Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, June 01, 1898, Image 2

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M'KDXI-SIlAY, .TrXK 1, iww.
HrRH-iciiTioNi.(N,r-ear jf pajj
in a.lvun. o ; Sl..-yt if ,lot val(i , aJ.
Transient advertising and local
notices 4 its a Hue.
Deductions ill i;e made to tliose de
firing to advertise l,y the year, half or
quarter year.
Tin; vet vessther developed the
fundus :i-.vth in the pKh or
chards of Delaware and destroyed
the crop. S: they
Tiik Ci!i;n insurgents have fail
ed to eoute forward as a jwer to
help themselves, as they promised
to do if aided lv America.
tin: Spaniards are dreaming
over a national milleiiial dawn
period, vi;;, :,n the nations iiuited
against America, from vhieh var
Spain is to emerge as the chief
lKMiclicia ry.
lui: Quakers The frienils as
they are commonly called, in the
1'nite.l Slates, ;re eiiieriiit; their
.protest aiinsi the var now oiii.
on iienreen the i inled States and
Spain. The truth is, it isa shock
comtiientary :n liristiumtv
and civilization that two profess
euly christian nations, like the
I'nited States and Spain should Ik?
eiurajred in the Icisiness of killiii"
ea;-h other and destroying as much
of the others property as possible
The American battle ship the Oregon.
The Oregon is 848 feet long and baa a displacemeut of 10,888 tons. She oort
CS, 180,000 and steams 15 knots an hour. Her crew consists of 424 men. Four
13 Inch, eight 8 inch, four 6 inch and 80 smaller guns compose her armament.
She left San Francisco March iq,
and arrived at Jupiter, Florida, May
2A. In that course of 6a davs she
r -
steamed n,ooo miles. She is now
readvto take a cart in the cause of
humanity and staple government
for Cuba, in Cuban waters. It would
perhaps, have been as well had she
been left in Pacific waters to assist
Dewey, with his end of the human
ity and peace and staple government
for Cuba programme. However, as
the hitch in the humanity enterprise
is in the region of Cuba the Ore
gon's arrival comes at a good time.
The Spanish fleet was almost every
where in Cuban waters last week.
So report said. According to report,
it was sunk to the bottom of the sea
for company for Mc Ginty. That re
port alter several days was denied.
Then came the report, that the
Spanish fleet of six war ships had
sailed into the harbor of Santiago De
Cuba, a large port on the south side
and east end of Cuba, and that the
American fleet of Commodore
Schley stood guard at the entrance
of the harbor. The entrance to the
harbor is about as wide as the Mif
flintown bridge is long, that is about
600 feet ; the water in the harbor is
100 feet deep, and the harbor is wide
and six to eight miles long.
The surprise of last week was
ei great when the rebel Cubans came
to the front to help themselves on
I the 24th of May, when the cruiser
Brooklyn landed 60,000 rounds of
ammunition, a number of rifles and
a quantity of food for the insurgents,
not far from Cienfugos. The Span
ish fort opened fire on the American
! ships. The Marblehead knocked
ta. k ni,,t ideals, dividual I the fort to pieces and a troop of Span-
jiihI national, how quickly thev i i
vanish and in their stead' others ! ish cavalry was defeated by a regi
"tSIllment of insurgents that came upon
the rear ot the Spaniards.
The United States auxiliary cruis
er St. Louis and gunboat Wampa-
I tucket, cut the cabel connection be-
eetjtween Santiago and Jamaica about
!uetdk o'clock on the 19th of May, and why
spam ifthevaristo.eontiuueditne bpanish fleet then in the harbor
Z:of Santiago did not come out of the
e.i to comber the vorhi w;harbor to fight for the cabel isaques-
Koman hnancial tacties will have: . 0 .
tol.e employed to save us fromjtlOn UnanSWCred.
bankruptcy. That is the eoinpior-j The ships when about 5 miles from Morro castle fired a
is l people must he made to pay the nuirber of thots at the castle. When within 3 miles off the
war expenses. Cermany iu l S70 1 c:istle the grappel w;is lowered, but the cabel was not grap
uiade France pay the war bills , pled till within a quarter of a mile of the castle The castle
Spain must ie made to pay the ' opened fire on the ships. The vessels returned the fire upset
war bills of the present var for ting a gun in the fort and scaring the Spaniards out of the fort,
huinanity and the ix-ace and staple J Heavy batteries back of the castle opened fire on the ships,
government of 1'uba. ' What a but the work of grappling for the cabel went on The wire
fraud, what a fake that battle cry, I was grappled, pulled on deck of the St. Louis and cut. Each
."for humanity and the peace of 0f the crew have a piece of the cable. On last Sunday morn-
f'nti" iic ' i:nt u-itii i 1 1 tii.it w-i z
Losu E. ATinavfc. F. M. f
Ornra-Oi Mtn troai, 1b plaM of
k of Lonta K. AtklMOB. w""
Brid( afreet. fOctM.lWJ
Oy-CoUeeUBf ttd Ooreycl prowp
r Bonded to.
B9-ColleotionsandaU legal baei
ne88 promptly attenped to.
bare formed a pertnerfbip for the praetict
of Medicine and their eollatteral braochre.
Office at old atand, corner of Third and Or
anire atreeta, Hiffltntown, Pa. One or bott
ot them will be found at their office at all
times, nnleea otbenrlae profeiionIly ea
fajred. .
April lit, 1896.
fc-Tii.Ev J us the ynanrsh fleet cf
Ai'm;ral Ccrvrri;, blotkedtd, m the
harbor of Sintin-o De Cuba. It is
a figure of frorb lo d'Clr.rp. the
SpaiiHh fl .-i t t'r:ir:(t tt t-ut -A tb
t i .
that L'.vs rua tie blockade. What
is to f rcv-n: it from gtiog out when
tb' cm it rot?yb ncd all bacds ure
Deeded 1 1 kvt p t he s'iip right before
I be slorm -.vK'-oni tl iokir-i' of bnt-
tie. The fhiKjj t'j do ia Jo do us
D:.wty tl: ! ; destroy the SiiMth
Ihet. I v.i;! ba n v'rtaifu! und'-r
tskirjj to nltf mpt. tfc lit f-'ru li ion t.
tbe Spicish !ket Ioe.it rl as it is but
wbeii ll;o ixiniir.istr.'d on ebouldtrcd
tie Cub. n figlt ri;e!i thirsja were
HiloEff the Ub:.bi L tLo (Jllbsi.H.
( 'oiiiniodore V.'inlielil Si-ott
fn-hley, u as born in 5 S to, the same
year that Admiral Sampson was
Imiih. While .Sampson's parents
were poor, Schley's parents were
people of means. When only 1
y ears old he w as admitted to Xaval
Academy at Annapolis. He was
hrijrht enough, l;t lacked apjdi
cation at study, was quick temper
ed and had a jjood many scraps
with the Ikvs He v.ns in active
naval service during tbe reliellion
ai:i looked upon in the Xavy as
one of the most spirited ofiiccrs.
.Me l';i lias never het'ii hlown up as
lx:!h Sumpsim and Dewey was, the
former at imrleslon and the latter
at Xev Jrleans hut he has seen
macli naval service, and the latest
and most darin; was when the
trouble between this country and
"hili was on lie was commander
l' the llaltimore and two of hh
sailors were munleivd in 1 lie
streets of Val'raniiso Schlev hind
ed a ImhIv of marines from his ship
ami marched into Valparaiso. It
was a f!arin;r act. The t'hilliani
licit i. 'i the hr.ihor consisting of
three war cruisers and several tor
pedo boats prepared to attack him.
Ifep'.i! his ship i i order for the
tiht. The 'hilliansdid not attack
him. The Washington govern
ment thought S-hley carried a chip
on his hat and took him out of
South American waters.
Monroe doctrine as a national ideal
and would have fought the world
for it. To day we turn our back
on tin i'.onroe doctrine, and eager
ly pursue the new ideal of tentor
ial acquisition. We have captur
ed the Philippine islands ; we want '
t lie saiulwicli islands: we expect
The Adstio squadron of the United States nary is commanded by Commo
dore George Dewey, a veteran of the oiril war. He is 60 year old and an
officer of ripo experience. He took part in the capture of New Orleans, the
engagements at Port Hudson and Donaldsonville, and he fought in tbe two
attacks on Fort Fisher, being on the steam gnnboat Agawan. He came oat of
the war with tbe rank of lien tenant commander.
Au ordinance declaring the admission
and annexation as rart of the Boroueh
j of Mitllintown, in tbe county of Juni-
In the matter of the partition of the ata and Mate or rennsy vania of tne
i pi
real estate of William HarriHon MeAlis
ter, late of Fayette township, deceased.
To Hebecca J. McAlister, widow; A.
Franklin McCully, Homer, Calhoun
Co., Michigan; Hamilton McAlister,
Tyrone, Pa. ; R. Elliot McAlister, iXxhre,
Nebraska; Kmily McAlister, McAhs
tcrville, Pa. ; Minnie Martin, Mitllin
town. Pa. and Lizzie IJ. McAlister.
Willie 15. McAlister, and Sarah Ellie!
.McAlister, wliose guardian ad. litem is
lotH and tracts of land composinfr,
nchweier uuaition ' adjacent to nam
Whereas a majority of the free hold
owners of the lots and tracts of land in
tic wi -ti i i Ivinir adiacent to said Itor-
oughof Minaiutowu, in the county of
Juniata, and State ol I'eniisylvania. to
wit : IkieiiiniiiK at a point in the center
of Washington Avenue on the east line
of Cross Street, thence north bv the
town, Pa. ; Edward M-. Kelly, Millers-
town, i'a. ; Jennie k.. (rraliam, Spruce
Hill, Pa. ; .Mary 1,. Moyer, Walnut,
Pa. ; John E. Jamison, Swales, I'a. ;
David M. Jamison, Amlwy, Illinois ;
Ijiiciun W. Jamison, East" Paw Paw,
Illinois ; Issaac M. Jamison, Swales,
Pa, ; Jennie E. (iushart, Iturket. In
diana ; Clara M. Jamison, Swales, I'a. ;
Clara M. Moore, Camp Hill, Pa. ; Julia
lussell, .Mount Joy, I'a. ; Ijouis E. Fos
ter, Kansas City, Mo. ; William Hell.
StubensviUe, Ohio ; Thomas Hell. En
KlewMMl, Cbicaifo, Illinois ; Mary Bell,
Sew ickley, Pa. ; Kmily Hell, Sewickley,
i-a. ; janiss lieu, nttsburKU, I'a.,
Mary M, Creeuawault , Hucna Vista.
ra. ; r-.na i?eii Seacrist, West Newton:
i'a. ; iiuira jsen .Mt-.vnster. west New
ton, Pa. ; T. M. T. Ilell, Hucua Vista.
I'a. ; Mary Jsell. Allejfhenv. Pa. : Ar
thur W. Hell, AlloKheny, Pa. ; Marshall
jsen. .-MieifLieny. ra. : I-.lizal-eth lieniiv.
AlleKheny, Pa. ; Madaliue Hewitt,
rresno. rresno iu., t ai. : warren Mr
Culloch. Milan. Sullivan Co.. Mo.
Elizabeth Hewitt, Itejter, state of Mis
souri : Sharon Mc-Culloch. Itetrer. Mis-
iHire ! :i nri tn all nthpr ivkuib mton.
et-ted "n said estate. . .
S. Clayton Stoner. Hub SherifT. if
Juniata county, sends rreeting as fol
lows : f.acn or you is hereby notified
that at an Orphans Court heid on the
i til day of April. A. I).. 1S!8. at Mif-
tlintown, Pa in and for the Countv,
aforesaid, the report of the inquest hi
partition and valuation of the real es
tateof the said decedent was confirmed
and a rule was granted upon all the
heirs interested in the real estate w hich
the said William Harrison McAlister
died, siezed, situate in Fayette tow n
ship, in said county of Juniata, to ap
iiear in oieii Court at Milliintown. Pa..
J I N E, at 10 o'clock a. m.. and accent
or refuse the several tracts at the valua
tion made thereof or at a higher price.
and also to show cause why, if the said
real estate ne not accented, it should
not lie sold by order of tne court.
I he real estate was valued and an-
praisedas follow :
tract No. 1, at .?l:tj0.00: tract No. 2.
at ?107o.00; tract No. 3, at $333,331;
tract No. 4, 5H. titi i ; tract No. 5, at
IOoO.H3i ; tract No. , at 1908.33i ;
tract No. 7, at SNiOo.00; tract No. 8. at
Sheriffs oflice. sheriff.
Miftlintown, Pa., May 10, 1898.
Minii..' cm it re Hue of said WashiiiKton Avenue.
i iur j.iciii jM.!iUKii iiiij, nijvi.v iiirw
and one fourth depress cast, eight hun
dred and forty one (841) feet tothesouth
east comer or the present lorougn line,
or line of Dotv's addition to the Hor-
ough ; thence by land of B. F. Schwei-
er south twentv-six and three fourth
degrees east one hundred and ninety
one feet and nine inches ; thence bv
land of same south sixty three and one
fourth degrees west, nine hundred and
seventeen feet to east side of Cross
Street ; thence by east side of said Cross
Street, the present Borough line north
live degrees west two hundred and eight
feet and six inches to the place of be
ginning, have petitioned the Chief
Burgess and town Council of the Bor
ough of .VMlintown, to admit and
annex the said section to said Borough
as part thereof on which said petitioners
: i . - i ii . l . . . .
iwiue uw proviueu ny jaci oi .-ssenililv
of July loth. 1807.
Therefore, Be it ordained and enacted
by the Chief Burgess and Town Coun
cil of the Bomutch of Mifiiiutowii. and
it is hereby enacted by the authority of
the t-anie.
That the said lots and tracts of land
composing the section herejin before
particularly descrilted and adjacent to
the Bomugh of Miftlintown be and are
hereby declared to l admitted and an
nexed to the Borough of Mifftintown,
in tne county of Juniata and State of
Pennsylvania ; and the said section
shall forever hereafter be deemed and
taken and allowed to lie a jiart of said
Bomugh and subject to the jurisdiction
and government of the municipal au
thorities of said Borough as fully as if
the same had lieeu originallv a Dart of
said liomugb of MiUliutown.
himcted into an ordinance this twen
tieth day of May, A. 1). one thousand
eight hundred and ninetv eight.
Attest. S. H. SHOW EltS,
J. HOWARD NEELY, President.
Approved the 20th da v of Mav. A. D.
Chief Burgess.
adnata of the Philadelphia Dental
Jo. e. ' Office at old established lo
eat ion, Bridge Street, opposite Conrt
Hoase, .MiffliotowD, Pa.
Crown and Bridge work;
Painless Extraction.
All work guaranteed.
Notice is'hereby given that an appli
ation w ill lie made to the Governor of
Pennsylvania, on Tuesday the 17th dav
of Mav, A. 1)-, 181)8, bvT? S. Moorhead,
J. C. Moorhead. Wni. Kraft L. S. Cat-
liu and Carl F. I-l-jienscbatle and others,
under the act of assembly entitled An
Act to pmvide for the iucornora-
ation and regulation of certain cornor-
ations" approved April 2!)th 1S74, and
the supplements thereto, for the char
ter of an intended coritnration to I
ailed theTuscarora FertilizerComriHiiv.
the character and object of which
is the manufacture of fertilizers mul
ingredients, in Juniata County, Penn
sylvania, and for these purjioses to
to have, ixissessandeniov all the riehts
lienelits and privileges of said act of as
sembly and the supplements thereto.
pril 19, '!. Solicitor.
:f rLlMOWl. GhAl'4 .AHKSTS
MIFFLINTOWN, ji xk 1,1898
Wlaat ..$1.00
vtn m (mi .........
l)afh, .....
Cloveraeed . .... .,
Ham .
Shoulder. ........
TinHithy aeed....,
F ax iced........
Gronnd wu . Salt...... .....
American Salt....
.... 37
$2 to $2 60
85c to 90c
. 90
Reduced Ratea via Pennsyl
vania Railraad.
For the lienefit of persona desir-
iag to attend the Annual Sfettipg of
te German Baptists (Dunkardt) at
Naperville, I!!., lay 29 to Judo 7,
8898, tbe Pennsylvania Railroad
Compaoy will sell excursion tickets
from points on its Hue west of Balti
more, Lancaster, Reading, and south
of Sunbnry, all inclusive, at a rate of
siDglo f ;re for tbe ronud trip to Chi
cago plus $1.85 to Napervilh ; these
tickets to be sold May 23, 24. 27,
28, and pood to return until Jane 24,
exopt that on deposit of tickets with
sent at Napeiville on or before Juno
24, return limit may be extended to
Jnne 30.
Hkckmax. On the 22d iust.,
in Fayette township, from infta
nuitiou of thelowel8, Miss Lizzie,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George
Heckuian, agetl alsjut 14 years.
Vannwkrinoex KOH REK.- -On
March 3 1st, by Rev. Isaac Hook,
C. A. Vansweringer to Annie M.
Rohrer, lmth of Honey Grove,
Tnscarora township.
8th inst , by Rev. John H. Morti
mer, William J. "Warner, of Mif
tlintown, to Mary Gearhart, of
rayette township.
Pii.k Swartz. On the 22d
iust., by Rev. (). G. Koinig, Jacob
8. lile to Savilla Swartz, both of
Kichhehl, Monroe township.
Wakxer Gilliixird. On the
23rl of May, at Altoona, by Rev.
Spetldy, Elmer J. Warner of Fer-
Cora A
lint with all that, we'incr Commodore Schlev himself irom the tonmost. rinrt. ni the
j j I'
are embarked as a nation on the rigging ot his ship the Brooklyn discovered the Spanish fleet in
mission of rmujiiest ami w ill reach ' the harbor. His effort will be to capture or destroy the
a conipiorcr s end. Ho e phil-' Spanish fleet. The work of transporting troops to Cuba has
tisophers ami jmets on ideals' what commenced. It is expected that by Saturday 30,000 Ameri
of the day and genei-ation One ' Can troops will have been landed on the island
break fast j.b of Dewey has chan--' .This Veduesdar, the battle is on, in Santiago harbor.
Schley has silenced the forts and is battling with the Spanish
Ph ila dei jh i a Mark ets,
May 30. 1898.
11-1 .i. . - ' I - -V
near. i. uu; oats,i.c; corn 37c; nianagh township, and
v. i Tu.i)u a ion ; langieu Ciilliford, of Altoona
" u uaio straw ai f o.ou a
ton ; butter 11 to 20c ; eggs lie ;
beef cattle 4 to 5c ; old potatoes
70 to 85c ; i ew potatoes if3 to $4.
00 a barrel ; veal calves t to 6c:
sheep 3 to 5 ; lambs 3 to 5c ; thin '
Rum eh art Bard br On the28tb,
ot JWay 18UH, at Miftlintown, by Rer
W. H. FuLs, Charlea S. Rbinebart of
Lewistown and Effis A. Barger, of
-tl the national ideals of the Amer
ican people.
cows 8 to 15 ; milch cows 23 to- ne.
$40 ; hogs 5 to tic; live chickens 10c titt OAVlft ITimsfalS! 44
spring chickens land 2 pound 14, f lV ifO VOFIlC
to ltic a pound.
Wonderful are the cores by Hood's
8arsaparilla and yet it is only because
as the one true blood purifier, it makes
pure, rich, healthy, life-giving blood.
Hood's Pills for the liver and
bowels, act euV. yet promptly. 26c
Tbe one sure cure for J
The rydneyiliyer and Blood
Subscribe for the JniruTA Shtovel
Schetlnle in Effect 3ray 30, 1898.
Way PuxseiiKer, leaven" Philadelphia
at 4 30 a. in; Harrinbuof 8 00 a. m;
Duncaunon 8 35 a. ni; New Port 9 05
a. m; Millerstown 9 15 a. m; Durword
9 21 a. m; Thom own to w 9 2(1 a. m;
Van Dyke 9 83 a. m; TuHcarora 9 36 a.
m: Mexico 9 40 a. m; Port Koval 9 44 a.
m; Mifflin 9 50 a. m; Den holm 9 55 a.
m; Iewixtown 1C 13 a. m; McVevtown
10 38 a. ni; Newton Hamilton 11 00 a.
m; Mount Union 11 00 a. m; Hu.itint
dtni 11 32 p. ni; Tyrone 12 20 p. ni; Al
toona 1 00 p. ni; PittHburK 5 50 p. m.
Mail leaves Philadelphia at 7 00 a. m;
HarrisliurK at 11 48 a. m; Mifflin 1 11
p. m: TiewiKtow-n 1 30 p. m; Hunting
don 2 29 p. m; Tyrone 3 12 p. m; Al
toona 8 45 p. ni: Pittsburg 8 80 p. in.
Altoona Accommodation leaves Har
risbunf at 5 00 p. m; Duncannon 5 34
p. in; Newport 6 02 p. ni; Millerstown
ii p. ni: Thoin)wontown G 21 p. m;
Tuscarora 6 30 p. ni; Mexico 6 p. m;
Port Royal 6 S8 p. ni; Mifflin 6 43 p. m;
iiiiuiiui D 4 p. m; i-ewintow n 7 07 p.
m; .Mcevtown 7 30 p. ni; Newton
namntou 7o0 p. m; HuiitniKdon 8 20
p. ni; Tyrone 9 02 p. m; Altoona 9 35
p. m.
Pacific KxnresH leaves Philuriclnliin
" "lai n. m; riarrisuunr at a oo a. ni.
-MarvKvllle3 14 a. m. Duncannon 3 29
a- ni. Newport 3 52 a m. Port Iioval
5 a. ni. .Minim 4.30 a. m. Iewistown
452 am. Newton Hamilton 5 33 a. m.
rtuutiiiKdon 6 03 a. m. PeterHbunr 6 19
a. m. Tyrone 6 o2 a. m. Altoona 7 40 a.
m. Pittsburg 12 10 a. m.
Oyster Express leaves Philadelohia
mi t oo p. ni. namsounr at io 'jo p. m.
New Mrt 11 06 p. m. Mifflin 11 40 p. m.
lWlstoWII 11 oS n. m Himtiiiirriiiii !
5-1 a. m. Tyrone 1 32 a. m. Altoona 2 00
a. m. j'lttsimrK o 30 a. m
Fast Line leaves Philadelphia at 1?
' . in. nurrmiun; a oo p. m. IJUncan
non 4 15 p. m. New port 4 35 p. m. Mif
flin 5 07 p. m. Iiewistown 5 27 p. m.
Mount Union 6 08 p. m. Huntinmlnn
6. 27 p. in. Tyrone 7 04 p. m. Altoona
i tv p. m. I'liisnuiy 1 1 hu p. m.
Altoona Accommodation leaves Al
toona at 4 40 a. ni. Tyrone 5 04 a. m.
PetersburB: 5 25 a. m. Huiitiinrdon 5 37
a. in. New ton Hamilton 6 01 a. m. Mc
eytown 1 a. m. 1 wist own 6 38 a.
m. Mifflin 6 58 a. m. Port Koval 7 02 a.
m. Thompsontown 7 17 a. m. Millers
town 7 26 a. m. Newport 7 35 a. m.
Dunramion 8 00 a. m. Harristmnr 8 30
Sea Shore leaves Pittsbunr at 3 30 a
m. Altoona 7 15 a. ni. Tvmne 7 48 n m
i luniuiRuoii au a. in. McVevtown 9 15
a. m. iiew istown &j a. m. Mifflin 9 55
a. ni. Port Royal 9 59 a. m. Thompson-
. .. . . .A . ..-II . - ..
limn ih a. in. .iiuersTow ii in izi a
m. New port 11 32 a. m. Duncannon 10
o4 a. m. -Marysville 11 07 a. m. Harris-
burir 11 2. a.m. l'bilude oh a 3 no n m
Main Line Kxpress leaves Pittsburg
at 8 00 a. m. Altoona 11 40 a. m. Tyrone
1 0.i p. in. llmitiiiKdoii 12 35 p. ni.
I-iew istown 1 33 p. ni. Mifflin 1 50 p ni.
Harrisliurg 8 10 p. m. Italtimore 6 00 p.
ni. Washington 7 15 p. m Philadelphia
6 23 p. ni.
fail leaves Altoona at 2 05 p. m. Tv-
rone s.3i. m. Huntingdon 3 17 p m.
New ton Hamilton 3 47 p. m. McVev
town 4 20 p. m. Lewlstown 4 33 p. ni.
Mifflin 4 55 p. in. Port Royal 5 00 p. m.
Mexico 5 20 p in. Thompsontown 5 18
p m. Millerstown 5 28 p m. Newport
. 89 p m. Duncannon 6 08 p. m. Har
rislnirtf i 45 p. m.
Mail Express leaves Pittsburg at 1 00
p. m. Altoona 6 10 p. m Tvnme 6 25
p.m. Huntingdon : 7 23 n-.ni. VcVev.
tow n 8 06 p. ni. Iw Wtow n 8 26 p. m.
Miniui H 4 p. ni. I'ort Royal 8 52 p. m.
Millerstown 9 16 p. m. Newnort a 5fi r
m. Duiicaunoii 9 50 p.m. Harrisbun?
10 20 p m.
Philadelphia Kxpress leaves
burg at 4 80 p. m. Altoona 9 05
ME Y E R ' S .
We are now ready to serve the
people with the grandest and largest
stock of clothing ever produced in
Juniata countv.
We have bought thousands of dollars worth of clothing and
Gents furnishinjf at the lowest cash prices.
The people of this county have sustained us in our effort to
serve them with the bet and cheapest clothing.
The year of 1897 has been the banner year of our clothing
department and we have far exweded our expectations and
sold more goods than any year previous to which we extend
our heartiest thanks.
The men's splendid suits at $3 and $4, are truly wonderfull
to behold The dress wear Baits all spring fashions at $6 50,
$7.50, and 8 50 and up to $15, exhibit every plewin and
reliable kind. Boys knee pant suits are on sale at $1.50, $2,
$3. $4. Mens elegant all wool covert overcoats at $6 50 and
$7.50, and all clay worsteds suits at $10 are much favored by
stylish dressers,
Mens advanced fashions, all wool suits at $6. Young meni
at $4 50. Boys at $2 50 remain now on sale,
IN HATS, the new styles are all in.
Handsome shape?, in all the newest brown colorings at 72c,
89c, and $1.48. Boys and childrens novelties for spring Eton
and Golf Caps and faws, 25c, 48c, and 69c.
MEN'S FURNISHINGS. Fancy bosom shirts at 48e
Triple Rolled sleeve buttons at 25c. Fancy plain hemstitched
handkerchiefs 5c, Extra elastic suspenders 15c.
$7.35 warranted pure wool and worth $15 00. This offer
stands without a precedent in the trade, and is due only to a
combination of circumstances which for the time being have
made the question of cost and value a matter of secondary con
sideration. Every man whether tall or short, slim or stout,
can be fitted from this line.
Our furniture store has no complaints to make. Business
floors devoted other furniture stores, but our immense three
trade from moto high grade furniture is kept humming with
be may ats aiming till night. We are appreciated and that
we candulll wish. We have a grand array of special furni
ture values, that will tax our selling and delivery capacity to
its utmost limit.
Thanking our many friends for their patronage they be
stowed on us in the past, and promising to guard their interest
in the future as their champion of low price. We remain,
Tnscarora Valley Railroad.
p. in.
Tyrone 9 33 p. ni. Huntingdon 10 12 p,
m. Mount l iiion 10 2 p. m. Leww
town 11 18 p. in. Jifflin II 37 p. ni Har
rinlurr 1 00 a. ni. Philadelphia 4 30.
At l,ewistovn Junction For Sun.
bury " "0 a. m and 3 05 p. m. weekday!.
For Jfilroy 0 15, 10 20 a. ni. and 3 00
p. m- week-dayH.
At Tyrone. For Clearfield and Cur
weiiNville 8 20 a. m. 3 20 and 7 20 p. ni.
For Itellefoute and In-k Haven 8 10
a. m. 12 30 and 7 15 p. m week-dayH.
ror limner information apply to
lR-Kei Afreiirx, or Thoinan K Watt,
PaxHenger Agent, Wentem Division,
Comer Fifth Avenue and Kmithtield
Street, Pittsburg.
J. B. H L'TCH IX80X, J. K. WOOD,
General ManVr. 4eneral Pam'r. Agt.
Notit-e in hereb
lowing accounts
y given that the fol
have been filed in th
omceorthe Prothonatary, of Juniata
county, and the same will be presented
for confirmation and allowance to the
vAJiiimuii i-leas, oisaia county
on Tuesday the 14th day of June, A. D
1898, w hen and where all mnnm in'.
terested may attend if they think pro-
i. ine nrsi ana final account of
""'""! runn, committee of Mary
Arbuckle, late of Tuscarora township
.) mi . .
tuennre aua nnal account of
.. aw'Snee of Michael
fehelly, of Delaware township.
Pmthonotary'8 office, Prothonotary.
Mimintown, Pa., '
May 16, 1898.
Great Cures proved by thonnnda
Of testimonials slww that Hood's gar
aparilla posaessea Dower tr nnrtfv.
Vitalize and enrich the blood.
Hood's Pilla
be taken with Hood's SareapariUa.
.Dr. David Kennedys
favorite Remedy
No.l No.3
A. M. P. If.
Blair's Mills Lt. 7 40 2 00
Waterloo 7 45 2 05
Leonard's Grove 7 50 2 10
Ross Farm 7 57 2 17
Perulack 8 03 2 23
East Waterford 8 15 2 35
Heckman. 8 25 2 45
Honey Grove 8 30 2 50
Fort Bigham 8 87 2 57
Wsrble 8 45 3 05
Pleasant View 8 49 3 09
Seven Fines 8 55 3 15
Spruce Hill 8 58 3 18
Graham's 9 05 3 25
Stewart 9 07 3 27
Freedom 9 10 3 30
Turbett 9 13 3 33
Old Port 9 18 3 38
Port Royal Ar. 9 25 3 45
Tbe following schedule went Into effect
Nov. 18, 1896, and the trains will be rnn as
Lesve Arrive a. m p. m
. . : . " ' zs
-iving-n M!H 7 49
"Sulphur Spring 7 46
Corman Sidinr 7 44
Ilontcbcilo Park 7 41
p. m
4 80
4 86
4 29
8 41
4 45
4 46
4 61
4 64
4 56
4 69
9 rg
9 11
9 14
9 15
9 19
9 22
0 24
9 21
6 10 10 43
6 16 9 49
5 21 9 54
6 24 9 67
5 27 10 05
6 32 10 7
5 84 10 17
5 87 10 30
6 02 10 35
p. m a. m
Green P irk
Montonr Jnno
7 40
7 86
7 83
7 81
7 23
7 23
7 09
7 01
6 68
6 61
6 48
6 88
6 28
2 23
2 20
3 18
2 16
2 13
2 08
2 66
2 08
2 00
I 41
I 86
I 81
1 28
1 26
1 2
1 18
1 16
2 50
ra p m
Trains No. 1 and 2 connect at Port Royal
with Way Passencer and Seashore Express
on P. R. B., and Nob. 8 and 4 with fcUil east
Port Koyal
Old Port
Spruce Hill
Seven Pines
Pleasant View
Fort Bigham.
Honay Grove
East Waterford....
Boss Farm.
Leonard's Grove...
Blair's Milla.....Ar"
A. M. IP. M
10 30 5 05
10 3715 12
10 42 5 17
10 45:5 20
10 48!5 23
10 50 5 25
10 57 5 32
11 00
11 06
11 10
11 18
11 25
U 30
11 40
11 52
11 58
12 05(6 40
12 101
12 15
5 35
5 41
5 45
5 53
6 00
6 05
6 15
6 27
6 33
6 45
6 50
H ini'.n ! d conn Blair's
ills with Concord, Doyle barf Drv RQ.
Nessville, Neelyton, Sbad" g.sf".
Valley and Oo.be stwton St Lines
Arrive Leave
i ram leaves Bloomfleld at 6.68 a m
Tram leaves Lir.dibnrg at 6.08 p. m.. and'
arrive at Bloomfleld at 6.40 p. m.
lig"l W COm" t0 r"il -S,P on
Cbas. n. SarLKY,
8. n.
, leT Kailrolw1 Company. Time tatds
of paraenger trains, in effect on Monday,
May 18tb, 1896. i7,
Buff.lo Bridge
Jnniata Farnaco ...
8 y Iran
Watr Pin: ...."
Bloomftelrl Jnoct'n.
VaUer ui
Green Park
Fort Robeson ..
tuna's Rnn
Anderaonborg; .
' .""
Monnt Pleaiiant ...
New Gormant'n ...
6 06 10 85
6 08 19 88
0 12 10 42
6 15 10 45
6 25 10 62
2211 01
6 811109
6 89 11 09
6 6111 21
6 6411 24
1 6,11 85
T 11 II 41
7 16! 11 46
7 2ril 61
7 27111 67
7 85; 12 06
7 41il2 11
7 4612 16
8 80
8 27
8 28
8 20
8 16
8 II
8 08
8 00
7 45
i 84
7 26
7 16
7 101
7 03
6 68
0 60
4 00
8 67
3 68
8 60
8 46
8 41
8 38
8 82
8 10
2 49
2 46
2 40
2 88
2 20
D. 6R1NG, President and Manager
O. K. Mn.ua. General Ajrent.
variisia Friotioi Feed
111 IMBOlVhl
;-3;or KoeaiK. of Port wti,L V" ixrrr-ri
ROCNIQ MED. CO Chicago, Hi.
SnMbylhPwralsSs WrBtUfc eitar' -
MOOD'S SananaHll.
" aia proved by its
Aax Center Crtsk Engine
"J "t. tron and simple- with Urf
A. B. FAS5-JHAS CO., LM., York, Pt
ntpacltr. Enclnm am
ills or whvela. flronc
"Her ku ever ri.
Hw4 Alao stunnar4
aaricultoral implements
fraerallr. IImv Prcuaa
a specialty. Send tor
Tlalcsn and prloas M
UMHtB 4, UKnU, Mfr, Y.rk. p.
i HI nf' fni- Ti i 'u IT a l