THE TYRANT OF THE HOUSE, While baby sleeps We cannot jump, or dance, or sing. Play jolly games or do a thing To make a noise. The floor might creak If we should walk! We scarcely speak, Or breathe, while baby takes s nap, Lest we should wake the little chapl A strict watch nursie always keeps While baby sleeps! When baby wakes Bat little gratitude be shows. When other people want to doze! At night, when folks hare gone to bed. He rouses them all up instead, To wait on him. Ma lights the lamp, And warms milk for the little scamp! Pa walks him up and down the Boor, Sometimes two hours and sometimes more! And nurse comes running in a stew, To see what she for him can do! And Will and Harry, at the row. Call: "What's the matter with him now?" And I'm waked tip at all the clatter . To wonder whnt ou earth's the matter Such uproar in the houxe he makes. When baby wakes! Ro if a!eep, or if awake, The house exixts hut for his sake. And Htic-h a tiny fellow he To he Ikirs of this family! Independent. HELEN'S TWO LOVEItS AS he glad? Was he sorry? Did he f-el triumphant? Did he feel bitter ly ashamed? Will Spencer asked himself these questions over and over. wearying of the repetition and yet never able to end It l.y saying lienrtily that be was glad and triumphant, or bitterly that be wus sorry and ashamed. The plain face stared lii in in the face, that Helen Itay moiKl did not love him and that Mrs. Kay m.ii.l hail nrseil his suit, and ex erted her maternal influence and clo- iiu. m e until Helen bad consented to l.e his wife, tellins hiiu very frankly that her heart was iu the crave of her lover. ticorge Yiinliorn, who had been! killed In a railway collision nearly one jcar hef ore. "Mo! her was never willing: I should marry Ji-nrp-," Helen said, sadly, "be cause he was poor and we have suf fered all that poverty can Inflict lie was on his way to Colorado, where his brother had liecn successful, when lie WHS killeil. Will Spencer winced, for he was rich, very rich, but the, he put to the wound that soothin- salve, "I will win her love wh. .. si... is ,nv wife" thnt ,1:1S wrecked so many lives. It may conic, this love that will not be hidden, to a man ami wife, after they are bound together for life. luit the risk is great and Will Spencer knew It. Yet he cherished the delusion that love lu the end would win a return, and he knew his own love to le strong nnd enduring. He had stepped back when CJeorne Yauhorn was met with such a smile, as he could never win. j ""'i'""- had kept from pressing 1,1s suit when I , wUI "7" .WIU the name of Helen's lover appear.! on ! '"I1'" eU?i 'Uf' the list of the killed In the account of letter, "but she shall not be cheat the railway collision, but after the laps out ot wha' "" nPPnW life may of several months l.e had won Mrs . hold for her' ' Itaymond to his side and so, by prosy. 1 , IIe wrote- to' ? Ra,d' ' wooed Helen nnd won what? a cold, reluctant consent to be his wife. Yet she was not cold, this girl of 20, whose heart had been crushed ever 6lnce the day when George Yanhorn's name was recorded as dead. He could have told how her eyes could soften with love's tenderness, her cheeks burn with love's blushes, her low, sweet voice tremble with love's whispered words. He had won what all the Spen cer gold, the riches of long generations, could not buy. Before that fatal railway collision she was a bright beautiful girl, with large, expressive In-own eyes, a voice of music, the step of a fairy, singing as n hlnl sliiirs. from sheer InvnusncMS of heart, bringing a jest to all the house- j rIsk nlng Helen's life by binding it hold worries, laughing merrily over her to u'9' own blunders in the culinary depart-' "h" 8,,e wwu,(1 cry' "whllt am 1 t0 nieut, turning old dresses, renovating Reserve the love of two such men? old bonnets without a complaint living Mother. It humbles me to think how on love and hope. , the7 ' mo- After that day she moved about slow-' And by this love her courage wat ly. her eyes were dull and weary, her sustained through the three months duties met with a rigid mechanical pre- whon 8he and her mothcr smoothed clslon. her lips compressed, her checks -s'rge Vanhorn's path to the grave, pale, as shadow of her Joyous self. : Such happiness uld be hem, she Mrs. Kavmond was often afraid that knpw thnt she owed to Wl" 8Peo0e, she would yet miss the golden prize she w,, showed his love only by bis care had partlv won. nnd heartily seconded of ,Ue Invalid. He never spoke of Iov Will In his preparations for a speedy i tn hor' sMug her up entirely, but npos wedding. It w as Mrs. Raymond w ho I 1,r loT"r he lavished every kindness went with him to open the house that ' wcalth cou,d procure, or friendship die he had Wight to adorn for his bride. tate; He fave n,m "" devotion who aided him lu the selection of car- nut11 the la8t Partln? cam nd vvhen pens, curtains, furniture, and gave him ' he WBS lald ,n the cemetery. Will Spen Instructlons regarding tho kitchen de- i "r took IIelen nd Mrs. Raymond partment. of whose needs he was as ig- back to thelr home 111(1 ,eft them, uorant as most young bachelors. It ' U was three year" later wheB was Mrs. Raymond who received nn came norae from a European tour and anonymous letter containing a liberal ; PHed on Mrs. Raymond, sum. whl.-h she quietly appropriated "Th8 ,d lady slr' ls dead." the ser for a trousseau and a suitable dress for vant told him, "an' Miss Helen's llvln the bride's mother. j ,n street Maybe yees didn't henr She was a woman of rare tact Hav- i s,1"'s 'ome Into some money from her lng won Helen s consent to be Will i"'le. !r. and Mrs. Gandy, she's took Spencer's wife, she never bothered her honse. sor." by complaints about her Iistuess ludlf- Come Into some money! Well, she did ference to lu-r lover or her future pros-! not need him. He would wait awhile, pecta. She simply made all the ar-' Bnt In a few days a little note reached rangeinents for her, without once ad- him: mlttlng a possibility of clmngo. The' "It was unkind to let me hear of yom betrothal was spoken of on all occa- return by accident Will yon not com elons, the preparation of the house, tho to see mer ((election of the trousseau referred to, ! Would he not? And when he wenl In matter of fact words thnt made Hel- , he conld not keep the lore out ot his en feel, as it was Intended she should, , pyes or his voice, and she at last! Her that she had walked Into a net from Pyes drooped under bis gaxe, her cheeks which there was no escape. j blushed for him, her voice faltered And Will Spencer know It all. and . with tenderness. He had won his bride! writhed under the knowledge, being a j And he had no secret hidden from her frank, loyal man, whose Impulses were loving eyon. no treachery he would generous nnd honorable, and who loved . dread to have her discover. By the Helen with nil the strength of his heart I frankness he had thought would alien Often he asked himself how he could ! ate her forever, he bad won her true. endure life, if he found his wife a faith ful slave, instead of the happy compan ion he had hoped to make her. "If she never loves me," he thought, bitterly. "If all my love fails to win hers, what will my ltfe be?" He did her justice. He knew thnt 11 his love failed to win her heart, his gold was powerless to make her happy. He knew that If her mother died or could not be benefited by her marriage, she would rather beg ber bread herself than be his wife. While matters stood In this unsat isfactory state. Mrs. Raymond made a suggestion: "I want you to go away for a month," she said to him, "and let Helen miss the constant devotion that she has had ever since your betrothal, her feel thnt a void has come Into her life, and how- dull and cheerless It would be If she lost you. The wedding day is set for June 10. and this Is April. Stay away until the 5th or Cth of June." It seemed to him good advice and he had business In the West that would fill bis time profitably. It gave him the first really happy moment of his en gagement, when Helen said gently, yet with a shudder: "I cannot bear to think of you on rail way trains. Will. Write often, that I may know you are sare. lier lips nie us in a tengej nressura, snch as a loving sister might bestow, but with far more affection than she had erer before aiven him. Wea he winning bar? The hope mads tola SB expected absence endurable, and for two weeks Ufa held more pleasure thaa It had done In all the days of bis court- sblD. Then came a blow, sodden, sharp, overwhelming! He was In a Ursa Western city, when, after Bight re turning to bis hotel, a man on crutches asked for charity. The voice was fa. miliar, and. In a shock of horror, tha face struck him. One gasping cry a caped blm: "George Vanhorn!" The man would bars hurried away, but be followed easily. "Let me go, Spencerl" the crlpplsi man pleaded. I did not neogala joul Don't you know I ass dead?" "I know you are coming In here witk me," Will said gently, substituting his arm for one of the crutches and enter ing the hotel where he bad a room. "Steady now!" and he led him. feeling ' bow be trembled, until ho had him I seated In a great arm-chair In his room, I and felt his heart stirred with deepest compassion at the havoc pain and pov erty bad made. He would not let bis guest speak n tll he had ordered a supper and made him comfortable. Then, turning to him, be saw be was weeping. "See what a woman you make ft me!" the poor fellow said. "Yov thought I was dead?" "Yes! All your friends think so." "It was a narrow escape, and I won der why I was spared. Nina mouths In a public hospital have left me crip pled and Incurably 111. They would not keep me after I could get about on crutches, but I have begged or starved, and It will not be for long! I would not let anyone know for fear It would get to to Helen V "You want to bide from her?" "Yes yes! What would her life b tied to mine? You will not betray ma Bpcncer?" "But you may recover." "No. I should only be a wreck If I iuli. but I cannot. I have Internal j Injuries that tne coia ana nunger or j btst winter have Increased fatally-. ayemer meraiiy coiuu noi pea. This man asked of him only the al ienee that would give blm his wife. Could be let Helen remain in Ignorance of this strange, adventure the memory of her old love might die away in time. When he could speak again he led th conversation to Helen. Be was very frnnk. telling George Vanborn bow truly he hud been mourned, but saying nothing of bis own hopes, and It was I eas' to 8oe how George had loved her. ! 1,ow "crl' self-sacrlflclng his silence i h,,d ,n- To 8Pore her P1- 08 had kept from her aU knowledge of his ow suffering. But his pride yielded to Will's en, treaties to be allowed to befriend him. He was very weak, very 111, and ha al lowed Will to get him a pleasant room In a quiet boarding bouse, to furnish him with necessary clothing, to engage a doctor, and to take a brother's place lioslde blm. And then true, unselfish love trl- to grind her teeth, but which she obey- ' ed. packing her trunk and accompany lug Helen In the journey westward. It wns Will Spencer wbo met the two at the depot and accompanied them to the boarding house where be kept Mrs. liaymond In the parlor after sending Helen upstairs, alone. It was Will SMncer who smoothed away every dif ficulty, engaging rooms for mother and daughter and quietly effacing himself. It were far too long a story to try to record the three months that followed. George Yauhorn was resolute on one poiut He would not marry Helen. lie had no hope of recovery, but If the un expected should happen, he would not faithful love, a devotion aa entire as that she had given In her girlhood to the man he had so nobly befriended. New York" Ledger. Bitting tbe Nails. A simple and very effective way to euro children of the bad habit of bit ing their nails la to wet the fingers with quassia tea and allow them to dry. When tasted It will be a bitter remind j er to cease the practice. It there art ' no sore places on the finger tips, a very ' little colocynth powder, which ls In tensely bitter, may be dusted ovet them. When, however, dipping the finger ends In some bitter tincture falls. as It sometimes will, each linger end ought to be Incased in a Stall unni in propensity ls eradicated. No flace lor a Kentuoktaa. "Yes, sah;l desire to enlist, sab. But there ls one promise I want to exact from you, sah." "Well, what Is Itr "I'm a Kentuckian. sah, and I point edly object to being sent to the Dry Tortugas, sah." ln faclng our avy the Spanish fleet meets with ataay hardships. PRETTY SHOW OF PATRIOTISM. tar U-irl with licztroos Finger Caa Carry Oat This Idea. rut a small circular table In the .outer of the room. and. after draplne it with silken American colors, make an "Uncle Sam" hat out of pasteboard and nil it with flowers that represent alDI BY DEFT FUtOKBS. our country's colors. The band around the ha should be of blue, and the start on ht ahonld contain miniatures of our bvtter-day heroes. This sketch shows the result obtained by following tbe above Instructions. Any girl with dex trous fingers can carry ont the Idoa. CAT MASCOTS THE VIZCAYA. Bpaaiarda Have. Peta m Warahlpt Baama aa Da Amerleaaa. The Spaniards have animal mascots aboard their warships the same as do American man-o'-warsmen. The pet of the Vlxcaya. It seems, ls a mau- moth cat, with an unpronounceable name and very bad manners. This Spanish feline has a disconcerting habit of sleeping Inside the big guns i . , she has been literally dragged from death at the cannon's mouth. LATE LEGAL OECISIONa The disability of an alien to Inherit, Imposed by tbe laws of a State, Is held, In Opel vs. Shoup (Iowa), 37 L. It. A. &S3, to be removed, so far as the sub jects of the king of Bavaria are con cerned, by a treaty between the United Stale and Bavaria. The bolting of a vicious horse from the track during a race while ln charge of a good and expert rider, causing In Jury to a bystander, ls held, iu Hally- I THE VISCATA'S MASCOT. burton vs. Burke County Fair1 Asso- nian In cbnrge had not seen the United elation (X. C), 38 L. B. A. 15l, insuf- states flag for a long period, and never fit-lent to render the owners of the having previously seen a gunlniat so horse or the fair association liable. If near, lost his presence of mind, and the horse was not known to be vicious fired one of the 1.000-poiind powder and there were suitable railings be- tanks when the gunboat was at least tween spectators and the race course. A parol sale of growing timber Is held, ln Leonard vs. Med ford (Md.), 37 L. R. A. 449, not to relate to an Inter est In lands within the meaning of sec tion 4 of the statute of frauds, and If the purchaser Is placed ln full posses sion, and commences performance of his contract, this Is held sufficient to prevent repudiation of It by the seller on the ground that It Is within section 17 of the statute relating to sales of other property above a specified vulue. Implicit reliance upon representa- t Ion H Af ft Keller la TinM In Panrn ll .1 a Light and Coke Company va Fargo j Gas and Electric Company (N. D.), 37 L. R. A. 593, to be proper, and the fact that their falsity could have been dis covered by Investigation will not re lieve tbe seller from liability for mak ing false representations with Intent to deceive. With this case ls a note collecting the great number of cases on the tiirht tn rclv inuin ri.tiresentf,. tlons made to effect a contract. I .... . ...... Although an electric light company Is not bound to keep tbe Insulation of, Its wires on a pole ln good condition as against a bare volunteer or mere tres passer. It Is held. In Xewark Klectrlc Light and Power Company vs. Gar den (C. C. App. 3d 0.1, 37 L. R. A. Ti, that an employe of a railroad com pany which has wires on a pole used also for telephone and electric light wires Is not, while transferring wires, THE EXCELLENCE OF SYBUP OF FIGS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the California Fio Syrup Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrnp of Figs is manufactured by the California Fio Sirup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fie Stkup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. bah naaoisoa, caL fcSPMTTM.S. Km THE DUTY OF MOTHERS. Daughters Should be Carefully Guided in Early Womanhood. What suffering frequently results from a mother's Ignorance; or more frequently from a mother's neglect to properly instruct her daughter I Tradition says "woman must suffer," and young women are so taught There is a little truth and a great deal of exaggeration In this. If a young woman suffers severely she needs treatment and ber mother should see that she gets it. Many mothers hesitate to take their daughters to a physician for examina tion; but no mother need hesitate to write freely about her daughter or herself to Mrs. Pinkham and secure the most efficient advice without charge. Mrs. Pinkham's addresa is Lynn, Mass. The following letter from Miss Mabtb F. Johsson, Centralia, Pa., shows what neglect will do, and tells how Mrs. Pinkham helped her: "My health became so poor that I had to leave school. I was tired all the time, and had dreadful pains in my side and back. I was also troubled with irregularity of menses. I was very weak, and lost so much flesh that my friends became alarmed. My mother, who is a firm believer in your remedies from experience, thought per haps they might benefit me, and wrote you for advice. I followed the advice yon gave, and used Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and Liver Pills as you directed, and am now as well as I ever was. I have gained flesh and have a good color. I am completely cured of irreirularity." a trespasser In setting his foot upon a cross-arm bearing electric light wires Imperfectly Insulated. THE FIRST TORPEDO. Exploded Too Soon to Destroy a Fed eral Gunboat. Mr. H. O. Crowley, formerly electri cian of the Torpedo Division. O. 8. N., contributes to the Century an account of "The Confederate Torpedo Service." After describing the organization ot the first torpedo service. Mr. Crowley says: Having our system now perfected, we established a torpedo station, some five or six miles below Richmond, by submerging two Iron tanks, contain ing one thousand pounds of powder each, ln twelve feet of water, leading the wires ashore, and connecting them wkh a galvanic battery concealed In a mall hut in a deep ravine. From the battry-hoiise the wires were led to an elevated position near by, where the man ln charge could keep a 1 wk out for passing vessels. The position of the torpedoes in the water was Indi ' -u et spart on the bluff, and In a line cated by two sticks, planted about ten with each other and the torpedoes; and the watchman's Instructions were to explode them by contracting the wires aa soon as an enemy's vessel should be on a line with the two pointers All this ltclng prepared, we awaited the approach of a Federal giinIont. As was usually the case, one came when least expected, on a beautiful clear l day, when our entire force except the man stationed as lookout was absent In Richmond, preparing other war ma terial. We were apprised by telegraph of the rapid approach of the gunboat, and Immediately hastened toward our first station: but we arrived too late. The twenty to thirty yards distant. A great explosion took place, throwing up a large column of water to a consider able height; and the gunboat by her : momentum plunged Into the grent j trough, and cntiKht the downward rush of a wave on her forward deck. The j guards were broken away, half a dozen men were thrown overboard, and other i damage to the gunboat was caused. The steamer then turned alwnt as quickly as she could, and prepared to retra-e her route down the river, after picking up the men who had lieen wnKhd overloard. There was a brll- """J tal destruction by firing the remaining torpedo as she passed back over It. But alas! the man had been so astound ed at the first explosion that he had fled precipitately, without waiting to see what damage had been done, and the guiilioat was thus enabled to re turn down the river In safety. , ,,?,,'T F"'-K--, t"JW'"" l" hiibko in me snons. ir yon ' bavestuarting foet or tight shoes, try Al- t ln's Foot-Ease; It cool the feet and mitkea M niKiiiic oiiay. mmi swollen itnil hwiwI tiff feet, blisters and callous spots. ltellnves I corns and bunions of pain and gives rest and 1 eoimort. -yty It to-day. Hob! by all ilniL-L-i-ts ml shoe stores for25. Trial pai-knge KKEB. Address. Alien 8. Olmsted. Le lioy. Jj. tf. Spain expics.- the I'liyli-h ,f pania, a vmil founded upon the Punic "ian," a nil. I. it. owing to (lie number of wild rabbits found in the Peninsula liy the Carthugcuians. Ta Care ConMlpatlon Foreirrr. Take Cararet4 Caady Cathartic 10c or 3V. If C- C. C. fail to rule, drugtfiau refuotl money Drought bus lnude sheep fodder so scarce in Australia that thousands of men are being employed in the various ilis tricts cutting tbe boughs of oak. apple and other trees for food for tbe starving an imals, and in skinning the sheep that e!'ish in the mud at the falling water boles. t me Guaranteed by DR. J. H. NATKK. toil AIU I1 T I Hll.A.. 1'A. i-:ai at once, ul CI eratlon or delay Irum buainem. Consultation liee. iDdoneoieiiU of phyaiclana, ladiea ani IioDilncnt diueua. ht-ud lor vircuiu& onto ihiattA. ki. lot f. M. Our Consul Ceneral at Shanghai, China, reports that 420,000 spindles are now in ojierutioii in and about that city, and that of this numlx-r all but about 3a, 000 have been put in since the Japanese, war. Though no new mills are being built, 50,000 new spindles are shortly to lie put in at one of the Shanghai mills. Ica't Tobacco Salt sad Smoke Toar Life Away lo quit lobarco easily and foreyer, be mag netic, full of life, nerve and viltor, take NoTo Bac, tbe woniler-vnrker, that makes weak men ttroaf. All druggists, 5ne or 1. Cure guaran teed. Booklet and sample free. Address tiler ling Kennedy Co., (.hicaa-o or ev York- Four residents of Seattle, Wash., are about to undertake si journey of 37imi miles from Seattle to Kanipurl City in a twenty-four foot bout, sailing and rowing all the way. Thirteen hundred miles of the trip will lie across the open Pacific, hundreds of miles from land, and 700 will be through Uertng Sa. Mrs. WinsbiWsSooiningfeymp tor children teetbtne, Fotlena tbe puma, reducing Inflamma tion, allaya uaio. cures wind colic, ex. a bottle A law recently adopted in Italy re" quires that every employer shall, at bis own cost, comiensute his workmen for a 11 accidents the consequence of which lust more than five days. e-Ta-Bac Vow Fifty Ceata. Oaaraataed tobacco habit cure aaakaa weak geaa strong, bleed pare. 50c, $1. all druggist. The man in a crash suit is not always the one to be heard from. OUR BOYS AND GIRLS THIS IS THEIR DEPARTMENT OF THE PAPER. Qaalat Sarins and Cute Dolnna of the Little Folk Everywhere, Gathered and Printed Here for All Other Ut tin Oaaa to Kead. Mother Goose Up to Ca vita. The queen of Spain Blew up the Maine, All on a winter's mora. Tbe knaves of Spain Made loud acclaim, , And shouted "Pigs!" in scorn. Then Uncle Sam With shot and ram Did thrash the knaves full sore; And mads old Spain Make good the Maine And vow she'd blow no more. -New York Press. rortnaal'a Heir Apparent. There is now and then a "Little Lord Fauntleroy" ln real life, says the New York Herald, and Portugal boasts one of the most charming. Tbe parents of this winsome youngster have been prodigal lu the matter of names, for he Is burdened with no fewer than fif teen, fairly putting to shame the old puritan sea cnptnln wbo was christen ed with a scripture text. lie Is known to the world, however, as Luis Ftllppe, duke of Brnganza a big title for a 10-year-old to carry. But, then, be ls THE LITTLE DI KB Or BBAOA!tZA. helr apparent to the Porttifcuese throne, and the scions of royalty have to b put In training early to locirn to Iwar the weight of tholr dignities with due composure. That a child of so tender an age should be made the subject of matri monial negotiations certainly scorns strange to Americans, but the ques tion of his marriage ls alrcaiy eagerly discussed by the Portuguese diplomats, nnd much regret Is expressed that he ls too young to be considered as pros pective husband of the Spanish Infan ta, the princess of the AsturUis. The boy himself, however, ls probably more Interested ln a gymnasium which has been fitted up In the palace for his spe cial benefit, Three Queer Cltlea. The city of Ghent, In BeJgium, is built on twenty-six Islands. Thewe Isl ands are connected with' each other by eighty bridges. The city has three hundred streets., and thirty public squares. It Is noted for. being the blrtbplnce of Charles V. and of John of Gaunt, whom Shakspeare called "time-honored I -a waster;" and as the scene of the pacification of Ghent, Nov. 8, 1570, and of several iusurrectlons, sieges, and executions of well-known personages. It Is associated with American history by the treaty made there Dec. 4, ISM, terminating the second war between England and the United States, known as the war of 1812. Amsterdam, ln Holland, Is built on piles driven far below the water Into the earth. Tbe city ls Intersected by many canals, which are spajuied by nearly three hundred bridges, and re sembles Venice In the mingling of bind and water, though it ls considerably larger than that city. The canals di vide the city, which ls about ten miles ln circumference. Into nluety Islands. The city of Venice ls built on eighty islets, which are connected by nearly four hundred bridges. Canals serve for streets ln Venice and Ixutts, called gondolas, for carriages. The bridges are, as a rule, very steep, rising con siderably In the middle, but have easy steps. The circumference of the city Is about eight miles. The Venetians Joined the Lombard league against the German Emperor, and, ln 1177, gained a great victory, ln defense of Pope Alexander III., over the fleet of war vessels headed by Otto, son of Frederic Barltarossa. In gratitude for this vic tory the Pope gave the IHge Zlanl a ring, and Instituted the world-famous ceremony of "Venice Marrying the Adriatic Sea." In this ceremony the Doge, as the chief ruler of Venice used to be termed, with appropriate cere monies, dropped a ring Into the sea every year, ln recognition of the wealth and trade carried to Venice by tbe Adriatic. he Wim't In It, Little Johnny Streeter, who had only seen four short summers, was very nntifihty one afternoon, and his mam ma whipped him. Johnny was very much offended with ber for this mode of procedure, and treated her with the strictest silence for tbe remainder of tbe day, eutlne his supper without deigning to notice her ln any way. When his bedtime came she called him ln and undressed him for bed, he till maintaining much dignity. He knelt down, as was his custom, to say his "Now I lay me down to sleep," and, after asking God to bless his papa, grandpa, grandma, aunt, and even the servant girl, he turned to his mother and said with emphasis, "You ain't In It," Boston Journal. What Any Boy May Do. A teacher once refused to take the advice of tbe committee and expel a bad boy from school. The boy, know ing his teacher's confidence, began to do better and continued with such per severance that he afterward became eminent. He was thrice elected Gov ernor of New York and once to the United States ' Senate. He was also under one President Secretary of War and under another Secertary of State. A word of encouragement proved to be tbe turning point ln tbe life of William L. Marcy. How many have failed be cause of the lack of such a word! De troit Christian Herald. Wonder It this isn't the same weather we had last summer, warmed over? A Fatality Aval dad. Prom the Democrat. OoMhen, Ini. - When neuralgia is accompanied by a doll, heavy pain near the heart, frequently be-eomlna- Intense. It generally terminates fatally. Mrs. Nancy Flyan, who Uvea near Goshen, Indiana, survived suca an sua. and her advice Is worth heeding. "la the fall of 'v2," she said, "I began to have trouble with my heart. There was a sharp pain ln my breast which became rapidly worse. The doctor was puzaled and put me under the lnflaeaoe of opiates. These sharp attacks followed one another at Intervals aad I became weak and had a haggard look. I was constantly ln pain, seldom slept and had no appetite. "At the end of two years I was confined to my conch most of the time and the doc tors agreed that my death was only a mat ter of a short time. I noticed in a newspaper an item about a woman hav lag been e nr ed of neuralgia of tbe heart by Dr. Will iams' Pink Pills tor Pale People and 1 con cluded t o A Serious Time. try tnem. - "When I had finished one box I noticed an Improvement ta my condition, and when I had taken twelve boxes I was completely cured. 'Those pills bave done for yon what we could not do.' said one of my physicians, 'they have saved your life. "That was two years ago aad my heart has not troubled me sinoo. I believe I owe my life to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pala People, and I take pleasure la telling oth ers about them." Among the many forms of neuralgia are headache, nervousness, paralysis, apoplexy and locomotor ataxia. Some of these war considered Incurable until Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pain People were formu lated. To-day thousands testify to having been cured ot such diseases by these pills. Doctors frequently prescribe them aad all druggists sell them. The Apple Tree's Secret, The enn and the rata ln a treetop met. And the spring wind, murmuring, said: "I know That those dainty drops so bright and wet Pretty soon wUI turn to snow." And sure enough, at the warm day's end The treetop glistened so white so white! And the apple tree whispered: "I Intend These blooms for a dear little maid's delight." Juvenile Jokea. A visitor wbo was trotting 4-year-old Freddie upon his knee, remarked to the little fellow's mother: "Do you know, there Is something ln this young man I llkeT" "Say," exclaimed the precocious youngster, "who told you that I swallowed a penny 7' Little S-yenr-oId Mamie had been lis tening attentively to the story of the massacre of the children at Bethle hem, and after It was finished her mother asked her what she thought of it "Well." she replied. "I think God was awful selfish to save his own lit tle boy and nobody else's. A little girl of 4 had learned the Bible text, "Love one. another," at Sunday school . She repeated It after returning home and ber mother asked her If she knew what It meant. "Why, of course I do," she replied. "It means that I most love you and you must love me; I'm one and you're another." Nellie, aged 3, was out walking with ber father one evening, but she soon became tired and he was obliged to carry her. "Is I vewy heavy, papa?" she asked, as he set her down a mo ment to rest. "Indeed you are," he replied. "Say, papa," continued the little miss, "Isn't you dest awful tickled eat I ain't twins?" Little Mabel was visiting in the coun try and saw some little pigs for tbe first time. What attracted her atten tion most was the twist in their tails, and after looking at them ln wonder for quite a while, she asked: "Say, grandpa, does the piggies' mamma put their tails up In curl paners every nlghtr FMa permanently cured. Ke Ufa or bp r root " aler flrat day's use at Dr. Kline', Groat Nerve Ketlorer. $2 trial bottle aad treat tao I rao. 1K K U. kUNK. Ltd.. Ml Arck bt.. rbUa. ra. lhe present output of powder in tlie t'nited States amounts to 16,000 pounds a lay, of which 12,(Ki pounds is furnished by one Eastern firm, and the remainder liy a Pacific coast concern. Branty Is Blood Deep Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it.Cascarets.Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keen it clean, by Mil ring up the lazy liver and driving ail impurities from the body, begin to-day to lianish pimples, boils, blotches, black heads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Carcarets beauty for ten cents. All druppista, satisfactioon guaranteed, H'c, : 6c. 50c. i ono uico was aiscoverea In 1493 Dy Columbus, but was conquered by Ponce do l.non. 1!Wa'A- wh.. it ia m!J 600,000 natives to slavery. They were afterward exterminated. To C lire a Cold lu One Day. lake Laxative Promo gi inine Tablets. All IriiKfflttiefund money if itfaiistocure. iSc. "She says it means more tandem rides and ice cream than the last one she man aged, or it will lie broken off." Kdncate Toar Bowels With Caacarela. Candy Cathartic, rure ronstipatioa forever. 10c, 25c. If o. C. C. fail, dragglata refund aaoney lii-idges are the part of a railroad tys tern that need bracing up. P. K. Oobnrn, Mitt., Cbwrle SciU, wrltea : "I find Hall's Catarrh Ouna a valuable gatnedy. Drmatioto Ball it. 75c To bis clients, the detective is often a friend in disguise. After physicians had jrreea me am, I was saved by Plso'a Cure. Raxjra i WUV Uamsport, Pa, Nov. 23. 18BX ' Married a Vase. Mlas Hsu, ofSoochow, recently mar ried a red flower rase as a substitute for her betrothed, who died before the wedding day. He was a son of Ln Jen Hslang, Vice Chancellor of the Im perial Academy at Peking. The young woman having determined to marry no one else, adopted this means to enter her betrothed's family and so be treat ed as a widow. The people of Soochow are talking ef building a stone arch ta commemorate Miss Hsu's vlrtuea New York Sun. The Oynle's Coarfaaalon. 1 cant engage la useful work. I cannot even stag. To benefit my fellow man I cannot do t thing. Since from other occupations I, alas, cant take my pick, There's nothing left except for me to set tle down and kick. Washington Star. When- there ls a story "on" a man, bow he wishes he could censor the. news, as the government does at Key West. After a man has eroressed his onln. Ion he often whines be had Datronlzd a alow freight. as lies IcAPT. MAHAN ON THE ARMADA. TtM Great Naval iscnciaa the Caaee of the Dleaarer. Oapt Alfred T. Mahan contributes to the Century an article on "The Span Uh Armada," Introductory to longer paper on the same subject by WiUlanr Frederick Tllton. CapL Mahan says, among other things: The Armada entered the English Channel on Jury 80, and on the 6th of August anchored off Calais, having traversed the Channel successfully ln a week. Three several actions had oc curred. None was decisive; but aU tended generally ln favor of the En glish, who utilised tbelr adTantages of peed and artillery to hammer the Tot with their long guns, while keeping oot of range of his muskets and lighter cannon. Tbe Spanish losses In batUe, by a Spanish authority, were six hun dred killed and eight hundred wound- j ed. The English loss, from first to , last, did not reach one hundred. Such j a discrepancy tells Its own tale; but It ia tA ba remembered, moreover, that men slain means sides pierced and frames shattered. Shot that fly wide, or that cut spars, sails, and rigging, kill comparatively few. With hull, thus damaged, the Spaniards had t confront the equinoctial gales of tbe Atlantic. At Calais, a friendly town, Parma might possibly Join; but there was no harhor for bla- shins, and It was tin- reasonable to expect that he, with tha whole charge of the jsetnerianoa on hia hands, would be waiting there, lg-, norant when the fleet would appear, or j whether It would come at ail. aieaina Sldonla sent him word of his arrival: but It could not be hoped that the En glish would allow the fleet to occupy that unprotected position Bndlsturbed. 1 The wind belnc to the westward, they anchored at a safe distance to Wind-, ward, and on the night ef August 7 sent against the Spaniards eight Dre- shlps. The ordinary means of divert-, Ing these falling, the Spanish admiral vt niutw nr. In this one ration the fleet drifted nearer the shore, and the wind next dav coming out strong from ' tha nnrthweet and setting- the ships bodily on the coast he, under the ad vice of the pilots, stood Into the rsortn Sesu Had Flushing- been ln their pos session. It might, with good pilots, have afforded a refuge; but It was held ty ti.e Dutch. The enemy's ships, more weatherly, drew up and engaged again; while the continuance of tbe wind, and the clumsiness of the Spaniards, threat ened destruction uoon the shoals off the Flemish coast The sudden shifting of tbe wind to the south saved tnem when already In only six or seven fath oms of water. Here, again, was no bad luck; nor could It be considered a misfortune that the southerly breeze. which carried them to the Pent land Frith, changed to tbe northeast as they rjassed the Orknevs and entered the Atlantic being thus fair for their home ward course. The disasters of the Armada were due to the following causes: 1. The failure to prescribe tbe effectual crip pling of the English navy as a condi tion precedent to any attempt at Inva sion. 2. The neglect to secure before hand a suitable point for making the Junction with the army. Combinations thus Intrusted to chance have no right to expect success. S. The several ac tions with the English failed because the ships, which could exert their pow er only close to the enemy, were neither so fast nor so handy as the latter. Only those who have the advantage of range can afford Inferiority of speed. 4. The disasters ln tbe Atlantic were due either to original unseaworthiness, or to damage received in action, or to bad Judgment In taking unweatherly ships too close to the shores of Ireland, where strong westerly gales prevailed, and the coast was Inhospitable. Turkish Octroi. Most Turkish towns are surrounded by walls, and officials are usually sta tioned at the gates to collect a tax on everything that cornea ln for sale. A recent traveler tells a story of a peas ant who wanted to take a cheese Into town, but finding that the tax was beyond his purse, he sat down and ate the cheese, whereupon be was allowed to take It ln tree. New York Evening Post The Sheriff Was Caught Napping-. At Mississippi City, Miss., where the sheriff ls also tax collector, thieves pried open the window of the sheriff's bedroom on the night of the day he made his tax collections and with a flshllne caught his trousers, and, pull ing them to the window, rifled his pockets. The sheriff slept with a light ln his room. The average man is ready and willing to die for bis country of old age. Will Div Ior. "lie may not always be rich. The es tate he inherits lias a strinj; on it" "No!" "Yes. A string of race horses." De troit Journal. Tlie Macbelor'a Joke. "Another reckless hold-up," remark ed the bachelor, as he ruefully gripped his waist band. He remembered that he had pinned together his burst suspenders, and the pin had given way. Cleveland Plain Dealer. Qui I Pro Qua. The Junior Partner Did you see Grinder about extending that note? The Senior Partner Yes. He said he was willing to extend the time If Ave would extend the size. Cincinnati Tribune. TO' PUBLISHERSand printers The Gentral Newspaper Union, Ltd 6,4 CHESTNUT ST.. Philadelphia. Furnishes Machine Composition In English ana Gertnan. FOR NEWSPAPERS, BOOKS, MAGAZINES PAMPHLETS. LEQAL DOCUMENTS, ETC "1! !o; fi A )o Photo-EngraTing, Line and Half Ton vnri, . and in Colors, quickly at Reasonable lUtes. Printing in BUc "a Fair Face Hlain f!itl a-auiu VJ11I U Out! USeS APOLIO TRUMPET OALLS. Baaa'a lara Sonada Warming- Nate to the tlaredeaoad. , 1 HRIBTIAM I homes are tha happiest Two nothings should never marry. Starving t h aeul to feed the body, makes lean Christians. The bard places ln Life are never made any better by growling. Only a good man can see good things In others. A little tombstone may cast a very long shadow. The ball room ls a poor place to learn self-denial. If a sermon pricks your conscience It must have good points. Most flowers require attention to be made to grow. So docs gossip. God never gave any man authority to say, "Join our church and be saved." Tribulations and sorrow are the only bleaching agents that will whiten the robes of God's people. Have you learned the sweet lesson that you can get much out of every llty tie you receive with a thankful heart? Unless we have our spiritual posses sions recorded by our Father, the devil will get a mortgage on them. Hammer Toes. Another one came Into the room, ne passed muster at first all right. "Take oft" your shoes." Off came the fellow's shoes, and It was found he had hammer toes. "You'll never get through with ham mer toes," sail Capt Baker. "Never ln the world," repeated Capt. Hogan. "I'm sorry for you," said Capt. Baker, and the boy's face grew to be three feet longer as he spoke. "Hammer toes, what's them?" he asked. "I never heard of hammer toe before. They don't bother me none. I can walk ten miles quicker than any man In this room." "The only thing you can do ls to get that hammer toe cut off If you want to got through," said Capt Buker. The boy's face grew a shade palet and he left the room quickly and with out further remark. Perhaps he In tended to get the hammer toe ampu tated. Hammer toe ls the name given to toes which turn downward at the dps. Portland Times. The banister of life ls full or splin ters and mankind slides down it with considerable rapidity. "I have need your valuable CASCA BET and find them perfect. Couldn't do without them. I have used them for some time for indigestion and bilioueneHs and am now com- Sletely cured. Recommend them, to every one. lice tried, you will never be without them ln the family.'' Eow. A. Marx, Albany, N. Y. CANDY ma of mass asetSTsaco Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. Ms Good. Merer Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe, 10c. 2jc. Sue ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Sfllag 9my Caiay. Cfclwa. hrtnl, K.w Tarfc. 3S1 MaTA.RlP 8o,' aud KJiarantwd by altrtru- 11111? irniwi THE FREIGHT. BEST SCALES. LEAST HON E Y.JON IS OF BIN CHAM TO N.N. V FOR FIFTY YEARS 1 ! MRS. WINSLOWS 1 SOOTHING SYRUP; "S! brminionaof mothers for their children while TettlBforvr Fifty Years. 1 It MMthe tht cbtld, cilens the gutti. allay 1 all pala, curr wtud colic and is (he best wnedv for diarrhoi. TWeitVaflft CmIb at Ratlla t.P.Sa.aaaaiaaa lggTgfgfWfVVAArrXJJ. THE BEST PLACE TO BUY fine Singing Canarie; Mock in it Birda, miking Parrot and all other Fancy Cage Birits, Fine Bred Fowl, Fancy Pigeons, GOLDFISH and Globe. Tho largest ard best aolocted stock of first elass G ods at low prices: send for Cata lagnfa. Birds can bo delivered to all parts safely by express. N. W. vaMLC. SIS Markat St.. 4 . 9th it, alladalchla. .i.? Thompson's Eye Water A Select Crowd. "A big crowd went up t lii.liiin town lu Cattaraugus County i:i New York State last week to see "the corn daute." "We hud a greeu-apple dance up at our bouse a night or two ago, but there were no outsiders tvresent oveent tti 1 doctor." Cleveland Plalndoaler. Well, Hardly. Maud Jack nnd I were out driving Inst night, and I I,:,d to drhe all the way. Clara-Why, what was the mntter with Jack? Maud-Nothin- Vo., ,wt suppose he could ,:rive with his feet. vu? Yellow stories are not confined to the war: you can hear a yellow story on a man, particularly a married nmu, any hour of the day. IfCL. ir J ' I I Wf JfTFK sn Biliousness