Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, October 26, 1898, Image 3

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VEDXESnAY 0(?T.2fi, 1898.
For Governor Colonel "William
A . Stone, of Allegheny.
For Lieutenant Governor Gen
T P S. Golrin, of Lebanon.
For Seeretarv of Internal Affairs
npner.ll James W. Latta, .of
For Jmlee of the Superior Conrt
William Porter, of Philadelphia,
raCilli:iiii David Porter, 'of Alle-
For Congressman at L;irpe
Galusha A. Grow, of Susquehanna,
and 8. A . Davenport, of Jfcjie.
Til AD M. Mahon,
of Franklin county.
Surveyor. .
J. O. Brown.
.Ta"o A. Davis.
A Republican Mass Meeting will
be held in the Court House on
f 7.30 1
rsdav, Cxtorkr 27, 1S98,
P. M.
lion.- John Hamilton and other
prominent speakers will address
the meeting. Evervbody is ex
peeted to be present.
TI. C. M-Ci.f.i.I.AN
A Republican meeting will be
held in Academy Hall, McAlister
ville, on
Friday, Otobkh 2S, 1808,
at 7.30 P. M.
The meeting will le addressed
by Hon. John Hamilton and others
H. C. Mt-Ci.EU.AX,
Mrs. it-kM' for millinery. 3w.
Beltings of all kinds at .McClintic's
Th potato crop in larger than
was expected.
Wild Reexe and tel are working their
way to winter juarters.
The. MaUawaim, Mifllin county.
creamery, ha HUMeiided.
FokHai.r. A car load of need
wheat, by Manlieek and Nelnon.
Coranuinion HerviceH were held in the
Mexico t.T. P. Church on .Sunday.
. Communion nervi-en were held in
ftae Presbyterian church on Sunday.
fTThe republican party abolished
JfiUvery. Vote the republican ticket.
Democratic argument in this cam
paign "You are thieves and rob
bers." The political campaign is on the
home stretch. Vote the republican
The growing wheat has been given
a promising appearance by the late
When Virginia was first settled.
actions of wives were held at James
Some one who claims to know says
208 native American chestnuts weigh
one pound.
People of a religious turn of mind
predict great revival meetings iu the
coining winter.
J Subscribe for the Jcxiata Skxti
' SKI. AXI Rkitbi.K'AN, the bet paper
in the county.
The pension of P.A. Patterson, of
Acadeniia, has been increaxed from $10
to $ 12 a month.
The rentiMican party has given coun
trv the best banking system. Vote the
republican ticket.
The republican party is based up
on the eternal principal of right.
Vote for Sheaffer
A good many of the Mifflin county
farmnrs aru renorted through with
A -'
their corn basking.
Miss Tidge Fatton visited her sis
t.r, Mrs. Wilberforce Scbweyer, sev
eral days last week.
The chestnut crop is large in
P.tix.lnnii find urn hi lliDT at 2
i nd 3 cents a quart.
Tli r-ninninninn of the Lord's
Supper was observed in the Luther
an church cn Sunday.
Stone, the republican candidate for
.:..,r,...r. iu the win of a fanner. ote
for Stone for (iovenior.
(Jive sulphur in small quantities
...v...., Hirii.hri comes arounu,
the likelihood is, it will pass your aoor.
All the political refoims have been
UJ tn a nrniolllSlon DV tUB TO-
" . . .
publican party. Vote the republ
can ticket.
evo a i.e. Second hand cook
stoves, thoroughly repaired and forsale
i) i .
ata county.
i i r i.wl.Mm at. Jnnnsiuxu,
.. Q...-A dwelling bouse and
store room on Washington street-ad-
. . t k aHaivih. Van Wert. Juni-
arewi - -
ata county, Pa.
The Waniiir Aker movement is for
.i nt dAfpMttng the retru
larly nominated repubUcan member
tor legislature.
At Mrs. Ickes, tbone stylish soft
felt miWary bats 78 cente, fine felt
JL nto. All latest shapes and
. : . .
ides in areas aw.
....... thfl democrat ticket you
il i back Tto Cleveland methods
verTmett and you know how the
try fared under Cleveland.
AiiMtW Ouver, of East Salem, and
Xtber XT McKlnley, offflm-
the Juniata county i"1""
STS. wJrtheter Normal School.
their Licking Ceek ifallev rturcn 'at
p. m., Saturday October 29, and on
Sunday and Sunday evening, October
Swallow, with
thieves, robbers, thievo ri.i.M
you but me, is not in the race.' everv
rSf j makes a speech he gets further
A Vote for Jeilka la a vnia ...
down the flag from the territories won
m me war amtbist Snain I vr
for Jenks. Vote for Stone, vote the,
whole republican ticket.
There was a Wanamnker meeting
in the Court House on Saturday
evening. All the gubernatorial can
didates bave been heard in M fflin-
town during this campaign.
me nmd and threshing ei urine of
Htewart ii. Mauger dronned throuith
the creek bridge at ltealetown school
house, recently. No personal injury
was sustained bv the eniDlores. and
the damage to the engine lias not been
re port ea.
Lewlstown Free Press. October lfl.
Daniel Snvder. of Ttrown tnunuhin
employed by W. A. McXitt as a farm
nana, husked 140 buHhels of corn and
hauled it tn, in one day, from 8 to 6.
ho can beat it ?
Sheaffer. the republican candidate for
Legislature is a man of the people, he
nas dj ins muustry, ierseveranee, ana
economy, won a place among the peo
ple among wnoiu lie resides that is
worthy of high respect. ote for
Shea tier.
Harry Ellis, a Spanish war soldier.
having been mustered out with thu
Philadelphia company to which b
belonged, has returned t bis home
iu this. town.
The general managers special prize
for the best track on the Middle Jlivi
sion was won by Supervisor Krick and
and Assistant Supervisor h.inmons
Roth Mr. Krick and Mr. Kninions live
in this town, and are receiving hearty
Mr. Wm. SDyder, the enterprising
furniture dealer, went to Johnstown
Cambria county, to attend the funer
al of the wife of his friend Wm. De
Frebn. The fuaeral took place last
The republican lKirty has given the
county the homextead act which James
ltuchanan vetoed,- because the slave
niaHters of the democratic partv said it
was too much in the favor of the farm.'
ers ofthe northern states. Vote the
republican ticket
Stone and Sheafl'er are no more re
sponsible for the things that the oppo
sition complain of than the man in the
moon. It isn't fair to jump onto them
for what others did that is believed was
not right. Vote for St one and Sheaffer.
Vote the whole republican ticket.
The MrF. Diehl property on Water
street, was sold at public silo l ist
Saturday to Lucien Bank, for fifteen
hundred and forly-five dollars. Airs
JJieiii and her dang'.ters will move
to Philadelphia.
The Judge N two ivitne?Ees tell
the same story
lue JLawyer lour lion r, 1 ar
ranged it that wsy. I didn't want to
make the trinl too monotonous for
you. Yonkers Statesman.
Jenks, tho democratic candilate
i fur governor, it is said Ims Lis silver
(dollar la'd away wrapped in tissue
paper. In case of his election he ex
pecta to hrirg the silver dolKr to
tbe front. Vote the republican
Englan-1 and France arc engulf
in abeated dispute about 60mn mat
ters in Africa. V ill it be war? 13
question that cannot be answered
England's navy is larger tl an that of
Fracce lie army of J-ranee is
larger than the armv of Enlacd.
On Saturday last, Joseph Varne-.
Executor of Arnold Varnes. dtcens
ed, sold tbe farm of said deceden
near E.st 8a!em. for 170!, to the
D.ughti n brothers. The farm eon
tains 115 seres, G5 of which are
ch ar, with bouse atd barr. -
Inquiring conditions. Newport
Ledger, Oct 2U The man who los
a bat iu the back yiird of tun rest
dence of ti:0 editor of tho Ledgi
last Saturday Light, can have it if he
cells, proves property and tells what
tie was dome th;ro.
'Willie Smith was playing with the
Jotesboys His mottur ctlled h
and snid, 'Willie doti t yrn In w
those Jones boys are bad boy 3 for
von to p'av with t"
'Yes, mamma, replied Willie, "I
know that, but don't you know I am
a good boy for them to play with V
Jenks was a I try an democrat, whose
platform was an attack upon the pres
ent iiiianciui system, national naiiKs,
and currency. Will you take the risl
of voting for a man who lielieve what
Jenks and JJryan believe should be
done with the banks and I'nited Slates
currencv. The man who plays with
lire is always in dangerof getting burnt
Vote the republican ticket. y
SrarsoriELP, O , October 14. A
remarkable wedding took place last
evening at the home, near Wilminjj
ton, of Mr. and Mrs C. O. McKee,
when twin sisters. Mioses Ada and
Alma McKee, were wedded to lw
twin brothers, lllipm atid J? ran
Brindle. The two brothers lo.- k
much aliko that onlv relatives enc
tell them apart ; likewise tbe sisters,
If vou have children to send to schxl
vou would not send them to a teacher
who habitually called those with whom
he differs, thieves, rollers, and other
hard names. Vou don't want your
children trained that way and you
don't -want to travel politically with
men who habitually make speeches of
that kind. Colonel Stone and Mr.
Sheaffer, have not leeii given to such
slum language in their political travels.
On the afternoon of the 19th hist.,
Charles deck, of Fermanagh township,
had stolen from his house, a watch and
chain, overcoat and pair of shoes, that
were his pnierty. The thief is sup
posed to have been a young man named
John Huber, hired on Mr. deck's farm
for the past mouth or more. Huler
came to town on the evening of the
name day and left for the west on
Oyster Kxpress which arrives at this
station between 11 and 12 o'clock at
night. Descriptions of him have been
sent along the railroad line and if cap
tured he will have to stand a trial in
Democratic speakers and writers, de
nounce all the bad the past republican
legislature did, but they don't tell that
the democrats iu the part legislature
vntd for nearlv all the bad legislation
OTmntained of. That legislature is of
the past and yet their spea iters ana , and eent to McYeytown m here iuter
writers want to reurrect itn work, but ment took pial on Sunday,
when their bad work of tbe past is i
broueht up they don't want to hear it. i Waoxkh. On the 17th inst., iu Mil
Thev dou't want to be told the truth ! ford towuBhip, Mm. Wagner, at the
that the republican party baa been re-1 home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ab
. i nniv had democratic leiris-: salom Wise. She died of consumption.
luiiu.i.B, .'. .j ------- .
own had work.
Yote the Republican
Fob Sale. The B srd of Di
rectors of the Farmers Mercantile As
bociaticn in Paitersou. hmit d. ( ffers
lor ale, or rent, their Store iu Pat. .
ter,n T.m a.w. i
inquire of W. N. Sterretr, on the
premises. By order cf B :ard,
Aug. 17, 8t. Lewis Degas. Sec
This is the time of the year wheu
they go shooting each other for Mild
torkeya. The laiebt caae reported
comes from Perry county, where
Charles Clouser, shot his companion
Thomas McBride, for a turkey, near
Slionffs Mill, Cetitre township
ClOuser was calling turkeys, AlcBnde
was sneaking up to had what he be
lteved was a calling turkey. Clouser
saw him come bui, did not look long
enough to learu that he wus uol a
turkey, he cracked away and Mc
Bride fell over severely w.-umied.
The mass of the democratic party
suffered under Cleveland, just as other
people suffered under bad management
of Kovernment affairs and that is why
hundreds or democrats win 1101 voie
for Jenks and the democratic ticket
Thev dou't want to help seud the couu-
trv back into the awful financial state
into which the Cleveland administra
tion plunged it. So vote the republi
can ticket, it is always safe to trust the
bridge that earned you over. tne re
publican bridge earned you over tne
half free trade gulf into which the
Cleveland democracy plunged you. It
lifted you out of the slough of post
office spying upon pensioned veterans,
It saved to your use a guuu unuwuis
system and safe currency. Vote the
republican ticket.
Manv a veteran voted for Cleve
land, not believing, when told that
by voting for him they endanger
ed the pensions of many. Alter
Cleveland's election the post oftice
department was turned into a spy
department and thousands of vet
erans' pensions were cut on. lion t
make the mistake of voting against
the republican ticket. You may
think one vote does not count
much, but rememler that by one
brick upon another the greatest
house is made, and by one flake
upon auother the deepest snow is
If Spain expects the United
States to accept anv of the Cuban
or Philippine debt, the expectation
must needs lie laid aside. The
Americans will not pay any of
Spain's debts. If there are any
debts to Ik? paid the people of this
country will demand that Spain in
addition to the giving tip of Porto
also pay the debt that the Ainrei
cans incurred by the war. Ihe
people of the United States would
require their governnieut to repu
diate anv arrangement that the
peace commission would enter into
for the payment of any of the
Spanish Cuban debt.
Fixxy, to hear a democratic
writer or orator sav, JNo I no : you
can't call up the past record of the
democratic party, 111 its canal sup
ervisor, and mud boss, padded pay
rolls, and their record 111 wild cat
banks, no, vou can't call up that
record, no, you can't call up the
fact that their leaders Mere slave
holding relielsand fo their work is
owing the almost 200 million dol
lar pension pay roll. Xo, you can't
call that up, but you can call up
everything of extravagance that
the republican party ever did ard
talk alsmt it. Reader if you call
up all the extravagance the repub
lieans have ever engaged in wilfully
or iinwilfully, it is as a drop to
bucket to the direct and indirect
extravagance that the dennx-ratie
party have engaged iu.
JUt. Swallow made a speech in
the Court House, iu the interest of
his candidacy for thegovernorship.
1 le did not announce a text but with
out announcement, it was "Thieves
and Robbers." All theliankersand
State treasurers, according to his
statement, who had ever had to do
with public money and t.sik inter
est on such money, and used the
interest for their owu purposes are
thieves and robliers. The doctor
did not go into details, he did not
bring up the church treasurers who
sometimes hold back church funds;
he did not bring up countv treas
urers who sometimes hold back
county money; he did not bring up
bankers who have county funds in
their care anil sometimes use the
money, at such time of the year
when the issue of cm uty orders are
slack; he did not bring np the
lsn-ough and township tax collect
ors Mho sometimes use the tax
funds to complete a business trans
action, and afterward return the
money. He did not go into such
minute details of the work of
thieves and robliers. To have
done so would have lieen to cut
swath too wide lor his purpose
He was very select in his picking
of those upon whom he wanted to
confer the title of thieves and rob
lers. His meeting did more harm
than good to his cause.
Governor Hastings calls on the ieo-
ple of this Commonwealth of Pennsy
vania. to olwerve to-morrow Thurs
day. October 17. lSSW. as a day of
Thanksgiving for the victories achieved
over tbe Spaniards, lor their inhuman
treatment of their fellow men almost
under the shadow of the Stars and
Wkhstkii Rhinu On the 10 inst.
at Patterson, by Rev. S. K. Koontz,
John N. Webster and Kdith M. Khine
Kkiskk. On the 21st inst., George
V. Keiser, was killed on the railroad at
I.ongfeIlow, Mifllin county, by passen
ger train No. '20. He was iu the dis
charge of his duty tightening bolts on
rails. A freight train was passing and
prevented him from hearing the ap
proach of number 20, on the track of
which he was working. The body was
bromrht to this place and prepared for
funeral sen-ice by undertaker Snyder
A 1 1 1 1 k:i.i
her. Interment
iu the Presbyterian
A veteran cavalry horse uirtakes of .
the hopes and fears of battle just the 1
8ame a8 nis nuer. as me column
swings into .line and waits, the horse
grows nervous over the waiting. If the
wait is spun out he M ill tremble and
sweat and grow apprehensive. If he
has been six mouths in service, he
knows every bugle call. As tbe call
conies to advance the rider can feel him
working at the bit with his tongue to
get it tietween his teeth. As he moves
out he will either seek to get on faster
than he should or bolt, lie cannot
bolt, however. The lines M-ill carry
him forward and after a minute he will
grip, lay back his ears, and one can feel
his sudden resolve to brave the worst
and have done with it as soon as pos
sible. A man seldom cries out m hen hit in
the turmoil of battle. It is the same
M ith a horse. Five troopers out of six
when struck with a bullet are out of
their saddles within a minute. If hit
iu the breast Or shoulder up go their
hands and they get a heavy fall ; if in
the leg, or foot, or arm, they fall for
ward and roll off. Kven with a foot
cut off by a jabbed piece of shell a horse
will not drop. It is only when shot
through the head or heart that he
comes down. He may be fatally
wounded, but hobbles out of the fight
to right or left and stands with droop-
i iug head until loss of blood brings him
down. The horse that loses nis riuer
and is unwounded himself will con
tinue to ran with his set of fours until
some movement throws him out.
Then he goes galloping here and there.
neighing with rear and alarm, but ne
will not leave the field. In his racing
alsmt he mav get among the dead and
wounded, but he will dodge tnem ir
possible, and in any case leap over
them. When he has come inion three
or four other riderless steeds they fall in
and keep together, as if for mutual pro
tection, and the "rally" on the bugle
mav bring the whole of them into
ranks in a body. Buffalo Horse World.
Piin.ADKi.pniA Markets,
October 25, 1898.
Wheat 77c. ; oats 30c: corn 38c;
Pennsylvania mooI 2. to ,H)ets a
pound. Lard 5 to 7 cts. a pound ;
Cured ham 8 to 9 cts. a pound ;
Breakfast bacon 8 to 10 cts. a pound;
hay (?.00 to $12.00 a ton ; tangled
M heat and oats straw at sso.oO a
ton; butter 13 to 27e ; eggs 18c
beef cattle 4 to 5c ; potatoes 30 to
sheep 2 to 4 cts ; lambs $4. 05 to
?5.S5 ; thin com-s 8 to 22 ; milch
cows 18 to ?40 ; nogs cts. to
6 cts ; live chickens 7 to 10c : Su
gars 5', cts., spring chickens 2 and
4 pound 11 to 12c a pound, lal-
low 4c a pound in caVes ; 8M-eet po
tatocs 12 t 25c a basket; onions 50
to ;;c a basket ; coal oil 99c a
barrel; peaches 50 to 1.50 a
bushel, for bushel basket !0c to
1.25, for 20 pound basket 50 to
S5o.; Rartlett pears .4 to 5.00
a barrel ; Watermelons 8 to 10
a hundred; canteloupes per basket
5 to 25 cts; coflee, Rio (.1 to 101 e,
Santos 7 to 11c, Java 20 to 30c,
Mocha 17 to 21c, Costa Rica 10 to
19, Nicaragua 10 to 11c ; candles i
to 8c a pound : Feathers 34 to 35c
for duc t and 29 to 32c for geese
white fish half barrel 3.00 to 3.-
50 ; hops 3 to 19c a pound ; To
baeeo, Pennsylvania filler 8 to 12c,
and 12 to 17c : fine wrappers 40 to
GOc; wool, Pennsylvania 28 to 30c
a pound.
i i i.;r-.ov, f.' UMim vasis
Vi lieat. '. $ 69
III tft r e Ho
i 2.)
Re i'l
Cio itm; $2 to S2 50
Kuirer , 16
Egg V!)
Htm 12
SLouIder. ....
Timothy seed.
F i seed.... .
Briii ,
Ground v Iu Salt.
85c to 90c
Oc toher 29th, at 2 o'clock p. m., W
F. lirubuker will fl'er a house and lot
in the east end of Mifllintown.
Terms. Ten per cent, of purchase
monev casli. the balance on 1st i fel
ruary 18!W, when deed will lie delivered
and possession given.
TiiKAsrnv Dki'ahtmrxt,
Oftice of Comptroller of the Currencv,
Washixotux. I). C. Oct. 19. isiis.
WiiKitKAS, I5.v satisfactory evidence
presented to the undersiKiied, it has
been made to appear that
FLIXTOWX, in the borough of Mifflintown, in the
countv of Juniata, and State of I'cnn
sylvania, has complied with all the
provisions of the statutes of the I'nited
States, required to be complied with
before an association shall be author
ized to commence the business of bunk'
Now, therefore, I, Lawrence O. Mur
ray, Deputy and Acting Controller of
the Currency, do hereby certify that
"The Juniata Yallev National Hank of
Milliintowii" in the borough of Mif
flintown, in the county of Juniata,
and State of Pennsylvania, is author-
ixeu to commence the business or Isank
ing, as provided iu Section Fifty-one
hundred and sixtv-nine of the Kevised
Statutes of the Tinted States.
Jn testimony v hereof. M'ltness ray
hand and seal of office this nineteenth
day of October. 1898.
Deputy and Acting Comptroller of
tne currency. No. oH7.
Trade Marks
Copyrights Ac
Anyone (lending a sketch and description may
quickly ascertain onr opinion free whether an
lnTentlon in probnhly patentable. Communica
tion strictly conartentlaL Handbook on Patent
aent free, oiriext avency for aerurtmj patents.
Patents taken throucrh Mann Co. receive
special notice, wit boat charge. In tbe
Scientific Jtraericatt.
A handsomely fllnstrated weekly.
Tjuaest ctr
Terms. S a
m l.t Ion (if in, wTientlfle tournal.
rear: lour morons, aj. Boianyaii nwwaiet.
IMiU Co.",B' New York
Branch Omoa. 62S V Bt, Washington, D. C.
The crv
Dr. Dmrld Kennedy Tmrorite
member of a family. While it is considered by many to b a Kidaay ma4
Bladder Medicine, it is just a certain to cor Dyspepsia, Constipation, RbMt
matiam. Scrofula and Ecsema. This is baca.au it first pats tbe Kidneys in m
healthy condition, so they can sift all impurities from
Healthy blood practically meant a completely healthy
Hera is a letter from Mrs. Cant. Prru Rao, of
N. Y.: "My husband was troubled with
fearfully with shooting pains through
Derid Kennedy Favorite Remedy,
is sew well and strong. Although
seventy years of age, he is as hearty as
a man many years younger. I was so
troubled with Dyspepsia that it was
painful for me to walk.
My food did me no good,
. my stomach eonld
not digest it. Somebody
recommended Favorite
Remedy to me, and after
taking two bottles of it
was completely cored.
and am feeling splendid
now. We both attribute
our good health to Favorite Remedy."
It is prescribed with unfailing success for Nerre
Troubles, and for the Liver and Blood
It has cured many that were beyond the
medicine. Ask your druggist for it,
substitute. It will cost you ii.oo for a
Gamplo Bofflo Frco
If you want to try Favorite Remedy before buying, send year fall post
office address to the Dr. David Kknnbkv Corporation. Rondout. N. Y.. and
mention this paper. They will send you a free trial bottle, all charges prepaid.
This genuine offer is made to prove to everybody what a wonderful medicine it ia.
Schott's Stores.
Now is the time for replenishing Household Storrs cf Bedding
and Linens, our reputation as Headquarters for niuelins, linenp.
sheetings, towels, blankets, haps, comfortable 8, and other House
keeping Dry Goods, gained by great assortments and txception
al values, will be more than sustained by present stocks, which
have never been equalled in Variety or Quantities.
Beady made sheets, 81 by 90 at 48c. High grade unbleached
muslins 10 yards for 35c. to 50c. High grade bleached muslins
10 yards for 49c to 70c. 17 yards best Hill bleached muslin for $1.
High grade bleached and unbleach
ed Sheetings
42 inch for 9c and 10c., 45 inch for 10c and 12c , 72 inch for
13c r.nd 15c, 81 inch for 15c and 17c , 90 inch for 17c and 20c.
114 fine white blankets for 50c. 114 fine gray blankets for 50c.
114 better grade blankets for 75c and $1 00. 12 4 best factory
made blankets, all wool, $3.90 and (4 50. 12 4 superfine Cali
fornia all wool blankets for $5.00 ard $6 00.
New Wash Dress Fabrics.
New French Flanneiettep, handsome colle :licnis, geometrical
designs, brocue effects at 10c a yard. Flannelettes in plaids and
strpes in 10 to 20 vard pieces, at 5c a yard. Real valne 9cts.
New Fall Underwear for Men, Wo
men and Children. .
In Plain nnd Fancy tffects. Serges, Brilliantines, and Henri
ettas. New silks for dresses, waists and trimmings. New flan
nels and linings and trimmings. New cotton nnd woolen stock
ings men, women and children. New crpets in Brussels, In
grains and Homemade patterns. New calicoes,t in fancy black
a d Indigo blue for 5 cents a yard.
-School Shoes
Bargain Dnys Commencing this week.
1865, ESTABLISHED, 186T.
Special Invitation To The Pubttf
To attend the Attractive Sale
D. W. H Alt LEY.
(twill be
Who have money to invest to examine the Stock of Goods for
It is truly marvelous to See
of Suits and Overcoats at the Wonderfully Low Prices..
Bis prices leave all Competitors in the rear, so don't tiil
to give him a call if in need of Clothing
Remedy frequently cares
his kidneys.
his. back. He
it is a specific.
aid of other
and insist upon getting H. Don't taka
regular f ull-sised bottle.
For Boys and Girls
f vl Hudson,
ST took Br.
are made from Special Tannage, and built to
wear, every pair guaranteed. The name
"Messenger is on every pair of shoes.
Ladies fine dress shoes from 90cts to $2.00.
Every day shoes for ladies, men and children.
Di'ess shoes for men and boys, in Box Calf
and Yici Kid. You will get better shoes for
less monev. here, than at any other store.
Ladies Seal Plush capes, and Cloth and
Beaver capes, are here and you will have a
special selection, and prices to suit every
person. Misses and children's jackets and
cloaks we have a very select assortment at
lowest Bargain prices.
103 to 109,
Bridge Street.
oi Clothing that goes on
r::ss --
"Some books are lies frae
end to end"
And he might have said ad
vertisements also.
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
If you swallow a dose of Concen
trated Lye it will kill you.
If you swallow the lies in some advertisements they will
give you a pain, and your eye will be closed.
Have all their Fall and Winter Clothing on their
Shelves and Counters. Their line speaks for itself.
We simply ask you to examine our stock and if you
do not sav that 'in Quantity, Quality, Fit, Finish and
Style we" lead all others, and that our prices are
Lower than all others, we will be satisfied with your
verdict. We claim to be the Leaders in Clothing
and Gents Furnishing Goods and we feel satisfied
you will say so after examining our line.
& SON,
116 Main Street, Patterson.
and House-Furnishing
Things are never dull here; never stupid. The full life of the store al
ws6 hs a cheerful weloome for all comers, and shoppers are quick to decide
in favor of tne wrest vamRs m uo iuuuu
Neat, Stylish,
Get a good paper l y cnbacribiEg tor the
SHTwn ad Ktrrsuaai.
"77" is Dr. Humphreys fimoue
Specific fur the enre of Grip and
Colds, nctl the prtv-ntion"pf Pneumo
nia. All druggists, 25c.
Subscribe lor tbe Sentixix axij
Republican, a roper that contains
choice reading icatUr, full of inform
tion that does the reader Rood, and
in addition to that all local news thai
are worth publishing find places in
its coIuiuls. - tf.
No. 1 Cures Fever.
No. 2 " Worms.
No. 3 " Infants' Diseases.
No. 4 " Diarrhea.
No. 7 " Coughs.
No. 8 Cures Neuralgia.
No. 9 " Headache.
No. lO " Dyspepsia.
No. 11 " Delayed Periods.
No. 12 " Leucorrhea.
No. 13 Cures Croup.
No. 14 " Skin Diseases.
No. IB " Rheumatism. ,
No. 16 " Malaria.
No. 19 " Catarrh.
No.'20 Cures Whooping Cough
No. 21 " Asthma.
No. 24 " General Debility.
No. 26 " Sea-Sickness.
No. 27 " Kidney Diseases.
No. 28 Cures Nervous Debility.
No. 30 " Urinary Diseases
No. 32 " Heart Disease.
No. 34 " Sore Throat,
No. 77 Colds and Grip.
Dr. Hukphbkts' Homeopathic Mamuai.
or Diseasbs Mailed Frek.
Small bottle" of pleasant pellets, flt the veat
pocket. Sold bj drafretKU, or sent prepaid upon
receipt of price, SS oenta, except Nos. a, and St
are made $1.00 size only. Humphrey Medl
cine Cumpanr, 111 William SU, Mew York.
for roes-External or Internal. Blind orBteedlnct
ristala tain); Itching or Bleeding of tbe Hortnm.
The relief Is Immediate tne core certain.
Si I 'jf nrvectata V acnt rH.M a fVMtot of Srte.
t aa.caw mam nsa aw saw tea
isurns says,
u w
A Spculiy Selected S toek of
RaDges, Cook, Psrlor and Shop
Horsa Blankets and Lip Robs.
LAMPS, lsrge snd small.
Como in snd look around. We'll
make you feel at borne.
Wo bsve the Isrgest Stock so4
Storo in tbe countv.
Money Loaned at Lowest Bates.
Stockholders Indiridnally Liable-
W. C. Pomeroy, H. J. Shollenberner,
John Hertaler, Joaiah L. Bartou,
Robert B. Parker, Lonia B. Atklnaoa
T. V. Irwin.
George A. Kepner, Annie U. Shelley,
Joseph Botbrock, P. W. U anbeek,
L. E. Atkiuaan, K. E. Parker,
W. C. Poineroy, J. Holmes Irwin
John Hericler, Jerome N. Tbompaen,
Charlotte 8 nydr, T. V. Irwin.
John M . Blair, Josiah L Barton,
F. H. X. Pennell,
Pamnol S. Bothroek, Lerl Iibjbt,
H.N. Sterrett,
James G. Heading,
Samuel S hlegeL
Wm. B warts.
H. J. Shellenberrer,
M. K. Schlegel
Throe per cent, interest will t paid oa
coi ificau-a of deposit.
fjan 28, 18W
Dr. David Kennedy!
Cavorite Remedy
i -