SENTINEL & REPUBLICAN MIFFLINTOWN, PA.. WTEDXtSDAY, JUXE 29, 1898. B. F. SCHWEIER, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. STATE TICKET. For Cfovernor Colonel "William A. Stone, of Allegheny. For Lieutenant Governor Gen J. I. S. Gobin, of Lebanon. For Secretary of Internal Affau-s General James W. Latta, of Philadelphia. For .Indfre of the Superior Conrt "William Porter, of Philadelphia. For Congressman at Large oaniMia .. v.rowyot Hiiginehanna, and S. A. I.ivenp6rt, of Erie. REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET. Vngress. Thau M. Mahox, of Franklin county. Legislature. E. (5. Shkafker. Surveyor. A. P.. Evans. 'rouer II. F. WlLT.AKD. The redingote is again becoming ' fashionable. The post oflice has been repaper ed and repainted, Acciden's by lu'l iro n cherry trc- are in season. S-mps mn l)B obta:nel at tbtj First National Iiiuk. ?fis Anria Grning-tr w enjoying a v!s:i to Fruadoai. Oiiio. Mis Emily Murray is visiting fri-.uds iri Lewibbnrg', Pa. McAlisterville people will enjoy a Jth of July celebration. Vita Jrinniet fV-.'fon, of Aboona. is a v dttor et 5. U. L union's. ?'' Emily lfur:-:y 13 visiting' Ler limit's fniniiy in Le.visbnrc-. L'roperiy for sa'e. terms, apply l j .Yins. Dieux, Fr.t St. Th-? wbo-? cop in Prry county is Do' :s sooaa? rj-pyiiod, a worth ago. Tight pants are again fashion able, some men never wear tight pants. Mr.3. T. Van Irwin gave a progro.'. Bive euchre party last Thursday evening Grr.t reductions ia the pricts of nil Miliimrv goods at Mrs. Diebl's Frnt S'.rref.' Tii? Bin-1 tn-ide the grand rounds of the towu iiiot Friday evening plaj in fi -t-1 rate mu'.i-T. Tnvo cents on every bauk check to help pay the Spanish war debt, after the 1st of July. 1 he Democratic state convention is in Eetsion at Altoona, and the air ia full of Df mocratio fur. Mi.-sos. Lottie and Beps Hackec berger spent a few dsys cf the paet week viHi'iig in Tuscaiora Valley. Mies Jennie Howe, sold her 6tore to x Sheriff Calhoun, who wi!l con tina the business in the old btnd. Tho Junitda Valley Evangelical tamp lltetirg Association will hold campuiei-tinj Aug 3, 1898, at Tusca rora Go to ?Jeyer3 for -our clothing i and furniture Le will ruvg you 25 i per rnjt. Resd his Bargains iu this paper. The earth has come to a halt in its southward swing, and soon will be tilting northward for cold win ter weather. On Saturday last the busint-8 pro perty cf Thonins Nowell in Hunting don, was desrojed by fire. Lobs $10,000, partly insured. The Safe Deposit Building and Savings Association, of Pending, made an assignment last week for the lenetit of creditors. Mis Minnie Strayer has returned to her Lome in Patterson, after a thru irouths visit at her sisters Mrs. Chan Stone, in Washington. M-s. Lswronce Wcrnpr and cLil dr; n, of Harrisburg are viti'icg am-JDtf relatives in this coutty. Sir. Joseph Kothroek's health is improving. He takes a drive almost every nice day, generally with a daughter for company. A heavy shower cf rain stopped hay miikirg on Saturday afternoon. It was good for the oats which is net as premising as one month ago. "Whst was the must curious thing in ton side show ?" "That there were eo many y e?p!e curious enough to go in and get sold." Mr. John B. Larner, and family, of Washington, D C, have taken up their abode in their summer home in the valley, about 4 miles east of town. East Waterford people will cele brate the 4th of July and raise a flag. Addresses will be delivered by Hons. L E Atkinson and J. N. Keller of Mifiiintown. Forty volunteers were recruited, at and left Huntingdon, last Satur day to fight Spaniards. The whole population turned out to wish them God's speed. - The letters uncalled for in the Mifiiintown post office for the week endingr June 25, were for Jits Mary M. Sheets, W. C. Haller, Wm. B. Parker, Mr. Alice. Plant valuable vegetables in a gar den, neglect them, and weeds spring up around them and destroy. So with tha good io society, if neglected the weed of society spring up and destroy the good. A number of young men from Perry county, went to Cumberland county to heln harvest there. Cum berland county harvest comes earlier ! than in Perry county. So saya the j Bloornfield Times. j Preslvtri.iiM ..-111 - . home missions on Saturday. James Anderson, was happy on buuday m having in his family circle four grand children. Editor Bonsall and Blair Hetrick ?.,TT!!t.J,V;iatacollutyin the Iemo day enti" at Altoona to Wilberforoe Schweyer, Esq., will ad dress a flag raining and celebration meet ing on the 4th of July, at Aca T ,a; , ther KPcakers will be present and address the meeting. Th msa Hollobaugh smiles all over, the advent of a 12 pound boy baby, and he hopes the cruel war may be over before, he crows old enough to be a ddier in the army. President Alton Sehnii of 0.0 ;Tuscarora Telegraph and Tele : phone Company, has had a tele phone exchange board rtlaced in his ofliice, in the second story of the Banks drug store. It is a pretty machine. Port Royal Times: Messrs. Har ry Hoover and Waiter Spiese caught eight Hcale carp iu the Tucarora creek nbove the ruilrood bridge, the combined weight of which was thirty one pounds. They baited their hooks with corn S;rue evil dippaaed person threw a l:!.okct fu-1 i co:l ashes into water pi.-i of the ratn's d. partiueut in the Ferd Mayers building on Bridge street, thereby enlaili'ig inconven ience upon the ttnantr", acd expense upon the owner of the property. Juniata county people, Hon. Louis E. AtkiusoD, Georgj T. Kepner, Hod. Wm. O. Pomer.y, WiHaui Swariz, John G. Ii.rtzlcr, have been authorized by Secretary of the Treasury, Gage, to establish a Na lional Bjuk at Biocintield Perry county. Hairy W. Dripa, cf East Coct uiaub, tlein?3 to t.s ng the youngest veteran of the civil war. He was born-SeDinnbt-r 4. 1P48. Enlisted W.isch 8, 1SG2; was mufteied out of the set vice Ji-.ce 2S, iSG5. He was between 13 and 14 ycais eld when he er.lis'ed. Thx M:filii:lo.u suhoiil luiard Ri-- Iccit-d teacliera !or the eomicg vcar. Piiccipal. Piof. O C. No. Jii-s Kilh'iriiiO Dit nle: No. 4. Mij-s Beilba Cramer; No. 5, Hiss Mary A. Laird. No. 3 will r;ot he supplied uctil a fuuue meeting of the Board. "We have dwided to keej) you here.", said Cervera. "Yon know a liltle too much about us now.'" 'Well, so far as that goes," rc plied Hobson, "I venture to say that you know a little more about us now than you did before the fun began." M'es Atii'i-i E. S'jhwfeior, and sU-t-r, Miss M-iry E. t$i'hwrir, repre sbui the Srstixel aso RcrrBMcAX in th-) Stale Editorial Asooiaiion x cuision, tiov at Atlantic City, and M:ss Gtrtio Jackman, aud sister, Lou: so Jackiunn, represent the Democrat and Register. A large audience was present in 'he P'rttbyteiian church on Sunday eveuirg to listen to Jiiss Eimn Haves. !thiri Snb?f-t. Jnntn The lecture was interesting, from the uoiso of the Jtpauese wooi'm shoes, and their jinrikisba s:.des, thronh all its phases to thi cloee. There is a machine now for al most everything excepting for thinking and talkimr. Perhans if talking were done by machinery there would be less mischief, for then the second Sober thou-rht avouM hold the machine from talk ing many things it should not. Professor Gortner has leased the cannery, and will have it running at the begiuuing of the fruit sea-' son, and continue its work till the fruit season c1oms, paying cash foi all products bought for thecannery. . - , 1 1 - ! - .xra you Know wnere 10 iinu ;i market for your marketable fruit and so forth. Upon iiivi.'-ti.L'J'tioi', the r. p;it is a mist'kc, is.t wo.xsn who marries an old hoicbi r after Jit y 1st v. ill he entitled to a pt r.&:on if Lo di's The report of such c usctmi :;t arose from the rccotcmnd ition of the corcmissiirer cf pevsioi.s. The r:c omn.e. dation was l.t.t ccic-d c a und fie law is uncliMi ed. Merehaut Sehott. has returned from a protracted visit to the sea coast for his health. The Altoona Tribune, has such an unutterable feeling toward the Turk for his treatment of Christians who are so unfortunate as to bo under Turkish rule, that it is about ready t j consent to send the American fleet over to Turkey after we have finished with the Spaniards." If the Tribuno keeps on it will not bo many woona till it baa placed a chip cu its ha., denying all the oppressiors in tho world. ! th tlliior twlo 111 tliia l.i-f .iiul n... Ph ladelphia North American. eration. Perhaps vonr pre-hiS- me uniisu vAjnaiu tone mother, spent a part ii,u,F1,iUt, iw kiiuisu : must every day among .. auu otisnes lor a nest ot ej nci .e n, mm reg-aru to Amen- which to make a meal for herself eaus, "honor aud virtue are safer iU1a yr pre historic father, how id Maiula to-day than they have ever, as the proclivity to rob birds been for three hundred years." nesls is confined almost exclusively Shall this safety be definitely as- i to boys, the probability is, the sured, or shall we suffer, a return pre historic- mother Mas not habit io me oiu eonuiuous uy reunquisu- aiv ensniced at that wort. Pos- Thisjs the time of the year that the average loy robs birds nests. Someone writing on the Prehis toric Man, says, when a boy robs a births nest he is following an in stinct inherited from his ancestor the pre historic man. So when i your boy robs a bird's nest, think j auout what you are doing. Doubt less, long ago, the prehistoric man did such things. Your son gets the feeling to rob the nest from no stranger. Dou?t whip the boy, hut teach him that it is not of al- the reeds iki uniin lipFl, iug a control of the islands ? The new woman is comiug to the frot t not only on tho farm, in schools, slorts, in tho pu'pit, at the bar, and as doctors bnt she is en gag'iEg ia the trades. Philadelphia bus a woman In use painter, and a woman trick layer. If the men don't soon quit their ways of wast, icg time and money, lounging round, gambling, playing ball, pool and billiards during work hour, the women will gather up all the place. Mr. Kurtz Kauffmau, residing near this town had to have a horsa kilhd on Saturday. Hauling hay was f oicg cn when a strong wind came on Saturday afteraocn. A load was hurried into the barn, the horses wers hurried off the floor, and in the confusion incidental to the occasion, cno fell 'over the of tho wall of tho barn bridge, and was s-i hurt t!iat it became necessary wori. sibly she was making a lire to cook the eggs on. Iil731ANITir SOIL.. FOR ON CUB.4.1 On the 27th of June 3t!t0 of General Siiafter's Uni ted S.utes troops l inded at Daiquiri, 17, miles east cf Santiago, Uder Does your urine contain any sediment 1 Is the lower part of yoar back sor, weak and lame ? Doea your urine have a whitish, milky color ? Ii there marting or scalding sensation in passing it ? Does it pain you to hold it ? D you desire to urinate often, especially at night ? If you have any of these symptoms, your Kidneys are diseased your life is in aancer. .More people die of such disorders than ar killed in v. r.rp. Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite I?cx:cly is direct and sure cure. It goes trai;ht to the seat of diseases in the Kidneys, Bladder and Elood. It hunts out and drives from the system all the impurities that cause pain in the back. Stone in tho Bladder, Briht's Disease, Urinary Troubles, itnd dis eases of the Stomach and Liver. It acts at once. There is no long waitiag to sc-e if it will help. "For years I suffered with my Kidneys," writes Thomas Quackf.xbush, o: Pitisfield, Mass. " The pain in ray hack wa:; so severe at times that I was obliged to keep to jny bed. I Buffered awfully when passing water, which was often discolored with blood. I ivied almost everything ia the shape of medicine, Ivit nothing seemed to help me. One day I got a tie of Dr. D.tvid Kennedy's Favorite llemctly an4 used it nut & little while when it braced me ril.t up. My back became all right, no pain at all; my water cleared up and passed from me without pain, and I rcw better in every way. I consider it a great medicine, as it has dona wonders forme. My wife uses it for female complaint, and thinks it's the finest medicine in the world." kept that Schweier, and i Schweier, have knell University. a visitor at the ruing where she in the study of Her sister Isa from the Semi of this present Miss Annie 1: her sister Isabcll returned from lSuc Miss Annie was institution of lea spent two terms music in LOT. belhi, graduated nary on the iMsl month of June. The tth of July next Monday. Most of the farmers will be merry that day gathering the golden wheat, while the other branches of trade will be almost at the mid summer still water rest. Vv'ith contentment the fanners calling is the lest in the world. Without contentment, farming, or any other calling, is misery. Eloo:!:fi?ld Times. Miss B., of Sttrett's, has v-.u eye to butini sy, some few tveninps ago tirc was a suiUr chin" that did rot pleaae Mitu B , and bf! h id a unique way of non-eu:tir-; him ; sl:e said she tad to put the old cat up on the gcirot to her kittc-r.F. She cc ver return.' d and the poor k-ilow v.a'itd .1 wLiie and then went to othtr siuteroes. Judge Lyons had the "town pump," in front of his lesidvnce taken out, last Saturday, ud had the well closed. The pump bad out lived its day. Ono l.uudie.l it sup plied people with wnter, cheap, for nothirg, for it was kept up by tie owner of the proper?-. After the introduction of JMicerioi.i-i water it was not kept in a state of rt-rair. William Hardell's barn in Beale township, was destroyed by fire, shortly after night fall on the evening of the 21st. The light was seeu at this place, but it was not till the next day that the place of the fire became known here. Charles Bardell who resides ou the farm had two horses, two calves, and a colt burned to death in the I lire. trctiou fire cf the we is ceep General Cmeiu's CuLan troops up a r fl.: fire cu the Scnniards were oppjsiL'g th landing. There .. . 1 . r- Tv - : i t , ; is u cuou rotiu in in i.'duiu'.ri io oau- iiago, uy which ;ne Americans x pct to get in the rear of Santiago, and c-m;.t!l tho surrender cf the city and the fh et i.f lYivra that lies in tt.e front cf tho ity. Oj tho 22od 3000 moie troops were landed and pushed forward. By day light on the moriiiug of ti.e 23: d, tho Just man of tho urmy of 16,000 Ami rican troops under Genera: Shnficr had lauded. Simpsut's vTiir ships w--r:.' elruD along the coast a distance of 29 miles, and lika the Iris!. mm:, wherever he sa-v a head he bunytd it. Tho ur:nv advanced ::t the first land- ing piat. jt Diio:iiri cxentiiisr ' ilmik n-ovfiumt oa ilic Sjaci.h lefr, dtiving the Spar;h iiceps fri ::i Ihi field. They iiivd tio :own whtn; they ieft, bat of tho l'-uiidinst j v. I;ic!i me not c-f much srciui.t w re ! as I ! fl ! uaer a prc- and the f.ict that :tiou liro cf the guns of Sampson's! be sent prepaid, ir ships. Tho harbor at D.ticpjiri a lare bott! deep and clrnr. Oao thousand of ; to kill iho nnimn!. They ato hunting for Andrea in the Nurth Pole regi-m. It is thi old slory, of a man going to hunt the North Po, and after that some one gois to hunt the man. A certain ay of solving tha polo question cr.ri bo found in establishing- a line of cabins a quarter or half mile a part and t ach c.ibiu -.veil supplied with fall srjd provision. A good deal of tnoiit-y would be required for such an e-Kerprise. A line cf 1200 cbics would settle the question. George II Stevens, a former pro f-ssorin Lafayette College, was cuught in tho act of pinat-hing eggs iu Li- fayelts hall the other niht. He i.. . i , cou.Ltu a a nurnocr oi outrages , t5je Xoih American soidi-is ars ned c,JU,.m'lU!U ttuo"L luu sc:uo?' b,nce U1S to are not Luilt ther-. Th services were oiepeussu wito, among . 1. . a ..e t , i ii i. lutm una mt: una'' oi l arueo iiail. .,f !,,., i.; !: 1 .. , .i . Americans occupied tho place. Iu t!l fli'tif liftltl (If "Tli'.tiVi i,i ...Vwl uo iuSp., .uSa en . ! ih Spauinrds had :,b:.ut 500 .uhl n ia .ai.p ru.iou oi me ww , fcDRatjed, and the A!u. nu .i ua in iuu us u:is ot en ei'Iil pnn on 1 , I out ullu w . PM.nillrtllH lm(I hit (r:l'fi!l 1 np iri it: ct Every man and woman who reads this pajier and is in need cf medicine, is invited to rend full address for a free trial bottle of ii vorii Remedy to the Di;. David Kr.SNL.Y Corporation-, Rcndout, IT. Y. Cur o'.Vt r is genuine, and the fact that it appears in this pr.ic r is a p-uarantee th&t the trl hnitle will Don't delay in v.-'it::ig, and tiuntion this pepcr. c costs Si.oo at a!I C;;-: stores. SliVC'd. Sul-S' iHtiil h'.-US3 euoh e pei.i!f, races came out He eays he was inspired by the spirit of revenge lo commie tho acts. A m- n ricans about cui i i ( ii bout 5.', the had 60 ksjied iric On the evenic of tho 18tb. Willis ' two ofScers, 16 wounded, IS prison. Hicgaman a nine year old son cf'erB- Americans had 2 ki!ied Mr. and ,Wr. J. Trvin Binrmn.:. tf land 3 wjunded. The f?r-t m -v - suiibnry, in attempting to cross th railroad, was run cvr by a train of cars, and had his left limb so badly mangled that amputation was neces sarr, above the kuee. The little fel low got his foot fast at the rail and that is how he came to be caught. It appears no ona noticed the calam ity t the child and tb littfj fellj.v, nnsided worked his way oft ihe road to a b a itch and was there discovered by W. H. Ziiniuerruac, foreman of the Sun'mry Item '-h: Bingamm, the child's father, is a relative, of Vr. William Luek and .Wrs. Jsmis .VcCanley, of Mifflintown. William J. Dennis, died at the home of his pou-in-law, I'rofesnor V. K. Au man, last Monday morning aged SI years. 7 days. Mr. l)ciiiiif was born in Maryland in 1817, and came to Juniata some time in the forties and engaged in the fulling business at Kvans Mills in Delaware township, many years. I le was twice married, his wives pro ceeded him manv years into the frrcat beyond. .No children were born to the lirst wife. Two children blessed the second marriage, Kmma ('., wife of Professor Auman, of this town, and Cornelia J., wife of Mr. Wood, of Los Angeles, California. He w as a meni lier of the Methodist ohurch niany years. He lived the past ten years with Professor Annum and family. He lias one brother that survives hini, Augus tes Dennis, a citizen of Wilmington, Delaware. Augustus is two years younger than his deceased brother, William J., and came to Mifiiintown on Monday morning, but two hours to late to sec his tmtther alive. The funeral takes place at 2 p. m., this Wednesday. Interment in the Presby terian cemetery. An ludiiti from Carlisle schowi iost bis life ou hs iai'ro;-d nhout 7 o'clock last Saiuiday roorninsj. He attimpted to board a west bound fre'ght train at a p:ir.t be-lween Veico and Th.mpsontow.-'. He at tempted to get on the car in-xt to the last one. He rungkt l:oM of the iron ha:.d bar, but iuis:-td iho f ot step f.nd his hacd grip was ri.ot stiong nough to hold the weight of Lis body. In the j- rk that followed the misscf tfce fcot step, his hand ho d wss broken and his body was swung between the cars, fell upon the rail. T:ie car wheels of the hind car pass ed over bis abdomen, cutting him io two pieces, i.ot a thread of lksb, or muscle, or bone was left united. Hi3 left arm at the shoulder was servtd as completely as was his body. There was a large hele in his fore head. Destb, doubtless came in stautanecusly. He was clean end well dressed, and had a blanket with him. His shoes were good, calf skin shoes, and appeared iw if t-Ley tad just been walked on a long distance. Undertaker Ituble, of this town had m.-de hnangements to lave the body placed in Union cemetery, when hs received a despatch from Captain R. H. Pratt, of Carlisle Indian School, to send the body to Carlisle. It was an ugly job for the undertaker to put the body of the dead lone Indian in presentable shape but he did it aud shipped it by the i 45 p. m., train, and it probably reached Car lisle about 9 p. m. It is not known here how the Indian oame to bo at that place on the railroad. Some conjecture th'it he walked across the country from Carlisle, on Friday night and Saturday morning striking therailroad where he attempted to board the freight train and was killed. Subscribe for the Juniata Sentinel i akd Republican. 1 meet on the ftank t tarn SastMgo was asuccoss and the Sp-nish troops ibid for fortified places nearer San tiago. On Friday Jane 24 our ad yiiie Hue, less tlcm 10 miles nwsy from Siiiitiogo tncou-dcred the Span ish line 20C0 strong. The American hue ws compose 1 of troops from the- first enva-ty. Teuth cavaliy, ;v;d lvo9cvfck's rough riders, iu rd; about D3 1O00 dismounts! cavalrymen. The batthi wbs in the bushrs. Tho Americans drove the e: emy i tick in to the city, but ivlti t! e ! .f-s of 16 killed and some 60 wounded, m; r.j j them several Gfiicrrs. General Young 1 W!s in command. Tho los f thei Spanish found dead is 37. and scouts waen from Sautirgo tell thst tiv- K..'.Uc '.us vi w.Mintcii were iTou'-ii. into tl;e - tow:!, ihe fcrst American to fall i;i the fijht vfs Sc-rgent H.nuiltou Fish, Jr., c f Xew Yolk, one c f Roostv.-Jt's r Ui;h rideis. Hj had shot a b'panirl who wks firing Indian stylo from bi hind i bush. A bnlict-struck ar d p.i:-inl through his lie n conf-oi-ous, and in the 20 minutes (hut in tervened between Ho time le w s shot and the time ha died be prcsci.' ed his watch tu a t' ldicr fiicn'l. The wounded wtr . gathered ii-.fii the hospital, and the dt:nl w; ic h.iJ in one long grav.', ci:th mm in a bianket. the tb-i wcuad ed are Major J. M. lie!!, of thn Ftr.-t Cavalry, ct Blair county, Pa OIKIiA.XD MIL.L.S. x June 27, 1898. Ira Auker, our wide awake sgent for th-3 Little Cockle Killer, has r tnrned from a trip to Reading, where be had liken part with his little mnchine in the Industrial pa rado of the Reading Sesqui Centen nial the parade was 5 miles l-ng with ten thons.nd boys in the pa rade nil dVesccd in uniform, he says it was one of the grandest sights he ever tiiuv. Chiist WLiuey, of Slim Valley, dispofed if his farm to Hale Alex ander. Consideration $2 000. Mr. Winey certainly made a good sals. The Mei ouitfs of the Juniata Val ley district will dedicate their new church, at Mexico, on Saturday aud Sunday, July 2, and 3, R6. Lsa: c, ol Jjincabter county, Ps., Will ba present. There will be services as follows, Saitvday morning at 10 o'clock, a. in., and iu the evening at 7 o'clock p. m , and on Sunday uiorn inb at 10 o'ekek a. m. Everybody turn out anJ help the good work. Yhiie ergRged in a conversation along the road near County Com missioner Xioudenslager'e, in Dela ware township, two boys were ter ribly frightened when a light came out cf the field, the boys both ran off home as fust as they could, tha one boy never stopped until he reached his bed safe and sound. It ia sup. posed that the light got there in some way or other. Miss Lizzie Kauffman, of Illinois, is visitirg in this county,, and she will remain here until September 1, she has not been in this section for 13 years. Banks Stouffer visited at Susan Gray bill's, is Goodville, on Snnday. B33r. Pavid Kennedys iYOFite Remedy CUBES All. MONEY. STOMACH i LIVER TROUBLES. i I? 1865, ESTABLISH Special Invitation 1o 1897. ublh To attend the Attractive Sale of Clothing tl-.-t g.x- on daily from THE IMMENSE STOCK OF D. W. HAB ,EY, It will be TO THE ADVANTAGE OF A'! h Who nave money to invest to examine the S- r.u MEN, BOYS AND CH I i It is truly marvelous to See THE BEAUTIFUl . i of Suits and Overcoats at the Wonderful"! L . i Bis prices leave all Competitors in t:.. a . : . to give him a call if in need of Clothing D. W. II A 1 i MIFFUTJSTOvVJ; ;:vers2 Goods for liBN V LE i C8. don't HOLLUbAUurt St AHEAD ORALL COMPETITORS. Our spring line of men's, bov's and childrens' clothing, hats, caps and gents furnishing goods ARE NOW IN. We make the clothing business a study and have made it a success. Young men don't go away to get what they want they come to us for NOBBY SUITS, LATE STYLE jhats or any thing in the gents fur inishing line. i We have half our SPRING stock sold bv the time most clothiers get their line in. A voung man who wants a SUIT FOR EASTER, don't want to wait until the 4th of July for it. Our line this season surpasses all our former efforts in style, quality, quantity, finish and price. "The early bird catches the worm." HOLLOBAUGH & SON'S, 116 rvir STTIEET, PATTEIISON, PENNA. MeOLINTXO'S U A Q n W A 15 L t J 1 1 S l J l and Siousc-iiiriiisiiincr T O THIS STORE SETS THE PACE. THAT'S WHY YOU LIKE IT. Things are rcver dull here; tever stupid. Tbe fuillife of the More al waj lias a cbeerful welcome for all comers, and Bboppcrs are quick to decide in favor of tbe Great Valors to bs found in oar new Neat, Stylish, Inviting' STORE. NKSiiEi -few ASpc-cullj Selected Stoek of s -rzsrs---- xianses. Cook, Parlor and Shop ctoves. Horse Blankets and Lap Robes. LAMPS, larpe and small. Come m and lock around. We'll make jm fri-l at home. We have tho largest Stcck and Store m tbe county. (HARAMLES QUALITY- k. k, ftram, MIFFLINTOWN Get a good fajer by pcbscribiru lor tho SEYrZNl Y-SEVEN"-("77.") "77" D", ITuujjd revs' fur.ous Spfecific for tbe enra cf Grip and C. Ids, and tbe prevention Pxit-unio nia. All druggibts, 2oc. Subscribe for tbe ?estisel and RErrni.iCAN. a paper thnt pontine ch'-irc- rcr-din?1 maUcr, full tf icfnrrn tirn tht dors ti c icr.dtr r';i', pnd iu adi;:iii.n to tl-ut nil local m-wsthuf are worth puMisbing find pincfs in ite cohiiacs. tf. Scrofula Infosts the blooit of humanity. It appears in varied forms, but is forced to yield to Hood's Surftiparilla, which purities and vitalizes the blood and cures all such diseases. Ucad this: " In September, 1594, 1 made a misstep and Injured my ankle. Very soon afterwards, HAEIOU MOSEY TO DEPOSIT? ARE YOU A LiORROUEK? -CALL AT- THE FIRST MJFFLINTOW.N, J'A. THREE PER CENT PAID 0JV tUTJFJt'ATEb, Mosey Lcaneri at Lowest Rates, 3 ore two inches across formed and in walking to favor it I sprained my ankle. The sore became worse; I could not put my bcot on and I thought I should have to give up at every step. I could not get any relief and bad to stop work. I read of a cure of r. similar case by Hood's SarsapariMa and concluded to try it. Before I had taken all of two bottles the sore had healed and the swelling bad gone down. My Foot is now well and I have been greatly bene fited otherwise. I have increased in weight and am in better licalt h. I cannot say enough in praise of Hood's Sarsapa rilla." Mrs. H. Blake, So. Berwick, Me. This and other similar cures prove that E If 7 SarsapariMa I.! !h 0i- T.-u. K!o.v ! Pj Vwyi .- . -. :. r i load's Ptii ; r-r. Al!lr:i!rrfsli. SI : .-. v.. . 1.-.V'I. :. ii-. -t ;V.:'.i:lMtiiur:ic ai iiei itliiuuUiut. 'iijQ JUNIATA VALLEY BANK. OP MlFFUMTOK a, PA. Stcokholders Individually Liable- JOSKI-H KOTHROCK. Prttident. T. VAN lU.WlN,rCukitf DIBKCTOES. W . C. I'omcroy, Josouh Rothrork Jnliii HcrUlor. il'itiert K. Fari. r, T. V. Irwin. JoSUh L. Rirlnn LonidK. Atkinson nv.icciioLbEaa : Rco-ce A. K, jnor, Annie M. Sboiley. r Vi ?."tl'rocfc. T. V. Manbeck, . A A:h,:,s ;a- R. E. Parker, , : i"t '" ,'roy' J- Holmes Irwin John He-wler, Jwonie N. Thompion. . .. . ' t. v. irwin, J"nn .. liloir, F. M. y. FeoH, M. N. Sterrutt, James G. fl. ailing, a annu l SUiU-;-l. in Robert H. PattersoD. Lovi Light, Wm. 8 warn. H. J. Shellonborre ! o-l-l t M. K. Scblrgol. Thieo F'-r ? (. iicrent will o paid oa cer .licau-a T dxpotiit. fin 2.', 1398 t.i WANTED-AN IDEAof"00". thing to uatent? Vtoftct yonr IdeaahemJi SPfl J-"" wefcltU. VVrit JOHN WXltDlsX. BUKCO., 1 tnt Attorney winiS5r i. CL. for their pruw oer? "i71.