o 4 A O d i "i SENTINEL& IIKIMIBLICAN MIFFLINTOYYN, PA. WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 7, 189$. lKI'.M.S. SUBSCKin'iox 1.00 &r year if paid i l advani-e ; 1.5!) if not paid in ad vance. Transient advcrlirdrnr und loi-al notiitx 4 cents a line. Deductions will lie made to thne dc wlritig to advertise ly the year, half or iiai tor '.ear. A STAOI!; .18)11. TriEi:K has Ik-i-ii a invnt dial of talk a!Knt 1 wpin;; ;t iivge siandr t: army from (his tinit: n, but m real sound r(Mn lias Ixfti iven why a ?arjif :tandiii army sho.tld Ik; kept. If a larire Mandiiiyanny was not re.i'iired in the past, why .slum id it Ix r.'itiired from this time forward. The spontanea'! uprising of the pimple Las ln-e:) Miliicifiit lo meet every emergency that t-asne uM!i the country from the days of the revolution of 177U Ut the war w if h Sp;;iu in ls;is, and there i ; no j;cmI reason to doiiiit the patriotism of the nation for future e:nei envies. To raise the niimlier of t he siuirdirg army to eori-esiHind with iu-'ieaseil growth of the population seems to lie the proiK-r tiling t L' !:it to raise a larue arinv and I -ee;i it stand in" beeaiistr i!i the b.ithre another war will tale place is not the roper thin lo do. It may lie a (jaarter or a half ivnliirv lefore another war tas plaee and to Veep an army in readiness for the next war is a piece of extra vacant folly that the jx-ople shonld not permit their Congress to i;e jrn i It.v of. I'.aek of every t'onressimial en.-ietnieiit are the people, if their O.nji'ressiiien vote for measures thai are iRt ap proved by the people, at the next election tin- people can iiaicje their 'n;ris;;aeii and llu-y can change tin- law that are ;lno!- ons. What is the use of leepin a lar;;e army loalinir aroiii:d settin;;' ;i I i;id example lv their loitiifiiii and jramin.ir and .-peiid!hrifls hab its. W hat is the use of keeping a larjre army standing, as a menace to peace ! The only reasonable answer is, No use ! Xo use ! V.': had no standiii'r aruiv 1 1 1 , we had no standing army in 1.S12, Lad no standing army ia IS 17, had i o standing ar ay in If-ill, had no standing aiiiiv in ISi's. any size excepli;:; what w;w neees ssiry to ijuel! In -ian iiisaneetioiis ami lecp certain fort iticaiioiis nun tied and i-i order, a id that is all that tiie reiiirc!!ie--t.s of to-day de-ma- d. after the Spa- ish war qaes tio shave liee i permare t!y set tleil. I-i four mo thi; v.tir with Spain our army jrrew from a force of 25, 000 regulars to a gi-i ;d army id L'SC.IMM), enthtisiaslie soldiers a- d it mi.'rht easily have lee . rais ed i- that time to live time.-, that number. The life a d j:eretiiit y of the republic is rot dcpyu'e-.t o i the keepi of a lare stas tu-.r -irm.v . Should a million Ih needed between this a d ('hristin.us they would .' fori 2i eomir-. The An:eri :n jveoplt s-.re self adjust able, they jr i to oiSi.-e o- e year from tiie la! or a- d busitexs pur suits of life a- d the t ext jear they jo out of olliee Iks-'-c ii'to the jar suits of !alor a:;d lutsi e.-s si'il thai is the system u'po- whieh their military esiaSiishmejts is i'o'.i ;ded. i!;cy w to the army troia the pursuits .f lalior a -.d Inisi i ess avd whej 1 1 war is over they jjo la't to I he s:' tits of lalw.r a- d !!isi -iess. .iole system is i 'I.i,;ol isl ic i the l.eepi: tr of a ;a di -r armv. further tha'i is Lfeessary to nun it-ipal, a secure. re.'der ;1 civil Ihe o!ice oveioiiie-d "W'ii i:n you hear the Democratic braves and the Swallow braves .talk alKHit Slate issues in this campaign you ear. set ii down that they are talking through their hat. Their jrreat aim is loel"'-t a Demo- rati;1 'oiiureKS and enough mem bers of the Ix-jjislat lire to send a Democrat ie United States Senator to Washington. That is (he kind of Slate politics they are after. Their talk about State issues i blind you ; in common laiijiiajre 'toshiit ouree." Tin-: New York v'oi-e ha.-. l''ii publishing statements that at tack the private character of Senator uay ia such a way that aUmt the only answer for the Senator to iiake is :t suit ajrainst the parties. Tilt; man and woman v. hose pur pose is to do that which is right are the highest type of pe:plc. is TiiKpiiiTiiiixi:s. Everyone smokes. Population 7.000.000 Two hunclrt d IribcB. Giiiur-lit ia uaivers-j!. ArH, 115,528 prjuare milts Uiitlt l lliee a.s h.i ;o r.s h it:'. Two huiidiid dial cts spoken Eart: quake in 1SG0 killed 7.C00 people. Hvmty voiciitu en ia cvr.stard rrsplion. Twelve hundred inlaid; 40S ia hal'ited. E'if-ush lucnk; ya to supply cvtry child in Amerii"j. L -tc .rills' ifii? tLo trovers i-nt $1,000.0!)0 a year. 'Vtii Philippiucs ien''h wiiuiu f.-.ur di Rre:e of the tqnctor. TLelaws rehling to Uie propr-jTy of uati:d pel-docs are entirely ic tt c v.ift'is fivor. The Rum of $25 will provide native hcusfli' l.l w'lb u dwd-irp i;.' its own aud tiniple fnii tare. Al m;.Rt evfiy rative (jwi.s a fghtirp fow?. He carries it aronnd with hira end bets his bottem dollar on l s perlojm.inei; in the nrenf. THE ONLY True Blood Purifiei prominently in the public eye to day is I lood's Sarsaparilla. Therefore get Hood's and ONLY HOODS, TIRED MOTHERS find help in flood's Saiapuriila, which gives . them pure blood, a food appetite and jwv and iflcd?l STRENGTH. CAME AND F1SII LAWS. "VVild turkey, pheasant, groute, luail, partridge, ivoodeock, October 15 to Deeembf r 15. Woodcock may als be killed daring the uiooth of July. Deer, duriog the month of Novem. ber. ilaio and rabbi, November 1 to December 15. Scpjirrel, October 15 t J Dec. 15. Wild fowl acd wob-footcd fowl, September 1 to .Vay 1 . Plover, July i5 to January 1. Enjjiisb, Cliiutt-e acd Moogolian pbasinta, protected uiitil Jnue 4, 19(j2. It itt liisdi-metino" for any pyis ni or tramp'.rtation iiomppny to ship beyond the limits of this state, at any time, any protected animals. It is unlnwful to kill or trap any deer, elk, fawn, vild tark'-y, pheas ant, ffrouse. purtridc, quad or wo id. cock for purpoud oi sale. The tale of same is also unlawful. It is unlawful f r any ouo Xo k'.lt in one day, more than toe rufllud grouse or pheasant; in'.re than ilf ietu quail er Virginia partridge ; mere lliau ton woodc-cV, or more thiin two wil l tui keys, or lo kill ia one fcasc-u, more thun two doer. Fish la.iy bj taLen between tht foliowiLg pt -lio'.ls : Uhu k bad.--, May i!'J to January 1. Buss murt Lot If: taken le-;s lLnn ts'ix inebts in luuij'th. - Speekleil trout, S:ir':l 15 to July 15. Trout mucit U'jt Le taken less than ilvtj it ches in Itnth. L'.ku trcut, Jacuarv 1 to S-pteni-b . r bU I'iko or pielerv), Jane 1 to Jhlu try 1. buscpjeLoimu bulaioi', yellow biins or waiieyed pike, IM'iy 30 to Jan. 1 Gunning and fibbing on Sun lny i? pi.hibitod in this ttato. HOUSE A.I "nVUGV STOVES. Liv(;y:n:in H-iiaael B. K ed has ro covered bis etol-:u ouuit with thu st-ti-c of Debt'ivo Aedtieen but tLc thieves liave nut ytt been appte- lieedtd Albert Miller, of North Cameron b'li'et. and E !. Dou!--r(y, al;:o of this c.'v, 1-iff.l too l !, V?dut:d it $150, from Mr. lUe.l l.-t P.'iilny Willi tho statement Ibt they wtie joiii;.' u t'aiup Midu. Xot n tura- i!i;r lLt:t i vcnir'n or niebt 5Jr. it'ii d iieeaiao idar.-oed wl notified tliu po lie. It was fiu'.d ti'at t 'o twain did not fjo lo C:iiij) Meado at all, but ilrovo to Lo; sviile, Perry eoii'iiy. wiifTo they mado various diett rs, trading the Lerse ou a p-juv aud a little money to bout ; tho baifiy for au oi'.i v.fhK-lo ana a iat!o i-atU to bv.0", and fel'-iug Ihe b:ir!i;t. wl-i aLd lobes outiiii. Their eidin iiu liL'tr uettod the $32, wit j w'iici they left town ha"urd;iy morniLj.' f r JJiii.cunnoL'. Detective Anderson and 3ir. lLed drovu lo L'jyfcviile Ti.it-sdny night e'i;d found that lliohorhe had b en traded io Joh'i K utr, of lekesbiiig. TLey went to KiLer'o phiee, proved owi er i'tiii-' anil had the horse driven Lome ta" i;c:t day. At IiysvlSiu ll.ey fu'.iLd.tLat Johu 1. Miuich, to wLoia the l-.U'jgv had bedii tr?ide.l, ii.d tr:i:isfei rf d it to a man named Her!, tar, ia t':'.i;i'e, in a ilic!;cr TLc I'li.eiira v.ai rfceovt-rcd, from Loy Hitter, in Laysvillo. Ydnesday sfterucou Mestrs. Amhrsna ucd Jletid yebt to C.irl:sl ami recovered the bugsry. Vhi'L' at Carli-!e FJeriz- ler received a letter froia Sliiiici: tu.'l iiiif h.iii lo irtt tho I'Ugirv iff bis bauds as bi o:i as pt ssiblw us lo (M:u ici'l bel.cved it l.ad beeu stolen. .U.lier, v. ho Liied the teuni, kliov. n tu tliM po'ie'H and tvrs tried f-' uur de-r up io '".iiucrou county about two yesrs it". t.'ig!ier(y is a'so known iu poiiee eir'i'es. Hariitburg T'tlc grnph, Aug. ilClh. XlA(iAl!A FALLS. lo Ti:--D.vv Eri"j;n.v ia Pi-:xxsYi.v.-r. K.m: i.-o. The last two ten-day excursions of (he present season to 'Niagara i'alls via the Pennsylvania Hail road will leave Philadelphia, i'-al-timoie, aud Washington on Sep tember l. and 2!, .ls'.ts. An ex perienced tourist agent and chap eron acconiji'my each excursion. Excursion tickets, good for re turn pas-age on any regular train, exclusive of limited express trains, within ten days, vill be sold at !! fram Philadelphia, P.altiniore, Washington, and all oints on the Delaware Division ) .;o from Lancaster ; s.50 from AHMuia and llarrisburg ; sil.JIO from Sun- bury and llkesbarre ; ?.". 7." from Willij'nispt.rt ; aiul at proportion ate rates Irom other jmiuts. Ex cursionists will travel 1 soecial Irain of Pi:lhn;m parlor cars and lay 'coaches. A stop over wid be allowed at UuffaJo. Hoehester, ('anaudaigint, and Watkins rel.M n- ing. Tickets from Atlantic City and other South Jersey points, and stations on the Delaware Division, will be good for passage to Phila delphia on day preceding date of excursion. Tickets for ; side trip to the Thousand Islands (Alexandria Hay) will lie sold from Rochester, go: si to relurn to Rochester or to Canandaigua via Syracuse within live days, at rale of .".. "io. Tickets for a side trip to Toronto, will le sold from Niagara at rate of 81.00 via rail and boat, good only on day of issue. For time of trains and -further information apply to nearest tiel et agent, or address (leo. AV. Itoyd, Assistant tlencral Passenger Agent, Lroad Street Station, Philadel pbia. St. A MIXED RELATIOXSIilP 1 married a widow who had a daugh ter. My father visited my house fre quently, fell in love and married my stcj-daughter. Thus my father became my son-iti-lr.w, and my steji-daiighter my mother, be-auseshe was my father's wife. My step-laughtcr had also a son ; be was of course my brother and at the same time my grandchild, for he j was the son of my daughter. My v ife M as my grand-mother, because she was my mother's mother. 1 was my wife's i husband and grandchild at the same I time ; and as the husband of a person's j grandmother in bis grandfather I was my own grandfather. A SIUUT IU A BUFFALO UIUG. A party of scouts frorrt the stations . mi Jjleusoe s creek, m Sumner county, was over in Wilson on a tour of obser vation for Indian simis. savs the Port land Orea-onian. As t he v" prepared to camp late one winter afternoon C'sptaiu Jennings, who was one of the number, ' started out to kill a buffalo from a herd which was near by. There was a heavy sleet on thexround. ' and he found it difficult to get a good range on ace-ount of the noise of his feet on the crackling ice, hut after following . me game tor several miles he at last killed a very large bull. Fearing that the meat miirlit he iujurei if left until ' the next inorniiig, he skinned the nui- mal and tsk out the viscera. Hv the; time he was done night had e-onie, and j he deHded to remain with his meat in- ' stead .-f si-ekia'i t-amp in the darkue.-v. Si, wrapping the huge hide around him, tlesh sidii out. he lav down and nlept very eomforiahiy until morning. On waking he found himself tightlv inioiisoned iu the hide, which bad frozen hard and now resisted all bis! ellbits to escare. Hour after hour rolled by in agonv to l. ..mt..ti. ir. .-..tifi i...-. ..r' his voice for. help and strained and kicked with all his might at the raw hide inclo-ine, but it proved stubborn to the lust degre. lie doubtless swore many a hitler oath, for he was of ton irascible n teniiierament to submit tamely. He expected bis -jiupanioiis j iu .-ai'.ii nil nui:, u I in uiey Uid, llil with a gieni deal of caution, fearing that he had lnvn killed by the Indians. His prolonged absence could be ac counted for in no oilier way. lie gave up all hope of extricating himself as the hours wore away, but help which be bad not thought of was to save him from a deaih which would have been extremely mortifying, at the least, to a man who had escaied Indian bullets am! :waiu icy rivers like a lieaver. We will let him relate the issiu? in his own words: "Weil, the :iiu came out in tiie afternoon, and thi soitened the hide on the top so 1 could gel one arm out, and when ! got one arm out I worked like pi.eu until I got mv Uslv through." OMAHA EXI'OSITIOX. E-'UUT-DaY PESOXAI.LY-CoMI.'Crf 1) Toui: via 1'ksnsvlvaxja Hau.isoah. The l'euusyi t'unia llailroad ( "in j.any h:is ;.ii:iiiK''t for a special eight-day Pei-onally-eoiitbu led iour to tbe'l'rans-Mi-.:issjiiui and I iileniat ii.tial Kxpiv silion at Omaha on Oetolier 1. allowing four full days al Ihe Kx-ositinn. liouii'i 1r:o ti.-kets, iu-iudiug traii'.oi- taliou and i'uilioan lierlli m taeii di- lei-tiou, meaN iu dining car going and returning, hoicl aecomnaxlatious and meals at Ouiaha, admissions lo the pair, and carriage drive and hotel ac commodations at Chicago, will be sold at rate of ?'PM from Xew Vork : S'lti from Philadelphi ; s-, from Washing ton aud !.i!li;imre : from'Williams- port and I Iiirrisburg : J-M) from Pitts- burr': and pro;oi1ioii:ite rates from other jMiints. The party will lie a com panijil by a Tiaii'ist -Vf.vnl and Chapeion, and will trawl in sjiecial Pullman sleeping cars. I'":r the lumelit of thoe who may de sire P: lemuili loii:er iu Omaha, ti'i-kels will be tiiade gtMid to return on regular trains until Xovemlier lo, inclusive. Such tickets i!icludeonly railway trans- poi'tiiiioii returning, with reduction of rl " from above rates from all points. For further information apply to ticker agents, T. iuist Agent, 1 1 !; llroadwny, New 'ork, or tfeo. V. Is.iyd, Assisiant (.tetieral Passenger Agent, Philadeijihia. St. TEACHimu ftl" I LLI .ST It A -TIO.. "Children alavs v-a.nt . yeasor I- r ti:t doing of the simplest things," L'iiid a ruotl r the othf r dsv. "Psv- heii'giats sav it is the chains f t-cieecu workirgin ili m'nd when it gii-s to question. T-j nuswtr these i;i itd:sli ii,;rj:rus is not always easy,! is ! vi ry one ki.ows, ior ia :t wisa to di-feoutiipe ti'-e miest'cniegs. Souie- ii:;ics it is ti e L'niplo iirtlo iiderro "uiioiis ibiit ;re hardest to give re plies o, each ss 'Wliy ;n.!y I nut wi'h y loi'K and net with luv knife? and 'Why m is: I take soun frora the sidi i f I ho sp;oa is: s tend of IromiLe cod.' io til, l.st I law found tl:;t a )It.e!;!,. ilii!-tra'iou serves ls-s.ito show why 1 put the ibiid bcsMe aonie oi e t !sc ..r. the iablii rxv J a.'i '"' lit!) to take his so;;:) er per- r;!ge fi .'mi jh; otid i f the swan. Of courrr. h s i.ib , tx'ii:d d as be brings the spc-oi: in lino v. it la i is ujcuIK vi'I iustle bis rtiuldir-r or wiil t! r atnti to da so. 'f bo child Cxn rct'iii.'y see toat I ois ;s unpU ia;t efrpeciatiy if some ore wi;l s:t cts his ihtr side itn l inex-mreodi' h'.iu in bo ssnm w-.y Ha ;ii!:s i..!iins that tb C'mfoi t, f t tht r ; entile i t thu e is 4-Iy drpn.! ent iiion his o'.vn jo ..el Iviw Vior. It I ? has Lec IciT-ht fri ni infancy that he n-usi try lo al ike otla-iM l-uppy, he can be persuaded o srtpiire n-auuirs that are p.-easmg. J. l. irau:ie. fiitAI.V AU SERVE FOOD. J)r. Siphie I,epjr, the English fl j'Ci-ia!i.-t. savs in s:i;-;:l;ing of the pe-u- liaritics f various CimsIs tl:at : lll.incbed ninumds ulee the higher nerve or bra'n miis'li: r.Hi-1 : no beat or waste. Walnuts give nerve or brain food. nnisi-Je, heal and was,'. o'ieeu w:itergrrij.M aru 1-IoikI puril'v g (but of iittie f': i value); reje' t pips aim skins. blue g m pes are lei-ding and bltxMl purifying, too rich for those who sutler from the liver. Tomatoes, higher nerve or brain food and waste, no heal. They are tiiiun ing and stimulating. Po'not swallow the skins. Juicy fruits give more or lesn the higher rei ve or brain, and some few muscle fKsl and waste : no beat. Apples supply the higher nerve and iT'iiscle f.MHl, but do not give slay. Primes afford the highest nerve or brain f-MKi, supply heat and waste, but are not muscle feeding. They should lie avoided by those who suiter from tiie liver. Oranges are refreshing and feeding, but are not gKi if the liver is out of orner. nrecn figs are excellent food. Dried gages contain nerve and muscle food, heat and waste, hut are had for tiie liver. All stone fruitx are considered to tie injurious for those who suffer from the liver, and should be used cautiously. Jjenions and tomatoes should not lie used daily in cold weather; they liave a t limning and cooling effect. Raisins are stimulating in proixir tion to their finality. VOLUME OF DOMESTIC ANI MALS. A volume ff 5h pages, giving the treatment, cure and care of 'domestic auimals Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs and Poultry, sent free ; Humphrey.-,' Medicine Company, Cor. William j & John Bts., New York. i-vsrv, KWItll '".'r.'v.'y ; MOW IT FEELS TO RE SHOT. I Kdwaid Marshall, tells in the Sep-' temlx-r number of the Cosmopolitan, how it feels v je shot. "When the Hough Kiders ran into the ambuscade, hi which Hamilton, Fish and others hwt tlieir lives, I first emptied mv re - to the view for-which I had come, be gan to look around and make notes. A royal palm tree under which I was standing seemed to shiver. I saw three or four bullet holes hi it above my bead. I felt a blow iu the back. It was neither violent nor painful, It was as though a friend had givin me a light blow iu play. I fell down. To my surprir I could not get up. IJiad in terrupted the course of a Mauser bullet. Those who contemplate going to war, and tiiose in the army who have not been shot, will be pleased to known that there is little pain immediately following a wound. The first persons to come to me were the Ked Cross nurses to tiaudage nie, and then a sur- geon handed me over and told me I had only a few minutes to live. I lielieved him. 11 is statement seemed to pro-1 ani professedly Christians, they difl'er-du.-e as mtle effect on me mentally as ! ol'-v JU their church government ,. , ,. , ,, . , . ' organizations. Christ is claimed as the i -wause nunei puvsicauy. i ne menial .and physical dullness and iu- religion. Another says it is a magniii (I'nTerencB must be attiibuted. I sup- illustration of the national depra- ........ . . ..' i- .... ,i i i .. vity of man that it was the bum oil:- Mauser bullet. Eight men a dozen yards away from me all dropped down tine after another within sixty seconds. i'hev fell close together in a great lion p. There was not a jump, nor a s- ream. l Tieard one man ?say i:i a low voice "I ambit." The others said nothing. Jt isafa.tthat every man struck ,y a . ,, - .. , ,. Mauser Imllet, no matter, how sligli.Iy or on what part of the InhI.v, drops in - slautiv. It seems as though the enor- mous force behind the bullet admiuis - ters to the nerves whenever struck, a shock like that from a powerful electric hattery. We could not wave our arms or make any oilier movement, but we could talk. One ohap said, "let us sing g a song to show these leliows we aren dead." So we sang the o r o,. tar . oailg - led I '.an tier, good deal of the tune left out. Pretty 1 lie-'an to feel as if red hot needles ; t(J l1"-'111' I'!,rl of them into an al - ,..,. u:,.,, S,.i- K,..vi.. ,i1.iK,.r imst unknown wilderness, and at the wtrt being slm. sl.ni.jk and dehher- t.11(, 1)f , n vs of Wiir , what h:)ve we ately, into my spine, from fine enil to done? We destroyed Uo fif Spain's the fit her. This j.art of my experience 'crack fleets with tiie loss of one nmn was not plea-ant and does not call for'killed al,(l ten w"mdefl, wit hf nit the ii. - r . . loss of a ship or any material damage extended description. I have learned . , anv of ,hclI1. xVe captured an army liiiuvthat the burning sensation was of 24,000 men with the loss of less than due to small splinters of hone sticking ! 250 mm killed. We have overrun the iu the spinal cord. . Contcrning ; is,,.lIVd ' I'"rto.Pdw, and was on the ,, r fi ., I pomt of capturing itscapital, San Juan, the.onouct or the Americans m the ! w,K.n 1t.rnls for ,K..l(.e Were arranged. field, as far as I was able to observe. I : liesides iHimharding Manila, the capital caimniy say tint iioIkkI.v slmwed any j "f ,hf Philippine Islands and capturing Particular anxiety, to avoid the bullets "... . f)rma;eany particular luss alter com- nig m contact with one. Once vou are shot, vou have the omit, numb feeling that the Mauser gives ami a general , , , . .. . , kind of an uiiderstai.fling with your- elf tl.ot t-i... tl ;n ..d...i.t,. i... -'i iimi in n ji urn nr Ml'U again for the present. Home men were i, , ,. ... , . shot see1al ume, in lapid hu-moii, but they were unusually unlucky." R.ITT1.E IjIPKCSSIOXS. Kmiu t::e Seplemlier nuipl.?r uf Cfu moixilitan, by James Creeiman. There were two vivid, impressive moments during the battle of Kl Caney. One Mas when I stood lieside Ceneral Chaf fee and saw a button cut from his breast by a Mauser btiilet. A moment before, be had lieeh raging up and down the line, the only man iu his whole rigade, who was not lying flat on the grass. H;s hut was on the hack of his bead, his lean, thirteen century face was gloiiiled with the passion and fury oi I,;- nmn thi ton-best, profai.est.V.i-5 u, :i.V ; ow i,f:.t,s si I . !. ttivinest soldier ! ever saw in battle, his eyes shining, and the muscles standing out on bis neck and forehead like knotted cords. Then as I stood beside hint in the shadow for a moment, a Manser bullet clipped the shiniugariia- nieiit from bis breast, and he looked in to my face with a half startled, "naif aimised air. The next tremendous moment was when I went alone.to the .... ... ...v r-i-i.. fort, and sav. the Spaniards who re- niiimwi uuve croucmng there and wall - i:i Tir fiiutli. I lie iimic mat nn-niai-' cfl n:e was a :!r'ip of t!:txl w lii- h hun'r ; at thttiiiluf a dead man's lava. Hi: llpw wire drawn hark f'uni his htt'.i1 id he seemed M he !:ei;'h:nj, and theieiii the end of his pinched in.se1 :,rs.1:l J 7 ( (',,sta l'i a -.0 wasafreat hrif-ht drop of hlil. inlio v;..., ... iIMj, 1 t,. . t In ever.v battle that 1 iff ihr.'iii-h. 1 Sf.iiieboiv eel a nielody in inv bead and num ittoii.eenftf.rtiien. ti.nl. I su; - Iose it is the result ot nervous excite- nietit. A man s nerve. i.lav him some virv cm-ions Irii'ks All 1 lin-.ufrli tl-.-. battle and massacie of Port Arthur in the Japanese war, I heniiiicl tho ir frimi Meiiflelosiik's ".prujf!ivr,:' anil d:rbi)r the stieli tiro 1 found mvself a:-- tuaiiy sbirkint; it. When I runted in ihe charge of Kort t'aury, 1 U'-jan to hum "li.M k f.f Ats," and 1 .onldn't Ket ri.l of the tune even when 1 was lv- in;jr hiiioii; the dying of (.'bailee's hri- Kale in the hospital earn p. 1 remem ber when (ieneral ('bailee leaned over me after I had been shot and asked me bow I was, I couldn't answer him until I bad finished in my mind, one phrase of "Hock of Aires," BID LICK. Talking of bad luck." said Julius t'hown at the l.indell, "reminds me of a man I onee knew in Iowa who could have viven Job niiuself jointers in the matter of misfortunes. We called him Calamity Miller, lie was a prosperous merchant at Comanche, had a model wife and the handsomest daughter !e tween the Mississippi and the ISiu; Muddy. Inez Miller was the recogniz ed lieauty of the state. C-omaiiche was visited by a cyclone, and Miller's store w torn to pieces, and bis goods scat tered to lha four winds. His residence was totally destroyed, and he was crip pled for life by a falling chimney, lie fore the cyclone Milles was a moderate ly wealthy man. In ten minutes he was pauper and a cripple. (Shortly af ter that he was struck bv lightning and partially paralyzed. His wife and daughter went to stay with relatives at Ualesburg, 111, and Mere drowned bv 11 e capsizing ot a tsiat. That winter Miner froze to death, '('anmitv mhw has long been a synonym in eastern Iowa for the toughest "kind of tough luck." By Its Record of remarkable cures Mood's Sarsaparilla has become the one true blood purifier prominently in the public eye. Get ouly Hood's. Hood's Pills are the best famLY cathartic aud livtir medicine. 2oc. 1 cia: ltV, SKlMACH V . l.'Tt-t TKVl'aiiiS. YOU SO - HEADS AWO OM. Uingbter J. .U fhon.U Have torr- ! ed (low; II upper comers oi your 1 'DC "tile ,n a u-" .vou lIed I on tfce V-nde. Tl-nt means cougratu '110D- Cut furl,'d dowu jh.a l!ower '"".. l! Hl mpaBS ndol- Mtron fwiib dignitv) You'd bet ter wait till rt n ge- married before tynu cnticife jonr ma ew xorK Weekly. STATE COLLEGE ATlOlf EX AM IX- Ther will hf. a competitive xap -infrtion ar I lie Jscbs IJouse. at 1 o'clock p. m , on Saturday Septem ber 10th, for the Senatr rial sehclat ship at the I't nnsylvania State Gcl lpt.e. The iS'iminatin is open to the youth of the county. DIFFERENT VIEWS OF TIIE WAI. Men differ greatly, iu their view of the Spanish American war just cioseu. . Onf Kiivs it : dreadful blunder, no 1 matter from which side of a Christian stand lHiint it is viewed for both nations , focal lKiint of Spanish and American cial class of Spain and America that made the war, another says it was the husiness interests that forced the war. ' Another says that is was another llins- 1 1,'," J r"rr,,'1,t "' "f ' proclaims that it is for the trood of lni- I inanity and business and that the busi- ; ne?s of the Philippine Islands alone t r thousand i sick and ailing of the youth of the p(U,,try to-Iay, another say? let us sec 1 what great lienelits we are to fieri ve from the sacrifice iTa billion flollars, 1 , '"'I'V',- a"'J f'f,-v and on the sick list this 7th day of Si p - temher. 1S!W. He says let us see. On j the loth day of February, 189S, the gal- i lant ".Maine" was hlown up through rpanisn treachery, and tirave . pi ?,S a. m; Newton Hamilton 1 1 00 a. American sailors lost their lives. On I in; Mount Union II 06 a. in; Hunting that day we had an army of 2o,0U0 don 11 n. m: Tvroiie 12 '() n. m: Al- I men. hut not enough powder to fire two ( I niuniis. i-repaniuons ior war were im - nnuaiei.v cfimmcucefi. e nougm ,,,. ,......,:.:..,. ..... ..!... into the field an army of 2S0,0fMl men, efpiippefl them, drilled them, provision- "" '71' "" '" ".' retire imiu ine esieru s to retire from the estern I continent. mm ne mil dime nixi nie lmsst-ssion f Porto iu-o. the other 'small islands in the Carribean Sea le- ""'ging loinat country, aim eventually m i'ittsbur,' 12 10 a. m. , "''"".V f'V"- U,V, "'T Ktt V'.'?' ,,e.' -Vti,er Express leaves Philadelphia of the Ladrone Islands, aud if we are at 4 35 p. in. Harrisburg at 10 tl n m ' , ,,. mistaken the Philirrines vrJr l un . S, ii jV: " ,-;u ii j o.v..., i.,. in mil imr i lit ic pain r J!' nivr, aeet unit f)f the war Hawaai has be- i come a part of this grand country of liaIllIIls ,avc rt,kcd on wit li oncn-mouthed wonder at the won derful success of our arms, and yet this ignoramus will say the war didn't amount to anything ! 1 le is a good bit like the child crying for the moon. I'll I.A !U'.l .I'll ! A -M A M K KTS, September :i, .S!.S. WTiesit 7(!e. ; ats;;(Je; corn 37c; IVn ns vlv nja v'sd .27 t- .oOi't.s v.'i pound urfl . iit . -ts IHll-.tlll i Cured haul S to i) rts. ;i pound ; lireuvfiist br.coii Stnlcts. ;l 1'iu:inl; hay sc.tri) to 12.C( a ton ; tupgled whe;;t and' o-tls straw at ?."."' a ton; butter 17 ti:!lc; eggs 1.V; beef :!: Ie :U t. T,ie f,l:l ishiiiis's 7." a barrel ; ve.d calves -1 to 7c; sheepo! ti ." its; iambs j?!.'!') t ; thin eov.s S to sjo . mjicjj cows -,s."i to i:i; hogs ! els. -to 5 cts : live chic -ens 7 to lie; Sn gars."; ets.. spi ing chicia'i;.s 2 and -t pound 12 to T.'e a p'imd Tal low a jionml in f al es ; sweet p- . . ..... ... i . .' , .aloes .,!) t o..c :i baset : onions 10 to ."Oc si 1 ast et : coal oil '.".V a 1..ii':.ul. T....1..1-...... : 1 fi.k 4.. -!;f -.i. !ti''... T.C.l.-..tC 5 f;ff Til bushel, for ?; Uhd bus--ft" oOc to ' si . fr L''l pound husk ft V) to N.V.; Bartlelt penis to 2.25 :i barrel : W:::or:nt liiN ' f SI ! :i hundred; rnniehmpfs per biss'-et 5 t L'5 i ts: coi'Vee. I?i. (.'. mi l:'e. j yyi s 7 t 11.. j.,va o'l t-i :i"e. !i..'c.. , ,.,r.,.i . t.' 1 1 1-. -... .1 po lor due ;;nil 29 to for iceese j Vi lisn jlaif- ):inv 0i to -M . ilops 4 to nc. 1Hi . To- ,...,. i..... k . i:n- t.. 10.. uiifl 12 to i; ; line wrappers 4) to wool. TV!i:i5vl:uihi . in .':! . .. .: , t :.'..iii(i y..tfUT: ;t"rt' k;iJ irnws MIFl'LNTOWX, SSKI'T. 7, ISlei. '.'''I'., . Com in per I ,.'l, ........ .. Sve Clovt-.-fe"d . .... . Bnttrr rtRgf bam ShoU'drr Lard Sides . Timothy sewi , F i;ed. firm .. Cbop ..il1illiii'5B ti round u Bali. AmuriroaSalt.... .S Oo lo 0 4l 2S 82 .. $2 to $2 50 16 U! 12 12 8 7 JJ.40 , r0 70 , ..b5c to !0c 5)0 Tft 60e FABMEBS ai THIS, In order to reliablv detennine the relative value of our several lirands f Fertilizers, uium the m heat crop of Juniata county, we have decided to filler PKEMIL MS amounting to $100 for the best three acres of wheat crown by the use of OL'I! FERTILIZERS. We want to know what is best by actual neiu trials. Agents may talk but FACTS ARK FACTS. The lremiums to be divided into three classes as follows : First Thb-mum .... $.50.00 Second Premium .... 35.00 Third Pkemitm .... 15.00 The test to lie made. 011 three acres. Using our Brands of FERTILIZERS. Tiie money wiil be deposited with the JllIlllllH I filllltt.' Ao-rii'iilliiral t. who will name the Judges and award the PREM I I MS September 1899. All persons wishing to enti-r the contest will register with the f-'c -tary of the Agricultural ociery. James N. Ghoxinger, T. S. MOOKEHEAD, & CO., 3 mo. Rort Royal, June Tth. Garfield Tm Ovwoo'jj if .i.T r.s. Itt'ta Ktu-".l.iii?f.v. H.bU..t..N. Loen K. ATEDfeoK. F. M. M. Fehw ATKIWSOJI . PEH1ELL, ATTORNEYS- AT - LAW, MIFFLINTOWN, PA. On io-On Main street, in ptace of resi dence of Louis K. Atkinson, Wv " Bridge treet. ... rOct2.13tW Oycollsctlng and Conreyanclnit proropi ly attended to. niLDERFORCE SCnWETEB, . Attorney-at-Law. rarCollections and all legal busi ness promptly ottenped to. OFFICE IN COURT HOUSE. DB.D.M.CttAWT.IRD.Dll. OARWI H.0BAW011D K. D. M. CRAWFORD & SON, hare formed a partnership for the practice of Medicine and thfir collateral branches. Oftice at old lOnnd, corner of Third and Or ange streets, Mifflintown, Pa. One or both ol them will bo found at t!ie:r offca at all times, unless otherwise proremiooslly en gaed. April 1st. 1S95. PRACTICAL. DE.1TIST- (i -aduate of the Philadelphia Dedal JoL-.fce. Offioc at old established Io cs tiou. Bridge Street, opposite Court Honse, JlfifflintoWD, Pa. OCF- Crown and Brirlgo work; rainlesB Extraction. All work pnsranteed. PENNSYLVANIA RAILE0A.D- Schedule in Effet't 3ray 27, ISflS. i YEhTWAW i Wav Passenger, leaves Philadelphia ' .,t 4 aa a. ni: llarrishurg 8 M a. m; ' Duucannon S S' a. in; Is'ew Port 9 (lo ' a. m; Millerstown 9 lo a. m; Durword 1 f: m; Thompsontown 2fl a in; . Van Dvke 51 33 a. m; Tusoarora 9 m a. m; Mexi.o 9 40 a. m; Port Koval 9 41a. m; M.itllin 9 50 a. m; Denhoim 9 .3 a. m: I.ewistou u 10 13 a. in; MeVeytown , toona I 00 p. ni; 1'ittslmrg " .50 p. m. ; .Mail leaves i'hiladi lelnhia at 7 00 a. in: j iurrishurg at 11 4S a. m; Millim 1 11 . . ...... .. . ,,.....! don p. ni; Tvrone 3 12 p. m; Al- toona 3 lo . in; Pittshurg 8 SO p. m. j Altoonn Accommodation leaves Har- robing at 5 00 p. ni: Duucannon o 34 p. m; Xew..n (i 02 p. m; Millerstown (; n p. m; Thompsontown 0 21 p. m; Tusf aroni 30 p. m; Mexico 0 33 p. m; Port l!fval :W J. lit: Milllin -13 p. m; Henliolm G 49 p in: jCwitown 7 07 p. ,: McVevtoJi. 7 3l i ,, . ni; Xewton Hamilton'7 50" p. m; Huntingdon S 20 p. m; Tyrone 9 ir2 p. m; Altoona 9 3." ,,.,. I P:,,irie Express leaves Philadelphia I at 11 20 p. m: I larrishurg at 3 (K) a. in. .Maiysville 3 14 a. in. Diim annon 3 29 a- in. Xewivirt 3 52 a m. Port Royal ' 4 25 4 a. m. uv,m 4.30 a. m. I.ew.stown 4 a 111. ewioil Ilallirio?! n-B a ni . llunliu'jriloii 0 03 a. 111. IVtcrslmrrr fi in :i in 'l'vr.mi tX T.-' n i. Alt.i.io T A( . 1 . , J.. " ". . . . ' Iewistown 11 5.S p. m.; Huntingdon 1: 55 a. m. Tyrone 1 32 a. m. Altoona 2 00 . a. m. Pittsburg 5 30 a. m. i l'ast Line leaves I'hiladelphia at 12 . 25 p. ni. Harrisburg 3 50 p. m. Himcnn pon 4 15 p. m. Newiiort 4 35 p. in. Mif flin 5 07 p. in. I.ewistown 5 27 p. m. Mount Union 6 OS p. m. Huntingdon I 5. 27 p. m. Tyrone 7 01 p. m. Altoona t 40 p. m. 1'ittstiurg 11 30 p. ni. EASTWARD. Altoona Accommodation leaven Al tfHUia at 4 40 a. m. Tyrone 5 04 a. m. Petersburg 5 25 a. in. Huntingdon 5 37 m. iewton Hamilton 6 01 a. in. Mc- . . . ' ' , e ioii ii ii i ( a. in. ljcwistown B 3S a. in. Milllin 0 5S a. m. Port Koval 7 02 a m. Thompsontown 7 17 a. in. Mil!ei-s- iowii i) a. m. jNcwport 7 35 a in Duucannon Sila. m. Harrisburg 8 30 a. m, Svi Shore lenvts Pittsburg at 2 50 a. m. Altoona 7 15 a. in. Tyrone 7 4S a. in. Huntingdon S ,io a. ut. McVevtown $ 15 a. in. l.ewislown 9 Sir, a. in. MiHIin 9 55 a. in. Port Koyal 9 5!) a. m. Thompson town 10 14 a. m. .Millerstown 10 22 a. m. Newport 1 ".2 a. m. liuiicaiinon 10 M a. in. Msrysvil'e 1! 07 a. m. Harris burg 1 1 25 a. in. Philadelphia 3 00 p. m. Main Line Kxpiess leave!'! Pittsburg at S (Mi a. m. Altoona 11 40 a. in. Tyrone 12 i'3 p. in. Huntingdon -2:i.ri it. m. j f "XV';; ' i Vo 1 o 1 llarrisburg 3 10 p. xu. P.altimore (kl , m. Wcshingion V r p. m Philadelp ' 0 23 ). m. t Mil lc:lV-s All:.,M'l uf o; ... ' ijvwistfiwu 1 .!.. p. m. bhuui 1 50 ii in. 0l p. lua Mail leaves AittHma at 2 f3 p. 111. Tv- nme 2S5 p. 111. 1 lunlinifdoii :! 17 p. m. Newton Hantiltfin 3 47 p. m. VcVey tvn 1 CO p. m. r.ewisttiwn 4 553 p. iii. Vimin 4 .V p. ni. Ptirt Koyal H (f t p. 111. Mfxii'" o 3 p. r.i. Thnmjisontovvu t 18 p in. V.ilk'i(( n . -ZS p. in. XewKrt ") p 111. nuni'anuou (i 08 p. m. Har-ri"-!;tirf i 4i p r.i- Vail Kxpreifs leaves Jittshur)r at 1 IK p. m. .Mt.iona 1. in p. m 'J'Vr.ne ( 42 p.m. 1 1 ontin-i'.c.n ; Si p. in. VfVev iov ii 8 t(i p. 111. i,.",vMovn S i!l j,. rii. Mitllm h s p. m. Port Iloyai H 52 p. ni iiifiMi'n v n i). 111. mjwimi- it "i- i'un.i'uiion !)5TI p. IU. llarrishurg 10 L'O p ni. I'hiladelphia Kx press elaves burg at 4 SO p. ni. AltOfina 51 05 I'itts- p. m - lymnet) h:: p- 111. liuntiugdoii 10 12 1 ''- ' iix'ii .11 p. 111. Ia'WIS- I :ip. m. .iffliu'll H7 11. in. H.-.r. : ioi 11 1 1 j iisbiir,r 1 tit! a. ni I'hiladelphia 4 a. I At Lew istov. n Jiiiiction. Kor Snn- hury 7 a. ni- anil sn.5 p. m. week days. For JWilroy ti 1.",, 10 20 a. m. and 3 00 p. m. week-tlays. t lvrone. 1-or Cleai liel.l mid t'ur. wensville 8 2(1 a. m. 3 2( and 7 20 o m week-ibiys. I'or lleilefonte and Luck II a. m. 12" 80 aud 7 l." p. ni- week-da vs tor further inforiimtion nnnlv- t-. Ticket Agents, or Thomas F.. Vatt rasseucer Agent. Western l)ivivi,, Corner Fifth Avenue and "kmitl.fini.l Street, Tittsburg. J. 15. HI TCHINHON, J. R. WOOD General Man'g'r. General Pass'r. Agt. LEGAL. pROTHONOTARY'S NOTICE. Xoru Eis hereby given that the fol lowing account has Ikii filcft in the Prothonotarv's olllceof Jiinintn f ',.,,, ,t.. and the same will ! presented for eoiil liniiaiion ana allowance, to the Court of Common Pleas of said Cn.i.t,. .... T"l!y be 2nth day fif Sejitember, .'.vw. i-. au nucre an persons in terested may attend if thev think proper: The first arid final account f ni... Caveny and Henrv" L. Smith, Assignees m trust for the benefit of tho ,.ta . of Jacf b Smith, of Fayette township as . ..i.uij' jj. ute survive ing Assignee. y. N. Zkidkks, Prot houota ry 's Oiticef honotary" Mimiutowii,Pa.,Aug.22, '98. -HAT FETER. Dr. Humphreys' Speeitic "77" cures Hay Fever aud Autumn Catarrh ; all druggists ; 25c., or Humphreys' Medi ciue Company, New York. Great Cures proved bv thonsanda 01 tcstimoniaU show that Hood's Sar eaparilla possesses power to purify Vitalize and enrich tho blood. . Hood's Pill .re the only nllkte tm taken with Hood's fcarsapaiilbr Subset ibe lor ihe Jomat Sa,TtiJiL DEWEY HAS CAPTURED MANILLA And destroyed the Spanish fleet W have onptnred the remain, ing SpriDg Stock of Clothing, consistirg of Men's, Boys' and Children's Suits, From one of tbo largest and well-known Clothing Houses of Liver Ut,Grcenewalt&bo.,l013 Market street Philadelphia, for io rtnta on the dollar. A clothing sale such as has nf.vor been known SSimSjrf Juniata Countf. IJVEOT,GBWALTQ,. Manufactures of Clothing, 1013 Market Street Fhilfldelphia, Pa , May 10, 1898 Mr. Ferd Meyers, Dear Sir: We lind the backward season this Spring has prevented us in closing ont onr large new Spring Stock and we find ourselves loaded with an immense s'ock of Dew Cloth ing. The only remedy we have to dispose of it is to sacrifice prices. Knowing that you are a large cash buyer no doubt yon will take the opportunity offered to yon and bur the remainder of our stock ut 45 cents on the dollar. Shall wo submit samples. Please answer by return mail. Tours Resp't, L1VERIGHT GREENE WALT & Co. Office of FERD MEYERS, Dealer in Clothing and Furniture. Mifllintown, Fa., May 12, 1898. Liveright, Groenewalt & Co., Gents: Yours of the 10th inst., re ceived and contents noted. Wo are always open for Bargains. Please send samples at once. If styles and quality are satisfactory we will buv the remainder of your stock. Yours respectfully, y FERD MEYERS. We have scooped" in the remainder of the entire Spring Stock of Liveright, Greenewalt & Co. We put tho knifo to tax and chopped down prices to ono half what they were formally. Now is your opportunity to bny new and reliable clothing as long as thev are here. We put on sale 5G0 Men's all wool suits, regular price $9 50, special sale price $4.25. 271 Men's all wool fancy worsteds suits in sacks ami cutaways, all sizes. These suits are worth $12 50, special sale t rica $6 25. 205 Men's cassimero snits, the greatest bargain, they are bnnch od from different lots, all sizes. -Six different patterns to select from. They range in value from $7 to $9. Special sile price $4;31 7G7 Children's suits, all styles and sizes. Cbcviots, Cassimeres, Serges, regular prices $2 50, up to $5 03. Special sale price $1.68. 972 Eoys suits. Cheviols, Cassimeres and Fancy plaids. This lino was gathered with special reference to young men's needs. Regular price S5 50 np to 8.00 Special sale price $3.25 up to $4 G2. CLEARING SALE OF FURNITURE.. The season for Furniture is about to a clcse and wo find we must have more room for our large fall stock which III arrive in duo time. Therefore we aro compelled to clone out the remain der of onr spring stock. AU our former prices aro markod down ' 20 per cent Now is your opportunity to buy furniture at a sac rifice. Don't miss this chance. 115 and 117 Bridge Street. EVHRS Tnscarora Valley Railroad. 80HEDCLE IN EFFECT MONDAY, JUXE. 20, 1898. EASTWARD. STATIONS. DAILY, EXCEPT 8C3EDAY. No.l No.S a. m. P. r. Blair's Mills t . . Ly. 7 2!";i 45 Waterloo Leonard's Grove. . Ross Farm ....... Ieruiack. ........ East Waterford. . . 17 31(1 51 37,1 57 45!2 05 522 12 052 25 37 Heekman. . . . Honey Grove 1712 222 42 Fort Bighara Wnrble PleasaDt View Seven Piriea Spruce Hill 8 30:2 50 39:2 59 8 443 04 8 52i3 12 I. 3 15 Graham s Stewart Freedom Turbett Old Port..... Port Royal Ar. 033 23 06 3 26 09 3 29 9 12 3 32 9 18 3 S8 19 25 3 45 Trains Nos. 1 and Smnnwi at Pr.rf v .,...1 with Wav Pawioncor ani Seashore ExprpKu on P. B. and Nm. 8 and 4 with Mnil east WESTtyAiin. STATIONS. UAU.Y, EXCEPT 8T7NDAV, No.2No.4 Port ICoyal Old Port "' M. P. M. iio 65 0.010 20 1.3jl0 2.8:i0 275 12 Turbett 33.5 18 Freedom 3.7 10 3fl 5 21 Stewart 4.410 39 5 24 Graham's Spruce Hill " Seven Pines. . . . . . , Pleasant View. . 5.010 6.310 7.210 9.011 10.0 11 12.0 11 14.0 11 15.1 11 17.511 20.511 22.012 24.012 25.512 27.012 42!o 27 50 5 35 53 5 38 0l!.5 46 06 5 51 15l6 00 23,0 08 28!6 13 406 25 5316 38 00!6 45 08;6 53 14 6 59 20 7 05 ivartue Fort Bigham.!!!!!i Honey Grove...... Heekman Perulack m ltos3 Farm. Leonard's Grove. Waterloo Blair'a MU!s...'aV Valley and Ooshora Station Staee Lines. J- C3. MOQRHEAB, " rr a Superintendent. Prtudmt. fH: .. this mejiciao trl r "otrf ' .' lLoemk rS Tin W2lLby iTCui KONICMrn r. . wnioago, Hi. waStm.i.7a. SBoUlfMfurso. OUL. eL nAILROAD TIME TABLE. pEKRY COPVTr RAILROAD. Tho following schedule went Info effect " Nov. 16, 18fi. and the trains will h .. . follows: p. m 4 3(1 4 St 4 39 8 41 4 46 4 4i 4 61 4 64 4 C6 4 5!) a. m 900 9C6 9 09 9 11 9 14 9 15 9 19 9 2"i 9 24 9 2T Leave Arrive a. m Pnncannon 7 64 King'. Mm 7 49 Snlphnr Springs 7 46 "Cornin Sidiner 7 41 p.m S28 in 8 18 8 16 tl8 208 2 66. 2 OS 200 141 1 86 13 1 2t 1 26 1 20 1 18 1 16 juumniHTiio rirK 7 4i "tVetver 7 40 "Roildy HotTnian Royer 'Mahanov WoomtfeM ?Tresler Nellson Duru's KI!iotnbnr Bernheisl'ii Gron Prk Montonr Juno 7 S 7 S3 7 81 7 28 7 28 7 09 7 04 7 01 6 6S 6 61 0 48 6 88 6 10 10 43 6 16 9 49 6 21 6 24 6 27 9 64 9 67 IOCS 10 07 5 S'J 5 ?.4 10 17 5 87 10 30 6 0; 10 .S5 Landishiirg 6 23 260 p. m m Arrive Leava a. m d m "iu .---B nifximnoin at n.ha a nnd crriron at Lsndisbnr at ri.23 a Train ieivoM LMndisbtirg at 6.0S p. m. m., m. and "....- u:iuaincia ai 0.40 p. m. AH lUttons marked () ira Ha(? BUtions, t which trains will coma to a full stop on signs!. r Cha. H. Smilet, Prenident. S. H. Bun, Snpt. jVEWPORT AND SHERMAN'S TAL v ley Kailroad Company. Time tabls of passenger trains, in effect on Monday, May 18th, 18!6. STATIONS. TTeot want. wrl. a i l I . Newport ....... Br.ffalo Brirtgo."!! Juniata Furnace . . , Wahneta Sylvan Watr Phnr Bloomh'eld' J nncV'n! Valley Koa.1 lliotttarc Green Park Loysville Fort Robeson Center r 1 A Jl ( 6 06 10 85' 6 08 10 3 0 12 10 42! 6 15 10 40 b" 25 10 ii A H P II 480 8 67 86 360 S4 Ml HJ8 n t 18 8 10 8U. 268 2 49 2 46. 2 40' 2 88 224 2 20 8 SO 8 27 8 23 8 2 8 1 ail 808 SO; 7 46 6 22 11 01 6 8111 09 6 3911 09 6 51 11 21 6 54:il 24 7 06 11 36 7 11 11 41 ? 10! 84 7 28! 7 Is 7l5( 7 10 7 03! C8j 6 60' 7 lolll 451 Cisua'a Ron ..." 7 2U1 61 7 27ill67 7 35 12 05 7 4112 11 7 45J2 15 Anaersonburir . Monnt Pleasant . . . New Germant'n ... D. GRING, President and Msnager K. Miller, General Ajront. FARQUHAR Variable Friction Feed SAtt MILL and fijax Center Crank Engine Bttpil, aocurste. stroiur unit efmnl. with Ir!i ttllli or wSoI. st-on andntfe. KFaruliiif llollrr ha rvrr r lHlrl. Atao mni"lnr Htotaultuml lmpliii guieimlly. Hay Pre, a siwcialtT. Send fJMaloaua and prioal M. A. B. FAS5UHAM W.,Lti,York,rV HECCU G DROGOLD'S 4. ivuMterrul 1rii.rov"nxi,t Its it tfon Vtcl r '"J Ulll.lUfk. iiclf motny:umii:r:l t !- k any oilier In I lie nmrkcu eHc-Hon f lull h trr, i-fcualruf all the M avariait to utunil ti:i lile ' ina; a-rrm mtIu la,vawrr nmd wr. ta". I';'.'. m,A Prtu "Vo. Ahm HpriHX llrura. "1,,.,T"r ' Vlanuwa, .hellei, ttKNCn Jk Qtoiltoi.p, Mfra., Yark. FS wrm