Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, August 03, 1898, Image 2

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WEDNESDAY, AUG. 3, 1898.
BrnscBiiTiox $1.00 per year If paid
ii advance; $1.50 if not paid in ad
vance. (
Trannieiit advertising and local
notices 4 cent a line.
Deductions will I made to thoxe de
siring to advertise l.v tho year, half or
liiuiter year.
The (ioriiian politician Prince
Binmark, liel at his home in Ger
many last Saturday aged H-'l years,
lie rendered political service of
importance to the present reigning
family in Germany, lmt after all is
said and done and due credit is
given to Prince IJisinarV, his ser
vice would have amounted to noth
ing if the late lings of Germany
had failed as capable generals of
the army. It was the army of
Germany tli;:t solidified Germany,
leginning hack in Frederick's
time and I icing continued ly his
successors. Bismark's service as
a true and faithful friend is worthy
of all the honor conferred on him.
Hev. P. K. Jenie?an had lotH of rain-
how in it for the Kiickers hut he woop
ed the pot of gold, at the sea end of the
Imw, he leat traction two to one-
Rev. P. F. Jcnieguii, is wanted hy
New York capitalists, preachers, and
huxiuesn men generally, for having
fleeced many of tlieiu with the enter
prises of extracting gold from Atlantic
sea water. His confidence game was
to take the doubting seeker of a fortune
to his gold sea water distillery in Nar
ragansctte Hay. There they made a
night of it from which the victim went
away fleeced out of a heavy investment.
The preacher had everything nicely
arranged, he always told his victims to
bring quick silver with them which
wad used to collect the gold out of the
sea water. When they brought their
own quick silver it was impossible that
they could lie. deceived. Their quick
silver was placed in a lead lined Wx,
and lowered into the sea, under the
office that was built nicely on a pier in
the ocean. The lox was connected
with the ottice electrically. The
preacher had a diver in his service liv
ing in a house on the shore a short dis
tance away. On a signal in the night
the diver put on his diving suit went un
der the pier ojiened the preachers Ikx
took out the quick silver and replaced it
with quick silver and gold leaf dust.
When the box was pulled up next
morning into the spider preacher's den,
opened, and the quick silver scientifical
ly treated, it gave up its gold, and the
preacher caught another large sum from
the new victim. Many were caught
on that plaiwable bait- iiuiioreu
of thousands of dollars have lieen
gathered in hy the spider preacher.
Hut rogues full out, the preacher and
the diver fell out, and then came a
revelation of the confidence game.
The preacher fled with his, thousands
upon thousands of ill gotten gains, and
all that the fleeced parties have for
being fooled, is the so called scientific
aea gold extracting factory, " the shore
sf Xarragansett Hay, which in not
worth any more than the IxjiuIm and
stock of a traction railroad that was
drowned with water by traction stock
and Isind confidence swindlers. It
would I a nice congregation to organ
ize the traction railroad watered stock
and ImiikI swindlers, and employ Rev.
P. F. Jeniegan to preach for them.
What a lsnd of sympathy there would
le lietween them, how they could not
help smiling and laughing at each
other over the way they worked the
watered gold and railroad traction busi
ness. Last Monday Thomas English, a
young man aged alnrnt 2(5 years
was sent to jail on a charge of hav
ing stolen a set of harness from
John lleigey of this town. Eng
lish, it is said, claims to have come
from Altoona. He has leeii in
this community a iiiuiiIkt of
months, at least six mouths.
Worked for Mr. Kurtz Kaufl'iuan,
lienjamin Keiininger and others.
Not long since he asked permis
sion of Mr. Ilergy to place his
trunk in I .orgy's stable till he
could secure a permanent job of
work, which he said he expected
to do with Mr. K. S. Parker. The
truu' was not long at the stable
till Bcrgy missed a set of harness.
English was not seen for some
time, when he reappeared he wore
a suit of new clothes. IJergy be
came suspicious, had a search war
rant gotten out, opened the trunV, j
did not find his harness, but found
a number of pieces of harness.
He learned that English had leen
to Harrisburg, he went there and
found the harness had lieen sold
by the thief to Win. A. Kerby the
proprietor of u sale and horse
hoarding stable. English is in
jail to answer in court.
Captain J W. Philip, of the bat
tle ship Texs, roa!e one of the
nicest little prayers, in the presence
of bis men At, the clone of the naval
fiht that rreu'trd in the destruction
of the Spani'-h flVet of Admiral Car
ver. The Texas is now at New
"York for repairs having been dam
aged in the battle just spoken of.
One of the 6 poitDder shots went
-through the pilot house of the Tex
;ae, wb'ch Captain Philip had left
.only 10 seconds before, "At the
-close of the bat'le, Captain Philip
called his men together an 1 said, "I
wish to make confession that I have
implicit faith ia God I want to ask
you ail to uncover your heads with
ms and silently offer a word of thanks
for this gooJness toward us uU."
.Seminole Chief Dembo Fai-tor in 114
vearw old and wants to go to the war.
He haw 14 Hons, grandsonx and great
prandsoiiH in the army Home in the
volunteer and Home in the regulars.
He appeared at Fort Clark, Texas, the
other day accompanied by six of his
grand conn, who are in the regular
army, and he nought the omeere to al
low him to go with his boys aud their
regiment to Cuba.
Tuesday, July 26 1898, was an
other great day in the history of the
army and navy of the United States.
Between daylight and 11 o'clock a.
rru that day the army under Gen
eral MileS and Under PrOteCtiOn 0fjFrenchMinisterwasattlie White House and President Mc
War SHIPS Degan
lanH ri Pr.rr. Rim
icii ivj wi x Lvy Mvy. . 1 1 -v .terms. The country may not agree with them if they are ex
tO 14 hundred mileS from the Amer- cepted by Spain, however, the country seems to trust McKin-
a a j- r C:- leJ- Spain's answer is expected anv time. Some people be-
ICan COaSt in the direCtlOn Ol bpain. lieve Spain will not make peace till her last fleet has been
The landing of troops was affected,- he lind.
at UUaniCa, a tOWn Of IOOO inhabit- ed on the 26 of July from Guanica on the island of Porto Rico,
.4, 4-U ,4-U
Ull 11 1C bUUlll
The harbor here is
, . , - . , .
enOUgn tO admit
UU 1CCL Ul :! 1UI c
was k days on tne
. - - T 1 a a J
end OT Cuba. bpaniSh trOOPS tried
to prevent the landing. In the bat
tip thmt inn nlnrp fni lr SmnirHs wprp
i -ii j v
Were KllieU. rOUr
ed. The place where the landinglEJ
Wa.S atteCten IS ahOUt HO mi PS trOm
i At "4.1 t 1 j
ban JUan tne Capital OT tne iSland,
Thp nmrp 17hpm
1 I IV. VV V V 1 I 1
place is near ronce, trom wnicn a
railroad and good 14 feet wide ma
cadamised wagon road leads to San
Juan. The landing where it was
made is better for all concerned than
if made by the bombardment of
ban J uan. 1 he object is to save the
capital from destruction if possible.
The American landing party thatjE;SV
had the battle was small, but it riyiS
t 1 i 1 T", . ! ...l.i'
ciearea tne way.
landed from the
I ipiitanfinf Hiica
ivuiviiuiii. iiuo ii lieu.! j 1 1 i, isfaetorv means of visiting this
and a light rapid firing gun. A com-jsSS1. xYlo
panyof 30 Spaniards opened fxxQ'XXC
but they were dispersed with result,
as stated above. The town was al-l;Li,dr
so shelled by the Gloucester, andiSKSiirSi
a few shells from
eral companies of
fPr Of thP tnun
. ,v. . "
was hauled down
Stripes were raised
company ot regulars next followed,
and then company G. of the Sixth
Illinois, and then
that was the beginning of the occu
pancy ot the island of Porto Rico,
and the advanced
ican army in the direction of Europe.
Thirty thousand American troops
are to occupy the island. The news
of the landing of American troops
had scarcely more than been heard
at Washington till
peace. An attempt was made to
land troops at a place called Banes.
west of Havana, a
a Spanish force of
came upon the scene and opened
fire on our troops. Some five or
six Americans were wounded. The
Americans withdrew to their ship.
Cuban troops were to have been
there but as usually the case they
did not appear. Shaffer's army at
Santiago has over four thousand on
the sick list. On July 19th 1898, the
United States army numbered 227,
000 of which number 183,000 are
volunteers, and 44,000 are regulars.
The government would do a great
good by hurrying the Santiago
prisoners to Spain; the returned
prisoners would be a wonderful
agent in relating the true state of
affairs in Cuba, and that would have
an effect on the old .arbitrary politi-
, 1 ji
10 land On tne
Thp d;inH ic t-
f llA
Ul II IC IbiailU.( 6,000 fled in the direction of San Juan. The Spaniards tried
said to be deep;
- , . ... ,r 1 but were detected and routed by a well directed fire that
neaVy SnipS Wltnin
TKo ovnn
l I IC CpcuiLivi i
trip trom tne east
A i
Americans WOUIIU-
thP mnrlinfy t nnlr
111V IkAl IUI1
Ponce, from which
ine party wasi
Gloucester, under;
hnrl -rv mo" :
--it- !
her scattered
the cavalry in
ThP SrVinich flrr
'-'pwini i
and the Stars and
in its place. AI?,
other troops and
step of the Amer
Spain asked for
few days ago, but
a thousand men
cians of Spain. Precisely at 3
o'clock on the 26th of July, the
telegraph clicked a desire to make
peace from Spain. The desire was
expressed to the French Embassador at Washington because
there is not now a Spanish Embassador at Washington with
whom to communicate. The French Embassador was re
quested to make Spain's desire for peace known to President
McKinley, which was done. The President and his cabinet
immediately took up the peace
i - runiey ana uamnet ana trie
lS-jtermsthatpeaceehaU be based
that the country has not been maie acquainted
toward Ponce, a city of 22,000
'caused them to retreat leaving
I Three Americans were slightly
sued a proclamation to tbe people of Porto Itico declaring that
he had come to occupy the island, in the name of liberty, jus
tice and humanity, and to release the inhabitants from their
i "w u uuiuu.uitjr, amx iu i e lease uio
j former political relations and give the
bletsings of enlightened civilization. The city of Ponce
rendered and tbe people rejoiced when the American army
entered the city. The stores were opened and business wai
i resumed and almobt every one
to stay to give them a better coverm
stay to give them a better government.
.ere. The merchants got good
uoiu. wne uouar American money Duys twice as much as a
dollar Spanish paper money. The 16th Pennsylvania regi-
u j.ii
. ment 18 ln tne advance ol Miles
On the 26th of July General
has with him 11,000 American
be heard from at any time.
Peksoxam.y-Coxdi'cted Tour
via i'uxxsylvaxia ljaii.koai).
The Yellowstone Xatioual Park
is uu(iuestional)ly one of the most
interesting regionH on the globe,
The personally-conducted tour
of the Pennsylvania ICailroad Com
pany, whifh leaves Xew Yoik uii
September 1 , affords the most sat-
Park. A stop will also le made
returning at Chicago. The round
trip rate, s?2:$."
from New
Washington, &.'JOfrom Pittsburg,
covers all necessary
For detailed itineraries and full
information apply to ticket agents,
Tourist Airent, 11 10 Broad wav.
ew York, or address Geo. W.
IJoyd. Assistant General Passenger
Agent, Hroad Street Station,
Philadelphia. 5t.
Mr. and Mrs. Madderif. of Colum
bia, were th guti-ts of th latters
aunt, Mrs. Gofrge Kelley.
Mrs. Harry Knisly and diughtr,
Miss Hattie, visited Mrs. Win. Price,
i; Lowiitown, the latter part of last
Mr. Alfred J Cisney, of Pittuburg,
visited bis cousin, M's Lou Kelley,
th latter part of latit week.
Messrs. Bruce IJfale, Cedric
Thompson and Hurry Dchuff, roa
thtir wtief-ln to McAlis'eivilIn on
Sunday end went (o bushroeeting.
Mita Annie Sbowers, of Port lloy
', ppf-nt Surday with her cons:n,
JM'wb Ella Hencb.
Mr. Walter Henderson, after
sperding a couple weeks with Lii
parents, returned to bis duty on
Sunday. He was accompanied as
Iat as Altoona by his nephew Jtfas
Ur Ralph Henderson.
Mrs Sanior, of Baltimore, ii visit
ing Miss Mry Fagley.
Mr. Cba. Ginericb, of Harrisburg,
is visiting Jlfr. Wm. Cramer.
Mr. Paul Wells and Miss Jane Cal
houn, cf Harrisburg, spent Sunday
with Jlfisa Calhoun's parents.
A number of workmen made a
business trip to the capitol city on
Mrs. Banks Zimmerman and in
fU daughter Mildred, was the
gut of her parents, Mr. and .Mrs
James Calhonn.
Miss Tnrbett, of Tucarora, visited
friends here last and part of this
Mr. and Mrs. John Pink, of Har
risburg, is visiting Mr. Perry Cubbi
son and family.
Mrs. Duncan is visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Joshua Foreman.
We are glad to see Master Fred
Dehuff walk again He bad a seri
oua time. He bad been walking on
crutches lor nine weeks.
Mr. 'Jour man Meloy came here
and attended tbe Swallow picnic at
Scbmittle's Park last Saturday.
Last Thursday evening Jtfiss Bess
Pennall gave a delightful party in
honor of her guests, Misses Fowlard,
of Carlisle and Bess Kepner, of Har
risburg MARRIED:
Mdssek Wkavkb. On the 28 of
Julv, 1898, at East Salem, at tbe
residence of the pastor, by Rv. C.
G. Wir.y, Mr. John S. Musser and
Mi8a Mary Weaver, both of Mifflin
question to consider it. The
Frencn Minister agreed upon
on. It is a source of regret
with the
people, the Spanish army of
four dead and several wounded.
nvuuuu. UCUClttl 111. I ICS 13-
m tne advantages
hoped the Americans had come
It is a long time
a boom as came
Mils' army came
money for
evervthinz they
" .
march from Ponce to San
Merritt arrived at Manila,
troops. He and Dewey
RtTH kock. On the 22nd iiiHt., at
McClure, .Snyder county. Pa., Dr. I).
C. Itothrock, aged oO yearn, 4 nioiittiH
and 18 days. The deceased wened in
the war againnt reiiellion from its com
mencement in 1861 to its close in 18.,
under Captain Jones, in Company K.
oi ine-iiu Illinois cavalry. He Mas
tendered a lieutenant's commission for
bravery, but would not accept. He
preferred being in the ranks with his
comrades. He was lorn March 4th,
1S42, died July 22, ISitS. He was found
dead sitting in his oirlce in McClure,
Snyder county, Pa., where he was pur -
suing tho calling of his profession that
of dentistry. His friends at McAlister -
ville were immediately informed of his
demise. Undertaker Leo. Shellenber-
.jer, trou?;Jit hisiody to McAlistemlle,
JuniHta count v. Pa
whrc interment
took place in the I'ie-b.vtenuiu'nietery
011 onuay, JUiy ijv.nv
Last XoticI-;. Many of our
Eiibscriliers are from two to ten
yenrs in arrears with their sub
scription to this paper. That
means from .2 to 10 justly due
us, and it is needless to Bay that
we need this money. Mauy act as
if it took a hoii.se to fall on them
hel'ore they M ill fully understand
tliut tliivarfti'nfliiiirnr "M. n-nt
our liionev,
Illl nl iliof .1 11
' n t iv
-" ' 1 "
nave speut an tne postage we are
going to spend sending out state
ments. If you want to stive un
pleasantness for us and yourselves,
pay up, and that at once. New
ton Hamilton Watchman.
Philadelphia Markets,
August 2, 189S,
Wheat 70e. -r
oats.l.-c; corn 41c:
1-cnnsyivania wool 1', to .Jtlct.- a
pound. Lard 5 to 7 cts. a pound ;
Cured ham 8 to ! cts. a pound ;
Breakfast liacou 8to 10 cts. a pound;
hay (J.(!0 to $12.00 a ton ; tangled
wheat and oats straw at $5.50 a
ton; bntter 18 to 20c ; eggs 12c ;
lieef cattle 4 to 5c ; old potatoes
45 to C.Oc ; tew jMitatoes 1 to $.3-
7.a barrel ; veal calves 4 to 7c
two years in arrears will le giveu Huntingdon 8 30 a. ni. Me Veytown 9 15
until August l.')th to settle on or -m- Ijewistown 9 3.") a. ni. Miffiiu 955
Ik' compelled to settle with our f-ni. Port Royal 9 59a. m. Thomjison
1 ... , , i town 10 14 a. m. Millerstown 10 22 a
collecting ageiM-y, with additional m. Newport 11 32 a. m. DuncannolT 10
costs. Atler August loth all 54 a. ni. Marysville 11 07 a. in. JUrrin
claiins will be colle-tel bv force of, h,,rK J1 am- I'hiladelphia 3 00 p. in
law. No deviation. We are tired ' tS?JlV,el-i?1,7"ii,,re" Pi"pljurK
r , . , at 8 (K a. m. Altoona 11 40 a. m. Tvrone
of these notices and requests aiKl.i-.ns ... h...,. ;,.,..,... ...
sheep ?.1.25 to -4.50 ; lambs 4 to;'.'?" ,I,1P-
! '- thin pnwn S U . ; milch i rlK',,r? 1 "V
cows $25 to $40 ; hogs $:1.90 to
$4.10 ; live chiclens 7 to 12c ; Su
gars 51 cts., spring chickens 2 and
4 pound 12 to l.c a pound.
MIFFLINTOWN. algist 3, 1898.
... 70 to- 80
i'cra io ear. ........
OltfB, .... .... . ..
Cloverwjwl .
Ham 4,
Timulhv Baud......
F ms ced. .........
fiopa .
Ground lu Salt.
American 8 a! t. .
2;t$2 6ft
, 70
Sue to 90o
In order to reliably determine tbe
relative value of our several Brands of
Fertilizers, upon the wheat crop of
Juniata county, we have decided to
offer PREM I CMS amounting to 100
for the bent three acres of wheat grown
by the use of OUR FERTILIZERS.
We want to know what is best by
actual lield trials. Agents may talk,
The Premiums to be divided into
three classes as follows :
First Pkkmium .... $50.00
Rhcokd Pkkmivm .... 35.00
Third Pkkmium .... 15.00
Tbe test to be made ! three acres.
Using our Brands of FERTILIZERS.
The money will be deposited with the
Juniata County Agricultural Society,
who will name tbe Judges and award
the PREMI UMS September 1899. All
persons wishing to enter the contest
will register with tbe Secretary of the
Agricultural Society.
James N. Groninokr,
T. S. Moor eh e a d, A Co.,
8 mo. Rort Royal, June 7th.
mM mm eVwom.
tiTCollectionB and all legal basi-
ness promptly attenped to.
R. O. X. CBA.WF0KD k. SOM,
hsT formed pmrtnerehip for the practice
of Medicine and their collatteral branchae.
OfUce at old etand, corner of Third and Or
anpe atreets, Hifflintown, Pa. One or both
of them will be found at their office at all
Uracil, nolesa otherwine profeosionMlly en
gacd. April 1st. 18.
. -adnate of tbe Philadelphia Dental
Jot. - ge. Offioe at old established lo
cation, Bridge Street, opposite Court
House, Jlifflintown, Pa.
tfS Crown and Bridge work;
Painless Extraction.
All work guaranteed.
Schedule in Effect May 27, 1898.
Way Passenger, leaves Philadelphia
at 4 30 a. m: Harrisburg 8 00 a. m;
Duncannoii 8 3-j a. m; Kew Port 9 05
a. m; Millerstown 9 1-5 a. m; Durword
9 21 a. m; Thompsontown 9 26 a. m;
Van Dyke 9 33 a. m; Tuscarora 9 36 a.
m; Mexico 9 40 a. m; Port Royal 9 44 a.
m; Miftlin 9 50 a. m; Den holm 9 5-5 a.
m; Ijewistown 10 13 a. m; McVeytown
10 38 a. m; Newton Hamilton 11 00 a.
m; Mount Union 11 06 a. m; Hunting
don 11 32 p. m; Tyrone 12 20 p. m; Al
toona 1 00 p. m; Pittshurg 5 50 p. m.
Mail leaves Philadelphia at 7 00. m;
Harrixhurg at 11 48 a m; Alifflin 1 11
p. ru: liewibtown 1 30 p. m; Hunting
don 2 29 p. m; Tyrone 3 12 p. m; Al
toona 3 45 p. m; Pittslmrg 8 30 p. m.
Altoona Aconimodation leaves Har
risburg at 5 00 p. m; Duncannon 5 34
p. m; Newport 6 02 p. m; Millerstown
6 11 p. ni; Thompsontown 6 21 p. m;
Tus-arora 6 30 p. ni; Mexico 6 83 p. m;
Port Royal 6 38 p. ni: Mifflin 6 43 p. m;
Denholm 6 49 p. m; Lewistown 7 07 p.
m; McVeytown 7 30 p. m; Newton
Hamilton 7 .VI n m- Tlimtiiinrdoii S n
! p. m; Tyrone 9 02 p. in; Altoona 9 35
' p. m.
I Pacific Express leaves Philadelphia
ai ii -m p. m; iiarriHimrg at uu a. m.
Marysville 3 14 a. m. Duncannon 3 29
a ni. Newiwrt 3 52 a m. Port Roval
4 25 a. ni. I itlibl 4.30 a. ni. Ijewistown
: 452 a m. Newton Hamilton 5 33 a. m.
i Huntingdon 6 03 a. m. Petersburg 6 19
a. m. Tyrone 6 52 a. in. Altoona 7 40 a.
' m. Pittsburg 12 10 n. m.
i Oyster Express leaves Philadelphia
at 4 35 p, m. Harrisburg at 10 20 p. m.
1 Newport 1 1 06 p. m. Mifflin 11 40 p. ni.
: I-ewistown 11 58 p. m.; Huntingdon 12
! 55 a. ni. Tyrone 1 32 a. m. Altoona 2 00
! a. m. Pittsburg 5 30 a. m.
i Fast Line leaves Philadelphia at 12
! 2i p. ni. Harrisburg 3 50 p. m. Duncan-
non 4 15 p. m. Newport 4 35 p. in. fif-
flnr 5 07 p. in. I.-ewitovn o 5.' p. m.
Mount Union 6 08 p. m. ' Huntingdon
6. 27 p. m. Tyrone 7 04 p. m. Altoona
7 40 p. ni. Pittsburg 1 1 80 p. m.
Altoona Accommodation leaves Al-
. loona at 4 w a. ni. Tyrone o 04 a. m.
Petersburg 5 ii a. ni. 'Huntingdon 5 87
' a. in. Is'ewtou Hamilton 6 01 a. ni. Mc
. Veytown 6 17 a. m. Ijewistown 6 38 a.
; m. Mifflin 6 58 a. m. Port Royal 7 02 a.
' m. Thompsontown 7 17 a. ni. Millers
' town 7 2(i a. ni. Newport 7 35 a. m.
! Duncannon 8 00 a. m. Harrisburir 8 30
ft. ni.
.. . ... n
at 2 50 a.
. . ... . .
111. n llHtl H 4 1.1 f, IU I vrrttlf 1 ON n Til
IewintoMi 1 S3 p. xu. Viflliu 1 50 p ni.
riarrisiiurg 3 io j. ni. isaltimore 6 00 p,
m. a!hiiigton 7 1-j p. m. Philadelphia
0 23 p. ni.
Mail leaves Altoona at 2 05 p. ni. Ty
rone 235 i. ni Huntingdon 3 17 p. n.
Newton Hamilton 3 47 p. in. McVey
town 4 20 p. m liewistowii 4 33 p. m.
Mifflin 4 55 p. ni. Port Royal 5 00 p. m.
Mexico 5 20 p. in- Thompson. own 5 18
p m. Millerstown 5 28 p. ni. Newport
I 91. . . 1 . . . . . ....... I I f -a.
" "r"
I yaU Express leaves Pittsburg at 1 00
! p. ni Altoona 10 p. m. Tyrone fi 42
: V- m- "l.,ntmKuf 7 23 p. m. keVey-
T 11 Jf F- lit- XJtbW i7 ir tv ii o jj. IU.
Mifflin 8 47 p. m. Port Roval 8 52 n. m.
Millerstown 9 16 p. m. Newport 9 26 n.
m. Iiuncaunon 9 50 p.m. Harrisburg
10 20 p m.
Philadelphia Express clavest Pitts
burg at 4 30 p. m. Altoona 9 05 p. m.
Tyrone 9 83 p m. Huntingdon 10 12 p.
iu. Mount
nion 10 32 p. m. Lewis
m. Jfifflin 11 37 p. ru. Har
iri Philadelphia 4 30.
At Ijewistown Junction. For Sun-
bury 7 30 a. m. and 3 05 p. m. week
For Jfilroy 6 15, 10 20 a. m. mid 3 00
p. m week-tlays.
At lyrone. or t'learlicld and Cur
wensville 8 20 a. ni. 3 20 and 7 20 p. m.
For Rellefouteand Lock Haven 8 19
a. m. 12 30 aud 7 J.5 p. m. week-days.
For further information annlv to.
Ticket Agents, or Thomas E. Watt.
Passenger Agent, Western Division,
Corner Fifth Avenue and Smithlleld
Street, Pittsburg.
General Mau'g'r. tieueral Pass'r. Agt
(Estate of Edward F. Karstetter lute
. of Fayette township, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that letters of
Administration upon the estate of Ed
ward F. Karstetter, late of Favette
township, deceased, having been grant
ed to the undersigned. All pecsotis in
debted to said estate are requested to
make immediate payment, and those
having claims against the same to pre
sent them duly authenticated for settle
J. N. Kkllkr. Administrator.
June 18, 1898.
TVTOTICE is hereby gh-en that the
J. v Chief Burgess and Town Council
of the Borough of M iffliatowii have by
ordinance duly enacted on May "Ota,
ioot, auinuieu ana annexed as part of
. 1. o 1 fu:ai: . .. 1
mo ouiwjjuui KiiuiiiiowTi in tne county
of Juniata and state of Pennsylvania
the lots and tracts of land composing
Schweyer's Addition, adjacent to said
Borough and they have tiled a plan or
plot of the said extension thia date in
urc uiucc 01 iiw Huaner nessions ot
Juniata County. J. HowaruNeely
Secretary Town Council Rorouirh of
Loon E. Amaaon. r. -
OrnoE On If .to street, la plsce of rel
denoe of Loute K. Atkinson, Ksq., onw
Bridge street. (Oct 20, 1892
tryCoIloctlng sad CoBTeysnclsf piompt
ly attended to.
avoriie Remedy
And destroyed the Spani-h it W haje captured the remain,
ing Spring 8tock of Oothing, consists of
Men's, Boys' and Children's Suits,
From one of tLe largest and well-known Clothing Housea of Liver
ijfhhGreenewalt&Oo..l013 Market atret Philadelphia, for 45
ji. jAiir A clothiDaT sale such aa hae neyer been kaowa
J Manufactures of Clothing, 1013 Market Strati
Philadelphia, Pa , May 10, 1808.
Mr. Perd Meyers, Dear Sir: We find the backward aeason this
Spring has prevented na in closing out our large new Spring 8tck
and we find ourselTea loaded with an immense stock of new Cloth
ing The only remedy we hay to dispose of it is to sacrifice prices.
Knowing that you are a large cash buyer no doubt you will take
the opportunity offered to you and buy the remainder of our stock
at 45 cents on the dollar. Shall we submit samples. Please answer
by return maiL Yours Beap't,, LIVERIQHT GREENE WALT AC.
Dealer in Clothing and Furniture. Mifllintewn, Pa., May 12, 1898.
LiTeright, Greenewalt & Co., Gente: Tours of the Itth inst, re
ceiyed and contents noted. We are always open for Bargains. Please
send samples at once. If atylea and quality are satisfactory we will
buy the remainder of your stock. Tours respectfully,
We have scooped in the remainder of the entire Spring Stock
of Liveright, Greenewalt St Co. We put the knife to tax and
chopped down prices to one half what they were formally. Now
is your opportunity to buy new and reliable clothing aa loeg se
they are here.
We put on aale 560 Men's all wool suite, regular price $9 50,
special sale price $4.25.
271 Men's all wool fancy worsteds suits ia sacks and cutaways,
all sizts. These suits are worth $12 50, special sale rice $6 25.
265 Men's cassimere suits, the greatest bargain, they are bunch
ed from different lots, all aizea. Six diflerent patterns to select
from. They range in value from $7 to $9. Special sale price $4.31
767 Children's suits, all styles and sizes. Cheviots, Cassinsres,
Serges, regular prices $2 50, up to $5 00. Special sale priee $1.68.
972 Boys' suits. Cheviots, Cashmeres and Fancy plaids.
This line was gathered with special reference to youag men's
need. Regular price $5 50 up to $8.00 Special aale price
$3.25 up to $4 62.
The season for Furniture is about to a close and we find we
must have more room for our large fall stock which will arrive in
due tiro. Therefore we are compelled to close out tbe remain
der of our spring stook. All our former prices arc marked down
20 per cent Now is your opportunity to buy furniture at a sac
rifice. Don't miss this chance.
115 and 117 Bridge Street. MBYEHS
Tuscarora Valley Eailroad.
Nal No.S
A. V. P. V.
Blaira Mills Lv. 7 25 1 45
Waterloo 7 31 1 51
Leonard' Grove 7 371 57
Roes Farm 7 45 2 05
Perulack 7 52 2 12
East Waterford 8 05 2 25
Heckman. 8 17 2 37
Honey Grove 8 22 2 42
FortBigham 8 30 2 50
Warble 8 39 2 59
Pleasant Yiew 8 44 3 04
Seven Pines 8 52 3 12
Sprue Hill 8 55 3 15
Grahams t 9 03 3 23
Stewart 9 06 3 26
Freedom 9 09 3 29
Tnrbatt : 9 12 3 32
Old Port 9 18 3 38
Port Royal Ar. 9 25 3 45
Trftina Noa. 1 ana -t p.t z
with Way PmsseDjger and Seashore Exprwa
a P. R. B., aad Not. 3 and 4 with Mtil ast
e I
o I
No.2 No.4
A. M. P. M.
0.010 20 5 05
1.3 10 27 5 12
2.8 10 33 5 18
3.7 10 36 5 21
4.4 10 39 5 24
5.0 10 42J5 27
6.3 10 5015 35
7.2 10 53 5 38
9 011 015 46
10.011 0615 51
12.0 11 15 6 00
14.0 11 23 6 08
15.1 11 28 6 13
17.5 11 40 6 25
20.5 11 53 6 38
22.012 00 6 45
24.012 08 6 53
25.512 14 6 59
27.012 20 7 05
Port jKoval
Old Port
Freedom.. .........
Grab am 'a
Spruce Hill........
Seven Pines
Pleasant Yiew !
Fort Bighasa.
Honey Grove
Heckman .....
East Waterford! 1 1!
Ross Farm
Leonard .
" " . V . . .
Ulair'a. MUls Ar
Trains Nna. 9 ....
Ilili.-inTo . " connect at Blair's
hoii siafe jjinaa.
J. a moorhead,
? poor M,jr siyi.'r
...in naiMiT aaa baam m.. . jj.
vwa umaraia diraotlMbV T u"
Tbe following tcbodnla went !( rtel
Nov. 16, 1896, and the train will b raa ai
p. IB
4 80
4 8
4 8
4 46
4 43
4 61
4 64
4 66
1 08
Leave Arrive a.
Dnncannon 7 64
"King's Mill 7 4
"Snlphnr Spring 7 44
""Gorman Siding 7 44
Hontebnllo Park 7 41
9 91
1 88
1 28
1 26
1 29
1 19
1 16
2 69
'Waavar T aa
Kwy 7 61
"Hoffman 7 88
"Hoyer 7 81
Mabanoy 7 2S
BloomOekl 7 2J
"Treailer 7 09
Nellaon 7 04
'Oan'a 7
RlHotsbarg g ag
"Bornbeial'i 6 61
"GroeaPark 48
ontonr aoe IS
LatMtiebarg ( 29
4 69
6 10 10 48
6 16 9 49
6 21 9 64
6 24 967
6 27 10 05
6 82 10 07
6 84 1017
6 87 10 89
6 02 19 85
p. m a. m
, iT n,
Train lea'
. ."whhk Bs a.ofi
and amrM at Laixltabnrg at 29
Train leaves Laadiabnrg at 6 09 s
amroa at Howatfteid at 40 m a
R1M a.u .
at which train win coma to a rail atom mm
ignal. '
Cia. H. Smut, g. B mrr.
Of Mawnr traiaa l 4Tm.m .
-t.i8tb:i8 ' '"Bjr'
ward. t.
r a
4 a
9 66
8 19
- J ' .....
06' 19 86
08.19 88
Juniata F am. ...
12.19 42
1519 46
wa ;
W.t !
26; 19 62
8 IS
BlooBHeW Janet's!
22;il ai
9 11
8911 99
n " ......
Green Park .....
7 46
7 40
1 84
7 i
IjOJffTlllo .......
Port P.kn
7 96
r 11
11 86
- - .....
Ciana'a Baa ..!!"
7 16
7 1
7 1
7 21
7 27
7 85
7 41
Andersonbarg .....
11 67
7 10
.. ......
MonBt PI... .
12 06
7 08
9 68
New Germant'n
12 11
7 46
1 12 16
C K Ua''"Ut and M...(.r
u. a.. MaiBa, General Agent.
waning FnoUea FhI
Ajax Center Crtr.k Enzlns
pw. accural, Mroag and almpla, wttk huf
itiar4tv. tau. mm
lib or whMla. rHraa
aadaaHk Na Faraka
Bailer mmm ar
vladad. Alae iunu4
crlcaltaml latptoccai
aan aUy. nu.. r ima
a aelaltjr. aar
ialaa Jtu
S .i.3
ttiMH?K r wsSmiSii
A n5lFafc-1t"1'-
wa.jji 1.111 K cri aMawrL
J-?!-, "y11 aMkmot t rok- :l lln.r..;t .
im"'!!!!'''' rrin5n",rt -tmv.un 1-'-
IA . 1.
a I