SENTINEL & REPUBLICAN MIFFLIN TO ;.VM. PA. -WEDNESDAY SEPT. 7, 1898. B. F. SCHWEIEa, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. STATE TICKET. Fr Governor Colonel "William A. Stone, of Allegheny. For Lieutenant Governor Gen J. P.S. Golin, of Lebanon.. For Seeretury of internal Affairs General James W. Latta, of Philadelphia. For Judge of the Superior Court William Porter, of Philadelphia, William David Porter, of Alle gheny. For Congressman at Large Galusha A. Grow, of Susquehanna, and S. A ."Davenport, of Erie. REPUBLICAN" COUNTY TICKET. Congress. Thad M. Mahox, of Franklin county. Legislature. E. G. SlIKAFFK.K. Surveyor. A. 15. Evans. ( 'oroner. II. F. WlM.AJfD. RGriIRLiri?i rOMMITTEE The inemlK'i-s of the Republican County Committee are reiuestel tomcet at the Keystone Hotel, in Pattei-son. on Saturday Septemler 10th, at I o'clock p. m. Impor tant business will Iks transacted. II. C. Mt-Cr.KM.AV,- Aug. 23, JSOS. Chairman. When I came home from I'f-hiiiu: The things I told were so, Kut all the fellows winked and laughed, "Kith stories never go.' I wrote a tale aliout it And xent it in, hut, oh. The editor he sighed and Maid, "hish stories never t. This is court week. An empty pate and a rattling ton- irue. Btltings of ail kirdsat.McClintic's pUro. The Mifllin county Fair id in Must at lAjwistown. If in some ports of Sny.-Jer cjnoty aru dvmg. Tho telephone line lias been com pleted to Uivhliold. Win. Murray was mi a husiness trip to Pittsburg recently. The coul oi! excitor.ieiit, nboat V.torIi:o b.-is abnted. Some of the trjops have ieeu sent home on ( days furloujrh. Wai. I!tircbfild-Todo to Harris- burg on his wheel last week. Mr. -Jam's Horning haa bad the outside cf his house repainted. Sponge your liorse with a piece of tansy and flies will not trundle him. Thre were niae deaths from sun stroke in Philadc'-pbi ou Sunday Property for sa!e For terms, apply to Mrs. Dieiil, Front. St. Tim Chicago Lvitt re are oat $10, 000,900 on their wheat speculation Giro Aquicaldo a pest omVo in the Philippines and that will anchor Lira Grubb Gartnac, of Nasticoke, vis itcd 15. F. liaicbfivld's fauiiiv rrcf.nt- 'Three car lot-ds rf reiel;ts were shii'ptd from thij b'ation on Mon day. Pennsylvania rrginieiits st-r- to ! o kept in the Uuited S utf s are v:cr. Mr. acd Mrs. Win. Davis and chii dren, have returned to Washirglon, DC. 5Ir. Walter U sh, of Iew'stown, spett Sunday with fiicr.ds in this place. A said that a camel, the ammrd oi ! e dtsrcrt, L3 incre vices than a mul. . Uev. A. X. Jiaven preaelietl in his pulpit last Sunday, after a month's va cation. Win. Parker, of.Pittshurg, is visiting his parents and friends in this com munity. w m Murray wt-iit fu Pittsburg b. d bought a running horse for the fa:r races iss Jean Iiwiu, of Newport, spent Tuesday vitb her aunt's, the Misses Irwin. Great reductioas in the prices of all Miilintrv roods at Mrs. Diebi's Front Strtet.' Prof. Dont aly, Piincipal of Ever ett schools, ltf i on Mi turd iy t re sum;! bis dn'y. The ln.ard of health, of Reading, re ported i:;o cases of typhoid fever on the 1st of Septem!er. V ss Beatrice Remolds, cf Cal , a studftt at Eiyu Marr, ie vieitirg in TuHcarora Valley. Dental student, K. Druitt Crawford, is home from lectures. Another year and he'll graduate. Harley McC'lellan, son of Captain Cornelius McClellan, is home from the anny on Furlough. The Tzar of .Russia, wants all Euro pean governments to reduce the size of their standing armies. Sel i nsgrove Tr i l.u ne. The pota to crop in this section of the Ktaie Mill be an exceedingly light one. The prices paid for peaches to ship, up to ti-ia date, bas ranged at 13 to 70 cests a crute. "'Mies Ar.nie Seihfir, of Altoonn, is a visitor at tfco home of her brothers family, Mr. E L Seibtr. Coal miners in Illinois are on a strike and seem to be disposed to be violent in their demonstrations. Mrs. Jamfs Homing and children re vinting relatives in Jlnrrisburg Ud Frederick City, Mo. Japan wants tomorrow $80,000,0D0 to complete They are learn ing how to run their credit. Just keep,your eye on that Republi can who has a. political knife in his boot leg, or perchance up his sleeve. Leonard Miller, of Farmer City, Illi nois, bought a house and lot of Cloyd Dunn, at Van Dyke for $325. The advent of a new and dangerous counterfeit half dollar is noted by news papers in adjoining counties. Mra. Emmons and Miss Miy Lou don, hav returned from a trip to Pittsburg and other places. Wantkd. A girl 16 to 20 yenrs Oi 1, to do jceacra! house workiu a final! family. Aoolv at Ihia r - Mason Mussina, of fJowen. Pa., is be.piurr bia bl-otbur inJau- -pr,f n tioitticr, m the. canuary business Tba soldiers returned from Cuba say the wecller m the noribern stales since their return is warm, as in Cuba. The Port Royal Fair management employed a foreign band to toot for them, just as if Juniata county has no bands. Mr. and Mrs. Jecse Eider, .Visa Mary Liird and Frauk Saiber and s ster Miss Eiia attended the Gran gers Picnic. Jxrs. John Thrush and Mrs. Fred ' liBhop, both of Washing on. . C., are visiting their parents, .Mr. and Mrs. Allison. rott hai.k. A dwellii.g house audi store room on Washington street ml- . , . . ' dre,sJose,,h Adams, Van Wert. Juoi- uai aataraay, tn eortbqunke shock frightened the people of Sin tiago Da Caba eo that they ran cut of their houses rfif . Henry S.hoil and daughter, -Uiss Minor, Lave been spending two weeks with Mrs. Scholi porei ts in Buds coaaty. Mr R.Mdiag, of Illincis, is viaiting Professor Auman. Mr. Readiasr La.5 a ion m-uibd to a daughter cf Pro fees; r Auniaa in Iilinoii?. for fa!e, or rt-tit. btoro m i'at , , terson. Teimseav For part ioulftrs . n n ,u"Jr,,'i Waging- icqufrecf W. N. Sieriett, on the lf' T):r K"d 5fr- (- K- "uon, rlemiEes. Ky order of Board, cf Lewiwj, were caikrs in town Aug. 17, 8t. Lewis Deoan, Sec among frteads on M-mday. i Gti'cral Pacdo, says tho war is fc. i 5 " 'f',11" a man 5n,OB a i "i Jt over. Wei!, well, if it mutt hundred." -I don't see it." "Yen t i i don't you sr e. tin-re are a l urdrcd ! other the compmy " The gold reserve in the I'niied States Treasury on the ilnd of Septemtier was sJ1S,3l'(),o7, contrast that w ith Presi - dent Cleveland's administration. The public schools hi Pottslown wet closed last week on account of the heat, i The thermometer stoods at 97 degrees i -'r- John (iallagher died at his home w hich is an uncommon heat for Sep-j'" Walker tow nship, on Friday Stp temlier. Members, of the infirmities that come Miss. Louie M,.0!clkr, cf Lwis-! wi,h "e- "f, 8i ' tow;., who liv.a with her ,U.-r Mr. !.V"K a'b,od days he was an active lrt,;n ivn-., ...v:i.. i . -r and Mrs. Captain McOicKu: Swr.Hsy. Browne "Fd join the church if it ! wasn't so full ,f h.vjvioriies." "That needn't deter vou. f There's alwavs wm for one more.'' P.r.ssklyn Life. Tho Philippine islascters are bM'ng beird from" as a'rx ously favoring en ntxaf "o -. Ttcy do not want to be nnt'er any pcvrimnnit but i list cf ibe United Staler. The Philippine Island icsurgMits pro fo: tifyirg (Lf ir psi ion, they say, for tho T,urpo?e of re s-sficg tho dpiuisn in case the Lnued btaieal was aeuyea tut l e secures retpr. relarrs liit ai t.; S;ar-tsh ru'o. j e'itioD pepers frcm ihe St.-te fiuih..r- The Ki-Lod iarv ..... . : ;:-.iio itxi on .-aonuiy. scrBo (if ire j-iio's could rot it 1 i imc thr.t dny r.nd they were not pio;-.e;i il ut il ;y v;.' ic cot off of pay ft r t be cccor.d u.iy. T.,..:.i i :... 3 -.i. ;1.,. - J- V i rv.Tui. UUUUIiy l.IH tt.eil j cousins tie Misses Hchott. liiiSHl Stella expects to ezUr Xw Conservatory, Boston, rn Tltttrsday. The soldiers against rebellion are not the only soldiers. There is a later ad dition. The .wpaijish humanity war men are in the front, just as ihe rebel lion soldiers came ahead of the Aicxicmi soldiers. We acknowledge tbo receipt of a picture of J. M. Pauncltakcr, taken w ith liis uniform on. carbine, sword and pistol, and belt of cartridges. The pic- ,ure as ... cu.i.p .i .., .a, Florida. - ...1. T . ... rt- I On the Sdtli day of August last, il.,u A UI..1IH,, rli.ul ! ll..-rl.,,,.r the home of his tfaugtiter Mrs. Jennie Fry, aged 7S years. A generation ago the deceased co:itluctetl the Milllintown foundry. Il-jb-rt Nixon, Jr., of Fhiis.delphia, coui lo Mifllin on Fndav, and Sat- urdny ho and bis wi.'e aid children started Lome, expi ctir to stop cii" a short time wiih Jlr. Nixon's f itiici ia Newport. There is a large crop of wheat straw- hut not a large crop of wheat. The light yield of wheat is owing to the work of fly, so many profess to believe ; the straw was greatly broken, and they say that was owing to fly. SorioeSeld. Ohio.. Seo. -I Kev. Janii-B Sttpbei-aou, of daicesrop, Ohio, dropped dvKil from Lea?t trouble in tho pnlpit ibis morninfr ut tbellisb Sircet S'etbodist Ciurcb at the beffinDing of his sermon. Chambersburg News, Scptemlier 3. fcjix fine cows belonging to the Wilson College heard were killed on Friday j evening of la-st week. The State veter inary surgeon examined the herd and iu six he found indications of tutierc-u-losis. It is said, that the Indians who livo nearest the north po.,fi rent rf, that last summer a mm c.ttr-e down frcm the e&y and ia m-w living- among tbo Esquimaux people. Is is bel'ev. d that the peiet-n tliy refer to. is Atidrce. The unclaimed letters in the Patter son pot olti' eat the 1st of HcptemHsr, were for Mr. J. C. IMpple, Miss Margie Patterson, Miss Fry, Mrs. A. O. C' terlv. Mrs. .Elia I". Mr- Ja,nes L Fink, Mr. Piten Bei-tak (2), AI Signer, Antrino Jferlotesh. The railroad company is exi.erimei.t for ties. In 10 insr w u" i .. s . .. ill hwm whether 171 venow nine N fitter for the pur,HK-ei the jell m . p me . The new ties are lieing r;.mheofI,unca non, Ferry county The Czar's proposa1 of disarmament in the face of the facts reads like the declaration of a dreamer, or joker. Large standing armies are th main spring of monarchial governments. Large standing armies are the death traps of a popular form of government. This is a holiday week in Holland, on nccAunt of tho crowning of Queen Wilbelmina. By the coronation ceremony on Monday she became Q'ieu of 40,000,000 people. She walked from (ho church where re ligious services wero held, to the palace. The corn crop iu Juciata was an promisirg in tbe early part of tbo summer, bat the beat and moisture ot August has doue wonders for it. If tbo frost remains away locg a tol erably fair crop can bo Lnivsted. If frost comes earl', t lie crc p ffner aily will be a soft one. It is believed tbr.t if the f.;ane ed fish law wera read to some people every week from the newspapers th?y would forget from ove reading to the another all atx.ut the Jaw. Read a synapsis of tho law in an coioryn i; tlis issue of The Sentixki. aso Rei-ubucan. V.CCKXELI. CXIVERStTV, John Howard Harris President. College, leading to degrees in Arts, Philosophy and Science. Academy, a preparatory school for young men and hoys. In stitute, a fe'ined Ixnmiing school for young ladies. School of A!usic, with graUmtiiig courses. For catalogue, ad dress the Registrar, WM. C. tltKTZIN-iF.K, LewLsburg, 1'a. , , . . . ' , , i ne oi!ti iins noi eicioseu i uitii Iuol!theil Wolldt.rnient of lhe result of the Knanish war. That the nowet'ful fleet of a warlike nation should le swept from the seas within the period of three months, seem more like a dream limn a fact. . Rut such is the fact and therefore is no wonder that Europe yet stands in a half dazed con dition with mouth open wondering how such things car. le. Fob Sale The Board of Dl rectors cf ihe Fanners Mercantile As ! sothtiou in Ptdtereon, Ihad-.d, ciiVrs Ame icAii troops in Cuba coxt winter std !ie American Nvv tcovirg w tbo coast towns of gpain will settle i 1 be business, and pave the way for ! tbo dulh-tt Spaniard to ucdrista-id j Coat it would Lavs been best for him i to I'sve cor.nincred tno war over in tbc anmiurr cf 160S ! business man with his uncle. Iiobert '- tiallnjfhf r, .!e- eased. The pa.-t ip.-srter of a ccotury he lived the peace ful contested iife of a farmer, on his j farm, along the pike lietween Mi!llin. lown ana Mcxi:!u. Inteiiiient i!i I les liyteiiiiii cemetery ou .Sunday. Socio days ego Conslable Fry, of JLhistiueLRRnn, iowashly, lodged CLar bs Fulkrosd in jail, cn a cbauro of hsvins hired a 1 icyc!e in Tork Sra'r, ar.d never rdnraed it, aad last week Ofuyer Merry, of llei-eva, Yoik State, sppe.n-ed i;t the jail r.ud wtut&d :o t:vko Fuikiodii to Yoik S'cto to ati svrtr tb& chare?. l;it as ho wis i.ot provided with t!i? prepcrvapri, Lo :1k s ct iinrnl ;:; A reporc e :.'ac, from Louden tl a rei.i ia.ti( w:'ii i-.iigt fii."iio ti i;;ys ngo ia fi-e rou.iio, Afncn, Ijctvretn uftivo troops a'l Kuglish fror.i)s. T!f Afri :!: sniiv . umbered oo,()iK). lish aiuiy 1,-it '2,000 men jTi - .n .L;; while the Africans ioi-t 8,000 mtu. Tiit i e is rat ro 1 ruing and business cm -10)5 tue Eeglieb. than tbcre is among lb? Africa av.-.l therefore it bcci-.nies a of Luaianity to over .-r,".. II... A fi.- .... r. r-..r..-.l ( 1 -. r. , io titopt iiiguar cn i;;3ti! n ways Tl-.'it s wh':t they ?av. Snake oite poioii slows the action ',f the heart, anl the go:d that whi-key dots for snake bite Mi.s.iii, it huny's or mickens the action of the heart. A tat.le skk)U full of whiskey ai h::lf lioui- intervals kept up from three to six ulnlir!it ,vjl, ti(,0 one the average L, i.o. v.., t-. ...i.i I lumv t'liv, nwiv tiion 4 iu"i r-pwil full at a time should not le given, un- some old souk that is so used to drink that a table sjxshi full has no edect on him. If he is worth saving give him till he become visibly drunk. Keporls of the cs.s:is of irccidcnlal a:d carelt&3 si-ooticp while hunting will bo in order as soon as ILn baot ir,g season opens. There are more shooting caecs t!;an thtiv nsedto Le, it is presumed, becausa. tho psrties wto go out bantii'g ere not snflicient ly scquaintcd with what I Ley are r:t, to kef p their grecr.r.css and carcles ecss frr iu gett'-rg tbom into trc-ub'e. A green ais. mt a carols ss man or I'ov oing inlo bubb or wood, is liable to d (umost av.y iirical tct involv rg his own iife or tbe life of fin es her. Miss Emma (Jutshall, was killed by lieing knocked ofTthe milroad triwk, at the Aqueduct, a short distam-e from New Port, Perry county, Pa., on the evening of the 29th of August last, about 8 o'clock in the evening. 8he was not found till almut 2 o'clock -the next morning. She was found by the night track walker. An examination revealed the fa"t that her neck and one of her arms had leen broken. She had gone from the home of Mrs. Morrow iu Newport, to visit a friend near the Aqueduct. She was aged about 20 years.and of good repute. lew "ays ng", sns tho West. morobuid Democrat, a young woman was r&mblirg along one of the Hemp field township roads. Sho wss dressed smartly, she thought, and when she mot a small bare legt'ed urchin carrying a bird's ntst with ils f ;t8 iu it she did not hesitate to step h;m. "You are a wicked boy," she raid.1 "How could ou rob that . - ,r. 1 1 . . 1 1. ........ ( 1. : now grieving for the loss of her .. ..0h sho C!4ft.f I;ed "ggs - in vour hat." Mr. Adam Biird, and wife, and daughter, of Reading, spent Satur. day and Sunday with the family of Mr. James Hamilton and Captain Hinkle. Mr. Baird is an uncle of Mrs. Hamilton and Mrs. Hinkle. Mrs. Baird was making inquiry about Jonathan Aiken, deceased, and bia wife deceased, who are both in the silent city of the Presbyterian cemo. tery. Mrs. Baird and the late Mrs. Aiken were related. Colonel Wm. Bel), whose recoIJrction goes back many years, soys tbat the maiden name cf Mrs. Aiken was Ellen Lewis. The Pennsylvania Cavclry and Ar tilery are to bo mustered out of ser vice, with the First, Second, Third, Fourth, Sixtb, sad Eighteenth In fantry regiments. The following Pennsylvania lofantry regiments have been retained until further or. ders : Fifih Pennsylvania Infantry. Eighth Pennsylvania Infantry. Ninth Pennsylvania Infantry. Tenth Pennsylvania Infautry. Twelfth Pennsylvania Infantry Thirteenth Pe::nslvania Infantry. Fourteenth Pennsylvania Infantry. Fifteenth Pentsylvat-ia Infautry. Sixteenth Pennsylvania Infantry.. Smoe sort of a show exhibited in Pat- j terson last week. Their band men were iMiwlegiretl and so forth and they were too lazy to make music except in the square of the town, however, as their effort was more productive of noise, the citizens were spared the noise they made in the square. If they had paraded the streets their noise would have lieen heard throughout the town ; it was a good thing to confine it to the square. Their show, it is said was on . a par with their noisy band tooting. If I some boys would get some of the hand ' some and well trained dogs in town, and some tf the boys that walk on I their hands, and perform, other antics, j wnu a lew outer variety penormances, : they would have a superior show. Of j course they would have to secure a j hand but it would not lie a hard thing to gather a company of t!ters that could make as much wheezling discor dant so ealled music as that of the aforesaid show band. Every one seem ed to be blowing for himself to see how much harmony of music they could rip into a dozen discordant notes. Tbeee are the dajs of the pestifer ous fly. TLo fly has no friends. Poor fly. But not too fust with your criticism of the fly, it hns a few friends who are more valuable iu their defease for it than a multitude of know EotLiiigs against it- The scientist speaks well of the fly. "In deed some scientists say that with out his Qgiis;artc4 a.;tn would not be ab'e to Jivtf in the teiopciate zoic. The fly feed on both liquica and sjlid. His mouth is shaped some iLi.'ig like a pr-inp, and he sips peri piration end s:.liva, his favorite focdp, tbrcugh fine end cunairg tubrs. Solids be rt duces to liquids before bo s allows them by a process of re creation, lie is a vorsciotn cater and hvc-s lr.rgelv on the pk-cjs of de- ccyel meet, fruit sud vegetables.! Liriuii'-us, asstris tbat tbrte with their ptogeuj could .It voir aj dead bcr.o ts ouicklr as a Ton could, i It bns been estimated that a fly caa multiply itself 00 limes ovary 21 houra. Each cew born fly becomes full grown in four tr live days.'' o CONUPESSIOXAL NOMINA-. TJON. The Ilepublicai) noiniiiatiou for the I lfith Congressional ui-trict will I made at lfairisburg on the iuh day of Sej.-tt-nibtr next Friiiay. The counties i-i toe district are Franklin, 'Fulton, Hui:- j tingdon, Mililui, Snyder, Foion, ,Iun- iat.-i. The conferees from Juniata county are . W. I alley, John Mooivhead, Iteuiy Witkeisham. Coii-gie-iuan Mahan wil! le renooiiiialed. We oic plsd fo irf,rn tbtf, our young fric-ud, Claret co Pcr.uell. is rapidly improvicg iu health. Mrs. Prank liousuni La. rtt.;rnrd hemo a'ter sovotfd wetks visit fo lier parents Mr. ard Mrs Lumbsid, i:i Mrs. Hip well and tLild.-cn, of N-;w Yo:k, are visiiing- M s H-pwell's raieuts, Mr. and M;s. Wm N-;n-kivel. Mtsjtis.. Albtrt tnd Waliet BetiS of Man sviiie, spent Su?uidv t-vtii ing and Sadav with tt oir cousin M'es Lulu Kclloy. 31rs bertha Ci-, who bits spent tne summsr v, ith her j-arcnts iu Port uojal, j as returned to her unclo'r, 31 r. Gt-oica Wilson, and has s'artcd to school. Mr CLailea Derrick, who is sta liobed at Huntingdon, spent Sunday with Mr. Herry DehufTs family. Mr. William Cramer is off on a tventydays virit to Cincinna'i and other plscec HILLED WHILE PICKI3C tOt L,. BloomJii-ld J.temocrat Aug. 31 William Iljsttter, boh of the late John Hosteller, who lived on the old N-j-.vp ort road, in Centra township, about two mill s and a half northeast of this borough, was killed in the Eimira railroad yards on last Thurs day morning while picking coal. He had bceu livirg with a son iu Elreira for the past two jears. Both legs were cut off and one of bis arms badly mang'.el, two cars passing over him. Ho livtd about one hour and a half after he bad been struck. He was aged about 62 years and leaves a fumiiy of grown up sons and daugh ters. Hi3 remains were brought on Saturday afternoon, followed by a ii'.rge number of friends and rel atives, aud interred in the old bury, it g ground. His father was killed by the cars at Newport many years apro. His team was on one side of the track and Le on the other. Fearing his horses would run awav, he attempted to crcEs in front of an approaching ergice and was struck and instantly killed. HOODOOED. Frt-tn the Cleveland Plsin Dealer. "Yes, the town is slowly recover ing from the black eye it received several years ago." What was that?" 'Why the man who invented the scheme of putting pink tarletan over unripe peaches was born there." Letter' nrani an-weaai Dr. Da-rid Kennedy' Favorite Remedy frequently care mtcmI members of a family. While it is considered by many to be Kidney and Bladder Medicine, it is just as certain to cure Dyspepsia, Constipation, Rhe matism, Scrofula and Eczema. This is because it first puts the Kidneys in healthy condition, so they can sift all Healthy blood practically means completely healthy Here is a letter from Mrs. Capt Peter Rack, of N. Y. : " My husband was troubled with his kidneys, fearfully with shooting pains through his back. He David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy, and is now well and strong. Although seventy years of age, he is as hearty as a man many years younger. I was so troubled with Dyspepsia that it was painful for me to walk. My food did me no good, as my stomach could cot digest it. Somebody recommended Favorite Rem edy to me, and after taking two bottles of it I was completely cured, and am feeling splendid now. We both attribute our good health to Favorite Remedy." ' It is prescribed with unfailing success for Nerve Troubles, and for the Liver and Blood it is a specific. It has cured many that were beyond the aid of other medicine. Aslt your druggist for it, and insist upon getting it Don't take substitute. It will cos you $i.oo for a regular full-sized bottle. If yon want to try Favorite Remedy before buying, send your full post office address to the Da. David Kennedy Corporation. Rondout, N. Y., and mention this paper. They will send you a free trial bottle, all charges prepaid. This genuine offer is made to prove to everybody what a wonderful medicine it is. BARGAIN SUMMER CLEAISAMCE SAXES AT Sciiott's Stores. Coiiiiijonciii"- this week and will Continue this sale un til all Summer Cooris are sol! out. Summer Dress Goods, ligl-t, cool nnd dainty, sncli as French O: gaudies, Dimities, Batistes, and Pignea and wiil ctKt yon cnly 7 ccl):; to 15 cenls, tudy half price-. Irish and Fignred Lawns. 10 yards f-r 43 ctn'-s. WOBSTED ND WOOLEN GOODS. Serges, Hi-nritl'cs, N.vthits of French and D. mtfetic 2Tabi;f.!c!jrrrs, at sptc'nlly low and extra Itedaecd 'iicc-s. One wrrd. If you nre interested j;t ail ia EcorLiiiv you will be irdc-restt d in tLis vtiy special sa.'e of Dress Goods. UOIES aO GHttOBEMS OEPAHTMEKT. Ladies L:rt W&isU for 25 cents, former pries was 50 cvnls, mid all our Shirt Waists a specially low prices. Ladies Dross 8Lii-t" st f 1 "2-3 to fl.73. Liaiei W'rr.ppers from SO cts. to Si t. 2,000 y,krds of uiibhai?.cd muslin, at H. ;- t-j 15 cents. 20.'O yards of bkeciird yiitd j-Io muslin at o cents, 000 ymd? of iliU brgt bleached, yard' wid muxiii., ftt 6 tweta. 20C0 yards of Em broideries a I cnc-f-jr.rih cf the price Sun shades Sivi ntutrt-llas at tedincd pvics. dROES! SHOK3 ! SHOES! ilen' -Indies' ami Chiidrcns fot wear, at extra reduce.! iii'.i spce:Hy'bw price s Cjrj't Clenririg Sale, rte'd extra Bargains. Yon will ssve money ly buying vour Caio-tts r.t the pres "et timo." WALL PAPEli. V.e all you a splendid pattern of fancy Wall Piper at very low i nd rcduc cd pi ices. Lace Cm tains ami Dr.ipc-ries bihI Wit tic w Sj;.dcs, at specially reduced prices. Here is everybody's oppcttuniiy to make th0 mighty dollar grow mightier in rcs-'Hs. Schott's Stores, 103 to 109, Bridge Street. 1865, ESTABLISHED. 1897. Special Invitation To Tlie Publit To attend the Attractive Sale of ClothiDg that goes on daily from THE IMMENSE STOCK OF D. W. HAKIiBY, It will be TO THE ADVANTAGE OF ALL BUYERS3 Who nave money to invest to examine the Stock of Goods for MEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN It is truly marvelous to See THE BEAUTIFUL STYLEli of Suits and Overcoats at the His prices leave all Competitors in the rear, .so don't tail to give him a call if in need of D. W. HARLEY! MIFFLINTOWN JA.. the blood. body. Hudson, and suffered took Dr. Wonderfully Low Prices. Clothing, j i i impurities from 4f A HEAD OF ALL COMPETITORS. Our spring line of men's, bov's and childrens' clothing, hats, caps and gents furnishing goods ARE NOW IN. We make the clothing business a study and have made it a success. Young me" don't go away to get what they want they come to us for NOBBY SUITS, LATE STYLE hats or any thing in the gents .fur nishing line. We have half our SPRING stock sold bv the time most clothiers get their line in. A young man who wants a SUIT FOR EASTER, don't want to wait until the 4th of July for it. Our line this season surpasses all our former efforts in style, quality, quantity, finish and price. "The early bird catches the worm." HOLLOBAUGH & SON'S, 116 MAIN STREET, PATTERSON. PEiNNA. McOLINTIC'S HARDWARE and llouse-Furiiishitifr STORE THIS STORE SETS THE PACE. O- - THAT'S WHY YOU LIKE IT. Things arc never dull here; never stupid. Tho full life of the store U wa& bs a cbr-crful welcome for all onracrs, and choppers are quick to deoide in favor of tbs Oreat Values to be fouui in our dow Neat, Stylish, Mnvttong 8 T 0 R K. H. M'CUNTIH, (vtt b (rend paper by Biibtcribiog for the S EVEN I Y-E VEN"-r 77.T "77" i? I, TJulireya fsiuoue Specific for the cf Grip snd Ojlds, wiJ the prevent ion Jof Pneumo nm. All drnjrjnc'p, 25c. Duoscribe tor tne sestijtel akd RErrniJcAN, a japer that containc choice reading uiattf r, fail of inform tion that dues the reader cond, nnd in additinn to that all local news that are worth pub'ishinjr find places in iii coluiur-s. tf. DIED: JHAMHKKa Ua too 1st insr., Saitui, ili p M iry J. Chuiubors aped 17 years crd 10 months. Hibbs. Ou the 2nd, upt Eu.t Saien, John M. IIibbF, aged 7? years, fi, and 21 d-iys. Spekh August 27, 1S9S, at Culloch's Mill?, tit the hoiiio of her danghti r, .Mrs. M ug-actl McCuMoch,, Jura. Matilda J. bp-w, aged (J jtars. Mr?. Spet-r, was the wife of Mr. James Spoer, of ueiir Ula;r'a Mills, and took Pick at her daughter's, while on a vieir, and was unable to ! removed. MJlRRJED: Clakk Lixvd On the fitta inst , b,v Ri-v. V.r. Lewc-y, at the i-omo o? tb liridfc's pareLts iu Farette town ship, Sir. George Ciark, of McV?v Uwu, acd Mij Lizzio Lloyd. 1JEDUCED RATES TO BOSTON. Vu Pkxx.syi.vanu Eailroad, AlX-OLXT SciVEKEIGN (iRAXD LotxiE, I. O. O. F. j On account of the mtethiur of tlie Nivereign draiiil IKivre, i. O. O. F., at notion, J!as., tc'jilenil)er lv to 4, ISiHi, the I'einisylvania Kail rout I Com pany lias aiRiued io nell excursion ti-kets SetHeiiilier Its .to &l inclusive. from ticket stations on .ts iine, to Los- ton, at rate or singie fare for the round: ti ip. Tickets will vkx1 to return iin-j til Kepteinlr 80, 1S!S, iiicIiiKive, when projieily ntamicti ;.v liie Joint Agent. ! WANTEOHftN IDEASSi thinR to lsfi'? i'n'-t yoiir Mrs : tiiey joky ! iiruiir i.u wwtliti. '.Vriro .lOilN 'TKI -tfKli : lUiiN P., 1'iitfut Aunrimv. Wa.-h;!is'. u il. i:.. f;r l..'i.!r i.; la r. 0O0 - -O A Specially Selected Stoek of ItaDL'es, Cook, Pcrlor and Shop Stoves. Uursc Ulaukets aud Lap Kobe. LAMPS, large and small. Ooroe ia and look around. We'll make you fetl at borne. VTo have tbc largrst Stock and Store in the county. OUT TA.1'K Gl AKiMEES UIALITY MIFFLINTOWtf UU TOil MCKEY TO DEPOSIT ? ARE YOU A BORROWER j CALL. AT THE FIRST m&mmf MIKFLINTOWW, FA. THREE PER CENT IlSTKIiEST 1'AID OK TIME CERTIFICATES, Money Loaned at Lowest Bates. JUNIATA VALLEY BANK oF5iirrLiiovf sr, pa. Stockholders Individually Liable LEWIS K ATKINSON, Prt.ultHt. T. VA NT IRWIN, Ciuktm DIEKCTORII. W. C. i'oruoroy, H. J, Sheilonboror, Johu Ik-ruior, Joswh L. b.irtoi), Hubert K. Parker, Lonls R. Atkinw T. V. Irwin. arOCKBOLDBBB : George A. Krpner, Annlt) M. Shelley. Jusj.h Kotlirucli, p. W. Msabock. L. E. Atkinnoo, K. K. Parker, vv.CPoiu.sroy, J. Ilolaiei Irwin John Iltiizlcr, Jurowe N. Tbumpaon I . . . I ... " T. V. Irwin. Jobo M. Elair, F. M. M. PuanM. Joiiiab L Barton, Robert H. PaUenon Levi Light, Win. Swttna. li. J. Sheilunberfrar, .i. H. Schiol Huninul . Kulluock, M. N. Storrett, Jauius Q. IlottUiiig, Uauiufl Sctilerel. Tl.rcc -r -imi. iiiiuwi D id 0a i:!cri s J. ;idit. n -Dt, 18' Dr.layid Kennedy favorite Remedy Cures au. Kidney. Stomach 4 AND LIVER TROUBLES.