Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, December 14, 1898, Image 3

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v .
ft0YS. PA.. .
5DAYi DEU. 14, iss.
.SCHWElEtt, .
Lias next Sunday a week.
Ilekes' for millinery. 3w.
.argaiiif m iiotmns at nariey s.
f ail kinds stjUodin lie's
builder's hardware material at
'ongress ratify the American
wenwin, oi I'uisuurg, is vim&-
forget Ilev. Haven's lec ture next
y evening.
is a wedding or two easting
:idoW ahead.
i- ' . . i .
t Mi-l'lintie's.
ing societies are leing organized
lout the country.
week's wintry freezing weather
rd on the fields of wheat.
Spanish government protests
ocence of Mowing up the Main.
ary Ilert.ior, of Port Royal,
il friends in town last Friday
bseribe for the Ji'niata Sknti-
xd Kki'I BI.icax, the best aper
iniatism has a firm grip on
Craig, but hi barbering ntill
ilinootlil.v on.
bi:'j.'et scheme to be launched in
ess ;r.M winter is me construction
Nii arat'tia canal.
Uniitd J-'tates army recruiting
Secured "5 Altixjiia boys fr the
r army last wuek.
b Conrad aged 80 years, of Kef-
I.anca-ter county, this reason
d fctl shocks of com.
t weeh's weather was a broad
f the nearness of winter. Oh get
t w as v inter itself.
ry (. darmnn, oi .r.iiensburg,
ria county, claims 10 nave made
.in the Klondyke gold field.
I le Dunn brothers have built a large
)useat the tide of Cuba dam, and
Uing it with ice from the creek.
me one in Congress wauls to in
cite the war, which seems odd in
of the fact that Cue war is over.
e coldest place in the country last
was at Denver, Col., where the
ometer registered 2 degrees below
A wild turkey on Moyer's ridge has : Seven mills were Mown to piecNaj it
uearu jtns eiiuugu io urag ou me lue jjupont powder "VrorkS about 10 V
mind. Itimters Sav that when the o'clock liut TTrlln. r.. All tu'
ground. Hunters say that when the , o'clock last Friday futetou. All. the iV Relief in spooks, witches, hob
fowl straightens itself it stands as high ! powder mills that have Wen blown to goblins and spirits of the air, affect
as a man: 1 hey solemnly declare that ; pieces by powder explosion ihe past six people in this day. lnere are peo
tne statement is no nsu storv.
M 1
The BImfield Times, of the 9th
inst., eay: Mrs. Campbell and daugh
ter, who are living in a stable near
Montebel o, should be cared for by the
Poor Din dors. They are not only in
danger orfreezing but of starving.
Read T. R. McClellan's jewelry ad
vertisement. His daughter, Miss Lucy
McClellan, is an experienced optician.
If you do not suit yourself in the pur
chase of jewelry, and in the securement
of glasses for your eyes it is your fault.
Wherever the water was still, the
weather last week was cold enough to
freeze the river from shore to shore
There was too much current at this
place, but at Lewistown the stream w as
frozen from shore to tihore, and skating
was Indulged in.
J. F. Henry's stock saleon Saturday,
December 3rd, was a grand success, ag
gregating (1463.43, no horses included,
the sale had been postponed from the
Saturday previous on account of the
inclemency of the weather. Snyder
was the auctioneer.
j.wisiown Uazette. By the aid of
milk and pumpkin seeds a tape worm
over seven feet long was removed from
the youngest son of John Ii. Keller of
this place. As Harry's age is but four
years it is believed lie is the youngest
child known to be afflicted this way.
Next Saturday evening Rev. A. N.
Raven, Th. B., will deliver his illus
trated lecture on the Spanish American
war in the Presbyterian church in
Milllintowc. Admission 15 cts, chil
dren 10 cts. Ladies will serve ice
cream and cake in the parlors after the
Fob aix. TIio B. ar.l of Di
rectors of ilio Farmers Mt-rcantilo As
sociation in Paiti-raoa, I'rr.i'tnl, rffers '
for t-alc, or nut, iluir Store in Pat. I
tt-rson. Tm ins i-asj For parliculurs
ir.qirru of V. X. Sterrett, on the
premises'. By or-.. r of ISoiirJ, I
Ait?. 17, St. Lewis Deoan, Sec.
They have something at Bedford,
chicken pox or small ixx. Vacillate.
The queer thing about the Bedford case
is, that as lone as the scabbv disease
was believed to be chicken pox, no oue
jfflflp wmm Bet
months have been charged to Spanish pie in Juniata county who believe
incendiary work, but the explosion last in such jmniaginary things. The!
Friday was too well known to admit of belief is each generation ia grow- j
""""" ongen. a iwo iiorse " tici - pun - uiwua aicuitme, n ia just as certain to car Dyspepsia, Constipatios, R.h
wiiu a iu2ui oi powuerwaiiguifig . nuncio iiiuwao i.uni invu uow i waumh, dci uiuii ana rczema.
Dr. Da-rid Kennedy a Favorite Remedy frequently cbtm Mrvral
members of a family. While It is considered by many to be a Kidney aa4
through the yard of the works from : to practice their arts, home one,
oue mill to another mill. The horses ' recently in Lancaster found a book
frightened at a grocers wagon, and ran ' that is made up of instruction,
away, upset the powder, and the wagon ' Here are a few recipes taken from
pulled through the tiowder set it off. ! the book and published in the
Three men were killed and a number ! Philadelphia Inquirer. . Here is
j injured. ' one that may suit gamblers and all
who play cards lor prizes, ihe
This is because It first puts the Kidneys ia
next card party might try it, of
i course it would not do for all to be
Tom Sharkey and Kid McCoy, two I
new fist fighters, will engage in a 20
round lutvillGr niltiHt in Vow Vf.rlr
City, at the Lenox Athletic Club ouar- in lhe sccret for 110 one uId wiu
ters, New York City, Ja:-r,- "-0, 1399, 1 th-e" al nnder the epk
for a purse of The Club would
not be allowed to have a rooster fight
the blood.
with a 520,000 prize, and yet a rooster
fight would be a safer thing for green
horns to bet oti than a man fight, for
the reason- that the .roosters can't be
used in a set up game, unT rneoean.
In betting on men you may bet on the
best boxer, but the ring may have it
set up that he shall not win. That
kind of a game can't be played with
The time for public sales is approach
ing, some dates for the months of Feb
ruary and March have already been
fixed and I take this method of inform
ing all who contemplate making pub
lie sale, and who desire my services as
Auctioneer, to select their days as early
as possible. It is always more satis
factory to have a personal interview
touching all points tending towards a
successful sale and I will Iks pleased to
have you call on me at Fort Royal
All calls by mail will receive prompt
attention. My aim is and always has
been to render the very best service in
my power to those employing me,
without fear or favor to any one.
Respectfully, H. H. S.nyukk,
"The Dutch Auctioneer."
Beaver, Snyder county Herald, Dec. 8.
The Mid.lleburg post oilice was brok
en into yesterday morning alwut 3.30
o'clock, jy forcing oen the door. The
safe was blown open and about $S0 in
money and So0 worth of postage stamps
taken. The force of the explosion broke
all the large windows of the room.
cared, but just as soon as a doctor The watchman in the bank says there
were six of the robbers. He shot at
them but failed to hit one. They took
the handcar at Middleburg station,
going eastward, the car being found
about one niiie west of Selins'-rrove.
i in
i in
i iir
k Kale. Second hand cook
3, thoroughly repaired and for sale
il..Rodgers at Johnstown, Jnni
bunty. .
papers continue to talk about
IVTiinaaiaker. borne say he ex-
to become a candidate for the
ii Sale. A -dwelling house and
le room on ashineton street ad.-
Joseph Adams, Van Wert, Juni-
ounty. Pa.
Iiunce l lower, in Fermanagh towu-
I. butchered a hog on Tuesday that
L,i:til TOO pounds.
.position lias manifested itself in
,'ress to passing pension bills, ruere-
y reading their titles and passing
J Ini without a quorum.
I i . i . .. i i , I.. 'T"
iuiii!s in iiiv l Clius i num imt.-
Company, are soon to lie fleeced
foreclosure, as may be more fully
t elsewhere in this paper.
At Mrs. Ickes. those stylish soft
.military hnts 78 cents, fine folt
(s4s cents. All latest shapes and
es in dress hats. 3w.
tupnin county has a weather pro-
says the coldest day this
lam win ie tne mm, wnen tne
rnomeler w ill be down to zero.
eral Lee. who was Consul at
V w hen the Maine was blown
Ilea for Havana on Sunday as
fender of ths 7lh army corps.
Jt Vachers' joint institute, com-
& of Juniata and Snyder counties,
'be held at Richfield in the school
k on January 20th and 21st, 1S99,
Jnes j. (.Jroningershot a 16 pound
turkey some days ago on Herring
i ridge. It is the heaviest turkey
this season in that part of the
liaddeus Zimmerman, of Ickesburg,
fry county, butchered his two 15
inths old hogs, they dresi-od respect-
ey 492 and ihjuikIs, total 10291
The hunting season is drawing to
jtiee ncn tne sportsman win on ins
jjun and lay it away and will relate
wonderfi'l stories to his friends about
tiiu frond shots.
This Wednesday democrats are hold
n tr a mil ftrnf jit t f ar-rinSo rir willillip
; j urpO.se of arranging, if possible, to fuse
witifc furtoiti roiin I ! ifn iiu it p Ar u i tor.
,d I states senator.
'.Tt General Wauamaker. and
Jfiee Gordon, ana several otner men
no QIU not e. itri io ami..ii in iiic
i . ..... . . ,
tarnrcia. Hie vuouii viviitriai, canic iu
Vashington, D. C, some weeks ago
ftthe interest of Cuban affairs. He
taken with pneumonia last week
d died on Sunday. He is bo years
-The Tuscarora Telegraph and Tele
phone Company have extended their
line to Jltllerstown, ferry county, anu
are talking of extending through Perry
and Snyder counties.
The investigator in Congress wants
. . i . ' .
, invest !i:lle tne war. ii iu"S't
keeps on it will not be long till it will
be as mischievous an niveiisi
the last Pennsylvania Legislature.
The dividends of the Pennsylvania
ilmad Company due December 1st
i. -orrj paid by checks and amountea to
Three million one nunoreu anu kicui.i
fmir Vintitflrpd and liftv-
Sinree iuuu".
five dollars.
The captious fellows, and the fellows
m Congress who want to turn a lot of.
extra pay into their pockets, are move-1
ng for examination committees of all I
kinds. It lias been a favorite practice
" u'tlh rw! if I'll ?(v.fi.i if will lli4'ri 11
mittees for the cxaminatum of this and I ' . , ' , . ',,
that for the purpose of tormenting those j
they don't like and for the purpose of i
foreign to the place called it small pox
every one became scared.
The Cuban General Garcia, died in
Washington at 10 o'clock on Sunday
morning after a five day's illness of
pneumonia, aged 00 years. He was a gng was traced toShamokin Dam
Spaniard by linage and birth and ! about six o'clock, where it is stipjicsed
leaves a large family most of which are they took a train eastward on the Read
in the United States. He had been in j ing railroad.
a state of rebellion against Spain since . "
lH'jS. The horse sale brought quite a num-
Rcd bodied, black legged, fleet footed, ber of PC'P'e twl IaHt Thursday,
long winded foxes in Shade mountain, but U KCIUfi m0!it cf t"em n,erc,-v oame
trouble the bear liens set by John Ty- to Uie Worses sold. Unly seven
son, occasionally one of the wily foxes ! horses were sold as bids were verj- low.
prings the trap and is confined till Ty-1 - rs. nuns and Knorr exjKct to sell
son takes it out. Mr. Tyson finds sale i ,ne ouier Uorst'3 at 1" le
in Chester county for the live foxes
ius caught. Chester county sports
men buy the foxes for chase purposes.
Hewitt "I hear that Gruet stuck
you in a horse sale yesterday."
Jewett "That's all right. I'm go
g to get even w ith him. He's got a
ir nn..i . i . ,
jiewui - run you snouiuu i .'iuikk
love to her."
Jewett "I'm not g ing to. I'm go
ing to put a bargain counter in my
tord."- New York World.
spell.. It is a simple thing to do,
all that is required is to "Tie the
heart of a bat with a red silken
string to the rigl arm, and yoa
will win every game at cards you
play." There might be some
trouble at this time of the year to
get the heart of a bat.
','A good remeuy &Hinst calum
niation or slander. If you are "cal
umniated or slandered to your
very skin, to your very liesh, to
your very bones, cast it back upon
the false tongues. Take oft your
shirt, and turn it wrong side out,
and then run your two th'.tmbs
along your body, close under the
ribs, starting at the pit of the heart
down to the thighs."
"A remedy for epilepsy, provid
ed the subject had never fallen in
to tire or water. Write reversedly
or backwards npou a piece of paier
'It is all over!' - This is to le
written but once upon the pnper,
then put it into a scarlet red cloth,
and then wrap it in a piece of un
bleached linen, and hang it around
the neck ou the first Friday of the
new moon. The thread with which
it i3 tied ninft also be unbleached."
"A remedy for the whooping
cough. Thrust the child having
the whooping cough three times
through a blackberry bush with
out, speaking or saying anything.
The bush, however, must le grown
fast at the two ends, and the child
must be thrust through three times,
that is to say, from the same side
it was thrust through in the first
"A remedy to destroy hols or
worms in horses. You must men
tion the name of the horse and say:
'If you have any v.orms I will
catth'yoti by the forehead. If
they be white, brown or rei they
shall and must now all be dead.'
You must shake the head of the
horse three times, and pass your
hand over his back three times to
and fro."
As there are a good many peo-
jple in Juniata county financially
interested m the Laucaster Trac-
heoltby condition, so they can sift all imaurities from
Healthy blood practically means a completely healthy
Here Is a letter from Mrs. Capt. Pete Race, of
N. Y.: " My husband was troubled with his kidneys,
fearfully with shooting pains through his back. He
David Kennedy' Favorite Remedy, and
now wcu ana strong. Although
evenry years of age, he is as hearty as
a man many years younger. I was so
troubled with Dyspepsia that it was
painful for me to walk.
My food did me no good,
as my stomach could
sot digest it.- Somebody
recommended Favorite
Remedy tome, and after
taking two bottles of it
I was completely cured,
and am feeling splendid
now. We both attribute
our good health to Favorite Remedy."
It ia prescribed with unfailing success for Nerre
Troubles, fend-for the Liver and Blood it is a specific.
It has cured many that wer beyond lbs feid of other
medicine. Ask your druggist for it, and insist npea getting it Don't tak
substitute. It will cost you $i.oo for a regular full-sised botti
If jott want to try Favorite Remedy before buying, send your full pest,
offlce address to the Da. David Kennrly Corpoatiow. Rondout, N. Y., and
" "cy Wl" na you a free trial bottle, all charges prepaid.
This genuine offer is made to prove to everybody what a wn,tRrf l m--,;;.S.
For Gifts
V & SON'S.
A fine drens auit for Mhd, Boys and Children.
A dresa Overcoat for Men or Boys. A Nobby
Becftr for a ebild. The latest this Hat.
A fine silk plash Cup, for Men or Boys.
A fine pair of rtress or working Gl vt-s-Latest
Tie, in puffe, four in bard and ticks.
A pair of Douglas fine dress Shoes. A
A nice neat pair cuff buttons. A
A fine umbrella. NA suit case. A
dress Shirt.
watch chain.
watch charm.
Childrena nobby Suits and Bjefers, Overcoats
a speciality for the Holidays.
ckott's Stores.
This Store is Ready. 3
0 0 0
Here and there an old time whoo! UWu matter, it is worth publishing
teacher is found who- declares that the
mora! suasion system of governing
school is not the right system. He
says , the disrespect that is abroad
among the eple for each other is
owing to moral suasion. He says men
and women have no reepect for each
other, they say end do everything
against each other except to kill and
they would do that if they could escape
the penalty of the law. The old time
punishment with the rod, the coal
rake, or a club when pupils are disre
spectful, and tell what is not true, and
do all kinds of bad a-ls, is the right
way according to his belief to imi.art
respect for the rights of others, and the
pupil that has respect driven into hiiu
proper respect for himself.
lima it. a mil. tin ovno.mo
A New York Reciment of volunteers! dare scarcely look displeased
lie says
now davs
thev are little ltter than the lov.tr
1 order oi aniniais. inn moral suasion
iow, one
at a pupil
marched from the ship that took them
to Cuba, through the city of Havana,
last Friday, on their way to military
posts beyond tiie oJty. AH the people
of the town turned out to see them. It
was the first regiment of American
citizen soidiers they had ever seen.
The Cubans were highly pleased audi? .'A'
, ....,.:... .. x. i.Shenil.
weicomcu mu soiuicis uy nearly ex
pressions of approval of their coming.
Small pox got a great start in Bed
ford before it was known. People
thought they had chicken pox. The
d-tors there had pronounced the dis
ease chicken pox and iople did not
mind it much, over one hundred were
ailing with it, but some one connected
with the state board of health came that
way and pronounced it small pox, and
now there is a great scare in the town.
There are people who continue to be
lieve that the ailment is chicken pox.
The past hunting season was prolific
of many accidents, but none were more
singular than the following from the
Philadelphia Times. i;iloonisburg,I)ec
9. Philip Marsh, of Sullivan county,
aged 25 years, met wit a fatal accident
this morning while on a hunting expe
dition, lie leaned his gun against a
tree while he sat on a ntar-bv log to
rest. His dog ran against the weapon,
which fell and was discharged, the con
tents lodging in the young man's side.
He died a few hours later.
in school, it tne iwii-iier u.cs in
chanct-H are the parents of that child
will come and "bully rig" the teach
the following despatch
Lancaster, Pa., Dec. .. Jude
Crubaker to-day granted a non
suit in a damage ease asrainst the
'olumbiac Donegal Electric Kail-
way, v.hieb is applicable to suits
embracing claims to about S'L":),
000. The alxrve road is operated
bv the Pennsylvania Traction Com-
nv, which is also a defendant in
the suits, but is not included in
the nou-suit. Iu August, lS.t, a
wreck occurred ou the Donegal
cad in which several persons were
killed and a large number wound
ed, some of the latter being maim
ed for life. Damage suits to the
above amount were instituted
;ainst both companies, the first
leing tried to-dav with the above
result. Judgineut against the
Pennsylvania Traction Company,
if secured, will lie worthless, as
the company is hopelessly bank-
rapt and its existence will soon be
wiped out by foreclosure proceed
Walter Siikkifk. At iIi!Hiu-
town, ou the 5th inst., by Rev. Y. H
Fahs, George Ij. Waller und Kaggie A.
LfKKXS Divkx. On the Clh inst.,
nt iiiriiiutown, by Rev. v.. II. rah
John S. 1-iukoiis and Josephine A.
C'RirE Kxf;,1'. On the 7th iast.,
at Btroads' 'dills, JNiilmn county, t
Rev. J. C riwigurt. Isaac Cripe and
Blanche Kncpp.
For.TZ Fo'.ii. On the 8th inst., by
Squire W. S. Neimond, at Richfield
William A. Foltz and jlagg!e C. Ford.
"What you readin, Samuel J"
" 'Plutarch's Lives,' dad."
"Sav it agaiu."
" 'Plutarch's Lives.' "
"You put dat book right down.
son. Don't you know dem plut
amis is tie wust enemies cis yer
country's got? Dat's right, boy.
Ef it wasn't fer demill'onaires and
de trusts and de plutarchs, we a
might be gettin rich au happy.
So don't you read no more of dat
book, sou not anudder line.
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
The public sale of the Rousum store
stand and residence in our neighboring
borough, Port Royal, ou Saturday last
resulted in the proerty being stricken
down to Miss Cora Dimm, present ten
ant, for the sum of 2,180.. A good
crowd attended the sale and the bid
ding was quite spirited, and "The
Dutch Auctioneer" was iu his element.
The price is a fair one, but considering
the location of the property and busi
ness advantages in connection 'with it,
the amount at which it was sold is not
a penny too much.
The government officials who had
charge of the transportation of the
troops last summer, and who had
charge of the furnishing of supplies.
are getting tired of being condemned'
and investigated for failure in perform'
ing the duties properly. Thev are turn
inn the tables on those who have been
hitmiriinir them. Thev are showine
Accounts of the admirable conduct of! that no armv that the world ever tuni-
the people m Cuba and Porto Ricosince , ed into the lield was so well provided
the American j have come in as theid so luxuriously transported They
tne .... i 1 tire showing to the world that the War
new rulers, indicates that the people Department was lavish In its expendi-
. . m.ti.ti litt.p than Viil ll (1 1"U . r . . ......i ...... .
j tnerc mc luuui i. v n. . limn lures lor iraiis"uiiatMiu, j li i ' jut u i a
been represented. and general provision ior tne army.
Dovkr, Dfx., Dee. S.
From an over indulgence in
applejack, Theodore Hopkins, ol
Dover, went into a cataleptic state
and many of his friends, lx-m
positive that he was dead, pro
ceeded to raise enough money by
donations to - give him a decent
burial. He was laid out iu his
best clothes for the csisket. All
preparations for the funeral were
being completed when Hopkins
sat tip in bed and exclaimed to his
fleeing friends :
"I ain't dead, thank the Lord
I heard every word you said, but
couldn't move."
xhe man is still paralyzed from
his hips down. The cash collected
for his burial will probably be
saved until Hopkins' mission on
earth is ended, as the funeral has
been postponed. Philadelphi
Times, December 9
THE ONLY True Blood Purifier
prominently in the public eye to-
Philadelphia Inquirer, Dec. 0.
Cabie,r Loggs, of the i irst Na
tional Rank ot Dover, Delaware.
in his testimony at the trial of the
I nited Mates Senator lenney ou
Wednesday made au explanation
of some of the directions in which
he scattered the bank's money.
Uorgs' operations as a speculator
appear to nave ueen liinneu only
bv his opportunities. He sunk
910,000 in stock speculations, $20,
OOf) on horse races, 5?lr,ooo iu
poker, 5-2,000 on faro, yxt iu a
buekel shop business, SI,;. 00 in a
Wall street pool and other amounts
in other illegal ways.
There doesn't seem to have been
sintrle game that Roggs could
play. The other fellow always got
tway with the bank s money, an-.l
Boggs turned to some new way of
gambling, only to sink deeper and
deeper into the pit that he had
dug for himself. Roggs' misplaced
confidence in himself lasted as
long as he eoald draw on the
bank's funds for fresli ventures,
and probably he now thinks that
if he could have had a chance at
cock fighting and crap unmolested
he could have recuperated all his
losses and proved himself a fiuan
As a- helter-skelter tosser of
"heads you win, tails I lose'
Roggs comes in a neck ahead of
any of his competitors.
8 day Walnut clocks, 3.00.
8 day Fine Walnut clocks $8.50
1 day .Nickel alarm, $1.00.
Elgin Watches, 5.00.
All warra?ited,at T. R. McClellan's,
Xoble building, 141 Main street
Mifflintown, Pa. 2-t.
The Holiday Stools pre at thoir height, all ready for your inspec
tion. Gathered in a bigger, more intelligent way than ever before.
And in gathering largely, we gather well. Quantity is n great factor
in Iho lessening cf prices. If yoa would oeiu-fit by tha bountiful
stock stocks of givablo articles coma now. Unbroken assortments
afford the choicest picking. Your selections will be .held for futura
0 0 0 0 0 0
Toydom in Full Blast.
There is a great collection of quaiut and curious things to in
terest children, fathers and mothers, ali of theci at correct prices-
Sterling Silver Novelties.
v7e never ha; such a collection cf fancy novel; ies in sterling
silver, fancy chinawhre, perfumery, clocks, albums, lairrcn-',
pocket books, to'lat cises, Hbaving cases, stamped linea floods,
jewc'.ry, handkerchiefs, umbrellas and thousands of article to
select from.
Umbrellas for Men and Ladies,
are uVnys appreciated, thon-moda of Holiday nacdkerchiefr,
Men's N-ci-w-ar, a fiao White Sr.irf, ft pair Siispecderf, Liaua
Collars p.nl Ouffa, all of tUeru niake welcome presents.
Ladies Jackets and Capes
Will be sold from now on at reduced prices, also a variety of
Christmas Coats at very low prices.
Dry Goods, Dress Goods,
oiiiis una trimtmnga as epeciKiiy rcuurau pncei. uuiuc wt-i-shiiiit-d
good ginghsms for 3c, and best SUnrUrd Calicoes f jr
3Jc , Canton Flannels for 4c, to 8c, Muslin for 3e, to 5c,
H-.U, yard wide, best, 10 yards for 65c.
Men's, Ladies' and Children's Shoes
Tho largest stock and best qu dit y in tbe county. Rubber Boots
and Shoes in ali sizes and Styles, Lidies.' fine Rubbers in to 3J
for 15--., Men's Low Cut Rubbers for 25c , and heavy Felt, Boots
with Woonsocket best Lubermans perfection overs-for $194.
Don't Forget the Bargains
From the Malay Mail.
A huge crocodile was caught in
the Klang river last week, and on
being cut open was found to eon
tain the remains of the father of
one of the spectators. The iden
tificatiou was brought about by
means of a ring and and belt
buckle. .This was the first inti
mation the sou had received of the j
. . .( . ). .
- A - V i i - sA -w4-t -4- i - rrtr rvi 1
-xiiu a iiuiiuicu ULiici uniigo yvu
have only to see to appreciate.
Bought especially for the
Holiday trade. Call and
see for yourselves.
Hoiiobaugh & Son's
n6 Main St., Patterson, Pa.
and Hofisc-urnishiiig
O oOo -03
Things are never dull here: rever stupid. The full life of the store al
wv& bos I cheerful welome for all comers, and shoppers are quick to decide
ia favor of the Great Values to be found in our new
S T 0
Kttuflns Of Mnttli.i
forelteouM bwon
utlful real'lnace for
Vcorclinif to iceol
tersal deluirean l
Odaacetit by uni-
rsilodice haTiioi
tiy rnrtliqiinkp
Hlialcen by vol
o an. I p.vse.l
tuousindi of
Vpomtibla na l
'tirroea biin-"t-t
' posh
we will give you on our Carpets, Oil Cio.'rt. Lace Curtains,
window Shades and Blankets. Ooino early and buy while the
prices are low.
103 to 109,
Bridge Street.
1865, ESTABLISHED. 1897.
Special Invitation To The Public
To attend the Attractive Sale of Clothing that goes on daily
It will be
Whn riRvft monev to invest to examine the Stock of Goods for
It is truly marvelous to See
of Suits and Overcoats at the Wonderfully Low Prices.
His prices leave all Competitors in the rear, so don't tnl
to give nim a can u in neea oi ciouung.
" CTV l- I , , . . ... . . iL.ll
day is Hood's Sarsaparilla. Therefcro oi ais turner, wuo xiu,u iuat
get Uood'.t and ONLY HOOD'S, i mornin,' gone out fishing.
K. H. M
A Sp,ciilj Seleeted S toe k o
Aanges, Cook, Prlor and 8bep
HtirHft Ulaokets and Lap Bokee.
LA.MPS, large and small.
Couie tn and look around. We H
make you fetl at home.
Wo have the largest Stoek an
Store in the count;.
Get a cood paper I y sribecribinir. or the
SriTiBKt Axn hxrsuOA!.
"77 is Dr. Uuror-breys I.itaouc
Specific fur the cr.rs cf Grip und
Colds, atid the -rtVLEtiocof Pteumo
nia." All drugeri.'-te, 23!.
bubsenbo for the bKsnsix Axn
Republican, a raper lliub coctaine
choice reading matter, full of inform
ion that docs the reader corl, and
in addition to that, all local newethaf
are worth publishing Cud places in
ite columns. tf.
tub ms
No. 1 Cures Fever.
No. 2 " Worms.
No. 3 " Infanta Diseases.
No. 4 " Diarrhea.
No. 7 " Coughs.
No. 8 Cures Neuralgia. .
No. 9 " Headache.
No. IO " Dyspepsia.
No. 11 Delayed Periods.
No. 12 " Leucorrhea.
No. 13 Cures Croup.
No. 14 " Skin Diseases.
No. 13 " Rheumatism.
No. 16 " Malaria.
No. 19 " Catarrh.
No. SO Cures Whooping Cough
No. 21 " Asthma.
No. 24 " General Debility.
No. 26 " Sea-Sickness.
No. 27 " Kidney .Disea'Ses.
No. 28 Cures Nervous ebility.
No. 30 " Urinary Diseases
No. 32 " Heart Disease.
No. 34 l Sore Throat.
No. 77 . " Colds and Grip.
Da. Huxphbxis' Homeopathic Mantjax.
or Diseases Mah.bd Free.
Small bottles of nleantnt pellets, lit the rest
pockxt. Sold by drugRixW. or sent prepaid upon
receipt of price, 25 cents, except No. W. and W
re made $1.00 Rixo only, llumphrej-s' Medi
oine Company, 111 William St-, New York.
Eoney Loaned at Lowest Bates.
Stookh older s Individnally Liable.
LOUI3 F. ATKINSON, Prendent.
V. C. Pomaroy, H. J, Shollenberj0,
iuba HerUler, Josiah L. Bartou,
tolx-rt K. Parker, Louii B. AtkiniOD
T. V. Irwin.
George A. Kepoer, Annie Jt. Shelley,
Joseph Botlirock, P. W. Msnbeck,
L. E. Atkinsoa, E. E. Parker,
W. 0. Potneroy, J. Holmes Irwin
John Hertrler, Jerome N. Thompson,
ChsrlotteSnydr, T. V. Irwin.
John M. Binir, Josiah L Barton,
F. M. . Fennel!,
amnol 8. Rothrock, Leri Light,
M. N. sterrett,
James 6. Healing,
Samuel ScblcreL
ForFflM External nr Internal, WlrdorBIeedfnst
FlctoLtlnAno: Itching ur HkdlcK of tbe tterunn.
Tb relict Is immll, ti cure oortalo.
g.lj DnMtgtou, m Mat pa.t-pU am reolj of prta.
nsraaity V CO.. 1 11 s muiw St., iw tout
Wm. Swarta.
H. J Sheilenbergw
M. E.Scblrgel
Three per com. interest win n paid oix
eer'.iHcatca of deposit.
fjan 23, 1F98
Dr. David Kennedys
favorite Remcqy