Y Sijl 111 E Sell , '"SJ B, F. BOHWEIBR, TUB OONSTITUTION-THE UNION AND THE ENFORCEMENT OF THE LAWS. VOL LII. MIFFLINTOW1N, JUNIATA COUNTY. PENNA.. WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 3. 189S NO. 34. A BELIEVER ' a x rue top or a steep an two JL young men sat on a stone wall J-by the roadside, resting. It was late on a Sunday afternoon la October. Stretching away on every side, with here and there the roofs of farm-houses visible, were the bright colors of ripening foliage. Four miles away toward the west was the hazy outline of the city. There had been silence for some time between the two companions. At length Howard Crane nix.ke. He was an athletic fellow, with a healthy color In his alert, smooth-tthaven face. "I Bupiose this Is our last walk to gether for this year." he said. "I shall be lonesome enough without you all winter. I wish you had not got to go south." "And I wish you could go south with me," said John Brant, smiling. He was tall and .iire, with a pale, sensitive face. "But of course the law can't get on without yon." Crane laughed. "I don't Just see how I can leave now. I'd like to be with you, only I'd hate to waste so much time, and I was never particularly fond of loafing around doing nothing." "I know I'm lazy," said Brant, good humoredly. "but where's the iwte hi my doing anything? It would only be tak ing iue bread cv.i f csuie poor fellow's mouth." As the sun went down they left the wall and set out at a brisk pace toward the city. "Of course," said Crane, after a pause. "T don't want you to stay here rip ,21 v w - ' m I II I a I SUPPOSE THIS IS OUR LAST W If your health can't stand it. Queer freak of your lungs to go back on you this way, when they've never given you any trouble before. A winter In the South will fix you all right, but It's going to be lonesome for me. You know you are the only one I am at till chummy with." He sighed deeply. "You are not going to be so lonely as you think," said Brant, with a quiet mile. "What do you mean?" Brant hesitated, and then said, a lit tle apologetically: "I know you'll think I'm a silly old woman to believe it, but I had a dream about you a little while ago, and I can't get it out of my head. It was so real." "WeK. what was K7" prompted Crane, as his friend 'paused. "That you would be married In less than a year." r' "There's nothing I'm less likely to do." said Cratie. laughing. But I feel sure you will," said Brant earnestly. "The tlrium was so vivid, more like a vision. I saw you, and where you lived, and you were very happy." "It's utterly absurd," said Crane. "Such a thing hasn't entered my head." lucj- ueritiuu sneul. as ttiey neared the city, each occupied with his own thoughts. At Crane's door they parted. "If I'm married when you come back, yeu must come and see us," he said, lightly. "But I sha'n't be. I haven't any faith In dreams." "Yes. you will," said Brant, positive ly, "and I'll be sure and visit you. Good-by." Slowly and dejectedly Brant walked IN DREAMS. 1 RJ . along the brightly lighted streets to I his borne. Leaving his coot and ha.1 'in the hall, he wen to his room, and. groping his way across tt, sat down in ; the dark. With his head resting on his ' hands, the same perplexing, harassing thoughts which had troubled him for j the month past chased through his tired brain. Was he a fool, he asked himself, for the hundredth time. He had deceived his friends, making them think he must leave home on account of his health, when In reality it had never been better. He was going away to exile, leaving his family, ull his ac quaintances, Qrane, a.nd, worst of all Mildred. And for what? Because In that wretched dream he had seen Mildred happily married to Crane. He was tempted even now, flit the leventh hour, to go to Mildred and ask jor to be his wife. Rut the spell of the dream was upon him still, and be felt that he could not betray his friend. Even If he could, what reason had he to think that Mildred returned hit love? And supposing she did. It would te a wrong to her, for he told himself with self-deprecation, that Cram would make her the better husband. No. he wonld carry out his plan tc the bitter end. The drm was rsJ to him that he did not for a moment doubt li3 coming true. He smiled a little grimly as he thought how everj one believed htm to have one foot Id the grave, and how his naturally pale face had helped to deceive them. AKTCJ - QOKTriRR FORTH1S YKA Tt." Mildred .could not expect to hear from him, thinking him not able to write. Then Crane would begin to show her little attentions, and But here he broke off his reflections, and found himself feeling glad that he would be away and would not have to see the affair going on. When he came back he would be able to meet her wttJi no outward show of emotion. All winter Brant wandered from place to place. Crane wrote twice, at the first, but he was a poor correspond ent, and Brant's third letter remained unanswered. At home the winter's snows melted, the days grew longer, spring came, and In May Brant returned. As he walked along the street from the station he heard his name spoken, and a moment later Crane was shaking his hand, and saying words of wclcoum I'm in a hurry now," said Crane, "but come around to the office later, and go home to tea with me. You see," went on, smilingly, "I've been mar ried a month. It's all Just as you said tt would be, and I believe In dreams now your dreams, at any rate. Well, cood-by for the present Be sure and come out Margaret will be delighted to see you." Crane hurried off down the street. Brant stood looking after htm with an expression of overwhelming amaze ment on his face. "Margsretr he exclaimed, under hw breath. "Hood heavens he's gone and married the wrong one!" Otnaa Bee. Money is everything to tho poor tal low who hasn't a caafc THE TAMALttV (ToW It I. Made in the Country Tkm It Originated. What the unrivaled doughnut such as our grandmothers used to make. Is 10 good old New England, the tamale (pronounced tay-mah-lee) Is to the great Southwest The doughnut Is a soclologlc and historical factor la New Eugluud, and the tamale Is no less a fauililar factor in Southern California. And the loaf of brown bread and sa vory dish of baked beans are no more characteristic . of the "down East" Yankee thn Is the corn dodger of the Oeorgla-n and the tanuile of the Spanish-American. Races cf people betray their Individuality as snrely In what they eat as In what they do and fy and wear; and the history of the South west which does not mention the ta male is no history at all It Is only the dry bones of history. It Is no easy task for an American who does not speak the Spanish lan guage to learn the rather lengthy process of making real, old-time Mexi can tamales, but I obtained the follow- 11 g recipe from a reliable source: "Take two quarts of yellow, dried corn and boll In water with one-half teacup of lime. Let boil till well cooked, then wash thoroughly and grind on the metata three times till it becomes very tine. Take two full-grown chickens and boll In water enough to cover them: season with a little salt; lot boil till juite tender, remove and let cool, then :ut In small pieces. Mix with the corn laugh (which has been rolled on the metata) enough of the water In which the chickens were foiled to make H soft and add about two cups of lard. Season with a little salt aud knead thor oughly. "After this take three dozen chills (red pepierst, remove seeds, roast In a moderate oven a few seconds, take out and place In tepid water, then grind on tlx metata several times with a head of garlic, then strain well. In a stewing pot place some lard; when hot drop In one onion, cut fine, and about a spoon ful of flour. Lei cook a little while, then drop in the chilis; let come to a boll, add the cut chicken, a cupful ot lives, a cupful of raisins, a teaspoonful of sugar, a little salt and pepper and let come to a boil again; then tike away from the fire. Soak in cold water dry corn husks. When well soaked, shake them, trim the ends and apply a thin layer of ths corn dough to the half of each husk. Put a spoonful of the stew on a prepared husk and cover with a prepared husk. Tio the ends with Scrl"s made from the same husks. Place In a large pot of boiling water and boll one hour." Passing along some country road on a forenoon one may frequently come to the humble home of a Mexican family. To the unthinking observer it Is un sightly. There Is a ragged cypress hedge In front, and a gate which has lost all self-respect There are no "walks," but dusty paths . that have known the footfalls of many genera tions. The old gray house, with Its "dobe" waliS and sagging tile roof, seems to be seriously considering the advisability of giving over the efforts to stand up at all and falling Into a shapeless ruin. But that is deception. It has stood that way for roa.i.v dec ades. In the California sun and rain, and will stand thus for many more. There are several dark-skinned, brdght eyed little "muchlehis' playing about, and two or three mongrel dogs. To one Mde of the house, under a wide-spreading pepper tree, there Is a motherly looking old woman bending over a met ata stone. She Is making tamalos pre paratory to dinner for el humbre when he shall come from his work at noon time. She Is stout In form, and with a face which Is the sure Index to as kind a woman's heart ns you will find, though you travel the world around. She has a bright-colored rabosa. or head shawl, over her bead, and she sings softly as she works. This Is a humble Mexican home spot, but It may be the abiding place of more of the do mestic virtues and real happiness than many a smart American home. Los Angeles cor. St Louis Globe-Democrat HIS COFFIN A BOAT. An Iceland Fisherman Bnrled in Hl Little Dorj. nerbert I. Ward writes In the Cen tury of the "Heroes of the Peep," one of the series of articles on "Heroes of Peace." Mr. Ward says: On April 25, 18!lf, fl fishing-vessel came out from the harbor of Pyre Fiord, Iceland, to bait up and set Us trawls. It became calm at night, but In the morning, when the dories went ou to haul, it began to breeze up. The gale came up so rapidly that the head dories, In order to save themselves at all, cut their gear and made for the ves sel, which was drifting astern, so that the men could get aboard. Soon all the dories were in but one, and the skip per was In the rigging, looking for it anxiously. It was not long lefore he discovered It to windward, bottom np with the two men on top. Volunteers offered instantly. By this time the gale was a hurricane, and the sea. had made rapidly. The great dan ger was apparent One of the men who went to the rescue as a matter of course, at the peril of his life, was Carl Eckoff, an indomitable Swede, I have been unable to discover the name of the other two. The wind aa well aa the tide was against the rescuers. Again and again they were almost swamped but rapid bailing and skillful handling carried them on In the white bell. At last, well nigh spent, they reached the dory Just In time to aave one man alive. But tha other waa dead. His bead was fouled In the gear where he had fallen over, benumbed by the ley water. They car ried him back to the vessel, and work ed three hours in vala trying to reana dtaite him. Then they made for the harbor. Oa the following day a procession of the crews of three vessels wended Its way to the churchyard. Uplifted upon the stalwart arms of monrnlng mates, the dory led tha war. It waa the as sassin dory, and In K, la simple state, lay the man It had killed. Up through tae churchyard, into the plain church, the man waa carried in this Strang bier. TWere he waa laid before ths pulpit, while be minister Mfcltrlr to ftt fraya? fevjs 64- Tt,e freezing rfrave was ready. IB It John Jacobsan was buried. No longer will he rUk the gale or the Ice. The dory that had slain him was his cotDn; and the cold earth of warm-hearted Ice land has covered both man and boat In an eternal peace. A5i The voice of a woman is audible In a balloon at the height of about two miles, while that of a man has never reached higher than a mile. The Introduction of the electric light In the Roman catacombs has been chronicled already. Now it Is proposed to light the galleries of the great pyra mids of Egypt In like manner. A recent ocean-going freight steamer h&s run for twelve months on an ex- nui'.lltiirn n f a 1 1 1 f I .t At-ar nn nniirwl n? I t-"""'" " " " 1 coal j:cr horse power per hour in fa ' miliar terms, about half a quart of , coal did the work of a horse for an ( hour. The engine had five cylinders, and the steam pressure was 250 pounds to the square inch. Pr. L. I J. See tound the cause of the twinkling of stars to be the pres ence In the atmosphere of innumerable little air currents or waves, which dart through the air and cause a break in the light from the star. These little air currents can be distinguished through the 24-Inch telescope very plainly, on nights when this twinkling Is observed most, by removing the eye piece of the Instrument. In the Interior of Australia absence of water has prevented not only the settlement, but In some places, even the effective exploration, of the coun try. At present the artesian well sys tem Is being steadily extended into the arid reginus, and nt the recent meet ' Ing of the Australasian Association for i the Advancement of Science, Sir James ! Hector declared that this advance of the wells was a feature of great prom ise In the future of the more barren Darts of the Australian continent. ' A 6trange account is given of the performances of a government artesian well at Lower Brule Ageucy, in South Pakota. When first driven, the well threw up a column of water six Inches In dlametfr. After a -wtiilt It began ts r-iout alternately, sand and water. Re cently blue clay has taken the place of both sand and water. There seems to be aa endless supply of the clay, and the pressure upon It In the bowels of the earth must be tremendous. It completely fills the C inch pipe, and Is sues at the top like a gigantic sausage, rising to a height of five or six feet before it topples over. It Is necessary to remove the deposit of clay .In order to save the well from becoming buried under it. The clay does not flow con tinuously, but It is said, usually com mences a little before the advent of windy and stormy weather. Indicating a change in the pressure due to the state of the atmosphere. The surprising certainty with whld shots from modern rifled cannon rcat 'i targets several miles distant depeniis upon an accurate knowledge of the range. In a combat with hostile ships the range must he continually chang ing, aud one of the means for its quick ascertainment Is the range-finder In vented by Lieutenant Flske of our navy. Two telescopes are fixed on the deck of a ship at a known distance apart An observer at each telescope keeps It directed upon the enemy's ship. The telescopes are electrically connected, and a Wheatstone bridge and galvanometers are Included In the circuit As long as the telescopes are perfectly parallel In direction, the Wheatstone bridge remains In equilib rium, but when they are converged upon a single object, the equilibrium is destroyed, and the needle of the gal vanometer swings over a distance cor responding to the angular displace ment of the telescopes. A properly graduated disk behind the needle shows at a glance the distance of the object at which the telescopes are aim ed. Names Assumed by Royalty. When traveling. Queen Victoria Is the Countess of Balmoral, and can be recognized officially only by that title. Leopold II. of Belgium went to Parle as the Count of Ravenstein and return ed to Brussels under the same name. The Prince of Wales has never been In Paris; It Is the Earl of Chester who Is the hero of all the naughty adventures ascribed to Alliert Edward. The Em press Frederick Is the Countess Lin gen. The Empress of Austrln calls her self the Countess of Hohenembs; the Empress Eugenie, Countesse de Pierre ponds, the mediaeval stronghold which she had restored. If you meet the Countess of Toledo on your travels, you will know that she Is Isabella II., once queen of Spain; the Puchess of Castro is ex-Queen Sophie of the Two Sicilies; the Count of Barcellos Is King Carlos of Portugal, and his wife. Queen Ame lle. Is Marquesa de Villacosa; Prince Victor Bonaparte calls himself Count of Montcallere; Prince Ferdinand of Bulgaria, Count Murany; the Swedish crown prince. Count Carlsborg. In plte of these assumed names, those Who come In contact with these royal travelers are expected to treat them a though the incognito did not exist Paper Teeth Relng Made. Paper teeth are made by a dentist In Lubeefc, Germany. One of his pa trons has a sot which has been In use for thirteen years, and gives complete satisfaction. Hewitt That hotel clerk queered himself last night Jewett How was thatt Hewitt A lady he was calling upon happened to say that her foot was asleep, and he absent-mindedly asked her what time she would have it called Town Topics. "Excuse me," said the collector, "but twenty-fire cents isn't aa appreciable payment on what you owe." "Ton ara only collecting the Interest, I believe." Tea." "Well, this Is according to con tract It was stipulated that the in terest should be payable quart erl." Waafclaxtoa Mas. TOBACCO PIPES DIAGNOSED. lied leal Preference for CTay Ovae Wood Objectionable Mouthpiece. If tobacco smoking is Justifiable at all on hygienic grounds, It Is generally con ceded that the pipe Is the least injuri ous nieaiis. But tobacco pipes differ considerably In material and shape, both of which must be important fac tors In determining the character of the smoke. Thus there Is the clay, the meerschaum, and the various wooden pipes, tho brier, the cherry, or myall. Next to the tobacco, therefore, which should always be pure and free from added flavoring, an expedient which la resorted to far too commonly nowt d3's, probably In many instances to cover an inferior quality of tobaeeo, the best kind of pipe is the paint to bo con sidered. Even assuming that he Is smoking good tobacco, the smoker knows how different in character the 6moke is when drawn from a clay or a wooden bowl. There is probably a scIentLIc ex planation of this fact which must have some bearing on the noxious or Innocu ous character of the smoke associated with other products of combustion. A soft clay Is Invariably cool smoking, because the acrid oils obtained In the destructive distillation of the tobacco are absorbed instead of collecting to a little pool, which must eventually, cith er by the volatilization or by mechani cal conveyance, reach the mouth. A particular pipe "smokes hot" not nec essarily because the temperture of the smoke Is high, but because It favors the passage by one of these means of the oils into the mouth. Meerschaum is an other porous material. Again, an old wooden pipe or brier, so dear to inveterate smokers, leeomes "smooth Smoking" because the pores of the wood widen and so altsorb, as is the faso with clay and meerschaum, a large proportion of the tobacco oils. Thus an old pipe "sweats," as It Is termed 4hnt Is, the oil Intrudes Into the expanded pores of the wooden bowl, and at length exudes. Similarly, a hook-liajH'd pipe must be better than a ilpe the bowl of which la on the same level ns the mouth, for the simple reason that lu the former a considerable quantity of the oil Is kept back In tho U-shaied part of the pipe, while In the lattqr the oil trav els easily down the stem. Ebonite stems are In general objec tionable because they Commonly spoil the true flavor of tobacco smoke. This is most probably due to the sulphur of th rbonitc combining with tho volatile oils In the smoke. We know iiistant?s where ebonite stems have produced dis tinctly objectionable symptoms In the throat, most probably for the reason Just given. Bono or real amber makes a much more satisfactory stem, or the pipes should be of wood throughout Amber substitutes, and especially cellu loid, should be discarded entirely ns dangerous, while the flavor of camphor which these invariably communicate to the smoke forma a very unpleasant combination. ripes of special construction cannot be regarded with much favor, such as those which are said to be hygienic, and usually contain a so-called nicotine ab sorber. Those smokers who require such auxiliary attachments had better not smoke at all. As a matter of fact Jobacco yields little nicotine in the Bmoke produced on its partial combus tion. It Is mainly to oils of a tarry and acrid character that the toxic symp toms of tobacco are due. London Laiv eet Deaf and Dumb Athletes. In blind men some of the senses are much keener than those possessed by people who have the full use of their eyes, and the deaf and dumb athletes of Washington Heights offer a striking Instance of this marvelous provision of nature. These boys not only make physically powerful athletes, but they are quick of appreciation and learn new sports rapidly. They pick up the fine points of a play, if anything, a trifle more quickly than the ordinary boys of their age, and they are certain ly very successful in competition. A team of expert basket ball ployers has been developed from among the pupils of the school. They also had a strong baseball team last spring, and a year ago one of the strongest foot-ball teams produced by any school from boys of their age was turned out. Pcaf mutes have a distinct advantage over ordi nary boys, In that their attention is never distracted from their play by happenings outside of the game. Their Inability to hear makes them concen trate their minds better on what they are doing. They are particularly easy to teach, for they are very tractable and understand quickly what Is wanted of them. Disfigured, but All There. There had leen a foot-hall game in a mart Western village. It had termin ated without any fatalities, and victors and vanquished bad met at the princi pal hotel to eat dinner together in token of restored peace and concord. "Are the boys all here, landlord?" asked the captain of the victorious eleven, as the proprietor of the hotel came to him to announce that every thing was In readiness. "Have you counted noses?" "Yes, sir," replied the perspiring land lord, "I've counted them. Some of them are a good deal out of shape, but they're all here." Youth's Companion. His Wheels. Visitor And he imagines that ha sees ghosts all the time? How herriblc! And do they clank chains Attendant Ah, do I Madam will re member that this Is the era of thf chainless wheeL New York Press. The Prolific llvnana. The banana la the must prolific of fruits. The produce of one acre plant ed with bananas will support U.enty flve times as many people as the prod uce of an acre planted with wheat .1 Saddle Worth $1,000. D. W. Thompson, of Santa Barbara, Cal., Is the owner of what is probably I the costliest saddle in the world. It is worth $4,000 and its decorations are of silver and gold. The saddle is of fine embossed leather and the trappings are f the most elaborate character. The Work was done under Mr. Tnompson'r aorso&al Aooervlslan. BUCKEYE AND NUTMEG ORATES An Incident TmUcatinz t'i Rerlon nes of an Ohio Man. A half dozen college men were In New York one night not a great whllf ago Indulging In a dinner at tho ex fonse of oue whose enthusiasm on grid Iron heroines had somewhat beclouded blfl Judgment Part of the party con ei&tud of a Connecticut man and ai Ohio chap, who, while he Is smar enough In most matters, Is not blessef with a very quick nor eomprehenslr wit And he is particularly slow to art a point when there Is a mist of mellov merriment before his eyes, as there wai on this occasion. Now It happens thai ths Nutmeg man Is as proud of bit State as the Buckeye man la of his, an they have friendly tllts-at-arms ever now and again over the respective iue Its of Connecticut and Ohio. At thl dinner the two sat together, and whei the time arrived for any man to inak a few remarks who wished to do so, the Connecticut man arose with lib hand on the shoulder of his neighbor. "Here," he sang out full and free with his glass on high, "Is to the Nut meg State who can produce a grater?" Tho crowd of diners smiled charita bly at the well-worn sentiment and gng That Is, all of them did except tin Buckeye, and he Jumped to his feet. "Gentlemen," bo shouted, with hit glass up, "I can. Look, sirs, at Ohio. There she stands, the greatest Com monwealth that sits enthroned up on " But he never got his metaphors mixed any further. The crowd yelled him down, and for a week afterward he wai trying to choke off unfeeling allusions Jesse .lames' Lent Shave in Kentucky "I shaved Jesse James, the once noted outlaw, down In Kentucky a long lime ago," said an old, gray-haired fel low on the train the other day, "when the man's life wasn't worth a penny. Jesse rushed into my little country place, down In the Red River country, one day In the latter part of Pecember, and asked me if I wouldn't shave him while he looked after his Coifs revol vers aud watched the door. I was not a barber by trade, but tlnrs persuaded I wa$ induced to try my hand with a new Wade & Butcher razor I took out of my showcase. As I shared the man af Iron nerve sat with a cocked pistol !n ench hand and told me In n few hur ried words that a posse was pursuing blin. bent on enpturing him, dead or llive, on the charge of robbing a bank it Russellville, a crime, he averred, of which he was not guilty. He wanted cis L?nrd shnvert off that he might fool his pursuers if they sliouid Happen to Catch up with him. I finished the Job f scraping. The much-wanted indi vidual thanked me, and, mounting a horse, which had been hitched in the rear of my store, bade me good evening ind rode away. I didn't know for cer tain who my visitor was, although I suspected It, until the next day, when I heard that a man In the neighborhood was telling that he had seen the elder lames the afternoon before. I suppose that was the last shave Jesse James ;ot in Kentucky, and I have never seen him since." Syracuse Standard. New Xork the Ila lroxit Center. "Reasoning Out a Metropolis" Is the ;ltle of an article In St. Nicholas, writ ten by Ernest Ingcrsoll. Mr. Ingcrsoll says: Railroads began to be built about lSf!0, and the New-Yorkers were soon pushing them out In all directions, sup jlyiug the money for extending them farther and farther north and west, and connecting them into long systems controlled by one head. Other men In other cities did the Fame; but by and by it was seen that no railroad between the central West and East could suc ceed In competition with its rivals un less It reached New York. The great trunk roads, built or nided by the Hal timore men to serve their city, and ly the Philadelphia people to bring trade to them, and by the capitalists of New England for their prolif. never suc ceeded, therefore, until they had been pushed on to New York, where the volume of commerce was coming to be ns great as, or greater than, that of all the other American ports put together. Now New York has become the real headquarters of every important rail way system In the United States; that Is. It is here that the tinaucinl opera tions the money part of the manage ment are conducted, though the su perintendents of its trains and daily business may keep their offices some where else. The Benver In Europe. It is possible that the beaver will sur vive longer in Europe than In Amerli-a. It is said that a few Individuals are sitill to be found on the Elbe, tihe Rhine, and the Panule, and Prof. Collett, of Chris tlanla. estimates that there are now 100 Individuals living in Norway, whereus the number In 18S0 was estimated nt sixty. Trof. Colhrtt recommends that government projection be afforded to prevent their extermination. When Cain Killed Abel. There Is a very general mlsconcep. tlon of a well-known passage in the Bcok of Genesis with regard to Cain's place of abode after he had killed his "Cain went out from the presence of the Lord and dwelt In the land of Nod," but learned commentators ex press the opinion that this should read, "land, Nod," the preposition being un necessary. The word Nod Is said to j mean a wanderer, and. If Biblical stu dents are to be trusted In this matter, I the passage means Cain went out and dwelt in the lnnd a wanderer or exile from his people, the presumption being that he was obliged to keep away from his Immediate family for fear of their vengeance, nn additional precaution for his safety being indicated by the fact that a mark was placed upon him. The question where Cain got his wife Is a silly quibble which frequently comes up In Sunday schools and other places; silly from the fact that If the Biblical account of the origin of ths human race from a single pair lie re ceived as correct, there may have been several thousand of human beings r the world long before the death of Cain. Tho average woman's dab Is a boom- SERMONS OF THE DAY "Sliver Wlnr" the KubJcrtI.Ivrn of tlie Christian ami the I'nhelievcr (.'nnlraet eil Scene, nt the Deathbed of Nitpo leon mill Voltaire Compared With Ivath or Paul. Text: "Though ye hnvo lain among the pots, yet shall ye bo as th wing of a dove covered with sliver, nnrt her fonthers with yellow gold." IValms Ixviti; 13. I suppose you know whnt tho Israelites did down In Egyptian serfdom. They made bricks. Amid th nteusils of the brick kilu thore were also other utnnsils of cookery the kettles, tho pots, tho puns, with which they prepared their daily food, and when tliee slaves, tired of tho day's work lay down to rest, they lay down ami 1 tile im plements of eookery and tho Implements of hard work. When they arose in the morn ing thoy found their garments covered with tho clay and the smoko and tho dust, and besmirched and bivrimud with theutensils of cookery, hut after awhllo the Lord broke up that slavery, and He took these poor slaves Into a laud where they had bet ter garh, bright and clean and beautiful ap pnrel. No morn bricks for them to make. Let l'haraoh make his own bricks. When Iavid In my text comes to describe tho transition of these poor Israelites from their bondage amid the brick kilns into the glori ous emancipation for which God had pre pared them, he says: "Though ye have lain among tho pots, yet shall ye be as the wings of a dove covered with silver, and her fenthers with vellow gold." Miss Whately, the author of a celebrated book, "Life In Egypt," said she sometimes saw people lu the East cooking their food on tho tops of houses, and that she had often seen, just before sundown, pigeons, doves, which had, during the heat of the day, been hiding among tho kettles ami tho pans with which the food was prepared, picking up the crumbs that they might find, just about the hour of sunset spread thoir winjjs and lly heavenward, eutiiely uusoilcil by the region in which they hail moved, for the pigeon is a very cleanly bird. Aud ns these pigeons flew away tho setting sun would throw sil ver on their wings and gold on their breasts. So you pee it was not a far fetched simile or nn unnatural comparison, when David, In my text, says to these emaciated Israelites, and says to all these who nre brought out of any kind of trou ble into any kind of spiritual joy, "Though ye have lain among the pi.ts, yet shall ye be ns tho wings of a dove covered With silver, and her feathers with yellow gold." I am going to preach something this morning which some of you do not believe, and that is that tho grandest possible adornment is tho religion of Jesus Christ. There are n great many people who suppose that religion is a very different thing from what it really is. Tho reason meu con demn the Uioie is because they do not un derstand the Ihble; they have not properly examined it. Ir. Johnson said that Iltituo told a minister in his bishopric of Durham, that Mo had never particularly examined the New Testament, yet all his life warring ngainst it. Halky, the astronomer, nu niiunced his skepticism to .Sir Isaac New ton, and Sir Isaac Newton said: "Now, sir, 1 hnvo examined the subject, and you have not, and I am ashamed that you, pro f"ssiug to le a philosopher, consent to con demn a thing you never examined." And so men reject the religion of Jesus Christ because they really havo never Investigated it. They think it something impractical, something that will not work, something Pccksniflinn, something hypoeritienl.some thing repulsive, when it ii so bright and so beaiitii'ul, yon might compare it to a dove, its wings covered with silver aud its fenthers with yellow gold. To enter the religious life is to put your self in the pardon, tho comfort, tho com panionship, the omnipotence of tho illus trious Christ, the Saviour of ono world and tho chief joy of another. The storm His frown; tho sunlight His Fmile; the spring morning His breath; the earth quake the stamp of His foot; the thunder the whisper of His voice; the ocean n drop rn the tip of His linger; heaven a sparkle on the bosom of His love; eternity tho twinkling of His eye; tho universe the fly ing dust of His chariot-wheels. Able to heal a heart-break, or hush a tempest, or drown a world, or flood immensity with His glory. What an uplifting thing to mnke such n I'eiug our nllyt liut how is it if a young man becomes a Christian? All through the gny circles where he associates, all through the busi ness circles where ho is known, thero is commiseration. They say, "What a pity that a young man who had such bright prospects should so have been ihspoiled by the.e Christians, giving up all his worldly prospects for something which is of no particular present worth." Here Is a young woman who becomi'S a Christian; her voice, her face, her manners the Miami of the drawing-room. Now all through the social circle the whisper goes, What a pity that such a bright light should havo been CNtinguishod, that such a graceful giit should be crippled, that such worldly prospects should bo obliter ated." Ah, my friends. It can be shown that religion's ways are ways of pleasant ness, and that all her paths nre peace: that religion, instead of being dark and doleful, and lachrymose, and rcpuldve. Is bright and beautiful, fairer than a dove, its wings covered with silver and its fenthers with yellow gold. See, in the first place, what religion will do for a mnn'9 heart. I care not how cheerful a man may naturally be before conversion, conversion brings hltn up to n higher standard of cheerfulness. I do not say he will laugh any louder; I do not sny but that he may stand back from some forms of hilarity in which he once in dulged, but there comes into his soul an im mense satisfaction. A young man, not a Christian, depends upon worldly successes to keep Ids spirits up. Now lie is pros pered, now he has large salary, now he has a beautiful wardrobe, now he has pleasant friends, now ho has more money than ho knows well how to spend; everything goes bright and well with him. Jtut trouble ci mes there are many young men in the house this morning wiio can testify out of their own experience that sometimes to young men troublo does come his friends arc gone, his salary is gout, his health is gone; he goes down, down. He becomes sour, cross, queer, mlsanturopic, blames the world, blames society, blames tho church, blames everything: rushes per haps, to the intoxicating cup to drown his trouble, but instead of drowning hi." trouble drowns his body nnd drown? his soul. ISut there is a Christian young man Trouble comes to him. Does ho give up? No. Ho throws himself back on the re sources of heaven. Hesays, "Ood is my Father. Out of nil these disasters I shall pluck advantage for my soul. All tho promises are mine Christ is mine. Chris tian companionship is mine, heaven is mine. What though my apparel bo worn out? Christ giveg mo a robe of righteous ness. What though my money be gone? I have a title deed to tho whole universe In tho promise, all arc yours. What though my worldly friends fall away? Minister ing angels nro my bodyguard. What though my fare be poor and my bread be scant? I sit at the King's banquet." Yon and I have found out that people who pretend to be happy aro not always happy. Look at that young man cari caturing tho Christian religion. scoHing at everything good, going into roystering drunkenness, dashing the champagne bottio to the lloor, rolling the glasses from tho barroom counter, laughing, shouting, stamping the floor, shrieking. Is he happy? I will go to his midnight pillow. I will see him turn the gas off. I will ask myself If the pillow on which he jieeps Is as soft as the pillow on which that pure young man sleeps. Ahl no. When ho opens bis eyes la the morning will tho world bo as bright to him as to hat young man who retirei nt night say. Ing his prayers, invoking Clod's blessing upon bis own soul and thesnul of his com rades, and father and mother and brother, and Bister far away? No.no. His laugh ter will ring out IMm tt- saloon so that yon hear It as yon pass by, but it is hollow laughter; in it la the snapping of heart strings and ths rattle of prison gates. Happyl That young man happy? Let him till high the bowl: he enr- - nn upbraiding conscience. Let the balls roll through the bowllng-nliey; tho deep ramble and the sharp crack cannot over power the voices of condemnation. Let him whirl in the dnncs of sin nnd temp tation and death. All the brilliancy of tho scene cnunot make him forget tho Int look of his mother as ho left home, when she said to him: "Now, my son, you will do right, I am sure you will do right; yon will, won't you?" That young man happy? Why, neross every night thero flits the shadows of eternal darkness; there aro adders colled up in every cup; there are vultures of despair striking their Iron beak into his heart; there aro skeleton fingers of grief pinching at the throat. I come In ami I the clicking of the glasses, ami under the flashing of tho ohaudeliers, nnd I ery. "Woe! woe! wool The way of tho ungodly shall perish. Thero is no peace, saith my iod, to the wicked. The way of transgressors la hard." Oh, do yon know of nnything, my hear ers, that Is more beautiful than to see a young man start out for Christ? Here is some one falling; ho lifts him up. Here is a vagabond boy; he introduces him to a mission school. Here is a family freezing to death, ho carries them a scuttle of coal. There are eight hundred millions perishing in midnight heathen darkness: by all possi ble means he tries to send them the Gospel. Ho may bo laughed at, and he may be sneered nt, and tie mny bo caricatured"; but he is not nshamed to go everywhere, say ing, "I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, It is tho power of (tod and the wis dom of God unto salvation." Such a oiing man can go through everything. There Is no force on earth orln hell that cnu resist him. I show yon three speetacli-s. Spectacle the first: Napoleon passes by with the host that went down with him to Egypt, and up with him through ltussia, and crossed the continent on the bleeding heart of which he set his iron heel, and across tho quiver ing flesh of which went grinding the wl Is of his gun carriages, in his dying moment asking his attendants to put on his mili tary boot for him. Spectacle the second: Voltaire, bright and learned anil witty and elooueut. with tongue and voice ami stratagem infernal. warring against God and poisoning whole kingdoms with bis inlbleliiy: yi-t applauded by clapping hands of throiies" ami cmiiires and continents his last words in delirium. supposing Christ standing by his b.-d-ddc his last words, "Cruili that Wr.-t.-h." Spectacle the t bird: Paul - Paul, the in. significant in person, thrust out fr.uu all remind association, scourged, spat on. hounded like a wild beast from citvto.-jlv, yet trying to make the world goo I and' heaven full; announcing rem rreei ion to those who nioiirne.l at the Parrcd gateu of the dead; speaking cousolal ions which light up the ey.-s of wi louhoo I and or phanage and want with the glow of cer tain and eternal release; undaunted before those who could take his life, hjs cheek flushed with transport, and his eye ou heaven: with one hand shaking b-liauce nt all of tho foes of earth and all the princi palities of hell, ami with the other hand beckoning messenger angels to come and bear him away, as he says. "I am now ready to bo offered, and the time of my de parture is nt hand; I have fought the good light; I have finished mv course; I have kept tho faith: henceforth there Is laid up for me a crown of righteousness which the Lord, the righteous judge, will give me." Which of the three spectacles do you mo9t admire? Wh.m the wind of death struck tho conqueror nnd the in!dc they Wero tossed like sea-gulls in a tempest, drenched of the wave and torn of the hur ricane, their dismal voices heard through the everlasting storm, but when tie-wave and the wind of death struck Paul, like an albatross he made a throne of the tempest, and one day floated away Into the calm, cienr suminerof heaven, brighter than the dove, its wings covered with silver and its feathers with yellow gold. oh. are you not in love with such a religion a relig ion that can do so much for a man while he lives, ami so much for a man when he comes to die? I suppose you may have noticed tho contrast between the de parture of a Christian and the departure of nn infidel. Deodorous, dying in a cha grin because he could not compose a joko equal to tho joke uttered nt the other end of the table. Zeuxis dying in a lit of laugh ter nt tho sketch of an age I woman a sketch made by his own hands. Miliaria dying playing cards, his friend holding his hands because ho was unal.Ie to hold them himself. All that on one side, com pared with the departure of tho Scotch minlstor, who said to his friends, "I have no interest ns to whether I live or die; if I die I shall bo with tho Lord, and if I live the Lord wll( be with me." Or the Inst words of Washing ton, "It well." Or the Inst words of Mcintosh, the learned ami the great, "Happy." Or the last words of Hannah Moore, tho Christian poetess, "Jov." Or those thousands of Christians who have gone, saying, "Lor.. Jesus, receive my spirit. Come, Lord Jesus, come quickly." "O death! where is thy sting? O gravel whero Is thy victory?" behold tho con trast, r.ehold tho charm of the one; be hold the darkness of the other. Now, I know It Is very popular in this day for young men to think thero is something more charming in scepticism than in re ligion. They nro ashamed of the old fashioned religion of the cross, and they pride themselves on their free thinking on nil these subjects. My voung friends. I want to toll you what Ikriow from observa tion, that while skepticism is a beautiful land at the start, it is the great Sahara Desert at the last. That I might woo you to a better life, and that I might show you the glorbM with which God clothes His dear children in heaven, I wish I could this morning swing back one of the twelve gates that there might dash upon your ear one shout of the triumph, that thero might Itamo upon your eye one blaze of all the splen dor. Oh, when I speak of that good land, you involuntarily think of someone there that you loved -father, mot her. hrother, sister, or dear little child garnered al ready. You want to know wh it they are doing this morning. I will tell yoii'ivhat they aro doing. Singing. Von' want to know what they wear. I will tell you Whnt they wear. Coronets of triiimoh. "Oh," you say, "religion I am going to have; it Is only a question of lime." My brother. I am afraid that yon may lose heaven tie way Louis Philippe ,,-t his empire. The Parisian mob cane around the Tuilcries. The National Guard si I in defense of the palace, and the com. mandcr said to Louis Philippe. "Shall I lire now? Shall I order the troops to tire? With one volley we can clear the place?'' "No," said Louis Philippe, ' not yet." A few minutes passed on, and then Louis Philippe, seeing the case was hopeles-i. said to the General, "Now is the time to lire." "No," said the General, "il is too lute now; don't yon see that the soldier arc exchang ing arms with the citizens':1 If i loo late." Down went the throne of Louis Philippe. Away from tho earth went the house of Orleans, and all because the King said "Not yet, not yet." Mny God forbid that any of you should adjourn this great sub ject of religion, and slioull postpone as sailing your spiritual foes until It is loo late too late, you losing n throne in heaven the way that Louis Philippe lost a throne on earth. "Ii, elieinallv ine:il;l a bottle or a t.!-!i. W hen th - llalh u gia-s blow ers ilei-eled Haws ill the vj-'is I hov Wele blowing, they in. eh' an ordinary l.ollle of the failure, uud hour,. tl(. icm.,.". In Knciaiid ibjiu r ceniiiiy auo it was not iiiiuHin! for a mun to eil iiis wifc iuto mo-. .:ide. A German scicttti-. is of opinion tl M w'omen wili have ls-ards son.e time in li.e l-elnole I ill III e. Goldfish are of ( hii.ee oriein. They veie origi 1 1 y found in.:l lalee lake near Mount Tsieni-ine jmd were irt brought to r.uroo in the seventeenth century. The tie t. in Triune ratne as a present to Mint', de. Pompadour. It is n noteworthy fad that sheep thrive liost in a pustule infested wilh moles. This is liecuiisc of the Irf'ttcr di'aiu-a-e of the land. The Spenish Armstda consisted of 1.TJ ships, Slii-'i cannon, srnil sailors, .iisti gal ley slaves, 2I.Ki5 soldiers, IM volunteers. 00 es Bt .lo rd a eV r
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