SENTINEL & REPUBLICAN MIFFLINTOWN. PA. WEDNESDAY, J AS. 8, 1S99; 'i ERMS. Subscription $1.00 prr year if paid ii advance; $1.50 if not paid in ad vance. Transient advertising and local uotices 8 cents a line. Deductions will be made to those de- airing to adrertise by the year, half or quarter year. SPOILED BEEF AKD SPOIL ED LAKGITAfaE. The late war with Spain develop ed two things outside of defeat of the Spaniards, namely, spoiled beef and spoiled language. A great deal of the dressed beef sent to the army spoiled, and how could it be otherwise. A summer sun in the tropics is sufficient to quickly spoil fresh meet of any kind, and particularly when handled as the beef in the army was handled ell the fresh beef spoiled, it did not matter how it was prepared, and .then the coinmis-sary depart ment was blamed. General Miles, commanding the armies of the United States, on the witness stand before an investigating com mittee charged "that the canned ami refrigerated meats sent to the army in Cuba and Porto Eico were unfit lor use ; that they were pre served by the use of chemicals, and that they had been bought and sent to the army under pretense of au experiment." . That startling declaration has been hotly denied by Brigadier General t'has. luigaii of the Commissary Depart ment The testimony of the commander of the armies of the United States spoiled Kagan's language worse than the Cuban sun spoiled the lccf, and caused Eagan to let him sel loose on General Miles, in the following curb stone language '1 answer that it was not fur nished under the pretence of ex periment, nor even as an experi incut, and when General Miles charges that it was furnished as 'preleuse of experiment' he lies in his throat, he lies in his heart, he lies in every hair of his head and every pore of his body; he lies wilfully, deliberately, intentionally and maliciously. If his statement is true that this was' furnished un der 'pretense of an experiment, then I should lie drummed out of the army and incarcerated in State's prison. "it ms stwmacrrrc a assert it to be, then he shonld be drummed out of the service and incarcerated in prison with other lileller.s. His statement is a scan anions lilel reflecting upon the honor of every officer in the de partmom who has contracted for or purchased this meat, and espe cially and particularly on the com missary general - myself. "in denouncing General Miles as a liar when he makes this state ment I wish io make it as emphatic and as coarse as the statement it self. 1 wish to force the lie baci iuioms inroat covered with the contents of camp. latrine. I wish io oranu it as a falsehood of the wnoie cloth without a particle of truth to sustain it, and unless he can prove his statement he should be denounced by every honest man, barred from the clubs, liarred from the society of decent people and so os.raoised that the street bootblack ooiim uoi couuescend to speak to him, for he has fouled his own nest , he has aspersed the honor of a brother officer without a particle oi evidence of fact to sustain in any degree his scandalous, libelous, malicious falsehood, viz.: That this beef or anything whatever was furnished the army under 'pretense of experiment.' What the Commanding General Miles will do with General Eagan his spoiled temper, and spoil- Unguage remains to lie develop ed. The probability is Egan will be disciplined. SPOILED RECF-82'OILEO ECiAlff. Last summer when northern re frigerator meat reached Porto Kico, how could it help spoiling ! A whole cargo was lost but it was not worse tainted than General Eagan tainted himself when he vilely abused General Miles. The latter named General is command er of the armies of the United States and if his army were com posed of such insubordi nates as General Egan, the army would be only a mob. A few specimen o.licers like Eagan, will turn the people of the United States against its own army and cause them to fleet a Congress, and a president who will re-oflicer the army with a more respectable set of men than Eagan. Eagan is a blackguard and should be dismissed the ser vice, lie is not a fit man for a responsible position. What would become of the private soldier who villiiieation read in another col-i nnin. As far as can be learned ! Eagan's resentment dates from the time of last summer when General Miles was at Porto Kico. When three hundred thousand pounds of fresh meat spoiled on board a ship off the island of Porto Eico. That cargo of spoiled meat was a fat thing for a Xew York soap manu facturer, who bought the stuff, but the government lost $27,000 by the transaction. General Eagan, is the head of the Commissary De partment, and he does not want to shoulder the loss of the meat, and he raved because the testimony of General Miles stated that chemi cally prepared meat was sent as au experiment to the army. After General Miles had despatched to the department not to send more meat to Porto "Rico, the cargo of kneat above mentioned comes in with its loss of twenty-seven thou sand dollars. That cargo of ment was being loaded when General Miles' telegraph waa received. Re gardless of the order of the com manding General, Eagan let the meat go. hen the meat came to Porto Eico, General Miles refused to receive it.- Instead of explain ing why Eagan shipped the meat in disregard of the order of the Commanding General, he plays the blackguard, and abuses Miles. WHAT ftEXTT It does seem as though the seeds men would stop somewhere, lmt here comes a work of art. Think of it, twenty-four pages lithograph ed in colors, not gaudy chromos, but from photographs in colors. upon an entirely new plan. This, in itself, is enough to turn every woman's head. Then follow about one hundred more pages, filled with handsome half-tone illustra tions of Flowers, Frnits and Vee tables, photographed from nature an printed on nne paper and en closed in an elegant cover of white and gold. lck's Garden and Floral Guide also contains full de scriptions and directions for plant ing Flowersand Vegetables, Plants (small bruits, etc. It explains new departure in selling Vegetable heeds by weight m place of old style of packets ; also a grand cflV giving customers credit for full amount of purchase to apply on order for implements and -useful articles. This splendid work of art will be mailed with a Due Bill good for 25 cents worth of seeds, for only 15 cents. Write Jamb Vicks Soxs, Rochester, X. Y. KILLING CHRISTMAS IRC. The Philadelphia Inquirer, savs. Mrs. Charles Duey, aged 65 yeais of Pottsville, was seriously injured by a friendly hugging on Christ mas day. one i-uueuiupjuacviiie iricnus, aiui was warmly greeted. The daugh ters of the family, strong robust giris, wished her a "Merry Christ anil proceeded to hug the "dear old soul." Mrs. Duey asked the girls to re lease her, telling them that. they were hurting her. Xot thinking they were doing her any harm they continued their hugging dem onstrations until the old lady col lapsed. A physician was called, when it was ascertained that she hv, several ribs and her breast bone fractured, besides being bruised ami injured uueriiaiiy. iter con dition is serious. The vouug wo men feel their condition keenly. illARRIAOC IX BEIIJKS COP ST If. PUBLIC SALES. than cut off the State school fund k nuumuxeuu iuc moiiev ut.v . I vt . ,,t..... oif t a Tio-tr ior ctaie purposes. Should thos In the past fifteen years 30,806 j will sell, one mile south of Van Wert, governor's view be enacted into a people have been married in Berks uve rtook and fanning implements, law, -the county tax in the respee- 'eonnty. The youngest bride for B'e at 10 o'clock a. m. tive counties would be consider-! whom a license was procured 'was Marcii Tuesday 21st, promptly at ably bncreased. Ifthemoney tax aged 14 years, the oldest 76. The j afidArtSiSSS should be left as it is, then the youngest man to marry was 16 and 4 miles southwest of Port Roval. 5 school appropriations to the conn-: the oldest 80. The average age of , horses, cows, large lot of young cattle, i ii. . . .. . . . . r r i , . .. i. : ..i . . . . i ... ues wouiu De lateen dv tne &tate the women at marnase was 22 and ?"""" B""'t and that would increase the school 1 of men 25 years. tax in every county and town. I He favors a short session of H .UiHBiiKMllD the Legislature. lie does not favor a padded pay roll, if there are not enough em- ;m Carlisle jail - ' v Jl S. ftStW- ATXI2ISOJI A PEKJL ATTORNEYS- A.T - LA , MlFFIilNTOWN. FA. Orrio-On SUU. tret, i. P Brida .tract. r0ct-e,lSSr- DyCllectiog and OoTByaaclnt preo P" j attended to. COUWTT. chickens, two and four horse wagons, two seated carriage, sleighs, sleds, farm machinery, gears, harness, large lot of household goods, corn, potatoes, and miMih other property. 1 am going to move to Aorth Dakota, Theie are more than 100 tramps aud am out "romp and stump." Carlisle iail. The Sheriff eets L March. Thursday, 16th, A. R. t o Meronunger, residing on il a" 1 ployees the Legislature can pass only 9 cents a day to feed a tramp. farm in Hi toVuShip, one half an act. increasing the number, and; The constable receives 1.75 for mile southwest of Barton's store, horses, that would rule out thft nsidilpd arreslinjr a vagrant. The Justice mules, cows, two aud one year old cat- rrr.o u vr ocl-o To-;0i., JfTfts I1.SO for mmittinr him ! tie, 60 flue sheen, wagons, binder, vaaii A. V" lit 111V JJVlCia- r- q msu. i - J - . - tore to refiaia from institulini in-! The tramps are committed for 30 jr S, geaW an khX. ' vesiigaiing committees, except tin- men :iui oi im- begin at 10 o'clock a. m der the most urgent circumstances, t pnsonmeut erpues, they loiter such committees are expensive and ! around and are again arrested ami again sent to jail. take the time of Legislators He expresses the desire to have members of the Legislature com municate their impression aud views on' public questions by which he believes much detrimental action to the commonwealth may be avoided. He expresses the purpose to earnestly try to make a good governor, and promises to tell the people the whole truth about State affairs, no matter how unpleasant to himself and others it may be. THE I'XITED S I'ATES SEX ATE The legislature on Tuesday, at 3 p. in., voted for the United States Senator. In the Senate Sen ator Quay received 27 vote3, Jenks 12 votes, w ith 8 votes scattering. In the house Quay received 85 votes, Jenks 70 votes, aud 45 votes scat- teiing. Quay s vote in the two! nous- was 112 votes. The total vote of both houses was 247 votes. It will thus be seen that Quay fail ed of au election by a few vote3. This Wednesday afternoon, the legislature will meet in joint con vention and vote for United States Senator. A MILD MANNERED PIRATE. GOVERNOR KTOf E ISAUGFR ATbU. Governor Stone was inaugurated yesterday at Iiarnsburg. The day was fine. The crowd was as larjre as any that had ever crowded into the State Capitol town. The en thusiusm was great. The parade was a delight to the eye, aud the ceremony of inducting the nev, governor into office was impressive Justice Williams of the Supreme Court administered the oath of office, in the presence of the mem. bers of both houses of the Legisla ture, State officials aud citizens of the commonwealth. His address was listened to with marked attention and highly ap proved. He expressed a sense of the pres sure of the responsibility of the position ot governor of this great commonwealth. His purpose he said, is to discharge honestly and fearlessly his. whole duty to the people of Pennsylvania, but he feels that he can do nothing with out the co-operation of the repre sentatives of the people, the State is more in need of a business administration than a political oue. lie disapproves of the appropria tiou of more money than the in come of the State warrants, that is the reason the State is now in debted to school districts and counties and normal schools over three and a half million dollars. He cannot approve and justify appropriations that exceed the income of the State. We should be liberal, but our liberality should i i - -. i . uc limueu xo our income. e must eituer increase our revenue. An Ex-Clork Who Joined the Fierce Sea ltovera of the Spanialt Main. "The Buccaneers of Our Coast" ia ibo title of a series of narrative sketches that Frank R. Stockton is writing for St Nicholas. In speaking of John l.s qnemeling, who joined the buccaneers and became their historian, Mr. Stock ton says: It must have been a strange thing for a man accustomed to pens and ink, to yardsticks and scales, to offer to enroll himself in a company of bloody, big bearded pirates, bat a man must eat, and buccaneering was the only profes sion open to our ex-clerk. For some rea son or other, certainly not on acconnt of bis bravery end during, Fqnoincling was very well received by tho pirates of Tortnga. Perhaps they liked him be cause he was a mild mannered man and so different from themselves. As fcr Esqnenieling himself, be eoon came to entertain the highest opinions of his pirato conipunious. He looked upon tho buccaneers who bad distin guished themselves as great heroes, and it must have been extremely gratifying to tbope savage fellows to tell Esquc- FLOKIOA. Fortnightly Tour via Feau M'tvaMfa Railroad. The mid wicter exodus bus trgun The di:-cuiiif rls ;nd caugers cf our Nortbtrn wiuttr ru dinc'ing uttf-n-t ion to !! fcuticy lTids cf the Honib. Tl.-e iiitt iVcDf.jlvan!a. RiiirvHi! lenr to Jacksonville, showing two wiK9 ia FJoridi, will leava Nw Ytfik acd Pi'iUilelphia Jalumj 2-1. Excursion licfecl?, including rail way Irat spnrtaiif.K, Palimau acconi a.o ii.tiiD!- ( irebetti.) and mtal t-u route in Ik lb dircctiocs wLile travel iag on tho sp cial Irair, will be sold at il.ft following rat; Isew Yotk, $."0 00 ; lin!dlpL;a. Baltimore, std Wafchii-gtor, $13.00; Pittebuig, $53. 00, and at rates from other poirU For tick-is, iiinotarhi?, and t ir.forinr.tion apply lo ticket cjrccip, Tourist Aet at 1196 Bioid .-. ,vr, N-w York, or fa Geo W. Boyd, As sistant Pafenrger Ageut, Bread S;reot SietieE, Piiihdebd.fs. 2-w. ' Philadelphia Markets, January 18, 1S90. Wheat 75c. ; oats 3"c ; corn 4lc; Pennsylvania wool 27 to 30cts a pound. Lard 5 to 7 cts. a pound ; Cured ham 7 to 8 cts. a pound : TO BE NICELY COFFIXtD. A Casket company of Allegheny has reccivefl an order from the government for 400 zinc lined cofiins to be shipped within thirty days. Each coffin is to be acuoin panied by a rough box. The re mains of American soldiers who have died or were killed in battle in Cuba, Porto Eico and the Phili ppines are to be brought back to the United States in the coihns and will be buried by friends or by the government in the national cemetaries. Each coffin is to be zinc-lined aud air-tight, so that there will be no danger of disease spreadingfhrongh the removal of the bodies. The caskets are to be finished in rosewood, mahogany and oak, and will be wit in lined. The same company recently fur nished the government Avilh 1500 coffins. Ex. r REVESTS rSEUMO.XIA. The of ".Seventy-seven" foi Grip prevents Pneumonia, by "breaking up" the Cold, while its tonic pow ers sustain the vitality during the attack. At druggists, 25c. LEGJL. QOUltT PROCLAMATION. Whereas, the Hon. JEHEKIAH LYOiS, President Judge o the Court of Common Pleas, for the Forty-First Breads fast bacon 7 to 8 cts. a pound: ! ties of Jiiniata aiid Perrv. andthellon- hay $6.00 to 12.00 a ton: tangled J oraMe VM. SYVAKTZ and W. N. wheat aud oats straw al. r.o STEIIEETT, Associate Judges of the ton: butter 10 to '" crra o, eggs said court of Common Pleas of Juniata '-c county, by precept duly issued and to ! ..r .... 4 t T C ' OI) A E nr . . l-ul": ij " i if.w, puiaioes a . me airectea lor noiauig a tjourt or Oyer 50 a bushel; veal calves $7 to 7 50: i Ild Teraiiner'and Ceneral Jail Deiiv- sheep $2.50 to 54.C0: lambs 14.00 to ;f,r-v'"d .eii12- imrter i""8 f n . fv; . t -ii tl,e Peace at VUThntown, on the ' , thm cows $6 to f22 ; milch FIRST MONDAY OF FEBRUARY, cows 18 to t-60; hogs 2.50 to lS!9. BEING THE SIXTH DAY OF $3.80; live chiclens 7 to 10c; Su- i THE MONTH. ears .11 fits., nnrino fViinl . o orl iNOTIC K IS IIICREBY A I i A -i pouuu o to vc a pound, geese 9 to 10 c ; ducks 0 to 10 c. Tal low 3c a pound in caies ; sweet po tatoes 15 1 1 30c a basiet; onions 35 to "50c a basiet ; coal oil POc a barrel; peaches 50 to $1.50 a bushel, for t bushel basket 60c to $1.25, for 20 pound basket 50 to 85c; Partlelt pears $4 to $5.00 a barrel; coffee, Kio 6 (o lOjc, Santos 7 to 11c, Java 20 to SOc, Mocha 17 to 21c, Costa Kica 10 to IV, Nicaragua 10 to lie ; candles 7 givkx. to the I Coroner, Justice of the Peace and Con- Mstbics or tne bounty or Juniata, that they be then aud there in their proper persons, et 10 o'clock in the forenoon of naid dny, with their records, inquisi tions, examinations aud Oyer remem berances, to do those things thai to do those things that to their offices re spectfully eppertain, and thow that are bouna uy lecog'iuzaiice to prosecute against ttio prisoners tr.iU are or may be in the Jail of said county, he then and thereto prosecute against them as shall be just. By an Act of Assembly passed the 6th day of May, 1S54, it niade duty or Justh'es of the Peaca of the several ITIEIIER FORCE SCHWETER, Attorney-at-Law. SSrCollections and aU legal bui cesB promplly attenped lo. OFFICE IN COURT HOUSE. ME..H.CKAWT3, DI. IAW M.0EAWOB 8. P. . OB AWrOKD . ur , hav fonned a pwtnerrhip for fb Fraci .cm of Medicine aadthslr colla'.tersl "!' OSce at oid stand, corssr of Third xa ;reeti, HiSintoT-B, r. o or bo ot tbem wiil b foaua at tbeir oSc " f.!me, n!i!et otherwise ifeioBny E- April I at, 1S35. J-P. DSRR, MiACTICAL OESTISC t-. -adnt of the Philadelphia Decfal Jc.:.. ge. Office at oid eUblih4 lo cation, "ridge Street, opposiU Coart Host, .Viffiintowo, Pa. iC? Crown and Bridgt work; Paia!ai Extraction. All work goaraateed. Stock Clearing Sale at Meyers' Big Stores. The neatest SicrilSeo ever known. Profits are cast to the wiDd. . . l.-j ,- malo rrnm for our These goods must be run. GRAND SPRING ASSORTMENT. Suits sold for Snifs sold for ?s.?u wui ui? ii o i. tnr 12 will be sold now fpr $8.50. YJiXmS ... AT 10 will be eold ior 9t. , u:tB. nll sizeBi from 34 to 44 Cheviots, cassimerr OTerc9at(. black, Hue, Oxford $15 r-ENSSTLVANIA BAILS01D 20 Mr.i ni7?fL n nEt(1, 7or duck aud 29 to sc for ceese : bacco, Pennsylvania filler 8 to 12c, charged with theC, and 12 to 17c ; line wrappers 40 to ! crime, except such counties of this Commonwealth, t j re- eanied a salary as a listener. "V " "-"c auu z io ofc lor geese ; i to the i;ierlr or tlie Court or ljuar It was not long before his intense ad- "s " nan oarre VJ.W lo .J.- Ky. a '"l'3 "" u"- miration of. the tacoanM and their per-1 5 hops 3 to 19c a pound; To- f"Th ? omniiKiou of any cases as mar be GOc ; wool, Pennsylvania 28 to SOc ! ended before a Justice of the Peace, un formences bean to produca in him the feeling that these great exploits should net be lost to the world, and eo he set abont writing their lives and adventures. H9 remained with tho pirates for sev eral years and during that time worked very industriously gutting together ma terial for his history. When he returned to his own country in 1672, he there completed a book which he called "The Buccaneers of America; or, Tho Tree Account of 4he Most RemorUablo As saults Committed of Late Years Ur.on the Coasts cf the Vv'est Indies by the Buccaneers, etc. By John Ksqoeiaeii!).', Ono of tho Buccaneers, Who Waa Pied cut at Those Tn-.jjedies. " From this titlo it is probablo that iu the capacity of reporter onr literary pi rato accompanied his comrades on their various voyages aud assanltd, and al though he states he vras present at many of "those tragedies" he makes no refer ence to any deeds of valor or cruelty performed by himself, -.vhich shows him to have been a wonderfully conscien tious historian. There are nt-rnone, how ever, who doubt his impartiality, be- causo, cs he liked tho Trench, he al ways gave the pirate3 of that nationality tha credit for most of the bravery dis played on their expeditions, and all of the magnanimity and courtesy, if there happened to beany, whilo tho surliness, brutality and extraordinary wickedness were all ascribed to the English. Bow a Chameleon Clir.sjet Cola?. Tho chameleon is a little lizard who possesses the wonderful power of chang ing bis color to suit his own conven ience. Florida prodnces several ppocies of theso lizards iu abnudance. This is the process by which tho littlo lizard effects his changes : Certain colors through the medium of the optic nerve produce a contraction or expansion cf the pigment cr color cells. The result is a protective tint or ono which resembles that upon which the animal is resting. Tbo eyo receives the stimulus cr impression, which passea from the optic nerve to the sympathetic nerve, so reaching the various series of tho lizard a little color cells under the skin. The pigment cells tiro distributed all over the body with more cr less regular ity, and upon their contraction aud ex pansion depends the prevailing color of the animal. The scientist discovered this Ly blind folding a lizard 'end for.nd that when it could not see the color oi the surround ing fciiaso it ceased to chr.nyo its own colcr. at Louis Republic. a pound; smoked beef 12c to 15c a SSrJffi of .the Court to which they are mad returnable respectively, and in all case where recognizances are entered into less than ten davs before the com mencement of the session to which they ere made returnable, the said Justices are to return tne same in the bams manner as if said Act had not been passed. lUited at Uinlintown, tho 4ih dnv of January in the year of our lord. one thousand eight hundred and ninety- nine. 8. Ci.aytox Stonkh, Sheiiff. Sheriff's Office, if ifflintown. Pa., January 4, 1890. pound; apples $2.25 to $4.50 a bar rel; towlef 8c to 12c. MIFFLINTOWN, JAN. r-at 9 r n . Ii Cioi.-.m3 Eiil'.cr Fs listn Sl ou dr. Lard Si.les Timothy ed....... F j ccd Er.;n Chop aildticgj . Grouc.l . iu - Sa!t... AiUHr.cHuSs't 18, 1899. C7 .... 35 SO S2 $2 to 2 60 18 . ... 2H 12 . ... 12 7 ....$1.40 .... CO .... 70 90o .. 90 . ?6 . 60c ,85c It '.T Oalr tlio ::! One. A rnnfrh. nwltTOriril h;ii.Hfl T."i? ! stare eirl was Lroktu in 1 v n lipiu'vnlmif; reduce our expenditures or borrow j Jady. who tried to do a geed turn for money considering the- present ev2rybody' a:id in au evil moment she conditions. We have irone about was K,veu t0 t,Lilu two very ancient T. R. McClellan HAS LOCATED AT MIFFLIN" TO WN AFTER 45 vnaaa of hxphb- Dotl . .ft tVrrdk'l' Gnc wa ch iy rp:i:r uuicss ycu desire to our 1st.-: t nr gone as tar as we can safely go with the present subject of taxation. The income for the present year is not ' expected to exceed $11,687,328.50. ! Appropriations can not safely be made beyond that amount, 'lhe estimated expenditures of the State by the Treasurer, up to Xovember .'10, 1899, is $16,164,1GS.-' mat includes school funds and asylums and charitable institutions. He is in favor of all the tax on it t'acisged. To this Iraccii of ..uKiitjBB g,vo special an l pains t&Vivg attentifc. We want lhe dif ;u!t Wi ikia this lii.e becsuse we krow we ore eblc to do it aud do it rigid, otherwise it would rot psy you to ask us to do it. The reiia b:!i;ycf ajer.elfr i3 usucilly based upon lis reputation in watch work. W'm rea'Iy can' i fiord to !tt i-l-'ghted it imperfect wr.ik leave cur 6tore. No. 141 NOBLE BUILDING MAIN STKEET, .tilFITLIV. 1 OWN, PENN A. . Ol'TIOIAN r.ill be et my store tbelast week of c-ach month fcr FITTING GLASSES. ' Guaranteed to give Satisfaction. Errors of R-fraef:on accurately corrected. Glasses furnished and EYES EXAMINED PEEE. Why b salisfii-d with but a par tial knowledge of the refrr ctiou cf your case, when, with the Refracto- Ijfiettr yon cr.n kr ow the truth and secure glasses accordingly. No at ropine. No m:UkB. Nnlntt timu was aware. She broke the other old one, j The rrani.Vst error ; the latert error- open v.-oik silver salt cellars with those rich and rare old royal blue glass re ceivers inside. One was over 100 years old, the other had been broken and re-n ceutly patched, of which fact the gu-1 and when she told her mistress she said she was "glad as how it was only tht old 'un." ---..w J 11.1111(11 J A, AT. 1. . rank in pWJ T-;iiifi.i r mucj guiug iue oiaie treasnry Sii ytl ?Jm of three-fourths of it going . opnuru vi "igan g jnro me ijounty treasuries i.VJ r.H ice taai error, all yiren by the use t f the Rcfractoraeter, a!s by the use of Te6t Lecees to prove work. Special attention paid to the repair ire of (lasses. Don't forget the date. RICH If ED BLOOD la the loon, i uation of jfood health. That ia h Rathe? iCtiXSi?ar!,!3 Jh Trus The Independent NEW YORK. CHANGE CF FSKM REDUCTION IN PRICE. Semi Centennial Year, THE INDEPENDENT empha sizes its Fiftieth Year by changing its form to that of a Magazine, and by reducing its annual subscrip tion price from $3.00 to $2.00 ; single copies from ten to five cents. It will maintain its reputation as the Leading Weekly Newspaper of the World. THE INDEPENDENT in its new form will print 8,640 pages of reading matter per year at a cost to subscribers of 2 00, while the prominent maga zines, which sell for $4.00 a vear. print only about 2,000 pages. The subseriber- toTIlK INDEPENDENT gets 82 per cent, more of equally good reading mat ter at one-half the cost ! Only $2.00 a year, or at that rate for any part of a year. Send postal card for free speci men copy. THE mOEPEKOENTt Schedule in Effect November 1893. WESTWARD. Way Passenger, leaves Philadelphia at 4 SO a. m: ilarrisburg 8 00 a. m Duncannon 8 85 a. m; New Port 9 0o a. m; MUlerstowu 9 15 a. m; Durword 9 1 . m; Thompsontown 9 25 a. m Van Dyke 9 S3 e. m; Tuscarora 9 S a m; Mexico 9 40 a. m; Port Royal 9 44 a m; Mifflin 9o0 a. m; Denholm 9 55 a. m; Lewibtown 10 13 a. m; McVeytown 10 3S a. ra: Newton Hamilton 11 00 a m; Mount Union 11 06 a. m; Hunting don 11 82 p. m; Tyrone 12 20 p. m; Al toona 1 00 p. m : Pittsburg 5 60 p. m. Mail leaves Philadelphia at 7 00 a. m IIarriburg at 11 43 a. m; Mifflin 1 11 p. m; Iiswistown 1 80 p. ni; Hunting don 2 29 p. m: Tyrone S 12 p. m: Al toona 8 45 p. m: PitWburg 8 40 p. m. Altoona Accommodation leaves liar- risburg at 5 00 p. m; Duncannon 5 34 p. m; Newport 6 02 p. m; Millerstown C 11 p. m; Thompsontown 8 2! n. m Tuscarora 6 SO p. iu: Mexico 6 S3 p. m Port Hoyal 6 83 p. m; MlfTllii 6 43 p. m Deuhohn 6 49 p. m; Lowistown 7 07 p m; McVeytown 7 30 p. m; Newtou Hamilton"? 50 "p. m; Huntingdon 8 20 p. m; Tyrone 9 02 p. m; Altoona 9 So p. m. Pacific Express leaves Philadelphia at 11 2U p. ni: Marrirburg at S 00 a. m MarvKville 3 14 a. m. Duncannon 3 29 a. m. Newport 3 52 a m. Port Royal 4 25 a. m. Minim 4.30 a. m. Lewistown 4 52 a ni. Newton Hamilton 5 53 a. m Hunting-don 6 03 a. m. Petersburg 8 19 a. m. Tyrone 6 52 a. m. Altoona 7 40 a. m. Pittsburg 12 10 a. in. Oyster Express leaves Philadelphia ai 50 p, m. Jiarittnurg at 10 p. m Newport 11 00 p. in. Mifflin 11 40 p. m Lewistown 11 58 p. in.; Huntingdon 12 55 a. m. Tyrone 1 32 . m. Altoona 2 00 a. m. Jflttsburg 5 30 a. in. Fast Line leave Philadelphia at 12 25 p. m. HarrisburK 3 50 p. 111. Duncan nou 4 15 p. in. Newport 4 So p. m. Mif- rnn a vi p. ni. iew!town b Zi p. m Mount Union 6 08 p. in. Huntingdon 0. 27 p. m. Tyrone 7 04 p. m. Altoona 1 w p. m. rittKiiurg 11 su d. m. EASTWARD. Altoona Accommodation leaves Al toona at 5 00 a. m. Tyrone 5 114 s. m. Petersburg 5 o a. m. Jfuntlngdou 5 55 a. m. Newton lianuiton 21 a. m. Me V eyiown o Hi a. m. Jiewiatown C 63 a. m.'Miffiin 7 IS a. m. Port itoval 7 22 a. m. Thompsontown 7 87-a. m. Millers- town 7 46 a. m. Newport 7 55 a. m Duncannon 8 20 a. m. Harrisburg 8 50 a. m. 8ea Shore lesves Pittsburg at 2 50 m. Altoona 7 15 s. m. Tyrone 7 48 a. m. Huntingdon 8 SO a. m. McVeytown 9 15 a. m. lewibtown 9 35 a. m. Mifflin 955 a. m. Port Itoyal 9 59 s. m. Thompson towu 10 14 a. m. Millenitovtn 10 22 a, m. Nowjxjrt 1 ) 32 a. m. Duncaiinou 10 54 a. m. "viaryaville 11 07 a. m. liarris- burg 11 2o a.m. Pbilsdephia S 00 p. in. Mam Lane I'.xnrssft leavta Pittburg at 8 00 a. m. Altoona 11 40 a. ni. Tvron 12 03 p. m. Huntingdon 12 35 p. m. Lewutown 1 S3 p. m. aimm 1 50 p. m HarriKtiurg 3 iO p. m. Baltimore 6 00 p. m. Washington 7 15 p. m Philadelphia o s.. p. ui. Mail leaves Altoona at 2 05 p in. Ty rone 2 35 p. m. Huntingdon 3 17 p. m. Nwton llumiiton S 47 p. m. UcVy town 4 20 p. m. Lewistown 4 83 p. in, ilinliu 4 55 p. m. I'ort Koyal 5 00 p. m. Mexico 5 20 p. 111. Thompson town 5 18 p m. illerelown 5 23 p. in. Newport 6 S3 p m. Duncannun 6 03 p. m. Har risburg 6 45 j) m. Mail Express i-aves Pittsburgat 12 45 p. m. Altoona o 50 p m Tyrone 8 20 p.m. Huntingdon 7 00 p m- e'ev town 7 44 p ni. Lewistown 8 Ort p. ru. fcifflin 8 26 p. m. Port Itoval 8 31 p. m. "inrraiown 001 p. m. ftsniiort 1105 p. $15 suits recucco 10 Z-- -'aia row S8.50. ifen's eve-roats l lots that vri J " ui.. Mnfl nd kfrsevs, rcoais m "'""'T , M9 Unrla tereev io "V T.. ,.. v7r.ra SlU now SO SU. ll-n's ,n black, blue and, -- ; 750 p,w $12 ,1- 1 deA nlntfira fdsler;.$10kinds$6. Jfi Double breasted ulsters. 6 kiod d. S7. Double breasted ulsters, $8 kinds $4. p. ni. Hxrria'ourg Oct 130, Fulton St. 9, 189. X. Y. -"2 ; .i .-3 id ae-s REST 3f J" T. OST.a. By Its Record or remarkable enrei Hood's Sarapai-illa has become th one true blood purifier prominently im lhe public eye. Get ouly Hood's. Hood's Pills are the best family uatfifti-tic and 1'ver medicine. 25c. mvwize remedy cjkS Ai t KiatizY. Stomach S BaVnrffil lSm5Sl THE ONLY TrUC Blood PurUte ITaTOriCC ICCmCCly ! 1 prominently in the public eye to- m- Duncannon 10 00 p m. i'miadeiphia Express leaves Pith. mire at 4 80 p. m. Altoona 9 05 n. m Tyrone 9 33 p. m. Huntingdon 10 12 p, m- Mount Lnicn 10 32 p.m. Lewib town u lap. i:i. -WifTlni 11 37 p. m Har risburg 1 00 a m Philadelphia 4 SO. A . - I . licwmiuwii junciiou. Tor sun- Dury I bo a. m and 3 05 p. m. week- aays. ror J.'ilroy 3 40, 10 20 a. m. and S 00 p. m. ween-aays. At Tyrone.-For Clearfield and Cur- wcnsvui 8 20 a. m. 3 20 and 7 20 p. m week-days. roriieneionteand Lock Haven 8 10 a. m. i .-.o ana 7 Io p m. week-days, rcr lunner intoimation apply to iicct Agenii, or u nomas K. Watt Passenger Ageut, "Western Division Corner Fifth Avenue and Smithfield oireei, riusDurg. J. Ji. HUTCHINSON, J. It. WOOD, General Man'g'r. General Pass'r. Agt. .' n-vr,; -.vrnc blood kI4 4 bo YEARS' Vj EXPERIENCE 9a -4 Traoc Marks COPVBIRMTC AX f QUleklr axearuin onr opinion ttma whether .n aant frea. oldaat aaaoey for am-ann. nau-nii. scientinc Jtaerican. Slaughtering Sale in Gents' Furnishings. Fifty cent underwear, 2oc. Oue dollar underwear, now 51c. Fleeced lined underwear, usual'y sold at other mores f jr $1, our c'earhi" sale pri ;e 45c. 567 boya and children a twits. a:i wz;B wdl boDsacriScad at 50s on tho 1. Now ia yoar opportunity t) get bargains. Come early whilo the st ick n yet complete. FURNITURE. We need more room in our Fnroii ure DL-partment and are c m pulled to sacrifice this line. We have couclu led to imAe a re duction of 20 per cent, ia Ibis d p irtiucr.t for the Dexi fcixly dav. Thia is a chasce cf iour Lf iimi to buy furniture at less than manufacturers prhes. Don't fiit to come ar.d get bargains. Queensware and Glassware. We carry the largest lino of Qaeenswarc and O'asswdro in tha county. Our prices are lowt-r fir firet quality roor's than you can huy aeconds et oilier place.?. In fact we hava n. c;mvcti tion in this lice. Ferd Meyers. ::il5 and 11", Bridjre Street.. Taacarora Valley KailroacL BCHODCLE IN KFFECT UOKUaT, JUSB. - 1S98. . 20, tSAITWAK S. STATIONS. DATLT, EXCEPT SUilDAT. No.l Blairs Mills Waterloo Leonard's Grove Ross Frm Perulack.... East Wsterford Heckman .a....... Hcney Grove Fcrfc Bigbam Wsrbls.... Plessart Yiew Beven Pines Sprues Hill Grahsm's Stewart Freedom urbatt Old Prt Port Royal I. Ar. No.S u. 25 31 37 45 7 52 H 05 8 17 8 22 30 39 44 55 03 9 06 9 C9 9 12 9 18 9 25 ii. 45 51 57 05 12 25 37 42 ro 69 04 12 15 23 26 29 32 38 45 Trains No. 1 sod Scoannct at Pnrt Rm.l with Way Pasaeacer and Swuhors Expraas ob P. E. B., ad Ns.,8 and 4 with Mail east IT EITHiBB. STATIONS. DULY, KXCEPT HTJKDAT. Port Koyal Old Port Turbstt Frsedom Stewart Graham's Spruce Hill oven Pines Pleasant View.... Warbls Fort Bigham Honey Grove Heckman East Wsterfor"' Perulack ' Ross Farm. Leonard's Grove. " Waterloo Blair's Mills:.... Ar" o a s o.o 1.3 28 3.7 4.4 5.6 6.3 7.2 9.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 15.1 17.5 20.5 22.0 24.0 25.5 27.0 BAILItOAO TIME TABLE. J3ER8T COFVTT RAILRSAD. Tbn followiui Bcfc4n!e wBt lets eirxt Not. 16, 1896, and th tr;u3 wi,l b ran ag followj; - . . 4 SO 4 ii i S9 5 41 4 45 4 4ti 4 SI 4 54 4 0 4 M a. w S 00 9 (6 ffl t 11 9 14 15 9 19 9 22 9 24 9 2T a. vn 6 10 10 43 5 16 9 49 fi 21 9 64 6 24 8 67 fi 27 10 05 6 22 10 I 7 6 M 10 !7 6 37 10 80 C 02 10 35 r. m a. m Lesre Arrira 'Ki6'a Mill r 49 SuIj-klt Sprio 7 46 Corman Sidiar ;n KcMrheiio Park 7 41 cm rr nofman Hoye, Vohanoy Biovmfle'd Trej.Ur ATalloD Doai', Klliuisbur; Brabeil', Gr?Q p,rfc iloalnar Jane Laiidnt.nry 4U 7 86 7 83 7 81 7 tt 7 8 7 es 7 04 7 01 6 S 6 SI 41 S3 6 2S Arnr. v . - 1 .ir. . frin learn BloonifleU it (u arnre, .t Blomtt.Ja at 40 pi " ' d I'D 2 28 323 2 29 3 18 2 16 2 18 20S 3 6S 2 03 209 41 1 8 I SI 1 23 1 25 1 20 1 19 1 IS 2 60 a f ni a. as., ra. All !aions rtad ra 0., at Wkirli rr.i. -.11 ' UX tlIl "rnal C0 '' f!l!l ' 9 fna CBA.S. U 8, ea PreiiddBl. H. See, Sept. jVEWPOltT AND SSSKMAN-I XXL rpa,aenffrtr.iat, 1 e(r 10m, Nc.2No.4 it. 20 27 11. 65 12 10 33 5 18 10 3fii5 21 10 395 24 10 425 27 10 50j5 85 10 53 5 38 11 01 5 46 06 5 51 15 6 00 23 6 OS 286 13 40 6 2a 53 6 88 12 006 45 12 08 6 53 '12 14 6 59 1 12 20 7 05 iraiDiNoa. 2 and ttord. 1 :;,,'""' eJtoa, Shada W Mill, with Con.:r,"?""nec N.;.V.-' ","''Dnri S R STATION'S. Newr- rt i"Diata Fnranci'i'i "abneta .. ," tr Plne . . . BloomPij Jnact'o' VailuT Fuit.i Elhotucarc. Grcf J'aj. ..." tojTi!l Fort Roteaoa""" Center ....... "' Cisaa'a Kou""' Acdcmocbarz '"" u 0 Konnt Piplgct few Gertcaat'a ."' ward. llomiiy, wsr4. JI 05!I05 6 08 18 IS 1219 42 15 10 45 25fc2i 22 11 6 3111 09 89 11 t9 61 U 21 64 11 24 7 05jll S6 T 11 II 41 7 1; 11 45 7 2I;I1 61 T 27 1167 7 80 12 05 t i ia 11 45ia is A M 26 8 27 8 23 2 ltf 11 08 8 0 7 7 10 1 m 7 26 Tl?i 7 IS 7 li 7 w! 5 fit 6 a' r m 1H 57 8 53 IM 8 40 8 41 S 28 8 82 8 18 8 1 804 see 2 48 2 48 2 49 2 88 2 24 2 29 D. GRING. Prwidont lad V-ItL. General Afaat. The Fa 5 ais aa?fi ifcg T VARIABLE FKICTIOV, FEES "Paiua-EnaiM A baadaonatr inaatntad waaklr. aaiauoa or any .at.aUCa foaraal. 901a t raar : fnar moatka, U. Bfawaa Oflaa. at F WaabtUtaS! D.C. If mat air- ay ail navadaalara. CUBES AU KIDN ' awo Ll MBit. Stomach i day is Hood's Saraanarilla. Th.mrA i vr troubles. get Hood's and ONLY HOOD'S. Garffslfi isfl??sr T.U., and Oo..o SuurS.lnere J. a MOORHEAD, T. S. MOORHEAD, Fnridtmt. 'Vl-Utt. ft stiala tail aUamiaV 'l KOCNIC NIEO. CO., Chicago, fi" "K J.rSS.?. "oaia. ua aai4ar. Au.; rim. !. 0.I.IU, LD'S SAV7L1! wonnarrul -"J UWW- In ,, 1 . . ' "nramhara. (: lr.m ...1. lorn . ..L,". P ,n 3Tvrr aNf X'S'JV 'MiniS- F""a, ba1 . f 'OOMaJ Wn., V.rk. P, iianKtw n larrh Frv4, I 1 Mil vcailt t I Marrwa, Iprs, ctu. 11 aj-rr- jUnctepateatr !.". "1 ia ai ( - ' ' A maltia rf-.l . ' . 1- r r, , , s -PMmr