I 7 r WjXlngjt w.-.,atT.llMli iW WllWlW I ll'IW. JU3CTIW . - - - 1 SENTINEL & REPUBLICAN M1FFLINT0WN, PA. WF.DXKSDAY.. Jl'NK 22. 3SJ.S. ikT yi :ir t J.: '!"!-!tii-. liflvi-iii.iiig and local aotices 4 eta u line. Deductions will 1 made to tliuwe de siring to advertise ly tlie year, half or Urter year. A ef'Ent v:it r cn tLe enljVct f tLe i:av;-s of Euri e, n. England Ijhs 40 war hl.'ryg Unit Intro the c.M fashion.! ivuziin ,o:nliii;? cannon in The Ui.itici Statts Sweaters, wiio wit'a their moulbs an! a flourish of foe baud U;;-.;ir,l tl.e Spanish out of Cnh-j iu 10 da;, f, !:av? crtpt iut; heir Li'l. The nn.t-t o the Crcig) wheat bel-vg'njj t L ii- r -7ns margin; d by tLe banLj st SO cents So tbe biiuks got fat of t'a-r d-:al belter than 8 ):v.fc ether pa pl-j. The r-ftsL-.ru q.eetiu!'. v. ill engage tlia attention cf Aoihiijtin atjte.-incu, frt.iu tLis out. Crf the U.ittJ Slates lure rt'.iuir'-i! s it j vast pes' siots cn the oilier pi-Ju of lLo gLb-j. A flying iq:;?.'.Ir;2 to Spain, "iii tl.'c stick-," :ii tbe old w;mr.u Faid, oi: sucli t-jik. II ivo ft little Bsinity in tl;o war jil "Siy, afttr Cuba Las been ccrqa- rt-d," then ecrd c Hyig iq i-idroa to Sj-uil). Tii Spanish govtrcnieiit set up a Btcret suvico dt-patmciit la Caaadi, from wl.icht , tiirt-et the isov -rcent of Bp;o8 in the LWd st.fM aDj for interest. The .-.tt-.ntion oi the JSritish government was uirvc! to tli:r iov?cici:!s nud t'.e Spattiarus were invited to leave. Only :i tow short weeks v.io, it :is iwiiR'siKfOi Jiiinuiiinv aiul ! siapk. s.,v.r.i...ei.t, thai war w.s ineui io come up lo iiieir worK, oi ZSrnritimes changes the general features ihe h.:in,Uity pa,; of it f.,r the'0f great movements. The failure of Americans is found m the sickness ; -J . , . , . , in be, voh.nteer annies, in the a COal CaiTyi'llg SlllD 10 DC 111 tUe tXZuM place at the right time, was the eve.ytLithata.nanowns. The'cayse 0f Spanish fleet Cutting i.iuiiamt.v (pari of it iias "ot so' , . . ., , 1 , r , . y-. thin that some other sbW!n must i caugi 1 l in xne narDor or oantiago ue ny"' The Cervera fleet, we are f,i;-i;,,;;lt,!,;,vt"sthe -inow: told came to this side of the wiser, as a- nation we have ,-ononor-! Atlantic to bombard Savanah, u:,;";:r v; I Georgia, Charleston, South Carolina, what we have taken win not j Norfolk, Virginia. But the ship that le i or a moment tolerated bv thc; a "! j1 ri A -it 1 naiion. was to supply tne fleet with coal ce.;,ii!:S3La,paa act "fr i was too slow, and Cervera ran into SrSviI; and waited there for the r!:-"t!"!vt: ,:;J-::lfr'!coal ship. He waited ! waited ! c:;i:r;,rK;i;ttopeii.i ; there, the coal ship was captured by i" Schley and v:rV:;I "fS "x:vSamPson found the Spanish fleet in f'Vf":,;r; "Jeutoa"; Santiago harbor, and penned it in at forryTforcrc'rithat place, and that has caused the r?;ZZ tr;oh;:ilanding of American troops at Quan M1V.?.:!?',tta,o:, jtanimo and Santiago. The Ameri .'pS'f ' if pr '. can fleet would not have gone to vbt8 i Santiago and the American armv hpywar. Thunder General Shatter would not ny excasi ;:ui tun la i.a has f,r i . . . , - . .a wi, is tl.at Sptdu ws a i,.,, )iieii.-i.-, neiij'ibor. :( ..... l SeJr'in ! viLm bis ttmc,t e.f;larbor. IN o w if the Spanish second of by law pauiaiw i, nr.d: fleet starts on the mission of bom-i J.(JoaYdng American coast cities it &yr .trrlmust needs come to grief some-! r. iit?v BosBs. Taev.tr bmn winch is now be - ; osieied will be sold to sub-! n at par durim; the ,Kriod ... i. . .-.i i I I in l"U, n Mini enus isps. The method. .f snbscrip j .JZ. " KxrnmwZ - ami at m,.st of the banks .:ii i-:pn-is olVn-es, and on these ii:.-. is clearly indicated all that LvJclbl. i.- 1'iN-es.sary for the subscrilKT to t A j j 1 ,i . , )..,... The subscriber may him-1 And again there is the old monr "thX'itor Jason just too eager for a fight ?;i nre iveriii' the ar value jwith the Spaniards for humanity tuc .inioiuii of !)onds for which: i ji r i . ii: to siibscrilw That . ce may be iu whatever form ! -i ihe subscriber's conven- j nee--in cuireiK-y, bank draft,! der;'..;-. ;!vh. ii'ist-oluce money or r.rem're.-eiVed, en-Ihe , ...... . .... ,, ,u,, ." I'Uscription will be entered ni v.lil immediately begin draw-! - i merest. When" the bonds are . ,i ci ii :i clif. L" will .,,n.ini7 ii delivery covering the interest ' per cent from the day the &ub- ,ni"ii is entered to the 1st of . . nsi. ihe dateof thelKmds, and I . , vl;:,.i date the bonds will! ; v their own interest. - Naval warfare. On' the night-of new element naval warfare. It The ship Vesuvius the first to use dynamite, bombarded a fort at San tiago De Cuba. At 9 night time, she sailed within 600 yards of the fort and let off a shot from each of her 3 forward dynamite tubes. The dynamite does not roar like a can non ; it growls ; there is no recoil on the ship like that which follows a gun powder shot. The dynamite shots was the prelude to an other bombardment of the forts by the fleet. A despatch from Gibraltar, Spain, last Friday stopped the fur ther shipment of troops from Florida to Cuba. The despatch was that a fleet of 16 war ships with a new irresistible explosive, had left Spain to strike the American cities along the coast beginning at Boston. Th rit rvf Rnctrm hnc cirnnor hnr- 1 1 lv- vyl jbor defense and in fortit 1 cations has Lehigh type that shoot. A slight failure " : l J . now oe concentrating there it the Spanish fleet had i where along the line. The monitor ;Miantonomoh is on the look out for such Spanish characters as the 1 O -in a SeCOlld bDaillSh f eet. A 3 .1 Ai iu Li iei e is ( would be rejoiced to take a tilt at the Spaniards along the American a re-jcii iu ii ie peace or General Shaffers army of ic,ooo Americans are being landed near SailtiaO De Cuba. SP1SIS5I J.O.VEV I. 1TT6. I If SP8": del not b.-ly our f ro i21"" ifl tiie revolution of i776, !.Spi!.o fcCUfcy tht-oilj .111 whi.di Cur revolutio; a'.v n:.ce&toru bauked to help ;htm threnrh tLe btrug'e wiib Giea' Britain. JL'i en vvt cnnid cot bnve though', vf ordering them B"L 1 .'T "WU?B' ,rri0? ta'u 2? Cul" 15 :i " -r un ,wc w' r:'V J 't? row 1 Ley rre k and w slreng the 13th of Junei was employed in was dynamite. wtwi.c, addition to such monitors of the can ram as well as in some depart- j 4 1 1 r kept out of the il. a a xne monitor Aiax nua. Ti: ir coiu was good tho world over aid tic American cox; t insula! con gress issued pnptr made redeemable in Spanish coin. We have a note of continental currency that read.-, "Siv n Dlbsrs. This bill enlnlts the bearer to receive seven Spanish miiied dollars or Ihe value thereof iu gold or silver, according to a res'.-.hitiuB of Cuuerep pass-.'d. Phila de.'.d i-, 2Ty 9, 1776. ARGPME.VT COURT. Court convened at 10 o'clock a. iu , on Tr.tisday, June I4tb, with "Jud.8 Lvci:r4 yw-'irtzetid Sterrett upon tue btucb. A!l a';c-oun'.s of txecutor?, aduiio ieirators, guardians atd iibeintta advertised for this term were con firmed except the account in the ta tate of A. S.nith late of Wulker towcbbip, deceased, wLich was ex cepted to. Jacob Howard, cow imprisoned in the Cjunty jiil fur having failed to comply with the sentence of toe Court afitr' being found guiily of fornication and buatardy, petitioned the Court to be discharged txa an ic- 3 Ivent. July 30 was fixed as a day I,r bearing. A rule wis granted on Martha W. Junkin At tte instanco cf her hus band, B. F. Jnnkiu, to show cms a why the order for her maintenance should not be rucked, returnable first Mondiy of July. In the i slate of J. W. JJilhkeD, deceased, older to Bell teal estate grantid. . In the esiate cf E. A. Smith, ce ceastd, ordr to sell real esiate made- In the estaie of Surah Harry, do 1 1 a.-f d, order to K6I1 real estate made In tiio fbtale of Geo. B. 'VY'iib'atn son, deeeasbd, Mtthias Stump and Gt'org ricjebtr were Mf.pointed to arpiaue real est'.to under ijfSOO to the widow. A. S. liBffenebcrger, guardian of the minor cbiljrsn of Jennie Shear er, was granted leave to join with other heirs of Robert W. B.trtoD, deceased, in sale of real estate to J. M. Burton. .Lieut rs ci Aaministration were ordered and granted in the estate of George Waldsmitn, who from long absetce is to supposed to be d68d. In the mutters of tte partition of t ha t state of Elizabeth Fu'krodo, de- ceseid, tbe real estate was awarded to Addison Fulkrode at his bid 205. Upon rtiurn of the rule in parti tin in estalo of W. Harrison Mc A'isttr tho Leirs were called and Ed. wild M K:-!ly elected to take riir parta No6. 1 and 2 ot the renl ettate at f 1350 iud $1075 tha- being their rcsptclivi valuations and Emily Mc A'lEler elected to take No. 3 at $333.33 end John E. Jamison chcttd to tfcke No. G at S19GS.33. 15, F. B-.ncbfic'd Wb3 appointed audi. or to determine v. to me the pcrties in interest hnd tho title to the real esiate pot-sessbd bv fsaid do ctdtnt tie-, BJ;d tie aliowmtnt of tLe purports accepted i.t the vrdu ati;ii i.f lbe inquest pcs'prctd ut:til the auditor s reiicrt :s h!td. Dwiiii 1 Auker, gnardir-u cf minor chiMitu of W. V). Suki-cff, da tas-.d, va: al!wv.eJ to si ll r.--r.l s!irf i.f Lis w::rds to Hetry W. S'ressburi r and to join with yur-r.n Snlouff. widow, in txernticg dotd for tte iauio. Is'alr.ifibzJion pnjers were griiut ed to Ju'ins Jscjby. O:b r l.o KfrJi rial oitate was g ant ed in t. e es a'e ef Dsnid Stroup, d -cef-Scd. Audit . rs were oppointcd in the estate cf Sarah T. Jundson and ll-nry Dam. An Auditor was appointed in the ttirsigned ettaleeif Michael Siiellty. Exc.'pti.-.ns lo Auditors reports in cst.ito of Eiizd;eth Lcon.trd, de. ceased, diemifsed. A. J. Sau.-ttian wr.s npp.int6d tuaidii'n of minor cbi.dren of Ella B. It-mpfen, dtctai-ed. Exceptions to report of reviewers a Tueearora &cd Lack township's read argued and he!d for consider-uti-n. Ccuit tdjourted until July 30tb, 1S03. o. TKIBITTC OF RKSPLCr. AViikkkas, Death has once more beH?n in our midst and stricken from the roll of young men (Jeorge T. He-neb, having be-eu called away n the prime ot manhood in the midst of a successful career, there- lore be it IJesolved, That as members of the freedom Sunday fcx-hool we mourn the irreparable loss of a member of marked ability, whose quiet, gentle intlueuce will be missed in our circle, anil we ac knowledge the wisdom of our Heavenly Father, but feel, that his sun has gone down while it is yet day. Resolved, That in this decree we each hear the command, "lie ye also ready for in such an hour as ve know not the sou of mi'.u Com eth." Kesolved, That v.e sincerely sympathize with the bemived family lor him who is not dead but gone before, meanwhile commend ing them to bow in humble sub mission to the will of God, exclaim ing "Even so Father as it sei'meth good in thy sight," and when di vided friends are reunited the Lord shall le their everlasting light, and the day of their mourn ing shall be ended. liesolved, that these resolutions be printed iu tbe county papers ami a copy be sent to the family of the deceased. Li DA McAfkk, V.i. A. Goodman", -Coin. A nxi e Wiskii a err. ) Fia5tHn8 kkad THIS. In order to reliably determine the relative value of our several Lrands of fertilizers, uou the wheat crop of Juiiiat! county, we have decided to oher FllhJI I L -MS amounting to $100 ior me ncsi inree acres ot wheat grown by the use of OUR FERTILIZERS. "W e want to know what is best bv actual field trials. Agents may talk, but FACTS ARE FACTS. The I'remiums to be divided into three classes as follows : I-'lKST i'ltKMICM. .... 850.00 SlX'OM Pkxmh-m .... 85.00 Til Mil) Pukmii m .... 15.00 The test to lie made on three acres. Using our ilrands of FERTILIZERS. The money will lie deposited w ith the Juniata County Agricultural iSoe-iety, who will name the Judges am! award the PR EM 1 CMS September 1899. All peison.s wishing to enter the contest will register with the Secretary of the Agricultural Society. Jamks N. Gkoxixokk, T. S. MoORKHKAI), & Co., 3 mo. Itort Royal, June 7tb. THE ONLY True P.lood Purifier prominently in the public cyo to day is I Iood's Sarsapari 1 la. Therefore get Hood's and ONLY HOOD'S. WAllON CUBAN SOIL. The stars and stripes, lorg may it wave, has been eaccbtsfaliy plant ed cn Cubau toil at Quautonaino- The landing was effected under pro tection of a ruki.jg fire from Ameri- Ciii ships of war. That was on the 10. h of May. The Spaniards at tempted to drive the American sol- ditrsoff, and that brought on the firot land fight, in wiiich tour Atnc g cats we killed in the interest, ot humanity and the peace and perma nent government for Cnba. The Spanish fought tliere as bush ackers, Indian s'syle, from behind bus! e$, trees, stumps, logs, and othf robject?. Water in that region is scarce and poor in quality, the troops on the is land were supplied with water from the ship. About 7 miles from whei e tbe first fight took place the Sprnish had a camp, at a farm where there is a well of good water. Ou the fourteenth our troops wcra reinforc ed to t! e extent of between cne and two hundred marines, and a few in surgents, and then started to rout the Spaniards and capture tie settle ment that contained ths well. They warded so stealthily through the bushes that the Spaniards did net sea mem nil t!ie Americans wrra wiihiu 200y8rds, then they began lo nre. Ifce United States marines niish- ed on firing as they went, driving the Spaniards from the farm buildings and the plantation. The firing lasted about a half hour when the Spanish soldiers ran.'- The battle field was so sear tbe sea that shel'a were thrown among the Spaniards from American warships. The buildings on tbe farm were destroyed and the well was filled with stones. Twenfy. two American soldiers got sick on the march. Two Cubans with the American were killed, and two Americans were wounded. Eighteen Spanish prisoners were captured, an.l 10,000 rounds of ammunition, and 100 Mauser rifles. One hun dred Spanish soldiers were killed and two hundred wounded. Holes From Fayette- Mr. E. P. Karstrttle-r who went to Gollen Cdv, Colcr.ido, abont one year ago, for the benefit of his health, while on his way homf, accompanied with his brother Fred, from Golden Uil v. ?ot ns fr na Kiinfun vthrni h nsas wnen lie 1 was then ' n , at Wcoiamus died on tbo trair, brought (o bis he m'! on June JO. Interment took ilce on Salurdayat tho U B. Cemetery at ! P- Tyrone 9 02 p. m; Altoona 9 3-5 East. SilT.iTi n (ft-A OO r-nnrs 5t mnnf li.lp.ni. and G davs The diseape which . . - ' ' ' ttujru uid itcaui ntio mi:3uiut:uL'. ; tie was engaged in th mercantile business at Green Park. Pi rrv county, from 1892 to 1S93, he was a nre yourg mac as lbe wrncr vss we!l arquair.ted with him. Tho be- rcaved family have the syropathj- of tho entire enmmunifv. " Any of the boys in reed of Rand j can get a box at tho Widow Grove; farm. j A certain young man of WateiloO spends Saturday and Sunday in , town with one of the McA'isterville j charming young ladies but ho do-js ' not take her to church, I wonder why T On Monday evening, June 13, W. H. Moor a turned his horse cut in t'ie field acd on Tuesday, morning he sent his hired man cnt after the horsfi and when found he discovered Ihe hoiaM wbs cleael. PENNSYLVANIA QUA. CIIAUTAU EEDifED Bates to Mt. Gketxa via Pennsylvania Bail-road. Frr Ihe Pennsvlvania Ciututanoan, i a- ",- -Marysvilie 1 1 07 a. 111. Harris to be held at Mt.' Gretc.i. PL. Jufv 1 ,,lLrK 1 r. a- I!.V I'bihidclptda ;: m p. m. ( . 1 1000 a n ' " i Mum Line F.xprevs loaves Pitlburg to August 4. 1898, th Pexnsy,v tma at w ;l. IH AI)Uall -!o a. m. Tvixme Railrcnd Coiopanv will sell tickets to the centra! public on Juno 20 to August 4, good to return uu-'il August 10, inclusive, from 6lations on its line in Pennsylvania, anel from Washington, D. C Baltimore, Md , and Cacandaigun, N. Y., and princi pal intermediate stations, to Mt. Gretna and return, at reduced rates. 2 w. DIED. MeWii.r.iAMs. On the 14th hist., at Port Royal, at the home of her father, Miss Fannie Mc Wil liams, of consumption, aged 22 years, 2 months and 2S days. SJrFUTOWN GftMK SiKsS'S MIFFLINTOWN. jink :2, 1898 :e! eat 1" r.i in Mr $1.00 JI7 14 I t .. $2 to 2 60 16 '! !2 12 , K ........ 7 , tl.40 CO 70 ..85c to 90o- 5l) 6 60c Re l'51oero. il . Butler Eg?H , Il&tu... Sbon'der Lsd.. ....... . .... Siiies. Timothy seed.... .... F seed , Dran Chop Middlings.... Ground . In . Salt. ... Americans a-1.... .. Philadelphia Makkets, June 20, 1SP8. Wheat 8(?c. ; oatsSoc; corn 37c; hay $7.00 to 12.50 a ton ; tangled wheat and oats straw at 5.50 a ton; butter Hi to 22c ; eggs 12c; beef cattle 4 to 5c ; old potatoes 45 to (50c ; 1 ew potatoes 1 to $.3- 75 a barrel veal calves 4 to c; sheep 3 to 5 ; lambs 3 to 5c ; thin e-ows 8 to 15 ; milch cows 25 to 40 ; hogs 5 to fic; live chickens 10c, spring chickens 2 and 4 pound 18 to 21c a pound. rocone.s'.--" cv-c for ITjc VHicp. and 5!6od Wonderf ul are the cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla and yet it is only because as the one true blood purifier, it makes pure, rich, healthy, life-giving blood. Hood's Pills for the liver and 1 bowels, act easily, yet promptly. 25c UVW& ATKlKSOSf tk PE3.1ELL, ATTORNEYS- AT - LAW, MIFFLIKTOWN, PA. Otricc-On Katn itreat, ta place of resi dence of Lonis S. Atkinson, Jhflt, ww Bridge street. f Oct 20,1892 OCollectlngandOonTeyanclaR prorap' ly attended to. WILnERFORCE SCHWEYER, Attoraey-at-Law. "ColIect:on8 and all legal busi ness promptly attenped to. OFFICE IN COURT HOUSE. DH.D.M.CBAWTOaD, DB. DABWIS M.CBAWFO0 tt. D. M. CRAWFORD t SON, have formed a nartnerehip for the practice of Medicine aod their collateral brancbe. Office at old stand, comer of Third and Or ange :reet, Mittiintown, Pa. One or botb ot them will be round at iiieir office at all times, ouiess other-rise profession!!; en gRed. April! st, 1895. J-jP. DERR, PR4CTIC.41. DEST1ST. ( -aJuute of the Philadelphia Dental Co:, ce. Office at old established lo canon. Bridze Street, opposite Court House, Jlfifflintown, Fa. iTJF Crown and Bridgo work; Pain!o8 &x traction. Ail work guaranteed. PENNSYLVANIA RAILE0AD- Schedule in Effect May 30, 1898. WESTWARD. Way Passenger, leaves Philadelphia at 4 SO a. m; Harrisburg 8 00 a. m; Duncannon 8 35 a. m; New Port 9 05 a. m; MUlerxtown 9 15 a. m; Dunrord O 1 o m- Thnmivuititnu'n Q fl ft TY1 Van liyke 9 33 a. m; Tuscarora 9 36 a. ni; .lexioo : w a. m; fori noyai a. 'm; Milllin 9 50 a. ni; Denholm 9 55 a. !m: Iiewistown 10 13 a. m; McVeytown 10SS a. in; Newton Hamilton 11 00 a. ni; Mount Union 11 00 a. m; Hunting don 11 "'2 p. in; Tyrone 12 20 p. m; Al toona 1 00 p. ni; Pittsburg 5 50 p. m. Mail leaves Philadelphia at 7 00 a. m; Harrisiiurg at 11 4S a. m; Milllin 1 11 p. m; Iewistown 1 30 p. m; Hunting don 2 2!) p. m; Tyrone 3 12 p. m; Al toona 3 45 p. m; Pittsburg 8 30 p. ni. Ailoona Accommoilation leaves Har- riulturtr fit A I Hi n r I i ttinii imn A -t ; p. m; Newort 6 02 p. m; Millerstown ( 11 p. m; Thompsontown (! 21 p. m; 1 u.ouia w ji. m, .mcako u j. m, ' 1,)rt ,o.vaI " V- m: MiUbi ' 4-1 p. m; ( Deiiholm (5 49 p. ni; Ijevvistown 7 07 p. ; ,. .McVeytown 7 80 p. ni: Newton I uscarora t .vj p. m ; .Mexico b p. m Hamilton 7 50 v. in: Huntiiisrelon 8 20 i i.w.!i;.. T.'-,.r,c ioo..u ri.:i...ivi..i,!.. it 11 2t p. ni'irarrislmrg at 3 fK) a. m. Marvsvills 3 1 1 a. ni. I!mcaniion 3 2") a- in. i 4 25 a. Newiwrt 3 52 a ni. Port Royal m. Milllin 4.80 a. in. Lewistown 4 52 am. Newton Hamilton 5 33 a. m. J lunimti'ion n v- a. m. i eicrsnurg t jy , . 'r-r..io r. n .i t Alt........ -r jii .. ni. nttshurg 12 To a. ni. Oyster Express leaves Philadel)bia i at 4 35 p, m. Harrislmrg at 10 20 p. m. NewiH)it ii ((, p. m. Minim 11 40 p. m. ijewistown 11 os ). m.; iiimtmgdon 12 55 a. in. Tyrone 1 32 a. m. Altoona 2 00 a. in. Pittsburg 5 80 a. in. Fast Line leaves Philadelphia at 12 25 p. ni. HarrisiHirg 3 50 p. m. Dimcati non 4 15 p. in. Newport 4 35 p. m. Mif flin 5 07 n. m. Lewistown 5 27 p. m. Mount Union 6 03 p. m. Huntingdon 6. 27 p. in. Tyrone 7 04 p. ni. Altoona 7 40 p. m. Pittsburg 11 30 p. ru. EASTWARD. Altoona Accommodation leaves Al toona at 4 40 a. m. Tyrone 5 04 a. m. Petersburg 5 25 a. ni. Huntingdon 5 37 a. m. Nekton Hamilton ii 01 a. in. Mc Veytown 6 17 a. ni. lewistown (i "S a. m."Mitllin 60S a. 111. Tort Royal 7 02 a. 111. Tliompsoiiiown 7 17 a. in. Millers town 7 2'i a. m. Newrt 7 35 a. m. Duncannon 8 00 a. 111. 1! arris! uirg 8 30 a. ni. Sea Shore leaves Pittsburg at 3 30 a. m. AltiHina 7 15 n. 111. Tyrone 7 4S a. 111. Hur.tingelon 8 30 11. in. Me-Veytown 9 15 a. 111. Lewistown 9 35 a. m. Slilllin 955 a. ill. Port Uoyal 9 50a. ni. Thompson, town 10 14 a. m. Millerlown 10 22 a. m. Newport 1 1 .si' a. m. 1 Hun annon 10 10.; p. m. Huntingdon i';v.i p. m. Lewistown 1 83 p. m. Milllin 1 50 p ni. Harrislmrg 3 10 p. 111. Baltimore 0 00 p. 111. Washington 7 15 p. ni. Philadelphia 6 23 p. m. Mail leaves Altixma at 2 05 p. m. Ty rone 2 35 p. 111. Huntingdon 8 17 p 111. Newton Hamilton 8 47 p. ni. VeVey town 4 20 p. ni. lewistown 4 33 p. m. Milllin 4 55 p. m. Port Royal 5 00 p. m. Mexico 5 20 p. in-Thomjisontowii 5 18 p ni. Millerstown 5 28 p. m. Newport 5 39 p ni. Duncannon 6 08 p. 111. Har risliurg 45 p m. Vail Express leaves Pittsburg at 1 00 p. m. Altoona 6 10 p. ni Tyrone 6 25 p. m. Huntingdon 7 23 iii. HeVey town 8 (!; 111. Lewistown 8 26 p. iii. Miulhi 8 47 p. m. Port Royal 8 52 p. m. Vlilerstown 9 16 p. m. Newjiort -9 26 p. m Duueaimmi 9 50 p.m. Harrislmrg 10 20 p m. Philadelphia Express leaves Pitts burg at 4 80 j). 111. Alt.Hina 9 05 p. m Tyrone 9 38 p 111. Huntingdon 10 12 p. 111. Mount Union 10 82 p 111. Lewis town 11 16 p. m. -ViiSin n 87 p. ni Har risburg 1 00 a. m Philadelphia 4 30. At Lewistown Junction. For Sun bury 7 30 a. m. anel 3 05 p. 111. week days. For .Vilroy 6 15, 10 20 a. ni. and 3 00 p. 111 week-days. At Tyrone. Feir Clearfield and Cur wensville 8 20 a. m. 3 20 and 7 20 p. m. week-days. For P.cllefonta ami Iock Haven 8 10 a. m. 12 80 and 7 15 p m week-days. Mir lurtlier information apply to ticket .Agents, or 'lhomas E Watt, Passenger Agent, Western Division, I erncr l itlh Avenue and Smithtield Mreet. i'lttslmrg. J. 15. HI 'TCI I INSON, J. R. WOOD, General Xan'g'r. General Pass'r. Agt LEGJL, LEGAL NOTICE. TVOTICE is hereby given that the - v ( hi jf Burgess mid Town Ceumcil of the Rorouarh of i!fiintown have, l.y ordinance duly enacted on l!av 20th 1H9S, admitted and annexed as 'part of the Borough of Himintown in thee-ounty of Juniata and state of Ptimsvh ania the lots and tracts of land comi-osinc Schweyer's Addition, adja.-ent to said Rorouuh and they have tiled a plan or plot of the said extension this date in the office of the Quarter Sessions of Juniata County. J. HowakiiNkely Secretary Town Council Roroufrh 'of V.iillmtown. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. (Estate of Edward F. Karstetter, late of I'ayette township, deceased ) Notice is hereby given that letters of Administration ujion the estate of Kd ward F. Karstetter, late of Favette township, deceased, having been grant ed to the undersipned. All iiersons in debted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to pre sent them duly authenticated forsettle mnt "VLVESTJSR ARNOLD, JmleS- Ad----tor. Subscnle- for the Jukiata Shtkel A-NJ JUJruUjL'AX. DEWEY HAS CAPTURED MANILLA And destroyed tbe Spanish fleet. Wo bave captured the remain, ing Spring'Stock of Clothing, consisting of -.Men's, Boys' and Children's Suits, From one of the largest ana weu-Kuowu vimu.ug iirht, Greenewalt & Co.. 1013 Market street Philadelphia, for 45 nents on the dollar. A clothing sale such as has never been known SSL History of Juniata County. LIVE RIGHT, GREENEWALT & Co, m tne History Manufactures of Clothing, 1013 Market Street, Philadelphia, Pa , May 10, 1898. Mr. Ferd Meyers, Dear Sir : We find tbo backward season this Spring has prevented us in closing cnt car large new Spring Stock aod we find ourselves loaded with an immenso stock of new Cloth ing The only remedy we have to dispos9 of it is to sacrifice prices. Knowin" that vou are a large cash buyer no doubt you will take the opportunity offered to you and buy the lemainder of our stock nt 45 cents on the dollar. Shall we submit samples. Please answei by return mail. Yours Resp'r, LIVERIGHT GREENEWALT & Co, Office op FERD MEYERS, Dealer in Clothing and Furniture. Mifflmtowr, Pa., May 12, 1898. Liveright, Greenewalt & Co., Genls: Yours of the 10th inst., re ceived and contents noted. We are always open for Bargains. Please send samples at once. If Btyles and quality are satisfactory we will buv the remainder of your stock. Yours respectfully, 0 7 FERD MEYERS. We have scooped in the remainder of the entire Spring Stock of Liveright, Greenewalt & Co. We put the knife to tax and chopped down price to one half what they were formally. Now is your opportunity to buy new and reliable clothing a& long as they are here. We put on sale 560 Men's all wool suits, regnlar price $9 50, rpecial sale price $4.25. 271 Men's all wool fancy worfeda suits in sacks ard cutaways, all sizes. These suits are worth $12 50, special sal p ice $6 23. 265 Men's cassimcre suits, the greatest bargain, they are bunch ed from different lots, all sizes. Six different patterns to select from. They range ia value from $7 to $9 Special sale price $4 31 767 Children's suits, all styles and sizes. Cheviots, Cassimeres, Serges, regular prices $2 50, up to $3 00. Special sale price $1 68. 972 Boys' suits. Cheviote, Cashmeres and Fancy plaids. Thi3 lino was gathered with special reference to young men's needs. Regular price $5 50 up to $S.OO Special sale price $3.25 up to $1 62. CLEARING SALE OF FURNITURE. The season for Furniture 13 about to a close and we find we must have more room for onr larg- fall stock which will arrive in dne time. Therefore we are compelled to close out the remain der of our spring stock. AH our former prices are marked down 20 per cant. Now is your opportunity to buy furniture at a sac rifics. Don't miss this chanc". 115 and 117 Bridge Street. ! Y8 Tuscarora Valley Railroad. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT MOKDaT, NOV. 29, 1897. EASTWARD. STATIONS. Ixo.l No.3 DAILY, EXCEPT SUMDAY. A. M. P. sr. Blairs Mills Lv. 7 40 2 CO Waterloo 7 45,2 05 Leonard's Grove 7 50 !2 10 RotFrin 7 57j2 17 Perulaek 8 03 2 23 East. Watcrford 8 15 2 35 Heckman 8 25 2 45 Hcnev Grove 8 30 2 50 Fort Bigham 8 37 2 57 Worbie 8 45 3 05 Pleasant View. 8 49 3 09 Seven Pines 8 55 3 15 Spruce Hill 8 58 3 18 Graham's 9 05 3 25 Stewart.... 9 07 3 27 Freedom 9 10 3 30 Turbett 9 13 3 33 Old Port 9 18 3 38 Port Royal Ar. 9 25 3 45 Trains Nos. 1 and 2 connect at Port Royal with Way Passenger and Seashore Express on P. R. R., and Nos. 3 and 4 with Mail east WESTWARD. STATIONS. DAILY, EXCEPT SUNDAY. No.2 No.4 Port Royal Old Port Turbett Freedom Stewart Graham's Spruce Hill Seven Pimrs Pleasant View Waiblo Fort Bigham Honey Grove Heckman East Waterford."..! Perulack Boss Farm Leonard's Grove... Waterloo Blair 's Mills.. . ..Ar A. M. H. 05 12 17 20 23 25 32 35 41 45 OOilO 30! 37 1.310 2.8;10 3.7,10 4.410 5.010 6.310 7.2,11 90!ll 10.011 12.011 42 45,5 485 50!5 575 185 53 2516 00 30 6 05 40 6 15 52 6 27 586 33 05!6 40 10;6 45 14.0 11 15.1 U 11 11 17.5 20.5 22.0 11 24.0 12 12 25.5 27.0 12 15 6 50 ililTr 2 connect Blur's Mills w h Concord, Doyleburg Dry Run Nossville, Neelyton, Shade Oap Shade Valley and Qo.hom Station StageLines. J. C. MOORHEAD, Superintendent. T. S. MOORHEAD, Pmideni. ?r6- fjii.'i,;.? ean alw tli i. .7 """ iree or churcr -CoprcsdnLL0riWU,onndSy'n u " wONIG MED. CO.. Chicago, IV. to! J by Dmssfats at SI per Bottle. 6Ca V - -oSira.i.7a. O Bottle. Lor SO. a W tfaa One Tree CLOODPnrtaT RAILROAD TIME TABLE. pERRT COUVTy RAILROAD. The following schedule went Into effect Nov. 16, 1896, and the trains will be ran tg follows: n. m 4 30 4 86 4 39 841 4 45 4 46 4 61 4 64 4 56 4 59 a. m 9 00 9 P6 9 f9 9 11 9 14 9 15 9 19 9 22 Leave Arrive a. tr Duncannon 7 54 Kme's Mill - 7 49 Sulphur Spring 7 46 "Corman Sid in 7 4 1 V- m 2 29 223 2 20 3 18 2 IS 2 18 2 09 2 65 2 0? 2 00 1 41 1 35 181 1 28 1 25 1 20 Monteuello Park 7 41 Weaver 7 40 Roddy 7 88 Hoffman 7 33 -Royer 7 81 'Mahannir 7 ou 9 24 9 2T 6 10 10 43 Kloomfield 7 23 5 16 9 49 "Tregfcler 7 09 5 21 9 54 "Nellson 7 04 6 24 9 67 'Dam's 7 01 6 27 10 05 Elliotsbanr 6 68 5 32 1017 Bcrebeisl's 651 6 84 10 17 'Groen Pwte 6 48 6 87 10 80 -Montour June 6 88 6 02 10 85 LandUbur 6 28 1 p. m a. m Arrive Levs m Trim loaves BloomHoid at 6.53 a. m. -.nil arrivus at Lamiinbun? at 6.23 a. m' Train leaves Landislmrg at 6.08 p. m., and' arrives at Bloomfleld al 6.40 p. m. All stations marked () are K ig stations, at wblct trains will como to a full stop on signal. r Chas. H. Smut, President S. H. Bsc, Snpt. NEWPORT AND SHERMAN'S VAL lev Railroad of passenger trains, in effoet on Monday. May 18tb, 1896. ' STATION'S. Treat. WiiKl. Eut warl. 2T 3 P-l 6 05 6 08 6 12 6 15 6 25 6 22 6 81 6 39 6 61 6 54 7 05 7 11 7 15 AM' 8 30 8 27 8 23i 8 20! Newnert .......... Buffalo Bridge"!!! Juniata. Furnace ... Wahneta Svlvan Watr Ping BlooiutloM Junct'ni Valley Koa l Elliot tsbnrg. , Green Park Loysrillo ...I!!"' Fort Robeaon ....' Center Cisna's Rnn Andersonburc ... gw Mount Pleasant . . , New Gerniant'n ... A M I0S5 10 38: 10 42! 10 45 10 62' 11 01 11 09; 11 09 11 21 11 24 11 85! 11 41! 8 16 8 11 8 08 8 00 7 45 ? 10 i 34' 7 26' ii 7 10 7 03 1 6 68, S W 11 45 7 21 , 11 61 7 27 7 35 7 41 7 45 11 57 12 06 12 11 12 15 kF,,GKIJfG, President and Manager Miller, General Agent. FARQUHAR I ? . .. . Variable Friction Feed SAy KSSLL and Jax Csnier Crank P-i.ia fcpid, accurate, atmnrr nii s'mnio -iri. i 8i!ia or whwls. tStmng ondRftfe. No Fnrqiihur Hoilrr hn rrrr rx ldl. Also RtunciHrtl agricultural implrrunia generally. ILay Prerir a apcialty. Sent for . b. rABQUHAB CO., Ltd., York, Pa. tt-3 i 'fi .iCWKsS.r 'X - si Sir. A wcnaarfui Improvement, !nri.v;r-. ' e i-lnrlt. Bclc monvo ': ; ir-. , : . .. :'.t u:&-': lK'5WOI.C, Sis .: Vr.il:, !'. i. i V r.' M; 1 18 1 15 2 50 r k 4 00 8 67 8 63 8 60 846 8 41 3 88 8 32 3 IS 8 10 8 04 2 66 2 49 2 46 2 40 2 88 2 24 2 20 1 te heard by thk a-w- . Hut 1191 tin -Tsft.-.