SENTJNEL& REPUBLICAN MIFFLINTOWN. PA. "iVEDNESDAT, JIAR. 13, 1899 lERMS. Sobhcf.iptiox $1.00 per year if paid i iulTanfHS ; $1.60 if Hot paid in ad- vinee. Transient advertising and local notice 6 cents a line. DwluctloDS will be made to those de- "iriiigto advertise by the year, half or quarter year. The thief attraction at Harm- burg last week in the Legislature, vras the bribery investigation. The Htorm renter was in Northamp ton county from wbich three demo- erotic members of the Legislature wvre put upon the witness stand, ni'A n man from that county acting :iS :i Ieiective received one thou sand dollars for Heeuring sneh evi-t-ne as is Mated in this article, u ith names of parties who are said to have liecu in the approach busi iiCv:s. Th:irtetiinony was that away n-k in January, they were soli- itfl to sign an agreement to vote for George A. Jenks, for United Stales Senator to the end of the They said a democratic member offered them, first, fifty dollars, f:nd afterwards one hum! rl dollars, to sign a paper to con tinue to vote for Mr. Jenks to the nil of the term of the present l-nriHlature. Xo money had been .r"Vr'tl tltmu to vote for Qua v. Xo iiiri-.y Viis offered or shown them tj wie for the McCarrell bill. They were urged to sign a pledge t. :OBt iuuo to stand by Jenks. A iMcinber frui Montgomery county aid l.e w;is asked to vote for the ! 'arrcll Lrill but the request was rot in ul- in a Serious manner. A r-mler iriii Montgomery county "f:i'!l that he had advised i'iri-it signing the Jenks paper, b" :iie there might be something .): ii. but did not mean money 1". it. h ntuaut some adverse poli- ;r-.i movement. He had voted for "he Murri:ll bill, he believes the j. rim ipie of the bill is right. The yrresponuent of the Press Mas re- uuld. lie had :;tnd hand State tf Lad been told by a mem ber i' the Legislature from Cainer--r .iiiiity, that he the member ::iu I'aincniii county, had been M'lVred two hundred and fifty dol i t.'s io voto for the McCarrell bill, ';ut he dM not tell who offered him t iiat amount. A member from XorUiuiiiberland' county was told -fc.iuM c T one. hundred dollars f'r voting for, the pledge to stand by J. -nk-?. lie was not talked to ?:boi; il;.? Mf.K'arrell bill. One of tie mont'j' rs Haul he was looking -.lonihi to iind something by which : coi: :i'it id win the big reward oriDcry. lie was nosing ihe Lochiel to find some was reputedlv in the briul.i; business. One member t-.stii'i'i that he had received a j.--t itk-n !'.'om people of the county U,;it h re;rr-sontcd urging him to v- tc i'r liic McCarrell bill. The cicil: of the house was before the . 'r.TpJtlce to ask them to explain when one of the witnesses sid he the clerk had asked bin. :o vote for the McCarrell bill, if ".'loiil,.! tell The fact that he did Z'jI a-k him to vote for the bill, L-r that h trhviiM vote. Tie !-:;( .ply meant to tell him to vote, hf 'Ht not mean to tell him how ht :;ould vote. Tlie committee r.i.i-d u u.tre their time to com-yh'i-. thjr investigation extended tic 27tn of March, which was r.i-.t'd. The whole investigation ' niH like a farce, by beginning at ;; '.-'Oii place to hunt for liar ;ai;.s sales in politics. The 2-. lt lo'.'.i!'; among Legislators is sin.iVy iie practice of the ward, o:n . ship and liorough politics in.-.-! r- -I to the Legislature. lis- )j;n-t : enggel in llarris biiiv .-). priiiiu ily learned in the svl in i lie township and borough. '- ;!; ihh'iicts were the political trario:nng schools of the menibers cf ihe i.-iislature, and the cure r: n in vi i ake place at Harrisburg, it will !;;ue to bo done iu the elec l.'iti i jt: ?. What the people in thv i a .!, townships, boroughs .i-j'i ciH;:ues don't know about tri'ksaud brilnjry, if yon choose t o k-.iVi sin h practices by that name, bnrg.iin and side in politics, :s rH w di i.h the time of a Iiegisla t nvv to iv;oite on. That is the rea ); 'he iuvestigatioii at Harris hurg h-v'inni'-g at the wrong end of the liu and is farcical. It is 7-uttiug i h: horse lu-hiud the cart. Tut? sir- im never rises higher than source -ind like legets like and llu ia uiix-rs of the Legislature are like tiit- iitople they represent. Of Tjurso i Line are exieptions, and litre and there ore men Mho are 'A'A giver over to the common Pi-ru;tices. Such people may be found through the wards, and townships, and such people sometimes get to the Legislature. Iniuxtnt, chiM like and 'bland lookiLg people in the election dis tricts "wco are more commercial than fhev iMik are on the alert all the time to beguile a candidate for the Legislature, for a piece of money or some other consideration for a vote. A half dollar and up wards if it is money, or a drink or perchance a jug of lmoze. Such is the practice in the wards, town ships and towns to a certain de gree ana candidates become so used to it that they look upon the whole transaction as an affair of merchandise with a large percent age of the people, azd when a can didate's moral instinct and better judgment induces him to protest he is met with the "Oh well you can stand it, when you get into office." "When you go to Harris burg or Washington, or wherever else he wants to be landed, there you can make it all up and a great deal more." They expect the office holder to make it oft some other set of men. With the en couragement for sneh practices that the candidates receive in the election districts the wonder is that tneonice holders are as good as they are. AVhere is the moral difference between a man in the Legislature giving his vote for stated price, and a man in the ward or township giving his vote for a stated sum. Give the mem bers of the Legislature a chance, Let him who is guiltless east the first stone. Let him tell that out among his constituents there are man' guilty ones, and that among a large percentage their guilt is like that of the ancient Greeks, is not considered iu the act but in leing found out. He doesn't like to tell on his desir constituents how, perchance a 8nndav school struck him for a dollar or two be cause he was a candidate. How baud or a cake walk struck him for a contribution because he was a candidate. How a book agent struck him because he was a can didate. How church enterprises for a festival, for a bell, for re pairs, struck him for a contribution Let him tell how the local officials among his constituents, road super visors, perchance get a divy in deal with machinery agents foi putting machinery on the town ships or boroughs, and how school boards are moved into line by book, a map, or perhaps a piece of money to introduce certain changes of books, charts, furniture, and so forth, into the schools. Let him tell of bargains with couucilmen for rights of way and other fran chise in cities and towns and then you'll probably lie of the opinion that the investigation should be extended into the wards, the town ships, and boroughs, not to clear any guilty man but to strike the evil at the fountain head. An iu vest igat ion in the Legislature if carried on for a century will not cure the things complained of till they are cured among the people who create the . members of the Legislature. The man who has to bay votes at home among his own people, in all probability will not hesitate to sell his own vote in the Legislature if he can gain by so doing. fiKKMANV is alMMit to withdraw her war ships from the Philippine Islands feeling satisfied that the United States is capable of taking care of the German interests there as well as her own. Germany feels that when the United States protects her own interests there, she is protecting the interests of all other civilized people who have interests at stake in that country. A coffin trust with a capital stek of twenty eight million dol lars is the latest in the trust line. A New York banking company will float the bonds. It will not be many years till the coffin agent calls on you and you can order your coffin, and store it on the garret or some other place till vour funeral day. A PfMP trust company has been formed and will le organized un der the laws of New Jersey with a capital of twenty-seven million five hundred thousand dollars. That ought to be a superior trust, for it has a pump in it, which may turn to account to water the con cern wneu the twenty-seven mil lions have been "dried up." THE WAR. The war on the outskirts of Ma nila continues. The insurgents are being steadily driven inland. A battle was fought on Monday. The Americans cut the enemy's line dividing their force north and south. One hundred insurgents were killed and many wounded. Three Americans Mere Lilled and fourteen wounded. The Pennsyl vanians were not in the fight. ISO RIGHT TO iTCSLIHESS Tbe woman who la loreiy in race, foria and temper will aiwaya hare Irirnda, bat one who would be attractive fount keep her health. If sb ia weak, lickly and all rnn dawn, bhe will be nenrena and irritable. If ohe baa constipation or kidney trouble, hrr impurd blood will cause pimple, blotcbea, tkin crapti ma and a retched rtimp'cxion. Electric Bittsra ia lbs teat uiedtcioe In tbe world to regulate stomach, liver atd kidneys and to purif the blood. It give strong nerves, bright eyes, smooth, velvety kin, aicb complexion. It will nuke a food -lookiae, charming aoman of a run-down invalid. Ooiy 60 cts at St. P, Crawford's drnp sor. AM ELECTIO COHTEST. At this time it looks as if Lick township would be tbe seat of an el ct'on contest. Lack township by Act of Assem bly approved the 5th day of April, 1849, was divided into two election districts. This was done for the convenience of tho voters. All that portion of the township lying north weetwardly of the summit of Shade mountain - constituted Black Log flection district and the vjting place wan at tbe Birch Bun school house. Lack township is like any other township in its government and with the exception of election office s and an assistant assessor the same officers govern that township that govern any other. Bnt there being two elec ion dis tricts, tbf re must of necessity be two Bets of election officers, one set fur each district. - But the balance of the ticket must according to law be the same. Tbe Republicans and Democrats m Lack township nominated candt d des for the respective offices. The Republicans of tbe Black L-er elec tion district as is tbeir right nomin at d candidates for election officers and assistant assessor. Bnt tbe Democrats cf Black Loz made no ticket. Then, we have bf en informed, H. C. Bbioe, tbe Commbsioners clerk, went into Black Lo? with a nomm ation paper which contained the names of the Lack township Demo cratic candidates to wbich were add ed the names of candidates for elec tion officers of the Black Log elec tion district. There were eight names signed to the nomination paper which was beaded: "Tbe nomination paper of tbe Democratic party. lo can this nomination paper ''Democratic" was clearly a violation of the law, which provides, that no words shall be nsed in any nomina tion papers to describe or designate tbe party or policy or political apptl lation, represented by the candidate named in such nomination papers as aforesaid, identical with the words used for tbe like purpose in certifi cates cf nominations made by a poli tical party which at tbe laat preced ing election polled two per centum of the largest vote cast. Wben the Commissioners printed tbe tickets for the election tbey placed this ticket that came in ua der the head of nomination papers, in the Democratic column. It con taining the names of tbe regular Democratic nominees for office in Lick township, with the exception of the Black Log election district offieerg. Under tiie head of Bepub can were placed only tbe names of the Black Log election district office candidates. The balance of tbe ticket was a blank. Now, tbe sequel. There wt-re four candidates for the office of Sup ervisor?; two .Democrat and two Republicans, and wben tbe vote was aunounctd it was found that in Lack t iwnsl ip, the Republictu candidates. Messrs Uarruthers and Hampton were so far abead that the vote of Black Log election district would not charge the result and the certificates of election were given to them. Later, lem. Jater, it was found there was no ppnblicar, the returns fiom that district cbanged the leenk and elected the Democrats. Now, tbe Republican candidates for Supervisor, having the certifi cates of election ill present the certificates together with their bonds to tbe Auditors this week and will demand that tbey be sworn in. Tbe Auditors not being election i fflcers, must accept tbe certificates aad b .ndf, if they do not. a writ of mandamus will issue out of the C jurt to compel them so to do, and as the Court cannot go beyond the cer titicates of election for evidence to determine the legality or illegality of the elect i n will compell tue Audi tors to accept tbe bonds. If the Democratic contestants con. st the election they will be met with the Act of 1897, which author izes the Court where an omission has been made in printing the ballots whereby tbe result of the election may have been afftc'ed. to declare be election invalid and to fill the vacancies by appointment. Dr. King's New Diseroverj-. THE SEW WOMAN IN MA NILA. . Philadelphia Times. -Where did the Filipinos, who got all tbe civil- z ilion tbey have from the Spaniard?. learn to beat their wives ? The Kan. sns soldier wbo Ulla of this practice, in a letter to a friend in country frankly gives theconundrnin up, but that tbe wives are learning already of a better civilization and acquiring, doubtless, new light on the question of woman's rights, is evidenced from tbe soldier's letter despite some am biguities. He says : "I do not know where tbe natives get the idea, but when ever their wives don't do as tbey want them to they beat them,, and the women have learned to notify the guards, so we have lots of fnn with them Now, if this gallant fighter and painful writer means that the fun is bad with the wife-beaters and not with, the beaten, all is well, and the new woman in this country, who has not heretofore expressed herrelf loudly on tbe question of expansion, may now be expected to become a firm friend and ally of the policy. Dr. King's New Life Pills. Fer Crip and Colds- "77" will "break np" a cold that "hangs on." Will "knock out" the Grip and check a linger ing cough all druggists, 25 cts. Dr. King's New Discovery. Blood and Serves are very close ly related. Keep the blood rich, pure and healthy, with Hood 'a SarsapariJla and yon will have no nervousness. H COd'S Pills are besi after-dinner pills,aid digestion, preventconstipation Dr. King's New Discovery. People Believe what they read about Hood's Sarsuparilla. Tbey know it is an honest medicine, and that it cures. Get Hood's and only Hood's. Hood's Pills cure all liver ills, re lieve constipation assist digestion- 25c POLITICAL AMBOUHCE- MEHT8. Tbe following scale of pile for aoooune- attnts has been mntaslly agreed upon by tbe nndersigred, sad no deviation fioa toe aame will be made. Cotgrena. 920; Senator, $10; LvgiaTi- tnre, $7; Associate Jndge Pr th notary ! and Treasurer, eacb, So; Iiatr ct Attorney, County Commissioner, Kej raeeotative Del egate and Chairman of Con-ity Committee, each, 3; Auditor, 91. A. V. ALLISON, . Editor Juniata Herald. B. F. BCHWEIEK, Editor Skntinei, ani ItEri Bi.iCAN. . FOK TKEASCREK. Jfr. Editor: Please announce that I am a candidate for nomination for Treasurer of Juniata county, subject to Republican rules and usages. John F. Cocolamus, Pa., Jan. SI, 1&99. I respectfully announce myself as a candidate for tbe nomination for tbe office of County Treasurer, subject to tne rules ana usages or tlie icepublican party of Juniata. A. H. Kurtz, Kurtz' Valley, Delaware twp Mar. 9, !K. I respectfully announce myself as a candidate fur the office of County Treas urer, subject to the rules and usages uf the Republican party of Jun iata count v. W i m.i am B. McCahax, Milford township, March 13, 1801). KoK COMMISSIONER. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the office of County Commis sioner, subject to the true principles of the Itepublican party, and will, if nom inated and elected pledge myself to put forth every lawful or reasonable effort to meet the urgent needs of the people, in the disbursmeut of their taxes. M. H Beashoke. I respectfully announce that I am a candidate for the nomination for the office of County Commissioner of Juni ata county, subject to Republican rules and usages. Wh.son Uross, Thomjwontown, Pa., March 11th, 1899. WASIlINGTOnf "- Four-Day Personally-Conducted Tour via Pennsylvania ' Railroad Tbe almost noparalled success of tha tonr last year has induced the Pennsylvania Rtilroad Companv to offer the lesidents of Williamsport, Wilkesbarre, Sunbury, Harrisburg, and neighboring cities in Central Pennsylvania another opportunity to avail themselvts of the peculiar ad vantages of a personally conducted tour to Washington, and has there fore arranged for a four -day tour to the National Capital on Mondav. March 27. Train will leave Renovo at 6.40 a. m., Williamsport 9.30 a. tu., Sera a ton 7.48 a. m , Wiikesbarro S 45 a. m., Sunbury 10 50 a m., Mt. Carmel 7.30 a. in., Altoona 7.15 a. in., Lan caster 10.35 a. m., Hariisburg 12 35 p. m., stopping at the principal in tsriuediate stations and at York. Returning special train will leave Washington at 3.30 p. m , Thursday March 30. Passengers from points west of Wi.'liameporr, snd from Dewart, Seliusgrore, Lykens. Dills burg.. Lebanon, and points on the Sbamokin Division will use regular trains from Washington returning. All tickets will be good to return also on regular trains nntil Saturday April 1, inclusive. Rouud-trip rate, covering transportation-, hotel bcccmmodatioos from supper on data of tour nntil after lnm-beon March 30, $12.90 from Williamsport. 113 60 from f WiHreor.. n in r-, c.i ' $14 00 from' At0OLa -j l0 lfJ fro Lancaster, $10.10 from Harrisburcr. and proportionate rutes from other stations, including stations cn the Cumberland Vallry Railroad north cf Chambei8burg Guides to Wash ington will be distributed free on tbe train. For itineraries, rates, tickets, and full - information apply to ticket agents ; E. S. Harrar, Division Tick et Agent, Williamsport, Pa ; Tourist Ajrent, Wilkesbarre, Pa ; or address Geo. W. Boyd, Assistant General Passenger Apen, Broad Street Station, Philadelphia. Buck leu's Arnica Salve. SALE OPENER ED HOT. To keep well pobted with regard to Public Sales to be held by your many friends, and o to where yon may secure just what you may be in need of, cut out the following and pane ii in your bat lor reference. Sale by A. R. Meminger, Spruce Hill town slip, March 16tb. John Tbimpson, Delaware town ship, March 17th. C. M. Gnss, Tutbett township, Mrch 18: h. S. S. Guss, Turbett township, March 18th. G. W. Fink, Turbett township, March 20ih. G. B. Hittle, Port Royal, March 20th. J. S McConnell, Turbett township, March 21st. H. A. Bitzman, Tutbett township, March 22nd. A. J. Clark MeNea!, Huntingdon county March 23rd. Wm. Varnes, Walker township, March 21th. James Sberloeh; Beale township, March 25th. D. S. - Louder, Fermanagh town ship, March 27th. Joseph Evans, Spruce Hill town ship, March 28th. S. B. Hetrick, Ex'r., Walker town bhip, March 29 th. . ' . W. F. Slagle, Patterson, March 30. H. H. Kloss, Ex'r., Walker town, ship, March 31st. J. H. Moyer, Fermanagh township, April 1st. John L Potter,' Milford township, April 4th. Not one of the above mentioned sales is an appraisement but a bona fide absolute sale not one article on wbich tbere is a rt servo, much of tbe live stock, whether of horses, cattle, sheep or hogs, is of the very best, while of the other propeity anything that any one may be in need uf can be found, and of the best. Sales rain or shine, and a "free pitch in" for everybody. Gome and see us friends and neighbors. See sale bills for full particulars. Bespect fullv, in behalf of my patrons. H. H. SNYDER, -The Patch Auctioneer." Dr. King's New" Life Pills. TOECANIC EKPPTIOmV Are era, bat Skin Ernptiosa rob life et joy. Bocklea'a Arnica Salve, cures thamt also Old, Running and Fever Sores, Ulcers, Bolts, Felons, Coras, Warta, Cats, Bruises, SurDs, ScaMs, Chapped Hands, Cbilblaiaa. Beat Fila) core ob earth. Drivoa oat Pains ad Acbea. Oaly 26 eta a box. Care rna ran trod. Sold by M. T. Crawford, Dniiat. PUBLIC SALES.' MARCH-TueSday21st, J. S. Beaver will sell, one mile south of an were, live stock and farming implements. Sale at 10 o'clock a. m. March Tuesday 21t, promptly at 10 o'clock a m , John 8- McCounel will sell at his residence m i uroen "'F. 4 miles southwest or ron ivoj". horses, cows, large lot or youujt sows, snoaes, cdicrcub, iww . horse wagons, iwo seaiwi . -i"-i sleighs, sleds, farm machinery, gears, harness, large lot of household goods, corn, pot a toes, and much other property. I am going to move- to North Dakota, ana am selling oui - lumy nun bwui" March. Thursday, 16th, A. It. Memminger, residing on the Okeson farm in Bpruce Hill township, one naif mile southwest of Bartou's store, horses, mules, cows, two and one year old cat tle, 50 Hue sheep, wagons, binder, mower, and a lar;e variety of farming implements, gears of all kinds. Sale to begin at 10 o'clock a. m. March. Saturday lHth, John Heck man & Brothers, will sell horses, cows and hogs, seed oats, potatoes, corn on ear, farm machinery, and household goods. Sale at 10 o'clock a. m. - March Thursday 80th, at 9 o'clock a. m., W. F. Single will sell at public auction at bis place of business iu the borough of Patterson, new light road wagons, one-horse wagon, spring wagons, buggies, new and second hand, spring tooth harrows, plows, two and one-horse cultivators, planters, grain drills, sets of new harness, light and heavv collars, single and check lines, bridles, halters, whins, robes, etc Also all kind of household goods, which will be sold first, new sewing machines. Sale p4tive Come early. See large hand bills. We are moving out of the countv. Our house and business staua adjoining, at private sale. LEGJIL. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that letters of administration iu tne estate or w iiiiam H. Depiwii. late of Walker township, Juniata county. Pa., deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, resid ing In said townsmn. All persons Iiav ing claims against the said estate will present the same for payment to David J. Dei'pkx, Administrator. Or his counsel, Atkinson & Pennell, at Miftiintown, Pa. Jan. 25, 99-Gt SALE REGISTER. Mar. 9. Francis Rowe, Walker. Mar. 10. Isaac Rowe, Miflliutown. Var. 11. J. R. Ritzmau, Turbett. Mar. H. S. P. Wharton, Spruce Bill Mar. l.i. Chas. Widney, Waterloo, fc'ar. 16. A. lt. Meniinger.Spruce Hill, Mar. 17. Jl. t . Kice. Spruce Hill. Mar. 17. John Thompson, Delaware. tar. is. Chas. ai. uuss, Turbett. Mar. 20. O. W. Fink, Turbett. Mar. 2 W. A. Harlan, Tuscarora. Mar. 22. H. A. Rttzman, Turbett. Mar. !. W. Ii. McLaughlin. . Mar. 24. William Varnes, Walker, Mar. 2-5. James Sherlock. lieale. ymuMowN ohsiN wshbsis MIFFLINTOWN. MAR n i.eai. ..... t' rn in ear .... ... , !., 1899. to 35 SO 42 $2 to $2 SO Butter ffZ Ham Shoulder. .. . Lard...... . . Sides. ...... Timothy aeed F as seed.... Bran Chop. Middlings.,.. IK 10 12 8 7 .40 60 ....1J 70 85c to 90c 90 Ground In Salt ... 76 ... 60c e American Salt.. ' Philadelphia Markets, March. 10r 1899. "Wheat 75c; oats3Co; corn 39c; butter 1 9 to 25c ; eggs 18c ; sugars 4 to 51 cts ; cheese 11 to 12c cloversced 2.40 to ffi.10 ; live chickens, roosters 7c-.: hens 10 to lie; turkeys 10 to 12c; geese 9c; ducks 11 to 12c; smoked beeY 11 to lCc; pork hams 12 to 12Jc; shoulders 5 to lie.; breakfast Inu-uu or flitch 0c; Lard tic; apples $2.75 to 4.;0 a barrel; potatoes 40 to 75c. a bushel; onions 80c. a bushel: hay $8.50 to $11.50; beef cattle Si to oic; hogs3J to 4c; sheep 21 to 41c; lambs $4.00 to 5.50. LOW RATES TO WASHING TON AND BALTIMORE. Special Ten-day Excursion via Pennsylvania Railroad. Tbe PeiiEsyivtiijia Ba lruad Com pany has arranged lor three low- rate ten-diiy excursions from Pitts burg and points in Western Penn sylvania to Wnsbingtcn March 30, April 27, tnd May 11 Round-trip tickets will be sold at rates quoted below, good going on special train indicated, or on train No. 4, leaving Pittsburg at 8.30 p m , and carrying through sleeping cars to Washing ton. Special train of through par lor cars an 1 coaches will be run on tbe following schedule : Train leaves. Altoona .11 40 a.m. Bellwood f 11.52 " Rate. $7 35 35 Bellefonte 9.53 " 25 25 25 25 25 25 G5 Curwensvill-i 9 15 - Clearfield 9 31 Philipsburg 10.12 " Osceola 10 23- " Tyrone 12 03 p.m. Huntingdoi ...12.35 Cumberland 815a,m. Bedford 9.25 " Mount Union fl2 54 p.m. Lewistown June . .. 1.33 " Mifflin f 1 50 ' Newport... .f 2 24 M " Duncannon f 2.44" Washington. Arrive 7.15 " 6 65 6 G5 35 60 25. 60 20 f Puseengers will use regular train through to Washington. "f " Stops only on LOtice to agent. Tickets will be good returning on any regular train, except the Penn sylvania Limited, until April 8, May 6, and May 20, respectively, and to stop off at Baltimore within limit. Holders of special excursion tick ets to Washington can purchase, at tbe Pennsylvania Railroad Ticket Offices in Washington, excursion tickets to Richmond at rate of $4 00 and to Old Point Comfort (all rail) at $6 00; at the offices of the Nor folk: and Washington Steamboat Company, excursion tickets (not in. cluditg meals and stat rooms on steamers) to Oid Point Comfort or Norfolk, Va., at $3 50, and to Vrr ginia Beach at $450; Washington to Mt Vernon and return, via electric railway, 50 cents. Should the number of passengeis not be sufficient to warrant the run ning of a special train, the company reserves the right to carry 'partici pants in this excursion on - regular train. Tickets on sale in Pittsburg, at Union TicketOffioe,360 Fifth Avenue, and Union Station, and at all stations mentioned above. For full informa tion apply to agents or Thomas E. Watt, Pa aenger Agent Western Dis trict, Fifth Avsnue and Smithfield Street, Pittsburg. Fwnna. .wtarvamAll at PBM9EIX' ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW, KIFFLUTTOWK, FA. OrncOa Mat. a"- Atki""f;w rxm-CoUactlag Mid CoBVoyaacinR promp' lj attended to. 1T1X.BERFOBCE SCOWETEB, Attorney-at-Law. fflrCollectionsandaU legal busi ness promptly attenped to. OFFICE IN COURT HOUSE. M..M.eBAWrOB, . ABin MXBAWrOBP JH. D. at. CRAWFORD A SON, have formed a i-rtnerahip for the pruce of Medicioe and their UrtJ". J" , Zl Office at old stand, corner of Third , streets, Mifflmtown, Pa. Ona or both ot them will be found at then- oftce at au timw, nolesa otherwise profeMkHtallj en gaged. April 1st, 1895. H. P.JJERR, PRiirriciL DENTIST. . . -idoate of the Philadelphia Dental Jo: Ee. Ofioe at old established lo cation, Bridge Street, opposite Oourt Honso, .Afifflintown, Pa Crown and Bridge work; Painless Extraction. All work gutranteed. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD Schedule iu Effect November 20, . 1898. WKSTWAKI). Way Passenger, leaves Philadelphia at 4 SO a. in; Harrisburg 8 00 a. m; nunntnnon 8 35 a. m: New Port 0o a. m: Millerstown 9 15 a. m; Durword 9 21 a. m: Thonipsontown 9 26 a. m; Van Dyke 9 33 a. ra; Tuscarora 9 36 a. m; Mexico 9 40 a. m; Port Itoyal 9 44 a. Mifflin 9 50 a. m: Denholin 9oo a. m; Lewistown 10 13 a. m; McVeytown in 3ft a. m: Newton Hamilton 11 ou a m; Mount Union 11 06 a. m; Hunting don 11 3 p. ni; lA-rone i- -u p. iu, roona 1 00 n. ni: Pittsburg 5 50 p. m. Mail leaves Philadelphia at 7 00 a. ni; Harrislunr at 11 48 a. m: Mlttlin l 11 n m- luiHtiuii l 30 it. m: Hunting don 2 29 p. m; Tyrone a 12 p. m; Al toona 3 45 p. ni; I'lttstmrg 8 40 p. ni. Altoona Accommodation leaves llar- risburtr at 5 00 p. m; Duncannon 5 34 n. m: Newoort 6 02 p. m; Millerstown (ill p. m; Thorn psontown 6 21 p. m; Tuscarora 6 30 p. ni: Mexico 6 33 p. m; Port Koyal 6 38 p. ni; Mifflin 43 p. m; Deuholm 6 49 i. mi lewistown 07 p. m; McVeytown 7 30 p. in; Newton Hamilton 7 50 p. m; Huntingdon 8 20 p. iu; Tyrone 9 02 p. m; Altoona 9 35 o. ni. Pacific Express leaves Philadelphia at II 20 p. m; Harnsbure at 3 ou a. in Marysville 3 14 a. in. Duncannon 3 29 a ni. Newport 3 52 a in. Port ltoyal 4 25 a. m. Mifliiu 4.30 a. in. Lewistown 4 52 a m. Newton Hamilton 5 33 a. m. Huntingdon 6 03 a. ni. Petersburg 6 19 a. in. Tyrone 6 52 a. m. Altoona 7 40 a. in. Pittsburg 12 10 a. ni. Oyster Kxpretw leaves Philadelphia at 4 3o p, in. HarriKburg at 10 i!0 p. m. Newport 11 0 p. ni. Mifflin 11 40 p. m. Iewi.-;town 11 58 p. in.; Huntingdon 12 55 a. m. Tyrone 1 32 a. m. Altoona 2 00 a. in. Pittsburg 5 30 a. ru. l-'ast Line leaves Philadelphia at 12 p. m. Harrisburg 3 50 p. in. Duncan non 4 15 p. in. Newport 4 35 p. iu. Mif flin 5 07 p. m. Lew istown 5 27 p. m. Mount Union 6 OK p. m. Huntingdon ft. 27 P. m. Tyrone 7 04 p. in. Aitooua 7 4W p. iu, fittstuirg 1 1 so p. ni. KAMnAUO. Altoona Accommodation leaves Al toona at 5 0 a. m. Tyrone 5 24 a. m Petersburg 5 45 a. m. Huntingdon 5 55 ni. rtevrton Hamilton 6 -1 a. m. Mc Veytown S 37. K. ni. lewistown 6 58 a. m. Mi linn 7 18. iu. rrt ltoyal ia. ni. Thoiuusuntow ii 7 37 a. in. Millers town 7 4'J a. n. XewiMdl 7 55 a. m. Duncannon 8 Harrisburg 8 50 a. m. Sea SI lore leaves Pittsburg at 2 50 a. ni. Altoona J l-i a. m. Tyrone Huntingdon 8 30 a. m. McVeytow n U 15 m. IjewiBtow u 9 s-i a. in. .MllUm 9 55 a. iu. Port Koyal v -U a, m. lliompsou tow n 10 14 a. ul. Millerstown 10 22 a. ni. NeviHrt 1132 a. m, Duncaunou in. 54 a. m. Marysville 11 07 a. ra. Harris burg 11 2o a. ni. Phiiatielpnia 3 00 p. m. Maui Ijine i-.xpress leaves Pittsburg at 8 00 a. iu. Aitooua 1 1 40 a. iu. Tyrone 12 03 p. hi. Huntingdon 12 35 p. iu. liewistow ii 1 33 u. in. Wiflliu 1 50 p. ju Harrisburg 3 10 p. ni. ISaltiiuore 6 00 p. m. Washington 7 15 p. m Philadelphia. 6 23 p. m. Mail leaves Altoona at Ua p. m. Ty rone 2 3-j p. nu Huntingdon 3, Lt p. m. New ton Hamilton 3 47 p. in. McVey town 4 20 p. m. Idewixtou n 4 33 p. iu. Mifliiu 4 55 . in. Port Koyal 5 00 u. in. Hex u-o t 20 p. ni. luouiiwomon ii 5 1 p m. Millerstow n 5 28 p. ua. Newport 5 39 p. nt. Duncaunou 6 ON p. iu. Har risburg e 4- p- ut. Hail Kxpress leaves Pittsiiurg at 12 4 p. m. Aitooua o p- ni. lyroue b -J0 p. nu liuutiiigdtnt 7 00 p m. cVey- town 7 44 p. ui. Iewistowu 8 w p. m. fllm 8 20 p. ui 1'ort Koyal 8 31 p. ni. Millerstown 8 57 p. m. Newport 9 05 p. m. l'uucaunon S3 p. su. Itarrisburg 10 0O p m. Philadelphia Express leaves .Pitts burg at 4 30 p. iu. AUoonu 9 05 p. III. Tyrone 9 33 p. in. Huntingdon 10 12 p. ni. Mount Union 10 32 p. m. Lewis town 11 IK p. in. jWillliu 11 37 p. ni Har- tisburg 1 OU a, ru Philadelphia 4 30. At liewlstown Junction. tor !Suu- burv 7 30 a. m and 3 05 p. m. week days. For Jlilroy G 40, 10 20 a. m. and 3 90 in week-days. At Tyrone. For Clearfield and Cur- wensville 8 20 a. m. 3 20 and 7 20 p. m. week-days. For Illcfonte and Lock Haven 8 10 a. m. 12 30 and 7 15 p. ra. week-days. For further in format ion apply to Ticket Agents, or Thomas K Watt, Passenger Agent, Western Division, Comer Fifth Avenue and Sniitbtield Street, Pittsburg. J. B. HUTCH INfctOX. J. It. WOOD, General Man'g'r. General Pass'r. Agt. BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE Traoc Marks Designs Covricht Jtc Anynna nanmns a skatsh and d tlptMn mar alkl7 arrrtnln oar optoiioa free wh(H her en Invention Hi probably natentable. roiumenlc. tlonestrietlrcontdentlal. Handbook on PatenM sent free. Oldest ajrencr for eecmrlna patent. Petonta taken tbrouh Mann a Co. rroelTe aerial aetice, wlttaoat ctaam, ia the Scientific jir.encatt A handaomelT illustrated weeklr. Tjtrcest cip. . Teraiik. aa m enlatlon of anr eeleatlfle JonraaL f oar months, li sua brail swwedeejera. st fM ee newTork DBtOCl. n. c liil fit IjU.-" ' BraneB Offloa. t V K Waahnistan. 1 HIS LIFE WAS 8ATEB Mr. J. K. Lilly, prominent citizen of Hannibal, Mo, lately ha a waalr-rful ds IWcrancr fruoi a fricbtfal dt-ath. In telltnf of it he Kays : -I was Iskrn with Tjhoii Fever, that tan into Pneunonia. Ht lunga became hardeaed. I m ao wa'rk I oeoWn't even sit np in bed. Nothing helped me. I rxprctrd to aooa die of CenanmptioD, han I beard of lr. Kiara Mew Discovery. One bottle fare crest relief. I continued to oae tt, and now am well and stronr, I can't tmj too rnnrb in its praise." This n artellous medicioa ia the anreel and qaickaat euro in tbe world for all Throat and L a Tronble. Edular ns 60c and $1. Trial bottloa free at M r. Crawford'a rU (tarr; evwy bottle Loon B. AtbhsoB. New Stock of GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS HATS, FURNITURE, -or a coot a RE. ODEENSWARE. AT tn in Meyers' () 0 0 0 Men's and Boy's New Spring Suits. The se Men'e suits are ttriclly aU wool and we have them in all Bizt8 and we have them in single and double breasted at C2. Now men fall into line and secure one of these Fine Imported Dress Suits, in 11 shades and color-, and made refect to equal merchant tailor nricea. Worth $18. for only 1 12 These Frock and Sack Suits w. have them in U sizea and style, and we guwMtee to give , Vou a per fect fit at $6 50. Ton can take vour pick and fit from 372 fiue dreB suits which are made in Sacka and Cataways, we bava them in all shaded Suits worth $12 we sell now at $8.75. We start the Boy-, department from $1 87 -to $8.50. The assortment includes hundreds of doable end single breasted suits. Many ef these suits being all wool and ' a"g all in the LATEST SPRING PAT rtRXS in brown, plaids, checks and plain colors. These are all well made and trimmed, and run in age from 10 to 1!). Immense sssortment to Belect from. Our Children's Department. The largest display of Bjys pants in Juniata C junty, and they are all made of strong material. The fizes run from 3 to 1G, and sell from 18c. to 50c. 300 Cmldren's Suils, sizes from 3 to 16, at 90c. 265 splended Vested Suits, at $1.25, would be cheap at the regular nries of 2. 567 Children's Suits, in Double Breasted and other styles. Your choice at $2 3a 375 Children's Suits, this is a gru'id line striclly, all wool, Double Breasted at $3 38, which shoul 1 be $5. A grand new line of Spring Hats and Caps and trent Fur nishing Goods, of the greatest values ever olFerei, A car load of Trunks and Satchels at low prices. FUR3MITURE. The most marvelous showing eff up to date Furnituie ever atu limit ed. Everything new in disign, no old stock. NithiQi? but. ihe very best makes by the be6t manufacturers with such farsightedness that we offer "Beautiful Furniture" at just one half tbe regular value. We just reeeived and unpacked the grandest design of new aud np to date Furniture. Our three floors are packed to the utuio6t ex tent for yonr inspection A grand selection of Parlor Suite, Upbols. tared Rockets, Conches, Lounges, S !as, Extens:on Tables, H i'l Kicks, Side Board, Bed Room Suits in numerous styles. Office, Dining Koom and Kitchen Chairs, Spring Mattresses, Cots, Cribs and Cradles. In fact everything kept in a first class Fnrniture store. Ferd Meyers, Tnscarora Valley Railroad. SCHEDCIJi EITECT MOSDAT, JUNE. 20, 1898. KAITWARD. STATIONS. DAILY, EXCETT BUMOAV. Nal No.3 IA. .Iv.j7 17 J7 ,...J7 8 18 . . . . 8 8 8 ... 8 ... 8 a 8 M.IP. M. 25il 45 31 1 51 371 57 452 05 52(2 12 Or.,2 25 172 37 2 212 42 Blair's Mills Waterloo Leonard's Grove Ross Farm Perulack East Waterford Heekmaa...... ...... Honey Grove Fort Bigham , 50 59 04 Warble Pleasant View. ...... Seven Pines. 3 12 3 15 Sprues Hill.. Graham a , Stewart. ... Freedom ........... Turbett OtdPtrt Pert Reyai 23 26 29 32 47 3 38 3 45 .Ar. Trains Km 1 wl Wmmma D 1 . - - .- M1V1I UVJ Ml with Way Pasaeawer aad Semsbnre Expreas oa P. R. K., and Nea. and 4 with Mail east 'ESTITARD. STATIONS. a 3 No.2No.4 milt, near svkpat. Port Koyal A. at. P. M. 3 65 0 0 10 10 20! tHd Port Turbett Freedom 1.31 2.8 2715 12 10 10 335 18 3fi 5 21 39 5 24 42 5 27 50 5 35 53 5 38 01 5 46 06 5 51 15 6 00 23 6 08 28 6 13 40 6 25 53 6 38 00 6 45 08 6 53 14 6 59 20:7 05 8.7 4.4 S.ol Stewart 10 Graham's Spruce Hill 10 10 6.3 7.2 Seven Pines Pleasant View 10 11 9.0 Warble. 10.0 12.0 14,0 11 11 Fort Bigham. Money Grove Heekman 11 15.1 11 East Waterford Perulack 17.5 20.5 22.0 24.0 25.5 27.0 11 11 12 12 12 12 Boss Farm Leonard's Grove... Waterloo Blair's Mills..... Ar. i , . X eonneci at Blair'a Ula witb Concord, Doylesbnrg Drj Kud, TmI ar... . . . ' ' J ooaae ap, Bbade vallay and Ooahera Sution Staje Lines. J. a MOORHEAD, Supcrvttendtnt. T. S. MOORHRAD PrmUnU. Tibbie Kook n rorv - --z i any cd t.v., - m UUtrEiL KONIC MCO.CO., Chicago. Hi. SoidbrDrwaKertaaASlpae-Battka. fc,t C3tseSbaa.SI.7S. slBoMlMlbr aV. . M 1 . V i aBBBJBB w ILL Spring Clothing, Big Stores, o o o o 0 115 and 117, ISridge Strct. RAILROAD TIME TABLE. pERRT COUVTr RAILROAD. Th follnwini ached ul went Into effect Nov. l, 1896, and the trains will be ran u followa; p. ra 4 30 4 86 4 29 341 4 46 4 4S 4 61 4 64 4 f.G a. m 900 91'0 9C9 9 11 9 14 9 15 9 19 9 22 9 24 a Leave Arrive a. m DnncaDoon 7 54 Ki-k's Mill 7 49 'Snlphur Springs 7 4ti "Curman Biding 7 44 wonttibfUo Fark 7 41 Weaver 7 40 Roddy HoB'man Royer Mabanoy BloomHeld Treaalar Nellson Dnm'a Klllotsburic Bernbei-ilV (Jroen Ptrk 'UoDloDr June 7 S 7 8 781 7 2H 7 23 7 09 7 04 7 01 B 6 51 6 48 0 83 4 69 5 10 10 43 6 16 3 4 5 21 9 64 9 67 .6 24 6 27 10 05 6 32 10 l 7 6 84 10 17 6 87 10 SO 6 02 10 36 Landiiburg 6 28 p. m a. m Arrive Leave a. m p m Train leaves RlimmH.u c-, . and arnres at r.anii.K...- . iraia leavea Laniiaburg at 6.08 p. oi., and amiroa at Bloomfleld at 6.40 p. m. All Stations BUrkail i ... 11 . at whlck trams will corn to a fnl stop on signs 1. Chab. II. San.KT, I'reaidenl. S. n. Frca, Snpt. EWPORT AND SHERMAN'S VAL 1 v lev RailmaI f-nn... t-..- . ..... T. IPf6"" trains, in .fleet on Monday, ay loin, ISU6. STATIONS. Weat- I Rait- ward. j .ird. Newr- it 9 It A w 6 05!10 36. 6 08 10 88 6 12 10 42! 6 15 10 451 6 25 1 62! 6 22 11 01! 81 1109; 6 39 11 09; 6 51 11 21! 64 11 24 7 05 11 85! 7 II II 41' 7 15 11 461 A H 8 30 8 27 8 23 8 20 5 1C 8 II 8 g 8 00 7 4 ". ' . 84 7 26 IH 7 15 7 10 7 83, 6 68 6 60 BnBalo Bridge Juniata Fnrnace .. Wahneta ... ::: Wt-r plD(t Bloorntlei, Junct'n VailerRoad BlliottftboraT " Green Park Loyaville Port Rnluu.. v . .... Center Cisna'a Ran Anderaonbnrf RIa.m j 7 21 11 61 I 7 27.U67 I 7 85 12 061 r. ........ Mount Pleasant ... New Gerraant'n ... 7 41 12 11; 7 46112 15 P-G RING. President ud ManaViw I . K . If rv sflA. a c ""i wuom Agent. VARIABLE FBICTIOX, FEED SMOILLfi EflGlllE trr woaas i thk w.. ... tJ A.4V FAnQl HARCOU. TORK. PA. IIZKCII G OnO-GOLD'S SA17HIII in (CMniH rw mm mm mm MlUBfiVaW A WOnflarful tminnaaiii a a. w -. . -.J- ami Ola-Berk: f V """ wi 'nyMher Ni IhrmerlcM ..,.. I nnoincaU the M mrtnir to .,m .h,i . Vcr l5.L,f'? "" Swrr 9U4 wenr. ' SfewtHm thin pajtti; USrtt H A OV't1HMI., Mfn,., VerU, ra, fa. Dr. David KcnncdyH I V. 1 1 f p. m 2a 223 220 S lg 215 t IS 208 S6 203 200 I 41 i nt 131 1 2 1 2S 1 20 I 16 1 II 2 50 r a 4ff 3 57 S M 360 34C 3 41 S 38 3 82 3 15 3 10 3 04 I'M 2 49 2 45 2 40 2 33 224 220
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers