tield
Bireei, i-msourg. ,
ueneral Man'g'r. ueneral Pass'r. Agfc
j Tradc Msna
Aaiawa sanding- a akatak ana oaaarlatvm aw
nlaklr asccrtala oar oplnMrn Trwm vaatlwr aa
taTaatioa. ta probably patawtaMa. Coaiwaalaa.
Uoaa Ortctlr eeoSdaatial. HaMkook ob raMUa
aant tnaw Oiaaat aim; for aaaartna pataata.
Patanta takaa throark liana tiTtaaataa)
aata( aNa. wtthoat afearta. ta Ua
Scientific Hntiicax
A handaoaialT fllaatrataa anSli -
rmt: : fnr atoataa. SL Sotakrall
V-M-T-I W ia aa.
r m, wsaalaatsaj.
Coaiea from Dr. D. B. Caraila. f w..
1 T- . t-riteaj Foar Bottles r
Blectnc Bitters has cotca Mrs. Brewer of
anrn . il.l,k r l
1 , ueo aar great snffr.
iKfor jerr. Terrible aorea would breVk
Z . nn race, and tho b-at
. . "Jip; Dill Ber CQru f.
Tbia sh-.ws what Iboassnd. have rr,5i
inai Aicr.rrte Vsttera ia th. k ., I
pwiflerknawn. Jt. a. tnpnm9 n
aurrs. it atint latea lirar
kktaeTa and Imaoi. . i : "
BM K w n A r ' -""Rio. tmi. goc
eMby . P. Crawfrd. Pre Qui
4 .
New Stock of
Meyers' Big Stores,
Men's and Boy's
. .s . .
These Men. its Zd - L Kow Z'a
and we have tbem in single ana aouu 1m,r,, n,.., :"
Fall into line and ure one
.hades and oolor-,
prices. ios --y , Kaarantee to give you a Pbr-
r.Wi? "un fit frome372yfi.e dKi
iectfitat 6 u. a (" TT T d Cutaways, we have them in all
suits, which are made S",0 $1.75. We start the Boy".
Bhades. ili5M St includes hundred
department from $1 81 U JJ n of theBe iiail8 being all
fdrbd?evg all Tn h. j2tE3T 8PBINQ PATTERNS in
wool and they are aU n tne m M w-u
gSgSSEZtSZn to 19. I-ense .ssortmont to
select from.
Our Children's Department.
tk lariat disolaT of B)vs' paats in Juniata C junty, and tliey are
iilflaXtiSS"riaJ.- The h. run from 3 to 1C, and sell
2G5 snlTnded Vested Suite, at $1.25, would be cheap at the regniar
nriceof $2 567 Children'. SniU, in Double Breasted and other
tX Tour choice at $2 38. 375 Children's Suits, this ia a gm.d
A erand new line of Spring Hats and Caps and Gents Fur
niflhing Goods, of tbe greatest values ever offered, A car lod
of Trunks and Satchels at low prices.
m . l 1o -la- SIX
The most maivelous showing of up to ilate Furniture ever attempt
ed. Everything new in design, no old stock. Nothing link tne very
best makes by the best manufacturer with such for8ighteln?88 that
we offer "Beautiful Furniture" at just one half tbe regular value.
We juatr received and unpacked the grandest design of new and
up to date Furniture. Our tbree floors are packed to the utmost ex
tent for your inspection. A grand snkc'ion of Parlor Suits, Uphols
tered Rockeis, Conches, Lounges, S fat, Extsns;on Tables. UH Ricks,
Side Boards, Bed Boom Suits in numoroos style, Office, Dinicg K joa
and Kitchen Chairs, Spring Mattresses, Cots, Cribs and Cradles. Ia
fact everything kept in a first class Furniture store.
Ferd Meyers,
Tuscarora Valley Railroad.
No.l No.8
A. If. P. If.
Blair's Mills Lt. 7 25 1 45
Waterloo. 7 31 1 51
Leonard's Grove 7 37 1 57
Ross Farm ......7 45 2 05
Perulack 7 62 2 12
East Waterford 8 05 2 25
Heck man. ..........8 172 87
Honey Grove 8 22 2 42
FortBigham 8 30 2 50
Wsrble 8 39 3 50
Pleasant View 8 44 3 04
Seven Pines 8 52 3 12
Spruce Hill 8 55 3 15
Grahams 9 03 3 23
Stewart 9 06 3 26
Freedom 9 09 3 29
Turbett 9 123 32
Old Pert ..9 18 3 38
Port Royal Ar. 9 25 3 45
Tralna Naa. 1 and
with Way Fasaeafter aad Saaahora Exp rasa
a d d . . . . ..... .r
r. a. u., iaanai.,o ana witB Hsu east
Port Koyal
Old Port
36;5 21
39 5 24
42J5 27
5015 35
53 5 38
01 5 46
0615. 51
15 6 00
23,6 08
28 6 13
40 6 25
536 38
0016 45
08 6 53
1416 59
20 7 05
Spruce Hill.....
Seven Pines
Pleasant View
uoney Urove
East Waterford...!
Ross Farm.
Ijeonard's Grove.. .
BUir'. Ma.::.AY
Tfrmimal Ma. aa
Mill. -o TSIZT. eo"n Blair's
m, xr-"" awyieaoerg Drj Bon.
a- otauoa Stato Linaa.
aaia can s' M
fSla zassaay aaa ban i
fOaTHirt aaa
ww.. vniomgo, t.
TW ari prored kr Ha
Spring Clothing,
0 0 0 0 0
New Spring Suits.
1 ii ii -
II v..l wA Wa llSlVA llaAm in nil ci-w,
t- am vrucs- .nd Sack Sui.a v-
llln a.wm rvo. uuiia y.e
115 and 117,
Bridge Street.
The followintr aefaednle went Into effaet
Nov. 10, 1898, ai4 the trains will be rar aa
lorrowa.- .
p. m a. m Leava Arnva a. ta
4 SO 9 00 Pnncsonoa 7 64
4 86 9 C6 'Knss-'a Mill 7 4l
4 29 9(9 'Sulphur SpriBf 7 41
3 41 911 CoranSidiiiff 74:
4 45 9 14 Hootrlwllo Park 7 41
4 4S 9 15 'Weaver 7 40
4 61 9 19 "Roddy 7 fee
4 64 9 22 Hoffman 7 S
4 60 9 24 "Kotm- 7 SI
4 5H 2T Mahannr 7 u
6 10 10 4-1
6 IS 9 49
5 21 9 64
6 24 9 67
6 27 W 06
6 Vi 10 I 7
6 4 10 17
6 7 tO 8(1
6 02 10 86
p. Di a. m
Bioamfirid 7 2f
Tresaler 7 09
Nellson 7 Ot
Duiti's 7 1
KltfotKbnrj k
Bsrnheisl'ji 6 5f
Groen Prk 8 H
'HoDtour Juna 6 83
Losvo &. ia ii u
Train Iwavna RIootrNnM ,t . n
aad arrives at Lwdishnr at k.ti i. ni.'
Train hiavna Landiaburo; at 1.03 p. aoj
arrives at Bloorafluld at 8 4') t.. nj.
All stations roartwl ) .r uts
at which trains will nt.m i..7i
l p on
COA9. If. SstatT.
3. n. Beoa,
1 v ley Railroad Company. Tlmo tibia
TpAsaanirf-r trains, in affect on Kon4sv,
May 18lh. 1898.
ward. But
wirt. JL!J
6 06 10 S3
6 OS 10 18
8 12 10 42,
6 16 1$ 45:
C 26 T8 62
8 it ofi
t 81 II 05.
8 39 II C9j
8 61 11 21;
8 64 11 24'
7 05 11 o
2 I 4
a j r
8 30 4 0
Kewr- rt
Bnffala Brid
Juniata Furnace '.
"1 3 K
8 23
w anneta ......
8 20:
8 l(i
8 Ii!
8 bf
6 1.W1
7 45
" f
. 34
vlva J
Wat-, Plt7,r ...I""'
Bloomlieirt Ji.riV'u!
T KOil
Klliottsbnrc. ....
Greeq Para ...
fort Uobenoa ....
Ciaaa'a K'in ..."
Mount Pleasant .
New German t'n .
7 11,11 41
7 15 U 45
7 21J1 61
7 27;ll 67
7 i S 6
7 1; ? 4
7 15; i
7 11 2 40
7 C3 2 83
6 Ss 2 i
6 5J1 5 0
7 8o!la0d!
7 41 U 11
7 45112 15
D. GK1NG, Prasident a.1 Maoast
R. K. MuLti, General Aren'.
aw sir waaaa .
. VAKt;BAR COw, HaV, Y0KK, PA,
l?ilIlL'!,, trtn aml run while huc.
JMgPJ Mftfc, Yark.. Pa.
1 ' Tvl
P. m
2 9
1 :t
i A
1 H
1 91
1 J
1 25
I 2
1 :s
3 48
3 "
8 1