Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, June 22, 1898, Image 3
f ir r SENTINEL & REPUBLICAN MIFFLlNrO WM. PA.. WE1)XI-IAY, JUNE 22, 1898. B. F.SCHWEIER, KDITOK AND PKOPRIETOT. STATE TICKET. For Governor Colonel "William A. Stone, of Allegheny. For T.ieutPiimit Governor Gen J. F. S. Ciolmi, of Lebanon. For Secretary of Internal Affairs General James "V. Latta, of Philadelphia. For Jndjre of the Superior Conrt "William Porter, of Philadelphia. For Congressman at Larpe Galusha A. Grow, of Rnsqnehanua, ami S. A. Davenport, of Erie. PEPUKLICAX COUNTY TICK ITT. Congress. Tn.n M. Mahox, of Franklin county. Legislature. K. G. SlIF.AFFF.R Surveyor. A. P,. Evans. Coroner. II. F. AVlT.T.ARD. :T OPT LOrjIft lie rose to depart as the eloek sounded eirht. And, crettincr his hat and cane. ITis wife sweetly murmured : "Now, don't stav out late, Dear Charlie, 'Remember the Elaine !' " With that somewhat startling injunction in view. Tie was back homo at ten with his pet. For should he stay later he very well knew "What a great blowing up he would get. Denver Post. rrw rrof rut m hit ptaW--. Tl" rrfd Tv.or-'?.-T-o of k!1 1!f coverie'. is l;fn:fied n'r. Dr. Tom Patterson is home from graduation in Philadelphia. Liverpool. Perrv county, is to I have a 4th of July celebration. Thfl of flio Wilson sale at Friday s -'rl f ir $(59.17. nvprarro. The wheat harvest will be on next week, in certain localities. Proper'v for V "For fprms. app'v to ?TKs. PiEm.. Front SK l tie commencement (lavs in ; most schools are over for this year. Ed. Rihm, of Harrisbtire-, visited his brother, in Patterson, Inst week. J. IT. Simons has rait up a laree Bw"rg ia Lis yard for his grand chil-.lr.?n. J. M. MeD maid bn eotistrncted .a merry go rourd in Lis yard for his childr n Grrr.t re duct ions in the, priors of Miiiirurv goos a1, Mrp. Diehl's Front Strrtt.' Mr. A. S Oi'H, of Okc-son, tins coukM", ! iturne.l from a trip to Nortl." Dik JIiPF G r'itt Sebolt, bns returned for vni"i fn.m tie B s'oa Cjii eervatr.ry of musio- re! k he rned Las frcim been n-.i'ndelpl.ia. wlire Btudir:-; ir.edicin. R-!id ! lent;!, i;i Mioiiipr ecluino, tle pr- iu!u'i a lhy.t sire frc-d by T. S. Ji.M.rt Liod & C. J.iri. ("i-Iviu Orr. f L-wisUiwD, visits! !.! sister, Mrs. K. H. Me , Ciai i. a J..t last wk. wtev:i f-.rn destroy;r.i wLcit in th fi.ilJ, i.i liiat scti -u uf tha blatc. Go (o jJyi ra for your cliliin aid fi:n:iture will tavf y -u 2o pi-Kilt. It-.d his Uaralr.s in tL:s paper. Mfs Eima Hayes, wiil dlivtr a ia ta- ia t 13 L'f;-s')ytori ia cljarc'a r.i st d-iibba'.h eveir. Kubj-ct Jfij-Mi. Wii iara Mt-Uojiaii", died at Harris bur;', J.-l, Frid-sy, i:el ai);ut CS vt--.!. i::t: ru-c-iil ::t Port ii'iya! m " 'rite-ton Uuiv(rity, N. Y.t con fer: d t'.e oegier of Doctor of Laws niiiiu K nr Admiral Dewtr, on the 15ih of Jane The oats sets thickly on the ground, and with a sufficient quantity of moisture will produce a large crop. Wanted. Three pigs that weigh (0 pounds each ; for par ticulars address Sf.xtinki. and IvKlTIil.ICAX. Julius Jacoby, one of Merchant Scbott's clerks, has by action of court become. a citizen of the United States. Judge Lmubsrd, of tbe ScIids grr.vi- Tribune, ajorit S'iTdiv in town with lb family of Lis daughter, Mrs. F.'HlL Bousiim- A grea- clo k: :o winding, no rr-pairicg ; will iua till time i- no nioro. For particulars call on Thomas McClellan. Mis M-irt artt Pomerey, and Miss HViier. MiMer, of N iristowr, P , have ben visiticg Mrs. T. V. Irwin, wiU.in tbe past week. Parker McMeen, son of Robert MeMeen. Esti.. is home from the: Philadelnbia school that he has been attending the past year. ram and snake stories are not numerous this summer, the j j f. Musser sold a heavy draft v ar, pj obably, has absorbed the . K)re to J. B. Carwell, of Thomp ttentiou of people from snakes j8011t0wn. and ;ri. j pot purchasetl a new Teddy What's the nse of bein paterotic t His Mother W by, Teddy i Teddy Yes'm. Billy Brown said he was Spanish to-day fought him an' got licked. an' Frank Murray, of Washington, 1J. C., is visiting in this place. E. G. Barchfield and Harry Martin are at home from Princeton college. Ezra Fasick accidentally stepped on the prong of a garden rae, wth serious results the other day, the prong passed through the sole of his shoe, and nearly through the foot. After the. capture of Smtiago De Cub au ci'terprisiog guil.i rer of o'.d iroa can make a fortuno in gathering wd..i wo American r war an ! its -ppi-d .-round III. t!:t town Fiistivai.. An open air festival will be held under the electric light in front of the Methodist church, Saturday evening, June 2."th, by the stewards and ladies of the church. All are invited. Every town, has people, whode vote their spare minutes to watch ing their neighliors and talking almut them. In the very same towns, there is an other set, who are watching the gossip, and be tween the two there is all the time more or less fun on the fly. The eyp'm'h'P commit ff-e of the Jnniila Yiller Ypfpran Association mt. at. Port '134, (1. A.. P . bpad qiiartprB. and fixd OMobpr ll'h to 14tb, 1808. nn tha time for holdirg fhf crpf rapmwt here. Bedford, B'air, Cntr", Ful!np, HunMgdon, Mifflin, 'NrTthntnbrla?id, Perry, Sny der, and Union Connt.x paprrs please Th Domocrit;c primarv elocMon on Sa'nrd iy rpp:Pfl in th rnmin . atinn of Dr. A J. Fislipr, of M vb' fprvillp, for ARpmblv, ord G. B. M. Wisphannt, of Port Boya', fir Oniinty Cvn:rniav. ; thry bpinnr the on;y cm-didnf-a for nnminaMon. In a fpv of tl;o to- raliips a pnnt.pst for rp. 'urn Jtid?p wan induVpil in To pnnnfy co-vprtion nom'Dftted RWrt McMeen for Congress. A curious discovery has !een made in the archives of the Span ish navy the bills of payment of the crews who composed the cara vels of Christopher Columbus. The sailors, accordinir to their class, received from .2 to .? per month, including their food. The captains of the three large caravels had each 80 francs a month. As for Columbus himself, who had the title of Admiral, he was paid a little over three hundred dollars a year. John R. Kanffman, agpd 04 vears, ! 3 raontpp, and 21 dys, died on his farm in Walker township rn the 14tb inst , of a cmplifation of disnsps. Is is or.'y a few wp-ks since his wif preceded h'm lo th better world, bavin? died aftpr n brief illness of prmraoc.a. .'ir iviuumm was a cord c:t-'zM, and an uprie-ht r.ian. II is father befuro him was a good ma", rd I;vea ana ownp.i proper t-v in Walker tow rsLic, B'ld -. prand- f ithcr, -Tiief b Kanffmar, rv-ttled in t!-i vallev more than or.e hundred year" n o In 1705, he breams tho own?r f f t!;e farm owr.e l row bv Mr. Joseph Ro! brock, and in nddi tion to thst. u:.ic stead farm owned other va!ivib!o ''..rras. TFo funeral of J:i! n B. Kanffman took ulaco on Friday J:ir.r 17. I'itcrmfr.t ir. ILp S-T-e Vr c w f .- ry u-t f i- from his farm, vX the iv.U rf ct'rn f rosds. Jiy tl-o Adr.m and Sieln arm-, in Walker l'i!s',ip. br-Tfhers were rh:-!p, n-crr:e! to jiifs ri"f afp r, tnovi d AH?? c, Kivs?s, r.";d died there, Si:--i)io?i, inavri-d to ' is Gir g:l', Mf.v:- to M 11 n cenntv. r.nd ii-d tb r-, .T-;t;atb'i:, man kd to M'fesGu."--, tbr-y iiv in Walker town shiy. M is s:s!tiv, MJ-.n , uitrr;(d to Hemv Kt'..iTi'iHij of Muford t.'Woslii, bo-h Ann niarri-'d Wiilitm Ciick, b-)tii livirtf in Walker towrship, Kat'c, m.n ri. d to Georg 1 sinji r, t Ley bvi-d in Wa!tr tovisl;ij, bosh d ce: s? d, Sand:, io C! yd Giw, i f Milfc-rd !k :-'.-:,' , i f.i:: b c ased, aod h'u i.'l: It sih'tr l.'vicg Jou R. K ulT.;.' r, in i.is yovng mavl.o d d.is '.-a- D"."-ri. d io M't.s S.rab K' Li iO.-.c f L ! f r y Va'lty, 1 rry c:,ii!.!v. Tt-i ir c'.j'dreii arc, Aib. ri Ki?fffsri v. h 1 v-8 a ! i!f jusIh fii iu hv 1:. . .., ship- U. S. in MiCliufov f-irm n Wslker town n;U lautiiLifD, i.ves Mt'es Ri'.-M-t, i'atter- S)r, tl;d Thcii- if, i::jiuani ut L: m'- c;j ti e i otue-tcad. d, a..-? June DHL, l.SDS. Rumor says that a certain lady living at Mt. Pleasant, in Wal1 er township, expected a fortune ol one hundred thousand dollars. Charles Kcnler, Mable Shelleu lierger, Clinton Shir'--, aud lady friend 3iiss Mary Page, attended the young people's meeting at Lost tree'-, on Sunday evening. Sharon Pollic is the happiest man, on account of his wile pre senting him with a baby last wee : Some of our farmers are inainng hay. Miss Olive and Nettie Au' er visited at the home of their par ents at Evendale, on Thursday. Samuel Shellev and sister Pearl, visited at T. K. Hect man's on Sun day. John Musser, John Heels man, C. A. Musser and S. S. Musser, all attended the festival at Browutown on Saturday eveuiug. Andrew Rhoads, one of our pa-1 trietic young men, went to Ilarris burg to enlist in the IT. S. Navy, but was rejected on account of his height. Our new Supervisor must not j come and try to male the farmer rush their teams. He can rule a mule to water but he cannot ma'.e himdrinV. 'mower and put it to work in the j field on Saturday. Fannie Musser, of Mt. Pleasant, circulated among relatives and friends last week. ACADEMY COMMENCEMENT - CLASS OF 1898. The commencement exercises of the Mifflin Academy, on Friday evening Jane 17, were highly inter esting. The building was crowded to its utmost capacity. Profeaaor Dyaingerwas full of regret that the room was too small to admit all bis friends.on the interesting occasion. In recognition of the important histori cal events now taking place between the United States and Spain tbe colors of the decoratious were red, white and blue, and two large Amer ican fl:gs screened the Mifflin oi chest ra from Right and broke the force of tbe musicians notes and pro duced a softer musie. The chair in the room were decorated with red, white and bluo ribbons, r.ud the diplomas were flp'.'ly tied with red, white and blue ribbous. lliwa Mar- jorie Patterson. Mies Annie C. C.np bell, Miss Marjorie RickeDbaugb, ! "'CO .UUlu J 1 1 ' V. A. VJi Mr. D. B. Moist, Mr. Cileries F. Goodalc, Mr. F D. Gross, Mr. D. M. NiDplc, w-re the ushers, and seat- !d tbe audki.ee without confnsion. The invocation was given by Rev. A. N. Raven, Ph. B. The manner and expres-eioi of fie c'ass indicated eatisfactory Academic training, and demonstrated that each and every one had made good u?e of their time atd opportunity, aa Btudents, and that they now are so well up in text book training, that progress may be msd: easier, in professional or busi ness career, if they choose business or profession fcr the work of thtir every day life, and if they do not chooso bus'nf ss or professional work, the Academic training they received will serve them well in any position in life. Their manner did not indicite that they know all tbe world, a!l that is in it and more too, but rather showed that they had been sj thoroughly trained that they under" bt iod that there is no end to edusa tion, thct it ia hko the univt-r.se which once entered npon grows Delaware larger as one advances, and that j Fayette, which is lft behind is the least of it j Fermanagh all. Professor Dysinger baa not fallen j a in with th new notion of some. Acad- j Milllintown cmic teachers, that instead of an i Milford essay or oration by each member of Monroe. l. . ,i..i: i ..i.oll Kn o ! Patterson. 'ona ia;.ia t t r,rti Ht bi-lieves that each member of the graduating class shall prepare an essay or oration for tbe public exercises of graduation day. The platform graduation exercises are the crowning glory of a school career, and to tako that away from a class and center it in some man or woman vhn Viaa hepn nnt of the, urhool tuttcv dfixs. nl nnrhnnfl mn. vears. is . ,. r . r . J .. ' laKing an experience iroin ico cues, that t bey are all tbe better for bavug, and tiking the glorr of tho closir g : hours of school life ai-d giving it to! a sicglo inividaal who p.ih.ps has no ra-ra ir.teiett in tho matter tenn a glorific-tli-m of hircseif. hen eei.li membrrf a craduitiug class . . . .. . is a p-irfiopant in tuo rostrum txor-' cie8 of tbe graduating hours, p uen'.s I and friends nf the graduates Lave eJ , . . . fr ., , . t hear ler interest m too weliaro ef i tce scaooi ana an mat periams ions advaccf mer.t. It. was tbe orafiots ot the graduating class that mrd. tbe gradutlin exerriaes s ictercstii g to t':is eoturaunity. The raonues on this occision wir", M ss A Myribj Haubcrt, rtraiior1, "Words." Tie crA'io'' of !M.ss Hiab"-rt fullo.v td by M-rrill C Hal.lem, rcpre- 6tr.tative ' f c'nsa of 'ilJ, w;th a: oration, "Midsm Literature." CIj.'is W. R-cp. follow d with an t.r.:i:or. Rr-nuoi Rules U e Wo: Id," Wiu uttt j ;ri.Lut was ioai"tn on t;j prcTii'ti, oratio-", "Does Ekci ii Pay. Miss J;yM Grvi-ill el ..red tin: c'a s orstorv in in eiylc, v.i h an o: n!i-n 'Silv.ro." Toe vresoct:..- mi;; i i . j i '.' j --t ' ' ..... D singer, principal -f tho rcLooI. Nj'.wiihf tiird:rg tiif. jn-sfor!urc j tli3 fire that, disproved the v.est wipg f to Af.idernv bii'.ding tb-T sc':iot; as fionrisVtd, ro d etps havo o'r--..iy l ten tfiken to rssit .-ra tho ! uildi ig th-'.t was dj-troyt-d by tTtv ;'.it'UJ flaiu- p. Bv t ext fall a nrv a- d bet ter huild'ng wi'I grnct tho place rondo l:.r.i by tho 6r-j and Prof: or Dysir.ger will opeu with a inrjj: r sc.iOi.i limn tec tarr oeosj success fully closed on tV.c 17 of Jure, 1S9S. 3r.j- of the largest fchools m tie Uiited StAtoa hav di-vidoj.-ed fr-ai !:ps pruro'sivg Aadrmic aco-r.3 thaii ill-; Miiilin Acadr-ruy Isaac Row's team of. valvablc gray Horses cut me pigeon wiug down in Walker township some days ago. They were working on tbe road near Cyrus Sieber's, Mrs. Isaac Row had driven past in a one horse wagon and tied her beast to a post at tbe turn in the road a quarter of a mile abend. Mr. Row, Isaac s father, was holding the grays when they scared, knocked him down and rati the wagon over him. Away they went like tbe wind, when they came to where Mrs. Isaac Row's wagon had stopped they could not make the turn in the road but ran into it, the tongue of their wagon striking the hind end of her wagon. The contact broke the tongue into pieces and threw the team with their feet toward each other and so paralyzed them that they were euDtnred there. Mrs. Row's horse and wagon was knocked against the hitching post and that bro: e offe.t the "round like a pipe stem but did not stop the horse and wstgon, they went on against a post fence, broke down a panel and brought up in the Held 20 feet awav. Tbe horses were not hurt. REDUCED RATES TO ALTOONA VIA PENNSYLVANIA RA I IN ROAD, ACCOUNT DE.MO .CltATIC STATE CON VENTION. For the Democratic State Convent ion, to lie held at Altoona, I 'a., June 2i), the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell special excursion tickets from stations ou its line in the State of Penn sylvania, to Altoona and return, at rate of single fare for the round trip (mini mum rate, twentv-live cents). Tickets will besold June" 27. 2S. and 29, and will be good to return until July 2,1S93, inclusive. Dr. David iSesineciyS Favorite Hemedy DEMOCRATIC COnrEMTIOM. The Democratic Beturn Judges met in the Court Houue at 2 o'clock p. m., on Monday the 20th, to compute the vote cant at the primaries held on Sat urday. The retiring County Chairman, G. B. M. Kepler, having removed from the county, the convention was called to order by George Fink, of Turbett. Mr. Fink had scarcely announced the fact that he would call the convention to order, in the absenceof theChainnan until V. . Humphrey, of Fermanagh, and S. F. ltodgera each offered to put in nomination, and did nominate, a candidate for President of the conven tion. The former nominated Josiah A. Jk-an, and the litter John It. Junkins, of Milford. A ballot was taken which resulted in John U. Jenkins receiving 11 votes aud Mr.' 'lean 5 votes. Mr. Jenkins upon taking the chair thanked the convention for the honor. 8. I.. Todd and George M. Diven were chosen secretaries. ri)oii a call of the roll of Districts, the following Betum Judge's re spomled Iteale. Josiah Dean. lilack Ijt)g, t'etrge W. Smith. Delaware, S. F. Kodgers. Fayette, George Watts. Fermanagh, Y. O. Humphrey. Greenwood, Lewis Cargill. liack, Harry Walls. Mitllintown, Geo. M. Diven. Milford, John It, Jenkins. Monroe, E. A. Garnian. Patterson, S. L. Todd. Port l'oyal, A. A. Crozier. Spruce iiill, J. II. Fitzgerald. Susquehanna, G. Ii. Varner. Thomps(iitown, ltliert ljong. Turliett, W. W. tioodman. Walker, Harry Wise. The following table contains the re turns as announced by the convention Assemblv. Co. C'h'iii'n. C Districts. Bcalo. 9 1) 10 2i S 9 It) i!(i 24 2o 17 1(K IS 20 97 20 Hi 8 19 lo 13S 2i 537 rj0jr. 17 97 11 20 S7 20 Spruce Hill. Hi Susijucl.anna- S Thompson town 19 Turbett- Hi Ttiscarora. 134 Walker. 26 Total. 587 The Chair announced that the nom inee for Assemblv was Dr. A.J.Fisher, he having h:td no opposition, aud the ' nominee for County Chairman was G Mt .Wisehaupt, he also having no , oniK-sition fu,th Fisher and Wisehaui.t rc-eived j 5S7 votes, the total vote cast in the county. ltolert McMeen, Iq., was nomin (!oroner ? a)l(l Wili.er F. McCnlmn was 1 placed on the ticket a.s a candidate for C'ountv Survevor. i : rn ..!!. 1 i'i,,. ,..,,. ' i,lc '""""'''s .-uimi.t luamuiiivnui announced : Benle-Dr. J. Ci. Hcatling, Cieorge &wartz. Bhu.k r.0gG. W. Smith, J. B. Bu- cbauan. Delaware I C. Lantz. Albert P. Dimm. Fayette John A. McMeen, Darwin Hopple. Fermanagh Jaob Kika Jacob 15. Stoner. (reenwood John Rhodes, K. (.J. Ferguson. Lack J. M. Barton, D. D. Rhine smith. Miiliiulown C. F. Hiakle, J. S. Hollo! aiiudi. Milford Vm. M. Partner, John F. Monroe Daniel Hun.fo'.!. Dr. J. W. Dcckard. Faitetvon A C. Andrew Puiouir. Port Boyal-J. It. Henderson, D B. MeWilliams. Spruce Hill-Cyrus Jacol;s, (Jilson. Sus.jue!iaina .5 Ii- Wti.-;; Miller. Thompi-oiilown Dr. W. II, H. C. Lontr. BJ ward ep!i it's, 1! Turbett D. K. Kepner,' L. M. Tow sey. Tnscarora S H. Baudolph, (j!eon?e Middauh. Walker Henry Miller, John Bitz man. Itissjiid by thoc who know that the Iudeieudcut wing of tlie IVuio cracy have 2ii out of theSti committee men. Bcsolutions were adojited hy the con vention u(kii motion of S. L. 'i'odd, who read them. From the revolutions one would k:iin that the Democracy of Juniata refuse to surrendertheirconvictioiisoii nation al questions, and claim the State of i'cimsvlvaiiia must be saved from Re publican misrule and profligacy. The Fame el l cry of the "outs" against the "in's." The resolutions advocated the har monizing of the State Democracy to the end that the slate might have a .pure honest and economical government. The Democrats of Juniata county were congratulated upon the selection of delegates to the State Convention. The war against Spain was endorsed and the ticket nominated was recom mended mildly to the voters of Juniata. The Convention theu adjourned. '1 he attendance was very small and the vote cast throughout the county was exceedingly light. Rkdcckp Rates to Tkkxtox, N. J., via Pkxssyi.vania Rail road, account Parade, As ciknt Order of IIiber niaxs. For the lienetit of persons desiring to witness the narade incident to the Na tional Convention of the Ancient Order of Hibernians, at Trenton. N- J , ed ncsday, June 29, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell special ex- cursion iicKeis irom e ioiiv, m iamspt:rt. Catawissa, Lewistown Junc tion. Hanover. Washington. Baltimore, and intermediate stations, including all stations in the State of New Jer.'cy, to Trenton and' return, at rate of single fare for the round trip, minimum rate twenty-live cents. These tickets will be good going and returning on June 29th oulv. feMlNrV. SlCMAC .'-.litt LIVER IRCUiitXS. Great Cures proved by thousands of testimonials show that Hood's Sar eaparilla ossesses power to purify, Vitalize and enrich the blood. Hood's Pills re the only pills to i. tak'en vith Hood'a Sarsanaiilia. ' V.E LS Some MM Does your urine contain any sediment ? Is the lower part of your back sort, waak and lame ? Does your uriue have a whitish, milky color ? Is there a marting or scalding sensation in psssicg it ? Does it paia you to hold it ? D you desire to urinate often, especially at riigl:t ? If you have any of these symptoms, yonr Kidneys arc diseased and your life 4 IS".- -.HNJN'SJS r. u i t 3 I (T tiki 1 y 1 1 back beca-ne all right, no pain at all; my water clea:ed up and passed from me without pain, and I frrcw better in every way. I consider it a great medicine, as it has dor.s wonders for me. My wife uses it for female complaint, and thicts it's the finest medicine in the world." Every nan r.'.id woman wl;o rer.ds invited to send full postoflice add: c-r.s for a free trial bcitl to the Dr.. David Kenkey Couror.AT-.ON, Rondout, N. Y ana tne tact that it appears ia tins p:i:xr be sent prepaid. Don't delay in v-i: A large Little costs $i.oo ct all C-wj 1865, ESTABLISHED. 3897. Special Invitation To To attend the Attractive Sale from THE IMMENSE d. w. haeley: It will be TO THE ADVANTAGE OF A! Who nave money to invest to examine tLt - MEN, BOYS AN D C ii It is truly marvelous to See THE BEAUTIFUL of Suits and Overcoats at the Wonderful ' His prices leave all Competitors in t;; to give him a call if in need of Clothing D. W. II A R MIFFLINTOWN is m aanscr. i.iore people d:e of such dir.lLjs tlian are killed in w.rs. Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite J?ei cy is direct and sure cure. It goes straight to itc seat of diseases in the Kidneys, Bladder acd Eiocd. It bunts out and drives from the system all the in-parities that c:u:e pain in the back, Stor.e ia tUa Bladder, Bi;;i:t's Disease, Urinary Troubles, ted dis eases c? the Stomach and. Liver. It acts at crxe. There is no long waiting to sec if it will 11;. "For years I suffered v.-i:h v.y iridneye," writes Thomas Quackf.n-sush, cf Tilslicld, Mass. " The pain in my back was so severe at ti-.nes that I was obliged to keep to n-.y bed. I suffered awfully whea passing wa:cr, which rr.-.s often discolored with blood. 1 1 :-je J almost everything ia the shape of medicine, but nothing seemed to help me. One day I got r.b-r.Ua cf Dr. D.ii-ic Kennedy's Favorite Jic:::c:.'-end i:sed it bat a little while when it braced me rickt no. M this paper and is ir. need of rrcdicine, is of FzyotI:? I Remedy Our oHVr is genuine. is a gua-antee t':rt r.i:d vicr.iien t.'Js j sijrcs. r tr'.:d bottle will The ub lit s of Clothing thut g es on daih GK 0 i OF k .( Goods for L. i ) HEN r vle; r. -v) dou't 5 i! i J CD HOLLO BAUUH & Suii AHEAD OF ALL COMPETITORS. Our spring line of men's, bov's and childrensV clothing, hats, caps and gents furnishing goods ARE NOW IN. We make the clothing business a study and have made it a success. Young men don't go away to get what they want they come to us for NOBBY SUITS, LATE STYLE hats or any thing in the gents fur nishing line. We have half our SPRING stock sold bv the time most clothiers get their line in. A young man who wants a SUIT FOR EASTER, don't want to wait until the 4th of July for it. Our line this season surpasses all our former efforts in style, quality, quantity, finish and price. "The early bird catches the worm." HOLLOBAUGH & SON'S, 116 IMVTI STREET, PATTERSON. PEXNA. McCLINTIO'S HARDWARE and 1 louse-Furnishing TORE THIS STORE SETS THE PACE. THAT'S WHY YOU LIKE IT. Thing? are never dull here; tever stupid. The full 'Jife of the store al wajs lits a chocifu! weloaic for all coiueis, and shoppirs are quick to decide in favor of tbe Great Values tc ba found in our now ffeut, Stylish, Inviting TO BE. -rEsa K. H. M'CUNTIC, Get a good paper l y tnbscribirjt SrsnxEL Asn hr.rrBMOis. for tbe SEVENI Y-SEVEN"-("77.') '77" i Dr. liuniLilireva' famous Specific for tbe cure of Grip nil Golds, and tho preventiou'of Putuino nia. All druggists, 25c. Subacribo for tho tiisTiKtL and KeivbUcas, a paper Hint c ntaiDS choice reading matttr, fti:l of inform tion that does the reader Rcod, and iu ndditiin to that all local news that are worth publishing find places in lip columi.s. tf. Scrofula InfesU the blood of humanity. It appears in varied forms, but is forced to yield to Hood's Sarsaparilla, which nurifies and vitalizes the blood and cures all such diseases. Head this: " In September, 1384, 1 nude misstep and Injured my ankle. Very soon afterwards, A Soire two inche3 across formed and In walking to favor it I sprained my ankle. The sore becamo worse; I could not put my boot on and I thought I should have to give up at every step. I could not get any relief and had to stop work. I read of a curs of 9 similar case by Hood'a Sarsaparilla and concluded to try It. Before I had taken all of two bottles tbe sore had healed and the swelling had gone down. My is now well and 1 have been greatly bene iited otherwise. I have increased in weight aud am in better health. I cannot say enough in praiao of Hood's Sarsapa rilla." Mas. H. Blake, So. Berwick, Me. This and other similar cures prove that ! Sarsananlla !l On Trr v i'Tis-:r:-T. ah -Sri. wrists. .l. :(.. t i.:.M-r. i-:it-.iiirti; utj nci .sluuuUiiL 'e iiooti s Selected Stoek of Parlor and Shop RarBos, Cook, apgos, otovea. Horse Hlankets and Lap Ilobea. LAM S, larpe anil Ptiiall. Come m and trick aruund. We'll uiko jou fetl at hrtue. We have tbo largest Stoek and Store m tLe county. OUT N"A1S1TC GUA11AKTEES QUALITY- MIFFLINTOWN HAVE I0H MOKEY TO DEPOSIT? AKJS YOU A BORROWER ? -C1LI. AT THH HB$T MIFFLIN I OWN, FA. THREE PER CENT IKTEEE8T PAID Qti TIME CERTIFICATE Money Loaned at Lowest Hates, JUNIATA VALLEY BAK. OF 9IIFFL.IJVTOVTIV, PA. Stockholders Individually Liable- JOSEPH ROTBROCK. Prendeni. T. VAN IRWIN,' Cathut DiKEcroaa. V. C. Pomaroy, Joseph Rothrock. John Kertrlcr, Josiah L. Barton, Robert B. Parker, Lonia B. Atkinsoii T. V. Irwin. sroctnoLbERa : Goorpe A. Kepnw, Annie St. Shei.Vv, Joseph Kothrocb, P. W. Manbeck, !,. E. AMrtiisan, R. E. Parker, W. C. Poiueroy, J. Holmes Irw;n Jol.n Herrzter, Jurorae N. Thompson Charlotte 3nydur, T.V.Irwin. John H. Bhir, . Josiah L Baiton. r. M. M. Peauell, lioburt H. Pat.'erson. fiDmm. riorcuxh, Levi Light, M. N. Stuirett, Wm. 8 warts. H. J. ShelUmborge M. E. Schlfgel. Jsux 6. H-al:Dg, Bamui.1 St hiegel. rhree pT ceiii. ir,"iret wit! o. paid oa cei .iHca'ca ,;f deposit. f'a'i 23, 1898 1 WANTED-AN IDEA2?5SSi".S"55' ioing io patent 7 Protect your idoaa ; they may ,1 , BUUIUDIUlUBI bUKN fc CO., pHtotit Attoriifj-8. Wttbiiiuatoa. v luuil cmovvuiucu'-u. t t 7 J"l ' ;