SENTINEL &KEPUBLICAN MIFFLINTO WN, PA.. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 19, 1898. B. F. SCHWEIER, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. STATE TICKET. For Governor Colonel William A. Stone, of Allegheny. For Lieutenant Governor Gen J. P. S. Gobin, of Lebanon. For Secretary of Internal Affairs General James W. Latta, of Philadelphia. For Judge of the Superior Court William Porter, of Philadelphia, "William David Porter, of Alle gheny. For Congressman at Large Galusha A. Grow, of Susquehanna, and S. A. Davenjort, of Erie. REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET. Congress. Tiiad M. Mahox, of Franklin county. Legislature. E. G. Sheaffer. Surveyor. A. B. Evans. Coroner. H. F. Wiixard. REPUBLICAN MASS MEETING. A Republican Mass Meeting will be held in the Court House on Thursday, October 27, 1S98, at 7.30 I. M. Hon. John Hamilton and other prominent speakers will address the meeting. Everyliotly is ex pected to be present . H. C. Chairman. RGI'VBMCAN MEETING. A Republican meeting will be held in Academy Hall, McAlister ville, on Friday, Octoijek 28, 1S9S, at 7.30 P. M. The meeting will le addressed by Hon. Johu Hamilton and others. H. C. McCr.Er.i.AV, Chairman. SHORT LOCALS. Mrs. It-kes' for millinery. 8w. BHiDgs of all kinds at -AcClintic's store. Alton Scboll has pone to Williams port cd a busiro'8 trip. Fok Sale. A car load of seed ! heart wheat, by Maubeek and Nelson. Dr. Swallow addrf-ssod a meeting in tfae Court House last eveairg. J Proper! y for pale. For terms, aPP)j to Him. Diehl, Front St. Suvuel Wilson, of AJtoorta, is vis iting hid brother, Squire WilgoD, in Pattc-rscn. Subscribe for the Jcniata Senti nel and Republican', the ler t paper In the county. Great reductions in the prices of all Millinery goods at Mrs, Diehl's Front Street. Ex-Aldcrman MeGan, of Harris, burg, visited friends in this com munity over Sacday. Mies Lottie Schott bos become a student at music in the New England Conservatory of Music, Boston, Mrs. James Cock, r.f Harrieburg, visited her mother, Mrs. B. F. Kep ner, in this town, within the past week. Mrs. Van Austin returned to her home on Monday, after a week's vis it to her sieter, Mrs. Emmons, in this town. Hon. John Waoarnaker, and S-na tor Kauffman will address a meeting in the Court House on Saturday evening. Fok Sale. Second bund cook stovee, thoroughly repaired and for sale by J. H. Hodgere at Johnstown, Juni ata county. Fob Sale. A dwelling house and store room on Washington street ad drefs Joseph Adams, Van Wert, Juni ata county, Ta. Anoriv Allison spent ojnaay in Lewuburer and came home cn his wheel on Monday in five hours, a distance of 48 miles. xor OALE. Ttifi R.. r t: .tbe Farmers Mercantile Xm. sociauon m Patterson, limited, offers "v, ur rem, meir store in Pat terson, i er ms easv For Tr wqaiwof.W. N. SterrtT premises. By order of Rr,i Aug. 17, 8t. Lewb Deoah, Sec. Six dwelling r unci rim, uu- o'er one roof, owned by George Ho wer, were dtstroyed by fire on Saturday night, about 11 o'clock To f ih swelling places were nntnr..,l anA in one of tbe unoccupied bouw s the fire nrsi a.soovered bv Mrs George Hewey. She heard the crackiD" of the flames and gave tbe alarm. In addition to Mr. Hewey's family in the building was the family of Harry 8.u.ver, William Burchfield and Mre. winheld Sulouff. Tha building WAR lusured for four tbousand seven hundred dollars. The tenants bad a email insurance on their household property. The Miffl.ntown, the Pat tert.on, and the Railroad firo appar. atus were all there and did firet'rate. IiUCKXKLL, UNIVERSITY, John Howard Harris, President. College, leading to degrees in ArtH, Philosophv aniT 'lel,t'e. Academy, a preparatory school for young men and bovs. In stitute, a refined boarding shool for young ladies. School of Mimic, with graduating courses. For catalogue, ad dress the Registrar, WM. C. UKETZINOEK, Lewisburg, Pa- Oa Wednesday . morning Charles E McCachren, who had been em ployed but two weeks oa the raiiroad, whilst doiny carpenter work at the lower crossing in PaUerson, was caught by a car loaded with coal that was being backed and hud his left leg severely crushed, part of right foot and his left arm above and be low the elbow mangled. Ila was im mediately brought to the hospital sick room, Patiersop, and every at tention givMi to relievo him by com pany surgwms, Drs. D. M. and Dar win M. Crawford. H.i never rallied but died at ose o'clock p. m., same day He was a non of William lc Odcbren, of Tmbett township. His mother and wife wero pn Btnt at tie time of his death Tribune, Oct. 13 'George and Uri:e Horning have a portable saw mill at the head of Cuba Mill dam, a mile and a half north of this town. Albert Scott, of Fermanagh towship, was at work there with them. He had been working there alnut two weeks Last Saturday morning about half past eight o'clock he M as killed by the saw. He was behind the saw tneiog carrier ar mat time was being run back. The head block of the carrier caught his coat tail and threw him against the saw. It was the upward cut of the saw that struck him a lit tie to the left of the back lione, lifting and throwing him entirely over the saw frame He got on his feet and walked off the mill and fell dead. The saw cut through his back, serving the lungs, liver, and penetrating the land leaves a wife and two small hasty preparation to fall in, and every man take the route that he i to take as his share of the hunt for the thief. The morning, however', was not far advanoed before) word was brought, that a horse answering the description of the stolen one was found on tbe rord near McAlister ville. Air. Kauffman drove to Me Alisterville and learned that Charles Kauffman had discovered a horse in the road at his barn that morning, be had driven the beast away but it came back, then he took charge of it. It was Kurtz Kauffman's mare. Now the opinion is, that some one from McAlisterrille attended the encamp ment cn 'Wednesday, and not want ing to walk home, resorted to Kauff man's stable and took the beast and rode home. OAKLAND MILLS. There now seems to be some at traction across the nill from Happy Hollow for some of the Swales sports especislly the correspondent from Swales to tha Globe. Palmer Kauffman one of Undo Sam's boys who spent several weeks at the Loioi of his mother in Mc Alisterville, left for Pittsburg on Monday, to join his regiment Me. D.ivis Trego, who went to the At Mrs. Ickes, those stylish soft felt military hats 78 cents, nne leu Sailors 48 cents. All latest shaies aud shades in dress hats. ow Captain J. B Downing and wifr, cf Philadelphia, duricg the past week visited Mr. TLomas McClellan tnd family and the family cf Captain Wc- Clellan. The ot Doitumty to tuy a go.d home, will bo presented at tbe sole of the W. T. Brubaker house and lot at the east end of town on Saturday tbe 29tb intt., The frost on Monday momiDg rr.or those who bad wheat to sow fcel that they will hereafter put it in . ..rl.l hfA. from which it will be slow about getting out. Miss Lucy McClellan, optician, will be at her father's place of busi timr oae week Those in need of classes :0 their eves may be bene- fitted by caning on ijhb nj.cwiciiiu At. the recent meeting of the Huntingden Presbytery, at Milroy, Mifflin county, Drs. Freeman, Mathers and D. H. Campbell were appointed a committee to visit the lower, middle and upper Tusca rora churches with Peru and Shade fia-r. with a view to a favorable grouping. Mr. Jenis, is the candidate en gaged in a speecn making trip in BATTLR BETWEEN MUIEUS. A bloody battle was fought between coal miners at Virden, Illinois, on the 12th hist last Wendesday The min ing company had determined to im port a lot of negro miiiers from Al abama. The union miners at Virden were constantly on the look out for those who it was expected should take their place. After the battle on the 12th, the numler of dead men was seven, the number of wounded men was eighteen. A despatch of the dreadful allair, on the day of the fight says : For the past two weeks rumors have reached Virden daily that a train hav ing negroes from Alabama would reach the city aud the Chicago and Alton de pot has been surrounded day and night by vigilant miners determinedly await ing their arrival. To-day the Chicago aud Alton limit ed, due to pass here at 10 o'clock, got through en route to Chicago an hour late displaying' flags on their rear in dicating that a special was following. Immediately the wont was spread and a dense crowd of miners lined the sta tion platform, while another crowd collected at the entrance of the stock ade, a hulf-niile north of the station. D. li. Kiluy, a Chicago and Alton de tective, stood guard at a switch at the we were pleased to grasp the hand ." i-""" of our eld friend, he is now spending -"""re n. some time at the home of his mother ' At 12 M the M tra,n l,aH!,ed the B 1 4.1. ....1, I !. I.. t -n, n i - . I lilt MJUlll CliU Ul 4!IC IIIILI UIIUUUUCIIIK Mr Elmer Copenhaver, of Jerico the 8pe(.iars arrjval. Mill, has purchased a peach stump I . , , ii ..1 i n i-il immediately shots were fired from puller, the stump puller was tried on . . . , , the Willow Grove farm on Monday, it I " . S " ' , did its work very nice, two horses 1 Jf " 8 on- fw m"nf"ts can pull out aDy stump. th.e ,ral" h s1 :asscd u,u sw ,uh wheIe JT- T-1 , , t-ri, !it.- rl.l I 11.11 IWU iilU Millie 11C MUM . iv. lrubaker and busau Kaher, I , ,,, . ... , ...... . .. , , ,. ?! talking with two citizens he threw up of iiiSnnlown, attended preaching at , , , , , , , ... , f , c. i : n'f arms and dipictl dead with a bul- Cocolamus on Sunday evening. . ... ... . .. ,r, -. T , . - V I let through his brain. He was tbe fhata H J., we glory in your spunk. . 1B I The train continued to tilts Ktix knl. the Alter assisting James Bergy - Dr. Darid Kennedy' m Favorite Remedy frequently enraa aavvnl member of a family. While it is considered by many t b a Kidney aad Bladder Medicine, it is just as certain to car Dyspepsia, Constipation, Rhea- matiam. Scrofula and Eczema. This is because it first puts tha Kidneys in a the blood. body. Hudson, and suffered took Dr. healthy condition, so they can sift all impurities from Healthy blood practically means a completely healthy Here is a letter from Mrs. Capt. Petes. Rack, of N. Y. : " My husband was troubled with his kidneys, fearfully with shooting pains through his back. He David Kennedy' Favorite Remedy, and is now well and strong. Although seventy years of age, he is as hearty as a man many years younger. I was so troubled with Dyspepsia that it was painful for me to walk. 14 y food did me no good, . as my stomach could not digest it. Somebody recommended Favorite Rem edy to me, and after taking two bottles of it I was completely cared, and am feeling splendid now. We both attribute our good health to Favorite Remedy." It is prescribed with unfailing success for Nerve Troubles, and for the Liver and Blood it is a specific. It has cured many that were beyond the aid of other medicine. Ask your drugst for it, and insist upon getting it substitute. It will cost you $i.oo for a regular full-sized bottle. SnmpSo Botilo Freo It you want to try Favorite Remedy before buying, send your full post office address to the Da. David Kicnnbdv Corporation, Rondout, N. Y., and mention this paper. They will send you a free trial bottle, all charges prepaid. This genuine offer is made to prove to everybody what a wonderful medicine it is. Don't take M)lford Twnship. m putting ont his the lnUlctii flH lnto it a, t; F.eediRfi' on t.ho D.-ifr firm Tfr. S Ci ! c, , " , , ; I route ana the negro passengers return- week retUrned Lt'me laSt B the fire. The moment the train ' j reached the stockade the miners open- iiwi mucu neeaeu rain came on i r'.,.,r.,t.. ii.-.. ,.-;ti. -;.,..i., Saturday. j revolvers and liieainis of every de- We noticed" K. E. McM- t-n, of j seription. Tiie negroes on the train Mifibntown, candidate for cottgres, . answered with a steady fire, in oor midst on Saturday. j The miners and the Main were enve- Mr. and Mrs. T. Thompson and loped in a cloud of smoke and the children, of MAlisterviile, spect a i shooting sounded like a continuous couple of d iys in Newport last wetk, j volley. Engineer liurt Tigar received it t.ho residence of Mrs. Thompsou's j a bullet in the arm and dropped from mother, Jifr. W. W. Sharon. .his seat. I lis fireman seized . the Joseph Gayman, f jsmerly ef thin , throttle and pulled it open with a jerk, valley but now of Perry county, epent j The train was under speed carrying a Sunday at Gaymantown with his ! load of wounded negro passengers to sister and brother's. Spring field. How many were woiuid- childreu to mourn their loss. In terment in the Presbyterian cenie tery ou Monday. Oa thd 10 in , a man who re presented himself io be a veteran of the war of 16(51 to 1865, hired a horee and phaeton at Hiirrisburg from livGtyraau Ivilcy, for a drive a s';ort dietance to the country. It ia suid be Lad a woman with him. He did not return to tho Hvery stable. The clief of police cf Har- rishurg was informed of the matter. ai.d he despatched fr ar.d near. Omecr Lapp, of this t'-wn, received a dc-bpatch about tho case, and shortly after receiving the inforiaatior, he was lCurmcd a hor&a and phae ton answering toe description was left a short dit-tance Boulh of town. Upon inquiry it was learned ihat a horse was found on the Pike on the morning of the 11th near Jacob Kanfl'man's stable. The hamces was on the beast tied up. S.jmud Ty?on fouiid the bridle on the P;ke not far from where tbe horee wes, and the phaeton wss stsnd at the road eide a short distance a ay from wture the bridle was found. Kauffman and the neighbors gathered the things to gether sud found everything all rif?ht in pood condition. He took charge of the auiinal and so forth, and made inquiry concerniog how the property camo there. Lapp des patched to Harrisburg. The livery man and tho chief of folic a came, identified the horse, harness and wagon, and then looked through the town and encampment for the veter an, but he was not found. Oa the morning of the big day f.f the tncamrmer.t October 13 Mi Kurtz KaufTman, who lives a short cast of this place, came to town, and annoucctd, that a highly prized mare had bten slolen from his barn the previous night, with a blind bridle and riding saddle. The horse company was notified and th6ie was a call to "bocla and sad dies." Nearly all the membtts of the company had counted on coming to town to s-je the old and new boI disrs in their encampmcntrand to bo called from a much needed day of recreatiur, to catch a thief, who if ho had his dues would not be pscr'n: society gonerally, did not go down well. Of courso they did not object to a discharge of their obligatioLS toward a fellow member of the com pany but it gave thorn a more intense feeling against the worthless set that steal horses and so torth. I'd rather "chip in and pay for the hci se, that go out to day to catch a horss thief," said one. "Piagua on the horse thief, I'm in fayor of patting a rope around his neck, and hang him as they do in the West." I've tried all my life to live an honest life un i by the grace of God I have been liv ing an honest life, but I never want to get a little recreation, but some goodfornothing pereon comes in aud spoils my expectations ; now here I wanted a day at Mifflin town to see the old soldiers and the young sol Mrs., who h&S been ill for n 1 ed is n;.t known, long time died ou Sunday afternoon j The train stopped nt the stockade Oeti""bt.r 2, sho was hurried io j but two minutes. Its departure did Thompsonlown. j not cause the firing to eease. The C. J. Troutman nnd wife, of Perry ! tower of the stockade was tilled with county, spent Sunday at the home cf j sharpshooters armed with Winchesters John Beashor. j and they kept up a steady fire into the -The conditions of Mrs. ThaddcuB i crowd of union miners. Eyswitnesses Musser is unchanged. j fay miners were killed after the train John Shirk, Jr" an employee cfihud !t-!'red. It is not known how t!e PcnrrlvHj,ia railroad at P.tie-1 m:,"-v ,1,en are behind the burg, was in this Vtdley on Stjndav. I v'"n oi u,e "-t' kadc, but an estimate - ' : . ,.i ... i . i .... . i Hi i. a s. . , ci. i .in iuveu lieiwceii iein-;ive anu bcrtrer, of Pi'outz Va.lev, in cur midst Amos Batty of Hanoverdole, Dauphin countv, was with Goorge V7atta Inst Frictfty, acd on Saturday he took Ibrce of Mr B-aver's horsjs i to the east'ern market. m. Sbirk, who was employed at Johu Su'bei's, near Jerico, quit the .. ... i tr j-.n auit is now at n:s nomo s.s an S. D. Kauffman, of rretburg Snysr couc'.y, spent sev-ral daG in McAlisterviile .i:d vicinity. S. M. Si'.el'.ty aud tsister tYfcrl, of K".i tz Valley, and Miss OIWo Aukcr, of Evecdale, Eli Khoads and vilr, of Easi Salem, and Testou &hslk-y, of .Liv.nnaie, were royally eiitcnamtu m tIicr the home cf J. M. Mus-it-r, on h'u-i-day. J. E Jmuisoo aud wife, of ni-ar Swakf, spent Sunday wilh fiit-nds in this valley. There seems to be somo attraction at Van Wert for eomo cf the boys. Mr. N F. Shulh-tberger, who pur" e'"ifseii a com cutting machine bucio time B' o, the machine failed to wt lk on account of the corn bric dowr, consequently ho did not keep the cutler. The r-rico cf the macbi..c was 125. Wonderful are the cures by Hood's &aipari!la and yet it is only becauae as the one true blood purhier, it makes pure, rich, healthy, life-giving blood. j-Jccd'S Pili3 for the 1 bowels, act enaily . ytt V'rom&tly. io REDl't'ED RATES TO I'll ILA -DKLPHIA VIA PENXSYL VAXfA liA.ILl'OAD, ACCOUNT PEACE JUBILEE. For the grand Peace Jubilee at Philadelphia, October 2 and 27, the Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany will sell excursion tickets from all ticket stations on its line, to Philadelphia, at rate of single fare for tbe round trip (minimum rate, 50 cents). Tickets will be sold and good, going, October 24 to 27, and returning leaving Philadel phia to October ill, inclusive. This jubilee will be one of the greatest events in the history of Philadelphia. The rededicat ion of indedemleuce Halt, recently re stored ; the unveiling of the Grant Eq iietrian Monument, Fairuimouut Park ; a monster civic and indus trial parade, aud a grand military aud naval pageant, led by General Miles and other distinguished he roes of the late war, will be promi nent features. The President and his Cabinet will also le present. For the accommodation of per sons desiring to witness the even ing ceremonies aud returu, the same night, special late trains will be run from Philadelphia to the forty. The supply and provision store of the Chic ago-Virgin company is known as the Climax.Trading company with .Superintendent J. F. Eyster in charge. After the firing at the stockade had subsided an attack was made on Eys ter. He was taking doctors to the mines and was entering his store when the cry was raised that Manager Fred I.ukens, of the mines, was with him. A throng of infuriated miners pressed toward the store. Eyyter sprang up stairs and lie and the miners lgan shooting simultaneously. lie ran to the top of his building and jmned le hind a chimney, while the miners ran into tiie street and opened a lire ou him again. Chips flow from the chimney and Eyntcr ran across to another roof, firing as he ntn. Blood w as (lowing from a wound in his side. Jumping from roof to roof, he finally ball Ld and emptied both his six-chambered revolvers. Then springing from cover he dashed ahead amid the rain of bullets to the roof of the Teed building. He cither fell cr jumped through the skylight and landed in the arms of a crow d of miners in a hall on the upper floor. They carried him to the street, where he was dragged irto the middle of the road. Local j-olicemen drove liaek the crowd and carried Eyster to the city square across the street aud laid him on the grass. He was mo tionless and supposedly dead. The police left him there and attempted to disperse the crowd. In a few minutes anu j Eyster was seen Io raise his hnr.d and snoil it all. Yes I say han him. An honest man, no matter how much good ho does by his living, has no riffhts that a thief resptcts, so nw 189G for W J. Bryan, on a pUtfoim J let ns all go ont and catch the thief principal cities on ejich division diers and here must come a tbief and j eac" nignt. denouncing the Supremo court and the present banking system ana un ited States currency. He is also op posed to the Stars and Stripes being hmVtd on the islands of . tbe ses, that have been conquored from Spain, company. and bring him in and hand him over . . 1 - m a 1 a . to the soldiers ana u iney uoui roast him we'll put him through." Huah was was the talk indulged in Blood and ?!erves are very close ly related. Keep the blood rich, pure and healthy, with Hood's Barsaparilia and you will have no nervousness. Hood's Pills are be-si. after-dinner pills,aid digestion, yreventconstip&tioy TIRED MOTHERS find help a i wipe the blood from his face. Two men sprang at him and w ith the tena city of tigers began jumping on his body and striking him on the head with stones. With a' yell tiie angry crowd rushed into the square to kill Eyster. Tiie police charged in a body and fought their way to the centre of the mob, w here they took a stand over the prostrate man. A carrier was pro cured and Eyster was taken to the Buckles hotel. He had len shot through the groin and is terribly bat tered about the head. He barely has a chance for recovery. The dead miners were removed from tho vicinity of the stocUadB to, hotels and stables and tiie wounded were taken on litters to the station and sent to Springfield to night. Inside the stockade, A. W. Morgau, of Chicago, is dead and seven wouuded. There are about thirty-five big, strong men stationed inside the stockade to night, each keeping watch through a loop bole. By Its Record of remarkable cures Hood's Sarsaparilla Las become the ine true blood purifier prominently in the public eye. Get ouly Hood's. Hood's Pills are the best famil; "Athartic and l'ver medicine. 25c. "" fur Colds asd Grip. Dr. Hiiiapbrtyt,' Sjtciiii: "77" l i thlis up cokl.f aad km cks cut the Grip. Ail druggisii, 2.3 ct Doc tors Bok nn;, frtt Humph.-tya' Me ioiiti Compury, New Tfik. FxR FECT and permanent are the cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla, be cause it makes pure, rich, healthy, lUsand health-giving BLOCt?. C2CH RED BLOOD is thefonn- by some of the members of Ue fcorse m pure blood, a good appetite and Hood's Sarsaparilla, the Oae Trui jMeauwnue mero nn new and aeeOed STRENGTH- iJiooa ruriner, gives HEALTH. BARGAIN DAYS At Schott's Stores. THIS WEEK WE OPEN WITH NEW FALL GOODS. FETCHING STYLES, UNSURPASSED AS SOPvTMENTS AT PRICES TO MAKE AND RETAIN CUSTOMERS. HOUSEKEEPING GOODS. Njw is tho time for replenishing Household Stores of Bedding and Linens, our reputation as Headquarters for mutlins, linens, sheetings, towelp, blankets, baps, comfortables, aad other House keeping Dry Goods, gaired by grtat assortments and exception al values,-will ba laore ihan auntaiced by present stocks, which have never been ecpiallcd in Vurety or Q:iantities. Beady made sheets, 81 Ly 90 at 4So. High irade unbleached mutlins 10 ysrds for 35c. to 50j. Higi prade bleached muplics 10 yards for 40c. to 70c. 17 vnrda !t Hill bleached ujukHc for $1. High grade bleached and unbleach ed Sheetings nd 10c., 45 inch for 10c and 12c, 72 inch Bobby Burns says, Some books are lies frae end to end" And he might have said ad vertisements also. -O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 If you swallow a dose of Concen trated Lye it will kill you. If you swallow the lies in some advertisements they will give you a pain, and your eye will be closed. HOLLOBAUGH & SON . Have all their Fall and Winter Clothing on their Shelves and Counters. Their line epeaks for itself. We simply ask you to examine our stock and if you do not sav that 'in Quantity, Quality, Fit, Finish and Style we" lead all others, and that our prices are Lower than all others, we will be satisfied with our verdict. We claim to be the Leaders in Clothing and Gents Furnishing Goods and we feel satisfied you will say so alter examining our line. HOLLOBAUGH & SON, 116 Main Street, Patterson. 3 McCLINTIO'S IARDWARE and House-Furnishing TORE THIS STORE SETS THE PACE. 0- -oOo- -O 42 inch for 9c and 10c., 45 inch for 10c td 12c, 72 inch for 13c and 15c, 81 inch for 15a and 17o-, 90 inch fcr 17c and 20c. BLANKETS. 114 hue white blankets for 50c. 11-1 fine grav blankets for 50c. 11-4 better grade bio etc ts f. r 75c and $100. 12 4 best factory ' made blnfcts, all wcol, f 3.90 ncd $4 50. 12 4 superfine Cali fornia all wool blankets for $5.00 and $6.00. . - New Wash Dress Fabrics. Naw French Flanne'eUes, handsome cjile-tiocn, pfeometricsl de.oignti, broche t-flfects at 10c a yard. Flacne.lettes in plaidj and str.'pes io 10 to 2(vvaid pieon, at 5c a yard. Ib-.rd vr.lno 9cts. New Fall Underwear for Men, Wo men and Children. NEW FALL DRESS GOODS. I.. I'.hi-i and Fancy efFfcts, Scr'ef, Briiii-r.iirifs, and Hnri tt!ay. Nsw silks for drtt-ses, waists ar;d trimming.0. Nf'w flan nclafcd linioB and trimmings. New cotton and "woolen stock ings mer., women pnd children. New carpets i. Brur-sels, In praius and Horcemnco patterns. New calicoes, in fancy black a- d Indigo bine for 5 cents a yard. School Shoes For Boys and Girls are made from Special Tannage, acd built to wnar, every pair cusracteed. The name 'Met;Rens;er iq on every pair of shoes. Ladies fine dress shoes from SOcts to $2.00. Every day boocs for Indies, men and children. DreFa fchnss for men and bos, in Box Calf and Vici Kid. You will get hotter ehoes for lesa money, hero, than at any other store. Ladies Seal Plu3h capes, ?nd Cloth and Beaver capes, aro bera acd you will have a bpecial selection, and prices to suit every person. Mies.s ar.d children's jackets and cloaka wp hsva a very select assortment at lowest Bargain prices. THAT'S WHY YOU LIKE IT. J.U I..... .......ii.t Tli fnll life of the atote ab 1 ninas ure never u - -- waK h6 t chcc.fu! weiwme for all comers, aad shoppers are quick to decide in favor or ;ne urresc w i Neat, Stylish, Inviting STORE 6 1 3 ' ',. OUR MESSENGER SHOE TRADE MASH - C0rvf((GHT. jtuvnirs D"V C-Biini'i.cir? 'l.-'n wttk. SCHOTT'S 8TOUE8, 103 io 109, Bridge Street. 1865, BSTABLISHE D. )897. special Invitation The Puhiir To attend the Attractive Sale of Clothing that goes on daily iroiu THE IMMENSE 8T0GK OF D. W. HABLEY, It will be , TO THE ADVANTAGE OF ALL BUYERS2 Who nave money to invest to examine the Stock of Goods for MEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN It is truly marvelous to See THE BEAUTIFUL STYLES 3 of Suits and Overooats at the Wonderfully Low Prices. His prices leave all Competitors in the rear, so don't t iil to give him a call if in need of" Clothing D. W. HARLEY MIFFI.IN TO WTST JJL. : K. H A Speoially Seleotad Stoek of KaDges, Cook, Parlor and hoj Stoves. Horse Blankets aud Lap Robot. LAMTS, large acd small. Come io and look around. We'll make you feel at home. We have tho largest Stock and Store in tho county. O Uli UNTYMK GUARANTEES QUALITY. . M'CLIMTIC, MIFFLINTOWN ffi&rwrm ,or,hiH4VE IQU KDKEY TO DEPOSIT? "SEVENIY-SEVEN'H"7"-") '"77" i.-i Dr. Humphreys' famous Specific fur the cura of Grip and Colds, end the preventions Prtetimo nia. All dru-rgis, 2oc. &ui;scrioe lor toe mrnra. axv RErcBUCAJ?, a rarer tkat contains choice reading matter, full of inforn tion thnt doc-e the rcadt-r Ri'oc1, iid in addition to that fid local new that at e woith .uLliLicg find places in its cvlumts. if. HUMPHREYS' No. 1 Cures Fever. No. 2 " Worms. No. 3 " Infants' Diseases. No. 4 " Diarrhea. No. 7 " Coughs. No. 8 Cures Neuralgia. No. 9 " Headache. No. IO " Dyspepsia. No. 1 1 " Delayed Periods. No. 12 " Leucorrhea. No. 1 3 Cures Croup. No. 14 " Skin Diseases. No. IB " Rheumatism. No. 10 " Malaria. No. 19 " Catarrh. No. 20 Cures Whooping Cough No. 21 " Asthma. No. 24 " General Debility. No. 20 " Sea-Sickness. No. 27 " Kidney Diseases. No. 28 Cures Nervous Debility. No. 30 " Urinary Diseases No. 32 " Heart Disease. No. 34 " Sore Throat. No. 77 " Colds and Grip. Da. HOICPHEKTS' HoUEOrATHIO Manuai. or DiHEAHKa IIaileu Free. Small bottles of pleasant Mllets. fit the vest pocket. Sold by droesisu. or twnt Dnsnaid qdoti receipt of price, dft ct:iitt, except Nob. H. and S tre made 1.00 size obly. llumpbrer Medi cine Conipauy, 111 Wllliuia St., New York. ARE YOU A, BORROWER 1 -4UI.LAT- the nnuT HUMPHREYS' WITCH HAZEL OIL "THE PILE OINTMENT." ForPOea External or Internal. raindorBleedmni Fistula In Ano: Itching or Fi'jMiug of tjKtain. Tbe relief Is Immeaiau U;u euro certain. FKIO, 0 CT3. L SIZE. 25 CTg. v 0ol4 It Dmcstou, or Mat p-t14 d ri..ii4 ml prta SBrniutni'iuD,ci. in 11a wuiuS4..xw mi V IFF LIN roWN, TA. THREE PER CENT IIS? TEEEBT PAID ON TIME CERTIFlt'ATEb, Money Leaned at Lowest Rates. JUNIATA VALLEY BAN K. OF MIFPLIHTOWll, PA. Stockholders Individually Liable- LOUIS V. ATKINSON, Pruidenl. T. VAN IRWIN, Chut D1KECT02I. W. C. Pomeroy, H. J, Sbellenberge', John Hen.ler, Jonah L. Barton, Robort B. Furkor, Lonii K. Atkinaon T. V. trwio. BTOCKnOLLKXS : George A. Kcprwr, Annie M. Shelly, Joseph Kothrock, P. W. Manbcuk, L. E. AtkiitBCQ, B. K. Fartor, W. C. Pomeroy, J. HoIjuoi Irvia Jobn Hertiler, Jurome N. Thompaon, Charlotte Soydr, T. V. Irwin. John M. Biatr, Joiiah L Barton, F. M. M. Penneli, SamooIH. Kothrock, Levi Light. M. N. Sterrett, Wm. BwarU James G. Heading, B. J. Snellen- u.'fur, Samntl ScblegeL H. E. Schlrgel ILrce r cent, icterunt will u paid en cei iScatps of deposit. Uan 23, 1898 Dr. David Kennedys Favorite Remedy CURES All KIDNCY, STOMACH AND L1VCR TROUPI.CS.