V I ; ! i i SENTINEL & REPUBLICAN MIFFLINTOWN, PA. "WEDX 1SDAY , JUNE 8, 1898. TERMS. Subscription f 1.00 per year if paid n l advance ; 1.50 if not paid in ad rance. TraiiKient advertising and local notices 4 cts a line. Deductions will be made to those de siring to advertis by the year, half or quarter year. THE TICKET. C'oloiifl "William Mtonc for Gov ernor, was Iwrn in Tioga county, Pa., in 1S4. His father was a farmer. William farmed and at tended the coinnion schools till the rebellion broke out. He was then Hi vears old, He went to the war. When he came home he liecame a National (iard soldier, and was commissioned a Lieutenant Colon el. He also attended a Normal School at Mansfield, Tioga county, read law, was admitted to the bar in 1870, was elected District At torney, but resigned to practice law in Pittsburg, where he was appointed United States District Attorney for the Western district of Pennsylvania by President Hayes. He was elected to Con gress in 181M. General John P. S. Gobiu for Lieutenant Governor was loru at Sunburv in 18.17. He learned the printing trade, was in the news- pajK'r business in Philadelphia. Then taught school, then read law in .Sunburv. He was a volunteer in the Union army against. rcliell ion as a Lieutenant, then Captain, then Major, then Lieutenant Col oncl, then Colonel, then brevet ted lirigadier General. After the war he identified himself with the Na tional Guard of Pennsylvania. General James W. Latta, for Secretary of Internal affairs, was lioru in Philadelphia in 18i$!. He entered the Union army as a pri vate, and passed step by step from one promotion, to an other and was mustered out with the rank of bravest Lieutenant Colonel. He took great interest in the affairs of the National Guard. Governor Hoyt appointed him Adjutant Gen eral of the State. He held office in Philadelphia, ami in 181)1 he was elected Secretary of Internal affairs of Pennsylvania. Judge William W. Porter, for Judge of the Supreme Court, was Imu-h in Philadelphia in 18."(j. He studied law with his father. He is a eorjoratioii lawyer. Every one honors Galusha A. Grow he has come down from the former generation that fought the battles through the press, ami on the stump ami in Congress, against the extension of human slavery. He is enshrined in the hearts of old and young in Pennsylvania. He is one of the nominees for Con gressman at Ijirge. He was loru in 'onnecticiit in 182:$. He moved with his widowed mother to Penn sylvania when he was 11 years old. He worked on a farm in summer and in winter attended the com mon school, and afterward gradu ated from Ambest College. En gaged in the lumler trade and politics, -was in the Legislature and Congress a number of times. Samuel A. Daven port, Congress man at Large candidate with Grow, was h)tu in Schuylkill county, N. Y., in 18:51, he moved to Erie, Pa., when quite young, there he was educated in the Erie Academy, read law was elected District At torney and run for Congressman at Large. Tin-: ISank of Spain is in trouble. Spain cannot get financial aid from outside, her credit is gone. From this time on she will have to resort to forced loans from her own peo ple. That is her legislature will pass a law to issue paper money, and make them a legal tender for all private and public debts. That kind of financiering may do a while, but in Spain's case it looks as if the last is to le worse than the first. NAVAL WARFARE. It was after a great deal of circling around that Commodore Schley found the Spanish phantom fleet in the harbor of Santiago De Cuba. Indeed he was not certain that the enemy had taken refuge in that har bor, till on the last day of May. Then he transferred his flag to the battleship Massachusetts and steam ed within the distance of a mile of the forts on the hills at the entrance to the harbor. SEAGOING BATTLESHIP MASSACHUSETTS. The Massachusetts is a 15 knot hip and cost (3,020,000. She displaces 10,888 ton of retur, h:i3 9,000 horsepower end carries four 13 inch, eight li inch, fior 0 iuch eu;l 20 Runs of smaller sizo. From the Massachusetts he saw seventeen of the enemies snips. Two torpedo boats came out of the harbor to attack the American fleet. The Texas drove the boats back. The torpedo boat so far is a failure, Dewey knocked them out. Schley is doing the same thing. 0lfn i ! Hit. .,m THE BATTLESHIP TEXAS. The Texas ran steam 1 knots an hour when doing her beat work. She dis places 6,315 tens of water, develops 9,000 horsepower, aud she cost $3,500,000. Her inaiu lattery is composed of two 13 inch and six 6 inch guns. Her second ary buttery consists cf a duzeu smaller gnus. Tin: Spanish government has a secret service bureau in Canada from which Spanish spies are sent, and to which they report from the United States. The sonth during the continuance of its reliellion, had a secret service bureau in Canada. Tiik Washington monthly state ment of the public debt on the 1st of June, 1S!8, is one billion, thirty seven million, seven hundred and seventy-three thousand, seven hundred and sixty dollars. Schlev bombarded the forts and silenced their suns and threw a number of shells into the harbor, and then withdrew. It was a feel er, but the Spaniards sent despatch es that the American fleet had made an assault on the fort and tried to get into the harbor but were re pulsed. By the 2nd of June seven teen American war ships had put in an appearance off the harbor readv for the grand effort. The 3rd of June was chietlv devoted to feeling the Spanish situation. The administration is hard press ed with work about Cuba and the Atlantic coast generally, but with all that it is pushing in the direction of 6. A. R. EKC iUPftlENT, Oil. CITY. REDUCED RATES VIA PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD Fur the Anru-d Encampment of be Grand Army of tl:c Republic, D'partiufiit of rVDDB.Ylvania, to dp held at Oil CUy. Pa., June 8 and 9, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell excu' e on tickets from sta tions in Pennsylvania on June 4 to 8 to Oil City and return, at rate of tin fre fare for the round tnp, good to re lurn until Jane 11, inclusive. j!) Manilla On SatnrHm the monitor Monterey started from San Francis co as aid for Dewey. ne iorn rennsvvana volun teers, were shipped from San Fran cisco, for Manilla, on Tuesday May 7. Tnere are d Spanish war ships in the harDor 01 oanugu yc Cuba, blockaded by Commodore Schey's fleet. To make tht escape of the Spanish war flett an impossibility on a stormy night, it was determined to sink the coal carrying ship Mern- mao across the b arrow entrance to the harbor. ine cnannei AAA t . - . et 1 A. 1 is ouu leet wide. The Merrimac is over ouu ieei iwug. Volunteers were called for the daring work ; 400 responded ; only 8 were wanted. A young officer from Alabama, named R. P. Uobson, and seven men were chosen. I he American fleet bombarded the Spanish shore batteries and while that was going Hobson sailed his ship into the jtwa of death. How it escaped destruction under the rain of shell and shot directed at it is a wonder, but on it went till the narrowest place was reached, there it was turned, the stem to one shore, the stern to the other shore. In a twinkle Hobson exploded a torpedo inside and the Merrimac with her 600 tons of coal went to the bottoir leaving only her masts and smoke stack projecting above the water. Hobson and his seven men had a charmed life, an'l we swimming for the shore when overtaken by Spanish boats and made prisoners. The Spanish Admiral sent his chief of staff under a flag of truce to the American flag ship and highly complimented the little band under the young com mander Hobson, and asked for supplies with which to make them comfortable, and wanted to exchange them for Spanish prisoners but as the American commander did not have any Spanish prisoners an exchange could not take place. All that took place between 3 and 8 o'clock last Friday morning, June 3. The Spaniards in all probability will try to get the Merri mac out of the channel after night when our fleet cannot direct their fire on them while at work in removing the wreck. Captain Charles U. Gridley, commander of the Olympia, Admiral Dewey's flag ship, died on the 4th of June, from the effects of the concussion of a fchell that passed very close to him while he stood on the upper bridge of the ship, during the fight at Manilla. The 3rd regiment, Nebraska Volunteer Infantry, organized by W. J. Bryan, has been accepted by the government and will be shipped to Manilla. If Colonel Bryan coes with the regiment the gold wing of the Democracy will be glad. Lo,aiB.Ai... ATKIHSOM rMMjt ATTORNEYS- AT - LAW, HUfFLIKTOWN, PA. Ornoi-O. Main P1"6 ofJ!T Bridge itrtct. fOctZB,i3 ra-Rnllaetln and OoiToymBcing pro!" ly attended to. triXBEBrORCE CHfTETBB, Attorney-at-Law. B-ColleotioMandaIl legal buBi ncss promptly attenped to. OFFICE IN COURT HOUSE. BE.D.MXBAWTOED, V. DAIWI MXBAWf Oa ,K. D. M. CRAWFORD suit, bare formed a prtnerhip for the rs''e or MeaiciDe ana uwir - Offlce at old aland, corner of Third and I Or ange atreeta, Mifflintown, Ha. One or both ol them will be Tonnd at their office at all timed, nnleaa thorirtae profelorlIy en gaged. April Iiw, low. LEGJL. jyOTICK I PARTITION. IX THE ORPHANS COURT OF JUNIATA COUNTY. In the matter of the partition of the real estate of William Harrison McAlis- ter, late of Fayette township, deceased. To ifeueoca j. mca lister, wiuow; A. Franklin MeCuIly, Homer, Calhoun Co., Michigan; Hamilton McAlister, Tyrone, Pa. ; R. KHiot McAlister, Dodjfe, Nebraska; Emily McAlister, McAlis tenille, Pa. ; Minnie Martin, Mifltin- town, Pa. and Lizzie Jl. McAlister, Willie It. McAlister, and tarab Kllie McAlister, whose euardian ad. litem is Wilberforce S-hweyer, Esq., of Mifttin- town, Pa. ; Edward M. Kelly, Millers town, Pa. ; Jennie E. (iraham, Spnice Hill, Pa. ; Man- L. Mover, Walnut, t'a. ; John Jamison, hwales, l'a. ; David M. Jamison, Anilxy, Illinois ; ljiician . Jamison, rast raw Iaw. IlliiK-is ; Issaac M. Jamison, Hwales, Pa. ; Jennie E. (Jushart. Uurket. In diana ; Clara M. Jamison, Swales, Pa. ; Clara M. Moore, Camp Hill, Pa. ; Julia Cassell, Mount Jov, Pa. ; IjouIs E. Fos ter, Kansas City, Mo. ; William Jlell. Htubensville, Ohio ; Thomas Itell, En pie wixxi, Chicago, Illinois ; Mary Hell, Sewickley, Pa. ; Emily Hell, He wick ley, Pa. ; James Hell, Pittsburgh, Pa., Mary M, (ireeiiawault , Huena Vista, a. ; Ella Hell Seacnst, West Newton: 'a. ; I,aura Hell McAlister. West New ton, Pa. ; T. M. T. Bell, Huena Vista, 'a. ; Marv Itell. Alleiilienv. Pa. : Ar- hurW. Hell. Alleeheny, Pa. ; Marshall Hell, Allegheny, Pa. ; Elizabeth Dennv. Allegheny, Pa. ; Madaline Dewitt, r resno, r resno Co., Cal. ; Warren Mc Culloch, Milan, Sullivan Co., Mo. ; Elizabeth Dewitt, Resrer, state of Mis souri ; Sharon McCulloch. Reeer. Mis- oure : and to all other iwrnniiH intfr- ecied 'n said estate. S. Clayton Stoner, High Hherifl". of Juniata county, sends greeting as fol lows : .bach of you is herebv notilied that at an Orphans Court held on the :7th day of April, A. 1)., 1898. at Mif flintown, Pa in and for the County. aforesaid, the report of the inquest in partition ana valuation or tne real es tate of the said decedent was confirmed and a rule was granted ujxm all the heirs interested in the real estate which the said William Harrison McAlister died, siezed, situate in Fayette town ship, in said county of Juniata, to ap Iear in open Court at Mifltintown. Pa.. on TUESDAY THE 14TH DAY OF JUNE, at 10 o'clock a. m.. and accept or refuse the several tracts at the valua tion made thereof or at a hiirher price. and also to show cause why, if the said real estate l not accepted, it should not lie sold by order of the court. The real estate was valued and an- praisedas follow : t ract .No. 1, at i:i.)0.(K) ; tract No. 2. at f lOTo.OO ; tract No. 8. at : tract No. 4, otl.Cijj ; tract No. 5, at SIOTjO.SSJ ; tract No. , lit ?1!M!8.:J ; tract No. 7, at 105.00; tract No. 8. at SlH.oO. 8. CLAYTON STONER. Sheriff's office. Hherifl. Mifflintown, Pa., May 10, 18!8. AN ORDINANCE An ordinance declaring theadmissioii and annexation as part of the Horough of Mifllintown, in the county of Juni ata and State of Pennsylvania of the lots and tracts of land com Rising "Schweier's addition'1 adjacent to said HorouKh. Whereas a majority of the free hold owners of the lots and tracts of land in the section lving adjacent to said Ror- oughof Milllintowu, in the county of Juniata, and State of Pennsylvania, to wit : Beginning at a point in the center of Washington Avenue on the east line of Cross Street, thence north by the centre line of said N ashington Avenue, the present Horough line, sixty three and one fourth degress east, eight mm dred and forty one (841) feet tothe south east corner tf the present borough hue, or line or iX)ty's aaaition to the l tor ouch ; thence by land of B. F. Schwei- er south twentv-six and three fourth degrees east one hundred and ninety one feet and nine inches ; thence In land of same south sixty three and one fourth decrees west, nine hundred and seventeen feet to east side of Cross Street ; thence by east side of said Cross Street, the present Borough line north live decrees west two hundred and eicht feet and six inched to the place of be ginning, have petitioned the Chief Burgess and town I ouucil of the Bor ough of Mifllintown, to admit aud annex the said section to said Borough as part thereof on which said petitioners reside as provided bv Act of Assembly of July loth, 1897. 1 hereiore, iseitoraaiuea ana enacted by the Chief Burgess and Town Coun- cilofthe Horoueh of Milnmtown, and it is herebv enacted by the authority of the same. That the said lots and tracts of land com)osiiig the section herein before particularly described and adjacent to the Borough or aiimmtown De ana are herebv declared to he admitted and an nexed tothe Horough of Mifflintown, in the county of Juniata and State of Pennsylvania ; and the said section shall forever hereafter be deemed and taken and allowed to lie a part of said Borough and subject to the jurisdiction aud government of the municipal au thorities of said Horough as fully as if the same had lieen originally a part of said Borough or Mimintowii. Enacted into an ordinance this twen tieth day of May, A. D. one thousand eight hundred aud ninety eight. Attest, S. H. SHOWERS, J. HOWARD NEELY, President. Secretary. Approved the 20th dav of Mav, A. D. 18i)8. JOHN H. HWEGER, 'hief Burgess. GERMAN BAPTISTS' (DI7!fK ARDV) ANNUA I, MEET ING, HAPERVILLE It. U. y.-FFUKTOWW GRAIN MARKKTS MIFFLINTOWN, ji nk 8, 1898 Wleat jl.oo Ci.ra in er .... ..... 37 , 3P Ri-e 32 Clotremeed . .... ....... .. $2 to $2 50 Batter 16 Eggs till Ham ' 12 Sbonlder 12 Iard ...... 9 Side. 7 Timuthr seed 1.40 Fat eed 60 Bran 70 Chop 85c to 90c Middling.... ...... 90 Ground In -i Bait 75 American Salt 60c Reduced Bate via Peanayl raala RaKraad. TV.. Ivw.lll f noo.na A. j ing to attend the Annual Meeting of tne German Baptists (Dunkard) at Nipervllle, HI., May 29 to Jure 7, 8S98, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will pell excursion tickets from points on its Hue west of Balti more, Lancaster, Readme', and south of Sunburv, all inclusive, at a rate of BiDgle fre for the round trip to Chi cago plus 1. 85 to NaperviLU; ihfce tickets to be sold May 23, 24. 27, 28, and good to return until Jane 24, ixctpt that on depor.it of tickets with agent at NapeiTille on or before June 24, return limit may be extruded to Jane 30. THE MONITOR MONTEREY. The monitor Monterey was the first of the double tnrreted coaat defciist, monitors to be designed and launohed. She was bnilt on the Pacifio ooast an-l cost 1,600,000. Her main armament consists of two monster 13 iaoh and t 10 inch rifles. Philadelphia Markets, June ft. 1898. Wheat 1.12 ; oats 3,'Jc ; corn 37c; hay $7.00 to $13.00 a ton ; tangled wheat and oats straw at $3.50 a ton ; butter 13 to 27c ; eggs 11c ; beef cattle 4 to 5c ; old potatoes 50 to fiOc ; Lew potatoes $2 to $3. 25 a barrel ; veal calves 4 to 6c; sheep 3 to 5 ; lambs 3 to 5c ; thin cows $8 to $15 ; milch cows 25 to $40 : hoirs 5 to 6c: live chicLens 10c. spring chickens 2 and 4 pound 18 10 iic a pou no. LEGAL NOTICE. Wonderful are the cares by Hood's S&rsaparilla and yet it ia only because cs the one true blood purifier, it makes pare, rich, healthy, life-giving blood. Hood's Pill for the liver and bowels, act easily . yet promptly. 26o roTICE is hereby given that the I nier surgess ana Town Couik-U of the Borough of Mifflintown have, by onliiiHiife rinlv eiifltefl nn Mav Oth 1898, admitted and annexed as 'part of ine Borough or ltnmtowii in tne county of Juniata and state of Pennsylvania, the lots and tracts of land composhiK Hchweyer's Addition, adjacent to said Borough and they have tiled a plan or plot or tne saiu extension this date 111 the office of the Quarter Sessions of Juniata County. J. Howard Nkki.v. Secretary Town Council Borough of aimiutown. il:c t-..;d.-;eyi.il.-cr end Blood Subscribe for the Juxiata Siima axn Refubucar.. H. P. DERR, PBACTICAl. OEWTIST. .- adnate of the Philadelphia Dental In' o Offina m.t nld ftntabllSOOQ IV oation, Bridge Street, opposite Court House, Mifflintown, Pa. tiy Crown and Uridgo won; Painless Extraction. All work guaranteed. PENNSYLVANIA JRAILBOAD- Schetlnle in Effect Maj' 30, 1898. WESTWARD. Wav Passenger, leaves ' Philadelphia at 4 30 a. m; Harrisburg 8 00 a. m; Duncannon 8 3.3 a. m; Iew Port 9 00 a. m: Millerstown 9 15 a. m: Purword 9 21 a. m; Thompsontown 9 26 a. m; Van Dyke 33 a. m; Tusoarora n a. m: Mexico 9 40 a. m; Port Iioyal 9 44 a. in: Miffiin 9 50 a. m: Denholm 9 55 a. ni; Lewistown 1013 a. m; Mcveytown 10 38 a. m: Newton Hamilton 11 00 a. m: Mount Union 11 06 a. m; Hunting don 11 32 p. m; Tyrone 12 20 p. m; Al- toona 1 00 p. m; Pittsburg t &u p. m. Mail leaves Philadelphia at 7 00 a. m; Harrisburg at 11 48 a. m; Mifflin 1 11 p. ni; Lewistown 1 30 p. m; Hunting don 1 Jit p. m; Tyrone s 12 p. m; ai toona 3 45 p. m: Pittsburg 8 30 p. m. Altoona Accommodation leaves Har risburg at 5 00 p. m; Duncannon 5 34 p. m; Newport 6 02 p. m; Millerstown 6 11 p. m; Thompsontown 6 21 p. m; Tuscarora 6 30 p. 111: Mexico 6 33 p. ni: Port Itoyal 6 38 p. ni; Mifflin 6 43 p. m; lennoim t)4Hp. m: ijewmtown 7 07 p. m; McVeytown 7 SO o. m: Newton Hamilton 7 50 p. ni; Huntingdon 8 20 p. m; Tyrone 9 02 p. m; Altoona 9 35 p. m. Pacific Express leaves Philadelphia m 11 a) p. m; riarrisuurg at 3 00 a. m. Marysville 3 14 a. ni. Duncannon 3 29 a. m. Newport 3 52 a m. Port Hoyal 4 a. 111. -Miltini 4.30 a. m. Ijewistown 4o2am. Newton Hamilton 5 33 a. m Huntingdon 6 03 a. m. Petersburg 6 19 a. ni. lyroneb 02 a. m. Altoona 7 40 a m. Pittsburg 12 10 a. ru. Oyster Express leaves Philadelphia at 1 rfo p, m. riarrisDurg at jo 20 p. ni NewiMtrt 11 06 p. m. Mifflin 11 40 n. m Iewistown 11 58 p. m.: Huntiuedon 12 55 a. ni. Tvrone 1 32 a. m. Altoona 2 00 a. 111. Pittsburg 5 30 a. m. Fast Line leaves Philadelphia at 12 25 p. ni. Harrisburg 3 50 p. m. Duncan non 4 15 p. m. Newport 4 35 p. m. Mif- nil a Ml ). III. IRIOH 11 o - p. m. Mount Union 6 08 n. m. Huntiinrdon 6. 27 p. m. Tvrone 7 04 11. m. Altoona 1 -4u p. ni. niisDurg 11 3u p. m. EASTWARD. - Altoona Accommodation leaves Al toona at 4 40 a. ni. Tvrone 5 04 a. m Petersburg 5 25 a. m. Huntiuedon 5 37 a. m. Newton Hamilton 6 01 a. m. Mc- eytown 0 1 a. m. Iewistown 6 38 a. ni. Mifflin 6 58 a. in. Port Roval 7 02 a. ni. Thompson town 7 17 a. 111. Millers town 7 26 a. 111. Newixtrt 7 35 a. m Diiucannoii 8 00 a. ni. Harrisburg 8 30 U. Ill, Sea Shore leaves Pittsbunr at 3 30 111. Altoona 7 15 a. in. Tyrone 7 48 a. m. Huntingdon 8 30 a. iu. McVevtown 9 15 a. m. Iewistown 9 .3.5 a. ni. Mifflin 955 a. ni. Port Royal 9 59 a. ni. Thonipson- iu i-i a. in. .uuicrsiuw n 1U a. m. Newjx.rt 11 32 a. m. Duncannon 10 54 a. 111. Marysville 11 07 a. 111. Harris burg 11 25 a.ni. Philadelphia 3 00 p. in. Main Line Express leaves Pittsburg at 8 (HI a. m. Altoona 11 40 a. m. Tvrone vz. im p. in. Huntingdon 12 35 p. m. Ixiwistowy 1 S3 p. 111. Mifflin 1 50 p m Harrisburg 3 10 i. m. Baltimore Kflfln. 111. Washington 7 15 p. ni. Philadelphia 6 23 p. ni. Mail leaves Altoona at 2 05 i. 111. Tv rone 235 p. 111. Huntingdon 3 17 p iii. Newton Hamilton 3 47 p. m. McVey town 4 20 p. m- lewistown 4 33 p. in. Mi ftlin 4 55 p. m. Port I oval 5 00 11. m. Mexico 5 20 p. m. Thonisontowu 5 18 p. 111. ainersiowii a . , xewimrt 5 39 p ni. Duncannon 6 08 p. 111. Har risburg 6 45 p m. Hail Express leaves IMttshure at 1 00 p. m. Altoona 6 10 p. m Tyrone 6 25 p. 111. Huntingdon 7 23 i. m. ViA'ev- towunuop 111. Jwistowil H 2li p. m Mifflin 8 47 p. 111. Port Koval 8 52 p. m Villerstown 9 16 p. m. Newport 9 26 p. 111. Dunt-auiiou 9 50 p.m. Hiirrisbunr 10 20 p 111. 8 Philadelphia Express leiivou Plttu. burg at 4 JM) p. m. Altoona 9 05 p. m. Tyrone 9 33 p ni. Huntingdon 10 12 p. 111. Mount Union 10 3-J n 111. I .u-iu. town 1 1 ib p. ni. JWimin 11 37 i. m. tir- risburg 1 00 a. m. Philadelphia 4 SO. ."vi iuiMunn junction. For Sun-bun- 7 30 a. m- aud 3 as days. For Jfilroy 6 15, 10 20 a. m. and 3 00 p. m week-days. At Tyrone. For Clearfield and Cur wensville 8 20 a. m. 3 20 and 7 20 p. m week-da vs. For Bellefonte and Loek Haven 8 in a. m. 12 30 aud 7 15 p. m week-days. For further information applv to Ticket Agents, or Thomas E. Watt lomciinci .-Brin, nesiern in vision, t'onier Fifth Avenue aud Smithfield mreei, nnsimrg. J. B. HITCH I NSON, J. R. WOOD, Oeneral Man'g'r. General Pass'r. Agt. LEGJL. pKOTHONOTARY'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the lowinsr acoutitM hirp fiiui 1.. office of the Prothonntanr n.t r,, ..:. t . . umuin county, and the same will be presented iy. luuinuiauuu aim allowance to the vuun 01 common i-ieas, of said county on Tuesday the 14th day of June, A. D 1898. when and whm all tuim.,u i.. terested may attend if they think pn 1' 1. The first mxl flnli ---- avuill ui James H, runk, committee of Marv A vltiitlr Ia l.t. rr . . " '"""l,lci 01 1 unturora lownsnip. deceased. i ine nut and final account of jaiiu aiuser, assignee of Michael Shelly, of Delaware township. f.rohollota,y'8 offlee. Prothonotary Mifflintown, Pa., May 16, 1898. foi- the Great Cures proved bv thousands of testimonials show that Hood's Sar taparilla possesses power to purify. Vitalize and enrich the blood. Hood'B Pill urn - v j alJ9 W be taken with Hood's Sarsanarilla, rarorite Remedy CURES All. KIDNEY SrnMira J r STnM.ru -AND LIVER TROUBLES. 0EWEV HAS CAPTUREUf 3MNILLA And dsstroyed the Spaniah fleet Wo have captured the remmn. ing Spring Stock of Clothing, consisting of - Men's, Boys' and Children's Suits j From one of the largest and well-known Clothing Houses of Lirer icht, Greenewalt & Co.. 1013 Market street Philadelphia, for 45 . eents on the dollar. A clothing sale such m ha never been known in the History of Janiata County. LIVERIGHT. GREENEWALT 4 ' Manufactures of Clothing, 1013 Market StreJ Fhiladelphw, Fa , May 10, 1898 ' Mr. Ferd Meyers, Dear Sir: -We find the backward season thia Spring has prevented us in ciuaiug uu um uuj. mow oprmg stock and we find ourselves loaded with an immense stock of new Cloth, ing. The only remedy we have to dispose of it is to sacrifice prices. Knowing that you sre a large cash buyer no doubt you will tak the opportunitv offered to you and buy the remainder of our stock at 45 cents on the dollar. Shall we submit samples. Please answer by return maiL Yours R-sp'r, LIVERIGHT GREENEWALT ic. Ones' of FERD METERS, Dealer in Clothing and Furniture. Mifflintewn, Pa., May 12, 1898. Liveright, Greenewalt A Co., Gents: Tours of the 10th icst., re ceived and contents noted, w e are ai ways open iur uargaios. I'leasa send samples at onee. If styles and quality are satisfactory we will buv the remainder of your stock. Tours respectfully, 3 FERD MEYEKs. We hsve scooped in the remainder of the entire Spring Stock of LiTeright, Greenewalt & Co. We put the knife to tax Dd 1 ? " : 1 u-ir 11,.. , chopped aown pnoea w oo ut " " iuuj, now is your opportunity to buy new and reliable clothing as long m they are here. We put on sal 560 Men's all ool suits, regular price 9 50k ' special sale price $4.25. 271 Men's all wool fancy worsteds suits in sacks and cutaways, all sizes. These suits are worth $12 50, special sale price $G 23. 265 Men's cassimere suits, the greatest bargain, they are bunch ed from different lots, all sizes. Six different patterns to select from. They range in value from $7 to $9 Special sile prise $4.31 767 Children's suits, all styles and sixes. Che viols, Cassimere Serges, regular prices $2 50, up to $5 00. Special sale price 68 972 Boys' suits. Cheviots, Cassimeres and Fancy plaids. This line was gathered with special reference to young men's needs. Regular price $5 50 np to $8.00 Special sale price $3.25 up to $4 62. CLEARING SALE OF FURNITURE, The season for Furniture is about to a close and we find ws must have more room for our large fall stock which will nrrirs in due time. Therefore we are compelled to close out the remain der of our spring stock. All our former prices are marked down 20 per cent Now is your opportunity to buy furniture at a sac rifice. Don't miss this chanoe. 115 and 117 Bridge Street. FEBD MHVHHS fa Tuscarora Valley Railroad. BCHKDULK DC EFFECT MONDAT, NOV. 29, 1897. EASTWARD. STATIONS. DAILY, EXCEPT 8UKDAY. Blair's Mills , Waterloo.. Leonard's Grove Ross Farm Perulack.. , East Waterford , Heckman. Honev Grove Fort Bigham Wsrble Pleasant View Seven Pines Spruce Hill Grahams Stewart Freedom Turbett .... Old Port " Port Royal Ar. No.l No.3 A. M. P. M. 7 40 2 00 7 45 2 05 7 502 10 7 57 2 17 8 03 2 23 8 15 2 35 8 25 2 45 8 30 2 50 8 37 2 57 8 45 3 05 8 49 3 09 8 55 3 15 8 5S3 18 9 05 3 25 9 07 3 27 9 10 3 30 9 13 3 33 9 18 3 38 9 253 45 RAILROAD TIME TABLE. J3ERRT COPNTr RAILROAD. The following ached nl went Info effect Not. 16, 18, and the trains will be rai u. followa.- p. m 4 80 4 36 4 89 8 41 4 45 4 46 4 61 4 64 4 66 4 69 a. m 9 00 9 06 9f9 9 11 9 14 9 15 9 19 9 22 9 24 9 2T Leave AniTe.p.a Dnncaonon 7 64 2 tt -a ing a Mill 7 48 Sulphur Spring!) 7 46 Corraan Sid ine 7 41 Uontebcllo Park 7 41 6 10 10 48 6 16 9 49 5 21 9 64 6 24 9 67 6 27 10 05 6 82 10 17 6 84 10 17 6 87 10 30 02 10 36 p. m a. m Weaver Roddy Hoffman Royer Vahanoj Blooutield Tressler Nellson Dum's Elliotsbarc Bcrnbeil' Groen Ptrlc Montonr June Laodisburg 7 40 7 S 7 R8 7 81 7 28 7 23 7 09 704 7 01 6 68 6 61 6 48 6 83 6 28 in fis 11& 213 108 I 2 08 2 00 141 1 88 181 1 28 1 25 1 20 1 18 1 16 260 Arrive Leave a. m n m Train Inares BloomfleM at 6.63 a. m., nt arrives at Landia!ur;r at 6.23 a. m. Train leaTsa Landiaburg at 6.08 p. m., tad arrives at Bleoralield at 6.40 p. m. AH stations marknd i .r fin. at which trains will come to a full top oa Csas. H. Shilkt, President. S. IT. Bsss, Sapt. Trains No. 1 and nu r . n . to n in a oral o ana a witn Mail east WESTWARD. STATIONS. DAILY, EXCEPT 8UHDAY. Port Royal Old Port Turbett Freedom. Stewart Graham's Spruce Hill Seven 'Pinna Pleasant View.. warble Fort Bighaml Honey Grove.... , Heckman... East Wsterford!!!! reruiack Leonard's Grove!!! Waterloo.. Blair's Mffls..'.'.Ar". 1 N0.2N0.4 Q 0.010 30 505 1.319 375 12 2.8 10 42 5 17 3.7 10 45 5 20 4.4 10 48 5 23 5.0 10 50 5 25 6.3 10 57 5 32 7.211 00 5 35 9.011 06 5 41 10.011 10 5 45 12.011 185 53 14.0 11 25 6 00 15.1 11 30 6 05 17.511 40 6 15 20.5 11 62 6 27 22.0 11 58 6 33 24.012 05 6 40 25.5 12 10 6 45 27.0 12 15 6 60 &fes2A?s tie Till...i n 1? aw Oap, Shade raltey ..a aoa)Mrn Station Stafe Lines. J. a MOORHEAD, T. S. MOORHEAD, (NEWPORT AND SHERMAN'S VAL 1 v ley Railroad Company. Timi tabla of passenger trains, in effect on Monday, May 18tb, 1896. STATIONS. Newpcrt Buffalo Bridge....! Jnniata furnace ... WahneU ... 2?'TM .. Wat-r Ping BloouifirM JuucV'n! Valley Rm.l Elliot uoarf m Green Park . Loyarill. Fort Rnb-Mn ...." Center Ciana's Run Anderaonbnra w Monntpieaaant ... few Germant'n ... Tfeat. ward. Kiat- P M ' A 6 06 10 85' 6 08 10 38: 6 12 10 421 6 15 10 451 6 25 10 62 6 22 11 Oil 5 8111 09 6 8911 09 61 11 21 6 64 11 24 7 05 7 11 7 15 7 21 11 85 11 41 11 45 11 61 7 27111 67 7 35 12 06 7 41 12 11 7 45 12 15 A H 30 8 27 8 23 20 8 16 811 8 08 8 St 7 45 ? 40 1 84 7 26! 7 16! 7 15 7 10 7 03 6 68 6 60 r n 400 8 67 868 8 60 846 8 41 8 88 8 82 8 16 3 10 804 268 2 49 246 2 40 288 224 2 20 24 i 20 t r. D-. pKING, President and Managsr 1 - Miubb, General Agent. FAROUHAR . nW8 Friotlos Fttd rK and Ajax Genfsr Crssk Fnrina KOMlC MED. CO.. Chicago, III. SoWbTprwwuIpW.Botaw etar CareW.1.7g. BotOa Sjr838w ' MOOD'S Senaparnia, - -Tjw agsin proved br its ec HIstteOswTreeCLOODfW strona; and simple, with lsrg sills or wtifth, Stronc snassfe. NFsiranhnr Bllr km. evsr ex. l4a. Also stiuiduid scrtcoitoral Impl.nn-Dis amj rrcsws ty. Bend for ana prices to LSenarallr. ywajaeassLtijirtsPi. snjoiuer In lur msrkrt BvS;i f."t causlnc.u ik. rnrntat Isirk - ni rtill wi.11. Ins: lis'?"nsioiBr .miao Hsjrisia. ta" " A V-