Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, July 13, 1898, Image 3

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WEDNESDAY, JULjY 13, 1898.
For Governor Colonel William
A. Stone, of Allegheny.
For Lieutenant Governor Gen
J. P. S. Gobin, of Lebanon.
For Secretary of Internal Affairs '
General James
W. Latta, of
For Judge of the Superior Court
William Porter, of Philadelphia.
For Congressman at Large
Galnsha A. Grow, of Susquehanna,
and S. A. Davenport, of Erie.
Til d M. M. hox,
of Franklin county.
E. G. Sheaffer.
A. B. Evans.
II. F. Wii.i.ard.
Miss Kmily Murray has returned from
a visit to Ijewirtlitirg.
Ex-County Commissioner Stewart,
spent Monday in town.
Mrs. Jennie Ijewis is visiting relatives
in the northern part of the state.
Miss (trace Fe Bench, of Mechanics
burg, is visiting Miss Mary Bnyder.
Miss Etenyre, of Philadelphia, is vis
iting the family of ex-i-herilf Loudon.
Miss Cora (Jilliert, of Philadelphia, is
visiting Mr. AV.Ween's family in Patter
son. The Republican State Committee will
meet in Philadelphia on Tuesday July
It is a Congressional campaign, and
the Boariler lfaid Bill is again to the
A 4th of July meeting was addressed
at Fast Wuterford by Hon. I... E. At
kinson. The Daughters of America held a
meeting in the Post room on Tuesday
Miss F.llie Howe is visiting her
brother Jessie Howe's family in Har
ris! urg.
Mrs. S. II. Scholl and daughter Mar
ion, drove to Beedsville and back, on
Miss Iiouisa Jackman, is spending a
few days with friends in Concord,
Franklin county.
Kiss Hurtmun. f Beading, is visiting
her sister, Mrs. Krick,
Hujiorvisor Krick.
wife of railroad I
Miss Sallie Parker Has returned from I
'isiting Mrs. Keeling, wire of Bev. Mr.
Keeling, of Bedford.
Miss Samuels, of Columbus, Ohio, is
visiting Mrs. T. V. Irwin, who is an
aunt of Hiss Samuel's.
A childrens lawn party was enjoyed
on the lawn of tbe Lutheran parsonage
last Thursday evening.
' A child aged one year, of Ievi Camp
bell, of near Peru Mills, died last Fri
day, of whmipiiig cough. .
A 4th of July meeting and flag rais
ing was addressed at Academia, by
Willierforce Schweyer, Esq.,
Mrs. Ijtwreiice Warner and three
children, of Harrisburg. are visiting
relatives and friends in Juniata.
Wm. Mayer, who has a iositioii in
the Columbia Xationai Bank, Wash
ington, D. C, is home on a vacation.
James Adams, who has been employ
ed In Pittsburg, is sending his vaca
tion with his parents in Fayette town
ship. Harry Kauil'maii and wife, of Har
risbnrg, are visitors at the home of Ed
ward Hartley and family, on Cherry
Mrs. Ijemuel Seilier and two children
of (iettysliurg, are visiting Mrs. Seilier's
father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Miss Tessie Burton, daughter of
Judge Barton, of Pleasant View, sjient
last Friday with tbe Misses Laird in
this town.
tfrs. Auniud, wife of the editor of tbe
Beaver, Snvder county Herald, spent
the 4th with JSrs. William Harley in
this town.
After having sjeiit several weeks
visiting an aunt in Altoona, Miss
Maliel Wickersham returned to her
home in this place.
Miss Emmons, of Cleveland Ohio,
has leeii a recent visitor at the home
of her brother, Assistant railroad fore
man Mr. Emmons.
Brainard Parker, of Washington, I)
C, is s)K.'iiding the summer with bis
friends in Juniata. He graduated from
Yale College in June,
In Cuba, during tbe rainy season, the
damp is so )enetrating that matches
are of no use. Tbe flint and steel are
used to strike lire with.
J. M. Nelson and Master Maxwell
Manbeck, spent two days of last and
one day of this week among friends in
Millersburg and Harrisburg.
Mr. and Mrs. Lamer, of Washington,
D. C. are visiting tbe family of their
son, John B. Lamer, at their summer
home, four miles east of town.
W. S. Arbogast, formerly mine host
of tbe Jacolw House, but now the keep
er of a nice hotel in Middleburg, Sny
der county, spent last Friduy in town.
HAY FEVEB. Dr. Humphreys'
Secilic "77" cures Hay Fever and
Kose Colds ; all druggists ; 25c. or
Humphreys' Medicine Company, New
Lieutenant Frank B. McCoy of tbe
10th Cavalry, of Iewistown, was
wounded in "one of the battles before
Santiago and is now home at Iewis
town. Bev. Ptrcil and family, of Concord,
Franklin county, came down the T. V.
to the P. C, on Monday morning, on
their way to visit family relatives in
Kiss Emma Hayes, State Secretary
or the r. w. c. a., wno nas been visit
ing the. Misses Irwin tbe past month,
took her departure for Jtassnt-hiisetts
ti Tuesday,
fi inomiu. or v.uv.i. i..
spending his vacation with Frank
urray. irank ian employee in the
Government printing office, and is
home on a vacation.
Lelie Allwon, who holds a position
in the Tyrone Bank, rode from thereon
his wheel last Sunday to this place and
visited his parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm,
Allison, over the 4th.
Mr and Mrs. U. Q. Manbeck, of
Cleveland, Ohio, Mrs. Coxey, of Chica
go, and Mrs. -K. Shambaugh, of Reeds,
ville, M ere guests at the Manbeck home
during part of last week.
The Van Dyke Cornet Band will
bold a festival in Center school house,
on Friday " Saturday evening, July
loth and 16th. where all kin. Is r r-
freshmen ts will be furnished,
Biard McCullx-h, son of C. C. Mo-
Culloch, of McCulIoch's Miils, died of
typhoid fever on the 6th hist., aged 16
years ; four other members of the family
are stricken with the same disease.
Homer Xoble, and Harry Ellis were
home from the army a few days last
week. They have Iteen doing guard
duty at a powder mill in 1 Via ware,
They left on Sunday evening to resume
their military duties.
Grpat reductions io tbe prices
of all Miliintrr goods at Mrs, Diehl'a
Front Street. "
A golf club was recently organized,
composed of the following' young men
of this place: Jacob A. Davis, presi
dent ; Brainard W. Parker, secretary ;
Thomas Patterson, assistant secretary ;
Frank Jfurray, treasurer ; Edgar It.
Musser, instructor.
George Bartley is home from hard
ware merchandising at Pittsburg, and
j m.-.,r th ,...i-t .... ...
tion, over a nice baby boy, that greeted I
him, when he entered grandfather
Hollobaugh's home where the isiy was
Samuel Fasick, son of Alonza Fasick,
of this town, while riding a bicycle in
Philadelphia, collided with an express
wagon, and was severely hurt. His
mother, Mrs. Fasick, us quickly as she
was informed of the accident went
to Philadelphia, at lust accounts her
son had almost entirely recovejed.
Professor David Harman, of HaIeton,
has been in Juniata within tbe past
week. He is looking well, but his trip
here was saddened by a despatch an
nouncing the. death of bis aunt Irs.
Samuel Mark ley at Altoona, on the
morning of tlieSth iust. rs. Xajkley's
funeral took place at Altoona last Suu
dav. Some nights ago William Kyle, was
so disturled by cramp that be got out
of lied for medicine, while be was tak
ing the medicine he heard dogs hound
ing bis sheep. He almost forgot tbe
cramp, siezed his gun and sallied out,
and took a pop at a dog. The crack of
bis gun made one bud dog less, in Wal
ker township.
Mrs. T. V. Irwin gave a party in the
Xarrows, near the site of the tavern
that was famous when travel and trade
passed over the pike. Tbe party as
sembled at Mrs. Irwin's residence at 4
p. m., and thence in carriages, buggies,
and bicycles to the picnic place, where
lunch was iartaketi of, after which the
party returned.
V. S. Arbogast has bought out mine
host, Nixon, of the Jacobs House. Mr.
JCixon retire? with the regrets of many
I friends. Mr. Arliogast comes in to
greet his many old friends, who con-j
sidered him an Ideal landlord when be
conducted the Jacobs House, some
years ago.
Mrs. Marv McCabau, died at the home
of her husband, Charles McCahan, in
Licking Creek Valley, suddenly, on
Sunday the 3rd hist. She was playing
tbe organ when taken ill. She arose
from her music, went to a lounge, laiu
down and expired. Her maiden name
was Kiss varv teller, rMie was ageu
HS years, months and H5 days. Inter
ment at Academia.
Howard Harris President. College,
leading to degrees in Arts, Philosophy
and Science. Academy, a prepuratory
schsl for young men and lxys. In
stitute, a refilled Utarding school for
young ladies. School 'of Music, with
gmduatim; courses. For catalogue, ad
dress the Begistrar,
Wm. C. (Jrkt.imikk,
Iewisburg, Pa.
Becruiting for Company O. of the
Fifth lieginient Pennsylvania Volun
teers, has leeii going on in the Valley
of the Juniata. Some days ago a com
pany of assembled at Ijewistown,
and' thence for Chickamagua. Among
the company were two young men
from this ol'ace. namelv. Clarence B.
Penned, son of Merchant Pennell, of
Patterson, and nliam I. ttusharu,
son of Samuel (Jushard. in Patterson.
The liest wishes of their friends accom
pany them.
Tbe liombardnient of Santiago De
Cuba will I vividly represented at
Kvan's Mill, three fourths of a mile
north of Thompsontown, on Saturday
evening, July 10, 1898. The Millers
town brass band will enliven the occa
sion with choice music, and speeches
will I: delivered by Hon. L. E. Atkin
son, Dr. I. N. (Jrubb, Bev. Frank and
others. The public is invited to attend.
A shocking accident took place on
the Bodgers farm in Perry county,
wheat cutting was going on. Lloyd
Brandt, attempted to change bridles ou
the horses. The animals frightened,
mil awav. Llovd was caught under
the reajier and dragged across tbe Held.
His injuries were to horrible to relate.
He died the evening of the day of the
accident, aged 28 years, a wife, child,
father and mother survive him.
J. M. Panuebaker. who gave bis
place in tbe office of theSuvrixKi. ami
Bkithi.h-.vx. to enter the army, for
humanity's sake, and for the peace and
ermaueut government of Cuba, has
ln.n advanced to the front. Volunteers
ll.vl for to ioin the Bough Rid
ers, to fill the place made vacant by
th.Mu. kiltcfl ill liattle at Santiago. He
stenned forward and his name is now
enrolled among the famous Bough
Riders, and by this time, may be in
tt.o i,nstia with his new comrades in
amis, at Santiago looking for Spaniards.
Mm- health and good fortune attend
him, and favor every step be takes.
A house owned by Mrs. Isaac Sieber,
and tenanted by Mrs. Musser, a widow,
i,uri tu u imliiw irlass broken and the
nort h shattered last Friday night, by
an explosion of dynamite, under the
norch. The report or tne explosion
was heard at Mexico and other distant
t.luces. It is said that whoever did the
unlawful ac t did it for the purpose of
scaring out a man named Bair, who it
iu tut l is Isiardim; in the house
with the widow. The proceeding is
proper subject for a legal investigation
but it is not known here that tne oro
or of the law at Port Royal have be
gun an investigation.
Property for sale. Fur terms,
apply to JJbs. Diehx, Frviit St.
Blairs Mills is to have a bank. J
The Harrisbnrg government has '
begun the re-organization of the
National Guard.
The man and woman who can
keep down discontent, envy acd
jealously are hsppy people.
The application of Iodine to the
bite of a tarantula cures, if the Iodine
is applied soon after the bite.
A single bee collects only about
a tablespoonfull of honey during a
season. Which a man, woman or
child will devour in a minute.
Bicyclists, have contracted with
Frank Baumgartner, to construct
a bycicle path from Carlisle to
Harrisbnrg at the rate of two.
hundred dollars a mile.
Jacob R. Lehman's goose, 27
years old, died at Mr. Lehman's
home in Dauphin county, on the
23rd of June. It would have tak
en a month to have cooked that
George 0. Wilson, Esq., and family
cf Pittabar-, are at tbeir simmer
home in Miliord township. Mr. Wil
son ;s one of tbe largest land holders
of valuable real et-tite in -Milford
Charles Sheerer, of Matawanna,
Mifflin county, bought a farm of 51
acres, in Delaware township, Juni
aU county, from J. S. Delra, price
paid, one thousand three hundred
The statement of a newspaper,
! ..C . 1 " .. .. 1
" iu smie oi ine weatner, anu
?omlition wf lrW ' uwt of
interest to people in the commun
lty in which the newspaper is
printed but it is highly appreciat
ed by people in other districts.
Lewistown Gazette "War and
weevil como together," is a tuper
stitinn among some folks aad seems
to hit tbis year ss the insect is re
ported t.t be iufesting grain and
c'overaefd in several counties of tbe
state. We have heard of no no in
tbis county.
As Saaraol Z .ok, of Belleville,
MilU n consty, wa3 riding hii bicycle
tliroufjh the town of Menno re tally
bis whs-el struck an old rooster that
was oa the road, throwing Mr. Z):ik
i-ffhis whe-l and breaking hi collar
lnc, which will give bim a sore
fchoulder for some time. The old
rooster gave out a squall when tbe
whei-1 strnck bim but escaped with
bat little damage.
Tb.5 tramp slill travelwih up and
down in the land seekins? to L'ct
something for nothing, seeking to
get his meats from people who earn
ed frv.-ry bit that he eat. There is
a good cbance fr the tr.mp to mukc
an henest living by going into the
army. Tluro be is certain of his
clothing, victual, t iita aud b!aukt.s,
and pay. Whit? tbe matter with
the tramp that he does not enter the
army aud earn a living.
Isaac Etka is not now mining for
stone coal, in the Marcellus slate
hill, close by the Duukard church,
north of Van Wert, in Walker
township. Some time since a
practical coal miner looted over
the situation and said in substance
that he believes, the hill contains
stone coal, but he can tell better if
10 feet more of the floor of the pit
tie taken out; then a sand should
le encountered, and beneath the
sand a dark slate, and under neath
the slate should le the coal.
Some of tbe town blotxls got into the
tower of the Presbyterian church, to
ring tbe bell in honor of the 3rd of July
victory over tbe Spanish fleet at Santi
ago, and the victory of General Shaf
ter's troops over the Spanish soldiers at
that city. The lsiys bad not more than
started the ringing of the liell till a miss
pull shot out the tire alarm hammer
and that threw tbe lell otr it bearings
on the floor. It made a great noise
when it fell to the floor. No serious
damage resulted from the uset of the
liell, but nevertheless it took from 5
o'clock in the afternoon, till 11 o'clock
that night to again swing the 1200
Miund liell so as to be able to ring it ou
Sunday morning.
Mr. Michael Schelley, of Dela
ware township, was found dead by
the side of his horse and wagon in
the road between the Thompson
town river bridge, and the railroad
station.'. Mrs. John Shell, of
Swales, was the lirst person to see
him lie on the road, and she hast
ened to the station, aud gave the
alarm. W hue she was giving the
alarm of the finding of the body a
traiu of cars came and frightened
the horse aud he ran away west of
the station before he was caught,
There were no marks on the lxnly
of Mr. Shelley to indicate that he
had been hurt. He was subject to
heart trouble and it is believed he
died from sudden heart failure.
George Thompson was sent to tbe
Huntingdon Reformatory by Judge
Lyon's Court in 1897, for raiditigthe
Ebctric plant and other Sundry
offenses against tbe rights and prop
erly of others. From the Reforma
tory he was sent to tho Penitentiary,
because, be confessed that be had
been in a York State prison for a
criminal offense Rtctntly, Jndge
Lyons was notified that he had be
come insane. The Judge appointed
a commission who adjudged him of
unsound mind, and ordered bim to
be seit to the Insane Asylum at
Harrisburg. Sheriff Stoner, went
to Pittsburg, obtained the unfortu
nate young man and delivered him
at the Harrisburg Insane Asylum on
tbe ltt of July, 1898.
xsuKer xjsueiman s norse tooic a
caper in Patterson the other day when
bis master attempted to fix the fly
net on tbe neck of the beast. The
bridle was taken of tbe head of the
Lorse eo that the net could be prop
erly laid over. When the horse's
head was free be determined to be
free all over and sprang forward and
knocked away his owner as easily as
a fly. and ran by the Ahton House
to the railroad, np the railroad to
Afain street, where he encountered
the wagon and two horses of Elias
Smith, of Walker township. The
collision was dibasterous to Smith's
wagon. The vehicle was np set. A
little girl, E'sie Landis, grand daugh
ter ol Mr. Smith, was in the wagon
and everyone who saw it expected
her to be killed, but when th wreck
wKoJovor. which waa very scon, by the
horsis getting loose from the wagon,
then tbe wagon was turned np. The
girl a.4 not seriously huft.''"Tfee
h' lines were not hurt in tbeir ran -away.
They wero caught opposite
PentitH's store.
If the storm, on tbe evening of the
8rd of July had blown at the rate' of
5 miles more an hour, houses and bams
would have lieen added to its destruc
tive work. It was bred somewhere in
the region of Macedonia gap, in Shade
mountain and came down into the
valley. It rolled the shocks of wheat in
a Held on farm of clothing merchant
Harley, across to the lee side against a
fence- Many fruit trees aud other trees
on his premises were uprooted. The
large trees about the buildings on the
Samuel Thomas fami were blown down.
Windows in the house of Lieutenant
Samuel Coldrou were blown in, and
rooms drenched with water. The val
ley for miles is dotted over with up
turned trees, and stray limbs. A great
deal of wheat had to lie reshocked.
Alsiut this town, the destruction was
chiefly confined to breaking the limbs
of trees. The telephone line to McAlis
terville was obstructed, bv a large
hickory tree, uprooted along the road
on the Henry Sielier fa mi near John
Stoner's, and by a fallen tree at the
covered bridge near Oakland Mills.
The large trees obstructed travel on the
road. . The roof on John Zooks bam,
two and a half miles east of town was
partly blown away, so was part of the
roof on the Wilson farm, at the elbow
in the road east of the Parker farm.
The alsive is a sample of the ravages of
the storm on the evening of the 3rd of
Samuel McKensy, of Philadelphia,
of the Ledger force, spent several hours
in town on Saturday. He carries his
age well. There are few people here
that were here when he lived in Mif
flintown in tbe sixties. He was a
member of tbe militia company that
went from this town September 1862,un
der Governor Curtain's call to reiel the
invasion of General Iee in Septemlier
182. He is proud of tbe fact that he
belonged to tbe army of 25,000 Penn
sylvania militiamen that hastened to
the assistance of General McClellan in
Maryland. If they were a day too late
to participate in the buttle of Autietam
it was their good fortune. If Mi
Clellan bad been defeated the Pennsyl
vania armv of militiamen would nave
been Hist in place to checked Lee's fur
ther advance and given the Washing
ton government a chance to again rally
the broken columns of a defeated army
but such was not tbe case. The militia
returned to tbeir homes after I A-e bud
retreated into Virginia. McKensy
thinks it queer that the Pennsylvania
militia of 't2 have not lieen jiensioned
They entered the service not for hounty
or pay, but for patriotic purpose. They
were made up principally of a lody of
men who left large business, profession
al, and projierty interests at home, to
serve tbeir country, they wore their
own clothes and shoes, and in a iium
lier of cases were provided with their
own blankets, guns, and aniunition.
He considers it one of the great periods
of his life that he belonged to the Penu
sylvauia militia army, that marched to
assist in repelling Lee's invasion of the
northern states in lSfi2.
At the July meeting of the board
of directors of the Juniata Valley
Bank, President Joseph Kotbroek,
sent in the following Idler of
resignation : ..
To the Directors of 'the Juniata
Valley Bank :
On account of failing health and
not able to attend to business,
otter my resignation as President
and Director of tbe.Juuiata alley
Bank, to take effect on the first
Monday of August next, thank
ing you for past honors and favors
confered on me,
I remain, truly yours,
After due consideration of this
letter, the board passed the follow
ing resolution :
"The Board of Directors of the
Juniata Valley Bank have learned
with regret of the intention ol Jo
seph Hot h rock to retire from his
position as President and Director
of this ban5, on account of his ill
health, and desire to express
their appreciation of his uniform
courtesy, consideration and ; ind-
uess to them during the twelve
years he served as President and
the twenty -one years of his service
as a Director of this haul:. T bev
declare their belief that the high
character, sound judgment and
sulistantisil qualities of 3Ir. Both
rock, have contributed much to
wards the success of this bank jaiul
his devotion to its interests during
his long term of sen ice as Presi
dent aud Director merits aud has
their most sincere thanks."
Kkkipkk Bki.i.. On the 30th of
June, in Feimunagh township, by
Squire J. Frank Patterson. William H.
Kiciderund Agnes L. Bell.
Sxydkk BoMia. On the 28th of
June, at Mifllintown, by Bev. W. H.
Fahs, William- M. Snyder and Eliza
beth Jane ltomig.
K itch k.n IlK'Kl.K. On the 4th of
July, at .V illlintown, by Bev. John H.
Mortimer, B. Snowdeu Kitchen and
Hannah L. Bickle.
IJakhok Hakxish. On the 17
of June, at the home of Mrs. Mary
Wolfeusborgcr, Xo. 27, North Ann
Street, Lancaster, by Rev. AV. II.
Shaffer, of the 1st M. E. church,
Joseph E. Ikishor, formerly of
Port Royal, Juniata county, and
Miss Mary E. Harnish, of Lancas
ter city, Pa.
Pattkbsox. On the 1st inst., in
hospital at Harrisburg, John H- Pat
terson, of near Seveu Stars, Juniata
county, Pa., aged 79 years, 10 mouths
and 2-) days. Interment at St. James
church, Greenwood township, Juniata
county, Pa., on Sunday July 3 1898.
Drew Lota.
The Lebanon Courier, of the 7th
inst., says. Frank Fulmer and
Henry Peiffer, of South Lelianon,
drew lots yesterday to decide who
should be a member of the South
Lebanon Township School Board
and Peiffer won. The men as
Democratic candidates for the
office at the spring election receiv
ed the same number of votes.
Go to Utyers for your clothing
and fnrnitare be will savi y-a 25
per cent. Red his Bargains in this
Health for
ness can hardly
well and strong.
do not
in passing water.
Nothing is so good for curing diseases of the Kidneys, Bladder and Urinary
Organs as Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy, that grand medicine
which has been before the public for over 30 years. It should be taken without
delay by men and women who have any of the above symptoms, as the disease
is apt to prove fatal if not attended to.
From the Convent of the Good Shepherd, Troy, N. Y., comes this short bat
pointed endorsement, signed by the sisters of that famed and pious institution:
"We have used Dr. David Kennedy's
Favorite Remedy for Kidney trouble, and have
found it very efficacious."
Sample Bottle Free!
If you wish to test Favorite Remedy be fore
buying it, send your full postoffice address to the
Da. Dxvm Kennedy Corporation, Rondout, N.Y..
and mention this paper. You will then
receive a sample bottle, free, and circulars
giving full directions for its use. You
depend upon the genuineness of this offer,
and all sufferers should take advantage of it
at once. The regular size is sold by all
for $1.00 a bottle, and it is well worth
Schott's Stores.
Comiiiciiciug this week and
will Continue this sale un
til nil 8uminer (vooris
are sold out.
in-u-tut-r Di-s Guous, ligbt, ctol ar.d daiair, ti.c:i
as French 0;gauJien, Dimiti, B itistcs, an.i 1' y.ts
snd nil cost yen tiily 7 nr. t 15 cents, ouly
Y.fCt price. Irish aud Figured LabS 10 jurds
for 45 c ns. ,,,
Serges, Henruttm, Novelties of French and Dj
mbtic Alaoufjctun rs, t-t speciully low and extra
Reduced Prices. One word. If you i re ioterefited
stall in Economy too will be iuU rested in ttiis
yery special sale of Dress Goods.
Ladies Shirt Waists fcr 23 cents, fjrnier priea waa 50 cents, and
all our Shirt Wasts at serially low priccp. Ladies Drees
Skir xt $1 25 to $1.75. Lviies Wrappers from 50 cts.
: $: (0. 2,000 yards of uubletu'he I mr.xlin, at
t , i. is to 15 cetts. 2000 yards of bltacLitd yard
lJe muslin at 5 cetiti:, 2000 ymds of
Hi'l i6t blenched, yard TUd-- niuilin,
at 6 cuts. 2000 yards i f Eai
broiderits at cut-fourth of thtj pr!c
Sun shadea nr.d Sun umbrellas at rvdu'ied
piics. SHOES! SHOES! SHOES'. Men's
. Lad it b' and Childrens foot wear, at extra reduc .1
and specially Lw price:-. Can t Clearing Sale,
and extra Bargains. Y u will gave men: y
by bnyifg joik Carets nt the piet
ent time. WA.LL PAPER. Wo
8:11 you a 8pudid pattern
of fancy Wall Paper at
very low t-nd reduc
ed prices.
Laco Curtains and Drpperits itt'd Window S: idis, nt specially
reduced ricep. Heie ia t verjbi dy's -opportunity io male tbe
mighty dollar jrow mightier in lesjiSs-
Schott's Stores,
103 to 109, Bridge Street.
1865, ESTABLISHED, 1897.
Special Invitation To The JPublit
To attend the Attractive Sale of Clothing that goes on daily
Who have money to invest to examine the Stock oi Goods for
It is truly marvelous to See
of Suits and Overcoats at the Wonderfully Low Prices.
Bis prices leave all Competitors in the rear, so don't Ml
to give him a call if in need of Clothing. j
Everybody !
When tha Kidneys, Bladder and Urinary Organs r in m
healthy state, a person is practically diaease-proof. Sick
find a foothold when those organs are
The Kidneys sift and strain from the
blood poisonous and waste matter. When they
are weak and diseased, the poisonous particles
pass off, but remain in the system. They
cause pain in the small of the back. Stone
in the Bladder, and Bright' Disease.
It is easy to tell if your Kidneys are
disordered.' Fat some urine in a bottle or
glass for 4 hours. If there is a sediment,
you have Kidney disease. Other signs are
a desire to urinate often, particularly at
night, and a smarting, scalding sensation
the price.
A T? T F Y
. v
OOur spring line of men's, bov's
and childrens' clothing, hats, caps
and gents furnishing goods
We make the clothing business a
study and have made it a success.
Young men don't go away to get
what theywant they come to us for
hats or any thing in the gents fur
nishing line.
We have half our SPRING stock
sold bv the time most clothiers get
their line in. A young man who
wants a SUIT FOR EASTER, don't
want to wait until the 4th of July
for it.
Our line this season surpasses all
our former efforts in style, quality,
quantity, finish and price.
'The early bird catches the worm."
and House-Furnishing
O oOo 0
Things are never dull here; tever stupid. Tbe full life of the store al
wijf. bss a cheeiful welooroc for all comers, and choppers are quick to decide
in favor of tbe Great Values to be found in our new
Neat, Stylish,
Get a good paper hj sntjscribi&a- for the
Skbtiiil abo Bsnmicaa.
'77" i Dr, HurcpbrtyB fumou6
Specific for the enra of Grip and
Golds, and the prevtntion'ef Pteunio
nia. All druggist?, 25c.
Subscribe for the ektisel asd
Republican, a paper tbat contains
choice reading matter, full of inform
tiorj that does the reader Rood, and
in adiitiiiu to tbat all local news thai
are w( i th piil list.ing r.d placts in
it? columns. tl.
InfcMs the blood of humanity. It.
appears in varied forms, but is forced
to yield to Hood's Sarsaparilla, which
purifies and vitalizes the blood and
cures all such diseases. Head this:
" In September, 1394, 1 made a misstep and
Injured my ankle. Very soon afterwards,
A Sore
two inches across formed and in walking
to iavor it I sprained my ankle. The sore
became worse; I could not put my boot
on and I t hought I should have to give up
at every step. I cculd not get any relief
and had to stop work. I read of a cure of
t. similar case by Hood's Sarsaparilla and
concluded to try it. Before I bad taken
all of two bottles tbe sore had healed and
tbe swelling bad gone down. My
la now well and I have been greatly bene
fited otherwise. I have increased in
weight and am in better health. I cannot
say enough in praise of Hood's Sarsapa
riila." Mrs. H. Blake, So. Eerwick, Me.
This and other similar cares prove that
I SarsaPari,,a
I.-the Oi" Tm- V.l'i ifl I'lir'fVr. Atlil.-rsidsts. JL
f l'!-;i.ifi- :"i'v '- . i. I'-'.f .V '.. I.iwtl, M4.
. :!,. !.. .1 f.;.ii lyralimrtie
riOOU S i'j 1 i unil liver stiinuUilit J5C
A Sncciailv Salaeted Stock of
Ranges, Cook, Parlor and Shop
Horse UlaDkcts and Lap Robes.
LAMFS, large and email.
Come in and look around. We'll
make you feel at borne.
We have tbe largest Stock and
Store in tba connty.
' B
Money Loaned at Lowest Bates.
Stockholders IndiTidnally Liable
W. C. Fomaroy, Joseph Rothrock,
John Hertaler, Josiah L. Barton,
Robert E. Parker, Louis K. Atkinson
T. V. Irwin.
George A. Kepner, Annie M. Sheiley,
Joseph Rorbrock, p. W. Manbeck,
L. E. Atkinson, R. E. Parker,
W. C. rVneror, J. Holmes Irw n
John Horror, Jerome N. Thompson,
Charlot'eSnyd r,
T. V. Irwin.
loha M. Blair,
V. M. M. Fennel',
Samnol . Hoth rnsk,
M. N. Storrett,
James G. Heading,
Famuil Schlegftl.
Joiiih L Barton,
Robrt H. PatterNon.
Levi Light,
Wm. B waits.
O. J. Sbellenberf
M. R. Scblrgel.
Three per cent. ir.'r.rot will tpaid oi
cor iPca't-s of deposit.
flan 28, 108
thlna-to patent? Protect your Idea ttbermav
Wing vou wealth. Write JOHN WKo)
BURN CO., Patent Attorneys, Waahlngteav
U. C. for their tl price oer.