Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, January 25, 1899, Image 3

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.4. '
Aumaii is "I with gri
DPtoi.ten.nd high in price.
sdc, as hot a you can drink it
Captain Warburton, of the Pennsyl-; They had an election in Eamoa. me
jmntaVolunte t Porto Rico, say. dm, atnce ; the people voted
the bf .hipped to the island tor the down said they were cheated and forth
soldiers; that which was destined for ; with began to drive their opponent,
hi. camp he smelted 150 yards away, j out of office. The German consul at
On Saturday, merchant Harley was .Samoa took sides with those that took
notified of the death of bis oldest sister, j arms. An American was Judge or the
Mrs. Ann H. Hallman, at her home In i Supreme Court. He was compelled to
Norristown, Pa, The funeral will take fle tor his life, and that Is bow trouble
place this Wednesday, January 555.
Kaftan's beef, has been shown bv
henilsts, to have been chemicallv treat
ed with borax and salicylic acids. The
chemists have not examined Eagan's
language, it was not necessary to do so,
for it was clearly brimstone.
Euiiua Ruth Pannebaker, aged 7
yearn, died after a dav's lllnem, in con
vulsions, last Sunday, at the home of
her parents, George Pannebaker and
wire, at Centre, v alker township. In
terment at Center cemetery.
in !" .... ....... . '
, nre 570 inmate l" wie riuiu- utmf
1 - ...... K. Paillieliakftr. nf Watarfnnrl
. Jyi rtionua"".' r . .uu
rill operate the mill near Blair's Mills.
, ....mIt l.-'.ve erlp. ' in a tract of timber whlch ta expected
oik to yield "00.000 feet of sawed lumUr
Jrrn... Hi-hi'. r "ecuwuie, is .- " ' .,
. 1 f III lUlU. J. l)UrIliUu. AIMJl Til TMN
in mis lunn. i 7 0 . . .
tun? "'" ... Flitor nf th Thnnnn A1rl
. u.-.w f Altoona. is visit- . . ... ... ,
mg """-. A , lomce. He was reading a newspaper
Henry litels j wl!en the relentlese messenger of death
p!a.t at '"" - eallett him from the things of time and
JT. Dr. King'"
Xew l)iL-)very.
atterfou npent Sunday
between Germany and the United
States at Samoa began. The men at
arms also antagonized the English at
Juniata Agricultural Society
have elected for the coming year.
President, Matthew Rodgers ; Vice
Presidents, Wm. A. McCahren, Neal
M. Stewart. E. O. Meloy; Secretary,
James In. frontager ; Corresponding
Secretary, O. M. Kerlin. ; Treasurer,
Jesse I. Groninger ; Executive Com
mittee, M. S. Eeh, John Woodward;
I .Ihnnan Ttw A YV UL...1I t.i .
m omie vouege, jonn .".cam ',
UC. Beaver, John Hibiusou; Delegates
. Hower, of near this town.Lafil L? rTw ""SiSS!? X A"
t the steam saw mill of Samuel Alter, Hon. John McMeen; Auditing
committee, G. It. M. Wisehaupt, Hon.
W. C. Pomeroy, H. C. Beck.
One of the incidents of the United
"It takes all kinds of people to
mane a wona," is a common say
ing, and it has been proven beyond
uuuut mai mere are people
wicKiy settled counties like in
cities that make sickness a trade . .
to secure a lazy living. How JL mHr freqaeallr
many such people live in conntrv T?1.' WhQm eeasidersd by assay Ss he
districts, investigation has not r. i "ar!?w' J" rtia Dyspspsta.
vealed. Playing "old soldier" in ruvTf.T n EcicIM- Thi because It first pats the Kioaeys la
the army was a well known tri.-k .7 vTr . Imptiritisa fres.
but until recently it was not eener-. " SIT?1 Frr ea. acomptauly hy
ally known that city hospitals have
a good many inmates that make
pretend sickness a trade. The'
Chicago Inter Ocean sent a repre
sentative into the hospitals on a
special mission to learn something
i . . . . .
KIMIMT TnWA vnn tia"A TO ton nn . ... " " -
" " ' .u U RIM ' . . .
- " J"JMMi U1H U
psinlal for me to walk.
Here b a letter frost Mrs. Cast. Fsna mt
H.T.: MMy kasband was troubled with Us kidaeys,
fsarfafly with shootiag paias tarongh his back. He
DaW4 Xeaaadym Fmroritm Jfesssd, aad
now weu ana strong. Althomgk
seventy years of age, he is as hearty as
""y years younger. I was so
pretended sickness as a trade and
by it get a lazy living in the hos
pitals. He fonnd a number of
cases. Here is a case of
He was a middle aged man, and
he made his living out of his trick.
States Senatorial contest at Harrishunr . i.s '
i . . -. u iiair cur. lie Hiiuniv naa an nr-
inn cea, was itepresentauve sxinner, . , , - '
i, 1 of Fulton, rising in bis place to explain 1 tock and falls
J that it was not he, as reported that had ' street rarnef.
acin:ite i-nmll iox has extended it-'iese,
Jjf from HeJf.r.l to Ulair wmnty. D
jjUr,. William Miles and Miss Sarah
unrr-iv visited a day in Harrisburg.
ilurklen's Arnu-i rviive.
f V. 11. Vauliet'k and son Max-
Dr. King's New Life Pills.
Senator Hertzler has been assigned
ou Senatorial committees ; on Agricul
ture; on Appropriation; on Corpora
tion; on Education; on Game; on Law;
en, visited telatives in llarnsourg last . on i'ubllc grounds; on Public supply of
j beat ana water; on Kailroads and street
r,W embalmed meat was bad, passenger railways.
hue ii-'t nearh-
Wiiv should the
land and Cermany
- fiaiiioki!. Fa., will oii
no bad as Eagan's lan-
Harrisburg, Jan. 23. While baptis
ing his niece in Manada Creek vester-
I'niied Slates, Eng-' day, near Hanoverdale, Rev. David
go to war about ; uer, an agea tierman Baptist minis
Jter, dropped dead in the water. He
their uuuiu ow umv jcisuii9,
... - j !... ..-Ill .mrvlnv .!U)
V.. iv I- ,.f V.Ior;..l, 111
he cart uf Mr. and Mra. James BonaUon in Pa terson ,kmitd, (ffers
his niece being the tenth.
Fob Sale. The Board of Pi
rectors of tbe Farmers Mercantile As.
affairs may seem to dictate.
Dr. King's Sew Life Pills.
for ale, or rent, their Store in Put
terson. Tei ms eae v For particulars
lf.nff.ii! fie.
like his bad ;
w;r:m s .a.t nieai cam oe imfiquireo, W N Sterrett, on the
premises. By order of Beard,
Ang. 17, 8t. Lewis Deoax, Sec
Bloom field Times, Jan. 20. A large
white oak tree was cut at Harvey Res
ins?:! ieiding the last three weeks ler's on Tuesday of this week, which
was nearly five feet in diameter, but
Dr. Kiiie's New Life Pills.
Miss f.evina Lemon, of Patterson,
proved to be hollow at the heart. Be
tween four and Ave barrels of water
ran out when the hollow was reached.
; .: l'il!? Ul,.
-j' riha fr the Juniata Sknti-
, ;.nl Keit hijcan", the best paper
" 'je comity. i
J iUiM:dl Wiekersham has return-! "HOTOO HArHs. Keplogle's new
C ,. ,.. .,ft..r Mveral weeks visit to an Art gallery has come to Patterson for
! in Mt.Mina. ; tQe season and stands near Manbeck
. i 1 A Nelson's mill. Now is your chance
ivvu 1 tc. be tried by court martial, J
price. Cabinets only $1.50 uutil March
Int. and n rnft irnM with dnxpn Int
SiiTderc iintv, Pa., opens the spring I VJ"iHism Andersou was ou the farm
tern May S, 189. i
. j i guilty of insultordination,
nuiv :liuu that.
A ruin on Tuesday morninc sjMjiled
tl.e '.ike weather that had pre
vails! xme live ir six days.
Pr. King's New Discovery.
Ki.it liEST. To a small family, a
CDmt'ortjble house Call at this office
Joz i.i'orniation if vou want to rent.
t is raid, about forty Turbett town-
Uiv rletpl-eontcoiplta going west to
of his grand father last Saturday. See
ing a large owl on 'a fence, he took up a
stone and threw, and down came the
owl. Its wing was broken. He brought
the "hooter" to town- Boyd Murray
has it on exhibition at the National
Governor Stone has issued an open
letter, sustaining Senator Quay as the
regularly nominated candidate for
UnhedjStates Senator. The anti-Quay
nvke new homes on the public lands. : leaders then issued a paper to sustain
i -..m..tr-i-iv Mr nH Afra Thomas themselves, giving Quay's so called
Shaver wore called to Mount Union ou : record and court prosecution asa reason
for bolting the party nominee.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
tw.i!it of the death of Mr. Shaver's
mi t her.
Ttif school directors of Mount Cannel
t-twnsrhip. Pa. have been balloting six
wk:' without result, for anight school
r. T. W. Anker was on the sick list
a '. of days recently, caused by
'.'m-ii hfll htmiirrhage, but he is at his
liiiiiu-r a'ain.
Diiriiis; three or four days last week
th.-r v. n- a mist in the atmosphere like
Tml'iui -npinier mist, but no one called
ii ! :!limi summer.
'The moon is full this week, and
daily paters have manv accounts of
: murder, and outrageous acts of dement
ed people. The moon seems to exert
an influence on the criminal class, and
on demented people. How much, and
in what way it effects other people,
I has not been generally oliserved.
'Mrs. Annie Winson, convicted of ad
ministering poison to her husband,
James Winson, was ou Monday, Janu
hair cat, he simply has an at
in a heap on some
A noliceman sends
visited or called upon Senator Quay at in a hnrrv call, an ambulance !
night. Representative Skinner seemed ,iaah n nnii rkvtrlir.fr ia vui '
to be laboring under the impression "a.sne8. UP anf JUow!'D? 18A 8000
that to call on Senator Quay Implied 1ymS m a 0001 hospital cot and
something improper. It must -be a sucking broth through a straw,
queer state of aHairs at Harrisburg Sometimes he is so weak that he
w hen men of different nolitics cannot i.. i r : : i
call upon each other, why can't dem- u " 'B"V
ocrats caU on Senator Quav, and whv wlne to braee hlm UP- f lat6 he
can't republicans call on Honorable has been complaining of hard times.
Mr. Jenks, or any other reputable men The Ttnlic-have come to know him.
of different political views. Harrisburg and sometimes thev do not aunre-'
must oe a queer place If it forbids men ...... . T . ' ,
of different political views calling upon ciaie nis enterprise, xiere is ine
each other, or talking to each other, case ot a woman with j
ir Mr. tsklnnerdid not like the report . ,r.-. t-c a t TiTn Tr ttuai I
that had been circulated about him. . , . . . ... !
certainly no one should find fault with uucwr m auomer noepiu!
mm for explainintr. But how much lens 01 a woman wno was auie w
good he might have done other weaker ' raise what is known as a phantom
men, wbobave not the courage or their tumor. She was admitted to the
conviction as he has. if he had added. I ....u. .1..
deem it my right, and I shall exercise losuiuuou huucf ng, appa.cu,
tnat right to call on HeuatorQuay or irom a Biiian sunuug uicu w
any other citizen at such time and diagnosed as a tumor. She occu-
piace as courtesy or business or social pietl a beil in a ward for some time,
while various means for the rednc-
My food did me no good, ,-!
as my stomach could
not digest it.- Somebody
recommeadsd Fmyorite
Remedy to me, and after
taking two bottles of it
I was completely cured,
and am feeling splendid
now. we both attribute
our good health to Fmrorlt Remedy.'
It is prescribed with unfailing success for Nerve
Troubles, aad for the Liver and Blood it is a specific.
It has eared many that were beyond tae aid of other
medicine. Ask your druggist for It, and insist upon getting it.
suDsucate. it wiu cost you St.oo for a regular fall-sised bottle.
Gampto BottSo Frco
If you want to try Favorite Remedy before bayiag. send yew fall pes
office address to the Da. David Kinnkdt CoaroaaTioit, Rondout, N. V., aad
mention this japer. They will send yoa a free trial bottle, all charges prepaid.
This genuine offer is made to prove to everybody what a wonderful seediciae it ML
v 1
& SON'S.
Our Holiday Trade was Phenom
inal But We Still Have a
Large Line of
Doa't take
Mr. R. T. Olivia, of Bucrlosa. Spain,
spends hit wiutets at Aiken. S. C Weak
servra had cue severe pio io thi back
of his hed. Oo usinc Blectric Bitters.
America's greatest Blood and Nerve Rem
edy, all piin aoon left him. Re rays this
grar.d mediciae is whit bis country seeds.
All America knows tbst it cures liver and
kidney trenble, punflrt the bloed, tones up
tbe stomach, strengthens tb nerves, puts
vim, Titer and sew life into erery motel",
nerve aid re as of tbe body- It weak,
tired or siting yon need it Bvery bottle
I aaraneeed, only 60 cents. Sold by M. P.
Crawford, Druggist.
Extraordinary Tour viaPean-
syiraala Railroad. ,
tion of the lamp were practiced.
Finally it was decided to operate,
and the patient was put under
ether. When the doctors leaned
. forward to make the first incision,
' lo and behold the tumor was gone.
j They thought this rather carious
s and decided to postpone tbe oper
'ation. "When the woman was al-
: lowed to revive and was question-
' ed she stoutly maintained that she
had the tumor and pointed to it in
' proof. Sure enough, it was there
She was put under the influence
j of ether again, but tbjs time the
swelling was watched, ami as tne
. drug began to take effect it was
' seen slowly to recede. The patient
was, therefore, put back to bed,
and the hoSDital authorities at
a great country. la tempted to look up her antece
grnndenr - of tatur.il ; denta. After some research it was
Gotta GQI 6eCQto
Spring will soon be here and we prefer to lose oar
profits now. Rather than carry our heavy goods over
and lose later.
Any Overcoat in our line can now be bought at
cost. Any Winter Suit can now be had at cost.
Why ! because we would sooner have the mony the
goods cost us and invest it than have it tied up in
Goods on our shelves, particularly when we need the
room for our spring stock. The successful clothier of
today is the one who starts each season with a new
line. For this reason we offer you Goods at Cost.
Now is the time to take advantage of Cost Prices.
Seeing is believing, come and see.
Hollobaugh & Son's
116 Main St., Patterson, Pa.
America is
variety and
sctntty it is unnv led. To traverse j foud that she was known in near
it, to behold its divtrBi.ies and its I iv -VAPV hiwnitnl in London and to
wonden., is a liberal education, ai few in Xew York. She could!
revtlatkn to the immured roetropol j the , at wiU merelv by,
itan citizen. The Personally Con- arni-intr -.rt-.tn tni..l and aha I
ducted Tour to Californ:a ucder the I ,. i ;:.' K ;m;tin nn i
direction of the Pennsylvania R.il ; l. authorities. Here is one
luuij eiuui vio tj uiv'D v WA.aouv vr s
Schott's Stores.
Wishing you all a
Happy and Pros
perous New
por tunny to view the vust variety
a- d bouctileEB becuty of this mar
velous land. Tbe party will travel
At another hospital the doctors
! tell how they got rid of a man who
:arvlfi. at Harrishursr sentenced to 20
:nut '..utter fa. tory has been put . . , M,t n-nitenliary' In
ii'.' trimm 111 ivoKonio. uiuiaim. . . s ...j c.
! MXM "vver Trvjff rancid and ton . ..The jurv made amistake
xi ... M. .. t:lui,te. n Iot makill? it a fir8t decree verdict."
Dr. Kins's Xew Disiwerj-. At Murfcml c)llcge rYeeburg,
X: i'lti.lative 1-isher, of thiswuuty ! Snyder county, Pa., none but the best
ua .iuul)ir.r the committee on Edu-;metbods are used, so that today it is
a:'.on : on K.itentry ; on Pensions and recognized as one of the foremost schools
i.ia'iiitvs : on Printing. ! of music in the country. $83 will pay
VI". -' niiiii rv . !c tinn is engaging the for a term of six weeks, instruction and
w;jio.i of th w who desire to become board. Spring Term will begin May 8.
For catalogues address,
,.MrilH---n4ira ronts in- tho-model feigmcd paralysis of theJega
Pullman train of smoking, dining, man affirmed that he could not
slcepirg, and observation cars ex-', walk, and lay apparently helpless,
hibittd at the World's Fair, Cbi'MRo, : at the mercy of a tremendous ap
and eubpequently at At'.atita, Nash, petite. One summer's day when
vil' and Om&ha. This train wili bo the man had to be wheeled out on
placed iu s-tv:ce fur the first time cn ' a veranda, the physicians rigged
this occasion, an J will bo in charge up a hose at the foot of the para
of a Tourist Agent aud C'.iaporon, lytic'B bed, fixing the nozzle in
who will l.ok after all details of tie such a manner that a stream of
trip, as well ae I ho individual welfare j Water would strike the man near
of members if the party. Stops the neck. That night, while the
will be ioad t MammMh' Cave, patient was asleep, the faucet con
New Orleans during Mwdi G. a neoting with the hose was tnruetl
C -rnival, E! Pkso, L-s Anele, Sm on Several doctors were in the
Diego. Rt-dlaudd, Itiv. rside, Pasa- office awaiting developments. Al
dnni, Sauta Barbsrs, Monterey, Del most instontly the yells of the man
.H H t", haiita Umz. .MOUHt tlimiltOn. .-,1rariat naorlv ovorv nno in ihf
ileclo P.irk, S.iu FrauciHCO, S t Lake iirT,1-tal. and in a. moment he was
ri.t- .1 r..i.v-.l.. . . ..
Spri. gs, Manitru ard Garden r f the
Godf. Detver, and Cbicairo. Nine-
uays are
the xaew
Hknry B. Moyek, Director.
A court martial, to be composed of
i-a'i'lkhtc-i in fju and
.:uiiiuti' only g.xxl men.
"h. down iu price for sale bill
f UiO fur u nuinljer one half sheet hill. ! ii.Mun .rmr nffimn li.a lavn railed to
i:i(i,-e of cale iu The Jcniata t Wn.hincrtnn to dav. Janu-
..n: 1. am. It::!-: blicax. : ary 25, 1899. The members of the
V. Swale, bought 3(10 acresof. court are all regular army officers, ex
Krora incuniain timber land, from cepting one orticer who belongs to the
a S. McCouncIl, of Turbett town-; volunteer troops. The court martial
', f-.i oMe hundred and Keventv-five will trv Brieadier General Charles P.
Tr.. 1 Vnmn ivmimlauirv fmnpral of fluhAist
Tie rjs. .ti n-e ofthe National banks are ance.
o'-.-fonr bi!!i;i dollars, a sum morei General Miles' attack on the meat
ti. : .-nl". ient to carry on a war of as sent to the army, charging that the
nituile a the
war against meat was embalmed or chemically
I treated, has created a profound sensa-
jtion. Others are coming forward with
' statements on the same subject, and by
ih- cuirt rei;rdK at tarlinle mention
tl t lj'l'l,ip,Lr nf M,xip irfvu-ilrt u'hii liv'jvl
"'" tbo 1 on 1 if Is of lvhst unn i Jnn-( and by the whole matter will have
been ventilated. It is saia tnai jtorax
and Balicylis Acid were put -upon the
meat to preserve it. The meat was so
doctored with chemicals that flies kept
away. Meat must bedangerously treat
ed when flies refuse to touch it.
;! ly. in the days of the whipping '
- H'ivs Arnica Salve.
o - n-or Stone has appointed W.
'i'U'Kt. of Lancaster, Secretary of
-b it-: ;hn V. Klkius., of Indiana, At
!on:ev t;r!!tral: K. C. Cierwig, Private
and unc
tbe r-.'-ult
1 i.ay 112 nieinliers of the Ieg
were j.airel. One democrat
republican make a pair. In
fy thpir absence ph 11 Tint effect
f a vote.
-eb trees in the South Mmm.
Ih :. ., , i We-tern Marvl.,n,i un. nn
lenix.rt, of this town
III!....-.. -
wen, and it is expected
-srwili see a large increase in
'W' T horticulture.
..t1,? ' Mr' ''""'l'1--, of the Port Roy-
"--"."--nan church, having
'Klit in i, ciut(.he8 of the
..r-s. ,1vt for 1 ; 1 u
'fhe Wral .f lfcv. Mr. Hunnicut,
, ;w,'-"'i--burg, Cumberland i-ounty,
i-'uee rntly. Mrs. Hunnicut,
' tl.f? de-eased, and Mrs. James
'itauiy of this town are
r. Kiufi s Nw LifePillsf
Dr. King's New Discovery.
Joseph Morrison, who cjuarreled with
and killed Harry Daugherty, last Aug
ust at Belleville. Mifflin county, was
tried last week at Lewistown. Verdict,
murder In the first degree. The quar
rel and killing grew out of a game of
matching half dollars and the dispute
was about a half dollar. Morrison dis
emboweled Daugherty by one upward
jumping down stairs three steps at
a time. He made a great outcry,
l.nf 41ia onf riAfiiiaa rlwl Tint linvja id
teen d::ys w,l. be spent , in Os.jforu.a. Mde Lim to leave. He went
R.UDctnp rate mcludtrg all nces-, his own and nothi but
ell 'ould hav
Here is one who
"There was another fellow who
was admitted to this hospital sufl'er-
with stomach trouble, so he
enureses nunrc eunro uiu, n 1.11 l.m
Slfin from ell rxflnta nn thn Fni r. "
v-toia Rai'road System eaint of Pitts
burg; $395 from Pittsburg. For
itinerary and full information spply
to ticket averts : Tourist Agent, 119G
Brosd'sv. New Yolk: r address ; ing
Oeo W." Bovd. Assistant General said, and his description of the
Passenger Agent, Broad Street Sta- general symptoms of a certain dis
tion, Philadelphia. 3 w. ease was so accurate that it was
B decided to operate on him. He
S05IETUIHO FOR ROTHIHG. was put under etbr and tut open
We have heard of the boy who I and examined, only to be found
quite neauuy . xi iwa. uuu oumo
time to get well, and things went
nauicu iu tib ilia v iv- n nvi rwtii 11 -. . . 1
1... e r...,. .. time to get well, and
luu, uui litter uaure vi miomras , ., . . , . - .i. ; 1 ii-i...
" ... m1v wn : him mMnwhl 1ft. V nen
man who sold h S.? f:S.ct lad almo.t hell b be-
SSH S5 f. 1 rt,kd Zn
auu lUial uiuuo 10 ixiwuuij iu 1
artistic work, with its twenty-fonr
pages lithographed in colors, and
nearly one hundred more
n .1 : . 1. 1. .. .. A . .
iT e i TfZn : of times, and always in a manner
illustrations. phottcraphed from . , . . -
Flowers, Fruits, Vegetables and
Our Special Bargain
now commencing with
year, and Big Reductions are made
Ladies' Capes Jackets, Wrappers,
Skirts and Waists, will be closed out
at extra low prices.
New Ginghams, Muslins, and!
bheetings are unpacked and will be
sold at Bargain prices.
New Carpets and new Oil Cloth
will be sold at reduced prices.
and House-Furnishing
O qOo OJ
Things are never dull hers; never stupid. The fall life ef tbe store al
ws)s has a cheerful welcome for all oorasrs, and shoppers art quick to desiae
ia favor of tbe Great Values to be found in our new
Neat, Stylish,
1 read in the symptoms of diseases.
. He knew just how to act in order
-1 a -d iho imnrflssion of snfferinsr.
pages &; '
"While this Guide
Is really too
to lay him np for various periods
of time. Did it hurt himt No.
The anaesthetics deadened the
expensive to give away, they give ; d n j , wantel to live
it with a Dne Bill for 2o cents i?5" cL wniftt, 111nn.
J tZ r" In fact, it is curious to
Another new feature is the doing'" . artk ,
away with the old packet of Vege
table Seeds and stating tbe quan
tity in each case, the buyer getting
more for his money.
find how
many people there are who have a
mania for being operated upon.
We have some women who almost
beg us to cut them open, when
reallv there is no necessity for it.
Some of them doubtless believe
they need the cutting. I believe
much of this desire for treatment
comes from illy digested reading
of medical works."
Dr. King's New Discovery.
Tfrightfil blvider
srill oftM cause a hc.rrlhto Burn, Scald
Cat or Bruise. Bucklen's Amies Sls.
tha best is tbe world. l'l kil- the psin aad
pro- pss uwu - iiujiiuito mcj pron,p,v hl it. Cur Old Seres, rs or
vih for th nniwiinn nf a.mmints due he erected ana mamtainea at tne uic.m. Polls. FfiP. corns, an
this j cut with a booked bladed pocket knife.
Tbe stabbed or disemboweled man died
almost instantly.
A bill has been introduced iu tbe
State Senate to repeal the act that pro-
Thomas J. Edge, State Secretary
nf A oricnltiirfi. in renlv to a ones-1
tion in reference to line fences in
this State, says : The act of March
11th, 1842, is very clear in its pro
visions to maintaining line fences.
In all cases where the land is or
I hna Kon "imnroved" thev must
tbeeommonwealtb on unpatented land. joint expense of the adjacent tana ; Skis frnptioos.
The owners of uupattented land In owners. If one owns improvea
Juniata count v owe the commonwealth land adjoining the woodiand of a
over eighty-seven thousand dollars, neighbor then that neighbor can
Legislation should bar all the claims of not be compelled to maintain any
long standing. There is a law of limit- Share or tne ience Decause me ianu ;
ation of every other kind of claim, and (woodland) is not "improved" !
why should limitation not hold against land within the meaning of the.
William Penn claims. act.
B-St PlU COrr B
OnliUt ilwi Our tursDted
bv X. P. Crawloid, Druggist.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
Dr. David Kennedy
1865, ESTABLISHED. 1899.
Special Invitation To The Pvblu
To Attend the Attractive Sale ef Clothing that goes en dailj
W ho nsye money to invest to examine the Stock of Goods for
It is truly marvelous to See
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h nmnoa all finmnetitora in the rear, so don't f il
to give him a call if in need of Clothing.
A Specially Selseted S tee k
Kaoges, Cook, Parlor sad Ikey
Horse lilaoksts and Lap Rests.
LAMI S, largs and email.
Come in end look around. We'll
make vou feel at borne.
We bave tbe largest Stook aad
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Get a rood rarer t.y snbscribicr
Sianscd ad BspcbUoas.
for (be
"77" i Dr. Uutapbreys' famous
Specific for the care of Grip and
Colds, and the preventionjof Pueumo
nia. All druggists, 25c.
Subscribe for tbe blKTtHF.L and
RiprjBUCAX, a r-apcr that contairje
choice reading matter, full of inform
tion that does the reader good, and
in addition to that all local news that
c worth publishing find places in
its columns. If.
1 Cures Fever.
2 " "Worms.
a " Infants' Disea
4 " Diarrhea.
7 " Coughs.
8 Cures Neuralgia.
9 " Headache.
IO " Dyapepaisu
11 M Delayed Periods.
12 Leucorrhea.
13 Cure Croup.
14 " Skin Diseases.
IB " Rheumatism.
16 " Malaria.
1 " Catarrh.
No. SO Cures Whooping Cough
No. 21 " Asthma.
No. 24 General Debility.
No. 20 Sea-Sickness.
No. 27 " Kidney Diseases.
No. 28 Cures Nervous Debility.
No. SO " Urinary Diseases!
No. 82 " Heart Disease.
No. 84 " Sore Throat.
No. 77 " Colds and Grip.
Da. HeatraaaTs' EomorATsne Hawvai.
of DnsAsas Mailsc Fbbs.
Sman boitlaa of slaaaaat psllau. lit tha vast;
poekat. Sold bf irrnggimtt. or nt prspwd tiDoo
raeaipt of pries. Si , exrept Ifos. a. nd
era mads SI 00 slaa oaly. Humphrs? atadl
stas Coaapaar. tit William St Saw York.
Mosey Loaned at Lowest Hates.
March 5, 1898.
L i.'lL.
Juniata Valley
National Bank.
Capital .... $0,000.
T. V. IRWIN, Cashier.
Louis K. Atkinson.
John Hertzler.
H. J. Snellen berger.
T. Van
W. C. Pomeroy.
J. I. Barton.
W. N. Bterrett,
PTSSS lisaiasliiil T MlaasgSjssSlaei
gsnaiA : aeStaasrSlsUtssj Qf.lSja S nisi
tks nOtt a BBBSSBMa-sh oara astasia.
raioB.se oxa, QUUSlam
ajss jt SnaHM. ii sis !
aaaisssn sis is Hi i ni"ra n n rr :
Interest allowed on time deposits at '
the rate of three per cent, per annum.
January H, 1899.
The Salts of Hood's Samparllla
are the largest in the world because
the cures by Hood's Sarsa pari 11a are
wonderful, perfect, permanent.
Hood's Pills are tbe best CanD
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