i f: t ; t-t- V: f 4 5'; Mr. v-. i Si :t if SENTINEL & REPUBLICAN MTFFLINTOWN. PA. WEDNESbAY, MAK. I, 1899 'lERMS. Subscription $1.00 per year if paid is advance; $1.60 if not paid in ad vance. Transient advertixiug and local notices 8 c-euts a line. . Deduction will be made to those ile : airing to advertise by the year, half or quarter rear. THE WIR lit HIE PI HE. The war iu the Philippine Is lands rages. I he islanders are no luutch for America n troops, but they seem to le ever present, and ever absent, like the Irishman's Ilea, when you think you have jot it. it isn't their, they eomc up, -uttaek, and run away, they tire from bush :,inl hut, and keep the Americans iu an alert state from the farthest out(Hist to the ventre of the eity of Manila. Frequent tires take la-e iu the Hty and it is lielieved the insurgents are the eauseofthe litv. The American (ieneral in coioiuaud has ordered that all ix-jxiiis shall Ite indoors ly 7 YlcIi in the evening, livery day Aine-rican troops are killed iimJ umided, to In- sure not iu jjr-eut i ii in hers, but still as the sit uation is, one ty one they go. ("reife-rnl Otis is iu need of more troops. Some ( or 7 thousand Iroops are on the way to Manila and when they arrive more ellee tive work against the insurgents will te inaugurated. Jiewey sent a despatch from Manila on the 24th, last Friday, to the Secretary of the Navy, at Washington. The despatch reads. "For political reasons the Oregon should be sent here at once.v Just what Dewey wants with the Oregon is a ques tion that has caused a wide range of guessing. Sknat l tJl'A V s case was called in Court in Philadelphia on Mou day uioruing, out to the surprise of all thepublic.a continuance of the ease was asked f r to A pri 1 10 Quay was ready for trial, but the jugglers who did uot hesitate by worriment to hasten Haywood's death were not ready for trial, they asked the Court for a postjtoucmeut of the - ease. The Court granted their request. The casestands postponed to April 10. It looks as if the po litical conspirators have no case; ""irl6r,ics asTTrrrre me:iwhoare pml T""r""liig'tne wires in the case were ; afraid of leiug unmasked. To-day the public does not know who brought the suit; a common de tective stands on the record as making information, but who are the cowards behind the detective. What does the cowardly gang who are afraid to reveal their names care for reform. Thev wanted to use the court to advance their own political ambition. That is all they had in the case, and to at eomplish their end they would de fame and pull down all they can who they Ijelieve to Jje in their way The rotten bank that failed had Plate funds depocited in it but the Si3ie did not lose one cent and has no right to complain, and the cow ardly, gang who are masked behind a detective have nothing in it only an overwhelming lust for ollice, which they believe could be more quickly gratified by the election of some other man to the United States Senate. They don't want the white light of justice to shine on their ease. They don't want to uncover the men who fixed the bocks of the bank for a detective to make a record with. They don't want to unmask the men who mutilated the bank record so as to make a case to suit their purposes. The probability is that when the mask is pulled ctT, those in the lead of the hounding will stand close to the door of the jienitentiary, into Lich a touch of justice would seud them. Let justice lie done; turn on the light. . iit: the Philippine Islands Lave come to us, all are anxious t!iat those people shall exercise self goveninent. The only differ ence among the American people is how can they in the most speedy and least expensive way, and with '-j icast loss of life be brought to desired end. THE COSKTABL.ESX FEE BILL.. The constable's uew feo bill gives to constable six ceLts circular for milts traveled iu the discharge cl tliii duties, allows them $1-50 and miieiie for making their returns to tuc Qj-irttr .esKkus and in the ser vice of biihpoenHS 50 eents for the first nmu nod lSetnts for fach ad diU'Mn.l ne. It alb'j a lows them $3 for t : i lr attendance at elections and reuiuut ta Lm fur setting warrants aud iIjh tra sporiation tf risoners to ti e fficc of the J as1 ice au-J to lie couoty jail! -mm- Blei.rl ARK'S IROSI NERVE. Was the resula or bis splendid health. Indomitable will sod tremendom energy are not round where Stomach, Liver. Kid- , . -vs and liowels are oot o ord'-r. If you i - --t tnese qnHtis and the success they ' . .ufr, use Dr King's New Life Pills. Thev develop every pawer of brain and body. Only '26c at H. P. Crawford's drog store. COUNTY ELECTION RETURNS MnmxNiows. Judge. J. Wal'aee Faaick ; inp J. Kaily McNeal; rcb. dr. William H Zaidtro, T. Van IrwiD; tn c'L A. H. Faaick, James McOauley, Henry Hawk; Over'r, D- Pancebaker; and'r, Will L. Hooptf-; cons. Samuel Lapp Patkbsoh. J udgp, Austin Calhoun; insp, J. C. Doyle, Mars. Orabam; sen. dr., E. E. HcMeen, E. Milton Gu38, O. 13 Cramer; t'n e'l, Samuel Leach, J. P. Calhomi, W. H. McDonald; jast'pec, John W. riibbt; over r, a. W. Koise- ly, A. B. Cooper; aad'r, William Per. ne!; cons, Jfiopb LrttuliB. FllKMANAfiH. Judge, Edward Coldren; icsp, Chas. Seiber, John Wolfgang; sen dr, John F. Mover, Joseph Brent; r'd s'or, J. P. Smith, C. M. Michae'; oyer'r, John B. Styner; clerk. W. A. Thomas; sud'r, S. H. Horning; eons, Chniles Dumm. Milford. Judge, W. C. Leonard; insp, Stew art Kauffmao, J. E Partner; sch dr, B. F. Bui ns, Jam?B Stoke; r'd s'or, J. S. Longacre, J. b. AeDnedy; over r, E. B. Gues; aud'r, Charles Meloy; conp, Jeese Arnold. Port Royal Judge, D. B. Mc Williams; insp, John H. Wagner, H. B. Groninger iust 'pec, J. W. Stimmtll; cons, F M. Carpenter; sch dr, J. H. Keller, G A. MeCiihren; I n c 1, Frank Sits Cachrer, H. S. Dimm; cver'r, J. W. Speddv; aud'r.P. D Calhoun, 3 years, I. Pi. Dimm, 1 year. EVENDALE iMnFl'ESUENT SCHOOL DlS, Sch dr, Joseph sellers, Clinton Keister; ass'r, S A Knonse; aud'r, John Stuck. Walkeb. Judge, Daniel Martio; insp, James .Miffruder, James Youngman: sch dr, Zacbariati Wetzler, Banks Bashore; r'-i s'or, H. O. Seiber, James Smitb; over'r, Wm Lauver; just 'pec, Wm Fry; aud'r, James Adams; cons, Ed ward uill. Greenwood. J adec, E. G. Fergu :on; insp, David B. Swartz, L. W. Willman; just 'pee, P. L Cox; conf, J. SI. Cox; sch dr, Lrwis Cargill, Newton C.x; r'd a'or, D. C. Wileman, 31. F. Bostwick; over'r, Adam Arnold; and'r, John Rhoade; treas'r, J. D. Fisher. Fayette. Judge, Milton Bears; insp H. B. Sbellenbereer, S. A. Sbiveiy; sch dr, H. S Brown, William Seiber; r'd s'or, William Valentine, David Hones; cver'r, Jacob Kramer; just pee, J. A. Martin; aud'r, H. J. Shellenberger; cots, Leo. Shellenberger. MoSBLtE. Judge, E. S. Hokenbrok; insp, E Hertz, W. H. Glotfelter; sch dr, David Keller, W. B Strauser; r'd s'or, John B. Geloett, A S. S-irawder; Over'r. W. H. Neimond; just 'pee, Joseph Sellers; aud'r, E. E. Soyder; ccoe, Daniel Folk. Sfb(tce Hox. Judge. John M. Bender; insp, John fiiiiifr,,.) r. R.Bt; schdr, K D; B .JtsLfrti ij. Swartr, GeorirePaUersoD; rd or, C. M. Brackbill, William Btmder; over'r, William McKnight; clerk, J. Frank Barton; aud'r, D. B. Eat; cons, J. C. Fjickicger; treas'r, John Memiuger. Black Loo. Judge, Frank Lauver; insp, David Hammann. Joseph TJmholtz; assist ant assV, Elliot Gilliland; just 'pee, 51. H. Crouse; eors, R. M. Pyles, fch dr, James L Murphy, J. H. Kirk: r'd s'or, Harry L. Walls, John Rice; over'r, Joseph M. Rbine; aud'r, A. J. Gallaher: clerk, J. M. Claik; treas'r, James L. Woodside. Thompsontou v. Judge, Luke Davis; irsp, James Rousb, EdHr Wetz'ei; ech dr, B. L Kanffman, Wi.'son Gros; t'n c'i, J. A. Cameron. Emanuel Smitb; over'r, John G. Haldem'it; aud'r, D. R. Thompson; cons, John C. McCurdy. Delaware- Judge, William Liddlck; insp, J. E. Meredith, Banks Martin; just 'tice. Nelson Knight; constable, E. R Laudis; sch dr, Uriah Shuman, E. E. Jones; r'd s'or, B F. Olivt r, W G Smith; over'r, David Hounbarger; :ud'r, George Shuman; treas'r, Philip mriey. Tpbbett. Judge, S. T. Hencb; insp, W. A. oroBiDger, a. PielT; iust pee. Ueorge Alatthews; cons, C. B.' Mc Cormick; sch dr, W. E. McMeen George P. McConnell; r'd s'cr, Sam uel A- Kepner, W. C. Shearer: over'r, Bharles D. Foltz 2 years, W. S. Wise 1 year; aud r, V. K. Ktlmei; clerk. J T. Turbett; treas'r, W. A. McCahren. TrSCAROBA. Judge, J. P. HefiSefinger; insp. E. U. rtackedorn, Irwin Mecrauffhev; just pep, U. F. Smith; cons, James fhompson; sch dr, H. C. Lawson. It, M. Gray; r d s or, John Fitzcrer aid, Joseph Jolls; over'r, John Harry; aud'r, William; Smith; clerk, Joseph oicttett; treas r, James Oliilikcn. Be ALE. Judge, J. O. Brown; iusp. D. A. Patttrson.E L McWilIiame; inat pec. v. p. tjrczier or.; cor;s, w. Unw ell; ech dr, George Campbell, J M. Teifei; r'd s'or, J C Beale. Willim Crozier; overr, J. W Hostetlei ; aud'r, J. f. Kelly; clerk, W. K. Harris. Lack. J udge, E. J. Lotbere; insp Joseph Berry, Samuel Henrv; sch dr, J. H. Kirk, J. L Murphv; over'r, J. M Rhine; clerk, J. M. Clatk; just 'pee. ftl. li. Crouse; cons, K- Jtt. Pyles; r a s or, X . , C rrut hers, o. o. Ham p ton; aud'r, A. J. Gallaher; treas'r, J L, Woodside.. . SuSgUEHAMN'A. Judge, George Klinger; insp, Adam Troutmm, Perry Clark; sch dr. J w. Boyer, W. O. Strawser: r'd e'e r, Isaac Philins, Henry Bav: over r, J. D. Swmeford, Daniel Hock enbrocht; just 'pee, Lvvi Light; aud'r, U. W. Fnmoyer; cods, M. D. Ker- stetter. VOLCANIC ERVPTIONS Are rasa, but Skin Eruptioas rob life ot jo.r. Bucklea's Arnica Salve, cures them: also Old, Running and Fever Sores, Ulcers, Boila, Felons, Corns, Warts, Cuts, Bra iter, Burns, Scalds, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Best File care on csrtb. Driras est Pains and Acbes. Osly 26 cts a box. Core ruaranteed. Sold by U. T. Crawford, Druggist. WASHINGTON. Four Da Peraoasiliy-Coadaicl- a vmmr Tla PeansylTaata Rallral The almost unparalled success of tbd tour last year has induced the Pennsylvania Railroad Company to offer the tesidents cf Williamsport, Wilkesbatre, Sunbury, Harrisbnrg, and neighboring cities in Central Pennsylvania another opportunity to avail thmselvis of the peculiar ad vantages of a personally conducted tour to Washington, and baa th're fore arrargd for a four -day tour to the Nitior.al Capital on' Monday, March 27. Train will leave Re novo at 6.40 a. m., Williamsport 9.30 a. m., Scran ton 7.48 a ta. Wilkesbarre 8.45 a. m., Sunbury 10 50 a ui., Mt. Carmel 7 30 s. m., Altoona 7.15 a. m.", Lan caster 10 35 a. m-, Harrisburg 12 35 p. m., stopping at the principal in termediate stations and at York. Returning special train w:ll leave Washington at 3.30 p. m , Thursday March 30. Passengers from points west of ' Williamsport, and from Dewart, Seliosgrore, Lykets, D.Hs burg. Lebanon, and points on the Sbamokin Division will use regular trains from Washington returning. All tickets will be good to return also on rpgular trains nntil Saturday April 1, inclusive. Routid-trip rate, covering trans poitatior, hotel acccmmodatiocB from supper on date of tour until after luncheon March 30, $12-90 from Williamsport, $13 60 from Wilkesbarre, $11 70 from Sunbury, $14.00 from A too o a, $10-10 from Lancaster, $10.10 from Harrisburg, and proportionate rates from other stations, including stations en the Cumberland Valley Railroad north of Chambersburg. Guides td Wash mgton win oe distributed free on the train. For itineraries, rates, tickets, and full information apply to ticket agents ; E. S. Harrar, Division Tick et Agent, Williamsport. Pa; Tourist Agent, Wilkesbarre, Pa.; or address Geo. W. Boyd, Assistant General Passenger Aten Broad Street Station, Philadelphia. PROGRESSIVE EUCURE The Reformed Church Messenger says "it is at best a mild form of gambling," in the family "out of place," in church financiering "scan dalous. This is sober truth. But some Harisburg "Christians" in dulge in this form of gambling, with out resigning their professions or their places in the church. Some have 6own the w.nd in their own families and reaped crops of whirl winds. Progressive euchre pariien, sanctified with hypocritical pretences of benevolence, are not only not bet ter but worse than stright-out gambling. Another exchange paper 88vs. ''This winter certain men and women have gone to the verge of insanity on the gime of cards; they go out every night to the club, or to f. ttriA frivnA'a Iiaiiqa nlav ita.jla J - . u U u .J J.' . 1 J VW ATlH win nri7da anil tliovclAtr .i i vw. I the gamblers seed broad cast into every home wbere thev are admitted Next summer their boys will be sit ting in the wood?, and fence corners and in hay mows, and in saloons, playing cards for priz s of one cent nve cents, ten cents up to whatever amount of money ttey can raise to stake on the game, and then some of the BHuie people who sowed the seed of cord playing will come around to editors and others who have news paper influence to get them to write against the boys and men who sit in the summer shade playing cards for prizes from a cent up to a dollar. INDIVIDUAL, MEMBERS LIABLE. au eastern newspaper says. ihe beneficial societies frequently nave occasion to discuss the ques tion as to whether a meiulier in ar rears is entitled to the benefits al lowed those in good standing The Supreme Court has settled the question by deciding that societies are liable to pay benefits either in part or whole as long as a member is earned on the membership rolls, even if he has been declared out of benefits. Also that the mem bers of a society are individually liable for all obligations incurred before the society was disbanded. FLORIDA. Last Taur of the Season via Pennsylvania Railroad. ' ice last oi tbo present series of popular Pennsylvania Railroad per sonally conducted tours to Jarkson ville, wiU leave New York and Phila delphia by apecial train of Pullman Palace ears on Tuesday, March 7. xkouuu-irip iicaecs, vana to return on regular trains until May 1, 1899, and including railway transportation iu each direction, and Pullman ac commodations (one berth), and meals on special train going, will be bo!J at the following rates: Npw York, o0.V0; Philadelphia, $48.00; Cn- andaigua, $52 85; Erie, $54 85; Wilkesbarre,$50.35;Pittsburg,f53 00; and at proportionate rat e from o: her points. or tickets, itineraries, and full informatlou apply to ticket agents; Tourist Age:, i, at 1196 Broxdway, jew iors; j. nomas rurdy, Passen ger Agent Lang Branch District, 789 uroaci street, Newark, N. J; Thos li Watt, Passenger Azent Western PisTict, Pittsburg, Pa; or address Ueo W. Boyd, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Broad Street Sta Uon, Philadelphia. ' THE CHAMPION SAWER. WOOD lilcomheld Advocate Feb. 15. A valued contributor writes us about what we consider remarkable wood sawing. Wiliiam D. Hoh nshild , of Sandy Hdl District, recently S'jw ed thirteen cords of wood for Geo tu. AH-cK, at linler, in two davs and a half, and thirteen and a half cords of wood for C. M. Kline in practi cally the same time. Mr. Hohen sh.ldt is considered the best sawyer in ire isistnct ana the challenge is thrown out to any one iu this section and for that matter in Perry county to beat his record. Fifty cents a dty and board ia what ia naid bim. In other words iie sawed 13 cords of wood for fl.25 plus bis board. FIVE SHERIFF'S IN ONE TEAR. - :. - Washington county enjoys the distinction of having " bad five sheriffs iu one year. J. Verner Clark stepped out as Sheriff Janu ary 8, 1898. His successor, John A. Kennedy, died in Jnne of the following year, and Coroner Fitz parick, by virtue of his office, be came the sheriff. He was succeed ed by John A. Kennedy, sou of the deceased sheriff, who was ap pointed by Gov. Hastings to serve until the official election at the November election should take hold. Joseph T. Hemphil, who was elected for a full term took the oath of office on Saturday and as sumed his duties on Monday, the beginning of the official year. This is a Btate of affairs which could not occur in any other county office. A BIG FISH STORY. From the Lock Haven Express. Farraudsville is at the front to day with the greatest fish story that has been told in these parts in years. It appears that yester day afternoon some one made the discovery that a large school of German carp were sporting about under the ice on the river, aud at ouce a bole was cut and all the dip nets iu the town put in use dipping out the big fish. The news quick ly spread through the village that fish were being caught by the dozen and men, women and children flocked to the scene of the big catch. People on passing trains sup posed some one had been drowned, and efforts were being made to secure the body, but such was uot the case. The crowds were there after fish, and they got all they wanted. It is stated that about :i,000 carp were taken from the water, ranging iti size trom one aud a half to three and a half pounds. Enough were caught to furnish all the families iu the vil lage with what fish they wanted, and several lwrrels full were given to the bauds of a railroad work train. The first haul that was made with a dip net 252 carp were taken out, not one of which weighed less than two pounds. Illustrated Lecture Oh 'Ilea Hut" A Tale of tlie Christ. The above lecture will be given in the rresbytetiao cLurch on March 3rd, Friday evening, by Rtv. A. N Riven. Seventy two of the finest colored pictures will be used to il luslrate the event of th:s story, a story that Las bet-n rightly called the masterpiece of the nineteenth centuiy. This wi.l be the most real istic literary It-cture ever given in MilHintown. Get your tickets in advance and come early. Admission 10 aud 15 cents. - AN ECHO FR03I THE WEST. The Wayne Republican, of Wayur, Nebraska, published tbo' following which ia here reproduced as au echo of a phase of life frcm tbe far oil' land of the west: '. It was last Wednesday night with the thermometer dodging around the 15 below mark that a covered wagon stopped in one of tie alls of onr city and took refuge ia tbo lee of a bain end when day light dawned one of our citizens liviLg iu close proxi unty made a lit ti o investigation acd fonud that inde of that cover were six soul", the youn;et a babe uit over -a yenr obi and threw other liit'e tots with their father and mother. Our citizen supposed tbt the f jmily traveling in this manner at this time of tbe year mntt be doing so of necessity and not choice, took it up on Liui8ulf to inquire of pater famal ias if he was leaving the country, a d : received the assuracce that it -B not- so, that tbe family's horns was 150 miles wt st- here that ti ey w re simply on a visit to his wife's f Iks some cf vthom lived at Pilg&r where they bad teen pud were ibsn cn their way to others at YatAton, in other words tbeir trip was one of pit a.-ui e nut dire lcc seity and it was sin ily a matUr cf ch. ice that they camped out when tbo u outlier was cold en mgh to cuil the ears an Indian cigar sic Our citizen went to his own alx.de aiiri beheld his own little ones playiog around the base burner with ah the appoint, ments of a c.-nf rt ble home and then bis mind rt verted to the ilher little ones iu the wsgon in the hliey and he made up his mind that after all surroundings are not all that is necessary to complete contention. MAN EATS MAN. VANcorvER, li. C, Jan. 27. After escaping death by drowning, eleven of the crew of the ship Man bare were captured and eaten bv cannibals of Xew Gnivea. The Manbare was bound for Sydey, Australia, when it was caught in the terrible cale of Iecemler. Near Cape Nelson it beirau to sink. The crew, eighteen altogether, left tne vessel in two boats and soon .became separated. One lwat con taining twelve men was finally thrown ashore teu miles from the Cape. The sailors were seized by natives from the interior and hur ried off to the village of the chief. One man, James Greene, escaped. ine sailors were stripped and bound and killed, one each dav A wild orcie was nartifinat! in by at least a hundred savages, who nau gathered tor the feast. In several cases the sailors were tor tured by the old women and child ren of the tribe. The eyes of one were gouged out. The doomed men stoically watched the elabor ate preparations for their death. In most cases the men were be headed, their heads being stuck on poles and paraded before the men who were to suffer the same fate. Greene was rescued by a steamer after tramping without food a day and night to reach the coast. The scenes of horror he had witnessed turned his hair snowy white. People Believe what thev read about lloods Sitrsiiparilla. They know it U an honest medicine," and" that it cures. Uct Hood's and only Hood's. Hood's Pills cure all liver ilk, rc- j iieve co'istipntioii assh-t ligcstioi. 5?6c, PVBLIC SALES. m . .,r wV..iidv 6th. O. C. Diffen- derfer will sell near Jericho, terman agh township, four horses, six cows, seven young cattle, aud a full line of farming lmpiemenw. March Tuesday 21st, J. S. Beaver will sell, one mile south of an ert, live stock and farming implements. Sale at 10 o'clock a. m. Ma KCH Tuesday 21st, promptly at 10 o'clock a. iu , John 8- McCouiiel will sell at his residence in Turbett township, 4 miles southwest of Port Royal, o horses, cows, large lot of young cattle, sows, shoats, chickens, two aud four horse wagous, two seated carriage, duicrha iliHsi farm mai-hinerv. Ke&rS, harness, large lot of household goods, coni.potatoes, aud much other property. I am going to move to North Dakota, aud am selling out "rump aud stump. Makc'II. Thursday, 16th, A. K. Afommmiwr rf-sidinir on the Okeson farm in Spruce Hill township, oue half mile southwest of Barton's store, horses, mules, cows, two aud oue year oia cat tle, 50 tine sheep, wagous, binder, mower, and a lare variety of farming implements, gears of all kinds. Sale to begin at 10 o'clock a. m. Mawh Thursday 30th, at o'clock a. m., W. F. Slagle will sell at public auction at his place of business iu the borough of Patterson, new light road wagons, one-horse wagon, spring wagons, buggies, new and second band, spring tooth harrows, plows, . two and one-horse cultivators, planters, grain drills, sets of new harness, light and heavy collars, single and check lines, bridles, halters, whips, roljes, etc. Also all kind of household goods, which will I sold first, new sewing machines. Sale positive Come early. See large hand bills. We are moving out of the county. Our house and business stand adjoining, at private sale. A LAMPLIGHT COMPANION. Between now aud Spring time there will lie many opportunities of au evening to read up on the different portions of the Great Northwest. To this end the Chicago, Mil waukee & St. Paul Railway Co., has priutetl for free distribution to Eastern farmers a number of illus trated instructive pamphlets re garding the various States travel- eel by its hues. In sendiug your address to W E. Powell, General Immigration Ageut, Old Colony Building, Chicago, lit., please say if vour preference is for information about isconsin, Iowa, Minnesota, North , em Michigan or North Dakota ! No charge for pamphlets or or lor replying to all inquiries about any i section of the tireut est. St. LEGAL. I)M IXI.STHATOK'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that letters of administration in tlie estate or iliuim H. Deppen, late of alker township, Juniata county, l'a., deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, resid ing iu said township. All persons hav ing claims against the said estate will present the same for Miynient to llAvin'j. Dui'i'EX, Administrator. Or bis counsel,. Atkinson & Penuell, at Mifnintown, Pa. Jan. i5, OfMit SALE REGISTER. Feb. iS. Heirs of Michael Sieber, Walker. Mar. 12. J. M. Kauflman, Delaware. Mar. 7. M. T. B. Baniarn, Tuscarora - Mar. 8. Mary E.Thomas Fermanagh, Mar. . Kraueis Howe, Walker . Mar. 10. Isaac Howe, MirUmto'Tir War. 11. J. It. Hitzmau, Turbett. Mar. 14. S. P. Wharton, Hpruce Bill. Mar. l-. (.'has. Widnev, Waterloo. Mar. 10. A. H. MeminKer,8pruce Hill. ar. i. . f . linn, spruce Hill. War. 17. John Thompson, I)elawarc. ar. ts.-t.nas. m. uuss, Turbett, Mar. W.-U. W. Fink. Turl,ett. M ar. 22. W. A. Harlan, Tuscarora. Mar. 22. H. A. Iiitmnn Turl.tt Mar. 23. V. It. McLaughlin. Mar. 24. William Varnes, Walker. Mar. 25. James SherIK-k, Beale. - m . Ir. King's New Discovery. CANDIDATES ANNOUNCE MENT. KK THKASfRER. mil jmutoi:: 1'iease announce that I am a candidate fcir noiiiiii- j ation for Treasurerof Juniata coun ty, subject to Republican rules aud usages. John F. Eiikkxhelier Cocolamns, Pa., Jan. 31, 1899. mrrujiiowv grain kah-cs MIFFLINTOWN, MAR Whrat. ., , $ 1, 1899. ti" t . a 85 30 42 $2 to 12 60 .... J6 .... 20 12 .... 12 Re ClovsT-fcd , Butter .... Kgns llsm.... . . Sunuldnr. . Laid 8 Side 7 Timothy scd......... .11.10 F si eed, go Brn. ...... ........... ......... 70 Chop 85c to 90c Middlings......... ........ ...... 90 Ground Id Salt...... ... 75 American Sa t 60c Philadelphia Makkkts, March 1, 1899. Wh. at 77c. Corn 39c. Oats 37c. P-nm-yivania 1o1.sccj8c to 12c. 12c to 17c. wrappers 40c to 6O0. Eg- 32c. to 20c. ButUr 21c to 27c fal- low z?.. to 40 Hmotd betf llct to 17.-. .Foik hams 8c. to 12c. Shoul der -5c. to Gi Bellies Go. Lard 6c. Live chickens 9c. to . 10a. Turkeys 11c. to 12 s. P0t.1U.es 35c. to 05c. a bustu 1, Onions 60c. to 603. a tusbel, Sugars 41s to 51c. Bled hy $12 tn $16, Straight Eye straw 8.oU to Apples $2.50 to $4 50 a barrel, Beef cittle 3c. to 5Jc. a pound. Sheep at 3c , and 54c. a ft, Hogs $3 90 to $4.15 Veal calves $4 to S Y 5U. A.OS ANGELES AND THE PA CIFIC COAST AND RE TURN Special Excursion from points in Pennsylvania, Maryland, District of Columbia, Virginia, West Vir ginia, Ohio, New York and Xew Jersey, on the occasion of the National Educational Association meeting at Los Angeles, Cal., in July, 1899, at reduced rates. For full particulars, address John R. Pott, District Passenger Agent, C. M. & St. P. R'y, 48 William St., Williamsport, Pa. mmm. MAJOR-GENERAL SCHUY LER HAMILTON. Major-General Schuyler Hamil ton gives his unqualified endorse ment to Dr. Humphreys' Specific "77" for Grip. All druggists, 25c. termite Ilemedy CUHES AU- KIDNEY. STOMACH A LIVER TKOUBI.es. mm If VnilU. OFF1CB IN COURT BOUSE. .BJixAwroa,i.i)A'n xawroa Tg. D. Jf . CRAWFORD fc SON, . j nmhin for the practice Office at old stand, cornsr . - "V angs streets, Mifflintown, Pa. One or 'boll ot them will be round at tbeir office at all tines, unless, otaerwise F"c"""" gaged. nr April isi, low. yP.DERli, PRACTICAL DENTIST. C. -aduate of the Philadelphia Dental Joh-. ge. OflBoe at old established lo oatioo, Bridge Street, opposite Court House, JJifflintown, Fa. it?" Crown and Bridge work; PainUss Extraction. All work guaranteed. Schedule iu Effect Novemlwr 20, WF.STWAKI). Wav I'assenger, leaves Philadelphia at 4 30 a. m; Harrishurjr 8 00 a. m; Duiicaniion 8 35 a. m; Naw Port 9 05 a. m: Milleretown 9 15 a. m; Durword 9 21 a. m: Thorn ohou town 9 26 a. m; vn Tu-ke 0 33 a. in: Tuscarora 9 86 a. m; Mexico 40 a. m; run iwym . m; Mifflin 9 50 a. m; Denhofm 9 55 a. m; Lewitstowu 10 13 a. m; McVeytown 10 3Sa. m; Newton Hamilton 11 00 a. m; Mount Union 11 06 a. m; Hunting don 11 32 p. in; Tyrone 12 20 p. m; Al toona 1 00 p. in; Pittsbnrjr 5 50 p. m. Mail leaves Philadelphia at 7 00 a. m; Harrisburg at 11 48 a. m; Mifflin 1 11 p. m; Lewistown 1 30 p. m; Hunting don 2 29 p. m; Tyrone 3. 12 p. m; Al toona 3 45 p. m; Pittsburg 8 40 p. ru. Altoona Accommodation leaves Har rixburg at 5 00 p. m; Duncannon 5 84 p. ni; Newport 6 02 p. m; Millerstown 6 11 p. m; Thompson town f5 21 p. m; Tuscarora 6 30 p. m: Mexico 6 33 p. m; Port Koyal 6 SS p. ni: Mifflin 6 43 p. m; Den holm 6 49 p. m; Lewistown 7 07 p. ni; McVeytown 7 30 p. m; Newton Hamilton"? 50 p. m; Huntingdon 8 20 p. 111; Tyrone 9 02 p. m; Altoona 9 35 p. in. Pacific Express leaves Philadelphia at 11 20 p. 111; Harrisburg at S 00 a. m. Marysville S 14 a. ru. Duiicannoii 3 29 a ni. Newport 3 52 a m. Port Royal 4 25 a. ui. Mifflin 4.30 a. m. Lewistown 4 52 am. Newton Hamilton 5 33 a. m. Huntingdon f 03 a. ni. Petersburg 6 19 a. ni. Tyrone 6 52 a. in. Altooua 7 40 a. ru. PittHbnrg 12 10 a. ni. Oyster Exprcxs leaves Philadelphia at 435 j), m. Harrisburg at 10 20 p. m. Newport 11 Ofi p. m. Mifflin 11 40 p. m. Ijewistown 11 5S p. m.; Huntingdon 12 - . . ... . . , n .a i a. m. Tyrone 1 o- a. ni. Altoona x uu a. ni. 1'ittsburg 5 ;;0 a. 111. Fast Line leaver Philadelphia at 12 2o p. ni. ilarrisburg 3 0(1 p. ni. Duncan non 4 15 p. in. Newport 4 35 p. m. Mif flin 5 07 p. m. lewistown o 27 p. m. Mount Union 6 08 p. m. Huntingdon 6. 27 p. ra. Tvrone 7 04 p. m. Altoona 7 40 p. mvPit;aburg 11 30 p. ru. Altoona Accommodation leaves AC tooua at 5 00 a. ni. Tyrone 5 24 a. m. Petersburg 5 45 a. ni. Huntingdon 5 55 a. m. JSewton Hamilton 6 1 a. m. Mc Veytown 6 37 a. m. Iewirtown 6 58 a. m. Mifflin 7 18 a. 111. Port Koyal 7 22 a. m. Thonipsontown 7 37 a, m. Millers- town 7 49 a. m. JNc-wport 7 00 a. m Duncannon 8 20 a. ni. Harrisburg 8 50 a. m, eea bhore leaves i'lttHburg at J oO a. m. Altoona 7 15 a. m. .Tyrone 7 48 a. m Huntingdon 8 30 a. ra. McVeytown 9 15 m. Iewietown u 3o a. ni. Mirniu 9 55 a. m. Port Koyal V 59 a. m. Thompson- town iu 14 a. m. .Miiiervtowu 101; a, m. Newport 1 32 a. in. Duncannon 10 54 a. ni. Marysville 11 07 a. ni. Harris burg 11 25 a.m. Philadelphia 3 00 p. m Main Line Lxpress leaves Pittsburg at 8 00 a. m. Altoona 11 40 a. 111. Tvrone 12 03 p. m. Huntingdon 12 35 u. m Ijewistown 1 33 p. m. Mifflin 1 50 p. m. narriFOurg s 10 p. m. uaiumore 0 00 p ni. Washington 715 p. m Philadelphia 23 p. m. Mail leaves Altoona at 2 Oo p. m. Ty- nuie.-Hj p m. nuutmguon 3 17 p. m Newton Hamilton 3 47 p. in. McVev- tnwn 4 20 p. in. lewistown 4 83 p. m. Mifflin 4 55 p. 111. Port Koyal 5 00 p. m Mexico o 20 p. 111. 1 hompsontown 5 18 p m. Millerstown 5 28 p. m. Newport ny . 111. iMiiicaiiiion e o p. m. liar- riBburg ( 4- p 111. vail express leaves llttsburg at 12 45 m. Altoona 5 50 p. ni- Tyrone C 20 m. iiuntingaon 7 00 p. ni. cvev lown ! p. in. iewisiown 00 i. m. Mimin 8 2 p. ni. l'ort Itoyal 8 31 p. m. Uillerstown 8 57 p. m. Newport 9 05 n. m. Duncauuon 9 29 p.m. Harrisburg ivi uu p in. Philadelphia Lx press leaves Pitts burg at 4 30 p. in. Altoona 9 05 r. m, Tyrone 9 33 p. m. Huntingdon 10 12 p. 111. Mount Union 10 32 p.m. I Wig town II 10 p. m. 1imill II K7 11. ni H.n. nsourg 1 w a m l'nuaueipnia 4 SO. ijenisiown junction. t or Sun bury 7 30 a. m and 3 05 n. m. wlr. davs. or ainroy S40, JO 'M a. m. and s on p. m weeK-oays. At J.vroiie. or Clearfield and Cur- wciisvuie s m a. m. 3 20 and 7 20 p. m week-days. ror jseiicionte and IamW Haven 8 10 a. in. iz to ana 7 10 p. m. week-days. ror mrtner information apply to nenei Agents, or Ibomas K. Watt, Passenger Airent. Vstrii i,-i.;nn Corner Hfth Avenue and Smitbtield nireei, i-inspurg. J.B. HUTCHINSON, J.lt. WOOD General Mau'g'r. General Pass'r. Art. BO A. I It A DC MMM r COPVRICMTS AC Anyone Mndinc pkalck and dmrlMlon it qmlaklf awruln oar opmtan fra whathar aa tuTanuon la prohably pauntabla. Com maul ea tkmaitriatlraanfldeatlal. Handbook on Patanta aent (ra. Oldaat aveunj for aarannr patcnta. Patanta takan ttarouah Mann CoTraoalT finii BV ia aataav VBiaalBTay, UI lilt) Scientific Jfcierfcam A hBndsomlv I11wtratd willy. . IwM air. - Tmi a rar : tour monuia, 91. Boia I four moDtha. IL brail nawadealetB. SC0" BABch ooa- t r SU Waaalnatm. Story of a Slave To be I oDDd ba- d and fcot for v a bv ihe cba ns of disease it tbe worn form of s'v-ry. George D. Willum, , u.n che.lv,, Ku-h fcP. bo- such . slave mad. Ir.. Be ..r,: ..My w, e h b beMe . lor live year. I hat h coM not turn over in bod alone. . i"0.-!"," f E',ri? B'rs", .be ts wo! j . iT , ouienr, abe is i deilnllv improved and able to do brr wer?." Thia.upremerrniedy for f on male cum nervousness less esa mncboly headache bacaache faintiDir and dmy snelu hi. .r"T' . , ' gouaena to sickly, rr.n don dcodI r weak, totUa u..hImiI A.I. -- - Low, B. Arrow"- "'" ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW. MlrTLINTWH, FA. Ornoi-On Mala street, la place ofr- Bridge street. fOetw, nT-Collcting a-d Oo.yclng P"" ly attended to. fflLBERFORCB SCHWETEB, Attorney-at-Law. S-Collections and all legal buai DromDtly attenped to. ' . a. ft A A At . EXPERIEMfiC U .... 1 P. C.awlord, drnggiat. 8 .Id by U. Stock Clearing Sale at Meyers' Big Stores, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 The greatest Sacrifice ever known. Profita are cast to the wini These goods mast be rushed oat to make room for our GRAND SPRING ASSORTMENT. Suits sold for $12 will be sold now for $8.50. Suitt aold for 10 wUl besold for $7. Suits sold for $8.50 will be aold f$S 7S. Cheviots, caeeimeres. Ion worsted uiU, all sizes, from 34 to 44. r8uS reduced to $9.50. Men', overcoat black, blue, Oxford kprsav lots that were $15 overcoats, now $8.50. Mao a overooaU SSSk, blue and kerseys, lote that wera $10 now $6 50 Mart overcoats in blaclt, Diaeana 4 Double breasted ulsters ij imam ulsters, $10 kinds, $6. D?1.6 breasted Double breasted alstera, $6 kind 3. Slaughtering Sale in Gents' Furnishings, Fifty cent underwear, 25c. One dollar underwear, now 50c. Fleeced lined underwear, usually aold at other atores for $1, out clearing sale prie 45c. 567 boys and children's auita. all six will be sacrificed at 50c on the $1. Now is your opportunity ta get bargains. Come early while the stock is yet complete. FURNITURE. We need more room in our Furniture Departmentand are com-, pelled to sacrifice this line. We have concluded to make a re duction of 20 per cent, in this dtpartment for the next sixty davi. This is a chance of our life time to buy furniture at less than manufacturers prises. Don't fail to come and get bargaici. Queensware and Glassware. We carry tbe largest line of Queensware and Glaaswarc in the. county. Our prices are lower for first quality goods than you can buy seconds at other places. In fact we have no compstb tiou in this lino. Ferd Meyers, Tnsoarora Valley Railroad. SCHEDULX IX EFTECT MOST) AT, JUXK. 1898. 20. eastward: STATIONS. DAILY, EXCEPT STWDAT. Nal No.3 r. if. Blair a Mills It. 25 SI 1 45 1 51 1 57 2 05 2 12 2 25 2 37 2 42 Waterloo. Leonard's Grove. Rots Farm Perulack. . .............. East Waterford Heckman. Honey Grove Fort Bigham Warble Pleasant View Seven Pines Spruce Hill. Graham's Stewart. Freedom Turbett oidprt.... !!!!!!! Port Royal " Ar. 37 45 7 52 8 05! 8 17 8 22 8 SO 8 391 2 50 2 59 3 04 3 12 3 15 8 44 8 52 8 55 9 03 3 23 9 06 26 29 32 38 45 9 09 9 12 9 18 9 25 7ljt I0 1 8 connect at Port Royal d Way Paaseacer and Seashore Express oa r K. R., and Noa.;8 and 4 with aUil east WESTWARD. STATIONS. S a m No.2 DaILT, XXCXPT BDHBAT. No.4 Port itoTal A. XL 00 lj 10 20 10 27 Old Port Turbett Freedom 2.8 8.7 4.4 5.0 10 33 5 18 10 3615 21 Stewart Graham'a....." Spruce Hill " Seven Pinea. ." Pleasant View. " Warble Fort Bigham. Honey Gtota 10 39 5 24 10 42 5 27 6.3 7.2 9.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 10 50 5 35 10 53 5 38 11 01 5 46 11 06 5 51 6 00 6 08 11 15 Heckman . East WaterfOTd!;:: Perulack Rosa Farm.!!!!!" Leonard 11 23 15.1 11 28 6 13 6 25 6 88 6 45 6 53 17.5 20.5 22.0 24.0 25.5 27.0 11 40 11 63 12 00 Waterloo 12 08 12 14 Blair'a Mill- iV 6 59 7 05 12 20 MiUaViTb njr""' ! Blair". SBlinSV Bllatl MaBaam4haaeBi a. " owmob stafo Lines. J- a MOORHEAD, a MOOBHEAD, .Tfcis lemadrhas Iraaa nm., Ti now prenand aadar WfiSiliaTSj" " KOCNIQ MCO. CO.. Ohieaco, in. Sold fcr Drncgists at SI nar Boetaa. Olbrr tanto SUa. S1.TS. Saaiu.t,,, c j ha PVWd by- ft $7. Double breutad nlttera, $8 kinds $4. 115 and 117, Bridge Street. RAILROAD TIMB TARLt, pERST COFHTT BAILROAB. j oa following acbadala weal lata TmI Nov. IS, 1898, and tka traisa will ba rua IttilWfl. Lee - arrrra au . 4 SO 4 86 4 89 141 4 45 4 4 4 61 464 4 66 4 69 toe 0 9 09 911 9 14 9 16 19 9 23 9 24 9 2 Daacaaaea 714 a Kisg'alIUl 7 49 fal Sulpfcnr Spriafs T 41 ml CormanSkJiac 7 44 a li Montebello Park 7 41 t ilt "Mabaaoy 7 21 R f Bloaaafleld 7 tt Hi 6 10 10 48 18 9 49 6 21 9 64 6 24 9 67 6 27 10 06 6S2 1017 6 84 1017 6 87 10 80 02 10 86 p- m a. m ireuier J fa m Nalleoa 74 it) Daaa'a 7 1 la Elllotsbarf t U 1 "Bernbeisl's (1 6roeaPrk 4t 1 U ontoor Jane ti 1 11 LADdiabarf 51 m - m amil Laira rratn leaves BloomfleM at 6.63 a. f sad arrives at Laadiabnrf at 6.28 a. av Trata leaves Uadi.borf at 1.01 p. ., Ji I u a, m. at wktch traiaa snU u . . r-n .... slgaal. ' " Caas. H. Sanur, Presides!. 8. . NEWPORT AND SBERMAK'S TU 1 v ley Railroad Casapaay. Tims Isata M.yT8rbf789?.lM' " '0C' " Newr- rt 6 06 19 86 8 89) 4 at Bufala RrM. ! .. .-rl : Zl Mia a m : u JaniaU Furaaee ...I 12 19 42 Iti IU ffabneta 16 19 46 25110 62 lie H 8 16 8 44 Sylvan Wat-r Pi. BloomfleM jVaeV'a! 22 11 91 811' C 81 11 09 8 88! 8911 99 9 09; 6111 21i 7 46 Ts'isynoad KlliotUbnra;. ...... wree rark Loysvllle Port Robeson Center ... CUaa'aRu ....... AburB Moont Pleasant ... Geraiaat'n ... 641124 7 0611 86 7 Hill 41 7 16111 46 7 2111161 7 17 11 67 7 86 12 05 7 41 12 11 7 4612 IS; D. ORIKG, Prasidsat sad v. av. lom, General Afaat. SAW UILL & EfJGing mSm K.J".'!!? ' T"r WOBia. rmi a. f PAHQCHAR VP., IaU. TORK.fi. ""sTATIOlTS. West-" Is." ward. I wiH. II L.MlZLLiI 1 1 .1 kV J UimLwtitZ ESS"! Frlrtlaa Fcd4 ' V toaro-iiJ'-Sl-JE.!" mm wrir. ta- OawiMcJOLll. Mfcm Yark. f 0 UaJ!2r5 v
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers