r;' ! f. 8) e In n " tha t ( i i I I 1 t knc-t not w tha. V ii f" r 8 I b d S h h ft g SENTINEL & KEPUBLIdN MIFFLINTOWN, PA. WEDNESDAY, J i:LY 20, 1S98. TERMS. BuBfiCMUTioN 1.00 per year if paid WAR ON LAND AND SEA. Some days ago, it looked as if Germans inclined to interfere in the raid i j : j.. .. 4. : 4- --U du:ii: iaadvam; H.Mf i.,t mid m ad-ian usLiiieiiL ui aiiaiii cu uic null - Transient aJverti:iK and lx-al iiotiitu 4. cent a line. Deduftioim will be made to thwe de- Hiring to advertise by the year, half or l ri'.rtcr year. Several ocean j?ing ships Lave Ix-en lilted up as water tanks to mrry pure water from the United States to the lleet its 'tilwui water?. -- mm i - - " Till-: DeiniH-ratic State Convention- La hart three ilillerent de li vera net's on tlic eoiu question within the i:ist 4 years. First they held a ro!(I lu; convention, then went to Cliiesi;r anl flopped over, fame iimne as silver lmgs, shouting for fSryan, and last week aain went into State Convention at Altoona and there laid SJryan and the silver linjr on the shelf, and now it is Imsli gold silver lmg Jenks. Iliirli .leaks, lit the tune of the White 'oofcade and the Peacoek Feather. The jH-iiioerntic platform of the .Altoona convention, that nomin ated Mr. Jenks, is silent on the great questions of finance, tariff, just as if the democracy have no views on those vital questions. They are for reform, anil condemn all manner of extravagance of the late lUpulilican State Legislature, -riist as if the IJopublican party it self does not denounce extrava gance. The extravagance of the past Legislature is not upheld ly the Ifcpulilicau party. "The Ke lulilicans who were connected with this j I)! .cry in the late Legislature arc iA defended, they must an j swer to their const it uauts just as the Democratic members have to answer. The general policy of the Hcpulriicau party has been for the '.best interests of the people, and wherever that policy has been vio lated by TV-publicans they have lK'cn condemned, but the whole some jMilicy of the party goes on, and if exchanged for the (iovern policy of tlie Democracy brings' about a general state of business and tiuancial trouble for the people generally. CAM I" MEET!.t. The liTlli Annual t'niuii Meeting will o;cu at Newton llainiltnii, Aufiust 9 aiul close--uul It l- a jneasuni place for a day or ten day resort, among religious people. T lie place lias added l its attractiveness a irreat deal since its first institution over a quarter of a century ago. For pnrLit-uiun address J. K; K 'nodes, Scvretary, Lewistnwii 'en 1 1 'a. The funds rrqiiired to defray the ex-jiense-i of Iioldinr religions nieetini-'.s iiH)ii the grounds uf the association, theco.-l if litiinir up the grounds, the expense of i!'.e ministry, jmlii-e force, li.ulil in-r. fuel, i'-., and other incidental e.ipenses imi heiein l'leiitioned. will lie raised aureeal-ly to the foreoiiiK res liltion ir the association. Iy collecting!' at the ,'ales of ei'tiance. The followinp' rates (if a: mis-inn have lieen aie'id upon : ( )ne nerron. sinvrle alinissi(in, either I on fMit, in vehiclj or horseback,"i cents. One jitrson. Season Ticket, i" cents. ( 'hildreu under lo years of aire, when accoinp.-.'nied by parents or jruardians, One hoi.-e, single admission, cents. One horse and vehicle, sinule admis sion. cents. Two horses and vehicle, sinule ad mission. 10 cents. One horse and vehicle, season tickci, 2") cents. Two horse- ;;ihI vehicle, season ticket, oil cent . Kvery eison located on the grounds will be reiiiiivd to purchase a 'Si cent Season Ticket. A!! tent holders must live number of Adults who will occupy their tents for Camp Meeting Seasi.n Tickets will be fur.iisli.il them and charged on their JJills a;- i'.li other articles uirnished them. Lonu K. Atiissoi. marched on Sunday forenoon in the ceremonial act of surrendering and stacking their arms in the presence of the Americans victors. General 1 ' . 1 1 t : .-A rik lorai surrenaereu uibbwuiu, uul "iffIIiI1EBFoHCEscHWETER, . . .... .... r t OL - Xi- ! ... i. T ntxr .'A-iVlot-ilc- AKan rio it-ioi irrrtirTf 'sword was immediately returned to mm o uenerai ounuc,., Aorney- - - pine ISianuS. Wnen ine inSUrgenilAtthecity government house, the American flag was swung; collections and all legal bust- General Aquinaldo sent an armedi k sJnT An5.fsli i i j iT i the regimental bands played The btar Spangled IJanner, ana orFlcE COURTHOUSE. t. M. M. tsnw- .TKimniA.PEil1ELL, ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW, MIFFLINTOWN. PA. Or.o-On Mnin .treet,i Plc of resj- rry-CoiieotingauJOonvynclng from ly attended to. to PrAnlrlpnl MeKinlftv's . eonsratulatorv telegram was read each regiment. The American flag was flung to the breeze froir the govern ment house in Santiago at noon on Sundav, at which time all en- pB.D.ll.CAWfORD,D. DABWW M-OSAWIOaO -TJK. D. . CRAWFORD fc SON, ha formed a pa. :nerhij) for the pract'M . - . -. . .X i i : m.-J:-: w n!lnitral Draoence. General Shatter took iormal possession ot tne city ana wm-, - Tbird an!iOr- in tha Biirronrlor Tr fh Rlirnrise of the i Q V i.iintown. I'a. On 9 Of bi Americans, little sickness was reported in the town but great l:' distress ot other kinds prevails. Tne bpanisn troops were,ga!te(i moved to a camp outside of the Am.ricm lines. The surprise of the Spanish army at the tarn ofVaffairs, as the boy said, "made thim too full lor utterance " Two American regi ments were kept on guard in the city. Preparation to ship the Spanish to Spain is going on. In addition to the 24,000 bv tne Ameri- April 1st, 1?:J6. V. DERR, H. PRACTEJAJ OESTIST. adnafc- i f the Philadelphia Dental Office at old eslatdisboJ io- Court steamer to capture the Isla de Gran- da the German cruiser Irene inter fered. The interference was imme diately reported to Rear Admiral Dewey, and he immediately 'sent the Raleigh and the Concord to take the island and hand it over to the insurgents. The German war ship rliri nnt lntPrfprP With thP Ampnran Soanish troops that have to be taken care -ot - i , ji (- i 'cans are 33,000 Santiago men womeu and children. Five Wr SHIPS, DUt tne Lierman War Snip j hundred men women and children-were found crowded in one crAim AH ixrnr Th ninich a rr house that was as dirty as a pig pen. The most of them half sieamea away. inecpanisn, 400 naked)andha,f6tarve-d The stores had au been robbed, ad able bodied trOOnS and IOO SiCK most of the homes had been sacked. , 1 'a -A- eet f American ships of war will soon sail to the Span HOOPS anCl IOO WOmen, ana 4OO.OOO j;6h coast, and anaval and military force will soon be sen rounds of ammunition were handed ; XtLXl OVPr tO tnP insurgents. WHO COmnel- 000 souare miles in the island,, and its highest mountain is CJ . 1 . 1 1 enn 1 ., 1 i ti c ii,n, v,o nana. n in: Millerstowii 9 lo a. m; H thf Smnmrnc n tn aha thp Q ;wwiwa ui. a iilclt 9 21 a. m. Thompsontown 9 a. mr CVJ Lilt; Opciiiiciivao tin iu ivcivv; Li it 10 war so one sided as the present war between Spam and the van ivke9 83a. m; Tuwamra .w a. land. The 14th inst, had been set'Unitedstau?Iessitwf thew.ar On the 18th President McKinley issued a proclamation caii-i., cnage cirecr, appuaou House, .Viffl'in'.owD, Pa. QJ5" Crown und Bridge work; Painlnss Extraction. All work guaranteed. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD- , .... f -11 V a. C!..l..l..l i.. T?r..f av '7 IfSVIX coasr, ana a naval ana military lorce win soon re sent, """' " m j &STVAKJ. Way Passenger, leaves Philadelphia at 4 o0 a. m: Harrishurp 8 Ot) a. m; Duneannoii 8 3o a. in; New Port 9 05 Jhirword Oil 10 88 a. m: Newton Hamilton 11 00 a. m: Mount 1'iiion 11 0t a. m; lluiitiny:- t-o ra t rrs- i ine subject oi tue occupation 01 tne conquoreu territory in tuu:t , don 11 p. m; Tyrone 12 a p. m; ai pdliey IOOK ' jiving, instructions lor the covernment of the captured territory. ; u: Jtun. rjf n hlttlp I The proclamation is published in Spanish and English, and jiiarrisi.urjs at 11 4 a. m; Mimin 1 11 KJl Cl ClLL1" I j,i : tUa ml,o. r 1. m: lwistown 1 30 p. m; JIuntiiiK- j . 'j juctiaico iiiai iuc iiuiciiunu ui uij xa iivu tucic w xuuiv nm v i (Jon ' "t) p ill" Tyrone 3"12 p m; Al- COntinUen the inhabitants of Cuba, or anv nart of them but to nrotect txna3 4o r. m; Pittshurn 8 30 p. rii. - 1 r j 1- - x , "Tj-jp'them in their homes, their employment, their personal and j Altoona Aeeonimodation leaves Har- risuunr at 5 00 ). in; Dr.neannon 5 31 p. 111; Newport 6 02 p. ni; Millerstowii ports in Cuba in possession of the Americana are to be open to j Marvvi!ieI3 14 a. in.' 'iiunciiiMmii'1!! to storm the Spanish works at San tiago, but a surrender place on that day instead The talk of surrender was through the 14th and icth. .. , ,J .. A As,.,, 4- . I mi i j .1..: :.l U C h 11 p. m: ihompsontown 0 1 p. 111 OUalllalUb ClUUCalCU UCillUUi Ul iUI- PUIu&e- luereveuueMMesuutopiu w iiic wiuia ( Tusoarora (i 30 p. m; Mexico 6 Hit p. in; rendering, DUt the termS Of UnCOn- American military iuthority. ,t the present time, and to be ' T'TxSi ditional-surrender they did not like.SS'itrorXTaT p HPV WanTPtl TllP nriVl PP"P OT mnrm- use of the army is to be paid fcr at a lair valuation and all; Pacifie Kxpress leaves Philadelphia ing out and away from the city, ' carrying their arms with them.l That WaS nOt agreed tO. then the troops for the connuffct of Porto Rico started under the com hiicic rf currAnrlAr xxnc rhnnrrAH ifj maud of General Miles. It is 800 miles to Porto Itico from Udblb Ol bUlTcIlUCi WdS LI let! li;t:U, 1L Cuba. General Miles is in the advance ship of the expedition WaS DrODOSed tO tranSDOrt the A- the Yale and bv the coming Saturday, July 23, it is ex- J '".' Va'nV'vm" A r. , , ,. . , ;pected the advance-guard has landed and hoisted the stars and ' a.Sn.T'ittsUirK 5 j'ma.'m!" ' r'K OOO naniSn SO fliers in anCl arOLinn strices on the island of Porto Rico. The 16th Pennsylvania Kartiijne leaves iMiiiadrfphia at 1 1 ... . 11 . -n- mt. ci j- T i 1 p. 111. llarnsimnr 3 .10 p. 111. Duncan- nntihern tn Snnin Th na n i n rH q i re,men.fc. " to. s t0 0 .Rlco. ,The Spaniards are dest ,, m, wif. wwniii.it,v iv ulwiiimiu mor tup nirnt tirinsps mar. tupv io i:ve are 10 11 1 nuo ine nanus nm ovi v. m. ieisioii o 1 j ;i . a 1 a a 1 a 1 a .'1.1. .. - t:x 1 a :i.i .1- ! Mount liii o(jpp-i Tn TnlT nilTTnPV WrlriTPn TnPir !01 ine Araerican8, neeu uunureu iroops sanvu 011 iu snip C . -l - . . Ppnnsvlvania fnr arms sent to them after their arrival in Spain. The siege of Santiago has been going on three Weeks. It was a try- the commerce of neutral nations in articles not contraband of war. The tariff to be uniform on gojds from all countries guard, of 30,000 American On the 18th inst . the advance a 111. evxrt .- a ni. I'ort Koyal 4 2o a. 111. MitTiin 4.80 a. m. Ijewistown 4o2am. Newton Hamilton 33 a. in. Huntingdon fi 0:; a. in. lMerslmnf ( 19 a. m. Tyrone 0 H'2 a. m. Altoona 7 40 a. in. Pittshiiri! 12 10 a. lit. Oyster Kxpres-s leaves Philadelphia at 4 So p, in. Harrislmnr at 10 20 p. m. rsewjtort II ih p. in. .M 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 40 j). m. Kion i Kina -2 (K 0EWEY HAS CAPTURED MilNILLA An,l destroved the Spanish fleet have captured the remain, ing Spring Stock of Clothing, consistrng of Men's, Boys and Lnnaren s buits, n of the larcest and well-known Clothing Houses of Liver oSSSSSt C. 1013 Market stre.t Philadelphia, for -'K' tha j0iiar A clothing Bale eucb as has never been knowu T&mJ' UVErUGHT:GliEENEVALT&Co. in the Uiswry o ManufttCture8 of Clothing, 1013 Market Screeti Philatlelphia, Pa , May 10, 1898. Mr Ferd Meyers, Dear Sir: We find the backward Benson tLig Spring bas prevented us in closiDg oat cur largo new Spring Slot and we find ourselves loaded with an immense B'ock of nfw (.'i0!h ing The only remedy we havd to dieposa of it is to sacrifice inictg. KnowiD" that you are a large cash buyer no doubt yua wil, taib the opportunity offered io you aud buy the remainder of our 8;o.;k lit 45 cents on the dollar. Shall we bubmit samples. Please anHw by return maa. Tours Besp't, LIVERIGHT GREEKEWALT&Q,. Office ok FEUD MEYERS, veah-r in Ciothing and Furnitur Mifllinlown, Pa., May 12, 1808. Liveribt, Greenewfilt & Co., Gents: Yours of the lOlh inst , re ceived and contents Dottd. We are always open for Bargaius. PUse bend samples at once. If styles and quality are safisfactcry we will buy the remainder of your stock. Yours rewiectf u!Iy 3! Hiltli Mllii hlJS. We have scooped in the remainder of the entire Spring Stuck of Liveright, Greenewalt & Co. Wo put the kuife to tax and chopped down prices to one half what they were formally. Now is your opportunity to buy new and reliable clothing cs lor.K as they are here. . . We put on sale 5G0 Men's all vrool suits, regular price ?ii 50, Ppecial sale price $4.25. 271 Men's all wool fancy worsteds suits io sacks and cutaways, all sizes. These suits are worth $12 50, special saia prica $U -J.l 205 Men's cassimere suits, the greatest bargiio, the . are bunch ed from different lots, all sizts. Six diflerent patterns to select . from. Tbey range in value from 7 to $1). Special s ile price 4.31 7G7 Children's 6uits, all stjles aud sizes. Cheviots, CaKsiiueres, Serges, regular prices $2 50, up t ) $5 0 J. Special sale price $1.68. 072 Biys' suits. Cheviots, Cassinieres and Fancy plaids. This line was gathered with pptciai reference to young men's needs. Regular price 85 f0 up to $8.00. Special s: le i rico '$3.25 up to1$4 C2. ' CLEARING SALE OF FURNITURE. The season for Furniture is about to a ckse and we fiud we must have more room for onr large fall stock which will Hrrive in due time. Therefore we are compelled to close out lhe remain der of our spring stock. - AU our former prices are marked do .vn 20 per cent. Nw is your opportunity to buy furniture at a sac rifice. Dn't miss this chauce. 115 and 117 Bridge Street. JTftJ) MEYERS, p. in. Huntingdon Altoona in. n 6 08 p. ni. 6. 27 p. ni. Tyrone 7 04 p. in. I 4 4(1 p. in. I'lttsimnr n ;-jo p. in. j EASTWARD. Altoona Accommodation leaves Al toona at 4 40 a. in. Tyrone 01 a. ni. the Pennsylvania for Dewev on the 19th inst. The tnobs of Eu- rope will no longer turn up their noses at Americans and say "American nics." vou have no oil ruirs." The American1 ni'.rii r.nn nr,n nnlnt tliAtn to .in nlrl rnir Pll Morro Oisfle ilt San- l'eterctmrg 5 i a. ill. Jluntiliudoli 5 87 f . ,xr ,i fi j a , . . . .. . i - i a. m. cwton Hamilton 6 01 a. in. Me- iiago. tviui ine surrencer oi oaniiago ure gix uue ieui mhjw . vcytown 6 17 a. m. i,ewistown o ss a. in ths lisirhnr , j mMifllin 6 58 a. ni. Port Itoyal 7 02 a. in ipe naroor m. Thompsontown 7 17 a. in. Millers- bnaiter s victorious army, will De sent up mgn on, me nuis ; town 7 2t a. m. Newport 7 ; a. m. ino- PvnPripnrP fnr nnrthprn mn backo! Santiago, out of the reach of yellow lever atmosphere," ium-ai...o. 8 oca.m. iiarrinburs sao 1 1 Me CAJJCl ICIlC 1U1 11U1L11CI11 ,.and to keep a watch on the army of 100,000 Spanish tioops! sea yhoreleuves nttsimw at 2 30 a. the trOpiCal SUn ; the rainy SeaSOn t beyond striking distance inland on the island ' IJVuntKZiV ii r c a 1 j 1 4 i . la. 111. I,eristovn !t H- a. m. jfidlin S).j tne wire rence ions; ana ine Dusn JlKUfiHTKUL Si MMEIi TOUH. T ." Tin ' tmk X0..1 it v l'r.VNSVt. W'A IlAII. OAI). For 1 lie t 'iiciii.'!ce f iliose wlio Keii .lie m.. 1 i::e:ive wny of .ienil- 11;' a Slimmer w.rt'.iioii lie 1 e 1 1 1 1 v.'.iiia Kaitnud ouijiuii; has aiiv.i;,i;i tv.o de'ili. : ill lours io lhe Nonii un der lhe pei-oiiiill comlueed loini.-i s ste'n . uly anil August ;. The pihi in-luueil in lie i.iiieuii.v and the (::Uii.:. ir:ivereil abound i i natureV lie.ai.ie " Nvaik'ns leu. 2iiat;ai;: Fj'Is Tlioa-t nil I-Uuk'.- liucijce .Voo.U'-.l Au jle li;:m l. es h;ni!i(;,; i mid ;eor"ie ::i:,Uua ami lhe It'" 1 1 hii'tls i f tiii." J ! iii'son arc aVi rirh in in- Kv! cud rejileic uiih naiuial ulir.i i4V.."i!om. Kai li lour v ill he in charge of i.'iie of the vniian' s toui M agents as?is:id liy an epe. -ieiiectl lady aM ehapenm, m hoe e.-e--al el'.ai.',e w ill lie uue.-ort-. ei !:".!ies. The raie of - fiom Xew Vor':, ! rKi .:.ii Nci.ii'!. Trenton I'hihu'el l .Ilia l larris iiir;. I tl.iinore. and WaNiihr.ioii eovei railway and !(at fare f)i" lhe entire round trio pai'lor-e-a siie.il en iou e hotel enter; ..i i- nieul. l;v.iifier ei:avi;e. e::i-n::ue hue in fact ever item of neeessan exjien.-. For de. ailed itinerary, lickets. or toy addiliom-.l infotnui.ion addixs Tourist ..zent l'euns lv;;;ii;i l;:iihi:d 'ini- imiiv. I V' Itioadwa- Xew Vorii : 8H0 ii. ion Street firm: h n ; 7S!! I'.roail Siieel Xcwar! , N. .1.; or (Jeo. V. Mo; (I. Asislant ( General Passenj-'er -V.ent J'road S'.iCJt Station, I'liiladel pltia puDAviD.Favorite The one Siire cu for J The iyldncy's, liver and Blocc1 IVIAGAR 4 FALL!). Loir-Rale Euumlou, via rna)lTaula Kallrwatl. Ths Pinislvaoi Kahoad I', m p&ny has sekcttd the i ilowiug i a" s lor its .opular tt-H day txe;ir.s;uLs in Niagara JfaiU . from Fni!Ulph n, Balumore, n I, WVehiHgluc : J y 21, Angua: 4 aod 18, and So, te.iul.er 1, i5, and 29. A-i xpri.-Doi-.l tour ibt aeut a d chiptron accviu paDV eac i ext-uraion. Excursion tick. t-j g d for je.i.in passage oa any regular t.-ux, i x Ju eive i'f j'iaiiitd espiess trains, within ten days, will be Hold at $10 fiom Pbilhdelphia, Baltimore, Wshit g'o , and all points ou tbe Drliware Di vision ; $9 GO from Lancaster $8 59 from Altoona and Hairisburg; $6 GO from S'.i' buiy mid Wilkt sb i ; S5.75 from Wi.liamsporl ; li! at rticna erat-t. fromo'lie "i o'.uu 1 at liuf ms return ing ambuscades, and the rifle pits, and the Yellow fever. No other troops in the world but American troops could have overcome such obstacles. The newly conquored territory is no miles long, 50 miles wide, and eleven times larger than Juniata county. The parley came to an end on the 16th. 1 he Spanish soldiers under General Toral marched out of the city leaving behind everything ex cepting side arms and little person- K.:,TCfrrJ 1 rr j ii a' 1 1 j fl' ltjcl-csUr, ae.l Wuki ai ciiceii tiiai caii uiuici may pus- sess. 1 here are 24,000 prisoners ot war. The Cuban volunteers in the Spanish army may remain in Cuba, if they so choose, under oath not to take up arms in the present war with the United States. The United States is to transport the Spanish troops to Spain with .as little delay as possible. The longheadedness of the purpose to send the captured Span iards home is plain. To have brought them to the United States, would have added just that many more worthless people to the population that has to be kept. To keep them in and around Santiago, under guard, would be to intolerably ex pensive. To turn them loose in Cuba would be the sams as chang ing their base from Santiago to some other place to fight. The Spanish army in Santiago De Cuba, marched and counter- 1 SISTER & TKIHir Mr. John Kennedy, late K. Peru Mills, was I urn in the year one thous and eight hundred and fifty-four, and departed thi life July Srd, after a ling ering illness of aliout five months. Aited ol vears, 7 n unit lis lie leaves a wife and six small children to mourn the loss of a dear, loving fattier who died trusting in the lord. Dear hrother we do miss thee Miss thee in our home to day, F'or thou art no longer with us Thou hast gone forever away. A SiKTKIt. a. m. l'ort l'oyal fl .'i9 a. m. Thomison I town 10 14 a. ni. Millerstowii 10 2t! a. ' in. Newport 1 18:1a. in. liiii-aiinoii 10 ; 54 a. in. Marvsville 11 07 a. in. Ilaiiis- l.urvr 11 li'i a. in. Philadelphia no p. ni. Main Line Kx press leaves I'iltsliurg at K 00 a. in. Altoona 1 1 40 a. ni. Tyrone 12 0:! p. in. 1 Iiintingiton 2:i p. ni. Kew istown 1 :C5 p. in. l"iillin 1 "iO p m. llarrislmrg 3 10 p. m. Italtimore 0 00 p. ni. Washington 7 1" p. in. Philadelphia I'H 1T.ADKI.P1II A M K K KTS. July IS, 18r-s. WheutSlc. ; nats.SIc; corn 40c; hay ..0() ti ?12.0 a ton ; tailzied wheat and oats straw at !.".50 a ton; butter 12 to 2.c. ; ejrps 14c; beef cattle 4 to lie ; old potatoes 45 to i(c ; i ew potatoes l to $.. 75 a barrel ; veal calves 4 to 7e: sheep .3 to 5 ; lambs .'5 to 7c; thin cows 8 to 22 ; milch cows 25 to A special traia of Pullman rariir 40 ; hoff5toe:live chictens 11c, cars and day couches will be ruu spring chickens 2 and 4 pound 18 with each -xcursion. to 21c a pound. Tickels for a side'rp totheThou ba d Islaodn (Alexandria Ba) wid be sold from Rjchts'er, pood to re . tor i to Kochf eter or to CaLeudaigu via Sxracuse withiu five di je, at rat of $5 50. ! Fur time of eonni cling trains r.d ' furtl.ir information apply lo utur:-t ticket rgei t, cr address Geo. W. : Boic1, Assistant General Pafffner Agent, ad Street Siation, Phiia j delphia. ; MIFFLINTOWN, jri.v -Jf), 1S!)8. $ 70 to 80 40 Something To Smell. ' hen you buy soinethiiifr to smell lie certain you know what it is, that it is harmless. Some smells paralyze the smellinjr. A snifl' of concentrated prussic will kill a man in a fev minutes. Selenium de stroys the power of smell. Putrid horseradish is hard on the organs of smell. There is a story of a phy-' sician, whose patient, a lady, re fused to take an absolutely neces sary rest because she was so fond of being always on the go in so ciety, lie gave her a pill contain ing a small quantity of tellurium, ' and her breath was affected by it to such an extent that she was not able to appear in public for a month. She never guessed what , the trouble was. The volwtized ' cause "rose cold." This peculiar fc&t. Corn in eai . ... ., Onr, Re Clorersoed . Butter Eg Htm Sbonlder IH1 Sides. Timothy serd... F ct'd....... Hmn. ......... . Chop , Middlings.... Ground la Salt..... American Salt.... ... ..ml ) iv P. in itial! leaves .nooiia at iij p. ni. l y rniie2;;."i p. m. Iluntiugdon ;i 17 p in. New ton Hamilton 3 47 p in. -Vt-Vey-town 4 20 p. in- levistoYli 4 i58 j). lii. Milllin 4 5.3 p. 111. Port Koyal 5 00 p. 111. Mexico 5 20 p-ill Tliomi'isontowii ii IS p. m. .Viileistown 5 28 p. in. Newiort "1 8!) p 111. Diuicanuon OS p. ni. Har risliurg ti 4-) p m. Vail F.xpress leaves Pittslmrg Sit 1 00 p. 111 Altoona (i 10 p. ni. Tyrone ( 42 p. 111. Huntingdon 7 28 j). 111. McYey town 8 06 i 111. liewistown 8 2(! p. in. Milllin 8 47 p. 111. Port Koyal 8 ;",2 p. ni. Killerstown ! l(i p. 111. Ne iort S 20 p. ni lluneauiiou 9o0 p.m. Marrisburg 10 20 p in. Philadelphia Fxpress elaves Pitts burg at 4 80 p. 111. Altoona 0 0"i j. m Tyrone 9 88 p 111. Huntingdon 10 12 p. in- Mount I'nion 10 82 p 111. Lewis town 11 Kip. 111. Jiltlin 11 :;7 p. m. Har rishurg 1 00 a. m Philadelphia 4 30. At Lewistown, Junction. For yun hury 7 30 a. m and S0o p. m. week days. For JMilroy C 1-5, 10 20 a. 111. and 3 00 p. m week-days. At Tyrone. For Clearfield and Cur wensvilie 8 20 a. m. 3 20 and 7 20 p. 111. week-days. ForBellefonteand Lock Haven 8 10 a. m. 12 30 and 7 lo p 111 week-days. For further information apply to Ticket Agents, or Thomas F Watt Passenger Agent, Western Division! Corner Fifth Avenue and Sinithfield Street, Pittslmrg. J- B. HUTCH INSON, J. K. WOOD, General Man'g'r. General PasH'r. Agt. 29 V."$2 tot2 50 !6 t:9 i2 12 8 , 7 1.40 60 70 85c to 90c 90 76 60c FABME8S kai THIS, In order to reliably determine the relative value of our several Brands of Fertilizers, upon the wheat crop of Juniata countv, we have decided to offer PKEMI UMS amounting to 100 for the best three cres of wheat grown by the use of OUR FERTILIZERS. We want to know what is best by actual field trials. Agents mav talk, but FACTS ARF: FACTS. The Premiums to be divided into three classes as follows : First -PKKMirM .... $50.00 Second Pkemicm .... 35.00 Thikd Premium . . ." . lo.OO The test to be made 011 three acres. Using our Brands of 1 MltTILIZERS. complaint is so far nervous in its The money will 1 dejKwited with the character th-it mnr w snme Juniata County Agricultural Society, inaracter tnai paper roses sonie- who wll, name the JudKe8 and award Script. THE ONLY True Blood Purifier prominently in the public eye to day is Hood's Sarsaparilla. Therefore get Hood's and ONLY HOOD'S. the PREMI UMS September 1899. All persons wishing to enter the contest will register with the Secretary of the Agricultural Society. James N. Gronixqer, T. 8. Moorehead, A Co., 3 mo. Rort Royal, June 7th. LEGJtL, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. (Flstate of Edward F. Karstetter, late of Fayette township, deceased ) Notii-e is hereby given that letters of Administration upon the estate of Ed ward V. Karstetter, late of Favette township, deceased, having been grant ed to the undersigned. All persons in debted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, aud those having claims against the same to pre sent them duly authenticated for settle ment. SYLVESTER ARNOLD J. N. Keller. Administrator June 18, 1898. LEGAL XOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that the Chief Burgess and Town Council of the Borough of Mifliintown have bv ordinance duly enacted on Mav 20th 1898, admitted and annexed as 'part of the Borough of Mifliintown inthecountv of Juniata and state of Pennsylvania the lots and tracts of land composing Schweyer's Addition, adjacent to said Borough and they have tiled a plan or plot of the said extension this dt i the office of the Quarter Sessions of Juniata County. J. Howard Neely Secretary Town Council Borouah ,r Miflliutown. CURES ALL "' AND nie Memedy l Kipw ey. Stomach f "tK TRO'BUC5, Tusoarora Valley Railroad. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT MONDAY, JUNE. 20, 1898. EASTWARD. STATION IT DAILY, EXCEPT SUipAy. Blair's Mills.... Waterloo Leonard's Grovo Ross Farm Perulack. ...... East Watetford. Heckman Hooey Grove Fort Bigham.. Warble Pleasact View Seven Tines Spruce Hill Graham's Stewart Freedom Turbett Old Pot t Port Royal No.l No.3 A. M. P. M. .LT.,V 2)1 0 ... .17 31 1 51 ,...!7 371 57 ,...7 45 2 05 ....17 52-2 12 RAILROAD TIME T4IILC. 3ER11T COUVTr BAILHOAD. The followinz Bchedulo went Into t-flect Nov. 1, 1896, and the trains will be rnn u follows: p. m . m Leave Arrive a. m 4 30 9 00 Dnncannon 7 64 4 36 9 C6 'Kinf's Mill 7 49 4 89 9 f 'Sulphur Sarins 7 ia - r uyifugp i i 'j tTgTr'Ciirman Shlinc 7 41 4 4 14 Montcbe'.lo Park 7 41 4 4S 9 15 " Weaver 7 40 I- 0512 25 1712 37 !8 22,2 -12 8 302 50 8 3f)j2 f9 8 44n 04 8 52 3 12 S fi5 3 15 9 03 3 23 0 (16 3 26 9 09 3 29 9 12 3 32 9 18 i 3S ..Ar. 9 25 3 45 i Ruddy iloffinan Rover - Mfahanoy Bioorafleld Tresslei Nellson Dnru's KHiofsbur Brrnbeisl'n (Jrx-n Pirk Moutour Juno lindisitiUr? Arrive Loivo s. tn Dm 'I'" i5:iven oioomm. 1 nr n iA q nd arrives at Landisl.tir at O.'.'t i Tui:n l-iri f .nn-l'-ilinr t K da .n "iriys n I).O0)n,,.M al, (j .11) p- (n A'l stations markxil at which train will (Will, tik 1 full .Inn AH signal. ClIAS. H. SiriLET, S If I!fC. President. Snpt. 4 51 9 19 4 54 9 22 4 56 9 24 4 69 9 2T 5 10 10 4 5 It 9 49 5 21 9 54 6 24 9 57 5 27 10 C5 5 32 10 17 6 84 10 17 fi ZJ 10 SO 6 02 10 35 p. ru a. m 7 a.3 7S1 7 28 7 23 7 09 7 fit 7 01 i; w 0 51 fi 4H fi 33 6 2S p.m 228 22 220 3 18 -2 IS 2 13 208 2 65 2 0? 200 I 41 1 55 1 81 1 -a 1 25 1 20 1 Itt 1 IS 250 u., m. and Trains Nos. 1 and 2 with Way Passenger and Seashore Express vu i. . ax. ana nos. A and 4 with uii .. WESTWARD. STATIONS. DAILY, EXCEPT SUNDAY. Port Itoval Old Port Turbett Freedom Stewart Graham's Spruce Hill oeven fines Pleasant View. Warble. Fort Bigbam..!!lii tioney Orove Heckman East Waterford'.!!! Perulack Koes Farm. . '. '. " ) Leonard 'a Waterloo... Blair's MUIb Ar. c s No.2No.4 A. 0.010 1.310 28!10 3.7jl0 4.4I10 5.010 6.310 7.2 9.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 15.1 17.5 20.5 22.0 24.0 25.5 27.0 10 12 12 12 12 3fi!5 395 42 '5 505 53j5 01 5 065 156 23 6 08 286 13 40 6 25 53;6 38 00.6 45 0Sj6 53 14 6 59 20,7 05 Trains Nm j MiUs whh Concord DovDKeCt ?! B1,ir'g Nos.vi.le, Cn' .D2fe?M5 Hud. "ey and ,5 VIEWPORT AND SHKKMAN'S VAL 1 ley Kailma.l Coulpanv. Tiin.i tahla of passenger trains, in effect on Monday, May 16th, 1806. STATIONS. Newjvrt Buffalo Bridge. Juniata Furnace Wabneta STlvo !..'! Watr Plug BloomHeld Junct'n. Va'levBna Elliultufinr. Green I' am LojEvilie Fori P.. i.. "" Center Cisna's kun Andersonburz . ri...- B " Mount I'll..,.... ew Germaut'n ... West-wart. Kist-w.ird. P M 6 05 6 08 6 12 6 15 6 25 6 22 6 81 6 89 6 61 6 64 7 05 7 1I! 7 15 7 21 7 27 7 85 7 41 7 45; ' t 10 35 10 38 10 42 10 45 10 62 11 01 11 09 11 09 11 21 11 24 11 35 11 41 11 45 11 5I U 67 12 05 12 11 12 151 A M j 8 301 8 27 8 23 8 20 8 ltii 8 11: 8 OS! r m 4 00 8 67 363 3 60 846 8 41 8 88 8 Wj 8 82 " 45j 3 15 " 101 8 10 . 34, 304 7 2i 2 66 7 ll 2 49 7 15j 2 46 7 10 2 40 7 03 2 81 6 68 2 24 6 601 2 20 k"'RING, Presidont and .Manager - Miiler, General Apent. FARQUHAR variable Friction Feed SAW MILL and J. 0. MOORHEAD, Supert$tiendent T. S. MOORHEAD Prerident. KOCNIC MED. co.. Chicago,, y MOOD'S Sanana4ii. 1 over asaln nilTV?" "Wand Ajax Center Crank Engine fpti, accurate. Btmnir nnH almntu Irli lnrvA cuiiacity. Knin JP ffllld or wheels, strong and ante. No Farf uhnr Holler fan ever ex plotlcd. A Ino HtandHrd agricultural Implement generally. Hay Prewej a Bpttcial ty . Pen d for A. Bt FARQUHAR CO., Ltd., York, Pis HEC1CH & DfSQS'j J- . - . m " oAwr.i iu.m &mxt A wonderful Imnn,..... ... j nnA Bp'"notlonoICiTiiu;e:i lilliencsfui-t SSSXi ilf Id" market. l riclion lulrh Fred, "usinirau the feed gearlne lo stand still bile bwll loJiU IT?' T," power umd wear. tta rulTl. . prk" fre- Also Hprins Harrow, alKNt II & IIBOVGOLD, Mf., York, Fa.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers