3S. 0 rind. -NT, 1 for 5 7S. U. ford now sted 50e. r a cm., i re mn. :han tho. you. JtW 117, (treet. m rmai 1 lit 4i au f? in 2 8 i id in in N in l i l 1U -i - a. t 4 last, TAL taMa aaajr, IH IH IN in u Hi IN IM IH M IN IH SENTINEL &REPUBLCAN Mifflin town. pa. veuni,av- -mar. i, 1s&9. u. F.scntvKiEa, EP1TOK A XI) PROPRIETOR. THE BOY GRANDFATHER. If were hut a lKy again, And k"i'w w at H,nr I know Of worldly ways ami worldly men, I would not want to grow; IM want to stay a little boy, Ob. i"t alxjut no high; Then would oiy days be full of joy, And rare would pass me by. ' nd ct I tear if I were small. And knew so much, dear me ! I couldn't have no fun at all, S cynical I'd be. lost cviTj thing would bore meso, ' I'd 1 so darned blase I'd have lo ield to time and grow, r else at six be gray '. The Prodigy. 1TIIE1 l'APA'8 SICK. ;y Jul. I.1MH1.N IX I.. A. Isri.I.Kl'IX. W. When pupa's sick, my goodness sake ! Siuh aful, awful times it makes, He speaks in oh ! such lonesome tones, Aud ives such ghastly kinds of mius. And rolls his eye and holds his Lead. Aud makes ma help him up to bed; While Sis aud Uridget run to heat Hot water hags to warm his feet, Aud I must get the doctor quick We have to jump when papa's sick. When papa's sick ma has to stand Kight side the tied and hold his hand, While Sis she has to fan an' fan, For he says he's 'a dyin' man," And wants the children round him to lie there when "sufferin' pa gets tli rough;" He says he w ants to say good-bye Aud kis us all and then he'll die; Then niouus and says his ''breath- iu's thick" It's awful sad when papa's sick. Wlieii papa's sick he acts that way I'ntil lie hears the doctor say, You've only got a cold, you know, You'll be all right'n a day or so." And then well, say ! you ought to see. He's different as he can be, And growls and swears from noon io uiht, Jut 'cause his dinner ain't cooked right. Aud ul! In; docs is fuss aud kick We're all used up when papa's sick. SHORT LOCALS Hucklcn's Arnica Salve. " . licltings of ail kinds at .WjCIintic's store. Meyers has bseu appointed rolaM- r-UDJiC. "SU. Samuel Rotliock is v.'siiicg Lis moll.t-r cxd sisters. There was a fall of two inches of Bleet and snow on Sunday. Vvrus Carwell, of Thompson town, has moved to WilUamsport, Pa. M'i. Howard M:iitin iouk a busi-j neig (up to Hairisburg last Wednes day lr. King's New Life Pills. M ss Lillian Ellis of Harrisburg, is te guest of Stuart Ellis and fimilv. Mi i?i Anca lircckbnl, tt Spruce frier-ds ii : ia 1, pfcDt Saturday among town. The gold out put of the Klon dike this year is estimated at $19,- (MMP.OOO. Miss Bees Groninger has returned Loce after stveral weeks visit in Lii:C-.Mer. Dr. King's Xew Discovery. Subaciil for tho J liata Senti- ::i. Axr ItEi'LBi.ifAN, the best paper i l tliO IMuIit.V. Mr. John Kirk came from Lancas ter las- week to look to his interests hero :a M fHintcwn. 3Iiss Jennie Barclay, of Reed's i:tp. is visitinsr John Barton's family in Patterson. -Miss Stuatt. of Altoona. IS a visitor at. the home of Samuel Me t'ahan in Patterson. Bueklen's Arnica Salve. Smallox has appeared among people in Springfield township, Huntingdon county. H. O. Miih-r cornered tho market in 1'itturg on Saturday sold at (JO cei.ts a d.z?n. Eggs Choice w hite Ohio aud Penn sylvania se-ed oats, for sale at Manlieek it Xelson's mill. The pension of Alexander S Anderson, of Reed's (Jap, has been increased from 12 to $17. Edward Oles and wife, of Delphi Ti'diana, are visiting the family of Samuel Tyson on Front street Tbe ice poreed in the Millerstown dsm last Friday and raised tie ice to witbia a few ftet cf the railrcd. For Kent. To a small family comfortable house- Call at this office for information if you want to rent The backbone of winter is broken aud Iowa farmers are trying to finish ne busking of last year s crop earn. of Ex-Jiulsre J. C. Bucher. of Lewis "rg, is urged by the democrats of i. nion county for the supreme bench . Mrs. Dcwees, and her niece Mi6s 1 idge Pat.toD. of Lewistown, spent lay with Mrs. Wilberforce Schwi-yer last week. Wm. Bell. Henrv Groniceer, Je riu Sieber. Jesse Elder, were in ' ailed elders in the 'PresbytenaD ch a-ch od Sunday Mr: James '. Hazlett and wife of Lew istown, spent the 22nd day of February with the family of ex-Sheriff Loudon. .. Knock down in price for sale bills J . trr iora uumuer one naif sheet bill with notice of sale Iu Thk Jckiata Sentinel ani Republican. J'Ah," said a condoling Jadv friend to a recently made widow "your husband has gone to his long rest" "perhaps," said the widjr The inclement weather of last Sunday evening caused a postpone ment of the Lutheran Missionary roncert to the coming Sunday evening. liueklen's Arnica Salve. After fee 4th of Mircb, nrxf. Sat urdtr, Peur.svlvania will h ..i one United States 8enator. aDlesa a fcT - x i i . - oeuaior oe eieeted between this and oaiuraa' 8. P. Eri.siuan. :iiul ii ter Ruth, of Wilkesbarre, and Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Lesh, of Harris burg, are guests of Mr. and Mrs E. E. McMeen. Jonathan liurus, of Swales, Pa late of company D, 3Cth. Pa., In! fantrj-, had his pension increased from to $24 per mouth, with tm.GO back pay. Next Wednesday evening, March 8th, Mx. and Mrs. George Goshen will celebrate the 50th anniver sary of their married life at their horaejarl'attersou . Mrs. Doty, wife of banker E. S. Doty, gave a party for a Dumber of her lady friends last Friday after noon. A large company of ladies from lowihtown were present. Mr. Eli SherlP, eandv manufac turer at Wellington, D. O., and LincaBter, Pa., stopped eff between trains to ff-e lis c'd tm fri Csptain McClcl'an, on Saturday. DivKine's Xew Lifm lei iuemlers of the Post irave a dinner at their headnuartors Main street for themselves, their wives and sw eethearts and had au agreeable time, on the 22nd of February. The ghmils that said ex S'ate is sbamicer to Tret sorer Havwood get a postponement, of the trial, i ow Snow more tban thev did a week oiimw iiier, ce aiea ana isi cow in Lis grave. Mrs. Hliiiini The Dobsons at last have a girl they hope to keep. Mrs. Griinp Absurd! Where is such a girl to In? found f Mrs. Blimm She was lxrn to them yesterday. The Tusc-arora Valley people w ho expect soon to go to Dakota, are lieing given surprise good by parties by their neighbors. There is a party almost every night uowin the valley. Charles Stone aud daughter, Minnie, of Washington, D. C, came on Saturday to the Strayer home, .jn Patterson, where Mrs. Stone and daughter Pauline, have been for several weeks. Porto R;co, Cuba, and tho Philip pine Islands, cost Spain every Tear, four bundrrd thousand dollars more than she received from iYtm- How fori u aate she was to get rid of (hem ?nd twenty million dollars to boot. - Dr. King's New Dicovery. "My darling calves," said the mother cow, "you mustn't play ith those Chicago beef cattle." "But why not, mother !" "Thcv are beneath you. They are common embalmed beef cows." The American MechauH-s met in their lodge room on the evening of the 22nd of February with tneir wives. From the lodge room they went to the National Hotel where bountiful supper was partaken of. Last Friday the egg market was cornered iu Pittsburg by an Ohio man. and cces went np from 21 cts to 40 cts a Jczen. The. men who r.e.rncred the market say eggs will he worth 5 cents ft 1'iece before Easter. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. It is reported that a current of electricity turned on a frozen water nine thaws it in a few minutes. Good, now the water companies can iuu an W:ric nlant in the winter and by keeling on the current of electricity keep open the water. Letters remaining uncalled for in ih. Mifflintown. Pa., post cmce. at the close of business, Saturday even- V-hrtiarv 25tb. loiW- v Rrnwn. EsQ , Jlrs. or JI BS iuarj -. ir- nr t ' Mica 1i.nie Richardeon, D. AJIUnu, ' H. Mnssen, Thos. J. Scent. Dr. King's New Discovery. R.T.r.. Tbe Board of Dj rectors of the farmers .ijcrcaui..--- eocbtion in Patterson, i.muec., n. for i ale, or rent, their oiore ... y. terson. Tei ms eas For particulars i,qu:reof W. N. Sterrett, on the premises. y oraer o. Aug. 1 if o'- Blood and Serves are very close lv rented. Keep the blood rich, pure and healthy, with Hood s reapla and ou will have no nervousness. H-od'S Pills are besi after-dinner pillsaid digestion, prevcntconstipaUoy Dr. King's New Life Pills. Huntingdon Globe.-The Dun ker Brethren having decided to locate a college in Pennsylvania, east of. the Susquehanna river Rev F F. Holsapple, of the Brethren church of East Coventry, viin county, is endeavoring to secure a site in Pottstown for this purpose. Mrs. Crane, whose husband t rs.n has charge of a gang J of tl ..I. -i- -t this station, was al- home recently. Thei"10: suffocated. was annua surriring doctor had trouble in mother and daughter, was not at home. Mr. Crane Owiiur to Ihe KnH .o-ZT, .. l"ttx Tf wlw hauled barn ShSoS until A,nrfiMUcttion ta Wuet:nl annre their nehls during bnyourUcket fo,Ti.60h?P" i r . ' you to 1 down nrt class cabinet photov? Ure mat takes Place in the Drice inA ' K "up at tbe sama invtimedurwiho L!il?r months. Second, they " -. irain. . JOSEPH HESS. James 3f. White, an enthnsiastic tzr? ? Kenton- hi. on the 24th day of February. He was rich acd buUt himself a commo dious vault, and fitted up a room in the YauH, handsomely, and directed m his will, that Lis friends shall com there and olay cards and en joy themselves after his death, add ug that he could not take a hand, but he would be with them anyway. At the Musical Allege, Freeburg; Snyder county, Pa., none but the best methods are used, so that to-day it is recognized as one of the foremost school of music in the country. S8S will pay for a term of six weeks, instruction and hoard. Spring Term will begin May 8. For catalogues address, Henry B. Mover, Director. John S. Wihwr-, of Tusc-arora township, brought an action before Squire Frank PattersoD, charging embracery aud forgey against Jams w MMc3rullio of same townsf.ip. McMullin denies the charge. The Squire held him under bill of ihree hundred dollars, for esch charge. i ne case will be heard before the Squire on Thnrtdy. March 2d. It is hd interesting case.. The Mosaic laws forbids the eat iDg of fish that are destitute of scales and that is the reason Jews do not eat eels, but now science and the me chanics art comes to the rescue and proves that te:s have 6Cales, and while thtvcales are cot visible to the unaided ey. but uoJer the microscope the eel s iows up covered with fcales. It is 8 ud snakes taste like eels. George Drayton, of Media, is a rich mni aged 80 yeais. On the 22d of February ho was married to Miss Lottie Jobneon, a young teach er in tte public schools. Tne groom is a gnat grandfather.- Aged as he is he isn't afraid and didn't sav, "We'd rather be single than wed, We'd Dever consent to be led By a frail apron string Round a gold wedding ring e wou'd very much rather be dosd" No bo never so said " Dr. King's New Life Pills. The Womsn's Foreiffti Missionary Sociwiy r.f Huntingdon Prsbvierv, cenvened to-day in -the Presbyterian cburcu. 1 he first sessun was held; to-day at 2.30 p. m. Rev. Thomas Marshal1. D. D., field seereiary of the-foreign board, will address the meeting this Wednesday ever-ing. Mis. C N. Thorpe, foreign secret arv i of the Philadelphia Bcciciy, rmI JIw Wmn Cunnnghnm of JMUj.po, Chica, will eddress tbe meeting on ThuTEday, Misa Cu-iLisghaiii will ap pear in Caicesa drees. The Ftrniaragh township school chart matter bus been settled by a compromise. Tbe township paying between one acd two hundred dol lara .-Sines tbe settlement there-is considerable talk about the bribery that wes employed in the early stages of the transaction. If people who claim to ku-. w each tl irgs Lad made their etatenients some time i-ir-ce, tLe statemenis ccu'd huve been looked into pud if Irus could i'Jtve heeo t arced t account. The fuDeral of Mr3. Amelia Kram er Evans, took place at her late home near TLouipsontown, on Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Intermert in the Episcopal cemetery ot Tbomp sontown. She was oged bb ears, and was the. widow cf S. O. Evens'. Eq, late of Delaware toLship. Two son's surviva Mr. snd Mrs. Evaps, G-orse nnd Bradford. Mr. nd Mrs EvaDS, deceased, wer' nnde and aunt to Hon. L. E Atkin son and j-rs. Atkinson, hia wife. Dr. King's New Discovery. An Irishman came home at 3 o'clock in the morning. The Dleasant midwife in attendance upon his wife came to bin: aud un covered a basket, and to his astou ishment revealed to him three boys, which she said their mother had named Dewey, isampson auu Schley. "Good," said he, so far, but madam what a lucky thing that I came at S.instead of 12, for if I had came in at 12 the navy would have hael to lie ransacked fer names. . Tbe Washington army beef in vestigators had tbe "rattlo de bang" General IVigan on tbe witness stand pain last week, to testify on the embalmed aimy beef question. Ea can favs tbe beef was good, and some of l is co.wdnc6ses went so far es to say the dislike lo the beef on tte part of soldiers wb8 on accoutt ol their unbealthv liver, that was 60 diseased and enlarged that it c ul t onry endure dnicty victuals and deli cacies. EffHn's language this time was detent if his testimony was in fav.T of foul berf. Louisville, Ky. Courier says. Editors are proverbially kind hearted and thoughtful of the com fort of others. A fact that is well ..i x i. tk. u,.t;nn f.f a m.n i iiihi t y ail i t l M-i tax. v ivu au ial, whole-souled Kentncky editor -l,l.1l Kntn,.tv editor last week. lie had a suoscnuer who died and left fourteen years' subscription unpaid. Yet this great tender-hearted editor appear ed at the grave as the coffin lid was lein? screwed tkwu for the last time, and put in a linen duster, a thermometer, a palm leaf fan and a receipt for making ice. Dr. King's .New Disedvery. Some one in Perry county has brought a suit against the Penn- j sylvania Eailroad Company for damage to a deposit of sand oppo ' site Trimmer's Rock. The build ing of a new track at said rock has . so changed the course of the river I that the water now is wearing away a bank ot Sana aua a neia on the opposite side ol the river trom Trimmer's Rock. The owner v Kant- anH fbA lund ljitn LUC OrtMt - mat inn auuiuc v icmuuc uoo uwu affected by the washing away the sand ana me neia, una ueuoe . the snit. 1 - ' . tney gt waste of urmg tue spring ana imuicu me manui manure in the rint when they had nothing to do and ' in tl,n - . . . . . . I ... uui naj eaveu mat mucn or their summer time for other work. In some counties all the manure is hauled during the winter to large piles in the fields where it is to be used, and at seeding time hauled over the field from the large piles. Ex State Treasurer Betijamin J. Hayw.iod, died on tbe 23rd of Feb ruary at bis homo at Sharon, Pa , of stomach and liver ailments contract ed a year ago, aced 50 years. He with Sena'or Qjay and Senator Qaay's so.i Ric bard, was to be tried in Court Philadelphia this week by their political opponents M. Hayaood was bnn ai:d raised on a farm in Mercer county, Pa , April 12, 1849. He received a business education and was employed iu business con cerns till he was elected prothooo tary, and fr.-m that oa be held vari ous offices till he became State Treasurer H d d not live ti go through the hounding in Court with Senator Quay aud bis son. The Juniata Valley Editorial Asso ciation met at LewiNtown on the 24th day of February, aud after transaction of business appointed a committee. H. J. osnot, Uoorge Shrom and I. N. Swope, to draft resolutionson the death of Brother Allison, of the Juniata Her ald, Mifllintowu. who reported as fol lows, which was unanimouslv adopted: Kesolved, That we, the members of the Juniata Valley Editorial Associa tion, recognizing the great loss the association has sustained in the death of our late vice president, William M. Allison, editor of the Juniata Herald, of Mifllintowu, Pa., and appreciating his active usefulness as a member, his marked ability iu the profession and his high jiersonal qualities as a friend, hereby express our deep sense of sorrow over his death and extend to tbe sur viving members of the family our heartfelt sympathy. II. J. Fosnot, t.iEO. Shrom, I. N. Swope. A resolution prevailed fixing McVey town for tbe annual meeting, May 19. After partaking of a sumptuous din ner, which the brethren of Lewistown kindly provided, the association ad journed. - - Baru DcatroyeJ- The bam of David Saitz in Spruce Hill township, was deetroyed by fiie about. 4 30 p. m., on Sunday afternoon. Ia addition to the bay and straw and cais ud wheat in the barn 250 bushels of corn were con sumed. Tie live stock was got out, and some Larr.ss tnd a two horse wagon und buggy The lire ctartod in some slraw acd chaff on tho bar: floor, but how, is not known. The birn was itsnrcd. . c Remarkable Rescue. Ur.. Mxt-a. 1 Cattur, PlaioHulJ, 1)1., miii (bo tatim-nt. that khe caugi t coil ftbii't. rtttkd c- b. rliiDci; sh. w trat ril for a m. nih bj her family .hydiciao, bat KrcW won . lid toM her hj ras h'jjclos v ct'.m -f c tisu'xp'ian ml tLat n.cdici e crul.1 cu-a tr. Hpf d-ug-gist sugpct(l Dr. Kirg'g N.w Di cTf.y lor Cutsim;.tio( ; fche buUKbt a t )tlle nd to her delight futird-lieraeir cDilitttid l.ora B tt cose, fcte cott nued Iti use nd cfur toting six bottltis, found herself sonnd and wrll; now do-s her twa b' usi work, a;d is as wo i as bf etu wat--Free Ira tnittlxs c.( thin Grout Di.'cuvery at 11. P Ctawfo.d'a d ug ttoro. Oaly 60c. and tl, CTory bottl- gunraatced. Great Ligbt. Djn't fil to 6ee tb? riow iican. efcrnt gas light; a powerful per fectly w hile H.itu; 100 cmdle power 14 hours for two cents; no wick?; uci globes to c'tan. A hgbt superior to all oilier li'lits. Oili on J. H. otraer, pgeut for Juniata county, Odd Fellows Ha 1 T BE ATM THE RtHD ine newest ana most inspiring piece of Sheet Music,' arranged for piano, is "the liouer iiimitexi March," composed by Capt. tred erick Thihuev, Ilandmaster Un ited States Band, published by S. Bramard s Sous, Co., Chicago, 111 distributee! oulv bv the Chicago, julwaukee vV St. I'aul Kail way Enclose fifty (30) cents aud address, Geo. II. Heaftord, General rassen ger Agent, 555 Old Colonv Build ing, Chicago, 111. it. MARRIED: McCoKMie-K Ci.kck. On the itith dav of Febrtiarv. at 1ewistowu, by Rev. R. V. Wilson, Samuel MoC'ormi-k aud Mabel deck. Fink Long. On the 21st of Febru ary, at the office of J. G. Ward, J. P. Edward Fink and ltelle Long. Hkikkh Fokxkv. On the U2nd day of February, at Afiilliutown. by liev, W. II. Fahs. Albert G. Heikes and Minnie U. Forney. Smith Hotkeniikhry. On the 23d dav of February, tv Rev. W. II. tahs, at Mifllintow n, J. Frank Smith am Lottie M Hoekcnberry. DIED. HTitoiT. On .February 1'th, near Dimmsville, Mrs. Nathan Stroup, aged 70 years, 5 months and 1G days. Phillips." On February lfith. near Oriental, ljustina, wife of John Fhillips, aged bo years, l month ana it aays. .seiber. On rebruary 19th, near ' Ihonaasoutown, itev. oiomou Beiber, i . 8KeU Oku. On February 19th. at Carlisle, Pa., Miss Olive Orr, formerly of East Waterford, aged 19 years. Dauomkrty. On February w, in Tuscarora township, at the home of her son. Jos. M. Dausrnertv. Mrs. Musau Dauftherty, aged 81 years, 7 months and 14 days. Lkibv. On February 6th, in East Waterford, Wesley Raymond Leiby, son of John K Leiby, aged 3 years, V months and 11 days. Ikvin. On February 13th, in East Waterford, at the home of Ceorge Kougb, Ansa I'riHcilla lrvin, aged id years and 27 days. Kmitii. On February 23d, at Mexico, of crip. Mire Catharine V7. Smith, aged 29 years, 10 months and 1 day. Inter ment in Union cemetery at Mifflintown. Evans. On Februarj-lst.atThomp-sontown, of infirmity of age, Mrs. 8. 1. Evans, aged 86 years, 2 months and 9 days. Interment iu Bt. Stephens ; episcopal cemetery at Tbompsontown Of. Kramer On February 26th, at Mhiertown. an infant son of W. R. tT- r . - T T J . Interment in Union ceme- tery of "ist-On February 25th, at Kock ville, an infant son of John Wise. terment m Presbyterian rwnMwy. : . - --- ' " . . , 13 . Dr. Dmvid Kmnmody Favorite Remedy frequently em imnl mambera of famfly. Who It ia considered by many to b m KilMf tmt Bladder Medicine, it la lust aa certain to ear DvsoensU. Conatinatiaat- li atism. Scrofula and Ecxema. This is wnuwo, ao uey can ant au imparities from Healthy blood practically means a completely healthy -,Hor to lttrKm Mrs. Capt Prru Race, of W. Y. : My husband was troubled with his kidneys, fearfully with shooting pains through his back. He vxa mennedy'm FmrorUm Remedy, IS now Well anil aernnir A1tt. V ' .uuiviu eeveaty years of age, he is as hearty as a man many years younger. I w-as so troubled with Dyspepsia that it was painful for me to walk. My food did me no good, ft my stomach could not digest it. Somebody recommended Favorite Remedy to me.and after taking two bottles of it I was completely cured, and am feeling splendid now. We both attribute ' our good health to Favorite Remedy." It ia prescribed with unfailing success for Nerve Troubles, and for the Liver and Blood it is a specific. It has cured many that were beyond the aid of other mcu,ane. ask your druggist for it, and .--"""''' wm cosi you 91.00 tor a regular full-sised bottle. Gamplo BottSo Frco If yon want to try Favorite Remedy before buying, send year fan pes, office address to the Da. David Kennedy CoaroaATioK. Rondout, N. Y;. and mention this faptr. They will send yon a free trial bottl. all charges prepaid. This genuine offer is made to prove to everybody what a wonderful medicine it ia. BARGiilN DAYS. VkWtoaVw4MM(1tMaaaaaaVaaaMrMMft Will continue UNTlt SATURDAY EVENING, MARCH J8. Every day from 9 o'clock in the moraine: till 12 o'clock noon, and from 2 o'clock till 4 o'clock 10 yards Hill fine yard wide muslin for 55c. 10 yards style 1492, full yard wide unbleached muslin for 45c. 10 jards best Appleton A. muslin 37 inches w'de for 55c. 10 yards fine nnbleached muslin, yard wide, for 40c. 10 yards fine seconds of Lonsdale curtois for 70c. 10 yardg of Canton flannel for 45c. 6 yards of cotton crost towlir.g for 20c 4 yards of linen crest towlmg for 25c 10 yards of shirtirg for 50o 10 jards of heavy shirting for 75c. 10 yards of best Indigo blue calico for 45c. 10 yards of black and other fancy calicoes for 46c. 6 yards of good girghams (w slightly wet) f-.-r 20o. - -. Lancaster acd ether good ginghams 5 yards for only 21c. 4 border handkerchiefs for 5c. ' . 4 white handkerchiefs for 10c. Good outing flannels for "ic Men and bojs cLeviot shirts for 23c. Mens' white unlaundred 6hirts for 39c. Good turkey red table cloth for 17c. White and red border table linens for 25c. Good lare curtains for 45c a pair. New striped carpets for I2jc. Good home-made carpets for 24c, 25c. and 30c. Fine rag carpets for 25c, and thousands of yards of carpets at REDUCED PRICES. 10,000 yards of drets goods at 20 per cent, reduction of the price. A few off style coats for ladies, for $1.00, $1.50 and $7.00. All ladies jackets and capes below cost price. . Ladies and Mens' good rubbers for 25c. All our shoes at speciall reduced pi ices. OONT MISS IT, COMMENCING FGBRUARV 4. Schott's Stores. 103 TO 109 BRIDGE STREET. ESTABLISHED. 3899. Special Invitation To attend the Attractive Sale of from THE IMMENSE STOCK OF D. W. HAKLEY, It will be TO THE ADVANTAGE OF ALL BUYERS Who nave money to invest to MEN. BOYS AJSU J1J Xjuni It is truly marvelous to See THE BEAUTIFUL STY LEU iti Swia and Overcoat at the Wonderfully Low Prices. His prices leave all Competitors in the rear, so don't f U to give him a call if in need of Clothing. 0. W. HARLEY MIFFLINTOWN because It first puts tbe Kidneys ia m the blood. ffVr Hudac. -5a I Adsoffatai l it Mr tookBr. mad . insist upon getting!. Doa't take ft in the afternoon, we will sell To The Pvblu Clothing that goes on daily examine the Stock of Goods for -w-w -w -w -k -- -m --r H0LL0BAUGH : & SON'S. 0 Our Holiday Trade was Phe norn inal BufWe Still Have a Large Line of THAT WE MUST CLOSE OUT Spring will soon be here and we prefer to lose our profits now. Rather than carry our heavy goods orer and lose later. gqobs as mm Any Overcoat in our line can now be bought at cost. Any Winter Suit can now be had at cost. Why ! because we would sooner have the mony the goods cost us and invest it than have . it tied up in Goods on our shelves, particularly when we need the room lor our spring stock. The successful clothier of today is the one who starts each season with a new line. For this reason we offer you Goods at Cost. Now is the time to take advantage of Cot Prices. Seeing is believing, come and see. Hollobaugh & Son's n6 Main St., McCUNTICTS HARDWARE and House-Furnishing STORE THIS STORE SETS THE PACE. -oOo- THAT'S WHY Things are never dull here; rever stupid. The full life of the store al wajb has a cheerful welcome for all comers, and shoppers are quick to daaide in favor of tbe Great Values to be found in oar new Neat, Stylish, Inviting STORE K. H. M'CLINTIC, MIFTLUnOWHI Get a rood parcr by anbscribisir lor tbe SrWTIML aao RsrctuCA. "SEVENTY-SEVEN"-("77.") "77" is Dr. Humphreys' famous! Specific for the cure of Grip and CJolds, and tbe prevention'of Pneumo nia. All druggists, 25c. Subscribe for the Sentinel and) Rbpublicam, a paper that contain' choice reading matter, full of inform : inn that rinen tlm render poocl. and: in addition to that all local news tha'i are worth publishing find places int ite columns. H. HUMPHREYS' No. 1 Cures Fever. 2 " Worms. . j S " Infants Diseases.! No. No. No. 4 " Diarrhea. ' 7 " Coughs. 8 Cures Neuralgia. No. No. No. No. 9 IO 1 1 12 13 14 IS 16 10 " Headache. " Dyspepsia. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. " Delayed Periods.' " Leucorrhea. j Cures Croup. " Skin Diseases. " . Rheumatism. " Malaria. " Catarrh. 20 Cures Whooping Cough No. 21 No. 24 Asthma. ' General Debility. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Db 26 " Sea-Sickness. 27 " Kidney Diseases. 28 Cures Nervous Debility. 30 " Urinary Diseases 82 " Heart Disease. 34 " Sore Throat. 77 " Colds and Grip. . HtJMPHRKTS HoMlOPATSaC MAKQAb or Diseases Mailbd Fees. Small Bottles oi pieaaani peuew. n vnti t, L.. o.M K Ammtrimtm nF unt nrMfmid DOUB receipt of price, cents, except Noi- 88. and are made SI 00 nize only. Humphrefi Modi eine Cumpauy. Ill WUUam St., ew York. HUMPHREYS' WITCH HAZEL OIL THE PILE OINTMENT." taraal or Internal, BttndorB : Itching ur Htacdlac ot Oym VlatnlAln Ann; The tUet la ImmwIUi Un cure etrtala. raiOS, SO 0T8. TSIAL SIZE. 23 OT. mt '-r kiia,iwi i mi ,.K imift ml mumm, Baraaaw asa.cab. liiaiK' 0 Patterson, Pa. YOU LIKE IT. A Specially Seleoted S toek lUoges, Cook, Parlor and Smep Stoves. Horse Blankets aud Lsp Rtkaa. LAMPS, large and small Come in and look around. We'll make yon feel at borne. We have the largest Stook M Store in tbe couDtjr. OUIi s VMK GUARANTEES QUALITY have ion mm to deposit? ARE YOU A BORROWER? CALL AT- m F1BST TW J OIP FT A Iff. Ml . ekvt E5S' SBBB aWSssJ iE9 uirrun i own, ra. THREE PER CENT INTEREST PAID ON TIME CERTIFICATE. Money Loaned at LowBst IsUsl March 6, 1888. -Till Juniata Valley National Bank. -o- Capital O,0OO. LOUIS K. ATKINSON, President. T. V. IRWIN, Caahier. O ' DIRECTORS. Ixuix . Atkinson. John Hertzler. H. J. Shelleniierger, W. C. Pornaroy. W. N. 8tontt. ! i t T. Van Irwin. Interest allowed on time deoeit at -the rate of three per cent, pw annum. f January 11, 186. :j.!"L. i V The Salt of Hood's are the largest in the WorM the cares b Hood's SsrsspsffiaS t vontlerfal, 7?ntt1 Hood's w cathartic sad Hvsr i i n tt 1 tl m it ii- n
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers