Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, July 27, 1898, Image 3

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B. F. SClItraER,
For Oovemor Colonel William
A. Stone, of Allegheny.
For Lieutenant Governor Oen
J. P. S. Oobin, of Ilanon.
For Secretary of Internal Affairs
General James W. Latta, of
For Judge of the Superior Court
William Porter, of Philadelphia,
William IVavid Porter, of Alle
gheny. For Congressman at Large
Galnsha A. Grow, of Susquehanna,
and S. A. Davenport, of Erie.
THAI) M.Mahon,
of Franklin county.
A. TJ. Evans.
II. F. Wiuakd.
Itabbits are numerous.
Ellis Stump, of Philadelphia, is visit
ing in this place.
It costs SI.4B 4-ents a word to send a
despatch to Manila.
Kd. T. Auker spent a few days re
cently at Atlantic City.
There was a hop at the Murray house
last Wednesday evening'.
Miss Martha Kasick is visiting Miss
Lily Ellis in Harrisburg.
"Koliert Pat ton, Ksij., was in town a
day last week, on business.
Mrs. Sally I)err, of Wilton, is visiting
Pr. Harry I )err and sisters.
Wm. Crawford, of Tyrone, sojourned
in thirf place a few days recently.
Rev. Mr. Raven, will take a vacation
till the 1st Sunday in September.
Carl K. Kxjienschade has been ap
pointed deputy revenue collector.
Rev. Mr. Kalis, and family are on a
two wevks vacation in Maryland.
h "
The Indian Mound Harvest Home
will le held on the Oth of August.
Miss Harriet Jaekmai is home from
Pittsburg, on a Jew weeks vacation.
Merchant T. K. Reaver, spent Mon
day afternoon in town on business.
Property for "e. For terais,
apply to Mrs. Diekl. Front St.
The Christian Endeavors of the State
will meet in Harrisburg next Octolier.
Retrenchment in railroad shops at
Harrisburg effect 200 men in that town.
Viss Bess Thompson, of Sindey,
Ohio, is the guest of Viss Marion Scholl.
Chairman (iarmau is happy, the
gold bug Democrats have fallen into
Leslie Allison came home from Ty
rone for a few days, on account of sick
ness. The drought and heat of July 1S98
will le reniemlered in the years to
James Reaver, of Millerstown, sient
several hours on Sunday among friends i
in town.
Charles I.mder killed a six and a half
foot snake not far from this place some
days ago.
GroRt reductions in the priefs
of all Miliintrv gwtJs at Mrp. Dithl's
Front Strn-t.'
It 4-osts -(i0, to send a Spanish officer
from Santiago to Spain, and $30 to send
a private soldier.
Harry Musser is at home from Wil
kesharre, where he was in the employ
of an electric road.
TheVxltoona Tribune, says, as far as
heard from, eleven children in Altoona
have lieen named Dewey.
Mrs. Thomas McClellan, Mrs. Don
ally and two sons joined the Presby
terian church on Sunday.
.Miss Ida Rarick, of Lewistown. and
Ellis Stump, of Philadelphia, ale visit-!
ikg the hitter's parents in town.
Miss Pidge Patton, of Lewistown,
spent Saturday, Sunday, and Monday
with her relatives in Mifllintown.
David Crawford, son of Dr. Dowd
Crawford, carries an arm in a sling, the
result 4f a break from a fall off a fence.
The attendance upon the Rrethren
meeting in Hostetler's woods a mile
north of MeAlisterville, on Sunday was
Go to Meyers for your clotliir g
ami f orbit are be will i-aV'j j'ou 25
per cent. Kwact ma iarn i B m n is
Thomas C. AcClellan, wife and three
children, of AeVeytown, spent Sunday
with the family of his uncle. Captain
Pennsylvania has 17,000 troops in
the field for humanity, and peaceful
vnivmii t .r I'nlm. and the conouest
of Porto Rico.
On a wire fn.n. mountain lak to
........ ,ti.. w.lr TvmiiP lifonle will sun-
pend a flag 100 feet long by 00 feet w Hie
In the near future.
Humanity for Cuba, Garcia and his
gang of bushw hackers keep out of the
way while the Americans make roads
and do the fighting.
Rev. Mr. Diener, of Waterloo, was in
town on Monday, and was Interested
in the cause of his friend Dr. Swallow
for the governorship.
Ruth Watt, of Tyrone, is visiting
Editor Ronsall's family, and F'lijth
Bonsai! is a guest of John Kirn's
family, in Lancaster.
Bertram Howe and sister, Miss Anna
How e, of Tyrone, have been guests of
their grandmother Mrs. Howe, ou
Cherry street, for the past week.
The Jefferson ian Democracy the
gold bugs met in Philadelphia last
week and endorsed the Bryan silver
bun candidate Jenks, for governor. '
11... 1 . . 1 Ur ,n , k I
iut receipt or a cony of the minimi
lrt of the deiknrtiiu-tit rf iiUM1j '
alluir for 1KS7, from H. jallle w.
" .
Tl, I C. ...
. .iU s .-Mmiier was administered .
in the Presbvterian i-h
day. The preparatory hemum was
preached by Hew Mr. itaveti, theTues
day evening previous.
"rs. Tyson and three children, of
Philadelphia, are visiting the family of
Captain McClellan. Mrs. Tyson is a
daughter or John Munshower who lived
in thit town 35 years ago.
It is estimated that ?3),0. W gold I , , . V' . 7 1 ve, 1 "n of liSw-mls, :md in
has l.een mined in the Klondike within ,""ard hm' tvl U a hu,,dred t,m"- .company with his fatlu r in law,
the past year, which, if divided be-' A l,urKIar entered the houseof Henry j Kcrsccr of -the-Poor, David Kel
tween the 50,4100 gold seekers there ' I,eis,er l" I,ullt'"Kdon, mime nights ; ler, on Tuesday started up the
would give to eacli one atiout four hun- !
dred dollars.
Say, what's the boy liaby's name.
ills name is Dewey Hoiwon Samp
son Schley Watson hafter Miles
Roosevelt Kish Marshall Law ton Jo
that's all so far. We ain't goin ter fin-
isu ii uii ae wars over."
"Tliis susjiense," said the Philiiiiiue
Islander, "will kill me liefore long." the abdomen of lA-ister and was ex
"What susiense?" tracted the next day. The thier broke
"Of not knowing whether I'm going from the young man leister, but did
to land in France, (ierinany, Spain, not run back to the place if his en
Kugland or the I'nited States." trance to the house but ran to the front
The funeral if Itev. Davkl Stuart 1 n",nl alK, di,J Ilot Ht,,P to n"ist the
Manks, took place on Saturday after- j 'dow, hut jumped through the glass
noon, from the Presbvterian church. I and escajed. He left his shoesaud hat
Interment- in the Presbvterian eeme-
tery. The attendance was large.
Among those from a distance was Judge
IJeaver, of Rellefoute.
The big carp in the river, are coming
into favor with a good many jieople.
Those who like the lish as an article of
diet say those who do not like them do
not know how to cook them. Fisher
men say the easiest way to capture the
large -arp is to gig them.
Aged Millionaire And you refuse
me ?
MisriRcauli I am sorry, sir, but I
cannot lie your wife.
"Is it lecau:e I am too old?"
"Xo: because you are not older."
New York Weekly.
Perry county Freeman July 0. So
far as we have tieen able to learn, the
yield of wheat will 1 far lelow the es
timate and much of it will lie of infer
ior quality. Ve doubt if the average
per acre in the county will exceed eight
bushels.' Oats is almost un entire fail
ure. nrt'KXELL rXIVKRSlTV, John
Howard Harris President. College,
leading to degrees in Arts, Philosophy
and Science. Academy, a picparatory
school for young men' and l',ys. In
stitute, a ielined hoarding school tor
young ladies. School of Vusic, with
graduating courses. For catalogue, ad
d ress t lie 1 tegist ra r,
Wm. C. Ckktzixciki:.
Lewisburg, Pa.
The emperor of Germany end his
wife, have determined to take a trip to
Palestine. The parties that accompany
him number fH) persons. When he gets
to Palestine 1:2,000 Turkish soldiers are
to be his escort. With such surround
ings he will be , safe from the knife or
pistol of the assassin.
Juniata county people on Shade
mountain for huckleberries, north of
Evendale, report that a middle aged
man from McClure, Snyder county,
was bitten hi the calf of his left leg by
a rattle snake, and it was feartd he
could not live to lie taken off the
mountain. Ths Juniata people forget
the name of the bitten man.
Rloomfieid Times July !. One
night last week two hogs, weighing 150
pounds apiece were stolen alive from
Xewton Rryner's hog pen at (ireen
Park. It is believed that the irkers
were carried away in a wason as the
tracks of that kind of a vehicle were
seen there newly made, the next morn
ing. Why didn't the hogs sued.
The are people who lielieve that all
Sunday business must needs come to
a bad end. There are others who say
the better the day the lietter the result,
and then to back up their view they
cite the recent Sunday victory of Dewey,
over Monti jo at Manila on the 1st Sun
day of May. Schley's victory over
Cerveia on the 1st Sunday of July. .
A Swallow picnic will lie held at
Schmil tie's Park, near East Waterford,
Saturday July 30, 1S9S. Dr. Silas C.
Swallow, Independent and Prohibi
tion candidate for governor, will lie
present and deliver an address. It i
also expected that Hon. John Wana
maker will I present. Sjecial excur
sion on the Tuscarora Valley Railroad-
The war for humanity h-s almost ex
tinguished base ball playing, and has p.
corresMfndiiig effect upon foot ball
playing, as will be seen when the foot
ball season comes in. Kst ball play
ers when they go out to the game field
do not go there with the avowed pur
pose of killing their opponents as do
the soldiers, but all the same, there are
more young men hurt and killed at
foot ball, in proportion to the number
engaged, than in the army.
Lightning destroyed seven barns,
during the prevalence of a thunder
storm in Northampton c-ounty, on the
eveninv of the 20th of July, and oncer-
erthan all on the same day, in the
same eountv, a man named Reiser and
a man named Williamson had a light
over the heat of the weather. William
son was stablied four times by Reiser.
Williamson is not expected to live and
Rt'iser is in jail.
Iuge crowds were present, last week
at the grove meetings held under the
nusnices of the Pennsylvania State
lioard of the Rrethren church, at David
Hostetler's grove a rtiort distance north
Of .MC.MISien lilt-.
Services every even
ing to the 1st of August, at i.30 p. m.
Services conducted by Rev. J. F.
Koontz, of Coneniaugh, Pa., Rev. E. E.
Hmkiiis. Johnstown. Pa , Rev. R. E.
Darling, Pittsburg, Pa.
Huntingdon Glolie, July 21. Mrs.
Remamin Davis, of Shirley township,
was bitten on the ankle by a pier
head snake on Monday of last week
w hile w alking in her bare feet from her
residence to the smoke house. Her
limb teraiue very much swollen in a
I i,.,o ,is well as black and
BIH" -
from which she suffered great
Dr. W. J. Campbell, of Ml. L nion, was
! called in, who admhiistered the proper
remedies, and the lady is now on a fair
way to recovery
The 25th Annual Harvest Home, at
Panneliaker's Island will be held on
Saturday, August 6, 1898. -
Fiwro the Cleveland UOer. Thov
. .
I '-One of my uncles," she m,t, .
iveMy wounded at the battle of Mal-
vern inn.
'Indeed!" he replied. "My father
A it... f a ji m k
. T w"
After she had cast a withering look
at him. she retorted :
' hat d.vou mean? Your father
"I know he'e alive.
he didn't have time to nee where lic:.ril ir( s,,tiirp Munis' rod l.v
' was going and tripj-ed over a not. I
sou of Mr. Ieister. Lew is Ix-is-
ter, came home at o'c'.c in the
morning, and I..-:iMie entered the
I house, the burglar presented a pistol
' and told him to hold up his tuuids.
The young man said, "not much" and
grappled with the roblicr, a great light
took place, the burglar lire! three shots
from his revolver, two f which took
effect in tlie wall, one bullet entered
in the Ix;ister house.
Ixick Haven Express, July
Word reached this city to tlay
death if William Daugherty, at
mersley's Fort, I,eidy township, this j
eountv, on Wednesday. Mr. Daugh-!"
erty's death was due to the bite of tt
1 1
rattlesnake, the circumstances as relat
ed to the Express being as follow s : On
Tuesdnv uiirht Damrhertv. who lived i
with his tw in brother, Joseph, at Ham-
merslev's Fort, went to the barn in
comjnv with a Ik.v and slept on a!""- nrl'1' 11 liclui
pile of buckw heat' straw. Toward ! ( tfo.rKe I1"'1 l8t ." i he 'PI't si,,e
nioriiing the Uiy awoke and heard Mr.
Daugherty groaning. He went to the
house and woke up Joseph who inline- j
diately went to the bam and found his
brother tillable to sjieak. His face was j
badly swollen and there were two slight i
wounds on his forehead. The man Friend Staylate makes a cull in the
lived until H o'clock Wednesday morn- i "-'veiling. Conversation blithe and joy
, ,. , , , ; ous, and repealed reouests for hun to
mg when he died. A search of the ' rt.)llimi vet ., :ic Vl hil0i !t.mi ,,inl, t
premises was made and a rattlesnake at all unwiiii'ig, to prolong his visit,
live feet long was found and killed. ; He l"ks ut. his watch with a gasp of
The poisonous sereiit had evidently
bitten the man while he slept. Daugh
erty was aged alsiut 05 years-'and w as a
veteran of the late w ar. He had only
recently lieen granted a pension ami re
ceived 50o back pay.
The house on the farm of Dr. Atkin
son and his sister, Vrs. Greeuleaf, w ife
of Dr. (ireenleaf, ;f Delaware Stale,
was destroyed by lire about 5 p. m., on
the 21st hist. The building stood on
the bank of the river in full view of the
railroad, and it was by isseiigers
the 5.07 Fast Line westward bound
train that information of the fire was '
,. . , , . . . ...
hrst orought to town. The Doctor,
however, had lieen infonned by des-
patch, and started immediately, in a'
hurry. His trotter didn't understand i
why a two-forty rate of travel was kept j
up for the distance of five milts. He )
arrived at the scene of theimillagration I
lfore the lire was through w ith its
work, and learned that the family of
Mr. Wetzler, tenant on the farm, were
ail at super when the lire was dis
covered. The lire is believed to have
come from the chimney into the garret.
The second story" was so aliame when
first discovered that entrain e to that
part of the building was not jiossible,
and all contents upstairs were consum
ed. The fire came dow n s.tairs so rapid
ly that not all the contents of the lower
part of the house were saved from the
fire. The fanner had his household
goods insured, and there was an insur
ance on the house. The stone walls of
the building aie so warped that it is
hardly probably they can lie left stand
ing for a new house.
Altoona Tribune, July 21. There is
no accounting for tastes. Now, w hat
in the world prompts a man to raise a
car window in an ordinary jiassenger
coach, letting in all the dust, dirt, coal
cinders, etc. ; while at the same time
another, man will pay for a seat in a
Pullman car for the purjose cf having
the windows kept down, that the dirt,
dust, etc., may le kept out ? And that
is w hat you w ill see every day on the
cars. Coming up from Philadelphia
yesterday there were half a dozen men
and women in the ordinary passenger
coach who persisted in hoisting the
windows as high as thee could go. As
a CoiiseoiiOiice when tney arrived in
Harrisburg, every one of them was lie
grimed with cinders and dust and they
all needed a bath. On the other hand
those people who had gone in the par
lor car in order to escape the open w I it
dows all looked cool, clean and com
fortable. There is argument in this
against oien w indows. If air is need
ed there arc plenty of ventilators in
every car and the train hands are al
ways obliging and will open them wide
ly if asked to do so.
The truth is that the clear-htaded,
discerning and cleanly-disposed among
the traveling public should formulate a
petition to the railw ay authorities beg
ging them to frame and adopt a rule
forbidding theopening of w indows save
under exceptional circumstances.
Low-Eatk Exii ksiox via Penn
sylvania IJaii.koai).
On July 29 the Pennsylvania Rail
road Company will run another special
excursion from Philadelphia, Balti
more, Washington, Reading, Altoona,
Rellefoute, l..ock Haven, Shaiuokin,
Wilkesbarre, Sunbury, and Williams
ixrt. and principal intermediate
stations, and stations on the Delaware
Division, 1'hiladelptua, ummgton
and Baltimore Railroad, and ou the
Cumberland Valley Railroad, to Chau
tauqua, . i. Sjiecial tram will start
from Harrisburg at a. m. Con
necting trains will leave Philadelphia
8.S0 a. in.. Washington 7.50 a. m.. Bat
timore 8.50 a. m., arriving Chautauqua
about 10.80 p. m. Round-trip ticket,
good to return on regular trams not
earlier than August 8 nor later than
August 31, will be sold at rate of $10.00
from .Philadelphia, Baltimore, aud
Washington, and at proHirtionate rates
from other stations.
For specific rates and time of con
necting trains apply to nearest ticket
agent. 2-w.
I prominently in the public eye
day is Hood's barsapanlirt. Therefore
get Hood s ana ONLY HOOD'S,
! n , , u . .s i
Mr llli new
in, Ironi the clinsgrop
Triluine of July 'S1A.
One day Inst week while George
M. LumlKtnl was fishing in the
rier lie fouml a lulling line fast
ton Mont in the IhiIIoiu of the
iriv'r - "-M""-wll ingelting it
,(MKS,. w ,. ,. fomj), a ,,.fH
, shIhr over two ,,unds fast at
t,. ,MMlk II,. Miowed the line to
i Ihivid S. Sholley, V., who pro
lie fell liecause ,,,. ,.,.,.,1 t ,, l:,".. i,..,i iuun
; hass last week. George at laeiie.1
river to lish. He was hilling for
sime time when he had a lute and
in attempting to land the lish the
; Hums line was again (snapped off.
; A new line was rigged up and they
started in lishing ag:iin. They
j uioveii from place to pla4-e as is
' customary in tishing, ami six
O 4-?iK'lr, p. in.
found them on the
4ipjsisite side of the river from
where George had lost his line.
While fishing here Mr. Keller hail
a tlandy bite, ami in the struggle
with the lish, the line was torn
from the rod. When they drew
up ani-hor to start lor home, the
j water leiiig very ehsir, George saw
aline on the bottom. Divesting
himself of his clothing he jumped
16th. ' nt rivtr t Kd w hat he sup
of the i P!4Jd was Mr. Keller's liue. He
t i. .1 : i i i ii -a
11:1 1 ' ousuieraiity m:icuiiy in get
ting the line untangled as it was
PIei momma m ump, aim i neu
i lie ion,,,l.lt h:l'1 liie- ,Lsh l"eil
: 1 1 . . - .
i yer, ami it iiegan to s-oot anunl
in the water lively wrapping the
line round his limbs. lie finally
! f-'ot t,,e line .s,Iul !'lh
to their
v . 1" juuee
in place t being
4 1... I.' ..11.... l : : i , i. i : . i. .
of the river in the mornini:
He AhMnlutey Fti - Hoot and i
IIoMtrsH Into Uttering
genuine oi.-niav, aim uurries away
low !v at last with isoifuse uuol.Mries
', for kcviiiug us ui until such an un
' earthly hour. "Oh, indeed, no !'' clio
ruses the the entire family. "This is
' early for us ! We never think of going
, to our rooms until an hour later t han't
' this." Friend Staylate loiters a mo-
' meat after he gets outside the gate. ;
Siam goes the i-M.r : I :.ng ! wang ! !
islam! go the shutters, culling harshly I
; io each other, 'Thoucht thai fellow j
! never would go !'' Rjing ! "Why didn't j
I he stay ait night?'' .''iam ! And t"ne
1 rattle of theciutiii cries, "tioneut last !" )
I J lie Uillivii.-M ..1 .lie m'li .vi.i ru;
'!!.. .l..-l-..au , ..r .1... -!.,..., , .tl
down on the house; tho family
gone to bed, liavintr relieved its; mind
bydoors and shuttei-s that are ready to
tell the truth any time tr.ev sire given
a t.,ulIlre.i.iirt j. i..,rd,nte in tho
August Indies 1 ionie Journal.
-- .
1A1 TEfi Sl ITEM',
Uafrv IKhuir; Jri is tl vt rv il:ii,j,v
K)Vj it -js OI) aotvunt (l a siew wheel,
i,iss i.-..,,,,,.. ,)f ,;-,,.., u visiiinu
u,L . ,... v.,i.,. i.-,..i..
Jir. Geo. Keliey, w ho was formerly
the "slnfter engineer,"' has been em
ployed as an engineer on the. road. He
exjiects to run through from IlaVii.
burg to Altoona.
Miss Foulard, of Carlisle, Muma,
of Hyspire, and Viss Xoss, cf Steellon,
are guests of Miss Ress lVnntll.
Mr. and 'rs. Chas. iU-.i: - and chil
dren, are visitors :.t Mrs. Stone's parents,
Mr. and Mrs Samuel Strayer.
Will Martin, .of Harrisburg. vNiltd
the home or James McDonald ;rvei;t!y.
Mr. Joshua Givcn's family of Phila
delphia, visited thuir piinf, S'rs. George
Henderson, the latter part of U'st w.ek.
Mis Vay Widncy.of Lyndon. Kansas,
is visiting relatives in town this week.
Aliss Dessie !chuff, of Harris! mg,
spent several days with her patents on
Mowery street.
Miss Ella Hench after spending sever
al weeks very pleasantly in Spiia-e
Hili, has returned home.
j'r Howard Funk, v. hiie blasihig
rocks at Roaring Run, had his hip
badly sioved, but itf very much I. titer
at this wilting.
KOiU S I'Ol I btit I (I K
!?iaXS TO TUB fc'.l
August 4 is the date of tne next
Pennsylvania Railn.ad low-rate twelve
day excursion to Atlantic City and the
principal South Jersey seashore resort".
A special train of Pullman parlor cars
and day coaches w ill leave Pittsburg
on a I Hive mentioned date at 8.55 a. m.,
arriving at Altoona 12.15 p. in., where
sto; for dinner will le made, reaching
Philadelphia 'i.2-5 p. m., and arriving
Atlantic City, via the Delaware River
Riidgc route, the only all rail line, at
8.-10 (. m. Passengers may also sjiend
the uigiit iri 1'iiiladelphia, and proceed
to the shore by any regular train from
Market Street Wharf or Rroad Street
Station on August 5.
i'lekets will be sold from the stations
at the rate;1, rained below :
Rate. Train leaves.
Altooim, S (Kl
Hell wood 8 (Ml
Tymiie, 7 (w
fiiuitiiiKdoii, 7 10
Mount t'nioii. ( 75
Lewistown Jinic't. (i 0i
Miiilin, ' 5 65
NcvHirt, 5 (Ml
DlllK'llllllOI!, 4.ln
Philndvljihiu, Arrive
Atlantic 4 'Ity,Arrive
Stop for dinner.
Tickets will also le ffxl on regular
tmins leaving Pittsburg at -t.iJO and 8.10
l). in., carrviiig sleeping cars to I'liila-
delphin, and 7.05 p. in., carrying Pull
man sleeping ears through to Atlantic
For dekrfled information in regard to
rates and time of trains apply to ticket
agents, or Mr. Thomas L. Watt, 1M-
trict Passenger Agent, Pittsburg, -t.
Rkdi-ckjj Kateh via I'knnhyjl
For the United Brethren Camp Meet
ing at Mt. Gretna. Pa.. Aueust 2 to 11
1898, the Pennsylvania ltailroad Com
pany will sell excursion tickets from
all points on its svstem east of (but not
including) Pittsburg and F.rie, and
west of and including Philadelphia, to
.Mt. uaetua ana return at red ucecl rates,
'I'lu. tl.-L-f-.tu u-ill lu 4U.1H Tl,l,r U1
True Blood Purifier August 11 inclusive, good to return un
i the public eye to- ! til August 20. 1898. inclusive. For
specille rate, conditions, &c., apply to
nearest iicKet agent
Health for
liest can hardly
well and strong.
do not
in passing water.
Nothing is ao good for curing diseases of the Kidneys, Bladder and Urinary
Organs as Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy, that grand medicina
which has been before the public for over 30 years. It should be taken without
delay by men and women who have any of the above symptoms, as the diseaia
is apt to prove faUl if not attended to.
From the Convent of the Good Shepherd, Troy. N. Y., comes this short bat
pointed endorsement, signed by the sisters of that famed and pious institution:
"We have used Dr. David Kennedy's
Favorite Remedy for Kidney trouble, and have
found it very efficacious."
Sample Bo tils Freet
If you wish to test Favorite JJemedjr before
baying it, send your full postoffice address to the
Dr. David Kennedy Corporation, Rondout, N.Y.,
and mention Hits paper. You will then
receive a samole bottle, free, an 4 circulars
irivine full directions for its use. You
depend upon the genuineness of this
at once, i ne regular size is soia Dy an
for $1.00 a bottle, and it is well worth
Schott's Stores.
Commenemo this week jiikI
will Continue this snle un
t n Summer Goods
are soSil out.
LVJWiiiei Drc&ii (iocily, Hgl.t, tn ! iii'd isia: v. srcii
an French O.gaudifi", Diuiii).."-, n -itistes, mil P g:;-s
red wi.l ecst. ytu tiy 7 cm. to lo ea'.s, i.!y
l-Uif -frioe. Irish iiui Figured Lawns, 10 Tarda
fur lo c.n-.i.
Serpen, Ilnirict;ns, N-Jvcliis of French and lo
mrstic Mar-uf ctiir rs, tt. specially low and extra
.Reduced Prio :s. One word If yon tin interested
at all in Ecouomy yon will he intrresttd in this
very Hpeciul sale of Drees Goods.
Lailien Shirt Waists for 2 eects. former prica was 50 cents, auJ
all our Shirt Wsiutti at ixc'ial'v l,w priefs. Ladies Dres-s
fiki--- -r $1 25 t $1.75. Latiies Wrappsr
r $1 25 t $1.75. Latiies Wra;psr.- from 50 ct.-.
$ .10. 2,000 yurJa of uubWcueJ n tiiin, at
its to 15 cti;ts. 20CO yard of blenched yrd
, idf murt'in nt 5 eectH, 2000 yards of
Jlill hi&t bUacl til,
ct 6 cn:ts. 2000 yard f Em
broideries at one-f. urtb of the price.
Sun shrub's rd Sun uiatre)!as at iwlinwl
piiots- SHOES! .HOKS! SHOES! Mens
Lisdns' ncd Childrers foot war, fii extra reduced
i d F cci'il!y l.iw priees. Ctrp t Ciearir-; S:Ii,
r.Lil extra BargiJr.r. You will san lu.miy
bv bayiisg vonr Ciprets at- the i-res-'eut
time." WALL PAPER. We
s-11 you a splendid pattern
of fancy Wrdl Paper at
very 1l.' md nduc
ed prirrn.
Lice C'utUiins ui;-! DriipnifS ur.d Wiml.;w Sl do-, at spicially
reiluced prictr. Ileie is cverjlrdy's opportunity to tnaKe lhe
mighty doHur row loigbtier in rt suits.
Schott's Stores,
103 to 109, Bridge Street.
Special Invitation
To attend the Attractive Sale
It will be
Who have money to invest to
It is truly marvelous to See
of Suits and Overcoats at the Wonderfully Low Prices.
His iirices leave all Competitors in the rear, so don't i ui
Vi oll if ; rwuwl
Everybody !
WTia the Kidney. Bladd4W and Urinary Organ arc la
healthy utate. a person i practically dieae-proof. Sick
find a foothold when those -gana ara
The Kidneys sift and strain from tba
blood poisonous and waste matter. hen they
are weak and diseased, the poisonous particles
pass off, but remain In the system. They
cause pain in the small of the back, bton
in the Bladder, and Bright' Disease.
It is easy to tell if your Kidneys are
disordered. Pat some urine in a bottle or
glass for 34 hours. If there is a sediment,
you have Kidney disease. Other signs are
a desire to urinate often, particularly at
night, and a smarting, scalding sensation
offer. SNac5?,fe
the price.
v?.t I wid '
To J7ie Publu
ot Clothing that goes on daflj
examine the Stock of Goods for
Our spring line of men's, bov's
and childrens' clothing, hats, caps
and gents furnishing goods
We make the clothing business a
istudy and have made it a success.
lYounemen don't 20 away to get
what they want they come to us for
hatsoranv tiling in the cents fur-
jnishing line.
We have half our bPKHNU stocK
sold bv the time most clothiers get
their line in. A voung man who
wants a SUIT FOR EASTER, don't
want to wait until the 4th of July
ifor it.
Our line this season surpasses all
our former efforts in style, quality,
quantity, finish and price.
"The early bird catches the worm."
and llouseFurnishin(r
0 oOj O
Thing are tu vcr dull here; revcr stupid. The full life of the store 1
wa.s has a cheerful Tt iei.oiO for all coicers, nud tboppers aie quick to decide
iu favor of the ijreat Values to bo found in our new
IVcnt, Stylish,
Got a pood paper by Fnbserib'rit tor lhe
-SEVKN 1 Y-!iEVEN"-C'77.')
77" i Dr. UuD-pbrtyB' famous
Spc:fic for the cr.ra cf np and
Colds, and the prevrntionof Pncunio
nia. All drug gists, 2oc.
Subscribe for the Sextimx asd
RErrBUoAN, a aper that contains
choice- reading nia!Ur, fud of inform
tion that dos tbe reader Rcod, and
in addition to tl.&t all local news that
are worth publi&bJng find iiaces m
its colun;:.s.
Ri:ircr.D Ratks to Sah.th;a via
Pk.xnsyi.vaxia Raii.koad, Ac-
I'KOl'l.lfs ('l!Kh:ri.X UXHIX
U. I'. Ciirwir.
For the Young People's t hnstiauj
I'nion. I'nited Preshvterian Church, to
le held at Saratoga, August 8 to 8, tliei
Pennsylvania ltailroad Company win
sell excursion tickets imra ixjiiiis on us
. . . . . . -.
line IO Saratoga ai ruie oi smie iaie mi j
the nnmd trip. Tickets will l.e sold
August 2 and o, g'XKl to return August
3 to 10. or lv deiKisiting ticket with
Joint Agent return limit may I ex
tended to Ainrust ;i1, 1S!I8.
Camit.ki.i.. ()n the Slth inst., ne:ir
Pern Mills, at the home of its arents,
Ada M. ('aiuphell, Iaughterof Ievi H.
Camliell, aged 10 months, days.
Sow the darling child is deud,
She to early rest is gone,
iShe to paradise has fled
I shall go to her but she
Xever shall return to me.
(lod forbade her longer stay,
(Jod recalls the precious loan
Hod hath taken her away
From my bosom to his own. '
Sow the little lamb brief weeping
Oh how peaceful, pale aud mild,
In its narrow lied its sleeping.
four worsns from oxe
A. F. Cosby, meml-er of Troop K ,
Sew York division of Koosevelt's rough
u it t.ll ihu l.ultlot; uf Wuiti.
! niro iiml (!scanei iniurv until the last
I skirmis h, when a single Mauser l.ullet
i wounded him in f(ur places. The bul
let penetrated the run I his luit, and
grazing his face, . enieieu his right!
breast, then coming out several inches;
le!ov the sji;t it entered, it lodged inj
h'.s ntiht haiul. 1 uc soll;er was Iving,
fiat at the time he was fchot. which ex-:
plaiUH the uniu-UKt course of the bullet.',
A Specially Selected Stoe k of
Banges, Cook, Parlor and Shop
Horse IMaokets and Lap Robes.
LAM I S, lare and email.
Come in and look around. We'll
make jou febl at bonic.
We have tho largest Stock an
Store in the connty.
Mosey Loaned at Lowest Bates.
Stockholders Individually Liable-
T. VAN IRWIN, Ctuhut
i. I'. Foaiiroy, Joseph Kotbrock,
John Eer'-slor,
Josiab L. Barton,
Louis B. Atkinsoo
Rohurt X. Parker,
T. V. Irwin.
grocEBOLiieia :
George A. Kri'iKT, Annie M. SnoUey,
Josrj.h Uothrcck, P. W. Manbeck,
L. E. Atkinson, R. E. Parker,
W. C. Po:nerov, J. Holmea IrwTn
John nrtz!cr, J aroma K. Thompson,
I'h'irlotteSr.yd r,
T. V. Irwin.
John V.. BlH'.r,
K. M. M. I'euuell,
Sumii'?iS. UotMi-ct,
M.N. Rtorretl,
James G. Ileading,
Samuel Schlegel.
Josinh L Brton,
Robert H. ratterwn.
Levi Light,
Wm. Swarta.
H. J. Sheilenberrr,
M. K. Scblrgel .
"Iirce y-.r cent.
iDrorxt iti i raid on
fisn 23, 1898
thing to plcnt? Protect your Mu itheraMay
Win you wealth. Writ J' )HNwH)Ui