Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, July 27, 1898, Image 2

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    roi jrt vx -.
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WEPXlvSDAV, .11 LY 27, IS.
rM'iwwiTiox 1.(H j.-t-r yuir if paid
i l advance ; :-'.? if m-l Pail1 a(1"
Transient ailvtr'.isiiii? and lm-al
notii-e 4 cents a lint.
Deductions will I made to th-e de
siriiii! to advertise liy the year, half or
tii.4ru-i year.
The ( ivic IVdciatioii of hi'atf,
whatever that i-, ha issued a call for
a national conference of Hxm delegates
to lie held at Saratoga, Auzust H and
0 to discuss llie uestioii of the future
foreign mlii-y of the I'nitcd States, and
what shall I e done with the new teiri
iorie of Cul.a, Porto Iti-o and the
Phili'ihic Islands now in part occu
pied hy I 'nitcd States troops. Too late,
too late: i!.. war should never have
Ken comincmeil ; their v.oiU is like
I 'ckinu' the stalile after the hor.-e has
li vn stolen. The country thouuht il
had a ilicy, lion intci Terem e in fureiyn
j'.il'airs, tun ihe present adiiii:iitr:ition
at Washington, .-.nd ht jne-tnt con
i;rcs have l.y their ad declared that
the country has out lived such a policy,
and that wo are to he governed hy the
pmere-s of ove:i1s and the humanity of
-1 1 r i ii 1 1 1 i i i i l; nations, and that as our
Heart 1 fiieiu neiuhl oi Spain iias krn
inhuman i:i the tiealmcnt of her peo
ple, t heiefore In i fui t'it-r litrht to u-ov-ern
int 'il.a, I'orlo liico, I In-philippine
Islands and f..rth is :.l an end.
Without soj..in' lo iii'iiire uhelher
ilie administration's i:;r slogan, of
humanity and unii-iiil r the Maine,
meets with the approval of the lust
thought of the nation, the fact is, it
iiK-cts w iih he (Hipular feclm-;, and the
soldier physical propensity of this
slioni; vnnn;r nation. The vimiis
naiion has laved its hands in foreiuu
hlood, on foreiun soil, and planted its
haiiueron foreign land, in the name ofj
liumauily, and that name, satislie- Ihej
conscience ami causes it tofrl.uy in thej
t - found work of cou.ii"st. Thej
onni? lepii'ius is as nappy nuder the
haiiiier ) the new missioii as wi-iv I ho
."'. "" . 'Haulers who durimr a pt i iod
of two hundicd years struiiled to
uic-t I'alesiine from the inlidel Turk.
It uill he a pleasant vacation fur the
linn ilolouatof lo sip Saraloa water,
and in coiivfuiioii In disiuss I he suh
jei I under which they convene, hut for
ail t he cilect it has lo check the new
movement il will l.e like checking t he
tlow of N'iauara w iih a ;rn.-- iiil.
Ir is utterly, utterly, utterly
iiiiiiW Ici.iliU-l hat the Spaniards are
to i-enil oi'teil intu liacon lor i
A mericiin pi;;.
By official report, twenty-two
Americans were wounded on
Schley's war ship in their destruc
tive battle with Cervera's fleet.
There are six powerful German war
ships at Manila, which causes suspi
cion, regardless of the professed!
friendship of Germany. The Ger
man is naturally cautious, and it
may be that causes him to assem
ble such a powerful fleet ot warj
ships to protect his interests in the.
Philippine islands. !
By late despatches, information!
is received that Dewey's forces are j
moving on Manila which is protect-!
ed by forts that four months ago'
were considered sufficient. The fol-
lowing is a picture of one of the forts'
at Manila.
Tho Miautouoiaob, aitlinn;'h a luodora doublo turreted uiouitor, vraa begun
IB 1803 and iiuiahe;! soou after tlij war. She was the first of the monitors to
oro?a tho cecuu. nud ber appearance in British waters led a member of parlia
ment to say that ebo cave Aarerieans control of tbo seas. Since then tbo Mia
tonoraoli bus been rebuilt cf steel.
Lorn E. Atwo- r . , ;
0icOt, U.m .treet,
deuce of Louis B. Atkinson. JIq
Bridge Btreet. fuci.
tr-Cotlectlngsnd Conveyancing proiBfi
ly attended to.
M ii .ii
Such monitors as the Ajax would
jparaiyzea whole fleet of Spanish!";""-
war snips.
as . v
'I'm: freight I i aii..'ers, : 1 1 ;i 1 1 1 1 1
ed lv I he railroail, at .Mil'ilin ;nnl
T.Moiie. I;it week. lu not jrn to
I.t-w isiown Inii to I Itirrislmrtr :iinl
Altoniia. j
A M n;i-:i of "old seekers in
Manilla, Philippine islam's, is very poorly protr-.-ted aain.t attack. It bai5
a fine s. a wall extending around tho harbor, anrt above this aro sciue batteries
which may look foruiidablu to tbo eiviliau, but are uet. The uti aro of old
style, entirely inadequate to cope against tb3 bi rifl.s na.-iattd by modern
The 4th and 16th Pennsylvania
regiments are on their way to Porto
Rico, also light battery B., of Penn
jsylvania. Porto Rico, is 1400 miles
from Charleston, bouth Carolina;
:;::i,:":;ii::::,;Mi;;,,:;v:;;:::!i2o miles from Tampa, Florida, and
-I to nvo ... .-.mi wan. .uovoni - j j r 0 miles f rom Santiago, where the
ill to help 1 1 1 -in out of lilt ;( 1 t rt . i
panisn neet ana army was trapped
Collections and all legal buei
cess promptly attenied to.
D!!..s..cEAwr.)ED,D. dahwis n.cm.wroai
jyn. D. M. CRAWFORD & SOS,
hava formed a rartnernhip for the P'
of Medicine and their collateral branc'
Ollice at old ,tnd, corner of rh.rd and 'r
anjre afreets, Mittl.ntown. I'a. One or both
ol them will be found at the-.r olf.ee at all
times, unless otherwise ,.ro(esior.s,lT tn
eayed. April lot. 18!5.
I r. DERK,
-aduate of the Philadelphia P.-sta!
'Jol. ge. Office at old established lo
cation, Uridine Street, opposite Court
House, -Uifflmtown, Pa.
G2r" Crown and Bridge work;
Painless Extraction.
All work guaranteed.
SchtHliile it) KllVet 5I:y 27, 1S.
Way Passenijer, leaves IMiiladelphia
tit 4 St) a. in: Harrishnrir H (K) a. in:
Dnneann.Mi S S." a. m: New Port $) 0"i
Millerstown !) 1 a. in: Durword
i. lit : I lioiiipsoniou n : -' a. in,
Dvke!X!a. in: 'l usi-artira .". a.
in; Mexico ! 40 a. in; Port Koyal 9 41a.
in: Milllin J"0 a. in: Denlmini !! a.
in: l,ewisliwn in hi a. in: MeVe.vtown
in its a. in: Newton Hamilton II 00 a.
in: Mount I nion 11 (Mi a. in: JInntin-
dtm 11 :!:! p. in: Tyrone 11' o p. m: Al
tHna 1 H) p. in: I'ittshurf? "0 p. ill.
Mail leaves Philadelphia at 7 00 a. m;
Harrishnrfr at 11 4H a. m: Mifflin I 11
p. in: I.ewistnwn 1 HO p. in; I lutitiusr
lon -2'Jii p. in; Tyrone :i 12 p. in; Al
tiNina H 4." )). in: Pittshur-; S :0 j. in.
Altoona Ai-eomnindation leaves Har
rishur nt " oo p. in; I iiineannon 5 34
p. in: XewjMirt 0 02 p. in: Millerstown
o 11 p. in: Thonip;a)ntiwn ii 21 p. in:
Tusearora ( :i0 p. in; Mexico ti .'!" p. in;
Port Pnya! ( .'!S p. in: Milllin ! 4't p. in:
Ieiiiiilin i! 40 p. in: Lewistowii 7 07 p.
I m: Me eytown .SO p. in; .Newton
1 lamiltnn 7 oo p. m: Mnntiinrilnn S 20
i p. in: Tyrone !i 02 p. in: Altoona !! :i
j p. in.
Paeilii- Kxpress leaves Philadelphia
ltd 11 20 p. in: llarrisl.ur? at 3 00 a. m.
1 Marysville 3 14 a. in. Ihiuraiinon 3 20
a in. Newport .' -r- a in. Port Royal
4 2" a. in. Milliin 4.:0 a. in. l,ewislown
'4 -12 a in. Newton Hamilton 5 : a. in. j
! I iii.tinnli'ii 0 o.'i a. in. IVtcrshnrir ii 19
' a. m. Tyrone 11 2 a. in. Altoona 7 !0 a.
in. I'itlslmrir 12 lo a. in.
; Oyster Kxpress leaves Philadelphia
j at 4 :") p, in. I lanislmra; at in I'll p. in.
I Newport II l"i p. in. Milllin 11 lo ji. m.
j I.ewistnwn 11 -VS p. in.; Huntingdon 12
j -VS a. in. Tyrone 1 :!2 a. m. Altoona 2 00
: a. iii. Pittshiirt; " :o a. in.
j I-'ast Line leaves J'hiladelphia at 12
I 2" p. in. 1 lairishnr; 3 50 p. in. Duneaii
; nun 4 1) p. in. Newport 4 :-:" p. in. Mif
! tlin ." o7 j 1. m. I,ewi.-town 5 27 p. 111.
J Mount I'nion 6 OS p. in. Huntingdon
Ii. 27 p. 111. Tyrone 7 04 p. 111. Altoona
7 40 ji. in. Pittslmrs: 11 30 p. m.
Altoona Accommodation leaves Al-
T c.l . ,.niitMi - in 111. 1 , liillt J lit it. III.
.1. Mia has heen pt:t id , i,.,..rs,ur!, .-. -, ... ,. Hunting!.... 37
count r .
Tin; t'ulinns are- iis"iisle
The Ajax is one of tho old siu;jlo turretcd mouitors built daring tho civil
war, lr.t iutUnd of beiuR allowed to stk-U in tho lnnd witii too others of her
clasrf sho vras used by tho naval militia of Camden, I-
eomiuissimi aju iier, aimuiutuL 01 siuootuoores sapoleineutea by rapid lirn ! a. in. Newton Homiltoii 01 a. 111. Mc-
rmes or .small caiiocr. j evt,, ,, ,; K , ,ewisown i 3.S a.
, . I 111. Milllin li oS a. in. Port Koyal 7 02 a.
I m. Thompson tow n 7 17 a. 111. Miliers
I towu 7 2'i a. in. New in t 7 Ho a. 111.
The monitor Jason, is a poverful!.r",,,m s,H,a-m- I",rrM'urs:w
T . ' ' i 41 i j 1 j 11' M'a Miore leaven I'lttshuri; at 2 .o a
. wi. The government has contracted, single turreted monitor, tnat would;;,;;,;':,-;
::;:;s:r:;nn;,:;i the Spanish I rans Atlantic! make any coast city sate trom::::.!''-.!:
I:;;;;:;;':;;,;;; ;;;;:,:;"H Company to ship 1,000 officers for! Spanish warships. She is as muclV:Si!.
,.,.. ,.,iH.",.;,,..M,h.-; $60 each, and 24,000 enlisted men lot a rammer as a shooter. So the I '"Ma?,! W&z.
vn 1 .leelrove-i the Spanish fleet Wo have captured the remain.
tf? of Clothing conBiKtiPf, of
Men's, Boys' and Children's Suits,
t t 1 .rT-st anl well-known Clothing Houses of Liver-
nn0waU&S 1013 Market Btr.t. Fhiladelphin, for 45
,ght, Greonewa t . iw hM rep kQ
cents onTTie do lar A cto wn g RIGHT qreEXEWALT&Co
intl.eH..ryofJ0n,..ta(J..ntyacturMof clotLirgj 1013 Marktt
Philadelphia, Pa , May 10, 1898.
Air Ferd Meyers, Dear Sir : We find the backward season this
Sorinc has prevented us in cloMDg out oar large new oprmrr atoek
and we find ourselves loaded with an immense Block of new Cloth
inr The only remedy we have to dispose of it is to sacrifice prices.
Kuowin- that you aro a lar-e cash buyer no doubt yoa will take
tho opportunity offered to you and buy the romamdr of our stock
at 4 -.cents on the dollar. Shall w submit samples. 1 lease answer
by return imaU Yours Reap'., LIVERIGIIT GREENE WALT ,V Co,
rinolpr in Clothinr' and Furniture. Mitllintowr, Pa., May 12, 1S'.)8.
Liveri-ht, Greenewalt & Co., Gents: Yours of the lUth aist., ro
ceived anl contents noted. We are always open for Bargains. Pleasu
tend samples at once. If styles and quality are satisfactory we will
buy the remainder of your stock. Yours respeetf u!!y,
We have scooped in the remainder of tho entire Spring Stock
of Liveritfl.t, Greenewalt & C. We put the kuife to tax and
chopped down prices to one hulf what they were formally. Now
is your opportunity to buy new aud reliable clothing as long us
they are here. ',"".
We put on sale 5G0 Men's all wool suits, regular price '.) 50,
ppecial sale price $4.23.
271 Men's all wool fancy worsteds suits in sacks and cutaways,
all sizes. These suits are worth $12 50, special sale !;rice $( 25.
265 Men's cassimere suits, the greatest bargun, t'ue.y aro bunch
a 1 from difftrent lots, all sizes. Six different patterns to select
from. They range in value from $7 to $0. Special s do price $4.31
7C7 Children's suits, all styles and sizes. Cheviots, Cassimeres,
Serges, regular prices $2 50, up to $3 00. Special sale price $1.68.
972 Bjys' suits. Cheviots, Cassimeres and Fancy plnids.
This line was gathered with epf cial reference to young men's
needs. Regular price S5 50 up to SS.00 Special Bale price
$.125 up t ) $1 62.
The season for Furniture is about to a close and we find we
must have more room for onr large full stock which will arrive in
d'la time. Therefore wa are compelled to close out ihe remain
der of onr spring stock. All our former prices are marked down
20 per cent. Now is your opportunity to buy furniture :t a sac
rifice. D;u'f. miss this chauco.
115 and 117 Bridge Street.
Tusearora Valley Railroad.
siiiiic timn the Spaniards were.
from Santiago De Cuba, to Cadizi might be multiplied but the pres-lHxi
f" i- r-t- 1 1-1 w 1 . .! A- Ml. J. . J ' - . . !- . I II : .1
! at S on :i. iii. AlliM.na 1 1 4n a. ni. Tyrone
in. i iniiti:i"i!n l-' ,,,
I p. in. Milllin 1 "iii m.
1 : i: : . ' rs si . n-.. . . a "II j . I i i ,
1 ' 1 . I IS a SIT' II ' 1 1 II 1 Mil. 1 : V ... . A..- tl . Il II t T- 111, , . ... .It.. . . . A A 11 .'MTISI itinr Ill 1 1 in I T.i 1 1 i i- .u. .
1ssu.Miv(.,.rw1,Iki,, th,. ,:,riy PaiIN K)1 4jO eacn. i lie united' 11 muMicuiuiio cue unitieni 10 vvv,n"HX".I,".i,i;;
.niimin.s.,, i, as ,,,p.,in Manila States government to furnish theishow what formidable iron clad 1 ! H?,ves A,.,,,K,"i' !,t r " T-
ivi lx in 11, in..f..in- l..-t..i- tlu-i , . . i fH o -r-i I A , , ,-'" )'. ., 1111,1 ; ''?-"'" K p m.
n .gga,-d was,.,, .,' H,..iships, total $780,000. The second! American war ships are on guard at ;!":: i"il;oi,;!
,i.-. is M..-.-s!iv siv dext.r-! vmI 1'; fn- U t-4- -P ..Jniir c'i rrvirt -ifi'c " I M."V',.V!.,.,: '!.': I:,r.,..,.,.,va, -?'-0 i-
' I XIII I I Iffll fll I III fill III I I I I iM 1 . I t M t . IV I I 1 1 I I 1 fcllll , '"V.n.iii i. . Ml Him . IL
pedition for tne support of Dewev
1 i"".ing,at Manila, reached its destination nnl A co.n,,ic ?.f..al!irs " itea irom nthSo.
, ' - - - --" " . A V I 4 .
4i.surl: siirli jss i:-ii!iinir 'eryera
in anii:ii nnriior. ;in
linn lien l.e eainc mil .
is snidest i ,f s
as the n'uaniat inn ami ma-sin
a jM-eat lleet, and Shatter is su
I i e ni" a shall . !iien with run
lUnnnii inn-e t iinmli i lie vitals ni i p.- pv . . -
auarlikeeneiix. There is a .h,,I ' tO rOi'O KlCO IS COllipOSed
ileal ni ini-anini: in smne nainer
'I'll i: I teiiim-ral ir
IP ni. .nuk-rstov. n ;i rJS n ni. NVi.,nl
Uarcia the MV . . . '- . - ' '" 1!:,r'
i uir.,i r a niin ..t t....i i , ,. . '"'" ?" v
i- mil. ainps.m j . f 1 4. M 1 C r ife"'""' ul i,wuu vi.uaiw nun an inie.xpiillllCU UllllCUltV Vltll 'ail Kxpross lta es i'iiKliui- .,t 1 .n
ruin- w..rk s...h;tne 2ISI 01 JUlV. It Sailed trOm Sail t,,ieral Rafter, unci withdrew his antiv of -1,000 Cub tntrooDs "' ;Yl""na " '" '" : 4
. c d-i 1 lm ? . . r 111. 1 mil iniri Imi , .., . ,.-..,.
m knnrKrn nn thp i -ith rf nn ThoiT" l,e"?nu ?-!I,ier.s arm? leP(:n ( 'r wuntetJ Ran- ; -s .hi . i.,s .i; ;
army that Ueneral Miles
: tiago as tue capitol city lor the Cuban government and when i J Kl !!'' ' "rt 'i"V:l1 s !' '"
haS tnk'Pn he ,earnt'd th3t Jt ot 1 b5 apart for that purpose he ' i.i.. ann.m j.;,,, V'l'i tnn
llCl IclKCl 1 withljrew h:s ilrn!y go:.g : ll)e ,,ire,:tl-m of IJrtL!uinF whichi'.P-
almOSt ell- cityIiei,lh'i! ''Ptttre and tart the Cuban jmvernment ''" nu XuZnTn
TX. . . Y. ' '"oops coming nt to surrender to fcliiller. Gaici! ordered the '-' n ip. n.. mm; 7iV:V .', ii
vuneb u leu weie laia in xne ports 0T:;7,-,-,,--us,;u,,,,rru'1,,cvo. . 'Silia Uiey WOB,d no- ,hat: u-.w, j!;'''V,
t . . . . t L V. tlieV WOUld Mirrondor to tlift Atllfririn- T).a t, 1 : 7 i,",-rr is
I hr I lennx-iatir
U 1 f blls.
silver bnus.
S 10
boat Jorge Juan was Mink
krti were taken ! p ! .."V ..i,r 'n.. K. V,,it,
ComnKxlorej:; ,!;;'!' Avenue und SmitiS
needed at home. They do not now IS ! Ssn,nnh:
,.;in I- ie,,lr .Innn- lie emn.n- 1 r 4. 1 ll 1 A it'. .... .1. . 1 V. ,
raapain. Hut as i,e eninu LI III 1 Iv ()l LUIIllll LU UUlIlUaiQ AITieri- A aieuu,,s- V" "lv a' t Vu waters to hunt for Admiral Ij.-iCnrTni ,,. u,,,,,
-n ,-e de,-ni 1 l,,e!fnn rjti. ThPV 'A TP thilllnrr hn llX TT.. S .. ive 0tl ;enera,MaKV. ujj
ii thai Nvax. ihe llepublieans ill I , -j iiwvv i a:ui miu reiurnwi D&pam. Jlyandl jTT.
'Z.::X! SiZrilfcy S escape bombardment ofiSf
tnen citiei.. But Mill with all such iu;t'r'oI!,c'? Miiy, una tu- landing i troo,)S w0Sigu ii.iu.rtf,K.w,
FARMEfiS THlS.ifacts in view there is more or lettfcJ
: A. M. P. M.
Bkir's Mills Lv. 7 25 1 45
W aterloo 7 31 1 51
Leonard's Grove 7 37l 57
Koss Farm J 45 2 05
Terulaek l 52 1 12
East Watei ford S 05 '2 25
Hecktaan ;8 l7;- 37
Honey Grove 8 22 2 42
Fort kip-ham ;8 302 50
Wdrble 8 39 2 50
Pleasant View Is 4ll3 04
Seven Tines '8 52 13 12
Spruce Hill s 55 !3 15
Graham's '9 03:3 23
Stewart '.'.'.'.ft (i6,!3 2G
Freedom ft qq j3 09
Turhett .'..'.ft 1213 32
ollll'i-rt :n I83 38
fort Royal Ar.19 25 3 45
The following schedule went Into effort
Nov. IB, 18m, and the trains will be run u
p. m a. m
4 30 9 00
4 30 8 C6
4 39 9 09
3 41 9 11
4 45 9 14
4 45 9 15
4 51 9 19
4 54 9 22
4 5S 9 24
4 59 9 2'
ft 10 IU 43
6 1G 9 49
5 21 9 54
ft 2 1 9 57
5 27 10 0o
32 10 C7
5 34 10 17
5 7 10 30
6 02 10 35
p. ui a. tu Arrive
Arrive a. m
King's Mill 7 49 2
Sulphur Springs. 7 48 oS
"Cornian Siding 7 44 j.
Montf-bello Park 7 41 9 ,
Weaver 7 40 I
7 3e
2 08
Trains Noh. 1 and 2 connect at Port Roval
' i d y P:lssun"'!r ant Seishora Expross
on 1 . R. K., and Nos. 3 and 4 with Miii pat
1 11 mil l In n il
ivia1ie :ilne !' inr
i .-rtini-i-. niHin
imi.u 'i' 'H:'Mi'::.)nnrphpncinn in A tn,.-, .j- Jree jzovernment
1 lit- lit:it mil. .f . J . 1 , : . lire sfiOn 1
erictu government . helping to a tate of "!T,rj',i"" the eMe.Fli
In the Philippine islands the indents! tilii,,,.; K"-m"
ination to re.-ent Aii-erican help. Thev!?1''"'"''!.
ng an inci
:;ii":K;r.TMs:,nV Uldia MUiy OpaillSn Snip Oti"ontcali ".Pnow. Tl-e.V it interference.' At first ! mke iui to
...rtheu-i ti.rH-:..r..r.i,,t L-mun ! ir r-nifrhj- n t'l n" in t wlot'f 4 4-U . ' , 'ere wl,dlJ anxious lor help; now that the Americans I l,av,l,,--,iwniiUt the
wZ'l "l1111 VW.d UyUp YlS 10 the .have helped them off the gtidiron'ol Spanish misrule
n,!,v ,a,S Atlantic coast line and shell a num-l mencan9tostapdolt L'sk;kk:
II..- I'm niiiiin lo l- iliv iilt il inl
1 1 ii-- In t :i- f ! Ii - :
I ; 1-1 I'i i m 1 ; m . . riii.iNi
i 1 n : I't. 1 m 11 M . . . . :;.i.ni
I n : . : I'i.i m 1 1 : I "i.nn
'i ber of our great cities. It would be
risky work for Spanish war shins to I
. rti-iitnivirriconie to American waters, for all the!
;'r,:Tr:!Si . American cities along the coast have!
powerful monitors on the lookout!
ior piratical paniaras. Mich mon-l
itors as the Miantonomoh, would
L' n. -i il -.i:l X
J mi - N ii;.iM i.. 1:.
I M . - .1. 1 11 1 1 , A . .
Tii" l:r: l:.i:il. Junv 7
W"Jr;;::v soon make short work of the shins!
n :r.;..
(-i . . 1.
of the Dons.
'' le.it
r.i in r.i: ....
fjiii.i-.--v . ..
Slion'der. . .
Timothy si-.il..
K a - Mi-cd
I'li'ip. .........
' -in iit.... . .
rr--lr(il ;U
Aiiiriran Suit
X. jr,.v 27, i. J Wl.,twk..: ,,ts:2i-; ,-, :s(-1 V ZrZ
.. 2 to 2 50
; 2
." i2
. .... - 7
. 70
S5e to "
. . - "5
ion; ii.nu-f VI tol'.i,- ; i-ir-rs l the U-rnuul, V.f Vtill iV ,,s I""'1 f
4. lo i;0e ; , ew polat- r-s 1 to . i.1' '" and tm. ts f Li.d ! H'
sheep . Sto 5 ; lau.l 3 to 7e : 11 i, l-vut he i .h Man
Port Koyal..
Old Tort . '
Turbett 1...
Spruce Hill. ."
Seven PinPS
Pleasant View
Warble '"
Fort Bipbain.
Honey Grove...!!
Heekuian .
East Waterford!;;;
Koss Fiirm.
Leonard's Grove."""
Blaira Mill J.I
" Duru's
. KIHotsblirit
Grot-n Pirk
u .
-..nn. ui- junc e 33 ii
unoaisMirr 6 is 9 50
Leave a. m
rr.Tin t1-a RlnnmH..! m ...
-nrl irrn-os 3 Liniihnrs; at. 6 i a J'
Train leaves Linriisliurz t K.oa T . ' ..."
arrive at Bloomlield at 6.40 p. m. '
All atationa murkcl () aro ting statioBH.
7 81 2 0
7 2 200
7 23 1 41
7 09 134
'04 131
7 01 i .,n
58 1 o5
8 51 1 20
4 1 18
--ag. H. SaiLcr,
H. Bc,
- "aiiruaa l onipany. Timatabl
A. M. :p. M.
0 010 20 5 0.1
13 10 27 5 12
2.8 10 33 5 18
3.7 10 3fl 5 21
4 4 10 30 5 24
5-0 10 42 5 27
6 31.0 Bos 35
7.2,10 53;5 38
9 0;il 0115 4G
10.0111 06 5 51
12 0;ll 15 6 00
14- Ojll 23 6 08
15- 1 11 28 6 13
17.5ll 40 G 25
20.5jll 53 6 38
22.0,12 0016 45
24-0,12 086 53
25.5;12 14 6 5)
27-0,12 20,7 05
tows ".S to s-2 : tiiilch -. ..'the
Ti" ; nupi ; to e; live t
spring elm-kens 2 and
to 13c a Miund.
I'hicl ens 1 le, ; "' J'""-'"- f
Subi-t-MU for tb Jo-uta Se.nti.njx' - -c-ii.- r"-,
-s -J
Trains H. o .
M'l's with Concord n c,on,"t t Blair'a
Valley and Oo8hor-v;,..":',e...UaP. Shade
-"""otage Lines.
Scwp rt
Buffalo Bridge!.!"
Juniata Furnace"!!
" ahneta
Wat-r Ping . '
BIsotuHeM Junc't'n
Vallt'v Final
r-n- .. .......
tureen Park ..
Lojsrille ...!""
Fort Rubeson""
R ill i r, n. .. : r M
6 08 10 38 8 27
C 12 10 42 8 23 , V.
6 15 10 45 20, I Z
6 25 10 62! 8 16! f 5?
22 11 0l! 8 11 2j1
6 81 11 09 8 08 211
ft .?Q 1 1 nn' a on! 48
- " . A Vill Vr 9 mn
A Kl 11 Ol! t ir I
- All tJ
6 54 11 24! ? 10;
7 05 11 35l 34
7 11 11 41 7 26
Cisn.Vs Rna . . .
ount Plesani ..
New Germant'n ..
7 15 11 46
7 21 11 51
7 27 11 67
7 35 12 05
7 41 12 11
7 45 12 16!
7 1
7 15
7 10
7 03;
6 58
(3 50'
3 16
3 10
S 04
0; 2 4t
2 41
2 81
2 20
. - j"i w m - -
:ss. e ui.i.i.. i,.. .
. Ti
ff S V
Cosmic med. co ch..,
whe Ji otlwTt! J? ved by iU autm
C. h.D'j!I.I!GAPro8iden' nd Manager
General Afrent.
"riaoie Frtolion Feed
.Dg Kn,j mpI(, w,n fa
Jfif5;i,ii.--r . Si!""'"''- P-WiliM ir
ur KIIMl. Rtrnu
l;are. N Fiir,iib;
Piodrd. Aim siKnJhiiJ
"aticuituml Impirni is
CMlMUlly. Hm VrL!.
la srwt-Utltr. Bnif
Ty . a.
let! a., r - L .
any iitlmr I.! i. ?. "! "I l.
m lit an ' "iwrj ..-... --t.i- :i. l::-.i
.i,h 'T"1 KPurlni '.Vi Vi" '. '""- '-H
---' , --iiial I !f.l)7 f '
1 Ot I