IRRATIONALITlEa it any reason la bein" proud, line to go with the rest of the erowfli Ain't any reason In bein' eby', World ain't wattla' for yon to pass by Aiat any reason for beln' shirk, Clappln' for somebody else to work; Ain't any reason for not bein' (lad, Ain't this life the beat 700 hare hadf Ain't any reason In bein' afraid. Something'U happen, t'ain't ail dowe grade; Ain't any reason In talkin' fast. The little you're got to Bay won't laatt Ain't apy reaaon In not lonHn' up. Soon aa. you're got to the drega in your cop; Ain't any reason in not forgMn', Ton must keep on iovin' to keep on llrln'l Ain't ar,y reason in not bein' true. Make a beginning and carry it through) Ain't aty reason, or joy or beauty. In doin' anything leas than your duty. Boston TraTeler. EFFIE'S MARRIAGE. HEN Is he com ing, my charming bridegroom, mam ma?" asked Effle Paigrave one day, much as If she had consented to the engagement all along. "Whenever you like, dear." "I hope he won't expect me to be sentimental? I suppose not, though. An old fogy like him will be too rheu matic to trouble me with demonstra tive affection." "He Is only 45, my dear child." "Very likely, but he is as stiff as a poker, and when he dances he lifts one off one's feet and shakes the room." "Married men don't often trouble themselves to dance with their wives, Effie, 'hcrefore you can banish that grief from you at all events." The ceremony was over; tender youth tied to middle age for life; for better, for worse, Effle bad swallowed that much-glided pill. Even to think of Laurence Leicester was now a sin, she told herself; yet she met him everywhere, her eyes would stray to the door until he en tered, and she allowed him to talk to her and put on her wraps as he bad been wont to do. Had he and she not been so basely bandied she would have behaved dif ferently, she also told herself; for her husband, she was forced to own, was a good man. Too late she had learnt that Lau rence's coming marriage to Miss Falsey had been contradicted. She had been doped into a hateful union, and it gave her almost a right to permit her old lover to hover around her. Ahalmost not quite the right. Not a great deal of difference In the phrase, yet enough to torment her conscience at moments, such aa when her hus band took the wrap from Laurence's bands with firmness and dignity by tbe way, how dignified he could look t times, considering that he could not Jr'WrrTrri.whep be framed her small him, looking at It with a patient mourn- rulneas which hurt her more than If he bad struck her. It was not long after this that Lau rence Le'oester went home frem his ciub with a white face and a dizzy brain. He had been playing higher oven than usual, fortune had made a dead set against him, and he was a disgraced man unless he could have the command of several thousands. He reviewed his position, but knew that be could not lay his hands on as many hundreds. Yes I there was one way, but The blood mounted to his brain as he took a scented, prettily tinted letter from bis desk In Effle's beloved hand writing. Hitherto he had never held It without putting It to his lips, but now he could only hold it stiffly while he struggled for power to act a chival rous man's part and destroy It. Twice he put It away, a third time he took it out again, thrust it into his pocket, rushed out, and made his wny to Grosvenor square. What were a few thousands to her? Her millionaire husband was so lavish he would never know for what pur pose they bad been used. Naturally, he would not threaten her; In fact, he would not, except as a Inst resource, show ber the letter. She was so good that she loved his fair name better than he did. "Let me see whether I take In your meaning, Laurence. I am to rob my husband In order to 7" "Effle! What a word! He gives you untold thousands to do what you like with." "in fact, I might construe your words into a 'threat. If I like I may buy back my letter; that Is. if I fear my husband's anger should you feel disposed to show It to him?" "For heaven's sake don't look like that, Effle," he cried, "and forget all I have said. I am a cur. There, see," and be tore the letter into fragments. "I am -a disgraced mau, and Lkfc,.i ra tion led me to this dastardly conduct." Effle staid bis hand as he was about to throw away the pieces, then she composedly gathered hem up In her handkerchief.. "Effle!" he repeated. In Unfeigned anguish. "Forgive me, and forget this wretched business. Let me fling away those bits of paper." For give him! Yes. perhaps It time she could do that, but forget it. never, and she loved til's man. love 1 him Instead of the husband who was waiting for tbe day when her heart would cease to go astray, and turn to ward its rightful place! "Laurence, don't press me for an an swer to-night. Come to-morrow morn ing." "But I want no answer," he said ve hemently. - "I tell you my madness Is over, and I humbly beg your pardon. Of course I'll come to-morrow just to lee you. If you don't hate tbe sight of ue. that is." He gave her a long look as he left her; she was so still, and If she raid (oodby the words were Inaudible. And there she remained, half stunned, yet mechanically thinking. "It wis best so. I will never see him again, but I might have broken down If I had attempted the final farewell. He shall not be disgraced, but the as tlstance shall come through my bus hand. He will help him. I know, and be Is so good and so patient that he will not .expect too much from me ust at first.". - "I say," said one club acquaintance ot Laurence's to another, "Leicester is in luck. I wish I bad hia nyolnrment . "In India, la It notr "Tea." Effie did not make quite a full con fess lo at that time; not until later when tbey had drawn nearer together .-The .exact words of his reply noi even to her mother did she repeat, but they caused tears of repentance and of gladness to flow In abandonmen' from her heart. As time wore on, when they too their dally drives, tbe spectacle of th quiet-faced man and the now bloom ing, happy young wife caused muck talk, and much wonderment that foi once the meddling of "Tbe Fate" had not wrecked two or more 11 var. Loo don Argosy. LATE NEW INVENTIONS. To lock communicating doors be tween two rooms so that neither room can be opened in tbe absence of the oc cupant a new lock has a double bolt, one-half of which is drawn from each side of the door by means of a key. ' For use In fishing a new boat has an open well cut out in tbe center of the boat, in which is mounted a wire cage, which can be raised and lowered, the interior being divided into compart ments for live bait and tbe fish caught. To aslst In cutting hair a new clipper has a stationary comb plate attached I to the lower handle of tbe clipper, with j a spiral-bladed cylinder mounted on It i lust back of the comb teeth, to be re volved by contracting the handles of the clipper. A new hitching post is formed of iron to be set In the ground with a slotted top in which a number of clamping Jaws are set to grip tbe rein or hitching strap after it is passed through one of the slots, a lever being provided to close each jaw tightly. A new can opener is made with a, curved pointed blade, with a projection on tbe lower side of the blade to be used as a fulcrum in opening tbe can, tbe point of tbe knife being forced into the tin and pried along by bearing down on tbe handle. Hunters will find a new gun cas very useful, the case being formed of"i canvas with pockets and cartridge holders on one side for use when the case Is removed from the gun and dou bled to form a belt to be fastened around the body by straps near the center. To assist a farmer in planting cort. and like seed in bills a new device Is attached to tbe back of the boe and consists of a reservoir for tbe seed, with an opening In tbe bottom, which Is fitted with a propper to be operated, by a rod running up tbe handle of the1 hoe. In a new blotter just placed on thi market a spring steel clip Is made of such shape as to slip over the back of the hand, the blotting paper being fast ened to a wheel set in tbe clip, to be re Tolved by turning the hand over anc" drawing It across the paper. To assist In loading railway freight cars the floor in front of the doors Is mounted on an elevator set in the side of the car so it can be lowered to an equal height with the platform to load tbe freight, after which It la raised to the level of the car floor and unloaded, TRUMPET CALLS. Horn Sound a Warnisn Not to tka Unredeasned. WAS TED life will prove to have been a self ish life. Panderl n g t pop ularity pal sies the arm of the church. Tbe greatness of God Is not de pendent on our Utleness. The lost man can never be saved by tbe power of his lost will. The love that wastes Itself In giving has always plenty in store. The white light of truth may be born of the many rays of opinion. The mistakes of love are better than the perfections of selfishness. Tbe wise preacher looks, for most trouble where he finds most taffy. God's providence never places you where His grace cannot keep you. There is an advantage in every dis advantage. If we take it to the Lord. Being good is God's requirement ' feeling good is what most men desire. Beauty is tbe visible part of Divinity, ; Truth tbe logical part. Love the social part. Some preachers forget where to puj the punctuation mark In their sen mons. Science is playing a game of blino man's buff with the great truths of the Bible. The man who talks because be has something to say always Interests his hearers. It is quite possible to be a very cor .ect guide-post, and yet never go to the road yourself. "Freely ye have received, freely give." True, logical, commanding, yet oleyed only in part. The reason some people do not be lieve in foreign missions is that they are heathen themselves; they worship other gods. i The Supply of Oxygen. Persons who happen to be Inconveni enced by dearth of anxieties are Invit ed to agitate their spirits by contempla tion of the prospect of a shortage of oxygen in the atmosphere. It seems that there are well-informed persons. Lord Kelvin among them, who find rea son to believe that this calamity is Im pending. The figures (estimated) In the case are that the world uses annually six and a half billion tons of oxygen for breathing purposes, and nearly half ai much for fires. This is a big consum tion. To repair it we rely on vegeta tion, which we are pretty constantly restricting. So we use more and mor oxygen all tbe time, and make less and less. No wonder Lord Kelvin says th earth Is undergoing "a steady loss ol oxygen." As yet, though, the atmos phere does not show it, and It may be a few thousand years yet before thf difference will be nieasureable. To th short-sighted the prospect may noi seem distressing, but folks who need anxieties should not neglect this one since, after all. In anxieties and ances try and such things a little remotenesi does no harm. Harper's Weekly. Bamboo Grown In California. Bamboo grows very thriftily In Call forula bottom lands and is found to be a very useful plant. The seed of many species resembles rice and Is almost as valuable for food. Thu stock may be used in tbe building of bridges, fences, barns and in the manufacture of water British and Oerau Method. An arsenal In J-tpen required a crane with the lifting machinery of a certain description not now considered as the Imoet serviceable. Application waa made to an English maker, who refused to supply tbe out of date article A German bouse accepted the order and tbus obtained an opening which It will probably turn to good advantage. Again, the aewlng machines of a well known English maker were 1b posses sion of the field, and might have re mained there bad the makers thought It worth their while to humor the fancy of their Japanese customers. For some reason of their own tbe Japanese wished to have a machine with the arm somewhat higher than It is usually made. Tbe English makers thought that the change would be a disadvant age In working the machine, or at any rate that It was unnecessary. Some German makers did not mind that; they saw that In consulting the Japan ese preference there would be an ad vantage to themselves, and now the German-made aewlng machine la seen everywhere. Board of Trade Journal. RELIEF FROM PAIN. Women Everywhere) Expreea their Gratitude to Mrs. Plnkham. Ira. f. A. WALOEN. Olbsaa. Ob writes: " Dear Mbs. Piskhaii: Before tak ing your medicine, life waa a burden to me. I never saw a well day. At my monthlyoperiod I suffered untold misery, and a great deal of the time I waa troubled with a severe pain in my side. Before finishing1 the first bottle of your Vegetable Compound I could tell it was doing me good. I continued its use, also used the Liver Fills and Sanative Wash, and have been gTeatly helped. I would like to have you use my letter for the benefit of others." rtrs. FLORENCE A. WOLFE. s5 nalbarry M., Lancaster, Ohio, writes 1 "Dear Mbs. Pixkham: For two years I was troubled with what the local physicians told me was inflamma tion of the womb. Every month I suf fered terribly. I had taken enough medicine from tbe doctors to cure any one, but obtained relief for a short time only. At last I concluded to write to you in regard to my case, and can say that by following your advice I am now pefectly well." rtrs. W. R. BATES, nansfletd. Lav, writes 1 "Before writing to you I suffered dreadfully from painful menstrua tion, leucorrhoea and sore feeling in the lower part of the bowels. Now my friends want to know what makes me look so well. I do not hesitate one min ute in telling them what has brought about this great change. I cannot praise Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound enough. It is the greatest remedy of the use." LASSOED. A ThUf Is Neatly Caught by Hia In tended Victim. ; Robert Crawford, In describing cer tain experiences among the outlaws and desperadoes of South America, tells one story so original that Its cen tral Incident might serve aa motive for a fictitious sketch. One night a farmer was roused from sleep by bearing unusual and stealthy noises about the place. He got quietly out of bed, and .after listening atten tively, discovered that some people out side were cutting a hole through the door, close to the bolt, by which It was held. It did not require any great amount of detective talent to guess the object of tbe operation, and tbe best way to foil it was suggested by a thong of raw hide with a loop on it, which hung from a hook on tbe Inside of the door. Molse lessly removing the thong, he slipped the end of it through tbe loop, and there he stood, armed with an Im promptu lasso, ready for action. It was an anxious time while tbe farmer stood watching tbe hole In the door grow larger and larger, until at last it was of sufficient slse to effect the purpose for which It was made. The supreme moment arrived, and a hand was stealthily Inserted, not only through the hole, but also through the loop of tbe little lasso which hung skillfully around it. With a sudden jerk, the loop was tightened round tbe wrist, and tbe hand dragged in as far as the aperture would allow, while tbe thong was securely fastened to the hook on tbe back of tbe door. The robber was perfectly helpless. U s companions came to his aid. and having ineffectually dragged at the im prisoned arm till they were tired, gave up the struggle, and prepared to depart. But they were prudent men, and it occurred to them that, to save himself, their comrade might betray them. Dead men, they thought, tell no tales; so they killed him, and then ran away. How a Story Rolls Up and Travels. Mrs. A. to Mrs B. That Mrs. New comer is so fond of her children. The other day when I called she was blow ing soap bubbles for them through a common clay pipe. Mrs. B. to Mrs. C That Mrs. New comes Is so funny. Mrs. A. saw her amusing her children with a common clay pipe. Mrs. C. to Mrs. D. That Mrs. New :omer smokes a common clay pipe. Mrs. D. to Mrs. E. That Mrs. New romer smokes a horrid pipe. I don't fee how any woman in her sober senses ronld do that. Mrs. B. to Mrs. F. That Mrs. New iiimer smokes a pipe and drinks aw fully. Roxbury Gasette. Beauties of Aactent Art. "The Coming Storm." From a re cently discovered Pompelan painting. New York Journal. The Fool sal Hie Meaey. "Optimism," said the sorry fool. 'Is seeing the green side of a 15 bill." "And what Is pessimism T' asked his friend. "Seeing neither side of a $5 bllL" New York Commercial Advertiser. Storting lliaa Rlabt. "Ah!" sighed the sentimental youth, 'would that I might Install a sentiment in your loyal heart "Sir," Interrupted tbe practical maid, "I'd have you understand that my sea Is se D,o-rtrrL nnn rf ft-hw. W 11. . .1.- -1 -s - Vm. knil iiiiIiip-- j GT. JACODG can strike the pain ( it of GCIATICA every trates THE STEAMEH'3 OHIMMEY. i Sesase PoSatse ef Interest BsTidlataj . Ita Construction aad TJeaw The stroller along the wharvee who .h,nM risina? from the smokestack of a big steamer a small, and at the start perfectly defined, column of smoke, which seemed to .come from a small siuokeplpe . within the big one, might wonder If the great smokestack was filled with smaller stacks, one for each boiler. Aa a matter of fact it Is not so filled; but there Is within It one smaller smoke pipe. caUed the donkey stack, which Is the chimney for the boiler of the donkel engine, which is need when the vessel is In port in hoisting cargo In and out. It Is from this pipe that the small column of smoke la seen to issue. The donkey stack Is placed some times against the forward Inner side of tbe big stack, sometimes against tba after Inner side. It may be a com plete pipe, or It may be formed of Iron In the shape of half a pipe, with flanges -i,rtut n the main olDe. If a single one of tne larger Doners wm uaed. as It might be when the ship Is In port, it might be connected with the donkey staca, dui in mew nurnlar and common arrangement and use tbe uptakes of all these boilers run into the great cnimney, wnose whole interior Is open, except for the braces running across It to strengthen and support It. The chimneys of all large steamships, tin waver, and of many other steam vessels as well, are built double, with) an inner and an outer snail, witn a space between varying according to the size of tbe vessel; It may be from Ave to ten Inches. The primary pur pose of this chamber around tbe smokestack is to afford ventilation for the engine room and tbe stoke bole. In at least one modern passenger ship ventilating pipes from tbe passenger quarters have- been carried to these chambers. Incidentally, the space be tween the shells helps to keep tbe stack sightly, for, thus constructed, tbe thlmney Is cooler on the outside than It would otherwise be, and so it holds paint the better. New York Sun. e offer One Huuurod Dulltr. Reward Set uy ca of Catarrh that cannot be cured b) HaU's Catarrh Cn : e. F. J. CBBMIV A Co., P. ops, Toledo. O. We. the underpinned, have known F.J. Che ney tor the la-t IS year, and believe jape feitlr lienor ble in all business tan action and finaaalally able to carry out any oblige tion m-de by tbelr firm. Wasr aV Tbcax, Wholesale Druggisls, Toledo, Oh o. W41.DIKO. KlifSAX A Mahvm, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo. Ohio. uau s Catarrh 1 'HTM iatakan fnlmllv . Ins directly upon the blood and mucous sur- iacee ox mc system, r, ic-, joc. per Dome, sold ty all Druggists. Testimonials free. HaU's Family PUIa are the best. The labor of him who toils solely from necessity is not honorable. That labor alone has virtue in It which is the reeult of free choice and love of the work done. Te Care Caaatlpattan Forever. Take Cascareta candy t'atbartle. 100 or 25a. 1 t). C. C laU to cure, drugsuia refund money- Scientific truth ie marvelous, but moral truth Is divine, and whoever breathes its air and works by its light has found the lost paradise. Cure nusrsntred by DR J. B. MAYBR.1013 ARCH ST., PHIL A.. HA. Ease at nnce: no operation or delay lrom business. Consultatl m nee. KadorsemeBta ut phyitelaa. ladles an I prominent citizens. Send for circular, onto bonis 9 A. at. to 1 P. M. Patience cannot remove, but it can always dignify and alleviate misfor tune. . dnoate Tear Bawala with Caaeareta. t andy Catbartle. cure constipation loievar li 25c II C. C. V. tail, draggisu refund money The blossoms of spring are the prophets of autumn. So a Joyful ser vice in youth promisls a rich fruit age In after years. I believe lteo'a Care for Cosutintstloa sav., it DOT'S ure laei summer, jura, auu uoru- ass, I Le Roy, Roy, Mich.. Oct. M. ISM. It is not our failures that ruin us. but our fear and tardiness In making new beginnings after failure. Bcaatr is Bloaa Deep. t'lran blood means a clean skin. No beauty without It. Casoarets. Candy Cathwtlo clean v. it, blood and keep it clean, by stirring np th inzy liver and driving all Imparities from th b.r. Beiilu to-day to ban la a pimples, bolls uoicbes blackheads, and that sickly blltou. r uiplexlon by taking Catearets-beauty I t t n cants. All druggists, satisfaction guaran teed, lie, 25c.. 50c. Obstinacy and vehemency In opin ion are the surest proofs of stupidity. No man doth safely rule, but he that hath learned gladly to obey. Men anil Women Who Work Ned not give up when attacked with a sever con festive cold. If Uoxsie's Disks are usi h-y check any cold. 25 cents. Deep streams move with silent ma jesty, shallow brooks babble over every tiny stone. Ka Ta-Bae Far Fifty Ceats. guaranteed tobacco habit cure makes weak m. ii strunK. blood pure. 5tc, fl. AU druggi-tt. He who receives a good turn should never forget it; he who does one should never remember it. Tes't Tcbace Spit aad Smoke Tear Life Away Ie Salt tenaeee east. and ferever, U sat reile, fnU ef life, aerve' sad viger, take Ne-T I sr. the woader-werker, that makes weak aee tioflg. AU draggiete, 60a. er $1. Cure guaraa .d. Boaklet aad maipie free. AddraM Star hi. Bvawdr Co.. Chiracs er Mew Verk. No heritage can a father bequeath to his children than a good name; nor is there any richer heirloom than the memory of a noble ancestor. Te Care A Cold ta Oae Day. TakeLeMMveBromotMnlnaTaMota. a Prosaists refund moner It it falls to oar. A. There is a vast difference in one's respect for the man who has made himself and the man who haa only made his money. Mrs. W'lnalow's Soothing Syrup tot children teething, softens the sums, reducing tanamme tloo, allays pain, cures wind eoUc 3DC a bottle. To know how to grow old is the mas terwork of wisdom and one of the most difficult chapters in the great art of living. The true grandeur of humanity is In moral elevation, sustained, enlight ened and decorated by the intellect of H. U Oaua'a bomb, of Atlanta, Ga., are tb? only eaecessful Dropsy Specialism In the world. -'ee their liberal offer In adrsrtlsemsnl la an other oolumn of this paper. If there be aught surpassing human deed or word or thought it la & mo ther's love. Dr. Seth Arnold's Cough - Killer knacks Colds Joan DAaoANBLL, 44 Farso Are.. Buffalo, M. Y, Aug. IT, IMS. Me. m bottle? Time may be a success as a wound healer, but It seldom removes the ji-ars. It somethnes happens that when a man Is really known by the coataany aavs: "A American gunner can out of c times. -. i 1 OIL time. It Pene ana vara. ioUR BOYS AND GIRLS (HIS THEIR DEPARTMENT OP THE PAPER. a4.a santaae aad Cats DabNa ml the Uttls Falka Everrwaara, Gathered 1 aad Mate Here Her All Other IAf to Head. You who keep a tabby cat as an or aament and as a plaything, have no !dea of the Immense assistance which the government finds the tabby cat In taring for the government's stores. . . . . .w A few years ago everytning is mw , government atorehouses was destroy- j d by rata and mice, and It looked as :hough not even the steel shells would j be secure from their ravages. A gen tleman who had a useful cat at home inggested that tbe storehouses be sup piled with a corporal's guard of cats, to protect the government's goods. His suggestion was adopted, and now the army storehouses of the United States are officially supplied with cats to protect the property. t The storehouses of the United States Army Building of New York have four hriatened with Snanlsh names. The r-hUf of the euard la Queen Isabella. She Is a splendid mouser and an ad mirable mother, as present Bne tlx children, but as yet tbe government has not appointed them to tbe army storehouse positions, end it Is probable that Her Majesty's offspring will be dropped Into a pall of water in a few lays. .. Queen Isabella's assistants are ey- fer and Blanco. Wevler Is 16 years old and has a fierce growth of whiskers. APPOIBTTBD BT TBI SOVESSIIIMT. He Is the fighter of the storehouse and itands outside to prevent strangers from entering. Of the four cats, for Uncle Sam ap points only four to the New York store bouses,, the youngest is Alphonso, s maltese kitten. Alphonso was recent ly run over by a truck, but except tor a pronounced limp he Is In as good ihape as ever. . When the cata were first placed In the Important post of guarding the storehouses they were compelled to forage for themselves. Sometimes the keeper brought them a little food and a friendly milkman supplied the milk; but the cats got thin and cross. They wanted their food regularly, so the gov ernment acted upon the subject and an annual appropriation of $18 was set side for the mslntenance of each tab by. Blanco is a peaceful old maltese, with gentle manners, but at the night of a rat he becomes warlike and brist ling. Little Alphonso has caught only one mouse since his appointment to the storehouse, but this, his friends think, is doing very well, considering his ac cident. ' Cam Yea Answer Them T Here la a list of questions for the wideawakes. Can you answer them? You can any day see a white horse, why can you never see a white colt? How many kinds of trees grow In your neighborhood and what are they srnod for? Why does a horse eat grass back ward and a cow eat it forward T Why does a bop vine wind one way and a bean vine another? Where should the Inside of a chimney be bigger at top or bottom, and why? Can you tell why a horse tethered with a rope always unravels It, while a cow twists it? Why do the leaves turn upside down Just before a rain? What animals bave no front teeth and why? Exchange. ' The Dancers of Contagion. It la one of the school laws in Boston, as In other cities, that no pupil may come from a family any member of which Is 111 with a contagious disease. One day recently Willie K appeared before his teacher and said: "My sis ter's got the measles, sir." "Well, what are you doing here, then?" replied the teacher severely. "Don t you know any better than to come to school when your sister has the measles? Now you go home, and stay there until she la welL" The boy, who Is a veritable lit tle rogue, went to the door, where be turned with a twinkle In his eye and said: "If you please, sir, my sister Uvea n Philadelphia." ' Can't God Count?" Two children were carrying a basket of cakes to their grandmother. As of ten happens with children and with grown people, too they were curious to know what waa hi the basket, and so they carefully raised tbe corner and looked In. When their greedy eyes saw the tempting cake, their mouths fairly watered to take them. After counting I hem over several times they almost made up their minds to at just one of them. Nobody would know ft, and It would taste so good! While they were gazing at the cakes and Just ready to take one, the little rlrl looked up Into her brother's face and thoughtfully naked the matter-of-fact question, "Can't Ood count?" This settled the matter immediately, and ell the cakes were carried te their grandmother, Bain's Horn. Doles; tne Next Heat Thins. In a car a amall boy waa observed to be suddenly agitated, but regained hia eelf -control after a few moments. Son after the conductor appeared and naked for fares. When he stood be fore the email boy there waa a alight pause, and the passengers were sur prised to hear the following: "Plea the charre tt to my pun. I've tswallowad ft. ONE LESSON VWOM MEXICO. tatractlea of t'0'''' Droaa-ht aad Dneolatioa. The early conquerors of this counter and their followers of to-day have been very wasteful and careless hi the dis position of their forests, with the ire suit of accelerating the date when they will be compelled to face a P forest preservation at conderabU cost to themselTes. Deilaens ef the Northwest are familiar whe rapid ity with which the valuable ber areas have been denuded, until now there ta scarcely a merchantable tree between Arkansas and the Canadian line. Many notes of warning accompa. nled this destruction of the Northern softwood forests, but they fell upon unwilling ears. Only after it was toe late to stop the mischief did the conn try begin to recognise the Indirect value of forests to agriculture, ana that no high degree of ciTilisatlon can exist permanently without some sys tematic and adequate forest manage ment In India the destruction of tns forests commenced 1,000 years ago, and that country, having at last seen the folly of such waste. Is now en gaged in the expensive undertaking of reforesting large areaa. The effect up on rainfall and the productiveness ol the cultivated tracts has. already been acknowledged by Investigators. When Cortes first saw the vaUey of Mexico It -. onvered with woods, not dense. but abundant, from the timber line on j the volcanoes down to the water's edge. ! The reckless cutting down of the for- : ests by the Spaniards In the first cen- . tury following the conquest In 1621 In-: creased evaporation, caused the lakes , to dry up, led to frequent drouths, fol- ( lowed by occasional floods, and chang- ( ed the eilmate of Anahuac. ' Any old rancher will tell stories ol j streams that flowed when he was boy and will show the dry arroyo now. j They all claim that the table lands had j timber In considerable quantities where now there are barren deserts, j This government has taken some , steps In the matter, but it Is also neces- . sary for the land owners to assist In ; this work by planting trees and irri-; gating them for a few years until they have taken good root. By using good Judgment In selecting the trees and In planting In a few years the complaints which are now so frequent of years ol drouth will soon become fewer ana fewer until they finally cease. Mon terey Globe. j THE ENSIGN'S EMBARRASSMENT Aa Apparently Simple Order Mixed Him tip Badly. Clothing the Immature in a little brief authority and responsibility Is fre quently attended with results the re verse of impressive, as in the case of one of Uncle Sam's youthful naval offi cers, concerning whom the Boston Globe furnishes the following: While the Philadelphia was lying at tbe Brooklyn navy yard a young ensign waa placed In command of the deck. It happened that only one item remained on the Hat of the morning's duties, and that waa to sweep decks at seven bells. It waa not a very martial command to give, but as the time approached, the officer of the deck waxed nervous. He imagined that the eyes of all bands were on him. and that the safety of the ship depended upon his giving the or der In the proper voice. At three min utes of seven bells he again scanned the order book. It read. "Seven bells: Pipe Bweepers." It was plain enough, and the young officer took his stand near tbe main mast, and called out In a very weak voice, "Bo's'n's mate!" The man addressed sprang to his feet with Anger touching cap. "Ay. ay, sir," be replied. Glancing hastily around, the scared officer muttered hoarsely, "Swipe peep ers:" It was an entirely new order to the boatswain's mate. He touched his cap inquiringly. Tbe ensign, more con fused than ever, stammered desper ately: "Peep s wipers, my man." The words were overheard, and the laugh which followed proved the last straw. The ensign drew himself up, and with withering scorn exclaimed: "Sweep pipers, and be quick about It, too!" This time his order waa obeyed, the grinning boatswain's mate having fath omed his meaning. What does it do? It causes the oil glands in the skin to become more active, making the hair soft and glossy, precisely as I nature intended. It cleanses the scalp from dandruff and thus removes one of the great causes of baldness. It makes a better circu lation in the scalp and stops the hair from coming out. -H Prcvccls zzl it ceres A Ayer's Hair Vieor will surely make hair grow on bald heads, provided onlv there is any life remain ing in the hair bulbs. It restores color to gray or white hair. It does not do this in a moment, as will a hair dye; but in a short time the gray color of age gradually disap pears and the darker color of youth takes its place. Would you like a copy of our book on the Hair and Scalp? It is free. It you An not obtain all w--.-.. write the Doetmr shout it. Address. UK. J. C. AYEB Lowell, Mats. IVORY SOAP PASTE. In fifteen minutes' time, with only a c&Lz c-i Ivory Soap and water you can make in your own kitchen, a better cleansing: paste than you can buy. Itoit Soap Paste will take spots from clothing-; and will clean carpets, rugs, kid gloves, slippers, patent, enamel, russet leather and canvas shoes, leather belts, painted wood-work and furniture. The special value of Ivory Soap in this form arises from the fact that it can be used with a damp sponge or cloth to cleanse many articles that cannot be washed because they will not stand the free application of water. DIRECTIONS FOR MAKING. To one pint of boiling water add one aad one-half ounces of Ivory &oaP cut Into shavings, boil five minutes after .hsoaoistboroartlv dissolved. Remove from the fire, and cool In con- veaient dishes (not tin.) It will keep THlTGLORY OF MAN! Strenffth. Vitality, Manhood. THE SCIENCE OF LIFE; A Great Medical Treatise on nappy Marriages, the cause ana cure oi r. Vitalirv. Nervous and Physical ink jiiniwivyi Debility, Atrophy (wasting), and Vari cocele, also on ALL DISEASES AND WEAKNESSES OF MAN Jrom what ever cauae artsiiiflr. True Principles of Treatment. NOW THYSELF. erBs. It Contains 1S5 Invalunhto Prescriptions for psirr n Y 1 BY MML (sealed). (New edition, witn iaiei owenmimu i ure auin.ii na i - i ii .,. . . . . Read tulS UKE.&1 unn, nowua..u . AddressThe Peabody Medical Institute, No. 4 . . ... t, . h "Vy'if"JrrLTzrv. ;ri.i;..ts,l.ll.t I. America, who (area Hhera The Itlon Mwltaal Association awarded the Gold Medal for tbls Grand Prize Treatise, which is truly A BOOK FOR EVERY M AN, Younsr. Middle-ard. or Old. Mamed or Single. The Diagnostician, or Know Thyself Manual, a 94-page pamphlet with testimonials and endorw ments ot the Dress Price, iuoeiits dm mailed FREEforOOdavs. Send now. It Is a perfect Al'K VKCUM ana oflrat ialT for WEAK and FAIUXG HEX by a Humanitarian and Celebrated Medical Author tlistiniruisned throughout thle country and Europe. Address as above. The prtjs everywhere highly endorse the Peabody Medical Institute Read the following , The peanody Medical Institute baa been established in Boston 87 years, and the fame which It tins attained has Hubjected it to a test which only a meritorious Institution could undergo.-Boo Journal. - The Ptabutiv Mtaicai institute has many imitators, but no equals. "-iioatoa UcmuL CANDY EATING. Some Important Truths About This All-Important Subject. To the average child there are two delights so great that the sophisticated man or woman of tbe world can hardly comprehend the bliss they cause. One s to eat Ice cream; the other, to eat audy. One woman confesses that when she was a small girl, and was told that heaven was a place of abso lute bliss, she Instantly decided in ber . own mind that in that place . there would be gallon freezers of Ice cream always standing open, and that the trees would bear on tbelr branches, and drop upon the ground below, thousands of candies. It Is a pity that an article whose wise use gives so much pleasure and works so little harm as does good candy ' should have been abused until It has , become an eviL Some parents feel that to keen their children in health . they must forbid them to eat candy at , any time, while other parents permit It I '. to be devoured in such quantities that . their Ignorance can be their only ex- i i cuae lor tbe sin or allowing sucn imiut- : gence. Dentists and physicians unite In the opinion that pure candy, eaten ! In proper quantities and at proper 1 times, can do a well child no hatm. Good candy may be now procured from many dealers, the purity of whose bon bons baa Justly won for them reputa tion. Let the mother buy these ran dies and portion them out to her little ones, a few at a time, and always right j after a substantial meal. One mother ! calls her boys and girls to her room i every day after their simple but heaily ; noonday dinner and gives to each a j few simple candies, such as cream pep j permlnts, chocolate creams and mnple j creams. Nut bonbons are never allow , ed. The children are satisfied with this I method of taking their goodies, and teeth and digestion are not Impaired by the practice. Of course If a child Is not well the candy Is not allowed, for this mother believes more in diet than In drugs. One morning. In the heat of last sum mer, I waa riding In a street car, when a father entered, carrying In hia arms a pale, wasted girl of 3 years of ag The mother followed. Had the child's eyes been closed she would have looked as if she were already dead instead of dying of mlrasmus. In one birdlike I claw of a hand she clutched a brlgbt i pink cocoanut cake. When the father sat down she dropped her heavy bead I to his shoulder and lifted the pink atro j city to her bloodless lips, where It alow : ly but steadily disappeared. The tired mother sighed anxiously. "She ain't ate a bite for breakfast this day," she complained to her hus band. "Oh, well," waa the hopeful reply, "she'll be all right when it gets cooler weather." "By which time she will be In an other world," said I, to my Indignant self, "and she is hurried there by those who would sacrifice all to save her life." Harper's Bazar. Undergoing Double Torture. Dr. Molar (kindly) Now, doea that hurt? phia I don't mind you working on the tooth so much If you would only keep your sleeve button out of my eye Roxbury Gasette. Cataia-iMw - Bi. "Did you divide your bonbons with ! yonr little brother, MollleT" "Yes, ma. ' I ate the candy and gave him the mot- ! toes. Ton know he la awfully fond of reading." Tbe slip 'twlxt the cup and the Up doesn't prevent the mustache from get ting Into the soup. Well Bred, Soon Wed." Girls Who Use SAPOLIO Ao Oulehly Married. well In an air-tight glass Jar OR, SELF-PRESERVATION. 870 CD. UDO. Wlttt .n HEAL THYSELF. aetlte f,nd chmiodtoeoaes. Embossed, full gilt. : . . . , . . . i . , , -A V I ri . x, 7. , l . . . v , i L i , . i . . Bulflnch St.. Boston, Mass. (Esuiblishi (tsiablisheUin 11 nr Harvard Menicai uoiieee. nam low. Surt.' . A Tnoughitul Man. Mrs, Green My husband Is such a thoughtful man! He always goes down into the basement kitchen to smoke. Mrs. Gray And lets the smoke come upstairs Into the dining-room through the dumb waiter. Mrs. Greene Yes, but that's because he Is absent-minded, poor man. That has nothing to do with his thoughtful ness, you know. Boston Transcript mm MI have been using CASCAHET9 for Insomnia, with which I have been afflicted tor over twenty years, and I can say that Cascarets have given me more re lief than any other reme dy I have ever tried. I shall certainly recom mend them to my friends as being all tbey sre represented." . Thos. Gillabd, Elgin, llL CANDY CATHARTIC Pleasant. Palatable. Potent, Taste Goon Do Good. Sever Sicken. Weaken, or G vl?2bZ Si? ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... BfrHwe Urm4j cp y, Chlra, trl. Kw Trfc. SIS Hft.Tn.RiP Sold ar1 Taranteel by all droc U K I U'DflU tlsts t ITS K Tobacco HaJiL FOR 14 CENTS! W wiah to it" in th is j W auOjPOO bw customers, anil hano oner ' 1 Pkc. 13 Da Kadish. luc 4 Fkf arl Kim Cahbsc, 100 I " KarlttMt Red Beet loo i M IxncliThtn'Cucambrli"0 i Balrer'a Btrst Lwtaco. Ibo , California t ig Tomato, Sue f Erly Dinner Onu-n, 1k W Brill laut 1 towel Beads, l' o V AboTl0pk. worth fl.OO, wwil1 J? mail you fro, togethts with oar tmi riant ana sera catalogue f apon recsipt of this notice l ie f. uatace. vt e invite yonr trade and t .srdoQwillneer jretalonfwiih- out lufm. WJ1" srn tiifr, inn - rotators t f l.tfO k ttaloa- alone bo. No. iC .iUlll A, BALZER SFFB I LA I RflMHC. W IS. Send Postal for Premlnm List to the Dr. Arnold Mi aeaicai corporation. Woonsocket, 1 FOR FIFTY YEARS 1 MR8. WINSLOW'8 SOOTHING SYRUP I s4 by tsllUrjB of tnothers fartlslr ', rhlla Tf'lilfl. row arerran Tsarm. as tbethlM, Softens the fuss, afiays 5. L enras wfrtd eolic, and is tss Best (? oiarrhira. 2 esVfy-aa Caats n Boute. J .TOPPED FREE I Permanently Cared isjsaant rmsniss dt DR. KLINE'S SKEAT 1ERVE RESTORER ! wa. ruri s. .oteer KervoautesW dae and $t trial bcttU narSiMSsr-ssas, fresta ntpaoaaia, tk i '.he. HMlwa. Hm4 Ur Kiln. HA. R-lla r ...In. hdhm eL.r... HJ laMtauof MadleiM.SU arch St.. rultadclpM'.. rs. ANTED Case of bad health that B-I P A-: " will not Senear. fend S eta. to Klnans Chen SMIll ft nm ,n Hlnanl ( "tl 'T. I , ( New York, for 10 samples and 1000 testimonials OfllCI BELIEF FEMALE PILLS r.W $1. DR. READ, toai South Street. Phils. U Fl! M CrRED Sample bottls, 4 ly II .r treatment 'imiimn Iiwdi Co. :, postpaid. III ceni.. M Greenwich St. . '. V 4 D ROPfiYnwmicoTERTic' look ef Saauaiealalsaad 1 0 ft a. a. efesa'B bobs. Box d. . BTew. i- tr.i " -Atliot. G 9! - osccutes CI; tms. iuVt.PrinolD8J urn m or u . feniiioD urau ijrata civil wnvr iSaia ;.wt.T.... -i-i ..-. $ L7 El E S II 11 Itasea