F. M. rn.. !! SEKTJN EL & liEPUllLjjCAN AI1FFLINTOWN, PA. WEDNESDAY, .H'XE i.',. iMts. tj-:i?.ms. Hri:cis.i-. 1.(ki .r year if jaiil !a advance : I..jii if not paid in ad- Tr;iii;-i'.-:it ii.!veriisir.r ami lixui 2 tire -I u lir.c. i)cuiiriio:(.- will le niatle to those de hins to ailvLilife !,y Uic year, ha'f or ciiartt-r car. TtiK .;!;;!. i -liiiv; West Point ';:, v.i-it ;:,i-i uijiiomas, two Months lwioie f.'iii::ciift'.'i:eiit time and sent i:iV ;;(- ;;ri:iy against Sj;;in. Tr :: eminent i.s j.i-fpaiiu t e.:t;:ii i:-1 lie S;:in:h ''im lioals Ml! NAVAL WARFARE. At Portland Maine ' Sampson and Schley have com bined before Santiago De Cuba, to capture that place and with it the Spanish fleet of Cervera, and from the 7th of June, bombardments of the forts at the mouth of the harbor were of frequent occurrence, till on the 10th when under the fire of the Oregon 850 American marines were landed on the coast almost 20 miles k it!'" 'i'l"! eas f Santiago, in the harbor of win'lsvd aaa-jQuantanino, which is about 14 miles tic;! !o i!.t I :i:-ri'.;ii Jiavv. . . 1.1 Inrrncc thp rnnntn; fr whprp tnp - tiVl 11 VW l 1 I Li V LV VVllV-t- HIV wiSLL lw Z rLTiA Spanish fleet is cooped. The stars VLrl 011 Cuban soil, nMur;. Huh t ip n,nnin TrnorK mar p sr innorn resistance . to being driven back. 1 I: 1 i piil.!:- 1 I'll j;t;:!i I. ilii.Iii.- II. (II lire !'! i -r,: -ir. !: 1. rr i: ti-i I; ft ;! e;iiiliti.!,v O.-aii. ; .. i t:.!lil!U vYi'X f, IN.-.rs; !..!: r wire: v.: ;.: : ' 0 . s'-s. v:.i:; I i..H .-f r:!v : a: jlf r r. v: : r m. J i 1 III. t.. iu .:;: i .: .V : p ..f tl.l'C- co. n r.cd ii; u- - i.r ' The I.S. i!0 f f 'I 7( !; .fi!!.f-i! ill- sn J- If. in fee. CP i-J::. s.''vi; siii i SI Tl A TKi ATTORNEYS-AT -LAW, wiyfl.IJITOffN, 0, ,reBJon Mn street, tn place of rI- a V v t.in.nn. iio't'l ' flridgo street. lOct2B,l2 rry-CoIiectliiB and CottTflyansing proa);-" ly attended to. triLBRnFoncE sciiwbter. Attorney-at-Law. L?TC))e etions an.l a!i Ifgal bsi' rcsa prc.roftly jittprperl to. OFFICE IN COUUT HOUSE. TI-IE MONITOR PONTAUK. Tha old Mcntank ba3 l:eon OEsisned to defend Portland, Me. She Is a relio of the days of the civil war, but is s-till Bervioeuble. Sho is armed with two old ptiioothuoro guns. Daring tho rebellion she viaa strnck repeatedly by Cou fsderate shot. Boston has the Monitor Catskill and Lehigh, r.B.o..C8.iwoRn,Da. dakwis u.csAwr"'1 U. D. y. CRAWFORD & SON1, hav? formcl a jvjrtnerphip ffir the pm.-r' of Modicioo an;1 tiieir coii.Ctcral l.rinchnf . OMice af oM sf and, corner of Thir i as1 Or neBtr'e8, iSlmtown, T. Onor boU ot Uiera iri'.i be fonud at th.ir o;Kon at all tinjos, uoioss othn.-wiso iToICsioc-.!'? cn-gak-(l. April 1st, 185. He P. DI3RR. J ho kii'v. ii will Four Americans were killed, among I them is an assistant surgeon. On hi 1Y.:i:cs' 1 v.ar. it u: !:- i !:!! 1 .1.:' - I' I! !i-i-:v i..;' .! :"! .IMS;! ..ill! Ii.- I'm; iii.sv : ;' i:--si't I ijiiciil v. i; ii A!i:!: ;i;- ((;:! ii A ! i i-:. VvlA Sunday June 12. ! --:fe'Sj,Siand volunteers under General Shaft 3',.; vuijer sailed from Kev West for Cuba, .;;!;"vS!i6 regular and 11 volunteer regiments i among them the 3rd Pennsylvania -S:5'T"i-if all goes right they HSinreiwill land near Santiago Cuba, on the th. The fleet of troops was 1 1 t 1 r i guaraea oy 17 war snips, in rrom on each side and in the rear. May vie- i!:rr: torv and dory attend the fleet. !!! iL-lf.::! . .1 -I ! r:;: . 1 ' 1 ':', 1 o i-ll 111 !.!,!!!- 1- t ... i r i nuse wist) mull oussveis ui bunaay preaict disaster oecause me ;!,-'::; :ieet sailed on bunciay. we want I . . y ''V-i i f THE POKITOR CATSKILL. Tbo C:.t :: ill ij oua of the old stylo monitors dolegated to defend Boston from tlje Kpsu-.ard.?. Sbo was taken to L'ostou by uavul reserves. During the civil war tiio Cucskill cud otbtr monitors attacked Kort Wagner, aud in the euKagemtiit the Cattliiil was Hrnck about 60 times by cunuou balls frojn the fort. itfs '.' Santiago Dc vuna for a capitol for ;i iv a-f.'itj. or thf npw (TDvpmmpnt to hp tnrfp'H !:: isti- : 1 1 ' ( IH io;v Mi:; "'on thp il'MTrl !Sl:!!il.-- !ll! ( tV L sailed too and IaiCTi.:AI. OE.TTfST. . -aduafe of the Philadelphia Di W.n J? ge. Office at old established lo cation, HriJtra Street, opposite Conrt Ifonse. .VilUiatown, Pi. Crown and Bridge wort; Fninlfiss Extraction. All work guaranteed. PENNSYLVANIA. 'RAILROAD- Schedule in Ellcct Hay "0, 1S!)S. WESTWARD. Way Ptisscnsrer. leave Phil:ulelpliia ;it 4 :: a. m: lrai-riNbmv S ' a. m; l)uiii-iiiiiion 8 :! a. in ; New Port 9 0.) h. in: Millcrstown 9 1 a. in: Dunvord ! 21 a. in: TlicmpMoiitowti '.) 2 a. m; I Van f )vke 0 .'!'! a. m; Tuscnrora !) 3f a. in; Moxii-o 10 a. m; Port Poyal U 44 a. in: rT S llli i i ! .If) a. m; Denliolm ! oo a. in: l.tnvistown (:. m: McVeytown lOHSa. in: Xewton Hamilton 11 m a. ni; Mount I'nion 11 (X! a. in; Himtinjr doii 11 .SJ i). in; Tyrone ll'l"!) n. in; Al- tooua 1 IK) j. in: I'iltshurtr oid p. m. Mail leaves Philadelphia at 7 KI a. m: Harrisl.urtr at 11 4S a m; Mi.'llin 1 II l. in: Lewisiow-i 1 so ). in; Jfuntinff doii 2 29 p. in: Tyrone 3 12 p. m; Al toona 3 4" p. in: Pittsburg S SO p. in. Altoona Accommodation leaves Har risburic nt o h) p. m; l)uiic:innoti H 34 p. in; Newport (i 02 p. m: -Millerstown 0 11 . in: Tliomj-.sontown 0 21 p. in; Tuscarora C, 30 ;(. m; Mexi'-o 0 ;!3 0. m: I'ori Itoya! f 3-S p. m: Milllin 0 4H p. 111; ienlioini ( 4!l p. in: Ijcwistown 7 (17 p. in: McVeyttiwn 7 SO ). 111: Newton Hamilton 7 "0 p.'m; Huntingdon 8 20 p. in; Tyrone !') 02 p. ?n; Altoona 9 5 p. in. 1'aciMf P'xjiress leaves Philadelphia at 11 20 n. 111: Harrisbur at M) a. m. ..arysvr.:c 11 a. n;. Dun-Mjinon 20 m. Port Koyal 4 a. m. .vinn 4 so a. m. Lcwistown Tro in SZCL VJlTiJwnt f the harbor battering down 'rl'uC;'".11' i tlie- fortifications of the placeand oc casionally getting in a shot at the Spanish-ship in the harbor. Up to IT :7ilys n!bS'w:the 9th of Juhtwo of the Soanish ifS..S;r15waships thete had been destroyed f.:ui'-"iij ii ! ,v, i: c -70:1 in i;-, tea ; ' L"''.s. ij.-v.'- v v. .u . .T'i C i'l 1C- lr;:V .r.. , !.-.( 1::.' st'iiiM s e: c:: t i i;.t v-t'no HO n:i:k'.! i;ti! r ? :J ' v : v il.i f f i r.u i'.o vi Ah all 'f !'i-J ivts ii.;!y he ws . t;: it v. hv:i m .V. if the k'ti 1. Hie l:nui- -:.iv- .; f.:r. r v-i. !iilh ly iiir !:i I'riiii. : t : t c i : : 1 1 : i l : t Ii ; i - h;ic or!';!!!.:'..-!l l o.;eii to. it,:! ut v. ; o iiie mei iCan Heeu Fhe Spanish fleets have been so T 'vlX n.u';iiti;5;.ce:completeiy crippled that the fear has iei:i.i!J,lr.!uu!iws -ku m,; vanished or their .appearing ott American cities along the coast. Of their three fleets, one is at the !ar..ia,ka'il:i:bottom ot the harDorof Vianilla, an oth.er is in Santiago harbor ciwaiting capture, a third is off the coast of Spain, and from the nature of the situation will be glad to stay there. The American cities were better pro-, vided with defensive ships than is generally known. New York wi powerful means of l.Mil ti;c; h." t .lie. s II ill ' !.1:J iiiC:; i:S 1ki:.-i1).l' v.'j ;-i v "i;iv 'i lies! 1'nVi'i! i -; 11 i 1 1 h: . Siii;:;- i !',iri" ;'.ii! M:ii'r Iii-M- ii;- mil! were iu i 'i. Tiic ;nif the iiie is iiov. :i. let N siipixie.! ! ori;;!!!.:'.!-!! IV"!ii a JiiiI--i So mention could be made of de-i ik&Ai fensive ships at other ports. Don't i i:XJ ii. I , . ... ; a. m. Tyro;i .c a. m. Alt.xtna 7 40 a". can me govemmeni siow, it is doing, PIl5h,w,hia very well, the very best it can. It is i VS ,,varm:,Si,,?rV4. Ill: , r ... J . ., I 1-ewisiown 11 .-,S n. in.; Hiiiilir.L'tl.m 12 not forgetting Dewey on the other,? t 1112 side of the globe. It has sent him1 , i r , r . . ; mm 4 !. p. in. Newrt 4 "5 p. m. Mif- thousands of troops. Last week it :,.av. f! 'irfi,:; sent him the powerful monitor iSlXvJuiMu Monterey. This week it sends Auje au . 1 i 1 ' r i itoonaat 4 40 a. m. Tyrone 5 04 a. in. more troops ano the powerful mpn-jrHaiMt itor Monddnock and Should somentaV.l,s,VSt C i i 1 r I ni. Thompson town 7 17 a. m. Millers- . j A' . Mil) VV f )I ( f-T IlHllTM""" ' a- m- ewiK.rt So a. in. I lUmcannon 8 00 a. m. Harrisl in r;r 8 30 lur,T at 3 30 a. DEWEY HAS CAPTURED MilNILIiA And destroreil the Spanish fleet W have captnre-1 the rrnnin ' ing Spring Stock of Ololhinpr, cnDBiRtincr of Men's, Boys' and Children's Suits, From one of tbo largest anl well-known Cloihincr Honsps of Jjrot. i"ht, Grocnewalt & Co , 1013 Market street, rhilaclelpiiin, for 4 cents 011 the dollar. A clothing sale such as ban never l.wn known in the History of Juniata County. LIVERIGIIT: GREENE WALT & rv Manufactures of Clothing, 1013 Market Strt Philndf Iphia, Ta , Jiav 10, Lsntj Mr. Ferd MeyerB, Dear Sir : We find tU backward season" (big Spring has prevented ns in closing ont enr largo new Spring Stock and wo find ourselves loaded v,'ith tin immense H'ock of r h- Olot h ing. The only remedy we have to uisloa 3 of it is to fiacriiic;- prices. Knowing that you are a large cash buyer no doubt yu-j vi.i take the opportunity offered to you end buy I ho leruaindpr of our eoc at 43 cnnls on the dollar. Shall we submit Ramnlee. Ple.-if-e p.pSWf, by return mail. Tours Kesp't, LIVERIGnT GREENEW LTk Co, Office or FERD MEYERS, Dealer in Clothing and Furniture. Mifllintown, Pa., Mny 1J, igny Liveright, Greenewalt & Co., Gents : Yours of tbo 0;h irt., rH ceived and contents noted. We are always open for Barsrr.itis. 1'icMsc send samples at once. If styles and quality nre snlif-f'iirf.'Ty v.a will buy the remainder of your stock. Tours resj -eelfa !v FERD .MKYKKS. We have Fcocjied in Iho remairuli-r of the entire Sprsi:g Slr.ck of Livoright, Greenewalt St Ca. We put tho knife to tux ami chopped down prices to one half what l.hey wore formally. N ir is your opportunity to buy new and reliable clofhing p.s lon; an they are here. We put od sale 5G0 Men's all wool suits, regular price $:') oO, Fpecial sale price $4.2o. 271 Jlen h all wool funry wor.5eis suits in sacks ar.it culnways, 4' L'- all sizc-s. Thepe euils are worth $12 50, special 6fti price $i 2G3 Men's cassimere tnits, the greatest bargiin, t!jr.-y nro biiijc'; ud from diff-.rent lofs, all sizi s. Sis diflerent pattirr'R to K!cct from. They range in value from $7 to if!) Sji.?cial stle prica $1 31 7(57 Children's suits, all styles aod t-)3;:s. Cheviots, Cthtjiin-tts, Si;i gee, regular prices '2 50, up to $5 09. Special silo price Si fiH. !)72 IJ-jys' suics. Cheviot, Cassimeros and Fnacj- plai Is. This line was gathered with ei.'rcirj r forfiu-o to j-oung meu'ii needi?. Regular price !. TO np to SS.Ofl Special sale jr!ce $3.25 up to $4 G2. CLEARING SALE OF FURNITUBE. The season for Fnruil ure is about to a clopo ar.d we find we must have mora room for cur liirg fall stock which will arrive in dne time. Therefore wo are compelled to close cut lite itojaiu ler of our spring stock. All our farmer priof s are njarfced dk'.' a 20 per cent. Now is your opportunity to buv furniture ot a uc riGce. Don't miss thiH t hauco. 115 and 117 Bridge Street. Tnscarora Valley Sailroad. SCHEnULE IN EFFECT MOSDaT, OV. 2' 1897. EASTWARD. r STATIONS. DAILY, EXCEPT SUMDAY. XalXo. for Manilla put in an appearance!" norekavesi-it..: r- il r i in. -Altoona , .-:. in. 1 '. rone -JS a. in. Dewey will have the means of de-h'rWSIIll stroying them completely. The aid that .is sent him is to make certain jft the hold obtained there against Blair's Mills... Waterloo Leonard's Grove Koss Fsrm Tiioni.-i)ii- Pe.rulacl; lOi'J a. East WatMiord mn.-n 10 , Heckmn. L v. 7 4012 00 ...7 43 2 03 7 r.();2 10 7 57i2 17 S (;;2 3 'S 15 2 3! comers. '.;ii k :i!l !io.i;Ji :: ha-l at -; :i; ;.. iliIlt. The li'S . cry iicari.'. :i t i;oi.i:i no i;i-;iir,u'..'c. i:pt-i t ioii n- . i l. on t!i:u ' i'.! ;;;,!o;:i!t t;! ll;us : Citv among other defence has Tui-sd-iy warning traiiip w ;it ihi'o'ili Iii:uer lu. '-:! Iieioiiiuy; to l!ie t:;:i-k i !( nn.ifl- .1. ('. J"tc !iii;r ;;1 ( i i ;. n He took one bucket with him : short hs-tain-- ::;:i :tt ivn on i he !;iuk, ile "iiie! the contents anil lciuaiii-i-l st'.iled niitii tho t !,!'; lncn came :!! ii'.. lie lsiaile no ci'tort to i ;r.va . IVobabiy he didn't want t exeri h i oici !'--o s ion 1 1 cr I n i'ak -!;is! , bat A ium ii-'c:ici; !' tile act stoaily (it-nicd kno-, in aa!liin; alont ir although the canity hackci sat on the iiank only a lew J'ect away, lie was lea pi us no one . -aw hi n take the bucket and woul a )o-: niorieai examination h.iwbcen neccs-.: , to ct proot to convict him .--Lewi-town Ca zel !e, .1 line !'. MARRIED: '.ill V. i:m:s F h. 1:1.. ( n t lu inst.. at alc-. I Kev. .1. I . : 1 eisler. Samuel .n nes and Sn-an- j K.;;le. ?pe:;v.v; Davis O.i tft- 1-t il i vy. r.. . TL"N INCH GUNS OF THE MONADNOCK. Tlia r.:-;i!i; i o . in. iii:niai.ooa u :j i p. m. I - ewistown 1 p. m. MUMi'i 1 ."0 p m. II- i nisi ,n in s lo p. in. ISaliintore t 00 p. in. Washington 7 to p. m I'liilaiit'iphia ! (l. III. Mail leaves' Altoona at 2 V p. m. Ty rone '1 :?. p. ni Ifiml inctloii ; !7 ) ill. Newton I laaillicn : 47 p. in. VeVey tow n A l'o p. in r.ewitow n A p. m. Miilliii "i"p. in. IN !ii Koyal .) 00 p. m. Me?.'ico o -0 p. ni- Thompsontovn ;1 IS p 111. V. illerstown o -H j). in. Newport .;!! p in. Dtincannoii ( OS p. m. liar rishurir 0 4-"i p in. Vail I' sprees leaves Pittsl.iirir at 1 00 p. m- -liiHna 0 10 p ni Tyrone 0 p.m. HnntiiiC'Ioii 7 IK! p in. cYey t n H h , in. I,e i-iow a S L'rt p. lii. Mil'I'n S -17 p. ni. Port Itoyal S -52 p. m. Vi!!t r-iov. n ) 10 p. in. Newport ! -( p. in. I iimiaiaioii '..')!) p. in. tlarrisl'uifr 10 O p ill. J'iiilaiieii'liia Kxpress Haves Pitts-Iiui-r at 4 SO p. in. .Mtoona U OS p. ni. Tyrone !) i in. Hiiniiii;ioii 10 12 p. in. Mount 1'nion 10:12 p.m. I.ewis toun li Hip. in. .iHlin U :!7 p. m n:ir. rislnirsr 1 (Ki a m. 'iiilale!pli!:i 4 an. At ! .e'. istown Janctia:. l-'or Sun I'liry 7 ."O a. m ami 3 0o ri. in. week days. For .Wilroy 1"., 10 20 a. m. ami 3 00 p. m week-days. At 'J'yrone. Kor i 'learlield and Cur wensviile S 20 a. m. 3 20 ami 7 20 j). m. week-days. J'or Kelleronte and Lock Haven 8 10 M.:n:i:?DCck h:s four of these 10 iuch Runs. They are breech- "'; - ; ' P ; feK-ciavs . "i miiiiki 1 1 tyit i ii.i i ii t J 1 f 1 1 i 111 lonilii:;: ri:'; : i-.i:d c.v.'i iio steel I'.rojcctiles weighing more than 600 pounds to u dist-iiK-o i t 12 milus, aUhoa.nu i urobable the gunners would make lucre liii."3cJ tiiuu :.'"f:i ! lb: -sv,i;.-. bv K-..v 11. H. W. So- :v';m .n in.l Sini'a i t . a v. CJ-'o J. D-.vis. Biivnei: Wit.i.i amsox On the 9-. list, i;t Acsdcri'ht, ! R-v THE NAM ANT'S BATTLE SCARRED TU5RET. The old monitor Xabaut, mniiDed by the New York naval WHercoa, is do tending New York. She carries two 15 iuch f-mootbbore gnus and several rapid fire guns. Her turret bears the marks of iinmixcus Confederate cannon balls. IV.v r.n.-M!, Wi:':i:iui C. Bryucr, Jjiffi'eh Viiiicms-)!i. A j Pi.d ! IsMIAi'lT V.I.oSS iiifct., at Pott H-.ya;, by ri i" crt. Jei:nie .st unrip.- am L. GIoeb. Stimki.::.-'; -Fiskkji Oa the 9th c . -: .1 .... I .. I? l.v n fl The New England towns along r0R.-vtLoH7sjthe coast have been uneasy. The u,:i'sj phantom Spanish fleets scared them, but the government-has made them wa.c,, Mr. r,n,.i HHmvuvg. rf fee easier bv sending them mom- Mi s S.ia-; E. Fi'inr, cf Leais'.cnp, "QTS. Millbti cuiioty KU j'LiMOWS GRAIN V.AhKKiS MIF.'I.1NT()YN. jim: V,, 1S!)S i lieiil tti in t ?t LWiAL XOTK'i:. live CI r-iil . .... . KnUor l"gK llm Sbon'drtr. . , I.a-d i'1ns . Ti'r.tiihy s-oDd , Fa - ?e.ed... Bran Chop ... .M.rid'iiiigs (round :n Salt. Auit-rit auSa l.... $1.00 37 ... 3? X2 .. $2 to $2 50 16 U!l ;2 12 , 8 !. '.7.71.40 70 ..8-ji; to 90o :.. 9o "5 6 l icKct .ireiits. or 1 liomas K. Yatt. Passenger Aent, Western Division, Corner Kil'tti Avenue and Smitlilield Htreet, Pittstdirsr- J. 1!. HI T( -III N.SOX, J. It. WOOD, (ieneral Man's'r. (ieneml IWr. Apt. LEGJL. NOTU'K is heretiy iven that the ( "hief l'uif;ess and Town Council of the ISoroinrh of Mifflintown have, ly i ordinance dulv enactetl on Mav 2ttli. I isiis. admitted and annexed as part of j j i he Koroujrliof MiWmtown m tliecouiny ! of Juniata and state of Pennsylvania, i t lie lots aii'l tracts of land rniNisiiiK ' Ss-hweerV Aildition, aditu-ent to said I - '.i i .1.,... i ... .. -.l.ul .. plot of the said extension this ilate in I to,"t of.( ""'" ('leas, ofsaid (Miiiity, i i.e of the (barter HessU.ns of " .'. "esilay the 11th day of June, A. I). I Juniata County. J. Hoav.mmi Nkij.y, !-ecietary Town Council Ko-Miig-h of Mi.'liiutowii. 3IU)TUONOTAY,H NOT1CR Notice is hereby given that the fol lowing ai-count.s have heen tiled in the oilkeofthe Prothonatary, of Juniata iHiuoty, and the same will be presented ior coi in mi anon ana allowance to the Pit Il.ADK U'U I A M A it K I-.TS, June V., 1S0S. Wheat ?l.0S ; oatsoc; eoru Iloc; hay iT.OO to ?12..".0 a ton ; t:iuglel wheat and ats straw at .". ."iU a ton; butter Ki to 18c ; eg;& 12c; beef cattle 4 to 5c; uld otattes 15 to r.Oc ; tcw potatoes ?sl to 82. 75 a barrel ; veal calves 4 to 7c; sheej) to 5 ; lainlis 3 to 5c ; thin cows S to 15 ; milch cows -25 to !?40 ; hofp 5 to (c; live chickens 10c, spring chickens 2 and 4 pound 1?5 t 21c ti pound. Wonderf ul ate the c; . by Hood's SarsttparilUi and yet it is only because as the one true blood purifier, it makes pure, rich, healthy, life-giving blood. Hood's Piils tor the liver an-I bWeU, act easily . yet promptly. je Subscribe for tho Jiuta Sestu.hl anu Kepuei-ican. 1S!W, when and where all persons in tertvted may attend if they think pro-per- 1. The first and final account of James II, Funk, committee of Mary Arbuekle, late of Tuscarora towmbip, de -eased. 2. The Jirst and final account of Iavid Muser, a.-si:nee of Michael Shelly, of Delaware township. NY. H. ZEIIIKUS, Prothonotary's olVice, Prot honotary. Mitllintown, Pa., Mav It!. 1S!. Sale or llorsen- L. BaLku Wilson will eotduct bis stvcDty secc-Dd bae. i f Iowa hoep, 6t M flbn'ewn on FRIDAY, JUNE 17th, 1898, on Main she 1 1. Choice Ica Lorree, fir-t di ivei 6, de uble and sTnj!o, draft 1 t-xfctt. Ti rits, 60 dovf ou Lote with ai iov. d tfcurify. " Twtuty four hvors tiiue to txamiut Ueifco bought. Pleasant View. Seven Pines. . Spruce Hi!. , Graham's. . . . Stewart Freedom Tnrbett Old Tort Port Royal.. . . ,8 4r.3 09 ,.;8 55:3 15 ..8 5Si IS -i9 053 25 . . -9 07j3 27 ..! 10j3 30 ,.!9 13 3 33 ...!9 18 .Ar.jD '25 : 38 3 45 Trains Nos. 1 and 2 connect at Port Roval with Way I'a.isenr and Soshoru Kxprksg on P. U. K., aDd Nos. S aad 1 with M ill eaet WESTWARD. STATIONS. DAILY, EXCEPT SDSDAV. Port lioyal Old Port Tnrbett Freedom Stewart Graham's Spruce Hill Seven Pines Pleaeast View Warbie Fort Birbam Horioy Grove Heckman East Waterford.. .! Perulack Koss Farm Leonard's Grove..! Waterloo Blair's Mills.."."". Ar. No.2No.4 A. M. P. M. 0 010 30 5 05 1.310 37 5 12 2.8 10 42 5 17 3.7; 10 45 5 20 4.410 4S5 23 5.0110 50 5 25 6.3! 10 57 5 32 7.2111 00 5 35 9 0J11 0G 5 41 lO.Olll 10 5 45 12.0:11 is!5 53 14.0ll 25 6 00 15.1111 30 6 05 17.511 406 15 20.5!ll 52:0 27 22.011 58 0 33 24.012 05 (5 40 25.5l2 100 45 27.0jl2 15 a 50 MHU with Concord, Doylesbnrg Dry Run, vrM"leUeel.J,0n Sha,ie 0IS Shade Valley and Hoauorn Station Stage Lines. J. C. MOORHEAD, . Superintendent T. a MOORHEAD, President. RAIE.ROAS) TISJE T.VI1LK. 2ERRY COITVTY KAILROAD. Tbe following schedule went Into efToct Nov. 16, 180B, and tbe trains wiil bo ran as follows: p. ra a. in 4 SO 9 on H S 9 P 4 3fi 9 09 3 41 9 11. 4 45 9 14 4 43 9 15 4 61 9 19 4 54 9 22 4 56 9 24 4 59 9 2 5 10 10 43 5 Vi 9 49 5 21 9 54 5 24 9 57 5 27 10 05 6 S2 10 t'7 5 81 10 17 5 87 10 SO 6 02 10 35 p. m a. ra Lcavo ArriTe a. m P.m. Kmc'a Mill 7 49 2 m Sulphur Springs 7 46 2 20 "Corman Siding 7 4 3 18 Montehollo Park 7 41 2 15 Wfiver 7 40 213 Roddy 7 86 2 08 Hoffman 7 33 2 65 Koyer Mahhiioy Kloomticld Tressler Xeilson Jnai's EHiota'oilrg "8jrtih!si "Groon Pirt aontonr June 6 33 Ijandisbiir? 6 2S Arrivs 7 31 2 03 7 2H 2 00 7 23 1 41 " 09 1 36 "04 I 31 7 01 1 28 6 1 25 6 51 1 20 6 48 I 18 1 15 2 50 i.are a. ra p ni Train leaves Blooimield at 5 5a a. ni PTvt arrive, t Lan-lisbnr? at 8.23 a. in'.' Tram leaves Liudisburg at C.03 p. ra., and arrives at Bloomlipld at io p.m. til."!"!10 ' mnrkoi ) Hag stations, at wbict trains will como to full :..,n oa signal. ' ' 0BA8. II. St.T, Sm U. EKC, President. Sept. jVEWPORT AND SnERjJAVS VAL 'v ley Railroad Company. Time t.iWe STATIONS. Newport .... Kuflalo Brj;ge Juniata Furnace" wt"eta Svlvan Wat-r Pino- Valley Boail Wliottsbura. Green Park I;ovsville Fort Robeson . . Center Cisna'g Ran Andersocburg . ." Mount Pleasant , Now Geruiant'n Westward. a P 11 1 r Eist-war-l. ITj 4 A M i A M ! d .. 6 ft5 10 35; 8 SO! 4 on 6 08 10 38 8 27: 3 fi7 S 12 10 42i 8 23! 3 ... w tv P -O O rn ..j 6 25 10 621 8 16j g BJoomtie-d Junct'n'.l 6 31 11 09! 8 w', I tl 6 3911 091 8 00 a?? 6 511121! 7 45 ll 7 1-5: 11 45 7 21 11 61 7 27 11 57 7 35 12 05 " 41 12 11 ' 45,12 15 2 Ml I 16' 2 49 ' 5 2 45 ' ii 2 40 7 OA, 2 gg 6 68 2 24 6 60' 2 20 r kDuGRING' Pfwident and Manager t.. Milled. General Ajrent. KARQUHAR Variible Friction Fsed Hv Al. SAW K!LL--SX iS S9 P f?',as,s IKa,t to al lV 'Jlitafca Una Miedu-iuo free of cliarce tSStc "nt" lJ by the llovf-a:, o-nic. of tort Wa-ne, lad aiuc lti'iL a.i .-.invciQw: undei aia diracUra by tuT XQCN1G MEO. CO., Chicago, Mi. Sola by Drutststs at 81 pep Bottle. Cfiv;. tcrct Sie. l.Ti Bottle for 80. MOOD'S Sarsapaillla Las over and " oy aain proved by its cares, wtan all other preparations failed, that fcfctbeOpt; Trw BLOOD 1&K. fc2x Center &ank Engine . mpw. wun lr H...a whPelk. btronic anrtwfo. Ke Far(iiliu lllrr kaa ever k pladftl. Also stHnUunt iiKulliiral liuplumraia E orally. Hay fren A. B. FARQUHAR CO., Ltd., York. Pa. j 1 - tfi'i rT . -xvvW A. vvur . .1. T 1 .Vt, A. ' 1: 1 (