SENTINEL&REPUBLICAN MIFFLIN TO i,lv WE11XBSDAY AlV.. K, :$$, n. f. sci wei e a, riir.K and PKorRiKlxR STATK TH KKT. For tl.uojnor 41.mjo1 William A., of Allegheny. For Lieutenant lovernor Gen- t. F. "lin. of I.'J:nion. For Soeretary of. Internal Affairs tlen.nil James Itta of , For Judvv of the Superior Court William Porter, of Philadelphia, M r.ham lail Porter, "of Alle gheny. For Congressman at Lure l.alnsha A.t.row, of Susquehanna and S. A. lave:nort. of Kri ' KKPrp.I.lCAX COFXTY TicKirr. Congress. Tit i M. Mahon, of Franklin eoiinty. Legislature. K. (J. SlIKAKFKIi. Surveyor. A. P.. F.vws. Coroner. H.F. M ii.i.vun. Centre county is out of deht. Miss F.l ie ll.ibison, of Heading js ' Oil ft Visit. TIk-u.!I from ilie Klondike this year is live million dollars. Petitions for the al.aiKloinneiit of the anal sue in circulation. Hon. 11. 11. North lias I icon appoint ed master of Km.Iford. - Anu nbcr of MitUin couuty folks picnic a: 11 Ming II ju to-day. Mr. Aifl Mrs. Svensrn have return ed to their home in Pittsluirg. American serubtors are organizing all kinds of enterprises for CuUa. Miss Kay Coikel of Harrisliur.', is a nt ti.u homo of Stuart Ellis. Properly for pale For terms, Apply to Mks. IhtriL, Front St. The tiuiugtit, the act, tlie desire that is for ihc puhlie good is patriotism. 'i'he war i over, and the jieace coin-uii-sion is to arrange the terms of settle ment. The novel iiiutiit has ordered a camp for soliiiers to lie located at Middletown, this State. . The teacher' institute will le con vene in this place on the 21 gt day of Noveln Iier. Miss Annie (ironiujier has returned from a visit to friends in Ohio und .Yolk State. Gr it reductions in the prices of all Millinery g-oods at Mrs, Diehl's . Front Street. j. ieueral, Keep Ott" the (Jra.s C'oxey, diun.a" daughter, who is a eapahle j)er 'fomied in a circiiH. The Juuiata Valley Editorial Aww eitttiii'i is to meet at Osceola Mills on the 10th of August. Tiie National Encampment of the CJ. A. It., will he held in Cincinnati, Septeuilier oth to 10th. Camara in the lucky admiral of Sjoin, he id lucky in not getting into a light American lleet. Tflo oats crop in Juniata county his leea greatly damaged by the protracted raicy season. Mr. and Mrs. William Davis and chiidrtn of Washington, D. C, are -visiting Mr3. Sarah Davis. Alr.JioIiert Nixon, Jr., w ife and two eliildren, of Philadelphia, are visiting Mr. J- 11- Simons and family. On Saturday, Tyrone jieojile will hiurtdi over the raising of the biggest flag hi the world, f.0 l.y 100 feet. Mies Esther Mi Kirjley tpent a few drfys of lust week with her cousins, the Misses Green, id Lewistowu. Wanted A gill 16 to 20 years oi l, to do general houso work, iu a small family. Apply at this cilice. There are few barns 100 feet long and H) ft-et wide. That is the size of the tK to be unfurled at Tyrone next Sat urday, Go to Meytrs for your clothitg and furniture he will havn you 25 percent- liesd his Bargains in this paper. W. II. JUivis, wife and two children, of Washington, I). C, are visiting the mother of Mr. Ilavis, and other friends in town. Think how funny a man must feel standing up berating an editor for some truthful things the editor published ulxmt him. The Regimental lleuniou of tho 12Gtii liegun.ii!, wiil bo Ltld at Ci;ambeifebury on Friday, Auyust 26lL, 1808 Kok Sai.k. A dwelling house and More room on Washington street ad dress Joseph Adams, Van Wert. Juni ata county, la. Mrs. Sarah Met rick, of Mexico, and Mrs. William Hetrick, of Harrisburg, visittd the family of Mr. Joseph Koth ru k last wevk. M:s3 Fiicta Busier, of Carlisle, end : :iH- Aunit Hugbts, of Altooi.a, te v.hitinjr thfl former's aunt, Mrs. Haviilfc Trmdvc. Serjrtiu.t Sanuiel V. Vlsh, of Snyder ouiity, f t)ie iotn Pennsylvania, was wounded in the battle at Manilla on s""lay, July 8t. ''''I'iitT. V. Irwin, jg, laving a t.-w biirk gutter laid ou the eab -;,- f his rtsidn-ce property at the ""rof Brid-e and Third strtets. Mrs. ( rider and son, Ira of Altoona, "'"I Mrs. Maggie Itarr, daughter of the MaVir of ll.-.., .i. famiiv ..r t...... . . - . . I place '"irain-oad c-ompany passed this station drawing 130 loaded coal cars. It took j :I'ss Carrie. Sbuman. of Millers i water and coal at this station. Three and Mr. No;e arjd bi6Ur, and cars of such size as are used in supply- . i 1 VVt nf ewwtown, visited jg engines w ith coal, were filled with und S CaPtain MeCIellaif ofer coal which -was dumped on the big en- T.r!:r ,a" ,m ,h . " If the Smth. and uU and l'orto l"l'h set through who are U.rn and lluutingdoii Iast Friday S. JKiU', Auirusi ii.i. U- TenipK-ton threshed at the barn of James ( hi Sinkinir :r.. :nix hM ill . '. -i m minutes. Mis. : !sr Nen Hami!.on Campme,tiCg, here she spent the day. IVnta w,llew , phil!Mlellhjtti (.am .. ms, Meek for a brier vacation. l arlesMimill),,isr,.k.n(t fmm uelplna. aei-ompauieil him Um,e. To find whether your farm laud is in need of li,e take a half glass of soil fr..n. the ricld mix it with ( l"e ,.a,r in the water, if the soil is Hour and luls lime it will turn red. Mrs. Hower, wife of Mr. (ieorge I lower, Kf., and Miss MarKaret Laird and Misses Julia and Nell Kevnolds, or Harnsburg, dnive in a carriage to visit nemm in .Minim county, last week. t . . i - ir.,K as large as a large ham, the largest Mag in the world will 1-e raised at Tyrone on Saturday. The Pen nsyl vania Hailroad Company will sell ex cursion tickets to Tyrone. Tickets will 1 good only on August 111. The reHrt has been clicked around the world, by the telegraph, that w hen the Pennsylvania 10th ltegimtnt was attacked by a large Siu-iiish armv at At :i . . . - . .'nuua, on i no. nitrlit of the 81st of July, "they did not give an inch." The condition of Shafter's army l fore Santiago, as far as sickness goes does not seem to W more deplorable than a part of the army . in Florida. The Altoona Tribue last week said id ler cent of the oth Pennsylvania are ailing. David Kerlin died at the home of his sor-iu-Iaw Ar. Ge ree Fir.k. nt Old Port II yal, last Sunday afler dooq aged 78 years. Interment in th ritsbyienar. ceinetervat Aim;Dt.own. Funerl at:fndance by Funerai Di rector Stiuimoll. t'ol.-rttel William AStone, reiniblican ciUHiidate fir tJovenior. I bins. Jere miah Lyons, L. K. Atkinsiii, J. 11. Neely, Ks., and Kev. J. W. Sjicedy are each Kioked for a sjieech at the picnic to lie held in Leonard's (irove, ou the 25th day of August. The '!2r,d Nationhl Eocimpment, G. A. It, wili Ve h'ld at Ci- cinnnti, Ohio, S-ptember 5th to 10; h. 189S. A foar day excursion fur 85 ('0 and n ten ilny ixf!ii.iia for $7.25, war be n j ived at the sunn time from Cin cii:B4ti to Chickama'jin, battle field 1 Alitor lioiisall has been ai'Miiuted on the committee to notify Mr. Jenks, that he has been nominated by the Ilemocracy as a candidate for Covernor. Kvery county iu the State has a mem ber on the notification committee. The notification is to take place at ISedfurd Springs. .Vrs. Acna lit 11 Rilzastr, diVd nt the home of her husband, it! Spruce Hill township, on the 13 h ins., of a complication of disc-KS'-F, aged 2G yesrs", 1, and 2 ih;s. Irjtir , moiA iu Church Hill cemetery. Fuuer.'d sirv'ce i y Funetl D.iector Suvlf-r. LCCKNF.LL CNIVKUSITV, John Howard Harris. President. Colleue, leading to degrees in Alts, Philosophy and Science. Academy, a preparatory school for young men and boys. In stitute, a refined Imardiug pchool Tor young ladies. School of Music, with 'graduating uourses. For catalogue, ad dresf the Jiegist rar. i Wm.C Ji:i-rrziN(;i:i:. Jewihburg, l'a. "Ti!li.d f. tr It-t.trs reinfiinioir in tha 3J lH:ntoMn post cilice at . the close of burners Saturday evening, August 13, wer1 addrf-sseil lo C n r:id Swai 'z. A. D Owcu. Haiv-w F. Kt-f'r, Jiisrf Mabel Jcckini', Ieuac Fogelmn!., iiis" Mary E. Carter, J;, uu Ai". CI rk, Emma J. liruman. Fob Sau. The lizard of Di rectors of the Furmeis Jfenantile A sociation in Patterson, l nnttd, offeis for sale, r rent, tluiv Store iu Pat tereon. Tel ms easy For particulars it.quire of W. N."Steirett, on the pttmist-H. By order cf Jioard. ug. 17, St. Lewis Deoak, fcjtc i'he fiag rawing iu Patterson last Thursday evening was an interesting occasion. Squire (i. W. Wilson ami Kev. S. K. Koonty., addressed the as sembly. The camion roared, the men chevied, the women laughed and the babies cried. Taken all in all, it was one of the most enjoyable public events that has taken place in the community. Jt would le a great blunder to give up the Philippine Uland. The Amer ican iiieniliersof tlie jieace commission perhaps do know tliat il w the desire of the American jieople that their jieace i-ommissioneis insist on the Philippine Islands being put under the control and government of the I'nitfd States, pre cisely as Cuba and Porto Itico are to be govcrnei iioyeri uc hundred and seven witness , :.. il.,. were 6U'iini;nea m (fc"' '" Court of Common Tleas t IUvencs, O., in the case wherein Mary E lei. Kcgers sued Volaey Kopera for di vorce on tho rroubd tLat having lived with her for forty years he stiver took kf.v anywhere, not tvuf to church. : At Sykes, Clearfield eotinty, recently, Mrs. jolin Clayton was going down stairs, when her foot slipjied. Mrs. Clayton threw out her hand to steady herseir when a ring on one or her fing ers caught on a hook in the wall. The lady's weight swung on the hand and the finger was pulled from its socket and hung susjiended on the hook. Mrs. Clayton suffered intensely from the accident. One evening last week, one of the largest engines in the service or me gine which the railroaders called "the old sow' The engine traveled at the rate of 18 miles an hour. Give up the Philippine Islands, no, now by the kindces) of providence we Lavo bffn permitted to capture those islands that, will give us h1 tu st the very key to unlock tbe door to the aveutiFs of all tho cast ern countries. England has been battling 200 years lo pet a foot hold in fie east for trade and commercial purposrs. Now that our opportun ity hs coin?, wo will not throw it aside. The Americans have lieen better at shooting, than any other or the nations they have lieen at war with. Their aim was letter than that or the Kritish, in the French and Indian war. Their aim was lietter in the Revolution against , Lngland. Their aim was better iu the war with Kngland in IStJ. Their aim j town. They caught fish as fast as they was lietter than that or the Mexicans, ' threw iu and pulled out and caught and their aim has lieen lietter than that J enough to make a meal for the jieople of the Spaniards in the present war for : of a good sized town, anil have been so humanity and free staple government. truthful iu their narratives of the de Alviu (Jreen, aged aliout 11 years, 1 ''"''""I occasion that they have not was taken with convulsions while at ' given their remarks a lishy sound, play in Schweier's mil, south or town. ! 'f they were delighted with catch He stepied oid or the water anil sat : n'K ,,me a,,' w-'ak fish they were ini- dow n. One or the boys with him ask- ' Mlt',lsl,.v thrilled iu catching crabs, ed, are you sick ? he said, "I don't feel i 1 ,,u ,'nl" is ,lot caught ou a hook, it is good," then fell over into convulsions. ! boblied, a piei-e of meat as big as a Tho little fellows with him almost ' ,,lim's band, more or less, w ith shread fainted with fright, but one or them e' tiido! ends, is tied in the middle had presence or mind to hasten and to " ''"c and dropped down by the side ell Alvin's mother. His mother and j "f 1 ,H,at, and then Uibhed up and father brought him home in an uncoil- j,l,nv" a short time, and then pulled scions state, hut he recovered, and is11!'- The crabs cling to the shreds of well now, j meat, a scoop net is slid under them ... . before they are quite to the surface of All kinds of business enterprises the water and then thev are lifted into arc being organize.! to launch, in ,,at. while none of the partv have Cuba i ort i R:cj and tbo Pml.pp.i.e ever hirliie(1 ,,v , ' dev, Idands. Tue population that has f hjK Sstall. ni:ljestv comenudir the protettirij caie of .... ... .. , , . " ti e Uni'ed States bv tbe war wish Spain is about 8,000,0:10. Atr.bricn business methods will be introduced; the substantial and the wild c t, and if they are sufficiently iutc-Higont to comprehend the situaiion, aud if thny have industry enough to tak advantage of their opportunity their condition iu l.fd will be greatly im proved. The jieach crop In Juniata is not a large one this year. The crop is not - . . a large one iu ( Himlierland Valley as may lie learned from at arhsleiaer, as minus a leg or an arm or some other follows: The six weeks' season of! claw. They made mention r their picking, jacking and shipping ieaches .observation and remarked that jierhaps from the large orchards of the Carlisle . they had captured dillerent kinds of l'each Imd (Vim pauy, near that city, crabs. "No, said a sailor." The miss has commenced. H. P. Cannon, presi- iuj; limbs were shaken off bv the crab dent of the company, from Itridgeville, ' itself. Whenever a cn,i has a limb Delaware w ill have charge. The or- hurt it shakes the injured leg oil and a chard occupies a space or l.'tj acres, and . new one sikiu grow s on. That was a this year's crop will be a about 7,nni or ( stunner and the Pennsylvania high 8,000 bushels, against lo.tKHI last year. landers lapsed into silence quite a It contains 11,000 trees, coniiosed of ; while, llerr was the first to recover i! varieties. j himself from what they all believed a Kvery mistake that took place in the army is now louded on Secretary or, War, Alger, and every mistake in the !uauaament of the navy is loaded on , Secretary Ijong, or the Navy. As a pjople the Americans are too free with , their toiiirues. They have become 'so; used to abusing each other with their; tongues that they do not see w hat an ' uclv unkind habit it is, and what it eventually miv lead to time alone can tell. P.utit is" not probable that; the coming American is to degenerate m his expression in talk ami writing into a malignant scold and critic, or into a soft tally palaverer. A line barn on one of I lie Curtiu farms at Curtin Works, Centre county, was totally destroyed by fire on Wed nesday afternoonof last week. The ten ant, Andrew ( ilenn, was busy hauling in grain at tbe time the lire was dis covered and as the men were all out iu the fields very little or his stock was saved. He lost a horse, two cows, some sheep and pigs and most of his imple ments with all or the grain and hay in the burn. As he hud no insurance the loss will rail heavily ujmii him. .Air. Curtin had the barn rally insured. The lire was undoubtedly caused by s) u ta: icons combustion. () i Sandfly th 14th inst , the Washington .'ovei nim-nt rtceiv d a eonjrraluUtory mcssre from Italy on ihf cli sp'nf tbe Spav't'u war. On Friday the advance of the army; on Fi.r.o 11. co under G una'. Wi'su was t-topped in tbe midst of a fight with th Spaniards near ooamo, by a desputeh from Wsshinpt.r.ii that '.hi war is over. The Spttr.isrds could hardly convince theiielvcs of tins truth i f the report The Span isU roceivfcd tho peace Cfcws u;ib some dejr-e of pletEiue eveu if it d;d come through tbe Ivttf mesa of drfeat. The American bOl hrs groan ed over the rewr-, so aixious Wbre they to coatinuo th:; fiht- Philwlelphia Times, August 1:2. The two Peunsylvanir Itegimelits that luive got into active ssrvii-e the Tenth at Manila and the Sixteenth iu Porto liii-o liave lmth won distinction. Col onel Hillings and his men are particu larly praised by (ieneral Miles ror their action at Coanio. I5oth or these regi ments are from the western part of the State and are among the liest In the volunteer service. No doubt some of our eastern volunteers would have done as well, but the war has not been long enough to give all a chance. They must console themselves with the thought that they have contributed to the general result, and as Schley says, there is glory enough to go around. IJank cashier James Thompson, F. M. M. Pennell. Ksq.. William Hoopcs, Kq., Dr. Harry Derr, and Senator William Hertzler, have returned from a triplo Atlantic City, 'i hey are brow n as if they had lieen to Santiago shoot ing Spaniards at the rate ir flit a month. They talk with the air r "old salts" and when in convention with them one is made to feel that they think him a "land Iublier,"all or which conies from the fact that they did what few do that go from the mountains to the sea, namely, go out on the liosom of the sea, to fish. Thompson don't de mean himself that way liecause he was not out on the sea. He was afraid, or he was sick. The other four went five miles out and five miles iu, and tacked alMHit i" miles more and didn't get sick but improved iu health every minuteof the sail and li.-h. 'I hey went out to lish. Hertzler knows a man, Harry Mnhii. who owns a cottage, and is in the o-ean livery business, but instead of having horses and wagons, and car- rmi'es to hire, as livery men have ou land, he has boats, yachts, and cap- tains and seamen to man them, to hire. Huhii provided them with a jaunty yacht, with a iiiiiiiKt one captain and sailors to match, and had them pro vide! with everything that would in sure their fishing excursion a success. Everything was insured excepting the wtathcr. That wasn't insured, hut was line excepting it blew a still" wind as ir to keep them from going out from shore five miles to the fishing place, but the captain's skill assisted by the sailors enabled them to hi tack that they reached the fishing water. They fished for blue fish, weak fish, and hard shell crabs. For blue linh and weak fish which resemble each other a good deal, they had a bait that looked ed like a hellgramitc but was wliiteish in color. The weak fish looks very much like the "sea trout" that some- 'times is sold in the markets or Mifllin- IIC-II llll r till ill ITMII. . I'l lU'lMV pulled up from the depths of the sea The fust haul had quite a number and w ith their protruding eyes looking in all directions and their claws sticking out towards every point of the cum pas, they looked like a delegation or little fiends sent out of the pit of perdition. They are better tasted than they look and are considered a great delicacy. The Millliutown fishing party noticed that among the tub full of crabs that were sprawling ulmut in the Imat, that . here and there apjieared one that was I Clab Storv. tbcv h:u! linlliinti' ti, it. He said "look lure I'm going to try one of the crabs," ami suiting the action to the word he smashed the end or one of the long les of a crab. The iab S4uiiiued some, then got il:-clf up in a dignified w ay gave the leg a quiver-1 ing shake and it Hew off close up at the Imdy. The run tir sh re was pleasant ; and tiieir s.ijr,tirn at the lluhu cottage ":ls delightful, and now they have ! ,,,ore lb stor? bi m.h k than theie are tales m that marvelous Imok tlie "Arabian Nights." and all the home "land lubbers."- who have li-cn to At lantic City, ami have heard of their ex ploits are green with env because of their great experience at Atlantic City as "Old Sails." Hereafter. :: iiilintow n people at Atlantic City will patent after their fishing excursion and c ine li.-ine with a stock offish stories to sxt'ap. I.4TTEflU.'S HEMS. Mrs. M. 1). Cisr.ey n:.d dauobt.-r, Mrs. E. S rmsor.. . f M:. If w , It wet rt the pilots of J. W. K i'-v'a family the l-i!ter purt of last viuk M sscs Wll'.a aud A la Kay Holds, a" so Master Jok pi. G.ver, of AltO 'cn, are viiiitirg 3Ir. Geo Ilttuleisou's ibis weik. Miss Anna Calhoun is visiting ril atives and friends in ll.iirisborg. 3Ir. Henry Dhuf!', Sr., spent 3uu dayin Philadelphia. Mr John SpuotiMi'trg r mid in fiiUi daughter, of Ilunliugdui:, ,re the guests of Mrs. Sji oiit l art'er'e paiviits, ?Ir. i.n 1 Mrs. S. 15. Cramer. Ktv. French .Macafte, f Califor nia, and biotL-cr, OluiL", ii Tuiii tt. township, w re- tho gu. i,s i f -tr. and Mrs. J. I'. Civ u'. .WissNib Dojl-.Lf D..Limor-., M. D , is s-pt nding her vacat.on with her parents in Patterson. Miss Maudu Wilson aud friend, Blanche ilcKte, i f .Villl n county, spent a coup o dajs recettly with Mr. and Mis. McKee, near Thomp sontown. ATTEXTIOM TETERAMS. On Tuesday. August 23rd, at one o'clock, p. m., a business meeting of the JuDitita Valley Veterans Aesocia tiot , will be held in the Uall of Post No. 134, G. A. R., iu Miffimtown. The committee appointed to secure cuoiping ground will be expected to report. An earnest though cordial invitation ii extended to all Soldiers, Sailors and Marines of the war of '61 and 'C5, o meet with us on this oc casion, a fail and free interchange of views and iugge.-dioLS is desirable, thftieby assuring the success ( f our proposed ecCHiupmenr, to be held at ildlliutown, beginning October 11th to contn.ue to the 14th. Com rades, one aud all, strain a point to be present at thip meetiug, much, if not all, is necessary to make our encampmeci'. a success depccds on jour action in this matttr, we ail, should endeav ir to iuak- the 4th atinu.d ei.canipuient of our associa tion the best in its history. The -x-cutive ciiuniittee of the Janiata County Veteran Association is es peeially requested to meet and con fer wirti us. By order of Attest: H. H. Snyder, Pres. Janiata Valley Vet. Asso. W. H. RoDdERs, Secy, i ISiDIAX MOI1D HARVEST HOME. Tbe Indian Aound Baivest Home will be held on Saturday Aug. 20th. The speakers booked fur the occasion are Geo. C. Wilson, E-sn , Hon. L E Aikinson, Revs. R. il. Campbell, A. il, Ispatgler, Ci. 2l. Diflenderfer The Spanish war is costing the ; United States a million dollars a aay wiep mm a vcrai Dr. Darld Kennedy Favorite Remedy frequently cure several member of a family. While It is considered by many to be a Kidney and Bladder Medicine, it is just as certain to cure Dyspepsia, Constipation, Rhea- ul,:.iu, Dtiuiun ana eczema. i nis healthy condition, so thev ran cift u Healthy blood practically means a completely healthy Here is a letter from Mrs. CapL Pkter Race, of N. Y.: " My husband was troubled with his kidneys, fearfully with shooting pains through his back. He David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy, and u now weu ana strong. Although seventy years of age, he is as hearty as a man many years younger. I was so troubled with Dyspepsia that it was painful for me to walk. My food did me no good, ,- as my stomach could not digest it. Somebody recommended Favorite RemedyXo nie, and after taking two bottles of it I was completely cured, and am feeling splendid now. We both attribute our good health to Favorite Remedy.' It is prescribed with unfailing success for Nerve Troubles, and for the Liver and Blood it is a specific It has curad many that were bevond tha airt nf medicine. your druggist for it, suDsuiuie. it win cost you $i.oo for a regular full-siied bottle. SsmpSe Bottle Freo If you want to try Favorite Remedy before buying, send your full post office address to the Da. David Kennedy Cokporation. Rondout. N. Y., and mention tiis paper. They will send you a free trial bottle, all charges prepaid. This genuine offer is made to prove to everybody what a wonderful medicine it is. BARGAIN SUMMER CLEABAltfCE SALES AT Schott's Stores. Commencing this week and will Continue this sale un til all Summer Cooils are sold out. Summer Dress Goods, light, cool t.rd dainty, mch as French Organdies, Diipi'ies, H llists, and i'iju h and will cost yen only 7 ct-nis to 15 cents, only half price. Irish and Figured Lawns, 10 yards for 45 c?nts. WORSTED AND WOOLEN DSESS GOODS. Surges, Henrittiiss, Nivdtiea cf French and Do mestic Manufitctun is, at specially low and txtra Reduced Prices. One word. If you are interested at all in Economy yon will be ifiti rested in this very special 6a:e c-f Dress Goods. UDJES AND CHUDBS DEPARTMENT Ladies Shirt Waisis for 25 cerJs, former prica was 50 cents, and all our Shirt Wtdsts at spfcially low prices. L.tdits Dress Hkirt- o $1.25 l.i $1.75. Li.iics WrappTa 50 cts. ! S tO. 2.000 yards of unbleached m-.islirj, at fl . m i to 15 cents. 2000 yrdu of blenched yard w muslin ai 5 cents, 20i)0 yard? of Hill best bhaidifd, yard id- muslin, at 6 cruts. 2D00 yards of Em broideries at one .-fourth cf the price. Sun shades and Sun uuihndlas at reduisd pricis. SHOES! SI1GES ! SHOES! Mens Ladies' and Cbildrens foot wear, at rxtra reduced and specially low prices. Carpet Clerring Sale, and extra Bargains. Y u will save money by baying yon Ctprets at the pres ent tim. WALL PAPER. Wo st 11 you a splendid pattern of fancy Wall Paper at very low and reduc ed prices. Lace Curtains and Draperies acd Window Shinies, at specially reduced prices. Here is everybody's opportunity to make tbe mighty doliar grow mightier in results. Schott's Stores, 103 to 109, Bridge Street. 1865, ESTABLISHED. 1897. Special Invitation To The Public To attend the Attractive Sale of Clothing that goes on daily from THE IMMENSE STOCK OF D. W. HARLEY, It will be TO THE ADVANTAGE OF ALL BUYERS5 Who nave money to invest to examine the Stock of Goods for MEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN It is truly marvelous to See THE BEAUTIFUL STYLE; of Suits and Overooats at the Wonderfully Low Prices. His prices leave all Competitors in the rear, so don't lil to give him, a call if in need of Clothing D. W. HARLEY MIFFLIN TO WTST f A T is because it rirst outs the Kidnevi in a iirmmia the blood. body. Hudson, and suffered took Dr. and Insist upon getting it Don't tak HULLUttAUun AHEAD OF ALL OOur spring line of men's, bov's and childrens' clothing, hats, caps and gents furnishing goods ARE NOW IN. We make the clothing business a study and have made it a success. Young men don't go away to get what they want they come to us for NOBBY SUITS, LATE STYLE hats or any thing in the gents fur nishing line. We have half our SPRING stock sold bv the time most clothiers get their line in. A voung man who wants a SUIT FOR EASTER, don't want to wait until for it. Our line this season surpasses all our former efforts in style, quality, quantity, finish and price. "The early bird catches the worm." HULLUbAUUH & SON7S, 116 !MLATT STnTCKT. PATTERSON. PENNA. McCLINTICTS HARDWARE and House-Furnishing TORE THIS STORE SETS THE 1'ACE. O 0O0 O THAT'S WHY YOU LIKE IT. Thing are i over dull here; never stupid. Tbe full life of the store tl wajf, haw a cheerful wrluuiuc for ail comers, aud choppers are quick to decide in favor of the Great Values to be found in our new JVcat, Stylish, Inviting STORE K. H. M'CUNTIC, Get a good j.aier ly aubscribicp for tbe Sutiski a!ir kKf rkLi-if . SEVENIY-i?EVENT"-("77.) '77" is Dr. Hurnpbreys' famous Specific for tha cure of Grip aud Colds, and the prevontionof Pceumo nia. All druggists, 25c. Subscribe for the Sentinel and Republican-, a paper that contains choice reading matttr, full of inform tion that docs tbe reader pood, and in addition to that all local news that are worth publishing find places in it? columns. tr. LAST OF THE SEASON'. Pknxkyi.van'ia Ka i i. road E tu siox to Ati.axth1 City, &. Thurwlav, Autrust 18. is the date of the lawt of the Pennsylvania Kailroad' low rate twelve-day excursions to At-! lantie City, Cape ia". Ocean 'ity. Seal Isle City, A vali. n, Anirlesva, Wild wood, Hollv lieai-h, l:eholMth, orOi-euu Citv I Md. " i A Sieeial train of Pullman arlor! ears and day coaches will leave Pitts-i hurg on alNtve-iiientioiied date at 8..")' a. in., arriving at AltMna 12.1o ji. m.J where stop for dinner will lie niaile.i reaching Philadelphia i.i . in., and! arrivinir at Atlantic City, via the Dtla-' ware Kiver Ilridjje route, the onlv all! rail line, at 8.40 p. in. Passeii)t-is'nuiy! alioi-peiid the iiii;lit in Philadelphia,; and jiroceed to the shore hy anv regular train from Market Street Wharf or ltroad Street Station on August 19. j TicketK will lie sold from the st:iiiiiis' I at the rate? named tielow Kate. Train leaves, Vl.'Ao ii. in. 12.41! " ll'.Vi " 1.3) " fl.44 " l.'Jf) " ft:.37 " fH.()! " fS.-'T " s.i'i " 8.(0 " Altxna. 58 tf) liellwiKKl 8 00 Tyrone. 7 - HuntiiiKdon, 7 1ft Mount I'nion, (i 75 Ijewistown Juno't. H 0 Mifllin, .3 65 Xewport, S 00 Dimcautioii, 4.;o Philadelphia, Arrive Atlantic City.Arrive Stop for dinner. 1 icket: will also ! gotnl .i, iv;rular. train leaving I'lttslmrj; at l.:;0und 8.101 i p. in., carrynifr sfcepniK cars to J'hila . delihia, and Mfip. ni., cairvinjr Pull man Hleepiinr cars throuiih to Atlantic : City. For detailed information in regard to' rates and time of trains apply to ticket aiienis, or ji r. l liomafi K. Watt, Dis trict rawseiijfei- Agent, Pittsburg. 2t COMPETITORS. the 4th of July A Specially Soleoted Stoek af Ranged, Cook, Parlor and Shop Stoves. Horse Blankets and Lap Rube. LAM FS, larjjc and small. Come 10 aud look around. We'll make you fetl at home. We have tho largest Stook an4 Store in the couuty. our K-Arrc GUARANTEES QUALITY. MIFFLINTOWN HAVE YOU MOSEY TO DEPOSIT? ARE YOU A BORROWER t VAW AT- THE FIRST WJ &, A-, MIFFLIN lOWN, PA. THREE PER CENT IK TEEEST TAII) OK TIME CERTIFICATE. Mocey Loaned at Lowest Bates. JUNIATA VALLEY BAM. OF.MIFFMH10WH, PA. Stonkholders Individually Liable LEWIS K. ATKINSON, frttidnt. T. VAN IEWIN, CuAui maECTOE. W. C. Pomoroy, H. J. ShlUbrrr John Hertiler, Joouh L. Barton, Hobfirt E. Partor, Lonli K. Atkinson 7. V. Jrwin. HIOCIHOLDEtS I U'0.-ge A. Ktr-oer, Anuie M. SheUny JaePh I-.otl.iock, p. W. Kanbeck, I . h. A'kiusna, ft. r. parker W . C. rouiorriy, Holme Irwin, jonn n-r,r!er, Joronia K. ThomDson. T. V. Jrwin. Jofni V. HUir, F. M. V. Pear..:, Hmnn-il s. Ko'ijiik, M. N. Stern tt, Jjrues G. Heading, tfamut i SlIiU'xI. Jobiah L Barton, Kobert If. PattrrMn Levi Lifrut, Wm. Pmrii. fl. J. Sheiinhr;rp M K. Scblrgel Tfcree per roi l, ir.ierent will i j.aid OB coi ificau,f itcfjOKi!. (jan 1898 ur.udyia Kennedys favorite Remedy CJWC AU KIDNEY STOMACH "