Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, July 13, 1898, Image 2

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died on the voyage which started! m state Mitwis5
-" i . . . . . in annual ouimn io 1 "' ,. ' t.
An TnP irtn ' fit Atlantic City tni year. V?
Ul I 11 1C LI 1 Ul the party arrived in Philadelphia they
were euienauivu tiro - .
....- l1.aiHiaiiPflt
fornia to Manilla they stopped at and
took possession of the islands of La-isp
. r . :. r . .t ... ! sort was vinited and the vMbto vork-
(irnnP n Ctrm rT TPmtnrr rnmnriCinnr itisw of the intellectual members were
vi m wi.t ip i i Lvyi y i ipi iii Iloted for futUre reference and mention,
from San Francisco
May. On the voyage from Cali- sSS??-g
, The past two weeks have been
crowded with important events.
Cuba has been successfully invaded.
ago De Cuba. General Shafter ad- fbout 4oo square miles, about .as,.,
vanced his army of Americans step H?. Juniata county. The in-lsfe
naDiianis oi Laarone numDer aoout sc.
by step to the inner trenches of
Santiago. It was a fight in the
bushes, on July ist, 2nd and 3rd, in
which about 2,000 Americans were
killed and wounded. The Ameri
cans expected to celebrate the 4th
in Santiago, but fate decreed other
wise. However, that disappoint
ment was compensated for by the
destruction of the most powerful
Spanish fleet on the 3rd of July at
Santiago. The reader knows that
it was the Spanish fleet going into
Santiago that took Commodore
Schley there to blockade the place,
and the fleet being penned there
took the army of Shafter there to
surround the' town. Shafter's vic
torious march to the gates of Santi
ago, frightened Cervera, the com
mander of the Spanish fleet in the
harbor, and he determined to escape.
Early on the morning of the 3rd of
July he steamed out of the harbor.
Commander Schley was surprised
at the sight, but he was glad for a
chance to fight the Spanish fleet, he
opened the fight from his flag ship
the Brooklyn. The fire of the
Spanish fleet directed their fire on
the Brooklyn, for they knew it to
be the fastest ship in the fleet and
the one that would give them the
most trouble in a chase on the sea.
Schley, however, signaled other
American war ships to close in.
The result was the most marvelous!
sea fight took place. Every Span
ish ship was sunk. There were 350
Spaniards killed, 160 wounded and
1600 prisoners. Three of the Span
ish ships got away 20 miles before
they were demolished. Two got
away only 4 miles before they were
destroyed and run ashore. The
Cristobal Colon, the ship of the
Spanish Commander Cervera, was
chased 60 miles by Schley on the
flag ship Brooklyn. The Brooklyn
was hit 45 times and somewhat
damaged, but only one man was
killed, Lr. H. hllis, had his head
knocked off by a shot. The de
struction of the Spanish Command
er's flag ship closed the naval battle,
for there were no more Spanish
ships to fight. It was thought that
Dewey's destruction of the Spanish
fleet in the harbor of Manila on the
2nd of May could not be duplicated,
but Schley duplicated the Dewey
achievement on the sea off the har
bor of Santiago on the morning of
the 3rd day of July. The fight be
gan about 7 o'clock in the morning
and closed about half past ten in the
forenoon. The Spanish fleet de
stroyed, ranked among the best
modern war ships in the world.
The Spanish Commander Cervera!,
is about 65 years old and has been
in the Spanish navy since a boy 18
years old. On the ist of July three';;
transports convoyed by the Ameri-.l"
r n n m n n nf xn r ( h n rl ptnn mnnpn; toward ,egal pww of the par
w w 1 . .wv. .ties who Btarted thereporto.
j. . a. ST . t ........
2500 American troops at manna Tor
Dewey's assistance. Only one man
t .mi v. aramsoa. m
Animon pes meMm
Orrwi-On Main U of re.-
denoe of LoaU V AtklnM-, "
Bridge afreet. - i
OT-Collectlnf and Goiveyanelng prop
ly attended to.
Tuesday thev visited the Philadelphia
erciai Museum, -wuu-u
information. The Hotel Wal
honor of the Association Rave an
hion, which was highly ap-
A I (Oil t O'CIOCK. Ill I"
thev started for Atlantic
i ,1 j 1 -r. (- . ; uitv, where they niaue me uranu
ten thousand people. , The Spanish
governor on the island could scarce--, :
lv realize that he must surrender to committeeTTc. k.
IV tVCllIV, LlICiL 1IV 111UOL DUMCWUU L . Roberts, of Phoenixville, having charge,
the Americans, he had not heard of,
- . - . . . en ,!ful citv the party reluctantly started
toe commencement of war between the United States and for their resistive homes with pleasant
S?Mnor TCOU- P"1''10 tBtarted on the 15th of 3
witL dooo American troops are about due at Manilla, and a tes'said he took it as a perfection,
third expedition with 4747 troops is on the way to the same XtWt ffi
place. Ihe surviving bpanibh fleet OI 10 war Ships Under Pennsylvania Kailmad passenger man-
Camara passed through the Suez canal on the 5th of July and SSaStt
if they continue on may reach Manila sometime in the after bed had teii sprinkled with oil, and
tn Tall tUo. oir.i kn.o r n... n that keit down the dust as the train
"b "tt"UD u' -isidai the sands of Jersey. The
ara had not been informed of the disaster to Uervera s fleet at i-ourteous, oiiteaiid efficient manage-
Santiairo. but before he rot awav frnm thfi .anal nn ti th mentofthe railnd niiwny, and the
' , o . 7 terminal of their road In Atlantic my,
I'scinc ocean a despatch overtook him ordering him to return close bv the sea. has made it the favor-
to Spain with his fleet. The two tolls through the canal cost TSMS
over two nunared tnousand collars. A dear trip. ,very j waves and flashing white cans, and im-
: i: l- i xi i t- j nressive nar. Ohthem-enn ! the ocean!
iiKiu ui uuuiwiuuu remuve iu i,ue nuwruioru ui Aewey, ana ThllllkB are heaHilv tendered to the
bchlev are beme looked up. Thev are both Americans of officials of the Pennsylvania railroad
several generations, but as far as can be traced in Europe, ! t to Atlantic
Dewey is of Dutch extraction, and Schley is of German ex-j
traction. When Hobson was captured, after hb exDloit into CAWHITT on toe SEA-
t. nrJn.ik . , tu At : : ii i i Abouto o'clock on the morning of
miCjo,o tiam, i up me lucuiiuw,, in iub uaruor "1 the 4th of July the French sieamer La
Santiago, mere were no ooanisn prisoners in covernrrent hands jtoureoinie and the Kngiish shipcnmi-
r- U Vw, A .1. .mA VF. : artvshire ran into each other ii
ivi nuUm uc ci.gCv. uun uKic are mure prison- thi;.k fig , the Atiantie o,,,, (r the
ers than is known what to do with, and Hobson has been ex-'coast of Bai.ie island. The bow of the
changed, our government giving a Spanish Lieutenant tor him. j Mf
Ine .National Council ot Congregational churches of the.dred passengers. The Kngiish shi
TT:.. 1 c, : x t n i r i ' was ereatlv damaged. She lay by ti
uuiwri tunica ncic in ecosiuu iu x ui tiaiiu, uretuu, YVUeil a ,u ir. : t ... ... ....A oil hi H.tr
ear-Collections and all legal busi
ness promptly attenped to.
despatch announced the exchange of Hobson, that set the Con- j picked up those who bad escaped the
gregationalists to cheering. , itSS
Ihe Snanish warshlD Alfonso XII attemDted to run the number of people' were rescued from
blockade at Havana, and was run aground and shot to t''SSt
by ships of the American fleet. She is the war shin that lay : d Frenchmen took out their dirk
i nt: ...u v ui . 3 -e il. r.: i knives and struck right and left, all
WU!S w luc .amine wucu ouc was uiuwu up, auu 11 me luaina arouud to clear the way for themselves
was blown up by Spaniards it is probable the work was done to reach something to escape on. Such
(Vm AirQ - inhumanity has not been heard of in
"w. tn,B d aud eeeration. There were
After the destruction of the Santiago fleet, General Shafter two hundred women on iioard, only
demanded the surrender of Santiago. A parley took place
that lasted till the 9th of Ju!y. Those five days were ex
citing day 8 in Santiago, 15.000 of its inhabitants wanted to
lo:iv the tnarn and (rot within Ofmeral Shaf tfra linns Tha
Spanish General wanted till the 9th of July, he said to get a jlonto what taiTrt..K Vtoid
dpfinif a nnawpr frnm Snain as tn whether he shnnM anrronrlpr relief, in i-ontrast with the acts of
.. .i . t.i i-i .i i. 'many of the ship's crew who drew
or continue the fight. An English telegraph company was . heir knives stabbine men and women
permitted to connect its line so that despatches could be tent '. a,,d in a murderous manner caned the
F . t ci i t: r j mi. o i way for their escape. The murders
IO ana irom ouaiu ou iuc quennuu ui smieuuer. lue opan- ! pommitted in that short half hour on
ish government would not hear to an unconditional surrender , u,ard the sinking ship, causes one to
i i. :.U n C., ,-,.-: l..i in iu aimosi up nopeoi maiiKina ever aomg
American army again opened nre on Santiago, tour hours. Fir
ing at intervals was kept up on Monday, Tuesday, and Wed
nesday. The city is to be stormed on Thursday, July 14.
one of whom escaped. The woman
that escaped was not forsaken by her
husband. Her husband's name is I .a
Casse, he helped his wife to a raft, and
though she was un conscious, he clung
to her till consciousness was restored
Prcacber Gllbeil Statement "eight members Of the church council'
itTti. ii r., 1,1 And Sentinel are two , vHb. subscribing to that .which they
...... ,t.- nuwm that for some unknown know was untrue." The answer to th aies.
reason have seeu lit to make coutmuea
attacks UPOll our churc
l: I ....ii. ruiutur.
l.iirued vour eight members -of the R kit iji.kax made no charges against ship
church council with subscribing to that
knew was untrue. We
what in right. If it were not that I -a
Casse did what was rieht ones heart
would have a feeling of despair for the
human race. . But I .a . Casse's case
proves that there is some good in the
world. Le Casse proves that the right
is still among men though there be few
who pursue it. He should have a
monument high enough to r)ach to the
STtff'SS . ?erU tbat F be a9 ItTrth.0 Then?
r, i aiitl have . hl hn-t point, The Skxtixpj. axt ( Pourgi or Ilourgy
prove that the
kind -f ieople do vet inhabit
made no reply to their uinruiniui at
tacks, for the articles, in both instances
bore the very stamp of falsehood, and
therefore needs no further rebuttal.
Hut we do wish to apieal to the mem
bership of both the Port Koyal and St.
Paul's congregations that you stop
either or both of the papers if they
come to your homes at present. It is
dangerous to nurse a viper iu your
The above is a specimen literary brick
from a pamphlet gotten up by a Luth
eran preacher, named tJiliiert, who is
a new comer at Port Koyal. He calls
his publication The Port Hoyal Luth
eran. The reader has observed that
there is no mention in his deliverance
about the subject on which he writes.
He does not know enough to state a
subject properly, so that people may
understand what he is talking about.
If he had stated that lie is denouncing
the Herald and Sentinel for having
mentioned, as newspapers may do, that
some people iu Port Koyal, had report
ed, that his conduct with a handsome 1
young woman of that towu, was not
becoming a preacher. If he had
made such a statement in connection
with his charge upon the Herald and
the Sentinel, his deliverance would
have the merit of intelligence. As it
stands revealed hi cold print it looks
like the quills on a fretful, stinking'
porcupine ; it does not look well, it
dies not read well and it smells of sul
phur. To show the brimstone in the
preacher's article it is only necessary to
analisce it. Let us take it apart and
look at it. It contains six simple ele
ments or points.
The first is, that the Herald aud
Sentinel attacked the Lutheran
church. We do not speak for the
Herald. The Herald can speak for it
self, but for the Sentinel, the answer
is that the statement of -the preacher,
in the language of his own choice, as
made iu a fonner article that he pub
lishes is a clean cut lie. Now preacher
stand up and have your measure taken.
The Skxtixki. asi KKrnti.iCAX offers
a reward of ten dollars, for every line
published in the Sextixki, axi R
itbi.icax, within the limit of a quar
ter of a century that attacks the Luth
eran church. The reward to be paid
to the Lutheran congregation of Port
Second, the preacher says, "They
have maligned j-our pastor." The
Skxtixki. and Rki'i bi.k ax published
an item, that certain reports were freely
circulated about that preacher and a
woman in Port Koyal. There was uo
malignment in the publication. It
made reference to the report and ad-
ised that the parties who originated
the reports be punished according to
law, and the Skxtixki, and Repi-r-
icax now offers one hundred dollars
Le Casse's acts
right kind -of people
was a family namea
from Altoona, on the
that sunk. Of the family the
the council of the Port Ttoval T.iiihrn ! .Altoona 1 nliune says, August nourgy,
. . . . . I was saved. He relates that he was
vnurcn. i ue omy mention maae con- , , he water nalf all hour and attempt
cennng the church council was the ed to get into a boat. He was seized
publication over their own simiatures when he managed to get half in and
on the subject of the investigation of thrown back into the water Again he
. i t . . v., ! tried to enter the boat, but the inhu
the preacher's deportment -when his nlal'ied it .. ere de
. termined to keep him out. He man
aged at last to get in and to stay in.
TK. D. M. CBAWrUKU avrn ,
. ki Ik. HMAI1M
nave rormea a prawuii iw - -
of Medicine and their collateral branches.
. .1, . j o. rxf Third and Or
tog streets, Mifflintown, Pa. One or both
ol them will be found at their office at all
times, udIpss otherwise profesionfcllj engaged.
April 1st, loao.
v; -aduate of the Philadelphia Dental
3ol ge. Offioe at old established lo
cation, Bridge Street, opposite Court
House. JtfiffliDtown, Pa
iTJ" Grown and Bridge work;
PainUss Extraction.
All work guaranteed.
wife was away from home. The files
of the Skxtixki. and Kkpublicax
show what it published.
Fourth, he says, he made "no reply
to their untruthful attacks." The col
umns of his publication, the Port Koyal
Lutheran tell what he said, in print,
but God only knows what he has been
saying sub mea, as a bushwacker.
Fifth, he appeals to the Port Koyal
and St. Paul's congregation to stop
either or both pajiers. He does not
know that it is an o dense against the
law and individual rights generally, to
appeal to a church or any other organi
zation iu that way. The probability is,
the congregations will do justice to
themselves by stopping the preacher.
Sixth, in his last point, by metaphor
he tells the tmth. "It is dangerous to
nurse a viper in your bosom," but
metaphors, are comparisons. Some
times metaphors are odious, and are of
extensive application, aud comprehend
for example the wolf iu sheep clothing,
and the man who steals the livery of
heaven to serve the devil, the one who
worms his way into the pulpit and un
der its sacerdotal robes does more harm
to the cause of Christianity than any
other class of men. The calling of the
preacher is the highest in the world.
The preacher to be successful, and wear
well in a community, must be a stand
ard man, his every day life must be of
the quality that stands the test of ad
verse criticism. His deportment must
be of that quality that when evil dis
posed people speak evil of him, instant
ly, there is a disbelief expressed in the
evu repons. ,very one feels the re-
1-orts cannot be tnie. The pews want
a standard man in the pulpit, they
want a man in whom they have conli
deuce to lead them gently back into the
good old straight path, whenever any
of them forget themselves aud get off
into the broad festive crooked way,
that leads to every place but the good
place. They want a man that must
not only be pure, but must be above
suspicion. When they have a preacher
or that kind they do not have a viper in
their midst. There are standard min
isters whom laymen and
Clinging to the life line of a boat
not far away he saw his mother, and as
if his trials were not enough, be was
forced to watch a man shove her deep
int the ocean with an oar, from which
she never rose. He said the man was
saved, and was almost sure he can rec
ognize him, though he does not know
the man's name."
men ana women in everv
community. There are standard men
and women iu the Port Hoyal and St.
Paul Lutheran congregations, and thpv
owe it to themselves to call a standard
With this
reservation, that if the parties prosecut
ed show that their reports are true the
hundred dollars are not to be paid.
Third, he says, they charged your
"Pa, said Tommv, after he had
digested tbe reports of tho destrue
tiuu oi sugar cane plantations in
Cuba, "are all sugar planters rich !"
"31'ist of them aro mv son." -
Amomnnt's silence tben 4 Sy
pa, Adam and Eve must hive bad
lot of moDcv, mustn t thev f
"Why do 3 on think so. Tommy t"
In t tbe Bible say tbej raised
Uaiu?" .
v;r rum own gkain- makkh s
MIFFLINTOWN, jri.v 13, 1898.
Wbea $ 70 to 89
Cim in ear 40
lt, 2?
Rie 2
Cloverse-d $2 to $2 50
Boiler 16
Hsni 12
Shoaldtir I
Sides 7
Timothv sew tl.0
F screed f0
Bran 70
Chop 85c to 90s
Middlings 90
Ground lo Sail "6
American Sa't.,., ..... ....... 60c
Philadelphia Markets,
July 13, 18P8.
Wheat S4c. ; oats 31c ; oru 3."c:
hay $6.00 to 12.00 a ton ; tangled
wheat and oats straw at 9.o0 a
ton; butter 11 to 17c ; eegs 13c
beef cattle 4 to 5c ; old potatoes
45 to 60c ; i ew potatoes $1 to $.3
75 a barrel ; veal calves 4 to 7c
sheep 3 to 5 ; lambs 3 to 7c ; thin
cows 8 to 22 : milch cows 25 to
$40 ; hogs 5 to 6c: live chict ens 1 0c,
spring chickens 2 and 4 pound 18
to 21c a pound.
Schedule in Effect May 27, 1898,
Wav Passenger, leaves Philadelphia
at 4 30 a. m; Harrisburg 8 00 a. m;
Duncannon 8 35 a. m; New Port 9 05
a. m; Millerstown 9 15 a. in; Durword
9 21 a. m; Thompsontown 9 26 a. m;
Van Dvke 9 33 a. m: Tuscarora 9 36 a.
m; Mexico 9 40 a. m; Port Koyal 9 44 a.
m: .Minim ou a. m; uennoim oo a,
m: Lewistown 10 13 a. m; McVeytown
10 38 a. m; Newton Hamilton 11 00 a.
m; Mount Union 11 06 a. m; Hunting
don 11 32 p. m; Tyrone 12 20 p. m; Al
toona 1 00 p. m; Pittsburg 5 50 p. m.
Mail leaves Philadelphia at 7 00 a. m;
Harrisburg at 11 4S a. m; Jlimm i li
n. m: Iewistown 1 30 p. ni: Hunting
don 2 29 p. m: Tyrone 3 12 p. m: Al
toona 8 45 p. m; Pittsburg 8 30 p. m
Altoona Accommodation leaves Har
risburg at 5 00 p. m; IJuncannou 5 34
p. m; Newport 6 02 p. ni; Millerstown
u 11 p. m; Thompsontown u L'l p. m;
Tuscarora 6 30 p. m; Mexico 6 S3 p. m;
Port Koyal 0 38 p. m: Mifflin 6 43 p. m;
lienholm 6 49 p. m; Ijewistown 7 0 p,
m; McVeytown 7 30 p. m; Newton
Hamilton'? 50 p. m; Huntingdon 8 20
p. m; Tyrone 9 02 p. m: Altoona 9 35
p. in.
Pacific Express leaves Philadelphia
a i ii uu p. in: Harrisburg at s oo a. m.
Marysville 3 14 a. m. Duncannon 3 29
a- m. Newport 3 52 a m. Port Ko
4 25 a. ni. .Milliin 4.80 a. m. Lewistown
452 am. Newton Hamilton 5 33 a. m.
Huntingdon 0 03 a. ni. Petersburg 6 19
a. m. Tyrone ft 52 a. m. Altoona 7 40 a.
m. Pittsburg 12 10 a. in.
Oyster Express leaves Philadelphia
at 4 Ho p, m. Harrisburg at 10 2U p. m
Newport 11 00 p. m. Mifflin 11 40 p. in
Lewistown 11 58 p. m.; Huntingdon 12
55 a. m. Tyrone 1 32 a. m. Altoona 2 00
a. m. Pittsburg 5 30 a. m.
Fast Line leaves Philadelphia at 12
p. m. Harrisburg 3 M p. m. Duncan
iion 4 15 p. ni. NewjKjrt 4 35 p. m. Mif
flin 5 07 p. m. Ijewistown 5 27 p. m.
Mount Union 6 08 p. Hi. Huntingdon
6. 27 p. m. Tyrone 7 04 p. m. Altoona
7 40 p. m. Pittsburg 11 30 p. m.
Altoona Accommodation leaves Al
toona at 4 40 a. in. Tyrone 5 04 a. in.
Petersburg o 25 a. in. Huntingdon 5 37
a. m. Newton Hamiltou 6 01 a. m. Mc
Veytown 0 17 a. m. Ijewistown 6 88 a.
m. Mifflin 6 58 a. m. Port Royal 7 02 a.
m. Thompsontown 7 17 a. m. Millers
town 7 2(i a. m. NewjK.rt 7 So a. m.
Duuciuinon 8 00 a. m. Harrisburg 8 30
a. m,
Sea Shore leaves Pittsburg at 2 50 a.
ni. Altoona 7 15 a. m. Tyrone 7 48 a. m.
Huntingdon 8 30 a. m. McVeytown 9 15
a. ni. Ijewistown 9 35 a. in. Mifflin 9 55
a. m. Port Royal 9 59 a. m. Thompson
town 10 14 a.'m. Millerstown 10 22 a.
m. Newport lS2a. m. Duncautioii 10
54 a. m. Marysville 11 07 a. in. Harris
burg 11 25 a.m. Philadelphia 3 00 p. m.
Mam Line Lxpress leaves Pittsbunr
at 8 110 a. m. Altoona 11 40 a. in. Tyrone
12 03 p. m. Huntingdon 12 85 p. m.
Ijewistown 1 33 p. in. Mifflin 1 50 p m.
Harrisburg 3 10 p. in. lialtimore B 00 p.
m. asbington 7 lo p. m. Philadelphia
6 23 p. m.
Mail leaves Altoona at 2 05 p. m. Ty
rone -j. .- p. m. Jiuimnguon 3 17 p m
Newton Hamilton 3 47 p. m. McVev-
. . . . .
low II 4 p. III. JjeWISIOWIl 4 s p. Ill
Mifflin 4 55 p. m. Port Koyal 5 00 p. m
Mexico o 20 p. ni. Thompsontown 5 18
m. Millerstown 5 28 p. ni. Newport
o .- i in. I'uiicaunon u us p. ni. liar.
risburg 0 45 p m.
uail i-.xpress leaves Pittsburg at 1 00
m. Altoona 10 p. m Tyrone 6 42
p. m. iiuuiingaon ? p m. c ey.
town 8 08 p. ni- ijewistown 8 26 p. m,
Mifflin 8 47 p. m. Port Koval 8 52 p. m,
JVllIdtMOW 11 IO i,
in. Duiicauiioii y
10 20 p 111.
1'hilaUelpbia Express ebivm Pifta.
burg at 4 30 p. m. Altoona 9 as n. m.
lyrone a m p. m. Huntingdon 10 12 p,
m. Mount l 111011 10 32 p m. Ijewis
town 11 16 p. m. Ififflin 11 37 p. m. Har-
nsDurg 1 w a. m. Philadelphia 4 30.
At Ijewistown Junction. For Km..
bury 7 30 a. m and 8 05 p. m. weekdays.
or jWiiroy ftlo, 10 20 a. m. and 3 00
in- weeK-aays.
At Tyrone. For Clearfield and ('nr.
.) . u. .u. .
mcnr iuc o u tt. III. a Jl ailu 1 M Tt. Jtl.
l-or Jfelleronte and Lock Haven 8 10
m. 12 hi ana 7 Io p. m week-days.
ror iunner lnrormation nm.lv t
Jicaei Agents, or Thomas E. Watt.
I'asseneer Asrent. W'pslpn. i.i.-ii.v..
Comer Fifth Avenue and Hmithfield
nireei, t-itisourg.
And destroyed the Spaaish fleet Wo have captured the remain,
ing Spring 'Stock of Clothing, consisting of
Men's, Boys' and Children's Suits,
From one of tbe largest and well-known Clothing Houses of Liver
ight, Greenewalt & Co., 1013 Market street. Philadelphia, for 45
rants on the dollar. A clothing sale iucb as has never been known
in the History of Jnniata County. UVERIGHT. GREENE WALT & Co
Manufactures of Clothing, 1013 Market Str(
Philadelphia, Pa , May 10, 1898.
Mr Ferd Meyers, Dear Sir : We find the backward season this
Spring has prevented us in closing out our large new Spring Stock
and we find ourselves loaded with an immense srock of new Cloth
ing. The only remedy we have to dispose of it is to sacrifice prices.
Knowing that you are a large cash buyer no doubt yoa will taks
tbe opportunity offered to you and buy the temainder of our stock
at 45 cents on the dollar. Shall we bubmit samplep. Please answer
by return maiL Yours Eesp't, LIVERIGHT GREENE WALT &Co4
Office of FERD METERS,
Dealer in Clothing and Furniture. Mifilintown, Pa., May 12, 1898.
Liveright, Greenewalt & Co., Gents .Yours of the 1 Oth inst, re
ceived and contents noted. We axe always open for Bargaios. Please
send samples at once. If styles and quality are satisfactory we will
buy the remainder of your stock. Youra respect fully,
We have scooped in the remainder of the entire Spring Stock
of Liveright, Greenewalt &. Cx We put the knife to tax and
chopped down prices to one half what they were formally. Now
is your opportunity to buy new and reliable clothing as long as
they are here.
We put on sale 560 Men's all wool suits, regular price $9 50,
special sale price $4.25.
271 Men's all wool fancy worsteds suits in sacks and cut a way -i,
all sizes. These suits are worth $12 50, special sale : rioa $G 25.
265 Men's cassimere suits, the greatest barguo, tbey are bunch
ed from different lots, all sizes. Six diflerent patterns to select
from. They range in value from $7 to $9. Special sale price $4.31
767 Children's suits, all styles and sizes. Cheviots, Cassiraeres,
Serges, regular prices $2 50, up to $5 00. Special sale price $1.68.
972 Bays' suits. Cheviots, Cassiraeres and fancy plaids.
This line was gathered with special reference to young men's
needs. Regular price $5 50 up to $8.00 Special sale prioe
$3.25 up to $4 62.
The season for Furniture is about to a close and we find wa
must have more room for our large fall stock which will arrive in
duo time. Therefore we are compelled to close out the remain
der of our spring stock. AH our former prices are marked down
20 per cent. Now is your opportunity to buy furniture at a sac
rifice. Don't miss this chance.
115 and 117 Bridge Street.
Tuscarora Valley Bailroad.
Ill order to reliably determine the
relative value of our several Brands of
Fertilizers, upon the wheat oron of
Juniata county, we have decided to
ofler PREMIUMS amounting to $100
for the lest three acres of wheat grown
by ine use or OLK FEKTILIZKltS.
We want to know what is best bv
actual field trials. Agents may talk
The Premiums to he divided into
three classes as follows :
Fikst Prkmu m .... $.50.00
fftxixo Pkkmivm .... 35.00
Third Pkkmium .... i.voo
The test to he made on three acres,
Using our Brands of FERTILIZERS,
li money will be deposited with the
Juniata County Asrricu tural Kocietv
who will name the Judges aud award
ine rKt.HR mb Sept-vaber 1699. All
persons wishing to enur the contest
win register with the Secretary of the
Agricultural Society.
JamksN. Groningkk,
T. S. Mihihkhead, A Co.,
3 mo. Rort Royal, June 7th.
THE OnUY True Blood Purifier
promiaenUy in the public eye to
day is Hood's Saraaparilla. Therefor
fwuooos ana QWLY HOOD'S.
Blair's Mills Lv.
Leonard's Grove
Ross Farm ..............
East Waterford
Honey Grove
Fort Bigham..
Pleasant View
Seven Pines
Spruce Hill
Old Port
Port Royal Ax
. m. Newport 9 26 p.
oO p. ni. Harrisburg
B. HUTCH INSON. J. If worm
uenerai .nan gT. General Pass'r Agt.
(Estate of Edward F. Karstetter. late
of tayette township, deceased.)
.Notice is herehv criven that ljtj r
. j . . . r- " . vm.in .J
Auiiunisiraiioii upon the estate of Ed
wara t. Karstetter. late of K.tj
township, deceased, havine- inwn oV,.t
i . tx.x : ' y : j -
c iu ..ic uinierNipueu. au persons In
ucuicu io saia estate are reuestcd to
make immediate payment, and those
having claims against the same t.
sent them duly authenticated for settle-
lucni. niLVl-i&TEU AKNOI.n
J. N. KEI.J.KR. Admi
June 18, 1898.
, hereby given that the
hief Burgess and Town Council
or the Borough of Mifflintown have, bv
ordinance duly enacted on llav 0th
oOT auiiiuieu ana annexed as part of
...v .wiuuuui iiiiiuiowii in thecountv
of Juniata and state of Pennsvlvania
"--"" iuu composin
hchwever's Additiim urt.,. ......
jxhuuku ana iney nave tiled a plan
Iioi oi me saia extension this date
the office of the Quarter Sessions
Juniata County. J. HowAmNm
u.l'l5' Town Council Borough 'of
au. kidney. Stoma
r. Stomach f
A. M
7 25
7 31
7 371
7 45
7 52
8 05
8 17!
8 22
8 30
8 39
8 44
8 52
8 55
9 03
9 06
9 09
9 12
9 18
9 25
r t;
Tbe following schedule went Into effaet t
Nov. 16, 1896, and the trains will be run m
p. m
4 80
4 86
4 89
8 41
4 45
4 46
4 61
4 64
4 66
4 69
a. ra
9 14
9 15
9 19
9 22
9 24
9 2T
Arrive a. m n -
. Duncannon 7 64 2 a
aing- mill J 4B
'Sulphur Spring 7 46
'Cormin Sidinc 7 44
Montebello Park 7 41
7 40
7 83
7 23
7 09
7 01
6 68
6 61
6 48
Weaver 7 40 1 II
Roddy 76 2 0!
Hoffman 7 83 2 65
Habanor 7 1 q no
5 10 10 43 Bloomfield 7 23 t 41
6 16 9 49 Troisier 7 09 111
6 21 9 54 'Nellson 7 04 III
6 24 9 67 -Dum'e 7 01
5 27 10 05 Elliotabori; 6 68 IK
6 82 10 07 Beraheisl's 6 61 1 28
6 84 10 17 -Green Pirk 6 48 1 II
6 87 10 30 -Montour June 8 33 111
6 02 10 85 Landisborg 6 28 2 it
p. ma.m Arrive Leave a. m
Train leaves BloomOeM at 6.M a.
nd arrives at Laodisburg at 6.23 a. a.
Train leaves Landiabarg at 6.08 p. m., ul
amvea at Bloomfield at 6.40 p. m.
All stations marked () are flag statiou,
at wbich trains will como to full stop ot
Cnas. H. Skiut, s. H. Bscs, .
President. Sipt,
Trains Son. 1 and 2 connect at Port Roval
with Way Pasaenfter and Seashore Express
on P. R. R., and Nos. 8 and 4 with Mail east
daily, except Sunday.
Port Koyal
Old Port
Spruce Hill
Seven Pines
Pleasant View
Fort Bigham. .....
Honey drove
East Waterford.."
ltos8 Farm
Leonard's Grove"!
Blair s Mills Ar.
10 20
19 27
10 33
10 36
10 39 5
10 42
10 50
10 53
11 01
11 06
11 15
11 23
11 28
11 40
11 53
12 00
12 OS
12 14
12 20
5 27
5 35
5 38
5 46
5 51
6 00
6 08
6 13
6 25
6 45
6 53
6 59
7 05
Train Nos. 2 and 8
Mills with Concord, Doylesburg Drj Run.
Nossville, Neelyton, Shade Oan. Shade
iey ana uosborn SUUon Stage Lines,
I 1 ley Railroad Comnanv. Tima tthlt
of passenger trains, in effect on Mondw,
May 18th, 1896.
Buffalo Bridge....!
Juniata furnace ...
wat-r Ping
Bloomfield Jnnct'n.
Valley Road
Green Park .......
Port Robeson ....
Cisna's Run
Anderaonbnrc ....
Blaia .
Mount Pleaaant ...
New Germant'n ...
P ' A M
6 05 10 35
6 08 10 38
6 12,10 42
6 16 10 46
6 25 10 62!
6 22 11 91
6 3111109
a rs
8 30 4 M
6 89
7 05
7 11
7 15
7 31
7 27
7 86
7 41
11 09
11 21
11 24
11 85
11 41
11 45
11 61'
11 67
12 06
12 11
8 23
8 201
8 16
7 45
7 10
4 14
7 26
7 IS;
7 10
7 03
7 4612 15j IH
IH "i-
in v
in '
i o ' -
i .
D. GRING, President and Managw
' fc-. Mulbb, General Agent.
KOCNIC MED. CO.. Chicago, I1U
Sold bx pmxi,u a SI per Bottle, afc,
a aiBinniHiI 11.11-1 . ;
Variable Friction Feed
Ajax Center Crank Engini
BapM, accarate, Btrons and fflinple. with tonj '
sills or whwK Hron ;
nnrtiwfe. Ho Fnrli
Hollrr hn evrr rj
acrioaltnral Implwnra"
1 sruen.llv. Hay I'Z ;
1 a perUltr. Sn1 :
Catalogue and prU
L B. FARQUHAR CO., Ltd., York, F .
A r. 1 1 . . n . . - c.a 9fi4
(.i-llack. HiickmollonoK'arruie. : tiim-.W""
nn ny oUier In tbe market. Krirticn'!"""'5 Vf?'
cuiwlns all tbe fil anuinr to Htoml ft'.H wMle
ln: crrat ntTiaa In rowra and vrrnr.
V" n prtc free. Alw fiurSB llnri",w,l
i'ivtr t'eru PlKnlera, sUcllrr "
Urnthm Ihit pajirr. "
liENtu & inoM(;oi.DH5ifr.I
York, P