Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, March 08, 1899, Image 2

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"WEDNESDAY, MAR. 8, 1899
3fBSCRiPTiojf $1.00 per year if paid
i l advance ; f 1.60 if not paid in ad
vance. Trannient advertising and local
notices 8 oeuta a line.
Deduction! will be made to those de
piring to advertise by the year, half or
charter year.
The lower house of the rennsyl
yauia legislature bal a bear gar
den performance last Friday over
the question of the increase of the '
committee to investigate the'
charges made by the Philadelphia1 ch5st;e meeting would not agree to
Press, that efforts had been made that. They wanted the committee
to bribe certain members of on bribery enlarged. All opposi
te Legislature to vote for!tion to their desires were with
t he reconsideration of the McCarrell; drawilf and the committee was en
jury bill. Ever since the bribery ' iarged as they desired by the ad
iiivfstigntiug committee was ap- j dition of four members, all anti
pointed the AVanamaker following 1 QHay lueiu Tbat makes nine of a
in the Legislature have declared committee, and all but two anti
that they have not had a fair rep-' Quav
resentation on the bribery investi
gation committee.
The committee, as appointed by
the speaker of the house stood two
democrats, two Quay republicans
and one Wanamaker republican.
The Wanamaker men, together
with the democrats who are oppos
ed to the jury bill, ou Friday,
were ready to raise the number of
Trie committee from live to nine by
the addition of two democrats and j
twouuti Cjuaymen.but they were not j
given a chance to do so and because
of that they raised a bear garde u
scene that their constituents will
not soou forgCt .
On Friday at 10.30 the house
convened. The journal was being
read .
Suddenly, at 11 o'clock sharp a
member called on the speaker "for
the order of the day."
It appears, that ,:the order of
the day," for Friday, was the ad
journment of the house at 11 o'clock
and speaker Farr, who used to
huve Wanamaker proclivities, im
mediately ad journed tbe house till
Saturday at 11 o'clock.
The adjournment of speaker
Fai r was met with wild protests by
the Wanamaker men and a large
iH.-rtntage of the democrats. They
jumped at conclusions. They did
not stop to consider whether the
speaker's adjournment of the house
was iu accordauce with the rules
of the house, no, but they declared
that he had no right to adjourn
I he house as he did. They called
him vile names. They behaved
like t lift r'iimuu in it-lrrtt
tagc of niob movement. They
threatened to put him out
of his seat. They called the
adjournment a trick, a piece
of revolutionary work, that the
sjieaker had under the ciicum
stances uo right to engage in,
v hen iu point of fact they
were the revolutionists. Farr,
however, declares he is right,
under a rule adopted by the pres
ent house. Farr left the chair, so
did the clerks. Then the bear
garden scene, was from the ac
counts of those present, laughable
and disgusting. It was farcieal
Some one moved to elect a speak
er. Representative Bliss was elect
ed with three clerks.
Bliss took the chair, and ordered
a roll call iu order to learn the
presence of a quorum, the roll was
responded to by 101 answers, which
was t wo short of a quorum. A good
many members were present, and
Bliss is reported to have suggested
that he ought to do as Keed had
done iu Congress when members
sat silent when the roll was called,
count them as having voted, but
he did not follow the suggestion.
It is a good thing for the credit of
the State that a quorum was not
present, for had it leen present,
there is uo telling w hat the meet
ing would have attempted in its
crazy mood. Those who were not
crazy or drunk knew they had no
right under the rules to act iu that
May. and they did not attempt to
justify themselves under the rules;
thej took the languageof the French
commune and called it revolution.
Some democrat whose name is not
at hand came m and wanted his
name called. It was called, he is
one of the men who has been
threatened with dire vengeance if
he votes for any one but Jenks, or
some one of the Wauamaker
bn reau . If t hey had had a quorum
there is no telling what they would
not nave passed through the meet
ing in the way of resolutions. It
was a uumler one cireus for the
f-pc-iators and those of the mem
bers who had not lost their heads,
but by and by. one by one they be
gan to wonder what they were there
for, and why such a performance,
and after a while some one moved
that a committee be appointed to
railatinu.: .
of 1 lie house on speaker Farr's
rulings. The committee to report
to the house on the 7th inst.
Chairman Bliss appointed a com
mittee of five.
When 12 o'clock, noon, came
f he bouse and finale convened in
o 1
joiit.ewion to ballot for a United
j States Senator, with speaker Farr
in the chair, which having been
done, Speaker Farr again left the
chair, and Mr. Bliss again walked
op, took the chair, and called the
honse to order, but there were less
than a quorum present, and the
meeting did not transact business.
Quay lost three rotes in the joint con
vention;onefrom Lackawanna coun
ty, and two from Philadelphia. Mr.
Bliss's meeting adjourned to meet
at 7 p m., on Tuesday. On Mon
day evenipg the feouse convened.
A resolution Was offered to consti
tute the whole house an investiga
ting committe on the bribery
question -before whom all wit
nesses .and accused could ap
pear, but the leaders of the anar-
The rump committee of five ap
pointed by the rump meeting on
i last Friday, reported on Monday
evening at 7 p. in., at a special
session of the House, on the ques
tion of Speaker Farr's adjourn
ment of the Legislature on the call
of the order of the day last Friday.
The report condemns
r arr s ruung as an act oi iisurpa- ;
tion of authority of the House; the .
. . . ,- . . p
report also resolves that a .majority
of the Legislature have the right
to declare the scat of a
vacant. On motion the further ;
consmerauon oi me resolutions , B, 48,; William st Williams
were postponed. As to the bribery rt p - or 30( chestnut St..
phase of the case, the committee
meeting ou Monday evening, and
had before them two correspon
dents of the Philadelphia Press.
They were the men who charged fired 15,000,000 shots and killed
bribery. Both correspondents gave ' 21,000 Russians, or one man to
second hand information, but gave every 700 shots. The French
names of men who told them of forces in the same war fired 29,
efforts at bribery and among other ' 000,000 shots and killed 51,000
things they mixed up the name of , Russians, or one man to every 500
Arch Bishop Eyan, of the Catholic shots tired. The Kussians, on the
church, as being anxious for the other hand, fired 45,000,000 shots
passage of the McCarrell bill. The at both English and French and
probability is the Arch Bishop succeeded in killing 48,000, or one
knew no more than the man iu the soldier to every 910 shots which
moon about efforts of bribery, if ef- j they fired.
forts of that kind were made. Arep-; War, after all, is not so danger
resentative from Lycoming county ; ous a game as most people imagine,
testified that he had been offered ; It has lieen calculated that the
five hundred dollars to vote for bullets of one army hit the enemy
the McCarrell bill but he saw no in safe places 80 times out of every
money. A member from Xorth- j 103. Of every 103 shots which
umberland county told him, that strike some soldier 43 will lodge in
he was told, there was three in it the legs (from the hips down to
if he would vote for the bill, but the feet); 33 shots will lodge iu the
he did not learn what three meant, arms (from the shoulders to the
The committee got into a fuss with tips of the fingers); the abdomcu
itself over the declaration of a 'received 11 bullets, the chest and
committeeman, that their meeting
was a sort of a grand jury meeting
and to get rid of the snarl they
had to adjourn till AV ednesdayi It is further proved by onicial
j -.- r.T 7"Z , I figures that when a soldier ' has
Tiiebk is a bill in the Legisla-; 1 WOUnded, even seriously, his
t ure to complete the capitol build-; chances of ultimate recovery are
ing by January 1903, at a cost not '' wry great.
to exceed four million dollars. ' n the basis of a table iplied
j , . , by the (ierman War Department,
THE CONFUSING RISC ! out of every 11 American soldiers
Two Democratic voters iu North- wnnded in Cuba or Porto Eico 99
umberlaud marked rings instead : W1 eventually get entirelj -well,
of crosses in the circles at the head i f tbe reiiiaininK 1 , out of the
of their tickets; and two lfepnbli - 116 branded I soldiers 6 are found
can voters started at the top of to die of their injuries on the
their tickets and made a straight K"d before they can be removed
stroke instead of a cross, voting and an average only of 1 1 die after
the republican ticket except for ea hlng the hospital.
T. M. Kessler, democrat, for coun-1 Tbese .0.H.rse' lae n,0
cilman. and these four tickets were of the possibility of death
thrown out by the election board. from disease.
Mr. Kessler was beaten by only ; BUTTER FROM PEANUTS,
two votes and if these tickets had A new factory has just been put
been counted he would have been into operation in Kokomo, Indiana,
elected. One of the Common Pleas for the manufacture of butter from
Judges has given it as his opinion peanuts, says the St. Louis Globe
that the votes should be counted, Democrat. For a year or more
and the matter will likely be taken Lane Brothers, of that city, have
into the courts. been working on a process of mak-
Phillipine Island War-
jhe war situation in tne rbiiiip-.
i.iu .'uu ii uui cunDg- u 10 any
erent degree within tb past eek.
past ecf.
The insurgents bavj
8.000 Spanish
prisonors. They will not surrender
the prisoners to tbe America1
Tbey want to turn tbem over o
Spam. They ask tbe Spanish g( v
ernment seven million dollars for tie
rieoners. General OMs tbe Ameii-
enn general in comnittnd at Manila
sas there are olIv three American
prisoners among tbe insurgeuis and
sbiy became prisoners befiie the
war with tbe iiiSurgeniB abd the
Americans began. Away lust sum
mi r tbe three men strolled beyond
tbe American picket line end were
not allowed to return. Tbey wete
held as prisonrrs. The American
general sends them rations and such
other suppliea as they need By
telegram from Manila on tfnndar
last, March 6, it is learned that a
p&trol of Company G., Second Ore.
gon Volunteers, was ambush e! ont
n or tbe city reservoir; and two uen
wounded. Tbe First Nebrxe-ka regi
ment went to tbe rescue Hacked tbe
enemy, and by a well directed fire
killed '0 and wounded many others.
The U. S. army and navy force
now at the Philippines and on tbe
way there, number forty oid tLous
and officers and men. Di.xviy Las
21 war ships
Carlisle Volunteer. On Thurs
day morning the remains of James
II. Parker and John Kichardson
were shipped on the 8.36 train to
Mechanicsburg and Chambersburg
for interment. Both colored men
had been born in Franklin county
and came to Carlisle on the same
.uaJ in. oom iongm jn me
.1 rT'i . it ,
, f "iT-il ir.
the same regiment.
1 and both were Odd Fellows. They
died on the same day and their re-
; mains were shipped the same day.
' Kichardson also fonght in the 3Iex
ican war.
Dr. King's New Life Pills.
The Star Spangled Banner-
- The American people have not
adopted a national flower, bat they
have a national song the Star Spanir
ld Banner, which was written by
Francis Scott Kty, September 14,
1814 Tha song was inspired while
he was a witness lo tbe British bom
bardment of Fort McHenry.
These words were not tbe off
spring of poetic fancy or imagination,
but what tbe writer actually saw and
Mt says Self Culture- Every word,
undoubtedly came from his heart.
Key had left Baltimore ucder a
flag of trace to release a friend of
bis who was a prisoner on a British
vsiseL They wouli tot permit b'm
to return that lny or iLt following
night, fearing t-a bs wcu'd tell t of
tbeir intended attack. Hence be
wstcbed the lag the whole day with
an anxiety better imagined thatrdes '
cribed. -
Ail night he watched tbe toaob
shells and at early dawn his eye was
greeted by the proudly waving flag.
That l ight, while pacing the deck,
ihf song mateiinl'z d in h;a mind
and Le scratched it on tbe back of a
letter. Thentxt moroing he was
permitted lo lar.: He read tbe
words to tbe Cbiel J entice of Mary
land for approval, who at once gave
it his seal.
Jn less than one hour it w is in the
bands of the printer and was rec-'ivr
ed and bailed with great enthusiasm.
It was carried to thousands of fire
sides as tbe most precious relic of
the war of 1812. Tbe lane is an old
Eoglish air, that of "Anacron in
Sb FrsBClt Co and Retarsi.
On0 farA far tliA rrtniul trill
National Baptists' Anniversaries,
May 26-30; 1899, tickets on
u 15 16 and l; tt
turn nntil ' July 15th. For fuU
particiars call on or address John
J Milwaukee & St. Paul
:ihiladei pnia pa.
a I 7 r
'In the Crimean War the British
, back 11, the neck 1 bullet, and 11
shots strike some part of the Eol-
; diers' heads.
; ing butter from the peanut to com -j
pete with the product of the farm
j cow, and have succeeded in pro-
ducing the desired article. At the
preSent price of the nuts the but
U l... 0f W... a
tor 1k mll at ftftMiii nnta lwr
The process of manufacture is no
! duriif TKa nnta nftan fl-iA V nl to
nv.v v -av us a-a. ta 1 anvt CUV uuilO
are removed, are carefully hand
picked and faulty kernels removed.
They are then roasted iu a large
rotary oven. Again they are gone
over by hand for the removal of
scorched grains. The nuts are
then put through a mill and ground
as fine as the finest flour, the natur
al oil in the grains giving it the
appearance and consistency of
putty ?s it leaves the mill, except
that it is more of an orange color.
By the addition of filtered water,
to reduce it to a more pliable state,
the butter is complete, no other in
gredient, not even salt, being used.
It never grows rancid and keeps in
any climate. It is put up in one,
two, live, ten, twenty-five and one
hundred pound tin cans and sealed.
The new butter is already in great
demand at sanitariums and health
resorts. It is nsed for all purposes
ordinary butter is used, including
shortening and frying. Physicians
pronounce it more healthful than
cow butter and it is much less ex
pensive. By the addition of more
water a delicious cream is made,
and if desired it can in the same
way be reduced to the consistency
of milk. The new butter factory
located but a few rods from a large
dairy barn and is runuing in oppo
sition to it.
Major-Ceneral Schuyler Hamil
ton gives his unqualified endorse
ment to Dr. Humphreys' Specific
"77" for Grip. All druggists, 25c.
People Believe wbut they read
about Hood's Sarsupiiriila. They know
it is an hoaest medicine, and that it
cores. Get Hood's and only Hood's.
Hood's Pills care all liver fflW. rv
j Bv coustipatioD aaaii digestion. Sfo.
IICHTS. - - ' -
Tbe folio wins; scale of iee for ennonnc
sents naa been saatnallr agreed apon by
Ibo nnderaifrad, aad no deviation fiosa
the same will be' nude.
CoEgreu. 829; Seaator, $10; Lefisls
tnre, $7; associate Judge. FrothoMtary
sod Treasurer, each, $6t District Attoraey,
Connty Conmriekloner, flepraeeotatire Dal.
agate and Chainaaa of Conuty Committee,
each. 83; Auditor, 1 1. - ...
- Editor jMMfi UirmU.
, Editor Skmttnex. and Republican.
Mr. Editor: Please announce that I
am a candidate for nomination for
Treasurer of Juniata county, subject" to
Republican rules and usages. .
John F. Ehkenzei.ler.
Cocolamus, Pa., Jan. 81, 1899."
For commissioner.
I hereby announce myself as a can-
dictate for the office of County Commis
sioner, subject to the true principles of
tbe Republican party, ana wiu, ir nom
inated and elected pledge myself to put
forth every lawful or reasonable effort
to meet the urgent needs of the people,
iu tbe disburament of their taxes.
M It- Beashoke.
FssrDaT PerseHy-Cadaict-4
Tear vtm PeanaylvaBla
The almost unpara'led success of
thd tour last year has induced . the
Pennsylvania Riitroad Company to
offer the lesideuts of Williarasporr,
Wilkesbarre, Sunbury, Htrrisburg,
and neighboring cities in Central
Pennsylvania another opportunity to
avail themselves of the peculiar ad
vantages of a personally conducted
tour to Washington, and has there
fore arranged for a four-day tour to
tbe National Capital on Monday,
March 27.
Train will leave Renovo at 6.40
a. m., Williamr port 9.30 a. m., Scran
ton 7.48 a. ro , Wilkesbarre 8.43 a.
m., Sunbury 10 50 a in., Mt. Carmel
7 30 s. m., Altoona 7.15 a. m., Lan
caster 10 35 a. m-, Harrisbarg 12 35
p. m., stopping at the principal in
termediate stations and at York.
Returning special train will leave
Washington at 3.30 p. m., Thursday
March 30. Passengers from points
west of Williameport, and from
Dewart, Selioegrove, Lykens, Ddls
burg. Lebanon, and points on the
Sbamokin Division will use-regular
trains from Washington returning!
Ad tickets will be- good to return
also on regular trains until Saturday
April 1, inclusive.
Round-trip rate, covering trans
portation, hotel ' accommodations
j from supper on date Of tour until
j after lnncbeon 31 arch 30, $12.90
; from Williamsport, $13 60 . from
I Wilkesbarre, $1170 from Sunbury,
14 uo irom Aitoo&a, iu iu irom
Lancas'er, $10.10 from Harriaburg,
and proportionate rates from other
stations, including stations on tbe
Cumberland Valley Railroad north
of Chambersburg Guides to Wash
ington will be distributed free on
the train.
For itineraries, rates, tickets, and
fail information apply to ticket
agents ; E. S. Harrar, Division Tick-
j et Agent, Williamsport. Pa ; Tourist
1 Agent, Wilkesbarre, Pa.; or address
j Geo. W. Boyd, Assistant . General
; Passenger AgenV Broad Street
I Station, Philadelphia. .
To keep well posted with regaM
10 mono stales to be neid -toy -your
many mends, and ca to where yon
j may secure just what you may be in
nerd of, cut ont tbe following and
paste it in your bat for reference.
Sale by
Isaac Riwe, Walker township.
A arch lUtn.
J. P. Ritzman, Turbett township,
March 11th.
1 J. Y. Yoder, Spruce Hill township,
. March 13tb.
; S. P. Wharton, Spruce Hill, town
. ship, March 14th.
j Cbas. Widney, Lack toweshi,-,
March 15th.
j A. R. Memisger, Spruce Hill town
'ship, March 16tb.
John Tb nipaon, Delaware town-
C. M. Gusp, Tuibettr
Msrcb 18: h.
S. S. Guss, Turbett
: Mhrch 18th
G. W. Fink, Turbett
:' March 20ib.
j G. B. Hittle, Port Royal,
1 J. S. McConnel!, Turbett township,'
Marcn 21st.
H A. Ritzman, Tuibett township,
March 22ud.
A J. Clark McNea1, Huntingdon
county March 23rd.
Wni. Varnes, Walker township,
March 24tb.
James Sberloch; Beale township,
March 25th.
D. S. Louder, Fermanagh town
ebip, March 27th.
Joseph Evanp, Spruce Hill town
ship, March 28th.
S. B. Hetrick, Ex'r., Walker town
ship, Marcb 29th.
W. F. Slagle, Patterson, March 30.
H. H. Kloss, Ex'r., Walker town
thip, March 31st.
J. H. Moyer, Fermanagh township,
April 1st.
Not one of the bove mentioned
ales is an appraisement but a bona
fide absolute sale not one article on
which tbere is a reserv, much of the
live stock, whether of horses, cattle,
sheen or begs, is of the very beet,
while of the other property anything
that any one may be in need of can
be found, and of tbe beat Sales
rain or shine, and a "free pitch in"
for everybody. Come and see as
friends and neighbors. Sae sale
bills for full particulars. Respect
fully, in behalf of my patrons.
"The Dutch Auctioneer."
Will often caaar a horrible Born, SeaJJ
Cnt or Braise. Bneklaa's Arnica Salve
tbe beat In the world, will kill the pain aad
promptly heal it. Cnre Old Serea, Fever
Sores, Dicers, Boils, Falooa, Coma, all
Skia Brnptions. Bast Pile cure en earth.
Only 35c. a hex. Cnro gaarantaed. Sold
by M. P. Crawloid, Drurciat,
Dr. King's New Discovery.
fTiKjId qoicklv kava yen, If yon nead
Dr King's Mew Life Pills. Thenaaads ef
ao&Vrcra have proved their matchless merit
tor Sick and Norvona Headaches Thar
' make pore blood and strong nerves and
baild np ynnr health. Baay te take. Try
lham. Only Me. Money back f not eared.
I SeU by M. P. Crawford, Vraggmt.
March Tuesday 21st, J. S. Beaver
will sell, one mile south of Van Wert,
live stock and farming implements.
Sale at 10 o'clock a. m.
March Tuesday 21t, promptly at
10 o'clock a. iu , John 8 McConuel will
seU at his residence in Turbett township,
4 miles Bouthuest of Port Royal, 6
hones, cows, large lot of young cattle,
sowaTBhoata, chickens, two and four
horse wagons, two seated carriage,
sleighs, sleds, farm machinery, geare,
baruese, large lot of household goods,
com, potatoes, and much other property.
I am going to move to North Dakota,
and am selling out "rump and stump.
March. Thursday, 16th, A. .
Memminger, residing on the Okeson
r.rm in Mnmee Hill township, one half
mile southwest of Barton's store, horses,
mules, cows, two and one year old cat
tle, 60 fine sheep, wagons, uiuuw,
mower, and a large variety of farming
implements, gears of all kinds. Sale to
begin at 10 o'clock a. m.
March Thursday SOth, at 9 o'clock
a. m., W. F. Slagle will sell at public
auction at his place of business in the
borough of Patterson, new ngnt roaa
wagons, one-horse wagon, spring
wagons, buggies, new and second hand,
spring tooth harrows, plows, two and
one-horse cultivators, planters, grain
drills, sets of new harness, light and
heavy collars, single and check lines,
bridles, halters, whips, robes, etc. Also
all kinds of household goods, wnicn
will be sold first, new sewing macninen.
Bale positive Come early. See large
band bills. We are moving out of the
county. Our bouse and business stand
adjoining, at private sale.
Notice is hereby given that letters of
administration 111 tne estate 01 v uiuni
H. Deppen, Ute of Walker township,
Juniata county, Pa., deceased, have
been granted to the undersigned, resid
ing in said township. All persons hav
ing claims against the said estate will
present tbe same for payment to
David J. Deppen,
Or his counsel, Atkinson A Pennell, at
Miffliutown, Pa. Jan. 35, 96t.
Mar. 9. Francis Kowe, Walker.
Mar. 10. Isaac Kowe, Miffliutown.
Mar. 11. J. B. Ritzman. Turbett.
Mar. 14. S. P. Wharton, Spruce Bill.
Mar. 15. Chas. Widney, aterloo.
Mar. 16. A. It. Meminger.Spruce Hill.
Mar. 17. B. F. Kice, Spruce Hill.
Mar. 17. John Thompson, Delaware.
Mar. 18. Chas. M. Guss, Turbett.
Mar. 20. G. W. Fmk, Turbett.
. Mar. 22. W. A. Harlan, Tuscarora.
Mar. 22. H. A. Ritzman, Turbett.
Mar. 23. W. B. McLaughlin.
Mar. 24. William Varnes, Walker. "
Mar. 25. James Sherlock, Beale.
Wbrat $
C'-rn in ar.......... .
8, 1899.
... 85
Clo7r-'-d .
Butter...... .
Slionlder. ....
Sides. .......
92 to $2 50
a. 16
..... 20
, 8
Timutbv seed....
F ax aeed. ........
Chop ..
Ground In Salt,
American Salt....
.85c to 9oo
Philadelphia Makkets,
March 7, 1899. .
Wheat 76c. Corn 39c. Oats 36c.
Clover seed $3.50 to $4 48 lo quality,
Pennsylvania tobacco 8c. to 12c. 12c
to 17c. wrappers 40c to 60c. Kgg
20s. to 30c. Butter 20c. to 25. Tal
low 2c. to 4c Smoked betf r 1 le.. to
17c Pork bams 8c to 12c Shoul
der 5e. to 6c : Bellies 6c. Lard
6& "Live chickerjs 7c to 10c.
Turkeys 10c. to 11c. Potatoes 35c. to
65c. a bu8htl, Onions 60c. to 65s.
a bushel, Sugars 4o to 6o. Baled
bayt7.60 to tlO.SOStraigbtRyestraw
$7.50 to $8, Apples $2.50 to $4 50
a barrel, Beef cttle 2 to 5Je. a
pound, Sheep at $3., and $4c a ft,
Hogs $3 90 to $4.15 Veal calves $4
to $7 50.
Special Tenv-ela Excmrsleai via
aPcmmsylVatmlai Railroad.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Com
pauy has arranged for three low
rate ten-day Excursions from Pitts
burg and points in Western Penn
.aylvania to Washington Marcb 30,
April 27, end May 11. Bound-trip
tickets will be sold at rates quoted
below, good going on special train
indicated, or on train No. 4, leaving
Pittsburg at 8.30 p. m , and carrying
through sleeping cars to Washing
ton. Special train of through par
lor cars aud coaches will be ran on
tbe following schedule :
Train leaves. Bate.
Altoona 1140a.m. $7 35
Bell wood f 11.52 " 7 35
Belief onte. 9 63 " 7 25
Curwccsvilla...... 9 16 M 7 25
Clearfield 9 31 " 7 25
Philipsburg...... 10.12 7 25
Osceola ..10.23 M 7 25
Tyrone.......... 12. 03 p.m. 7 25
Huntingdon 12.35 " . 6 65
Cumberland 815 a.m. 6 65
Bedford 9.25 " 6 65
Mount Union 112 54 p.m. 6 35
Lewistown June . . 1.33 " 5 60
Mifflin f 1 50 " 6 25
Newport f 2.24 " 4 60
Duncannon f 2.44 4 20
Washington. Arrive 7.15 "
f Passengers will use regular train
through to Washington
"t" Stops only on notice to agent.
Tickets will be good returning on
any regjlar train, except the Penn
sylvania Limited, until April 8, May
6, and May 20, respectively, and to
atop off at Baltimore within limit.
Holders of special excursion tick
ets to Washington can purchase, at
tbe Ptnneylvania Railroad Ticket
Offices in Washington, excursion
tickets to Richmond at rate of $4 00
and to Old Point Comfort (all rail)
at $6.00; at the offices of the Nor
folk and Washington Steamboat
Company, excursion tickets (not in.
c.udiog meals and staterooms on
nixrauiers; iu wiu iroint uomiort or
Norfolk, Va., at $3 50, and to Vir
ginia Beach at $4.50; Washington to
Mt Vernon and return, via electric
railway, 50 cents.
Should the number of Dasseneeia
not be sufficient to warrant the ran
tiing of a special train, the company
rescrvee me ngnt 10 carry partici
pants in this excursion on regular
train. . .
ATcaets on sale in Pittsburg, tt
union Ticket Uffice.360 Fifth lnn
and Union 8tation, and at all sUtiona
mentioned above. For full informa
tion apply to agents or Thomas E.
w.all -senger Agent Western Dis
tnet, Fifth Avenue and Smithfield
ocreet, mUDurg.
mm PnttU
tlfTUlTTO WTf , FA.
09-Colleetlag aaa Oeeveyaaelnf yroaipt
ly attended to.
te-Collectionsandall lgl basi
cess promptly attenped to.
bare formed a partnership for the pa tict
oV JedWnewrfUeir eollatteral
Office at old .t.nd, corner of Third and Or
W afreets, Mifflmtowa, ra. ""- "J,
ot tbem will be found at their oftce at aU
h mju niMa otherwise profeaaionnlly en
April ISC, low.
, adoate or the Philadelphia Dental
Jo.. e. Ofioe at old esUblished lo-
eation, Bridge Street, opposite w
Hoase, JMuHintown, ra.
fly Grown and cnags wora;
Painless Extraction.
All work guaranteed.
Schedule in Effect November
Wav Passenger, lea-w Philadelphia
at 4 80 a. m; HarnsDurB o w
Duncannon 8 85 a. m; New Port 9 to
a. m; MUlerstown 10 " ;
o i tti- n'homDsouiown
- - . OU .
Van Dyke 9 33 a. m; ium. "
m- Meiiro 9 40 a. m: Port Royal 9 44 a.
Mimin Q .vi ni: Deiiboun 9 60 a.
m: Lwistown 10 13 a. m; McVeytown
in itn m- Newton Hamilton 11 00 a,
m; Mount Union 11 06 a. m; Hunting
11 ? n tti Tvmne 12 20 o. m; Al-
wira 1 m r in : Pittsburx 5 oO p. m.
Mail leaves Philadelphia at 7 00 a. m;
u.rMKurir at 11 48 a. m: Mifflin 1 11
titnvn 1 SO d. m: Hunting.
Son 2 29 n. m: Tyrone 3. 12 p. m; Al
toona 8 45 p. m; Pittsburg 8 40 p. m.
iitnnna Ammimodatioii leaves liar-
.ichnn t s no n m: Duncannon 0 34
r. m: Newoort 02 p. m; MUlerstown
k ll- D. m: Thompsontown 6 21 p. m;
Tusrarora 6 SO p. m: Mexico 6 33 p. m;
Port Roval 6 S8 p. m; Mifflin 6 48 p. m
TVpnholm 6 49 n. m: Lewistown 7 07 p,
m- MpWvtnwn 7 SO p. ra: Newton
Hamilton 7 50 r. m: Huntingdon 8 20
i, m: Tvrone 9 02 p. m; Altoona 9 35
Pacific Kxpress leaves Philadelphia
t 11 '20 n. m: Harrisbunr at 3 00 a. i
Marvaville 3 14 a. m. Duncannon 3 29
a m. Newport 3 52 am. Port Royal
4 25 a. m. Miftiin 4.30 a. m. Lewistown
4 .V a m. Newton Hamilton 5 33 a. m.
Huntinedon 6 0: a. m. Petersburg 6 19
a. m. Tvrone 6 52 a. m. Altoona 7 40 a,
m Pitlsl.nnr 12 10 a. m.
Ovster Express leaves Philadelphia
at 4 S5 n. m. Harnsburg at 10 20 p. m
Newnort 11 06 p. m. Mifflin 11 40 p. m.
Lewistown 11 58 p. m.; Huntingdon 12
55 a. m. Tvrone 1 32 a. m. Altoona 2 00
a. m. Pittsburg 5 SO a. m.
Fast Line leaves Philadelphia at 12
25 d. m. Harrisburt! 3 50 p. m. Duncan
non 4 15 p. m. Newport 4 35 p. m. Mif
flin 5 07 p. m. Lewistown 5 27 p. m.
Mount Union 6 OS p. m. Huntingdon
6. 27 p. m. Tyrone 7 04 p. m. Altoona
7 40 p. m. Pittsburg 11 30 p. to.
Altoona Accommodation leaves Al
toona at 5 00 a. hi. Tyrone 5 24 a. m.
Petersburg 5 45 a. m. Huntingdon 5 55
a. m. .Newton Hamilton e zi a. m. mc-
Vevtown 6 37 a. m. Lewistown 6 58 a.
m. Mifflin 7 18-a. m. Port Royal 7 22 a.
m. Thompsontown 7 87 a. m. MUlers
town 7 46 a. m.N Newport 7 55 a. m.
Duncannon 8 20 a. m. Harrisburg 8 50
a. m. ...
6ea Shore leaves Pittsburg at 2 50 a.
m. Altoona 7 lo a. in. Tyrone i 4 a. m.
Huntingdon 8 30 a. m. McVeytown 9 15
a. m. lewistown 9 35 a. m. Mifllin 955
a. m. Port Royal ? 59 a. m. Thompson
town 10 14 a. m. MUlerstown 10 22 a.
ra. Newport 1132 a. m. Duncannnu 10
54 a. m. Marysville 11 07 a. m. Harris
burg 11 2-i a.m. Philadelphia 3 00 p. m.
Main Line Express leaves Pitts-burg
at 8 00 a. in. Altoona 1 1 40 a. ni. Tyrone
12 03 p. m. Huntingdon 12 35 p. m.
Lewistown 1 S3 p. m. Mifflin 1 50 p. m.
Harrisburg 8 10 p. m. Baltimore tt 00 p.
ni. Washington 7 15 p. ni Philadelphia
6 23 p. m.
Mail leaves Altoona at 2 05 p- m. Ty
rone 2 35 p. m. Huntinguon s 17 p. m.
Newton Hamilton 3 47 p. m. McVey
town 4 20 p. in- lewistown 4 33 p. m.
Mifflin 4 55 p. ni. Port Royal 5 00 p. m.
Mexico 5 20 p. m. Thompsontown 5 18
p m. Millertitoun 5 28 p. m. Newport
5 39 p. m. inincanuon o OS p. m. liar
risbunr 6 45 p. in.
Vail Express leaves Pittsburg at 12 45
p. in. Altoona 5 50 p. m. Tyrone 6 20
p.m. Huntingdon 7 00 p- in. cVev-
town 7 44 p. ni. Icwistowu 8 06 p. m.
Mifflin 8 26 p. m. Port Royal 8 31 p. m.
MUlerstown 8 57 p. m. Newiiort 9 05 p,
ni. Duncaunon 9 29 p.m. Harrisburg
iu oo p in.
Philadelphia Express leaves Pitts
burg at 4 30 p. m. Altoona 9 05 p. m
Tyrone 9 S3 p. m. Huntingdon 10 12 p,
m. Mount Union 10 32 p.m. 1ewis-
town 11 16 p. m. Mifflin 11 37 p. in Har
risburg 1 00 a. m. Philadelphia 4 30.
At Lewistown Junction. For Sun
bury 7 30 a. m and 305 p. in. week
or Jfilroy 6 40, 10 20 a. m. and 3 00
p. ni week-days.
At Tyrone. For Clearfield and Cur-
neiisvuie o m a. in. a m ana 7 a) p. m.
tor llcllefonte and Lock Haven 8 10
a. ni. 12 rfo and 4 15 p. m. week-days.
for further Information apply to
Ticket Agents, or Thomas E. Watt,
Passenger Agent, Western Division.
Corner birth Avenue and Bmithtield
Street, nttsburg.
General Mau'g'r. General Pass'r. Agt.
u ,
Traoc Marks
rrf0 CeaTRUHTi 4.C
Aarooa aandtnc a akataa and OaaarlMton aiay
alaklr aasanaln oar oalnlaB fraa whathar ait
(aranUon la probablr patantakla. Comaiaalaa
ttoaaatrlctlreoiildantial. Handbook oa PatanU
aant fpaa. Oldest aaauar for aaauiina patvnta.
tkan tiro.ih Mann a CoTraaaiT
aaartal noW, wttaomt aharta. In tha
Scientific Anetlcatt
;alr Dlnrtratad waaklr. I-irraat ctr-
4Co.M,fc '-HewTeri
oaae. F St. WaaalUtan; ie
o""l, ord, mttr Mr.. Ada E
"0?"v -Wa taken with
- nicn Milled on my lonni
JZ,Z ' V w""ted in Con-
--..r . r T unenn rave me g. w
"""" T a abart timt. I Kave
eonld not .-.y with my friend, on ..rtl,.
w, auM-oi ones abov. Mt
BSLZZJ ,0 f,t Dr- Kin".
' ana new a Wall a
health .. p.;., "
M. P. r-rrL .I r ""! D9lu- " at
tXZZrX?l. - fl-OO. Gn-rao-
Stock Clearing Sale at
Meyers' Big Stores,
0 0 0 00
The greatest Sacrifice ever known.
These goods must be rushed
-l' u 12 will be sold now for $8.50. Suits sold for
aio1" Jld Sr $7 tZ sold for $8.50 will be sold for $5.76.
ShevimSs, long worsted suits, .11 sizes from 34 to 44
i?K -niS reduced to $9-50. Men's oyercoate, black, blue, Oxford
V iml thatwere $15 overcoats, now $8.50. Men's overcoati
kersey low that were ioov , 5Q M
in black :.Uai ! "erseys, lots that were $7.50. now
uturs7$10kinds,$6. liable breasted ulsters, $8 kinds $4.
Double breasted ulsters, ?6 kind o
Slaughtering Sale in
Gents' Furnishings.
Fifty cent underwear, 25c. One dollar underwear, now 50c.
Fleeced lined underwear, usually sold at other BtoreB for $1, our
clearing sale price 45e. 567 boys and children's suits, all sizes
will be sacrificed at 50c on the $1. Now is your opportunity to
get bargains. Come early while the stock is yet complete.
We need more room in our Furniture Departmenrand are cum
pelled to sacrifice this line. "We have concluded to make a re
duction of 20 per cent, in this dc partment for the next sixty davP.
This is a chance of our life time to buy furniture at le6s than
manufacturers prices. Don't f-dl to come and get bergaine.
Queensware and Glassware.
We carry the largest line of Queensware and Glassware in tie
county. Our prices are lower for first quality goods than you
can buy seconds at other places. In fact we have no competi
tion in tbia line.
Ferd Meyers,
Tosoarora Valley Railroad.
; V sTATiONa : ; ': , w
Blair's Mills L v. 7 25 1 45
Waterloo. 7 31 1 51
Leonard's Grove 7 37 1 57
Ross Farm 7 45 2 05
Perulaek 7 52 2 12
East Waterford 8 05 2 25
Heckmau.. . 8 17 2 37
Honey Grove ,. 8 22 2 42
Fort Bigham 8 30 2 50
Warble 8 39 2 69
Pleasant View 8 44 3 04
Seven Fines.. 8 52 3 12
Spruce Hill 8 55 3 15
Graham's. 9 03 3 23
Stewart. S 06 3 26
Freedom 9 09 3 29
Turbett 9 12 3 32
Old Pert 9 18 3 38
Port Royal Ar. 9 25 3 45
Train No.. 1 and 2 connect at Port Roral
with Way FaMontrer aad Seashore Ezprea.
on r. a. a., ana Wa.'8 and 4 with Mail east
J No.2 No. 4
A. at. P. M.
0.0 10 20 3 95
1.3 19 275 12
2.8 10 33 5 18
S.7 10 36 5 21
4.410 395 24
5.0 10 42 5 27
6.310 50 5 35
7.2 10 53 5 38
9-011 015 46
10.0 11 06 5 51
12.0 11 15 6 00
14.0 11 23 6 08
15.111 286 13
17.511 40 6 25
20.5 11 53 6 88
22.0 12 00 6 45
24.012 08 6 53
25.512 146 59
27.012 20 7 05
Port Koyal...w.
Old Port
Spruce Hill
Seven Pines
Pleasant Yiew
Port Bigham.....
Honey Grove. . . .
Heckman .
East Waterford..
rerulack . . .
Roes Farm..
Leonard's Grove
flair s Mills. Ar.
Va . . a-
Minl.!i. ?"'2i?d cnBect ' Blair'.
Mill, with Concord, Doyletburg Dry Rao,
Ne..ville, Neelyto., Sble Gap, 8h ad.
Vali.y an. e.hern SUtion State Line"
j-nafUhBa em ttmm tn mv - ..
maoarnu dlnattoa avCae
" vmoj ai
0 0 0 0
Profits are cast fo the wind.
out to make room for our
il5 and 117,
Bridge Street.
Tbe foUowint nchednle went Into effset
Nov. IS, 189t aad tha train, will h. rua at
p. m a. wj
4 80 toe
its tn
S41 til
4 46 914
4 46 15
4 61 19
4 64 9 2'i
4 66 9 24
4 69 9 2T
6 10 19 43
6 16 9 49
6 21 9S4
6 24 9 67
6 27 10 05
6S2 10(7
6 4 10 17
6 7 10 80
6 02 10 86
p. m a. ra
Leave Arnre a. to
Danc.nnon 7 64
KiB('a MiU 7 49
'Sntphnr Springs 7 48
"Conaan 8id:nc 7 44
Montebello Park 7 41
"weaver 7 40
Roddy 7 86
'Hoffhiaa 7 33
Royer 7 81
Mahsnoy 7 28
BloomOeld 7 23
Tressler 7 09
"Nellson 7 04
"Dam'. 7 ei
Elliotsbara; 6 fix
"fiarnbeisl's 51
Groen Prk 6 4S
Mootour jnn. ( 3
Landisbnrf 6 28
Arrive Leave a. n
Tnin leaves BlooradeM at 6.63 a.
and arrives at Landisbarr at C.28 a
Train leave. Landisbarr at 6.08 p. m
arrive, at Bleomfleld al 6.40 p. m.
, and
All .tation. marked () are Hg
at whlck. train, will coma to a full
top OB
n. SaiLBV,
8. H.
I v Uy Railroad Ceoapaay. Tima taale
iayTnK1"' ,B - MOB4a
ward. Bast
wsrl. lll
6 05 10 85
0319 88
1219 42
15 10 45
Buffalo Bridge
Juniata Pomace ...
Wahneta ......
8 Viva
Wat-r Flag
BloothHeld Jonct'nl
Valley Road
A M ,
8 SO
8 27
8 23
9 29
6 16
25 10 621
22 11 01
6 81 11 09,
! 8 88
0 8 82
7 46j 8 IS
? 101 j 10
' 4; 8 04
3911 09
61 11 21
64 11 24
Green Park
Loyavillo ..
7 0511 85!
Port Robeson ....
Center .........
Cisna's Ran
Andersonbnnr .
.. .
Mount Pleasant . .
New Gertnant'n ..
T 11111 41
7 16 11 45
7 21;ll 61
7 27 11 67
7 86112 06
7 41112 11
T 26
7 IS
7 19
7 93
at ro
7 4512 16
a aa,
6 M
tD-mGRIN6t President and Maaagsr
I, a. Ham, General Agent.
trios. FIZED
a ' 9",T ' '"I prion. I"- r. t.
A wnndeiful Inmmvvtiit , .
t.ic-IInck. Ihckni.:.,m.i' -axaiiyotlierin
ll.-niurki r. J"i -.
ktu.in nil tb Ut (.tiHhc ( ro
Kjinw anU prnt-n irw. Aa-.. -
VSl,.,Tn,.?T"' or" "er..
arntiixt tttit pa;rr.
ILENi'll I!f'l;ot i;.
w-aDr.DayKi Hennettyli
1 I SaUarkl!
ijaa j-l 31 -
T - '
p. is
2 S9 '
2 1S
1 41
i te
1 ti
1 28
1 V
1 20
1 18
1 16
2 60
p m
r 11
8 68
8 60
8 41
2 49
2 4
2 40
2 20
Cfa AAA. aUBMavASTonaaaac. 0