Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, March 08, 1899, Image 3

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-fl-EDXESDAYk MAR. 8, 1899.
Bin klen's Arnica Salve.
There are a number of bounce in town
to rent.
Some ff the growing wheat doe not
( aii-li'lale are beginning to look up
thcii friend!".
ym Lyil'a Ih is visiting her
mLf r iii Harrisburg.
t'auitia ropine to increase her
militia to two hundred tbousaud men.
ji,a. jvl IL-ck, f Lntrobf, is a
visitor at ?he home of George Heck.
The rain of Saturday night dam
8re.l tl:e Mnn rdge tool plant at
Ir. King's New Life Pills,
snlwribe for the Ji'xutaSexti
ytx AM' Kei'i iii.icas, tbe best paper
iu tbe ouiity.
HHrda:e iiierrbant MeClintic is
haviiif.' liia itore building repainted,
on tlieont-iiie. ; y
Mr. and Mrs. Cvrus Brsckbill, of
Sptms Kill, are confined to the
huiise '.'.ith grip.
Kaur will come early this season,
m,' oe whether an early spring conies
with an early Kas-ter.
Mr. aud Mrs. Herman Eirnest, of
Hurrisb'?rr, are veiling among rela
tives in I'uittrsjn.
tt'm '-hip line have cut their first
via--' p-.-aje tickets to Kugluud, down
to twenty-live dollars.
The Huntingdon reformatory has
pa-rH.il it- teiitb year, and in those 10
yea;- h i had !" inmates.
( lioicf white Ohio and Penn
vlv:iui:t M-ed oats, for sale at
ylaniN'ck V .clson s null. , A
K.x-SheriirCalhouii has swild his frro-
cery and confectioi.ery store to the
Tli"ina- brothers, of Ink land.
Mi-9 Met 'lin tie, of Lewmtown. 8ient
Sunday with her brother K. Jf. Mcp.
( linticV family, of this pla-e.
Ti,e IV" Hur, illustrated lecture, by
U. A. N. Kaven, as exhibited in the
, I'tc-' vtt.ruii (hiircli, waaprxid.
I in trii-!to of the Acadetuia Presby
tia i-m iMiiere:it:oM are receiving bids
: iiie r. .airing of the parsonage.
Koi: Kfxt. To a una II family, a
rei'ifoiiui'ic house Call at this office
for information if you want to rent.
A mild can? of small pox in the
I'mi'ftou ("niveisity caused a t-tani-peileof
hundrels of student, last week.
K. M. Marcrit., bought the Ham
I'riulit f:irm in Fermanagh township,
fur live hundred and twenty-five dollar.
Mies Esther and Florence Panne
tair."fleivistowii, visited theireousin
Mi- Klla i'aunebaker, of this place
last week.
lr. Siinu'l Meyers of this town,
Lm ai'uc&t completed the construe
tiun of a plow which Le will- have
I'.ticklen's Arnica ialve.
Tie Houis Alissionary Society
f the Picshyttrian church, wiil
suf-t Wtdnesday tveciiig after pray
er t:irtticr.
K. Conrad, editor of the MeVeytown
Ji'iinml has Ijecn elected Justice of the
IVaoe, for MeVeytown. It is Judge
"iirad now .
L dies'" Mi
iiicrni.cu tLe loucg
fioaaiy Society cf the
ir!ia church mee!s with I
it Dctry Mayer.
M.s.-1-s Maude Cn zitr and Grace
3!c.iai,as!e, of Port Roval, epeut a
f- v vs cf this week wi:h Mr. and
-wr. Giorge Wilson.
UVclnsday afternoon at 3 o'clock.
t.ie hreiSn Alipsionary Society cf
lb- IrsBbylerian church wiil iueet
" b Mrs. J. C. D;rnni
Knock down in price for sale bills
fl "" for a iiuinUr one half sheet bill,
with notice of sale in The Jcxiata
lue rains in the west braEch of
te Susquehanna raised the stream
u'ih last Saturday. M-jny people
wire Hooded cut of tle:r homos.
Ih Kind's Xew Discovery.
I iie ladies missionary meeting came
'd went its way. It'wan the old, old
Mury. which you know so well, with
H e riiili,,ine Island field added.
IIiom.- who believe they know, pre
di..t a snow or two between this and
torn planting time, and quote a snow
that some years ago fell on the 18th of
-Miss Annie Nolte, of Lewistown, was
ill in bed, her mother put a wick of hot
"iter in the bed, the water bag burst
and badly scalded her shoulder, side
anil limb.
Ir. King's Xew Discovery.
After spending a couple of weeks
ib .Mr and M18 E E. McMetn,
J-r. and IIib. Etitruan and daughttr
nae retuinta to their horn
it UXeslint-K.
! e.l Sunday niobt in the Lutheran
1 "I Hi by mernbt-rs of the conprcga
!' "', in btbalf of luiseicis. It wbs
m vtiy respect quite a tuccees.
ghtmiig on Sunday morning cut
-i untold f.eak at Plymouth, Mass.,
when it struck and killed William H.
"'vie. aged us years-, while he was
rmK the bell of the Congregational
Kin-klcu's Arnica Salv
H.vdrantss and water pipes that were
allowed to have their own time to open
, lning last Friday and since
then almost every water pipe in the
tw has lee o,ened by tbe coming
of spring.
The Philadelphia Inouirer was 10
year old on the 1st of March and ceie-
ersarv by issuing !
i uy issuing
oraietl oth aimiv
marve v . 7 ' Unth the '
a ,d it , tVel"pment of the JournaI
'l its wide spread influence. j
r. King's New Discovery. '!
LWbile a number of people of thi
town have moved away this spring,
people from other place are moving in
and filling the vacant place. The town
ha almost changed it entire popula
tion within the past 25 years.
lteilly-There' only wan ting Oi
don't loike about the expansion.
Keefe Phat's thot ? .
KeiUy That we didn't kape on an'
fly the flag over the owld and.
Full moon on the 27th inst, which is
the first full moon following the spring
equinox, and that is the reason Easter
comes early; it always comes on the
first Sunday following the first full
moon after the spring equinox.
A citizen of New Jersey has been
in consultation with the owners of
the cannery for tbe purpose of It as
itg t e establishment and Bfsrting a
cannery. Everyone would like to tee
the cannery put in operation.
A ijrrifin j
- umuouu poBoea over a
portion cf Madison and r,...
counlien, Tenn . on Salnrlv t.;k
.r , - - - j uigUI.
Madwonville was partly deslioye?:
"uu" wore mown aown; 3 per-
sons killed and 12 persons injnred.
Dewey has been made an Admii
with the pay of thirteen thousand dol-
law a year, by Congres. The Spanish
Admiral whom he overcame at Manila
has been sent to prison in Spain by
Spanish authority for allowing De'wev
to defeat him
Those who believe that tbe weather
of the three first davs of a month con-
trol the balance of the month have par-
ticularly noted, that th n
March was bright and full of sunshine
ana tne second and third davs were
dull and cloudy.
Thirty-five Indians graduated
tlie Carlisle industrial school on the "nd
of March Th. fT. .
hekltl.ua ear.; in rKr r .:'
.h t., L ...J:r ",wr!wx ,,uUreU aeventy-five dollars
may rt tothrfr .1" 7.1 "
spring work."
The land slide near Huntingdon
on Sunday morning wrecked two
freight trains and the Philadelphia
ueppnper train, killed two men and
hurt two otberr. The train i
i ? ...
auo iraiu wrecK
cianng crew at this pUce was call
ed to the scene of the dissUr.
It is said that Potter county has the
queerest public school in tbe State ;
Only four scholars attend : ti,, oil i
nimi,N r . "
. ... imiiiij, suu me
...u.ucr m me rcacner. sjebool is held
in a township school house in the regu-'
lar way, and the teacher is oaid hv thn I
school district.
ihi.,.. i u -
leaatng, March o There are seven !
national banks, two State banks and '
two trust companies doing a bankine l i.. . ' law.are. londa, Nebraska,
K.,i.., .w:.. . s... , . ft!Ltah, California, makine six States
e.i, . ii is proposea 10 ;
bring atout a consolidation, so as to :
nave but three banks, thus saving I
clerical hire, taxes, investments in 1
bank buildings and other expenses.
Owing to the bad weather during ihi
month of February, I have concluded I
to continue the reduction in cabinet
of yourself, or family group at the same
ui,u an irur Mlllllg
anytime during the year. Hesp't
Joseph Hross,
L. II. Park hurst, one of the largest
fruit growers in New Jersey, says bis
fruit orchards have been almost ruined
by the blizzard that prevailed in Feb
ruary. Many other extensive growers
have similar reports. The smaller
fruits, such as blackberries, raspberries,
and black caps, have suffered as badly.
There are still in the service of the
I'nited Stated 75,84- volunteer.' Of
these 33,832 are iu Cuba, 16,411 in the
Philippine Islands, 2,231 in Porto Rico,
::41 in Hawaii, and 12,934 in the United
States. According to the last renort of
phe adjutant general the effective
strength of the regular army, not count
ing sick and wounded, is 58,607.
The most effective missionary band
sent out from tbe United States is the
U. S- Army and Navy in Manila.
Missionary' work among a foreign
heathen population is of no account un
less the rights of the missionaries are
supported by an army. The mission
aries from America and Kurope could
not exist a day iu India if it were not
for the British army.
At the Musical College, ..Freeburg,
Snyder couuty, Pa., none but the best
methods are used, so that to-day it is
Dhotos. until Anril lut in ,r.
- , ' r , -. M me piaee oi registration to oualifv
Kfti't'V'Ti lCmU:Vru'fur the o' her vote upon tl.e
buy your ticket for which entities hooi que!,tiou at the next eleVtion. a
ou 10 i uo.en urM class cabinet
x'frecogiiized as one of the foremost schools
of music in the country. 533 will pay
for a term of six weeks, instruction and
board. Spring Term will begin May 8.
For catalogues address,
Hknrv B. Moykk, Director.
A colored woman went to the pastor
of her church to complain of her hus
band, who, she said, was a low down,
worthless, trifling nigger. After listen
ing to a long recital of the delinquen
cies of her neglectful spouse, and her
efforts to correct him, the minister
said. "Have you ever tried heaping
coals of fire upon his head?" "No,"
was the reply, "but I tried hot water."
Chicago has another wife disappear
ance case. In the second case the wife
was not cooked in a sausage boiler, as
as the first, but her husband says he
walked with her to tbe lake and threw
her in and she drowned, and now the
public don't want to believe him.
They are expecting him to tell he dis
posed of her in some other way. If he
is guilty of murder he certainly knows
how he committed it.
Fob Sale. The B -ard of Di
rectors of Ihe Farmers Mercantile As-soci-ition
in Pa'tersoD, I'"m:ted, (ffers
for tale, or rent, their Store io Pat
terson. Terms easy For particulars
irqu-'reof W. X. Sterrett, on the
premises. By order of Board.
Aug. 17, 8t. Lewis Degas, Sec
Richard, . in Lewistowu Democrat
and Sentinel, March 2nd For some
months past W'm. M. Atkinson, dealer
in trraiu. coal. Ac. has been missing
corn from his crib which was not taken ,
out in the ordinary course oi iraue.
Suspicion finally rested upon a certain
individual iu that vicinity; accordingly
Mr. A. drove some shoe pegs into a
quantity of corn and awaited develop
m a. 1
ments, mar. very iugm mc wu "
J.llJL.r- .r-'
rant discloseS'about 15 bushel of ears
.i,.,, nf tha Misnect and i
among itthTtell tale shoe peg corn, !
and now then"urnal ProdeVpoaes
in th-county jail.,; :
Bncklen's Arnica Salve. j
This fish story is related xr.
port Ledger. Jerry M Rmir
er, at the canal lock. belnw tv, ,
rock, informed us the othr ri, ,
the quickralse in the river and the
uu Ia " water, the ice shoved
many fish out on the bank. He caught
24 carp the smallest of which weighed
uDd the lar,?est Pound.
The 24 fish weighed 105 poundr Thta
is an unusual occurrence, and Jerrv
nmfitari I.- I.
- K.J II.
Huntingdon JournaL-A gentleman
'""" ions state tell us how the
caicn rabbits in Allegheny county.
ircu a iKDDir. is tracked to its lair a
piece of rubber hose about four feet long
is put to the hole and the operator yells
lustily in the end. The noise in the
u nimosi scares tbe life out of bunny
- """" uuunaing out Into a batr
It la Mill th.tik - . .
. """""s oi mooits were
ppeu in mis maimer last season
Dentist D. I. Lybe, formerly of this
i-town, died in the home of ht
Sidney, Iowa. February ti ...
. ' .OR
n the war "gainst rebellion with a
y:xJUlya"3 irom mis town. He
on ly 14 years old at the time. The vet.
eraus remember him with a good deal
of merriment a getting offa joke when
! T 6 "ret time after the1' ""ival
I , Tv aI mburg. "Ieft
' , 1' , Bnoulea lbe drill master, "yes,
! If ' ' all8Wered tfae boy Leibe," "we
""ve ,e" ooa home "
I Armour' of Kansas City, paid
i 1,'' fT COW of Heotd stwk, on
1 V'V' h S Wb,vn 8eems to
good round Prlce 'or a cow. It isn't
i "fff yfMI la or two wer
! umy' ,or aoub,e tn
; amount. It was F. A. Nave, of Indiana,
J!?? K""
Mr p,!? . T Z?' SO,d one to
Mr- kefeller for eight hundred dol-
to J. E. Ixan for
"C BoW.oue.to M, Ha.derman foreight
nunarea ana seventy dollars
CJ. W. (Sehr. of Klliotsbunr Pom,
couuty, in the Newport News, of March
2nd, writes interestingly of the times
of W) years ago. Among other things
he mentions that it was no uncommon
occurrence to km vomr .....i
oi iuis piace, waiK to JSIoonitield
10 anena aivine serf ice there. The
ladies on their wav thiihor tHnri
along barefooted until they reached
ucit me niuiniueia grist mm stood
before recent destruction by fire.
beu the' .d?l their shoes aud
ilne pnaaea to churc-h. Here too
on meir return they doffed their foot
Rear ana men jogged on until they
rec',e1 borne.
Senator Quay's term of orllce exnirJ
" Saturday, March 4th. Congress
muunieuonuBiaay. rennsylvauia
is not the only State that has a vm-mit
Beat ln tne I'nited States Senate. The
tha t have failed to elect a Tuited States
Senator, aud if an extra session were
calico tbe (senate would have six em ptv
Mea,s- 1 hey are all dead locks, except
ZHn Ti. X ibXuS
it was a colore! Ia.lv l.n nmntoH
rLTAhHn!, 1! "
fmnAhii nnll.' Muvntl
J'hS I women of The 1 StaTe.
"With what political partv do vou
affiliate?" inquired the clerk of the'uu-
accustomed applicant, using the pre
scribed formula. . Duskv blushes, coy
ness and confusion. "I'sJI'ldeeged to
answer that there questioli?" "Cer
tainly; the law requires -it." "Then,
lady," retreating in dismay,' "I don't
believe I'll vote, 'case I'd hate to have
to mention the party's name. He's
one of the nicest gent'mums in town."
. Here are some orders recently received
by a druggist in a neighboring city:
"This child is my. little girl. - I send
you five cents to buy two sit less pow
ders for a groan up adult who is Hike."
"Dear Dochter, pies gif bearer five
sense worse of Auntie Toxyu for to
gargle baby's throat and ohleage." "J
have a cute pain in my child's diagram.
Please give my son semething to re
lease it." "My little Itabey has eat up
its farthers parish plasther. Send an
autedote quick as possible by the en
closed girl." "I baf a hot time in my
insides and wich I wood like it to be
extinguished. What is good for to ex
tinguish it. The enclosed money is for
the price of the extinguisher. Hurry
please." N. Y. Tribune.
CI urch circ'e in Boston are pi
tated, ever the Fuit that Mrs. Dixon,
wifecf Rev J. K Dx n has brought
against Mrs. Lf mctl Amermar, for
uieily, of Scranton, Pa., fur $40,000
for slier: ai ion of her husband's bHVc
tiocs. TLe prracbr asserts bi3 in
nocence, and has tendered his resig
nation to save a d Eruption in tbe
church. The chnrch doors bad tern
locked on him ri Sunday. He held
religious services on tlo fide nalk
by the church It wa tLe t landing
committee c-f the congregation that
locked tie doors of tbe ci u:ch. Tbe
congregat.cn is B ptist.
There was an interesting case before
Justice Frank Patterson, last Thursday
from the upper end of Tuscarora Val
ley, in which James A. McMullin was
arraigned by John F. Wilson, for em
braceryattempt to corrupt a jury and
forgery. At the late court Cyrus Ja
cobs, a grand juror received a letter,
signed John F Wilson, in regard to a
certain assault aud battery case to come
before the grand jury. The exposure
of the letter by Jacobs, lead to an in
quiry in regard to the matter. Wilson
denied the authorship of the letter, aud
declared it to lie a forgery, and pro
nounced McMullin the forger. He
backs his declarations by a suit against
McMullin for embracery and forgery.
McMullin denies the charge, says be
did not write the letter, and will defend
himself in court. Justice Patterson,
required three hundred dollars bail on
each count, there being two counts, six
hundred dollars bail was required,
which was promptly forthcoming by
Hugh Rhine, W. H. Zeiders and Charles
Contractor James Horning, has con
tracted with Miles KaufTman to saw
the lumber, shingles, everything for
Cieorge Hower's new barn, to be built
on the farm that he bought from Wm.
Brubaker, of this town. The farm
used to be know n as the David Stouffer
farm, north of Cuba mill dam. Mr.
Homing's saw mill has a capacity for
the sawing of large and small timber.
The carriage or track way of the mill
is ninety-six feet long. The main saw
of the mill has a diameter of fifty inches.
Mr. Horning has a contract for tne
sawing of shingles for Commiasioner
Wm PufTenliereer's barn, aud ha
commenced work on the contract. He
has bought the white pine timber on
tbe Michael tract, estimated at 20,000
feet. Tbe amount of aawiug done by
the mill where it now stand ou the
Puffenberger tract will be 7&,ouo leet.
Hmin has iust completed the bouse
of Prothonotap- Zide and has .lao
contracted to put up a stable tor Mr.
Zeiders. Prothonotary Zeiders will
move into his handsome new house
next week.,
Dr". King's New Life Pilto.
Engina-i Robert Afr.,k: j
Virtus J. V. Trott'h, toth married
?.? 7. bonaei l Uarrisbarg. were
killed in ti e wreck of the fast news
paper train at 7 a m . on Sunday
moining by a big land glide tht the
rain ran into a mile east of Hnnf
!iS wn ,Tbe, watchman saw
the bill llr'a AK 4 1- 1 .
7 u (-&, oat
did not have time to give a aignai
xuo ergmrer tvidently the ob
stmction for he gave a wild -whistle,
but too late. The engine plo ed in
to the pile of rocks and er.uod and
was ups. t and Ibnried the mgineer
aod Ereman. I was threa honrs
b f 01 e their htyA .
They were dead. The elide took
place while a freight train was nass
log. Three cars weie knocked mil
of the train aod the hind part of the
train piled up ou the obstruction on
t ie track. .
Dr. King's New Life Pills.
It is not often that a man's
funeral is fanny enough to make
his near relatives laugh. This,
however, is what happened at the
funeral of Dr. Kellogg of Ashland,
Ohio. The Kellogg family is an
old and respected one in that town,
and as often happens in old famil
ies of small towns, is connected
with nearly every other family in
the town.
Dr. Kellogg died in New York.
He was a widower, without any
children, and left orders in his
will for his body to be cremated
and the ashes deposited in the
grave of his wife at Ashland. Mrs
Patterson, a cousin, was directed
to carry out this request. The
death of the doctor cast a gloom
over the whole big family of kins
folk. Mrs. Patterson telegraphed
directions for tbe cremation of the
body, aud watched anxiously for
the arrival of the remains. One
morning the expressman drove up
with the box. A funeral was held,
and attended by Ashland in a body.
The wife's grave was opened, the
box deposited solemnly, and the
mourners dispersed.
A few days afterwards Mrs. Pat
terson received a small zinc box,
altout the size of the first. She
She was horrified to find that rhic
last box undoubtedly contained
the ashes of her cousin, Dr. Kel
logg. She knew, of course, at
once, that something else, no tell
ing what, had lteen deposited in
the cemetery in lieu of the doctor
A quiet investigation was made.
It was found that another Mrs
Patterson in Ashland, a sister-in-
low, had sent a dress to a dve firm
in New York. The Itox contain
ing this dress had been deposited
in the grave of the late Mrs. Kel
A secoud and verv quiet bury
ing was held, at which only Mrs.
t'atterson and. the sexton were
present. The story was too good
to keep, and was soon passed
Nathans. March 2nd. 1899. Harry
T ' .11 M .isv 1 If A. ft . a
Brooklyn,-N.' Y..r son of Harry and
Alice V. Nathans, aged 2 years,' 8
n ion ins ana : days- interment in
Lutheran cemetery at McAlisterville,
I a.
Weaver Crimmfl On the 21st
u t , in Fdttcis in hy Rev. S E
Koonfz, Sa'nuel S. Weaver aDd Nora
M. Ciimmel.
Special Excursion from points in
Pennsylvania, Maryland, District
of Columbia, lrginia, est v ir
ginia, Ohio, New York and New
Jersey, on the occasion of the
National Educational Association
meeting at Los Angeles, Cal., in
July, 189J, at reduced rates. For
full particulars, address John 11.
Pott, District Passenger Agent, C,
M. & St. P. E'y, 4SG William St.,
W llliauisport, Pa. . -
Dr. King's New Discovery.
Mr. R. P. Olivia, of Bicelo, Spain,
peDdbii winteis at AiKeo, 8. C Weak
serves Bad cause severe pilot ia tha back
of bis held. On using Electric Bitters.
America's creatvst Wood and Nerve Km
edy, sll pjiin soon left him. He rays thu
grand medicine is wlut bis country needs.
All America known tbat it cures liver and
kidney trouble, puriflrs tbe bloed, tones op
tbe slemscb, atrrug ibrns tbe nerves, pals
vim, vigor and new life into every muscle,
nerve SL 4 organ or tbe bedy. It weak,
tired or ailing yon need it Every bottle
(Bsranered, only 50 cents. Sold by M. P.
Crawford, Druggist.
Emporia, Kan , Mtrch 6. John
Gilbert, in his cell in tbe Couuty
Jail to day, confetsed to brutally
murdering his wife and four children
near Enterprise, Kan., last Tuesday.
Gilbert, for whom a reward had been
offered, was arrested here yesterday,
lie feigned not to know of the crime,
and to day at first shammed insanity.
t inally, when bard pressed by Sheriff
O'Connor, Gilbert confessed the
crime, going into details.
Gdbrrt said he was badly in debt
and had been trying to have Enter.
prise for a long time. Lie could not
take his family, he said, and offered
his wife a divorce. "She kept nag
ging me about the children,' eaid
Gilbert, and throwing them np to
me. 1 told my wile if she would
give me ten dollars Id leave and
never bother her any more. Dunce
the bight I got up and went out into
the jard. - Coming back. I picked
up tLe hammer and bit the baby on
tbe Lead.
"My wife ran out into tbe road,
and was going over to tbe neighbors.
1 ran after and caught her. Sh
Eaid fche'd come back if I would be
have, and I thought I would. But
ben we got io, the baby waa thrash
ing about on the bed, and when I
saw it I couldn't hold myself, but
hit my wife on the head uud pound
ed ber till she could not move, and
then I killed the children."
Whan afrked why he did it, Gilbert
said : "I don't know; it beemtd like
I just couldn't beip it after seeing
the baby there on the bed." .
Dr. King's New Discovery.
Ar. Dnrid f anadV Tmrorlto Remedy fraoaaa tlr cares mml
mambera at a. Umil
nOy. WhO It i
Bladder Medicine, it is fast aa certain
xnatism, Bcrofula and Ecxema. This
V 1.1 ....
uwuuiy eonoiuon, so tney can auTt all imparities from
Healthy blood practically means a completely healthy
Hera is a letter frosa Mrs. Capt Ptnt Rack, of
IV. T.: "My husband was troubled with Us kidneys,
fearfully with shooting pains through Us back.' Ha
Aana M.enmaaym FttTorltm Memdy, and
is now well and etronc Althmirh
seyanty years of age, ha is aa hearty as
a man many year younger. I w
troubled with Dyspepsia that it
painful for m to walk.
.My food did me no good,
aa my stomach could
not digest H. Somebody
recommended Favorite
Remedy to me.and after
taking two bottles of it
I waa completely eared,
and am feeltag splendid
SOW.' Ws both attribute
oar good health to Fmrorlte Remedy."
It ia prwscribad with unfailing success for Narva
Troubles, and for the Liver and Blood it is a spacinc.
It ha eared many that were beyond tha aid a atfcav
medicine. Ask your druggist for it,
iommuM. it wm cost you 91.00 for a regular full-sised bottle.
Gampfo BottSo Frco
If you want to try Favorite Remedy before buyiag. sand year fall poaV
offlc address to the Da. David Kimnsdt CoaroaATMM. Rondont, N. Y.. and
mtntion t kit paper. They win sead you a free trial bottle, all charges prepaid.
This genuine offer ia made to prove to everybody what a wonderful medicine it m.
Will continue
Every day from 9 o'clock in the morning till 12 o'clock noon,
and from 2 o'clock till 4 o'clock in the afternoon, we will sell
10 yards Hill fine yard wide muslin for 55c.
10 yards style 1492, full yard wide unbleached muslin for 45c.
10 yards best Appleton A. muslin 37 inches wide for 55c.
10 yards fine nnbleached muslin, yard wide, for 40c.
10 yards fine seconds of Lonsdale curtois for 70o.
10 yards of Canton flannel for 45c
6 yards of cotton crost towlicg for 20&
4 yards of linen crost fowling for 25c.
10 vcrds of sbirtiDg for 50s
10 vards of heavy shirting for 75o.
- -10 yards of best Indigo blue calico for 45c.
10 jards of black and other fancy calicoes for 46c.
- 6 yardaf ood ginghams (was slightly wel) for 20c.
Lancaster aod other good ginghams 5 yards for only 24c.
4 border handkerchiefs for 5c. - ' '
r 4 white handkerchiefs for 10c.
X Good outing flannels for "5c
, Men and boys cheviot shirts for 25c.
Mens' white nrlaundred shirts for 39c.
Good turkey red table clolh for 17c.
.Wbiie and red border table linens for 25c.
Good lace curtains for 45c a pair.
New striped carpets for 12Jc.
Good home-made carpets for 24c., 25c. and 30c.
Fine rag carpets for 25c., and thousands of jards of carpets at
- 10,000 yards of drts goods at 20 per cent, reduction of Ihe priee.
A few off style coats for ladies, for $1.00, $1.50 and $7.00.
All ladies jackets and capes below cost price.
Lad i b and Mens' good rubbers for 25c.
. All our shoes at tpeciall reduced prices.
1865, ESTABLISHED. 1899.
Special Invitation To The Pvblit
To attend the Attractive Sale of
- 1 -
It will
Who nave money to invest to examine the Stock of Goods for
It is truly marvelous to See
of Su;ts and Overcoats at the Wonderfully Low Prices.
His prices leave all Competitors in the rear, so don't fail
to give him a call if in need of Clothing,
D. W. H A R L E Y
n sH"
considered by many t ea a Kidaay aa4
to ear DtsdwdbIsv Cemstinatioa-
is because it first pats tha Kidneys ia a
and insist upon getting it
Clothing that goes .on daily
took Dr.
aa so A. 1 I
& SON'S.
Our Holiday Trade was Phenom
inal But" We Still Have a
Large Line of
. ..(.). .rf
Wintei? Suit sad Oeeaatr
Spring will soon be here and we prefer to lose our
profits now. ' Rather than carry our heavy goods over
and lose later.
Any Overcoat in our line can now be bought at
cost. Any Winter Suit can now be hail t nst
Why ! because we would sooner have the mony the
goods cost us and invest it than have it tied up in
Goods on our shelves, particularly when we need the
room ibr our spring stock. The successful clothier of
today is the one who starts each season with a new
line. For this reason we offer you Goods at Coat.
. Now is the time to take advantage of Cost Prices.
Seeing is believing, come and see.
Hollobaugh& Son,
ii6 Main St., Patterson, Pa.
and House-Furnishing
O 0O0 01
Things are never dull here; caver stupid. Tbe full life of the store al
ways, has a cheerful weioeme for all comers, and 6boppers are quick to decide
in favor of tbe Great Values to be found in our new
Neat, Stylish,
Get a food paper '7 sobscribioft ' ihet
SaariaaL as a Kaprtuca.
"77" is Dr. Humphreys' famous!
Specific for tbe care of Grip and
Colds, and tbe prevention'of Poeumo
nia. All drupeists, 25c.
Subscribe for the Sentinel and
Republican, a paper tbat con taint)
choice reading matter, full of inform ;
lion that does tbe reader good, and!
in addition to that all local news that
are worth publishing find places in
itf columns. tf.
No. 1 Cures Fever.
No. 2 " Worms.
No. 3 " Infants' Diseases. i
No. 4 " Diarrhea.
No. 7 " Coughs.
No. 8 Cures Neuralgia.
No. 9 " Headache.
No. IO " Dyspepsia.
No. 11 " Delayed Periods.
No. 12 " Leucorrhea.
No. 1 3 Cures Croup.
No. 14 " Skin Diseases.
No. IB " Rheumatism.
No. 16 " Malaria.
No. IO " Catarrh.
No. 20 Cures Whooping Cough
No. 21 " Asthma.
No. 24 " General Debility.
No. 26 " Sea-Sickness.
No. 27 " Kidney Diseases.
No. 28 Cures Nervous Debility.
No. 30 " Urinary Diseases
No. 32 " Heart Disease.
No. 34 " Sore Throat.
No. 77 " " Colds and Grip.
Da. HcjfPHBEYs Homeopathic Manual
or Diseases Mailed Free.
Small bottles of pleasant pellets, flt the vest
pocket. Sold by druc-gists, or sent prepaid upon
receipt of prion, 25 cept. except Koe. 2ft. and SB
are made $1.00 sice only. Humphreys' Medl
nine Company. Ill William St, New York.
fWPths External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding i
TSMiilalii Inn Itching-or Btoedlns of the Beetana.
The rellet a Immediate tha euro certain.
nxos, so cm, trial size, as cts.
AT 5S7
A Spscially Selected S toek
KaDges, Cook, Parlor and Shop
florae Blankets and Lap Robes.
LAMPS, large and small.
Come io and look around. We'll
make jcu fetd at bume.
We bave tbo largest Stock and
Store in tbe county.
THfi F18ST
Money Loaned at Lowest Hates.
March 5, 1898.
Juniata Valley
National Bank.
Capital .... t)0,000.
T. V. IRWIN, Cashier.
Louis E. Atkiustm. W. C. Pomeroy.
John Hertzler. J. L. Barton.
H. J. Shellenlicrjrer. V. N. Sterrett.
T. Vau Irwin.
Interest allowed on time deposits at
the rate of three per cent, per annum.
January 11, 1899.
The Sales of Hood's J? arsaparilla
are the largest in the world because
die cures by Hood's SarsapariUa are
vonderful, perfect, permanent.
' Hood's Pills are the best fissailr
raUtarticaodUvWDHdixiiBB. Me.